#British Comedy RPF
ao3-anonymous · 4 months
[incorrect] Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (05/13/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
Not everyone was seeing my reblog, so I'm editing the original to include my note:
Okay so if you'll see an earlier post I made, I fixed a bug last week that ensured fic counts include locked fics again. Since last week's numbers were before the fix and the percentage compares last week and this week, all the fandoms with high locked fic % (mostly RPF) are showing on this week's "fastest growing" analysis. Not quite accurate, but it will fix itself next week. Sorry y'all!
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raisinghellonstarbug · 5 months
Sorry it has been over a year since I updated Stumbled Into Laugher, Stumbled Into You...
I swear I will be updating it very soon! Please be patient 🙏🏻
Thank you for everyone's love of the story and you've enjoyed it as much as you have.
I have genuinely been a little overwhelmed by how much attention it has so I really do intend to continue it and finish it, thanks everyone!
Just FYI, I have never met James so I can't say if the way I portray him, or the same goes for Rhys James, whether they are accurate portrayals whatsoever. It is speculated so I think that should be made aware. I don't expect to meet them, but hey I have Hugh Dennis so I guess it's not totally out of question! 😅
I can only imagine that Rhys and James are at least slightly like the version of them I have created so we'll see if it still remains enjoyable for you all 😁😆
Stay tuned, cheers x
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misspeppermint2003 · 1 month
The Haunting in the Faroe Islands by Ameera
Dear, everyone!
This year, I'm creating my very own Political RPF fanfic in Wattpad. The title is "The Haunting in the Faroe Islands" and its genre is dark comedy psychological-supernatural horror-thriller.
The fanfic is set in July 2018, a group of tourists came for their three-week holidays together in the Faroe Islands. Some strange things happened in this island when there's a barn-house that was haunted and being abandoned for a very long time since the death of a farm-maiden, who dies of a severe heart attack while locking herself accidentally in the storeroom in the barn-house.
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sillywoman01 · 1 year
Chapter 9 of 'A Rumble in Birmingham ' now posted on A03
Rating: E
When New Yorker Sammie's job transfers her to England she meets her frustrating CEO Tom, who happens to be her neighbor and playboy Henry. Love and laughter transpire.
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youling-the-ghost · 22 days
Hello, sfth fandom! I've noticed that there's been a surge of sfth fanfiction lately, so here's a friendly guide to tagging on ao3.
(quick note: none of these are de facto rules as much as they are advice from someone who's been using ao3 for years; you don't have to follow these tips at all, they're just to help new ao3 users navigate the tagging system)
There are 5 different ratings that your fic can have: Not Rated, General Audiences, Teen and Up, Mature, and Explicit. The rating tag tells the readers what level of mature content is in the fic.
Not Rated
It's best to avoid this as it tells nothing about how much mature content is in the fic. If you tag your fic as Not Rated, it's probably best to go a little more in-depth in your additional tags or fic summary to prevent accidentally triggering people.
General Audiences
This rating is for fics that basically have no mature content whatsoever. Essentially, it means that the fic is suitable for anyone of any age. A rule of thumb that I use is to imagine a 10-year-old reading your work. If the thought of that makes you uncomfortable, then General Audiences is probably not the best rating for your fic.
Teen and Up
This rating is for fics that contain content that may not be suitable for readers younger than 13. This can involve swearing, discussion of mature topics (sex, mental health, etc.), or mild violence.
If you don't feel comfortable with children reading your fic, but your fic doesn't have any explicit content, then Teen and Up is probably the best rating for it.
This rating is for fics that contain adult themes, such as sex or violence. Usually, fics with this rating have heavy themes but aren't very explicit about it. A sfth-specific example would be Inside the Mysterious Cube, as it has violent themes but doesn't have any crazy brutality or gore.
This rating is for fics that contain heavy adult themes, including explicit sex and graphic violence. Generally speaking, most (if not all) smutfics should be tagged as Explicit.
Warnings are used to warn (surprise surprise) the reader for any potentially triggering content. It's good fanfiction etiquette to always tag warnings, even if you're concerned about spoilers. If you're especially worried about spoilers, you can tag your fic as Choose Not To Use Warnings and add a TW in the notes for chapters that include triggering content.
The warnings are pretty straightforward for the most part, except for one thing.
Choose Not To Use Warnings vs No Warnings Apply
This is something that can be very confusing for new ao3 users (and even some old users). It essentially boils down to this: No Warnings Apply means that none of the warnings that ao3 provides are in your fic, while Choose Not To Use Warnings means that you don't want to explicitly tag any of the warning, either to avoid spoilers or because you're unsure about which warnings you should tag.
I personally use Choose Not To Use Warnings when my fic deals with heavy topics non-explicitly. For example, I have written a fic before that involved heavy instrusive thoughts and similar mental health issues, which I thought could trigger unwanted thoughts for the reader, so I tagged it as Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings.
(quick note: "common tag refers to tags that have been wrangled by an ao3 tag wrangler (you don't need to know what that is) and can be used to filter works)
This is the thing that seems to confuse most sfth fanfiction writers. The "Shoot from the Hip - fandom" tag redirects to British Comedy RPF, which is pretty common for niche RPF fandoms.
What I personally do is tag the fandom as Shoot from the Hip, along with any longforms if they apply, which should have their own common tags.
If you're writing a fic for a longform that doesn't have a common tag yet, you should format your tag like this:
[longform name] - Shoot from the Hip Improvised Sketch (e.g. The Unrelenting Aubergine - Shoot from the Hip Improvised Sketch)
I would advise for you to tag both the longform(s) and Shoot from the Hip - fandom. As an example, this is how I tagged my Unrelenting Aubergine and Wild, Wet & Worrisome fics:
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(the order of the tags doesn't really matter here)
Relationships & Characters
Okay, this is probably the weirdest thing to tag for the sfth fandom since there are pretty much no common tags for these. For the characters/relationships that have no common tags (which is pretty much all of them), it's best to format the tag like this:
[character/relationship] ([longform where it originates from) (e.g. Derek (The Unrelenting Aubergine), Bubba/Jeremiah (Inside the Mysterious Cube))
The other way to go about it is to use the most common tag. For example, I tagged my Ditch fic as Derek/Titch without the (The Unrelenting Aubergine) since most of the fics were tagged as such.
Just for reference, here are the boys' common character tags for the RPF writers:
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Additional Tags
Here is where you can go wild with the tags. These tags are used to give the reader a brief idea of what the fic is about, and you can feel free to add as many or as few tags as you wish. However, it is good etiquette to not add too many tags, so make sure that just the essentials are covered. For example, if your fic features a chair, there's no need to put "Chair" in your tags.
Tags You Should Probably Include
Now, these are all my personal opinion, but I feel like these tags are almost essential for any fic so that the reader can get a quick idea of what mood/genre the fic is going to be:
Fluff - cute and non-sexual things happen (cuddling, kissing, general affection, love confessions, etc.), isn't exclusive to romantic situations.
Angst - sad things happen (breaking up, crying, self-esteem issues, etc.).
Hurt/comfort - one character is physically and/or emotionally hurt, and another character helps them. There's a separate Emotional Hurt/Comfort tag for the character going through emotional struggles.
Anything sexual - do any sexual things happen in your fic? If yes, then you should probably tag it. If the sexual content is only implied (e.g. two characters waking up in the same bed naked), there's an Implied Sexual Content tag for that.
Any heavy content - things like abuse and violence should be tagged, even if you already have a warning for it. This is just to prevent anyone from reading something that might be triggering for them.
Other than that, add as many tags as you need to describe your fic.
Finally, since this is a fandom that involves real people, here's a quick PSA for RPF writers and readers alike:
Please do not share any RPF fics with the boys. This goes for any work, explicit or not.
Also, please respect RPF writers. You may not feel comfortable with RPF, and that's totally fine! Just please don't harass RPF writers just because you believe that RPF is wrong. If there's a fic that you're uncomfortable with, just don't read it and please don't go leaving hate comments on that fic.
I know that this fandom is full of lovely people, but I feel the need to get this out of the way as it's an issue that many RPF fandoms have to deal with.
I really hope this helps!! :]
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anghraine · 5 months
dontstandmedown replied to this post:
re:tags could you share the playwright you're talking about? :0
No problem! For others, the tags in question are this:
#thinking about this partly because the softer & gentler versions of fanfic discourse keep crossing my dash #and partly because i've written like 30 pages about a playwright i adore who was just not very good at 'original fiction' as we'd define it #both his major works are ... glorified rpf in our context but splendid tragedies in his #and the idea of categorizing /anything/ in that era by originality of conception rather than comedy/tragedy/etc would be buckwild
I am always delighted to share the good news of John Webster! If you're not familiar with him, he was an early seventeenth-century English playwright known for being a slow, painstaking, but reliable writer. He did various collaborations with other playwrights (and acknowledges a bunch of his peers in an author's note to The White Devil, including Jonson and Shakespeare) and wrote some middling plays in various genres that could be more or less termed "original fiction," but he's remembered for two brilliant, bloody tragedies.
The basic premises/plots of both of these were essentially ripped from the headlines of the previous century, and Webster makes zero attempt to conceal that fact.
I couldn't shut up about my guy so more under a cut!
The White Devil is based on the actual murder of Vittoria Accoramboni in the late sixteenth century and the characters in the play are generally given the same or similar names as the real life people in the story as known at the time, so there's no attempt to conceal the play's origins (the anti-heroine/villain???[debatable] is named Vittoria Corombona in the play, for instance).
The original production of The White Devil largely failed, which Webster blamed mainly on bad weather and an audience who just didn't get his ~vision and what he was trying to do. It would not be unsurprising for a contemporary audience to struggle with it given that it's a complicated play in which, among other things, Vittoria is put on trial and rhetorically shreds the underlying misogyny of the entire legal process.
The Duchess of Malfi, generally considered a still greater achievement, is based directly on the murder of Giovanna d'Aragona, Duchess of Amalfi by her brothers (it was presumed, likely correctly). Lope de Vega also wrote a play about this tragedy not long before Webster did, though the plays are very different and it's unlikely that Webster would have had the time or linguistic knowledge necessary to read Lope's version. Probably part of the reason for the differences between Lope's and Webster's takes is that Lope had to be careful about the reception by the Catholic Church given that one of the murderers was a cardinal, while obviously an English Protestant like Webster could say whatever he wanted about eeeeevil cardinals.
Webster takes a lot of artistic license, a normal approach at the time to adapting previously-established narratives, but the source material is very recognizable. One of the commendatory verses at the beginning of the play (blurbs in poetic form from other playwrights) is like "I'm sure the real duchess was cool but she couldn't be as cool as Webster's heroine, wow <3". (One of the other commendations is by another fave of mine, John Ford.)
Bosola, the historically mysterious minion of the Duchess's murderous brothers (=Bozolo in the historical narrative) gets an elaborate quasi-redemption arc in the play. And the play is extremely critical of various characters' obsession with and attempts to control the Duchess's sexual behavior (a fixation that is often extremely normalized in early modern British drama, but which comes off really badly here).
Ultimately this obsessiveness leads to her brothers, the Cardinal (=the historical Cardinal Luigi d'Aragona) and Ferdinand (=Carlo d'Aragona) orchestrating her torment and murder in which she emerges with her sanity and integrity intact and dies with dignity. Meanwhile, the Cardinal is exposed as a remorseless villain (he proceeds to murder his mistress with a Bible) and Ferdinand's already-shaky sanity snaps under the realization of what he's done.
Webster's Duchess is often considered the first real female tragic hero in British drama—the tragic is especially significant because tragedy was typically considered a higher art form than comedy and the truly great female characters from that era of drama are often restricted to comedies or secondary roles in tragedy (a marked trend in Shakespeare, for instance). The Duchess in the play is virtuous, strong-willed, witty, and fairly unabashedly sexual in the context of the time, a concept that several hundred years of critics have struggled with. (My favorite OTT complaint is from Martin Sampson, an early 20th century critic who lamented the conspicuous absence of a "strong active man, following righteous things" in Webster's work, to which I say l m a o.)
Anyway, among scholars of early modern British drama, Webster is often considered second only to Shakespeare as a tragedian, on the basis of those two plays. And the modern obsession w/ originality and novelty makes this kind of fascinating, given that his "original" work (in our sense—again, the original vs fanfic dichotomy was not a thing in that cultural context) is sort of meh but his work with pre-existing sources turns them into these staggering dramatic achievements.
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I'm going so so so insane over the unrelenting aubergine and I want to make a fic for it in ao3 but how do I even use this site
It isn't like Wattpad nor is it like Quotev
How the puck do I put the fandom as Shoot From The Hip if it's a synonym of British Comedy RPF. Do I. Do I just put British Comedy RPF??
Most importantly, hOW DO I TAG???? I already don't know how to tag my posts on this hellsite /aff so how am I going to tag a one-shot???
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
OK SO! the tommyinnit 101. technically this isn't really tied to an smp though.
so first we must start at the very beginning. the dream smp. in late 2020-early 2021, the dream smp was at the height of its popularity, and tommyinnit played one of its most prominent characters (tommy, henceforth referred to as c!tommy). now the thing about c!tommy is that both he and cc!tommy (idk if i've talked about the c! vs cc! divide before but that is its own 101) were under 18 at the time, and therefore if you shipped his character with anyone about 70% of the fandom would tear you apart.
honestly dsmp isn't too relevant here, though, except to introduce tommy and tubbo. you see, in a world of straight men using their little block guys to flirt with one another, tommy was Very vocal about loving women. being Straight was part of his Bit in the same way that being Annoying and playing the able sisters music from animal crossing was.
anyways in late 2022 he uploaded a vlog of him and tubbo getting married, tubbo mostly against his will. they pulled out all the stops- got an ordained minister (their friend scott, who you may recognize from the life series 101s) to do a little ceremony, had a lot of their friends acting as different members of the wedding party, even signed and filed real paperwork!
yep. that's right. they signed legal fucking paperwork. i've heard that tubbo didn't even know it was a marriage certificate, he thought it was a waiver for being in the video or smth. that's right, known straight man tommyinnit tricked his best friend into getting Real Life Legally Married to him, presumably just for shits and giggles.
This fact went unnoticed until mid-late 2023. tubbo was playing on the QSMP with some other people (i know FitMC, not sure who else), and was joking about going to Vegas and getting married to Fit. and then tubbo realized he was still married to tommy.
also, around that time, tommy wrote and published (to wattpad) a rpf crack fic called Tommy x Tubbo Love Triangle, where tommy leaves his Real Life Girlfriend molly for tubbo (molly dies directly afterwards because it was so romantic) and then he and tubbo kiss without tongue. tubbo was not consulted during the production of this fanfiction.
after learning about the marriage, tubbo started working to get a Real Life Divorce from his Real Life Friend Tom. tommy refused to sign the paperwork. if any of this ever goes to court tubbo fully intends to livestream the whole thing.
around 2 months ago, tommy did a parody of "I'm Just Ken" called "I'm Just Tom," in which he begs tubbo not to divorce him. it must be seen to be believed. idk if the link will work in an ask but i need you to see it https://youtu.be/laAPXcxjDlI?si=wPQM3ZJHBIv11Cfr
also if you're wondering how molly, tommy's Real Life Girlfriend, feels about all of this? she thinks it's hilarious. for the past month or two-ish (?), tommy's been doing a stand-up comedy tour in america (because they are all british), and at the same time tubbo's been doing a subathon (aka tubbathon bc it's tubbo) (a subathon is a twitch stream with a timer on it. the stream ends when the timer finishes out, and whenever someone subscribes to the streamer's channel more time is added) (the tubbathon is still going btw and isn't slowing down anytime soon). at one point molly came onto the tubbathon, and tubbo bought her a new phone bc hers was shit. (directly afterwards tommy posted a vlog about it, saying he felt like he was being cucked by his gay husband)
fans have dubbed these three the nightmare polycule, and it's not hard to see why.
and then, finally, this morning (last night in england time), tommy and tubbo were on a phone call. tubbo (gay) encouraged tommy to "say the f slur!" and tommy said, and i quote, "I'm bicurious, so I guess I could say like a fifth of it. [Tochat] Hear that, ya -ggots?"
i needed to tell you all of this so that you would understand the full insanity of all of this. there are some bits that don't really translate unless you were a dsmp fan in the 2020-2021 era, but i need you to see the ongoing insanity this man creates. he had been planning to use that joke for his live comedy show
ok uh
i some pointers on his singing voice (a bit too belty there, that'll damage the throat later, some vowels need rounding)
hilarious that he rhymed Tom with arm
reading this was like a fever dream
molly is me tbh this is the most hilarious drama i have ever read
his comedic timing is beautiful
what the fuck
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stevishabitat · 2 years
So last night or this morning, while I was in a weird state between asleep and awake, my in-brain Content Generator came up with this completely bonkers idea for a reality competition...
BBC B&B Community Theater
Teams of British actors stay at a B&B, and have to coach community theater groups thru performing various genres. The actors also take part in challenges (acting games, musical theater, improv, stunt fighting, set-building, costuming, make-up, marketing, etc).
First two teams:
Team Super Powers: Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Cox, Andrew Garfield
Team Magic Powers: Daniel Radcliff, Tom Felton, Robert Pattinson
Each team has a consultant, David Tennant or Michael Sheen. Because: Reasons.
Judges vary, based on genre.
Sketch comedy: Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie
Shakespeare: Ian McKellen & Patrick Stewart
Historical drama: Maggie Smith & Judi Densch
Why this would be awesome:
Watching these human disasters living together in the B&B trying to just get thru daily life.
Some challenges they will be fucking phenomenal at, and others will be so far out of their element that they will be complete trainwrecks.
They will be working with actual amateur and young actors and bringing attention to the ups and downs of community theater. (Obvs all proceeds are going to community theaters and arts education.)
There could be all kinds of fun things to add in - like letting them call in a former costar or expert to help - soooo many cameo possibilities!
Why tf does my brain provide this kind of stuff that I can do absolutely nothing with?
Anyway, since I had to spend an hour or so thinking about it when I was supposed to be asleep, now you have to know about it.
Do with it what you will.
(Generally I'm not a fan of rpf, but if someone wants to write it in the 'Staged' universe, I wouldn't be averse to taking a peak... 😉)
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unquietspiritao3 · 6 months
back on the angst train, chooo choooooo
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mirmi · 1 month
To further down the agenda. Because I never see it mentioned anywhere, and it's gonna bug me if I don't get it off my chest.
Also, I've been reading British Comedy RPF since school instead of Harry Potter and Twilight, it's too late for me now.
As far as I'm aware, Alex brought up actual fan fiction titles at least three times now.
Side note: I've spent quite a long time lurking on AO3 before diving into Alex's, erm, rec list — and the standard dynamic is pretty much set. It's the "canonical" one, of course, so I'm not complaining. Just worth mentioning that I was specifically looking for somewhat more realistic fics without the "subservient" dynamic — and, personally, finding them was a challenge in itself.
And then there's Alex's picks.
The Horne Section Podcast
Couldn't find it on AO3, but the podcast is from 09/2019.
Premise: Greg's sucking him off.
Taskmaster – 15x03 – I Love To Squander Promise
I wanna ruin our friendship (09/2022 – 10/2022)
Tags: "top!Alex".
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Filthy little ferret (09/2022)
Premise: Alex, the one with the agenda, manipulates Greg into sucking his fingers.
Tenderness (06/2022)
12K+ words, 6 chapters.
A great "same level" banter-y dynamic, Alex being the big spoon in Chapter 2, and being the top in Chapter 3 (with no indication of this in the tags, I must say).
And it's by the same author as the previous one. 7 fics below in their list of works.
Master of the Tasks (09/2022)
The only outlier, being a Doctor Who crossover.
Taskmaster | Champion of Champions 3 - Outtakes
A big boy like you (09/2023)
Tags: Top!Alex Horne, Brat!Alex Horne.
...I'm not saying that it couldn't just all be a coincidence. But I feel like there's a theme 😁
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
5, 6, 8, and 18! (If you want to do all of them :3)
Fandom Questions
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? ahaha quite a few!! mostly video games with a few other canons scattered here and abouts
Final Fantasy XIV (27) Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) (26) Final Fantasy XII (18) Final Fantasy XV (13) inFAMOUS (Video Games) (13) British Comedy RPF (9) The Magnus Archives (Podcast) (8) Devil May Cry (Gameverse) (7) Supernatural (TV 2005) (7) Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (5)
Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) RPF (4) Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (4) Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) (3) Overwatch (Video Game) (2) Final Fantasy X (2) Dishonored (Video Games) (1) The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison (1) Uncharted (Video Games) (1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1) Metal Gear (Video Games) (1)
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. AHHHH THIS IS SO HARD I HAVE SO MANY OTPS SDLKGJL'FG okay here goes!
FFXIV: Sartauvoir/Basch, Gaius/Estinien, Lyon/Menenius Resident Evil: Chris/Wesker, Leon/Krauser, Jake/Sherry FFXII: Cid/Vayne, Ghis/Bergan, Ashe/Basch/Vossler, Ondore/Reddas, Ashe/Balthier(/Al-Cid) FFXV: Gladio/Noct, Prompto/Ignis, Nyx/Drautos, Regis/Clarus inFAMOUS: Cole/Zeke, Reggie/Delsin, Eugene/Reggie Britcom RPF: Charlie Brooker/David Mitchell TMA: Jon/Gerry, Martin/Mike Crew, Peter/Elias, Jon/Elias DMC: Nero/Credo, Dante/Vergil SPN: previously Dean/Cas, now Dean/Sam, Dean/Crowley, Sam/Rowena, many many others.... bg3: Omeluum/Blurg, Tav/Emperor, Orpheus/Voss iwtv rpf: Eric/Assad ofc!! iwtv: Armand/(old)Daniel, Louis/Armand/Daniel, Louis/Daniel, Armand/Louis FFVII: Cid/Vincent, Turks Gangbang in various combos Overwatch: Reaper/Soldier 76, Hanzo/Mcree (sorry idr his new name sldhglg) FFX: Auron/Jecht/Braska, Seymour/Anima(or Seymour's mother) Dishonored: Corvo/Daud The Goblin Emperor: Thara/Iana Uncharted: Sam/Sully!!!!! but i wrote Nate/Elena as a gift lol Full Metal Alchemist: Hughes/Mustang, although I wrote Ed/Winry for an exchange MGS: Sam/Raiden, Vamp/Raiden, BB/Ocelot, BB/Kaz, although when i wrote for this fandom it was..... a britcom rpf crossover LOL
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? well, i was SUPER into the vampire chronicles as a young teen but i basically read iwtv -> TVA -> blood & gold and then stopped, cos i was mostly HUGELY into Armand and then Marius, and less bothered about the rest. then when iwtv (tv) came out, i was HUGELY into it, but i wasn't back on tumblr back then so i just kinda squeed in my own head? so when i found out s2 was airing (i'd missed like 3 eps i think??) i just finally got into the fandom proper! and having Armand there now just gave me all the impetus i needed to start making things heh. god i love him so much... needless to say young teen me HATED the casting choice from the original film LOL
Current Fandom
18. What ship have you written the most about? it's definitely Eric/Assad atm!! i've written three Armand/Daniel drabbles for Seasons of Drabbles exchange, but man, the rpf has taken me overrrr
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1-800-crystalball · 8 months
Claudia/Victoria???? I love them
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commonpigeon · 2 years
can somebody come and fish me out of the british comedy rpf tag i have shit to do today
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lexstellaris · 1 year
Didn't want to bury this in the comments, but if you're after my Domme Liza fics, these are the ones you want, listed in chronological order. They're all from the Lord Greg AU. <3 There's also one other fic I didn't write but it is part of the AU so I'll add it here too.
Main Fics:
Stuck On You (739 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liza Tarbuck/Sally Phillips Characters: Liza Tarbuck, Sally Phillips Additional Tags: nippleplay, Light D/s, f/f - Freeform, Switches, University AU, Experiments, Kink Discovery, practicing techniques, Fingering, Biting, sucking, Licking, Pinching, pain play, light bratting, Hair Tugging, Slacking Off, tiddies, Best Friends, Kissing, Marking, Ownership, Community: seasonofkink Summary: Liza is never going to complain about Sally wanting to suck her tits, because she always makes it feel so damn good.
Marionette (1878 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF, British Comedy RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liza Tarbuck/Victoria Coren Mitchell/Greg Davies Characters: Liza Tarbuck, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Greg Davies Additional Tags: Aftercare, Femdom, Co-Topping, Sub!Greg, Suspension, Massage, Threesome, Kink Parties, Gentleness, Cuddling, Subspace, Trance - Freeform, Blindfolds, Chocolate, Hand-feeding, Light D/s, Comfort fic, ropes Summary: Sure, Greg did love doing rope suspension in front of a crowd, but he also loved more than anything was the aftercare he got once his Ladies had had their fun with him.
Mother Of The House (1588 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liza Tarbuck/others, Joe Lycett/Noel Fielding, OMC/Greg Davies/Alex Horne, Liza Tarbuck/James Acaster, Liza Tarbuck/Greg Davies/Alex Horne, Sally Phillips/Aisling Bea, Liza Tarbuck/Aisling Bea, Greg Davies/Sally Phillips, Liza Tarbuck/Sally Phillips Characters: Liza Tarbuck, Greg Davies, Alex Horne, Sally Phillips, Joe Lycett, Noel Fielding, Aisling Bea, Original Characters Additional Tags: Suspension, Whipping, Subspace, Blindfolds, Submission, Obedience, Mothering, Daddy/boi, Responsible Kink Mum Liza, D/s, Aftercare, ropes, Shibari, Anal hooks, Kneeling, Cock Sucking, correct posture, Restraints, Collars, Public Kink, Kink Parties, Pain Kink, Cunnilingus, Chains, quiet moments, Late Nights, not quite an orgy Summary: Liza always makes sure she takes care of her guests when they come to her kink parties.
Not A Consolation Prize (1030 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liza Tarbuck/Aisling Bea, background Sally Phillips/Aisling Bea, background Sally Phillips/Greg Davies, background Sally Phillips & Liza Tarbuck Characters: Liza Tarbuck, Aisling Bea Additional Tags: Vibrators, D/s, Sex Toys, rabbit vibe, Forced Orgasms, Restraints, f/f - Freeform, st andrew's cross, Flogging, Teasing, Edging, Bratty Submissive, Bratting, Bragging, brat taming, Aftercare, taking care of other people's submissives, Female Friendship, Longing, Community: seasonofkink, Kink Parties Summary: Set after Mother of the House. Sally has gone off somewhere with Greg, leaving Aisling behind for Liza to play with. Liza does not mind this at all. It's been a while since she got to tend to her own pleasure at one of her own parties.
As background pairings/minor roles:
In For The Kill (14696 words) by Sashataakheru Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF, British Comedy RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Victoria Coren Mitchell/Greg Davies, Greg Davies/OMC, background/past Liza Tarbuck/Victoria Coren Mitchell/Greg Davies, Victoria Coren Mitchell/others, background Greg Davies/Alex Horne Characters: Victoria Coren Mitchell, Greg Davies, Original Characters Additional Tags: D/s, Femdom, poker parties, rigged matches, Revenge, Fingering, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, cock-sucking, Undressing, Opportunistic Sex, Flirting, Seduction, Public Sex, Restraints, ropes, Chains, Cuffs, Suspension, Bondage Furniture, Erotic Photography, Shibari, Rope Bondage, Helplessness, Trance - Freeform, Subspace, Aftercare, Edging, Threesome, Objectification, meditative trance, Blindfolds, Sensory Deprivation, Silence, Touch, Sensual touch, Kissing, Spanking, Whipping, Flogging, Pain Kink, Kneeling, Master/Servant, posture collars, Teasing, Gift Fic, Bisexuality, Old Lovers, Includes Fanart, Fanart Summary: Greg thought he was going back to one of Victoria's parties simply at the request of an old friend he hadn't seen in years. Victoria had other ideas. Includes fanart in 2nd chapter.
How The Lion Got Its Claws (814 words) by littleb0d Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF, British Comedy RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Greg Davies/Liza Tarbuck, Greg Davies/Joe Lycett/Noel Fielding/Max (OC) Characters: Greg Davies, Liza Tarbuck, Joe Lycett, Noel Fielding, Max (OC) Additional Tags: Original Disabled Character, Original Nonbinary Character - Freeform, all the feels, Fluff, Teasing, Whump, Aftercare, Switchy Feels Summary: The one where Max has a large helping of self-discovery...
Reindeer Games (1774 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Greg Davies/Alex Horne/James Acaster Characters: Greg Davies, Alex Horne (British Comedy RPF), James Acaster, Liza Tarbuck Additional Tags: Advent Calendar, Taskmaster Advent Calendar, D/s, Daddy/boi, leathermen, Found Families, leather clans, kink balls, Kink Parties, Play Parties, Christmas Parties, Costumes, Dress-Ups, reindeer costumes, Father Christmas - Freeform, Elves, gift-giving, Traditions, Ownership, Collars, Gifts, Animal Play, Obedience, pulling a sleigh, nobility au, Bratty Subs, Submission, Whipping, Slapping, correction Summary: Dec 8: Christmas parties - It's James' first time at the annual Christmas kink party that Lord Greg and his family always attends, and this year, along with Alex, he gets to be part of a very sacred tradition, that of playing one of Father Christmas' reindeer.
Bonus Liza fics where she isn't necessarily being Dommy but she is def doing some match-making. Part of an old King Greg AU. <3
Because I'm Punk (1197 words) by Sashataakheru Fandoms: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Mature Characters: genderfluid!James Acaster, Liza Tarbuck Additional Tags: Gender Play, Androgyny, masque balls, royal au, Costumes, Clothing, Gender Weirdness, genderfluid!James Acaster - Freeform, Magical Clothing, Seduction, Mystery, Anonymity, Masks, Boots - Freeform, Fur, Leather, Spikes, Collars, dressing for your gender, nonbinary clothing, gender mess, Community: seasonofkink Summary: The Yule Games are approaching, and so is the Masque Ball that opens the games. James always tries his best to master the perfect genderqueer look, and never quite manages it. That is, until Liza comes along, giving him an outfit that's absolutely perfect.
Burning Desire (3500 words) by Sashataakheru Fandom: Taskmaster (UK TV) RPF Rating: Mature Relationships: Joe Lycett/James Acaster Characters: Joe Lycett, James Acaster, Liza Tarbuck Additional Tags: cross-dressing, masque balls, Costumes, Drag, Anonymity, Masks, Seduction, Teasing, Flirting, hook-ups, Banter, Sexy Dancing, Kissing, Held Down, Blindfolds, Restraints, pain play, CBT, implied multiple orgasms, Implied D/s, Aftercare, Community: seasonofkink Summary: With Liza's encouragement, James sets out to seduce Joe Lycett at the Winter Masque once and for all. Assuming Joe doesn't seduce him first, of course.
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myegoicmind · 1 year
📚 “Chemistry” 📚
My first AO3 story (series of two works)
Pairing: Lee Mack & Original Female Character
Word count: 15,360
Other characters: David Mitchell, Rob Brydon, Noel Fielding
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