#Bro I don't have a post schedule I just post whenever I say that it's finished
chalametluvrz · 7 months
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dating timothee chalamet
timothee x afab!reader (mainly gn! expect on nsfw bits)
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towards the start of the relationship, i think he'd be pretty anxious
he'd often find himself messing around with his hands a lot on dates
or stumbling over his words a little too much with a small giggle
if you've ever seen old interviews of him when he was younger. you know the ones where he gets all shy and giggly? that's exactly how i envision him to be with you
after some time, that's slowly replaced with his hyperactive ass
and let me tell you, boy never shuts the fuck up that's not a bad thing
because of his schedule, he rarely gets to see you in person
so whenever he does, he just has so much to tell you and so much to talk about that he just ends up coming out with a cluster-fuck of words
he always tries to facetime you at least a couple times a week
and let me tell you, the call will always start with him saying 'oh, i missed your pretty face' or 'seeing you has made my day'
boy is madly in love
and even though he hasn't said it yet, it's fairly obvious he's not hiding anything
he's the kind of person to want to keep your relationship on the down low
because if you're also famous, he wouldn't want to cause any issues or drama through tabloids
and if you aren't, he'd feel awful dragging you into the world of hollywood
eventually though, as most celeb relationships do, you got found out
someone caught you out on your 6 months anniversary
and that was it; twitter was going mental
timothee soon figured out that he probably had to say something
but honestly, he was kind of relieved he didn't have to hide you anymore
the morning you two woke up and saw yourselves going viral on twitter, there was a bit of a mad scramble between the two of you
before eventually, timothee chilled out
'but now i don't need to hide we're together, anymore. i can let the world know you're mine.' he'd say to your confusion at his relaxed state
cute but also now all of timmy's fans are stalking your instagram
cooking meals together!!!
i have a feeling timothee's love languages are more tailored towards physical touch and acts of service tell me im wrong
so cooking together is such a beautiful thing for him
as much as timothee loves taking you out, i think he'd much prefer to cook a fancy pasta dish together with wine over that any day
he also strikes me as a cosy movie date guy
but honestly, it more than likely turns into something else
don't fight me on his, he's a horny guy
like bro would get a hard-on just snuggling with you
when you first started dating, he'd get all shy about it
he'd apologise frantically and his face would be redder than ever
after dating for some time, he'd be less phased
unless you showed and expressed discomfort with it of course
after the shock of you dating slowly weaved out of the fans
timothee would definitely start posting you on his instagram
he just needed the world to know how obsessed he is with you
arguments are rare
extremely rare
they usually only happen when timothee is stressed
feelings get heated and you end up making some snippy comments at each other before one of you gets up and leaves the room
after you've both had time to cool down, you're both mature enough to talk it out and apologise for whatever each of you or one of you has done
communication is a big thing for timmy, so i think arguments are heavily avoided because he encourages you to come to him about anything
any concerns, rants and problems you have, he wants to know
he's a flirter, let me tell you that thankfully not with others
always dazzling you with compliments
you're in the crowd at a press tour? he's staring, smirking and winking at you the whole time
you're supporting him whilst he's on set? the man can't take his eyes off you and is coming to hold you the second the shot is taken
you're on facetime? every odd sentence is him saying some suggestive comment or simply how stunning you are
the man cannot get enough of you
going back to the horny thing...
he has a high sex drive
there's absolutely no doubt about it
he is a giver!!! the man aims to please!!!
could eat you out for days
i've already made a headcanon about him eating you out so i will be brief BUT!!!
he's messy!!! the wetter the better!!!
will overstimulate you with hid tongue any day
and then make sure you cum on his cock as well
you know what they say about tall, skinny boys? wink wink
i'd say he's a good 7 inches, 7 1/2 at a push
he knows how to please you, and he's eager to learn what makes you tick
even though he's mainly a dom, i can see him being a sub at times
only on rare assurances though
being his date to things like the met gala, oscars etc
after being open about your relationship, he couldn't wait to take you everywhere and anywhere with him
loves it when you wear his clothes
but i feel like all boys do?
especially when he's away, opening up a facetime call to see you sat there in one of his t-shirts. he actually thinks his heart might implode.
this boy will actually love you with his whole heart
the cutest, softest and proudest boyfriend around fr
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tf-lover · 1 year
Agent Lyons Saga: Mission 2 - Culture Shock
Mission 1 - Mission 3
Killian had long learned not to question the missions he was given sometimes. There were people far higher up than him that made those decisions, people with plans he couldn't begin to understand and could see the huge ripple effects caused by comparatively small things like this mission.
"You get the shot bro?" Calvin said said as he stopped flexing and took a breath.
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Killian nodded. "Yeah I got it! That'll be perfect for the post later alongside the underwear promotion." He forced a fake smile as he handed the phone back to his target.
He'd been slipped in as this dudes personal assistant to get close enough. Some unassuming dark haired, glasses wearing nerd wasn't his favourite choice of bodies, but he had to match the real personal assistant who they'd conveniently made disappear for a couple of days.
The jock swiped his phone back and gave a half smile. "Sick man, that'll be killer."
Calvin started down at his phone and basically then proceeded to ignore Killian's very existence as he headed off towards his bedroom. It was part of the reason the personal assistant was chosen; from all their research into his life this was the best opportunity to get in close unsuspected to do what he needed to. He wasn't the happiest about what this mission entailed, but it wasn't exactly his decision. "Better this dude than me." He had kept reminding himself whenever the thought came up.
With Calvin headed off to do whatever, now was the perfect time to get things going. He'd been trailing around with this guy all day and never found the right moment, until now. He slipped the small, pen looking device out of his pocket and clicked the end twice in rapid succession. The tip pulled back inside and a short needle extended out in its place. It was hard to believe this little thing, which worked as an actual pen, contained such a powerful little drug that was going to change this unsuspecting dude so much. Nevertheless, this was the mission he'd been assigned and he was going to carry it out regardless of his opinions of it. He was paid more than enough to not care about his superiors plans or what unfortunate fates might befall his targets.
Agent Lyons made his way quietly into the bedroom. Calvin was nowhere in sight, but the bathroom door was slightly ajar so he headed quieter still in that direction. Sure enough, there was Calvin with a towel around his waist, admiring himself in his bathroom mirror.
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"That you Danny? Better be fucking urgent." Calvin said when the bathroom door creaked open, but didn't look up.
Agent Lyons smiled and held the pen turned syringe behind his back. "Just wanted you to know that post has been scheduled, and you've got dinner plans with those investors tonight. They've just sent a message through to say they've moved the reservation up by an hour, so you'll have to get ready sooner."
Calvin swore under his breath and strode out of the bathroom. He switched his towel for a light robe on the way past Killian; the lack of modesty didn't surprise him for a guy that spent his whole life posting almost naked pictures of himself flexing online. That was his moment. Killian stepped forwards just as Calvin paused in the door and stuck the tiny needle in the jock's shoulder whilst he pretended to bump into him.
"Shit, sorry Cal. Didn't expect you to stop." Killian hastily apologised and stepped back whilst he quietly slipped the pen/syringe back in his pocket. Calvin didn't seem to have noticed. Perfect.
Calvin waved it off as he walked around through his bedroom into the massive walk in wardrobe he had curtained off on one side of the room. "Don't sweat it man, all good." He said as Killian followed after him. He'd rather leave now, but part of the mission was to ensure the transformation about to occur went smoothly, and to check the mental adjustments went off without a hitch.
"Fuck... What is up..." Calvin mumbled to himself after he'd sat down on the bench he kept in the middle of the massive clothes storage area.
What happened next was both fascinating and unpleasant all at the same time. He'd gone through many transformation experiences of his own over his time in this job, but this was the first time he'd been given a mission to change someone else.
Calvin fell back and groaned in discomfort as the changes began to roll through his body. The first sign was his skin as it lost its golden tan from hours in the bright sun and instead took on a slightly paler, warmer tone. His muscles stayed just as massive as they currently were, but lost a touch of the vascular look in favour of a slightly softer, bulkier shape in some places.
The final, and worst in Killian's opinion, changes were to Calvin's face. His short blond hair grew rapidly darker to a rich black as his eyes slimmed out a little to a distinctly more Asian style. There were a few more minor adjustments; his jaw reshaping, his cheekbones shifting, even his nose had a few little changes. All to leave him looking like a Chinese jock instead of the white one he'd been moments ago.
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"Waste of a perfectly fine white dude..." Killian muttered as he watched Calvin finish becoming the East Asian jock he'd turned the stranger into.
Why Calvin's race mattered for whatever the agency he worked for was trying to enact or prevent he didn't know, but he wasn't going to question it. He was going to let himself be pissed at being the one assigned to actually do it, but he couldn't knock them since he was the best actor of all the agents around. Undercover was his specialty, so he'd do it over desk work even if it meant having to deal with certain types of people he'd rather not be around.
When Calvin started coming to, that was Killian's cue to jump back into the worried nerdy assistant act. He came over and crouched down next to the jock and shook his shoulder carefully.
"Sir? Are you alright? You blacked out for a moment there." He said in a fake worried voice.
Calvin groaned and rubbed his head. "Fuck... What happened?" He said, not noticing the thick accented voice the English came out in.
Agent Lyons stood up and "I'm not sure, but I've booked a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow if you feel you need it."
Calvin smiled. "Thank you. What'd I do without you around here huh? Forget to shower probably, which I should really go and do before I head out..."
Killian smiled and stepped back. His work was done now, he'd checked all the boxes necessary to keep his bosses happy. That and he was itching to get out of here and away from this shitty mission. He much preferred the missions where he got to be a stud and didn't have to deal with foreigners, instead of a nerd that had to make a guy into one. But it was all over now.
He stepped out of the room and spent several minutes inputting data into his mission briefing before he left. He had to pose as the nerdy assistant until it was clear Calvin was settled and he wasn't needed anymore; disappearing out of nowhere would raise concerns. After 10 minutes had passed the new Calvin came out of the shower and told him it was fine to leave as he was headed out to the balcony, which was all the excuse Agent Lyons needed to bolt out of the apartment.
Mission success.
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skylarstarlight · 25 days
literally HOW do you have sm motivation to consistently post fully colored pieces??? teach me!!
Okay this is really funny because if you held a gun to my head right now and told me to draw I would be dead due to executive dysfunction but uh, to answer your question I shall be vaguely circling around the point to hide the fact that I do not know the answer.
Coloring is my favourite part, I physically struggle to get myself to do lineart, so once I already got past that hell, coloring is a little treat :] (I have one friend that says lineart is his favourite part, I need him burned at the stake smh witch)
I used to post daily. That. That was a time. I don't know why I did that to myself.
Anyway, it's a combination of putting a deadline on myself and "well I already got this far..." Thankfully my rendering style doesn't require all that much time, actually :]
For example the timelapse below took me 2 hours (it was one of those OC pause challenges I did for fun) and I just enjoyed the whole rendering much more, but still 2 hours is pretty reasonable I'd say.
My sketch to lineart transition isn't even too substantial most of the time and so it feels like a waste. I start purposefully leaving out details so I'll have at least something to add, but even then... it's pretty eh? okay?
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But coloring? Bro give me lineart and I'll render it for you I absolutely adore rendering it's the best part, muah. It's a little treat after lineart hell
So, to answer your question, I have a schedule and force myself to stick to it, and thankfully I like rendering enough to push through lineart. It makes SUCH a difference and gah. My beloved.
Also I'm just majorly autistic about suegiku and whenever anything exists I point at it, exclaim "suegiku" and refuse to elaborate- sometimes that spawns a drawing, lol.
I hope that somewhat answered it, but if there's something more specific you'd like elaborated, please do tell :]
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chenyann · 2 years
Rating my cutie mooties♡
Mainly bc I didn't have the best day and yall were here and making me giggle/feel better🤭
kinda like mutual appreciation week(?) Also be aware I'm not the best at expressing things so if it comes off as rude/uncaring or bland I'm so sorry!! (this isn't in any order so don't think if someone is on top that means I like them better also if you were not added that is because we don't really interact with each other much and I'm too shy to start doing it now-)
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@pandoa 1 or 100/10
You make weord edits of me, also that butter chicken photo you sent me won't be forgotten but, you are one of my first and beloved mutuals. I giggle, smile, twirl my hair or preparing for seeing what you've said or liked whenever you interact with me. Seeing you so randomly or you saying the most strange things brings me so much joy. You've created an icon (yakonigiri) who I'm actually preparing to bring back soon, the days yakonigiri roamed around were some of the best days (imo) and the days that we would have chats are also held close to my heart. I will love to make some more amazing memories with you as my mutual.
@puminari 8/10
It was originally 10/10 until I remembered these:
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but other than that you are an amazing person, you're more on the newer side of mutuals but that doesn't matter. Seeing you in my notifications is always such a treat and I get happy knowing that you posted something. You're very funny and interacting with you is always a fun thing!(i also hope school is going good for you)
@cherrys-sweetness 15/10
I was too shy to really interact with you at first but then I got comfortable, tbh you were kinda intimidating to me when we first became moots💀 but I've came to find that it was all in my head– you're literally so sweet and funny, you also have a heart filled with gold I'm my eyes.As sweet as a cherry, as bright as the sun and as beautiful as the moon. You're a wonderful person cherry :)
@trplas 100/10
I just love you/p, you're a very sweet person and I love talking to you. When we first became moots I didn't expect us to bond this much ngl💀 but with that I feel like I grow grey hairs everytime you tell me you're injured or ill. (I won't say much bc I'll end up writing essays)
@merotwst 9/10
I'm not gonna lie, you're kinda scary. But I know you're harmless (kinda) your love for Jamil is so inspiring 💖💖 also your art is very yumyum, seeing that you posted I get excited bc of your delectable writing skills too. I enjoy talking to you (and how ur on Jamil crack but that's not the point) I was kinda panicking when you followed me but I'm glad that i was scared for nothing!
@a-hollow-angel 9/10
why won't you let me eat ur things??? Your art is yum, ur photos are yum, your theme is yum. Everything about your blog is yum and I don't find it fair that I can't eat it. You're the most sweetest person on tumblr and I will stand by this statement til I quit tumblr. -1 bc you won't let me eat ur stuff :(
@kalims 10/10
Bro we don't talk as much, but ur so amazing. Like hello ur so sweet?????? Also all ur themes are so cute 🤩 (the Luke one was the cutest imo) not gonna lie you were also very intimidating to me but that okay💀 again you're very sweet and another one with a heart of gold♡
@achy-boo 7/10
Please sleep at appropriate times😭😭😭😭 you're one of the few mutuals who I think would beat me in a fist fight. Again you're more on the intimidating side of my mutuals, but other than that you're very cool! -3 bc of the horrible sleep schedule and the fact you grinkled me.
@italoniponic 10/10
You're very sweet, you're funny, you're themes are always cute and you are over-all an amazin person to talk to! Personally you are one of the most big brained mutuals I got, all your ideas just... there are not words to explain them, the way you think is just beautiful no words can begin to describe it. That's how amazing you and your ideas are.
@moxxbox 10/10
Moxxie 😗😗😗😝😝😝😝 can we talk about ur headers, THEY ARE SO SO CUTE!!!! I fr flew to the sky when I saw them😼 but that's not what I'm here to talk about, you are really nice and very cool. I dont remember when we became moots but I'm glad we did :) chatting with you is always something i enjoy [ Also I haven't spoken to you in awhile bc i keep forgetting 😭]
@arent-i-the-fairest 10/10
I also think you can beat me in a fist fight lu, ur writing is so yum, ur theme is also yum. I hope you're doing okay and that you've been taking care of yourself. I'm glad we are moots bc I know later gonna lurk in ur inbox- you are very very nice and very fun to be around 😗✌
@rggie 15/10
Mal I hope you're doing okay😭😭 bc past time we spoke you were a little sick, but i hope that whatever you're doing you're having fun and being you. When I first interacted with ur account you were so sweet and fun to be around. Yoire themes were so beautiful and your writing was even better, I hope you're doing well.
(That's all💀 I have more mutuals but I feel like I'd be bothering them or I'm just scared to talk to them.)
If you haven't already followed some of these amazing accounts I'd recommend them ♡
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sadi-fics · 1 year
New Official Sadi-Bloodmoon rp rules/fandoms post!
Oh boy, things have finally calmed down in terms of rp, a lot of my other stuff has died down, and my life is relatively calm as of late, so I figured "Time to lose some hurhurhur".
That being said, I deleted my old post in favor of using this one from here on out. I'll semi frequently update my profile status to say " rps open/closed" in the future to avoid confusion. Now let's get onto the fandoms section of this post!
The main fandom I'm looking to be involved in rps with is JJBA, and it is my hyperfixation at the moment, but I'll list a few other things I want to try just for the sake of building bridges.
-JJBA parts 1-5 (Burnt out on this one right now, Sorry)
-Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
-Super Mario Bros
-Star Wars (closed due to lack of interest)
(Edit: Adding a section about AU'S and crossovers...) Yeah, in general, just ask me if you have any ideas, but I've done several au related things at this point, and a few crossovers, and I feel like some that I can handle are as follows:
-Old West AU
-Mermaid / Sea Life AU
-Cottagecore AU
-Modern AU
-Fairytale / Magical Creatures AU
-Gods / Demigods AU
-Mafia AU
And in general, I'm open to new things as long as you ask me first!
And now for the most grueling part! The rules!
Please don't approach me for an rp if you're underaged, I'm not looking for an rp with minors, or to go to prison. And please don't lie about your age to get into my DMs, that shit's not okay.
As stated previously, you must be 18+, the reason for that is that I want the content of our rp to contain smut, but it won't be immediately, there should be a build up to smut between two characters.
Tell me about any and all triggers or sensitivities you might have so I can avoid triggering topics, our rps are meant to be a safe space for both of us.
No scat, vomit, or diaper fetish.
No pedophilia ships, incest ships, zoophile ships, or proshipping in general.
I'll be checking your profile to see if you're a proshipper, map, zoophile, terf, or anything problematic, I tend to form friendships with my rp partners, and don't think I can be friends/rp with bad people for the sake of my own mental health. You should also have your age in your bio so that I have confirmation that you're a legal adult.
Active hours really don't matter all that much, replies can just be whenever you're able to write, my reply schedule will probably be inconsistent too, so you don't have to feel bad if you fall asleep or have to work. But, please let me know if you're going to be inactive for more than 2 weeks, I would greatly appreciate it!
I only do OCxCanon ships, and prefer to double up, you do my crush, I do yours, equivalent exchange!
I'm not too picky about reply lengths, but more than 6 sentences in a semi lit to literate writing style would be ideal. I don't do illiterate roleplay, sorry.
If I happen to be inactive for more than 2 weeks, feel free to poke me, I really don't mind.
I only roleplay on discord, sorry
Where to contact me?
If you dm me on either of my Tumblr blogs, I may take longer to contact you back due to notifications on here being silly for me, so here's my discord info.
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Shoot me a message or a friend request or something if you're interested! Don't just comment on this post saying "interested", you little dorks. If you read the whole post, include the word "fork" in your first message, that's the secret word.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Metalocalypse #31: “Dethrace” | June 16, 2008 - 12:00AM | S02E11
NOTE: I wrote this last night, but accidentally saved it as a draft instead of scheduling it to post. Sorry, bros.
Hey, I’m going easy on myself tonight. I deserve it after that last gigantic post. The Venture Bros. can take a lot out of me. Gosh, it’s a lot!
This one is a bit slight, and hardly excellent, but it's a nice hang with my personal close friends, the men from Metalocalypse Rock Band. In this one, Murderface is miffed that Toki and Skwisgaar have undermined his command performance of the Star Spangled Banner using nothing more than his dick and a bass guitar. They undermined Murderface by being in a high speed police chase, which interrupts the broadcast of Murderface rockin with his brain out. 
Speaking of brain out, the best scene in this episode are Toki and Skwisgaar at traffic school, watching an ultra violent educational video about how being irresponsible with your car can get your body all wet and in pieces. It is wet from your blood getting escaped from your body. Good lines, gruesome drawings, it’s the good shit of the episode. 
Murderface wants to do a convoluted event that’s a race and also a concert. Toki and Skwisgaar get involved by way of their community service. And Nathan Explosion and Pickles not only have nothing to do with the plot, but they make a point to just always be reading the paper whenever they are referred to. This is a funny meta-joke about how frustrating it must be to have a show like this and constantly have to come up with individual plots for each character. At least, I assume that’s what this is.
Hi this is Gabe Teplen the original voice of Moltar. I just want to say you are doing a great job and maybe give the original Space Ghost a spin sometimes. My granddaughters say it's just as funny as Coast to Coast.
Hi, my name is Mayor Giuliani, and I'm gay
I have a blog where I cover Adult Swim's original comedy shows in chronological order from the first stealth pilot premieres onward. every episode of every adult swim original program reviewed by a middle-aged dipshit. go here if you wanna start at the start
Hey, fuck you man, don't copy and paste stuff I say on other websites and then combine it with stuff I say on this website and send it to me anonymously. That is really fucking rude and it pisses me off. I'm actually pissed off about this. EAT SHIT MOTHER FUCKER
Should I go see Barbie or Oppenheimer? Let's date these blog posts. Which one are you more willing to see? Provided you get a big hamburger and fries with your movie either way.
You should watch any other movie. But if I had to pick between those two I'd watch Barbie. Oppenheimer just seems too boring, sorry. How big is the hamburger
Lesbian porno was like really good in the 80s but as time went on it just became so bad. Sure there are still hot women fucking but there is no sensuality. You can tell they are doing it contractually and have no love in licking pussy, ect. What do you think?
I don't like discussing sexual stuff because it's alienating, but I disagree. We are living in a golden age of sapphic erotica, and you need look no further than two girls I call Angela & Strawberry. Look them up. They lick, they suck, they finger, and they ... FUCK?????
You're supreme hatred of pitbulls is so funny. My aunt had a pitbull. She died.
I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt that got eatten by her own pitbull :(
I would prefer if you just said nothing than do the AI bit. I have to deal with my favorite fast food reviewer outsourcing his titles/descriptions to ChatGPT and it's quite frankly distasteful. The shit doesn't know anything about anything.
FUCK YOU! FREEDOM OF GENERATED SPEECH BITCH!! But by coincidence I've decided to retire the bit, but not because of you. It's my choice and I'm the boss and I'm the one that says how the rules goes.
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fleeglefazbeagle · 2 months
Welcome to my blog! :3
Do you like videogames, cartoons, anime or artwork of ANY genre as long as it's made by a human? You've come to the right place! I draw whatever tickles me fancy, shitpost, rant, chill(mostly).💕✨
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Above here is my self insert Sona(description in alt).⬆️
(I used the term "Mary Sue" in a silly way, no ill will whatsoever./srs)
I don't have a specific schedule, I just post whenever I like.
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This here is what I am!(It's already said in my bio but whatever.)⬇️
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(Blinkies by @dragonpride17 .)
I'm also a platonic selfshipper.
Strictly platonic f/os(in other words, we're STRICTLY friends, don't be weird):
Secret History Tails(Mashed), Glamrock Freddy(FNAF), Fizzarolli(Helluva Boss), Husk(Hazbin Hotel), Funtime Freddy(FNAF), Luigi(Super Mario), Goofy(Disney), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit(Disney), Big the Cat(Sonic), Fleegle the Beagle(The Banana Splits), Drooper the Lion(The Banana Splits), Mangle(FNAF), Circus Baby(FNAF), Mimzy(Hazbin Hotel), Banny(The Walten Files), DogDay(Poppy Playtime), CraftyCorn(Poppy Playtime), Spinel(Steven Universe).
Queerplatonic f/os(I guess):
Mortality(Boozoo's Ghosts/The Walten Files) and Pumpkin Rabbit(The Mysterious House/The Walten Files).
Don't roast me!>:[
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The stuff I'm into is FNAF, Sonic, FNF, The Banana Splits(show and movie,), BATIM, Steven Universe(kinda), SML and SMLwiki(kinda), Disney(kinda), Pokémon(kinda), Tim Burton stuff(kinda), Hellaverse stuff, Coraline(kinda), Super Mario, Don Bluth stuff(kinda), The Walten Files, DHMIS, Welcome Home, Pizza Tower, Poppy Playtime, Garten of Banban, MLP(kinda), The Amazing Digital Circus(kinda), Monkey Wrench(kinda), Little Nightmares(kinda) and the Mashed channel(the one with the crazed fox).
DNI if you're:
LGBTQIA+phobic, TERFs, SWERFs, transmeds, syscourse, pro-endo, m-spec lesbians/lesboys(not butch lesbians or he/him lesbians), an IRL gore blog, a SH/ED blog, disrespect people's pronouns(this includes neopronouns), sexist(misogyny and misandry), NSFW(kinks, fetishes, etc.), a z0oph1le, a z0osad1st, a p3d0(map), ableist, racist, xenophobic, anti-xenogender, transabled, transrace(not the adoption kind), transage, a fan of Pretty Blood and/or support the creator), a bodyshamer, someone who invalidates trauma, a proshipper, a comshipper, a darkshipper, toxic(in general), a z10n1st, a n4z1(or at least a supporter), pro-cringe culture, believe blackwashing is real(it fucking isn't), anti-therians, anti-furries, anti-semitism, anti-agere/agedre/petre/petdre, use "fatherless"/"parentless" as an insult, say "kys" as a joke(it's a very serious thing), joke about abuse, p3d0ph1lia or rap3(another serious thing), anti-alterhumans, AI "art" and crypto and NFT bros.
Rules when asking or whatever:
1.Use tone tags(they're REALLY important).
2.No arguing.
3.Be kind to others.
4.No hate speech(you WILL be blocked if I find out.
5.No NSFW(I know I already said this but still).
6.I can only do art trades and if you want to ask about what you want, come to my DMs(ya know, the speech bubble icon).
7.If you want to do an ask involving any of my AUs, go right ahead but remember the rules and stuff.
8. As far as donations go.
My YouTube is here!(It's where my videos are.)⬇️
Also, please support my sister and her work!⬇️
Her channel:
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wakuseicloset · 8 months
ranting about everything post 😶 i will spare you all unless you would like to opt into my suffering
Sorry this shit is literally so embarrassingly #long omg i feel fucking wacko but i had to get it out so here is my unhinged rant
I kinda feel like i'm only now recovering from this weird burnout/depression slump i've been in for the past year and i'm glad i'm getting motivation back before i have to do my QE or whatever but man
I just have so much to do every day and like i feel like there aren't enough hours in the day 😭 like technically if i was willing to do work for 12 hours or whatever i could be ahead of schedule... But like i'm literally not capable of doing that. I can be on campus from like 10-5 and then go home and squeeze another 1-2 hours of productivity from my body and then i literally just cannot do anything else like i can't focus
It's just like... Man i know that's a completely normal way to feel as a human being but like there is just so much going on right now that it's hard to keep up... Like i gotta write my qualifying paper, start my dissertation proposal... Teach 2 discussion sections every week... Grade 70 homeworks every week... Revise this paper for this journal... Contact my committee members... Meet with people... Hold office hours... (that last one is a joke nobody comes) and at the same time i haven't even been thinking about my career after graduating and transitioning into industry and i barely have attended any conferences and i'm so behindddd
I just have this weird resentment towards some other people in my cohort sometimes like why are you guys on top of your shit. It's not fair lol. And sometimes i literally am just lazy or too anxious to do basic things i need to do but . YALL... STOP WORKING SO MUCH PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE
Never mind the fact that whenever i see certain ppl from home theyre like "So when are you done" and none of them even know what i do or care at all 😭😭😭😭😭 like oh my god and when i try to explain it's like "im too stupid to understand" no you just don't give a fuck! you want me to move back home asap and don't care to learn anything about what my actual life is like down here!!!!!!!!!! bro!!!!!!!!!!!!
i swear like they'll be like "so are you gonna move back here when you're done" and im like "idk it depends on where i get a job! i might stay in CA!" and theyre just like "well im sure you can find something in seattle" idk it's well meaning but i havent lived up there for 7 years and i honestly just don't have the attachment to being there beyond it being where my mom family and grandma lives. like i got friends everywhere. im the friend master. i could live anywhere. im like a geography chameleon. im sorry i just have other things to prioritize
Idk it just all boils down to doing a phd is really hard and nobody knows how hard it is except people who are doing it or have done it. That's not to say it's objectively harder than other types of work it's just its own special brand of hard that is not relatable and nobody cares about. AND IT SUCKS!!!! CARE HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of the best twins & ace of my heart being your older brothers.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ bokuto koutaro, miya atsumu & miya osamu <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
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➜ oh my goodness, i pray so hard and dearly for your parents because y'all are WILD WILD
➜ when you guys were young, you know those videos of twins confusing their baby on who's their parent??
➜ it was probably atsumu's dumb idea
➜ he watched it a few days ago in youtube
➜ so he suggested it to osamu which begrudgingly accepted, curious on how you would react
“ c'mon, come to big brother 'samu ”
➜ atsumu says as he stretches his arms out to you while you're oblivious poor innocent ass was doing the grabby hands to him
➜ ngl you looked so cute he felt a little guilty for what's to come
➜ while osamu sits next to him with a monotonous expression
“ no, i'm big brother 'samu ”
➜ your head spun to his direction
➜ and you're just like 👁👄👁
➜ while switching left and right in confusion as you dropped your arms down so fucking fast LMAO
➜ while atsumu was trying so hard, really he promised he won't laugh so soon, that osamu keeps pestering him to shut his bitch as up
➜ until the faintest of sobs were heard, forcing their mini argument to a halt
“ will you stay quiet ─ ”
“ ─ oh no no no, please don't cry ”
➜ osamu is in distraught because he actually doesn't know how to take care of a child crying
➜ while astumu is trying to carry you
“ hngg i ─ hic ─ want big brother 'samu ─ hic ! ”
➜ bitch almost wanted to drop you right then and there honestly
➜ and when osamu heard you calling out to him, something in him snapped
“ i knew this was a bad idea ─ ”
➜ as he shoved atsumu off of you, hugging you as he tries to coo you, whispering “ shh . . don't ya worry, yer big brother 'samu is here ”
➜ your cries seemed to have ceased as atsumu is standing there like ??
➜ i'm thEIR BROTHER TOO !!
➜ bb boy held a grudge on you for a few weeks ngl
➜ but then you grew up and now you know that you actually have two (2) big bro 'samu
➜ but more annoying & bitchy
➜ you're their favourite victim to bully
➜ well, atsumu
➜ but they won't let their teasing lead to you crying because they actually can't stand the sight of their younger sibling crying
➜ contrary to popular belief, when you realized there was another big bro 'samu, you were now attached to atsumu while he's similing smugly and triumphly at osamu
➜ atsumu would 100% be very competitive for your attention though he makes you hate him whenever he bullies you
➜ but we all know osamu hates losing
➜ so there was definitely a time of your life that their fighting over who was the best big brother
➜ ugh y'all cute cute
➜ while you're helping osamu around the kitchen, atsumu would just watch from the side lines because the kitchen is kinda yours and osamu's thing
➜ though while in his earlier years, he'd get upset because he wants you to hang out with him too :(
➜ while you have the cooking thing with osamu, you have the baking thing with atsumu
➜ shh hear me out
➜ osamu is actually not good at baking shit
➜ the first time he attempted baking was when you joined a baking club & now you're obsessed with making cupcakes and all that good good
➜ and he wanted to also try and back
➜ and how and what did he do to make your cupcakes look like dog shit was beyond you
➜ and while smelling something burning, atsumu ran to the kitchen and after realizing what osamu did
➜ he'd try and make your next batch of cupcakes presentable
➜ because he's?? actually?? good at it??
➜ and now you guys have your baking sessions and brother 'tsumu bonding time
➜ but even though you guys have other things with the other person, you guys LOVED doing chores together
➜ like, your guys' mom would make the boys clean the bathroom and before you knew it, LIKE YOU WENT THERE JUST TO TALK TO THEM WHILE THEY CLEAN, you find yourself cleaning the toilet necause atsumu ain't doing that shit
➜ washing dishes?? that as well
➜ you and atsumu would be the ones washing while osmu would do the drying
➜ 11/10 of the time would leave you guys a damped mess
➜ while cleaning the kitchen, i absoloutely headcanon, like STRONGLY
➜ that you guys would just talk either about random shit, talk shit about someone honestly, or quote reality tv shows
➜ like one thing you would be sweeping the kitchen floor,  and while sweeping, you accidentally hit the trash bin hard that the contents flew out of it as it fell down the floor
➜ and atsumu's like : “ pooja what is this behaviour?? ”
➜ then something clicked in you that made you remember that one show bigg boss something
➜ and you'd be like : “ i'm sorry i kicked it ny mistake ”
➜ osamu would roll his eyes before joining you two :  “ you can't kick it by mistake ”
➜ “ then pick it up if it bothers you ”
➜ ugh y'all aRE ICONS
➜ y'all would be at the pool and atsumu would shout “ oh no my diamond earing is gone ”
➜ and osamu would reply “ kim, there's people that are dying. ”
➜ you'll be their biggest fan in the court
➜ whenever they play with you on the sidelines something in them just snapped and they'll be scoring points by points in a row
➜ they lowkey love to show off
➜ if you're a girl, every fangirl of they have would be wary of you at first, but then realized that you were just their little sister
➜ and to their bisexual fans, they would ngl have a huge ass crush on you too
➜ and if you're a boy as well, oH MY GOD WOULD THEY HAVE FALLEN AMD CAN'T GET UP
➜ you bet they'd be throwing hands if someone decided to break your heart
➜ though, osamu would be the more rational one
➜ if they ever meet your s/o, atsumu would want to rile them up while osamu is just being calm but the scarier one of the two?? but he knows you don't need any protecting because you know how to do it yourself & you don't have any need for that
➜ 12/10 would recommend as brothers
➜ in conclusion, you guys may not always get along, but you know damn well they care about you and would apologize right away if they did something too far. and you guys are such good sibling goals😤
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➜ definitely know how to deal with his emo mode
➜ since you guys grew up together
➜ and sadly, you didn't have an akaashi to help you out with it while you were young
➜ like he'd be the older brother but you would probably be the more mature one
➜ but while you guys were young, he was your knight & shinning armor
➜ like when you scraped your knee while trying to catch him, he'll do a 180° and bitch has never ran faster to you than that time
➜ & if you were crying because of it, he'll make stupid jokes but it'll always make you forget about the pain in your knee
➜ and it's one of those times that you could really see that he was actually older than you
➜ then he'll piggyback you back to your house
➜ homeboy be reliable even while he was young wow
➜ and even 'till now
➜ if you ever got sick or injured
➜ or god forbid, HEARBROKEN by someone
➜ a bitch will throw hands
➜ but before that he'll make you laugh & do his best to take your mind off whatever is causing you to hurt
➜ ngl you would always look up to him, even if he may seem childish
➜ he'll hang out with you the rest of the day, he doesn't care if it's a school day, he'll drag akaashi with him
➜ though he may reword them differently, but his advices never seemed to fail you
➜ fights don't usually happen, and if they do they're probably serious
➜ he's the type of brother that lets you sneak out the house
➜ he'll usually back you up in everything
➜ and this bitch would take the fall for your faults
➜ ugh WE STAN
➜ but also if you sneak out the house to your significant other, bb boy has to know their number, address, occupation etc.
➜ because he ain't having a broken hearted sibling
➜ and he just wants the best for you
➜ and in the future, though he may be busy with being a professional volleyball player;
➜ he'll always have time for you
➜ you're that urgent to him
➜ your his first best friend before volleyball
➜ speaking of volleyball, if you aren't found in the stands in his matches ─ he'll go TO EMO MODE Y'ALL
➜ because you're usually always there in his games and it makes him give all his 120%
➜ since he's usually busy, he'll ALWAYS have those covey sisters movie nights
➜ if ykyk
➜ he's a sucker for family bonding time ogey
➜ the type to binge watch all the hsm movies & know all the lyrics to all the songs
➜ the type to defend sharpay with all his might
➜ and you guessed it right
➜ sharpay is his favourite character
➜ no one tell me otherwise
➜ hates horror movies
➜ so if you ever watch it with him, he won't leave your side for the rest of the night & will have a sleepover on the living room
➜ f o r t s
➜ loves doing ridiculous challanges
➜ your phone would be BOMBARDED with crackhead videos of him
➜ probably broke a bone or two ngl
➜ 100/10 would recommend as a brother
➜ in conclusion, he may not always be there, and would be a bit childish & needy at times; but you know that he would step up as a big brother for you ANYDAY, ANYNIGHT, ANYTIME. because how could he want the best for you when he's not being his best on his part?
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . tumblr won't let this post show on the tags now i have to repost them all over again phew chile. watch me throw hands😤
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quixotic-writer · 4 years
Hello darlings! Let me properly introduce myself:
✨I’m Suki | they/them are the pronouns I use | 21 years of age✨
I wanted to make this pinned post so you could get to know me a bit and the space I have created on this blog!
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To start:
This is a place NOT open to those who are homo/transphobic, MAPs, racist, alt-right, anti-feminist, and so on. You will be blocked.
If you come here to start discourse, harass others, or send mean/hateful comments/asks/messages, you also will be blocked.
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I want this to be a safe space for myself and EVERYONE. So long as you treat me and other community members with the utmost respect, you will be treated with the same respect that you deserve.
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Q x Reader Master-list
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While my blog is mostly IJ, I do have other interests including and aren’t limited to: five nights at Freddy's game series, animal crossing, music and bands galore, and many other things! I’m not super strict on keeping a theme and will occasionally reblog things that I want on my blog such as some positive reminders, music, or funny text posts. This is my blog and I like to post whatever makes me happy whether it’d be a gif set of the guys, some music I'd like to share, or just random thoughts I have to keep things interesting.
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As far as writing goes: I do write both sfw and nsfw but I do tag everything properly and put warnings on my fics as well. You can send in a request whenever you like but that doesn’t mean it’s something that I will get to right away due to school scheduling, personal things, and I do find myself in the occasional slump where I just can’t write. I am willing to write almost anything HOWEVER, I can turn down a request if I don’t feel comfortable writing it. Things I will NEVER write include and aren’t limited to: incest, pedophilia, non-consensual related themes, and again, anything I don’t personally feel comfortable writing.
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I love getting asks, don’t be shy at all! You can ask just about anything (within reason of course) or send in some ask prompts that you’ll see me occasionally reblog and I will answer to the best of my ability. I’m a fairly open book!
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I love making new friends and talking to others, but honestly i’m super shy and anxious and will probably never initiate a conversation. I DON'T HATE YOU! I just have a hard time talking to new people and starting convos because I feel like I'm bothering people. I also sometimes might not respond super fast because I might not have the energy to hold a convo or I might be busy. AGAIN, NOTHING PERSONAL! Just a wee bit messy, y’know? Also I have a tendency to say “dude,” “bro,” “babe,” “darling,” “sweetheart,” and “lovely” a LOT. If I call you any of these and it bothers you please tell me!!
~ ♡ ~
With that:
Welcome to my blog!
hope you stay a while and have a good time!
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charincharge · 3 years
hi Char! i'm sorry for bothering you, but i was wondering what the professional background for a screenwriter was, if that's okay to ask? like what kind of qualifications or experience is required? basically how you get started in that industry, haha.
please don't feel the need to answer this if you don't want to! i'm coming out undergrad atm, and i'm kinda floundering between several things, but working in tv has always really interested me. i had no idea where to really start before remembering you had experience and that your insight might be valuable!
thank you for your time! 💛
I am not a great person to ask about this at this current venture, because I just fled the city and abandoned television after a decade of working in the industry lol. I will say, it's never been more difficult to break in. Despite the uptick in number of shows, there's actually much less opportunity for work because seasons are SO short. With the takeover of streaming, television is no longer on a regular schedule (it used to be, television was on a season that premiered in September, ran for 22 episodes and ended in May, but those shows are fewwww and far between these days). Seasons are now - whenever streaming platforms feel like releasing them, and you're lucky if you work on anything that gets more than 10 episodes (which last about 3-4 months, and even luckier if you get more than one season).
My biggest piece of advice is probably the most obvious, but -- this is not an easy job to get, and it's an even harder journey to maintain it. At the end of every show, you'll be looking for a new job. Television is not a stable industry, and it lacks any kind of job security. Shows are canceled literally all the time for any and all reasons, and you can go from thinking you're getting your big break one day to being unemployed the next. It's not for the faint of heart, and that's not even taking into account all the abusive personalities who thrive at the top of the industry (I'm sure you've heard of Harvey Weinstein, Les Moonves and Scott Rudin, and if you haven't, they might be the most famous culprits but they are by far not the only ones). Working in the industry is NOT the glamorous job that it sounds like, lol.
That said, if you want to be a screenwriter, the good part is, there are no qualifications. The only thing you need to do is write. Is it helpful to get a television assistant job? Yes. Because getting jobs is 100% who you know. Television jobs aren't just posted on a job board. They're all by referrals. But, the most important thing to have when you get there are writing samples. I highly advise looking into the writing fellowship programs - Warner Bros, CBS, NBC, and ABC all have them. They're good ways to get footholds in the industry if you're coming in with zero connections. But, mainly, just make sure you're writing scripts. Read books about screenwriting. Read scripts. There are tons of databases online.
Anyway, sorry that's not a glowing recommendation for television, but that's where I'm at right now. Happy to talk more if you have more specific questions. I'm always avail <3
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Shouldn’t you wait until the NWH press tour before you hang up your coat? T and Z dated for 3 years and we never got a picture of them kissing or and pda like that I’m sure if they’re dating now they are trying to keep it even more of a secret this time around
Wait until December??? 🥴
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Girl that would be almost a YEAR!!! 😅🤣 I'm not waiting until Dec (or whenever the press tour starts), I'm waiting until July.
It's not so much that I need PDA in order to believe that two ppl are dating Anon. Plenty of couples walk around out here and I never see them hold hands while I'm going about my business out in public, but it's still obvious that they're married, or together.
Tom and Z never did any PDA together, but it was still obvious they were dating..... no matter how many frivolous excuses antis tried to make up. 😏 But even despite the PDA, what Tom and Z WERE def doing in the past however (which I'm not seeing rn) is they were def going out of their way to visit/see each other, and spend time with each other, even when they weren't having to film or promote Spider-man. THAT'S more telling than PDA imo. THAT'S what I'm looking to see this time around. 👀
Now granted, we're in a weird time right now with the pandemic, and I totally get it, and that's why I've been very patient and giving things time until July. But it's just getting increasingly harder and harder for me to believe that Tom (who has been free from Hollywood filming for months) hasn't been able to travel at all to go visit his "gf" in LA since late March.
And tbh, if they both knew the gap would be THIS long (which, in all honesty, it may actually very well be, especially since supposedly they haven't even really started giving out vaccines in his country to ppl in his age group yet, and there may be restrictions on travel if you're not working in the US, and maybe he doesn't want to be breaking any rules), then I don't see why he couldn't have just scheduled to stay in the US with her for a month after SM3 wrapped up, and just be there as a support or someone to come home to after a long busy day filming on Euphoria. He was already in the US. Imo he could have just stayed in the US and sent his brothers (or at least Sam) packing back to London after their bro trip/vacation together. IJS.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
He could have come home to visit his family in May. Granted, maybe he and Harry wouldn't have had much time to work on their filming project together, but if Tom's dad is saying that Tom has been kind of bored in London, then was anything really truly pressing in London? 🤔
Look.....I'm still not convinced that Tom & Z are "just friends", which is prob why I've held on for this long as it is rofl 😂🤣😅..... But ACTIVELY seriously dating each other rn? Idk Anon..... 🤷🏾‍♀️ There's just not enough solid proof in order to say with absolute 100% certainty rn in my opinion.
I also just feel like they would have missed each other tremendously by now. Esp after spending 5 months around each other for hours on end (on AND off set) over in Atlanta.
I WILL however keep an eye out and will see what Tom does when and if restrictions loosen up in July. If things change, and we actually see some real, valid, additional Tomdaya tea/receipts/sightings, then I will gladly be pleased to see it lol.....😂
I think some of you all have the wrong impression of what I mean by "taking off my Tomdaya coat". This is all I mean when I say this:
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