#Brock Pierce
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Jessica Biel, Christina Milian, Andrew Keegan, Tyrone Tann, Kaj Eriksen, Brock Pierce and Rosi Golan in 1997(?) (x)
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literaryavenger · 9 months
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Summary: You're part of the Strike team and join Captain America as he tries to live his new life in the 21st century. [Reader is NOT Hydra]
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Rumlow being a dick. Mentions of death. My poor attempts at being funny. Idk, everything else in the movie?
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: Happy New Year! This the first chapter in a new series I'm starting! I'm not sure how long it's gonna be yet, but I know it's gonna be longer than Broken. These series is about an alternate universe where the reader exists and lives through the events that happen in the MCU. A lot of the details will be changed to insert the reader, a lot of the lines said by other characters will be changed to be the reader's and I've also made up a lot of things and scenes and added them, trying my best not to change the official timeline and the main events. I hope you enjoy this and all chapters to come!
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“You heard the boss, newbie, text Romanoff and tell her to pick up Rogers.” Rumlow taps his knuckles twice on the table for emphasis before getting up and exiting the conference room.
You make sure he doesn't miss the way you roll your eyes at the now old nickname before writing ‘New mission, need you at the jet in one hour. Asshole wants you to pick up the old man in spandex’ on your phone and sending the message to Natasha, then you get up and make your way out of the room.
“Armory.” you say as you enter the elevator. 
“Confirmed.” the elevator voice says as the doors start closing. 
You suit up for the mission just assigned by Pierce and go to the jet to start doing the checkups you know the rest of the idiots on the STRIKE team won’t even think about doing. 
After making sure everything’s ready and in order, you can do nothing more than wait for everybody else.
Natasha and Steve get there exactly an hour after your text. 
“Right on time.” you point out.
“It wasn’t a coincidence, YLN.” Natasha smirks, making you laugh.
“Cap.” you greet him with a smile that he returns. “Y/N.”
The rest of the team meets you a few minutes after. “Ready for take off.” Rumlow says to the pilot and the jet takes off.
Once you get close to the target Rumlow starts briefing Steve and Nat. “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.”
“Any demands?” Steve asks.
“A billion and a half.” Rumlow answers.
“Why so steep?” Steve questions frowning.
“Because it’s Shield’s.” you answer promptly, ignoring the scowl on Rumlow’s face that disappears almost immediately.
“So it’s not off-course,” Steve says, understanding flashing in his eyes as he glares at Natasha “it’s trespassing.”
“I’m sure they have a good reason.” Natasha offers.
“You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor.”-Steve seems really annoyed now.
“Relax, it’s not that complicated.” Natasha simply says.
“How many pirates?” Steve’s attention is back on the screen.
“Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.” Rumlow pulls up the photo of Batroc on the monitor and looks at you expectantly, making you roll your eyes.
Of course you’re the only one who actually looked through the files.
“Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. The guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.” you fill everybody in, although it was obvious most of the guys aren't listening. At least the Captain is.
“Hostages?” Steve questions you, but Rumlow cuts in.
“Mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” he shows his picture. You’ve seen Sitwell around headquarters, he seems pretty close with the STRIKE team. Not that you hang out much with them outside of mission, or at all for that matter. “They’re in the gallery.”
“What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” Steve asks more to himself, and he has a point. “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat and Y/N, you’ll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pots, get ‘em out. Let’s move.”
Yep, he’s definitely in Captain mode.
“Ay ay, Captain.” you salute with a smirk that mirrors Natasha’s while Steve gives you a fake annoyed look.
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow says but you’ve already started getting ready and stopped listening to him.
“Secure channel seven.” Steve says into his wrist communicator.
“Seven secure.” Natasha replies. “Did you do anything fun Saturday night?”
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so… No, not really.” Steve answers, making both you and Natasha laugh while the pilot lets you know that the drop zone is coming up.
“You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she’d probably say yes.” you point out, exchanging a knowing glance with Natasha.
“That’s why I don’t ask.” he fires back
“Too shy or too scared?” Natasha pushes.
“Too busy!” He yells over the wind as the door opens and then he jumps. 
You and Natasha both roll your eyes and look at each other smiling, not needing to talk to understand the other.
You barely register Rumlow and Rollins commenting on Steve jumping without a parachute before grabbing one for yourself and jumping alongside Nat.
You and Natasha have known each other for a while now, all the way back since she was first brought in by Clint.
You trained with both of them, went on countless missions together (yes, including Budapest) and you would’ve been right by their side in New York if you hadn't been on an important undercover mission and had strict orders directly from Fury not to blow your cover.
After that you got assigned to the STRIKE team by Alexander Pierce, though you still have no idea why. But orders are orders so you’ve been working with the idiots ever since.
But you and Natasha are thankfully still pretty close and your down time is spent mostly with her, sometimes also visiting Clint and his family at his farm.
 Nat’s still annoyed at Clint about naming his only daughter after you, middle name but still, and not her. But to be fair, you have known Clint longer, a fact that always amuses both you and Clint to bring up.
You’ve just landed when you hear Rumlow saying “you seemed pretty helpless without me” to Steve.
“What about the nurse who lives across the hall from you?” Natasha says.
“Yeah, she seems nice.” you add.
“Secure the engines, then find me a date.” Steve says in his captain voice.
“We’re multitasking.” Nat tells him before turning to you. “you take port, I’ll take starboard and we’ll meet at the rendezvous point”
“Copy.” you say and make your way to the engine room on the right side of the ship. You start taking down guys and can hear Rumlow saying they’re ready in position.
Just as you finish with the last guy you hear Steve calling your name. “What’s your status?”
“Port engine room secure.” you answer.
“Good, make your way to help Rumlow with the hostages.”
“Roger that.” you can almost hear him groan in annoyance as you smile while following his orders.
“Natasha, what’s your status?” you can hear her grunt while she fights through the comms. “Status, Natasha?” 
“Hang on!” She says as she keeps fighting. “Starboard engine room secure.”
You hear Steve countdown from three and then the team moving in on the targets, you get to the rendezvous point just in time to see Rumlow rounding the corner with the hostages on his tail.
“Hostages en route to extradition.” he says in his comms as you look around for Natasha.
“Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play.” you let Steve know while helping take care of the hostages.
“Natasha, Batroc’s on the move. Circle back to Y/N and protect the hostages.” he receives no answer and at this point you get a little worried. “Natasha!”
You want to go looking for her but you know better than to leave your post, and you’re also very aware that Natasha can take care of herself. 
So you keep protecting the hostages while listening intently to the comms where you can hear Steve fight, then you hear a voice you assume it’s Batroc’s talking French and are even more surprised to hear Steve answer back in French. Impressive.
You can hear him fighting again and then you finally hear Natasha’s voice but don’t pay too much attention to the conversation, bringing your entire focus on the hostages now that you know she’s okay. 
You’re helping people into the life-pods when you hear an explosion go off somewhere on the boat. You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath until you hear Natasha’s voice again and let it go, feeling even more relieved after hearing Steve too.
The ride back is very uncomfortable as you help Natasha with the minor injuries from the explosion, Steve refusing help and insisting that he’s fine, and in the mood he’s in you’re certainly not about to argue. 
As soon as the jet lands he stomps away angrily and you share a concerned look with Natasha, worried about what he’s gonna do next. 
You help Nat to the medbay and leave her there when she assures you she’s okay and to not make a fuss over her.
So you make your way to the usual conference room for debriefing but when you get there Rumlow very smugly assures you that you’re not needed at this meeting. 
You’re used to being left out of meetings with the STRIKE team and Pierce by now, since you’ve been forced to join you’ve been left out of more meetings that you’ve attended, but it still bothers you sometimes.
Still, at least you don’t have to spend too much time with those neanderthals. Not your circus, not your monkeys.
So you just make your way to the Armory to put away your gear and then the locker room to change and go home for what you think is gonna be the rest of the day.
A few hours later you find yourself in the hospital where the STRIKE team has been called in the middle of the night because, guess what? Someone tried to kill Director Fury. Or, as it turns out, succeeded. 
You’re behind Steve, Natasha and Hill alongside Rumlow and Sitwell, watching Fury flatlining and the doctors calling it.
You want to go with Nat to see Fury, be there for her knowing she cared about him as much as you do, but obviously Rumlow has to be a dick and order you to stay put. And, whether you like it or not, he’s your boss.
He rudely interrupts Nat and Steve’s conversation telling him they need him back at headquarters and you can already tell something’s suddenly off.
As much as Rumlow can be an asshole, he’s never been openly rude towards Steve.
You can hear Sitwell in your earpiece telling the team to bring Rogers in for questioning as he and Rumlow get closer.
“STRIKE, move it out.” he orders but you don't start moving until Steve’s by your side, giving him what you hope is a reassuring smile. 
When you get to the Triskelion Steve is taken to Pierce’s office and you get ordered to go to Forensics and check into the evidence found on the roof, then go to Operations Control and wait for there for further instructions, so you do. 
When you get to the control room you see Sitwell concentrated on a particular screen so you get close trying not to get noticed and see Steve fighting STRIKE and SHIELD agents in the elevator. 
You barely have time to understand what’s happening before he’s throwing himself off the elevator and lands on his shield near the entrance of the building. Thankfully Sitwell’s “Are you kidding me?” covered your quiet “holy shit.”
You’re in the room when Sitwell gives the orders to track down Rogers to all the Agents and when he’s done, you discreetly follow him and the rest of the STRIKE team out the room.
For a bunch of guys who work for a top secret organization they sure suck at knowing when they’re being followed. 
No one talks until they get to a deserted corridor. “Pierce is going to kill us. Rogers has the flash drive and can use it to find Zola. You fucked up big time letting him go.” Sitwell sounds pissed.
“Take it easy, four eyes.” Rumlow sounds just as angry “You’re not the one that got punched by a supersoldier.”
They keep talking about the flash drive and Steve and Pierce and Zola. That name sounds familiar but you can’t remember for the life of you where you heard it from.
Then it hits you.
Zola was a former Hydra scientist from World War II, turned ally when the war ended. Thank god the Howling Commandos were hot so you actually paid attention during that particular history class. 
You're about to turn away so you won’t risk getting caught eavesdropping when you hear your name being mentioned.
“Someone should keep an eye on her.” Sitwell says, making you worried of becoming the next Shield target, but Rumlow proceeds to ease your worries.
“That’s a waste of manpower. The whole reason she’s even on our team was so we could keep a closer eye on Rogers, but she just spends all her time with Romanoff.” 
So that’s why Pierce assigned you to the STRIKE team.
Yeah, you’re closer to Steve than most people but it’s not like you’re best friends, you sometimes hang out outside of work but most of your interactions are mission related.
You decide you've heard enough to kind of put together what’s going on, but there’s not much you can do to help Steve yet, not knowing where he is. So you stick to following the STRIKE team, praying that your absence in the control room goes unnoticed. 
STRIKE gets a hit on Steve’s location and you follow them in your car to a mall but think better than to follow them in, waiting patiently outside. 
After a few minutes you see Steve and Natasha in their not so well thought out undercover outfits and, once again, the Captain surprises you by hot-wiring a car. 
You follow them, more discreetly this time, knowing Natasha and Steve would be better at realizing they’re being followed. 
You get to an old army camp in Wheaton, New Jersey and are about to follow them in and make yourself known to them, but before you can get out of your car you hear the plan the STRIKE team has through your comms.
The idiots never even thought about using a different channel. Of course Rumlow would underestimate you this much. 
So you decide to drive deeper into the trees surrounding the camp to make sure you’re not visible and wait, knowing Steve and Natasha will need a fast getaway. 
You can do nothing more than watch as a missile hits the bunker and the helicopters start coming. You want to go and help them, make sure they're okay, but you will yourself to stay put and not give away your position. 
When you can faintly see Steve’s figure, almost running with what looks like Nat in his arms, you finally turn the car on and drive coming to a stop right in front of him and startling him to a stop on his tracks.
“Get in.” you urge him, and he seems wary of you, rightly so. “Come on, Cap, they can’t know I’m here!”
He seems to decide to risk trusting you and delicately sets an unconscious Nat down in the back seat before getting in the passenger’s seat.
As soon as his door is closed you drive away as fast as you can, heading back to Washington and you can feel Steve’s eyes on you.
“How do I know I can trust you?” he finally says after a minute of silence, his eyes never leaving you. “You’re part of them, after all.”
“I can see where you’re coming from, but trust me I’m not one of them.” You glance at him and you can tell that he’s not convinced yet, so you go on. “I didn’t even know who ‘them’ were before today. Apparently the reason Pierce assigned me to the STRIKE team was in hopes to get closer to you. He overestimated how close we actually are. If Natasha was awake right now she would tell you how much I hate working with those assholes… You can trust me.”
You take a look at the rearview mirror and see Natasha, but her relaxed face does nothing to ease your worries. 
Steve seems to pick up on your concerns as his features soften and, ever the hopelessly optimistic, he chooses to believe you.
“Okay,” he says, “what do we do now?”
“We have to get you somewhere safe” you check your mirrors as much as you can, making sure you’re not being followed “I don’t know any safehouses outside of Shield's radar. We need a place we can go that they know nothing about.”
“I have an idea.” he says, you glance at him and see him already looking at you, so you nod.
176 notes · View notes
gyokujyn · 6 months
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | April 2nd » Prompts: Bank for @catws-anniversary
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger
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ex0rin · 1 year
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Hydra's S.T.R.I.K.E Team
+bonus: an asset
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+second bonus: one (1) smug leader
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208 notes · View notes
literaryavenger · 9 months
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 3
Summary: You find out the truth about Fury and, after he brings you up to speed, you make plans to take down Hydra for good.
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader, platonic!Sam Wilson x F!Reader, platonic!Nick Fury x F!Reader, platonic!Maria Hill x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Pierce being a dick. Mentions of death. Mentions of fighting and fire arms. The Winter Soldier, he's a warning. My poor attempts at being funny. Idk, everything else in the movie?
Word Count: 3.8K
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The ride is quiet until Steve, who was shocked into silence until this moment, says “It was him.”
You look at him on your right but his gaze is to the floor. “He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me.”
“How's that even possible?” Sam says from in front of Steve. “It was, like, seventy years ago.”
“Zola.” Steve answers without skipping a beat. “Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and…” he trails off, looking up at Sam.
“None of that's your fault, Steve.” Natasha says and you turn your attention on her.
“Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.” You're too busy looking at Natasha’s palling face to be sad for Steve.
“We need to get a doctor here.” You say, your eyes landing on the blood on her shoulder, which apparently Sam noticed too.
“We don't put pressure on that wound,” he says, turning to the agent next to him “she's gonna bleed out here in the truck.”
The guard pulls out an electric rod and looks like he's gonna use it on Sam but, suddenly, he pokes the other guard with it.
You're all so fucking confused until the guard takes out his helmet to reveal a groaning Maria Hill.
“That thing was squeezing my brain.” she looks at all of you while you let out a breath of relief, but she lands on Sam and then looks back at Steve, pointing at him. “Who’s this guy?”
“Long story” you say and, when she narrows her eyes at you, you roll your own. “I’m handcuffed too, I’m obviously on your side.” you say while raising your cuffed hands and raising an eyebrow.
She softens but relented only after receiving a nod from Steve, confirming what you're saying. 
She helps you escape and soon you're entering a seemingly abandoned facility, Natasha leaning on you for balance.
A man you recognize as one of the doctors that were operating on Fury runs towards you and you frown. 
What the hell’s going on?
“GSW. She’s lost at least a pint.” Hill says to the doctor.
“Maybe two.” Sam adds.
“Let me take her.” the doctor says, but Maria stops him.
“She’ll want to see him first.” she says while she leads the way, the doctor helping you carry Natasha. 
Hill takes you to a room where you’re all shocked to find Fury lying in a bed, alive.
“About damn time.” he says and you almost cry after hearing his voice.
You all sit down and, as the doctor starts to work on Natasha’s wound next to you, you all listen intently as Fury explains what’s going on.
“Lacerated spinal column,” he ends by listing his injuries “cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache.”
“Don't forget your collapsed lung.” the doctor says from Nat’s other side.
“Oh, let's not forget that.” Fury says sarcastically “Otherwise, I'm good.”
“They cut you open,” Natasha says, you knew she took it hard after all. “your heart stopped.”
“Tetrodotoxin B.” He says like it was obvious. “Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it.”
“Why all the secrecy?” Steve voices what you're all thinking.
“Yeah.” you add, obviously hurt. “Why not just tell us?”
“Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful.” Hill answers for him.
“Can't kill you if you're already dead.” Fury seems amused with himself, then gets more serious. “Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust.”
You try not to take that too personally and, glancing at Natasha, you can tell when she meets your eyes that she's trying to do the same.
Fury gives you guys some time to process everything before you move to a room with a table to start strategizing on how to move forward.
“This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize.” Fury says while looking at a picture of a young Pierce. “He said, Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility. See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues.” He finishes looking at you guys.
“We have to stop the launch.” Natasha says, ignoring Fury’s last remark.
“I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore.” He says while opening a case containing three chips.
“What's that?” you and Sam ask at the same time, glancing at each other.
“Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet,” Hill says, turning her computer around and showing you “they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized.”
“We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own.” Fury cuts in.
“One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational” she hesitates for a moment “a whole lot of people are gonna die.”
“We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We need to get past them, insert the server blades, and maybe, just maybe, we can salvage what's left-” Fury gets cut off by Steve.
“We're not salvaging anything.” he says sharply. “We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick. We're taking down SHIELD.”
“SHIELD had nothing to do with it.” Fury says defensively.
“You gave me this mission, this is how it ends.” Steve has his Captain voice on and you know there's no room for discussion. “SHIELD's been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed.”
“Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed.” Nobody else says anything, just watching back and forth from Fury to Steve.
“And how many paid the price before you did?”
“Look, I didn't know about Barnes.” Fury says after a moment.
“Even if you had, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that, too?” He's almost glaring now. “SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes.”
“He's right.” Hill simply says, nodding.
Fury looks at Natasha, but she simply stares back and he knows he’s not gonna have any help from her, so he turns to you.
“You’re okay with this, Agent?” he asks you and you don’t even have to think twice about it.
“We took an oath to protect people, Fury.” you tell him, holding his gaze. “If taking down Shield does that, and I believe it does, I’m game.” you shrug. 
He then turns to the last person in the room.
“Don't look at me.” Sam says, also shrugging. “I do what he does, just slower.”
You grin at him while Fury scoffs a little.
“Well,” He starts, sitting back and sighting, looking at all of you before staring back at Steve. “It looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain.”
After you make our plan, Steve goes outside for some air. You and Sam watch him leave, then look at each other, a silent question hanging between you two.
“You go.” you tell him and he nods before following after the supersoldier.
When you turn around you’re met with Fury and Hill’s curious looks and Natasha’s smirking face.
“What?” you say annoyed, crossing your arms defensively in front of you.
“You and Wilson, huh.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Romanoff.” you tell her as you sit back down. “He’s a nice person, you know as well as I do how rare it is to find that in our line of work.” your gaze shifts to the table but you can still feel their gazes on you.
“You couldn’t have known, YN.” Fury says, seemingly reading your mind. Your eyes snap up to his, he's never called you by your first name.
“I should’ve, Nick.” you exchange the favor. “All the closed meetings, all the shady attitudes… I should’ve seen it. I’m trained to see it.” you're frustrated with yourself, with all the adrenaline out of your body now you’re left only with guilt.
Surely if you’d have seen it sooner you could’ve done something. Maybe the outcome would’ve been different.
“They tricked all of us.” Nat says, glancing at Fury and resting her hand on your shoulder.
“You’re a good agent,” Hill interjects, “don’t doubt yourself because of those traitors.”
“You’re right.” You nodded after a moment, putting your hand on top of Nat’s on your shoulder and looking back at Fury. “You’re all right.”
As you finish the details of the plan, only one thing is missing.
“How do we get the Director there?” Hill asks after Sam joins you, informing you that Steve went looking for a uniform, whatever that means, and would meet you there.
“Uh, I have an idea.” you says, leaning back in your chair and smirking.
They all suit up and leave after making sure your comms work.
“Be careful.” you hug Natasha before they leave “All of you.” you add looking over her shoulder at Hill that nods and Sam that grins and then winks at you.
You go back to the room where Fury is and he asks, “So where’s our ride?”
“On its way.” you simply say, checking your phone.
You can hear the others through the comms as they meet up with Steve, his own voice coming to your ear as he puts his own earpiece in.
“Where’s Y/N?” he questions the team.
“Awe, you miss me already, Cap?” you say and can hear the other’s laughter.
“You wish.” you can practically hear his eyes rolling.
“I do wish.” you answer, laughing. “I’m with Fury, don’t worry we’ll be there in time.”
You’re both suited up too when you hear loud noises coming from outside, Fury gives you a confused look but you just smile and wiggle your eyebrows playfully as you lead the way to the roof.
A helicopter lands and the pilot gets out and makes his way towards you, shaking your hand before heading downstairs where a car is waiting for him. You make your way to the pilot’s seat and Fury takes the co-pilot’s seat.
“Where did you even get this?” He questions you after putting on the headphones while you start the helicopter, ready for take off.
“You’re not the only one with connections, Director.” you answer, glancing at him with a smile and can hear him laugh next to you.
The whole time you can hear the team’s conversation, everything’s going according to plan thankfully, and nobody’s gotten hurt yet.
Just as you hear Natasha say “don’t worry, company’s coming” to who you assume is Pierce you land the helicopter on the landing pad.
You and Fury make your way inside and Pierce is nothing short of surprised at seeing Fury alive, much to your delight.
“Did you get my flowers?” he says sarcastically and, when Fury only glares at him, he turns his attention to you. “Agent.”
“Asshole.” you greet him with a smile.
“I'm glad you're here, Nick.” he turns his attention back to him.
“Really? Cause I thought you had me killed.”
“You know how the game works.” Pierce says, as calm as a sociopath.
“So why make me head of SHIELD?” Fury has to know.
“Cause you were the best and the most ruthless person I ever met.”
“I did what I did to protect people.”
“Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder, war. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that?” He doesn’t give him time to answer, clearly enjoying his evil mastermind speech. “Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it.”
“No,” Fury says, taking Pierce to the retinal scanner, guns on him from both Nat and you “I have the courage not to.”
“Retinal scanner active.” the computer says.
“You don't think we wiped your clearance from the system?” Pierce says smugly.
“I know you erased my password, probably deleted my retinal scan, but if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary,” he takes off his eyepatch to reveal his scarred eye and you grimace. “you need to keep both eyes open.” 
They both look into the retinal scanner, with Fury using his injured eye.
“Alpha Level confirmed.” The computer says “Encryption code accepted. Safeguards removed.”
You can hear Steve and Sam talking in your ear as you hold Pierce at gunpoint while Nat finishes uploading the files online.
Sam saying to Steve that he’s heavier than he looks makes you smile, Steve answering “I had a big breakfast” makes you almost snort because Sam made him that breakfast, but you stay professional.
You hear Sam apologizing to Steve after being grounded, his suit broken, and then Maria telling Sam that Rumow’s heading your way. Sam says he’s on it and then you hear Steve trying to plead with Bucky before he starts fighting him.
“Done.” Natasha finally says “And it's trending.”
Just then Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn a hole into them. You, Natasha and Fury point your guns at Pierce but he turns to Natasha.
“Unless you want a two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down.” Natasha doesn't back down though “That was armed the moment you pinned it on.” 
You all reluctantly lower your weapons.
You can hear Sam saying “Man, shut the hell up” and frown, then you hear him fighting probably with Rumlow and you sincerely hope Sam lands some good punches.
“Lieutenant, how much longer?” Pierce asks into his radio.
“Sixty-five seconds to satellite link. Targeting grid engaged. Lowering weapons array now.” you hear the response.
You hear Hill counting down too. “Thirty seconds, Cap!”
you can hear Steve get out a strangled “Stand by.”
You hear him struggle, then he says “Charlie-” but gets interrupted by a gunshot and you hold your breath, already imagining the worst and barely hearing Pierce talking into his radio.
Just as they’re about to give the order to fire you hear Steve again saying “Charlie locked.” and you feel like all three of you let out a breath of relief at the same time. Although your relief is short lived as you hear Steve telling Maria to fire.
You all look outside as the Helicarriers start going down.
“What a waste.” Pierce says, disgusted at the sight in front of him.
“Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?” Nat says as smugly as she can with an active weapon pinned to her chest, but Pierce is having none of it.
“Time to go, Councilwoman.” he grabs her arm “This way, come on. You're gonna fly me out of here.”
“You know, there was a time I would have taken a bullet for you.” Fury tells him as they start to leave.
“You already did.” Pierce glances back at him “You will again when it's useful.” before he can even finish the sentence Natasha activates a small disc that emits an electric shock through her whole body and disables the pin, giving you a chance to kick the phone out of Pierce’s hand while it reboots. 
Fury takes this time to pick up a gun and shoots twice at Pierce, then walks over to you as you kneel next to Natasha who’s unconscious on the floor.
“Romanoff!” he says “Natasha!”
“Tasha, come on!” you say desperately.
She slowly opens her eyes. “Ow.” she lets out, before looking up at you two. “Those really do sting.” 
You let out a breathless laugh and help her up, glancing back at Pierce dying behind you, a quiet ‘Hail HYDRA’ coming out of his mouth.
You help Natasha into the helicopter, before taking the pilot’s seat again, Fury next to you.
“Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air!” you hear Sam say.
“Sam, where are you?” Natasha asks him as you try to look around for him.
“41st floor, north-west corner!” he sounds like he’s out of breath.
“We're on it, stay where you are.” You say, making your way to him.
“Not an option!” You can hear him pant like he’s running and as you look up you see him jumping out a window, so you tilt the helicopter just enough to allow him to slide in through the door sideways, and then you straighten just as fast, getting out of there just in time as the whole building comes down.
“41st floor! 41st!” Sam yells once he’s caught his breath.
“It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building!” You yell back at him while glancing behind you as he glares at you.
“Hill, where's Steve?” Natasha says in the comms “You got a location on Rogers?”
You fly around the wreckage, all of you trying to locate Steve although it feels almost impossible with all the damage left by the Helicarriers. 
How can you find him? How could he even be alive after not only that fall, but all of the pieces still falling from the sky? He could’ve been knocked out, he could be at the bottom of the Pontomac, slowly drowning-
“There!” Sam interrupts your pessimistic thoughts as he yells and points at a figure along the shore of the river. “That’s him!”
You land as close as him as you can, running out with Sam beside you, Nat and Fury a little behind. As you get close you see that it is indeed Steve, kudos to Sam for his falcon eyes. 
The more you get close the more you worry, he looks bloody and beaten. When you’re finally kneeling next to him, you’re praying that he’s alive.
Sam’s hand flies to his neck and you can tell he lets out a relieved sigh, before turning to you. “He’s got a pulse.” he says and you mirror his action.
You pick him up together and take him to the helicopter, placing him inside while Nat takes the pilot’s seat this time and goes straight to the hospital.
With Steve being in the hospital and Fury being technically dead, the joy of being summoned at a committee hearing falls on you and Natasha. After being sworn in, the Committee General asks the first question.
“Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?” You and Natasha look at each other and she answers.
“We don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently.”
“Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he, and you, have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus.”
“HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence.” you interject.
“Many of which you both seem to have had a personal hand in telling.” you hate to admit it but he’s got you there.
“Agents, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country” Scudder then looks directly at Nat “and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.” he says and it takes everything in you not to snap at him as you clench your jaw.
Natasha can see it in your face as you look at each other, so she goes ahead and talks first.
“You're not gonna put me in a prison.” her eyes are still on you “You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. You know why?” You know she's asking you to finish her sentence.
“Do enlighten us.”
“Because you need us.” you say without missing a beat, looking away from Natasha and directly into the man’s eyes. “Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we help make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it.”
“So if you want to arrest us, arrest us.” Nat says after a pause.
“You'll know where to find us.” you finish. 
You both get up and walk out, exchanging a small smile that's quickly hidden for the benefit of the cameras.
A few hours later you and Natasha get to the cemetery just as Fury’s walking away, smirking at each other when you catch the end of his sentence.
“You should be honored, gentlemen.” you say as you get closer.
“That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you.” Natasha finishes for you.
“Not going with him?” Steve asks you as he meets you halfway.
“No.” you both say at the same time.
“Not staying here?” only Natasha answers this time.
“Nah. I blew all my covers,” she glances at you “I gotta go figure out a new one.”
“That might take a while.” he points out.
“I'm counting on it.” She smiles. “That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev.” She hands Steve a file. “Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse.”
“She's not a nurse.”
“And you're not a SHIELD agent.” you say and he smiles.
“What was her name again?” he asks.
“Sharon.” Natasha says and you add. “She's nice.”
Natasha kisses Steve on the cheek, hugs you and when she turns to walk away, he looks at you.
“Your face looks better.” you notice. “Well, as good as it can look, considering...” you trail off vaguely motioning to his face with a fake disgusted look and he laughs.
“Yeah, the serum can only do so much.” you laugh too, but then you hear Natasha and you both turn to her.
“Be careful, Steve.” she tells to him “You might not want to pull on that thread.” 
And with that, she’s gone.
“You’re not going with Nat?” he asks you as you turn back to him.
“I figured you might need a hand.” you nod to the file in his hand and Steve opens it as Sam walks up to you guys while you steal a glance yourself at the photo of Sergeant Barnes in it.
“You're going after him.” Sam says and it's not a question, it's a statement.
“You don't have to come with me.” He says, his eyes on the file.
“I know.” Sam says, after a moment of silence you finally look away from the photo of 40s Bucky and you see both men looking at you expectantly.
“Chasing a 96 year old brainwashed assassin?” you says, a smile starting to grow on your face “Sounds fun.” you state and Steve nods.
“Really?” Sam deadpans. “What are your weekends like, YLN?”
You only smirk at him in response, then you both turn your attention back to Steve, his eyes back on the file.
“So,” Sam says, “when do we start?”
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stuckyfingers · 8 months
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я готов отвечать
'mission' in the low light. the asset has been commanded to kneel.
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sjsmith56 · 2 months
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The Flame Burns From Within - new short fiction series starting soon
Summary: A late medieval / early Renaissance AU told in six parts. Lord Barnes comes to the home of Ser Anthony Stark to formally claim the hand of his niece, the woman he has been betrothed to since her birth. Other suitors object to his claim setting off a series of events.
Updates every Wednesday.
Snippet from Part 1:
As I walked to my chambers, I reflected on the time spent with Lady Arden. Her beauty was unmatched by any other woman I had ever seen. How Ser Anthony had managed to keep her isolated enough to avoid a kidnapping and forced marriage I will never know but it was imperative that we formalize our marriage as soon as possible. Since I first glimpsed her in the window, then spoke with her in the library, I had been unable to think rationally of anything or anyone else. Steven and Samuel were already in my chambers on my arrival, having ceased the negotiations at moonrise, which prompted my departure from the conservatory. They both turned to me as I entered and bolted the door, then checked the hidden passageway for listening servants. Steven handed me a goblet of wine.
"Well?" I looked at both expectantly.
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e-dubbc11 · 4 months
Stay Salty! Summer Sleepover 2024
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Hello my darling friends!
I thought it would be fun to do a summer sleepover. I’m about 20 away from 500 lovely friends on tumblr so a celebration will be in order if/when that happens but for now, we’ll do this if y’all are up for it.
So I’ll leave the rules under the cut. Thank you all so much for your continued support and friendships, they all mean so much to me! 🧡
Once again, I do love doing these but I do need your help so please like and reblog this. I promise I don’t bite so if you feel like it, please send something in!
Send in as many as you like
Not limited to my darling followers but I would love it if you did.
My VERY handsome men that I write for are my love, Billy Russo, Brock Rumlow, Matt Murdock, Dean Winchester, and a tiny bit for Donald Pierce
I’ll keep this open until June 11, 2024 CLOSED
Sleepover Offers…
Sunny Skies and Butterflies 🌞🦋
Summer activity moodboards 🏄‍♀️🌊🏖️☀️👙limited to mutuals only OR if you have ever reblogged or commented on any of my fics. Send me a character and a SUMMER activity and I’ll create a moodboard for you. If you ask me for some BEACHY WAVES to go along with it just give me a basic description of what you look like (hair color, skin tone, tattoos, etc. and anything else you’d like to tell me) and I’ll include that too with your moodboard
Walking On Sunshine ☀️ ☀️
Give me a SUMMER song and I’ll try and come up with a fic/scene/drabble based on it. I’ll leave some summer playlists I found, below.
Good Times and Tan Lines 🩱👙🩳
Recs: send me recommendations…movies, shows, music, books, etc.
Eat, Drink, and Be Sweaty 🍹🏖️🍦
Send me celebrities for hot or not
Stay Salty, Starfish ⭐️⭐️
Send me some assumptions you have about me
Vent. If there’s anything you wanna chat about, send it in. Anonymously or not
Send me some good beach reads
Top 5 Lists - can be for whatever you’d like to know
We Mermaid for Each Other 🧜‍♀️
And last but not least because I know everyone seems to like when I leave prompt lists so I’ll leave those at the end but also…
If any of my one-shots need/deserve another part, let me know.
Requests for any of my ongoing series are always on the table, you can combine the ask with dialogue prompts, situations, etc from the lists below or any idea you may have
Send me a character and a GIF, can be fluffy, smexy, angsty…I’ll try to write something based off of it
Protective Prompts
Angst Prompts
Did you…? Prompts
Post argument prompts/make-up dialogue
Smut Sentence Starters
Smutty One Liners
I’ve had a really rough day, please make it better
Lazy Morning Prompts
Beach Day Prompts
Summer Prompts
Summer Prompts-Married Couples (Sweetest Pain, anyone?
Heatwave Prompts
I hope to hear from you lovelies soon! Thank you again and I hope it ok to tag my friends that might be interested
Tagging: @k-marzolf @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @music-indie-tv @jvanilly @ittybxttykxttytxtty @fluffyprettykitty @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @aoi-targaryen @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @itwasthereaminuteago @danzer8705 @snowkestrel @fictional-hooman @vaguekayla
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scarfacemarston · 3 months
Winter Soldier Fanfic Help?
Does anyone have recommendations for fics where someone from Hydra feels guilty or at least surprised to remember that there is a person in the Winter Soldier? Like hints of Bucky / a personality or skill that he isn't supposed to have, but Bucky would? Could be Alexander Pierce, but I was thinking more Brock Rumlow or Jack Rollins. Not necessarily Hydra trash party, but I guess that's a place to look as well.
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loser1t1s · 1 month
"The Boy Who Could Fly" actually goes so fucking hard I'm screaming rn
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yeahboyanddollgirl · 2 months
(Intentional lowercase for all)
hi!! my name is yareli and im just now starting to write fan fictions!
about me -
i'm 19
i was born in Michoacan, Mexico and now live in the USA
im fluent in 2 languages and 1 dialect
i make alternative music, im a singer and i can play 11 instruments. im currently a solo artist but hoping to be in a band someday (i will not be disclosing my spotify nor social media, i prefer to keep my writing away from my personal life)
im a huge johnnie guilbert fan since 2014
my favorite color is pink
im a huge music fanatic and my favorite artist consist of pierce the veil, mcr, panic! at the disco, ayesha erotica, the runaways, fall out boy, falling in reverse, black veil brides, and much much more!!
im a huge theatre kid
things i will and wont write -
will (things with ★ I will mostly be doing) -
-smut ★
-fluff ★
(mostly everything i write will be x-reader, i prefer not the create non platonic relations between two people who genuinely know each other.)
really any genre or category just request!!
wont -
age regression
jake x johnnie
large age gap (4 years at most)
johnnie or jake x tara
anyone under the age of 18
bodily fluids beside cum
people i will specialize writing in -
johnnie guilbert ★
jake webber ★
tara yummy
vic fuentes
sam golbach
colby brock
i will write for anyone OVER 18 just send request!!
thank you for taking the time to get to know me! please request some story ideas for me to do, i hope to start writing very soon (probably within the next hour i will start writing the first oneshot within the next hour) remember, you are loved, you are gorgeous, you are kind, you are important, you are enough.
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braveclementine · 2 months
The Winter Soldier
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Insights launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a bit short here." Nat said from the backseat.
It was a very awkward arrangement. The car only fit four people. Sam was driving, Steve was in the passenger seat. Nat and Sitwell sat in the back. The only option for you was to sit on someones lap. Since Sam was driving and you hated Sitwell (Steve wouldn't have let you even if you wanted to anyways), you were sitting on Steves'.
It didn't really bother you to much, but you wondered if that fact should bother you.
It wasn't that you didn't love Tony or even that you wanted to cheat on Tony. You never wanted to cheat on Tony, he was the only one that you loved.
But there was an attraction to Steve- how could there not be? But it was more of what you'd said after you'd woken up. You kind've just wanted to know that there was someone out there, who wasn't designed to love or care about you, that did.
Steve just happened to be that person.
"I know." Steve said. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."
"What? Are you crazy?" Sitwell asked. "That is a terrible, terrible idea."
Suddenly, there was a crash as something landed on the car. The glass on Sitwells side shattered and a long, familiar looking metal arm reached in, pulling him out.
Nat suddenly jumped into the front seat, smashing you between herself and Steve as you heard gunshots. You fought frantically, feeling the breath close up in your throat as your claustrophobia started to rise up.
Sam slammed the brakes and you finally managed to break free. Now there were two ladies in Steve's lap. You glanced out the window and saw a man standing there, the silver arm with the red star attached to his body. He had long brown hair and his eyes and mouth were covered by a mask.
Suddenly, something rammed into you from behind and you started going straight towards the man.
"NAT GET OFF ME!" You shouted, panic almost giving in.
The man did a fantastic flip, landing on top of the car. You tried to wiggle out between the two of them. A hand suddenly shot down and ripped the steering wheel right out of Sam's hands.
"SHIT!" He shouted.
"Hang on!" Steve shouted as the car started to flip. You could feel his arm tightening around you, while he reached out to grab the back of Sam's jacket.
You were suddenly falling out of the car, landing harshly, though it didn't feel to bad since you were landing on Steve instead. But you started to panic, now noticing that it was both Sam and Nat on top of you.
'Breathe in'.
'Don't panic.'
Steve yanked you to your feet and you tried to pull yourself together.
"Y/N-" Steve said and then his arm was wrapped around you again. You didn't even know what happened, except that you went flying. You crashed through something. You heard screams. The thing you crashed into crashed.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Steve shouted and you groaned. You were bloody useless on this trip.
"Steve?" You asked uncertainly. "What-?"
"Are you alright?" Steve asked, blue eyes worried.
"Uh, I think so." You mumbled, checking your pockets for the guns. "What the hell just happened? Who is that?"
"The Winter Soldier." Steve said. "He killed Fury."
You wanted to shoot to your feet, but you suddenly realized that you were in a bus that was tipped sideways. People were crawling out windows and you looked around. You could hear gunshots.
"Let's get out of here." You suggested.
Steve helped you to your feet and the two of you started to run through the bus as bullets pinged in and out. Amazingly, Steve and you didn't get hit, although you think you might've gotten nicked along the back of your left calf, but through the adrenaline, you weren't sure.
Steve caught his shield outside of the bus and blocked the two of you from more bullets. You fired your gun at one of them, making him duck out of the way to avoid getting shot. You hit one of them, but you were pretty sure it was just in the armor.
Steve used the shield to bounce a bullet back at someone else. He started to walk forward slowly, leaving you exposed, but you took that moment to turn tail and start sprinting down the street.
You could see the Winter soldier walking calmly down the street. You sprinted, wanting to catch up. You'd jump on his back and hopefully incapacitate him with a sleeping agent that Tony had designed for you.
You watched him bend down, throw something under the car and then after it blew up, Natasha leapt on him. The two of them fought and you ran faster. She managed to incapacitate his arm and then the two of you veered away from him.
Now that you didn't have the element of surprise, you knew it would be useless. The two of you ran down the street. You ducked when you heard a gunshot, but Nat fell to her knees.
"Nat?" You asked, crouching down in front of her, seeing her hold her shoulder. "Move your hand, let me see."
"No, run." Nat demanded and the both of you looked up to see the Winter Soldier pointing his gun at you. You immediately lifted your handgun and shot at him, but he blocked it with his metal arm.
Steve was there suddenly, the metal fist landing into Steve's shield.
You froze, watching the two of them fight. They were basically equals, neither having the upper hand of the other once Steve's shield was gone. Watching Steve defend himself as the Winter Soldier attempted to stab him with a knife was amazing. And even the Soldier was smooth and fluid in his movements, tossing the knife with one hand, only to catch it in another to stab Steve.
Stab Steve.
You launched yourself back into action, running over to the van where Steve's shield was stuck, yanking it out with all your strength.
You stood there, waiting for an opportunity to pass it to Steve. You watched as they flipped each other over their backs. The Soldier's arm always made a weird buzzing noise before it shot forward, like it was powering up and then shooting. Finally, Steve was right in front of you and you handed over the shield easily.
Suddenly, Steve flipped him forward so that the soldier lost his mask.
You watched Steve freeze. "Bucky?"
"Who the hell is Bucky?"
But he had stopped fighting, the two of them staring at each other. Steve suddenly ripped his shirt from his chest, showing the golden retriever tattoo that was along his rib cage. He pointed to it and shouted, "You're my soulmate."
Your mouth dropped.
"Bucky, you're my soulmate!" Steve started running towards him. He even dropped the shield and then wrapped his arms around him.
You tensed and watched, until the man that Steve called Bucky put his arms around Steve.
He trembled for a second, blinking. He looked so broken and confused.
And then Bucky pushed Steve away, looking scared almost. Then he pushed Steve completely so Steve went flying back towards his shield, seconds later an explosion going off near Bucky.
You scrambled to your feet, grabbing Steve's shield and handing it to him. Sam had landed near you guys and Nat was kneeling on a car, the one who had bombed him. Steve went, probably to yell at Natasha, but then the cars suddenly started coming up.
You saw Rumlow right away, who pointed his gun at Steve. "Put the shield down. Get on your knees."
Rumlow roughly shoved your to your knees. He kicked the back of Steve's legs.
"Not here. But the gun down. Not here." Rumlow hissed to someone else who had a gun to Steve's head. And then, just for you to hear, he whispered in your ear, "We're going to have some fun when we get back."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"It was him." Steve said, staring at his hands as the four of you sat in the back of the armored truck. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me."
"How is that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago." Sam responded.
"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and-"
"None of that's your fault, Steve." Nat mumbled.
"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." Steve sighed.
"We need to get a doctor here." Sam said in a harsh voice. "If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck."
One of them threatened him with the zapping stick. And then two seconds later, shoved the zapping stick into their partners' chest. He fell to the ground almost silently.
"Ow. That thing was squeezing my brain." Maria Hill said as she emerged from the helmet.
Oh shit you'd forgotten about her. Coulson had died and had been her soulmate. Fury had been her secondary soulmate and now he was dead too. Fuck.
"Who is this guy?" Maria asked.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve and Sam helped Natasha between the two of them, following Maria while you brought up the rear. You were starting to feel dejected and useless. You'd done jack shit during this entire trip except have Steve catch you, carry you, protect you, or throw you around like eighty gazillion times.
You were an Agent and a well trained one at that. Fury had wanted to send you out on missions. How the hell were you so useless when it came to the actual thing?
Because you knew, something had been holding you back. You hadn't wanted to shoot the Winter Soldier. You had wanted to protect him subconsciously and now you knew why. Because he was Steve's soulmate.
But how could you fight and help the other three, if you were unwillingly to protect them?
Maria led us down, shouting to someone and then she said something that you ignored. You had no idea where you were, but you were hoping there would be a phone around. You really wanted to talk to Tony.
Maria pulled plastic aside and you stopped short, seeing the man lying in the hospital bed.
"About damn time." Nick Fury said. 
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literaryavenger · 9 months
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 2
Summary: You meet Sam and get a closer look at your enemy. Maybe a little too close...
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader, platonic!Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Rumlow being a dick. Mentions of death. Mentions of fighting and fire arms. The Winter Soldier, he's a warning. My poor attempts at being funny. Idk, everything else in the movie?
Word Count: 3.1K
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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By the time you arrive at your destination it’s morning and Natasha’s awake, a little worse for wear but she assures you she’s fine. You help her as you walk up to the door and Steve knocks on it.
“Hey, man.” the man Steve informed you is named Sam answers the door.
“I'm sorry about this,” Steve says “we need a place to lay low.”
“Everyone we know is trying to kill us.” Natasha adds.
“Not everyone.” he says after looking at all three of you for a few seconds, then he lets you in and closes the door after taking a quick look outside.
You stay in the kitchen with Sam as Natasha and Steve clean up. “So, how do you know Captain Spangles?”
You ask him as he cooks, making him laugh. “I met him a couple of days ago on a run. What about you?”
“We work together.” you meet his eye and he raises an eyebrow at you, willing you to go on. “I guess you might as well know, after all you are harboring two fugitives.”
“Fugitives? Who is Captain America running from?” he turns around, giving you his full attention.
“SHIELD. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.” That's obviously not enough information for him, so you keep going.
“it’s an espionage and security organization that defends Earth and its people from groups that pose advanced technological, and sometimes supernatural or extraterrestrial, threats. I’m an Agent of Shield, currently working for the STRIKE team which happen to be the very same bad people that are looking for Tasha and Steve.” you end bitterly, looking away from Sam and shaking your head, disappointed in yourself.
“Well, you don’t look like a very bad person, why are you working with them?” Sam surprises you with this question, clearly he’s a very good judge of character.
“I was assigned when I became a pawn to an asshole’s psychotic plan to rule the world.” you deadpan.
“Don’t worry, it happens to all of us one time or the other” he says with a smirk, making you laugh.
He then goes to inform Steve and Nat that breakfast is ready. When he comes back you give him an amused look, raising your eyebrow in question. “If you guys eat that sort of thing?”
“I don’t know what supersoldiers and spies eat.” he shrugs and laughs with you.
“You two are getting along great.” Nat wiggles her eyebrows at you as she takes a seat at the table.
“Down, girl.” you tell her with a fake glare, which she merely smirks at. “So, Captain. Care to fill us mortals in about what you found at the camp?”
“Hydra.” he simply says, sitting down “We found Hydra.”
“Hydra? So you’re telling me that Pierce, STRIKE and who knows how many other Shield agents that we’ve been working along with for decades are Hydra?!” you try to wrap your head around it, but how can you? You knew they were bad dudes, you just didn’t think they were this bad.
“Yeah…” Natasha says, clear from her face that she’s feeling as betrayed as you do.
“Do you know anything about who killed Fury?” you ask quietly, eyes fixated on your plate. “Did Pierce have anything to do with it?”
“It was the Winter Soldier.” Natasha says, and your eyes snap to hers. 
You weren’t there on her mission in Odessa, but you and Clint were both there for her afterwards and she told you all about it. You tried to stop her from going after him, resisting the urge to say ‘I told you so’ when her search concluded in nothing.
“The Winter Soldier?” Sam echoes. “Who’s that?”
“A Hydra supersoldier.” Steve answers.
“There’s more of you?” Sam asks, a little surprised.
“How do you know he’s a supersoldier?” You ask at the same time, just as surprised. “What does he look like?”
“He’s strong. Too strong.” Steve says, “tall, dark long hair, metal arm-”
"Wait," Sam interrupts, looking as dumbfounded as you're feeling at that last detail, "He has a METAL ARM?!" 
"That's really not the important part here." Steve says, like it was a normal thing to be discussing. 
"Easy for you to say, supersoldier serum." you interject quickly, "A hit with that and we're worse than useless" you say while pointing to yourself and Sam.
Nat is snickering and looking at Sam, probably waiting for him to disagree, but apparently he has as much self-awareness as you do.
"No, she's right." he says "I might be a badass, but I'm certainly not metalproof."
“Exactly.” you nod.
“Ok, we can worry about that later.” Steve dismisses you with an eye roll. You and Sam share a concerned look, but let it go.
“So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?” Nat asks.
“Pierce.” Steve promptly answers.
“Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world.” you interject.
“But he's not working alone,” Steve says “Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.”
“So was Jasper Sitwell.” Natasha ends. There’s a moment of silence before Steve asks the next obvious question.
“So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a Shield officer in broad daylight?”
“The answer is: you don’t.” Sam says, dropping some files on the table and looking at you, you narrow your eyes on him in suspicion when you meet his gaze while Steve picks up the files.
“What is this?” he asks.
“Call it a resume.” he says cryptically as you move behind Steve to look at the files.
“Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you?” you ask and he nods as Natasha looks at Steve.
“You didn’t say he was a pararescue.” she says, looking at the photo he was holding.
“Is this Riley?” Steve asks Sam.
“Yeah.” Sam confirms.
“I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?” Natasha asks him now.
“No,” he says, handing Steve another file “these.”
“I thought you said you were a pilot.” Steve says, a little shocked.
“I never said pilot.” Sam smirks.
“I can't ask you to do this, Sam.” Steve reasons “You got out for a good reason.”
“Dude, Captain America needs my help.” he says, obviously feeling very proud “There's no better reason to get back in.” you snort at his patriotism and he’s smirking again.
“Where can we get our hand on one of these?” you question him.
“The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall.” he promptly says and you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion again even if you can't help but grin. Why does he even know that?
Steve looks at Natasha who shrugs and then at you and you nod, so he turns back to Sam. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
You end up getting paired with Sam so you find yourself sitting with him at a cafe near the stairs Sitwell should be coming down any minute now.
“There he is.” you discreetly tell Sam as you see him walking with Senator Stern and a few bodyguards. You watch them talk and then the senator starts walking away.
“Call him now” you tell Sam. Sitwell says something to his guards and when they walk away he answers the phone.
“Agent Sitwell, how was lunch?” Sam says casually “I hear the crab cakes here are delicious.” you giggle and Sam grins at you. 
You can’t hear the other side of the conversation, but can guess what Sitwell asks when Sam says “The good looking guy in the sunglasses with the pretty girl, your ten o'clock” you roll your eyes at Sam and you see Sitwell turn the wrong way.
“Your other ten o’clock. There you go.” he says when he spots you two. Sam raises his glass at him while you simply wave at Sitwell.
You can see his lips moving while talks and then Sam says, “You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. There's a grey car, two spaces down. The three of us are gonna take a ride.”
He says something else and Sam answers with “Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up.” you smirk as you see him look down at the red spot on his tie and then look around him, clearly panicking.
“Consider him convinced.” you tell Sam as you both make your way to the car and he laughs.
Once you enter the vehicle, Sitwell in the back seat, his eyes almost pop out of his skull when he finally recognizes you.
“Agent YLN?!” he all but yells.
“Sir.” you say sarcastically, saluting him.
You get to the building Steve and Nat are in and escort Sitwell to the top of the stairs while Sam suits up.
“All yours, Captain.” you tell him, shoving Sitwell towards him. 
Steve pushes him aggressively through the door to the roof. “Tell me about Zola’s algorithm.”
“Never heard of it.”
“What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?” Steve tries.
“I was throwing up, I get seasick.” you try to hide a smirk, you have to give it to him, dude is funny.
Steve keeps pushing him until he’s on the edge of the roof, but Sitwell simply smiles. “Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.”
“You’re right. It’s not.” Steve says calmly as he straightens the agent’s suit, then nods toward Natasha. “It’s hers.”
He stands aside and Nat simply kicks Sitwell and he goes down screaming.
“Oh wait, what about that girl from accounting, Laura…?” Natasha trails off, and you think of who she could be talking about.
“Lilian” Steve corrects her “Lip piercing, right?” she nods.
“Oh yeah” you say when you place her “She’s cute” you add, looking at Steve.
“Yeah, I’m not ready for that.” He simply says and you roll your eyes and share a look with Natasha.
You suddenly see Sam flying up towards the roof with his Falcon jet-pack, holding Sitwell and then throwing him on the roof. “That’s cool” you say quietly as you get closer to Sitwell.
He holds his hands up in fear, then starts talking. “Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!”
“What targets?” Steve says.
“You!” He yells “A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.”
“The Future?” you’re all thinking the same thing “How could it know?” Sitwell simply laughs.
“How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it.” You all look at him while frowning in confusion “Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.”
“And what then?” Steve says, worry all over his face.
“Oh, my God.” Sitwell says, more to himself while looking at the ground “Pierce is gonna kill me.”
“What then?!” you all but yell, your patience running out fast.
“Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list.” He looks back up at Steve before finishing. “A few million at a time.”
You all look at each other, the same worry written on all your faces. This is definitely not good.
You’re all in Sam’s car directed towards the Triskelion while Sitwell’s still freaking out. “HYDRA doesn’t like leaks.”
“Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it.” Sam answers from the driver's seat and you snort in amusement, before trying for the millionth time to get more comfortable.
“Why do I have to sit in the middle?” you almost whine, meeting Steve’s eyes in the rearview mirror and pouting like a child while he glares at your antics.
“Insight's launching in sixteen hours,” Natasha says, leaning into you to look at Steve, completely ignoring your little temper tantrum. “we're cutting it a little bit close here.”
“I know.” Steve says “We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly.”
“What?! Are you crazy?” If you thought he was freaking out before. “That is a terrible, terrible idea-”
He gets interrupted by a thud in the roof then a hand breaks through the window on Sitwell’s side and throws him into the next lane where he gets hit by a truck, instantly killing him. 
You have no time to process anything as the person on the roof starts shooting, narrowly missing you and Natasha as you both move to the front of the car, Nat on Steve’s lap and you on Sam’s. 
Steve pulls the brake handle, and the person gets thrown down onto the street.
“That’s a cool move” you say while you see the Winter Soldier slide to a stop with his metal hand and then get up.
“Seriously?” Sam glares at you.
“I’m just saying-” you cut yourself off when you turn to face Sam, seeing an armored truck coming towards you. 
A second later the vehicle that you’re now sure is being used by the STRIKE team smashes into the back of Sam’s car and pushes it, you can feel Sam holding tight onto your waist at the impact and you can see Natasha dropping her gun. 
The Winter Soldier jumps back onto the car and you all look up, Sam pushes the brakes, but a metal hand smashes through the windshield and you let out a high pitch scream as you hold onto Sam tighter, burying your face in his neck to protect your face from the glass as the steering wheel gets pulled out of the car.
You can hear Sam scream “Shit!” then Natasha finally gets a hold of her gun and starts shooting at the roof but the Winter Soldier jumps onto the vehicle behind you that taps the back of your car sending it towards the divider on the road. 
Steve holds on to the car door and yells “Hang On!”
Natasha holds onto him and he grabs Sam while you hold onto Sam as if your life depended on it, which it kind of does, his hold on you just as tight. 
Somehow Steve breaks open the door and you all slide through the street as Sam’s car flies through the air, the truck with the Winter Soldier on top of it going a bit further before stopping.
You and Sam slip from the door and roll on the street while Natasha and Steve stay on it and slip closer to the bad guys.
Before you can comprehend what’s happening you get pulled behind a car by Sam, bullets flying towards you. 
You barely register Natasha hiding behind the car next to you before Sam’s pulling you further away to hide behind another car. Once they stop shooting at you and Sam, you take a minute to catch your breath.
“Thank you” you tell him and he turns your way.
“Anytime” he says, then he chances a look towards the armed guys before turning back to you. “Ready?”
You nod, and as you both discreetly make your way closer to them you silently hand a tactical knife to Sam and then take one out for yourself.
As you get closer you hear the Winter Soldier order the others in Russian to find Steve while he takes care of Nat, then he easily jumps off the bridge onto a car. 
Damn. He may be lethal but it’s impressive what he can do.
The others use ice axes with ropes to rappel down and then start shooting the bus that Steve fell into. 
As the last two agents are about to jump down, you and Sam sneak up behind them. You stab one of them while Sam cuts the gun strap of the other and then kicks him down the bridge. 
You look towards Sam a little shocked but he merely nods and then the both of you bring your attention back to the street below and proceed to help take out the guys shooting at Steve.
“Go, we got this!” Sam yells down when Steve looks up and sees you shooting the guys that are now focused on both of you and not the Captain. So he takes the opportunity to run after the Winter Soldier.
Just as you finish shooting the last guy, you see an explosion coming from the direction Steve just ran to and you share a worried glance with Sam.
“Let’s go.” he says and you don’t need to be told twice.
You follow him to his car where he manages to open the trunk and get his wings then he puts them on before turning back to you and putting his hands on your waist. “You better hold on”
You barely have time to put your arms around his neck and he’s taking flight “I don’t like this!” you yell in his ear and can hear him chuckling.
You get closer to them just in time to see a now maskless Winter Soldier aim his gun at Steve, the idiot frozen for some reason. 
“Let go!” you tell Sam and he does, basically throw your on the supersoldier assassin. Not the best plan, but you get him away from Steve.
When you get up and see the face of the Soldier, your eyes widen in shock as you recognize the soldier from the numerous black and white photos you've seen of the Howling Commandos.
“Sergeant Barnes?” you say, but his face has no recognition of the name.
He stops for merely a second to glance at Steve behind you before bringing his gun up again, but before he can shoot there’s a sound behind you. You duck instinctively and then a car near the sergeant blows up.
You look behind you and see Natasha with Barnes’ gun leaning on a car, Steve’s face as shocked as you feel. When you turn back around where the soldier was, he’s already gone.
The four of you get surrounded pretty quickly, Rumlow’s stupid face coming into view as he screams at Steve to drop the shield and get on his knees, kicking Steve’s leg and then yours as you’re next to him now.
“You made the wrong choice, Agent.” he tells you and you roll your eyes.
“Shut the fuck up, Rumlow.” He presses his gun against your head and almost growls, annoyed that even with a big ass gun pointed at you you’re not even a little bit afraid of him. 
His attention gets taken off of you when he looks up to a news helicopter and then the idiot holding Steve Rogers at gunpoint and says, “Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!” 
Rollins finally puts his gun down and then they take you, Steve, Sam and a bleeding Natasha into custody.
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stuckyfingers · 8 months
one man's trash party...
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based on the draw your babygirl like this prompt:
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24 notes · View notes
sjsmith56 · 2 months
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 1 - Negotiations
Summary: The arrival of three strangers at the castle of Ser Anthony of House Stark, signals the start of negotiations for the hand of his niece, Lady Arden Worth.
Length: 5.2 K
Characters: Lady Arden (OFC, described), Lord James Barnes, Ser Anthony Stark, Lady Stark, His Highness, the Duke of Long Isle, Steven Rogers, Ser Samuel Wilson.
Warnings: Age gap (OFC is 21 while Lord Barnes is 32. She would be considered old for her first marriage during this time period). Description of the status of women in the 15th century as property, description of the death of Lady Arden’s parents, arranged marriage.
Author notes: Set in the 15th century AU where America is a sovereign kingdom. Spain has only recently returned to Catholic control after some time of being a part of the Moors empire (they were Islamic). It would take some time for the remaining Muslims to leave or convert to Catholicism. AI image in banner created by author using MS Copilot app in Designer mode. Borders found at vecteezy.com.
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Part 1 - Negotiations
Lady Arden
The gates to the courtyard opened and the delegation from the Citadel were welcomed into the keep of my uncle's castle. I watched their arrival from the window of my chambers, as my presence wouldn't be needed until later, after the three men who rode in were formally welcomed by my uncle and legal guardian, Ser Anthony of House Stark. Ever since my parents died of the wasting disease when I was still a child, he had overseen my preparation for life as the lady of a great lord. Unlike some of the fathers and guardians of other young women of my ilk, he had been rather progressive towards my education. Where others had been taught to walk and speak with grace, while learning the arts of needlework, music and art, my uncle had made sure I could do all of those, plus ride a horse, handle a sword, learn foreign languages, read and write more than just my name, and above all else, to carry myself as one who was as capable as any man. It was certainly not the usual life of a young woman.
My uncle had his reasons for my unusual upbringing; some of which he shared with me. Where other young women of my stature were being married off to whomever was politically in favour, in addition to receiving a generous dowry, my uncle was more interested in a particular man to become my husband. Lord James Barnes of the Citadel was his goal; a consummate warrior, well educated, able to speak several languages due to his travels, and the most powerful lord of our region. He had already been sought as husband for any number of simpering brides that didn't interest him. Rumours circulated by the unsuccessful families seeking to install their daughters as his lady said that he was a lover of men, or was damaged in body and spirit by his travels in dangerous lands, but my uncle had heard through unofficial sources that he preferred an accomplished woman to become his consort, as he saw value in intelligence above all else. By promoting my unconventional education, my uncle was certain that word of me would eventually reach the ears of those at the Citadel whose task it was to find a suitable mate for the great lord. That day had finally come.
That's not to say there weren't bumps in the road to this occasion. There are always men who want what they see as different or even exotic. Before I turned 14 my uncle was being offered great wealth for the promise of an engagement with any number of eligible sons. Several great houses in our land, Walker, Rumlow, Pierce, even Dreykov in the Russian region far to the east across the sea, had amped up the pressure for my uncle to accept one of their own as my future husband, but he wouldn't even entertain the offers that came over the years. It was some time before he shared that his goal was to align his house with the Citadel, and nothing less would interest him.
As I approached my 21st birthday, an age considered old for marriage, rumours began of my own shortcomings as a prospective bride. It was said I was vain, unattractive, too heavy, too thin, too unhealthy, defective in mind and spirit, even that I was barren due to the wasting disease that had killed my parents but had spared me. Knowing I was none of those, I always held my head high. At public occasions I was visible, open, and friendly with those around me. I acted as I had been taught; that I had a place in society, and it would be one of influence no matter if I were the wife of a great lord or not.
Thus, the arrival of the three men from the Citadel on that cool autumn afternoon was proof that my uncle had properly read the situation. It was clear that I was of interest to the most powerful lord, seen as an important counsellor for the next king himself. As the three men dismounted, they stood in their travelling cloaks, heads still covered, removing their gloves and, in the way of men of action, taking note of their surroundings. I could see that they assessed the guard complement in the keep, while searching the walls of the castle itself to see if their arrival had been noted. That is when one of them pulled his hood back, revealing a bearded man of dark-hair and eyes of blue like the ocean. He made eye contact with me from his place in the courtyard. A hint of a smile crossed his face then I stepped away from the window when he turned to his companions. His looks matched the description of Lord Barnes, but it was unusual for the head of a great house to personally attend the negotiations for a marriage. Until I was summoned for dinner, I wouldn't find out who he actually was.
My aunt, a strong and confident woman in her own right, sought entry to my chambers shortly after the arrival of the three men. She entered with a complement of maidservants, intent on preparing and dressing me in a way that emphasized my best features. With my tall build and red hair, that I was born with, the colour of which had only deepened over the years of my existence, there wasn't much else to be done to make me more visible. I had drawn attention from many sources my whole life. Even my name, Arden, was different as it meant "little and fiery." Although I was no longer little, I was often referred to as the Flame of the Forest, for I usually took my daily ride there with my hair unencumbered by coverings.
After much fussing over the various dresses, they chose a blue one, trimmed with lace and a brocade border. Its full sleeves ended at a wide brocade cuff. My hair, left long, was brushed until it gleamed, then a portion was twisted and fastened at the back of my head. My colouring was usually high, so no additional applications of powder, charcoal or berries were needed to accentuate my features. By all the accounts of my uncle's inquiries, Lord Barnes was known to prefer a natural appearance. Regardless, as my aunt regarded my appearance she smiled in approval.
"If they don't acknowledge your physical appearance, they are blind," she said, with authority. "You are a vision, Arden."
"Did you see their arrival?" I asked. "There were three and one fit Lord Barnes' description."
"Yes, but I was not presented to them when they entered so I cannot confirm that gentleman was him," she answered. "I will be presented to them in the great hall then you will be sent for."
"May I wait in the library?"
It was my favourite place in the castle. When my uncle first discovered me in there after taking me into his care, he could have sent me away but apparently, I offered him a book and asked that he read it to me. Seeing the title, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, my uncle took it as a sign of my innate intelligence and determined then that I would be educated in the same manner as any young man of high standing. In that sanctuary, I spent many hours reading of far-off lands, great heroes, and tragic loves.
With my aunt's approval, I relocated to the library and pulled out the copy of The Canterbury Tales, one of less than a hundred in existence according to the Bishop, as they were hand lettered and illuminated by monks who spent weeks or even months creating them. The time and effort it took to create a book meant the possession of more than a handful was a sign of great wealth. Our library had hundreds. This book was a favourite of mine and I sat down at a table in the late afternoon sun. I had only been there a brief time when I heard the door open. Assuming it was my aunt, I closed the book and stood up to return it to its proper place. Instead, it was the dark-haired man who entered, dressed in richly brocaded clothing. At his discovery of my presence, he bowed his head briefly.
"I beg your pardon, my Lady." He spoke in a voice that was deep and rich. "Ser Anthony did not say anyone would be in here."
I curtsied to acknowledge him. "He was unaware of my presence here," I answered. "I sought some comfort from Chaucer."
He approached and extended his hand to receive the book, looking fondly at the title.
"Which one is your favourite?" he asked.
"The Wife of Bath's Tale, of course," I smiled then spoke freely. "I have been raised to believe that I am equal to any man but not all men believe the same. It is my hope to be blessed with a husband who freely gives me my sovereignty."
He smiled warmly. "It is one that I enjoy reading as well, although I am not meek, or submissive. I take it that you are the Lady Arden. I am James Barnes, Lord of the Citadel. I am at your service, my Lady. It was you in the window overlooking the courtyard, was it not?"
"It was, sir," I replied. "I was curious about you accompanying your courtiers for the negotiations. That is why you are here, is it not?"
He seemed amused. "You are correct that my travelling companions will undertake the negotiations on my behalf. I accompanied them to meet the Flame of the Forest herself. Word of your beauty has travelled far and contrary to the rumours which swirl around us both, I am pleased to find that the positive reports are quite true." He opened the book and glanced inside. "Your education appears to be superior to other women of your status if you find comfort in a library. Your skills on a horse and with a sword are also based on truth, according to my sources."
I could have been elevated by his declarations, but I wasn't, not completely. Even though it was proof of my uncle's contention that I would be of interest to this handsome and powerful man, there was still a part of me that remained wary. At that moment, the door opened, and a servant announced to Lord Barnes that Ser Anthony wished to present his wife and niece. He then announced that I was to present myself in the Great Hall. Looking at the shelf, Barnes immediately spotted the place where the book belonged and returned it to its spot. Then he bowed graciously to me and left. With a breath to calm myself I exited the space and stood at the top of the stairs for a moment before descending.
Lord Barnes was already at the bottom of the large staircase, with his travelling companions, a man with dark blond hair and a darker beard, and a man of Moorish descent, both dressed as he was, in fine clothing as befit their stations. Although I didn't know who the blond man was, the other was well known as one befriended by Barnes on his journeys in the Spanish peninsula. Taking the Christian name of Samuel Wilson, he had become famous throughout our kingdom for his chivalry. All three men watched me closely as I descended alone down the great stone staircase, no doubt to assess the grace of my movements. As the wife of a powerful lord, I would constantly be looked upon as a symbol of his house. My comportment would be seen as either a benefit to his stature or a hindrance to it. When I reached the bottom, my uncle smiled and extended his hand to me.
"May I present my niece, Lady Arden Worth," he said simply. "Lady Arden, may I introduce you to Lord James Barnes, of the Citadel, his Highness, Steven Rogers, the Duke of Long Isle, and their trusted friend, Ser Samuel Wilson."
The blond man was Steven Rogers, the Duke, grandson of the king and third in line for the throne. No wonder Barnes seemed amused when I described him as a courtier. That alone required a deeper curtsy than what I gave Lord Barnes in the library.
"My Lady," said Barnes, taking my hand to raise me from my lowered position. "The Duke is here as my closest friend and has agreed to act as a negotiator for the marriage arrangement. May I escort you to the dining hall?"
To refuse would have been considered rude so I placed my hand on his forearm and allowed him to lead me to the dining hall. The Duke escorted my aunt, which was puzzling, since he should have led us all, considering he was of the higher echelon of nobility. My uncle and Ser Samuel brought up the rear of the party. Footmen pulled our chairs out, then assisted in pushing them closer to the table as we settled. I noticed the arrangement of cutlery in our places, a knife and fork, specifically. Although I had been exposed to using them it was still surprising as most of the nobility thought that forks were an affectation of the Italians; a sign of hubris that they were too proud to dirty their fingers as they ate. In our nation most of the nobility dispensed with any utensils, other than using a knife to spear a portion of fowl, or roast, then bite into it with their teeth and allow the juices to run over their faces and onto their clothing. It was obvious by how our guests used their utensils to cut the meat into smaller bites, that they were well used to eating in the new fashion.
"You were successful in finding my library, Lord Barnes?" asked my uncle.
"I was Ser Anthony," he replied. "A fine library at that. You must spend many pleasant hours there."
"When I have the time. Lady Arden is there often. She has likely read everything in there at least once, even the texts in French or Latin."
"Is that true?" he asked me in French. "You are fluent in those two languages?"
I answered him in French. "Yes, in Spanish and Italian, also. My uncle invested a lot of money in language tutors."
He said nothing about our meeting in the library, but he looked at my uncle with a degree of surprise and approval. Apparently, four additional languages were more than he was expecting. The look exchanged between Lord Barnes, the Duke, and Ser Samuel was subtle but telling. I had the feeling that even with the reports they had commissioned about my attributes I was still something of a mystery.
After dinner, my uncle disappeared into the library with the Duke and Ser Samuel with the intent of beginning the negotiations. My aunt went up to help settle my cousins for bed. That left me and Lord Barnes alone.
"Is there a garden where we can walk before it gets dark?"
"There is."
I led him out to the formal gardens, walking along the gravelled path between the displays of hyacinths and mums which were still blooming. The trees, which were casting off their green colour, were displaying some yellow, red, and orange hues. As the sun approached the horizon, the golden light it projected lent a soft glow to everything. We stopped at a pond briefly, then the wind came up and I shivered. Although it had warmed slightly since Lord Barnes arrival, I wore only a shawl over my dress, not enough to stay warm as it darkened.
"We should return to the castle," he said. "I wouldn't want you to catch a chill on my account."
"As you wish, my Lord," I answered, mindful of his superior status. "There is a small conservatory in the castle, with a fireplace where we can keep warm and still enjoy the plants around us."
He agreed to go there and by the time we arrived a fire had been lit, and a tray with a decanter of wine and two metal goblets were on a table. As I sat, he poured out some for each of us, then joined me on a padded bench built into the wall near the fireplace.
"To your good health," he said, before sipping his drink
"And to yours," I replied, sipping my own. "You know this is unusual. Allowing us to be alone."
"I requested it. Too many of my peers have arranged their marriages through intermediaries without meeting until the wedding day. Both parties experienced disappointment more often than not. I vowed never to make that mistake." He gazed steadily at me. "If there is anything you wish to ask me, I am open to your inquiries."
"Where have you travelled?" It was something I was genuinely interested in, having never left the country myself.
"I have been as far east as Greece, to the northern shore of Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Brittania. There have been journeys north of our kingdom, but it is still mostly wilderness and those who have lived there for eons are not the friendliest, with reason considering how our ancestors first treated them. The Northmen still have settlements there and have a truce with the original inhabitants. We do have trading relationships with the Northmen, as you know. Most of my travels was accompanying the Duke as his Majesty desired to know those who have the closest relationships with our country. We met Ser Samuel in the portion of Spain that had recently thrown off Moorish control. He agreed to stay with us as we found each other's company engaging. Since his Arabic name of Saqr Sama Allayl or Falcon of the Night Sky, was often mispronounced by those who were unfamiliar saying it, he asked for a Christian name to go by while he travelled our lands. The name Samuel in Arabic means prophet and seer. Wilson was suggested as a common last name. It has made his travels here easier. When he returns ... if he returns, he will revert to his given name."
There was a lot of information in his answer, but he obviously found value in knowing about the people in other realms. Placing his goblet down, he picked up the poker and adjusted the wood in the fireplace, as if he were used to taking care of such things himself. He sat next to me again.
"Have you travelled?"
"Alas, no, although I have read many accounts of different journeys, such as those of Marco Polo, The Travels of John Mandeville, and others. I have great admiration for the women who journeyed with Eleanor of Aquitaine to the Holy Lands. I wish someone had thought to document their journey."
"As my wife I would request that you accompany me on my travels," he mentioned. "It would be your choice but the alternative would be spending a significant amount of time apart, which is not conducive to marital harmony."
"What about children? Travelling with an infant would be an issue, wouldn't it?"
"Depends on the destination."
We were quiet again, with only the crackle of the fire to listen to. When the moon's glow appeared through the window, Lord Barnes stood up and turned to me.
"I believe I will retire now. May I request the honour of riding with you tomorrow?"
I stood up. "Of course. I usually ride in the morning an hour after breakfast. If that is acceptable to you."
"It is."
He bowed to me and left, leaving me puzzled to his sudden and arbitrary departure. My aunt arrived shortly after, and we returned to my chambers where she questioned me on what Lord Barnes and I spoke about.
Lord Barnes
As I walked to my chambers, I reflected on the time spent with Lady Arden. Her beauty was unmatched by any other woman I had ever seen. How Ser Anthony had managed to keep her isolated enough to avoid a kidnapping and forced marriage I will never know but it was imperative that we formalize our marriage as soon as possible. Since I first glimpsed her in the window, then spoke with her in the library, I had been unable to think rationally of anything or anyone else. Steven and Samuel were already in my chambers on my arrival, having ceased the negotiations at moonrise, which prompted my departure from the conservatory. They both turned to me as I entered and bolted the door, then checked the hidden passageway for listening servants. Steven handed me a goblet of wine.
"Well?" I looked at both expectantly. Steven answered.
"She is the only survivor of the House of Forrest. Ser Anthony confirmed it. She was brought to him by the housekeeper of the House Forrest, after they were attacked by the forces of House Pierce. Of course, they were not wearing the insignia, but she recognized several faces as Pierce's men. Lady Forrest pressed her daughter into the care of that woman, and they escaped via a secret passage that let them out a mile away. Even in the passageway she could hear as Pierce's men slaughtered the entire family. You know he would have taken her to keep for one of his sons, or his nephews and cement his acquisition of their lands."
"It was he who said he made a social call the following day and found the family dead of the wasting disease. Then he burned their castle to purify it and took their lands for himself, although he calls it a stewardship until the missing heir is found." I was angry at such villainy. "She doesn't know the truth, does she?"
"No, upon the housekeeper's arrival, Stark swore her to secrecy and claimed the child was his orphaned niece. She believes she is the daughter of his sister, Lady Worth and Ser Louis of House Worth from a sudden bout of the wasting disease. His position as godfather to Lady Arden guided him in her upbringing. It was her father's wish she be given every opportunity to be as educated as well as possible. He is aware of the betrothal document which is why he indicated his preference for your favour. That was late in being made known as he was under the impression for some time that you were aligned with House Pierce."
I looked at Samuel for his opinion. "That is understandable. You feel his vow of fealty to House Barnes is now honestly offered?"
"I do. Ser Anthony is a rare individual. He is a man of truth and honour, and both he and Lady Stark love the young woman as much as one of their own. His dowry request is for her benefit, not his, so that she is independently wealthy in the event of your death. Otherwise, he only requests an alliance with the Citadel. It may be that he fears reprisals if Pierce realizes the true identity of Lady Arden so would require the strength of your garrison to protect him and his family."
"Accept his terms. We'll read the banns as soon as possible, then I will apply for a marriage license so that the normal time period can be waived. As soon as it is approved, I will send for her to come to the Citadel for the marriage ceremony. With luck, we can be married after a fortnight. If there are any objections, then I can produce the original betrothal contract between our parents."
Steven placed a hand on my arm. "It will come to pass, Buck. I have faith."
"I hope you're right," I replied, draining my goblet. "Now that I have seen her, I cannot think of ever marrying another woman. By the way, we're going riding tomorrow, so we'll have to stay another night since you'll be engaged in negotiations during the day."
"Alone?" Steven and Samuel smirked at each other. "Is that wise?"
"We were alone this evening when we walked in the garden and when we sat in the conservatory, drinking wine. I'm a changed man. No more brothels or courtesans for me. A woman of her quality deserves a husband who will remain steadfast and faithful. It is my intention to be that type of husband for her."
"If you say so," remarked Steven, draining his wine. "Come Samuel, let's leave Lord Barnes to have sweet dreams of the Lady Arden."
I gave him a rude gesture then locked the door behind them. As I disrobed, I felt encouraged by their report. When our spy in Pierce's castle brought us proof of his part in the death of Lady Arden's parents, I knew the day was coming for the man's part in many similar incidents. He amassed his wealth and power by undermining the rule of law we were all supposed to live under. Even if it wasn't his men who performed all his suspected crimes, his alliances with the Walker and Rumlow houses meant he had them as his accomplices and co-conspirators. With his end game believed to be an attempt on the throne, we needed to be careful not to tip our hand too soon.
The following morning, we took breakfast with the Stark family, and I met the younger children, three daughters. The oldest was dark, like her father, while the other two resembled their mother with their fairer features. They were very well behaved, and I observed Lady Arden's interaction with them, curious about her suitability as a mother. They seemed fond of each other, and it was obvious that they were also being raised in the same manner as Lady Arden had been, for they spoke extensively of stories they wrote for each other's pleasure. They spoke French and Italian easily, making each other laugh. Their commentary was enjoyable, even bringing grins to Steven and Samuel's faces. The oldest child, Morgan, dared to ask Samuel about his childhood in Spain, then listened with rapt attention as he told her about his first time hunting with a falcon under his control.
When the meal was finished, Ser Anthony and my two friends repaired to the library to continue the marriage negotiations. Lady Arden excused herself to prepare for her daily horseback ride, agreeing to meet me in the courtyard of the keep. With the order given to prepare both of our horses I returned to my chambers to change into something more suitable for riding. I went out to check my horse, and found the care given to Soldier since our arrival the day before was exemplary. His coat gleamed in the warm sunlight. As always, he greeted me with affection, brushing his head against mine, then searching for the apple I usually gave him. The stable master offered me one and I broke it in two, feeding the pieces to him separately.
"He is a fine stallion," said Lady Arden's voice, behind me. "It is rare to find a fully black horse without a white patch somewhere on his body. Have you bred him yet?"
"Aye, he has sired a dozen foals in the past two years," I answered, before turning to look at her. For a moment, no words came out of my mouth as I took in what she was wearing. "This is your usual riding attire?"
She grinned and looked down at the short knee length skirt, and knee-high leather boots she wore. On her upper body she wore a tunic under a jacket that was styled in the same manner as a man's. It was scandalous but it also allowed her to have greater control over her horse. Her hair was loose and flowing down her back, brilliant in its colour that reminded me of a sunset or a smouldering flame.
"Do you disapprove?" she asked, almost daring me to forbid her from leaving the keep.
"No, it suits you," I answered, truthfully. I gestured to her horse, a beautiful grey mare. "Do you require assistance to get on?"
"A hand up, please," she answered.
Lacing my hands together, I boosted her up after she put her boot into them. She easily mounted the rest of the way, and I realized the many folds of her skirt hid the fact they were cut like trousers. It gave her as much control over her horse as a man would have. I mounted my horse and signalled to her to lead the way. With a nod to the stable master, we left the keep and began with an easy canter towards a wooded area. She slowed up once we were well out of eyesight. Looking back at me, she waited for me to ride beside her.
"You go out on your own?" I asked. "Are you not afraid of being accosted?"
"I can defend myself," she answered, then reached into her boot and pulled out a long knife, flipping it over in her hand before reinserting it. "Minerva is fast and can outrun almost any horse in the area."
I wondered if she would be so unconcerned with her personal safety if she knew who she really was, but it wouldn't be my place to tell her until we were married, so I kept my observation to myself. As we rode, I took time to scan our surroundings. It was evident why she chose this area. There were many trees already covered in the finery of autumn. The reds, golds, and oranges were everywhere. Whenever a breeze came up, we were showered with the leaves pulled from the branches. It was peaceful and, in her company, I found myself relaxing just enough to forget the affairs of state.
At one point, she glanced at me then nudged her horse into a gallop. I watched with admiration as her hair flew behind her, proving the moniker Flame of the Forest. She was beautiful and magnificent, and if I had my way, she would be my wife in just over a fortnight. Perhaps, just perhaps, she would be safe from those who wanted her for their own purposes.
Note about The Wife of Bath’s Tale. It recounts the story of a knight who is accused of rape. He is given a year to find out what it is women most desire, in order to spare his life. An old crone says she will tell him if he agrees to her request. He agrees and she tells him that women desire sovereignty over their own lives more than anything. When he offers the answer to the courts he is spared and he returns to the old crone to fulfill her request. She demands that he marries her. Since he is a knight and is bound by his oath he agrees. In bed on their wedding night she asks if he would like an old ugly wife who is faithful or a beautiful one who is faithless. He leaves the decision to her, declaring himself bound to it. For his honesty and concession to her she becomes beautiful and faithful, and they live happily as husband and wife.
Saqr Sama Allayl or Falcon of the Night Sky - From Google Translate
Part 2>>
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500 Follower Celebration Masterlist
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Thank you all again for 500 followers and friends. I appreciate you and thank you for all of your asks! As I finish them, I will put them into this masterlist. Thank you all again! 💋♥️
Carving Pumpkins with Dean Winchester
Decorating, Cowboy Style, for Halloween with Brock Rumlow
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Prompt: “Your scream is kind of cute I’m sorry”
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Song: Burning House - Cam
He’s Not So Little Anymore
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader
Prompt: Dylan’s growing up
Part of The Sweetest Pain Series
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