ovytia-art · 1 year
Danny Phantom fics in a nutshell:
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earhartsease · 5 months
there's a lovely medical term for bruising, and that's ecchymosis - and til it comes from the ancient greek for "juice where it shouldn't be" and that's just fantastic
also it's a word with a great mouthfeel we think
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violetbudd · 11 months
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syndromestatic · 2 months
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the boys r fighting!! Drew this as an introductory piece to a new software im using!
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pancrasefighter69 · 2 months
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Intense bare knuckles fistfighting. That punch landed perfectly on target.
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aealzx · 2 years
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“....Hey Donnie?”
“....I miss you…”
“....I miss the times your music would sometimes rattle the subway cars.”
“I miss how I’d hear you cheering from your lab when you figured something out that had been troubling you for a while.”
“I miss when you’d stumble into the kitchen in the morning, still half asleep but not wanting to miss another breakfast. Somehow you always knew when it had been too many times, and we were getting worried about you. So you’d show up even if you hadn’t slept much, because it made us feel better.”
“I miss being able to try cooking new things, because sometimes the old recipes were just too much, or not enough.”
“I miss how your phone gives us a second light during movies, because it’s not enough to keep your mind busy. But also when the light disappears, and I turn to see you staring with big eyes at the screen because it does catch your interest. And you end up shushing Leo for teasing you about being a nerd. Or the better times are when you’re both excited together over the movie.”
“I miss bringing you drawings, because the ones you have are too old and needed an update.”
“I miss when you’d carry on and on about something that you couldn’t make sense of, and that never made sense to me. But then you’d suddenly get it and run off in excitement.”
“...I miss all the little things you’d do….”
“It’s not the same. You being here, but not moving.”
“.... Those flowers you planted ended up blooming like you said. Blue, purple, yellow, white, red, and orange. They’re really pretty. I would have drawn them, but I can’t really draw right now. So I took a bunch of pictures instead. I hope……”
“…. I hope you wake up soon so you can see them for yourself….”
Sometimes I want to do too many things at once, so give my friends a list and let them choose. This time wys picked self indulgence |DD Here you guys go too. Post movie ideas
I actually inked this one, and then tried to shade, but got fed up and gave up XDDD
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saffitaffi · 9 months
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Injury guide/practice
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their "never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf" moment
(from the AU described in the second half of this ask)
Jin tried to go to his department with evidence of crimes against humanity committed by Rotorworx, not knowing the city police were paid off by the company to keep things hush-hush. After being warned several times to drop it, Jin and Wes were turned over to Rotorworx. Company employees then proceeded to (poorly) interrogate the pair to find out what they'd learned so far.
(art tag:
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpsday , @regrets-realization-acceptance , @kixngiggles , @randomlifeunit , @darkthingshappen
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path3ticmutt · 2 months
Do yall ever think about how hot bruising is sometimes? The dull ache in the creases of your hips that stand as a reminder for how your owner digs there fingers into you like a little fuck toy? The painful strained muscles in your neck and shoulders from your dom holding you in place or punishing you like you deserve? It's even better when you can see them all red and dark.. especially in visible areas. I need everyone to see what happened to me last night ^_^
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Shun the Light - Ch 16 - Claws
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend | Hunger | Thin Mints | The Garden | Philip | Moments | Full Moon pt 1 | Full Moon pt 2 | Tend | Absolution | The Talk | Scars | The Bunker |
Author's Notes: Another full moon? You betcha!
I hope things aren't moving too fast...I really want to get to the Big story moments, but I also worry I'm going too fast and missing some of those little day-to-day moments. But those also don't make for good chapters on their own so I try to slip them in with other things. That said if anyone has any questions about anything that might happened in between, feel free to message or ask!
Content Warnings: werewolf whumpee, painful transformation, imprisoned (voluntarily), self loathing, hand/finger/nail whump, blood, bruising, headache, angst
Dante shuts and bolts the bunker door with Matteo inside. As an additional precaution, at Matteo's request, he barricades it with a heavy desk he dragged from upstairs.
It feels wrong to trap him like this. The space is small and bare, no windows, nothing but concrete and metal. Even someone who isn't particularly claustrophobic would find it stifling.
But there's no point questioning the plan now. The full moon is minutes away, and Matteo insisted he wanted to do this. Now all Dante can do is wait.
The hours pass slowly and nothing Dante does to try to distract himself is enough. He pauses every so often to listen for sounds from downstairs, but is met only with eerie silence.
That shouldn't be a bad thing - the whole point is to keep the wolf contained - but regardless, Dante is restless and uneasy all night. The old house feels too much like it used to and he is forced to admit to himself that he enjoys Matteo's presence.
At dawn he is waiting, sitting on the desk in front of the door. This should be his bedtime, and even with all the curtains drawn getting to bed might be tricky, but he has to let Matteo out. When the warm glow of morning finally peeks under the door at the top of the stairs he is quick to jump down and shove the desk away, unbolt the door and fling it wide open.
Immediately his gaze falls on the figure collapsed face-down on one of the bare metal bedframes. Matteo is naked, having insisted that clothes were pointless and would just be destroyed. He is bruised, shaking, and Dante smells blood.
He sits at the edge of the bed and lays a hand on Matteo's back. To Dante's surprise, his skin is as warm as if he'd been laying in the sun for hours.
Matteo startles at Dante's cold touch. He opens his eyes and looks around blearily.
"Wh...where 'm I?"
"You're in the house, in the fallout shelter. You're safe."
Matteo closes his eyes and groans. "Ow..."
"What hurts?"
"Everything," Matteo chokes out, his emotions bubbling over as he wakes more and his pain comes into sharper focus. "M-my head, m-my whole - whole body - "
Matteo's head ends up in Dante's lap, face pressed against his stomach as he sobs. Dante's fingers end up in his hair like they belong there. He combs through the messy curls and scratches at his scalp with tenderness he didn't know he still possessed.
"You're safe," he repeats, "you're safe."
Matteo gradually calms. After a moment he lifts his head and tries to sit up.
"We should have - ah - left the mattresses on," he mumbles, rubbing at an indent where part of the metal frame dug into his bare skin. "That's worse than the forest floor."
Dante barely hears him.
"Your hands..."
"Huh? O-oh - "
Dante cradles Matteo's trembling hands in his own. His fingertips are torn and bleeding; some nails are cracked and others missing entirely.
Matteo whimpers, looking like he might break down again at any moment. He looks around the room and Dante follows his gaze across the walls, covered in bloody claw marks.
Dante's heart sinks. He really believed that Matteo would be safe here. What he didn't consider was that a trapped animal will gnaw off its own leg to escape. The wolf had tried to claw its way out, and when that didn't work, it had rammed the door several times, leaving Matteo with bruising across his back and shoulder.
"Dante," he pleads, and he doesn't need to say another word. Dante sinks his fangs into Matteo's wrist and gives him just enough to ease the pain. When Matteo starts to droop against him he stops, getting an arm around him and hauling him to his feet.
"Let's get you upstairs."
Matteo is silent while Dante cleans and bandages each of his fingers. He stares at the ceiling and tries to focus on breathing. He aches all over, his head hurts, he's hungry and thirsty...all the old familiar feelings he's had to begrudgingly accept.
But there are new feelings, too. A couch is so much better than the ground, the dim lighting so much easier on his pounding head than sunlight, he's covered in a soft blanket...and he's not alone.
"There. How's that?"
Matteo holds his hands up above his face. He bends and unbends his fingers and the bandages hold. The pain has dulled significantly.
"Good," he whispers. "Thank you..."
"What else do you need?"
Matteo sighs and lets his hands drop to his stomach. He tries to muster up a smile for Dante but falls short.
"To be put down, probably," he replies. "That's what people do with suffering animals."
Dante frowns. "You're not an animal and I'm not a people - I mean, a person. You know what I mean."
That gets a chuckle out of him. "Of course you're a person."
"Well then so are you."
Matteo gives in. "I guess...I'm pretty hungry. I got some stuff at the store last week, it's in the - the kitchen..."
He starts to sit up but Dante eases him back down by his shoulders. Before Matteo can argue a pair of shining silver eyes meet his.
"Rest," is the gentle command. "I'll get it."
Matteo has no choice but to lie back and be cared for. It's all he ever wanted on those mornings he woke up hurting and alone after a full moon. Dante, though shy and uncertain, is a calm and steadfast presence. He never complains, not even when he is visibly thirsty and tired himself. Guilt begins to gnaw at Matteo's heart, and with it, a question he has been afraid to ask:
Am I taking advantage of him?
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whumpurr · 5 months
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i hope hes up to date on his tetanus shots...
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diespider · 9 months
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“I do enjoy your fire, Pet.”
Go read Under the earth, I’ll remember you well by @burnticedlatte Y’all
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crownedinmarigolds · 21 days
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Lil snippet of my submission for a zine! I don't think Khloe survived her accident, you guys...
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sp-aarks · 11 months
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Coloured that guy, idk he doesn't look so injured to me (I think he's faking it for sympathy)
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saffitaffi · 1 month
*slaps oc* this here can fit SO much trauma in it
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Riot Kings, page 165
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