#Buddha of the Future
arinewman7 · 28 days
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The Bodhisattva Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future
11th century, Thakuri Period
Nepal (Kathmandu Valley)
Copper alloy with gilding and colour
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sigyns-drafts · 3 months
Hi, Thea. Thanks again for responding to my request! When I saw Nostradamus in Ror, it seemed to me that he probably likes love predictions… May I ask for a scenario in which Nostradamus makes a prediction to the fem reader about who her lover will be? (with Buddha, Hermes, Loki, Beelzebub).
A/N: Of course, how could i not!! I totally agree, Nostradamus would so enjoy helping others find potential love. Something he too deserves sometimes hehe!! <33
Nostradamus's love predictions 💕
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➩ Y/N after hearing words of Nostradamus's talent in predicting ones future love life, becomes curious and decided to pay him a visit! There she learns of the gods she could end up with and even, how many children they would get. But of course not without its secrets that even Nostradumus cant tell.
Reader type: Fem!reader with Nostradamus, Buddha, Hermes, Loki and Beelzebub.
⚠: Love predictions, future possible outcomes, future relationships, future children, Intersex child, Keeping secrets from partner, secrets in general!
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Where gods and humans collide in epic battles to determine the fate of humanity, there exists a young woman named Y/N. 
She was an ordinary human, yet her destiny was intertwined with the most extraordinary beings in existence. 
Little did she know that her life would be forever changed by a prophecy foretold by none other than the legendary prophet of the century, Nostradamus.
One fateful day, Y/N found herself seeking guidance from the most obnoxious man in all of human history, hoping to unravel the mysteries of her future. 
As she stood before the smaller man, his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and he spoke in an excited, soft yet mysterious tone. 
“Why hello Y/N, it's certainly good to see you! Say, what brings you here today~?”
"Nostradamus, please tell me of my future, I've grown curious after hearing what you're capable of!" Y/N implored, her heart pounding with anticipation. 
She couldn't believe she was really going through with this! 
Nostradamus's eyes widened at how direct the woman had been, eventually calming himself and nodded, his gaze piercing right through the woman. 
Sending shivers up her spine, the man would just smile in response. 
“Oh dear! Very well then, let us get into it already shall we, what will it be?”
“A love prediction please! Who will I end up with or fall in love with..?”
With a wave of his hand, he conjured images of four powerful beings before them. 
Buddha, Hermes, Loki, and Beelzebub.
"You are destined to find love amidst chaos and turmoil," Nostradamus intoned, his voice echoing in the chamber they stood in, spacey but so empty. 
"Four potential lovers shall cross your path, each offering a different path of destiny. Now isn't that interesting~"
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she listened intently to the prophecy that would shape her future. 
She looks upon the chosen gods, she had met them before.. 
"First, there is Buddha, the embodiment of serenity and enlightenment.." 
Nostradamus smirked to himself and looked at Y/N, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Would you also like to know the offspring count you'll have with them too~?”
Y/N tensed up and found herself almost speechless at this, who did this guy think he was! 
Y/n felt herself start to get all flustered. Her face probably looks like a tomato ready to be plucked.
“Excuse me-! What kind of question is that!?”
Nostradamus lifts up his hand in defence, acting like he didn't know what he had done wrong! 
“Hey! I'm simply just asking..So what will it be?”
Y/n thought about it for a moment, glaring at Nostradamus. 
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to see, after all the curiosity in who she would eventually get with was already eating her up inside! 
“Fine! Tell me that too I suppose..ugh.”
Nostradamus chuckled to himself seeing Y/N’s expression and continued. 
"With him, you shall bear him a son and find peace and spiritual awakening, but your path will be one of sacrifice."
Y/N imagined herself walking alongside the serene figure of Buddha, a little boy on her hip and finding solace in his wisdom and compassion.
Yet, she knew that such a path would demand great sacrifices, testing her resolve and strength.
"Next, there is Hermes, the messenger of the gods," Nostradamus continued, his voice taking on a mysterious tone. 
"With him, you shall bear 6 sons and 2 daughters, one child being that of both sexses.
"You'll embark on a journey of adventure and discovery, but beware, for his path is fraught with danger and unpredictability.."
Y/N envisioned herself at Hermes' side with their many children and the possible struggles, aiding him in serving the gods and his father Zeus. 
Exploring whatever secrets he was obviously hiding and being a part of it all. 
The thought thrilled her adventurous spirit, yet she also felt a twinge of apprehension at the unknown dangers that lay ahead.
"Then, there is Loki, the trickster god," Nostradamus said, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He seemed familiar with the god. 
"With him, you shall experience passion and excitement, but be wary, for his love is as unpredictable as the shifting winds.."
“What about the children we could have?”
“Well.. Let's just say you'll have 2 for now”
Y/N shivered at the thought of what Nostradamus could be hiding, what did he mean but for now? 
Y/N also thought about entangling herself with the enigmatic god, knowing all too well the chaos and mischief that followed in his wake. 
Yet, she couldn't deny the allure of his magnetic charm and mischievous grin. Maybe it would be worth it? 
"Finally, there is Beelzebub, the prince of darkness," Nostradamus concluded, his voice heavy with foreboding. 
"With him, you'll have a daughter and you'll be aiding him at the ward with his..patients. But beware, for his love comes at a great cost and he will be hiding something from you.."
Y/N recoiled at the thought of being ensnared by the dark allure of Beelzebub, knowing the perilous path that awaited her should she succumb to his temptations. 
Yet, she couldn't deny the forbidden thrill that stirred within her at the thought of embracing the darkness surrounding him.
As the visions faded and Nostradamus' prophecy came to an end, Y/N nodded and bowed respectfully. 
“Thank you for your assistance Nostradamus! I'm grateful for the information, I'll use it wisely..”
“You better Y/n, ta-ta~!”
With that Y/n left with a choice that would shape the course of her destiny. 
Would she choose the path of serenity with Buddha, the path of adventure with Hermes, the path of passion with Loki, or the path of darkness with Beelzebub?
With her heart torn between love and destiny, Y/N knew that her choice would not only determine her own fate but the fate of her love interests and future children as well. 
And so, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, she set out on her journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead!
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akkivee · 6 months
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authorajalexander · 9 days
Past - Present - Future - What Will It Be?
Picture courtesy of Google.com When I read that quote, I remembered the entire story written by James Clavell. Shogun is named one of the best books ever written for a particular reason. I think I love it so much because it has taught me a few lessons—living in the present is only one of them. Very often, when thinking back to the past, people get depressed, asking themselves, why did ‘that’…
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rootsinthefuture · 11 months
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Robot monk to attain enlightenment
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maletofujoshi · 5 months
applying to colleges at the moment... mostly just picking whatever ones will give me a bachelors in compsci
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I’m in process of writing the draft of my very first memoir. Three years in development. Since I was ten, I enjoy the idea of being an author. I made little stories then I did fanfiction every time I had an embarrassing yet hellish time at school; still not a fan of that school no I won’t attend my high school zoom reunion or in-person; if i’m being honest, I don't give a damn attending a high school reunion I would rather hang out with an old friend somewhere fun; I’m getting off-topic I’m very excited. This is part of my secret project. My writing skills have been fueled after I watched Turning Red several times, I love the movie and relate to the main character. High school was hell for me like I stand up for myself. But it is time to tell my story. Finally, as ready at 21 I’m ready.
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I’m thinking of publishing on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel under a different pen name so stay soon. -Deanna 💜💫 😏😏 Have a great day. Stay safe.
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nicholasandriani · 7 months
Catching Up and Embracing the Future: Archaeology, My Role in Championing Gameful Learning, the 4R’s, and FutureProofing for 2024 and Beyond
There are many new faces among us here and I’m so grateful for your support and readership as we reach one another from all across this wonderfully delicious planet. I am so proud of all that we’ve built as writers, readers, thinkers, friends, and whatever your calling, it’s the passion, your passion, that inspires me. I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself to the new faces and likewise…
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palatinewolfsblog · 2 years
Karma is not some cosmic fate. Karma is the result of what we do and what we fail to do.
So there is no need to worry about what the future has in store.
We'll reap what we've sown.
After Buddha (and Jesus Christ).
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When adversity strikes people, they keep regretting what has already passed. They also worry about the future that is yet to come. And they do not give their best to the "now".
Do not chase after the past, do not get daunted by the uknown future, but live strong and devote yourself to the present.
The Buddha taught what is important is "now".
—-More about BTH—-
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dreamrecycler1 · 2 years
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omshekharjha · 2 years
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#do not #dwell in the #past, do not #dream of the #future, #concentrate the #mind on the #present #moment. #buddha #buddhism https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAUbmkvpYo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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letusdiscoverindia · 9 days
Are you Looking for a perfect Leh-Ladakh Itinerary?
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If you're searching for the perfect itinerary for Leh and Ladakh, you've come to the right place.
Leh-Ladakh Itinerary:
Day 1: Leh
Arrive in Leh and take a complete rest to acclimatize to the climatic conditions of Leh. This is very important to complete your trip hassle-free.
Day 2: Local Sightseeing in Leh
Spend your time relaxing on day 2 till the evening and visit the Leh Palace in the evening, enjoy the sunset view at Shanti Stupa, explore the Leh market, have some good food and rest.
Day 3: Visit Sham Valley
On day 3 visit the Sham Valley also known as the Apricot Valley on the Srinagar-Leh highway. There are several tourist attractions on this route.
For complete information read: “Leh-Ladakh Itinerary”
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shintoism-buddhism · 24 days
Motoyamaji Temple 🇯🇵
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ztlarsinc · 1 month
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rootsinthefuture · 11 months
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