#But I have an anxiety disorder
thelaurenshippen · 1 month
watching bridgerton and obviously there were a lot of things wrong with the way socializing has worked in the past, but honestly the idea of a "calling hour" is so appealing. office hours for friendship. you can show up unannounced at my home between 1 and 3pm. you must leave by 3pm. I may give you a pastry. lets bring that back
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the-mehlwurm · 1 month
I am home alone right now
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aitadjcrazytimes · 6 months
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irbcallmefynn · 3 months
I'm kinda curious on this so lemme do something
Please reblog this if seeing posts that say things like "You HAVE to do this" or "You are REQUIRED to do this thing" or "If you don't do this thing you are BAD" makes you upset or uncomfortable, or even if you're just tired of seeing them.
I see posts that say stuff like this a lot and it irritates me every time. It used to make me feel shitty and miserable and guilty, but I've complained about it enough to where it just makes me mad seeing it so often.
This is a site full of people with anxiety disorders. Stop saying things that will cause issues for people with anxiety disorders. For Fucks Sake.
Let this post serve as a little card for your blog to let people know you don't approve of or accept this kind of talk.
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ewwww-what · 3 months
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thinking about how difficult it must’ve been for Adaine to navigate her disorder without any support from any adults, and how jawbones reassurance (confusing and intense as it was) took an absolutely massive weight off of her back. Like sometimes just knowing that someone actually hears you is enough to make life easier.
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regarding tv Geronimo Stilton with utter disgust in my eyes and tears on my face
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autisticgayplushie · 3 months
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all nine of the stretch goal designs for this campaign - I am not sure how many goals we will be able to reach but there will come a point where I won't be able to do any more goals unless I get fulfillment help, so we'll see if it gets to that point and if I can get help! below the cut are the names, info, and artist statements for each plushie! I may end up changing the names as I am still not sure about ash, sandy, kelly, and luca, but let me know if you like them!
Tristan The Depression Raccoon: Tristan’s plushie will come with a removable hoodie accessory! He loves cozy video games like animal crossing and stardew valley. There are not many widely used symbols for depression that I could find, so I chose Tristan's colors based on how my depression makes me feel, bruised and cold.
Ash the Anxiety Bunny Moth: Ash’s plushie will have fluffy moth antennae and removable magnetic wings similar to Bug’s plush! They love to visit the home depot lights section when their friends are with them! I chose gray and yellow for the main body colors because my anxiety personally deals with uncertainty and things out of my control. The green comes from one of the anxiety flags created by Beyond MOGAI. To add moth features was a suggestion I got that I thought fit very well!! 
Sandy the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Kitty: Sandy is an artist and loves to draw and paint landscapes! Her wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. The colors of her design are based on the OCD flag created by lucellion, with spirals in her paws to represent repetitive thought processes.
Melon the Sensory Processing Disorder Opossum: Melon is a silly opossum who has bat wings! Melon’s wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. Melon’s colors are inspired by the SPD pride flag created by Beyond MOGAI.
Jazz the Borderline Personality Disorder Kitty: Jazz is a tortoiseshell kitty that loves to read!! Jazz’s plush will come with a pvc charm of the hand of Eris symbol for you to put on xer collar if you choose! The colors are loosely based on the BPD flag created with community input by ptsdsafe on tumblr.
Kelly the Schizospec Axolotl: kelly is an axolotl who is studying chemistry and loves science! kelly’s design is inspired by the Schizospec flag, created with community input and organized by schizosupport on tumblr. They will have a collar tag once again made of PVC featuring the associated double sided arrow symbol.
Em the Bipolar Disorder Chimera: Em is a chimera kitty who has dragon wings and a snake tail! One side of the snake tail is smiling, the other frowning. This takes inspiration from the :): symbol often associated with Bipolar disorder.
Cy the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Otter: Cy is a happy little otter griffin! They love to sculpt and craft and sew! Cy’s color pallet is based on the assortment of medications I take for my own IBS symptoms.
Luca the Dyslexia Fox: Luca is a dancer and loves to perform! Their design and colors are loosely based on the infinity heart+ moon and star symbol that is often found on dyslexia flags. they will have L and R embroidered on their paws, which was a suggestion I was given.
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hoofpeet · 4 months
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Also . 1 instance of Dane doing the Flag thing deer do when they get startled- I think this remains as a vestigial habit fauns have when something surprises them
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payasita · 10 days
i tend to cook way more than i can eat so the household generally has free reign of whatever I leave in the fridge but for the sake of peace I feel the need to. at least warn them away from this weekend's impulse concoction while it sets
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littlecrittereli · 6 months
Silly WK headcanon
to my knowledge we never see Chris or Martin drinking coffee in WKs, despite the fact they are OFTEN awake at the crack of dawn. The closest we've come to that is seeing Martin drinking what is presumably hot chocolate (Considering he's putting marshmallows into it)
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And I guess you could argue Chris is drinking coffee because his doesn't have marshmallows, but I'd like to think its either tea or he just prefers his hot chocolate without marshmallows. CONSIDER: Martin has ADHD, so caffeine doesn't do anything for him, in fact it makes him tired. Something sugary like hot chocolate is a much more desirable morning drink. Sugar boosts dopamine and people with ADHD are constantly seeking out dopamine hits because their brain does not produce regulated amounts of it.
Chris has Anxiety (as seen on numerous occasions) and caffeine only heightens his anxiety. Something like tea would be a much better choice as to not start off his day already jittery.
This scene from little howler takes place in the morning, after they had been spooked from a cougar attack. Chris is trembling as he takes a sip from his thermos, something that is typically used to hold warm beverages like coffee. But we can see from the droplets spilling out, that it's just water. This man is already shaking like a chihuahua, he is NOT allowed to have coffee.
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Anyways Martin is a hot chocolate drinker and Chris is a tea drinker, coffee is not allowed near them. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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hurglewurm · 21 days
me: we are Not going to worsen our life while in a minor depressive episode
the brain: :/
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
anxiety is really simple it just means you have to face 10000 knives attack anytime you deviate even slightly from familiarity
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parentsbesluts · 17 days
at the end of the day i think the main problem with the current era of sasi is that thomas just. isnt a writer. hes not practiced enough to write efficiently (which is a major reason why the finale script isnt done) and hes not well-versed enough to communicate subtle references, parallels, and nuance through words. he does all of that through his acting. hes an actor and singer above all else. and theres nothing wrong with that inherently except for the part where he overestimates his own abilities and goes well! im sure i can complete the script this 4 part season finale where multiple plot lines and character arcs converge in complicated and ugly ways in a year. whats the worst that could happen
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mushramoo · 1 month
I hate when ppl act like anxiety is “the quirky disorder” because the girlies on TikTok romanticizing the more socially tolerable symptoms of it would call you a freak alongside some semblance of ableist slurs if you expressed that you get irrationally angry or reactive bc of anxiety
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solargeist · 2 months
Your obsessions read as hyper fixations. You seem very autistic/pos. Are you autistic?
this is so funny to read omg. uh. i've been told its ~probablyyy ~likely ?? But i don't want to seek a diagnosis so we'll never know
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 2 months
there should be a way to ask people if they're mad at me without having to ask because asking annoys them probably
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