#But I'm ok
kastillia · 4 months
hello i have internet again
hit me with some art requests (via my ask box) if you'd like :)
characters/games/series i am familiar with will take priority just fyi
life update below
i'm aware not everyone reads my tags so if you are hearing this for the first time, hello! i have moved. in real life i mean. which is why i have not uploaded anything recently. surprise...?
i finally got done clearing out my old room so now all of my belongings are in the new place. there is still a lot of unpacking to be done in general but at least all of my stuff is in the same place now.
some of my old furniture is... very old. so i will have to find replacements at some point too but for now, things will be in boxes and i will be on the floor. but that's ok bc i don't really mind sitting on the floor
physically and mentally, i am exhausted. but creatively, i am unfulfilled. and i am nearing a tumblr milestone that doesn't mean anything nevermind i already hit it lol so let me give back to you lovely people who have shown me love and support over the years
thanks for sticking around and thanks for reading 🥰
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twstinginthewind · 4 months
Knucklehead me went and posted Joker's card art with a typo. I updated it. If you prefer to have the correct event name, you can work from the current version....
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deceiver-of-god · 4 months
De verdad que no te entiendo a veces. Literalmente no he hecho nada, y me tratas como si hubiese sido el caso. Siempre sobrerreaccionas y me haces sentir que yo tengo la culpa de todo. Osea, sí, sé que no eres capaz de ver la situación desde otra perspectiva que no sea la tuya, pero esto ya es ridículo. Hablábamos de una situación hipotética, querida, y me tratas como si de verdad lo hubiese hecho. Encima, una situación que tú misma has planteado. Es una pérdida de tiempo intentar razonar contigo. Y luego soy yo el "vil". Soy yo quien hace todo mal, verdad? Estoy cansado de que no mires tus propias acciones. Eres incapaz de arrepentirte de nada? O acaso te importo tan poco que no te interesa ponerte en mi posición?
Claro. Vete. Enfádate. Hazme el vacío. Demuéstrame que tengo razón.
Lo peor es que, a pesar de todo, sé que no me alejaré, y no pondré límites, porque:
1) Dependo demasiado de ti.
2) Me quedaré sin alguien a quien contar mi día a día y me sentiré miserable por ello.
3) Te las arreglarás para hacerme sentir culpable y como el malo de la historia.
No sé ni de qué sirve esto. A veces creo que sería mejor que murieses y ya. Más sencillo. Menos dramas.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
I've been trying to put this into words since you put If These Scars Could Speak back up. First off, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Scars is one of, if not the, fic that has stuck with me the most. I must have read it a dozen times before you took it down. It was actually a tab that I kept open on some of my harder training exercises.
(A brief aside, because I'm afraid I cannot always make words work as I intend them to. I am in no way, shape, or form trying to guilt you, or hold any animosity. You did what I assume was best for your mental health, and I respect that immensely. If anything, it was my fault for not saving myself a copy. Please don't take anything that I am saying in a negative way.)
The first time I read Scars, I was blown away. The story is amazing, the characters have so much depth, I am a sucker for your Lambert/Aiden, yes, but it was Geralt who held me captive and kept bringing me back. Because my dear - you wrote me.
From the time I began to suspect I was neurodivergent way back in secondary school, I ruthlessly suppressed it (often to my own detriment). Because I had known from an even younger age that I wanted to join the military, and now, despite being damn good at my job and not once having an issue, I would be medically discharged if I ever ended up in front of a psychologist. (Even now, it puts my heart pounding to write this, but I told myself that since you had the strength to put it back up, I would find the strength write this.) The military has yet to realize that these things exist on a spectrum, and just because there are some people who absolutely should not be allowed to serve, there are just as many who can take their divergence and make it work for them, as your Geralt does.
Here was a character who thrived in the military and was not a walking stereotype (and do you know, I did something similar, finding myself a small unit where I'd only have to handle a dozen or so people). This is the kind of representation I never imagined finding, and to stumble upon it…I don't have the words to adequately express what your story means to me. Thank you for the care you took with this story, for the time and heart and love you poured into it (and your portrayal of PTSD…God, how many of my own brothers I saw in them). I will never stop being grateful that you wrote this. For whatever people said to you, please know that there is at least one person out there whose life was changed absolutely for the better through your words. This is so far beyond a comfort fic - this is what I read when I need to feel like I am not alone in this. Thank you, thank you.
Non, I read the start of this ask and ran away for a bit, but then I took a deep breath and read it properly.
When I tell you I cried, I'm not being hyperbolic. I've had... let's say an interesting couple of months, and it's the small things getting me through. But this is a big thing. It's overwhelming. I am so humbled.
Thank you for letting me know. Really. The story is so precious to me. There are parts of me in every character, parts of the people I know, all woven in with the characters I love. I needed hope when I wrote that story, even with all its clunky bits, so the fact that others connect with it too? I don't have words to express how that makes me feel.
I am always baffled by people's kindness, but I am so, so grateful for it.
I hope you have family and friends that love you like Geralt's does. You deserve the biggest hug and the fluffiest dressing gown to eat chocolate in. Much love, Non.
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sometimes-stufful · 1 year
Hey guys. It's been um *checks watch* like 5 or 6 years since I've used this blog. How's everybody doing? Sorry for the unannounced hiatus all that time ago.
I don't know if this blog will become active again. However there is a good chance that it might! I'm starting to create a plot for the blog's characters (because I still love them dearly), so hopefully I can create that and get this show up and running again. I've also been updating everyone's refs. So even if I don't come back to posting here officially, I think I'm going to at least upload those. I also have some new characters in the works that I may post refs for if I don't go thru with returning/making this blog more plot-centric.
I really do want to return to sometimes-stufful. However I'm an adult now (I'm literally about to turn 25 in 10 days, holy shit), and the past few years have been rough as hell on my mental health. I've lost a lot, and am just starting to heal from everything that's gone down. And I work full time, and have a datemate now, so finding the chance to draw is difficult. But this blog helped me on my art journey before. And I'd love to use it as an excuse to draw more, which is the main thing that pulling me back into the pokemon ask community. Another thing that's been pulling me back is the strong af urge to create content for my characters. Because I still love them so very much. I think about them so often that I want to put them in Situations and share it all with you. Although first I wanna get better at drawing humans lol (its relevant I swear). But I could get back into the swing of drawing some 'mons if I really set myself out to.
Let's see how it all goes. I'll keep you all updated. For those of you who have stuck around waiting so long, thank you. I hope to join you in this community again soon.
In the meantime, here's where you can find me and my artwork:
Main blog Toyhouse Artfight
#daily pokemon#mun shoosh#Yeah I'm not dead I just Came Back Wrong#but I'm ok#things are getting better so hopefully that means I can return here#I moved like a year and a half back to the suburbs with my fam and am now trying to find a place to move to with my datemate#when I move with my datemate I'll have more free time I think#or at least I'll be a lot less stressed so I'll feel good enough to draw#which has been the main thing holding me back for a long time besides time restraints#although time is less of an issue. I was able to participate in artfight for instance with little issue#besides my own desire to draw (which can be affected by my mood and my job and hone life stress me out A LOT)#before I was able to be left alone for hours while visiting my dad's place so I had time and freedom to do as I pleased#but my dad isn't here anymore and I don't have a space to escape to like that anymore either#when I move I will tho. my datemate and I are both the sorts to want a long period of Me Time where we're left alone to enjoy some peace#but I think rn I could squeeze in some time to draw again#lets see how it goes#I really want to solidify the plot I've been rotating in my head tho#rn I only have some concepts ideas#and an idea for the newest sometimes-stufful post I'd make introducing the beginning of said plot#like I can see that post super clearly in my mind. but Im nit gonna make it til I have more stuff planned#so stay tuned. hopefully I'll be able to give you guys something#although I have a longterm fanfic/book series that Im working on (warrior cats related lol)#so finding the motive to manage multiple stories at once is difficult#but the way I'd tell this story is more visual vs the one I've been working on which is all written#so maybe I can motivate myself to do bith cause they're different#idk yet. lets see
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mercuryana · 1 year
Me: I'm fine :)
Also me: *holding my old barbie, staring into her eyes while having depressing thoughts, hoping she will show up to take me to barbieland and make me happier*
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match-your-steps · 1 year
scrolling through my own blog and seeing ads and almost thinking I posted that
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modmad · 21 days
hey! there's zero esims left for the connecting gaza campaign as of today. i remember you promoting them earlier. could you give them a much needed boost?
oh dang! unfamiliar with that particular campaign, as I always donate via crips for e-sims because it's super easy to do, but regardless let's go people!
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andy-dandy · 9 months
love seeing the beginnings of perseus "pay your fucking child support" jackson's crusade against the gods' parental negligence problem in ep 1 & 2 of the pjo show. the absolute KING of "my daddy gave me issues so HE'S about to HAVE issues"
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bassiter2 · 1 year
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this is so beautiful
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pilferingapples · 9 months
some say the goat will end in fire some say in ice from what I've read on the Wikipedia page of past Goat-destroying efforts, I'm pretty sure none of us were reckoning on absolute swarms of hungry birds but birds are also great and will suffice
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imscaredofart · 3 months
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nicecrumbart · 3 months
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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graveyarrdshift · 10 months
women's thighs. you agree. reblog.
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whateveriwant · 3 months
Actually I'm not done talking about Mr. Simon Fucks-Himself-Stupid Riley just yet :(
I'm picturing a scenario where you, a civilian, are visiting your boyfriend at his base. Maybe you're there to deliver something, like a file he forgot at home or the lunch he said he didn't need. Either way, whatever your cover story for being there is, the end result is the same: you, on your back, knees up by your ears, sprawled across Simon's desk as he fucks you like his life depends on it.
Being a Lieutenant grants him the luxury of having a private office where he can engage in such extracurriculars, but that doesn't mean it's without some major risks – namely, prying ears that might be lurking in the hallway outside.
But being discreet shouldn't be an issue, should it? I mean, a man known infamously as “Ghost” should have no problem staying quiet, right?
Turns out, not only does that tight hole of yours reduce your boyfriend to a dumb, drooling mess, it makes him a dumb, drooling mess who can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
So while you have the wherewithal to clamp a hand over your lips to try muffling your lewd noises, Simon is out here moaning and groaning unabashedly like something sent forward in time from the Paleolithic. You could try asking him to cover his mouth, but it seems an impossible task; his hands are a little preoccupied with making sure he doesn't fuck you right over the edge of his desk.
While you don't want to stop, you also don't want to get caught, so you settle for urging him to keep it down. It's after a third softly gasped ‘N-Need to be qu-quiet, Si’ that your warning finally worms its way into his brain, and he acts in a way to appease you, just… not how you expect.
Swiftly, Simon removes his hold of your waist and brings one of his arms forward. He grabs for the center of his t-shirt, tugs the material up, and quickly stuffs the fabric into his mouth.
It only takes a split second for the action to happen, but immediately, you see how effective it is. The moment that standard, army-issued tee is captured between Simon's teeth, there's a drastic reduction of noise in the room.
Now, he can fuck into you with reckless abandon, and he snaps his hips forward with enough force to make your whole body ripple. Even as you pulse and constrict around him (sometimes inadvertently, sometimes not), the sounds that climb their way up Simon's throat are heavily dampened by his cotton gag.
It's as Simon begins the ascent to his peak that the cloth in his mouth really comes into play. As he pumps into you, he starts grunting lowly, gutturally, exhaling through his nostrils in quick, harsh bursts. It's a deep sound, animalistic in nature, like a bull huffing before it digs its heels into the dirt and charges.
His thrusts turn sloppier and sloppier the closer he nears his high, his hips propelled forward only by some basic hindbrain instinct. His lashes start to flutter, his eyes roll towards the back of their sockets, and when he cums, he throws his head back in a full-blown snarl.
Simon's a bit shaky on his feet after he climaxes in you, but he manages to pull out before he stumbles backwards, plopping down heavily into his chair. As you start cleaning yourself up, you see how he makes no attempt to move. He just sits there, completely brainless, pants around his ankles and t-shirt still tucked between his teeth. You have to walk over to him and purposefully tug on the shirt to get him to release it, and once it's freed, you see the damage that's been done.
In the center of Simon's shirt rests a big, blotchy wet spot, like he's tried to do his own slobbery take on the classic Rorschach test. The fabric's been wrinkled to all hell and there's a few imprints left behind from where his teeth had bitten down, and if you were to inspect the hem closely, you'd see where he popped a stitch or two in his ecstasy.
The sight of his mangled shirt has you tutting in disapproval. He can't walk out of his office looking like this, and he certainly can't forgo wearing a shirt altogether. What would the people around base say if they saw their normally put together Lieutenant looking so unkempt? You don't think he'd ever hear the end of it, nor would you for that matter.
In the meantime, as you wait for Simon's brains to un-liquify themselves, maybe you can scrounge up something else for him to wear. There's got to be something lying around here to help make him presentable once again. It's too bad as part of your cover you didn't think to bring an extra set of clothes to change into.
You'll have to remember for next time.
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otagoshi · 2 months
i love draw tiny
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