#But also... wow is this poignant. I love it. Thank you.
g-bouchard · 13 days
I know you've been suggested a few chappell roan songs, but i think you'd love all of her music. can you listen to the whole "Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess" album and review each song? would love to hear ur thoughts on them!
I have been meaning to investigate the rest of her music. Thank you for providing the opportunity.
Femininomenon: This is one I've been sent and enjoyed. The call and response in the middle is empowering, and the women-centric message is pleasant. I also like the rhythm of the sentences that she doesn't finish.
Red Wine Supernova: The metaphors that craft this story of a (pointedly queer) romance are very original and artistically appealing. The differences between the two lovers don't stop them from "having fun," and I actually didn't mind the risque references.
After Midnight: This song made me feel like I was at a dance club, but in a good way, I think. There is a sense of pleasant and enjoyable danger in these lyrics. The narrator seems to be letting lose and having a good time, for once.
Coffee: This is such a tragic song, and I'm lucky I can't relate to this feeling. (I do enjoy a coffee, though.) The idea of someone confessing feelings that you know they don't mean sends a shiver down my spine. Beautiful.
Casual: Finding depth in a relationship that the other person doesn't see can be so painful. A very heart-wrenching song, I like the anger and spite in the lyricism.
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl: I'm not sure if I would use any of these words to describe myself, but I would never be caught dead with a man in bad jeans. Energetic song, it makes one envision the perfect duo.
HOT TO GO!: This is another Chappell Roan song I've been recommended before. The "cheerleader" imagery is pleasant, and it's definitely an earworm.
My Kink is Karma: I don't have anyone who I would relate this song to, but I enjoy when artists explore feelings of anger and rage in their music. Such complex emotions.
Picture You: I definitely catch the undertones behind this song, which are... incredibly intimate. But also surprisingly poetic and meaningful. And past the "pleasure" descriptions, this song does a good job of expressing the hope for reciprocation.
Kaleidoscope: Ah, wow. Very... impactful. Feelings of affection are so, um, complex. This song navigates the idea internal struggle surrounding romance very well.
Pink Pony Club: A very poignant story of a girl wanting to be something more, somewhere else, achieving all her wildest dreams. A hopeful song, very good.
Naked in Manhattan: Risque but tender, um. Very good storytelling, and very strong feelings throughout. I like this.
California: This is clearly a very personal song to the singer, and very striking.
Guilty Pleasure: I, uh, hm. Very graphic. Upbeat. I, um. An energetic song for the finale. Good song. Very good.
I have a new level of appreciation for Chappell Roan's music now. You made my quiet night alone in the office a bit more... entertaining. Thank you for, er, enlightening me. I—yeah. Thanks.
-Gwen B.
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moonchild-in-blue · 14 days
I need everyone to watch Kaos (from Netflix) right now, please and thank you. Quite possibly my favourite modern retelling of the Greek myths / Olympic pantheon.
The story revolves mainly around Orpheus and Eurydice (Riddy), and around Zeus and a certain not-so-great prophecy. Dionysus is one of our main stars and he's great and amazing and hot and absolutely babygirl.
Yes there are a LOT of references and myths and characters beyond the main Olympians (Zeus' famous kids don't even appear). Yes you see Prometheus having his liver pecked. Yes, we do get to see the Minotaur & Co. Hades and Persephone too, obviously. Yes, there is A TON of great poc and queer rep. Yes, there is blood and sex and violence and poignant society AND religious commentary. Yes, you do get old man yaoi. Yes, Jeff Goldblum as Zeus is incredible and no joke my new favourite portrayal of him (Zeus). Yes, they are faithful to the "doomed from the start" narrative of Orpheus and Eurydice. Yes, Hera does have her peacocks.
Please please please go watch it please it's so great and visually beautiful and amazing. Pirate that thang if you must.
My thoughts whilst watching the show - no plot spoilers but be warned for mild thematic/ character/ setting commentary. Generally safe to read if you haven't watched it yet and don't mind a little preview:
SOUNDTRACK IS WOW. Don't Fear The Reaper? On episode one?? The song I've been listening over and over because of a certain beloved band has made a cover of it???
Love how they portray the worship of gods as something that is part of their daily lives and culture without seeming too "gimmicky".
There are clear parallels to Catholicism in the way they conduct themselves (either in favour or against the gods; all the little rituals and traditions), and it's quite interesting to see how would modern society function if Hellenism (or rather the ancient practices. pls correct me if I'm wrong) were the primary (and as far as I got it only) established religion in the world.
The "Vero" declaration with the hand gesture as part of Olympian liturgy? Amazing. Interesting choice in using Latin rather than Ancient Greek, but very cool nonetheless.
A significant amount of casual mentions of horrifying violent acts by the gods, and even some healthy dose of violence/ blood. Thought it was very interesting to see Zeus discussing infanticide and natural catastrophes the way we discuss the weather or grocery prices. They really leaned heavily into the whole grandeur and arrogance of gods in regards to human life which I super appreciate. I'm tired of seeing passive, Cool and Hip and Benevolent Zeus & Co.
Also the amount of criticism by the god-haters (Blasphemes? Non-sympathisers?) feels very refreshing (and on the nose concerning irl organised religions), especially in contrast with the more devout and how they put their life in second place in lieu of worship (yes I'm thinking about the Tacitas AND the Celebration Ritual™ iykwim).
The subversion of the "doomed from the start" narrative surrounding Orpheus and Eurydice is done so beautifully it hurts. Right from the first moment they appear, you know how it'll go. And yet!!
You know what happens, of course. Their story was never meant have a happy ending. But the way they took that and put a modern spin on it it's just!!!! My heart !!!!
I was rooting for Orpheus the entire time, knowing damn well it was a lost cause. I can't blame Riddy, but my God is it painful to watch. LOVED the actor who played him, he just the right amount of earnest love and rockstar flair. Riddy is SO cool - there's not much I can say beyond that that isn't a spoiler but. Yeah. We love complex female characters.
I'm gonna be really petty and pedantic here, but for a show revolving GREEK mythology, set in Olympia / Krete, with sooo many little references to the myths, it is CRIMINAL that they insist on calling Heracles by his roman name (Hercules), and that they refer to Hades as God "Of Death" instead of God "Of The Dead" / King Of The Dead. There's a major difference there - Thanatos would like a word.
Troytown? Where the Trojan refugees (displaced war victims really) are *literally* segregated to (their exact words, segregation), and even use those nose lines/tattoos as way to identify them? Where they face scrutiny and police brutality and prejudice from the Kreteans? As a clear reference to minority poc urban areas and how they are unfairly mistreated and deemed as "others" by the same governments who put them there in the first place??? YES YES YES.
A lot of queer and poc rep. And I mean A LOT. The Fates alone are a whole vibe.
Again, it doesn't feel gimmicky at all, nor does it fall under the "okay they're definitely trying to hit all the quotas so everybody is gay and ethnic and uses neo-pronouns" trend some media are starting to follow, which really just end up falling flat rather than significant (looking at you Sex Ed 4). An actual diversity win.
If you're familiar with the story of Caeneus, you'll love how they portrayed him here.
Dionysus is everything and some more. I love him. Prometheus is incredible. Jeff Goldblum as Zeus goes above and beyond expectations - he brings that Goldblum Flair™ but with an intense violence and paranoia you could only pull off as King of the Gods. Hera is just wow, truly a queen.
Hades and Persephone have an *interesting* dynamic - have never seen him being portrayed like that before. Usually Hades and Persie are the "dom goth Mommy and Daddy" of mythology retellings, and yet here it's completely different. Certainly *A Choice*. I don't mind Hades, but would've liked to see "goddess of spring & dreaded" Persephone.
I understood the vision, but I don't think it worked *quite* as well as the other ones. She's still super cool nonetheless - that sandwich scene was incredible.
Also - VERY COOL how diverse the actors are. With the exception of Dionysus who is objectively Young and Hot, pretty much all the other gods (and adjacent) are middle-aged or up, with visible signs of aging (grey hairs, wrinkles, sagging skin, belly fat, etc), which is cool cus usually the gods are made to be a specific flavour of "hot".
The Furies, who could've been all snatched and sexy and token Femme Fatale characters, are actually older butch women with mean lesbian energy and I think that's very cool and awesome and wonderful.
Even the human cast is so diverse and interesting and REAL, rather than yet another yassified ensemble - it's great to see. Not everyone is conventionally hot and attractive, and THAT is sexy af.
All the little Easter eggs and references to the myths and general ancient Greece culture are SO nice to see. I giggled when Polyphemus first appeared. That first scene on the cereal aisle was very funny. Gagged at Cassandra.
Stylistic choice of the Underworld environment and on-camera portrayal is chef's kiss. That's all I'll say.
LABYRINTH AND DAEDALUS YES. Would smash the Minotaur, 1000%. That Scene™ was. Hmmmmm yeah.
Overall I loved it and high key might re-watch it again. What an amazing show. This was a win for all of us Greek Myth nerds, and I'll be truly devastated if Netflix doesn't renew it for a second season.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 21
Today’s is hands down of my favourite prompt from @hprecfest, what a banger! I love being wowed by thought-provoking fics and it was a pleasure to reread these two all-time favourites for this post. I really hope more people will feel intrigued enough to check these out! On a side note, I won’t be posting any recs for tomorrow’s prompt (day 22: a fic that hasn't been updated in 10 years or author stated it was abandoned) as I haven’t read unfinished works in years and I completely lost track of the ones I’ve read in the pre-AO3 era. See you again on Saturday!
Day 21) a thought-provoking fic:
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
why yes, I’ll be screaming about BB and this particular fic until the end of times, thank you very much :))) this is easily the most thought-provoking fic I’ve read in the HP fandom and remains (frighteningly so) current and relevant despite having been written well over a decade ago. the world building is phenomenal, my jaw dropped as I was introduced to this fascinating post-war dystopia full of disturbing political allegories. it’s brilliant and depressing all at once. my heart belongs to this redeemed Draco who’s so capable and tough, trying to do the right thing for once; his chemistry with Harry is instant and deliciously uncomplicated, but a war romance is inherently angsty and this will tug at your heartstrings. so many feels! I loved seeing Draco’s side relationship with Ernie, the trust and camaraderie between them is sooo good. Draco’s character development is truly fascinating to watch and believe me when I say you are not prepared to face this thrilling yet devastating ending. it will make your heart race and blow your mind just like the rest of this witty, fierce and sophisticated commentary. an epic classic that definitely deserves more love and more obsessed readers to join me and @tackytigerfic 🤝
Rare pair
Help Wanted: God and Executioner by pir8fancier (Snarry, E, 20k)
The war is raging on and Harry learns that there are no right choices.
yet another grim and brilliant wartime fic, this one delves deeper into the brutal reality of war tragedy and loss. love the poignant dialogue, so very honest and in character, and the way the sexual tension builds urgent and insistent but still organically. there’s so much going on, so much hurt and grief all around, that seeing Harry and Snape disconnect and find comfort in stolen moments before (or more likely after) the storm hits is very cathartic. I loved getting immersed in their dynamics and conversations. the dialogue is so good but I must remind you that this is not a happy fic, although it has its tender moments. Harry’s loneliness and search for punishment are devastating but there’s also understanding, intimacy and worshipping sex (!) which is everything we want and need. if you’re a Snarry fan I highly recommend giving this a try and then checking all of pir8fancier’s catalogue bc they’re a fabulous author!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
Hi! You seem quite knowledgeable in this, so I though you might be the right person to ask: I'm trying to find some nice heart pirates fics with them as family doing shenanigans/general stuff. Most of the fics I've found in the Heart Pirates tag in ao3 revolve around a ship involving law and the hearts are just background characters who barely do anything, which isn't what I'm looking for. Do you have any recommendations? (I've already read some of your works, but if you want to recommend those that's good too!)
Platonic Heart Pirates Fics Rec List
Wow! huge compliment.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify myself as a Hearts Pirates writer, but I do write them. I think my best characterisations of them are in my multi-chaptered works, but they're super dark, and the Hearts aren't the focus (but boy do they shine when they get the chance!).
You've probably come across my Bepo's one shots and drabble collection. There's a few shippy pieces in there, but they're clearly marked. Most are just the crew, although focus on the main four. This was also done for the Hearts' Pirates Week, so covers all named crew members (up to that point). This one shot is surprisingly popular: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On), and you might have come across the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates crews intermingling in this fic featuring Bepo and Chopper. I'm also guessing that you probably saw the piece I wrote for the op summer festival zine: Sun Path Ozoni. An earlier version of that is in Bepo's collection! There's also Bepo's Beptober, which features everyone, but I wouldn't really say explores them in depth!
Okay, RECS!
Any of the fics with the Hearts Pirate tag by @op-sheepy Here's a link to their AO3 dash. There are quite a few Heart Pirate drabbles on their tumblr page too.
@itsxandy 's work, stormy weather, is criminally under-read. That's 22,2221 amazing words on Law's dynamic with the crew in the polar tang in close quarters. Not necessarily happy families, but, oof, it's good. Even a very plausible theory put forward for the recruitment of Clione, I think! Or maybe Uni.
Dragon_in_a_Cypress_swamp has 6 amazing Hearts & Trafalgar Law fics too. Really good (I haven't read all, but what I have read just blows me away).
This is not a place of honor by Hyperbolic Reverie (I'm not guaranteeing that all the fics are sweet). And you've probably come across
the devil knows how to row by fab_ia, is set in Law Novel land, but with flashbacks to Law's time with the Donquixote Family. It's a work in progress. But very good. The author is keats on twitter, and I think one of the guest writers for the up coming Hearts zine. Their AO3 actually has a few Hearts' fics I want to pick through.
Dunno if this counts, but the Scrubs AU with Penguin and Shachi as Law's interns, and Bepo as a trusty nurse is both hilarious and poignant. @thegrimshapeofyoursmile
Cal14's recently been uploading some of their tumblr pieces.
@slashseeker (not getting their blog come up) has some platonic stuff on their AO3 page (their slash is pretty good too though!).
And that's about all I know for now. I'm sure you've read / been pointed towards the big collection: Tales from the Heart.
Almost forgot! If you go through @purplehairedwonder 's page, towards the start of beginning to write OP (so second page), there are about 5 fics that I'd classify as Heart centric, or the Hearts seen through Law's eyes. Not necessarily shenanigans though.
It is a ship fic, and it started before a lot of the Heart Pirates were named, but razbliuto's Methyl Nitrate Pirates really builds character and crew (and it's funny). @fablecore
Hope it helps! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten. Thanks for the ask! Let me know how they go.
Remember all, drop a kudos and comment if the fics strike your fancy❤️ Makes a Heart Pirates Heart loving Heart beat heartier.
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crookedcrowclub · 10 months
Review for A Conjuring of Light by V .E. Schwab
5/5 ⭐️
reading this felt like reading a crossover novel of all my favourite characters from the previous two books because each of them were so incredibly fleshed out that this could’ve been anyone’s story. it feels as if i’ve met these characters and had conversations with them because they seemed so tangible.
Plot & Pacing
what book 2 lacked in terms of plot and pacing, book 3 more than made up for it. the story picks up right where book 2 left off and the momentum doesn’t slow down one bit. it only kept getting better with surprises and twists at every turn. if you know me, you know that books are my sole sustenance when it comes to escaping the horrors of reality and ACOL swept me off my feet from the very first chapter!
the character dynamics were much more nuanced and their interactions were TO DIE FOR (!!!) not to mention, they all had insane chemistry with each other and some wholesome moments thrown in as well. kell, lila, and holland have cemented themselves as my ultimate disaster trio and i just couldn’t get enough of them.
the flashback scenes gave a deeper insight into each of the characters’ backstory and i ended up caring more about them than i imagined. holland’s especially packed a punch. his chapters were agonizing to read, emotionally charged and tugged at my heartstrings. i saw him as the villain at the beginning of this trilogy but it turns out, he’s an anti-hero who deserves to be happy after everything he’s been through. his chapters alone were a solid 5/5 stars for me, and he has earned a top ten spot in my Most Favourite Fucked Up Characters of All Time 😌.
as for lila, she had it all: beauty, brains and brawn! but besides that, we also see her come to terms with her attachment and abandonment issues that she’s struggled with since book 1. her arc was moving yet powerful. most of it strongly resonated with me because it hit too close to home. delilah bard is basically me but in different font and i adore my knife wife so much 🫶🏼.
kell’s daring persona that i sorely missed in book 2 made a sweeping comeback and his character was even more striking than before! unlike in the previous book, he was very level-headed in this one and took on the fitting role of a natural leader who guided his team in their quest to defeat evil. he kinda reminded me of kaz with the easy way he almost always got the final word. his chapters were poignant with direction and focus, which was refreshing to read.
i was thrilled that we finally got alucard’s POV (!!!!) i like his character but sadly, he didn’t really stand out in the book for me. it felt as if he was merely a plot piece to keep the story going. things were happening and he was just kinda there. either way, i enjoyed being in his head and learning more about his past.
rhy was less annoying and bratty (thank goodness) which i think had a lot to do with alucard’s presence at the beginning. he also had lesser chapters in this book but he started growing on me around the 70% mark. i liked how resilient he was in never giving up or cowering in face of adversity and how much he cared for his people. towards the end, he proved to be a well rounded character with a satisfying arc.
side mention: the minor characters (hastra, lenos, tieren, maris, ned, maxim, emira, even cora!) were amazingly well developed and despite their limited page time, they stole the show all the same! i would deadass be down to read each of their spinoff stories if the author ever decided to write them.
overall, ACOL struck a perfect balance between character-driven and plot-driven storyline to the point where the characters ceased to be fictional and started seeming like actual people in my head. not only that, this trilogy felt like getting a warm hug from an old friend because it reminded me of six of crows and a couple other YA novels which i loved during that time. it was nostalgic reading it even though i’d never read it before.
as for the ending, it was satisfying but the suspense was over quick. i wanted to see more action in the final fight scene after all that buildup but either way, it was fulfilling to see my beloved characters find closure after everything that happened. i can see where the continuation trilogy is headed and im beyond excited to read it!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Weekly Blog July 21, 2023
Well, I didn't mean to take this long to get back to my blog, but priorities. LOL. The priority was my WIP fic. I've yet to find a beta, but what I did find was Grammarly Pro. My daughter has a subscription. She uses it for final papers for school. I'm sorry, but I'm old and didn't know this AI app existed. So I ran each of my 20 chapters (110K) through the app, and wow, did I learn a lot. As I said in previous posts, what I needed help with was SPAG, sentence structure and word usage. My alpha and I cover the plot continuity and canon issues. It's canon divergent after HBP, so sometimes things slip in that happened in HPDH. *oops* I also ran my the @hd-fan-fair fic through it.
The app does have its problems with what it suggests sometimes. But it's easy enough to work around those. As it doesn't understand the content, it continuously dings me for using pronouns, especially He. And no, I don't want every time I use the word order to be Order or cloak to be Cloak. But thank you for showing me that I use the words just, that, and over a ridiculous amount of times. And thank you for fixing all the double spacing between sentences in the chapters I wrote in 2007 with a simple push of a button. And thank you for reminding me that when someone is going to sit that I don't need to specify that they are going to sit down, or rose up from the chair, or walked over to the exit door.
So, that's what I've been doing, along with a bit of reading. I have two recs! One Drarry and the other Narcissa with a side of Drarry. Both fics are new!
What I've been reading:
The first fic comes from @hd-wireless, which is currently posting. About This Place (10K) by Anon. Here's the Summary:
Harry left everything, including Draco. Harry’s returned to everything, including Draco. Things are never quite so simple, though perhaps they could be. Based on ‘You and I’ by Lady Gaga for Wireless 2023.
This fic is dripping with atmosphere. The majority of the story takes place in a small burlesque bar called Ronnie's. Well, the author is much better than me in describing it:
Within the tiny burlesque bar (or, not-quite-burlesque bar, as Ronnie would say) are the queers that are a shade too queer for the regular gay clubs. Trans butches are ogled by confused twinks, a pretty femme in the middle of the room teases salivating straight women who came here just for fun, and a tall drag queen with an auburn wig flowing down to her waist is on the main stage, singing with a sea of androgynous dancers behind her, winking at her pianist as she launches into a song they most definitely did not rehearse beforehand. The pianist looks annoyed, but really, he’s good enough that he can handle anything Ronnie throws at him. His long blond hair is half up in a bun, and despite his winged eyeliner and red lips and high heels, he’s probably the most unassuming person in here. He’s very pretty, but also concentrated in a way that doesn’t invite people in; you would feel intrusive saying hello, or asking for his number. He’s wearing all black: high waisted jeans, a well-fitted turtleneck—his uniform.
The story, as the summary stated, is about Harry returning to London after travelling for a few years. He and Draco had been in a relationship before he left, and now Harry wants him back. Love this trope. Draco was hurt that Harry left, really hurt. And now, when Harry walks into Ronnie's, he knows he'll succumb to Harry's wants, but there will be resistance. Working through the turmoil of misunderstandings and being scared to take a second chance can sometimes be frustrating to read with this trope. BUT NOT HERE. The author's writing is so beautiful and poignant you become fully immersed. Harry's revelation about his time away, why he went away, and why he's back is just guh! Draco doesn't stand a chance. LOL. Still laughing about the couch!
About This Place by Anon on AO3
The second fic is Night Dragon, Dawn Bird (20K) by Xenjyn (AO3). As the author says in her notes, this is the story that gives Narcissa the agency she deserves. And it is pure poetry. The Summary is just two lines:
"Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?" "Yes."
It begins with the time period right after the war but before the trials. The location is Malfoy Manor, where Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco are living in the midst of the destruction left by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Narcissa is lying in bed as Lucius sleeps soundly next to her, and she's contemplating all that came before that led the family to this point in time. Draco is traumatized and coming into his own revelations.
Draco is alive and hidden in one of the midnight dark parlors, knees drawn to his chest, sitting in a chair which used to swallow him when he was young. Now he’s too tall for it, his long legs curled to his chest and his hands clutched tight around them, his face hidden in his knees. He’s sleeping, or weeping. Shoulders rising and falling. Or trembling.
Perhaps he sleeps less than her, now. The blanket she conjures flutters around his shoulders, weighted, warmed with a charm. It barely touches him but his eyes open, a frightened start, and then her hand is in his hair, thicker than she remembers it, curling at his temples, stroking over his scalp. “It’s only me, my darling. Sleep.” “Mum,” His voice is so small, so rasping, like he were ill, in the deepest clutch of a fever. His hand finds her wrist, squeezing tight. “ Mum . ”
There is a dreaminess to this story. We're immersed in Narcissa's thoughts, and they flit from the past to the present and conjecture of what's to come. And there is a background voice in her thoughts: Bellatrix. She's always there pushing Narcissa with her comments. It's quite creepy but oh-so-delicious.
Bellatrix spins, pulses at her, a star-shine fading in and out, closer and distant, like the voice that used to sneak into her room, like the whisper of a laugh when they were girls, like the hiss of madness outside Severus’s door. Cissy, Cissy, Cissy. She calls, I can ’t sleep, Cissy. I’m bored, Cissy. Play with me, Cissy.
There are four relationships (Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa & Draco, Narcissa & Harry, Harry/Draco) that we are privy to, and the most surprising is the one between Harry and Narcissa. That forest scene was a nexus point for both. They're connected. But the most heartbreaking is between Lucius and Narcissa. We're treated to their past and how they got together. How much they were in love, but then, Lucius fucked up. I won't give it away, but it was one of the most insightful scenes I've read in dealing with their marriage. There is a side of Drarry in the story, and it's like a soothing balm with everything else that is going on.
I feel like I'm failing to say how good this story is in how beautiful it is to experience Narcissa and her path to her agency. Never forget she is a Black witch. Bellatrix says it best. Cissy, not a threat?
Night Dragon, Dawn Bird by Xenjyn on AO3
I hope you get a chance to read both these fics and please give them comments of love.
I would love to know if you use or have used Grammarly and what you thought of it.
That's all for now,
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Lynnie herself is a rockstar. Her life has been so interesting, her career is pretty trailblazing in writing for theater and television - on purpose, she realized she had to write the roles she wanted to play, roles that didn't exist back then - and in her personal life she does wonderful advocacy work and foster care work. She's just a very nice lady. I'm still hunting down files I have saved from years ago but I did find an interview where she said Bea smiled watching tape of her first ep as youngDorothy, and that she thinks Bea knew the reverence she held her in (exact words) and that she always felt Bea was very kind and supportive of her. she also said "let's face it, no matter how old you are if you're a petite blonde people think you're adorable and cute, it's a lot easier in the world than if you're a tall dark girl and someone you have to get to know to not be threatened by" which is a very astute observation as to how Bea was and still is treated compared to certain other people. I've got to travel this week and I've abused your inbox enough but if I find anything else relevant I might come back in a few weeks. happy to have made people happy.
Oh, absolutely!! We've spent some words on her acting so far, but I know she was also a prolific writer and producer. What a queen!! And on top of that wonderful career, she's also a great person in her private life?!? I'm not surprised (kind of gathered it from all we talked about so far!), but still!! Rockstar is the perfect definition!!! Wow!!!
Also not surprised that Bea was kind and supportive of her -- everything I've found out about Bea points to the fact that she was a genuinely sweet, lovely person. It's wonderful that she got to work with someone who admired her so much!! She really deserved all the love and admiration in the world!
I agree. That's a very poignant observation on her part -- especially that 'someone you have to get to know not to be threatened by'. So many people seem to think of Bea as this brash, overbearing commanding type, and she certainly could be, on stage -- but from what I've read, in her private life she was shy and introverted and just a big sweetheart. And I agree that a big part of this disconnect is due to how she appeared to people! I love them both, but the difference in treatment between her and Betty White alone is proof that one's appearance can influence people's opinions much more than we like to admit.
Anon, have a safe trip, and thank you once again for everything you've told me!! Feel free to come back whenever you want! You've really made my month (and, judging from the reblogs, I'm not the only one!!). Thank you so much!
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prose-mortem · 1 year
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Baby X Book Review
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Wow, what a fun ride!! Baby X is a unique and fast-paced science-fiction/medical/bioethics thriller about the dangers (and rewards) of engineering children. Baby X takes place on a future earth where, instead of having sex to create children, parents provide DNA samples to a lab. The lab then creates pluripotent stem cells from the sample, creates eggs and sperm, and engineers several embryos for the parents to choose from. The parents then choose (based on the stats and risk assessments) which embryo will be implanted for pregnancy.
This book contains everything we want in a sci-fi thriller: Morally grey heroines, total psychopaths, engineered babies, stolen DNA, kidnappings, celebrity stalking, family secrets, and a good dose of bioethical moral dilemmas. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! Baby X is described as Black Mirror meets Gattaca, and this was so true. I am always looking for sci-fi books that parallel the existential themes in Black Mirror, but it is so hard to find good ones that are grounded and focused. Kira Peikoff nailed it!
Kira Peikoff was compared to Blake Crouch and John Marrs in the book's description, and I could not agree more. Since science-fiction can be extremely intimidating to newcomers, especially if it is "hard" sci-fi, the niche sci-fi/thriller genre is an incredibly attractive entry point for people who want to dive in for the first time. As a science-fiction veteran reader, I can honestly say that some sci-fis are just flat out dry. I am so grateful to authors like Kira Peikoff for demonstrating that science-fiction can be speculative in a grounded way, while meeting the needs of readers who want more than jargon and engineering blueprints from their reading experience. Science-fiction does not always have to occur in the "out there" regions of space. Sometimes the most poignant stories are the ones that feel much closer to home… This is one of the ways Baby X sources its power.
Baby X made me feel hopeful, even though it also caters to that delicious "angst" we love from Black Mirror. Perhaps we are not so very far away from a similar earth experience where we can bring children into the world with the confidence that they will have the best chances of succeeding in life without dealing with horrific diseases or unnecessary suffering. Baby X is a symbol of how we are asking the big questions and preparing ourselves for such a time in the near future!
Thank you so much to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC, so I could read this early. I feel incredibly lucky, and cannot wait to buy the hard copy version! Can someone please convince the author to write more Black Mirror-esque books? I am obsessed!
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senlinyu · 2 years
you write longing is such a pure earnest way it makes my heart ache you’re my favorite writer ever let the dark in has such a special place in my heart you’ve written such a beautiful story and it’s so fresh at the same time?? i don’t think i’ve ever rlly understood the term puppy love until ltdi draco n hermoine even tho the term is kinda endearing for such a bleak au just the way draco was trying to keep going so he could stay longer??? ugh my heart couldn’t take it i think he’s just so sweet😭😭😭😭 i need to wrap him in a blanket and give him love but also bully him relentlessly🥺❤️ you’ve created such a realistic teen draco i’m so in love with him and hermoines trauma feels so poignant and real god ur writing is amazing❤️❤️ have u ever thought about writing a book? i just hope u know you have an avid reader for life and i would love to support u in any way i possibly can
i also made a lil playlist for hermoine n draco’s relationship in ltdi🙈🙈🙈 U DONT GOTTA LISTEN IT WAS JUST FOR FUN!! but lowkey u should listen to the archer by taylor swift cause i’ve never discovered a song more hermoine than that one wow🤔🤔 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6sUCDs1f8eFF9PgRmLHxyL?si=Pcw9NivnRQG1TGCI_yfJpw
Ah thank you. This Draco and Hermione are such babies, they're both so desperate to figure out who they are while never wanting to lose face, and being so afraid about whether anyone will accept them when they do figure out who they are. Which is, I think, the fundamental journey of going from a teenager to an adult, but they're just doing it as angstily as possible because I'm sucker for codependency. (Gotta maintain my brand.)
I'll have to check out your playlist, I'm always scouting for new songs for them to listen to when I'm planning scenes.
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rueitae · 2 years
Season 1, Episode 6, The opera in the outback caper
I find Player’s desire to do accents adorable and hilarious at the same time. A fun tidbit for his personality. ‘Cause he’s absolutely willing to do it again later. Bonus points that Carmen teases him for it. (At least I choose to interpret that as teasing)
Player: wow good sign or bad omen? (In an episode in which Carmen gets brainwashed)
Me: stares at camera
Seriously though, the foreshadowing of the dark red arc throughout the series is so well done. It’s so brazen. So much so you don’t see it coming. Crackle’s civilian-ization is, I believe, the first introduction of brainwashing tech. Upon rewatch it's so clear what they’ve done. I bet the writers were cackling to themselves the entire time for this one.
I, for one, am so happy they made Carmen the opera a thing for an episode. Thank you CS for not wasting this niche opportunity. And all the zingers that come with it.
Love how they suspended audience (and Carmen) disbelief for a while by not having Le Chevre show up right away, so Carmen thinks that Gray is running this job. Until she really gets a solid look at him in a different light. I just appreciate how the scene went down. Clever and fun writing to introduce us to the issue.
I also like that Player isn’t taking any crap. He never does. That’s what I like about his character. He’s the only one who can really tell Carmen “how about not” and she’ll think about it. (And 90% of the time she skips off anyway). Though the few times in the series she does take his advice on an emotional decision are very poignant and some of my favorites.
This fight scene above the opera??? The elegance, the silence so we focus on the opera music (as Bellum wants) the timing of the machine hitting the rafters. VERY nice.
Player stop hunching over in excitement, your back is gonna hurt by the time you’re 30.
I dunno I like that after all the times they say “VILE”, Player decides to not use the acronym to seemingly try and bring home a point to Carmen to be careful, they could be up to anything.
The glider is really silent wow. Gray doesn’t hear her until she lands. Well done Ivy.
Ultimately she’s heartbroken he doesn’t remember her, but also he’s not trying to kill her so there’s that. In this first season in these moments you can tell she misses the innocent life she had. And she supposedly hasn’t been civhting VILE for long, so that’s a nice character piece there that she’s still mourning a more innocent time that she can never go back to. She knows she can’t and won’t.
8pm. I find it so hilarious for that need to specify because I personally would be like “8…am?”
Me: googles all the deadly creatures and weather in Australia
Me, hides Google doc: it’s…totally not for fic research.
LOL I love the utterly confused civilians during dramatic moments. Sorry Miro
Lab coats! Everyone in a lab coat!!! Thank you CS.
OPERA IS FAR TOO DISTRACTING. Love her character. The backstory she gives to Zack and Ivy and their FACES is delightful
Ivy and Zack are not trained thieves. That’s what makes them so fun to watch while they’re trying to hold her back. Carmen is creative too, but she has fighting experience to fall back on. The sibs don’t.
I wonder if Carmen realizes what’s happening in the split second before she goes under.
Player has the BEST “sus” face. And also rewatching I realize that the writers did give Player a chance to snap Carmen out of it. It doesn’t work. And it wouldn’t have worked for dark red arc.
Carmen really stands there saying “launch the boomerang” for almost a minute and a half lol.
The DINGO alert.
There’s something in me that appreciates that especially in these early episodes it’s always the sibs vs El Topo and Le Chevre. They get to know each other. That’s why the diversion works.
Ivy almost going up with the rocket is a TOP angst trope for me. I still get so excited over it. Not even kidding this is the millionth time I’ve watched the episode and I’m salivating over the near miss.
MIRO he just sits in the car but I’m glad we see his relief.
Okay after the first episode (well second technically) where he’s worried this is the first big protective!Player moment. He really drills into Carmen all the reasons she shouldn’t meet up with Gray again. Like. Gets really serious. These are my FAVORITE moments. And this one in particular I like because Carmen takes his advice here, she changes her mind because of what he says but for an entirely different reason. For Gray’s protection.
Carmen’s a good person. VILE totally miscalculated everything about her.
I love Maelstrom’s office it’s so EXTRA with the fish tank lol. Very clever working the darkness of what Maelstrom is asking into a kids show, with the replacement of “hat” for “head”. Hello Paper Star see you next week.
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luveline · 1 year
hhihi jade, i just wanted you to know that I love a special friend so absolutely entirely very much and I think its utterly brilliant. also that keep the rain by searows is a beautiful song that reminds me of the headspace the reader is in, a space I personally relate to a lot. thank you for writing. I feel like I always think a character is hot and come to see if you've written anything for them, and every time you have !! you have great taste. also!! there is so much poet in you! your phrasing is often strikingly beautiful and poignant and perfectly engenders how literarily lovely fanfiction can be. i also adore how British all your marauders work is ahaha
Oh wow😭 I think about making it private all the time because it can be quite embarrassing for me sometimes in that I know I didn't put across certain things how I wanted to, how it felt in my head, and it was my first proper fic but I'm always happy I haven't knowing you read and enjoyed! And said such kind things about it, thank you so so muxh<3 >you're truly too kind
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persephonesfill · 11 months
"questions for fic writers" ask game! this is a fun one... how about questions 23, 32, and 41?
thank you for the asks, sorry i'm doing them so late dljfdsjfld
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
A true enemies-to-lovers fic. Like I want to write knives at throats but I feel like I'm too much of a wimp to commit to it. There's also the Black Widow movie that lives in my head that's solely vibes but if I ever did get the chance, would love to actually sit down and develop it into a proper story.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read?
Well, it depends. On tumblr, I don't mind shorter fics, I actually feel like drabbles do better on here than on ao3. If I'm on ao3, I think the fics I read fall into a nice in-between range, aka longer than 1k and shorter than 50k. Very seldom do I sit down to read a proper longfic.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
We'll Meet Again (Don't Know When) by BringBackSomePie
this is a 220k stuckony time travel wip that i have come back to again and again. i love the dynamic the three of them share, the deep dive into history, the character development tony goes through. like this is THE fic to me. I wish I could write something this long and poignant.
Once again thank you for the asks! 💖💖
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morganas-pendragons · 2 years
The Last of Us Episode One
So, as a new fan, this is WAY more entertaining for me to have JUST watched the gameplays and then immediately go into the show. Here's my live reactions to the pilot!
Pedro as Joel was stellar casting. Seriously. He fits all the mannerisms and physical attributes of him SO well
Nico being cast as Sarah was ALSO a smart move -- especially with the chemistry the two share, and the emotional depth behind the added scenes of the two makes her death that much more devastating
I love how you can feel the building tension of what's coming less then thirty minutes into the episode
"Three nails plus one cross equals four-given." WHAT A LINE. HOW POIGNANT.
oh so they FINALLY gave a reason why Joel suddenly disappeared in the prologue??? solid!!!
wow I was not expecting them to make the cordyceps so TERRIFYING
I gotta say (as someone who has seen a video game to show in Halo) - I love the fact that they took so much from the opening of Part One (down to the dialogue and shot by shots of cinematography) because that just makes it so much worse. It feels more real.
you know, now that I think about it, I don't think Sarah would've survived the outbreak. She's too pure. Too innocent, too young. That kind of person isn't bound to live through something like this.
Someone can feel free to correct me on this if this is wrong, but I read somewhere recently that Joel is a Desert Storm vet?? If that's true, it explains alot of why he seems to be a catastrophizer: Prepares for the worst, thinks quick on his feet, remains mostly unfazed by the violence.
I didn't cry when Sarah died in the first game (I know I know) but WOW DID I CRY HERE THANKS PEDRO AND NICO
what on earth do you get from chaining up a 14 year old?
small spoon Joel is not something I knew I desperately needed but here we are anyway
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Hidden Gems by @writcraft
September is indeed a blessed month as some of my favourite fandom folks celebrate their birthdays (and I resent that!! 😂). I completely missed Writcraft’s a few days ago so this is a humble if belated little gift to celebrate them. As I put this together I realized I’ve never made a proper reclist for them, despite having read almost everything from their catalogue at this point. The heresy! So I thought maybe this could be some sort of love letter too, to show how much I appreciate their contributions to the fandom over the years.
I’ve been reading Writ’s fics - both Drarry and rare pairs, hello Harry/Teddy and Snarry my beloved! - since 2012. Not even in my wildest dreams I imagined I’d ever get to interact, let alone be friends with the mind behind one of my all-time favorite reads, the iconic Little Compton Street. This story means so much to me it’s impossible to think of it without getting choked up in my emotions.
For the first time I found myself eager to learn more about queer history through fic, because of the touching and sensitive approach to the theme, which got me as invested in it as I was in the Drarry romance. LCS was also the first fic that made me wish I could see a first kiss scene on the big screen (with Bowie’s Life on Mars in the background of course!); it’s the first fic that made me consider James/Sirius as a romantic ship, the first fic that took me by the hand and guided me into London’s vibrant and seductive landscape and nightlife, not to mention the places of historical significance for the queer community. I have recently reread the equally fabulous How We Were Warriors - a must read for any Snarry fan! - and was hit by the same magical feeling of “wow, I’m so privileged to be able to dive deep into 🏳️‍🌈 history while falling in love with NYC”. And it happened organically, in a way that made me feel nostalgic for a place I’ve only been to once in my life. The power that Writ’s storytelling holds!
But as much as I’d love to, I’m not here to talk about LCS or HWWW, but to shine light on a few of my favorite hidden gems by this talented writer, who’s just as brilliant exploring a range of rare pairs dynamics, especially the intricacies of angsty romance between characters with a complicated past. Writ explores these nuances with so much care and sensitivity. Their writing offers a generous but realistic portrait of adult themes like coming out, loneliness, internalized homophobia and mental health. All fascinating yet difficult subjects to navigate. But every fic of theirs transpires heart and research, carefully crafted to guide us through a singular, poignant emotional ride full of catharsis, self-awareness and hope. I consider many of these essential to my fandom “coming of age” so to speak, as I became an adult reader who gravitates towards adult stories about adult characters put in adult situations. Writcraft offers unique perspectives by combining seriousness, grief and sorrow with a spark of youth, wonder and tenderness.
Without further ado, here are some short-ish treats for your weekly reading list. Drarry and rare pairs (especially Snarry and femslash), let’s rejoice! I’m sure you’ll find something for your tastes in here. Lastly, nobody asked but the banner inspo comes from a moodboard I did a while ago, featuring a butterfly. When I googled its meaning, here’s what came up: Butterflies are beautiful and have mystery, symbolism, and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope, and life. The magnificent, yet short life of the butterfly closely mirrors the process of spiritual transformation and serves to remind us that life is short. Not sure how much of that is true but I found it very poetic and fitting!
Writ, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for the fandom throughout the years - for being such an inspiration for both authors and readers, for providing the BEST clubbing fics and being a rare pair enthusiast, and finally, for being a strong voice for queer representation and legacy of resistance and hope. Every time we talk I am in awe of how open and generous you are, always willing to share knowledge and experiences about these themes. I’m so happy to be getting to know you, and I hope you’ve had a lovely birthday last week! 💜
Dapper (2016, E, 4k) - delicious PWP with a perfect balance between smooth development, playful banter and hot hot hot smut! Love their voices here.
Draco starts wearing Muggle suits and Harry’s definitely losing his mind.
Dancing on His Own (2016, E, 6k) - I feel the urge to rec every single clubbing fic Writ has ever written, it’s such a strong trademark and I love their sexy, freeing and entrancing atmosphere. Get ready to fall in love with London nights as our boys inevitably falling together.
Under the decadent lights of London’s gay bars, Draco and Harry find one another again after years of searching.
Merlin’s Kitchen (2021, E, 12k) - another fantastic and engaging clubbing fic with Writ’s brand of sensual atmosphere, rich and adult and so incredibly compelling. I would stay in this universe forever learning more about this charming and fascinating Harry through Draco’s eyes. Kudos for that ending full of promise!
Merlin’s Kitchen is a shit nightclub but having sex with Harry Potter might improve things.
Dirty Little Secret (2013, E, 22k) - a wonderful and refreshing take on BDSM, it’s such a treat to watch Harry and Draco navigate and discover their kinky side, eager and clumsy and relying to much on the hate/love dynamics that we love. They sound so very young and deliciously flawed here, and I adore how this fic gives them room to grow and brings them back together at the end.
When someone threatens Harry’s life, Kingsley decides to send him to a safe house with only Draco Malfoy for company. As the two men are forced together, memories of the past resurface and secrets are discovered.
Collapse Amongst the Dying Stars (2013, M, 26k) - I’ve only read this fic once and it was enough to leave a lasting impression. There’s something to be said about an author who makes you read tropes you usually avoid (mind the tags!) but I was so deeply immersed and invested I didn’t even care. This devastating yet perfectly executed time travel journey will break your heart with this fascinating Draco development and this beautiful, loving Harry. It’s about the catharsis 😔🤌🏼
After the final battle nothing is quite as Harry expected. Death Eaters remain unaccounted for, Malfoy is in prison and there is something rotten in Azkaban. Banned from assisting the Aurors, Harry keeps himself busy with regular visits to Malfoy and works to bring light to the darkness of 12 Grimmauld Place. Cw: implied rape, character death, unhappy ending.
Rare pairs:
Stone Butch Blues (2018, T, 1k) - if you haven’t read the LCS instalment focused on Will/Minerva (which you absolutely should RIGHT NOW) maybe start here with this brilliant short. An incredible take on gender fluid Will and superb dialogue that left me hooked and so curious to learn more about these two. So much character within 1k, my god, what an impressive short!
Will reminisces with Minerva.
Where Thestrals Fly (2014, T, 3k) - beautiful Snarry short, I love the premise and the unique narrative style, it’s wonderful to see their backstory and attraction slowly unravel with the Thestrals ritual and the post-war scenario as background. Soft, sensual, contemplative. Yum!
Every Beltane, Severus and Harry undertake the ritual of moving Thestrals between the Bel fires. As they grow closer the light in their future steadily overpowers the darkness of their past.
Storm Chasers (2020, E, 4.5k) - I’m so fond of my first Ginny/Tonks fic - this is a lovely, poetic and thrilling get together with compelling characters and organic chemistry. I love the intimate writing, the sexual exploration, the A+ character development. Non-binary Tonks is a joy to read!
It starts, as these things often do, with hummus.
Tonight Let's Get Some (2019, E, 4.5k) - oof I’m so thirsty for this scorching Harry/Charlie, you can taste the sexual tension in your bones and their dynamics are quite organic and casual. Great characterization, sexy clubbing aesthetics + voyeurism/public sex as a special treat, my favorite! A must read for any Charlie slut like me 😌
Harry discovers private karaoke rooms are great for blow jobs, gets a crash course in Muggle music and hopes that One Direction songs are the way to Charlie Weasley’s cock heart.
True Colors (2017, E, 6k) - one of the sweetest Harry/Teddy I’ve ever read, this fic holds a special place in my heart. It is so moving and full of gentleness and hope. I love the tentative dynamics and how they slowly but surely come together after dancing around each other. The way Teddy yearns for Harry is so tender it hits right in the feels and leaves me swooning for their love.
Teddy spent the last year running away from his feelings for Harry. Now it’s time to come home.
No Comparison (2020, E, 7k) - imo the ultimate comfort Snarry, very different from the usual angsty take we see out there. This is both hilarious and sweet with a charming take on the characters, delightful flirting banter and a satisfying get together. I love the refreshing “omg they’re officemates” scenario, plus their chemistry is 👩‍🍳💋
Sharing an office with Severus is driving Harry mad. When he discovers Severus isn’t quite as straight as he first believed, Harry decides there’s only one way to resolve their constant bickering.
Holding Out for A Hero (2015, E, 7.5k) - one of my all-time favourite Harry/Teddy fic, this is a sinfully hot and romantic get together + first time, my favourite combo for this ship. So much tender domesticity and soft mutual pining, plus breathtaking smut and a beautiful, sweet Teddy melting both Harry’s resistance and our hearts. I’ve read this one more times than I can count, delicious!
Even as he says no, Harry’s hands push into Teddy’s hair. Even as he protests, his lips connect with Teddy’s. Before Teddy can offer any reassurance his heart’s thumping wildly in his chest and Harry Potter’s kissing him as if there’s no tomorrow.
The Way We Were (2021, E, 15k) - after LCS this was the fic that made my heart beat faster for Prongsfoot! A poignant “coming of age” story with friends to lovers, queer awakening and LGBT themes in the 70s, only Writ delivers this wistful mix of excitement and devastation. This is complex and nuanced with James and Sirius navigating the complicated feelings of their changing relationship, all with the impending war looming in the background.
At nineteen, James Potter is missing Hogwarts, nursing a broken heart and worrying about his ailing parents. James needs his friends more than ever, but Remus is behaving strangely, Peter is too busy with his new job and Sirius has a secret more terrifying than the whispers of a looming war.
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aimfor-theheart · 1 year
🌷 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going! 🌷
okay, don't come at me for sending this unprompted and especially after never confessing my undying love for your writings - i know, I KNOW how important feedback is and that it can help brighten days... and since reciving the above message spontaneously and rather undeservingly has brought a rwy of sunshine into my heart, i took it as incentive to let you know how unabashedly, allencompassing and wholeheartedly i adore you and what you put out into the world in your works!
cielo, you have such a gift and more importantly talent to wield words and capture souls!
a gift, because whatever your mind conjures for your storylines and topics comes from a place deep within yourself and an understanding of life and humanity, from a place of sincere emotion and widespread observation not many people are able to tap into
and talent, because you manage to capture the essence of those innermost parts of human beings so magnificently in your prose, portray scenes and interactions so vividly and strikingly beautiful, convey so much in every sentence it in turn reaches your readers on an innermost level
your stories and characterisations feel so intimate, so intricate in their design yet are nothing but the face value of what life and being human is.. i believe that people who are able to convey troublesome emotions on a poignant level well in their works/arts are able to do so because they themselves feel and/or felt them intimately themselves, and that if they have turned those emotions into a well-fabricated craft it speaks for their unapologetic vulnerability and ability to work through the tough parts of what life throws at them, it speaks of their strength and bravery - to me those people are the most beautiful there are... i hope i am not overstepping here, i just sense a form of sophistification from pain in your works and i cannot help but adore it
like our most beloved fictional characters you portray so breathtakingly well, those that know suffering and loss, the broken ones we cannot help but admire and feel for, those who we wish to be able to care for and dream of having care about us, like those characters you yourself are also a piece of kintsukuroi art - having become more beautiful for having been broken by life and for having mended yourself.. for showing the golden cracks of your past experiences in your works and vulnerable moments, you are a piece of art to be marvelled at, and i am marvelling
there, i spat it out 🖤
i’ve been sitting on this ask all day and rereading it and trying to even begin a way to express what i feel because of it.
gonna put this under a cut so it doesn’t get super long on the dash <3
i’m incredibly moved by this—for a lot of reasons, but beginning with, you received that message first and then jumped and thought of me. bro what!!!!!!! that’s so incredibly achey and sweet of you. it makes me sit here and go like this ☹️💕💕💕💕💕💕 you felt a ray of sunshine in your heart and it has extended onto me!!! now i bask in that light!!!
next, i just want to say wow. and thank you so so so so much.
i feel so strangely seen lol.
or….i guess it’s like…incredibly validating!!
all i have ever strived to do in my art is capture the human experience!! it’s why i love acting so much!! it’s why i love writing!! it’s why i love stories. since the moment i learned to read and write, since the moment i could get up and move and speak and sing and dance, i’ve been doing it. i’ve loved doing it. and later i’ve realized it’s because it’s so human. and i’ve gotten to tailor those interests and sharpen those skills and really dig into why i love it and it’s just exactly as you say—it’s so human.
and it’s something i’ve always reached for is just heart! and soul! of humans!!!
i also think i’ve always needed writing. art. stories. i’ve needed to create them, does that make sense? i could never not write. i could never not create. i feel like it has to come out or it’ll sit inside me and rot. i’m just glad i’ve found such wonderful people to share it with me.
you’re not overstepping!! i’ve certainly been through tough times but i figure we all have? i don’t consider my pain or struggle in life different or worse, if that makes sense? i don’t consider my knowledge of struggle any grander than anyone else’s.
mostly i think the secret to life is loving and being loved. especially during the tough times. and this looks different and is different for everyone. and i think good stories tell us this in all sorts of ways; through heartbreak or triumph or battle or fear or desire or joy.
idk how to explain it other than life is hard and love is there. life is also wonderful and love is still there. and that’s what i strive to find in stories!!
honestly i cannot believe you would compare me to kintsukuroi art…..i consider myself just some guy!!! having a good time writing!!! and sharing some w some pals online!!! but nevertheless, i’m deeply grateful and can’t express what it means to me.
don’t know how to explain it but this message came to me right when i was feeling a little wobbly or nervous about my storytelling abilities in life—not that i felt dismayed. but i’d been telling myself “deep breath, do the work” over and over again which simply means i’ve felt overwhelmed!!
i’m seriously going to cherish this message. i appreciate it so so so much—i appreciate you taking the time to read my work and then come to me and tell me this.
thank you thank you thank you
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klarolinecentral · 1 year
I just found this blog and WOW I am blown away!!!
Your graphics are so stunning! I am a longtime Klaroline fan and I want to thank you SO much for your beautiful works and contributions to this ship/fandom. Their connection goes over some peoples' heads, but it is so poignant and powerful of a connection to me, and true fans understand.
The shows' writing (the OOCness and bizarre mishaps along the way) may not have given us what we wanted, but imo, it's better we write our own stories for them than have the writers use canon to ruin it with a breakup or whatever else that's way out of character. You never know with these CW shows! 😅🥲
Anyway, sorry, rant over// but THANK YOU for this blog and all that you do! I hope the Klaroline fans give you lots of love and kudos for this one!!! 💕🤩💕🥰💗😱💕🤩🥰🥰🤩🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Jey: Hi, thank you so much for the praise! You're so lovely ❤️
I'm also a long time fan - been here for like 10 years but didn't have skills and dedication to run a network back then. And now i have it! So you're very much welcome 💖
Agree with you about CW shows. Unfortunately there's not even one CW show that was good from beginning to the end for me. I guess imagination is all we can have.
Thank you so much again!!! Hope you'll enjoy the gifs in the future too 🥰
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