#But based on the movie hopefully it won't
cursedcatchild · 6 months
Choice Wisely! 🤣🤣
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arttsuka · 2 months
would deadpool say “chat is this real?”
I'd be surprised if he didn't say it actually
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everymlmhybrid · 1 year
the rwrb release date is in fact making me go insane. what if they make alex not bisexual somehow. what if it's bad. which gay video essay youtubers that i follow will make videos about it. which of them will be right. which of them will be right but for the wrong reasons. i'm not strong enough to withstand this
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astrologydayz · 6 months
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MOON OPPOSITE/QUINCUNX COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 = The ones that can have trouble with being compassionate, & then not being so compassionate. It can be quite conflicting 4them at times, cuz in some moments, they do obviously really feel with others - & then in other moments - they're like "ummm sir, that's their own fault, HELLOO??" Like they can typically be seen as a little mean/not able2 feel other people's pain sometimes. They're usually very straightforward here with what they feel, so some could def take offence. COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = These people are true heroes, when it comes to being humane/compassionate. They always feel with others. They would never not feel with others. They always think of others, & typically always puts others before themselves❤️ - 1st one 2ask if u need any help for sure. These people are the ones seeing a really sad, & horrible movie, where it also ends up being based on true events - and then they'll cry, & think about it for a very long time. They don't understand why anybody would treat anyone bad - "we only got each other??".
COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = Seen/known by others as compassionate. Got a reputation of being someone who's very sympathetic, humane, "able 2 put themselves in other people's shoes". But don't be tricked tho, it can be a facade here - you won't know. They choose what u see - not saying they're aren't compassionate, but u get my point, hopefully. VENUS TRINE/SEXTILE/QUINTILE KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating good karma, when it comes to values, passions, self love, love&romance, beauty, aesthetic taste - look at signs&houses💋.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating poor karma when it comes to self love, passions/hobbies, values, love&romance - partners, or beauty. Can also show up as "owing" something/or that they will "owe" something to a particular person they're in a relationship with/or will be in a relationship with - Or multiple partners - look at signs&houses - persona charts if needed❤️.
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4those who are into men, & marriage - GROOM ASTEROID - 5129 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your husband/fs having money💰.
4those who are into women, & marriage - BRIEDE ASTEROID - 19029 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = same as above - can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your wife/fs having money💰.
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = the grind never stops. It comes all natural 2 them 2 think in lanes where money can get achieved! - They chase, & secure that bag big time. They love the hustle - "a hustler was born the day they got here".
MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE NORTH NODE = chasing, & getting that bag is part of one's life purpose/it's a life theme!💰
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 SQUARE/QUINCUNX NORTH NODE = money can be hard 2 really achieve in this lifetime, even tho they could chase it/want it really bad - it's bc of their last lifetime. OR chasing money is a big problem 4 them, bc they forget their true purpose here, & only fixate on getting that bag - "money hungry/focused" - "straying from their true path" - "they're blinded".
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URANUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE ASC = Are the ones doing/going about life very differently, than others. They think in very different lanes, original, & untouched lanes - no one can copycat them4shit, cuz ain't nobody moving like they do. You'll never meet two of these people, that's for sure. They appreciate freedom, originality, &realness a lot more than most.
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = one whose life purpose/life theme is about establishing yourself in this world! Creating a public persona - chasing, & getting that fame/success, & prestige!
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE IC = the one whose life purpose/life theme is family, finding their "people" - creating their own home in this world/establishing a family/roots!
ASC AT 1, 13, 25 = ARIES DEGREE are the ones always wanting to do something fr😭🤣😍, they love being out & about - they like moving around. They're usually very honest, direct, not afraid of standing up for themselves/others, & they can get quite spicy/fiery at times. They don't give out 2nd chances typically, so use the 1st one wisely! They can't stand people who tries to trick them, like they're "dumb"🙄 - they'll disappear quicker than Houdini💨.
PREY ASTEROID - 6157 CONJUNCT SOUTH NODE = used 2 being a prey throughout this life/used 2 being taken advantage of, bc of a past lifetime = they gotta learn how to stand up for themselves, cuz this energy, ain't energying! They gotta speak the fuck up, & let NOBODY take advantage!!!
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MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC IN SYNASTRY = Asc person can feel overwhelmed sometimes, because of Mars aggressive/in your face energy. Mars could start fights, or want to argue a lot, but the Asc person ain't having none of that. Asc person can see Mars person as 2 dominant, or 2 impatient - 2much attitude. If this is a relationship/a sexual connection - the Asc person could find this sexually attractive about the Mars person after some time, but there will still be times where it will piss off the asc person very much💀.
MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX MERCURY IN SYNASTRY = Moon person can feel like Mercury person is harsh with their words, & really insensitive at times. Mercury person can feel like the Moon person is 2 sensitive, or takes things 2 personal a lot of the times. Mercury person communicates/banters in a way, that doesn't sit right with the Moon person emotionally - they can get offended. Moon can act out/up bc they don't feel heard/they can feel like their feelings don't matter/like they're irrelevant 2 the Mercury person.
SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = constant/longterm loyalty/commitment from Juno 2 Saturn person! SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno person either doesn't want 2 commit 2 the Saturn person 100%, OR it can show up as the way the Juno person shows their commitment 2 the Saturn person/the relationship = it doesn't give the Saturn person the stability they seek, or need. SATURN OPPOSITE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = On and off loyalty/stability from Juno/or an on & off relationship between the two! - Juno is 9/10 times the one cutting it off).
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PLUTO CONJUNCT JUNO IN SYNASTRY = LOVE THIS ONE! Deep seated loyalty/commitment from Juno person 2 Pluto person - “Pluto's ride or die"💋. Ain't nobody got Pluto like Juno. Pluto usually hasn't experienced this kind of crazy ass loyalty with anyone before, but they're Pluto = SO THEY FUCKING LOVE THAT SHIT. They're an inseparable duo, very possessive, & very committed - fixation at it's finest - especially in the beginning!
PLUTO SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Pluto person tries 2 silently keep the Juno person under their control, while they typically keep secrets of their own. Juno person ain't here4it tho. They may be committed 4a little while, but not in the long run. Juno always ends up acting out in ways they've never acted out before = Pluto person starting/creating a change/transformation in Juno/in Juno person's life. PLUTO TRINE/QUINTILE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno is an amazing supporter in Pluto person’s life!🫶🏼 Pluto knows that they can trust, & count on Juno person at all times! Pluto can be kinda possessive at times, but Juno isn’t put off by that! - they're rather intrigued by it, cuz they can be like that2sometimes!💁🏼‍♀️ A natural affinity for helping each other through tough/life changing times.
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zephyrchama · 7 months
Post Masterlist
(*not currently being updated because this post won't let me add any more links. Am looking for a workaround and will hopefully update it shortly!)
Headcanons and Silly Ideas List
Groupchat without MC High Pitched Noises When the HoL is too dirty Angrily using their full titles MC and alcohol MC's schedule Mammon's Nightmare Levi's Room Password Satan and Goncharov Sneezing Solomon in Nightbringer but based on WandaVision Brothers & Long haired MC Outside their Comfort Zones Soap Cursing False Eyelashes Chin on Palm Challenge Diavolo's Events Morning Routine Fasting MC April Fool's Sleeping in the HoL's shared space Luke learns slang Different Tastes Unnoticed :D Jobs Fridge Art Hatsuharu Belphegor Fall in love again
Cursed Chips Overly Expectant Asmo Asserting Dominance Mammon's First Grimm MC and periods Reluctant Thirteen Lucifer's Portrait Mammon's Wallet Would Lucifer still love you as a worm? Welcome Home Hugs Your foot feels hot Waking Mammon Up RAD's Uniforms Confident Levi Your Favorite Song House of Lamentation MC's Phone Background Laundry Master Something on Beel's face Diavolo's Pen Pal Barbatos' purse Language (Lucifer & Mammon) Satan & non-booksmart MC
On Your Shoulder MC on a sports team Movie with Mammon Asmo's MC scarf Beel & Grated Cheese Hand Holding (Barbatos) Belphegor's wake-up call Sweaty Beelzebub Demon Sayings Hand holding is magic (Solomon) "Whatcha got there, Satan?" Necklace (Mammon & Lucifer) Lucifer Charging Station Can't be trusted in MC's house (+ Diavolo's part two) 6 o'clock (Beelzebub) Do you know where your human exchange student is? Inhuman Abilities (Luke) Barbatos' Birthday Invites
Mini Fics
From Sheep to Human Free Massage Tickets Movie Night with Diavolo and Barbatos Church Wedding Back cracking Lap Pillow (Mammon and Belphegor) Rushed April Fools Day 2024 piece (boop) Levi needs a break Is Simeon's fridge running? Paper cut (Satan) Punching Bag Going Away The Cuddle Pile Knowing Everything Water Wrinkles A New Game Hide & Seek Sunshine (Mammon, Levi, Belphegor) Late Night Activities (Lucifer) The Most Popular Book The Problem with Naps (Belphegor) Dark Past Barbatos Birthday
Ask Requests (that I've gotten to so far)
Wasp fear Vampire MC A crumb of Leviathan fluff Follow-up to MC with Periods Birthday
Info about the blog owner:
Hi! I've very recently gotten into writing and wanted to give it a chance, in vague hopes of writing an original story some day. I've been playing Obey Me! since literally the day the OG was released. I don't read much fanfic or do fandom stuff much at all, but it seemed fun and I wanted to try getting closer to the fandom. I am a hardcore cosplayer so whenever a convention is coming up this blog will get slow as I focus on sewing. I'm close to 30 years old, I'm ace which is why this blog has suggestive content but won't really get more intense than that. My asks are open but expect a really slow response because I am so shy hkgahkj. I take requests but no guarantee I'll write them, or it may take several months. Am also very open to constructive critique! Thanks for reading.
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foxcantswim · 11 months
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Safety Latch]
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(gif by me)
Vanessa teaches you how to repair Freddy. She's definitely feeling platonic things right now. Contents: Fluff, Angst(ish), First Kiss Warnings: N/A WC: 1,598
(Freddy repair process is based on Help Wanted 1 gameplay)
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You nervously circled around Freddy. Even as he sat on the chair he still towered over you. You had only been working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria for a few months now as the new overnight security guard, you were quite surprised when you got a call telling you to repair the animatronics despite no prior training.
You had thankfully met an officer called Vanessa on the first night on the job, she seemed to know quite a bit about the animatronics.
"Try not to worry too much," Vanessa said as she leaned over to fumble around in some drawers nearby.
"What if I break him?!" you exclaimed, worry in your voice.
Rolling her eyes with a smirk, she looked over at you, "You won't break him. I'm here to teach you the basics."
"I'm surprised you even know how to..."
She shrugged, "There's a lot you don't know about me, Y/N."
Vanessa brought out a small strange looking box and placed it on the desk near Freddy, "What's that?" you pointed towards the box.
"His music has been glitching out a lot lately. That is a music box. I think it's about time he got a replacement, god knows when he last had one," she stood up from her stool which was directly in front of Freddy, she then beckoned you over with her finger, "Sit."
Gulping harshly, you walked over and sat down. Freddy was currently deactivated, yet a slight twinge of fear ran through you. Your eyes landed on a blue bin to your right, there was a couple of different clothing items within it.
Vanessa noticed your curiosity, "That's just in case he has anything inside him that doesn't belong. We always make sure he's thoroughly cleaned out."
You let out a shaky breath with a nod, "Okay... Okay." Vanessa switched on some extra lights to give you more lighting, hoping to help you out a little bit more. Her hand soon landed on your shoulder in comfort. Both of your eyes soon landed on the huge animatronic in front of you.
"Right. Lets get this over and done with." She removed her hand from your shoulder, sadly, and she grabbed a toolkit from a shelf, "Hopefully he doesn't have any irreparable damage," she really did hope it was just the music box that needed switching out.
"Where do we start?" you said, your eyes not daring to leave Freddy.
The blonde put the toolkit onto the desk before moving back to your side, "Okay. First things first we need to get into his chest cavity. I'll walk you through it." She pointed up towards Freddy's chest, "First you need to grab his bowtie and pull it out towards you."
"Wh-What? What if I break it, I-"
"Y/N..." she sighed, "You won't break it. It was designed to do this. You're not scared of this little teddy bear, are you?" she teased as her hand landed on your upper back, pushing you forwards ever so slightly, you shivered under her touch.
A pout had landed on your face at Vanessa's words before you decided to finally raise a shaky hand up towards the bowtie, attempting to face your fears. You had been saying that you were merely afraid of breaking the animatronic... But truthfully you were worried about what this thing was capable of, after all it seemed to be sentient from what you had seen in the past few months.
Finally your hand grasped the bowtie and pulled gently, you didn't expect the chest cavity to fly open so quickly causing you to flinch back.
"There... Good job. That's step one done," her hand moved to your shoulder and squeezed it, "Thankfully there doesn't seem to be anything that doesn't belong in here... Now here comes the fun part," she said through a sigh, sarcasm in her words.
Within the chest cavity you could see some sort of mechanism swinging from side to side, behind it there was a device that seemed to resemble a music box.
"Right, this thing here," she pointed towards the mechanism that was swinging, "Is the safety latch. It causes a shutdown if anything gets in the way. So don't touch it. And don't touch any of his wiring, you can get a nasty shock from it," she eyed the music box in the bottom right of his cavity, "All you need to do is take that out, and then push that red button right there on his endoskeleton to reset his safety latch. Easy?"
You nodded, "Y-Yeah... Sure."
All you had to do was grab the music box without touching the safety latch that was occasionally swinging in front of it. Simple.
"And then you have to reconnect the new music box. Then we are all done. There doesn't seem to be any other damage, so that's all we need to do."
Your already shaky hands seemed to shake even more as you slowly reached towards his chest cavity. You stopped yourself just short of the music box, narrowly avoiding the safety latch.
"Hey... Take it easy. No rush," Vanessa reassured.
A few moments passed and yet your slowly retracted your hand, unsure of what to do. You definitely didn't expect for Vanessa's own hand to slowly lay on top of yours, "Here... I'll help you," her voice was soft, her face flushed a slight red.
You could feel your heart beating rapidly as Vanessa's cool skin smoothed over your warm hand.
"And... Here we go," she slowly guided your hand towards the music box, the safety latch still slowly swinging left and right. Her head was next to yours, her breath tickling the side of your ear. You could feel her chest resting against your back as she leaned over your shoulder, "Just one quick grab, okay?" you flexed your fingers as Vanessa moved your hand closer.
It was over before you knew it, Vanessa had successfully guided your hand to the box and helped you remove it with no complications. You were surprised at how easy the box seemed to detach.
"See. You did it," her voice was quiet as she still kept her head next to yours, "Nice job, Y/N," she removed her hand from yours finally, you had to stop yourself from reaching back out for it, "Lemme get that for you." She expertly pressed the red button whilst dodging the safety latch, the latch then slowly came to a stop.
You placed the damaged music box onto the desk before grabbing a new one. Vanessa stepped aside so you could put the new music box inside the chest cavity. At least the safety latch no longer moved, this was a piece of cake.
"You'll be a natural in no time," Vanessa smirked at you as you finished connecting the music box, "I'm proud of you for not fucking it up at least."
You couldn't help but smile.
Vanessa proceeded to close Freddy's chest cavity and put the bowtie back in place.
You didn't really know what came over you, but you decided to stand up from the stool and walk over towards Vanessa, "I definitely couldn't of done it without you." She turned around to meet your gaze. You could already feel the blush spreading across your cheek as you reached up to kiss her on the cheek, "Thanks, Van."
A shy laugh escaped Vanessa, "No worries, Y/N."
The pair of you still stood face to face, neither daring to move away. You barely caught Vanessa's gaze flickering down to your lips, you felt as if your heart was about to beat out of your chest.
Vanessa took you not moving away as a sign, and she slowly leaned in. Her lips brushed against yours, almost feather light. Your eyes closed shut at the contact. She couldn't stop herself from smiling into the kiss as she decided to deepen it ever so slightly. You were shocked at the sudden kiss, you never even thought about Vanessa having feelings towards you.
You stepped forwards to get closer to her, but Vanessa abruptly pulled away as her back banged into Freddy.
She let out a laugh, "Sorry, Freddy," she pat Freddy's knee. She looked back at you, a soft look in her eyes. You were about to speak but were cut off by Vanessa pecking your lips once again, "We'll have plenty of time to talk about this later, Y/N," she smiled.
"Y-Yeah..." you gulped.
Vanessa's hand cupped your jaw and her thumb rubbed your cheek. You were just about to lean into her touch but she suddenly pulled away. She nodded her head towards the door, "Come on, Y/N. It's about time we go and check up on the others. They're not going to repair themselves." Her hand interlocked with yours to your surprise.
Your breath hitched as you were dragged out the room, she shot a wink your way.
A part of you didn't want to do this anymore, another sense of dread washing over you. But an even bigger part of you would do anything to be that close to Vanessa again. You'd do anything to get her to guide your hand again. In any way she wanted.
Vanessa opened the door.
You simply smiled once you saw Bonnie.
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Vanessa x F!Reader - Jealousy (Fluff,Angst,Established Relationship)
Vanessa x F!Reader - Total Insecurity (Angst,Hurt/Comfort)
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
cullens with a drunk reader??
The Cullens with a Drunk Reader
Thank you for requesting and hopefully you like this!
Also quick disclaimer I have never been drunk before so this is just gonna be based on what I've seen in like movies or TV shows
Please tell me if I got something wrong <3
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He thinks you are hilarious
Whether you're a happy drunk, an angry drunk, or a sad drunk, he loves it all
When he hears your thoughts normally, he can hear all these things that you never say
Well when you're drunk it just sort of all comes out
Is more than happy to help you walk somewhere, get you more to drink, and hold your hair back (if it's long enough)
Eventually though he'll put a stop to it
If it gets to the point where he can't hear any more of your thoughts and knows that you are on the verge of blacking out, he is putting an end to the night
Will hold you close the rest of the night
And he is at your beck and call when you wake up the next morning
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Again, she thinks you're so funny
Every time that you trip, stumble, or slur your words she is laughing her ass off
Loves listening to whatever you have to say
She would love to take you places or have you try to do stuff
Of course, she wouldn't let you get hurt
But she would find endless amusement out of seeing you fall on the stairs
She's not one to stop your drinking
She has been able to see your future for the whole night
She sees that you are still gonna wake up with a hangover whether you have 5 or 10 drinks
So she just lets you have your fun
Again is preparing stuff for you in the morning though
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He gets just a little annoyed
Don't get him wrong he thinks you're amusing
But his idea of a fun Saturday night isn't making sure you don't break something or hurt yourself
So he mostly limits you to one room of the house + an activity
One time he got you to sit still for three hours while you were drunk just coloring in some old coloring book he found laying around
His favorite is karaoke night though
Will put a random sing-along song on the TV and watch you sing for hours
He'll stop you after a while though
With just a simple "okay enough fun go to bed"
Has something made for you to eat when you wake up
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Ok I have some thoughts about this one
We all know her backstory
A group of drunk men + her fiance violently and brutally SA'd her and killed her
So I don't think she would be too fond of alcohol
So you drinking around her would bring up those old memories
She tries not to take it out on you, though
Mostly would just leave the house
She'd be back in the morning though
If you drink excessively though, she would get angry and yell at you about it
But every once in a while she understands
Just don't drink around her
At least not for a while
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He loves it
He just finds it so funny
He can tease you endlessly and if you're too drunk all you'll be able to reply with is some slurred nonsense
He's an enabler though
Will challenge you to beer pong and other drinking games
Half of the drinks you take are from him
It's not that he means to get you blackout, it's just that he's having fun and forgets that you can't consume endless amounts of alcohol
He won't put a limit on you though
He would only notice that you need to stop if you pass out of throw up
And then he's in panic recovery mode
Is a little embarrassed and concerned the next morning that he let you get that out of hand
He repeats the cycle though
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I feel like she'd be a wine girly
Or like a brunch mimosa kinda girl
If she was alive, that is
I feel like that was her when she was alive, anyway
She wouldn't know what to do with someone who is fully drunk
Her past experiences have only been with people who were a little buzzed
She does think you're amusing though
But she'll be a lot more hover-y
Won't let you go anywhere on your own
You are in bed by 12 at the latest
You wake up to a feast and every single headache pill the local pharmacy had
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He's a little more concerned
He has people come into the clinic for alcohol related injuries (overconsumption, drunk driving, various accidents while intoxicated, etc.)
He knows the damage it can cause
Also if you are younger than 21 good try he is not letting you drink
But other than that he is a mama bear
Watching you very closely
Literally counting the ounces of alcohol you have to make sure you stay under a healthy limit
And don't even think about leaving the house
He's a bit too worried to find your shenanigans funny
But that's okay
He makes up for it by being there for you
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Bella Swan:
Another one who is just amused
She never got out much
She regrets never having drank alcohol while it could still affect her
Unfortunately that means she does live a little vicariously through you
Is playing bartender and giving you everything she makes
They're pretty bad
But you still drink them
Doesn't realize she's given you too much until you literally fall to the floor and pass out
Then she's like "oh shit"
Doesn't really know what to do though
So she has Carlisle take care of you
Apologizes profusely the next morning
Would still do it again though
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exhaslo · 10 months
Would you ever consider doing anything for Miguel/Fem!Deadpool reader?
One who's honestly just kind of tease which makes it impossible for Miguel to figure out *why* he hates her flirting with other spidermen so much until the penny hits.
Bonus points for recklessness and brat energy from DP we all know they aint got no self control. Needs Miguel to definitely put her in her place.
Ohhhh, I have seen so much fan art of just regular Deadpool being a menace to Miguel, Dr. Strange and the TVA. It gets me excited to see the new movie coming out!
But yea, let's give into the chaos!
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, bondage, angry sex?, p in v, language
"For fuck's sake, why is there so many anomaly's popping up in different universes?" Miguel barked, tapping against his screens as he sent numerous Spiderman and women out to the field.
"Actually, based on the energy signatures, it seems to be the same anomaly."
"Impossible, one person jumping around all of these?" Miguel cussed lowly, trying to identify the new anomaly.
This new frustration was giving Miguel a reason to want to drink tonight. The speed he was working to try and understand this problem was honestly amazing. This was probably the fastest he has ever worked.
"Wow! No wonder why all of the Spiders I met say great things about you!" You gasped.
"Que?! (What)" Miguel hissed, seeing both a new intruder alert and anomaly alert appear at the same time, "Who-"
"Haiiiiiii! Pleasure to meet you, sexy ass, my name is (Y/N), I'm like the hottest version of me there is-"
"I. Don't. Care." Miguel hissed, jumping down from his platform and approaching you, "This attire...fuck-"
"Yeeeeep! I'mma Deadpool!" You chirped.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose before taking long, deep breathes. Once he regained a portion of his composure, he proceeded to grab you by the collar and drag you to the 'Go Home' Machine.
At least one of his problems were solved today. Hopefully you will stay in your dimension. Trying to ignore your chatter, Miguel couldn't help but notice some of the other Spiders avoiding eye contact. This annoyed Miguel. How many of them ran into you before saying anything?
"Hm? Oh like half of them." You replied. Miguel groaned loudly,
"Wasn't even a thought bubble," He muttered under his breathe before arriving in the room, "I don't want to see you here again. Stay in your world."
"Awe, but isn't fun! Not when I found such a squeezable ass-"
"Send. Her. Home!" Miguel spat.
It only took a second, but you were sent home immediately. Miguel took another deep breathe before returning to his office to hopefully relax.
"Hehe, he gets so mad when he finds me wandering around this place. It totally isn't my fault that all of you guys think of taking a break here and I just-hop into those thoughts and end up here!" You huffed, talking to Peter B. Parker and Jessica.
"Yeah, yeah, we still don't understand the whole hopping into thought bubbles thing you say you do. It's so confusing." Peter huffed.
"Oh, it's pretty easy. I'd like to describe it as a comic book, but you guys won't understaaaaand, the readers will though!"
"Readers?" Jessica groaned softly. You just laughed,
"Oh yeah! The readers reading this now! So like, normally it's a comic I hop around or thought bubbles or I just rip through the screen, but this time...It's the readers who bring me here!"
"I think I'm more confused than when I started," Peter whined and turned to Jessica who tossed you into the 'Go Home' machine, "Look, just...don't come back before Miguel gets bad again."
"Hpmh! I just said it isn't my fault I keep coming back!" You whined loudly, "The readers and writer keeps bringing me here! I am meant to share my wisdom to Miguel!"
"Why do I hear that Deadpool's voice?" Miguel grumbled, holding a cup of coffee as he walked by, "Again?"
"See! He neeeeeeds me! That has to be why the writer keeps putting me here!"
"What the hell is she babbling about now?"
"Please, don't ask. I don't think my brain can handle anymore." Peter whimpered. Jessica waved him aside,
"She's going home now, Miguel."
Just as the machine turned on, you immediately got sent home. Miguel let out a sigh of relief and right when he was going to drink his coffee, you appeared behind him.
"Fuck!" Miguel yelled as he noticed you. You just casually waved,
"Believe in the spirits beyond."
"I want her gone!"
"Miguel, we've tried so many times. I think...we just need to accept her appearing here." Jessica whispered. You grabbed Miguel's cup, taking a sip,
"Oof, so bitter. So now that I can stay here under the writer decides to let me go home, wanna show me around, big boy?"
Miguel felt his eye twitch as he followed you, mainly just wanting his coffee back.
It has been a few weeks since you've stayed at the-
"Whoa, whoa. Really writer? You gonna make here stay here for weeks without going home?" You huffed.
Okay, sorry, um, it has been a few weeks since you started to willingly appear at the Spider Society.
"Thank you!"
Uh, anyway, Miguel has finally started to tolerate you to a certain degree. You still couldn't understand why you kept appearing there, but you were making the most of it. Miguel on the other hand, was starting to find something new to irritate him.
"It's just so fascinating how different each of you are~ Can I touch those wonderful large boobs of yours?" You whispered in awe towards a Spiderman. Yes a Spiderman.
"They're not boobs."
"It's okay to not want to admit your flaws. I buried mine with my neighbor." You whispered, slowly reaching out to the boob.
"Enough." Miguel hissed, grabbing the back of your collar and dragging you to his office.
"Hey! I was about to grab something that could have been the most magically experience of my life!"
Miguel chose to ignore you, growing annoyed at your bratty and quite ignorant behavior. Honestly, he was more annoyed by the amount of flirting you've been doing with the other Spiders. You just didn't know when to stop.
"I can't help it. A natural icon I am," You chuckled and grabbed Miguel's ass, "But this...is a multiverse icon."
Miguel's eyes lit up as he locked his door and tossed you on his platform. In an instant, he webbed you in place, making sure that you couldn't move to try to free yourself.
"Ohhhh~ This is kinky~" You cooed, rolling around like a worm. Miguel pinned you to the floor, his blood red eyes piercing into yours,
"Do you know how frustrated you make me?"
"So...you aren't happy to see me?" You grinned, your knee poking at his growing erection, "I made you horny!"
"Silence," Miguel covered your mouth, "Shit, you're so annoying. No one has been able to put you in your place. Do I need to be the one to do that?" He said with a huff.
You licked his hand in response, "Awe, not sure if a fucking will stop me, but you are so willing to try~" You hummed.
Miguel felt his eye twitch as he captured your lips in a kiss, wanting to shut you up. You couldn't help yourself and smirked, enjoying this moment. Parting your lips, you hummed as Miguel forced his tongue into your mouth, his hands roaming your body.
"Mhm~ Gim....sq..." You tried to say. Miguel broke the kiss, glaring towards your,
"What?" He grumbled, biting and sucking against your neck. You chuckled as his hands reached your breasts,
"Give em a squeeze~ You know you wanna~"
"Do I have to shut your mouth again?" Miguel grumbled, kissing you again.
You tried your best to behave, you truly did. You couldn't help but try to grind against his hips, press your chest to his, or even kiss his neck. Miguel was ready to web your mouth, at least until he started to rub your-
"Whoa, whoa, writer, now I don't mind a good sex scene, but lemme have some privacy here!" You huffed.
Uh, I kind of wrote smut in the warning...so I'm giving the readers what they want, a sex scene.
"Well, I want this man to myself right now! You write other smuts! Let them read those!"
But they wanted this...I can't just-
"Consent!" You huffed, literally spreading your legs towards a feral Miguel who had you pinned, "This is different! I'm totally into this freaky shit!"
"Who are you talking too?" Miguel grumbled, ripping your suit. You shushed towards him,
"The writer! Wait juuuuust a second before shoving that monster of a cock inside me!"
I need to give them a sex scene here. You're already helping me write it.
"No, no! You are trying to write it. I'm trying to enjoy the moment. So be a good writer and juuuuuuuust-"
"Thank you~"
What just happened?
"Oh, I totally skipped the part where Miguel fucked me so good that I actually did shut up. Hell, I think I still feel weak in the knees. Who would have known the stamina and strength that man had. Fucking hot, can't wait to-"
You skipped my story?! I'm the writer here!
"Yeaaaaaah, but like, you can always write more smut. Let me just enjoy that moment to me~. I'm sure you understand~" You cooed.
"Hehe, go on. End the story. I'm sure you have other smut to write."
I just- Whatever.
Let's just say, you made yourself a permanent member of the Spider Society. You made sure to annoy Miguel just enough so that he could keep teaching you a lesson. Hopefully, we'll get to see one of those lessons one of these days.
"Maybe~ If I decide to show the goods."
Freaking Deadpools.
Hahaha, hope you enjoyed! I always loved it when Deadpool would just talk to the narrator or hop comic pages sometimes. It was great.
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crimsonmoonlight88 · 4 months
Noa's Potential Love Triangle
"You like her--Soona."
"We were born within a sunset."
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Okay listen, I never thought I'd be here considering a potential love triangle in this series, but here we are.
Now, I won't even touch on the interesting choice of having Mae of all characters ask this, but there are so many answers Noa could have given that ultimately tell the audience "yes, I like her."
Yes. Of course. I do. Sure. Maybe. Why wouldn't I? What, no! *looks nervous*
(I could go on all day.)
But no, he only says, very matter of factly, "we were born within a sunset."
So with that baffling response, I thought about it some more, and two things came to mind for what he might have meant:
They were born close together, like family, indicating his feelings are familial. (This jives with the actual vibe between them in the movie, imo.)
It doesn't really matter. They were born within a sunset and that (possibly) has some cultural meaning for their clan, like a sign they were meant to be together. Therefore, a relationship would be expected of them, no matter how they feel.
Now it could be one or both of these scenarios, but with the second I can see that playing into Noa's upcoming hero journey of becoming who he was meant to be. Interestingly, in this trailer we get:
Owen: Noa has to make a choice Proximus: Do you choose a human, over an ape? Owen: And only one will prevail. Proximus: Together, you will die. Noa: No, together--strong. *cues scene of Noa reaching for Mae on horseback and saving her*
From that trailer alone, you get a sense of what his choice will be. But in the movie itself, when Proximus lays this out for Noa, he does not choose. (Yet)
"Do you choose a human over an ape? Your sweet, little Soona or that stinking human?"
I think that's intentional for now, as I think the love triangle is potentially a catalyst for Noa, and Mae and Soona in particular, are meant to represent two different paths (and endings) for him. With this concept in mind, it could mean:
Choosing Soona means following the path that is expected of him, the one laid out since birth, the one he would have gone down had Mae not come into his life. Following the rules, following tradition, upholding his clan's legacy, and choosing for the world to stay as it is with apes dominating humans. (Apes, together, strong)
Choosing Mae means following the path that defies expectations, the new one that was forged because Mae came into his life. Questioning the rules, embracing change over tradition, upholding Caesar's legacy, and choosing for the world to evolve with human/ape coexistence. (Together, strong)
So Noa's answer of "we were born within a sunset" is not a yes or a no, just as Mae's response to "can ape and human live together" is not a yes or a no, because these characters have not chosen this "together strong" path yet. They are questioning everything they've ever known, are changed by this connection to each other, but they're still following their "expected path" at the moment.
Now I might be wildly off base with this theory of course, and I acknowledge that Noa could definitely become who he needs to be with Soona by his side--but I'm looking at this from the two path/two love interest narrative, along with many other factors. But I'll just finish with these quotes from Wes Ball.
"Her [Mae] whole journey is changed by meeting Noa, just as much as his journey has been changed by meeting her."
"These characters [Noa and Mae] have now saved each other, and they have a complicated connection. There is now a history and real feelings between the two, and that’s going to be important moving forward."
"Can apes and humans live together? Can we coexist? So that will be a continued theme throughout future movies, and if there’s any chance for peace between these species, it will probably be between these two characters."
"There's literally a door that opens at the end to hopefully many more possibilities. And the relationship between Mae and Noa and how they've changed each other, you know, is going to be crucial moving forward as they navigate the future together."
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aviscarrentals · 5 months
i want to play a (racing) game
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a series of f1 fics based off of some of my favorite horror movies
charles leclerc- the shining
you, your boyfriend, and a bunch of friends decide to spend your winter break together in a giant hotel. what could go wrong?
max verstappen- it
after years away from your hometown, derry, you suddenly receive an urgent call from your long-forgotten childhood friend, alex, that leads to you returning to the very place you swore you would never face again
carlos sainz- a quiet place
after losing everything you know when the world fell into apocalypse due to the invasion of alien-like monsters with some very sharp ears, you find a new family in the other survivors
lando norris- scary movie (saw parody)
you wake up next to a stranger in a dimly lit room chained to a chair, which is bolted to the floor. luckily, the situation turns out to be more humorous than terrifying (may or may not be 100% based off of the jerma episode of generation loss LOL)
fernando alonso- freaky
you wake up in the body of a middle aged man. but not just any man. a man who also happens to be a wanted serial killer.
george russell- the purge
you and your best friend alex's annoying best friend, george, have to work together to survive the purge night (lily's also there)
pierre gasly- unfriended
you and your friends video call every friday night to hang out together. unfortunately, an angry spirit has decided it wants to spend some time with you guys as well...
mick schumacher- fnaf
after countless failed attempts, you've finally found yourself a new job! the bad news is, it's a night shift and you're scared of the dark. so, naturally, you drag your boyfriend along with you.
alex albon- child's play
when you and your boyfriend unexpectedly have to take in your young niece, you two struggle to make a connection with the little girl. maybe splurging on the cool new doll she's been wanting will fix that.
yuki tsunoda- final destination
what do you do when some random guy that you've never spoken to before tells you he's seen visions of you dying? what do you do when it turns out he was right and death is pretty pissed off?
oscar piastri- the menu
you and your husband have worked non-stop to build a successful, stable life for yourselves. you two really deserve a break. how about a fancy dinner on a remote island prepared by one of the most revered chefs in the entire culinary world?
ollie bearman- scary stories to tell in the dark
it's the final halloween before you have to move away from your hometown and your best friends since birth. hopefully you can make it a night to remember.
lance stroll- the cabin in the woods
you and your boyfriend decide to invite some friends to spend the weekend in a little log cabin in the forest as a way to momentarily retreat from your stressful lives. well you definitely won't be getting any rest this weekend, that's for sure.
logan sargeant- scream (aka yelp)
an eerie masked killer has made its way into your town and is slowly picking kids off one by one. who could it be? is there anyone you can trust? prologue chapter 1
liam lawson- happy death day
happy birthday! i hope you're excited because this will be the longest day(s?) of your life
sebastian vettel- the texas chainsaw massacre
it's summer, which of course means it's time for a roadtrip! unfortunately, you and your friends decided to visit texas, usa, where everything's bound to go wrong (because it's texas, usa)
kimi raikkonen- would you rather
desperate times call for desperate measures, although at this point desperate would be an understatement. so when the perfect opportunity falls right into your lap, who are you to turn it down?
jenson button- halloween
it's halloween! the spookiest day of the year. even though you don't bother participating in silly little holiday celebrations, there are some traditions you can't ignore…
mark webber- 28 days later
the world has gone to shit. even so, you're doing everything you can to survive, despite how hard it is on your own. maybe it would be better if you formed a team?
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veltana · 1 year
Mutual Satisfaction - Avengers!Bucky x Avengers!Reader
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✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
✦ Word count: ~3k
✦ Rating: Explicit
✦ Warnings: One shot, pwp, A LOT of dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, dom!Bucky, sub!reader, manhandling, piv, slight dumbification, pet names (angel/master), safe sex, condoms, cum shot, aftercare, fluff (because I neeeeed it!)
✦ Summary: "Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
✦ Note: This is nothing but pure self-indulgent smut, that's heavily dialogue-based. Let me know if you like it! (It's also posted on AO3)
Masterlist | AO3
The chime from your phone makes you look away from the TV screen.
"Sorry, one sec."
You find it buried under some pillows but the excitement you initially felt quickly turns sour when you see the response. With a sigh of disappointment, you drop it and return to choosing a movie together with Bucky.
"Bad news?" he asks as he flips through the list.
"Yup," you conclude.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's honestly nothing, just scheduling issues."
"With your boyfriend?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"He's not my boyfriend. We just sleep together," you point out.
"I'm sure you can find someone else, you're an avenger now. Bet they're lining up to get a chance with you," Bucky shrugs.
You scrunch your nose. "I'm tired of being disappointed. I'd rather wait and have my needs met, even if it's frustrating."
"That long huh?"
"Between all the missions and not being free at the same time, it's been months."
"Yeah, same." Bucky murmurs and stops on a movie. "What about this one?"
"Yeah, sure."
You settle down against the numerous pillows you have been bringing to Bucky's room since you started having these movie nights a couple of months ago. His TV is bigger and his couch is much softer than yours. Plus the two of you fit comfortably on this one, with enough room for both to stretch out.
"So why won't just a regular guy do it for you?" Bucky asks and takes a fist of popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth.
Shrugging you say "I need someone I can trust, with my body and my mind. Takes a lot of talking in the beginning, but now it's almost as good as therapy for getting out of my head."
"Don't like thinking?"
"Not during sex. I just need someone else to make decisions for me, use me however they like. Not ask me what I want, just flip me over, make me come until I can't see straight, and fuck me until they're satisfied. If I pick someone up at a bar, all they do is slap my ass and finish a minute later."
Both of you are silent and watch the movie before you ask.
"What about you?"
"Look at me," he chuckles. "The metal arm scares the majority and the ones that are left usually can't handle what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"Control, over something, someone. Watching as they go dumber and dumber the more orgasms I can force from them. Until they can't speak. Just owning their warm body for a moment, taking as long as I need because they don't want to be anywhere else than on my cock," Bucky laughs.
The laugh gets stuck in your throat because there is no denying Bucky's words have an impact on you. Hopefully, he doesn't notice and you refuse to move and rub your thighs together. Then you both continue to watch the movie, but it's hard to concentrate. All you imagine is Bucky using your body and finally getting the release that you've been longing for. How much would it fuck up the team dynamic if you started sleeping together? You force yourself to watch the movie and not entertain those thoughts anymore.
Two hours later, after the table has been cleaned off, you're heading for the door, mind already back in your own room and the toys you'll undoubtedly need to take care of yourself to be able to sleep. Then you feel a hand on your wrist, and in a flash, you’re pinned with your back against the door, Bucky's hand securely holding both your arms above your head. You're not sure if the breath that leaves your lungs is because the force pushes it out of you or because you're instantly so turned on. Either way, there is no denying the impact his closeness has.
"So, are you going to tell me what you've been thinking about the whole movie?" There is a knowing smirk on his lips.
"What? Nothing? I was watching it."
"Don't play dumb with me, you were far off somewhere else for most of the time."
You swallow hard, opening and closing your mouth a few times. It's embarrassing that you've been on his couch, thinking lewd thoughts about him when you're not even that close—something between coworkers and friends.
"Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
A whine crawls up your throat unbidden and you turn your head to the side, shame making your ears warm.
"All you have to do is ask," he prompts. "Or tell me to let you go and we can pretend this never happened."
The last thing is out of the question. You just need to work up enough courage to tell him what you need. Everything about him pierces your senses, making you high of his smell, touch, and sound.
In the end, all you can come up with is, "Bucky please." And bucking your hips up in the hope of finding some friction for your throbbing core.
But he just makes an unimpressed sound.
"No, you have to do better than that." Then he pauses and uses his free hand to turn your head until you're looking into his blue eyes.
"We'll go over everything properly before next time," his voice is calm and to the point. Making it clear he expects you to listen. "But right now I think we need each other. We'll use traffic lights or you'll tell me if it's too rough or too much. Understand?"
"Yes Bucky," you answer.
He releases your face and your arms, placing his hands on either side of your head instead. With a smile that makes you wetter than you already are, he says, "Good girl. Now do a better job at begging."
He is effectively displaying his whole body for you and in seconds you have your palms on his chest, caressing carefully up and down, feeling his corded muscles beneath the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Bucky please," you beg in a delicate voice. "I need you to touch me. I want to feel you everywhere. Please help me come, it hurts so bad."
His pupils dilate, almost eclipsing the blue in his eyes. Then he presses his knee up between your legs, lifting you off the ground enough that only the tip of your toes reaches the floor.
"Here, use my leg and hump it. We'll see what you deserve after that."
Oh, he's got a mean streak, you realize, and you're all for it. Wiggling on his thigh to get a better position you grab a hold of his shoulders to steady yourself and try to move. It's difficult and not nearly enough to get you where you wish but you're absolutely enjoying the way he's playing with you and speaking to you.
"Look at the innocent little angel using my leg. What else can I make you do to get off huh?"
With a whine you work faster, chasing something barely there.
"Something you'll learn very quickly, little angel, is that I don't share, but I do like showing off my property. Let everyone see but not let anyone touch."
"Yes!" you moan. "I'll be anything you need, just help me, please Bucky!"
"I'll hold you to that," he promises. Suddenly his knee is gone but instead, his body is pressed hard against yours and his lips descend. The kiss is filthy and needy, your hands grab onto his head, trying to get more of him even though he's already as close as he can come. You suck on his tongue and lips and he does the same to you, before mouthing his way over your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking. His beard pricks you but it's a mild discomfort to the one between your legs.
A string of needy noises tumble out of your mouth and you're about to start begging again but right then he lifts you and turns around, heading over to his large bed. As your body touches the sheets his hands start pulling at your clothes and you do the same to him. Moments later both of your are naked on the bed, making out like horny teenagers, rutting mindlessly against each other. His fingers find your hard clit, gently circling it a few times before dipping into the wetness at your opening. You mewl into his mouth in delight, thinking he's going to start filling you with his fingers, but instead, he spreads the slick back up to your clit and starts flicking it slowly.
Throwing your head back you moan his name loudly, no thoughts if you can be heard through the walls, everything is focused on the way he's touching you. His mouth finds your nipple and you get impossibly hotter and wetter. The months-long dry spell quickly catches up to you. Bucky fingers are expertly playing with you, never too hard or too light, hurling you towards the climax.
"Can I cum Bucky? Please can I cum?!"
His laugh tickles your skin, his fingers slow and he looks up at you.
"Yes, you can this time, just because you asked so nicely."
His fingers gather more of your wetness before picking up speed again. The band in your stomach quickly snaps and you scream out your release, blabbering "Thank you-thank you-thank you!"
Without getting a second to breathe you're flipped onto your stomach, then his hands lift your hips and you fold your knees in under you.
"Grab me a condom in the drawer angel," he directs and with unsteady hands and a complaining whine you open the drawer and rummage around until you find a square package.
"Don't whine when I'm trying to do the right thing," he growls and smacks your ass. "I know a little slut like you wants to be pumped full of cum until you're dripping." He leans down over you until his mouth is next to your ear, his raw dick rubbing against your sensitive cunt. Plucking the condom from your fingers he whispers, "You'll have to earn my cum, angel."
A jolt of pleasure-filled electricity shoots through you, just imagining yourself on your knees in front of him, doing anything he asks.
"I'll do anything, master," the name slips out by pure habit. "I'll be good, let you use me in any way you like, any hole. Anything to earn your cum, please, master."
A groan can be heard from behind together with the sound of the foil being torn open. Impatiently you wiggle your ass, arching your back even more, presenting yourself. In reward you get several more slaps, making you cry out as the pain shoots straight to your cunt.
"Oh, angel, keep talking sweet like that and you'll earn yourself another orgasm."
His dick notches at your opening and you still obediently. Both of you moan in unison as he presses inside. He's clearly on the bigger side but there is hardly any resistance since you're dripping with slick. In moments you're fuller than you've been in months, clawing at the sheets in front of you.
"Good girl, taking me so fucking well," his hands spread your cheeks. "I wish you could see how your greedy little pussy is swallowing me."
"Wa-want it, master, want it so much, feels so good!"
A wail leaves you as he starts pistoning his hips into you. If it weren't for the fact that he also pulls your hips back towards him every time, you'd end up with your head in the wall.
"Give me your hands," he instructs and you put them behind your back quickly, folding them and gripping your underarms. His vibranium hand closes around both your wrists while the other grabs your hair, pulling your head back.
You love his harsh grip on you, how he does what he wants with your body while he fucks you. All you can do is moan and whine and cry as he thrusts without any sign of slowing down any time soon. Usually around this time your FWB is about to come, and even though you're always satisfied in the end, sometimes you wish for more. The serum in his veins must give him superhuman stamina when it comes to everything.
Without warning he releases your hair and pulls hard on your arms, raising your body from the bed, his free hand coming round to grab your neck.
"Color?" He grunts, never missing a beat with his hips.
"Green! Bucky it's fucking green. Please! More!"
"You dirty little slut! Can't get enough of my cock huh?"
"No, master, want it always!" You cry.
"That's fucking right, god you feel so good. Next time I'm going to fuck you raw and watch the cum pour out of your pussy. How about right before Tony's big party? Put you in a short little dress with no panties so everyone can see my cum running down your legs."
The image of yourself, flustered and embarrassed while Bucky parades you around makes you keen, pushing back against him. You are nothing but his toy, he can do whatever he wants and you would gladly say 'Yes, master.'
The incessant need to come makes your legs weak, trembling from being held up and fucked within an inch of your life.
"Master, can I come? Your dick feels so good, can I please come on it?"
Releasing your wrists, his vibranium arm comes around your waist, pulling you flush with his chest before traveling down to your aching clit.
"This what you need, angel?"
The unrelenting metal against the softest part of your flesh pulls more desperate sounds from you as you try to rock against it, the pleasure eating you up from the inside, erasing every trace of cognitive thought. When you don’t answer he chuckles next to your ear, "I think my cock has made you dumb, angel. No thoughts left in that tiny little head of yours."
Your hands land on his arm, needing something to hold onto. He hasn’t permitted you yet, the orgasm is shimmering right underneath your skin, threatening to break through any second. The only thing you know is that you don’t want to disappoint him.
"My angel is doing so good, go ahead and come for me, make sure you scream my name when you do. Let everyone hear that this cunt belongs to me."
Instead of continuing with his fingers, his whole palm lands on your clit, a few slaps that don’t hurt in the slightest, only enhancing your pleasure, before the heel of his hand presses against your clit.
"Come on, show me how you look when you let go. Be a good little angel for me, come on my cock."
In a blinding light of pleasure, you scream his name, just like he wants, bending your head until it rests against his shoulder, shuddering and shaking from the release.
"Looking beautiful my little angel, so fucking pretty, strangling my cock." He hugs you tightly towards him for a second before pushing you forward. Your arms only cushion the fall lightly, there is no strength left in your body. Looking over your shoulder you see his eyes, blazing with lust, his mouth slightly open. Then he pulls out and you watch him tear the condom off, jerking himself, and with a loud groan of your name he finishes on your ass and back. As the spurts of cum hit your skin you close your eyes and sigh in contentment. Owned. Used. Satisfied for the first time in months.
With a giggle you fall to the side, uncaring if you're messing up his sheets. He lands on his back in front of you a moment later, chest still heaving.
"That was…" he begins, turning his head towards you with a small smile. Before continuing he rolls over on his side, reaching and pulling you in towards his naked chest, tilting your head up, and placing a small chaste kiss on your lips.
"Amazing? Wonderful? Mind-blowing?" you suggest with a smile to finish his sentence.
"All of the above angel."
For a couple of minutes, you lie there, just content with what just happened, before Bucky says,
"Come on, we need to clean you up."
He stands from the bed and picks you up with no effort, carrying you to the small bathroom and turning on the shower. Carefully he places you down on the tile and the warm spray is a harsh contrast to the cold sweat that has dried on your skin.
"How do you feel?"
Your only response is a happy humming noise that makes him smile, before he reaches for a bottle of shower gel. He makes you turn around, leaning your arms against the wall as he begins to clean you. His touch is firm as he washes your back and ass, giving you a light massage before he moves on to the rest of your body. Then you help him, even if what you do is mostly smear suds over his pecs. When he's done the both of you stand under the warm spray.
"Any immediate soreness?" He asks.
"No," you sigh happily. "Might feel something tomorrow, but we'll see then."
He finds you a clean towel afterward and dries you off, before handing you a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. Without questioning you put them on.
Fortunately, the sheets have minimal staining and both of you are too exhausted to care about changing them. Suddenly you realize you've just fucked Bucky and now you're staying in his bed for the night, with your head resting on his chest.
"What is this Bucky?" you mumble, even as sleep is dragging you down.
"Whatever you want it to be, angel, we'll work out the details in the morning," he assures you.
And if the other people at the compound heard you the night before, or notice that you're wearing one of Bucky's t-shirts to breakfast the next day, nobody says a word.
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thefrogdalorian · 9 months
The Best of Both Worlds
Din Djarin x Female Reader Modern!AU
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Summary: When a new Star Wars TV show called The Mandalorian premiered, you found yourself completely enamoured with the titular character. Enjoyment of watching the lone bounty hunter travel through the galaxy quickly turned to obsession. There was just something about the show that captured your imagination. Now, you spend much of your free time — when you're not working a fast-paced, minimum wage and incredibly stressful job at a prestigious London Museum— speaking to your online friends about your love for the show. There's just one thing... Despite how much you love The Mandalorian, no one knows the identity of the man behind the helmet... either in the show, or in real life. You only know him as Mando. No one has ever seen his face, no one knows his name.  Even after the countless hours of speculation from fans online, which even you have occasionally participated in, no one is any the wiser to the identity of the mysterious man who wears the shiny armour.  Surely, given the depth of your love for the show, you'd recognise if the man who you spend so much time obsessing over online was to ever cross paths with you. Right?
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Content Warnings: Reader is AFAB, uses she/her pronouns and in her mid 20s. Age gap between her and Din is noted but not really central to the story. Grogu is human, hints of past trauma/child abuse before Din adopted him are mentioned but not described in detail. Some mature scenes later on in the fic but not explicit smut... because I just cannot write x reader smut! Author's Note: SO very excited to finally share this fic! Thank you to the lovely @suresnips for being my beta. I really appreciate you ♡ This baby was originally my NaNoWriMo 2023 project and was inspired by this post from @toxic-seduction that I saw one evening and couldn't stop thinking about! POVs will alternate chapter to chapter from Din to reader. It was fun to write that way! Set in London for a few reasons: partly because I love the movie Notting Hill and it has some of those vibes (if you squint), also, the village where Din lives is based on Elstree Studios just outside London, where the OT was filmed and ultimately because NO WAY was I writing a modern!AU set in the states, it would've been painfully obvious a Brit wrote it. While there are lots of references to places in London, I don't live there so it might not be truly accurate (Londoners don't come for me). Also, to be political for a sec, reader works at the British Museum and I hate that institution. This was actually the line of work I was interested in when I was at Uni but for many different reasons I did not pursue it. However, it works for the plot of this story and as you'll see, she doesn't exactly love it either and goes on a few rants. Just wanted to make that clear that her job there is not an endorsement of it or anything. I can't stand them or their historical apologist bs and I wish we would give back all the things we stole (including the Parthenon Marbles)! Finally, it was incredibly important to me that the actor behind Mando in this fic clearly be the fictional character of Din Djarin rather than the real person Pedro Pascal, because rpf is not my jam! I hope I did that pretty well but just wanted to warn that if you're expecting me to use Din as some kind of way to write a Pedro fic, this won't be for you! Okay, I'll shut up now! This fic is fully written, just needs editing so hopefully I'll get a couple of chapters up each week, but life happens. I'm very proud of this one and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also if you would like to be added to my taglist for this fic, please let me know! Happy reading ♡
❁ My Masterlist ❁ Read on AO3 ❁
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Why Does It Always Rain On Me? [Reader POV]: After a dreadful day which saw you drenched by a rainstorm after leaving a hectic day at work, you reflect on your love for Mando and upcoming excitement for the sci-fi convention you will soon be attending with your internet best friend.
He Is My Only Priority [Din's Pov]: The character of The Mandalorian is known and loved by millions. But there is another, much softer side to the man who portrays him that Din Djarin is determined to keep hidden from the world, despite the challenges that presents for him and his beloved son, Grogu.
This Is Why (I Don't Leave The House) [Reader's POV]: Your internet bestie arrives in preparation for the Star Wars convention you will attend together. Everything is set for the greatest weekend of your life! Until you arrive at the con and find yourself overwhelmed by all the crowds and noise. At least you have numerous incredibly realistic Mando cosplays to distract you from how stressed you feel, and there's one in particular which is uncannily accurate...
Curiosity Killed The Cat [Din's POV]: Despite his reservations and against his better instincts, Din heads to a Star Wars convention that he was invited to. Although he fears that his cover will be blown, curiosity gets the best of Din and he can't resist attending a panel. But Din doesn't exactly find the answers he was looking for. Instead, he finds something far more precious. Something that he would never have expected...
He's So Tall (And Handsome As Hell) [Reader's POV]: Being back in the real world and returning to work after an incredible weekend at the convention where you had so many fun experiences is taking its toll on you. The thought of collapsing on your couch in front of The Mandalorian is the only thing keeping you going. However, the universe has other plans for you. News of an out-of-hours tour for a private client that you are asked to lead almost sends you over the edge, but when you finally meet the man, he is the opposite of what you were expecting. Weirdly, he seems familiar...
With A Little Help From My Friends [Din's POV]: Din returns to the set of The Mandalorian to begin filming a new season. Despite his experience and capability, he finds that he struggles to focus as his thoughts remain firmly fixed on a certain someone...
You're The Sunflower [Reader's POV]: Despite feeling certain that you'll never see the ridiculously handsome man you gave a tour of the museum to, a special delivery is about to change everything...
Your Face Hung Up High In The Gallery [Din's POV]: After a difficult few days of filming The Mandalorian, Din is excited to spend time with you as he finally takes you on your first proper date...
Have I Known You Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years? - (Reader's POV):  Despite a messy evening which led to you waking up in an opulent hotel which you have no memory of falling asleep in, memories of kind brown eyes and breathless kisses soon come flooding back to soothe your soul. Your relationship deepens as the two of you spending time together whenever your busy schedules allow. But one night, a turn of events causes you - despite Din's reassurances - to wonder if everything you have been working so hard to build together has just come crashing down around you...
There's A War Inside Of Me - [Din's POV]: The realities of the secret he is keeping from you begin to weigh heavily on Din's mind and he seeks advice from a certain curly haired co-star on what his next move should be. Things don't go exactly according to plan, not least because of the typically awful English weather...
It Could Be Love, We Could Be The Way Forward - [Reader's POV]: With your respective busy jobs keeping you and Din apart, a mystery date after a hectic day at work is exactly what you needed.
The Calm - [Din's POV]: When filming overruns and conspires to keep Din from the fun weekend he planned for you, he agonises over his decision. Fortunately, he manages to salvage the weekend, even after a calamity involving a rowboat...
The Storm - [Reader's POV]: The happiness you feel in response to a question Din posed to you is somewhat clouded by lingering doubts. Yet your affection for each other helps you to push those emotions down, until a weekend spent at his cottage changes everything...
P.S. - I tried to be inclusive for all body types and skin tones in this fic, but if I missed something, I do apologise. If you do spot something that takes you out of the fic, I am more than happy for constructive criticism as I wouldn't want anyone to be excluded on those grounds. I am always trying to do better and would love to know where I went wrong so I can improve and be more aware of these things going forward, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know if you do spot anything. Thank you so much! ♡
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Fic: One Foot Out the Door (Won't You Come Back Inside?) 1/2
Eh, I got a little stalled on Come Away, O Human Child and felt like writing some different flavored angst :) (Happy Ending guaranteed though!) Besides, all the cheating 'fics in the Buck/Tommy tag on AO3 made me sad this week (no hate, I just don't like infidelity stories) so I thought I'd give Tommy some angst that didn't involve him getting cheated on.
Pairing: Buck/Tommy (mentioned Buddie, but it's one-sided in this)
Being perfectly honest, Tommy had always kind of known that Eddie might eventually come between him and Evan.
The concept hadn't even really bothered him at first. Kissing Evan had been an impulse decision…he was unfairly hot and kind of adorable when he was flustered, and he said he wanted Tommy's attention. What was he supposed to do? Not take the opportunity to see if any of the (admittedly, kind of mixed) signals the kid had been throwing off would lead anywhere?
Even after their (disastrous) first date, and the (awkward) encounters at Howie and Evan's sister's wedding, he really and truly hadn't thought things with him would go anywhere serious. He liked Evan, sure. He walked that line between pretty boy and muscle man that got Tommy's motor running, they had great conversations, and (and Tommy knew this was selfish, but he'd never claimed to be completely altruistic) being with Evan brought him plenty of chances to reconnect with the 118 in ways that his text-every-once-in-while friendship with Hen and Howie just hadn't provided. Sue him—he liked Harbor just fine, but that was a job not a family and he was kind of bummed that the 118 had only become what it was now after he left.
He'd honestly thought his relationship with Evan was just going to be a fling. He'd have a nice time with a gorgeous man and maybe get the chance to resolidify his ties to the 118, and in exchange he'd give Evan the kind, gentle introduction to life as a queer man that Tommy had never really gotten. They'd have a good time for a few weeks or months and then probably part ways…hopefully amicably so Tommy could keep his friendship with Eddie and his place with the 118. In the best case scenario, he and Evan could still be friends too.
That had been the plan. That had been the logical conclusion just based on his observations of Evan and his own experience and relationships. He saw where this was going, and he was okay with that. Really, he was. Tommy had learned a long time ago that Happily Ever After was only easy to find in the movies, and even when it did show up in the real world, it wasn't people like Tommy that found it. Didn't even have anything to do with being gay. Life had taught Tommy Kinard to temper his expectations long before he'd ever realized that part of himself. So. He'd scouted the terrain, decided it was worth his time, and settled in for the perfectly predictable ride.
And then Evan had fucked it all up by making it completely, utterly impossible not to fall completely, utterly in love with him.
Evan…Evan was fucking sunshine.
Tommy had known he enjoyed talking to him…he'd been unprepared for how much he'd come to love the way Evan's brain worked. The random facts and research binges, the constant shifts in focus. Evan was so curious about anything and everything, and Tommy had grown used to the cadence of his boyfriend's voice washing over him like the waves of the ocean whenever they were together, the way Evan filled the silence of his house whenever he was there, but always let Tommy talk too, always listening attentively and engaging, even in topics that didn't really interest him.
He'd expected Evan to be a good lay. He just had that vibe about him and…look, people gossip okay? Evan's…exploits right after he joined the 118 weren't exactly discreet. He had not been expecting to discover a lover. Evan was generous in bed, adventurous and creative in ways that left Tommy a little breathless. He'd expected to have to take the lead, but apart from some understandable hesitance at the start, Evan had never been shy about…well, anything they did. He could be coy and sweet, happy to be manhandled and bossed around, to look up at Tommy through his lashes and call him Daddy in a voice that went straight to Tommy's core. But he was equally thrilled to turn the tables, be loud and demanding, pin Tommy down to the nearest surface and go to town…whatever suited their mood. God, Tommy had never had someone match him like this. Never had someone who felt like they were made to be in his arms. Never found someone who could slot so seamlessly into his life.
They had their hiccups, of course. They were both stubborn men who weren’t always great at communication. They had to learn each other's tells and signals. Evan got into his head about things, could be clingy and needful in ways that were a little foreign to Tommy at first. Tommy tended to bottle things up until they festered, could become snappish and aloof in ways that had clashed badly with Evan's abandonment issues a few times. They worked through it, though. They learned together, improved together. Tommy didn't think he was exaggerating when he said this was the healthiest relationship he'd ever had. He couldn't help the warm glow of pride the day Hen had confided in him that she thought it was Evan's healthiest relationship as well.
He loved Evan. He hadn't expected to, but looking at where they were now, it seemed inevitable.
But. He had always kind of expected Eddie to eventually come between them.
Tommy wasn't an idiot. He wasn't unobservant. It took him approximately zero point five seconds past meeting them to clock the weirdly intense energy between Evan and Eddie. Tommy was no stranger to the kind of bonds their line of work tended to inspire. He was ex-military and a first responder…he knew you didn't rush into life-threatening situations with someone and have a normal friendship with them. Whatever was between Evan and Eddie wasn't that.
They were entrenched in each other's lives. Damn near inseparable. Tommy had seen plenty of guys become unofficial family, plenty of guys who stepped in as uncles and godfathers for their squadmates’ kids. But Evan was effectively Eddie's co-parent. Christopher's other father. Eddie clearly relied on Evan for emotional needs that a partner (a life partner, not just a work partner) should fulfill, and Evan did the same.
He'd be lying if he said it wasn't a little off-putting for someone who wanted to date one of them. But he liked Eddie a lot, and Evan was so damn gorgeous…and he really wasn't expecting it to get serious. Their connection read to him as intimate, but not sexual–even if he privately thought that was mostly because Evan could be charmingly oblivious and Eddie was deep in the kind of denial that only intense therapy and self-reflection could break through–and so he decided to risk it.
In a way, he thought that he had it easier as Evan's partner than anyone who tried to date Eddie would ever have it. He understood Eddie and Christopher’s place in Evan's life, cared about them both, and was perfectly content being a “trusted adult” rather than any kind of parental figure in Christopher's life. And it wasn't like Evan was Chris's primary parent. Evan just had more room for a partner in his life and his heart than Eddie did.
To be completely fair to Evan, Tommy didn't think he was a replacement or a substitution. He knew Evan loved him. Just…he had never been able to shake the feeling that he wouldn't have been his boyfriend's first choice. And if Eddie ever figured himself out, ever got to a place where he was comfortable offering Evan a choice, Evan would take it.
It wasn't something he dwelled on. Not something he spent all his time waiting for. But it hovered on the peripheral of his growing feelings for Evan, snuck in haunt him at odd times, a darkness that never overshadowed their love, but never dissipated either. He thought he had it handled. He really did.
“So,” Karen drawled, flopping down in the lounge chair beside him with a glass of wine and a slice of the (very excellent) cherry pie Buck had made for the gathering. Tommy was considering going to get another slice himself…he loved Evan's dedication to his fitness routines, certainly had no complaints about the results, but he did enjoy it when his boyfriend took breaks from his more restrictive nutrition regimes.
“So?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow, well used to the roadmap Mrs. Wilson (both of them) tended to follow with serious conversations. And judging by the tilt of Karen's mouth, this was going to be a serious conversation.
“How are things? Haven't seen you in a while,” Karen replied, taking a sip of her wine.
It was true. Tommy hadn't been able to attend the last few get-togethers at Bobby and Athena's new place for work-related reasons (wildfire season was the worst no matter how you sliced it, but it was especially shitty for air support), and his and Evan's schedules had been lining up infrequently enough the last few weeks that when they did have time off together, they mostly spent it in bed rather than socializing.
“Going great,” he said, settling more comfortably in his chair to watch Evan swing Jee-Yun up onto his shoulders and start galloping around the yard while she shrieked in delight. He didn't even try to hide the dopey smile he knew was spreading across his face. It wasn't like their friends weren't aware of how smitten he was with his boyfriend.
“Did you and Buck have a good time up in San Diego? I had to work late the night Buck came over for dinner. Missed the pictures.”
The smile widened, a warm flush flooding his chest at the thought of the trip he and Evan had taken just last month. An anniversary trip. Their one year anniversary (okay, more like fifteen month, because wrangling PTO from two separate stations was a bitch), a milestone Tommy had only made it to a handful of times, and never since coming out. It wasn't anything extravagant or fancy. They hadn't even flown, preferring to drive up the coast and stay for the weekend in a charming bed and breakfast Evan had found online. They'd gone sightseeing, eaten entirely too much “viral” food Evan found on TikTok (a surprising amount of which had actually been worth the hype), and filled their nights with the kind of unhurried, earth-shatteringly intimate lovemaking Tommy thought existed only in romance novels.
“We had an amazing time,” he gushed. As if drawn by a magnet, his eyes found Evan again, watching his boyfriend fondly as he tossed his niece in the air a few times before spinning her around and dramatically pretending to ‘drop’ her, only to catch her and resume tossing her high.
Karen nodded to herself, smiling gently. “Gotta say, you really messed up a few betting pools. Romantic getaway, one year anniversary…we were pretty sure you’d come back with some kind of announcement,” she said, wagging her eyebrows significantly.
He froze a bare second, but his wits rarely let him down. He smirked at her, and rubbed his belly. “Sorry, nobody's pregnant. I've just packed on a few pounds. Evan's a damn good cook, you know? Although I did notice Athena's not drinking tonight…”
Karen leveled him with a look. “I dare you to go say that in earshot of her,” she said dryly.
“Oh God, do I really look that stupid to you?”
“What?” He held his pretended ignorance for a few more seconds before cracking.
“Not to be all stereotypical on main, but showing up to the second date with an engagement ring and a UHaul is more your tribe's deal, Mrs. Wilson. It's only been a year.”
“Hey!” She balanced her plate of pie on her lap and reached over to smack him lightly on the bicep. “And no, it's not like we expected you two to come back engaged–”
“What'd Howie have the odds at?”
Karen waved a dismissive hand. “Seventy-five to one, but that's beside the point. You two have been solid. I've never seen Buck this happy, and you seem pretty content yourself. But you're not even talking about taking next steps? Moving in together? Getting a dog? Something?”
For the second time that evening, Tommy froze. He knew he was staring at Karen like a deer in headlights, knew he was giving away far too much in his expression. His brain ticked over a few times, like an old engine trying to cough to life on a cold day. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He and Karen were friends, he liked her a lot…but they weren't this kind of friends. They weren't confidants like this. Unless…
“Did Evan say something?” he sputtered finally.
Karen took a contemplative sip of her wine, watching him with sharp, assessing eyes. Fuck, he'd prefer getting grilled like this by Hen. She was scarier, and fiercely protective of Evan, but also a little less surgically insightful in her observations.
“Hen brought it up last week,” she admitted after a moment, with a slight wince. “She was teasing him, since she knows his lease is up in a couple months. Buck…spiraled a little.”
And damn it. Damn it. He'd known about the lease, of course. Evan had mentioned it in passing a couple of times. But not in a way that had any weight of expectation…not in a way that made Tommy think he was hinting at anything. Fuck.
Karen narrowed her eyes at him, brow furrowing a little. “I mean--it’s not a big deal. Stereotypes aside, a year really isn't that long in the grand scheme of things. Buck's not expecting you to ask to move in together. I think it was more that you two haven't talked about the future at all. Which, again, everyone has their own timeline, but just in case you were waiting on him to bring it up, it's gonna have to be you. Buck's too gun-shy.”
Tommy couldn't help grimacing at the words. Yeah. That tracked. He knew all about Evan's previous girlfriends, and the couple times he'd ended up cohabitating. Of course Evan would be wary of even broaching the subject. Goddamn it.
“Hey,” Karen said suddenly, her voice going a bit quieter. “Tommy, I was just curious. Maybe a little worried. You two have seemed really happy….”
Tommy shook his head, sighing. “We are. Yeah, no, we are. I should've figured he was…I just should've noticed.”
Karen seemed to be realizing she had stumbled onto a larger issue than she initially thought. The wineglass joined the pie plate on the grass and she scooted her chair a little closer to his, turning her whole body towards him. “Okay, I feel like I'm missing some context here. What's going on?”
Such an easy question. One he even knew the answer to.
He wanted to take the next step with Evan, was the thing. Fuck, if he was honest with himself, he'd been wanting to take the next steps for a while now. Moving in together. Joining finances. Getting a goddamn dog.
Little pieces of Evan had been finding their way into his place for months, now. His toothbrush and preferred shower products in the bathroom. His spare clothes in the bottom drawer of Tommy’s dresser. His weird-ass organic oat milk and protein powder in the kitchen. Small little pieces and Tommy wanted more. Wanted it all. They'd been together for almost a year and a half. Karen was right, if Tommy saw a future with Evan it was well past time to start the discussion. The way they'd been going, their anniversary trip would have been the perfect time to bring it up, to ask Evan to just give up the loft and come stay, come be with Tommy all the time.
He could see a future with Evan. He could see everything with Evan. Rings. Vacations. Pets. Fuck, Evan had him thinking about kids and he'd never thought that was something he wanted. He could see it, though. He could see them growing old and gray together. So what was the hold up?
A loud burst of laughter startled him, and he looked over to find Eddie had stolen Jee from Evan and was spinning around and around while she shrieked for him to go faster. Evan was perched on the arm of Christopher’s lounge chair, watching the scene with a soft smile as he draped his arm around the boy's shoulders.
Yeah. That was the hold up.
Something must have shown on his face, because Karen followed his line of sight. He averted his eyes when she looked back at him.
“Tommy,” she started, but he just shook his head.
It wasn't like he hadn't known going in that Evan's place in Eddie's and Christopher's lives (and theirs in his) was…a lot. Probably more than a lot of people would be willing to put up with. He cared about the Diaz boys too, though, and again…he hadn't been expecting to love Evan so damn much. And really? It had been fine. A little awkward at first, but he liked to think that they'd all learned to walk a line that let all of them get what they needed out of the relationships. It had been fine.
Then Eddie started getting more serious about therapy. Not that he hadn't been before. After the…situation…that had resulted in Chris going to spend the summer with Eddie's parents, he'd started seeing one of the department counselors again. But eventually he'd moved on to more intensive therapy–sought out more specialized treatment. Tommy had actually been the one to put him in touch with a veterans’ group some of his friends from the service attended, and through them, Eddie had found a therapist he really clicked with. Someone who worked with combat veterans exclusively, saw PTSD every day.
It had been great. Even knowing him for a relatively short time, Tommy could see how much stronger he was. How much more settled and sure of himself.
How much he was realizing about himself.
Tommy wasn't going to say anything. He wasn't going to bring it up until Eddie did, knew intimately how difficult it was for you to admit something like that to yourself and live honestly…especially for guys like them, however unfair that was. He'd supported his friend, he and Evan both had, but privately he thought it was kind of a tossup if Eddie would ever let himself finish that journey.
It was fine. It was all fine.
Eddie was getting braver, though. Tommy could see it. Could see him settling further and further into his own skin, getting closer and closer to being able to be who he was meant to be. It was wonderful, and awful at the same time. Wonderful because Eddie was his friend who he cared about, and no one deserved to have to live a lie. That kind of denial festered inside you. It poisoned you from the inside out. Eddie was a good man. A good friend. Tommy was glad it looked like he'd be able to lance that wound and drain the poison.
It was awful because Tommy wasn't an idiot. And he could see the way Eddie looked at Evan.
He'd always kind of thought Eddie might come between them eventually.
“Look, I love Evan. I really do. I want a life with him. But–” he gestured towards the charming tableau: Evan with his arm around what was for all intents and purposes his and Eddie's kid, while Eddie played with Evan's niece. He shrugged at Karen, twisting in his seat a little so he wasn't facing his boyfriend and the man who was also in love with his boyfriend, and who had a connection to his boyfriend that Tommy deep down didn't think he could compete with. “Writing on the wall's a little obvious, isn't it? Sue me, I'm kind of hoping to at least keep my dignity when he…” He broke off, gritting his teeth so hard he felt the muscle in his jaw jump. “When he moves on,” he finished, as steadily as he could. Fuck. He'd never said it out loud before. It fucking hurt.
He hadn't heard Evan approaching them. Neither had Karen, judging by the way her eyes widened. Slowly, agonizingly, Tommy turned in his seat to find his boyfriend staring at him with the most hurt, betrayed expression he'd ever seen on Evan's face.
He'd always kind of thought Eddie might eventually come between them.
But not like this.
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tocomplainfriend · 9 months
I wonder how Hazbin will treat religion, I wanted to talk about Morel Orel.
If you don't know, Is about Orel a kid how tries to follow the religious (fundamentalist Protestant Christian) teachings. But always takes it too far, and makes a mess. The series is really more rough and heavy that you would guess. I don't think is perfect, I hate episode 2 from season 1. But I really like how they treat the topic. If you are going to watch it, keep in mind: Season 1 is really unserious until the later. But it was done on purpose - the ending of the season it hits! Season 2 and 3 is really serious and heavier. -and takes its time to explore the characters and the problems going on in the town.
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The end of the series pretty much resumes the point the series is trying to make about religion. During the hole series, the biggest problem is Clay (Orel's Dad) and how he is. In the series is the one, two tell Orel incorrect lessons based on religion and stuff. After all of that, the last episode shows Orel years later as a father. -And he is loving and the nice person he has always tried to be. You can see in the photo, he still is religious to despise everything. The problem really wasn't believing in god, but how people did bad things upon it.
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Also, just to mention this scene! At the end of season 1, where things get serious. After many fights between his parents, Orel ignores them, misunderstanding the gravity of the situation. But by the ending of the episode he realizes the problem but yet he says; "But you still 2 minutes left, I got faith in you". He prays to God to fix the situation in the two minutes that he got left of Christmas. In complete silence, the camera goes away in to the sky. Orel waits for a response of God, but gets none......
I don't think Orel Morel is perfect, but I really like it, and it has a lot better writing that Helluva!
Hazbin is pretty different cause it takes place directly in hell and heaven. Instead of looking at the brainwashing as a critique or even the acknowledgment of religious people who are good? I really hope they don't fully fall into the Heaven is 100 percent bad and alt eat try for a gray moral. I wonder how they will treat all this stuff.
+one joke I liked in the series:
Orel does a little clay animation movie and shows it to people in town, but another kid presents it instead, who understand what's going on more than him. -and also accidentally showing many others that his dad beats him with a belt.
"Orel: Joe completely change the meaning of everything I wrote.... Doughy: Gosh Orel that too bad! Orel: Yeah, I guess certain things gets misinterpreted. Doughy: Like what? Orel: Hmm... not sure!" then he scratches his face, with the bible.
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Hopefully it won't be that bad, right?
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It's very likely that a manga artist has seen a movie based on a popular comic, and may have been inspired by it and referenced it in their work.
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1. Argonath on the River Anduin and The Valley of the End are so similar-looking
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Valley of the end - 2004
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring- 2001 [it premiered in Japan on March 2, 2002]
2. Kishimoto said that he was referenced Spiderman.
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We know that Sasuke felt pain in his arm and fell to his knees, coughing up blood just above Naruto's head. Then we seeing him end up straight above Naruto's face. All the raindrops pass through his face land on Naruto's face. We know he was staring at Naruto for a while. But we don't know when Sasuke got up and left him. Kishimoto deliberately left this scene up to our interpretation.
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And it's a clear visual symbolism of the iconic Upside down Kiss between Mary Jane and Peter Parker in the Rain (2002)
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There is no denying the fact that this romantic visual symbolism was given to Sasuke innocently staring at Naruto...
3. At the end of the chapter 271 Kishimoto said that he referenced "CHIKAMATSU MONZAEMON"
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In the manga, Monzaemon is known as the first generation of puppet master. In fact, this is a real person who actually existed in the Edo period. It is taken from the famous Japanese puppet theater writer "Chikamatsu Monzaemon". He was the inventor of the art of puppetry. His real name is Sugimori Nobumori, and Chikamatsu Monzaemon is his pen name. He was a Jōruri, a playwright of puppet shows and kabuki during the Edo period. And also Known as the "Shakespeare of Japan". He is considered Japan's greatest playwright, writing for both bunraku puppet theater and the kabuki stage.
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As a fan of his writings, Kishi created Chikamatsu Monzaemon as a character in his manga to show his respect for him.
As Kishi said, Chikamatsu is known as the Japanese Shakespeare. His most famous work is 'Love Suicide at Amijima' (1720). It is about two lovers who cannot live together because of social and political situation, and so blinded by love they commit the gravest act, suicide. Since their inflexible society makes their love impossible, Jihei and Koharu will seek to be joined in the afterlife. I've talked about it in here [It is based on the bunraku play The Love Suicides at Amijima by Monzaemon Chikamatsu]
Kishi talked about love suicide in the final note of chapter 271, then he mentioned double suicide in chapter 450, and finally in 486 Naruto suggested double suicide to Sasuke under a bridge
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Their shinobi world is no different from the real world when it comes to the basics. A world full of injustice, inflexible and prejudice...and it won't allow their love or let them be together. If they wanted to be together forever, the only option before them was to die together. Leaving this world to live with each other. Hopefully they will meet again in the next life….because in their next life they will not be burdened by society's expectations, hatred, injustice, prejudices and rigid rules.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
The night stalker ch.1
Ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 A03
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A/N: the first chapter is base on my dream a few days ago so I believe it's was sleep paralysis demon that I was having but this give me the idea for this chapter :3
Blinking the tiredness away as I curl into a ball, the soft warmth touches on my delicate skin. I turn over for the fresh air of the ac as I sigh quietly.
I blink away to see a dark figure near my bed as I stare at it a bit. It's holding what I assume is a small gray camera but it's suddenly disappeared before I get to look at it a little longer. I think my mind was playing tricks as I turned over and didn't think much about it.
I curl over as I pull the blanket over my face, it's a bit unnerving to see something like that out of a horror movie in real life. I should stop watching those true crimes on YouTube as I doze off into sleep.
It was a bright beautiful morning as I stretched out my arms, I yawned out loud as I rub my eyes a bit.
Living in Japan by myself feels refreshed but I miss my home life in my country as I get up to start my early breakfast.
I put my thumb on my lips as I think, I need to study for my college about speaking Japanese and its culture. I smile softly as I play with my hair, I put it into a messy bun.
As I head into the living room to turn on the television for news, I feel a bit isolated about being alone in this apartment but I always thought Japan was such a beautiful place and also it was time for me to start a new chapter for my journey as a foreigner woman.
I begin to prep the potato as I peel it, I look over to see the weather lady talking about a nice sunny day as I smile. It's gonna be nice weather as I wash the peeled potatoes.
It's cut to a news man explaining about an unwanted criminal as I cut it into small pieces.
An unwanted criminal? As I pause the cutting as I begin to look at the TV.
“ an unknown male in his early 20s has been breaking and entering houses, murdering anyone who lives in it. ” I gasp as I hear him speak about the location as I bite my lips, it's close by where I live. It's hard to make out what he is saying since I'm still learning Japanese but he said.
“ The man goes by the night stalker, make sure to lock everything, your windows and doors at night time. ” I tilt my head as I think, it can't be what I saw last night about a dark figure hovering over my bed… no I think it was playing tricks on me.
“ We talked to one of his victims as they explained what he looked like. ”
“ There is a rough sketch of what we assume the criminal looks like. ” it's show a man that has shaggy short hair, sharp eyes, mole and large scar near his lips.
“ If you see this man, call the police immediately!! He is dangerous. ” I slowly realized I was holding my breath as I put my hand on my chest feeling like I couldn't breathe.
I blink fast as I turn it off, the night stalker… he sounds like something that will bring hell his way if you look at him wrong.
I walk away to start the food, I begin to think about it. Hopefully I don't run into him, I shouldn't be worried about this, I'm supposed to enjoy my day.
The meal looks a bit okay but I'll still eat it anyway, I put it down on the plate as I sat down to eat quietly.
I hum about the taste as I put my fingers on my face as I think. Don't think about it, maybe it won't ruin your day.
Suddenly I get a loud bing as I pull my phone out as I read the message.
(#1 bff asshole): hey you awake smiley?
I narrowed my eyes at his message. Katsuki bakugou was my first friend that I made when I came to Japan. We started out as online friends just joking around and now I live in Japan, he wants me to join him in college with his friends as I smile.
The nickname was a bit cheesy as I giggle at it, I remember when we first did a video call he was intimidating when I first saw him but he was a bit polite and he noticed off the bat that I smile too much or whenever I make dumb jokes often so bakugou was blunt in conversation and so smiley was his nickname to me.
(Me): yeah!! I'll be here in bit, gotta eat my breakfast :>
(#1 bff asshole): well hurry up I don't have all day smiley.
Grumpy asshole as I groan at the message.
(Me): hey you… hear about the news today? About an unwanted criminal called night stalker…apparently he's around my location..
There was a long pause as I finished my meal, I got up to clean the dishes a bit.
I walk back towards the phone as the screen lights up.
(#1 bff asshole): … yeah. Are you okay? Do you want me to protect you and be your hero? Don't fall for me tho ;)
I roll my eyes at this as I puff out air.
(Me): eww gross… but in all seriousness, yeah just a bit, I wouldn't mind the others coming to my apartment for a few days.
I close my phone as I begin to head into my room to get dressed, a simple casual outfit would be nice.
I grab my clothes to wear as I bolt to the restroom to take a quick shower.
The water feels nice on my skin as I sigh in relief. I jumped out, quickly dried my hair and did a bit of makeup.
A cute white skirt with a large pink sweater to keep me warm, white leggings and a small bag that looks like a cat.
I quickly get my keys and wallet as I head out to meet bakugou.
Today is gonna be my day and I'll enjoy it with my new friends!!
I stand outside as I begin to lock the door and start to walk away to the fresh air of japan.
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