#But especially when they’re chubby or pudgy
vexypest · 4 months
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Not BTD related but yes. Women. I love all sorts of women.
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
Leon is the first time parents who is super worried and overthinks everything that includes his babies.
When Violet was two months old, she got her two month shots like every other baby. Of course Leon would want to come, no way they’re poking and prodding his daughter without him there?
As soon as the doctor started to get all the injections ready, the questions would start.
“What’s this for?”
“What does it prevent?”
“Are there any side effects?”
You’d just shoot him a look, practically begging him to not make the doctors job any harder than it has to be.
He’d try and distract her with a little rattling toy as they disinfected her pudgy legs, but as soon as that needle pierced her chubby leg, she immediately got all teary eyed and her lip quivered. Causing her to absolutely wail and cry, all Leon could could do was pick her up hold her and rock her in his arms while she got over her little fit.
- Anon! 🎀
His wife would be shooting him such a glare. Especially since she literally has experience with vaccines. Probably have an entire conversation with him before hand but that went out the window as soon as the needles came out. One the questions start she's practicing holding herself back from rolling her eyes. But as soon as Violet starts crying she'd feel guilty. It was necessary but still felt bad.
Leon starts his doting. Picking her up and comforting her. Telling her how brave she was and she'd calm down once he starts bouncing her gently. Giggles filling the office as you thank the doctor and he hands you a sticker. Usually meant for little kids but you had a feeling what it was intended for.
Getting back in the car you slip into the driver seat after Leon locks Violet down in her car seat like she's on a military base. He moves into the passenger seat, buckling himself up. You lean over slapping the sticker of a cat hanging on a branch that says "hang in there!"
"There ya go baby, just for you. For being such a brave good boy at the doctor's today!" He lifts his shirt looking back at you.
"I hate you so much."
"Is that why there's a mixture of our DNA in the backseat?" He stares forward for a moment before looking back at you as you pinched his cheek.
"Its like I have two kids." Violet coos loudly, making you chuckle as you start the car. "See, she agrees!"
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What are your thoughts on pre serum Steve getting the good meds he needs and putting on some weight? Like, Bucky gets a well paying job and Steve’s art is going well and so he can get what he needs now, and they can eat decent food too.
So Steve eats, and eats and eats! His allergies and intolerances are manageable now, his body can digest most things for the first time, and he’s revelling in it… and gets pretty tubby as a result.
Round cheeks, slight second chin, perky tits and soft belly, thick thighs and arms and pudgy hands? Bucky’s obsessed with how soft his hands are, how round they look, how round he looks. He looks delicious, he looks well cared for and loved, he looks like plump, spoiled little prince and Bucky’s obsessed. (Also what if Steve does become a slight brat? Sugar Daddy Bucky maybe?)
Okay, so I read this the first time and was given slight, almost, your-eating-habits-finally-catch-up-to-you vibes. Almost ex-jock, like, your metabolism slows down and you finally put on weight and you probably put that weight on pretty fast 🥴🥴 and as enticing as that is:
Imagining that perhaps pre-serum Steve was eating a fuck ton to try and combat his chronic pain, subconsciously even, filling the pain and discomfort with sugar especially, but also whatever food he could get his hands on. Which only changes once his underlying conditions are treated, the meds he’s on slowing his hummingbird metabolism while his eating habits don’t really change on account of how overjoyed he is to be pain-free; food being used as a comfort and a celebration and gaining a truly impressive amount of weight as a result.
That’s not this ask. And I really, really do like this idea!
I love this idea. 
I love the thought put into the fact that Steve probably/definitely had issues getting down and keeping down food. So, when his conditions are treated, he can put down food, keep food down, and enjoy the flavor and filling nature of food. Basically, re-discovering food and becomes unable to keep himself from overindulging. 
Can you imagine? 
Unbeta'd as usual. Warning for: belly kink, weight gain, stuffing, hand kink, slight humiliation, etc.
Bucky would love to lovingly tease Steve about it… how fast he’s growing. He would love to grab and pinch him...
Grabbing his face and squishing his lovely, newly round cheeks until Steve can’t help but squirm and turn bright red, lowering his head in an effort to get his blond bangs to cover his face, hiding from the embarrassment. But all it succeeds in doing, really, is making his double chin more obvious. Which is much, much better for Bucky 😳
Grabbing his perky tits all. the. time. Bucky would weekly, at least, grab his tits in his hands to measure how big they’re getting. How much of a handful are Steve’s tits this time? How sensitive are his nipples now that they’re bigger and softer? Growing along with the rest of him. How much effort does it take Bucky to find his collarbones under his new layer of fat? 
Pinching and grabbing his soft new belly… fuck... that might make Bucky cream his pants- the feeling of all those calories piling up around his waist. That concave stomach is long gone and replaced with a bowing out pot belly. And I mean a POT BELLY. His belly is disproportionate almost. Large enough that it shakes and jiggles and is visible from behind when Bucky (very occasionally) fucks him (Steve usually gets his fix of being stuffed through food, not dick). Or fucks those chubby thighs now that they not only meet in the middle - rather than there being a gap between his thighs - but also rub and get in the way of each other. Leaving Steve with a friction rash whenever it gets hot out and he’s been walking around in only his boxers as he paints, working from home.
Pinching his arms too, Bucky can’t help himself, he’ll come up to Steve when he’s drawing, shirtless more often than not with how fast he’s outgrown all his clothes (and continues to outgrow his new clothes, Jesus wept), and grab one of those bingo wings. Just because they were moving around, jiggling a little, as he reached for another pencil or another mid-work snack. It always makes Steve squawk. Bucky can’t stop himself though. His Steve. So fat that even his arms are fat!
Grabbing his hands too… yessss.
There’s this FANTASTIC fic on Archive “Show your teeth, Now play dead” by TyrantTirade (x) that is peak hand kink to me. Basically, it’s Bucky being a little submissive and a little bit of an attention seeker, wanting Steve’s whole hand in his mouth- because pre-serum Steve’s hand is small enough to fit in his mouth. It comes across as a little humiliating and in the spirit of fisting… just at the other end. Anyway, I love that fic. And that’s where my mind went with the hand thing...
Bucky sucking on Steve’s fingers or begging for Steve to try and fit his hand, now chubby with this weight gain, into his mouth? *shivers* 
I am obsessed with this thought. Also, it leads nicely into the bratty Steve angle. 
Bucky is on his knees, next to Steve’s spread legs, Steve’s belly is the only thing hanging between his thick thighs, not Bucky. Bucky wants to be there instead. But he's not, he's off the side of Steve's right leg. Watching. Waiting.
Bucky also so badly wants Steve to push his fingers into his mouth, not just to be between his legs, wanting his chubby little prince’s attention. Practically drooling for the attention. Today he feels a little neglected, craving to be paid as much attention as Steve pays to his food. Food that he’s eating. More. He’s eating even more than he usually does. Claiming to be extra hungry today...
Steve is Teasing Bucky intentionally (unbeknownst to Bucky) by stuffing himself from the time he woke up this morning to right now, there’s been something in his mouth every minute of the day it feels like, his stomach aches. He can feel new stretchmarks incoming. He can feel Bucky’s eyes on him like fire. As full of food as Steve is… Bucky is also that full of sexual frustration.
Steve has only spoken to Bucky today when he wants more food, but he doesn’t want to get up from where the weight of his fat, stretch-marked body is sinking into the couch. And Bucky is coming off of a week of long work hours, but now, during the weekend, he has just one thing on his mind.
He needs.
Bucky starts whining at some point. 
And to tease more, Steve looks down at him, feeling his double chin become exaggerated, oh god, asking, “what’s wrong down there?” 
Bucky sucks in a breath. There are crumbs on Steve’s face- crumbs from cookies? Some kind of bread? Crumbs are on his double-chin too. And on his fingers… there are smears of food. Some crumbs, but he’s been eating something with jam too. It’s smeared on his fingers, melting and sticky as he stuffed whatever had jam on it, in it, in his mouth. 
“Oh,” Steve plays dumb, barely hiding a smirk, “are you hungry, Buck?” 
Bucky is paralyzed in arousal. 
Steve takes his nonanswer as an actual answer. And. He shoves his fingers in Bucky’s gaped mouth, ordering him, “lick ‘em clean. Then maybe I’ll share some real food… depends on if we’ve got more food or not though, I am still a little hungry, and if we don’t…” he clicks his tongue, “maybe not. Maybe I won’t share. I’ve got more belly to fill than you, so I need more, don’t you think?” 
Bucky’s head is spinning, his mouth full of three, no, four fingers. Licking them clean, just like Steve ordered him to. But he can’t resist taking those fingers as deep into his mouth as he can too, sucking on them like he would Steve’s cock… his cock… his cock has got to be hard under the heft of his ever-growing belly but- his belly is in the way. Bucky can’t see if he’s hard.
It sends a greater rush through him for some reason.
He can’t tell if Steve is enjoying this or not! He... he could really only be thinking with his gut. He could only be focused on stuffing himself as full as he can be, until he can’t breathe and his belly is flushed red, packed tight enough to stress his skin. He might be more obsessed with food than with orgasming, Bucky might’ve trained him too well to be addicted to food and now he’ll have to walk around, always hard and ready to beg at the drop of a hat because his Steve looks so good! Fat and round! So good! But... so uninterested in anything that isn't food.
That thought shouldn’t turn him on but… it does. It really does.
Bucky sucks harder at his fingers, nodding. Steve does need more. Steve needs more until he’s too fat to think about anything but being fat. Until he’s too fat to fuck. Too fat to fuck Bucky specifically (and again- why is that hot? God, he’s so fucking weird! But… nothing matters when it inspires so much arousal in him and he can’t focus on anything but getting more of it. More of the intoxicating feeling of being at his fat Prince's mercy). 
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dreamingofaizawa · 2 years
Your x chubby!reader prompts are so hot,💓I’m thinking about turning the tables. Chubby Katsuki🤤
Oh my fuck I'm salivating rn.
Warning for smut and size kink below the cut cause holy—
Sure he feeds himself well, the whole 'my body's a temple and I only put the good shit inside it' is one of his favorite slogans. But he's learned that he's allowed to let go a little, learned that a little fat never hurt when he got tired of counting calories and planning every portion of every meal. So his belly's gotten a little pudgy and soft, and so are his meaty arms and thighs. Even then his waist is still so small compared to his broad shoulders. And if he were to stand with no size indicators he'd look like a perfectly proportioned bodybuilder, but he's humongous. He's tall and built like a brick house, you can barely wrap your arms all the way around his waist.
And sure, he's chubby, but he's still so big n strong. And yeah, he's chubby but that doesn't make him any less attractive, nor any less cocky. Because he knows how hot he is, even with that layer of fat covering all that bulk, especially with that fat on him. He’s seen the Tweets, the Instagram fan pages and Facebook communities dedicated to “dad bod pro hero Dynamight supremacy”. He sees the way most of his fan base gives him either heart eyes or jealous glares when he passes by.
But he doesn’t really care what they think, never has. He only cares about one person’s opinion. His favorite fan, and without a doubt his biggest fan: you.
You, who’s so tiny in comparison to his massive frame. He’s just so big you look itty bitty to him, a little teddy bear standing beside a full grizzly. He lives for the size difference between you. Loves how he can wrap himself around you and completely engulf you. Loves the way you have to stand way on your tippy toes and pull yourself up by his shoulders to even manage a peck to his jaw.
He’s obsessed with how big his hands look on your soft waist, pinching your thighs, your ass. How massive his fingers are wrapped around your throat while he fucks you stupid. It makes him feral just thinking about it. The sheer size difference between you makes him painfully hard, blood rushing to his cock whenever he pays attention to how small you look before him.
And don’t even get me started on his dick. He’s fucking massive. It takes nearly an hour to prep you on his tongue and fingers before he can slip that fat cock of his in your tiny little hole. You’re already half stupid as he lines himself up and pushes the thick mushroom head past that first ring of muscle, and when he slowly and steadily sinks into you you’re sure you’ve ascended. He loves seeing you fall apart for him, because of him, because of how big he is.
You swear you can feel him in your throat when he fucks you in earnest, folding you nearly in half with his big hands on the backs of your thighs, pushing your knees up to your shoulders and putting all his weight into every thrust.
It’s unhealthy how much I wanna bite him and that chub on his belly. AAAHHH I wanna bury my face in his tummy and just chew and suck on him, squeeze at his chunky hips and thighs 🤤
OH MY GOD and then doing the same when going down on him and deepthroating that monster of a dick. Just squeezing and pinching at all that fat while gagging on the thick tip of his cock, hearing him coo down at you with a palm on the back of your head, petting you and telling you how you’re such a good little slut for him. He’s laughing at you, degrading you for tugging at his fat cause you need something to hold onto, hearing him growl when you turn and suck deep purple and red hues into the meat of his thighs.
He nearly cries when you toy and tug at his chest that’s built up some fat. He gets so sensitive when you suck on his nipples and pinch them till they’re hard, his hips rocking up to grind his hard dick against your ass and his head thrown back as those pretty whimpers slip past his lips. And if you do it long enough, play with his pecs and grind down on his dick just the right way, he’ll cum bucket loads in his sweats. He won’t even blink as he then spins you and abs pins you face down ass up, ready to go again but instead stuff you full.
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radabadabing-bing · 3 years
Childe’s Search for Satisfaction
so like what if i made a genshin wg fanfic haha
like as a joke haha
a joke
like ‘haha funny joke!’
so here it is
Childe was frustrated. It wasn’t necessarily because he couldn’t find a fight- There were always plenty of monsters out on in the wilderness of Liyue -But not one of them was satisfying. The various hilichurls and slimes were jokes against his power. Every Ruin Guard he had run past, in anticipation that it would awaken and give him a chance to fight, had turned out to be broken and nonfunctioning. He had run across a single Lawachurl, the brutish beast proving somewhat difficult, but it still fell like all the rest.
And as he impaled his latest victim on his watery blades, he still felt immensely dissatisfied. The monster in particular was a Whopperflower, an oversized plant that happened to be immensely territorial. Unfortunately, it too was weak against Childe’s power.
And another unfortunate thing…Childe was tired. He had pushed himself too hard in every battle, excitement getting the better of him. The Harbinger grunted in frustration as his weapon dematerialized. “Damn. Absolutely nothing.” Wiping sweat from his brow, he did notice something curious leaking from one of the beastial plant’s stamens- A shimmering liquid, gold in sheen. He reached out to touch it, the substance sticky on his glove.
“Huh…Oh, right.” He had heard of this stuff. Childe had seen it before too. It was a thick nectar, rich with energy. The flower fed off of it, and it also served as a useful alchemical ingredient. Usually Childe wouldn’t concern himself with such a substance- He was no biologist or researcher, after all -But an idea wormed its way into his head.
He licked some of the nectar off his glove. Sweet in taste, maybe even too saccharine for him- But that wasn’t the important bit. What was important was that his sore muscles began to relax, feel reinvigorated. Not a whole lot, but it was noticeable. And if even that tiny amount felt so good to indulge in, well, Childe couldn’t resist. He grabbed a stamen, crushing it in his hand. More of the sticky honey bursting, coating his glove.
The Harbinger did realize this was a bit gross to do, but as he looked around…What no one knew wouldn’t hurt them. Without a hint of shame, he began thoroughly cleaning every last bit off the stamen and his hand. Before long, it was like the nectar had never been there. And Childe felt reinvigorated. “Heh, that’s better.” He said, stretching out, before immediately charging towards a small Hilichurl encampment in the distance.
However, as said, Childe was no biologist or alchemist. He was blissfully unaware of the fact that you were not supposed to consume the nectar in such a pure and undiluted form, nor in the amounts he had indulged in. It was safe at this point, sure, but the effects were already slightly showing on his waistline. A bit of pudge on his belly, his decently fitting pants tightening around his lower half. Not that he noticed, still riding the high of his apparent ingenious plan.
While the boost was able to push him onwards for a few more battles, blasting away the beasts he encountered with torrents of water, flurries of arrows. More and more fell to the strength of Childe, but it still was utterly unsatisfying. Worse yet, he was feeling tired once more- Though he didn’t need to wait long to spot another Whopperflower.
Sights set on the unwitting plant, it felt the Harbinger’s presence…a few moments before a volley of arrows pierced it, short work made of it. Childe quickly claimed his prize, plucking off a stamen from it’s desecrated corpse. Greedily eating out the nectar, feeling revitalized, oblivious to his wardrobe beginning to strain. 
This cycle would repeat- He’d exhaust himself on pointless encounters, desperately trying to sate his lust for combat. Thoroughly unamused, he’d seek out a Whopperflower, slay it for it’s nectar, and move on- Again and again.
Soon enough, it wasn’t exactly something unnoticeable. Childe was significantly plumper, his outfit clearly undersized at this point. His shirt had already been loose fitting, letting his belly spill over his belt unhampered. His legs looked like tubed sausage, stuffed into pants that could barely contain them. Unhelped by the belt he had tied around his left leg, which was about the only thing Childe immediately noticed wrong.
“When did this thing get so tight…” He complained, as he tried to adjust it. The belt promptly snapped off, the rest of his thigh jiggling as it was released. “Huh. Must’ve gotten worn out.” He was still rather oblivious to his gains, even as his love handles and ass spilled out the top of his pants.
He had noticed his travels had brought him to an especially arid place. The faint smell of smoke in the air, charred grass, scorched rock. That was when he recalled what lay deep within the cavern before him- What any Whopperflower would become over its lifespan, the overgrown Regisvine.
And if the Whopperflower already had a lot of nectar, how much would it’s larger variant have? Childe was already chomping at the bit to find out. Speeding off from his last victim, he could hardly notice how his new bulk slowed him. Or rather, he was keeping the same speed as he had before, just tiring himself out faster. It made a rather vicious cycle, draining his own energy faster, needing more nectar to keep him going…
The universe perhaps wanted to give Childe another sign after he had missed what the smaller belt popping off meant. It did so with a loud rip as he rushed down the corridor. The seat of his pants had split open. “Damn, did I snag it on something?” That was the amount of observation Childe could give. He thought it was embarrassing, sure, but he also didn’t think that it was size causing it. “Guess I’ll just say it happened in battle…”
With the signs and warnings falling on the battle hungry Harbinger’s deaf ears, he still confidently approached the Regisvine, dormant in it’s lair. Though it unfurled as it detected the portly warrior, ready to defend it’s territory. Flames flickered about it’s form as the Regisvine towered over Childe, a red hot core lighting at it’s base…
Though even the mighty Regisvine was conquered under Childe’s power. Chubby or not, he was still an absolute force to be reckoned with. Volley after volley of arrows struck at the monstrous plant, as it too returned with it’s own attacks of fierce fire. Though it met the same fate as every other foe of Childe on that day- Utter defeat.
As he stabbed a blade of water through it’s corolla of a head, it slumped down, it’s flames flickering away, smoldering as it’s sentience faded. “Heh. Better luck next time.” He told the fading flower, rather satisfied with the fight it gave him. “Phew. Some people would quit while they’re ahead…” Childe could quit right now. He did get his fight. But Childe was Childe. “…But maybe I could run all the way to Mondstadt and fight that icy one too!”
He pulled the blade from the corolla, and proceeded to slice open the dead Regisvine’s bud- A sigh of warm air wafting out with it, carrying the scent of the delectable and energizing nectar. A sly grin spread out on the Harbinger’s slightly pudgy face, as the rich golden honey oozed from the now wide open plant.
His smug smile only got wider as he realized that this plant had far more nectar than the others he had slain. Practically pumping out the nectar, perhaps as a last attempt to get the vine to live once more. Though this was pointless, as Childe had already begun his feast.
There was some civility to it at first- Some, as he was still scooping it up and eating it with his hands, but that was better than him just nixing the scooping and eating it out of the stem.
His pants were already put to their limits- Unsurprisingly, they were first to go. Tearing down the sides with a resonant ripping sound. In another unsurprisingly turn of events, Childe was completely and utterly unaware as he grew at a much faster pace than before. His gut fell over the edge of his belt, straining to an incredible degree, until pop! Off went the belt, off went the rest of his pants. Giving way to blubbery thighs and bountiful buttocks, indented by his boxers. Boxers that were already too small, trace elasticity keeping them together.
Childe’s ignorance was honestly impressive at this point. He was lost in the idea of battles to be, already plotting out a course for his inevitable warpath. A warpath that he wouldn’t be able to pursue at his current size, much less the size he’d ultimately reach.
His coat and undershirt were kept loose already, but even loose articles of clothing would eventually give way. Buckles breaking, straps snapping. Once refined pecs were losing definition as they became flabby and heavy, sitting upon a significant midsection. His boots pulled apart as his weight continued to mount. And mount it did, as he swelled fatter, and fatter…
Soon enough, the once arena was now a graveyard for the warrior’s outfit. And said warrior was just finishing up. “Phew!” Wiping his mouth, licking up a few last dribbles of nectar. “With that, I should be able to-” Childe didn’t get to finish his sentence. He slightly leaned back as he was speaking, enough to immediately throw off his balance. With a thud, he landed on his oversized rump.
He was genuinely surprised by this development. “Huh?! Where did all this…” He grabbed at himself, almost entirely naked. His scarf loosely wrapped around his neck, said neck sporting a trio of chins now. He also felt his boxers on, though he could not see them in any capacity. Just able to feel how tight they were. And the still growing holes in them. “When did this happen?!”
The hefty Harbinger tried moving, though achieved little. His feet weren’t even on the ground now. And his attempts to move did actually tire him out, as he took in beleaguered breaths. For all the energy the nectar held, there came a point where it was beyond helping him. “…It was pretty fun up until now, at least…” He lamented. Becoming a blob of fat obviously wasn’t on the itinerary, but he did find a decent opponent or two. So the day wasn’t a total wash. 
He just had to hope someone was planning on hunting a Regisvine soon, or that his fellow Fatui went out looking for him- Because he was definitely immobile, and wasn’t gonna be mobile without some serious help.
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iwillgutyou · 3 years
FFA Fantasy #2: just something I found in my notes 😋
Your friends and family just don’t understand why you date him. He’s not chubby he’s fat, properly fat. He has a very visible double chin, a plump round face with cheeks so full they look like they’re taking over his facial features. With plump little lips that are always agape. Either ready for food or just by breathing heavy. No matter how large his shirts may be, there’s just no hiding his big, round gut and fat man tits. His belly is so big it’s distracting and sometimes, especially after a meal, it peaks its way under his impossibly large tarp of a shirt. Your love ones just don’t get it. he doesn’t walk, no, he waddles. He waddles, breathing heavy, and everyone swears they can feel the ground shake with every step he takes. While on family hiking trips you wait for him every 30seconds for him to catch his breath. Not even half-way through the hike and he’s already glistening, panting and blushing like an oiled up county fair pig. While at family dinners he shows no control. Forget seconds, he gets fourths and fifths. You help pile his plate and wipe his face while he eats. Your family just doesn’t get it.
And it’s a shame they don’t. Because after a full day of stuffing his stomach to it’s capacity and over all being a fat fuck, playing video games and watching anime, he fucks you—hard. It’s the most physical activity he gets in a day and you absolutely don’t mind. You feel his weight on you and it’s orgasmic. His huge, flabby stomach crushed against your flat one in missionary or it draped over your back in doggy. You cream every time you grab his tits while he grabs yours in cowgirl. While you feel his fat sausage fingers completely around waist and his pudgy stomach hit your pubis. You love his fat and get turn on by his fatness. You get wet by the mere thought of lifting up his giant, heavy gut just to suck him off. And you’re turned on by the fact his boobs are bigger than yours. You find it unbelievably erotic when he stuffs his face with more food you eat in a week in one sitting. That you are in fact delighted and not embarrassed when he breaks a chair or pops a button in public. Because all that means is more fat for you to fuck. If your family and love ones knew how much you loved being a slut for jabba the hut, they wouldn’t know whose more greedy and depraved, him or you.
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
so i'm just a bit pudgy and get anxious to wear summer stuff and i know i shouldn't but still lol 😅 maybe hcs for deku/baku/todo/kiri/denki with an s/o trying to boost her self confidence by wearing more revealing clothes? what do the boys like to see their s/o in too?
as someone who is also a bit chubby, i very much appreciated this request, i love writing things with soft pudgy readers. they’re just so c u t e! anddd body positivity ya know, you have every right to love yourself hehe. also don’t be so hard on yourself about being anxious to wear something, i still get the same way too when i’m picking out my clothes for summer. it’s totally okay, regaining confidence takes time and you have no reason to rush yourself. i’m proud of you for putting in the effort to love yourself bb! anyway, hope you enjoy my lovely vigilante!
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for being the type of person who pays attention to detail in almost every other aspect of his life, fashion really is not one of them. he’s not one to put an excessive amount of care into what he’s wearing. he’ll try to get his hair to do something. . . decent, but then he throws on a nice enough looking outfit and he’s out the door. he doesn’t always have enough brain function for that, considering it’s constantly running a mile per second with a million other things he has to do that day. so, it does take him a second to notice your change in wardrobe.
the first time you walk down to the common room in a pair of shorts cut a bit higher than your normal pair with a loose t-shirt, he notes out loud that you look really cute and comfortable before asking if you’re ready for your run together. doesn’t really think much about it after that.
it’s not untiil around the second or third time that he realizes this is something out of the ordinary for you, especially once you’ve put together an actual going out outfit that shows off more of your legs, arms, and chest. he’s red from his neck all the way up to his ears.
Holy crap they - they’re so hot - I mean, is that disrespectful to think of them? No, I don’t think so - M-Maybe, I shouldn’t say that out loud, I might sound super weird but, I’ve just never seen them like - they’re so cute, oh my gosh! Ah, right I’m supposed to be paying attention to them! C’mon Izuku get it together!
will then stutter out the most flustered and chopped up compliment you’ve ever heard from him so far. he’s never seen you in summer clothes before and he thinks you look so good, so he’s a little overwhelmed by it.
he literally adores your every breath no matter what you’re wearing, but, well he’d be a horrible liar if he said that your summer outfits weren’t some of his absolute favorites.
shoto is much more observant than people give him credit for, he’s just not as obvious about it as midoriya is. he’s a quiet people watcher, who will silently take in all of the little details about someone or something that has done enough to catch his interest. and you have certainly done more than enough to catch his interest since you are the one he loves.
from day one he has been tuned into every shifting detail of your presence. it’s just not hard for him to tell when something is different with you, especially something pertaining to you physical appearance. so, yes, he immediately notices when you’ve switched to wearing clothes that are more revealing and he will say with a straight face that it makes his knees weak.
the sight of you in summer clothes is never one he thought would knock the breath from his lungs so hard, but he loves every second of it and will not hesitate to shower you with compliments. he was already abundant in the praise of your beauty and personality, but just expect even more from him.
if he ever figures out the reason why you changed your style or if you tell him, he will let you know how happy he is that you are finally seeing what he has seen all along. breathtaking beauty with lips he would kiss breathless.
katsuki notices the second he sees you but won't let you know verbally that he loves your new summer look. his way of showing his appreciation is clear through his roaming fingers. literally cannot keep his hands to himself even if you’re in public, and he’s never been a fan of PDA other than the occasional hand-holding or arm around your waist.
it doesn’t matter how hot or humid the summer gets, expect at least one of his hands to be somewhere on you. resting on your exposed thigh while you sit with your legs slung across his lap in the common room. if you’re wearing a shorter cropped shirt while you’re out, his arm is around your waist and his fingers trail lightly, sometimes ticklish, absent patterns into your soft side. when he thinks no one is looking he’ll press a warm kiss to the top of your shoulder blade.
he knows what its about without you having to tell him and he truly is proud of you for being confident enough to show off whats yours because that means he gets to parade around with you at his side like a peacock with its feathers fanned out.
Hell yeah, this is my partner. Keep your fucking eyes off creeps, their too damn good for you anyway.
very much has to act like the cool guy when he notices your style change because he’s having a full freak out in his head, he just can’t let you know that. but will give you his usual cheeky compliment that you know is entirely genuine despite the mischievous twinkle in his eye and give you a quick wink for added effect. 
“But no really babe you look amazing. I’m digging the new look.”
He’s a complete giddy dork the entire time, walking around with a big dopey grin on his face because, hah my baby looks so amazing and the guys are gonna be s o jealous. can’t wait to brag to sero later.
he likely doesn’t know the reason you’ve gone out of your way to change your look for summer, other than the immense heat, but he does know that he’s super happy that you look super happy with what you’re wearing. and that’s all that really matters to him.
the only one who verbally announces his appreciation for your new look immediately after giving you his usual sweet greeting kiss and pulling back to admire you, taking you all in.
“You look even more amazing today baby! What the hell who gave you the right to be so cute all the time?” he’ll bring you in for another sweet kiss, then shower your whole face in light kisses.
kirishima has known that you get a little self-conscious sometimes, though you’ve never had to tell him this. he’s picked up on the same sort of nervous ticks he use to show when he was a bit younger and not as sure of himself, the ones that he, quite honestly, still has today. and he’ll let you know that he’s happy you’re beginning to feel more comfortable with not just yourself but around him and others as well.
he’s sort of the same way as bakugou. his hands roam a bit more, just because he wants to appreciate the newly exposed parts of you. not to mention, he’s just the slightest, tiniest bit more protective over you. and he wants to make sure others don’t get the wrong idea. you are his partner and his partner only.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 4 years
@doughnut-lady-cara asked: Hi-ho ^_^ First let me say I love your writing it always makes me smile and feel good about being a "chubby bunny." Second I was wondering if you'd consider doing a Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler X Chubby Reader? I've been looking for one for awhile now and can't seem to find any. Thank you for your time either way; I hope I'm not bothering you with this. Also hope that you're doing well, lots of hugs and doughnuts to you. :3
Never really written for Kurt before, but I’m gonna give it a try! I hope you enjoy sweetie!! Also, heck yeah! Chubby Bunny squad unite!!! <3 Also, I hope you don’t mind headcanons hun. :)
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Your relationship with Kurt is full of laughter.
Playing pranks on each other every chance you guys get. He honestly gets you good though and goes over the top with his pranks, but most of the time they’re harmless and in good fun.
Even though he has an outgoing personality, he likes to just chill with you and have relaxing days with you.
Loves to lay his head in your lap, it’s so soft and warm. He tells you all the time that your thick thighs are his heaven.
Is always mindful of his claws as he traces every part of your body, in awe at the curves and rolls adorning your soft, supple flesh. You’re like a work of art to him, he could study you for hours on end and still find something new and breathtaking about you.
Does tease you once in a while with his claws, drawing patterns on your skin as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear hoping to elicit a sweet moan or shiver from you.
“You’re so soft baby, every part of you is gorgeous did you know that? I could touch you all day, I never get tired of this body.”
Likes to pick you up out of the blue because the surprised squeal that comes from you makes him laugh. You’ve given up on retaliating because he’s just gonna pick you up when he wants, but it still always surprises you.
“Aww, come on babe, you should know by now that I can pick your gorgeous ass up.”
Kurt is such a dork and will always make dumb jokes about getting the “booty” since he’s so into the pirate genre and then going to smack or grab your ass.
“Well, it’s this pirates lucky day, he found himself some nice booty.”
“Kurt, don’t you dare.” You’d give him that narrowed eye look.
“Such rich and nice booty, I think I’ll take some for myself” Licking his lips he rushed up to you and slapped your ass making you jump as his laugh echoed though the house.
“What can I say babe, a pirate loves his booty!”
On chill days, he just enjoys having his arms wrapped around your soft middle, stroking your pudgy stomach and just kissing every inch of exposed skin he can.
He’s really big on body worship and you both praise each other especially during those intimate moments.
Buys you cute clothes he wants to see on you, things that are a bit tight yeah, but he knows you’ll wear it because you wear whatever you want to because as he claims, you’re a “bad bitch”.
He’s your biggest hype man! Will encourage you to buy that crop top or that bikini and of course that bra and panty set that you’re a bit iffy about. Knows you’ll rock anything you wear and tells you this every day!
“Wow baby, that crop top makes you look even more sexier, you should wear it more often, but it’ll be on the floor soon so don’t get to comfy.”
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macveigh · 2 years
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Some headcanons about Morgan’s hands!
Both of the insides of Morgan’s palms have faded scars going across them from years of cutting them for blood that she may need for certain spells and rituals. Every time she has to cut the inside of her hand, sometimes she’ll just end up opening old scars again only for brand new ones to form
Morgan’s fingers are long but a little chubby around, just like the rest of her. c:
Sweaty palms can be an issue for her sometimes, especially if she’s anxious.
She applies sentenced hand creams, especially ones with vitamin E to try and help speed up the healing processes for the scars on her palms.
Her fingers may be a little pudgy but they are very nimble, especially when it comes to making potions and spell work.
When her nails aren’t manicured or painted, she’s always biting her nails as a nervous coping mechanism. Sometimes during a really bad time, she’ll bite them right down to the nail bed.
She likes to wear rings a lot. Mostly ones that have crystals in them like Onyx, Amethyst, Emerald, etc, for fashion and witchy purposes.
Part of the reason Morgan loves playing piano, the guitar, and cooking/baking is because it allows her to use her hands and often.
She hates it when people crack their knuckles, even though she does it all the time when no one is looking.
She likes her nails to be a little on the short side. If they’re too long she’ll bite or pick at them.
Sometimes her hands cramp up if she’s doing something for too long like typing, painting, or working on a potion.
Although she’s really insecure about her scars, her hands are two of her most important tools and she loves them dearly. If she were to ever break her hand or a finger, Morgan would probably ( definitely ) dive into a serious depression during that time.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Till Death Do Us Part. [HALLOWEEN WEEK]
SUMMARY: Ever since you met Todoroki Shouto, you knew that having a friendship with him was a risk itself. But you didn't listen to the warnings, to the signs, and the protests. His sharp fangs were more than enough to ward off hundreds, the menacing gleam in his bi-colored eyes haunted people's dreams. His honey-dipped words were nothing but webs of lies and deception- everyone knows a vampire can't be trusted. But you went out of your way to trust one, and it destroyed your life. Left you wondering where it all went downward. Captured in his trap, with no way out; to be together till death did you part. 
PAIRING: Vampire!Shouto Todoroki x fem!reader.
WORD COUNT: 6.7K words, (aprox. 6,784 words.)
THEMES: Fantasy, historical!au. Fluff at the beginning, then angst, slightly erotic, dark, horror. [ONE- SHOT] [HALLOWEEN WEEK WRITING EVENT.]
TW [PLEASE READ]!!: depictions of toxic relationships, violence, murder, description of multilated bodies, emotional manipulation, non-consensual touching, blood, child abuse (once), discrimination, vampire hunting, yandere themes, forced marriage kidnapping, unhealthy relationships. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU’RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THE PREVIOUS THEMES!!
A/N: hii guys!! 3 fics (+1 more ;)] in one month? :flushed: couldn’t be me. anyways, this fic is part of a writing event I’m participating in, Halloween Week! The link to the event’s masterlist is HERE! For an entire week, fics will be posted daily, so PLEASE check out the content of my fellow writers and stay tuned for the fics!! I’d appreciate it so much <3  anyways, i have some updates for my writing updates in november! i won’t be publishing new fics, MOSTLY drabbles, HCs and others! i’ve published 3-4 fics for october, and hope to stay the same for november :) when i get my winter break, i’ll probably be a tad bit more active! we’ll see. 
as always, please leave a LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG and/or FOLLOW if you enjoyed! REBLOG > LIKE. 
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  They’re monsters, Y/N. And everyone knows you can’t trust a monster,  was the threatening remark your brother would tell you every time you mentioned the Todoroki’s. The subject was once a source of excitement for him; but as you entered your young adult years, it became taboo. And by the grim expression on his face, you assumed he spoke from experience.
As the naive young farm girl you were, you never realized how true his words were. You had been living on the outskirts of Japan under a poor household for your entire life and had never left or known beyond the grass fields that surrounded your home. The most impressive thing you had seen was the Todoroki household, a mighty and tall Japanese castle.  
Since you lived in a rural area, there weren't many neighbors. Most of them were at least a hundred meters away from your humble abode.
Not the Todoroki family, though.
They lived in an eerie and grim castle which was surrounded by wooden gates; it was only a walk away from your house, around ten to twenty minutes. Whenever you passed by, the only thing you could glimpse at was the triangular roof that curved upwards and the second floor. You spotted movement twice, a shadow walking by the window, but didn't see anything else.
The castle looked abandoned and lifeless. Something about it made you feel isolated, with small and thin needles piercing your back, especially after the Todoroki family abandoned the house. Dead and dry trees towered over the castle and at night, and you would hear a faint hear gut-wrenching screams and sobs of despair. Your brother often dismissed you, saying the wind was playing tricks on your mind. But even as sheltered and oblivious you were, your gut told you that it wasn’t the wind.
Your 18th birthday was nearing and your parents had been planning to wed you off to a dashing male, though they refused to disclose his identity. This didn't settle well with you. For the past years, you had lived an easy and carefree life with your older brother and parents, doing minimal tasks such as feeding the chicken and milking the cows. When you weren't attending the farm, you liked to spend your time in the empty grass fields and lie among the flowers. Being a dutiful wife was the last thing on your mind. 
When your brother Haruko and you were nothing more but pudgy face children, he would tell you tales about vampires. Your conversations were often loud and consisted of silly bickering.
''Y/N!'' His high pitched voice made you turn around. You grinned and waddled towards your brother and the two of you sat on the doorstep of your home.
''I found something today!'' He shoved his small and chubby hands in your face. There was a piece of tattered clothing, tainted with old blood. You wrinkled your nose.
''What is that?!" He beamed. 
''It’s a secret…'' Haruko beckoned you to lean closer and he began to whisper into your ear. ''I found it outside of the Todoroki house, and I think they’re vampires!''
You snorted in disbelief and shook your head. ''Vampires? We don't have vampires in Japan, silly! Do you mean a nure-onna?'' 
Your brother groaned in annoyance and shook his head. ''No! I mean vampires! The western type!'' His words only left you more confused. 
''See,'' he held out the cloth. ''Vampires are bloodsucking monsters! They're the living dead. They only come out at night, that’s why we never see the Todoroki’s...'' he made sure to make his tone ominous and grinned when you shivered with fear.
''But that's just a piece of cloth. Maybe that isn't even blood,'' you argued. Haruko clicked his tongue.
''No, I have more! The other day, I saw someone at the Todoroki castle...'' his face hardened. '' I saw a young boy, with pale white skin!'' He waved his hands around dramatically. ''His hair was two colors, that isn't normal! He stared at me for a few seconds... it was weird,'' your brother shuddered. ''And I heard a man shout for him, so the boy opened his mouth and shouted back. Then he left. And here's the thing....'' your shoulders tensed with anticipation.
''When he opened his mouth, I saw fangs! Sharp, shiny fangs!''
Your curiosity grew after that conversation. Determined to prove your brother wrong, you began to sneak around and observe the Todoroki household, desperate to spot at least one of the family members.
Perhaps, now that you look back at your situation, that was your first mistake; your first step into a deadly trap.
You were a tender and fragile nine-year-old when you first met the boy. With his short luscious red and white locks, the mere sight of him left you breathless. He was beautiful and ethereal, but the cold and lifeless look in his bi-colored eyes left you shivering.
It was a stormy and troublesome day. Twigs and branches snapped beneath your bare feet as you pushed through the sea of trees. Your wobbly knees were scraped and dirty, but your will and determination never wavered. Maybe it should've.
After fighting with your brother- now that you look back at it, it was a rather silly argument- you fled your house and marched towards the Todoroki castle. Although they had wooden gates encircling their home, you managed to sneak to the back and found a pair of wooden planks that were wide enough for you to slip into.
But it was just your luck that it started raining hard. And it didn't help that you miscalculated the amount of wildlife the Todoroki castle had; you had to navigate through an entire forest before reaching their castle.
A bolt of lightning thundered in the sky, and you flinched. Your blood ran cold when you heard a branch snap.
''He-hello?'' You nearly hiccuped. Snap. The footsteps grew closer. Snap. Staggering backward, you swallowed nervously.
''Who's the-there?!'' Snap. The crunching of branches only grew louder and as your body tensed, ready to run away, when a figure emerged behind a tree. It was the young boy Haruko had described; bi-colored hair and eyes, and with a presence that sent a gust of air your way, even though it wasn't a windy day.
''Wh-who are you?'' You had fallen on the ground out of shock and stared at him as he stepped closer to you.
He didn't reply. The boy cocked his head to his side, and there was a neutral expression on his face. Your body relaxed for a moment. He seemed more interested in observing you than sucking your blood.
''I think I should be asking you that,'' his voice was unnaturally cold and formal for a child.
You whimpered. ''Are you a-a vampire?''
He frowned. In a quick few steps, he was sitting in front of you, staring at your disheveled appearance.
''What gave it away?'' And for the first time, he opened his mouth wide enough for you to peek at his fangs. Your eyes widened. Haruko's fearful description could never match the panic that flooded your body.
They were as you expected- a set of sharp, white, and gleaming fangs. But when you were only a few heartbeats away from them, they were much more threatening. The mere sight of them made you freeze.
''Are you going to suck my blood? Please don't hurt me!'' You shut your eyes and didn't notice the perverse and wicked smile that took over his lips and disappeared the next second.
''No, I don't think I will.'' He rose from the muddy ground and patted down his clothes. You examined his clothing. He was wearing a white collared shirt, a pair of black slacks, and a cloak to complete the mysterious look. It was your first time seeing such fancy and expensive clothing, as you were accustomed to your simple and worn out dresses and trousers.
He outstretched his hand. ''Come with me,'' you swore you saw a faint smile. ''You're filthy. I can help you get fresh clothing.''
You probably shouldn't have trusted him. Rising on your trembling legs, you took his hand and nearly gasped. You were freezing from the rain; but otherwise, your skin was warm. But the boy’s skin was cold to the touch. Not the type that happens after being soaked in the rain; his skin felt...lifeless. Devoid of life. You shivered.
That day you stepped into the Todoroki castle. You realized you didn't even know his name, so as soon as you were wearing fresh clothing- he mentioned they were his elder sister’s clothing, Fuyumi,- you asked him.
''Todoroki,'' you started. After knowing that neither of his parents was home, you felt much more welcomed and comfortable.
''What's your first name?'' The boy raised an eyebrow. He sat on the sofa opposite to you, with his legs crossed, hands on his lap, neutral but calculating gaze, and prideful posture. He resembled a portrait of a mighty king.
''Shouto. I am Shouto Todoroki. The youngest child of the royal family, Todoroki. And you are?'' You rubbed your hands and blew on them.
''I'm Y/N Fujisaki,'' you smiled and averted your gaze. '’A simple farm girl, with no wealth or status to my name.''
He simply hummed in response and didn’t seem particularly bothered by it. The two of you sat in the lavish living room, with red drapes and carpets, hearing the flames in the fireplace crackle softly. Even though the walls were thick, you still heard the rain pattering on the roof, and more bolts of lightning struck the sky. You winced.
''You are welcome to stay for the night,'' Todoroki said. ''It is far too cold and dangerous for you to venture out to your home.''
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. ''Re-really?'' you whispered. The boy cleared his throat awkwardly before nodding. You slept the night in Todoroki's bedroom. Even though you refused several times, he insisted you took his bed, and he would rest on the sofa.
Your strange but exciting friendship took birth that night, and the two of you quickly grew close for many years to come. Between several nights of sneaking out at midnight, sharing hushed secrets and traumas, the vampire became a shoulder to cry on for you, and you were the same for him. Especially when the hunting began. It was no news to you that Todoroki and his family were pureblood vampires, but it had never bothered you. You rarely thought of it.
Society didn’t seem to agree with you. Before your own eyes, dozens of villagers would march around, searching for vampires to drive a stake through. You’d see banners and hear the shouts of the villagers. Monsters! Sinners! We don’t want any vampires in our town!
While the protests weren’t pleasant, you never realized the extent of them until the day you were to meet Shouto at the castle, and he wasn’t there.
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
None of the Todoroki’s were home. Since you were a well-known friend of Shouto, the Todoroki’s had granted you free passage to the castle, even when they weren’t home. Usually, Shouto would meet you near the fireplace at midnight. You sat on one of the plush cushions and swung your legs back and forth, the fire spreading warmth through your body.
The loud slam of the castle doors made you jump. You scurried to the entrance, where Touya and Natsuo dragged themselves in, grunting and wincing. It wasn’t until you saw the familiar mop of white and red hair that your heart skipped a beat as you raced forward.
‘’Shouto!’’ you exclaimed. His head was hung downwards and his two older brothers were carrying him in. You glanced at Natsuo and Touya. ‘’What happened?!’’ They weren’t in a better state. Both of them had mud, scratches, and dirt all over their faces. Their usual royal and elegant clothing was tattered and you spotted blood on Touya’s cloak.
‘’Vampire hunters,’’ Natsuo said with a scowl. They carried Shouto to the sofa. You kneeled at his side and gasped at the sight beneath his mops of hair. A wide red, angry-looking and raw scar trailed on the left side of his face, starting from his hairline and ending on his cheek.
‘’Shouto,’’ you sobbed as your hands fisted his hair. Then, you swung around and met Touya’s and Natsuo’s pained gaze.
‘’Why isn’t it healing? Don’t vampires have fast and improved healing?!’’ Touya sighed. He looked just as confused and pained as you.
‘’This was different,’’ Natsuo said gently. ‘’I think, it was a...a,’’ he cleared his throat and rubbed his watering eyes. ‘’A witch burned him.’’ You swallowed thickly.
‘’Curse those witches,’’ Touya snarled. ‘’Their fire is lethal to a vampire.’’ You sniffed and wiped at your tears.
‘’But…he’ll make it, right?’’ You could see the uncertainty in the Todoroki’s sibling’s eyes. It made your heart ache. 
You slept at Shouto’s side, holding his cold hand in yours. Your face buried in his torso, damp with your tears.
‘’/N….?’’ the voice was fuzzy and so, so far away. Sleep weighed you down and could only manage a sleepy mumble.  
‘’Y/N,’’ the fuzzy voice was much louder this time. With a confused hum, you opened your eyes and winced as they adjusted to their surroundings.
‘’Mmmm…what is it?’’ Your eyes focused on Shouto and you immediately rose to your feet.
‘’Shouto!’’ You cried out and tackled him in a bear hug. ‘’I was so worried!” Tears quickly sprang in your eyes and you sobbed into his chest.
As you continued to mumble and sob incoherent words, Shouto mumbled sleepily and returned your hug with equal intensity.  
‘’I’m okay, Y/N,’’ he murmured as his hands rubbed circles on your back. ‘’I promise.’’
Your sobs eventually quietened down and you sniffled away the last tears. You raised your head and met Todoroki’s tired gaze. Seeing the new scar was quite unsettling. Your hand reached out and gently brushed against his scar.
‘’Do you still want to be my friend?’’ he whispered. He frowned and his hand wrapped around yours, squeezing softly. You furrowed your brows.
‘’Why would I ever stop, Shouto?’’ He sighed.
‘’The scar. I know it’s not a pleasant sight,’’ the insecurity and doubt in his voice made your heart squeeze.
With a sad smile, you stood on your toes and pressed a kiss on his scar. His hand slid to your waist as you did so.
‘’Don’t be silly. The scar is a part of you; just as beautiful as the others. It won’t stop me from being your friend.’’ You smiled when you saw his face slightly redden.
‘’Okay,’’ he said, barely above a whisper. ‘’Thank you.’’ His voice became wobbly. Your heart ached for him and instinctively, the two of you wrapped your arms around each other. He buried his face in your neck and you buried your face in his chest. The two of you stood in silence, attempting to heal each other’s pain through the comfort of physical contact.
The friendship quickly came to an end when you were around fourteen or fifteen years old. Over the years, the protests and vampire hunting increased to the point you weren’t able to see Shouto as often as you used to. The memory is fuzzy, but you can still remember the grim look on his face.
''Good evening, Shouto!'' You said gleefully. He had requested for you to meet him on one of the green fields at midday; and while you thought his request was odd- you tended to meet at midnight, you didn't think much of it.
''Greetings, Y/N,'' with a small smile, he held your hand and pressed a soft kiss on your knuckles. Your face felt warm at the gesture.
''Is there a special occasion?'' You said with a teasing smile. ''Why have you called for me at evening,'' you spared a glance at your surroundings. ''When our meetings are usually at midnight?''
Shouto smiled faintly. There's a bitter and melancholic look in his eyes that unsettles you. And when he doesn't answer, your stomach tightens.
''Shouto? What's the matter?''
He sighed before shaking his head. Todoroki's hands clutched yours and if it wasn't for the tense mood, you would've been flustered and flattered.
''I desperately wish I could change this,'' he said. ''My family... we're relocating.''
Your heart dropped to your stomach. ''What...?''
Shouto swallowed before squeezing your hands. ''I know you have no qualms about my state of, well, being a vampire, but many others do.''
You frowned and tightened your grip. ''What?! But you're no harm, you're the humblest and kindest person I've ever met! They can't-,'' he cut you off with a raise of his finger.
''I know you don't, dear,'' Shouto isn't one for affection other than when he's greeting you, so it surprised you when he leaned closer and caressed your cheek.
Your eyes widened but you decided to remain silent. He swallowed visibly as his eyes stared into yours.
''Many other villagers have found out what my family is. They're going to persecute us, we can't let that happen. If they get their hands on us, we'll be slaughtered.''
His grim sentence made tears slowly form in your eyes and you sniffled.
''I don't want you to go...'' your voice trembled. You dropped his hands and fisted his shirt, he wrapped his arms around you and allowed you to cry into his chest.
After a few moments, he kissed your forehead. His silent goodbye, and left you alone in the wide field. As tears flooded your face and sadness consumed your heart, you would remember those bittersweet moments as the day you lost your friend Shouto Todoroki, forever.
                                   ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
Shouto’s words weren’t far off from reality. Not long after, the Todoroki castle was overrun and ransacked by villagers and vampire hunters with forks and torches. But they were long gone. Since your family lived the closest to them, you were interrogated by the villagers but quickly released after they realized your family had no connections with the Todoroki. At least, that’s what you made them believe.
Ever since that day, a part of your heart had left with Shouto. In its place, was a feeling of nostalgia and bittersweetness. On the good days, you would think of him. Of his rare but beautiful smile, his magnificent hair, and eyes, and the deep and intimate friendship you used to have. On the bad days, you would think of what could've been. Maybe if you had confessed the feelings you had for him, you wouldn't be at your farm, dreading for the day you were to be married to a stranger. You would've been at his side, exploring the world as friends, and hopefully lovers. 
The conflict between vampires and humans only increased after his departure. Vampires began to attack constantly, and many of your fellow villagers would be found dead, with bite marks on their necks and their blood sucked dry. Your mind always went to Shouto, but you knew he wasn't capable of murder. He never raised his hand in your presence- never harmed you, and was never been fond of the idea of drinking  human blood. You were no longer allowed to walk alone at night unless you were accompanied by your brother Haroku. Many persecutions and hunting of vampires marched past your home. 
But strangely, things had calmed down for the past month. You rarely heard of vampire attacks near your abode. Your eighteenth birthday was only a week away, and your mother had been buzzing with excitement ever since. She had been preparing your dress for the wedding, and every time you had requested to know the identity of your husband, she would refuse.
''Mother,'' you said exasperatedly as you trailed behind her. ''Please indulge my request, what's the name of my...'' your mouth tasted bitter. ''Of my future husband?'' 
She sighed as the two of you arrived at the kitchen, refusing to acknowledge you.
''I have told you over and over, Y/N,'' her voice sounded rather wobbly, than the usual stern tone you were accustomed to. 
''Your groom...has asked to remain anonymous until the two of you are wed. But worry not!'' she shot you a bright smile, but it looked forced. ''He is a man of high status and great wealth and power. You will have a prosperous life with him.''
This was what bugged you the most. You were a common farm girl, living in the middle of nowhere. How had you managed to catch the attention of a prestigious man?
You sighed. ''Okay....''
Your mother began to mutter to herself in a dejected, crazy manner. It made you stop in your tracks. ''Yes, it must be this way..... he gave us no other choice. Once she has been wed, he... he will leave our family alone.'' 
Questions swarmed your mind, but you didn't dare look back and stick around to hear what she was talking about. Maybe, you thought. Maybe it's better if I leave this alone. 
The dreaded day came too soon. Before you knew it, you were being shoved into the elegant dress. It was overwhelming and you felt trapped in it. This was the day. From now on, your life would no longer be yours. It would belong to the man who asked for your hand in marriage. 
You were seated on your bedroom floor as your mother fussed around you, helping you with your clothing. The wedding was to take place at night; which you raised an eyebrow at, but as always, your mother refused to disclose any information. 
Your entire village was to attend, and the wedding would take place in the green fields. It was a simple event, but it held an immeasurable weight of stress over you. Knowing that it would unify the relationship in which you were no longer your own person.
''Mother,'' she hummed in response as she patted your hair. ''Why won't you tell me who's my groom?''
Her hands froze. You weren't sure if you wanted to raise your head and see her reaction. 
''Mother?'' Her hands unclenched and she sighed, but you noticed the quiver in her voice. It made your doubts and queasy feelings double.
''This is the way it must be,'' was all she replied. It wasn't much comfort to your anxious being.
When the sun lowered and the moon rose, it was time for the ceremony to begin. Moonlight shone on your skin as you walked to the aisle, with your father leading the way, your arm in his. He was deathly silent and you didn't miss the way he was sweating bullets.
And to top it all off, your husband-to-be hadn't shown up yet. The villagers that sat at your left and right were murmuring about your concerns. On the other hand, you weren't sure whether to feel relieved or confused. Maybe he had decided to abandon the marriage?
Goosebumps rose on your skin the moment you reached the aisle. Something wasn't right. The night was too quiet, the only noises surrounding you the soft breeze of air and the chirping of crickets. 
And just like the calm before the storm, a blood piercing scream tore into the silent air. Your eyes widened as everything around you turned into a flurry of screaming and running bodies. 
A vampire sunk his fangs into one of the guests, a young girl you had known. Blood splattered as dozens of other figures swooped into action. More screams filled the air as you staggered backward, feeling your heart drop from the gruesome scene. 
Blood spilled everywhere, the once fresh and lively green grass was stained red. You spotted a torn human organ every now and there. Bile rose to your throat. The stench of death and blood mixed in the air.
''Wait!'' From somewhere in the carnage, you heard your mother shriek.
''Mother!" You screamed and attempted to find her.
The crowd of moving and struggled bodies opened and you watched as a cloaked figure held your mother by her neck, choking the life out of her. She struggled and kicked, clawing at the figure's hand. 
''You-you promised,'' she choked out. ''If we gave her to you, the village would be safe! She's yours now, what-what else do you want from us?!'' The figure chuckled loudly and you shivered. It was oddly familiar.
''Silly little humans,'' they said in a mocking tone. Your blood ran cold when you heard them speak. It was... your long-lost friend, Shouto Todoroki.
''Silence,'' he snarled. ‘’Filthy humans like you don’t deserve any rewards.'' Just as your mother yelped and begged for mercy, Shouto slit her throat open. Blood spurted from her throat as he dropped her to the floor. Your mother gurgled and choked on her blood. 
You couldn't help the scream that tore from your throat as you fell to your knees. The scene was burned into your memory. As your screams caught everyone's attention, Shouto's cloak fell to the ground. The same bi-colored hair and eyes greeted you, and the mark you used to kiss to comfort him was still there. He approached you with a small grin. It was the same grin he would give you when you asked him a silly question.
''Y/N,'' he spoke your name as if it was sweet honey on his tongue, eyes gleaming with something very, very dark. ''So we meet again.'' Each step he took forward made your heart thunder with fear.
''Ge-get away from me!'' You sobbed as you crawled away, desperate to be anywhere but near him.
''You wound me, Y/N!" He dramatically placed a hand over his heart. ''Is that any way to treat your best friend?''
Your white dress was getting stained green and brown from the dirt and grass, but it was the last thing on your mind. All you could focus on was getting away from him. As he spoke, the screams of his victims echoed alongside. 
''You're not my friend!'' you sneered. ''I knew Shouto Todoroki! You're not him- you're a monster.'' His face hardened.
''I've waited years to return,'' he snarled. In one swift movement, his hands gripped your shoulders and his knee was placed on your chest, pinning you down. You sobbed as you struggled to escape from his grip.
''These nefarious humans have slowed my return with their silly vampire hunting,'' he scoffed. ''But you…'' he hummed. You trembled as his lips hovered over your cheeks, reeking of the metallic scent of blood. The smell made you nauseous. 
''I know you're not like them, Y/N. You never treated me like them. And as your husband, it’s my pleasure to say that I,'' his voice was oddly soothing as he brushed strands of hair away from your face. ''I love you.''
Your eyes shot open and you nearly choked. ''Don't-don't you dare say that.'' You sneered with blazing eyes. ''You don't love me, Shouto would have never killed my family!'' Your once aggressive tone changed to a cry of despair.
He shrugged and rose to his feet, dragging you along him. You struggled as he kept your arms behind your back and forced you to move forward. 
''It had to be done, love,'' Todoroki hummed. ''They were in the way of us being together. I can't leave any witnesses now, can I? I'll have another hoard of vampire hunters on my arse.'' He snorted.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the dozens of vampire trail behind him. Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Touya were between them. Your eyes watered as you noticed their lips and chins stained with fresh blood. The Todoroki siblings you once considered your family. The thought made you sob louder.
''Stop it!'' Your voice was shrill as tears blurred your vision. ''Let me go! I just want to go home!'' 
Shouto sighed and stopped in his tracks. 
''Y/N, we are going home. Home is with me. The two of us, together. That's home,'' he crooned. You felt a fit of rabid anger take over you, and decided to strike back.
''Go to hell!'' You shrieked. In one swift movement, you bit down on his hand that rested on your shoulder and kicked him as hard as you could. 
His grip released you momentarily as he cursed and you raced forward, feeling ten times more terrified by the fact that another dozen vampires were chasing after you. But you didn't get far before Shouto tackled you to the ground. You cursed as your knees and hands scraped against the dirt, and his fingers dug into your skin. 
''Y/N,'' his voice was strained. ''If you act up again, I won't hesitate to bite you.'' He snarled as his lips brushed against your neck, and your body went stiff. 
''And I think you're smart enough to know how that'll end, aren't you, love?''
You swallowed nervously and stared at the pebbles of dirt ahead of you. Then at the moon, that was cloaking you in the low light. You prayed in your head, to whatever deity, god there was out there, to save you from this monster. 
Your prayer went unheard.
''Answer me!" He shouted, his fingers digging into your neck, with such a tight grip you nearly bled. You whimpered as you nodded shakily. That seemed to satisfy him as he sighed and regained his composure and rose, pulling you up along. 
''Now come on, my love,'' his voice returned to the soothing and loving tone you would dream about. ''We have to go home.''
You don't remember passing out, but the last thing you saw was your once-white bride dress, now stained with blood and dirt; tainted by Todoroki’s deeds.
When you regained consciousness, the wedding dress was gone. In its place, was a soft and creamy dress. You sat up on the bed and stared at your surroundings. It was a room you could only dream of; more extravagant than the ones in the previous Todoroki's household. The mention of the family made your mouth dry, and you remembered why you were here.
The walls were made out of brick stones and the mattress you laid on was against one of the walls in the center, velvet silk blankets resting at your ankles. There were no windows, you thought with a frown. Other than the bed, there were only two wooden drawers, one at each side respectively. The metal door was in front of the bed. You heard footsteps approaching the room and sprang into action. But as soon as you attempted to leave, a heavyweight pulled you back. Chains swayed loudly as you sat back, staring in disbelief at the gleaming chains that were wrapped around your left ankle.
The door swung open. ''Oh,'' Shouto's voice drifted inside. ‘’You’re awake.’’ He stepped inside, holding a tray of food. You whimpered as he stepped closer and reached the bed, taking a seat at the edge.
‘’How did you sleep?’’ He murmured with a smile.
‘’You-you,’’ you choked out, feeling the same panic and terror seize ahold of you. ‘’Shouto…’’ you whimpered. ‘’This isn’t you. You wouldn’t have killed a fly! What… what happened to you?’’
He chuckled. The vampire placed the tray of food on the wooden drawer, before leaning closer to you. You had no choice but to whimper with closed eyes as he touched your face.
‘’Do you recall the phrase? The one the vampire hunters would chant over and over again?’’ Nervously, you shook your head in denial.
Shouto clicked his tongue in disapproval. His thumb brushed your cheek. ‘’I don’t remember the exact phrase, but it was something along these lines; you can never trust a monster...’’ He chuckled.
‘’And that made me ponder about some realities and misconceptions…..you silly little humans have always feared us. Isn’t that right, Y/N?’’ There was a mockingly kind smile on his lips.
‘’Here’s the thing,’’ he leaned closer and whispered into your ear. You shivered. ‘’Human society has always seen us as the monsters, but they are far worse than us,’’ his hand gripped your arm tightly. ‘’Humanity has made me suffer for years, brandished my skin with scars that will never heal,’’ he growled. ‘’And yet, I was the beast in all of this. But thankfully, my father helped me realize that I am a Todoroki; I’m a vampire. I finally accepted myself for what I truly am….’’ His voice lowered and you gulped.
‘’Society's monster.’’  
He sighed in relief and leaned backward with a satisfied smile. ‘’It’s simple. Even though you humans are the most hypocritical species I’ve ever met, I decided to accept the label. I’ve killed humans, I drank blood, I slaughtered,’’ there was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes that sent a shiver down your spine. ‘’And no one holds me accountable for it. I’m a monster, what else could you expect?’’ his tone was sarcastic.
‘’Where…where does that leave me?’’ Your voice was awfully small. You couldn’t hold his gaze anymore and opted to stare at the blankets.
Shouto chuckled as if your question had already been answered. ‘’Humans may be filth,’’ he sneered. ‘’But you’re an exception. Do you remember that promise you made me when we were children? Once you turned eighteen, you would marry me and be my loving, dutiful wife.’’ Blood drained from your face at his statement.
‘’No…’’ you murmured, wishing you could return and stop yourself from ever saying that sentence. Unknowingly, you had only fuelled his delusions.
‘’That’s right,’’ he agreed. ‘’What was that phrase you loved to tell me?’’ He smiled and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘’Oh, that’s right! You promise we would be together, till death do us part. Isn’t that right, my love? ‘’
                                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
''Did you like the dress?'' Shouto said animatedly. The two of you sat at the large dining table, eating a dish you couldn't bother looking at. He was eating, even though as a vampire, he didn't need to. At least, it wasn’t human food that he needed. 
You didn’t reply. A month or two had passed by since you had been captured by Todoroki and lived in his castle. It would've been a forbidden and delightful romance for your younger self; but to your current self, hell had been stolen from the underworld and brought to you.
In the first two or three weeks, you screamed and fought back. But after seeing how quickly he could end someone's life with one bite or one strike, you decided to remain silent. But now that you were alone, without any commotion, last months' events were on your mind. The screams of your mother, the gushing of her crimson red blood. The wedding dress she had poured so much effort into, only to end up in tatters and stained with blood.
Just like your life, you thought bitterly. Once a horizon of freedom and happiness, it had been stolen away from you. Ripped to shreds and tainted by traumatizing scenes you would never forget.
And it was all because of one man. The man you used to love, was now your devil. With a name that used to leave you breathless, a star-striking appearance, and a golden smile.
Todoroki Shouto.
Now, his name would make you shiver violently and you'd faintly smell blood from the slaughter that happened at your so-called wedding. Seeing his smile reminded you of how devious and beautiful he could be. Pink lips would tenderly kiss down your neck; the same lips that stole the life of many. Yours, included. While he had kept your soul on the Earth, it was no longer yours to enjoy and possess.
He had you locked up. Sunlight hadn't kissed your skin in weeks. You weren't sure what day it was anymore. Shouto showered you in wealth and luxury, with more gold and jewels you had seen in an entire lifetime. But the hole he attempted to fill with material possessions was impossibly wide and gape.
It only reminded you further of how monstrous his actions were, and continue to be. Sometimes, you’d wish you were stronger. Maybe if you had a stronger will, you wouldn't let him run his hands all over your body. Maybe there'd still be a spark of life and vigor in your eyes every time you'd look into the mirror.
If you were stronger, you wouldn't have let him drink from you. Your neck and collarbone wouldn't bear a bite mark that would remain with you for the rest of your life.
''You're so beautiful,'' his hushed voice made you shiver. His cold hand caressed your neck, while the other squeezed your shoulder as his body pressed against your body. He backed away momentarily and returned with an open wooden box; and his hands returned to your neck as they placed a cold necklace around it. It felt heavy and constricting. Shouto assured you it was made out of jewels, with tremendous hours of effort, and only made for the wealthiest. But the moment it touched your skin, it felt like a rusty metal collar, the type you'd use with a slave, enemy, or a wild animal- with chains worth a hundred pounds weighing you down.
''Do you like it?'' his fingers rubbed your arms. You nodded mutely. Shouto pressed a kiss on your collarbone and you felt him smile against your skin.
''I knew you would.''
He sighed, before resting his chin on his shoulder and directing you to the mirror. You stare blankly at your reflection, your body fitted with a blood-red dress, you thought with a hard swallow. He was doing it on purpose, you thought.
Your suspicions were made true when you saw him smirk. Bastard...
''My love,'' his fingers squeezed your neck and all your anger simmered down when you saw the dangerous glint shining in his eyes.
''I think it's time I mark you.'' His tone was gentle and reassuring, but the look in his eyes was anything but that.
''Mark you?'' your hollow voice repeated his words. He chuckled and rubbed your shoulders, before swiftly turning you around.
''Yes, silly,'' he leaned closer, lips brushing against yours. You stood and took it all. ''Wouldn't that be lovely?'' You hummed in response.
Shouto's lips pressed against yours and you followed his movements; growing slowly accustomed to his kissing patterns. His lips would worship yours, and the worship would turn heated, until he's pushed you up against a wall, with your legs wrapped around his waist as you moaned lowly.
Today seemed to be an exception, you noticed.
He didn't move. While he tilted downwards and his lips danced with yours, his hands snaked to your waist, pulling you closer.
He caught you off guard. You clumsily fell into his intoxicating trap and began to genuinely kiss back with the same fervor and passion. His hands squeezed your hips, and you barely noticed how his lips descended from your lips to your chin, to your neck, and finally, arrived at the junction between your neck and your collarbone. Soft bites and hickeys were left in his awakening, and your body felt an over sensory of pleasure, everywhere.
Just as you descended into the warm pool of lust and pleasure, his fangs pricked at your skin. Your eyes blew open as his fangs sank into your skin and he began to slowly drink your blood, all while brushing his fingers on your waist. The sudden pain mixed with the erotic pleasure, where it reached the point that you couldn't distinguish either. They fought and struggled until merging into bliss and euphoria, leaving you breathless and with hooded eyelids, craving for more. 
When you began to feel lightheaded, the vampire pulled away. He smirked as he heard your low and soft moans and lapped up at the last droplets of blood before pressing a soft kiss over the bite mark. Shouto forced you to look into the mirror and you complied, still in the haze of your ecstasy, and he pressed a soft kiss on your cheek. You barely noticed the slight tinge of blood he left behind.
''Now, what do we say?'' He cooed and flashed his blood-stained fangs. You smiled shakily and leaned back into him with a sleepy smile.
''Thank you, Shouto.''
He chuckled darkly as he watched your hazy and incoherent form, growing more tired by the minute.
''Anything for you, my love...'' he whispered. His eyes were glued to your fresh bite mark.
''Anything for you.''
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please let me know what you think!! i worked really hard on this one-shot and i’m really proud of it :’) remember to support me for more content through REBLOGS, COMMENTS, LIKES! 
tagging: @sandwichez01​ @ur-local-simp​
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marvellouslymadmim · 3 years
Eist & Small Crach by thewolvesandtheirbard
I was inspired and thought you’d enjoy this :)
Eist had just begun to drift off into the first misty fog of sleep when he felt a chubby little finger poking at his cheek just below his right eye.
“Hmm?” He winced reflexively before peeking the left one open to peer at his nephew, who’s own sea blue irises were staring right back into his own, only curious and wide rather than strained and exhausted. “Crach, I’m sleeping. What’s wrong?” The Jarl yawned out his demand for why exactly he’d been so rudely woken. As if he didn’t already know.
“Shhh Uncle, Listen.” The little red haired princeling covered Eist’s mouth with the same pudgy little hand that had jabbed him awake.
Eist groaned, a rather loud and lion like yawn having passed him by, and he forced his eyes to stay open. If he didn’t comply, Crach would only keep him awake longer. “I’m listening.” He muttered under his nephew’s palm that muffled his words.
Crach released him then, satisfied that Eist was complying with his commands without him having to throw a tiring temper tantrum at such a late hour. He folded his short little arms over his uncle’s chest and laid his chin down upon them, still looking Eist in the eye, as serious as he could possibly be. This was a terribly important matter after all.
“Are narwhals real, Uncle?” He finally asked, hopeful for a more straightforward answer than the one he’d gotten from Mousesack during his tutoring over sea beasts earlier that day. Something about the last narwhal being seen back when his mother was just a babe. Did that mean they were real or not? Were they just real back then? Was the narwhal just a story that he forgot to read for his literature lessons? Mousesack could have been making fun of him since he hadn’t completed his papers again. So it only seemed logical to go to his uncle for more reliable information on the subject.
However, Eist wanted absolutely no part of such a topic so late into the night. “Crach, my lad, you know it’s bedtime, do you not?” He sighed, having been through plenty of Crach’s late night thoughts before this one. It seemed to be a habit that the boy just wasn’t ready to quit yet.
“I cant sleep until you tell me if they’re real.” Crach declared stubbornly. “Cause they have tusks, Mousesack says. It’s like a big horn and it’ll break through the hold and there’ll be a hole in the ship, and-“
“They’re real, Crach.” Eist hummed simply, eyes slowly slipping closed again. “Happy now? Why don’t you close your eyes and try to remember how many dolphins we saw this morning.”
“They’re real!?” Crach gasped. “Can they break through the ship, Uncle!? With their big tusks!? Can they eat us all whole like worms!?”
Eist groaned again, realizing that his short and simple answer had failed to fill Crach’s hunger for knowledge of the mysterious creature. “No, Crach. No to it all. We’re safe onboard the ship.” He promised, words becoming only halfway eligible. He was trying and failing to stay awake.
“But what if a witch comes and casts a spell on the ship and turns all of the walls into gross jelly? Like the kind that Uncle Bran likes for his dessert?”
“That would be unfortunate.” Eist grumbled. “But it won’t happen. Now please, just go to sleep, Crach. It’s very late and we both need plenty of rest.”
“Hmph…Okay.” Crach laid his little red head down on Eist’s chest, the tiny outline of the boy sinking slowly up and down with each of his uncle’s breaths.
Eist ruffled the boy’s hair as he began to slip into slumber for the second time that night, but it wasn’t much longer until he was woken by a little whisper that snuck straight into his ear.
“Uncle?” Crach spoke in a hushed voice. “If Bran is the King, does that mean that you’re a prince? Am I too? Was Mama a princess? I hope she was. Or a Queen.”
“Crach…” Eist sat up and plucked his nephew up out from under his blankets, an action that made Crach laugh with glee.
“Ah! The Kraken’s got me, lads! Save yerselves!” The boy shouted and Eist softly hushed him.
“No.” He put his foot down at the make believe games. “No more noise. Time for bed.”
“But Uncle-“ Crach tried to argue. Just one more thing I gotta ask! Please! I gotta! You know EVERYTHING!”
That little admission got to Eist. The young Jarl of Skellige couldn’t say no to such a polite request now could he? Especially not to his precious dear nephew who was looking up to him with such admiration and pride.
“Alright, alright.” He agreed eventually, even if he tried his best to mask his glee over the fact that Crach though him to be so wise. “Let’s hear it, lad. One last question for the night then it’s off to bed, alright.”
Crach nodded and wasted no time in passing his thoughts along to his uncle. “Why can’t Mousesack teach me to use magic spells?” He inquired suspiciously. “Is it really cause I don’t got no magic or is he just bad at sharing?”
Eist was tired. He truly was. But that one made him smile a little. “Bad at sharing.” He replied. “And you can heckle him for it tomorrow, but for now, will you please lie down and try to go to sleep? For me?”
Crach was quiet for a moment, making that familiar face he did when he was thinking really hard about something.
“How about for a honey cake instead?” He attempted to bargain. Lucky for him, his uncle was too tired to negotiate.
“Fine. You can have an extra honeycake with supper tomorrow night.” Eist relented. “Now we’re done bartering so shut your eyes and no more questions.”
Crach actually yawned himself this time and laid his head back down as Eist placed him at his side and tucked him in comfortably. “Goodnight, Uncle.” He muttered, shutting his eyes.
“Sweet dreams, lad.” Eist answered, letting out a sigh of relief.
They were both sound asleep within minutes and snoring together.
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saxxxology · 4 years
What Goes Bump in the Night - 12
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PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader WARNINGS: a/b/o dynamics, Victorian social dynamics, allusions to non-consent and dubious consent, dominance/submission, slow burn with eventual smut, suspense/horror/gore themes.
Series Masterlist
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Yours and Sam’s relationship continues. The brothers work hard, sometimes leaving for weeks at a time as they go on hunting trips with their colleagues. Per Sam’s preferences, you spend your time reading and researching for them, which gives them considerably more time to focus on whatever case is at hand. 
On your second summer at the Winchester house, Sam takes you overseas to England for a much-deserved holiday. You spend the first day of the trip being sick in your private room onboard and finally venture out on the second to gaze out at the open sea. When you return, Sam promptly jumps back into the life, only giving you a couple of days to readjust to living at home before requesting your aid. 
One cold night in August, you’re woken by the sounds of an infant crying in the distance. Maternal instincts quickly take over, and you slip from the bed, runing from the room even as Sam warns you to stay back.
You follow the cries to the front door and let Sam work the heavy bolts back. It’s cold outside, and you shudder when a gust of cold wind washes over you. The cries are much louder now, and you peer through the darkness to see a basket on the stoop, piled high with blankets.
“What the hell?” Sam steps out and carefully picks the basket up, cradling it in his arms as he walks back inside and lets you close the door. Once you’ve thrown the bolts home, you’re at Sam’s side, eager to peer into its depths. 
There’s a pup nestled inside the blankets, wrapped snugly in a few thin layers that have done little to keep the chill out. The wailing hasn’t ceased, and Sam hears the sound of his brother’s bedroom door slamming shut. 
“What is that?” Dean asks loudly as he takes the steps two at a time. He’s upset at having been woken so late, and Sam places a hand on his chest, stopping him from coming closer. 
“It’s a baby,” you murmur, quickly unwrapping the blankets and checking the infant for injuries. He’s unharmed, if a little bit thin, and you swaddle him in one blanket and gently cradle him against your chest. He’s cold, his ears, nose, and fingers especially.
“There’s a note,” Sam says, pulling a thin piece of paper from the unraveled blankets. He skims over it, eyes narrowing before he starts to read aloud.
“Dear sirs, this is my son, Jack. He was born on May eighteenth, in the year of our Lord 1890. I am very sick and I am not strong enough to care for him. Your home is the only place I could think of where he would be truly safe for the time being. Sincerely yours, K. Kline.”
Sam sets the paper back inside the basket and peers down at the baby. His cries have petered out into soft, whimpering coos, and you’re carefully wiping the tears off his reddened cheeks.
“He’s still cold,” you murmur, “we need to feed him.”
“With what?” Dean asks gruffly. 
“We have milk in the pantry, correct?” You watch his nostrils flare and turn instead towards your Alpha. “Sam…”
With a grumble, Dean stalks away, heading back to his room. The sound of the door slamming again echoes all the way to the living room, and Sam lets out a deep sigh. 
“Sam,” you try again, “please?”
He swallows thickly and watches the baby root against your chest, searching for a nipple to latch onto. “Take him upstairs,” he says softly, “I’ll get the milk.”
You take the stairs carefully one at a time, trying not to jostle the baby too much. When you’re safely back in your bedroom, you slide back underneath the covers, slowly maneuvering Jack so that he’s cradled in one arm. You grip both of his hands in one of yours, trying to warm his chubby fingers. He’s barely three months old, and you have no idea how long he’d been out in the cold before his cries had finally woken you.
Sam comes back several minutes later, an old bottle half filled with warm milk in one hand. Jack’s begun to whimper again, his frustration evident as he tries in vain to search for food on a foreign body. 
“It’s from when Dean and I were little,” he murmurs when you give him an inquisitive look. “I sterilized it and the nipple’s a little stiff, but it should be okay for tonight.” He slips into bed beside you and watches you offer the bottle. Jack greedily accepts it, cooing lowly as the warm milk fills his belly. “I don’t understand why anyone would consider leaving their child with us,” he says. “We’re known through the city for being scientists who study inhuman things, not caregivers.”
“Maybe she knew I’d take it?” you supply. “At least he’s out of the cold. Any longer out there…” shaking your head, you lean down to nuzzle his soft blonde hair. 
“Where’s he going to sleep?” Sam asks. 
“Right here.” You pat the mattress next to you. “He can sleep between us, we’ll keep him nice and warm.”
Sam’s jaw tenses, but he gives in. He’s suppressed his Alpha instincts for a long time, especially with his denial of wanting children. Now, seeing you holding and nursing a baby sparks a warmth in his chest that he can’t stop from spreading. For a brief second, he wonders if this is how his father had felt when he’d seen Mary holding each of their newborn sons for the first time. 
“Just for tonight,” he says, trying to remain firm. The last thing either of you need is to bond with the infant, and as an Omega you’re already on your way there. “Tomorrow, we’ll have to let him sleep elsewhere.”
Satisfied, you allow Jack to finish the rest of his bottle and pat his back until he burps. You smile and nuzzle his cheek as you wipe the milky spittle from his chin, and Sam lets you tuck him in beside you before he turns out the light and lies down as well. One of Jack’s pudgy fists nudges his chest, and the baby gives a nervous whimper as he’s shrouded in darkness.
“There, now,” you coo before Sam can do anything. “It’s okay, Jack, you’re safe.”
It takes Sam a long time to fall asleep. When he does finally drift off, he’s torn between two final options. Convincing you to take Jack to an orphanage is going to be a long shot, and keeping him isn’t preferable either. Having a child in the house has never been a good idea, at least in his mind.
We’ll see what happens in the morning, he thinks to himself. 
You wake up to the sound of Jack’s mewling cries. Sam’s already out of bed and getting dressed, and he barely casts you an eye as you sit up, gathering the squirming baby to your chest to calm him.
“Good morning,” you offer him a small smile. “Did you sleep well?”
He grunts a reply and tucks his shirt into the waistband of his pants. “I’m going to make a run into town,” he says shortly. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“What for?” You ask, sliding out of bed with Jack still cradled in your arms. 
“We have nothing to care for a baby,” he says, “even if it’s temporary.”
He grabs his coat and gives you a short kiss before turning and leaving the room. He’s upset, and you can practically feel the tension mount when he leaves the room without fully closing the door. You wait for the creak and slam of the front door before looking down at the baby.
“You need a bath and a change, don’t you?” you coo, immediately overtaken by maternal instinct. “Come on, then, let’s give you a nice bath and then we’ll get you some breakfast.”
You’ve never bathed an infant before, but you slowly get the hang of it. It’s easier to simply draw a bath for yourself and bring Jack in, holding him firmly as you pour warm water over his body. He protests loudly when you wash his hair, and immediately calms when you allow him to float his body in the water, held up in your arms. His little arms and legs pump reflexively in the water, and you watch him play for a few minutes before getting out and carrying him into the bedroom. There aren’t any clothes for you to change him into, so you settle for swaddling him in one of the softer blankets he’d been delivered in and make a nest of four pillows to lay him in while he sleeps.
Dean’s in the kitchen making breakfast. He eyes you suspiciously as you walk in, but you pay him no mind. You learned to ignore Dean’s attitude a long time ago.
“Sam was upset,” he says gruffly. “Bringing that baby here was a bad idea.”
“Desperate mothers do desperate things,” you reply simply, gingerly dismantling the bottle and setting it in the sink. “She probably didn’t want her baby to get sick.”
“Could’ve just taken it to an orphanage, that’s what they’re there for.”
“And what would they do with him?” You rinse the inside and refuse to look at him as he butters a slice of toast. “They give children away to abusive parents or send them straight into the workforce.”
Dean grumbles around a mouthful of bread. “Just don’t keep it.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you snap back. “I understand that Sam is less than happy about having a child around, but he is my Alpha and I will discuss this with him as I see fit.”
Dean relents with a quiet growl. “Where is it, anyway?”
“Asleep in our bed upstairs,” you answer simply as you pour boiling water over the glass and set it on the rack to dry. “I bathed him and let him rest. I was just going to make him a little bit of milk for breakfast.”
You finish sterilizing the bottle and prepare another small serving of warm milk before heading upstairs. Jack’s awake and wiggling around in his blanket, and he immediately takes the rubber nipple in his gums. He finishes the bottle in only a few minutes, after which you burp him again and snuggle back underneath the covers. 
Sam returns after another hour. He’s carrying a burlap bag in one hand, and you cast him an anxious glance as he sets it on the foot of the bed. 
“Please don't be upset,” you beg quietly, “I know you don’t want children, but I want to have him a little while longer—”
“I’m not upset.” Sam heaves a sigh and glances at the tuft of blonde hair visible between your breasts. “I just… you know how I feel about wanting children.”
You watch him start to unpack his purchases and hesitate briefly before speaking. “You’ve never explained why.”
Sam freezes for a beat. His eyes close, and he turns slowly to sit on the edge of the bed. “You know that I wasn’t born out of my mother’s will,” he says, “I’ve always been afraid that if I create a child, I’ll become my father, or pass his… his afflictions onto them. I don’t have the time for them, anyway, or the patience.”
 “Jack isn’t yours,” you try to reason. 
“He’s barely been here twelve hours,” Sam says sharply. “I understand that children have been on your mind lately, but… Y/N, we can’t keep him.”
You clutch Jack tighter. “Just a little longer,” you whisper, “please, let me just… what if he goes to someone else and he gets hurt or grows up abused?”
“We’ll find him a place where that won’t happen.” 
You try to hide the tears in your eyes as you cast your gaze down at the sleeping baby. “I don’t want to let him go.”
Sam’s chest aches when he sees an errant tear stream down your cheek, and he reaches over to wipe it away. “Don’t cry,” he murmurs, “I know you want him, I really do, but we can’t.”
You pull your face away from his touch and turn away, slowly lying down on your side and tucking Jack in against you. Sam bites the inside of his cheek and stands up, slowly unpacking the rest of the supplies before muttering something about making something to eat, heading downstairs and leaving you alone.
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sweetwritertanya · 5 years
All About You
Summary: You had a bad day yesterday, but things gets better when you wake up next to Jimin, with your boyfriend determined to make you know how loved you are.
Warnings: SMUT. Mixed with a bit of fluff, cause I can’t seem to write it any other way. Here’s what to expect: swearing (just a bit), praise kink, erotic body touching, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (please be smart IRL).
Requested: YES! A sweet anon requested something with lots of praises from Jimin as a sequel to Perfect to Me, but I made it a one-shot instead. Hope you like it!
Word Count: 2678
You wake up with soft butterfly kisses on the back of your shoulders, a warm hand rubbing circles on your arm. Opening your eyes, there’s a bit of clarity coming in through the window, enough to make you squint your eyes. The pecks move to your neck and you smile, realizing who was lying behind you, warming you up this cold morning.
“When did you get here?” you ask drowsily, rotating in place to turn to him.
“Morning, kitten. Late last night. You were already asleep” he explained, his plump rosy lips pressing lovingly into yours in a good morning kiss.
You smile and look adoringly at him. Jimin’s hair was ruffled from sleep, his brown eyes just small slits since he too couldn’t open them too much just yet, his left cheek rosier than the right one for sleeping on that side for too long. Even when you saw him on stage, with all the makeup and so handsome on those stylist suits, you preferred him exactly like this.
“Good morning, Chim Chim. I’m glad you came over” you tell him, embracing him tightly as you hide your face in the space between his neck and shoulder, placing a soft kiss on the showing skin there. Your soft fluffy body presses into his lean muscular one, searching for his warmth.
“What happened yesterday? Why were you sad?” he questions as he wraps his arms around you too, melting into your hug easily.
“How do you know something happened?” You are confused, for you never told him nothing about it. Noticing your frowned eyebrows, Jimin kisses your forehead, just above the lines your frown has created.
“I could tell by the few text messages you sent me. You sounded off” he tells you.
“Well… You’re right.” You sigh heavily, remembering the awful day you had. Leaning back a bit so he can see your face as you talk, Jimin places a soft hand on your chubby cheek and rubs the skin soothingly, trying to appease you as you spoke. “My boss yelled at me. Many times. I don’t blame him, I made so many mistakes yesterday… I felt incredibly useless” you admit, not really able to look at Jimin in the eyes.
“Y/N, you’ve been there for two weeks, it’s normal to make mistakes” he tries to console you.
“I feel like I should know better by now. I’m terrified he’ll fire me because I made so many errors…” you bite your lips, the anxiety you had the day before bubbling back up.
“Hey, kitten. Hey, look at me” Jimin forces you to stare back into his serious eyes. “You are doing your best, and that is all they could ask for. Don’t stress too much over it, okay my love?”
“Oh, Jimin…” You feel bad for worrying him when he already has so many things on his plate. “Don’t you worry about me, I’ll be fine. It was just a bad day, I know. Sorry to bother you with my problems, Chim.”
“Your problems are my problems ever since you agreed to be my girlfriend, kitten. And you could never, ever, bother me at all” he assures you, with a kind and warm smile covering his eyes into half-moons, shinning even through the small space. It makes you smile back and your heart swell with love. “In fact…”
The one thing that never ceased to amaze you with Jimin, was his duality. He was the kindest, most caring and attentive boyfriend you could ever ask for, but his innocent sweet smiles and gestures could turn mischievous and suggestive in the blink of an eye. One moment, you were laying side by side, in a comfortable innocent hug and loving smiles, the other he was pinning you to the mattress, hovering above you with dark naughty eyes, hands on your wrists and licking his lips slowly.
“You may need a bit of a reminder about how good of a girl you are, yeah?”
Even if you could come up with a response to that, it would go to waste for his mouth was on yours before you took your next breath, supple moist lips pressing hard against yours. Letting go of your wrists in favor of feeling up and down the pudgy sides of your frame, all the way from your large thighs up to beneath your squishy arms, it allowed you to lift your hands and cradle his face, a gesture you often made to show him how precious he was to you.
Nibbling and sucking on your bottom lip, you allowed him to deepen the kiss as you parted your mouth. His warm slippery tongue played with yours sensually as his hands moved to your back, certainly crushing his lower arms under your weight but you couldn’t care.
Grazing teeth and swirling tongues separated with the need of oxygen, but only for him to move down and start kissing down your neck, retrieving his hands from your back and kneading at your wide hips. The morning didn’t seem so cold now, with the air around you two becoming warmer and your skin starting to ignite on fire at every single one of his touches.
“My kitten always feels so good” Jimin murmurs against your skin, lips pressing hard against your shoulder, hands finding the hem of your pajama’s top and sneaking under it. “Always such soft skin and warmth awaiting me, it drives me mad” he continues, his usually high pitched voice in an unnatural lower range for him.
“Jimin, you-” He interrupts with another breathtaking kiss against your lips, tongue sliding across the underside of yours as he leans back, making you shiver. He is all red swollen lips and lust-blown eyes staring intensely back into yours.
“Don’t speak, love. This is going to be all about you” he promises, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he lowers his head and starts nipping at the flesh covering your collarbone.
You blush heavily, just the thought of being his entire focus making you squirm and an uncomfortable wetness pools at your hot center. When his hands start undoing the buttons of your shirt, yours sneak under the hoodie he slept in, brushing the sides of him and descending down his chest, into his abs. But he catches your hands before they go further, pinning them down to the mattress as his head dips down between your breasts. You usually slept without a bra, and today was no exception.
“Y/N, you’re so beautiful…” he groans, sucking on your skin. His nose rubs the underside of your breast, a sensitive area that rarely got touched and that made you tremble slightly. “Have I ever told you how much I like your boobs? How they feel on my hands, especially.”
To prove a point, he lets go of your wrists to grab them and squeeze them firmly, feeling their weight on his hands, making you arch into his sudden touch. Smugly, he hovers down to lick one nipple, just dampening it slightly, and blowing cold air into it after. You release an exasperated huff and hit him slightly on the arm, making him chuckle.
“Sorry, kitten. I just like to see them perk up under my actions. And they’re such a lovely color too, I could stare for hours” he says as his fingers start rubbing and pinching both of your nipples, making you gasp and moan loudly.
Lips wrapping around one bud as the other is toyed with by his fingers, Jimin has you whimpering and writhing beneath him in no time, a coil on your stomach forming and demanding attention. You pull slightly at his hair, which makes him shudder, and in retaliation he grazes his teeth over your sensitive nipple, almost biting it. You moan heavily, legs rubbing together.
“Is someone growing impatient?” he teases, as his head moves down to start kissing at your fluffy stomach.
“Yes…” you whisper, not really bothering to hide it.
He giggles and you see him pull himself back up so he is face to face with you. Eyes still filled with lust and want, but the purest loving smile on his lips.
“Always so honest, my sweet kitten. One of the reasons I love you so much.”
You chuckle a bit too, momentarily forgetting the aching throb between your legs to pull him down for a slow deep kiss, the kind that never failed to melt your bones. But when his hand goes past the top of your pants, pressing directly against the skin of your bulgy thighs, the kiss grows hungrier and needier. Soon, his hand is on your soft inner thigh and his thumb is running up and down your damp panties, your whole body shivering under him.
He pulls back from the kiss to kneel beside you, eyes glancing back into yours as he slowly pulls down your pajama pants and, with them, your panties also. Leaving you completely bare in front of him. He licks his lips, hands sliding up the side of your legs and positioning himself in between them, so you open your burning center to him.
“So, so pretty…” he whispers, this time more to himself than to you. “I wanna taste you, kitten. Let me?” He stares at your eyes and all you can do is close them and nod your head, your sex growing wetter just from the suggestion.
Kissing up from your bent knees, Jimin reaches your middle way too slowly for your liking. Your hips jump up from the mattress at the first kiss of his lips against you, making him have to pull you down and have both hands squeezing your hips to keep you steady. He leaves small pecks up and down you folds, before using his expert tongue to part them. Breathy moans and whimpers escape you, your back arching and head falling back at every stroke of his wet member against the most sensible bundle of nerves on your body.
Clawing the sheets, you try to quiet down as he becomes more relentless, more hungry, more demanding, kissing your silky womb so deeply that his teeth brush against you.
“Don’t hold back” he demands, coming up from between your legs to look at you, mouth glistening with your juices already. “You make the prettiest sounds, kitten. I want to hear all of them.”
The sight alone pulled at the knot inside your stomach, but when he delved back in, tongue entering your pulsating hole, swirling around the deepest it could go and rubbing at your inner walls, as the same time his nose rubbed against your clit, you truly came undone. You moaned in high pitch as your legs pressed against his head, hips convulsing around him and fluids gushing out for him to drink.
Feeling all your muscles relaxing and your skin flushing with such pleasurable release, you breathe deeply and try to regain coherent thoughts. Jimin is kissing up your body, small pecks and lingering lips up your stomach, your chest, your shoulders and neck until he is inches away from your lips.
“You always taste so good, my love. I could eat you up forever and be satisfied” he says, brushing a few hairs out of your blushing face. He kisses you then, his unique taste mixed with yours. Lips moving against each other, sucking and nipping, you feel him rubbing slightly against you thigh, hard and throbbing underneath his pants. Your inner walls twitch with a renewed longing.
“Do you think you can go again?” Jimin asks against your lips, hands squeezing your love handles. “Think you can make those beautiful noises again for me? Let me see your pretty face as I pleasure you again, my perfect kitten?”
“Yes, Jimin. Yes, please” you breath out shakily, already aching for him again.
Not needing further incentive, Jimin pulls away from your embrace just so he can discard of his clothes, coming back into view as naked as you were. Your hunger only increases at the sight of his thick and pulsating shaft, already leaking from the absolute need to be inside of you.
Legs opening as he positions himself on top of you, he kisses your lips once more at the same time he pushes in, the feel of him finally inside and reaching places his tongue couldn’t already making you moan into his mouth. But he his groaning too, slowly pulling almost all the way out before pulling back in.
“Ah… Y/N! Oh, kitten, you always feel so good around me. So impossibly soft and snug! Ah…”
His thrusts pick up speed, his dancer hips falling into a quick but steady rhythm easily, one that drives you mad with how tight your abdomen feels, how hot your skin becomes from the inside out. You are holding on to his forearms as he grabs your fleshy sides, skin glistening with small drops of sweat that just make him that much more ethereal.
You are taken by surprise when he stills his hips, hands going to your back and pulling you up to a sitting position, with you still attached to his lap as he is now on his knees. Face to face, chest to chest, eyes set on each other, hot breaths mixing together, you raise your hips as he lowers his, only to crash back together in the middle, enticing deep throaty moans from both of you.
His eyes never leave your face as yours never leave his, your hips thrusting against each other and bringing you both closer and closer to the edge. At each descent of your heavy hips, your bud of nerves brushes against his skin and you know you won’t last much longer, still sensitive from your previous climax. But by the way his hands are gripping tightly your love handles and your rump, hips moving more erratically and breathing getting heavier, neither will him.
One particularly deep thrust has him rubbing exactly where he needed deep inside you and you gasp and scream as you convulse around him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you see explosions behind your eyelids, legs shaking and back arching into him as your hands hold on to his shoulders for dear life.
“Oh, fuck, you look so sexy like that…! Kitten, I can’t… I can’t!”
And before he could even try to finish his sentence, he is holding you tight against him as he buries himself deep inside you, warm spurts of his fluids spilling inside you as he grits his teeth and his body jolts slightly against yours.
Completely tired and spent, you both fall to your sides, bodies still mangled together in a constricted embrace, neither willing to let go of the other just yet. Feeling absolutely stress and doubt free, you smile against the skin of his shoulder.
“I love you, Jimin” you whisper in the quiet room.
“I love you too, kitten” he rubs his nose against the temple of your head, too lazy to try and reach for your lips to kiss them. “That was the whole point. Was I not clear enough about it?”
His own self-doubt actually makes you laugh, the notion of him thinking he didn’t make you feel loved enough after what he just did being so utterly absurd to you.
“I heard you loud and clear” you guaranteed him.
“You better. Or I’ll have to do it all over again” he threatens.
“No, next time it’s my turn to show you” you decide, hugging him tighter. You feel him smile against your hairline.
“Oh? I like the sound of that” he admits.
“You would. I know how much you love praises” you tell him.
“The best ones come from you. And I never get tired of complimenting you in return, love.”
Sighing happily, you both stay in bed for a while longer, enjoying the day off to keep each other company and demonstrating your love for one another in the simplest of ways. With small loving gestures and kind flattering words.
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lamujerarana · 5 years
12 + reedsue!
It begins innocuously enough, Sue thinks—an entirely normal morning. It’s even, perhaps, unusually normal for a group of world-famous explorers and superheroes. Their mornings, more often than not, include battles, time-travel, sentient kitchen appliances hellbent on conquering the world (that one was very definitely Reed’s fault, and he had been permanently banned from designing anything kitchen-related after what they had all not-so-fondly come to refer as The Dishwasher Incident).
Sue and Reed are at the kitchen table, idly eating their breakfast. Well. Sue is, perhaps, not precisely idle. She’s juggling eating her own breakfast in time to head down to the office and feeding little one-year-old Franklin. 
Sue stifles a sigh. She doesn’t know why she bothers putting on her work clothes before she feeds Franklin. There’s already a splatter of baby food high on the left shoulder of her two-thousand dollar designer suit, and she knows she’s going to have to change now. She’s probably going to be late, and she has an important board meeting first thing.
This is why she prefers the mornings when it’s Reed’s turn to feed Franklin -- they switch, so they get every other morning free, but today just happens to be Sue’s turn and not Reed’s. She casts a somewhat resentful glance over at him now. 
He gets to calmly enjoy reading the newspaper while he sips his coffee and eats his toast, all without having to wrestle with a temperamental and extremely picky one-year-old who has decided that he loathes half of the breakfast Sue spent twenty minutes preparing for him.
But, of course, this is all par for the course—the sort of morning Sue feels they don’t get enough of, what with all of the superheroing they get sucked into constantly. She supposes she should enjoy it while she can.
This isn’t, of course, to say that there were no warning signs of the kind of morning it was going to turn into—Sue had noticed that Johnny had seemed unusually restless lately and she was suitably concerned, although she’d seen him go through this often enough to know that his latest conquest—Kiki the Singer, or was it Alfonso the Gymnast? Sue finds it so hard to keep track—had likely broken up with him, and that really all he needed was time to find someone new. Which she was sure wouldn’t take long. 
Sue doesn’t know why Johnny seems incapable of maintaining a relationship for more than five minutes, but whenever he’s between dates, it’s everyone else who suffers.
This time is no different.
Ben disrupts the relative tranquility of Reed and Sue’s breakfast when he bursts angrily into the kitchen, one hand clutching at a sopping wet towel that’s wrapped haphazardly around his waist, and bellows, “Where the hell is he?!”
Cut for length.
Sue doesn’t know exactly who he’s talking about, but she suspects, given the green slime that Ben is covered in, that he’s referring to Johnny. “Ben!” she snaps, spoon full of baby food hovering in mid-air. Franklin, delightfully chubby and rosy-cheeked, is sitting in his high-chair and singing his favorite song at full volume, although it’s more a series of babbled syllables than actual words. “No cussing in front of Franklin. We’ve talked about this.”
“You lissen here, Susie,” Ben hollers, shaking a finger at her, “you tell me where that juvenile delinquent you call a brother is, and you tell me right now! You know what that little menace did? He rigged the damn shower so it—it covered me with this damn goo!”
Sue tries very hard not to roll her eyes, but she’s not too successful. Reed raises his newspaper up to cover his face, but Sue is sure that it’s just to hide that he’s snickering behind it. 
She can’t entirely blame him. Ben is quite the sight. She should probably find this amusing, but it’s just that Ben and Johnny have been getting into these fights for years. Almost as long as she and Johnny have known Ben. 
Certainly, this all began when Johnny really was the snot-nosed kid Ben still thinks he is. Eleven. Johnny’d been eleven, and Ben had been the glamorous, star linebacker of State U, and Sue’s fairly sure that Johnny’d just wanted Ben’s attention because he thought Ben was cool. Hence the pranks that had mostly ended with Ben chasing a giggling Johnny around her aunt’s boardinghouse and tickling him until he was howling with laughter as punishment.
“I absolutely will not tell you where he is,” Sue says with as much dignity as she can muster. “I am not paying to have the Baxter Building rebuilt again just because you two don’t know how to control your tempers.”
“He’s in his garage,” Reed says mildly, still hiding behind his morning paper. “I believe he’s working on that new car he bought last week. You know, the one he’s been working on so obsessively.”
“New car?” Ben says, and Sue does not like the way his eyes light up at that. “We’ll see about that. Thanks, Stretch. You’re a real friend.” 
He casts a furious glare at Sue, and its meaning is clear. She is not a real friend.
Sue scowls back at him, which sends him thundering off toward the elevator.
She rounds on Reed. “Reed Richards,” she says disapprovingly. “Why on earth would you tell him where Johnny is?”
Reed doesn’t say anything at first, pretending that he’s too engrossed in his reading, so she turns his newspaper invisible. 
Reed sighs and lowers the paper. “One of these days I’ll figure out how you do that, and then where will you be?”
“The same place I am now,” Sue says. “Now spill.”
“Darling, I’d rather he know precisely where Johnny is than have him tear up the entire building searching for him. Or, god forbid, the city.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “I was saving us money. And bad publicity.”
Sue’s eyes narrow. He’s lying. She doesn’t know what he’s lying about, or why, but she knows him well enough to know that he’s lying. 
She’s about to call him on it, but she’s interrupted by a loud series of worrying bangs, crashes, and yells that rise up through the floor. 
Sue glares pointedly at Reed. “Since it’s your fault that Ben found him, you get to go break it up.”
“But—“ Reed starts to complain.
“No,” Sue says, raising her baby spoon in the air. “No arguing. Your mess, you clean it up.”
Reed sighs, rises wearily to his feet, and does as he’s told.
There’s still something about this whole thing that feels off, Sue thinks, as she goes back to feeding Franklin.
How did Johnny manage to get the Baxter Building’s pipes to spew that goo, for one thing? He’s never seemed particularly interested in plumbing.
Why was Reed lying? Reed rarely ever lies to her. Partners. That’s what they promised each other when they got married. That they’d be equal partners in everything. And yet he’s lying to her now?
It’s just strange, Sue thinks. It’s just strange.
Ben destroys Johnny’s brand-new car. And about half of the garage he was keeping it in. And three of Johnny’s other cars.
Sue thinks it explains why Johnny had screeched the way he did. He’d been talking excitedly about that car for a month before he bought it. It was expensive, to say the least. One of a kind. Designed especially for Johnny.
Sue sighs as she sits at her desk and looks at the expense reports, detailing how much it’s going to cost to repair everything Ben and Johnny broke, and how much they’ll have to pay the plumbers they’ll have to call in to fix Ben’s shower.
She presses her head to her desk and tries not to scream. Sometimes she feels like a preschool teacher when she’s around Ben and Johnny.
No, that’s not quite right. When Johnny was in preschool, he was a perfect angel. Those adorable little curls, the pink, pudgy cheeks, the big blue eyes. God, he was cute when he was that age.
Ben and Johnny are acting more like unruly teenagers. She can understand Johnny behaving that way -- he’s actually still a teenager, even if he’s only two months shy of twenty.
But Ben? Ben is nearly thirty, and Ben should be above lowering himself to Johnny’s level. 
Well. Johnny pranked Ben, Ben got back at him, and that’s it. They’re even. At least this is all over.
It’s not over. Not over at all. Over the course of the next two weeks, Ben and Johnny engage in an escalating and increasingly elaborate prank war.
They manage to drag in people Sue never would have expected to stoop to that level. Ben drags in half the Avengers (Sue suspects it’s because they’re his poker buddies, and mostly owe him large sums of money), Johnny gets the Inhumans on his side.
To be entirely honest, Sue’s not sure whether to be angry or impressed at the organizational capacity and leadership abilities this whole thing evinces.
She really didn’t think Ben or Johnny had that degree of meticulous planning and foresight in them.
And the technology they’ve used—they’ve clearly been raiding Reed’s lab. How else would Johnny have gotten hold of a time machine, which he put to very nefarious and ill-advised uses?
Sue’s not sure that the disco era will ever recover from Johnny’s meddling. It had taken her and Reed three days to mop up their mess and put history back the way it should be. Mostly, anyways.
There’s also the fact that if Sue didn’t know any better, she’d say Reed was enjoying all of this.
She’d say Reed was enjoying all of this just a tad too much. 
It doesn’t take her too long to discover the truth of it. A few well-placed but cagey questions to Ben and Johnny, and it’s obvious.
She finds Reed in his lab, back bent over his latest invention. He looks so sweet and innocent, but... “Darling,” Sue says, “I think we need to talk.”
“About what, my love?” Reed asks, eyes wide. 
“I know,” Sue says flatly. She’s giving Reed one last chance to confess.
He raises an eyebrow. “Know what, darling?”
Sue sighs. Well. There goes that. "I know that you’re the mastermind behind Ben and Johnny’s little prank war. They haven’t figured it out, you know, but I did.”
“Ah,” Reed says, disappointed. He leans back in his chair and sighs. “I’m frankly surprised it took you this long. I suppose my fun is over, then?”
Sue crosses her arms. “Yes. Or I’ll tell Ben and Johnny what you’ve been up to, and you know they’ll want revenge.”
“All right,” Reed says, “fair enough.” He grins up at her. “It was fun, though.”
“They really had no idea you were behind everything,” Sue says, and she can’t help it if she sounds admiring. “You’re good. Better than I thought. Almost makes me wonder who’d win in a prank war between me and you.”
Reed laughs. “Oh, no. That foolish I am not. You would win, without question. You’re much better at being devious than I am, and I mean that in the most flattering way possible.”
Sue finds herself smiling down at him without being able to help it. “I’m glad you know that.” 
It’s true. She is. She could beat Ben, Johnny, and Reed in a prank war without even trying. There’s a reason none of them have ever dared to try to play a prank on her, and it’s the fact that they are all much too afraid of her and what she is capable of.
Which is just the way Sue likes it.
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regionalcoins · 5 years
The Anatomy of Mario
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FACE SHAPE: A bit of a square shape, but very rounded due to his cheeks. CHEEKS: His cheeks are quite chubby and round, a noticeable trait. They’re also very rosy and always a little flushed. CHEEKBONES: Not very pronounced due to his chubby cheeks, but high and symmetrical.  LIPS: Fairly full, but hidden beneath his mustache. SKIN COLOUR: Due to his Italian heritage, his skin is a shade of medium tan olive. SKIN TYPE: Depending on where you touch, his skin is either soft, or rough and calloused. His skin around his face and belly is soft to the touch, but the skin running up his arms, legs, hands and feet is either calloused or riddled with scars and burns. EYE SHAPE: Very large and oval-shaped. They’re always bright and full of life. EYE COLOUR: A bright, vivid baby blue. EYEBROW SHAPE: Thick and well-groomed. They’re rounded and down-turned, giving Mario a perpetual look of determination. Their shape can sometimes be an issue when Mario is at rest, because the down-turned eyebrows will make him appear as though he is angry, when he actually isn’t. EYEBROW COLOUR: Charcoal black with a light red sheen.  EYELASHES: Not very thick or noticeable. NOSE SHAPE: Long, large and bulbous. It runs in the family. HAIR TEXTURE: On days where he isn’t overexerting, Mario’s hair is very soft and well-kempt. It’s a bit curly and can get a bit ratty when he’s working or wearing his hat, and if he’s overexerting, it can become greasy from sweat. When he bathes, he and Luigi share shampoos, meaning his hair tends to smell fruity or floral when it’s clean. HAIR COLOUR: Medium auburn (red). HAIR LENGTH: Short and curled at the nape of his neck. EARS: Fairly big and round, always a little flushed at the tips. His ears are pierced as of his recent adventure (Super Mario Odyssey).
SHOULDERS: Not very pronounced due to his broad frame; small at best. The tops of his shoulders are covered in gnarled, burnt, scarred skin. ARMS: Short, but thick with muscle due to how often he works out and uses his arms. They’re covered in scars of all kinds; scratches, scrapes, burns, bites, etc.  STOMACH AREA: Very chubby and pronounced, especially in his overalls. Despite his weight, he’s very healthy. One would assume he’d be skinnier due to how much he works out, but he has a tendency to overindulge when it comes to food. The cakes Princess Peach serves him, combined with Luigi’s cooking, and Mario hitting the town for fast food, keeps him plump. A few scars litter his stomach area here and there, but the most significant scars to be found in this area are three large claw marks that stretch from his chest to his lower stomach. WAIST: Broad. Mario has a very square frame, and he isn’t very curvy, save for his round belly. LOVE HANDLES: He has them, no doubt! There’s plenty of extra chub around his belly and waist that you can easily grab. CHEST / BREASTS: Flat, it’s pretty much what you’d expect. Despite his Italian heritage (and Italians often growing plenty of body hair), his chest is free of hair, though it’s likely accounted to how much he shaves. As mentioned before, three large, scarred claw marks span across his chest. BACK: Barren, aside from the scars that decorate it. When standing, Mario stands very upright and confidently, meaning his back is straightened at almost all times. His shoulder blades are relatively pronounced. HAND SIZE: His thick gloves make his hands appear larger than they actually are, but regardless of whether or not he’s wearing gloves, his hands are still rather large.
HIPS: Hardly pronounced. You could run a hand from beneath his arm to the side of his thigh and not feel his hips. As stated before, he has a very square frame. BOTTOM: Flat. It’s nothing to write home about. THIGHS: Thick, a little chubby, but powerful. The brunt of his strength is in his legs, which is how he’s able to jump so high, run so fast and kick so hard, CALVES: Thick and toned. There’s no shortage of muscle in ‘em. LEG LENGTH: Abnormally short and stubby. 
BODY HAIR: Very little, aside from his mustache. On days he forgets to shave, he can grow a small amount of stubble around his chin and upper lip. He shaves every morning in an attempt to stay neat and tidy, because he’s always around royalty and feels the need to look his best. SCENT: It depends on what he’s done that day, and where he’s been. When clean, he gives off a fruity or floral scent (depending on the shampoo and body wash he’s used), but he always gives off a faint scent of charcoal and fire - almost akin to that of a blown firework. When he’s out adventuring, he can smell like a number of things; sweat, smoke, grass, dirt, blood, and so on. HAND NAILS: He always clips his nails, and tries to keep them neat. That being said, they’re often chipped or broken due to how much he works with his hands. If he’s working without gloves, there’ll usually be dirt under them. TOENAILS: The same as his fingernails, minus the dirt. He always wears socks, so oftentimes, they’re untouched by the forces of everyday life. That being said, he tends to break or bend them a lot by kicking things and slamming his toes into the inside of his boot. VOICE: Impressively ranged. Although he speaks in a perma-falsetto (and a very high falsetto when he’s excited), he tends to dip into baritone when he’s speaking casually. When he sings, he finds it difficult to hit high pitches, but he’s able to sing in mid-tone or baritone. He tends to opt for baritone because he greatly enjoys opera singing. His extensive range allows him to do a number of voice impressions with ease, and he’ll use these impressions when he does things such as storytelling.  HEIGHT: 5′1″  PIERCINGS: Earlobes (as of Super Mario Odyssey). TATTOOS: A tribal tattoo on his left shoulder that he acquired during his vacation to Isle Delfino. WEIGHT: 155lbs. BRA SIZE: n/a SHOE SIZE: 10. PREFERRED CHOICE OF SHOES: His default work boots (leather moc toe boots with coagulated latex soles, three-hole hidden knot lace style), although he’ll often wear vans, tennis shoes and converse. CLOTHING STYLE: Practical, with a preference for overalls. That being said, his fashion sense is very broad, and he’ll wear just about anything, no matter how clashing.  GENERAL BODY SHAPE: Short, stubby, pudgy, broad and square.
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songbird567 · 5 years
Enough to share month 1
You look in the mirror and grab your soft belly. One month in and the pot belly was now a flabby spare tire of a belly that hung over your waste. You cup your own chest and blush as the flab fills your hand and squishes through your fingers as you squeeze them. You sigh and look over your shoulder to see your rear hadn’t been spared either, the plump and pillowy cheeks jutting out. There was no denying it. You got fat and knew exactly how and why.
“Just one more burger” “you can handle eight pizzas right?” “Extra extra large chili fries can’t be the biggest size right?” “Oh let’s stop for a third dessert here!”
Pyrrha’s voice echoed through your mind as the past month was all the evidence you needed for your pudgy form. Other than being stuffed constantly Pyrrha was an amazing girlfriend. Affectionate, supportive, and protective. You felt guilty sometimes seeing as Pyrrha spent a good sum of money not only feeding you, but also getting you a fancy apartment to stay in. Every time you brought it up though she would simply kiss your cheek or stuff your face.
“Good morning~” Pyrrha’s voice sounded before her arms wrapped around you, rubbing your flabby belly. She giggled softly and nuzzled against your plump cheek. “I was thinking we go out for breakfast...oh or are you still embarrassed? Sweetie I know ripping your pants in public might have been...humiliating but I won’t let anyone tease you so please?” Pyrrha asked and hugged you tightly.
“It’s a nice day don’t you think?” Pyrrha asked from across the table, the two of you having chosen seating outside. At first you thought that was better since people inside wouldn’t notice you, but outside proved just as embarrassing as now anyone passing by could see you.
It didn’t help that the shirt you were wearing, a gift from Pyrrha, left your lap filling belly completely exposed. Then your shorts were feeling especially tight lately. Pyrrha claims they must have shrunken in the wash, but you feel it was more accurate that you have just been growing.
Pyrrha smiles and squeezed your hand tightly in hers. “So I’ve been thinking. I have to go out of the country for a tournament in a few weeks.” Pyrrha blushed and cleared her throat. “I was thinking you should come too.”
You feel your own cheeks heat up at Pyrrha’s offer. Going on what was basically a paid vacation with her. You wanted to decline but the act seemed impossible as you stared into her beautiful emerald eyes. The smile on her face made you feel weak and unable to resist smiling yourself. You decide to just nod and feel your heart melt as her smile grows wider.
Pyrrha leaned across the table to hug you, her arms squeezing your pudgy form tightly and threatening to pull you across the table to her. “That’s great! I’ll get everything set. I’ll have some people watch the apartment for us while we’re gone. Oh we need to do clothes shopping too. Atlas is so cold and I can’t let you freeze now can I?”
“Woah there did I just miss a proposal?” A feminine voice sounded followed by a chuckle.
“Yang?! N-no nothing that serious!” Pyrrha exclaimed and released you, settling back in her chair. “No we’re just going to the Atlas tournament together is all.”
“Ooh so a vacation together?” Yang asked and leaned over the table. “Sounds fun. Just hope tubby over here can fit on the plane.”
You blush and glance away. You weren’t too surprised to encounter teasing in public but it was still embarrassing. You were about to stand before a plate of burgers was slid in front of you.
“Hey not so fast there. Can’t leave without eating huh blubber butt.” Yang laughed and patted your belly.
“Yang don’t be mean. They’re not tubby...just a little chubby is all.” Pyrrha replied and smiled at you reassuringly.
“You suuuure? I mean look at this!” Yang exclaimed and wobbled your belly, the soft fat jiggling and bouncing on your lap as yang squeezed and pinched it. “Well anyway I’ve got to get back to work. See ya later fatty.” Yang said before returning to the restaurant.
Pyrrha was quick to move to your side and hug you. “Just forget about what she said. You look amazing.” Pyrrha said and rubbed your belly with one hand while holding a burger in the other. “Here let’s finish lunch and then we can go home. I hear there’s a new movie on later.”
You turned away from the burger, not particularly wanting to eat after what yang said. She was right you were fat and eating more wasn’t going to help that in the slightest. However Pyrrha was insistent and moved a hand to under your chin. She moved it to face her before cramming the burger into your mouth.
“See you’ll feel better after lunch. Just let me feed you and it’ll be over in no time.” Pyrrha cooed and stuffed a second burger in your mouth, not giving you time to chew the first.
Your worked on chewing the first two burgers as Pyrrha tried to stuff a third into your mouth, ignoring your groaning as she forced the greasy burger in. With a labored swallow you managed to choke down the burgers just before Pyrrha stuffed the fourth past your lips.
Pyrrha tried to maintain her calm expression but you noticed an excited spark in her eyes. She was panting softly and her cheeks were flushed. “What’s that? Are you feeling full?” Pyrrha asked and pressed her hand into your belly fat. Pyrrha bit her lip as her hand sank into the warm blubber. “Well...ok we can order more when we get home. Let’s get going.” Pyrrha said and heaved you out of your seat.
Across the street a pair of cold blue eyes watched you waddle away with the aid of Pyrrha. “Hmm...”
“What is it weiss?” Winter asked, setting her tea cup down.
“Did you see those two?” Weiss asked and snapped a photo of you on her scroll before showing it to winter.
“That’s Pyrrha Nikos and...a rather large individual.” Winter murmured. “What about them. Don’t tell me you want them?”
“Is that so wrong? Pyrrha Nikos is a national champion. Having her for an advertisement deal could help business, and then the...large one.” Weiss blushed and cleared her throat. “I’ll just say maybe there’s potential. I’d just like to meet them.”
“We could catch up with them.” Winter said and stood up.
“No. There’s no need for that. They’ll be in Atlas in a month’s time. Perhaps when they arrive we can offer them some kindness?” Weiss asked and stood up. “Yes, kindness in full.”
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