#But even with that exscuse it’s bad
caterpillarinacave · 2 years
Me, when someone brings up Cassandra Clare’s world building:
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david-box · 1 year
I think the main thing that fucks me about wwdits is that if they kept *one* of their big plot points they had for each character and *actually* worked that it'd be perfectly fine.
Nandor and Guillermo's relationship being defined by both of them wanting what the other has that they cannot obtain, forever, permanently, in diametric opposites with the sexual tension inherent to a LITERAL master/servant relationship that gets turned on its head is a GOOD fucking idea, and I don't even like the couple or ship it. Nadja's harebrained idea and asshole behavior devolving into her project being ruined in front of her could have been a GOOD arc and arguably still can be if they deal with it in this season, and I still don't remember why they turned her into someone that's really into starting a nightclub for ??? reasons after fully establishing that she's the most competent member of the house except I guess to give her something to fail at. The child Colin Robinson thing was wildly interesting for both lore (if there is even is lore, but I digress) and character reasons (they reacted so strangely to it!) and I didn't even like his face. The fact that Guillermo stayed behind for the kid, or to pilfer coin, and Nandor becoming openly shittier as a person, or getting really into trying to be different, or trying to be his own self, or Lazlo deciding to be better, or the DESCENDANT OF VAN HELSING TRYING TO BECOME A VAMPIRE, every energy vampire plot imo, the baron, were all good subplots by themselves, but half of them don't work together and they honestly didn't manage to wrong out a lot of humor out of it.
As it stands right now Lazlo is the only one who's been consistent without needing to be flanderized or have major character elements forgotten about to where it's practically a soft retcon and I don't even know how long that's going to last. And he's changed! He's actively a nicer person! I'm not looking forward to any arc he could have! I *don't want him to change now*! Fuck!
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socialkid · 2 years
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(Alternative title: Not so Secret admirer)
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem! Reader
Genre: Romance (Enemies to Lovers?)
Warnings: Slight cursing
Summary: When catching the eye of one of your most prized possessions, you remember the romantic story and reasoning behind it.
A/N: Thank you so much for all the love on my last post! I really do appreciate every single like, comment, and reblog! Now that I think of it this is kind of a Valentine’s Day post…but who cares I’m only one month late!
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Having a Pro Hero boyfriend was a bit of a struggle you had to admit. Don’t get it wrong you loved the attention from the various amount of people who shipped you and Bakugou, and the feeling of protection and safety when you’re snuggled up in bed with your human explosive, but that was the thing. Waiting to get that affection from your partner was such a long process, especially on days with outrageous villain attacks.
You picked up your phone rotating it to the side to checking for the red line identifying that the phone was possibly on silent mode. It wasn’t. You turned on your phone and scrolled down your notification banner; Snapchat notifications, TikTok notifications, and other unnecessary announcements. You went to settings to check your notifications. Your messages seemed to be on. You opened the message app and clicked ‘Dynamite 🧨💥🧸’ only to see your chain of texts still on delivered. Sighing you lazily scrolled through your texts then studied his name above them. You remember for months Bakugou had questioned the teddy bear emoji. You placed down your phone as your eyes trailed over to the teddy bear on your side of the bed. An cute almond brown bear holding a red heart that had the words ‘Be mine?’ printed in cursive on it.
You grabbed it and snuggled it, the fur on it tickling your nose, and the scent of your boyfriend lingers on it. You remember your first look at this bear. It was all the way back in second grade. Everyone was passing out candy and cards into everyone’s boxes for Valentines. You had finally gotten around to the last desk and dropped your last card in. When you got back to your desk there it was; the bear sitting on your desk with a card right beside it. You didn’t even bother to open the card yet, you just went straight for the plush. “H-hey who gave this to me?” You asked loud enough for the students to look back towards you. They murmured and questioned but the kid that caught your eye was Bakugou. The one who didn’t flinch by your question, nor turn around and face you. Just continued to eat his candy in a careless manner. You had a hunch it was him because he did the opposite of what everyone else did, but why would he get something so meaningful for you?
Back even when you were younger than second graders, you and Bakugou had never had a good history. As it seems to be known Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya, your green haired friend did not get along as kids. Whenever Bakugou would pick on him, the classmates felt bad but they didn’t want a piece of Bakugou so they just stood to the side and observed. Until you came along. Bakugou still remembers the day the teacher introduced you to the whole class. He stared at you as the teachers endless babbling continued.
“Oooh looks like somebody’s in love!” One of Bakugou’s friends teased him as the other clammed his hands together and proceeded to make kissy faces in the air. “What!? No I don’t, and I’ll prove it!” Bakugou replied quickly. He waited for the teacher to Exscuse you to go sit down on the carpet before he spoke, “Hey newbie! Why don’t you just step aside cause I bet you’re really weak!” Bakugou shouted. “Bakugo-!” The teacher started before you interrupted her, “Not weak, just stronger than you.” You replied calmly. Some of the class laughed while Bakugou gritted his teeth in anger. “Yea yea whatever, you haven’t heard the last of me.” He muttered but to your surprise he left you alone. And since he left you alone that meant he was back to only one target. Midoriya.
All day you watched Midoriya being stepped on by Bakugou and his crew. “Hey Deku you should just give up now. You don’t even amount to me!” This kid would say proudly while showing off his quirk. ‘What’s this kids deal?’ You thought. Finally recess came around and you sat down and played in the sand box with this other girl. You were enjoying your time not long before commotion broke out behind you.
“You’re being mean Kacchan! Leave them alone!” The green haired boy yelled. ‘Kacchan…?’. You stood up from the sand box, the girl in there with you questioning you. “Deku what did I tell you about trying to be a hero? It’s not gonna work, at least not against me.” Bakugou replied punching his fist together. Izuku trembled but stood his ground as Bakugou and his friends approached him. He reached for Izuku’s shirt before you screamed, “NO!” Everyone stopped in their tracks.
“You again,” Bakugou said “What do you want?”.
“I want you to leave him alone!” You replied. Bakugou stood silent with a puzzled look on his face. “What this loser?” Bakugou said moving him by his shirt. “He’s not a loser, you are! Now get away from him!” You replied. Bakugou blinked than let go of Midoriya. “Whatever, you two can hang out and be two quirkless losers together!” Bakugou almost shouted. He walked away, his two friends trailing behind him. You turned around to go back to the sandbox before hearing, “Hey, thank you!”.
Ever since that day Bakugou’s always seemed to have a bone to pick with you. You thought he hated you, little did you know this boy was absolutely fascinated by you. No one’s ever had the courage to stand up against him nonetheless succeed. His ego wasn’t as big as it would be in middle school (in the future) but he still had his moments. Yet he wanted to impress you. He would never admit it. Like ever. But he would give anything just for five seconds of your attention. So he would do stupid things. And when I say stupid things, I mean very stupid things. Like insulting you. Why he thought that was a good idea, you will never know. Litteraly trip on thin air just to see your reaction. And then there’s the normal stuff guys do to get a girls attention; talking loud, acting different when you’re around, and sending his friends to talk to you. But still not enough. You were too busy hanging with that Deku kid to “notice him”.
“Katsuki we came to the store to buy Valentines for your classmates so that’s what we’re going to do!” Mitsuki, Bakugou’s mom said dragging Bakugou by his arm. Mitsuki had gotten a email from the school that they had a Valentine’s Day party in for the second graders in the classroom. She wanted her son to be involved in the classroom more often, seeing his ego was growing she knew he had very limited friends.
“But I don’t want to.” Bakugou pouted trying to walk back to the exit of the store. Mitsuki struggled against her surprisingly strong son but dragged him back to the shelf.
“LISTEN, Katsuki! We’re just going to grab a stack of decorative cards and candy and then we can leave ok!?”, Katsuki pouted at this. He turned her back on her with his arms cross whilst her mom asked him questions she knew he wasn’t going to even respond to. “Ooh these are cute, how about these? Ooh but these ones come with stickers. What do you think?”. Bakugou began roaming the isle looking up and down the shelves. He scanned and studied the objects but there was this particular one that caught his eye. It was a cute little cuddle sized bear. It held a heart with fancy writing that spelled ‘Be Mine?’.
After about 5 minutes of shopping Mitsuki was done, but when she was she caught her son eyeing this bear. She stood behind him for a good two minutes before he turned around a noticed her. “Jeez! Mom what do you want?” He asked after being startled by Mitsuki. “Do you want me to buy that bear for you?” Mitsuki asked him. At this Bakugou cocked an eyebrow up at his mom. She never usually buys the stuff he wants in the stores, she’s more of a work for it and earn it type of mom. “Why?” Bakugou asked. “Oh I don’t know, possibly for a little crush you might have at school?” She asked him smiling. At this Bakugou’s ears lit up. “NO I DON’T!” he shouted. “You might want to watch who you’re yelling at Katsuki.” Mitsuki replied very calmly but scary enough for him to simmer down.
After the back and forth between the mom and son they walked out of the store with grocery bags, Mitsuki’s hand held with Bakugou and Bakugou’s free hand carrying a teddy bear.
Bakugou sat up in his room staring at the bear on his bed. He got up and opened the door out of his room to peak on the kitchen counter where a couple extra cards laid on the counter. He took one and a sharpie that was next to it and snuck off back to his room.
And that’s when you received your bear by a “secret admirer”. You weren’t 100% sure it was Bakugou, but you didn’t care. You cherished that bear. You took it everywhere with you, airplanes, vacations, sleepovers, it didn’t matter what the occasion. Even in 6th grade when you had pajama day at school. “You still carry around that stupid bear?“ Bakugou asked. “How do you know, have you been watching me?” You asked as he scoffs, “Besides I think he’s cute.” You replied hugging your bear as Bakugou grunted but exscused himself quickly because he felt his cheeks burn. You ask him about it later but he just pushed you away. But Bakugou knew you wern’t the type of girl to push situations away, you wanted to get to the bottom of everything.
The questions you asked him for months seemed so intrusive to him after a while he was thinking about just telling you the truth so you would leave it alone. But by then his ego was to big.
As the years went on the drama between you came to a rest and finally you two became somewhat friends. And somewhere along the road some what friends became best friends (with crushes on each other yes). Now you were in your last months of U.A and had been known of the school’s best couple for years now. And yet still through the entire way you had the bear.
You remember the first time you had a sleepover with your boyfriend in your dorm. You had just came out of the bathroom brushing your teeth to see Bakugou (in his black tank top 😩) with your teddy bear. He hadn’t noticed you there, but you over heard him muttering to himself, “She till has this huh? Commitment.” He said, then placed the bear down. He turned around to face you and slightly jumped “WHAT THE HELL!?” He screamed as you giggled, “What is up with you and my MOTHER sneaking up on me all the time!?” He said, still he grabbed you and pulled you into his arms.
You always think about the story of you, Katsuki, and his bear in your free time. But your thoughts were interrupted by heavy foot steps outside the apartment door. The keys jingled for a while before the door was unlocked and your boyfriend trudged in. He closed the door and locked it behind him, then headed straight to your room where he knew he would find you.
“Baby!” You said groggily still holding on the bear. Bakugou grinned a bit before pulling you off the bed and locking you into his arms. He then proceeded to kiss you longing for the taste of you all day. “How was your day Suki?” You asked him as he snorted, “Nothing special down at the agency pretty slow day if you ask me. But I’m glad to be back at home with my baby for our special time together.” He said kissing your neck as you sighed with pleasure. You could do this all day but you knew Bakugou had to get in the shower, he absolutely refuses to get on the bed dirty.
Once he finishes showering he slides into bed with you. You have SpongeBob playing in the background, Bakugou learned not to question it when once you had a six hour fight about it.
Your still snuggled up with your bear when Katsuki finally pops the question. “What is up with you and this bear?” He asks as you turn over and face him. “Because you gave it to me.” You reply. “Yeah yeah, but how did you even find out?” He asked. “Dunno. Maybe it was justa gut feeling? Or the the amount of times you made it obvious, it could be that too.” You teased. “HAH? So you’re getting smart with me huh dumbie?” He responded. “Just a little” you giggle. You pull yourself closer to Bakugou and close the gap in between you.
“I love you Suki.” You say earning a kiss on the tip of your nose. “Mmm love you more baby.” He replied. “I have something special for you…” you said smirking. “Oh really?” Katsuki asked grinning leaning more on you by the minute. You hummed in agreement before reaching behind you and grabbing a pillow and hitting Katsuki Bakugou smack dab in the face.
Your giggling became continuous laughing as Bakugou’s smirk turned into a frown then into an evil grimance. “Alright, since you want to play that way.” Bakugou started before grabbing a pillow and swinging at you. You quickly dodged it and ran around the room, Bakugou chasing you close behind. After about two minutes he caught you and picked you up. “NOOOO!” You screamed while laughing before he threw you onto the bed and the game was over.
“God I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
For those who are curious what 2nd grade Bakugou’s note read, here it is:
“Here’s a bear you deserve it. You work really hard and you seem nice. I hope you enjoy this. Happy Valentines Day.” - Secret Admirer.
Such a sweetheart am I right 🥹 ?
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Playful "interrogation" (Style tickle fic)
This is a tickle fic (strictly sfw both characters are kids)
I am shipping Stan and style
Contains feet tickles
Some swearing (I censored them a bit :>)
"cmon Kyle, I know you have a crush, everyone at school is arguing about who it is!" Stan said to an annoyed and flustered Kyle
"I do not have a fucking crush!" Kyle yelled his voice going up a defensive tone
"Then what's with the blush? Huh" Stan teased
It was true Kyle had a big crush on someone. God knows how anyone found out but no one actually knows who it is. Kyle didn't really want his super best friend to know his crush so he was VERY embarrassed about the situation.
"shut up Stan!" Kyle said and hid his embarrassed face "quit teasing me a$Shøle I don't have a crush"
"hmm am I gonna have to make you tell me, Kyle?" Stan asked and wiggled his fingers towards his flustered friend, making Kyle's face go around 3 shades of red, darker.
Kyle felt his heart beat fast at the sight and he knew what was coming for him. He'd been tickled by Stan a ton of times and I mean he couldn't really say he disliked it.. oh what am I saying he loves been tickled by Stan but this time was different because he knew that he had something to confess.
"nohoo Stan don't" Kyle giggled backing into the corner "can we just move on from this whole thing I don't have a crush and tic-...doing that isn't going to make me feel any different.."
(Kyle can't say the t word to save his life)
"nope dude I'm not letting you get away so easy, b1tch" he teased and pounced on his red haired "friend"
"stahan nohoho this is so gahay" Kyle laughed and tried to squirm out of his crus- best friends's grip failing.
"I haven't even started yet" Stan laughed with Kyle and felt his face become warm and he hoped his blush wasn't noticeable
"JUST DOHO IT ALREADYY" Kyle yelled because he couldn't take the anpicitation (I can't spell)
"really dude? You want tickles that bad? Wow" Stan asked and started to claw at the giggling boys sides
"nohoho DUDE STOHHOP" his giggles turned into a loud boyish laughter
"hmm you gonna tell me your crush??" Stan asked but he didn't really care about that anymore he just wanted an exscuse to tickle Kyle :3
"noho dude I dohont have on- NAHAHA STAN NOT THEREE QUIT IT" he was cut off by Stan lifting up his shirt and Tickling his belly quickly
"dude tell meeee" he pleaded and tickled his ribs
"NOHOHO I DONT HAVE ONEE PLEASE STOPIT" He yelled and shook his head frantically making his hat fall off.
Kyle rarely took his hat off which Stan didn't get because his hair is so damn fluffy.
"ehehe I guess you want me to tickle right here don't you?" Stan asked and scratched his ears
"NOHOO PLEASE I CANT F#CKING TAKE ITT" he laughed and wriggled around like his life depended on it.
"just tell me your god damn crush then!" Stan said and smiled at his adorable "friend"
"NEHEVEERR! DUHUDE F#CK OFF" he cursed and forget to deny that he had a crush
"DUDE YOU DIDN'T DENY IT YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Stan gasped and continued to tickle Kyle's bright pink ears "cmon you can tell me, I'm your best friend Kyle"
He was more genuine and less teasy when he said that last part.
"NAHAHA I HATE YOUU" Kyle yelled not really meaning it "STAHAPPP"
"ouch dude that really hurts my feelings" Stan joked "you know that was mean of you i think you deserve a punishment"
"NOHOHO IM SORRY" Kyle giggled he'd been tickled by Stan too many times to know what was coming
"too late Kyle" he teased and grabbed the extremely Flustered boy's foot and Tickling his toes
"don't worry I'll stop after this dude I don't wanna kill you" Stan said telling the truth
"I don't really care who your crush is ,well maybe a little, I just wanted to tickle you lol"
After a few more minutes Stan stopped leaving Kyle slightly disappointed but happy he could finnaly breath properly.
"you okay dude?" Stan asked and put his hand on Kyle's stomach (Kyle was laying down in a puddle of giggles)
"yehes, dohont touch meheh" he giggled still feeling phantom tickles on his stomach due to the light touch
"Oop sorry" Stan said and laughed a bit. He always loved seeing Kyle so giggly he found it so cute.
"I hatehe youhou" Kyle said and grabbed Stan's hand and held it.
"your litteraly holding my hand dum@ss" Stan said and laughed
"my crush.....is....you.." Kyle whispered
WOOO cliffhanger should I make a part 2?
That took alot of motivation out of me so don't expect another long fic anytime soon 😭
Tell me what y'all think maybe I'll write more south park someday
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
Cabin Chase:: Part 1 .. 11 .. 111
Plans Into Fruition
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Zackary leaves the Manor to make his way to the target location, still blissfully unaware of his Boss's plans for when he gets there. Meanwhile, Slenderman is setting his plans to motion, occasionally glancing from his dwindling paperwork to view the cameras watching the driveway.
Warnings: Sex talk, Slenderman, perv behavior mentioned [I think that's it]
Reminders: Zackary is trans, but I have never before written a trans character since I started writing for him, please exscuse any mistakes I make and kindly and politely correct me in comments or an ask, I am trying ;-;
It was amply raining, enough Zack had to turn his wipers on to see through the windshield. The road ahead was long, and he knew it well enough to know hardly anybody drove this stretch at this hour. He had planned ahead, knowing it would be quite a while before he got to his destination, so bought an extra gas can or two for the return trip, and snacks for the road.
He was currently snapping a kit-kat in two, sucking off the chocolate before chewing the wafer. He sighed, stared tiredly ahead at the dark road bordered by thick trees. He was surprised Slenderman didn't quite know the area, it's the kind of place Zack knew he'd like.
Zack was swigging down a bottled water, trying to stimulate himself to keep from falling asleep at the wheel. He figured radio music might help, but after turning it on, he either found static silence, or music he found he'd drowned out. So his own music would suffice, only his phone wasn't getting service, and his songs were buffering every five seconds.
With a heavy, defeated sigh, he stopped trying, opting to just keep his eyes on the road. The low drone of the car wasn't helping, neither the heat. It was currently Autumn, but Zack didn't feel like freezing an ear off to keep himself awake, so he absent-mindedly turned the heat down, and dropped his coat, struggling to unbuckle and even get the thing off while also trying to keep himself in his lane and on the road.
After that cerfuffle, he snapped an energy drink open as a second-to-last resort, taking occasional swigs of the lemon-sweet drink. After a five minute pause of him trying to keep himself awake and stimulated, he suddenly wondered who the hell was living there now?
He knew the place Slenderman sent him to all because his Uncle used to live there, but dipped soon after, claiming the place was haunted and unsafe.
He figured someone dangerous enough. Zack wasn't the last line necessarily, but he quickly found the value Slenderman held him at by what missions he was sent on, and he came to the conclusion that his missions where of the more 'something serious and dangerous is happening, even Ej couldn't handle it.', and usually, the Demon group where the "Oh, shit's bad" missions, so to surpase them in that "ranking", so to speak, was no easy feat.
He soon realized his pondering had passed the time as he noticed the roof of the old place peeking past the treetops, the driveway was now hard to miss, Zack nearly fishtailed trying to turn enough.
Slenderman glanced up at the sound of a monotone ding, huffing an amused chuckle as he realized Zack was making his up the driveway now.
So, he cleared his desk, adjusting a few of the moniters he had BEN set up. BEN needn't know why, so Slenderman didn't tell him the reasoning behind these.
Through the monitor, he saw Zack slink in, quiet as ever.
He supposes that's something he always like about Zack, his lighter build allowed him to be dexterous and quiet, he'd even snuck up on the Halfling Being a few times, though Slenderman would never admit it.
He waited for Zack to start climbing the stairs, then, he picked up his phone.
Zack heard the loud ringing of the landline in the hallway. Not where he remembered it being during his visits to his uncle, must mean other people lived here after he left.
Then, the telltale 3-toned ding sounded among the ringing, telling Zack he better not let the caller wait.
With a click, he had the phone up to his ear.
"Yeah, Boss?"
{I see you have arrived..}
"Yeah, is the victim ou-" {[chuckle] You know Zack, being what I am, having the senses I do, I hear things, smell things, you don't.}
"Wh.. What's that got to do with this?"
{Hmp.. You don't think I ever smelled you? Smelled your.. Arousal? That I never heard your pathetic little whimpers when I scorned you?}
Zack was speechless, and Slenderman could only see the tremble of his shoulders through the camera. He leaned back in his chair, enjoying this exchange.
{I know the area, Zack. I know it well enough to know where best to put cameras...}
Zack tensed.
{I saw you drive up, saw you enter the door, climb the stairs...}
Slenderman chuckled again, this one throatier, deeper.
{Do you forget what I can do, Zack? That I can.. Peer into minds? Read thoughts? See imagery one wouldn't want me too?}
Zack flushed, knowing what he was talking about, hoping it wasn't.
{I have seen what you think of, or rather, try to get me not to see.. Don't think I haven't heard you getting off to them either..}
Zack was gripping the phone rather tightly, turning his head to the side.
{You know, Zack... Even now I can hear your quickened heartbeat, and your trembling breathing..}
Zack hovered his arm over his mouth, his breathing getting heavy.
{Silent.. As always when I confront you...}
More silence from Zackary.
{Zack, you really need to pay attention to your windows..}
Zack's eyes widened, and his cheeks grew darker, but Slenderman couldn't see that.
{Hhm, yes, your room may not be on the bottom floor, but it is still certainly visable from the trees...}
Slenderman saw Zack tremble more, bringing his arm to hold his side.
{Do you like skirts and onsies, Zack?}
Zack's breath was quick and trembled, he was sweating, not profusely, and he was redder than a tomato.
{How often do you get those thoughts, Zack? Those thoughts of.. Me?}
Zack swallowed.
{How often do you want it to happen? How often do you want me to bend you over something?}
Slenderman could sed now that Zack's whole body was shaking. He would be appearing there.. Soon.
{How often do you drip at the thought? How often do you touch yourself, wishing it was my hand?}
Zack couldn't stand much more of it.
Zack gasped as he was suddenly pushed onto the drawer table, knocking everything else off, and being pinned to it.
The large hand across his back applied just the faintest more pressure as the assailant bent down.
"How often? Hmm? Its a simple question, no?"
Zack whimpered, hiding his face in his arms. His legs were shaking, so much so they were going numb.
He drew in a breath through clenched teeth at the touch of a hot hand on the inside of his thigh, the thumb rubbing circles.
"Answer me, Zack.."
Slenderman's voice waa soft, tender, like he was talking to a lost puppy.
Slenderman nestled his face into the crook of Zack's neck, forcing Zack to move his arm away, to give him more room. Zack whimpered at the feel of the flat to Slenderman's mouth resting on the back of his neck.
Zack shuddered as another hand rubbed up his leg, over the curve of his thigh and ass, and then over his back, drawing up his shirt and sweater.
"A..... A lot.... "
Zack's voice was so small, Slenderman barely heard it.
"Hmm? What was that, Zack?"
"A... A lot.."
The being hummed, kissing the back of Zack's neck tenderly.
"A lot what? Hmm?"
"I.. I thou-think of y... You.. U-um.. Fucking m-me a.. A lot.."
"Ahw.. No need to be so embarrassed Zackary," Slenderman cooed, "besides.. I have a fun night planned.."
The Slenderman gingerly wrapped a hand around Zack's neck, pulling him up enough he stood straight, pulling his body flush with his own.
"Why don't you go upstairs? There is something up in the master bedroom I want you to change into.."
Zack's body locked up, his eyes wide and face red.
He gasped, having to be held up by Slender's arms as he nearly fell, when Slenderman gingerly trailed his tongue up Zack's neck.
"I think it'll be really cute on you Zack, very cute on you..."
Zack shook, breath shaking too.
"You like onsies, right Zack?"
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fang-wife · 3 years
Only your sub talking about something with someone with such confidence and then he feels your gaze in the distance, and he begins to fidget, getting nervous, because he knows what is coming, he knew he would end up with marks and hickeys in the morning.
aah <33 
sub boys who are sluts for punishment are cute but sub boys who don’t realize how eye-catching they are and can’t learn to act accordingly are so <33 
he doesn’t think he’s anything specially, swears this person is just being friendly. you can’t blame your baby for thinking like that, but you’re not blind. they’re so obviously hitting on him and he’s looking at them so excitedly. talking to them so animated, excited to make a friend. you almost feel bad. 
he can’t tell that they’re flirting with him but he can tell you’re pissed. even from across the room, it makes you him squirm n stutter. voice caught in his throat as he exscuses himself to your side. he’s already whining apologies to you but he knows what’s coming for him when he’s home. excited about getting wrecked like a dumb slut <33
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clonewarssimp · 4 years
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Why saiki loves you
Warning:language, harassment, fluff
Saiki x GN!reader
This was it, the long awaited beach trip,you and the rest of your classmates had sat in an old buss for what felt like forever just to get here.
and you decided to make the most of the trip despite the amount of creeps everywhere.
Kaido was getting snow cones for himself, you and teruhasi while you sat at a picknick table. ofcourse saiki was probably off getting himself into a mess he can’t leave alone until he fixes it.
It’s what you loved most about the boy. The way he actes like he much would rather be alone and,sometimes that is the case but you know how much he cares for others.
But that’s the thing saiki is to much a sundere to ever open up, even to you. You and saiki have an attraction twards one another, and you both have known that for a while.
but you didn’t want to jump into a relationship just yet. You wanted saiki to show you how he cared for you even if it was something small and simple.
“Y/N?” Kaido snaps you out of your thoughts as he hands you your snow cones.finnaly you speak “Awe thanks Kaido, sorry for zoning out!”
Teruhashi gives one of her glowing smiles as kaido shrinks in on himself while blushing madly. You can hear footsteps coming up behind you and turn to see who it is and why there coming to your table.
It’s a random dude he had to be at least in his late 30’s. So why is he coming over to a table with highschoolers at it?
“Hey! Pretty girl, do you wanna come with me? You look better than any babe I’ve seen in this town.” He is obviously talking to Teruhashi.
“Exscuse me?” You cut in before Teruhashi can say anything. You know she will say anything to make herself look like the perfect girl. witch might even lead her accepting his offer.
You understand why she acts that way. It’s because everyone is always putting these expectations on girls to be a certain way so they can eventually become some guys wife. 
But you have taught your self that your better than that! And if some creep comes up to yourfriend you arnt gonna sit back and watch it happen. “Go fuck off. She’s not coming with you”
Teruhashi gasps “y/n! Be nice and let me do the talking. I’m sorry sir but I’m gonna say no. you see i was just about-“ you cut her off
“NO! You shouldn’t have to exaplian your self to not go with him. there’s no way in hell I’m letting you off with him.”
You can hear behind you kaido whispering to Teruhashi that he’s gonna get someone to help before he runs off.
The man infront of you scowls and looks right at you. “Pathetic, listen here bitch I can do what I want.”
He then grabs your forarm tightly before you can move out of the way. You try and pull back but his grip is to strong.
Anger bubbled in you as you hit him square in the gut witch makes him let your arm go but now you have a bigger problem. Now he’s reaching for teruhashi who looks petrified.
Before you can land another hit on him he turns and pushes you down. “Listen kid I just want her to come with me. That’s it so STOP. FIGHTING.
Apparently since kaido couldn’t find a teacher he called the cops. “Hey stop that!” They yelled “shit!” You hear the man whisper before running off into the street with the police hot on his trail.
When that was all over teruhasi tried to act like it was ‘no biggie’ but you knew that was total bullshit so you round up the rest of the girls from your class, And walked back to your hotel room to comfort her.
Kaido peaked his head in “y/n saikis looking for you.” You give an apolagetic look to teruhashi “sorry I’m gonna go see what saiki wants and then I’ll get back so we can all watch a movie. I don’t care witch one but you should all probably decide before I get back.” “Okay!!” They respond happily
As soon as you walk into the boys room you think it’s empty until saiki walks up to you “so what happened today? I heard from kaido you got into a fight to protect teruhashi.”
You can tell he’s worried. I mean why else would he call you from your room? As you tell the story you can hear something cracking in the background when your finished the entire window behind you breaks. Your no idiot, you know saikis the one who caused it with his powers.
You gasp from surprise at the sudden noise and look at the tiny glass shards littered across the floor. “ wow saiki. I didn’t know you could get angry.”
You give him a playful smirk and to your surprise instead of denying his anger he responds with “ I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.I don’t know what id do with myself if you weren’t here.”
In that moment you act before you speak and pull him into a kiss to witch he happily leans into. When you pull away you can hear claps and whoops.
Apparently while you were kissing the boys got back from whatever they were doing. Saiki was clearly pissed by the way his eyebrow twitched. And you were just caught in the bliss of kissing your saiki.
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
Self-indulgence Shigaraki nonsense part 4!!!
Shigaraki x pregnant!reader
A/N: That's right! I'm not done yet! This stories getting told whether you like it or not! (But I really hope you like it because I have a lot of fun writing these) so there!
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, and mild arguing.
"No. Absolutely not." Tomura said firmly.
"What!? Why not!?"
"We can't risk it. You're going to a hospital and that is final."
"Um, exscuse me. I'm the one who has to actually do the work, I think I should have some say in how I do it!" You argued. Tomura sighed. He still couldn't get through to you about this. He looked up to watch you come around the corner of the couch, your 7 month old belly entering his view before you. As much as it made him nervous. You were a gorgeous pregnant woman. Well, he always thought you were gorgeous but...pregnancy had given you a few perks here and there. It almost made him drool. Unlocking something deep inside his chest he never knew was there.
"I thought we agreed, you'd follow instructions and take orders. No games." He watched you set down the glass of water you'd gotten him, and then watched you sit down on the couch beside him. Your eyes refusing to meet his and instead focusing souly on the papers strewn about the coffee table. Pages upon pages of birth plans, baby catalogues, mommy magazines, parenting books, printed out sheets of nursery ideas, lists of baby names, all a horrifying mess on the surface. It stressed Tomura out more than he'd like to admit.
"And I have! But this is different!" You pulled out a folder burried underneath the pile and opened it. There it layed out a clear birth plan you'd created.
"And the dr. approved this?" He asked, looking over the pages with you. You stiffened.
"Well...not yet..." You sighed.
"Y/N...we talked about this. Your health comes first, if he doesn't approve-"
"I don't want that dr." You interrupted.
"Fine, there are others, I'm sure we can find one you like."
"No...I...I don't want a doctor. I want a mid-wife." He paused.
"A what?"
"A mid-wife. Its like a dr. but it's a woman who comes and helps with the process. She'd be here to help prepare and deliver and help us get on our feet for the first week or so." He looked over the folder's contense again and then looked up at you.
"I don't feel comfortable with this, Y/N. You need somewhere clean and sterile. You need drs and nurses in case of an emergency. You need saftey."
"Drs and nurses are just going to freak me out! Studies show the number one cause of complications comes when the mother is stressed and scared. It's safer this way!"
"You're stubborn, y'know that?" He closed the folder and placed on the table before taking a drink of his water. You watched him. All relaxed and dressed in his pajamas still. This was his weekend with you. At this rate, Tomura would come and spend weekends with you. No more than a few days, a week if he felt safe enough. It all depended on his work. The work you were once apart of. The work you devoted yourself to even before you met Shigaraki. Work you still consider yourself apart of, but was unable to help like you could before. It made your heart ache.
Toga kept in touch more than others. Calling from burner phones to check in and chat. You missed her, sometimes more than Tomura if things were really bad. But soon days without him would pass, and you would be crying to Junior as you clung to your pregnancy pillow.
"Please, Tomura. I can't do this alone." You begged, reaching out a hand to hold his. He gently squeezed before relaxing again.
"What if I can't make it in time? What if you go into labor and I get held up?"
"...then I'll feel better knowing you'll be home soon. Knowing you tried. That you didn't...abandon us."
"Is that what this is about? You feel abandoned?".
"Not at the moment, but...when that moment comes...I want you there. This is, daunting and scary and I'd just feel so much better if you were there with me. Don't you, want to be there?" His deep red eyes met yours. He swallowed.
"I don't if it means I could be 100% sure you'd be safe. This is a gamble I don't want to make."
"I know, but...it makes me way more comfortable. Please, trust me on this. I can do this." You held his hand tightly. He couldn't argue with that.
"If anything goes wrong, and you need a hospital..."
"I'll go, I promise." You reassured.
"Just...if anything feels wrong, anything at all, you need to let me go so you can be taken care of. You understand?" You nodded. "Okay." You leaned in, planting a kiss on his cheek. His expression relaxed and a small smile tugged at his lips. He squeezed your hand again, taking the other to cup the back of your head to keep you close. He turned and gave you a tender kiss.
"I love you." You reminded him.
"I love you too." His voice was soft and quiet. He always said it just above a whisper, like he was telling you a very deep, personal secret. To him, he was. He pulled you in, resting your head on his shoulder, and wrapping his arms around you to keep you close. You sat there for a little while, taking deep breaths with him, soaking in the love and affection.
They shifted, twisting and turning, kicking and punching as they saw fit. It made you tense up at the quick and sudden movements sometimes. They weren't always so quick and abrupt but, suddenly they felt the need to stretch. Tomura moved away, pulling you back and away to stare down at your belly. He took a hand away and held it close to his body, balling it into a fist. Even with his quirk under control, even having a few bells and whistles, his biggest fear still lingered. If you made a sudden movement, his hands instantly retracted and balled up. His eyes filled with nothing but fear and confusion. As much as he worked to be rid of it, this trauma never truly went away. He'd never be able to confidently hold you like a normal partner, or hold his child like a normal father. It made his heart ache and his stomach turn. Sadness soon turned to frustration, frustration to anger but-
"You alright?" Your voice called. It's like you interupted his usual process, and turned his attention elsewhere. His vision went from your belly to you and he relaxed some.
"I'm fine." He lied, he always lied about this and you knew it.
"Hey, its okay." You told him, taking your hands and using them to cup each side of his face. He relaxed into your grasp without a second thought. This is what he needed, your touch, your love, your affection, your wisdom. He missed you so much. "I understand. It's scary." You cooed. He took his arms and wrapped them around your torso so he could hide his face in your shoulder. His hands still balled up and keeping away from you.
"I'm not scared." He lied, again. He knew you knew he was lying. You always knew. You knew him so well, his wants, his needs, his desires, his every move you knew and understood and most importantly, you supported. Your loyalty meant the world to him. So loyal and devoted, you'd give up everything, just to love and support another piece of him.
"I'm scared too, yknow. Being a parent...it's...it's scary but, we're trying our best, right?" He slowly nodded into your shoulder. "And we'll keep trying our best, give it all we got and then some, right?" He stilled. "Right?" He pulled away to look at you.
"Y/N...what if I hurt them?"
"What if...I...hurt them?"
"... like, with your quirk?..." He swallowed and thought about it before answering.
"Not just that. What if I hurt them in other ways?"
"Like...how your father hurt you?" You asked. He looked down. "Or like how your grandmother hurt him?" He slowly reached his hand up to his neck. He hadn't scratched at it in so long, years maybe, all that was left were scars. Before his nails could reach skin, you interfered. You wormed your fingers between his and brought hand down for you to hold. "You're better than that." He looked back up at you. "You're smart enough to learn from their mistakes. You won't be absent like your grandmother. You won't be mean and controlling like your father. You're your own man after all. You've learned from your mentors and your peers and you've grown. You'll apply the same thing here and you'll teach them to do the same. So that even when we make mistakes, they won't repeat them." His eyes started to water. He swallowed again and watched your eyes. How could you have so much faith in him? So much determination and resolve. You always knew what to say to ease his worries.
"You really want, me?" He asked. He always asked this when he felt he wasn't good enough for you. You nodded.
"I really want you." You hummed as you leaned in for a kiss. "I really-" kiss "really" kiss "really" kiss "really want you." He sighed and relaxed into your form. Letting himself go in your affection.
"You're too trusting." He tutted as he tucked his arms under yours to wrap around you and hold you close to him. Your belly pressing against his, keeping him from keeping you as close as he'd like to. He hated how much he needed you, how much he loved and cared and risked for you. It'd always been this nagging voice in his head calling him an idiot for loving you. Since he first felt that butterflies in his stomach, he was doomed.
"Do you any ideas for names?" You asked softly.
"No." You pulled away with a lighthearted sigh.
"I don't have any either. Nothing I come up with seems right. And I'm not a fan of the name combining thing either." You turned your head to look out the sliding-glass window that's view stretched out to the backyard. Your hand absent-mindedly settling atop your belly as you sat back against the couch.
"We have time." He reminded.
"I know, but I'd like to be prepared as possible, yknow?"
"Don't worry about the name for now. Worry about your health."
"I'm fine, happy and healthy and whatever." As you spoke, Tomura's attention drew back to your round little belly. You just kept getting bigger and bigger. He wondered what the others would say if they saw you. He wondered what they're going to look like, he could never make out those ultra-sound pictures you showed him. Yes, he saw a baby, but when you pointed out things like: "look, they have your nose!" He didn't really see it. He hoped they took after you. That they looked and acted and had your quirk. A part of him hoped for a little girl, girls seemed easier to raise. Yes, a little girl that looks and takes after you. That's what he'd like. That way, he couldn't possibly hurt them. Because every time he'd look at them he'd see your features starring back at him.
He reached a hand out, and gently laid it down on your belly. Careful not to apply his quirk, still holding a pinky up just in case. You took a sharp breath, almost a gasp as your head snapped to attention. Big eyes starred back at him with a shocked expression. Shit. Had he done something wrong? Should he have asked!? You watched him, unmoving, just breathing. He softly rubbed his hand back and forth, moving closer to rest his head on your shoulder. You closed your eyes and rested your head on his, taking deep breaths. Loving every sweet and tender moment you got with him.
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randomstufflol29 · 3 years
Remember me
Peter Parker x Reader
a/n:Hey!I just had this idea,based of the book:"we were liars".I usually don´t write long and angsty stuff,but there´s a first time for everything,right?Feedback,good or bad is always welcome and likes,comments and reblogs will be appreciated:)Ps.follow me on Tiktok for more of my writing:randomstufflol29
summory:Peter forgets something(or someone)very important and y/n helps him remember.
TW:Angst,a lot of it ig.Maybe swearing.Mentions of sex.Bad writing lol.Many mistakes.(English isn´t my first language)
Wordcount: 3745ish
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Peter Parker had a rough year behind him,at least that´s what everybody told him.He can´t rememder much.Of course he didn´t forget everything,such as little glimps,like May´s birthday or Tony´s and Pepper´s Christmas party,but something is missing from his memories,something very important.Peter tried to ask the people around him,but they always said the same thing:"You have to remember yourself,it´s better if we don´t tell you anything."He couldn´t wrap his mind around why he couldn´t remeber this important thing in his life and why nobody wants to tell him about it,even though it would be easier if somebody just told him.Aside from the fact that he couldn´t remember most of his year,Peter continued living his life.He started his first year at college,goes on his usual patrols,works at Stark industries,spents time with the other Avengers and meets his friend,but he just can´t stop thinking about what he forgot.
It´s a normal Thursday evening,Peter and Wanda cook together and watch a movie afterwards,since Peter doesn´t have clases until 11am Fridays.In the last few days Peter started zoning out a lot and thinking about the last year more than he already does."Peter you´re doing it again."Wanda comments,eating her Lasagna while Peter already finished his second plate.That boy can eats a lot,very fast."Sorry,just can´t stop thinking about it."Peter responds."I think you´ll remember soon."Wanda says,pausing the movie and putting her plate down on the living room table."You think so?"he asks,unsure about what Wanda just said."I know it,now stop thinking about it for a while and get another plate,we still got plenty of the Lasagna.“she responds“Thanks Wanda."Peter answers and stands up.Around 1 am Peter and Wanda go to bed.Peter moved into the Avengers tower,when he started college,since it´s closer to his college,than May´s flat.This night,just like many,Peter can´t sleep.He had problems with falling asleep for a while,but he didn´t want to burden anybody with that problem,so he does what he always does,when he can´t sleep.He rereads the same book over and over again,until he falls asleep eventually,to survive the next day with a lot of coffee.He doesn´t know why he likes this book so much,it´s not the type of genre he would usually read,but somehow it became one of his comfort books.It´s only supposition,but somehow he thinks it´s connected to something from his past,something he can´t remember.
Due to his sleep problem,Peter drinks a lot coffee,otherwise he couldn´t get through the day,so even though he had one at home,he was on his way to his favorite coffee shop,to get another iced coffee.It´s 4pm and his clases for today were over.He enters the suprisingly empty coffee shop and orders his usual.Peter sits down at an empty table and starts reading his comfort book,while waiting for his coffee."Exscuse me.I love this book!I read it about 1000 times.It´s my comfort book."Peter looks up to see a girl,standing next to the empty seat in front of him,a very very pretty girl.You have a coffee in your hand and smile at Peter.Peter was never good with girls,especially with beatiful grils like you,so his hands immediatly start to sweat."You can sit there if you want."he says a little helpless.You smile at him again and take a seat."How do you like the book so far?"you ask Peter."I´m about half way through it,but I already read it a few times."Peter responds a little more comfortable,since he´s talking about something he likes."Oh so a true fan I see."you say,smiling.Something about your smile makes Peter feel good,it´s warm and comforting,but he doesn´t understand why,you are only a pretty girl he met at a coffe shop,right?"Yeah you could say that."he answere,smiling back at you.You let out a chuckle and suddelny something in Peter´s mind snaps."Do I know you from somewhere?"he asks confused."Sadly I can´t tell you,you wouldn´t believe me."you say,stand up and walk towards the door.Peter stands up quickly,grabs his coffee from the worker and follows you outside."Why wouldn´t I believe you?"he asks confused,when he catches up."I know you Peter,you just wouldn´t."you respond."Where do we know each other from?"he asks,grabing your arm,so you´re forced to stop walking."I can´t tell you,you have to remember yourself."you answer."Well I´m not really good in remembering for the last year."he says,frustrated and annoyed,because nobody,not even a random girl he met at a coffee shop,wants to tell him anything."I know Peter and I´m sorry for that,but I just can´t."you respond."How do you know my name?Just tell me please,I´m not going to remember."he almost begs you."I already said,I can´t tell you,but I can help you remember."you say."How tf could you do that?"he asks annoyed."Meet me at this place,tomorrow at 10am."you say,writing down the adress on Peter´s arm and walking away."How do I know you´ll come?"he shouts."I guess you just have to trust me Parker."you shout back at him,before completly leaving his seight.Peter couldn´t stop thinking about you for the rest of the day.He didn´t even know your name,but he knows he can trust you and when he went to bed,for the first time in a very long time Peter could sleep peacefuly.
Peter wakes up at 8am and walks into the kitchen."You´re awake early Peter,did you sleep well?"Wanda greets him."Very well,I´m meeting someone,,that´s why I´m awake early."Someone?A girl?"Wanda questions grinning.."No comment."Peter answers smirking."Alright,do you want me to make you some toast with eggs and a coffee?"Wanda asks."That would be lovely Wanda. I´m gonna take a shower while you make it."he responds and gives Wanda a kiss on the cheek,before entering the bathroom.Peter leaves at 9:30am and swings to the adress you gave him.He arrives about ten minutes early,but when he comes out of the dead end,where he changed,he can already see you waiting for him.It´s a pretty warm day and you are wearing a beautiful summer dress,which suits you perfectly.You didn´t see him yet,but when he watches you standing on the bridge and look down at the water he feels butterflies in his stomach.You turn around and see him walking towards you."Hey,you look pretty."he greets you,all the uneasines from yesterday gone.You blush and your smile combinated with the bright pink of your cheeks just melts Peter´s heart,letting him forget why he is really here."Thanks Peter.You don´t look bad yourself."you compliment him and for a second you are just two awkward teenagers standing on a bridge on a hot spring day."Shall we begin?"you ask,taking him back to reality."Sure,just to make it clear,you are not gonna answer me any questions,you are just going to show me things and try to help me remember?"Peter asks."That´s the plan."you agree and start walking.Peter follows you and realizes,that you are not too far from the coffee shop and that you´re heading to that exact place.
"Okay,we’re here"you say,as you arrive in front of the coffee shop."We were here yesterday.Why should this help me remember anything?"Peter asks confused."No questions,just trust the progress."you answer,dragging him into the shop."Now go and order a vanilla latte machiato with caramel sirup and cinnamon."you rell him and he looks at you with a confused look."Do you know how hot it is outside?And isn´t cinnamon a christmas/winter thing?"he asks and you roll your eyes."What did I just say Peter?"you respond."Yeah yeah trust the progress bla bla bla."he anwsers annoyed."That´s right,trust the progress,now go!"you say,slightly amused.You give him a last smile and thumbs up and he goes up to the bar.The guy who works there gives him a strange look,but still does the order of course.Peter comes up too you with the coffee in his hand and you smile at him."You enjoy this,don´t you?"Peter asks."Maybe a little bit.Let´s go outside."you respond grinning."But it´s even hotter outside and what am I supposed to do with the coffee?"he responds annoyed making you laugh.Your laugh gives Peter this feeling of comfort he didn´t felt for a long time,before you crossed his way."You need to stand right here,"you drag Peter to a point where he stands directly under the sunlight,"and now drink the coffee."Peter obeys,knowing arguing with you would be useless.He drinks the way too hot coffee for this way too hot day.A memory,a very important one crosses his mind.He did this already,drank this way too hot coffee on a way too hot spring day with a pretty girl."I think I remember something."he says quietly,still fascinated by the fact that he actually remembers something for once."What do you remember?"you ask,even though you knew what he meant."I met a girl here.She spilled her hot coffee all over me and bought me this coffee as an apolagy.I was confused why she would drink a hot,winter themed coffee in spring,but when I tried it,I understood.It´s the pure irony that makes it so good,drinking a hot winter drink in spring isn´t how it´s supposed to be,but it still works."Peter has never been happier and you smile at him,like you were just as happy about him remembering something,even though it´s almost impossible."I know you said I‘m not supposed ask questions,but can I still do it?Just one simple question?"Peter asks.You are both so happy right now,that he just needs to ask."Fine you can,but it doesn´t mean I will answer it."you resond."Alright,what´s your name?"Peter asks and you let out a chuckle."You are lucky,this is a question I actually can answer.Y/n y/l/n."you answer and Peter gets even happier.Y/n y/l/n,the prettiest name he ever heard."Peter Benjamin Parker,nice to meet you y/n."Peter says,making you laugh. "We need to get going now."you say and start walking,while he follows you like a puppy.
Peter had so many qustions.Why did you knew exactly what to do,so he could remember things?Why did you know him so well?Are you the girl he met at that coffee shop?Probably not,right?He would have remembered it,if you were that girl,he was pretty sure about that.But if you aren´t that girl,how did you knew about the coffee?Peter also had some questions,not about his memories,but about you.How old are you?You look like his age,maybe a bit younger.Do you have siblings?What´s yout favorite color?What do you like to do in your free time?Do you have a boyfriend? He thinks about the last question more than he probably should,but he just can´t help it.You are funny,probably really smart,sweet,the prettiest girl he´s ever seen and he can´t even find the right words to describe what he feels when you smile at him."Do you have a boyfriend?"Peter blurbs out."I´m not gonna answer this question."you respond laughing."Is that a yes or a no?"Peter asks."Like I said, not. gonna. answer.this.question."you respond and Peter pouts."It´s unfair,you know so much about me,but I barely know anything about you."he says a little whiny."You will,I promise.But in my defence,I´m not the one that can´t remember."you tease him."That´s not fair!"Peter says,sounding like a little child,making both of you laugh.
"Are we there yet?"Peter asks like an unpatient 4 year old on the way to Disney Land."Almost."you answer shortly.You walk into a beatiful little park with a little lake in it."Hey,I know this park.I always swing over it on my patrols."Peter says."Wait I mean-"he starts,realizing what he just said,but you interrupt him:"Don´t worry I know you are Spider-Man,no need to shit in your pants Parker."He gave a sigh of relief and you laugh at him,but the question:How do you know so much about him?pops up in his head again.Luckily he didn´t have much time to think about it,because you start dragging him to the lake."Look around closly and try to remember."you say like it´s the easiest thing in the world.Peter does as he gets told and looks round.The park is beatiful.It´s surronded by huge trees,ducks live at the lake,children play hide and seek,couples enjoying the hot day with a picnic and a wooden bridge leads to a little island in the lake.Something in his mind snaps and he remembers something.Without saying something he walks towards the island and you follow him quietly.On the island he looks around again and the memory gets clearer."Looks like you remember something."you comment while he still looks around."The girl I met at the coffee shop.I asked her out,we went to this park for our first date and did a picnic here.Everytime I wanted to do something special,I took her here.I asked her to be my grilfriend here and we said "I love you" here for the first time,while we watched the stars."he explains and you nod in agreement."I can´t believe this is working."Peter comments quietly with a smile on his face."Do you remember how she looked like or what her name was?"you ask,but he only shakes his head as respond."That´s fine,you will."you say happily."I´m hungry,do you want to get something to eat?"Peter asks."Nah,not hungry,but you can get something."you respond.You and Peter go a little hotdog cart.He orders 3 New Yorker hotdogs and eats them like his life depends on it.Like said earlier,that boy eats a lot and he eats it fast."Damn you finished those in seconds."you say laughing,while he whipes all of the ketchup he got on his face away.He just shrugs his shoulders in respond.
You are on your way to the next place,when Peter suddenly realizes something."Hey,that´s my aunt May´s neighberhood.Are we going to her flat?"Peter asks confused."Yup."you answer shortly."You know I lived there right?I probably would have already remembered something."he says."Yeah,but you also were at that coffee shop more than once and you still didn´t rembered something,right?"you respond."That´s true,but May´s flat is something diffrent.I lived there,I couldn´t just overlooked something like a vanilla latte machiato with caramel syrup and cinnamon."he argues."Well you did,because if you didn´t you would remember.Now let´s go upstairs."you say,entering the building.Peter opens the door with his spare key and you enter together."May?"Peter shouts,but no ones responds."Looks like she isn´t home."Peter whispers for no reason."Thanks for this incredibly helpful information,I didn´t realized May isn´t home,when you shouted her name and no one responded."you answer ironically,"Very funny."he responds,slightly annoyed."I know,I´m hilarious."you say cockily,making Peter roll his brown eyes,but he can´t help it and smiles."Okay we are in the flat,now show me the vanilla latte machiato with caramel syrup and cinnamon,I apperently overlooked,even though I lived here."he says and you roll your eyes in annoyance.He still does the bad coffee reference and it´s getting on your nerve,but you decide to ignore it and you enter his room."Look under the mattres."you say and he shakes his head in amusedmend.He looked under his matress about a thousand times,no way he overlooked something.But when he lifted the matress,he saw it."What the fuck,how did I not see this?"he asks shocked.One of the wooden slats is broken and taped together wit duck tape."You didn´t had the backround information,that´s why you oversaw it,but I think you remebered the second you saw it,right?"you ask grinning.Peter nods embarresed."How did this happen Peter?"you ask him,trying to sound as innocent as possible."Do you really make me say it?"he asks embarresed,burrying his head in his hands."Yup,you doubted the progress and now you have to take consequenzes for that.And it´s pretty hilarious seeing you all flustered."you answer amused."Fineeee,we broke the slat while ... for the first time."he mumbles so you can´t understand that one word right."While what?Jumping on the bed for the the first time?"you ask smirking,probably enjoying torturing this poor boy a little too much."WHILE HAVING SEX FOR THE FIRST TIME,GOD!"he shouts,probably loud enough for the neighboors to hear.You burst oout laughing and Peter joins you.You can barely breath,when you finally come down."Don´t worry the other memories won´t be as embarrassing as this one,but also not as hilarious."you say before leaving the apartment.
"How many places do we still have to go too?"Peter asks,trying to find out how much time he still has with you."Just 2 more and you should probably remember everything."you explain."Oh."Peter is a little disapointed,he had hoped to have more time with you,even though probably should be afraid of you,for knowing so much,but he isn´t.He feels a weird comfort when he´s with you,even though he doesn’t know you.You are just a girl he met in his favorite coffee shop 24 hours ago,who helps him remember things.Still,the last few hours were the best he had since a long time,you didn’t treat him like a glass figure that could break any second.You turn right,entering a empty dead end and stand still,which leans into Peter bumping into you.Peter holds you,so you won’t fall.Your bodies are pressed against each others and you share a awkward second,in which you both blush,after taking a step backwards.”Put your suit on.”you break the silence.”Now?”Peter asks a little embarrassed.”No in 20 years,of course now dipshit.”you respond laughing.Peter takes his suit out of his backpack and you turn around,while he changes.”Alright you can turn around again.”he says.”Why did I need to put on the suit?”Peter asks confused.”Because,”you turn him around,”you need to swing us on that building.”you answer.Peter doesn’t answer,just puts his arms around your waist and start swinging.All he can feel is you being close to him,you arms around his neck,him holding you close.He‘s glad you can’t see his face through the mask,because he can’t stop grinning.You arrive on the rooftop,a bit to early for Peter‘s liking.”Look under the bench.”You say calmly.Your eyes are closed and you enjoy the wind on top of the roof.Peter watches you for a second before walking up to the little wooden bench.He flips it around and sees a little writing on it.”Our little mountain in the middle of New York.Peter Parker and Y/n y/l/n Parker”It feels like someone punched his face,but instead of a fist,that someone used his left out memories.Every little detail about last year and about you came back to him.He turns around to look at you.You still had your eyes closed and Peter couldn’t help but smile.Just a second ago he was mad at you,mad at you because you didn’t told him,but now,all the anger vanished.It doesn’t matter anymore,he remembers now and maybe not telling him was the key.He steps closer to you,so he is only inches away.”It’s you.”you open your eyes and smile at him.”The girl I met at the coffee shop,the girl I went in the park with.The girl I asked to be my girlfriend.I can’t believe I forgot you.”Peter says,tears roll down his cheeks.”No shit Sherlock.“you respond laughing,making him roll his eyes.“But it’s alright,you remember now and that’s all that matters.”you say,with that comforting smile,Peter loves so much.”I love you.”he whispers.”I love you too.”You whisper back.”Y/n?”He asks hesitating.”Yes Peter?”you answer.”Can I kiss you?”he continues,barely hearable.“Of course you can Spidey,I’m your girlfriend.Did you already forget?“you and laughing.“Not funny.“Peter responds and leans in to kiss you.Peter feels every bone,every muscle and every cell in his body basically explode.He can’t describe the feeling he feels,when he‘s finally able to kiss you.It’s like thousand fireworks explode inside of his body,but 10,000 times stronger.
You pull away and rest your forehead on his.“Come on,we still have one station left.”You say and he pouts in respond.”Can’t we stay here,like forever?”he asks and you chuckle.”Come on,it’s very important Peter.”you answer.”Alright.”he says before giving you a short kiss on the lips and putting on his mask again.”Ready?”he asks.”Ready when you are.”you say smiling and you swing off your little mountain in the middle of New York.Peter changes into his normal clothes and you walk to the last place,holding hands.Peter doesn’t care that he still doesn’t remember everything,since you still have one station left,the only thing that matters is,that he remembers you.”We are here.”you are standing on the bridge again,where you met this morning.Peter furrows his eyebrows in confusion.”Look around,do your remember what happened here Peter?”you ask in a very serious tone.Peter scanes the area,but nothing pops up in his head."No."he simply answers."This bridge was rebuild 6 months ago,because something happened here.Please remember Peter,this is very important,okay?"you say,almost begging."Y/n what´s wrong?I remember everything that is important.I remember you,us.Why do I also have to remember this?Why can´t we just move on?"Peter asks."BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER EVERYTHING.It´s very important Peter please."you respond,tears start rolling down you face.Peter sighs and looks around again.And for the 5th and probably last time today,he remembers.He turns around to look at you again,biting the inside of his cheek to stop the tears."No it can´t be."he says,his voice shaking."What happened Peter?"you ask camly."Don´t make me say it."Peter answers,not being able to stop the tears."Peter what happened?"you ask,like you actually didn´t know the answer."I was fighting a villain,on this bridge.He knew my secret identity.He held you hostage,because he knew that you were important to me."Peter paused.He waited for you to say somethinng,but you didn´t so he continues:"We fought and the bridge was destroyed.You fell down with it´s pieces."Peter doesn´t want to say it,but somehow he knows he doesn´t have any other choice."You died May 15th,exactly one year ago.Your body was found two days later.It´s all my fault."he finishes,barely hearable,but you understod him clearly."No it wasn´t Peter,it was no ones fault.I need you to understand that,okay?"you respond with a soft tone,which rips Peter´s heart out of his cest."No it is.It´s my fault you died.I-"Peter says sobbing,but you interrup him."Peter,it´s not your fault."He doesn´t listen to you,he continues talking about how it´s his fault and how sorry he is.And then,you kiss him.It´s not a loving and passionated kiss like you had on the rooftop,it´s a sad kiss,a goodbye kiss."Close your eyes."you say,after pulling out."No,please not."he answers."Peter,close your eyes."you repeat and he does,he closes his eyes,even though he knows what will happen,when he does."It´s not your fault.I love you."you say,giving him one last kiss on the cheek.
Peter doesn´t have to open his eyes to know that you are gone,forever.He falls on his knees,sobbing in his hands.Some people try to help him,asking what´s wrong,but he doesn´t repond.All he does is grieving,for the first time ever.It startted raining at some point,but he didn´t care.It´s already dark when Peter arrives at the Stark tower."Peter where were you?Why are you so wet?"Wanda asks worried,when he steps out of the elivator."Can we visit her,Wanda?"Peter asks."You remember."she respond understanding.Peter nods."Of course we can,but maybe it´s better when we go tomorrow morning."Wanda suggests,but Peter shakes his head."Can we go know please?"he asks begging."Okay,what about you go change first and I go look for some flowers?Can´t go there without flowers,right?"Wanda answers.Peter only nods and goes inside his room.10 minutes later they are on their way to the cemetery,walking in silence.Wanda knows the way to your grave and walks first,peter follows her,holding the flowers Wanda got from Vision this morning.He wouldn´t mind.Peter puts the flowers on your grave,falls on his knees and starts crying again.For a while this was all they did,Peter crying on his knees and Wanda trying to comfort him."I miss her Wanda."Peter says with a shaking voice."I know Peter,we all do."she responds."It´s getting pretty late Peter,we should go.We can come back tomorrow."Wanda says."Can you give me a moment?"Peter asks.Wanda nods understanding and starts walking away."I love you too."Peter says,kisses the gravestone and follows Wanda.
The End
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay Loceit! (Ignore me, I have Loceit brainrot.) Can we see the zoo date? I would love to see the zoo date! (Is there a possibility of encountering Remus and make it a conjoined date? But, like, we don't tell him that's what it is? Because we don't wanna overwhelm the guy.)
(Words: 2712)
Janus: "Don't worry dear fiend. I have Loceit brainrot as well.....ALSo yes!! I totally haven't been waiting to tell someone all about the date. Pff totally not...So basically..."
When Janus arrived by the entrance of the zoo Logan was already waiting outside. They excitedly waved at each other before running up and clashing in a loving hug.
"So how is my one and only still not poisoned boyfriend doing?" Janus asked with a slight giggle in his voice.
“Very well now when I am with you”
Logan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His boyfriend already had a big grin on his lips but it only grew with the kiss.
He had on a blue suspenders, jeans and a t-shirt with some dude printed on it. The snake had tried to dress extra nice for his first ever date (!!) so he had his long black skirt and his finest purple shirt.
“That is...Jean-luc Picard..right?” He pointed at Logan’s t-shirt.
He flapped his hands around “Correct! I see that the star trek watching is teaching you a lot!”
“Well I do have a good teacher so of course”
The compliment left rosy blush on Logan’s cheeks. He took his boyfriend’s hand and intertwined their fingers before walking into the zoo. It had a big outside area for different larger animals and then a bulding to the west filled with frogs, fish, snakes, etc, etc.
Neither of them were that interested in the large animals. Though Janus did snark about how he looked like a seal and Logan stopped to take photos of the bears so he could show them to Patty later.
It wasn't until they passed a sign Logan suddenly let up into happy stims. He pointed to a house with big look through windows.
He dragged Janus along with him to one of the windows. kestrels, subirds and kingfishers were flying around and vibing among trees and hung out fruit treats. A small crowd around them was also looking at the different birds.
Logan pointed between his boyfriend and the birds as if Jan hadn’t already seen them. He kept stimming his arm back and forth.
"Their aerodynamics are so fascinating don’t you think. Aside from humans they are the animal that are consistently closest to space and all because of their biology. They are like natural born astronauts”
“I respect any creature who can leave any and all social situations by flying away. Big dick move as some” Remus “says” Janus replied.
“If birds had too big dicks I think it would disturb their flying but yes I get your point” He let out a dreamy sigh “Oh what I would do to be able to inspect bird teeth, not to even talk about their wings!”
Logan squeezed his hand and smiled at him before dragging him over to the next bird. It was several big secretary birds. They were walking instead of flying.
"These ones are known for eating snakes" Lo commented "Are you feeling frightened?"
"Ah yes darling, I am already close to death from fear" He replied in as much of a monotone he could muster. They both chuckled.
Logan went on a long ramble about how the different biology of the species made the flying look and work different. His voice went a bit louder than it usually was, it always got like that when he was excited. Janus wouldn’t have minded it if there weren’t other people there.
He nodded along to his boyfriend’s rant but kept glancing to the people around them. Some of them were looking at Logan. Janus gulped. Suddenly holding his boyfriends hand hurt.
Janus quietly moved his hand away. His throat tightened. The people weren’t looking anymore but it felt like they did, like ants crawling up his skin. It had probably been a stupid idea to wear the skirt.
Obviously Logan noticed but he didnt say anyrhing about it. He finished his rant and asked "Do you want to reunite with your relatives- I mean look at the snakes now?"
"I uh “ He forced a confident smirk “Of course darling. It it prime time to return to my people!!”
They walked away from the birds and went down the sunny path towards the house that stored snakes among other things. It was lined by neatly cut trees and homes for mammals. They didn’t hold hands.
Janus kept fiddling with his gloves to the point of not even looking where he was walking. He bit the inside of his cheek until it was bleeding.
“Are you feeling alright?” Logan asked.
“Never been better!”
“If it is about the hand holding feeling nervous is nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first held hands with Patty I got so flustered I proceeded to walk into a swing and break my glasses”
Janus glanced around to the people around them “Ah yes that is definitely why I’m acting this way. Spot on dear” 
His boyfriend looked in the same direction he did “Oh alright I understand now” He patted him on the shoulder “Well I will have you know I have taken part in multiple physical fights to protect Patty from harassement, I did win most of them. I will of course do the same thing for you”
He said it so casually Janus nearly lost it “Exscuse me wHAT?”
Logan leaned down so they were eye to eye and put his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders “Sweetheart I can and will break someone’s nose for you”
“That’s the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me”
“I would go for their kneecaps as well”
Janus clasped his hand over his heart and gasped in an overly dramatic tone “Oh such erotiscism you’re showing today!”
“I am legally obliged to show it off every now and then”
He straightened his back and continued to walk down the path. Janus hesitantly reached out to take his hand. Shame tugged at his heart but he buried his face against his boyfriend’s arm to try and ignore it. Logan gently moved his thumb up and down his skin in response.
“....I do still advise that you talk to Picani about it. I am aware it’s hard but if what you’ve told me about your mental health is true I believe it would be beneficial. I could help! I know Picani! Very intimately!”
“Darling please you don’t have to keep reminding me you’ve fucked my fake therapist” Janus sighed “I don’t know if I deserve to take up his time, I’m not That bad”
“Sweetie that is first degree bullshit” Logan replied very gently “There is scientifically no way to accurately compare two people’s mental healths to conclude which is worse. Trust me I did a study on it in college! Do I need to brag about my degree more?”
Janus let out a half hearted chuckle “I’ll think about it. Let’s focus on the snakes for now”
“Thinking about it is good enough for me” He pressed a kiss to his forehead.
They entered the building. The first room was lit in a calming blue because of the giant windows showing off octopuses and rays swimming around. A sign was pointing over to the frog and snake rooms.
Janus looked around the room in awe and- HOLY HELL REMUS WAS THERE. He sat crosslegged on a bench in front of the octopuses. He had headphones on and was focusing on the sketchbook in his hands. 
In a panic Janus started to drag his boyfriend with him to the frogs. Logan saw how flustered his boyfriend had suddenly become and looked around. He saw Remus as well and stopped in his tracks which forced his boyfriend to also stop.
“Does that happen to be the other guy you have a romantic interest in?”
“We’re here to look at snakes not at men Loganson!”
"Aww" Logan flapped his free hand "There are few things i like more than getting to see my partner being loved by someone else they love! We must talk to him"
"Oh- Oh god-" Janus let out while being tugged along.
Remus flinched when Logan shoved his ready to be shaken hand almost into his face. His whole body tensed to an uncomfortable degree.
"Greetings! I have no idea who you are!" Lo exclaimed.
He took off his headphones and looked up at him with panic in his eyes "Uh yeah" He saw Jan and immediately let out a breathe of relief. His shoulders relaxed slightly. "Hiya snakey~ Is This dude your snack?"
Janus was dying. He was dead. This was hell.
"NO! He's my sworn enemy! I'm here to use one of the sharks to kill him!"
Logan gasped "You are? How rude. Such a waste of the shark’s time when a bullet would do"
"Yeah!” Remus added “Anus! If that even is your real name-”
“It’s not”
“-I thought you would be much better at murder! Shark murder is sooo the 70's. Where's the orchestrated acrobatic dance knife throwing???"
Janus let out a dramatic huff "You simply don’t understand how hard it is to be a strong independent complete idiot and a serial murderer at the same time"
Logan nodded in sumpathy "Stranger would you like to accompany us on the rest of our zoo experience?"
He closed his sketchbook. Pages had been filled with doodles of the octopuses "Sure! I'm Remus by the way"
"Ah yes" They began to walk down the hallways lined by animal habitats. He held onto Janus’ hand "You were killed by your twin according to Roman mythology"
"I know!! That's why I chose it"
"Fascinating. I'm Logan. My parents chose it because of the X-man" His parents were also huge nerds.
“Hah dorks!” Remus said while skipping alongside them “Why are you holding hands? Is that a rule at zoos? Oh shit have I been doing zoos wrong???”
“I don’t think so. We are only doing it” Lo glanced at his still flustered boyfriend “.....to aggravate homophobes....yes...”
“COol!! Can I join?”
Logan nodded. Remus proceeded to take Janus’ free hand and happily tugged at it while skipping along. Jan had been wrong. NOW he was dying. His face was so hot from blushing he swore he could melt chocolate on it. The only way this could get ‘worse’ was if he suddenly grew a third arm and Remy appeared to hold it.
“Murder frogs!!” Remus exclaimed while stopping outside a window.
Inside sat several poison dart frogs in a pond surronded by leaves. They were in pretty neon colors and small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Remus jumped up and down from excitement before pressing his entire face up against the glass.
“They’re the most poisonous animal in the world!!! Snakey you should murder Lo with this one!! These bitches can kill like 10 people with 1 poison thingie!!! it’s so cool!!”
“I have read that they can live to up to 15 years so they have ample time to kill hundreds of people in their lifetime” Logan replied.
“!!!! You are SO right!!! That’s my life goal as well!” Remus turned to look around the room and his eyes turned as big as a cat’s “Fucking hell. Look at how THICK that lizard is!!!”
Janus kept being dragged around between the two while they explored the animals. The saw toads stacked on top of each other, insects swarming around and exactly 1 incredibly friendly chameleon who climbed across a tree to get as close to the glass as it could.
Just holding both of their hands was so much to take in but hearing them rant facts to each other while looking so so happy made his heart feel things he didn’t know it could feel. He wanted to kiss them both and beg them to please never ever shut up.
The zoo melted away as he daydreamed about living as a poly relationship. Getting to see them both be this close and happy every day. Getting to hold them both like this every day. Getting to fall asleep next to them. Oh he was so-
“Hey Snakey you’ve been pretty quiet” Remus interrupted “Whatcha think?”
“dfshkjskj” Janus very eloquently let out. He buried his flushed pink face in the fabric of Logan’s shirt.
“Huh. Exactly what I was thinking! Onwards to the snakes!!”
The snake room was oval shaped. The walls were made up of windows into different giant vivariums decorated with branches, warm rocks and food. In the biggest vivarium several big samar cobras were lazing about. They were both big enough and venomous enough to kill a man.
Janus let go of his crushes to press his palms against the glass and wave at the snakes. He looked back at his boyfriend with a big goofy grin “Look at these babies!!”
“They are indeed very pretty”
“They eat rats! Their venom is able to destroy tissue so if you get the venom in your eyes it can create total blindness!! They-” He stopped himself. Stopped his stimming as well “Sorry. I’m rambling”
Remus patted his shoulder “No. Go on. I wanna hear, about the other snakes as well. I promise” Logan nodded along.
Janus hesitated, but they both looked at him with such loving looks he quietly continued “Okay well what I was going to say was...”
They went around and looked at every snake. The other two happily listened to him infodump about every species there. Sometimes they held hands. Sometimes they all stimmed together. Janus was smiling so much his cheeks hurt.
They stayed sitting by the snakes. Janus leaned his head against the glass to bop his nose to the snakes while Remus and Logan ranted to each other about their favorite obscure sci-fi movies (they also exchanged numbers). 
The three of them had a sudden realization that they all loved murder mysteries and decided they had to have some sort of murder mustery movie night some time in the future.
(Logan also saw a poster about how around Christmas snake petting spots overseered by snake experts would be open. He didn’t tell the other two. He figured he would use it as a surprise Christmas gift)
Eventually the zoo got close to closing. It was Logan who had to drag them both away from the snakes and octopuses. The 2 drama kings acted like Lo was dragging them away from their children.
Once they stood on the street outside the zoo Remus said goodbye. For a moment it looked like he was moving in to hug Janus but he decided not to. He disappeared down the street to catch the bus.
“So” Logan turned to his boyfriend “Was it a satisfactory first date?”
Janus rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and moving up on his toes to kiss him on his nose “It was absolutely horrible darling! I hated every second of it!”
“Glad to hear it” His voice softened “I’m proud of you honey”
“It was just a date. It’s nothing. Nothing if it’s with you”
“Well I shall still be proud, because you can not stop me, and I shall still be percentage wise incredibly in love with you” He pressed a loving kiss to his forehead “I will see you at work then”
“Not if I’ve gotten my invisibility spell to work by then muhahah” Janus slowly let go of him “Love you!”
Janus stood by the entrance watching as his boyfriend (it still made him giddy to think that) went to his car. He gulped and tensed his shoulders once he was all alone. He walked over to a more desolate spot and sat down on the side of the payment.
He scrolled through the contacts on his phone while the image of Logan’s smile repeated in his brain. He let out a shaky breathe as he moved the phone up to his ear and listened to the signals.
“Hiya Janister!” The cheery voice of Dr. Picani rang out.
“Hello...I.....I would....I’m just looking to ask if there’s a chance I could book a time for solo therapy? I’m...I’m...honestly not so sure if I’m completely okay...or if my childhood was okay either, but I’m sure I want to get better”
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thoseblusox · 3 years
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She’d been pouting before hand, trying ot come up with some sort of reason or exscuse with her fingertips fretting together with her jumbled mess of words. The BLU still looked sleepless, but slightly more colour lingered in her cheeks, and even more once his long arms found their way around her.
Unable to stop a laugh that bubbled out from within, Eli presses her hands to his shoulders to keep herself steady and enjoy the warmth of his scent; God she’d missed him. Was work worth all the time away from him...? Was progession really worth her ailing health?
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a bad girlfriend... I promise I’ll try better for the futre, if you’ll let me.”
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
How would the skelly boys react if someone was trying to fight SO but they refused to fight back and got hurt because of that?
Sans: well someone is gonna have a bad time.... later. His first priority right now is making sure SO is ok. Once he’s positive they’ll be fine, then their bully is getting dunked on for sure. If it was just an argument, then sans would’ve been merciful, but hurting someone that won’t fight back is definitely not cool
Papyrus: EXSCUSE ME?????? Of course he’s checking on SO first, but once he’s sure they’re fine, then bully is gonna get the lecture of a lifetime! If they try to fight papyrus, he’ll just hold them down with blue magic and keep on lecturing. Paps is a pretty tough guy, so they won’t be getting free anytime soon
Star: nobody messes with his beu. His eye lights vanish, and he harshly tells them to leave. Then he calls the cops. That was assault after all. He’ll comfort SO, emphasizing how brave they were
Honey: honey hates confrontation, but since SO is in trouble, his protect instincts win this battle. He’ll quickly step in between SO and bully and try to reason with them. If that doesn’t work he calls the police. If SO is baby hurt, then he quickly escapes with them instead
Red: well it looks like bully is getting hurt too. Reds gonna pulverize them (as much as SO let’s him at least)
Edge: he quickly snatches SO away, and makes sure they’re ok. He won’t heal them right away though, he needs to document any injuries. He’s gonna sue that sucker so hard. (And then help red beat them up)
Mal: he’s up in there before SO even gets hurt. Now bully is going after mal, but they’re no match really. Mal is much more articulate. If they turn violent, then he quickly knocks them out. He’s not a fan of drawn out fights.
Cash: bully immediately gets a broken nose. Then he completely ignores them in favor of checking up on SO. He’s still riding on that angry adrenaline high, so any injuries SO has won’t bother him as he helps them out
Oak: he just shortcuts him and SO out of there. Oak has a bit of a temper, but he’s also terrified of hurting humans, so he really doesn’t wanna be in this situation. He angrily checks over SO, and if they’re ok, he quickly turns it into a huffy cuddle session. He’s still a bit rattled up right now
Willow: ok he’s mad. You won’t like him when he’s mad. Mad willow is a very scary sight. His friendly aura is replaced by a cold dark feeling, and he can Yell. His voice BOOMS. Bully is gonna piss themselves when they run away. He immediately switches back to sweet willow, and will be fretting over SOs injuries
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marunalu · 4 years
I dont understand how you can say you ship him with adult Rin, when the entirity of the series has focused on her as a child save the latest few episodes. Adult Rin did not exist, therefore how could you ship them? It just seems like people making exscuses for themselves, or that they were using Rin as a self insert. Overall no matter how you put it, the ship still comes accross as creepy to me. But I suppose we are entitled to our opinions.
Its called imagination! People can have enough imagination to picture a child as an adult years later. Listen I watched inuyasha the first time when I was 9 or 10 years old and I just KNEW rin would become sesshoumarus wife after she grew up! I NEVER saw a father/daughter relationship bc sesshoumaru NEVER acted like a father. Even rumiko said from the beginning JAKEN is rins father figure! If sesshoumaru was supposed to be rins father figure he did a VERY BAD job! Never teached her anything like reading/writing, how to defend herself or hunting, finding food for her. Never played games with her like a loving father would do. Was never strict with her and told her “do what you want“ multiple times. Always made clear she was free to leave him and jaken. Left her alone many times or just with jaken or ah-uhn as protection. Heck they even barely talked to each other! Thats NOT what a father would do, so I never saw it as such! Even as a little child I understood that sesshoumaru is an immortal being that doesnt age, or at least just VERY slowly and that he will outlife rin someday. I understood that even if rin is 100 years old, she still is a baby compared to sesshoumaru, so I never cared for the age gape. The irony is that many anti sessrin who are mad now are sesskag or espicially sesskagu shippers. Kagome was a minor herself and kagura is even YOUNGER then rin, she is just a few months old. Kagura just LOOKS like a young woman! And you can say the exact same thing about people self inserting themself into kagome or kagura and thats one of the reasons why they are mad! Bc their headcanon was destroyed! Its absoluetly fine if you dont like the ship and if it makes you uncomfortable, but no one tells you you have to watch yashahime. If it creeps you out, you have the freedom to LEAVE! Again its fine if you dont like it, but its not fine if mad antis who just hide behind the pedophil claim, when in fact they are just pissed that their own ship didnt sail, insult, shame, name calling and fucking suicide bait REAL people over stupid DRAWN characters! You know a bunch of black lines! And its absoluetly disgusting if this antis tell real people INCLUDING children to kill themself, but in the same breath they claim they just want to protect children! People have the right to ship whatever they want and to have their own option! Sesshoumaru would NEVER force rin to stay with him. NEVER! Rin wanted to stay with him by her own choice! Because HE MAKES HER HAPPY! It was HER choice!
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scaredsimp · 4 years
Not ready to let go
tsukishima x female! reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, it’s awful and I’m unmotivated to fix it
You stand next to coach nekomada staring at the court in awe as the sound of sneakers against hard wood and loud breathing and grunts Fill the room. You’ve been to plenty of kuroos games but now instead of being in the bleachers you were right next to the court.
It was like a totally different experience and now since you were nekomas manager you felt like you were apart of the team not just watching it.
You’ve been best friends with kuroo since you were children and only started being nekomas manger this month! You did it because you saw how much it meant to the team.
And if it meant more opportunities to make fun of kuroo than you were more than willing to do it. They were only having a practice match against kurasunos and it looks like a really close call, But nekoma ends up winning the final set.
After both teams bowed and said there rather aggressive “thank you for the game!” You jog over to where kenma and kuroo are standing. Kuroo is talking to kurasunos number 10 and 11 and Kenmas playing on his game console but he keeps stealing glances at the orange haired kid.
‘I’ll have to remember that’ you take a quick mental note of kenmas behavior. Kuroo notices you walking over “hey, y/n were you so entranced by my playing you came to give me a victory kiss?”
You scoff “in your dreams rooster. I came to say hi to your new friends.” He puts on a playful pout before continuing to speak. “Well kitten this is tsukishima kei and hinata shoyo.”
You turn to the two boys “it’s nice to finally meet you both, I’m y/n nekomas new manger. I hope kuroo hasn’t been to much of a bother.”
Tsukishima gives an annoyed look and says “I wish I could say he wasn’t.” It makes your eye brow twitch in annoyance. ‘Ugh great he’s one of THOSE type of guys the ones that acts like assholes than are surprised when people are mad at them for it.’
You know it’s bad to assume but it’s a gift of yours to have amazing prediction of personality. And it keeps you out of making bad friends.
But you don’t say any of that instead you just return his annoyed glare hoping it sends the message of ‘I don’t like you already’. Hinata has been looking confused since you walked over.
And he finally speaks up “wait kuroo why didn’t you tell me you have a girlfriend???” The way hinata has a slight pout on his face and his hand gestures remind you of a toddler.
you just turn and give a playful punch to kuroos shoulder “Sorry for the confusion it’s just how we are. Me and kuroos family have known each other for a long time.”
Since your now facing kuroo you can see that he and tsukishima are staring at each other. It’s definitely not friendly but it’s not completely hostile either . You can’t quite pin what it is.
“Kuroo? Are you okay?” You asking in a slightly concerned voice. Kuroo looks down and gives you a small smile “I’m fine. You look so cute when your worried.”
His hand moves it self to your shoulder but you don’t move away. You and kuroo have known each other for so long that this kind of intimate Gesture was completely normal. 
Little did you know that ever since the match started tsukishima could not take his eyes off you. Of course he payed attention enough to play but whatever moment he had to spare he spent it glancing at you.
I mean how could he help it? You looked adorable, watching the match in amazement like a small child looking through the window of a toy store.
kuroos been in a sour mood ever since he noticed tsukishima looking at you. After all you were his. he adored you, you were kind yet outspoken and wouldn't let people walk all over you. 
He hasn't said anything to you about his feelings because he was scared you would hate him. He’s not sure he’ll ever get over you, he supposes when a guy he approves of comes into your life he’ll let it go but that guy is NOT tsukishima.
when the match was over Kuroo decided to give tsukishima a warning before looking at you like that again. he stepped in close so hinata and kenma couldn't hear him.
 “Watch your self tsuki, if you hurt her I’ll rip you to shreds.” tsukishima just scoffed “Calm down Prince Charming I don’t plan on it.” 
That’s when he noticed you walking over so he put on his smile for you. “hey, y/n were you so entranced by my playing you came to give me a victory kiss?” you shot back one of your insults but he wasn't listening instead he was staring right at the clearly pissed tsukishima.
he broke his staring to look at you again while you interduce yourself  “it’s nice to finally meet you both, I’m y/n nekomas new manger. I hope kuroo hasn’t been to much of a bother.” 
He can see your eyebrow twitch at tsukis response. ‘always so protective’ kurro gave a silent chuckle, shooting a look at tsukishima that meant ‘see she doesn't even like you’ that tsuki ignored.  
its been a month since that kurasuno match. you, Kuroo, tsukishima, and Bokuto are hanging out together. and turns out your ability to read personalities failed you because tsuki is just a big tsundere and he’s fun to be around when he’s not teasing you or calling you a brat.
The original plan was to go to an arcade but once you got there you all realized it was a total dump. the carpet smelled awful, there was mold growing in the corner of the walls, and all the games were either out of order of for children. 
so you turned around and tried to find something else to do. kuroo was on his phone to see if there were anymore arcades near when Bokuto said “we should go see a movie! there’s a new scary movie out and i want to see it. akashi said i would be scared so i want to prove he’s wrong!”
tsuki gives one of his stingy remarks “Ugh, i know witch one your talking about. it has awful reviews why would you-” you cut him off with a punch to the stomach “of course we can see it bo! don’t worry tsuki if you get scared you can hold my hand.”
When walking into the theater your hit with the smell of melted butter. your thankful that the theater was in much better shape than the arcade. Kuroo and Bokuto take the liberty of getting the tickets while you and tsuki get the snacks. 
“I hope Kuroo is okay. he’s been awfully quiet this whole time. And bokuto has been acting weird to it’s like he’s really trying to make kurro laugh.” you and tsukishima are standing by a table tucked in a corner waiting for the others. tsuki gives a soft chuckle 
“I'm sure he’s fine brat.” rolling your eyes you look up at the boy ‘w o w. has he always been this pretty?’ when you feel your cheeks heating up you turn you head away from him ‘hopefully he didn't see that....’ 
tsuki cant believe how adorable you are. he places his hand on your chin and forces you to look at him you. You completely forget where you are and lean in but the sound of Bokutos cheering makes you both pull away. 
“Alright! lets get going! whos ready to watch trolls!!” you can tsuki deadpan wile kuroo burst out laughing. “TROLLS? Bokuto what happened to getting the horror movie tickets? This is why I can leave the both of you without supervision.” You say in a mildly annoyed tone. 
While sitting in the theater you feel your eyelids start to get heavy. You have been working yourself pretty hard that week trying to get all your assignments done.
Before you know it your out like a light and are resting your head on a very concerned tsukishima. ‘Why’s she so tierd? Has she not been getting enough sleep?’ he eventually makes the decision to take you home, make sure you had food in your stomach, and send you to bed.
He taps your shoulder lightly. “Huh?” You blink your eyes open “what is it tsukishima?” “Get up I’m taking your home.”
After some protest you eventually agree.Bokuto and kurros head turns in your direction. “Why are you leaving I thought the movie was good?” Bokuto says with a pout while kuroo just sits still. With a horrified look on his face.
When you both leave the theater kurro exscuses himself to the bathroom. When he gets there silent tears run down his face.
Bokuto placed a hand on kurros shoulder. Kurro jumped in surprise not knowing the boy followed him in. “C’mere” he says soft and gentle and pulls kurro into his chest.
Kuroo told bokuto about his feelings for you and could tell that kurro was upset about how close you’d gotten with tsukishima. All he could do was comfort his friend and help him move on.
‘I’m such an idiot.’ It felt as if his heart was drowning and would never recover. He loves you. He loves you so much and his biggest regret is not telling you.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
chuu-chuu and dazai catching someone sneak a camera under their darling's skirt?
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♡ Nakahara Chuuya ♡
The dude is quite literally out of the fucking window. Whenever in public, Chuuya almost always has an eye out for s/o but he had to quickly just type something on his phone. And that is when he sees it.
Some random fucker is trying to take pitcures of his s/o.
Unsurprisingly, Chuuya just snaps. There will be colateral damage, and if there happen to be people around him, they will be hurt as well. Chuuya is livid as he is beating the absolute crap that dared to pull a stunt like this.
He won't kill him, but he will beat up the guy so badly he will never be able to walk again. His bones are twisted and broken, he is bleeding inside and out and the man is just bearly clining to his pathetic life. But, Chuuya isn't done here, oh no, no, no. He is faaar from done.
Once Chuuya gets his hands on him, no one will be able to recognise the man anymore. Not even his closest friends and family could tell who he is. He will most likely be found in some alleyway, and the poor person who passed by at the bad time was shocked to find....something brrathing.
He doesn't even look human anymore as his jaw is twisted, he is missing an eye, and blood is just everywhere. Around him, on the ground, on the walls, trash cans, the crimson liquid is just splattered all over the place. He is wheezing in pain and he can't even talk since, surprise surprise, Chuuya cut out his tounge!
When the man is found though, Chuuya won't be anywhere near that place. He knows that the man can't report him so he will just continue on with his life...
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♡ Dazai Osamu ♡
Dazai will not cause a scene. At all. But, I think you all know that Dazai would never let something like this slide by. For starter, he would call out the man and as he is scrambling for an exscuse, Dazai will just snatch the phone from his hands. He will then proceed to delete every single pitcure of his s/o and destroying the phone in the process.
I mean, even if there were no pitcures on it he'd still destroy it.
He has a smile on his face, but my God is it chilling. He will get up to the mans face and he will stare at him while whispering some threats and promises.
No one in the train will suspect that anything is wrong, not even s/o. Even if the man was a fighter, he would feel like peeing his pants by just looking at Dazai's predatory grin. His chocolate brown hair is casting an omnious shadow around his face while his eyes are ice cold. If looks could kill, this man would have been long dead.
Like Chuuya, Dazai will also delete all of the pitcures and destroy the phone. For fun, you know? If the man knows what's best for him, he will never do something like this ever again, especially to his darling. Because if he does... Well... Dazai won't kill him, but the man will definetly feel like just putting a bullet through his brain after Dazai is done with him.
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
Hi! If that's okay can i request Asra with a psychic apprentiece/MC? I have lots of ideas but not the skills tro write them hdjshsis
Took me a second to realize you said Psychic (As in see’s the future) and not Psychotic as in; Insane. Haha! Bid dumb on my part. Anyway—
It’s completely unedited, my wrist hurt to much from writing.
Main Six With A Psychic MC
You had a vivid nightmare one night— Nadia was ubducted by men in theif clothing. When you woke up you sat there for a moment before shrugging the dream off, after all who doesn’t have nightmares of loosing their loved ones? You continued the day and forgot about it.
That is until Nadia mentioned going into town for some fresh air, this was normal, every once in a while she’d feel smithed by the constant aid of her staff at her beck and call so she’d escape to see her beautiful city.
However something didn’t sit right with you, you tried giving her every reason under the sun for her not to go out— all ranging from “If you want some fresh air we could go outside and have a picknik.” To the extreme “Nadia! I don’t think you should go out in your condition, you look pale!”
All of which Nadia gave simple resatlutions to. “well we could but alternatively we could dine at some of the little rest runts you’ve told me about by dear.” “What are you going on about?? I feel fine, i look fine— Why don’t you want me to go into town??”
YOu broke down and told her about the dream and the sinking feelings. Magic was magic— it worked in very mysterious ways, after all she herself wasn’t a stranger to visions. She thought it over, if this dream was indeed a vision she couldn’t let the insueing crime go unpunished so she made a proposition. “We‘ll go out for dinner but we’ll go he other route into town. I’ll send a decoy carriage thats exsacly how you describe on the route you had in your dream. If anything happens the guards in the carriage will handle it and we’ll still have a lovely day out.” She hummed happily. YOu agreed and had your date. Needless to say you were right and the decoy was attacked— the men were captured.
Nadia takes strange feelings and weird dreams very seriously. She knows you’d never cry wolf on her safety— even if your just worried.
Now that you were back in his life he was so very happy!
He knew when he started teaching you about magic again that you had deffinately gotten stronger— His thoughts confirmed when you defeated the devil something no one had ever done before. However he never suspected psychic abilities to be added to the list.
You started having very vivid dreams, it started with just little small weird ones you’d mentioned here and there. Asra took it as merely a coincidence that the baker would be out of his famous pumpkin bread after you mentioned earlier that morning something along the lines of “Hey i had the weirdest dream! The baker ran out of pumpkin bread, he never runs out of pumpkin bread... Maybe i was dreaming about that because WE’VE run out of pumkin bread— which by the way could you be a dear and get some while your out??”
Then it wasn’t just dreams. While walking around the market with Nadia— Nadia exscused herself to go look at something she figured you and Asra weren’t interested in so she’d do it by herself. However you insisted that you and Asra join her because it was the ‘friendly thing to do.’ The three of you were jumped in an assasination attempt on Nadia— the only way it was avoided was because the two most powerful magicians happened to be there at her side, When Nadia asked how you knew to insist on coming with her to keep her safe you simply put; “I had a feeling...”
Asra pieced the prices together. It was never mentioned but you and your group of friends all siliently acknolaged the fact you were psychic and they took your vivid dreams or sudden feelings serious.
Julian was awoken one night from your loud whimpers. When he rolled over he saw you grasping at your pillow and drenched in a cold sweat. Just as he was about to shake you awake your eyes snapped open and filled with tears. “Darling— Darling what happened? It’s okay, its okay, okay?” Julian was just about as frantic as you were when you hugged him.
You describe your horriable nightmare; Julian was in an alley not to far from the rowdy raven, the alley was so small that with his legs laying stretched out in front of him his foot laid flat against the wall he faced, he was putting pressure on a gash in his abdomen. Julian sat there groggily laying his head against the brick wall he was propped up against. You knew that, though the bar was close, it wasn’t close enough for him to walk at the rate he was bleeding and the place you both shared was even further.
Julain hugged you tightly while quietly comforting you. In his mind he chocked it up to the memory of when he saved you from the vampire eel’s in the alley way, the memory turning itself into a nasty nightmare retelling for your own torture. He hated that you had to deal with that, Just as he was about to suggest getting up for the day so you didn’t have to go back to sleep and risk having another nightmare (A habit he had picked up from those sleepless nights he had before he met you) He noticed your quiet whimpers had stoped— replaced by a soft snore. He smiled and laid you down before snuggling next to you. You held onto his hand like a lifeline while you slept. (He stayed awake a little longer to make sure you weren’t going to have another nightmare.)
A few nights later Julian grabbed his jacket with a sigh off the hanger. It was like a weekly ritual that he’d go to the Rowdy Raven to have fun before coming back to a romantic bath with you however tonight he looked less then ecstatic when he pulled on his leather jacket. You and him weren’t fighting really, more like arguing. You didn’t want to go because of the dream you had nights before— However Julian being the ever educated man he is he firmly believed that it was just a normal bad memory twisting itself into a nightmare. “Julian, It was different though! You didn’t have the mark, you weren’t wet from the drain, it wasn’t even the same alley or even the place on your body as the eel bite—“ You continued on in a frustrated manner as you followed him. You’d been following him to get him to change his mind ever since he got up that morning. Julian tuned around quickly to you. “Darling!” Julian exclaimed loudly to get your attention all while letting a little anger slip into his tone, this quickly quieted you since he never normally yelled especially at you. He let out an exsasperated sigh as he cupped your face gently with his hands. “There’s no way a person can predict the future, I’ll be fine, it was just a bad dream and your just getting worried over it. Now— I love you, i swear I do, and I promise I’ll be careful.” Julian reasoned softly before he gave you a quick kiss to your lips. When he pulled away and you still looked worried, possiably even more so, he frowned a little. “A-And, If I’m not back by 11 on the dot you have my full permission to send the Calvary after me to drag me home.” He smiled a little as if to coax you to a smile as well. “Okay.” You mumbled while a soft smile played on your lips.
He hadn’t even been gone but half an hour when that nagging feeling of danger came creeping up your neck yet again. For the first five minutes or so you tried to shake it off as you just being worried but when it didn’t budge you took Asra’s advice; “If you ever have a feeling, don’t ignore it.” So you headed out the raven. Along the way you came upon a familiar place, on familiar cause you’d been there before but familiar because you’d SEEN it somewhere. Your dream, the particular spot you were standing on was just in the foreground of your dream, it was just as lifeless as in the vision. You started looking for the alley way until you found it, you peeked into it to see just what you’d seen in your nightmare. Julian streatched out across the alley way, granted he wasn’t as groggy or bloody as you remember— maybe you’d gotten there sooner then in your dream? He grunted softly while pressing onto the wound, his voice startled you out of your thoughts. Honestly he wasn’t too surprised to see you when you ran over to him to help heal him. That you could do. “How’d this even happen!?” You snapped at him, “Being overly heroic.” Julian laughed out through the pain, he could tell you were mad that he hadn’t taken you seriously.
Now at home, all cleaned up and healed, Julian Devorak set’s out to apologize by making you feel like you’ve gone to heaven. He makes a mental note that not everybody is as paranoid as him and that when you say somethings off he should most deffinately take your word for it.
You and Muriel were out in town with your friends. Everything was going smoothly— well as smoothly as normal with Julian trying desperately to befriend Muriel, Nadia who wanted to do so many things ranging from walking in townsquar to having dinner despite Muriel wanting to go home. Asra constantly stopping at every stall that caught his eye or roped in by a salesman when he himself knew Muriel hated being in the VERY public stalls. However what made all of this bareable was you who held his hand tightly and periodically checked in on him or helped him out by steering everyone away from certain things or distracting Julian. Well that and the fact that this only happened once in a blue moon. Sure he’d come out with you to get the things they didn’t have at home or to visit Asra but the whole group only ever came out to town together once a month since everyone was always so busy.
everything was normal, Muriel trudged behind everyone with you beside him, or at least you were beside him until you came to a dead stop. While everyone else continued their meaningless banter Muriel turned to see what had caught you eye, only to see you staring blankly forward. “(Y/n)?? ...Can you hear me?” Muriel asked as he waved a hand in front of your face. This was new, you’d never done anything like this before or even remotely similar. Suddenly you blinked and looked around as if you didn’t know where you had been. Asra picked up on the strange feeling and turned to see what was up, this gained Nadia and Julians attention as well. “Hey what’s up?” Julian asked with a raised brow as him and the rest closed in on you.
Your features flooded with fear, “Something bad’s going to happen...” You said quietly, “What? Like you have a bad feeling??” Julian asked, You shook your head. “You.. You saw something?” Asra questioned further, you nodded harshly. “what’d you see?” Nadia asked curiously. Your eyebrows knitted together in concentration before you finally formed an answer; “Fire and... Feathers?” You questioned yourself as you thought back on your vision. Muriel stayed out of the conversation while your freinds asked more questions you couldn’t give straight answers for, you looked up when he felt something splash him. The sky was getting dark, not from nightfall but from a very dark cloud. Before he could even draw attention to it a loud roll of thunder downpour of water did it for him.
Suddenly the pieces clicked in your head when the sky flashed white. “Oh gods! The hut! We have to get home!!” You exclaimed, muriel and Asra seemed to come to the same conclusion you did as evident when you three took off towards the forest in the heavy rain. Nadia stayed behind to call for a carriage but julian followed as well cluelessly.
Just as most of you suspected; when you reached the hut everything was engulfed in flames due to lightening from the first rain of the dry season striking the dry leaves. IT was impossiable to put out a fire this size so you all settled on looking for the chickens and Inanna
LUckily the hunt was finished quickly when Muriel called for her, she answered back quickly. Julian found her hiding under a damp bush to hide from the fire— along with her was the baby chicks and two chickens. It was a small portion of the chickens you and Muriel had but apparently it was all she could save from the chicken hut that was also engulfed in flames. Inanna was burned but the chickens all seemed fine. Muriel carried the large wolf carefully, you carried all the baby chicks, and Julian carried the two hens out of the forest to safety. Nadia was waiting at the forest edge with a big carriage for all of you to get into.
Nadia took everyone back to the palace for the night. You felt horriable about Muriels hut but he didn’t;t seem to mind all the much. To keep your mind off it everyone talked about how crazy it was you had a vison. “Yeah... I feel bad— maybe if i had pieced it together faster we could have saved the hut.” You frowned. “...It’s fine... You can;t stop lightning, If it wasn’t for you the chickens and Inanna wouldn’t have made it out. “ Muriel said quietly from where he sat in the big room. “But aren’t you a little upset about all your stuff?” You questioned. Muriel blushed and shook his head— He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but as long as you and the animals were okay thats all he cared about.
Portia teased you for having a ‘psychic’ ability when she noticed you’d alway steer her out of danger or move a specific chair so she wouldn’t bump into it later that day. You played it off as you just cleaning up and knowing her well enough to know when she was about to hit something or fall over something.
One day portia was cleaning Lucio’s wing with the other servants. You had been Nadia and Asra all day. POrtia was carrying a big stack of laundry down the stairs, she slipped on one of the last steps only to be caught by you. “Hey!... wait, what are you doing here?” She asked while looking up at you. “Ah well...” You smiled, “They insisted on coming this way.” Asra hummed.
Portias eyes sparkled as she gasped, you knew what was coming. “So you ARE psychic!!!” Portia laughed, “No i just.. I just wanted to go this way and i saw you carrying that hazard.” You made up some exscuse. POrtia didn’t believe it though.
For the next few days she would follow you around secretly.
She found out that you not only protected her from danger but the rest of your freinds as well. Stopping them before a servant with a stack of clothes came around the corner suddenly, telling them it’d be better to stay and have tea with the rest instead of going to the rowdy raven, even going as far as to hide muriel and Julian when Lucio would pop into the room randomly while looking for one of them for some stupid matter. But none of this was ample cause to accuse you of lying to her about not being psychic.
In defeat she sat by the fountain one evening. “Your looking rather down for soemone who’s naturally bouncing off the walls.” Asra’s voice hummed. “Ive been trying to catch (y/n) doing their psychic thing so they’d finally tell me but so far its not really working out...” Portia sighed, asra sat on the fountain with a smile. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, They are.” Asra hummed, Portia shot up. “I KNEW IT!! But why did they lie??” She exclaimed then questioned. “Well, they don’t like people to know. If everyone knew then they’d be coming to them all over for stupid reasons and they’d be cautious over everything.” Asra explained, “buuut the rest of the group knows.” She huffed, “Yes... But not because they told them. Because of experience and because they come to me and I tell them. (Y/n) Doesn’t know they know.” Asra said softly. Portia thought for a moment before thanking him and continuing with her day.
She doesn’t let you know that she knows and she doesn’t push the subject anymore. It’s just like a silient acknolagment.
Lucio loved magic, especially your magic! But he had to admit— Being able to tell the future just seemed a little impossiable but he did trust you.
So when you told him you didn’t want him out because of a bad feeling you had he laughed and shrugged it off by pridefully saying “Your just being a worry wart my dove! Or perhaps your jealous I’ll pick up some escort?? No need to fear my love, i love you and you only.” Lucio smirked playfully. You seemed agitated that he dismissed it so easily, this hadn’t been the first time he’d ignored your feelings like this.
Normally he blamed it on a coincidence, bad timing, you over heard it while you were half asleep. BUt that didn’t mean bad things still didn’t happen.
And even now when you were so advently telling him not to go— Ha! You telling the count what to do?! The mere thought of being bossed around, even for safety, made his blood boil.
YOu were both angry when he left to do what he pleased. even so, the thought of you being so concerned for his wellbeing that you’d start fighting with him was really off putting for Lucio... He took a sword if not to just calm his worries you’d put in his head.
“someone’s going to kill you! Why don’t you just listen to me damn it!?” Your voice creeped into his mind as he walked in the dark. “You were walking down the main street.” You tried remembering exactly everything you said as he walked the path you mentioned. You couldn’t possiably know what was going to happen! He refused to believe he’d just had a fight for no reason. “There was a loud click and a machine— one I’ve never seen before. It could fit in your hand and shot something like an arrow but small.” Thats just Crazy!
Lucio heard it like a bell in a quiet room, maybe it wasn’t so crazy. “It hit you in the head.” Lucio remember your quivering voice as if you had scene it first hand.
His metal arm flew in front of his face just before a bang similar to a firework went off followed by a loud THINK as the bullet from the shadows ricocheted off Lucio’s golden arm.
He’d be damned it he died like this.
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