#But god
thisissirius · 3 days
i would also like to add to the chris is 13! and he's choosing to go with THEM? discourse to add that chris does not know. because eddie is a good father and he does not let his insecurities and battles with his parents detract from the fact that ramon and helena cared for chris for a long time, that they loved him and he remembers that. they were a huge part of chris' life and he was safe with them. it wasn't perfect and we have a LOT to say about them as parents and as grandparents, but they're safety for chris. notice how all of the talks eddie has with them are away from chris. they're overbearing and have their faults (because i just know some of y'all will bring shit like that up) but chris doesn't see that.
at thirteen these choices are more than capable of being made. i have said it before and will say it again; children are wholeass human beings. they are young, but they're not without experiences. chris has dealt with a lot of stuff in LA. tsunamis, earthquakes, his father's constant brushes with death. he's making a choice to remove himself from a situation that he doesn't think is best for him right now because eddie is not making choices in his best interest. however much you like those scenes or this storyline as a whole, chris is not wrong for wanting to be secure.
and while it might not seem like it, this is also good for eddie. he needs to know he can exist in spaces without chris around. he might not want to, but he needs to learn that he can and that he is NOT in the right place, through grief and stress and ptsd and all the shit he's gone through. he is choosing to let christopher go because he knows this, deep down, where he doesn't want to look too closely.
this situation is about choices; christopher's AND eddie's.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 day
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churroach · 14 days
Full of Desires
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
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Oh darlin', make it go away now...
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tapakah0 · 6 months
@somerandomdudelmao TheDoodleBug on YT DID IT AGAIN
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The animatic belongs to TheDoodleBug on youtube, go watch it if you wanna see quality Raph angst content because he's underestimated ;;~;;;
Original Song: Need You Here - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
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lika2 · 2 months
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These dramatic ass lawyers can't just get those matching friendship bracelets with broken heart charms or smth (ok yes ik they have the phone charms in the anime but shhh), noooo, they gotta put together two pieces of evidence in court to make a whole drawing, and then use it to convict the real murderer.
Istg touch grass that hasn't had a vital piece of evidence hidden in it once in your goddamn lives you funky gay lawyers.
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heliotrope155 · 4 days
The way Castiel's first act was saving Dean and his last act was saving Dean. They make me sick.
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
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what if... cass arc
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stupd000 · 2 months
okay when is Angel gonna be put in mortal danger bc that bitch has been too happy for too long
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grain-my-beloved · 3 months
I think the thing I really love about Desert Duo is the warmth between them.
The way they banter and poke and prod at each other but always with an undercurrent of fondness. Scar teases about Grian's secret soulmate, Grian huffs that his heart is for someone special, Scar whispers with Pearl about ideas to mess with their soulmates, Grian mutters about leaving the desert all season. They both stay. They both giggle together and quickly drop any faux hurt.
The way they play each other. Scar coaxes Grian into doing work for him, Grian snatches a life away from Scar, Scar practically robs Grian blind through 'fair trade', Scar stabs Grian in the back in Thirdlife, Grian stabs Scar in the back in Limited Life. It's all in good fun. They sigh and roll their eyes and smile.
The way they gravitate towards each other. Easily partnering in Thirdlife, dancing around an alliance in both Last Life and Limited Life, being paired by the universe in Double Life, trying to reach for each other only to be torn apart by the universe in Secret Life. They meld easily together, like whispered plans and a presence beside each other is the most natural thing in the world.
The way they understand each other. "You and me, we know monopolies" Scar says, and Grian smiles. "Why DON'T you come along with me?" Grian giggles, and Scar can breathe for the first time all session.
Can you guys HEAR me I'm so NORMAL-
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vegaseatsass · 21 days
Someone tell me why I'm in between catching up on 10 different television series many of them quite excellent, but the only thing I want to post about is Tay saying "Gun's not into gaming, so when New and I play videogames he teases us for attention and we have to include him so OBVIOUSLY we kiss back!!!" and "Gun is like this with Off too but he sees him all the time so he misses us more and when he sees us we HAVE to sniff each other" and Tay and New saying "we were raised differently than Gun [very rich subtext here] but he likes skinship and now that he's part of our gang we've all changed and we all like skinship" and Tay saying "we've been this way for 10 years, fan scolding may stress out a younger group of acting friends and convince them to keep their distance but you're not going to change us, we're like this and we're going to stay like this"
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enfinizatics · 4 months
okay i’ve got to vent about the nicki minaj situation bc yeah. i used to be a hardcore barb for almost 10 years (2010-2019). and when i say a HARDCORE stan i truly mean it, i had a twitter account dedicated to nicki, she was even following me and often interacted with my tweets when she was online. i was absolutely in love with her and her work. i met my best friend, who’s like family to me, because of her. the pinkprint helped me survive middle school bullying. i followed her through europe when she went on tours. i supported every project, stayed chronically online for her and engaged in petty arguments with people on stan twitter to defend her. i fell out around late 2019 because i felt like most of her lyrics had sounded the same for a while but mostly because she started seeing her current husband, a confirmed rapist. seeing nicki pick up a beef after beef with every young female rapper gives me a huge ick and internalized misogyny vibes. but the beef with megan? it’s been years since i last followed news on nicki, but now i find myself losing my mind every time i see something on here or tiktok. not to mention her twitter omg. it truly feels like i’m witnessing her downfall caused by no one but nicki herself. she’s literally destroying her legacy, a legacy tied to so many memories i made during those 10 years while being her fan, and it just sucksssss. it feels like she no longer has a pr team capable of damage control or persuading her to take a break from social media. she seems to be spiraling with everything she posts. not to mention that ben shapiro tweet, congratulating a white, homophobic supremacist. and the barbz who let her remain in her perfect little bubble, shielding her from any criticism, constructive or otherwise (perhaps out of intimidation – i know, i've been there) and doxing people in the name of what? a millionaire to whom you’re a literal stranger?
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bluecloudious · 1 year
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P-Ranking Fake Peppino hasn't been going the best
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Fakino is concerned over Peppino constantly baby-raging during their playfight each time he gets hurt, afterwards demanding a redo
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b-dwolf · 3 months
losing my mind and need everyone to see it so here it is
the theory that buck wasn't telling the full truth about why him and natalia broke up has been itching my brain for days now (since the episode aired lol not that long but anyway)
they're just getting back from a call, all piling into the engine truck and idk what the call was about but it's some silly couple that did something silly ok (everyone is fine, it just helps prompt the conversation) and this causes chim and hen's memory to jog, and so they ask buck like, "oh hey, how are things going with natalia? you haven't talked about her in a while" and eddie just kinda looks over at them, confused because he definitely would've thought that buck would've told them.. so why didn't he?
of course, buck catches his gaze and immediately looks away, back towards hen and chim, "uh w- we broke up, actually" and this prompts them to ask why they broke up, buck gives him a similar story to what he told eddie, although more vague and seems less genuine compared to when he first told him.
hen, being the smart bff who is also concerned, ofc decides to corner buck when they get back to the station and asks him why she broke up with him (bc cmon.. of course she knows he didnt break up with her, it was the other way around. and chim too but he also knows not to push sometimes / is scared to push the Wrong button) and so buck spills, saying something along the lines of, "she thinks i'm in love with someone else" looking off in the direction of where eddie, ravi and chim are downstairs in the weight room, just chillin' idk doin' whatever the fuck firefighters do LOL
hen catches where his eyes have drifted, and asks so softly, to not scare him off, "do you think she might be right?" and in that moment you can hear eddie's laughter floating from downstairs towards where they are in the little kitchen area. buck has a sort of sad, heartbroken smile on his face as he says "yeah, yeah i do"
and scene
anyway i am crying if anyone would like to join me pls do so <3
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daenerys-targaryen · 27 days
giant ass fashion show for rich and famous meanwhile millions of people are being terrorized and murdered
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I think Danny Phantom fandom is absolutely sleeping on the sheer dumb bulshittery Danny, Sam and Tucker generate on the regular and it’s a fucking shame. Like, the three of them have exactly one (1) single braincell between them, and the only one to use it at least semi-regularly is Jazz. You literally can’t leave them for five minutes without them stumbling into some new bullshit every single time. Granted, a lot of times bullshit finds them first instead of the other way around, but by god will they make the situation worse. They run into the situations with the same reckless abandon the cockchafers fly into any solid obstacle in their way, and you’d think that at least one of them will be the voice of reason, and you’d be dead wrong.
Danny? He thought pranking a murder happy millionaire with a vindictive streak the size of Grand Canyon was a great idea. And then, like a moron, he decided to use equally murder happy government agency with a huge prejudice against ghosts and a vendetta against him, personally. Absolutely nothing that could go wrong with that, obviously!
(spoiler alert, things did go very wrong very fast)
Tucker? A valid choice at the first glance, except he is always down to commit crimes for either his friends or just for funsies. Remember that time he ran an obviously illegal babysitting scam business? Or that time when he brainwashed and then dimensionally displaced the whole school into Ancient Egypt setting? Another notable instances of Tucker being a menace, in no particular order: organised o pro-meat protest in a few hours, tried to shoot a ghost with his phone as a projectile (and succeeded), sold Sam out to a ghost out of sheer pettiness, gave Skulker an alarm-induced ptsd, almost killed Danny that one time (don’t worry, Danny was fine) and in general committed to being bullshit-enabling gremlin.
Now Sam would seem the most grounded and reasonable out of three of them, but it is what SHE wants you to believe. She is just as, if not more, unhinged as the boys, she just hides it better. Remember that time she trashed the castle and antagonised a few dozen of armed guards, while having no back up, no weapons, no allies and while being in some shithole in the Ghost Zone? And then basically told a tyrannical asshole with op dragon powers “fuck you and your entire kingdom” in the face? And then rode another dragon who put said asshole through a wall? Good times.
They all seem like perfectly reasonable people at the first glance, and then Tucker and Danny would dare each other to lick that weird glowing green rock, and Sam would roll her eyes and groan about how stupid boys are, and then Tucker would dare her to lick that glowing rock too, and Danny will say, “Come on, Tuck, it’s okay if she’s too afraid to do it-”, and yes, Sam and her mother have many disagreements on a lot of things, but both her mother AND Granny did not raise a fucking bitch, move over, Tucker, or so help her the spirit of Pandora-
They all end up absolutely miserable in ecto-containment units sick as hell with ecto-flu and on all questions answer that no, they don’t know how this happened, maybe it was ghost attack last week, they did get blasted by that green goo, after all, but really, they have absolutely no idea, honest. Jazz suspects something, but she also has no proof and therefore can’t prove anything. In the end, it was one of the worst weeks in their life and they all ended up swearing to not do it ever again.
(they do end up doing it again two months later)
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