#But somehow not sexy at all
hathorik · 8 months
🚨Iran's Navy took back its stolen oil tanker from the US.
Resistance News Network:
At 3:30 GMT, a security incident was reported in the Gulf of Oman. In a special operation, the Iranian Navy boarded the St. Nikolas ship, previously named the Suez Rajan, as it headed from Iraq to Turkey with 145,000 tons of crude oil. Last October, the US claimed that the Suez Rajan violated its sanctions by loading Iranian oil. To resolve the case, the ship was illegally seized by the US in April 2023, forfeited along with the Iranian oil loaded in it, to the US Department of Justice before it was renamed. In August, at the call of US senators, the US Navy unloaded stolen oil from an Iranian ship without considering the consequences. It is far from the first time that the US has stolen oil, either from ships loading Iranian oil, or through its continuous theft of 80% of Syria's daily output. This morning, the St. Nikolas was seized and transfered back to Iranian ports in light of escalating regional tensions, especially on the water.
Let me get this straight... The US Navy is conducting continuous operations of FUCKING PIRACY without anyone batting an eye to steal oil?
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
Yeah short skirts and crop tops are sexy— but there’s just something about a man that finds you so attractive wearing clothes that shouldn’t be considered typically sexual. Like baggy sweats or his old, worn shirt.
Those plain, boring outfits that aren’t planned and are just thrown together for comfort and practicality that have his dick throbbing for you as he imagines bending you over the nearest surface.
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moonsnqil · 9 months
trying to explain to my best friend that while aftg is a mafia book, the mafia isn't even the most prevalent theme and how really it's a love story at it's core but not in a fairytale way rather in the way horror movies are love stories
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transbutchblues · 22 days
talking about The Wisdom Saga with my mother : so, Antinous is a ‘bad’ guy, one of the suitors. he’ll try to hurt Penelope and Telemachus. however, he’s also hot. and I wish I could steal his voice
(after ranting about Zeus’ and Athena’s characterizations for half an hour)
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o-vera-nalyzing · 3 months
just had a dream that there was a scene in tsc where jean bummed a cig from kevin to share w jeremy but like the way he said it was so homoerotic that coach rhemann blushed
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
I love how despite how awkward it was we as a fandom all collectively decided to look at the silver lining of the whole cluster fuck that we got to see guillermo covered in blood and him being dramatic at the end
like was it his own blood? yes
was he only covered in blood due to really REALLY shitty planning and execution? also yes
and was he only being dramatic to try and save the situation but it arguably was all in vain cuz they were in the back of a fucking gas station awkwardly dancing around the fact that they both had no idea what they were doing? once again yes
but like the deed is done, the die is cast, those red eyes were fucking dope, and guillermo is covered in blood which is really sexy of him sooooooo shut up let us have this >:(
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Some more spicy Giyuu doodles 👀❤️‍🔥
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I’d tire my poor baby out with how much I’d wanna fuck him 🫣
I had to extra censor it because tumblr said no again 🙂 so I’m using Giyuu to censor Giyuu (and one of them has lowered opacity so if you squint maybe you’ll see his cock (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ )
Headcannon that every time Giyuu cums, he cums a lot and it’s thicc so it really fills you up 🤤
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femmeidiot · 3 months
sometimes I just want to be cute and dainty and girly and all the things I didn't let myself be because I thought I had to erase my femininity because I was fat or that I had to perform an exaggerated and sexualized version of femininity because I was fat.
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sukugo · 3 months
i started watching jjk without knowing anything other than what i knew from your blog, and i never realized sukuna and gojo was a RAREPARE OF THE HIGHEST KIND. wym these dudes have only interacted like four time???
in conclusion: you conditioned me into shipping a rarepare i didn't know was rare.
and it's not even 4, they interact 1.5 times in literally the SECOND episode and then NEVER again. like literally never ever ever again GDJDHDKDHD im not even kidding
well. ok later they do have their promised Fight, but that's only happened in the manga, and for the anime.... it's a WHILE until we get there
(but also the fight and everything related to it was so fucking gay i don't even know what to tell u. just that it makes it all worth it)
but also, no worries my beloved claudia, u've come at a good time fandom wise hahah. u don't have to go through the drought i went through. sukugo has risen from the rarepair trenches and are doing pretty okay i feel (downside being obv with greater popularity comes more Shit) (and well, hella spoilers if u're watching the anime the fight is pretty much the only proper interaction they have fgsjdhfkf)
in conclusion: teehee :3 im sorry but also am i really? (no)
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thornescratch · 5 months
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tyranno-solei-rex · 2 months
shopping for women's dress shirts: dang it this one's cropped. cute but wait no this is just a really short dress. why are there so many buttons on this one? this one would be cute but it'd literally expose my entire boob. this one is oh wait no it's 8 sizes too large. this is the perfect shirt but it's neon orange. ok that's just transparent.
shopping for men's dress shirts: this one is perfect and this one is perfect and this one is perfect and this one is perfect and this one is perfect and
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disastersteps · 11 months
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ooOooooOoo tfw they dressed up as (fake) vampires and youre just a (fake) human-
(top one is a gif! the bottom one is non-gif!)
annnd here's a lil comic:
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c0smiccom3t · 3 months
On today's episode of COMET SHUT THE FUCK UP
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amethystina · 8 months
Fanfic Tag Thingie
I am choosing to be tagged by @miss-ingno because this sounded like fun and I need an escape from the realisation that I am literally on the edge of burnout and my life is a mess. So here we go! :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
2 237 636
... and I have around 200k more just sitting in my WIP folders. I can't write short things x'D
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's mainly various Kdramas (The Devil Judge, Black Knight, plus my bold venture into Strangers From Hell) but, before that, it was mostly The Losers, Marvel, Pacific Rim, and Teen Wolf. With the occasional detour here and there.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Who Holds the Devil (The Devil Judge, Gahan) at 3 390
Tech Support (MCU, Winteriron) at 3 217
Autonomy (MCU, Winteriron) at 3 137
I Won't Hold My Breath (MCU, Winteriron) at 2 914
Conflict of Interest (MCU, Winteriron) at 2 173
It's honestly a little wild to me that Who Holds the Devil has somehow managed to race to the top despite the other fics being at least four years older (sometimes more). And for a much bigger fandom, at that. You guys are not fucking around.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Every single one if I can, though it can sometimes take a while before I get to all of them. And I just can't help it, I guess? Partly because I want to show that I've read the comment and appreciate the time and effort that went into writing it, but also because it often gives me an opportunity to talk about my writing and the choices I made in the fic.
And, apparently, the fact that I reply to all comments has become a bit of a thing at least when it comes to Who Holds the Devil, where readers will search through my replies looking for tidbits and extra information about the fic, characters etc.
(you guys are so weird and so dedicated and I love all of you xD)
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Grief (The Losers (Comics)). Because it is, predictably, about grief and how to keep living after someone you love has died. Though I would argue that the ending has a hint of hopefulness to it since it's also about moving on from said grief?
But yeah. Definitely that one since it's Major Character Death that I choose not to fix.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally every single fic except for the one above xD I LOVE my happy endings, okay? And it's kind of difficult to rank them since it depends a lot on the setting, characters, and the personal preference of the reader.
Heck, I even managed to give my Strangers From Hell fanfic a sugary sweet happy ending! That's dedication right there!
Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, from time to time. I've gotten everything from childish insults calling me a bad writer to backhanded comments questioning my choices, writing style, grammar, spelling, dedication, intelligence, etc. I've even received more targeted, personal hate where people I thought I could trust were making fun of me behind my back in private chat rooms.
Most recently, though, it's less hate and more the "I simply must tell you that you're not writing this fic as I want you to write it" type of deal. Often paired with "It's my personal opinion and I have every right to express it." Which, fair enough. But that means I get to do the same, which I've noticed is something those kinds of commenters kind of hate. Especially when I point out that they've now made me a lot less keen to write the fanfic they're supposedly so fond of.
Turns out people don't like being reminded that their actions have consequences.
All in all, though, I've learned to just delete the comments I find too offensive or hateful.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh god no. Sex scenes are the bane of my existence and I spend the entire time writing them looking like this: ლ(ಥ益ಥლ)
I've been told I'm not bad at writing them (the ones in Until Death Do Us Unite were quite appreciated) but anything involving sex or sexual tension is just a nightmare for me. Even more so when it's supposed to be kinky or extra spicy.
So why is one of the main ships I write for right now clearly a Dom/sub ship, you ask?
Because I'm an idiot. That's why.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you've written?
I rarely do. The only crossover I've written is Resurrection where Derek Hale ends up in Purgatory together with Dean Winchester and they fight their way back to the world of the living (so Derek replaces Benny, basically).
I also have this one random fic (yet unposted) where Tony Stark and Eddie Brock are a couple (from the MCU and Venom movies, that is). But they're technically both in the Marvel universe so I'm not sure if that counts?
Long story short, crossovers aren't really my thing. I rarely write or read them.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, no.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Several, in fact, from various fandoms. Mostly into Russian, Spanish, or Mandarin. And I am honestly so flattered every time someone asks me if they can translate one of my fics 💜
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, no. I made plans to write a fic with a friend once, but we never got to the point of actually writing it. And, in all honesty, I think that might be just as well. I'm a perfectionist and writing a fic with me would probably be very exhausting for the other party xD
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I really don't know. Like, I'm tempted to say Jensen and Cougar from The Losers, or maybe Destiel or Stony, but I think that's partly founded in comfort and nostalgia. My ships change as I do and I really can't pinpoint an all-time favourite.
But CURRENT favourite? Definitely Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On because they present such a wonderful challenge to someone like me, who loves to go real deep into character motivations, behaviour etc. They're a delight.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm not sure. I plan to finish all the ones I've started posting but there might be some in my folders that I'll decide to abandon if I truly can't revive my interest in them. But, usually, I can.
And, speaking of that, to all my MCU peeps (if there are any of you still out there): I know you've waited six years for the Tech Support sequel but it's finally been written and just needs to be edited. It's coming, my darlings. I promise.
Basically, when I say I'll do something, I will do it — even if it takes me six goddamn years, apparently x'D
What are your writing strengths?
Characters, tone, and emotions. I'm good at capturing the essence of the characters and write them in a way that feels believable and close to canon. I'm also really good at making people feel things with my writing, I've been told. According to testimonials, my readers can often see what's happening play out inside their heads like a movie, and feel the characters' emotions as they're living through them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Aside from the aforementioned sex scenes? I think it's my inability to keep things short. I use a lot of unnecessary words and could definitely get better at being more concise. In a similar vein, I sometimes focus so much on the details with lengthy, wordy descriptions that I accidentally forget about the big picture, which is understandably confusing to my readers.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it from time to time (since my man Cougar speaks Spanish) but I'm pretty careful with it. And if it's longer sentences I always make sure to double-check with a native speaker.
First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Wolf! Which, admittedly, was because I didn't care if I fucked it up x'D I enjoyed the first two seasons of Teen Wolf, make no mistake! But I chose it mainly because it wasn't the ship I was the most emotionally invested in and so I figured it wouldn't feel as bad if it turned out that I sucked. Luckily enough for me, I didn't xD
Favourite fic you've written?
Just like with the all-time favourite ship, I'm not sure if I can answer this one. Because I like all of my fics but in different ways.
I'll always have a fondness for that first huge Teen Wolf series I wrote, for example, and had a lot of fun with Autonomy because of the world-building. Same goes with Hyperborean. But Who Holds the Devil is definitely my favourite when it comes to character work. While Allies is my favourite when it comes to tone, since it ended up just the way I wanted it to. And Until Death Do Us Unite was an absolute BLAST because I got to write horror and some really weirdass shit, which I've never done before.
So, truly, I can't say. Each one I've written has something I cherish and while some definitely stand out more than others, I wouldn't be able to just pick one.
And that's that! I tag whoever wants to do it! :D
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bumblingbabooshka · 24 days
thoughts on saavik?
I don't know anything about Saavik v_v I really love these two posts about her though! X and X I think about these posts often and whenever I do I feel like I want to draw!
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defeateddetectives · 7 months
*cha cha chas into ur inbox* soooooo what is ur horrible exorcists arranged marriage headcanon AU friend!!! INQUIRING MINDS (ME) WISH TO KNOW!!! :))))
i need to preface this with: i thought about this and thought about this and it is not necessarily a happy story!!!
it would likely be an AU where the sight in the natori clan hadn't completely died out like it had in canon and they were in a much more panicked and precarious state and trying to form a desperate alliance as a last ditch attempt of keeping the name afloat even if only symbolically
shuuichi would be begrudging and prickly about the arrangement the whole time but go along with it to ~save the clan~ in whatever shape or form because he's one of the few stronger ones left with the sight and the de facto heir and ultimately feels responsible
the alliance may have been presented initially as an alternative to total clan subsummation wherein the natori clan gets protection as well but it does...inevitably...lead to...more or less total clan subsummation because who are we kidding??? all parties sort of knew this was gonna happen at the outset anyway what with how the matobas roll. exploiting yet another dying clan? is anyone surprised!!!?
and lbr shuuichi and his clan don't really have a leg to stand on which leads to a whole other brand of angst and interclan drama which also gets mirrored in their relationship for bonus fun anguish points :D
i do think it would be more punchy and impactful if they were a bit younger at the time of this marriage...like 19/20ish? something about them being less polished and savvy and settled into their identities and more easily swayed by the forces around them! seiji is also still the heir rather than clan head at the time!
seiji still held some softness for shuuichi prior to all this and was semi-pining for years but cant really focus on that so much anymore once the arrangement goes ahead and he tries to soften the blow of everything as much as he can (which isn't a lot early on and in his current position)
meanwhile shuuichi may have once had some semblance of softness for seiji mixed with insecurity and a thousand other complicated feelings à la canon but now he's far too busy being outraged and devastated in equal parts to feel anything else. like i said. NOT necessarily a happy story!!!!!!
there's a version where maybe, over time, they could approach some common ground but honestly even if they managed to mutually care for/grow into some semblance of functional partnership and "love" for each other, shuuichi very much would fight the loss of his identity as a natori tooth and nail (and grieve and mourn) and it would definitely colour and periodically sour their entire relationship if not overtly then definitely covertly
and the thing is: if it was anyone else, seiji would be able to nicely compartmentalize and barrel on through but because it's this specific person that he's quietly adored since they were kids, it crushes him as well to see shuuichi so stifled and that fire of his (one of the things that had charmed seiji about him early one!!!) nearly burned out
some time passes and the current matoba head dies and seiji takes the mantle. superficially and politically, they end up presenting a united front and rock the power couple aesthetic for a few years but DEEP DOWN THEY ARE CRUMBLING!!! they go days without speaking to each other behind closed doors unless necessary and it becomes more of a hollow, weary, performance than anything that they get good at doing on autopilot
eventually it comes to a breaking point and, hilariously, maybe the arranged marriage divorce--not a decision made lightly--winds up being the great point of catharsis (and the biggest romantic gesture on seiji's part)--ACTUALLY WAIT I'VE CONNECTED THE DOTS!!! I'VE CONNECTED THEM!!!
THEIR LOVE STORY WOULD IN FACT TAKE-OFF AFTER THEY ENDED THE MARRIAGE AND COULD FINALLY FEEL LIKE THEY WERE ON SOMETHING OF EQUAL FOOTING because that would be so important for shuuichi and also for seiji to let shuuichi have that agency and choose him on his own terms rather than because he was Supposed To
seiji offers shuuichi/the natori clan matoba clan's protection anywayyy because he can (to the matoba elders who aren't about it, he goes: shhh it's alimony!) and yes, i'm probably handwaving exorcist divorce law--which i now want to study for fun--and i know he can't just make these decisions unilaterally but, on a level, this would also be a story about seiji growing into his own power and identity as clan head and getting creative with loopholes that let him meet his own ends
so the end is the beginning is the end and shuuichi does wind up back at square one with a dying clan at the end of the day and hated by his family for being ~selfish and burning that bridge in their eyes
but the two of them also get a proper shot now at Being In Love in some shape or form ON PURPOSE!!!!!
once more with feeling: this is not (necessarily) a happy story!!!!!! not in every way anyway!!!!!!!
bonus epilogue: natori shuuichi shows up at the next matobacorp board meeting with a board seat to his name and half the company shares that he was gifted in the divorce <3 love is real etc etc. [muffled sounds of the succession opening theme playing in the distance] they go on a cute little coffee date after.
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