#But tbh
furiouskettle · 2 months
feel free to pass if you haven’t seen or read it, but dungeon meshi if you’re interested!
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how2billionaire · 1 month
watching tommy grow up so publicly in tandem with myself is genuinely such a touching experience. his periodic little "coming of age" vlogs always exactly hit the mark re: where i'm at with my own life, especially developmentally. we're lucky he externalizes all emotion instead of processing it on the inside, and is open to talking about how he has changed, instead of being ashamed of who he used to be. he literally comes to me as a long lost friend whom I once picked apples with in papa’s orchard
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834k · 8 months
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
We appreciate your sacrifices in the name of Lore
thank you thank you
im still working through the off week, finally made it past red bull and Filipe massa and onto the susie wolff legal action now
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scruncheduppaper · 2 months
can we talk abt how insanely hot kabru is
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ive probably posted these a billion times before but idc. hes got everything. this brown twink is so pretty idk im pretty sure if he smiled at me with those fucking eyes id fold immediately. i get why hes popular with the ladies (im falling for it oh no) hes just the right amount of a bit freaky and silly for him to still be human. hes a gentleman when he needs to be and hes actually a really fucking kind human being at the same time like hes a genuinely nice guy
most of all though i think his ruthless mind and sharp analytical skills (in terms of humans) is just the most appealing to me. the way his brain ticks and the descriptions of his thinking process is like the equivalent to fanservice panty shots or whatever. i like seeing him covered in blood ohhh my god i get ppl simping over falin in that scene but i think kabru stabbing her made my stomach do flips. do you understand. i would Let him psychoanalyse me and/or stab me. in fact id encourage him to do it. it’d probably be hot. kabru please reject me so i can move on with my life. i understand rin so fucking bad (i love her too btw)
this is not a general post. this is personal. this is my account i can say whatever i want idc idk im like rlly tired rn. kap. kapru
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anyways too tired to draw properly today have a little doodle. i might make an edit of him later
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bakubunny · 4 months
Um i agree with the daddy dom shoto I really want him to finger me until im about to cum and say “i know baby I know go ahead “i would fucking melt add in to this love
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ugh. you and me both, nonnie.
i’m v. tempted to draft shoto giving reader their first ruined orgasm. the question is tho would it be shoto’s first time doing that or not?… i’m undecided but leaning towards he knows what he’s doing.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Stranger Things has a HUGE fandom. I think just one way we could come together and make an impact is by donating to the Entertainment Community Fund (they mention it specifically on the WGA Strike site).
Something fandoms do all the time is come together and manage to donate hundreds upon thousands of dollars, and bc there’s so many of them, each of them don’t even have to donate a lot.
News articles popping up that it’s been reported the fund received hundreds upon thousands of donations over a short time, likely as a result of ST fans coming together to do their part, feels like the least we can do right?…
Im trying to explore all options here.
Most of us live nowhere near the studios so protesting isn’t an option.
Spamming Netflix social media with our qualms seems like a lost cause bc they deal with fans hounding them every other day for canceling their favorite shows and don’t bat an eye, granted those fandoms obviously weren’t too big in the first place otherwise the shows probably wouldn’t have been canceled in the first place so that’s not saying a lot. Regardless, that also feels like a dead end, assuming our help starts and ends with us spamming Ted Sarandos’ instagram, that won’t go very far.
My point is, we don’t have that many options.
We can spread the word and hopefully those that do have the ability to do something more active in person will be inspired to.
We can do what we can online to be heard.
But it only goes so far.
I feel we are fortunate to have a HUGE fandom, so the prospects of focusing on spreading the word about the strike and encouraging fans to donate to that fund, is something that feels substantial, that would 100% make an impact in terms of it directly benefiting the writers.
I personally don’t have much money to give and I know that’s the case for a lot of people. But I could do it at least once and if we managed to pull together hundreds upon thousands of fans to do the same, that’s gotta be worth something?
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bornetoblood · 1 year
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Having intellectual Bloodborne discussions
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tare-anime · 8 months
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Like mother like daughter
Somehow they managed to make simple daily life things a bloody mess.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
Hey I saw one of your asks on the wizards being sent to Lightrock instead of Omega by a friend and that reminded me of a theory I had.
What if Duman was sent to Omega by Nabu and that’s why the other wizards went there after the whole trial thing. They were trying to find him. And that’d explain why they were grieving since they could still sense he was alive.
!!! I actually like that, it really does fill up a bunch of holes!! Suddenly Nabu is not a murderer and the wizards aren't dismissive and a little silly
But really hoping for the fairies that Duman either doesn't remember any tricks from back when he fought Aurora, or that he's too weakened to reach any of it. Unless that's a fancy little way out we're leaving for him there. 👁👁
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rayven81194 · 5 months
in honour of the silly guys birthday, have a small quality Ray
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
Little character touches I love about Red Dwarf
Rimmer says "what on io" because he grew up there
The ships computer uses cockney rhyming slang
The way Lister puts his cigarettes in his ear
Kryten having increasingly specific chips for every mood, ability, and quirk
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 3 months
do I understand the boop thing? absolutely not. did i happy stim as soon as I saw my favorite house md (specifically hilson characterization/dynamics) author booped me? ……….mayhaps.
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soul-of-rei · 1 year
smth smth reblog for larger sample size
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
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Ash @ The 5SOS Show Uncasville
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tosahobi-if · 6 months
Yer, is there going to be any flavor text if we pick a female or male mc? Are they treated differently?
jfksjk some flavor text will be affected but the idea of coding in sexism makes me 😑 so not really! the differences i can think of is the type of poetry tang bai quotes at the mc when you get hit on, and madam yeo treats you a little nicer if you're not a m!mc but that's it i think!
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