#But this is my ONE pet peeve
cupoteahatter · 2 years
SGE spoilers in tags
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mwagneto · 2 years
sorry idk but the way the world is so fast and the people in it still want it to be faster is sooo annoying to me. people groaning while standing in line for 3 minutes people being mad the train ride is gonna take 2 hours people complaining that the bus is a few minutes late people being angry that construction work is taking months even though it used to take decades. don't you see the world is already so so so fast in every single aspect can't you understand that being mad will do nothing and just make your mood worse. enjoy the moments of stillness you're given. just stand in line and look at the people around you. sit on the train and watch the scenery. you'll get there.
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valc0 · 4 months
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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gloriousburden · 15 days
Omg so many people love to mock Avengers Loki’s hair for being “greasy”/“unwashed” (which I can’t stand because it’s so obviously hair gel…) but love and even praise his hair in Ragnarok/the all black suit outfit when his hair with that outfit GENUINELY looks greasy and not even just slicked back/styled with gel.
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It’s so obviously styled. Greasy/unwashed hair doesn’t do that. Even when I was more tolerant of Ragnarok… I knew this was a mess. Does Loki’s hair in Avengers look crunchy? Yes. Does it look greasy/unwashed? NO!
Btw I really never cared for the all black suit outfit 😭😭😭😭 it’s nothing special to me, and I prefer Stuttgart/Thor 1 when he was wearing a suit. Feel like I’m definitely in the minority though.
On a more positive note, though…
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Shitty pictures, but I actually kind of like what they did with his hair in IW. Is it perfect? No, but I like how you could see a bit of his natural waves more (which is adorable), the amount of volume, the fact it’s ever so slightly side parted/moved to the side, the way it’s more in his face and not entirely tucked/styled behind his ears, and how disheveled it is. It’s more natural looking, and not so crunchy/overly defined to the point it lacks volume/separation.
It’s so cute to me that he has naturally more wavy hair rather than straight, so I’m glad that they sort of let that show. Like in TDW too, since his hair had a more natural wave even though it was seemingly still styled. As well as obviously after his breakdown.
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idolomantises · 7 months
I always feel like the worst kind of character redemptions (other than redemptions where a character immediately redeems themselves after one conversation) are ones where the villain is betrayed and so they switch sides, and it's treated like they've become a better person.
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khaopybara · 1 month
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you tell them, piploy!
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badnewswhatsleft · 30 days
absolutely fucking huge win for me: finally found a full clean copy of the sing-off 2014 holiday special that patrick was a judge on😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭����😭
this was such a grail for ages. i'm literally so happy.
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look at him yapping about a cappella.
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amber-laughs · 6 months
“ned, jon and lyanna’s body all showed up together, why don’t people know?” because that would never happen. there is no possible way that lyanna’s body wouldn’t have decomposed which means she would have to be given to the silent sisters somewhere in Dorne. It’s possible ned could have been given her bones then and there but we know he sent them directly to winterfell. Ned didn’t go straight to winterfell, he went from the tower of joy to starfall then to King’s Landing to make amends with Robert after the blow up about elia and her children. for most certain he did not bring rhaegar’s newborn son to the place where his siblings were just brutally murdered. so what happened to jon? my best guess is that wylla the wetnurse, or whoever was seeing to him, took a boat from starfall (bc grrm made a point of saying they have them) to the north. so ned, jon, and lyanna all show up at varying times probably months to weeks in between and then ned sends for catelyn and robb. it’s not something that really looks suspicious imo
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Why hasn't anyone talked to them: a noncomprehensive list for actual play fans
Are you wondering why your favorite character seems sad or upset or just working through something, and no one else in the D&D party has talked to them at length about it? Here's a brief list of reasons that might give you an idea why!
it has literally been less than 12 hours in game and they spent 8 of them sleeping (or insert appropriate brief period of time without significant downtime)
they are deliberately hiding what's going on with them
they aren't actively hiding what's going on but neither have they reached out to anyone else
other characters have talked to them but it's not the character you want to talk to them so you're pretending no one did
other characters have attempted to talk to them and they have rebuffed them
they're actually doing pretty well but you've projected both your own problems and your desire for other people to psychically intuit them onto them and are really not even talking about canon anymore
they've previously pushed people away or simply haven't built up the connections for this to feel like a natural conversation
sometimes people work through issues at a rate that is different than what you would deem appropriate
sometimes people work through issues on their own by choice
you perceive their situation as a problem but they and/or those around them do not
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chinzhilla · 7 months
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puts the reincarnated snake deity in my pocket for safekeeping
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spaciebabie · 8 months
oh so you wanna fuck that monster huh. make sexy art of them without giving them muscles and/or making them look human
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geebeeskoos · 6 months
I can certainly see why people are obsessed about the slow burn reading of narumitsu, the one where they wait for 7, 9 or even more years before they ever do anything romantic together, but. Their relationship in the trilogy era could be so, so interesting and complicated and yet so. Warm and full of comfort.
Just... Two traumatized and mentally ill men trying their best to figure out this relationship thing. Phoenix remembering what it's like to have a romantic partner again, after being betrayed, after being left behind, and now confronting his abandonment issues. Edgeworth learning how to love somebody, and now trying to express it, perhaps searching for his own ways of doing so.
Yes, they encounter a number of problems. Edgeworth gets this nagging feeling at times that he's too broken for a romantic relationship, that he's a parasite leaching on another person's care and affection, thus at times he acts aloof and withdrawn. Phoenix gets paranoid that he'll end up completely alone again very soon, whenever he notices Edgeworth getting so cold all of a sudden. Edgeworth genuinely thinks at the worst moments that the right thing to do is to just break up right now so he doesn't waste any more of Phoenix' time. Phoenix is anxious that one day Edgeworth can just disappear on him again without saying a word. Edgeworth feels forever indebted for everything Phoenix did to help him, and now when he notices his partner struggling he wants to do the same for him, but he doesn't even know why Phoenix is troubled, and even less about how to help him. Phoenix is less than honest sometimes on how he feels because he really thinks that his problems are nothing compared to Edgeworth's, but he can't help but feel bitter nevertheless that his partner isn't that helping. And then feels like a petty person for that bitterness and knows that he can't be actually cross at Edgeworth for not being a mind-reader. If truth be told, they both think that the other "has it worse", so they both make the same mistake of not opening up fully until something not very good occurs.
"But why didn't you tell me anything??" They both ask each other. Often. But the important thing is, is that they get to ask that eventually. Say sorry to each other. And then move on knowing each other a little bit better, and maybe not repeating the same mistake in the future. At least, the chances are lower now.
Would it be unhealthy for them to be together in that era? Well, depends on your definition of the word 'unhealthy', but I'm a firm believer that it's better to figure out things together, with your loved one, and that's what they are doing. Healing goes much smoother when you have mutual support. And sometimes hurt people can understand and help other hurt people better than any 'healthy' person can. You are in pain, and I'm also in pain, so I understand how you feel and want to help you get through this. It's all about trust and empathy. And isn't it the core of narumitsu and their relationship?
So basically, while it takes a lot of work for them to be together at this point, it is worthwhile. And that is why I prefer the interpretation that they have something going on already in the trilogy. I really want them to struggle, but make it work. I want their relationship to begin not in the best possible moment, perhaps, but to grow more comfortable and mature with years regardless. It is not ideal and far from the perfection, and that is exactly why it's so real and beautiful.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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Kind of enjoyed his character teaser! :)
I think Lyney will be pretty interesting especially if he’s the main character introducing us to Fontaine (similarly to like collei and tighnari being the first characters for sumeru). The relationship between magic and law to the truth are very counter to each other, because magic presents falsehood as the truth while law is meant to uncover the truth and judge impartially based on it. I think the fact that we’re seeing a family of magicians in our first banner instead of a judge or a lawyer means a lot of fun things are in store for the Fontaine justice system in terms of how it handles falsehoods presented to it and how it judges what it perceives to be truth.
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archaeologysucks · 6 months
I just spent an entire day untangling a knot in a friend's family tree. It turns out that about 100 years ago, some careless researcher accidentally smooshed together two guys with the same name, in spite of the fact that they lived in different states. Even though this person appears on nearly 500 people's family trees on Ancestry.com, and dozens of people have submitted him as their qualifying ancestor for the Sons/Daughters of the American Revolution, no one has ever taken a second look and thought, "Hmm ... it's a bit weird that this feller was still living in Pennsylvania 15 years after he died in Ohio."
Anyway, I think I have it all sorted out now, and I wrote up and posted a document explaining my reasoning, attached to his profile on the tree I made. I hope it is helpful to someone, and that I'm not about to have 100 angry DAR/SAR members show up at my door with torches and pitchforks because I said that their Revolutionary War Soldier Boy ancestor wasn't actually, and they're not as super special as they thought they were.
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
Traffic Life: Widows Alliance
some minor secret life spoilers below.
The Widows' Alliance name drop in the most recent session has me being extremely normal about everything.
I just love that alliance so much. It is, as far as I can think, the only alliance in the entire traffic series that has survived all five seasons now without a single betrayal and the only murder has been consensual.
Third Life was the setup, they didn't get to actively team together so much but they had their deal and their plans, Cleo just died before they had the chance to see them through, and Scott followed not long after.
Last Life, the infamous Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss teamup my beloveds. Cleo was a semi-latecomer to the trio but it was never in question and they both stuck with it through to the end.
Double Life, The Official Team, when they turned on Pearl and still stuck by each other, to the point that they axe crit each other to emphasize to their government assigned soulmates that they didn't need them, they had each other. (Pearl's powdered snow came after the axe crits i will scream about this until i am hoarse, she retaliated with lesser damage to an injustice and cruelty done towards her first.)
Limited Life, Scott took refuge with the Clockers multiple times when the entire rest of the server was hunting him and Cleo gave him shelter without question each and every time. I think he set his spawn in their base more often then he did in his own. He also gifted multiple of his lives to them, Cleo especially, and traded a couple more.
And now Secret Life. When they tried to avoid teaming up and yet...and yet.
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phregnancy · 1 month
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brit award angles
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