#But this one feels the worst because we also lost my childhood dog less then a year ago
beeslut69 · 5 months
Sometimes I'm having a good day and then I remember that there is no longer a cute, squishy baby boy that I love with my whole heart waiting for me at home
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wickjump · 3 months
Not exactly hurt comfort but I am enjoying the idea that every time Cross reveals something about his past/childhood it slowly but surely makes the team angry. Like he happens to share a "funny story" or mention how he was treated and one by one the gang is horrified to the point where if xgaster actually showed up in the same au as them they would all be gunning for him immediately.
Also the stars showing up during this fight and like Dream: Nightmare stop this!! What are you doing to- Nightmare: (goops over and whispers something in Dream's ear) Dream: WHAT?? No fuck that (starts aiming his arrows at xgaster)
ok ya this is just plain whump warning for lotsa child abuse including physical. like beating the shit out of an 8 year old physical. also I’m so tired right now
chances are that’s not even the worst of it because you know his seven year old ass was told ‘don’t tell anyone about me beating you to near death’ and he still sticks to that. but he speaks about abuse he doesn’t even grasp counts as abuse.
withholding food. sleeping in the yard. eating food on the floor while the others sat at the dinner table as punishment (or to eat out of a dog bowl on the ground i had to do that once lol). as a kid still scared of the dark he was locked in dark rooms until he got over his fear (he’s still scared to this day but he won’t seek help because he doesn’t want to be punished again). cross touched something he wasn’t supposed to? put your hand on the burning hot stove for however many seconds that item was worth in G (maybe divided by 5/10), or until he cried.
cruel and unusual punishments were xgaster’s forte but he tells them like funny stories to the horror of literally everyone around him.
cross is not coping well with figuring out that no that’s not normal and no that’s fucked up. most of his scars are probably from xgaster (excluding the red one on his face obv). and when he delves into the traditional abuse it gets worse somehow?? anyway xgaster is on THE multiversal hitlist. star sanses and bad sanses all want his head on a wall. even ink because ink didn’t know about the abuse because xgaster never told him for obvious reasons and it’s not like cross was willing to share.
i think that once he starts talking about the abuse he can’t stop (same) and he’s just. slowly crying and eventually hyperventilating and oh he’s been holding onto that for SO long. and then he hates that he told people because he wasn’t supposed to and is scared that they’ll see him less or punish him for some reason or hate him now, but he isn’t expecting to be comforted after? wtf? he doesn’t grasp that saying ‘yeah i got in trouble at school so my dad beat me until i lost two of my baby teeth and got a temporary crack in my skull’ normally results in being hugged or something. like dude you were 8 wtf. and he’s so scared but he just wants to feel safe AUGH HE MAKES MY HEART HURT. like dude, he almost beat papyrus at a time he was so young he had to use a step-stool to reach the sink to brush his teeth :( dude…
anyway ya cross is me fr (the burning hand stove happened once/twice to me actually idk i was like 5 lol. my grandfather is not the best man) and he deserves to go through hell on earth and be tortured in his childhood i think. oh and experience comfort or whatever after idk. kross maybe because their dynamic is ‘my childhood was ruined’ x ‘my adulthood was ruined’ and i think that’s sweet. or mtt + cross poly with nightmare as the outlier wondering why they’re so affectionate all of a sudden (he’s aroace…)
BUT THATS SELF INDULGENT LMAO what really matters is how much we torture the poor lad that is cross 🥰
also make him trans because abuse isn’t enough he needs extreme dysphoria all of the time. xgaster isn’t transphobic btw this is independent from everything else
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Are you into my hero academia? What about an AU or crossover with tua?
UHHHH I am technically, like, peripherally? I watched some seasons of the show like two or three years ago and since then have simply absorbed all content through osmosis, reading fanfiction that has canon events, and my sister telling me about the arcs of her fav characters lmao
so a crossover hmmm
First of all you'd have to like, establish whether bnha is an alternate universe or just The Future If No Apocalypse with quirks being traced back to the descendants of the kids born without mothers
So let's say it's that - the glowing baby was the "first quirk" but the truth is people had powers before that. But - well, the Umbrella Academy was obviously a marketing gimmick to those in the future! There were even comics based on them
In the future, you might find some of those comics in museum exhibits dedicated to depictions of powers in the pre-quirk era, but they're just fun depictions and much less popular than, oh, DC or MCU comics which are also in the exhibits!
End of s2 doesn't happen I guess in this au?? No sparrow academy at least lmao. So, the Umbrella Academy stop the apocalypse (again) and the Commission threat is? Neutralized? Whatever. They decide to jump back to the future
Five warns them that time travel is a crapshoot, that he has no fucking idea when they'll land beyond some nebulous "future" because Five can at least control the direction if not exactly how long
Also, Five is like. Super tired. Incredibly tired. Homeboy still has a healing gut wound, time traveled twice, has been jumping all over the place, gotten even more injured, experienced paradox psychosis, and managed to undo time all in the space of like, two weeks. There actually more than that but we don't have time to get into how fucking tired Five is from his ~Month of Hell
Like genuinely this is like putting someone almost delirious from lack of sleep in the driver's seat of a car and expecting to get to your destination in one piece
But hey, the siblings are like "do it uwu" and Five has sacrificed everything for them already so why not get behind the wheel again
So Five jumps them, and of course something goes wrong because Five has pushed his powers like a great big rubber band and honestly it was only a matter of time before he lost his grip and it snapped back to hit him
So here be the umbrella academy: spilled out into the future like a cup of bad coffee.
Five probably isn't in too good of shape tbh, like they're hundreds of years in the future (but hey at least confirmation of no apocalypse am I right) in a world full of superpowers and Five is like. bleeding from his ears and nose probably idk
Let's handwave a little bit - Reginald made them all polyglots so the squad all speak varying levels of Japanese. Allison is the best at it, Five is second best but tends to use more archaic words bc he had missions in Japan back when he was with the commission, and Klaus is third best.
(Ben is the worst bc he decided when he was 16-and-dead that he didn't have to do anything regarding lessons and maintenance and hasn't given a shit since - but also he's dead so)
So you have a bunch of weird adults with a bleeding child in like, an alley who have appeared from nowhere
so of course heroes get involved
Anyway, the squad get taken in and Five is conscious but like, barely? And he's not going to let himself get separated from his siblings again fuck-you-officer and there is a lot of confusion
anyway detective tsukauchi ends up getting involved and ends up having to hear this batshit story and be like "...truth." which sends all kinds of people scrambling because fucking time travel? Like yeah, it's been theorized to be a possible quirk but there's no recorded cases of any sort of time travel that is for more than 24 hours let alone hundreds of years
"I'm an adult." Five says sourly, "I just happened to be returned to my 13 year old body when I time traveled one time."
"True." Tsukauchi says, feeling his soul leave his body, but like. absently. the way he does when he's called in at 2am after getting off of work at midnight.
"I'm 58." Five says.
"Lie." Tsukauchi says, because this is a headcanon hill I will die on.
"I'm probably 58, but it was hard to keep track. I'm at least 50." Five corrects.
"True." Tsukauchi sighs like these six (seven? they keep referring to another sibling and Klaus said 'ghost' like that was fine and it registered as true and Tsukauchi is not nearly paid enough for this) are not giving him a migraine by just existing
on the bright side there's like, probably protocols in place for individuals who are Legally Chronologically Adults but thanks to quirks are Not Physically Or Not Mentally Adults with tests to determine if the individual needs a guardian or not
though i'm gonna be honest idk if Five would pass the test bc he literally cannot take care of himself at all, has never paid taxes or understands how to exist legally, and also his emotional maturity is stunted as all hell. also like. we don't actually know how much being in his thirteen-year-old body affects his mental state but yeAH Five is vibing
anyway Tsukauchi probably phones a friend on this bullshit because Time Travel Child alone is probably enough for the Hero Commission to be like "find a way to control and use it or nuke it from orbit" and that's not even touching whatever the fuck Klaus is doing (shit gets real once 'dead men tell no tales' stops being true) let ALONE Allison's whole deal
on the bright side like, at least Vanya isn't getting side-eyed that much bc Big Destructive Quirks aren't exactly unknown? if vanya wanted to i guess quirk suppressors exist for that until extensive training on how to control a super powerful quirk happens
Tsukauchi in the group chat: Aizawa please I am literally begging you to take this bullshit on
Aizawa: in this economy? with my class?
RatGod: lol we'll take them ;3c
Aizawa: no
Anyway they probably end up having to live at UA while Five insists on trying to get them home still and everyone else is like "oh hey we used to be child soldiers as well! (:" and Aizawa is like "i hate everything about this and everything about all of you but also like nedzu is making me interact with you so :/"
nedzu is out here vibing like "lol i just don't want the hero commission to get their little paws on these time traveling fuckers, i think you should make then teaching assistants or something"
honestly the siblings are probably like. figuring out how to function in the bnha universe and getting like, legally registered and stuff while Five ferally refuses bc that's like saying he's giving up on getting them home and he can do this
Recovery girl tries to heal him a little when he arrives and he passes out for two weeks like, immediately bc homeboy is running on fumes and spite at this point
also i think on principle it would be REALLY FUNNY if the squad got to tag along with the class bc like. Five is thirteen and the class are all 15. this does not sound like a large age gap. anyone who has interacted with teenagers know that the class would squint at Five and be like "who is this sassy lost middle schooler."
I feel like when I was a sophomore we were still like "freshman... babie" even though we were literally only one year older.
i think the difference between the umbrella academy and school kids would be pretty funny like. objectively the bnha kids are lowkey child soldiers?? like they're 15 and fighting villains but like, there's all this red tape and laws and stuff but,,, deku still be breaking his limbs in a child fighting ring against equally superpowered children for like. entertainment and sponsorships sooo
but also like Five would be like "oh cool when is the experimentation class"
"the what"
"you know, when your powers are pushed real hard by putting you in different terrible situations while your dad and sibling stand by with clipboards writing down the exact voltage it takes before you can't use your powers anymore when being electrocuted"
"hound dog's office is right there. therapy is available to you at any time. i need you to know this."
all might calls Luther "my boy" like one (1) time and Luther just breaks down crying probably because he is starved for positive attention
klaus and midnight get along like a literal house on fire, aizawa tried his best to keep them apart for as long as possible but god damn
(klaus: your name is shimura nana??
all might: immediately dies choking on blood)
i feel it absolutely necessary to point out that aizawa, present mic, and midnight are all like, 30? and the umbrella academy are all between 29-early 30s? they are PEERS but like. the umbrella academy are more chaotic due to childhood trauma
the umbrella academy probably get offered to like. also train to be heroes. i mean,, there HAS to be some sort of track for people who change careers right?? you don't have to cement your future as a hero when you're 15 i'm sure there must be something and the squad already have experience if they want to go be legal heroes
diego probably does at least?? diego just vibes honestly. diego gets momo to make knives during a team exercise and they just go feral on everyone else and it ends with diego highfiving momo and someone getting way to close to being stabbed for comfort
Five might just be. legally enrolled as an Actual Student? But also i think it's funny to picture the entire squad just. all in the back of the classroom with luther trying to fit into a high school desk as they take notes on the laws of The Future surrounding heroics
every word out of the umbrella academy's mouths just make everyone more concerned on principal but like, five and klaus are probably the worst offenders. Klaus just says whatever comes to mind with no filter and Five doesn't get what people would consider to be abnormal anymore like
Five: yeah our dad bought us when we were babies and experimented on us throughout our childhood in order to make an elite team of child soldiers superheroes, it happens
Todoroki: ...have you heard of quirk marriages?
izuku probably has an aneurism bc he's is the only person who might recognize them from the comics because you know ya boy extensively researched the idea of heroics in pre-quirk eras (batman was an inspiration alright???) and might dredge up a memory of a less popular comic series
Five: I can time travel but it is very hard, which is why we are hundreds of years in the future. And why I look like a child.
Kaminari: so are you a kid or not?
Five, serenely: whatever is most convenient for me at any given moment
Mina: hell yeah game the system
they have a brief lesson on astronomy and Luther raises his hand like "ooh! i was isolated on the moon for four years and did SO MUCH research" and then just gets up and starts infodumping like way too much information on the moon
Izuku sitting there like "damn if quirks hadn't popped up we could have achieved so much in terms of space travel. please tell me more giant man who lived in pre-quirk era."
Vanya finds out about the quirkless and is like "oh mood that genuinely sounds like my childhood, being ordinary in a house full of extraordinary people, and then i found out that i did have powers but only much later in life after i had already been emotionally scarred by the experience"
deku: vanya we have so much in common
iida and uraraka: concerned noises
aizawa: hound dog. therapy with hound dog for all of you.
there's probably some conflict with like, the hero commission wanting to get their hands on the time travelers?? but probably especially five and klaus as a) time travel and b) ghosts (the hc def has bodies they would like to stay buried)
five has a pavlovian reaction to anything with 'commission' in the name and hates them on site, probably plays into his age in order to become a ward of UA or something to protect him from the commission a little bit.
(this makes nedzu Five's legal guardian. aizawa has his resignation papers all prepped in a drawer marked 'in case of emergency' but let's be real, if nedzu wants to take over the world aizawa should probably be on the rat-bear's side of things :/)
five: ah, i do recall the inhumane experimentation that we were subjected to
nedzu, who was experimented on: haha same hat! want me to dig up the location of reginald hargreeves's remains so you can spit on them?
klaus: nah no worries we dumped them out in the courtyard unceremoniously like, a while back. how long ago varies for each of us because of time travel!
luther: you said hound dog's office was down the hall and to the right?
on the bright side, Luther probably feels like. way less self conscious about his body, partially bc of his fighting and all that in the 60s but also bc !! now he genuinely doesn't feel like a freak. no one even gives him a second glance. one of the teachers looks like a slab of cement with a face. gang orca looks Like That. there is literally a student with an entire bird head and goth aesthetic. Luther does not stick out at all
allison and shinso bond over having "villainous" voice-based quirks
allison and shinso having worn muzzles at some point in their youth as punishment 🤝
aizawa probably helps train vanya as well with the whole, being able to erase a world ending quirk safely thing he's got going on which makes for a very nice safety net
i don't think vanya would want to be a hero at the end of things though. maybe the assistant teacher in the music class or something?? all vanya wants is to be able to not end the world
i feel like as time goes by, five brings up trying to get home less and less. part of that is because like,,, genuinely what do they have to go back to?? Allison has Claire, but like. I'm 100% sure the first thing she did in the future was try track down Claire's records and found out Claire was like. fine. became an adult, had a family, probably became the ancestor of the first "quirked" kids who officially popped up after light baby. had a good life, died at an old age etc. etc.
they start settling into the bnha world with like, "we can always hop aboard the five express into where the fuck ever" as a plan Z if things go completely pear shaped (again)
i'mma be real, five himself doesn't give a fuck as long as there is a) no apocalypse and b) his family is alive. Like that's it. His bar is so incredibly low and yet his life keeps fucking trying to limbo under it
i just think it would be funny to have like, Five trying to get along with his "peers" and make friends while the siblings do the same but like, in the staff room
also think it would be funny for five to just walk into the staff room and get coffee occasionally.
a teacher: why is a student in here -
Five, sipping coffee: i'm an adult
nedzu like "what kind of guardian would i be if i didn't teach my new son all the tunnels around ua so he can pop out wherever"
five like "hey new dad can i put stashes of supplies all around ua of weapons, money, food, and other assorted things that might be useful if one needed to fight or make a run for it" and nedzu is like "haha just put your list of what supplies you want in your go bags on my desk and i'll critique it later!"
anyway a bnha/tua crossover would be incredibly chaotic but probably very funny
#long post#far tua long#tua bnha crossover#what kind of disaster is this#there are so many characters in bnha to even consider#there is no more apocalypse so five either chills the fuck out or his paranoia ramps up to an eleven#or both!#five teleporting into nedzu's office like: hey i wrote a 52 page potential contingency plan for if x happens#and nedzu is like 'wonderful!' and gives it back to five the next day with corrections and critiques in red ink#klaus ben and ghost!nana get along like a house on fire even if she keeps telling klaus that he's too skinny#ben: klaus is an absolute fucking idiot with zero braincells#nana nodding sagely while looking at all might: ah yes i know the exact type#diego and snipe become absolute bros like ride or die because why not#luther gets positive reinforcement and goes to therapy#also thirteen listens patiently to luther infodumping about space because i think that would be nice#five is either like 'i'm only thirteen uwu' or 'i'm fifty eight' and there is nothing in between - only what is most convenient#i feel like kaminari and mina vibe with five's brand of chaos#iida doesn't know whether to murder five for being a gremlin and disobeying so many rules or to be respectful bc five is technically old#aizawa is SO TIRED y'all#aizawa thinks vanya is going to be the good hargreeves but PSYCHE all the hargreeves are equally chaotic in different ways#five calls nedzu 'dad' for the sole reason that it makes every teacher and/or hero in earshot cringe in automatic fear#klaus also calls nedzu dad because he just thinks it's funny#five and nedzu have similar coping mechanisms so they vibe but nedzu also vibes with klaus's sense of chaotic humor#five gets talked into healthier coping mechanisms by way of 'keeping his cover' or 'preventing the hc from getting their hands on you'#aka five is not allowed to drink alcohol#five HAS gone to midnight and been like 'hey teach knock me the fuck out my brain is working overdrive and i need to not be awake anymore'
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skrltwtch · 3 years
Prompt: a & b have been friends since they were children — but they’ve gone their separate ways during college. during that time apart, muse a and b were attacked by a vampire and werewolf respectively, undergoing a transformation they never expected. they kept it a secret from each other, hoping that this doesn’t change their friendship — until they meet up over summer and … holy fucking shit why do you SMELL like that? (Source in master list)
Word count: 5,123 words
Genre: Romance, supernatural
Warnings: Blood
Impatience composed the rhythm my fingers were drumming on the table. Late. As always. The optimist in me would say it was comforting to know that some things remained the same after all these years. The pessimist in me, the unspoken captain of this ship, wondered why it had to be this gross habit that weathered the winds of change. He suggested this time and place. He had been insistent on meeting in the evening. I didn’t mind either way. I simply figured that being fussy about what time to meet meant that he’d put some effort into being on time.
Because the bar had a flood of new patrons and a dearth of ones contented enough to leave, I went inside and got a table for us first. I didn’t want to have to think of a new place for us to go if the place was packed by the time he got here — whenever that’d be. Time check: fifteen minutes and counting. He was such a lovely friend, and may God never fail to bless every brown hair on his head for every second of his life, but this was infuriating. Not even a text to tell me where he was and what was holding him up. Morgan, please!
His arrival melted away all the indignation I was feeling — and made every hair on the back of my neck stand.
No, that was the pins and needles from sitting cross-legged for too long.
‘Ellie?’ Confusion squinched his eyes. I expected this. The last time he saw me was in college, i.e., some twenty kilograms ago. I wouldn’t have pitched a fit if he’d thought the pictures I used were the result of Photoshop, Facetune, and/or angles. In contrast, he looked exactly as he did when the pictures he used were taken — in college, albeit maybe with a little less baby fat in his face than I’d remembered. Damn. Well, how much could a person change in three years? It wasn’t like he ever needed to lose an ounce of weight, too, let alone twenty kilograms.
When I confirmed I was the same Ellie he’d had the privilege of knowing since childhood, he enveloped me in a hug. I did what had been conditioned into me by the ‘dog’ that I told people was responsible for the scar on my arm the time I went jogging at night because I thought the full moon was bright enough to keep me safe. People were more keen on lecturing me for daring to have that train of thought as a woman in London than questioning what kind of dog it was exactly that could leave a scar like the kind I had, perfectly vindicating my choice of cover for what really happened.
His scent was like a bat to my face. I’d never smelled anyone like this before. People smelled like their diets, their emotions, their likes and dislikes, their best and worst memories: all that made them, them. The scents I’d have associated with him would’ve been the crisp brininess of sea air and the comforting sweetness of chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven. Instead, he smelled like blood, yet it didn’t smell like it belonged to him — or in him. I was also discerning a discomforting whiff of inhumanity, like something in him had been switched off. On top of that, he was clammy to the touch, and, most damningly of all, perhaps — no, no ‘perhaps’, as I pressed my ear to his chest, I couldn’t hear a heartbeat.
I put on my best poker face and released myself from his embrace. ‘You’re late.’
‘I know. I’m sorry.’ He sheepishly ran his hand through his hair. ‘God, it is so good to see you. It’s been so long. And look at you! I couldn’t recognise you. (Is it gauche to say that was why I was late?) I only knew — I only had a feeling it was you because —’
‘Because …?’
He clicked his tongue. ‘That’s not important. Listen, I don’t know what I was thinking, asking to meet in a crowded bar … Do you want to go somewhere quieter? So we can talk better without having to shout?’
I downed the last of my drink, which I’d been forced to get earlier than I wanted so the staff wouldn’t kick me out for taking up a table in one of the more desirable corners of their establishment. I agreed with Morgan on the condition that he thought of where to go next. I hated crowds to begin with, and now that I was hypersensitive to all that the five senses encompassed, crowds were, to put it simply, a fucking nightmare. I should’ve put a kibosh on his suggestion to meet at a bar when he made it. I’d be comparing apples and oranges here, but not liking crowds was normal, whereas smelling and feeling like a dead person wasn’t.
We went for ice cream. The first thing he asked me was how I lost the weight. Had we not met on an app meant for matchmaking, his first question would likely have been something else entirely, something to do with what it was that had us seeing each other for the first time since college. I told him what I did to get in shape, which was to watch what I ate and move farther and for longer than the trips I made from my room to the kitchen or bathroom, or from my desk to the pantry or washroom, throughout the day. What I left out was how I’d been maintaining despite having ordered something as indulgent as three heaping scoops of gelato with chocolate brownie pieces and hot fudge sauce: catch something from an animal bite that counted an enhanced metabolism needed to sustain monthly bodily trauma among one of its many symptoms. It really was easy as that.
We opted for takeout and a walk around Hyde Park to pad out our evening. The open space did nothing to defuse his strange scent. It was all I could focus on, and I needed all the brain cells I could get to the office on such short notice focus on our conversation. We’d gotten the answers to simple questions about our lives over text prior to tonight: what we did after college, what we were doing now, how our families were doing, so on and so forth. You know, small talk bullshit. I hadn’t doubted that we’d broach the subject of our break from each other at some point during our reconnection. The elephant had made itself comfortable in the room the instant I received the notification he’d swiped right on me. The thing was, the elephant couldn’t stop another one of its ilk from invading its space, and now they were both arguing over which one of them deserved our attention better.
The almost pristine three-layered sundae drenched in strawberry sauce in Morgan’s hand provided the perfect icebreaker for me to possibly appease either elephant. ‘Are you okay, Morgan?’ I said. ‘You’ve barely touched your ice cream.’ Conversely, I was halfway through mine, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I had hot fudge sauce smeared across my lips.
It wasn’t only his restraint from inhaling his ice cream, the single course of action the Morgan I knew, the one who wouldn’t be smelling like a mortuary, would’ve carried out ages ago. He had been looking out of sorts the entire evening. Even softballs were answered with skittishness and reserve. Really, why’d he agree to meet if he wasn’t entirely over what happened all those years ago? If that was what this was about, that is. Did seeing me in person make him realise that it wasn’t the best of ideas to attempt to rekindle a friendship that’d turned awkward from differing expectations? It didn’t bother me in any way, but that was easy for me to say, considering the role I played in all this.
‘I’m fine.’ He gulped down a giant spoonful of ice cream without flinching. He and I understood the concept of ‘fine’ very differently. ‘Ellie … we’re friends, right?’
He’d wanted to be more than at one point.
‘Yeah,’ I said as deadpan as I could to prevent him from reading too much into my answer. I mean, I would if I were him.
‘We can tell each other anything.’
We sure did.
‘Promise me you won’t take this the wrong way,’ he continued.
I stared at him blankly. Caveats never came before anything good.
‘… Why do you smell like that?’
Wow, what the fuck. I should be the one asking that question, not him!
‘Like what?’ Still as deadpan as humanly possible. Disregard the fact that I hadn’t been human in a while.
‘Like … fuck, I can’t. This was a bad idea.’
‘No, tell me. Like what?’
‘Like the forest. Moss. Tree bark. Leaves. Dirt. And a little bit of raw meat.’ There were no pauses between his words, though the sounds were disparate enough to identify them as actual words. ‘No, a lot of raw meat. No, forget I said anything. Sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me tonight.’
‘Just what has gotten into you, period? Why do you smell like spoilt wine — like blood?’ I wanted to ask as well why he didn’t seem to have a heartbeat. I remembered in time that a stethoscope was required to detect that sort of thing, and I had no business owning one. I wouldn’t even know where to get one, short of robbing the doctor the next time I had to go in for a check-up.
‘Something happened to us, didn’t it? Other than the obvious.’
‘I think so. Say it together on the count of three?’ I needed the countdown to convince myself that whatever had made him like this hadn’t made him cruel. He hadn’t said or done anything that’d wound me. No, what was I thinking? This was Morgan I was talking about. What sacrilege to think he could hurt a living being. I should apologise to him for this.
He agreed to my proposition.
I started the countdown: ‘One — two — three —’
‘I’m a vampire.’
‘I’m a werewolf.’
Together: ‘What?’
‘Are you messing with me?’ he said.
‘Are you messing with me?’
‘Have I ever?’
He had a point. I really needed to apologise to him. ‘How did it happen?’ Why play dumb? I turned into a hulking wolf-woman hybrid once a month. There were obviously others like me. It stood to reason that vampires would exist as well.
‘I … met someone after college. She and I had … stuff in common. I thought she was kidding when she asked if she could feed on me the first time. I let her anyway, and so much about her made sense immediately. I asked her to turn me eventually. Being vampires together was fun at first … and then it wasn’t. I don’t regret it, though. Okay, I do regret not being able to really enjoy food anymore.’ He cast a wistful stare in the direction of his sundae. It was a milkshake by now. ‘You?’
‘I was bitten while I was hiking at night. It was an accident. He’ — I paid no attention to the wince he made — ‘realised what he did and brought me to safety. He revealed himself to me the next day. He taught me everything about being a werewolf. Of course, one thing led to another, and …’
‘He was your ex,’ he said stiffly. For the first time tonight, I smelled something other than blood on him: bitterness.
‘Yes, the one I told you about on Tinder.’ Because he asked. His responses in that part of the conversation, as brief as it was, had borne little to no emotion. Jude and I ended things on a good note. I made that clear to Morgan. There was nothing for him — as a friend — to have strong feelings about. ‘Please, Morgan.’ Us coming across each other and reconnecting on a dating app meant — was supposed to mean — nothing.
‘You’re right. I’m sorry.’ He pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘I’m sorry for what happened in college. I’m over it, I promise. The time and distance apart helped. I don’t want us to not be friends anymore because of this — because of what I did. I’m happy we got to meet again after so long … and after everything that happened.’
‘It’s okay, Morgan. I wasn’t — I’m not — upset about what happened.’ I wasn’t really anything about it. Okay, I might have been surprised that the roles had been as they were: Morgan glowed up toward the end of secondary school, a development that didn’t go unnoticed by most of the female population wherever he went, whereas I was pudgy, socially awkward, and not the right amount of weird for it to be seen as quirky, and would therefore be likely to latch on to my sole source of male attention. (I was now two out of three of those things.) ‘Things happen. We don’t get to control this kind of thing. I’m happy, too, that you’re back. I missed you. I’m happy you got to work things out and want to continue being friends. Let’s just put this behind us and move on, okay?’
I hugged him. Relief and cheer emanated from him, alleviating the musty scent that made sense to belong to a vampire.
‘I missed you, too. On the bright side, it made the vampire–werewolf confession easier to stomach, didn’t it?’ His grin revealed pointed canines.
I chuckled. We could compare our fangs sometime. ‘What do you do for food?’
He guzzled the entirety of his sundae-milkshake in one drag. I envied the apparent departure of the concept of brain freeze from him. I should learn more about vampire lore from him and see what Hollywood had gotten right and wrong. (It was mostly the latter for werewolves: we were underrepresented and misrepresented. I just could never get a fair shake on the big screen.) ‘You’d be surprised by how well vampires have modernised and worked the Internet to their advantage. Blood bag delivery services, forums and apps for vampires and … vampire enthusiasts to connect. How about you? What do you do on full moons?’
‘I drive out to the woods whenever I transform — whenever I want to. That’s a thing.’ Jude and I spent a lot of our nights together as wolves. I did miss that sometimes. Jude never prepared me for how lonely being a werewolf could be until it was too late. ‘I hunt. I play. I explore. I haven’t killed anyone to the best of my knowledge.’
‘I want to make a “good girl” joke, but you can literally tear me from limb to limb.’ I nodded with a slight air of pride. ‘This is so fascinating. Vampires are pretty straightforward. What you see in movies and on TV is what you get — mostly.’ Ah, hell. ‘Hey, can I tag along whenever you transform? So I can learn how to hunt animals. Blood bags are actually kind of shitty, and I’m trying to keep biting people to a minimum. I — um — I don’t want to accidentally go too far and turn or kill someone.’
I was deeply relieved that he was still the same caring, thoughtful person I knew in spite of the faint unfeelingness I sniffed earlier. I wouldn’t think twice if it were another vampire: maybe that was what was needed for them to survive. I mean … who was I to judge? I gave in to feral thoughts occasionally. Given a choice, the only thing I’d choose to hunt was the perfect red velvet cake. But this was Morgan, the same person I needed to apologise to for thinking he’d say something mean to make me feel bad on purpose.
‘Of course, I’d love to show you the ropes! Just don’t judge my wolf form, okay?’ I said.
‘Shut up. I’m sure you look great. Would you prefer being called cute or ferocious?’
‘Both, please.’
‘I figured. Can you believe I was afraid to tell you about this? I didn’t know how you’d react, especially after …’
‘Same.’ The club that knew what I was, was a highly exclusive one, consisting of only two members at the moment and for the foreseeable future. I didn’t dare tell anyone else. Just how would this come up in a normal conversation? ‘I know we can tell each other anything.’ We did. We were in a world where asking a friend to be more than friends was less cause for concern for one’s mental health after all. ‘And nothing’s come between us. Not even —’
He nodded emphatically.
We found a place to sit in the park and continued talking, sharing stories about our new lives and recounting those from our old ones. Time became inconsequential, as did the fact that it had done so on a weeknight. We left only because the park was closing soon and I got hungry, because enhanced metabolism. A Lebanese takeaway near the park was my saviour. Our conversation persisted into the wee hours of the morning and a long way away from where we’d started. As he turned down my request to have breakfast together before heading home almost at the crack of dawn as we were wont to do in our early college days (and he did so patiently, which was more than what I deserved for being a forgetful idiot), it hit me for a moment that being friends with a vampire might pose a challenge to scheduling, as if his chronic lateness wasn’t already a thing. Then I realised it didn’t matter. I was simply happy to have him back in my life, and while anything about us could change at any time, one thing was for certain: our friendship would be everlasting.
It happened again.
I fell in love with her again.
As soon as I felt the same tingle in my stomach that gave rise to our long separation in college, I knew I had to call our friendship off for good. This couldn’t keep happening. She needed a friend she could count on to be there for her because he wanted to out of cordiality, not one whose intentions she’d constantly be second-guessing. She had to know something was up. She had to have sensed my feelings for her. What could that nose of hers not detect? No, we agreed not to read each other’s emotions using our sense of smell. We weren’t at that level of intimacy with each other, as much as I desperately wanted us to be.
And hell, did I ever want it so terribly. Being what I was, everything I felt was intensified. I didn’t know what I might do to her if I continued to be around her while she didn’t reciprocate my feelings, and I didn’t want to find out. I was prepared to spend all of eternity without her. There’d come a time anyway when she wouldn’t be in my life anymore. Werewolves weren’t immortal. I’d have to watch her grow old — at a slower rate than humans, sure. So that’d buy us at least a decade or two. So what? I’d still have to watch her die. The sooner I ended things, the better it’d be for the both of us. She could get a head start on the life she deserved, one free of a perpetually lovesick wanker.
I’d do it tonight — under the stars at the beach, the breeze appreciable but not disruptive, the waves lapping the shore with calm strokes, the waxing gibbous moon bathing us in a warm, tranquil glow. It was fucking perfect … for what I wished this was instead of what this was supposed to be. It didn’t have to be tonight. Did I want to ruin this lovely picnic she’d so eagerly planned and looked forward to? It had to be tonight. The longer I spent in her company, the more I feared I’d do something that’d push us beyond the brink of repair.
Desire and disquietude were making it difficult to focus on her words. She was talking about … her latest project at work or the 22nd and 23rd cats her sister had just adopted … or something. Her lips were mesmerising to watch. They must feel just as nice to kiss. Jude was bloody lucky to be the only person to know for sure. Fuck. Fuck, Morgan. You’d fucking lost the plot. This shit was exactly why you needed to get away from her. Fucking knob. Fucking loser who thought ‘once bitten, twice shy’ didn’t apply to him. She’d think you were a fucking obsessive creep, and she’d be right.
‘— I can’t stand to visit her. I don’t need to be a werewolf to think that the smell of twenty-something cats in an okay-sized flat is horrendous. And no one would dare call her out on it. You know what she’s like. It’s how she has twenty-something cats to begin with. She wasn’t even a cat person before. Anyway’ — Ellie held up her hands, the movement stealing my attention from her lips, ‘low contact, as it is with the rest of them.’ She popped a pie bar in her mouth. ‘And I just spent the last five minutes ranting about my sister and her lack of self-control. Totally the best thing to do at a time like this, right?’
I could listen to her spout off about the most mundane thing possible all night and find it all so riveting.
I sipped my drink — badger blood to bring out the sweetness of the fruit-heavy dishes and complement the fowl-based sandwiches she packed. I never would’ve thought of pairing the blood of different animals with human food to make the latter more palatable. She revived in me the thrill of being a vampire after two years of languishing under the spell of ennui and regret for an existence spanning all of eternity cast on me by the desolation of my split from Lorelai. And I was likely going to go down that rabbit hole again after tonight. It was for a good cause. I’d rather be miserable than be the source of her headache.
‘Morgan? You’re — um —’ She made a circular motion at my upper body, and then heaved her shoulders in an amused shrug. ‘I wish you all the best in getting all that out.’
I looked over what she’d gestured at. ‘Fuck it. I’d been meaning to toss this shirt anyway.’
I soaked up what I could with a napkin — or five — and took off my shirt before I’d retch from the smell. I practised controlled feeding for a reason. Now I was shirtless and a little bloodied, just in time for one of the most important conversations in my very long, soon to be very lonely, life to take place. Terrific.
‘Ellie, I — I have something to tell you.’
‘I fucked up the dip, didn’t I?’
‘No, it’s not that — it’s delicious.’ For something that didn’t come from a vein, at least. ‘Ellie … I love you.’ Again. Because I was a stupid fuck.
Her lips formed an O. Stop fucking looking at her lips!
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I thought I’d gotten over it the first time.’ It sucked that there was now a ‘first time’. ‘I just get this feeling when I’m around you. I feel safe, happy — I feel like I’m alive again. I don’t have to hide anything about myself. I can be me, yet you make me want to be the best I can be for you. But I can’t keep doing this to you and myself. I don’t want to settle on being friends this time. I know that part of me won’t let me either. And I don’t know what that part of me would do if I continue to be in your life like this.’
‘Morgan —’
‘I shouldn’t have come back. I’ve enjoyed the past year tremendously. But I think — I know I have to leave now while things are still … good between us. It’d be for the best. I don’t want to fuck up what we had since we were kids. I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry. I truly am.’
She simply stared at me. She must be thinking why the fuck she’d been saddled with a right prat for a friend. Where did things go wrong? Did I knock back too many whiskey shots on my 18th birthday? I vaguely remembered her asking me to stop after my eleventh. Why wasn’t she still saying anything? Did I break her?
‘No, Morgan’ was what she said at last — and the only thing she said for the longest time.
‘I don’t understand.’
‘Don’t leave.’ Her hand hovered over mine. Uncertainty swam about in her eyes. Her dilemma was plain to see. I took her hand and locked our fingers together. This was the only time I could get away with being this forward. I wanted to savour her warmth as well for as long as I could; I’d miss it so much.
‘I have to. It’s not safe for you to be around me.’
‘But … I want to be with you. Not as friends. Morgan … I’ve fallen in love with you, too.’
‘What are you saying? No, don’t — that’s not —’ Had I put her under some kind of glamour without realising it? Was she humouring me? Every fibre of my being yearned for what I heard to be true. Nothing I’d seen in all the time we spent together suggested the possibility. Nothing we did together seemed out of the ordinary.
‘I’m — I mean it. I should be the one apologising, I think. I’ve felt this way for the last couple of months. I look forward to being with you all the time. I love receiving your texts throughout the night and waking up to them in the morning. Nothing feels like it’s happened until I tell you about it. I get these butterflies in my stomach every time you smile at me and touch me. You remember these small details about us from so long ago. I think the moment I knew was when I was having a tough time transforming for whatever reason and you were just … there for me, holding me, talking me down. I love you. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you sooner. I didn’t know how. I didn’t know how you’d react because of — because of what happened in college.’
She sniffled. Seeing that I was the reason for her tears stung my heart. I wiped them away for her. ‘I love you. I always will,’ I said.
Then our lips met. I’d waited so long for this, and it was both everything I dreamt of and like nothing I could’ve ever imagined. Her lips were so warm, so soft, so sweet. I tasted the tartness of cherries and apples, the smokiness of turkey, the acidic sharpness of vinaigrette, on her mouth, notes I thought lost to me forever. An indistinct thumping sounded deep inside my chest. Her fingers slid into my hair, making waves of it. I pulled her closer to me, my hands gripping her waist, in the hope that the rush of her skin against mine would allay my doubts that this was all just a dream. But how could it be a dream when everything seemed to finally make sense? While Lorelai had promised a life anew in death, Ellie was the promise of a life renewed and delivered from death.
I didn’t want this moment to end. It had to, as my body was beginning to respond to the call of her blood.
She pulled away. No, I wanted to cry out. She must’ve sensed my thirst.
‘It’s okay if you want to,’ she said. ‘I’m not afraid.’
She bared her neck for me. My nostrils flared. I could smell her blood — like red hot ambrosia. Her heartbeat pounded in my ears, growing louder with every second I dithered. Why was I hesitating? I wanted her. I needed her.
I sank my teeth into her neck. She shuddered; a soft moan fled her lips. Crimson flowed out of the punctures I made. Everything I’d imbibed prior paled in comparison to what I was now partaking of: little explosions of flavour — syrupy, racy, robust — went off in my mouth. I feared nothing else could do it for me after this. I lapped up every drop of ruby as if it were exquisite manna; I made sure none of it went to waste. The blood I ingested was making its way south, making a signal for another kind of craving to be met. Not now. It’d be too soon for us. I had all the time in the world to get to know her better.
Her scent and whines were becoming too hard to ignore. I stopped for fear that I was misinterpreting them out of my own bias. I found myself staring into enlarged amber irises in pools of black. Claws had popped out from under her fingernails. She, too, was sporting fangs. Her chest, lightly shining with sweat, rose and fell sharply. The changes reversed themselves in short order. Red spread across her cheeks in uneven blotches.
‘I’m sorry. I —’ she said.
I cupped my hand around her cheek. ‘You can let go if you want to. You don’t have to be shy around me.’ She’d always been sheepish about her wolf form and the lengths she went to for its emergence around me. The incident she referred to had only been allowed to happen because her panic attack drowned out any embarrassment, any diffidence, she harboured about the process. That was the only time I saw her in that state.
She shook her head. ‘I know. I just — I’d want to experience that — our first time — as myself, and I don’t think I can do that now. I hope that’s okay.’
I wiped my mouth and gave her a light kiss on the lips. ‘Of course. We don’t have to rush into things. We have a lifetime ahead of us’, and I wanted every second to be as special as the last. She smiled in agreement and enfolded me in a tight embrace. It startled me how much she felt just like home in my arms. I could do this with her forever, and for a fleeting moment, as I fingered the now unblemished skin where my teeth had pierced, I wondered if there would ever be the chance of her wanting to share in my idea of forever.
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 30
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: At Waystation, pt 3/?
A/N: Chapter 30 already! This chapter was not an easy one to edit as I was insecure about a lot of things, but hey, it's out now and that's what matters, right? I am so aware things are progressing a bit slowly right now but I feel it's kind of 'necessary' to have a bit of down time before things start going down. (Not that I'm capable of writing actual drama.) Well, at least we'll find out a bit more about Leo's past in this chapter.
Without a further ado, please enjoy and let me know what you think (those comments really help me!!!)
Words: exactly 3000 apparently :O
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
After breakfast Leo asked Calypso if she would like him to give her a tour around Waystation. She agreed, but Leo couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow at his family members when Georgina asked if she could go with the flatmates and Leo’s mothers told her that they needed Georgie’s help in some Christmas chores.
“What?” Josephine asked innocently when she noticed Leo staring.
“I dunno, tía Jo. It just kinda seems like you don’t want Georgie to hang out with us,” he stated bluntly.
“That’s not accurate at all, Leo,” she denied. “I’d gladly let Georgina go with you but we really do need her help around here. Christmas isn’t coming if we all just slack off, right, Emmie?”
“I agree, dear. I haven’t even…” Emmie’s hesitance only deepened Leo’s suspicions. “...hmmm, taken care of our mistletoes yet.”
“Mistletoes?” Leo crossed his arms over his chest, briefly daring to wonder what would happen if he and Calypso were under one of those plants at the same time. He shook his head to dispel such an idea.
“Didn’t we agree that we don’t need stuff like that? You don’t even like Christmas!”
“I may agree that this holiday is way too commercial these days, but since Emmie has some mistletoes growing in her greenhouse anyway, I don’t see why we wouldn’t use them,” Jo commented. “It’s nice that Georgie gets to experience some of the old traditions even if we grownups don’t care about them.”
“Whatever,” Leo rolled his eyes, knowing he wouldn’t win that battle.
“Um, if you need extra hands,” Calypso joined the conversation, addressing Jo and Emmie, “I don’t have to go with Leo. I’d love to help too.”
Leo felt a twinge of disappointment because of Calypso’s suggestion. His insecure side yelled that maybe he had misread Calypso’s intentions all along.
“Oh, no, no!” Emmie denied immediately. “You are our guest; we want you to take it easy and enjoy your stay here. I bet Leo’s tour is a lot more fun than us peeling way too many potatoes and carrots for the casserole.”
“I wouldn’t mind peeling potatoes,” Calypso mumbled but Leo’s mothers pretended they didn’t even hear that. The flatmates simply had to accept that they wouldn’t have a chaperone - except maybe Festus - on their tour.
Once the two of them were outside, Leo’s thoughts went back to the time when he had first arrived at Waystation. Back then, he had been only 15, having just escaped from his latest foster home, which had been located far away in New Mexico. His foster family there had hidden their opinion on him very badly, giving him sly remarks about his looks and telling him to speak clearer English even though Leo’s English had always been fine, thanks to his real mother allowing him to learn both Spanish and English as a small kid. They had also made him do the hard work such as carrying heavy loads while the other foster kid of the family got the easy tasks. And when he had come home from school with bad grades, the foster parents had commented: “why do we even bother with you?”
At some point Leo had simply had enough, and by selling some of the few belongings he had he had managed to gather just enough money for one plane ticket and so he flew to Indianapolis without telling anything to his foster family.
After living on the streets and successfully dodging the authorities for a couple of weeks, the police finally found him and contacted the local social workers. Thankfully, after Leo put all his convincing skills to use, they agreed to not send him back to New Mexico, instead finding him a new foster family nearby. Leo hadn’t had high expectations because he had been in at least 6 different foster homes since his mother’s death and none of them had been a good match for him. Some had been abusive, some racist, some ignorant, some had had kids who were bullies, some had had alcohol issues… What had been common for them all was that none of them had treated him the way they should have.
That was why Leo had picked some bad habits too; he wanted to drown his feelings somehow and he ended up stealing small amounts of money from his foster family so he could buy alcohol from his older homeless ‘friends’. He had hated how it made him feel afterwards, but it had been the only way he had known how to deal with his issues. At some point he had even had suicidal thoughts because the guilt and trauma from his childhood got so bad he woke up covered in sweat after the same old fire filled nightmare almost every night. And going from foster home to foster home and feeling like none of those people cared what he really did with his life definitely didn’t help him regain his feeling of self worth. He had no future, no plans, no real friends or family and nowhere to go.
Luckily, during his worst phase in his last foster home someone from his homeless group mentioned having a relative in Indiana and that he was hoping to move there at some point in hopes of getting a new start for his life. That idea sparked something in Leo’s mind and when he started planning his big escape, Indianapolis was the first place that he thought of.
When he finally met Jo and Emmie, he was surprised. Seeing them spending time with their then 5-year-old adoptive daughter, he could tell that these women genuinely cared about the little girl and did everything for her wellbeing. Not only that, Jo was a mechanic just like Leo’s real mother and they had also other things in common. With some patience and showing that they cared, simply by making sure that Leo ate, rested and had something to do with his time other than dwelling on his sad past, they eventually won him over. And when Leo discovered thanks to Jo’s help that he himself had the skills to become a mechanic someday as well, he finally had a goal to reach and studying wasn’t quite as big a struggle for him anymore.
Soon, however, Leo became afraid that Jo and Emmie wouldn’t want to keep him around because he still had some bad days when he literally had to be dragged from his bed. He was also worried that maybe the women had heard what he had done in his past and were silently judging him. Instead, they surprised him by telling him that they wanted to officially adopt him much like Georgina because he was a part of their family now. As an added bonus they assigned him for therapy sessions, which really helped and the days when he didn’t want to do anything became less and less. Leo knew he was still a work in progress but this family had helped him so much and he had found his purpose, his home, at Waystation.
Calypso had naturally noticed Leo’s silence so eventually she asked:
“Are you OK? You’re being unusually quiet.”
“Oh, yeah, just dandy!” Leo exclaimed, trying to act more like his usual self. “I was just thinking about the times when I first moved in here.”
“Really? Do you want to tell me more about that?” Calypso asked curiously.
“I guess it won’t hurt.” Leo shrugged. “I don’t remember if I’ve told you that I was in a lot of foster homes before I got here. Well, my last foster parents were really shitty people and I was this close to… I dunno, doing something desperate. So I decided to just leave and ended up here in Indianapolis. I, um, was homeless for a bit but when the social workers got me into their hands they found me a new family, Jo and Emmie. At first they were supposed to only foster me for a time being but they ended up adopting me instead. I… haven’t told this to anyone, but they probably saved my life by doing that. The Leo from that time was far from the Super-Sized McSizzle that I am now,” he attempted to joke, but Calypso ignored that. Instead, she said:
“I’m sorry you had to go through that… but I’m glad you opened up about it to me.” Leo’s heart did an extra jump when he saw Calypso smiling at him supportingly. He would never get used to that. “And I’m glad Jo and Emmie adopted you.”
“Yeah, me too… When I first saw the place I was like, ‘wow, I wish I could stay here’. Obviously the people here are awesome - they are my family - but that wasn’t the only thing the 15-year-old me cared about. The cars and other machines Jo was fixing? So cool. I had only seen something like that at my childhood home and the nostalgia hit me like ‘boom’ right away.”
“I should have known it was the machines that convinced you to stay here,” Calypso teased, but Leo knew her already too well to get provoked by that.
“Nah. I mean, they’re neat and all, but Jo and Emmie did the actual convincing.”
“Okay, I believe you. So, was Jo’s garage what made you want to become a mechanical engineer?” Calypso asked.
“I guess the spark was always there but it took me a while to convince myself that I should try to pursue that goal. But when I started going to school again regularly – long story, don’t ask – I noticed that the sciences were easy for me, I was also decent enough at drawing – which of course helps with the blueprints and stuff – and Jo let me try fixing some of the simpler machines she had and turned out I wasn’t half bad. It was Jo and Emmie who kept pushing me to apply for the uni, though, because they believed in me more than I did. I’m thankful that they did it but… sometimes I still doubt...” Leo hadn’t talked about his insecurities even to his adoptive mothers so he felt that the fact that he was able to open up about it to Calypso was a big deal.
“I’ve seen you fix countless items,” Calypso said slowly. “I’ve noticed that you’re always… so different when you’re fiddling with your machines. More relaxed. Calmer. Surer of what you do. And your eyes sparkle and you hum some old school rock song while you work and I can just tell that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.”
Leo had to avert his eyes from her because he was afraid he would do something stupid like cry if he looked at her too long in that moment. No matter how encouraging his family, friends and the therapist were… it was still hard to get used to the compliments. And if he was honest to himself, he probably valued Calypso’s opinion more than anyone else’s at that point.
“Wow… umm… I don’t know how to answer that…” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“A simple thank you would probably do,” Calypso replied. “But know that I mean what I say. Now, how about you show me that famous garage?”
Leo did as he was told. He introduced Calypso to all the tools and machinery they used to fix whatever item the customer happened to bring in. He had a feeling that Calypso probably didn’t have any idea what he was talking about half the time because he tended to get very technical with the terms when he got excited, but she still seemed content listening to him. At least she wasn’t telling him to stop, which was definitely a plus.
To Leo’s surprise, Calypso went to the table where he and Jo used to draw their blueprints and asked him if she could see how he did it because she hadn’t seen his blueprints before. He complied, taking a pencil and a piece of blank paper from the stack and looking at Calypso questioningly.
“What do you want me to draw, then? I may have some experience on this but even I need some ideas first…”
“You can draw whatever you like. How about Festus?” Calypso requested.
“Festus?” Leo tapped the pencil against his chin for a moment, considering Calypso’s request. “Hmm, as you wish, Sunshine.”
He started making fast, swift motions on the paper and it didn’t take him very long to finish the sketch. Sure, the lines were a bit rough, but Calypso told him she was very impressed by how accurately he remembered even the little details, such as a dark spot on Festus’ back, how the tail curved when he was happy, and how he was missing a tiny piece of the tip of his left ear.
Leo felt a bit embarrassed by the praise. “It just comes with me hanging out with him so much. Nothing more to it, really.” He looked at the sketch for a moment. “Hold on, I feel like this is missing something. Can you look towards that window for a moment?”
“What, why?” Calypso asked, but turned anyway.
“Just adding something real quick,” Leo replied and started sketching again. He wondered if it was the lighting of the room but he thought Calypso’s cheeks seemed a bit darker than usual and she kept looking at the floor shyly. When he realized that he’d probably feel the same way if she was drawing him, he himself got flustered and decided to try to finish the drawing as quickly as possible. Within minutes he had drawn her next to Festus, playing with him, wearing the same holiday sweater and jeans she currently was.
“Can I see?” Calypso asked.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Leo gave the picture to her. “It’s not detailed or anything but I tried.”
Calypso kept staring at it for a moment. “Leo… this looks great! I mean, I don’t think I am that pretty but I am quite amazed that you managed to do this that fast!”
Leo wanted to say that there was no way the picture did her justice but he knew that would be a never ending debate so instead he told her: “It’s the experience, Sunshine. When you draw hundreds of blueprints you learn to be fast.”
Calypso turned her attention to the drawing again. “Can I get it?” she asked after a while.
“Because Festus looks cute, you weirdo. That’s a good enough reason, right?”
“Fine, you can have it. I’m not sure where I’d put it anyway.” Leo shrugged. He wasn’t sure why Calypso possibly hanging the picture on her wall made him feel a bit weird. In a good way, though.
Once the two of them left the garage, Leo pointed at a smaller building next to the ‘main’ one. A couple of pointy ears were peeking from the upstairs windows. “That’s where our foster animals live. I think the kid me wished on some level that I could have a pet but my mom could never afford one… but Jo and Emmie have been fostering rescue cats and dogs even before I got here. One of them was Festus’ mum; she was pregnant when she arrived here. When she had her puppies, I noticed that one of them was a bit of an outsider and we instantly formed a bond. Jo and Emmie allowed him to stay here even though he sure would have had adopters.”
“That was really sweet of them,” Calypso commented. “Can we see who’s in there right now?”
“Sure but we should probably let Emmie know about it because she’s pretty strict about who can go in. She may ask us to wear ‘bunny suits’; some of the animals may be sick and we don’t wanna spread the bugs around.”
“No problem, let’s go see her then.”
When Emmie heard what Leo and Calypso were about to do, she promised to stop her Christmas chores for a while so she could show them (mainly Calypso) around in the rescue house. Currently she was fostering two young puppies who had been found on the streets without their mother, a mother cat with her 4 kittens who were getting close to their adoption age, and an older cat with some kidney issues who seemed to however adore the little kittens.
Leo was watching Calypso’s reactions closely as Emmie was introducing her to the kittens. Soon one of the braver kittens climbed on the girl’s lap, giving her a tiny ‘meow’ and then started nuzzling against her sleeve.
“Aww, look Leo! He loves me,” Calypso exclaimed, smiling widely as the kitten started purring loudly on her lap while she pet him. ‘He’s not the only one,’ Leo thought in his mind. Aloud he asked: “Why do you sound so surprised?”
“I guess because I’ve never really handled cats so I didn’t know how they’d react to me…” Calypso noted more seriously. But then the happiness returned to her face. “You know, this one reminds me of you! He also has long, black hair like you and fierce eyes.”
“Fierce?” Leo raised his eyebrow. “That’s what you think of me?”
Calypso seemed to want to explain but with Emmie in the room she didn’t go to details. “Um, maybe? Hey, look! Another one is coming!”
This time a small ginger kitten was approaching her and Calypso extended her arm so the kitten could sniff her. The group kept making small talk about the cats in the room and continued snuggling them, but Leo’s eyes were on Calypso the whole time. He could see how happy she was about such a simple thing as kittens and it made him feel lighter, warmer again, even though he had just remembered some very bad times a few moments earlier. Maybe all of it had been meant to happen, he wondered briefly. After all, it led him here, to his family… and Calypso.
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          Your mom passed away two weeks ago. When you make the discover that your father is Chris Evans, he accepts you into the family right away. 
          Chris must have sat in the car for fifteen minutes before getting up the courage to go inside your house. He didn’t even know it was your house because he didn’t know you existed, much less who you were to him. He knew it was your mother’s house. Your dead mother’s house. You, at sixteen, had lost your mother and found your father in the same day. And you’d decided to stay with your grandparents for a couple of days until he hopefully showed up at the funeral, which he did. You recognized him because he looked exactly like you, but you also knew him because he was an actor. And you hated that you were about to uproot his life, but you needed a parent, however you could get one. So you stood in your bedroom, your birth certificate in your hands, and paced back and forth.
           Your mom, Lauren, had dated Chris for six years. Everyone thought they were going to get married, have you the right way, and be together forever. But he just kept getting gigs and moved out to L.A, and he booked Not Another Teen Movie, and your mom just couldn’t do it. So she kept you a secret, knowing that it would’ve been career suicide for him. You only found out when she died and you needed a copy of your birth certificate to take to the state.
           “Are you telling him?” Your best friend since childhood asked. You nodded, turning to him.
           “I have to.” You heard the doorbell downstairs. Chris must have just come in downstairs. You braced yourself. You’d told your grandmother that as soon as he got there, direct him upstairs, and you’d take it from there. They were surprisingly supportive of it all, but you had a feeling that they just wanted someone else to pay for your college when the time came.
           “Come find me when everything’s over, okay?” Your best friend took you in a hug before leaving your room. You were standing there for another minute, yellow envelope in the center of your bed, when a slightly familiar face knocked on the open doorway. It was Chris. And for a second, you froze. You didn’t want to de-rail his life like this, but after just seeing him, you knew you needed him. You nearly started crying then.
           “Hey, Y/n, you’re Lauren’s daughter, right?” He asked. “You might not know me, but your Mom and I dated until up around the time you came around.” You turned around, nodding, and picked up the envelope.
           “That’s why I asked you to come up here,” you replied. “I’m sorry I’m doing this now, but I just found out when my mom died, and I thought… I thought you’d want to know.” You handed him the envelope. He looked at you curiously, then started opening the envelope. He looked over the birth certificate first, shaking his head like he didn’t understand, and then his eyes landed on the section about parents.
           Father: Christopher Robert Evans
           “What?” He asked loudly. You thought he was angry because it sure sounded that way, and you fell into the armchair that you kept in the corner of the room. “This is impossible.”
           “You hooked up right before you left for L.A. to film,” you reminded him. “And my mom didn’t tell you because she didn’t want to ruin your life. And I don’t want to ruin it either, I just really… I just really wanted to know who my dad was. I don’t expect anything, I just wanted you to know.” You stood up again, about to take the envelope from him. His eyes were tearing up. In the past few days you’d done a deep dive on him and you knew he wanted a wife and kids, but you knew he wouldn’t want it this way.
           “I’m sorry,” you said. He shook his head, putting the envelope aside, and sat down on your bed.
           “No, don’t be sorry, this is…” He blinked back tears and sighed. “God dammit, Lauren.”
           “That’s what I said too.” He offered you a small smile. “I only found out after she died and CPS asked for my birth certificate to prove who my grandparents were. And I saw you, and I just…”
           “Why didn’t you call me right away?” He asked. “I could’ve been here so much sooner. I could’ve…”
           “Because I didn’t want to stress you out more than telling you at your ex’s funeral.” You could see a range of emotions on his face; fear, anger, sadness, happiness.
           “Then I guess I’m your dad,” he said as he looked up at you again. “You do kinda look like me. But your mom was always so gorgeous.” You smiled a little. “This is a lot.”
           “I know. I’m sorry.” You stood up, to take the envelope back, and he stood up too. He was smiling as he engulfed you in a tight hug. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, with anything, but you hugged him back.
           “Then, um… I don’t wanna ask you to leave your mom’s funeral, but would you like to go somewhere else? To talk? You and me?” You nodded.
           “I’ve been wanting to get out of here all day.” He smiled and wiped a tear away from his eye with the sleeve of his suit jacket. You went to your closet, grabbed a jacket, and followed him. You went up to your grandmother, explaining that you were going to talk with him, and she just nodded and let you go. You walked to Chris’s car and he let you into the passenger seat.
           “I guess your mom’s probably taken you to our old hangout spot, right?” He asked as he started the car.
           “The diner?”
           “Yeah.” You nodded and smiled and he started driving toward that direction. “You’re taking this really well.”
           “Believe it or not, I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you anyway. I mean, I knew Lauren had you, and I knew… I was going to tell you that if you ever needed anyone, I would be there. But now I feel like maybe I should tell you that over some greasy food.”  You couldn’t help but laugh. In ten minutes you were sitting in the diner your mom had basically raised you in, ordering your favorite grilled cheese ever, and you were happy to be with him finally. You’d always wondered what kind of man your father would be, and if the past fifteen minutes were any kind of indication, he was a good guy.
           “So tell me about yourself, come on. Give me something to go off of.” You smiled.
           “Uhh, well I like theater,” you started. He grinned. “Mom always told me I had to be careful or I would end up in California one day.” He laughed.
           “She always hated California. She was ridiculous about it. She always refused to come out there with me.”
           “She was scared of planes,” you clarified. “One time we flew out to New York for a weekend and she was freaking out the whole time we were off the ground. She made my hand turn purple because she was holding it so hard.”
           “Yeah, she tended to do that. She hated two things more than anything. Flying, and…”
           “Flying and George W. Bush,” you finished for him, knowing that was exactly what he was about to say. He chuckled and took a sip of the water he’d gotten. “I never understood why she hated him so much when there are so many terrible people out there and he’s just not the worst.”
           “Yeah, I always thought the same thing. But your mom picked her battles. And George W. Bush was just one of her victims.” He took another sip of water.
           “So tell me about you. All I know is you’re some big actor guy.”
           “I’m no Clooney. I’m shooting a show right now, so I’m out here for awhile. I have a dog, Dodger, he’s my best friend.”
           “I always wanted a dog, but Mom never let me get one.” Chris took out his phone and showed you an entire photo album of pictures of the dog. “Aww, he’s so cute!” You said.
           “I know, right? He’s the best. You should meet him. You will meet him. ‘Cause we’re family now, kid, whether you like it or not.”
           He wasn’t wrong – a week later and you’d worked it out with the courts that you were allowed to live with him, full time. The two of you spent the next full weekend painting a room in his house and hanging out with his dog. Until you moved in two weeks later, he would swing by every night and make you dinner or just come watch a movie with you. Your grandparents supported it, saying that if you were happy, they were, too.
           “Pick up that side, I got this side,” he instructed as you were moving into his house. He’d bought you a nice desk for your room when everything was finalized and you could live with him while staying in the same school district, and you were trying to get it up the stairs without scraping the hallway.
           “Okay, I think I got it,” you said, helping him pick it up, and ever so slowly you moved up the stairs until you could put it down on a tarp and slide it into your new room. He’d encouraged you to do whatever you wanted with it, so you’d painted it your favorite color, he’d gone to Urban Outfitters with you and helped you pick out a comforter, and it was slowly coming together. It was starting to feel like home, even if all of your things were in the guest room next door.
           “And I think we got it, put it down really slow,” he said as you crossed the threshold to your new room. “Good job. I can slide it the rest of the way in.” You helped him put it down and turned your attention to the dog behind you.
           “You like it?” You asked Dodger, your new best friend, as you sat down on the tarp with him to pet him. You had turned away from Chris. If you hadn’t you would have seen the massive grin on his face as he saw you, his daughter, with his best friend.
           “Alright. I’m gonna go take a quick shower and get ready to head out. I really don’t have to go if you don’t want me to,” he said to you. You stood back up, hugging him from the side. “Really.”
           “It’s fine,” you replied. “It’s your job. I’ll be fine for one night, I spent sixteen years without you.” He smirked, messing up your ponytail with his hand.
           “Yeah, and we’re making up for that time now.”
           “I’ll be fine.” He sighed.
           “That’s my girl.” You watched him go to his room. He was going to New York to record a segment for Jimmy Fallon, and even though he would be back the next day you knew you were going to miss him. He’d already run the questions by you that morning, and most of them were about you. He was prepared to say yes, he found out that he had a daughter, and you were fine with it. You were going to have to get used to having a dad who the whole world knew. You were fine with sharing, really, because it meant that you finally had a father at all.
           You let him leave and set the security system. Your mom worked late nights and you had been used to spending the night alone, but Chris’s neighborhood was much better than hers, and his parents were three blocks over if you needed anything. He’d left a debit card so you could order some food for yourself, and after feeding Dodger you settled in on the couch to watch the segment he’d recorded earlier in the day.
           “Hi, how are you?” Chris had asked the host as he sat down. Dodger crawled up onto your lap with you, shoving himself underneath your blanket, and laid his head on your chest like he was watching the TV, too.
           “Good, good, I’m good,” the host replied. “Now I understand you were in a bit of a shock a couple of months ago, am I right? When you found out…”
           “I found out I have a sixteen year-old daughter, yeah,” Chris said in response. “Yeah. Her mom passed away and she found out from the birth certificate and then I found out about the same time she did. It’s been a complete whirlwind, but now I wouldn’t trade her for anything. She’s a good kid. She’s smart, she loves theater like I did when I was her age, she’s an all-around good kid. And I’ve always wanted a family, and just getting one overnight and getting along with her from the instant we met was amazing. It was unexpected, but it was amazing.”
           “And you just went all this time without even knowing?”
           “Yeah. It’s insane that I just didn’t know about her all this time and it’s crazy because she’s so similar to me. We’re very close in a lot of ways, her personality and sense of humor is very similar to mine. It’s just wild how much we’re alike.”
           “That’s amazing! Is she living with you now?”
           “Yeah, we actually moved her in a few days ago, we picked up a desk this morning, she’s getting all settled in over the break before she goes back to school in the fall. I’m just lucky that I’m shooting the show I’m working on in Boston, so it’s kind of like a regular nine to five, so we’re getting a chance to learn how to be a family and just get to know each other and make up for all of this lost time.”
           “That’s really amazing. Congratulations for all of that, that’s incredible. So go ahead and tell us about the show you’re working on now?” You turned the TV down a little bit, since Chris had told you about his show to the point of nausea. You were glad that the world knew now. You sat up, letting Dodger off of you, and walked into the kitchen to order something to eat for dinner.
           “Y/N?” Your dad called the next morning as he walked into the house. He could see that you had been on the couch last night, since the blanket was still un-folded and his debit card was on the coffee table. “Y/n, honey, I’m back!” He walked up the stairs to see you in your room, decorating the wall behind your bed with what had been in your old room.
           “Hey, how was it?” You asked him, climbing down from your bed. He walked forward and gave you a hug, like he always did. He was a hugger, you had figured out, and it was fine because you were too.
           “Good. It went pretty smoothly. Are you hungry? I was going to make some breakfast.” You nodded.
           “Thank you.”
           “We’re family now. And if I can’t make you eggs and bacon, what can I do?” You smiled and watched as he went downstairs. A few minutes later and he was calling your name again, having made a breakfast much bigger than just eggs and bacon. “Did you watch the segment last night?” He asked.
           “Yeah,” you responded. “You talked awful highly of me like I wasn’t planning on throwing a massive party last night.” He smirked.
           “That’s something I would’ve done when I was your age,” he said. “Really, though. I wasn’t lying. I’m glad I found you, kid. Even if it was by complete accident.” He brushed your shoulder with his. You could tell he was being serious.
           “Yeah, I’m glad I found you too.”
A/N: I hope you like it! I thought this was such a cute request so I hope I did it justice 🥺
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ootori-sibs · 4 years
Winter lodge host club 5
Haruhi had been the one to walk Antoinette whilst the boys went sledding with the guests, even Kyoya had gone, though he had asked to sit out- Tamaki hadn't wanted to let Kyoya out of his sight. She couldn't blame him, the thought of Shin being around made her feel uneasy too. Holding Antoinette's leash made her feel better, although it was stupid to think that this pampered little pup could defend against the thing she'd seen last night. The dog seemed to sense her worry, glancing up at her every now and then, Antoinette wasn't all too fond of Kyoya, but Haruhi hoped that she'd still defend him if he was in danger.
It was nice out here in the snow, just her and Antoinette. The snow was soft and crisp, the trees around here were mostly evergreens, making the whole area look like christmas. Haruhi hummed to herself as they walked, she could hear everyone else laughing as they had their fun, Haruhi happy that everyone was enjoying themselves. She hoped the boys were actually enjoying themselves and not just laughing to make the girls feel happy, but sledding seemed like something they'd enjoy so she was just that they were. Maybe Kyoya wouldn't be, she knew he wasn't a fan of the cold, but he would enjoy any time spent with Tamaki, and has a history of agreeing to crazy ideas because he's so in love.
Haruhi found that kind of love entirely sweet but definitely preferred the kind of quiet, mature love she shares with Takashi. She just couldn't see herself enjoying being smothered in affection like Kyoya was so often, mind you, Kyoya was mature too, just less so when it came to love- in fact Haruhi was willing to bet that Kyoya was the worst when it came to romance, just look at Shin. Kyoya didn't know the first thing about romance, it must have been through pure luck he managed to get with Tamaki- pure luck and fear, if she recalled correctly.
So she found herself on a mountain path, oh this would be a fun thing to do with the guests and the other hosts, maybe she'd tell Tamaki about it. As for now, she turned around and led Antoinette down a different path, not in the mood to climb a mountain today. Antoinette didn't seem to care in the slightest, sniffling up the path at anything remotely interesting, Haruhi was jealous of her ability to be so strikingly unaware of any danger… or maybe she just didn't care enough about the girls or Kyoya. Though she did suppose that there's no way a dog would be able to tell what Shin's motives were.
They began to head back to the boys, planning to let Antoinette say hello to Tamaki before they headed up a different path. She knew that Antoinette was far too much like Tamaki when it came to needing attention and love, she just found it odd how much the pup had in common with Kyoya surprisingly enough; they were both incredibly fond of Tamaki- often to the point of what Haruhi had seen just the other morning, they didn’t seem to get along with each other at all, but she’d seen them both share the same expression practically when they heard someone laugh at their king- even if Antoinette didn’t understand a word that was said. She wondered why they didn’t get along, it made sense for Antoinette to feel a little territorial, but Kyoya’s grudge against the dog made literally no sense, he behaved as if Antoinette was a particularly rude human- but she was a dog.
The boys seemed to be having fun, Tamaki stopped what he was doing the moment he saw Antoinette, rushing over to greet his baby. Haruhi watched him babytalk the pup as Antoinette smothered him in doggy kisses, she couldn’t help but sense the malevolent presence leaning over her shoulder. She sighed, “hello Kyoya-senpai.”
“What a spoiled creature,” he stared down at Antoinette, his disdain for her clear at the day is long. Haruhi found it so funny how jealous he was of a dog, Kyoya was incredibly petty and immature, she thought it was hilarious how no one else seemed to notice.
“Are you seriously jealous of a dog?”
“She’s not just any dog, Haruhi,” Kyoya appeared to admit that he was jealous, arms tucked behind his back, “she’s the most pampered and undeserving hound in existence.” Antoinette might not have understood the words, but it was clear to Haruhi that she’d noticed the tone, growling at Kyoya. The shadow king looked down at her in indignation, “how dare you growl at me, you know full well I’m right,” he appeared adamant that the poor pup was spoiled- she was but still, it was a little rude.
Tamaki glanced up from where he was petting Antoinette, “are you two having another argument?” He did not understand why his boyfriend insisted on having some strange rivalry with his dog, Tamaki had walked in on them actively arguing, with Antoiette barking in response to kyoya, multiple times. He was more than a little tired of it and didn’t understand why the two couldn’t just get along.
Kyoya tensed up slightly, “you spoil her, Tamaki.” he sighed, Kyoya said that a lot, he seemed to hate poor little Antoinette for no reason.. Though he supposed that Antoinette hated Kyoya right back. Sometimes, Tamaki liked to imagine that they understood each other, it was a funny thought, and maybe that'd explain why they hated each other so much. Right now, however, Tamaki was only annoyed by the duo’s bickering.
“I am allowed to spoil my dog if I want to, Kyoya. She’s an adorable little puppy and deserves it!” He huffed, standing up, he took a step towards Kyoya, examining the sparkle in those pretty silver eyes of his. “If you’re jealous, which it’s pretty fair to assume you are, then we can go home a little early and I'll spend a couple of hours just for you. Does that sound like something you want? You wanna go snuggle?” He made sure none of the guests could hear him, they would swarm with questions if they had. Tamaki loved watching Kyoya’s cheeks turn a light pink, coughing and glancing away, his glasses had glinted in the light- hiding his eyes.
“I- that sounds-...” Kyoya was struggling to answer properly, he rarely got flustered but he seemed to always get more easily hot and bothered during holidays then during school terms. Kyoya nods, almost smiling, “ah, yes, that does sound like some-... something that would be appreciated. Yes.” Tamaki chuckled, he loved this boy so much, Kyoya was so adorable- and he gets jealous! That’s so cute of him! Sure, it might be a dog that he’s jealous of, but Tamaki still thinks Kyoya's adorable for it.
Of course, they couldn’t head back straight away, Tamaki wanted to go down the hill with Kyoya! So he got up on a rock and announced that the hosts would be racing down the hill in pairs, and that Haruhi would stand by the finish line to check. The girls seemed excited by this idea, beginning to place their bets on which pair would win. Tamaki grabbed Kyoya by the arm, dragging him back up the hill, “come on! We gotta beat those shady twins!”
He knew that Kyoya hated the cold, so that would definitely make him a lot more snuggly when they got back. He might have felt a little bad about dragging Kyoya out here into the snow, but Kyoya loved the snow- just not the low temperatures that came with it. Tamaki sat down in the front of the sled, tucking his legs in neatly as Kyoya hesitantly got in behind him, hugging him around the middle. Kyoya wasn’t a fan of moving fast, but Tamaki knew he was just using it as an excuse to be seen clinging to Tamaki without judgement.
They were off! Tamaki let out a laugh as they rushed down the hill, neither he nor Kyoya actually understood how to maneuver a sled, neither of them had any kind of childhood that resembled the others; Tamaki all too often spend his younger days by the side of his mother, or running around, trying to join in with other kids games- and poor Kyoya never played any games, from the little Tamaki knew about his boyfriend’s childhood, most of it was spent reading or sleeping, apparently kyoya used to try and join in on his brother’s games but got turned away time after time. Either way, neither of them understood the first thing about sledding, Tamaki had picked up a few things from the day of sledding, but Kyoya was no help at all, pressing his face to Tamaki’s back in a totally not terrified way, of course this was adorable but still useless.
Because of this, they came last, tumbling into the snowbank at the bottom of the hill. Tamaki was still happy, not minding to have lost, he got hugs from Kyoya and he got to have fun! He climbed out of the snow, looking around for a moment, his eyes falling on Kyoya, who lay face down in the snow. He chuckled gently, pulling Kyoya to his feet, “up we get, it’s not that bad.” He saw how faint Kyoya looked, how his eyes were nearly shut and his lips were chapped. The poor beau was absolutely shivering, completely frozen, Kyoya looked miserable…
“Can we go back to the lodge now..?”
Umehito sat in the basement, just enjoying a cup of hot coco from the cabin’s kitchen, the girls were out in the town whilst they had the freedom to do so, the rest of the cabin’s inhabitants were out sledding. He hadn't gone searching for the beast this time, not really wanting to see it today, he assumed that Souh-san had to take it for walks at some point, so it probably wasn't even in the lodge. Though he still did wonder where it was sleeping, he made his way up to investigate, finding himself in Souh-san's room within seconds.
He looked around, realising that the room was rather small, though that was probably because it was the only one with a double bed. He couldn't help but wonder where Ootori slept if he also used that room- nevermind the beast. Sat on one side of the bed, leaning across it and resting his hand on the other side, getting himself a good vantage point with which to survey the room. Umehito could see the dog bed in which Antoinette slept, but it certainly wasn't big enough for the beast- though maybe Ootori slept there! Umehito had to laugh at that image, Ootori was just as much of a lapdog as Antoinette at this point- he's just missing the fur. Nekozawa doesn't respect Ootori in the slightest, he's weird and kind of creepy, if it wasn't for Souh-san coming along, Ootori would be the one with complete control over the school's populous.
It did make him wonder, he felt like he was missing something painfully obvious… but just couldn't figure out quite what it was, he supposed the beast could sleep in the bed with Souh-san, but that wouldn't really be fair to Antoinette. He saw the black hairs in the bed… but those could just as easily belong to Ootori- oh god, was Ootori sleeping in the same bed as Souh-san? How was Souh-san alright with that? Ootori had kissed a guy in middleschool, how could Souh-san be sure he wouldn't try something? Maybe they'd had discussions about it? They were extremely close so Ootori might have told him about his past actions, but then why would- wait, was Souh-san aiming for that? It was common knowledge that Ootori would do literally anything for the king, and if he'd kissed boys before then whose to say he wouldn't entertain Souh-san's little games.
It suddenly struck Umehito that maybe Souh-san and Ootori were together, like romantically together… Ootori was certainly a lapdog, and Souh-san showed an inhuman amount of affection, so how could they tell if they were together? Umehito definitely wouldn't be able to. It was an odd thing to think of Souh-san with a guy, but to be fair, if Souh-san were to date any boys, it would almost certainly be his shadow. Everyone at school had seen Ootori pick up little habits and traits from Souh-san and replicate them, making himself appear nicer, softer, more attractive, he was the shadow king for more than just his ability to pass unseen. Nekozawa found that odd, he himself was often able to go just as unseen as Ootori could, so he could see people from angles that most couldn't. Ootori was a lot more shaky and scared than a lot of people thought, Umehito remembered seeing Ootori around in middleschool, he had followed Kuze around like a little lost puppy and only ever talked about his older brothers to anyone who would listen… these days he followed Souh-san around and talked about the hosts.
He heard the front door go, his girls were back. He hurried back downstairs, helping them both down into the basement, the others would be returning soon, and he didn't want to be caught. The girls happily told him what they'd bought, and found he was happy to be liked for once… most just saw him as some creep. Sure, he really didn't help the vibe people got from him, but he couldn't help being himself! He wasn't evil, he just had less than normal interests, and there was nothing wrong with that.
He heard the other folk enter upstairs, he could hear the dog's footsteps, but couldn't hear any that might belong to the beast… it was strange, surely the beast had been out with them? Umehito found that odd, Umehito had found a lot of things odd today, he probably just needed a nap or something. He had to take care of these girls first though, he kind of wished he could just send them home- oh that was a thought. He could just ask Ootori if the girls could just leave, he was happy to resurrect anyone the beast ate, as long as he could get some peace and quiet.
The rest of the day went slowly, everyone was having a nice time inside so Umehito and the girls just had to sit there in silence. He half hoped that the beast would take another victim tonight so that maybe he'd get to ask Ootori if he could send the girls down, though maybe Souh-san would bring the bones down this time… Umehito would have never thought Souh-san the type to feed people to his pet, but he supposed the guy was always one for spoiling his animals. He never understood how the frenchman operated but him turning out darker then Umehito had expected wasn't off-putting oddly enough.
Or maybe Souh-san wasn't aware what his pet was eating.
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Protector ~ Embry Call
Word Count: 4100+
Request: "Can I request a embry call imagines where the reader y/n Is kinda shy and she is very scared around big crowds so she always holds onto a part of em and he loves protecting her! He imprinted but loved her before and she is pretty short I'm 5,2 so when she is behind him you can't see her! And a girl at her school is teasing her about being like embrys puppy following him everywhere and she gets shy and em feels her discomfort and steps in to comfort telling her to mind her own business. Thank you" by @cullens-stuff
A/n: This user has been so sweet to me even as I took AGES to write their (I don't know your pronouns I'm sorry) and I appreciate it SO MUCH so I was hella on top of this when I came back. This is my longest request by a long shot as I added a bit (because we stan a queen who can stand up for herself). Lol hope you like it hun!
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Embry and Y/n were those kids who everyone knew would end up getting married one day. He doted on her and she got hyper and attentive when he was around. He gave her anything she asked for, and in return she would take care of him. Whether it was him giving her a piggyback ride, or her braiding his hair because it was in his face, they were always doing things for each other and staying stuck to each other's sides and it seemed that the friendship would never end.
Then they grew up, as most kids do. Puberty hit and anxiety rose and Embry made other friends, and after a time they were less inseparable and more casual friends. This was good, in the end, as the slight distance allowed Embry to go from joking and childhood crushing to actually seeing how pretty and smart and caring Y/n was. He might have gotten rowdy while she got quiet and reserved. He might have gotten taller and taller when she stopped growing in the fifth grade. He might live life for adventure and adrenaline while Y/n preferred to stay home and half learn skills and watch tv. They might be different. But it didn't matter. Embry Call had a huge crush on Y/n and it was becoming painful to watch as he did nothing about it.
Predictably, Y/n found herself in a similar predicament. She loved his hugs and how he pulled her right off her feet when they hugged. She loved how he was never bothered by how she hovered and instead made sure was nearby- within arms reach if he could help it. She loved that when she cuddled up next to him she fit right into his side, and how when things scared her or the sun was really bright she could step behind Embry and he would cover her completely. She loved how safe and loved she felt with him. She loved how he would constantly ask her to play with his hair, even if he had it up and especially when he noticed she was nervous and needed something to do. She loved... him.
The worst part was: Y/n was afraid of everything. Crowds. Bugs. Tall people. Mean people. Food that tasted good but looked really gross. Strong people. Places she wasn't familiar with... It's not that she was a coward, she was just small. She reached 5'2 and was shy and quiet and easily spooked. She had a faint heart and a weak stomach. She was cute and small and soft- the kind of person you looked at and immediately thought: PROTECT AT ALL COST! Which of course made Embry even more wonderful as he swooped in time and time again to have her back when she was struggling again.
Long story short: She was the purest of beans and he was her knight in shining armor and never before in their teenage lives at the kids that were apart of the pair's daily life been more in love with a couple that simultaneously made them so frustrated.
With all the potential wasted by longing and no action, everyone else was suffering.
They were perfect for each other... but they were also completely oblivious to the other's affections.
That was cured, more or less, when Embry became a wolf. He had to leave her side for a while as he figured everything out, but then he made eye contact with her one day and imprinted on her and everything lined up perfectly. What came next was a slew of Embry at the peak of awkwardness as he tried to explain to her how he'd felt all this time and about the whole werewolf thing.
She'd sort of had a melt down at first as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but didn't scream and run away as he'd expected so honestly she handled it pretty well. After she got used to the idea and they figured things out between them, it had been simple to move from that point to the next.
Now they were inseparable again, just like they'd been as children. She was glued to his side and he was attentively protective of her. She could be touched by nothing. Crowds a problem? They'd hold hands, or he'd put her on his shoulders or carry her or give her a piggyback ride. Anyone stepping up to her to cause problems? Embry was there. Wether they were being harmful or flirty, Embry was there. Bug problem? Emrby suddenly had lightning fast and one hundred percent accurate attacks. He could swat it out of the air, or guide it out a window and away from them. Dog on your heels? Let's see how long it lasts against Embry, the werewolf.
After a while of Embry stepping up to protect her, Y/n fell into an easy habit of just holding onto him. It allowed her to easily communicate when she was nervous- all she had to do was squeeze and he was ready and able. He couldn't always be there, but he did his best and really that's all Y/n could ask for.
People were shipping it more than ever. They were the sweetest couple, unphased by anything and so full of love.
Well, actually, almost everyone.
Marina Kyle was one of those girls who used beauty to get power. She had most boys wrapped around her finger, and knew how to keep the girls that could tear her down as friends. She was manipulative and smart and absolutely gorgeous. No one told her no and no one could take her down.
No one but Embry Call.
Which seemed to bug her endlessly.
When she was younger, she'd had a crush on Embry. She'd tried everything to get his attention, to no avail. She'd dismissed it after a while as him being uninterested in girls or being one of those people who didn't want to date until college. Then he started dating Y/n. The girl was pathetic in Marina's eyes. Absolutely pathetic. Y/n should have been learning how to survive on her own, conquering her fears and getting stronger instead of letting her weaknesses own her so much. She didn't deserve Embry Call- tall and strong and pretty. As if to rub salt in the wound, everyone LOVED THEM together. Everyone was psyched when they finally got together and for a significant amount of time, that's all anyone ever talked about.
Marina tried to let it go. She'd lost. Whatever. But Marine NEVER lost and it finally got to her and she snapped. She knew she couldn't ever get to Embry, but Y/n would only ne too easy. She waited for her moment then made her strike.
"Hey there," she purred, leaning against the wall next to Y/n's locker. School was over and Y/n was getting her stuff out to take home for tonight's homework. She paused when she saw Marina.
Y/n smiled sweetly. "Hi." She put her math book in her bag last, zipping it up and putting it on her back. She looked twelve. Small and young and ridiculous. Her smile was warm and her eyes were clear of any malintent. She was pure and Marina absolutely hated it. "Can I help you with something?"
Marina put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I was just wondering: how do do it?"
Immediately Y/n was confused. "Do what?"
"Get yourself a guard dog like Embry Call. I mean-" She grinned, sighing dreamily. "He's tall dark and handsome incarnate, and protects you from every little thing that goes bump in the night. Such dedication and he's hot? You have to let me in on your secret!" Y/n opens her mouth to defend herself but Marina leans closer, intimidating her so she doesn't get it out. "Come on sweetheart, us girls have to watch out for each other. How did you do it? Did you sleep with him?"
"What?" Y/n squeaked. "No-"
"Black mail him?"
"No!" Y/n insisted, her eyes wide as she gripped her backpack straps tightly. "Look, I can't help you. Embry isn't some muscle for hire, he's my boyfriend." She spoke very quietly, her words fumbling due to fear. Marina was feeding off of it.
The taller girl hummed, her finger touching her lips in faux thoughtfulness. "I guess he just pities you then."
Y/n's eyes went wide. "Wh-" The small girl broke off. With all her insecurities, the thought had occurred to her before. She'd been assured every time she brought it up so she'd finally dismissed it, but if someone else saw it too... Maybe Marina knew something Y/n didn't. "How do you figure?"
Marins tilted her head back and forth a few times,, as if considering. She had a smile on her face that made Y/n feel like she had a secret, and it would ruin Y/n's life. Y/n got the impression Marina was excited to use her power. "I mean, he's quite a catch. He's got to have plenty of girls begging for his attention. But you like him and you're so small and... cute." She reached out and softly pinched Y/n's cheek. "I'm sure he just sees you like a stray puppy." Marina pat Y/n's cheek ad the smaller girl flinched. "How could he say no when the only thing standing between you and every shadow on the street is him? You need a big strong man to watch your back everywhere you go or you'll break down in no time. You do seem to be afraid of EVERYTHING, after all." She leaned away, waving her hand as she looked away. Her complete lack of consideration for the damages her words were doing made Y/n feel like they were even more real. Even more honest. Like what she was saying had some real weight to them. Marina had spoken a lot of truth so far. Why wouldn't she be right about Embry's feelings toward her as well? "Do you miss him when he leaves at night or does he sneak in your room to protect you from the boogie man hiding in the darkness too?"
Y/n hated herself as she felt tears come to her eyes. "It's not like that."
Marine sighed, turning away. "Whatever you say, Sweetheart. Have a safe walk home! I'm sure you'll be fine with Embry watching your precious back." She walked a few steps to the corner that lead to another hallway before pausing to say one last thing. "If he's a guard dog, does that make you his puppy?" She laughed, leaning against the wall and watching Y/n look away, her eyes unable to meet Marina's.
"Are you really so pathetic that you have to tear people down to get what you want?" The laughter suddenly cut off and two girls turned, surprised, to see Embry Call himself. His usual smile was replaced by a glare. The sharp kind that dug and stabbed into Marina's very soul, making her mouth snap closed and her fingers interlace behind her back. The confidence she had before melted and she suddenly looked as nervous as Y/n usually was. Embry stepped closer to Marina. "Can't you ever mind your own business, Marina, or do you have to shove yourself into everything?"
"You don't have to protect me," Y/n snapped. Embry and Marina both looked to her now and both were surprised by the look of anger she had. She wasn't directing it at either of them but at herself as her eyes trained on her hands. She slowly looked up, stepping purposefully. She was shaking, obviously afraid and downtrodden but not giving into it for the first time in a long time. For the first time since she was little and had to force herself to walk by the house with the dogs who would bark at her every time. When she forced herself to walk slowly instead of run. She took shaky steps toward Marina, wiping the tears off of her face. "As much as I hate to hear it, Marina was right about a lot of things. You shouldn't have to keep such a close eye on me. You shouldn't have to protect me from literally everything." Y/n turned away. "I'm walking home today Embry. Don't wait up."
She walked away and Embry went after her, leaving Marina who leaned against the wall with ease now that the intimidating boy was gone. She smirked. She was winning.
Embry tried to get Y/n to listen to him, but Y/n wasn't having it. She eventually reaching into her bag for her headphones and once she put those on, Embry knew he had lost this fight. He stopped walking when she snapped at him to leave her alone, letting her keep going without him. She watched as she passed the same house they used to walk past as kids. The house with the loud dogs that made her jump. The house that made Embry smile, because it was the first time he'd ever had to put his arm around her and push her to the other side of him to put himself between her and something that scared her. The first time he'd made it known that he would always be there to have her back and protect her, even if all she really needed was comfort.
It didn't make him smile now. As she walked, the dogs went off and Embry stepped forward to run after her as she flinched. But then he froze as she solidified her stance and turned to the dogs to stare at them. They didn't stop barking but eventually her body relaxed and she turned away, walking calmly and unbothered by the big dogs and their unrelenting barking.
He had never seen her do that before.
Was he too overprotective? If she could face her fears like that and had simply learned to depend on him to deal with it, was he holding her back from being as brave as she could be?
When Y/n avoided him for the next week, he let it happen. She obviously needed some time and space and he was always willing to give it to her. If she needed time to find her own strength instead of depending on his, that was okay. He wanted her to be secure in herself as well as him and their relationship. He could protect her, but he could also let her protect herself... if she could. He hoped she was just okay.
Turns out, she was. She'd taken the week to really think about what Marina had said. To separate what had been real from what had just been mean. Y/n was weak. She was a tad pathetic. Especially recently. She faced her fears one at a time. She walked past those dogs every day. She watched scary movies and learned breathing techniques to deal with her anxiety properly. She went to the ocean and stood quite deeply in it. Maybe not deep for a normal person, but definitely for her. She let the waves push and pull at her and stood her ground. She went to the aquarium and walked through the tunnel with the sharks and moved slowly and purposefully, even when a really huge one swan right at her a second before swimming up. It had just been a swimming, but it was so big and she was so small and for a second it felt like it was coming for her life specifically. She didn't run though. Again and again she dealt with irrational fear with determination and proved to herself that she could protect herself. She could handle this. She could handle anything.
Well, not quite everything.
As much as irrational fears weren't a problem, real fears were. Like crowds. Being so small meant that she could easily get lost in a crowd and when she went to the dance that was jammed with people dancing and walking around she hadn't realized how easy it was for her to get knocked around and almost trampled until it was happening and she was near tears as she tripped and almost fell flat on her face.
A hand caught her arm and pulled her into a chest. She looked up to see Embry, his expression half worry and half pride. She felt the anxiety lift away from her as she smiled. She moved away from him, brushing off her dress a little and pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thanks."
Embry chuckled. "Anytime, Princess."
The nickname made Y/n frown. It had been developed after Embry had been at Y/n's beck and call. He'd had her back so often that Y/n had jokingly called Embry her knight in shining armor. He'd responded with calling her his princess. It reminded her of how weak she was. She needed him...
No, she didn't. "I had it handled."
Embry frowned. "Y/n can I please talk to you outside?" She hesitated before nodding. They moved to a distant corner where no one could hear them. The night air was chilly but Y/n tried to play it off and even though Embry knew it was bothering her he knew that it would only cause problems for him to offer help so he didn't. He turned to her and she looked up at her. He sat down on a bench so he didn't tower over her so much. "You know I love you, right?"
Y/n sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah." She shook her head. "But Marina was right about me needing you too much. I was weak."
"You're small, Y/n." She went to argue with him but he began speaking, cutting her off. "That isn't a bad thing, it just means that you can hurt a lot more easily. You can get pushed around. You're lighter and easier to physically move. You could have really gotten hurt in there." He scooted closer, trying to enunciate the truth in his words. "You're right. I've been overprotective forever because I was terrified of anyone hurting you. I'm probably even worse now that you're so much smaller than me and I have this whole imprint thing messing with my head. And I've noticed how you've been handling things recently. I'm so proud of you for learning to depend on yourself and being stronger and stuff- it's awesome! But there are time when you're going to need help. Hell, there are times when I need help. I'm a werewolf! But I'm also part of a pack, and for a reason. We all need each other to take down vampires. None of us could do it alone. Even in normal every day life, sometimes I have to go to one of my friends when something doesn't make sense to me or I've bit off more than I can chew. Sometimes I need y mom's advice for something I have no idea how to handle because I'm still so stupidly young." He exhaled sharply and Y/n realized for the first time that Embry Call was not unbreakable.
She moved closer to him, taking one of his large hands in two of her tiny ones. "I just want to be able to be there for you as much as you are for me."
Embry smiled. "Y/n, you are." She started, surprised. "You think I come over at 1am just because you're afraid of the dark?"
"I'm not afraid of the dark."
"Exactly." He smiled. "I go to you because I need your comfort. Because life is frustrating and confusing and hard and the only thing that makes sense sometimes is you and me. You might be small but when you pull me into a hug when we're cuddled on your bed and I burry my face in your neck and can't see anything and my senses are full of you, I feel completely at peace. You make me feel safe. You make me feel strong. When everything's out of control and terrifying and I feel like I can't do anything, I know that I can love you and that I can do it well and no one can do it better than me. You ground me. You straighten me out when I'm spiraling out of control." He pulled her closer and she melted at his touch. "I know that when I can't do anything to save my pack and I have to just sit there and wait for something to happen and hope it turns out okay, I can look at you or touch you or kiss you and you'll blush and melt and smile and be happy. I can protect you and you'll be safe." His eyes he been watering and now a tear fell. Y/n raised her hand to wipe it away and he leaned into her touch. "I depend on you too Y/n, and you let me. You handle every crazy thing I throw at you without hesitation or holding it against me. I put you in danger actively by dating you. Remember everything I told you about Bella Swan?" Y/n nodded. "If I made enemies like Edward and her did, they could come for you in a second- you know that right?" She paused before nodding. "And you're okay with that?"
She sighed. "I know you'll always protect me Embry. And you're not a such of an idiot as Edward Cullen is."
Embry sorted in amusement and Y/n smiled. He calmed. "You're amazing. Do you realize that?"
"I'm pretty cool," she agreed. He grinned. The old dropped a little as she got serious. "I just don't want to be weak either. And I was. I am."
Embry thought about that for a second. "We're all weak in some way or another."
"That's not-" she began.
"No I'm serious!" Embry insisted. "We all have a weakness, Y/n. Yours is just that you're short." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. "Can you imagine it being something worse? Like..." He trailed off. "Like the smell of blood driving you so crazy that it forces you to kill innocent people?" She looked away, her expression dark. He touched her cheek, guiding her eyes to his. "Or being so insecure and desperate for attention that you'll tear apart two in love, happy people just to make yourself feel better about not having someone like that yourself?" Y/n recognized the bite at Marina and tied not to smirk. "I love you Y/n. And maybe you can have your own back- that's fine. But sometimes you're going to need help. Let me help you those times. Please."
She hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, okay." She waved her hand, pulling it out of Embry's grasp to mirror what Marina had done weeks ago. "I suppose I'll allow you to be my guard dog." She put on an airy tone and looked away, dramatically teasing. She looked back, winking. They both laughed.
The next day, Embry and Y/n were back on track and better than ever. Marina, who had been thriving under the stress between the two, was pissed to see them have everything figured out. To her knowledge, Y/n was just as weak as before. Just as dependent on Embry as before. And just as easy to break without him to puppy guard her.
So she went in for round two.
And Y/n shut her down immediately.
"GOD don't you have a life? Get over yourself Marina not all of us depend on other people to fill what we lack in ourselves." Marina stood there, mouth agape stunned. Y/n shook her head. "You know I should actually thank you. You're the reason I finally found some confidence for myself. You helped me are my relationship even better. If it wasn't for you, Embry and I might have run into some real problems and had to break up." Y/n popped up on her tiptoes, tapping Marina's cheek like Marina had her a while back. "Let me return the favor by saying this: get a life and stop trying to ruin mine." The smaller girl's attention moved to something behind Marina. "Aw, if it isn't the cute little dog himself." Embry chucked as she moved to his side, Marina turning to face them with that same stunned expression. Y/n kissed him on the cheek and they walked off, leaving Marina to her own thoughts.
She had lost. Really lost. And they wouldn't be bothered by her ever again.
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @captainxmikaelson @justanotherdaydreamersoul
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Survey #427
“don’t pray for me when you’re the one enslaved”
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? I wouldn't say anything, I'm pretty sure I'd just break down. Do you play video games? Not really anymore. :/ I probably would, though, if I had the appropriate consoles for games I want. You can only replay PS2 games but so many times before you're tired of them. Do you spend a lot of time with family? No, honestly. Is your house more than two stories tall? It only has one floor. Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? I'm not in a relationship, but I have most certainly never hit an s/o, and they've never hit me. I wouldn't tolerate that shit. What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) I'm not. What color is your hairbrush/comb? White. What snacks do you have available in your household atm? Hm. Just some fruity grain and oats bars, as well as cashew ones. We try to keep sweets out of the house. Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive? No. Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? Holy fuck yes, she's drop-dead gorgeous. Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? Ha, I'm sure. Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female? Some random middle-aged man, like who are you sir. Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? My dad. He can be so rude to people sometimes. When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? Not sure. It's been quite a while. Do you play any games on Facebook? No. What would you like to get a degree in? It'd be nice to get a degree in Arts, but yeah... I'm never going back to school. Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? Pretty much every night. Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game? Play a video game. Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? Almost without fail. You've got to, it's part of the experience. What genre of films do you like the best? Horror. How many bank accounts do you have? None, actually. Have you ever had the flu? No, thankfully. What is your goal for the next few months? To start getting in shape/losing weight. I seriously hope this gym routine works out. Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life? I have seveeeere sleep apnea. It's shocking, I never would've guessed it, though, so the diagnosis (I had a sleep study, so yes, it's legit) was an extreme surprise. I don't snore at all, nor do I like pass out in the middle of something, but I stop breathing A LOT. For a year or two (no, that is not an exaggeration), it caused consistent, horrible, and violent nightmares/terrors. It made sleep frightening to me, and I was never getting a truly restful sleep. Now, I have an APAP mask (like a less extreme version of a CPAP mask) that helps me greatly. I only very rarely am surprised by a more subtle nightmare now. Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience. No, thankfully. What are two things that you have no problem paying full price for? Quality tattoos, for one. And maybe uhhh... idk. We're the kind of family that buys off-brand foods and drinks all the time because it's cheaper, so I can't say that. Maybe health care? Like I wouldn't want service from a sketchy dentist or something. Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex. Charming and romantic. Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it? No. You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? That's hard for me to say. She doesn't seem to like talking about her past very much, because I know it's turbulent with her mother. I would say her being disowned, but I don't know how that *actually* affected her. Maybe it was for the better she wasn't under her mom's authority anymore. Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? I guess my mom, but she's actually smaller than me now. She's lost a lot of weight and is still going at it. Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Not a house, but rather hay rides and those places you just walk through and experience different stuff. They don't scare me at all; I love 'em. Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see? No. Which is worse: dusting or mopping? Ugh, mopping. I don't mind dusting. Would you marry somebody who was intensely religious? No. Did you pull a senior prank? No. That shit is so dumb. Did you graduate? High school, yes. Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? No, and I never would. What was the last song you listened to? I'm listening to Lauren Babic and Halocene's cover of "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park right now. It's great. Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. Is fashion one of your interests? No. Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? Hell if I know. Do you care what people think? Way, way more than I should. Is acting something you enjoy? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I feel so stupid. What was the last thing you broke/sprained? I tore a ligament badly in my foot maybe a year and a half ago. I was SO sure it was broken. My mom had to help me walk everywhere, and even when she did, I'd be whimpering and seething. Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours? No. Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No. Whose house, other than yours and your families', are you most comfortable at? If we're excluding all family, I suppose Sara's? Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? Probably at some point as a kid. Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? I played a lot. The only two I really didn't like were soccer and cheerleading. Did you ever watch the show Full House? Hell yeah, I loved it as a kid. Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry? Ha ha y'all know I joke about it, but no, not legitimately. It's not like I know him personally at all, and I'm not chasing him to California either. Just let me dream still lmao. Have you ever burned someone’s picture? No, but I've actually heard it's truly therapeutic and not just for dramatic effect, so I wouldn't be opposed to doing so if you handed me a picture of him and a lighter. What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on? I've never hiked before. Would you ever get a lip tattoo? Uh, no. Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? Jason. Do your parents smoke cigarettes? My dad smokes like a chimney and is 100% going to end up with cancer because of it. You should hear his cough. Mom smoked for a very, very brief period before I was born. What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? "Equal in our bones" is on my favorite shirt. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. Certain inverts people are wild enough to get, like giant African centipedes in particular. Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? Can't say I care. do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times, it's too painful. It also depends on the era of the pictures. Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? Ha, no. We all have natural first impressions and things like that that just... happen. What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? Nothing, really... besides just childhood memories that inevitably came. My hometown was dangerous. What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? I'm not sure. What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? I want to say Old Yeller, but I'm not sure. What’s your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden and The Cheesecake Factory. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Yeah; I don't like pie, strawberry shortcake, and I know there're others. Favorite album? Ozzy's Black Rain. It was my introduction to metal, so there's nostalgic value there, but I also just LOVE every single song. What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? None. I don't read books for that reason. Underwater or outer space? Both kinda frighten me to a degree, but I find outer space to be way cooler. So many colorrrrrrs. Dogs or cats? Cats. Kittens or puppies? Ugh, both are so cute, but I gotta hand it to kittens. Bird watching or whale watching? Whale watching would blow me away. Whales are such magnificent, awe-inspiring animals. What is your spirit animal? Probably a deer. Skittish, shy, and quiet. What was your best subject in school? English. What was your worst subject in school? Math. What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? You and Jason aren't going to last, hunty. Who is your fashion icon? I don't have one. I wear what I want/what's comfortable. Diamonds or pearls? I think diamonds are a lot prettier. What color dress did you wear to prom? First one was maroon, last one was black. What’s your favorite plot-twist? Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. My jaw actually dropped. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Yes. Honestly, what’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Said things I shouldn't. Honestly, ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes. Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? Two weeks ago or something like that. Ever pop someone else’s pimple? OH MY GOD NO alskdfa;wekrwer; Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No. Who are you closest to? My mom. Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No. Are you currently sad about anything? A number of things. Have you had any form of exercise today? No, but tomorrow is day #2 at the gym! Can you handle blood? Yeah, np. Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No sir=ee. Are you currently searching for a job? Not anymore, at least not actively. I was going to after TMS, but I'm just... still not ready. Right now, I'm focusing on the gym and getting healthy again, but if the seemingly perfect job comes along, I'm not opposed to taking it up. Does eating breakfast make you sick? No, I've got to have breakfast or else THEN I feel awful.
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svtausinapocket · 4 years
Snapshoot | Kim Mingyu
Chapter 1: The Wizard Next Door
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Pairing: Y/N (Female) x Mingyu 
Chapters: 1/3       Words: 3,6k+
Alternative Universe: Hogwarts!AU, MagicalWorld!AU, Slytherin!Y/N, Gryffindor!Mingyu, Photographer!Mingyu, Cop!Y/N, Friends to ennemies to lovers.
Scenario: When you discovered your neighbor was a wizard as well, you couldn’t help but feel excited to go to Hogwarts with him. Unfortunately teenagers are stupid and somehow things won’t go as expected. But sometimes life gives you a chance to look back at your past mistakes, even if a murder is involved with your former crush as its only witness. 
Warnings: Smutty (coming), Violence (murder, crime scene, fights), and that’s all. There’s links on selected words to help you understands magical words if you forgot them ;) You can read this fic if you’re not a harry potter fan!
A/N: English is not my first language so I feel kinda shy tbh. Anyway that’s the first chapter of a fic I started to write a while ago. I’m pretty sure almost no one will read it but still, I feel like I have to finish it! 
Wattpad | Archive of our own  (not yet)
        Sitting alone at your table, you moved your eyes from your potion book to the red and gold robes before you. The N.E.W.T.s were arriving quickly and everything you could do to fight your stress was to study, even when eating in the great hall. All around you people were moving like shadows, barely noticeable for your unfocused eyes... Nothing attracted your attention. Nothing except for a Gryffindor guy sat meters away from you. 
He was surrounded by his kinds like the eye of a cyclone made of red and goldish birds. 
If there had to be a leader it would be him, you thought. Like the alfa of a pack but with an irregular chick on his side. Indeed, with time you’d seen a lot of random girls sitting next to him. First it was Mina, soon replaced by Seulgi and her twin sister. Then Mina again, followed by Alexandra, Prya, Sana, some other boring young witches and finally Mina again. But if he was now free from any of those girls, it didn’t seem like his role in the group was lessened. 
Peacefully watching at how his eyes were gleaming of happiness when he interacted with his crew, you wondered when it happened. When did you both start to be strangers to each other? Because watching at the scene and realizing you were out of this, of his world, you felt like a voyeur out of their right. 
Actually, you knew him since you were both children. Indeed, his parents had moved next door when you were six, and for many years you’d played together in the corridor or sometimes in the building courtyard during summer vacations. But when he had been sorted to Gryffindor by this stupid hat it was still a shock.
The boy you knew wasn’t made for this house. Since elementary school Mingyu had always been vicious and ambitious. In primary school, he had already used his magic to steal his classmates’ stuff, or just to bother them, even if he didn’t know yet he had magic.
At least you could say it’s what had helped you set your thinking.
In fact, he didn’t really know what he was doing but, on your side, you could clearly understand what was happening. He was a wizard. Just like you and your parents. Except that unlike the three of you he was a Muggle-born wizard.
You’d told your family about it, about all your suspicions. But no one had believed the words of a young kid. To people, Mingyu was just an unbearable kid with a tricky brain _which indeed, was also true.
And as if fate had decided to step in, one day your parents invited his family for dinner. And then the little Mingyu had seen. His big eyes had been sparkling with magic in front of the moving spoon in the kitchen. His mouth smiling once the little boy had faced the remembrall in your room.
“I want to see a dragon.” he used to say.
“What kind?” You’d asked. Sat on your room’s floor you’d watched him talk with passion about animals and how we thought it was his destiny to take a picture of a real dragon and show the word they were real.
“Are they ...different sorts of dragons?” He had slowed down.
“Sure.” You had told him, knowing perfectly what you’d read in your father’s book. “There’s different kinds of dogs. So why would it be different for dragons?”
“I don’t know. What dragon do you think would be the best in a picture?” He’d asked, his energy progressively cleared up by your question. Not thinking about it twice you’d chosen the only one you remembered. 
“The Common Welsh Green I guess.” The little boy had stopped to sit in front of you, pouting.
“But it’s common isn’t it?”
“Maybe. But they’re slower so it’s easier to photograph them. Plus, one of those made London burn.” 
It was only the childish dream of a guy who would soon realize how accurate were your words while all his school friends will believe that dragons are a legend.
And so finally, your parents had believed you. As the true kindhearted Hufflepuffs and protective wizards they were, it took them time to decide what to do with the young neighbor. Taking him under their wings was not even a question. But how to do it was much more complicated. In fact, Muggles were not famous for being open minded and flexible when their life was about to change. So, they just decided to use your friendship as an excuse to never tell his relatives before Hogwarts letter, and just show him what the magical world had to offer.
From that point, things became quite fun. After telling him what was happening, they showed him books, magical tricks and brought the young wizard with you to Diagon Alley. All of this just in order for him to not be lost when he would have to bring his parents there, and also know what to do when he will have to officially join the magical world you were raised into.
His parents actually took the news pretty well, and to be honest, it was mostly because your family made a big deal about helping the young boy in his coming out.
That’s why you were soon together in the Hogwarts express, on the road to becoming two proud wizards. You were happy.  
Things could only go well. Right?
To everyone's surprise he was sorted to Gryffindor, and you were sent to Slytherin. It was a real shock; one nobody had anticipated. And while he was led to the Gryffindor Tower, you were walking down the stairs to reach Slytherin Dungeon. He was in the light and you were in the dark, becoming the black sheep of your Gryffindor and Hufflepuff family. 
But something happened. Or rather than something, nothing happened. He soon had new friends and you had yours. And it appeared that none of you told people that you were neighbors and more than that; childhood friends.
It was like a silent agreement between both of you. 
You never spoke to each other in the presence of your respective friends. Because more than being in the rival houses, it would have been a shame. Or at least your teenagers’ stupid brains thought so.
Indeed, he soon started to become really popular among your classmates due to his charms and his ability to socialize easily. Plus, his fuckboy image didn’t match with the calm and intellectual one you shared with your own friends. Maybe he had his reasons to avoid you, but you clearly had yours. You had to prove to people- and to yourself, that being a Slytherin in a red and yellow family didn’t make you less competent or valuable. That, on the contrary, it was making you a better person. You wanted to be the best and you worked for it.
Every day you studied so hard to be the number one. To be able to achieve your career dreams despite your S label. People had to think you were calm, studious and perfect. To perceive you as the type of girl who doesn’t have time for troublemakers like Mingyu and his crew. 
So, after hearing how Chunhee and Seokmin had criticized him and his band, you’d decided to just stay silent about your relationship with Mingyu.
And he did the same.
But it was strange and really uncomfortable.
One day you were in the muggle train, heading to your hometown for the first time since the start of the school year. Everything was peaceful and calm. Christmas snow was falling on the London suburb, while Mingyu’s head had fallen on your shoulder. And just like the railroad, his breath was slow, relaxing and cadenced. He was taking a nap.
You had just supposed he had had fun with his friends the night before, so you didn’t say anything, reading on your own, but each time a person walked between the train sits, you were feeling your stomach twist. That’s when the lungs in your torso sighed loudly to expel the stress from your body.
“What?” Asked Mingyu, not as asleep as you thought.
During a second you stood silent before speaking. You felt how dry your throat was due to anticipation. 
“Are you not afraid that someone could see us like that?”
“Afraid?” He started without opening his eyes. “Please Y/N, the train is almost empty. Plus, we’re in a muggle train, far away from the city, so we won’t run into one of our classmates.”
“Please understand me, but if a classmate sees us, I don’t want my image to be riddled by a slug, who salivate in his sleep.” You laughed.
“F*ck off. I know I’m not drooling. How could someone so perfect like me salivate in his sleep?”
Your snigger made his head move a bit.
As soon as this conversation had started, a silence had fallen on it. One of the unstable lights on your right switched on just to illuminate his delicate face. You were taking your time to look at him, at the black hair falling on his forehead, at those cute pink lips half-open, while your heart was pounding loudly against your rib cage.
“And in the worst case. Just imagine someone sees us. Who cares?”
You didn’t agree, because you didn’t believe his words, and for good reasons.
To be honest you perfectly remember when you became full strangers. You couldn’t forget the day you both decided to stop this farce. 
“Y/N, is there something between you two?” Had suddenly asked Seokmin. You were sitting on the corridor floor, your eyes focused on your last arithmancy lesson. Last month you’d had bad grades at it and you absolutely wanted to improve so you could be ready for the O.W.L.s. Some drops were falling from your wet hair to the paper in front of you, drawing ink on the white sheet. 
“Stop studying” your friend laughed while sitting next to you. “We just won our quidditch match against Gryffindor, you should be celebrating, not studying.”
“I know I know” you smiled while closing the lesson and contracting your fingers around it. “I was waiting for you. I can’t celebrate without you and Chunhee.” Even after taking a shower, you could still feel a mix of sweat and water on your skin. Your legs and arms were already aching due to the game. You were obviously tired. Indeed, the match became hard since Gryffindor had placed Mingyu as the Seeker and you had to admit he wasn’t that bad for a newbie. 
“So. Tell me Y/N. Is there something between you two?” You frowned your eyebrows.
“Sorry, what?”
“You and Mingyu.”
At his words you felt your heart clench. Yes, there used to be something. Not that you would admit it of course, but still, it had been months since you two spoke to each other and you started to feel like he was avoiding you for no reasons. Maybe he’d grown tired of you. Or maybe he just didn’t care anymore. You fist tightened around the papers in your hand. 
“No, of course not” you lied. It had become a habit to avoid the truth about it, and five years of lying had started to make it feel like it was nothing when it truly was a weight on your shoulders. Indeed, you were now fifteen, and thinking back at your arrival in Hogwarts you’d started to wonder if all of this wasn’t too extreme or ridiculous. 
“I saw the face you made up there, when he was accidently hit by the Quaffle. I’m glad Steph caught it right in time and sent it back to you, because I swear you had the face of a girl ready to ask him if he was okay. Plus… when we danced together during the Yule ball, he kind of… stared at me weirdly you know.”
Listening to him, you’d blushed. Seokmin and Chunhee knew you probably better than anyone, and it made sense for them to realize something was off. Plus, this time, you were guilty and thinking about it just made the situation even more complicated. 
One hour ago, you were still on your broom, flying in the air as easily as a bird would, just to make your Chaser job. For the first time in your quidditch experience the match was really tight. Your team and the Gryffindor one were already fighting for one hour under pouring rain. The seekers were flying hard to catch the Golden Snitch and you had felt how your classmates started to get tired of playing. Some already had had accidents and had left the game to be welcomed at the infirmary. Each new minute was making the match even more risky. And as if it was supposed to arrive, you’d made a mistake.
You hadn’t looked around you to make sure the area was safe and rushing to catch the soaked Quaffle you only succeeded in blocking Mingyu’s path. The ball having no effect on your gloves, you’d felt it slip from your grasp before the young seeker was hit in the face. He’d lost his balance, hitting your ribcage with his broomstick. But if you’d succeeded into staying stable, he hadn’t. You’d watched him being kicked out of the Golden Snitch chase with bitterness on your tongue. 
It wasn’t properly speaking, a foul, but it wasn’t fair at all. Before you had been able do something stupid for your team, Steph had sent you the Quaffle again and you were back in the game.
Your team won. You knew it was because of this incident and hitting the wall with your head you cursed at yourself. 
“Actually I-”
“Oh my God.” Stopped Seokmin. His eyes were no longer staring at you. “Speaking of the devil.”
You saw Mingyu arrive in the corner of your eye, and both of you immediately stood up. You’d never seen him like this before. He was fuming, his dark eyes staring at you with enough anger to make a mandragore shut up with only a glare. You felt your stomach twist.
“Okay, you know what I’ll just let you alone. I’ll wait outside with Chunhee.” Started Seokmin. “Please, don’t get killed okay?” Before you could say something, your friend had disappeared. What a chicken. 
Suddenly your environment became hostile. The corridor you were in was too long, too dark and felt too isolated. The pouring rain outside the arena was louder with each step he was taking. He still had his Gryffindor Quidditch shirt, but with a huge thunderclap hitting the sky, the red and gold didn’t seem welcoming anymore. 
“Mingyu I…”
Arriving in front of you he smashed your arithmancy papers with his hand. The sheets then crashed on the floor.
“Mingyu what the hell is wrong with you?!” You started while squatting down to pick them up.
“What the hell is wrong with me?! What the hell is wrong with you!” He yelled. Somehow you heard people arriving in the corridor on your left but didn’t bother to look at them. Anger was creeping in your heart and you couldn’t be distracted from it. You were now looking straight into Mingyu’s eyes, yours mimicking the fire burning it his. “Did you seriously think it was fun to hit me with a Quaffle?!”
“Oh, please stop it! It’s not like I did it on purpose.” You rolled your eyes when he stepped closer. 
“Really?! I’m not sure of that. You’re a Slytherin after all.”
His rather beautiful eyes were narrowed in some infuriating crescents. Mixed with his sly smile and an obvious excess of confidence, his aura was making you beside yourself. You swear all you wanted at that moment was to punch this stupid Gryffindor right in his beautiful face. One minute earlier you were about to apologize to your_ obviously, no longer friend, but the douchebag he’d become had ruined everything. Again.
Now deeply hurt by his words all you could feel was the raging flame waving in your heart.  
“Okay that’s enough.” you stopped, offended. “Do you… seriously thought I did it just for my Slytherin team to win?!”
“Why not. That’s what a snake would do.”
 You pushed him with all your strength. Adrenaline had gotten over you and now you felt even more energized than before the game. His back hit the wall behind him, a painful grin deforming his handsome features. He probably hadn’t expected you to react so violently.
As it seems he’d become more than a jerk; his popularity had turned him into a coward as well. All he could do was attack you with what he knew would make you wince, what would make your feelings scream and what would break your heart. Years of friendship spent together to use your weakest points against you in the end.
 “You fucking idiot!” You said with a dark shadow surrounding your body. He was now only centimeters away from your green and silver clothes, and your finger was pointing his chest with too much strength for a simple accusation. “When did you became so stupid to think I would do something like that?! Especially to you.” Now you no longer cared, rather it would reveal something about your true feelings for him or not. Indeed, your eyes were tearing from a mix of anger and sadness, exposing you to this guy you once knew.
“And when did you become so cold hearted that your parents would be ashamed to have a Slytherin as their daughter?!” He answered back. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Your fist crushed his jaw with enough strength to break his bones. He let out a groan. But before you could do anything to analyze the ache in your phalanx, Mingyu had made a move. Seizing your chest, he tackled you to the ground, your ribs hitting the hard floor with too much intensity for the already painful bruise you got earlier from your quidditch altercation. You let out a scream while automatically grabbing your ribcage as a protection.
If you weren’t full of rage you would have noticed how his expression changed from animosity to perplexity. Your eyes would have been able to see how he’d suddenly understood you were hurt too by the Quaffle incident. But the fury you were only saw an opportunity to fight back. Because the distance he’d put between your bodies to see you from afar was giving you the chance to kick him with your right leg. And so did you.
His body rolled to the side, his arms crossed in front of his face as a defense mechanism. Now that you’d stood up, you were ready to hit him again when a voice stopped you in your tracks.
 “Alright kids, it’s time to stop.” Calmly said a female voice on your left. Before understanding the situation, you had been grabbed from behind by your classmates and moved away from your former friend.
In her Quidditch Gryffindor clothes their captain had arrived to stop the mess you were doing. She was standing there, arms crossed and looking at how you were trying to escape the hands stopping you from exploding. When Mingyu got up again and approached you, she stepped in. Diana was smaller than him but the hand she put between you two was enough to stop the young wizard.
“Mingyu. Stop. It’s your first match as the Seeker. Don’t make me say it’s the last one.”
The captain had spoken. At her words he stopped dead and looked at her, turning his angry gaze to the petite girl.
“She attacked me first with the Quaffle.” He tried to defend himself.
“No, she didn’t. It was an accident. We were all tired, it was raining. Things like that happen.” 
“No.” Turning in your direction she apologized. “Sorry Y/N.” And with her last words you’d watched them leave, Mingyu angry aura emanating from him until he was out of view. 
If you’d managed to calm yourself after this fight he hadn’t. And somewhat he had managed to make you be forbidden from playing official matches for 3 months while he was healing from that punch in the face you’d given him.
Thinking about it you realized it’s when you’d decided to end this stupid friendship. That’s when you started to officially avoid him, not caring if he’d ever wanted to approach you again.
Lost in your thoughts you haven’t realized he was now watching you too. Mingyu might have felt your stare, even if you had lost yourself into nostalgia. And when your eyes finally met you were surprised to see his neutral expression. You probably had blushed but were praying for him to be too far to notice. 
Watching your open book again you tried to focus on your lesson but failed, knowing he was still smiling at your moment of madness. So, giving up with fighting the shame you’d felt for being caught staring, you closed your book and left the great hall.
[6 years later]
The picture in your hand was taken far from the crime scene, but you swear you could see it clearly. Your fingers were trembling around the piece of paper the guy of the shop had given you and the cop you’d become could still feel her heart beat heavily in her chest. Indeed, the more your eyes were observing the snapshot of this young muggle, the more you knew it was him. It was clearly his face half hidden by a curtain and a long coat. Everything from this beautiful ruffled hair to the large hand holding the camera smelled like him. This guy was only a reflection on a window next to this damn alley, but you could feel it in your bones. Kim Mingyu was here.
And if the journalist he’d become was near a crime scene hours before the most popular murder of the decade, there’s no way it could be a coincidence. Damn it! You finally had a lead to bring back to the Ministry of Magic.
Excitement rose in your heart and you tried to convince yourself it was because of the investigation. Because there’s no way a long-forgotten frenemy could make you feel that excited, right?
A smile enlightened on your face.
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theycallmebecca · 4 years
Chris & Ellie, #9
Thanks for this prompt! I’m sure you probably wanted something in the current story timeline... but it didn’t work with my outline... so instead you get a present day Chris and Ellie aka how they’re quarantining.
I’ll include a link to their mastermap when I reblog this to add the other links, but as a refresher, in Chris and Ellie’s 2020 timeline, they are living in Oregon, they’re parented to 14 month old Tommy and Ellie is pregnant with baby #2.
Title: Quarantine in Oregon
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC (Ellie Spencer-Evans)
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #9 - "Remember when you thought you were in love with me?"
Warnings: Loss of pet (nothing graphic or specific, more so the reactions to it)
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Because of how tumblr can be silly about links, I will reblog this post with links to the masterlist and the prompt list.
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May 1, 2020
Chris came down the stairs with the baby monitor in hand, happy that he'd finally managed to get his fourteen-month-old son, Tommy, down for his nap. It always seemed to take him longer than Ellie to get the baby down, but he was getting better at it.
"El?" he called, once he was on the first floor of their house in Oregon. He'd known she'd left for a while, but he was hoping she'd come back. Seeing that she wasn't in the living room, he made his way into the kitchen, but found it empty as well. "Ellie?"
"She took Dodger for a walk," his brother called from the family room that was just off the kitchen.
Following his brother's voice, Chris found Scott sitting in the corner of the L shaped couch channel surfing. "So she came back then, did she look ok?" he asked.
"She looked tired, but Dodger was practically dancing at the door to go out and she looked like she could use the fresh air herself," Scott replied, looking up at his brother. He frowned and then held out his hand. "Give me the baby monitor. You look like you could use some fresh air yourself."
"Are you sure?" Chris asked him. "I didn't invite you up here to play babysitter."
"I know and that's why I'm offering," Scott replied. "Besides, it's not like I've never watched him during nap time before. He should sleep for a couple hours and if he doesn't, well, I'll call your cell phone."
"Alright, but I think I'll go work in the barn for a bit," Chris said, nodding his head towards the old barn that he and Ellie were in the process of converting from barn to living area.
After double checking that he had his phone, Chris went out to the mudroom and changed into his work boots before heading out into the warm May air. The weather had been amazing during the last couple months, which made being quarantined a little easier on everyone, he supposed.
It only took him a couple minutes to walk out to the barn, which Ellie's uncle's construction company had done a lot of the work on already and more had been in the works until everything had been shut down at the end of March. Thankfully, the winter had been mild and most of the work had been finished before the crew had had to stop working, which meant that most of what was left was the finishing touches. Stuff that Chris could easily take care of, sometimes on his own and sometimes with help.
After unlocking the barn door with the keypad, Chris slid open the large barn door and stepped inside. He and Ellie had talked about leaving the paper down on the floors while they finished working, but had ultimately decided that anything that happened to the repurposed floors would only add to their charm and would give them one less thing to stress over with the renovation.
Once the lights were on, Chris made his way over to the wet bar in the back corner of the open area of the barn's first floor where he and Scott had been working on paneling the front of the bar the day before. It was certainly easier with two pairs of hands, but he'd started it himself and he could finish it that way.
Some of the early wildflowers were starting to bloom, Ellie noted as she and Dodger strolled through one of the pastures on their property. The two of them had made a habit of taking a walk in the afternoon to clear their minds. Or rather, she did and Dodger always came with her. As she turned, her eyes fell on the tree that Daisy had always loved to sleep under and tears pooled in her eyes.
Officially in her third trimester of pregnancy today, tears were always close to the surface for her, but thinking of her first furbaby always made her a little sad. They'd known it was coming, Daisy hadn't been doing well for a couple of months, but then things had taken a turn for the worst in late February and they'd made the tough decision to put her down on March 1st. Her dad had helped Chris dig the grave and they'd buried Daisy under that tree, so she could rest in her favorite place.
As if sensing her sadness, Dodger bumped her hand with his head then laid his head against the outside of her thigh.
"You miss her, too, don't you?" she said, scratching Dodger's head. She considered getting down on the ground with him, but past experience told her that wouldn't be a good idea, not when it was just the two of them out in the field without Chris or Scott to help get her on her feet again.
Her frown deepened as she thought of her husband. They'd had a stupid fight that morning thanks to not sleeping well for a couple nights in a row. In between Tommy teething and her not being able to get comfortable at night, she and Chris were both cranky and they'd taken it out on each other this morning over a stupid pair of socks on the floor of the bathroom. She had snapped first and he had snapped back, which hadn't been a great start to an already rough morning.
Afterwards, Chris had taken Dodger out for their usual morning jog and she'd taken care of Tommy, who had blown through his diaper during the night. Which meant that he'd gotten a bath before breakfast and then she'd had to strip his crib and wash everything while he'd played in his exersaucer.
Needless to say, her mood hadn't improved by the time Chris and Dodger got back and she'd accused Chris of leaving her to do everything because she was a woman. It hadn't been pretty and to make matters worse, it had happened in front of Scott.
She had cooled down with a drive up the road to her parent's house where she had cried on her mom's shoulder and then had taken a nap in her childhood bedroom. Both had helped significantly as had talking to her mom about everything that was happening at home and the stress of it all. Her mom, a school counselor, had listened and then had reminded her that everyone was feeling extra pressure and stress with everything that was going on with COVID-19.
By the time she'd left her parents house, she'd felt better and had planned to seek Chris out the second she got back. She'd sought him out and had found him in the nursery with Tommy, his eyes closed as he rocked the baby. She'd let them be and had come downstairs to find Dodger waiting for her to take him on a walk.
"Should we go find dad?" she asked, looking down at Dodger.
The dog let out a happy bark and led the way.
As he worked, Chris couldn't help but reflect on the events of the last six weeks. After they'd lost Daisy, he'd found himself in the barn helping the crew as they worked while Ellie took comfort in the family members that dropped in to check on them. Daisy had been his first gift to Ellie, but also their first kid and losing her had hurt. It still hurt.
Then at the end of March, the governor had ordered everyone to stay home and had closed a lot of non-essential businesses, which meant that family had stopped coming over to see them. He'd seen Ellie starting to retreat into herself and he'd called the one person he knew could help her even more than himself, Scott.
His brother had shown up a few days later after an all night road trip and told them of his recent breakup. Privately, he'd told Chris that it had been a mutual thing, but he'd told Ellie that she owed him one since he'd helped her through her last breakup. Chris knew that Ellie knew that Scott didn't really need her help, but she humored his brother anyway.
Caught up in his work and thoughts, Chris didn't hear the footsteps coming into the barn and didn't even realize he wasn't alone anymore until he heard Ellie say, "Remember when you thought you were in love with me?"
The tone of her voice had been one of a joke and he opened his mouth to reply in a similar tone, but shut it when he saw that her expression didn't match it. He dropped his tools and made his way to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
"I've been in love with you for over five years and I'm never going to stop," he assured her as he held her in his arms.
"I was so awful to you this morning," she whimpered. "There's no excuse for it."
"I was just as awful," Chris said, stepping back and brushing tears from her face with his thumbs. "And I knew how tired you were this morning, I should have checked on Tommy before I left and if I had, I would have stayed and helped. Especially since I know it's getting harder for you to get him out of the crib. I was an asshole and I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," Ellie replied before burying her head into his chest. She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her again.
"Tomorrow we'll come up with a new morning plan," he suggested. "And maybe I'll throw Tommy into the running stroller and he can come with Dodger and I so you can take a nap. How does that sound?"
"Amazing," Ellie sighed. Then gasped as a small foot kicked her in the ribs. "Marcus Alexander, stop that," she playfully scolded the baby in her stomach. "I swear, he kicks harder than Tommy ever did."
"Maybe he'll be the next great NFL kicker," Chris said with a laugh as he put his hand on her stomach. "Or maybe a soccer player."
"Or a dancer," Ellie added with a smile.
"He can be whatever he wants to be," Chris said, proudly. "I'll support him no matter what."
"And that's why you're an amazing dad," Ellie told him. She raised herself up a bit to give him a kiss. Then rubbed her belly. "Alright, I'm going to go find your brother, I haven't been a great friend to him today in his time of need." She used air quotes around the last three words. "Are you going to work much longer out here? Maybe we can watch a movie or something."
Chris looked back at the bar then shook his head. "I think I'm done for the day, why don't you head back to the house and I'll clean up and follow you in a minute."
Ellie nodded and she left with Dodger on her heels.
After putting his tools away and closing the barn up for the night, Chris glanced around the yard, to make sure all was as it should be. His eyes settled on the tree where they'd buried Daisy and he found himself walking towards it before he'd made a conscious decision to. Losing her had almost been harder than losing East had been, mostly because it wasn't just himself that was hurting from the loss this time.
Reaching the tree, he pressed his hand against the bark and closed his eyes. It had been two months, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.
"We miss you, Daisy girl," he said, softly. "We'll always love you."
He stood there for a few minutes before he turned and made his way back to the house.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Day Two
Hi folks! Here is a little chapter! I was going to post twice a week, afraid this may not be timely because the stay at home orders might end, but I think I’ll stop worrying about that.....and post weekly! So here is day two of Harry and Elise at home! Thanks to @dirtystyles for the beta and the amazing live from your bed call!
"Can I get you a cup of tea?" 
She'd wandered into his living area at a time that felt unbearably early, she was drowsy. It had made her jump a bit, his voice. She was surprised she felt tired. She may have woke up a bit early, but they had turned in really early too. There was only so much you could say to a total stranger who had inadvertently kidnapped you, and was also the subject of your daydreams at one point in your life. They'd had a bit of an awkward first night, maybe wordless was a better word.
She'd wanted to kick herself for agreeing to quarantine with him so easily. Especially when they sat across from each other at his kitchen table in fallow silence. She was hoping today they could both find their voices, or these 14 days were going to be miserable.
His voice was like a desert backroad, this morning, graveled and with ruts like a washboard. It wasn't helping her speak with ease. She'd heard his morning voice before, had screamed over it at 17, in secret because the fixation had fallen out fo fashion for her age. Elise had clearly forgotten how devastating it was.
"Um," great now her voice was funny too. It wasn't all deep and sexy though, it was an embarrassing high pitch, if he had a dog it was about to come running. She didn't think he had a dog. "I don't really like tea, no offense." She squealed. Her roommate had been visibly offended, but too polite to say it when she'd turned down her brew.
He burst into a laugh at that, "your face! It's not like you insulted my cooking or looks or something. It's ok to not like tea!"
"You sure about that, the girl I live with may beg to differ. When I shared the same sentiment with her she looked at me like I was wearing an American flag cape and was about to douse myself in ketchup and fire a gun in the living room." She had to ask, as he was very un English about this, in her limited experience.
"That's an image!" He ducked his chin, bit his lip to stop speaking.
"What?" She asked.
"Just the cape?" His cheeks warmed, but not like hers. They were flaming. "Anyway, I prefer coffee, actually."
"Oh!" She opened her mouth in faux shock. "I'm horrified! You are a bad Brit!" She laughed with him a little.
"The worst! Just ask my friends. I'm even losing my accent."
"Sounds pretty strong to me." She shrugged. "I pick up accents easy. Maybe you do too."
"I do, it will be interesting to hear what we both sound like once we can rejoin the world." He turned around then and started rummaging in the cupboards.
"Can I get the key to your flat? And do you want hot coffee or iced? Do you have to designate when coffee is hot? That's default right? I basically live on iced coffee, it keeps me going and such. Think it started when I was on my last tour, but you know, we never really slept on tours with the band either, like."
"Harry, Harry! Harry! Stop!" He was firing questions at a concerning pace. She thought he talked slow.
"What? Have you gone off coffee? I was hoping we'd keep that in common." That was interesting, but she didn't let it distract her.
"No, no, that's not it. Why do you need my house keys?" She was sure he had been rambling about semi important things, but really, she was a bit lost on that part.
"Oh, so I can leave them for my assistant to go get you the necessary articles for the next couple of weeks. She can drop them on the doorstep. That way we need not expose her and vice versa." He said it matter of factly.
Elise was momentarily distracted by the French press he was seeing to now. She could taste the strong bitter flavor already and she was already imagining how his forearm would flex while he applied firm steady pressure to the top.
"Yeah, ok, but, I probably should have asked this before I agreed to stay the night last evening, but, why are we holed up here together? I could just as easily have gone home. Furthermore-"
"Oooh, furthermore, you an English major or summat?" He was smirking a little and the expression was so familiar and yet devastating she nearly lost both threads of conversations they were weaving.
"No, international relations and antiquities."
"That sounds...niche."
"It is. It's also extremely pertinent to current British politics. But we can talk more about that later-"
"Gonna hold you to that." He nodded for her to go on.
"You are very good at evading questions."
"I know." He looked like he'd just signaled dawn, cock of the walk.
"Good skill in your line of work?" She imagined necessary.
"It's useful. I've been trying to do it less lately."
"Can you do it less now?" She gave him her play school eyes, from when she had the 3 year olds at her first college jobs. She'd been in early childhood education. She switched soon after. But the eyes were effective, apparently, Harry fessed right up.
"Listen, I feel extremely guilty. I knew, dammit, I knew I should have just ordered delivery, or sent someone else to pick up the things that I wanted, but, well." He sighed. "I really value my independence and a sense of normality, little things like going to pick my own avocados matter to me."
"Did you get avocados?" She was hungry.
"Yeah. Did."
"Can you make avocado toast and we can finish this conversation over that?" Her stomach growled and the coffee smell started to really permeate the air. They were connected, coffee and her appetite. That smell meant yum to her. She lived for breakfast.
He grinned. "Sure. Coffee is about done. Wanna start there."
"Yes, please." He poured her a cup and placed it at her elbow.
"How do you take it?" He stopped and screwed his mouth to one side. "Though I should explain I only have some oat milk and if there is any proper cream, it might have gone off."
"Oat Milk is fine. I've been trying to eat less dairy."
"Yeah me too, bad for my voice."
"Your voice seems so much better though." She exclaimed while fixing her coffee and looked up with her lip between her teeth and her tail between her legs. That and recognizing him plus the squeak and her readiness to move on it, must expose her as a fan girl, former at least.
"Hmmm." Was all he said, knowingly. Wait, he was supposed to be on the hot spot.
"So you broke quarantine for avocados, and then sneezed on me."
He blushed at least then, so he had a little shame.
"Yes, yep, I did do that."
"So, why didn't I just go home? Shelter in my own place, get my own things?"
"Ok, I'm about to sound like a pompous arsehole. Promise to forget it?"
She nodded.
"I, well, you look like you're my age, a little younger proabably, a student. And London is expensive. I assumed you have roommates?"
She pursed her lips but nodded for him to continue.
"Well, I just wanted to mitigate my guilt. And also." He stopped then and played with his lip before realizing he wasn't supposed to and washed his hands. Before pulling the toast out and mushing avocado like he'd worked at a sub shop, not a bakery.
"Also," Eise prompted, when he turned back and topped her toast with an egg.
"I just.....this way I can pay for everything. Including if you get sick. Cuz it's my fault, I just had to pick my own produce." He flapped his arms uselessly. And she just let it go. She could have put up a fight. About him whisking her away, or getting her things, or going home, or even thinking she wouldn't chip in for the food she'd eat. But instead she gave him her keys, and filled her belly with the food he made, and laughed at his jokes. It wasn't a crazy thing, or so horrible to have company while they were both stuck inside. And there were her roommates to consider. London was expensive, and he was negligent.
Plus, he was lovely and even more lovely than she had built him up in her mind to be, years ago. There were lots of sentiments she agreed with upon listening to them.
Mostly, she knew a bit about making decisions out of guilt. She could spare him this easily. She had nothing to lose, and at worst, wonderful company to gain.
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gothfoxx · 5 years
I read this fic recently where after giving izuku his quirk, all might works him way to hard, forces him to hide his pain from others, and hurts him when he can't hide it. All the while, izuku thinks its normal, and that all might is just trying to help him. could you do a one shot where dadzawa finds out and goes all "you will never touch this child again" mode? please i need comfort after all the angst.
Anon if it’s the fic I’m thinking of...I understand, here’s some comfort and if I can fit it in some Dadzawa fluff🖤
Also I’m using this song as inspiration cause it fits the way Aizawa would be feeling during the whole thing
Also sorry for my sins, I wanted to make it DAD Dadzawa 🙏
All of the students were back with their families for golden week so Aizawa was taking his time to get back home from the meeting with Ally Cat and the other vigilantes. He was going across an alcove that held a hidden beach when he heard the sound of retching. Normally that wouldn’t be enough to draw him in, drunks weren’t worth the trouble if they weren’t causing problems, what did have him looking down into the alcove was the sob that followed. It was the sob of a child, a child he had thought was safely at home with their mother.
Midoriya Izuku was huddling into the back of the alcove, right up against the rock of the short cliff, shivering and dry heaving. He was covered in dark marks and smudges, his shirt was way too thin for the weather and his wasn’t wearing any shoes. In the dark his hair and the smudges looked black while his pale skin looked sickly in the moonlight. Aizawa’s instincts had him jumping down the cliff in an instant, that probably wasn’t the best idea because the small boy flinched and curled into himself like he expected a blow. From here Aizawa could smell iron along with the bile. Midoriya was bleeding.
“Midoriya?” No response, “Midoriya?” Still nothing. Aizawa sat down in front of the boy, minding the sick, and tried again, “Izuku?” The kid’s head snapped up at the use of his first name. “S-Sensei? Why are y-you he-here?” Midoriya asked with chattering teeth. Thanking kami that he was in civilian clothes Aizawa took off his coat and draped it over his student’s trembling shoulders. “Well kid I could ask you that same question, I’m a off duty underground hero. What’s your reason?” He gently reached out and tilted Midoriya’s head so the light hit him better, the kid had a black eye that was swollen shut and a busted lip. “Who did this to you?” His voice remained calm but the instincts that made him jump down here were yelling at him to take this kid and book it. There was a crunch in the sand behind him just as Midoriya’s eyes grew wide and he gasped out “All Might”.
The crunch turned out to be a stray dog that came up to sniff them, whimpering into Midoriya’s side while the boy took to slowly petting its head. It didn’t take an idiot to put together the clues, the kid had a quirk he couldn’t control, he seemed unused to praise, he and Yagi knew each other before class, the low self worth, the clear aftermath of a harsh beating, and the fear at being found by Yagi. Obviously Midoriya was being abused by his father, a man who claimed that the boy was not in fact his. Aizawa had looked into the kid, he knew the boy got his quirk late and he wasn’t a stranger to a father leaving because of a quirk. It was plausible that a dead-beat might come back once he thought his kid was worth something now. “Midoriya does your mother know where you are?” He hopes that she doesn’t, that she wasn’t letting this happen. The boy stiffens and the dog whimpers again trying to snuggle the kid. “N-no, she d-doesn’t n-n-know. She i-is out of town.” Midoriya’s answer rings with a hollow note. “Mid- Izuku, where are you stay while she’s out of town?” The gut feeling is eating at him now chanting a montra of ‘grab him and run, hide’ and he was so close to giving in.
Midoriya didn’t get a chance to answer because another crunch in the sand, this one much heavier announced the arrival of someone else. The dog stood in the kid’s lap and growled. The figure standing behind Aizawa was the skeletal form of Toshinori Yagi. It wasn’t the Yagi or All Might Aizawa was used to and annoyed by, this Yagi had looked less like death was at his door and more like he was the reaper coming to collect his bounty. “Midoriya you shouldn’t run off like that, look you’ve worried this poor man and his dog. Come along we need to go back to the agency.” And if Aizawa hadn’t grown up hearing the same tone of fake concern from his mother or afterwards when dealing with domestic abuse cases he might have fallen for it. Standing up to his full height and letting all the protective rage and childhood fear fuel the fire behind his glare Aizawa growled out, “he isn’t going back with you. He’s never going with you anywhere again! I don’t care if he is your kid or not Yagi, you are never laying a hand on him or going near him again! I’ll make sure of it!” All Might blinks in shock then recognition, “Hello Aizawa, didn’t take you as a dog person. Now why can’t I take my charge back with me? He’s my responsibility.” The titan asked, the threat in Aizawa’s words either not taken seriously or not understood. “Because Yagi, he was scared to death that it was you when I found him. He’s terrified and covered in injuries and blood. You are not getting him back ever.” The anger and panic in his gut turned from a hot feverish wild fire to a freezing acidic poison that laced his every word. He would fight the world’s number one, the devil himself, to protect Izuku.
After a great time of staring each other down All Might yields and takes a step back. “Fine, keep him, but I’ll always be there. He can’t escape his destiny and we’ll always be connected.” He states the last bit towards the boy still cowering behind the dog. The dog growls again and lowers into a fighting stance. “His destiny is his to decide. Being his father doesn’t automatically his dad, it doesn’t make you connected. Don’t ever think it does.” Aizawa declares with the wisdom of someone who had to find that knowledge firsthand. All Might scofts and walks away a dismissive wave of his hand.
Aizawa stands there for a long while making sure the skeletal was really gone before he turns back to the two behind him. Izuku is staring with his one good eye like the world had just flipped upside down. As gently as he can muster Aizawa starts talking to Izuku “Hey kid, it’s going to be okay. I know it might not make sense now but you’re safe now, what was happening with you and him was not how anyone should treat you. I won’t let him make you think it’s okay just because you share dna. I won’t let him hurt you again, you’re safe.” The kid still looks so lost but he nods, it looks like it causes him pain though.
“Okay first thing first, medical care.” The boy opens his mouth to argue, “Kid you look worse than I did at USJ please don’t try to fight me on this.” Aizawa pleads as he pulls out his phone and calls Ally Cat, they should still be awake and they have a car. The conversation is short and to the point, Cat will be picking them up with a change of clothes and some flip-flops for the kid and a leash for the stray. “Thanks for doing this Cat, I know it’s short notice.” “All emergencies are short notice Eraser, I got your back.” “See you soon” “you know it” And with that everything is set into motion, slowly but in motion non the less. He looks back at Izuku after he hangs up, the kid is dozing off with his hands in the dog’s fur. If it wasn’t for the injuries and time of night Aizawa could pretend that they were just at the beach for the peaceful silence. He figured he could take them to a different beach, make better memories, once the kid wasn’t beat to hell and back. “Huh, guess I have a kid and dog now. Mic and everyone aren’t going to let me live this down.” He muses just as a black mini-van pulls to the side of the road above them. “Cat must have been worried” he huffs as he carefully scoops up Izuku and heads around the side of the aclove and up to the road, dog loyaly following.
Izuku had three cracked ribs, neck and shoulder injuries like that of a retired boxer, and a fractured cheek bone. The doctor was suspicious of the duo when they came into the hospital but after Aizawa showed him his hero ID and explained it as an abuse case the worried anger faded. Aizawa didn’t blame the man for thinking the worst. As they waited for more tests to come back and the boy to wake up from the use of a healing quirk Aizawa called Nezu to inform him about what had happened and they made plans to have Yagi removed from the school quickly & quietly. After that the kid was still sleeping and the doctors saw he wouldn’t be waking for a least another hour or two so Aizawa texted Cat about the dog.
E: is it chipped
A: nope
E: can your friends have it checked over and chipped today?
A: sure but it’s not an it she’s a lovely shiba mix
E: ok thanks
A: anytime, you adopting just the dog or?
E: he has a mom
A: :/ you know what I mean
E: yeah I do and yeah
A: cool! I get to be the cool auncle! Dibs!
E: why are all my friends like this?
A: cause you like the affection:p
E: no you
He ignores the next text because Izuku wakes up. The kid looks lost again, just rotating his arm with the iv in it and mumbling to himself. “Hey champ, you fell asleep before we got you here.” Aizawa explains slowly because the pain meds might be messing with the kid’s head. The kid just looks up at him with pinched eyebrows and confusion,”we?” His voice is so small and dry, Aizawa grabs a cup and fills it up from the sink in the room they are in. “Yeah my friend drove us here. They took the dog to a vet to get checked over too.” He elaborates as Izuku drinks the water. “If you want to we can keep her, the dog I mean, she isn’t chipped and my friend thought you might want to keep her.” He asks a bit unsure of how to address what happened without causing the kid more stress. “But the dorms don’t allow pets if it’s not for a quirk or medical reasons.” The kid says sadly. And that wasn’t going to stand on Aizawa’s watch, he claimed this kid and he was going to be the best guardian he could be. “She doesn’t have to stay at the dorms, she can live at home.” He assures the kid.
But now the kid is tearing up and the man did not know what he did wrong or how to set things right. “I don’t have anywhere else to take her, mom got caught in a villain attack at work. The whole building came down. Yagi-Sensei had been letting me stay at this agency.” And just fuck, Aizawa hadn’t been told Ms Midoriya had passed and he had a feeling non of the other staff did either. “Izuku, you don’t have to ever go back with him but you can’t not have a home. After tonight I think Yagi will sign his parental rights over to me but only if you are okay with it. If not then we can figure out something else or make you a ward like Er-“ He stops mid sentence as Izuku hugs him, burying his bandaged cheeks into Aizawa’s neck. All The man can do as the kid clings to him is cling back, he had no idea when the last time an adult showed this kid love so he held the boy close. “He- he’s not my d-dad Aizawa-Sensei, my dad g-g-gave me up years ago. Yagi-Sensei du-doesn’t have p-parental rights.” The kid admits as he sobs, his voice just barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want to be alone.” Izuku confesses, breaking the heart of the man holding him.
When doctors give them the okay and Izuku has gotten himself back together enough to put on the clothes Cat had brought Aizawa has Cat take them to His apartment near U.A. the shiba is waiting in the back of the van with a shiny red leather collar. Izuku and the dog fall asleep quickly. “So Sho, this mean you’re gonna petition for custody?” Cat asks as they drive, careful to not to wake the kid with the sudden sound. “Don’t have to, circumstances have changed. I’ll just have to file for adoption.” He sighs, he knows they won’t pry into it while everything is still happening so he feels safe enough to let them know. “Cool, just remember I called dibs on being the cool auncle. I’m spoiling him and that sweet pup.” They remind the tired man as he spots the apartment building up ahead. “You’ll have to fight Mic but I think being spoiled by both of you idiots will be good for him.” He laughs softly as he pictures the gift war that’s bound to happen now. “Don’t worry Mr Dad, I think you’ll spoil him enough before we can. You gave him a dog and he’s not even your kitten yet.” They tease.
It’s been three weeks and Izuku settles into his new bedroom with his new dog, Kēki, the room is kind of baren but he didn’t have a lot to decorate with yet. He’d thrown out or given away most of his hero merchandise, only keeping a few things his mom gave him. He was looking forward to the next week, Shota had told him that the papers were in and that by that time they would approve the adoption. Soon Izuku would be Midoriya-Aizawa Izuku, he wouldn’t have thought he’d like living with his teacher but the man gave off the same soft caring aura Izuku’s mom had...just in a quiet way. While the man wasn’t very physically affectionate he did listen when Izuku needed him, he asked questions about Izuku’s interests and goals and just overall made the kid feel like he mattered.
Izuku loves his dad, he hadn’t really known his birth dad so it was easy to give that title to the man that had taken him in so readily. Life was looking up, All might had been let go from U.A. and wasn’t allowed to teach ever again. Grand Torino had reached out in condolences when he heard that his non-grandson had lost his mother, the old man offered to watch him if the situation ever occurred. So now Izuku had a dad, most of the staff of his school as aunts and uncles, some odd vigilante that called themself his ‘auncle’, Kēki, and a grandpa! He still missed his mom but his dad had sent him to therapy to work through what All Might had put him through and Izuku had discovered he had some deeper issues of self worth and expecting abuse from those around him. So things were steadily getting better, not noticeably but he was just starting.
“Izuku! Kēki! I brought home dinner!” Shota called as he locked the door back. An exicited kid and dog bound into the front room looking so happy that Shota had to blink away from their brightness. “Come one lets eat while it’s still hot.” He laughs as he carries the bags of take out to the coffee table by the couch. As they dig in a feeling of rightness surrounds them. “Thanks dad.” “No problem Champ”
Kēki is a shiba mix with an all brown coat with a white tail that makes her look like chocolate cake with a dollop of white frosting this the name cake. Ally Cat wasn’t meant for more than just a throw away line but then they needed a car so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hope you liked it anon
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toastie-the-know · 5 years
The canon bases of RudeAggro!Felix and Apologetic!Dimitri
(Since I actually spent an entire evening doing this, I’m posting it because I don’t want to feel I “lost” all that time haha! I sort of do this kind of stuff for work sometimes, so this is clearly the sad fate of a person who can’t leave their work at work and brings it into their hobbies 😂 )
I’ve read a lot of Dmlx fic (in English), and have seen a lot of art, and there’s a trend I’ve noticed in the characterisations of both Felix and Dimitri that stands out to me: Rude and aggressive Felix, and Apologetic Dimitri. More specifically, Felix being rude/aggressive to Dimitri, and Dimitri apologising to Felix. The characterisations stand out to me only because my hc characterisations are more like “tsundere” Felix, and polite Dimitri. There’s obviously an overlap between “rude/aggressive” and “tsundere”, as well as “apologising” and “polite”, but they are not the same thing, at least from the part of the world I come from (I played with the JP audio on English text). I wanted to figure out if I was missing something from canon, so decided to take a short dive and check out the source material.
This meta isn’t an attack on people’s preferences. Creators of fan works depict characters in a variety of ways for personal reasons, and it’s no one’s business to pass judgement on that. I’m not trying to legitimise my hc, or delegitimise othere people’s hc. All I want to know is whether there is  strong canon basis for the characterisations, which I might have missed. I’m also not saying that “unless a characterisation is based off canon 100% it’s not legit”.  I don’t believe in that statement. Looking at canon is one way for me to see whether the “RudeAggro Felix”, “Apologetic Dimitri” is more a case of creator extrapolation, or based off something very clearly there in the canon.
So I’m gonna look at three bits of text. 1) The words and expressions used in the support conversations, both JP and EN 2) The tone in the voice acting, both JP and EN in the support conversations, and 3) Dimitri and Felix’s lines in Azure Moon route chapters + in the monastery, but only in the JP (it was easier for me to search the JP text quickly, more effort required for the EN). Of course there’s more you can glean about their characters from other supports etc, but I don’t have that much free time… 
Heads up I’m a bilingual and bicultural Japanese/Aussie (have lived in both countries), so I’m pretty confident in my interpretations of the JP text and audio.
Rude and Aggressive Felix
There’s a lot of canon for this characterisation to be based on. Listing the words and expressions Felix uses when talking to Dimitri is pretty aggressive, and is meant to be demeaning if we take it at face value.
Felix insults/expressions of aggression 
Support C
その気味の悪い笑顔で話しかけるな。/ Go away. (I would add “Don’t talk to me with that creepy/spooky/grotesque smile of yours.”)
見ているだけで胸糞悪くなる。/ Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch 黙れ。獣は獣らしくしていろ。/ Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. 獣 / beast 猪 / wild boar ならばさっさと失せろ、邪魔だ。話しかけるな、この化け物��。/ Hurry up and get out of my sight.  I don’t make a habit of talking to beasts.
Support B
猪 / wild boar 貴様 / an aggressive form of addressing “you” in Japanese, although in this sentence it’s not used aggressively 阿呆が。/ Do you take me for a fool?  (I took the Japanese more along the lines of “Are you stupid?”) 腹立たしい……。/Looking at your face is making me angry (No JP equivalent) / Farewell, Your Beastliness.
Support A
獣 / beast (but used in the context of the “the face of a beast vs the face of a man” line) 手が滑って斬りつけないうちに、答えろ。Answer quickly before my hand slips and I cut you in half お前の辛気臭い顔が、癇に障って仕方なかっただけだ / I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face.
Stepping out of the Dimitri/Felix support conversations for a bit, we know from Felix’s other interaction he is also rude and aggressive. Calling Dedue “dog” is probably the rudest and most demeaning example we have. Telling Ingrid to go and get married is also pretty rude. So overall we have a lot of evidence that Felix is ok with being abrasive, at best. Intentionally hurtful and malicious at the worst.
So Felix is rude to Dimitri in their support conversations, but the rudeness lessens as the support levels increase.  As you can see from the list above, the number of expressions of aggression go down between conversations C and A. Felix doesn’t call Dimitri “boar” once in the A support conversation. The last line “癇に障って仕方なかっただけだ / I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face” is a bit tricky, since I think there’s a bit of a divergence between the JP acting and EN acting. The JP is very clearly a "tsundere" intonation, meaning there’s a vibe of “I care but am too embarrassed to admit it”. The EN was a lot less obviously for me, so if you only got the EN there’s a chance that Felix’s  “I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face” comes across at face value - an actual insult.
Outside the support conversations, Felix uses the words “boar/beast” to describe Dimitri specifically quite often. But the intention behind the use seems to change (from an attack on one’s character to a nickname). Looking at the AM route, lines within each chapter + in the monastery phase, we find he uses the words ten times in total. That’s a descent amount, considering the number of lines he probably has overall (I’m not that dedicated to count all his lines… proper methodology would want me to do that though…). The last two times he uses “boar” it seems more of a nickname rather than as a way to attack Dimitri’s person.
A surprise find was that Dimitri uses “beast” five times overall , in the same contexts that I checked for Felix’s use (AM route, lines within each chapter + in the monastery phase in JP). In all cases he is describing either Imperial soldiers, or the baddies at Remier village. Never in reference to himself (which I thought might come up, but didn’t).So 
TLDR; There is canon basis of Felix being rude to Dimitri, but it looks like he mellows out a lot by the end of the game.  The JP flags the “tsundere” vibes a lot more than the English.
Apologetic Dimitri
I’m gonna start with the numbers from the chapters + monastery sections first, because these are the bits that clearly form the canon basis of “apologising Dimitri”. But with some interesting twists!
As a quick and dirty measure, I searched for the characters 謝 (to catch 謝る、謝罪 etc), 悪 (to catch 悪いな、悪かった), and すまない. I didn’t search for ごめん/ごめんなさい (gomen/gomennasai) bc I bet you three cups of coffee that you won’t find Dimitri using this expression.  ごめん/ごめんなさい is more typical of children and women, or super casual. So Edelgard and Claude might use these, but not Dimitri.  
Dimitri apologise a ton in the chapters and monastery sections. For all three words, we have 16 expressions of “sorry” from Dimitri. For comparison, I just checked the first five chapters for Claude. Chapters 1-5 Dimitri apologises 7 times, while Claude apologises once. So yeah, canonically, we find good grounds for Dimitri being a person who apologises often. We’ll see later that in his other supports with Blue Lions characters, he apologies to them also.
Dimitri apologises 6 times after Rodrigue dies in chapter 18. And 4 of these apologies are concerning his behaviour while he was disengaged with the war effort/unwell. These kind of feel a bit different to the “sorry to inconvenience you” type apologies that are more typical of his sorries (see list below)
To Byleth: 4, for being boring (1), for making a weird request (1), for Byleth helping out (2) To Edelgard: 2, once about making Edelgard feel bad bc she thought he was underestimating her, and once about the poor choice of gift he gave her during their childhood. To Lonato: 2, for the general badness of the situation To Claude: 1, (but unclear to me what exactly he’s apologising about) To Dedue: 1, for surprising him To Mercedes: 1 (need to check again To a Kingdom soldier: 1, because the soldier was looking for him To Lonato’s soldier: 1, for the general badness of the situation
Most of these apologies are of the “sorry for being an inconvenience” type. This could be interpreted in a variety of ways ranging from just being polite right through to low self-esteem. Whatever the construal, it does seem objectively that Dimitri says “sorry” a lot more than other male characters who might have as many lines.
Dimitri and apologising to Felix
Dimitri apologising to Felix, we have exactly one example in the chapter conversations. In chapter 18, Dimitri says to Felix “I have no words to apologise adequately” or something along those lines, regarding Rodrigue’s death. (And shortly after, Felix addressed Dimitri by name).
We have zero cases of Dimitri apologising to Felix in the support conversations. For a quick comparison in his other support conversations, Dimitri apologises to Ashe once, Sylvain once, Ingrid once, Annette twice, Mercedes three times (but the expressions he uses are different to the three I mention earlier). Interestingly, Dimitri also doesn’t apologise to Dedue.
These numbers might just be reflecting the fact that Dimitri and Felix’s support conversations aren’t really topics where apologies would be made. Dimitri and Felix’s support conversations aren’t about burdening each other, being a nuisance, or supporting each other. Their support conversations are actually about Felix coming to terms with Dimitri’s dual nature, while Dimitri himself seems seems unbothered by it.  (The only place in canon we really see Dimitri using his words to express remorse and discomfort over his dual nature seems to  be his A+ support with Mercedes).
Dimitri’s responses to Felix’s rudeness in support C are more like indirect affirmations of Felix’s characterisations of him (“A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you’re speaking of the events two years ago”, “I deny nothing, Felix.”, “Perhaps you’re right.”). Maybe a little bit resigned. There are a handful of sad-faces. It actually seems to me that Dimitri is in general agreement with Felix.
In support B, Dimitri is unbothered by Felix’s abrasiveness. When Felix gives him a hard time, Dimitri tends to push back (“As though I would be careless with something so valuable.”, “Come now, that was so long ago!”).  In this entire exchange it’s only Felix who is bothered by something, while Dimitri seems quite oblivious to Felix’s turmoil. The final line in this support is Dimitri saying “What is going on with him…”
Support A Dimitri is quite assertive of himself  (“ Do not waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers / 当たり前のことを聞くな”, “ You are wrong/ ……違う”), still a it resigned (“Always so ominous / お前はいつも物騒だな。”), but unlike supports A and B, showing awareness of Felix’s internal state, and thanks Felix.
Dimitri seems generally unbothered by Felix giving him a hard time, and Dimitri does not apologise for his character. Dimitri seemed ok with his dual nature, while it was Felix who was more bothered by it. But by the end of the game, if support A is reached, Felix also comes around to accept the dual nature. Dimitri and Felix aren’t really in an “apologise to each other” relationship, because it seems from Dimitri’s POV, there is nothing about himself that he needs to apologise to Felix for.
There is good canon basis for rude/aggro Felix. There is good canon basis for apologetic Dimitri. Dimitri apologises a lot in canon, but not really Felix. The one time he apologises is concerning Rodrigue’s death. But given that Dimitri does apologise to people often for inconveniencing them, it’s not hard to imagine how Dimitri would apologise to Felix for inconveniencing him in some way.
So I don’t think I missed anything in canon, but fan creators extrapolate these canon bases into various directions. Which is cool! Because isn’t that the fun of doing fan works!
The end.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
The Haunting of Hill House: Shirley Crain [ESTJ]
Functional Order: Te-Si-Ne-Fi
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Judging Functional Axis:
Extroverted Thinking (Te) / Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Due to being in an Fi-grip after the slow and traumatic breakdown of her family system, adult Shirley behaves like an unhealthy Fi-dom - overly sensitive and paranoid, quick to anger, her unformed emotions controlling her rather than she controlling them, and leading her to making fatal errors in her business due to “heart” cases. However, behind this volatile Shirley, we see the organized and capable Shirley that is always focussed on the task at hand. She manages her family, pulling them all together, as well as being the most financially able, to get Luke into rehab the first time (and then again and again, until he oversteps her generosity for the last time), and then taking on responsibility for Nell’s funeral arrangements (“It’ll take too long to explain [to her assistant about cleaning Nell’s corpse]… I’ll just do it”; “I’m knee deep in our sister’s chest cavity…get Dad and Luke to the funeral!; Nell’s casket topples over, so she “needs her make-up fixing…I’ll go get my kit.”). As a child, she was healthier but still pragmatic and naturally direct - “if there’s a pony in there [the Red Room], it’s dead…we need more keys”; “we can’t leave the kittens out here…the dogs will get them!”. Olivia says she grew up fast, but she can also rely on Shirley in a storm, to take her younger siblings to go make some cocoa. She was also more amenable with her siblings, not holding them to unrealistic standards and being better with managing their emotions (“I don’t want to have a tea party right now - go ask Theo.”)
However, Shirley’s inferior Fi is her Achilles heel, triggered by her consecutive family tragedies and turning the innately kind and pragmatic Shirley into an unreachable adult, that pushes past her emotions of betrayal and grief with either outbursts or “icing people out”, out of touch with herself and the relationships around her. She succumbs to this psychological stress when she uncharacteristically has an affair, but she is so separate from what she has done she rejects it, which manifests itself in the ghost of the man she slept with. 
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Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Sensing (Si) / Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Shirley’s Red Room in the house was a family room, which sums up on what Shirley constructs her identity; rituals, safety and security. This is in part what screws her up so badly, as her life out of her control takes each of those touchstones of familiarity away from her, most painfully her mother. However, as an adult she works the hardest of keeping their unit together, present at every family event, even though she lashes out at change, especially when her adult siblings deviate from the established code. She is hands-on and skilled in her craft in restorative work, which is physically returning ravaged corpses to a wholesome, even unrealistic image of the past - likewise, Shirley rebels against Steve mining Hill House for financial gain, as like their Si-dom father she wants to keep the image of their childhood, and of their family, whole, safe in her personal experience of the past. She is the one that most successfully builds a life for herself following their tragedy, including a reproduction of her mother’s Forever House. She is most concerned with what she can perceive (Nell and Steve laugh over her being the last to realize Theo’s sexuality) and suffers because she can’t understand why Nell wouldn’t ring her - she has little ability to conceptualize outside of actual events.
Shirley’s Ne is ill-serving; it over-idealizes Luke’s recovery, so that she is especially broken when he, as junkies do, relapse again and again, and also interprets Steve’s writing of the book as representative of his betrayal of the family foundations, far beyond what it is in reality. However, it isn’t completely non-apparent; she knew her mother was “acting weird” on the night they all fled Hill House, and is the only one of her siblings to interpret the themes of the house creatively (albeit morbidly), using the idea of “fixing” to reconcile herself with the death of her mother and helping others come to terms with their own loved ones’ deaths.   
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Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Values: hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.
Even as a child, Shirley wanted to find a place to fit in, to make a difference. She started out by trying to open doors for her little sister. Then to raise kittens. And moved on, finally, morbidly, to running a funeral parlor where she can make the dead beautiful. Or at least, seem less dead to their bereaved loved ones. But somewhere along the way, due to her screwed up childhood, Shirley lost her natural compassion – at least where her family is concerned. It turned to judgment. And yet, she is always there for them, always willing to step in and be the dutiful one, always able to get the job done, which speaks to the heart of a Hufflepuff.
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Enneagram: 1w2 sp/so
Tritype: 162 The Supporter [1w2 6w5 2w1]
Shirley does not want to think she’s a bad person. She refuses to admit to this so much, that she becomes a hypocrite – denying her own adultery, while accusing her husband of it. She criticizes and nitpicks everything her family members do, accusing Theo of “mooching” off her (instead of seeing the truth, that Theo is living there to “help” her cope with reality), standing in judgment of her brother’s drug addiction (his way of coping with their mother’s death, his best friend’s death, and the spirits he saw as a child), and insisting she have everything her way, which has to be perfect. She tries so hard to be good, that admitting to her faults is the hardest thing she ever has to do – and yet, at the end, she swallows her immense pride and faces the hard facts that no, she isn’t perfect. Her 2 wing manifests in how many of her decisions are motivated through a desire to help others – she reduces their costs so much, it forces her husband to take “blood money” (her words) from Steven just to stay afloat. Her 6 fix shows in how distrustful, suspicious, and negative-minded she can be, always leaping to the worst (and often inaccurate) conclusion about her loved ones, as if she’s expecting their betrayal. Her 2 fix can be quite manipulative at times, using all the “nice things” she’s done for Theo to attack her for trying to seduce her husband (with an attitude of “this is how you pay back my kindness?”).
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Shigadabi Headcanons
(This is a l o n g b o i)
- Dabi is that annoying ass bf who uses corny lines just to piss Tomura off.
“What're u lookin at”
“Somethin handsome”
- Tomura's really ticklish. He just doesn't know what's going on.
- He's also really touchy
Not just cuz he's a touchy guy n really touch starved, but because he knows it actually makes Tomura feel more safe.
If Dabi just gets close and takes his shirt sleeve into his hand while they're crossing the street, it makes Tomura feel much more safe.
Tomura doesn't really trust himself despite what he tries to make himself think.
He doesn't like holding hands though. Even with gloves on.
We'll get into that one later on
- the nicest Shigaraki is is probably when a co-op game is going exactly how he wants it to, when he's drunk, or when he's exhausted.
But the second he dies it's game over for Dabi's eardrums too.
- Dabi finds it funny how Shigaraki's personality changes after a few drinks.
To document it, he says “this is your last one” every time Tomura yells him to get him another one and then writes down Tomura's response.
It usually goes something like
“I hate you”
“that ain't fuckin' fair”
“Noooo :((((”
“Meanie >:(”
- Tomura gets real cuddly when he's asleep.
You can't be not moving within an arm's length if you don't want him to grab you.
If you're standing by the couch, he'll try n grab your shirttail or sleeve or something like that.
He'll lean on you and you're stuck then, he'll grab on and not let go if you try to move.
This goes for anyone, even outside of the LoV if it so happens.
Dabi loves this n toltally takes a bunch of pictures and makes Toga send him the ones she takes.
Tomura's favorite cuddle position is either being a smol spoon or laying ontop of Dabi, with Dabi's arm around him.
Everything just to be close and to feel safe, because Shigaraki hates to sleep, and he feels vulnerable.
Dabi thinks that's because of AfO and wonders if Tomura would be that cuddly all the time if he grew up with someone else, he was doing it unconsciously.
- speaking of sleep habits, Shigaraki sleeps with a blanket.
Not with naps, those're fine. He can get through an hour and a half or so.
But he actually can't get to sleep, real sleep, without his blanket.
It's just small and blue with lil white and light yellow bunnies on it, he's had it since he was real little.
The only time he won't really sleep without it is if he has at least three stuffed animals around him. No less.
He's exhausted and none of this can be provided? He's not having a good sleep and he's barely comfortable.
- it's so fascinating to Dabi what having a bad childhood can do to you.
He thought that his was the worst until he learnt of Tomura because, unlike Tomura, Dabi actually /had/ a childhood. He was quickly tossed to the side after his father learned his qhirk hurt him but he still grew to be about 15 in that household, with three younger siblings to give a bunch of love and support to, of whom also give a lot back. They went to the park, to the movies, school. They were neglected but that meant Dabi could sneak them out to have some fun.
Tomura didn't have anything after he got his quirk. He killed his entire family then was wandering the streets for who knows how long. Who knows what he whitnessed and went through in that time. Then who knows what happened after he was picked up by AfO. That scar on his finger posed quite a few questions.
Dabi had a childhood still, even if a good amount was taken. Shigaraki's was ripped away from him and he didn't get more than 4 years of it, maybe a bit less.
That's why he acted so childish all the time.
- Dogs are probably the things Tomura hates the least.
If he sees a smol doggo on the side of the road he will want to pet it and he will do anything it takes to achieve his goal. He'll usually pull his sleeve down over his hand if it's long enough, or just use the knuckle of his pointer finger.
But if he sees a corgi he'll probably cry.
It's not the biggest c r y, but like he's reminded of the dog he had when he was little and he can't handle being reminded of that experience.
Big doggos scare him.
- Dabi has considered taking him to a shelter, just so he can inteact. They'll adopt if they want, but Shigaraki mostly just enjoys going so he van have a fun time with the doggos.
- Tomura has a habit of getting lost while they're in a group.
Are they in the mall and pass by a GameStop? Tomura's gonna turn into that store, you can't stop him.
He always turns into arcades and play parks too.
Dabi never let's him though.
C'mon man let the kid have some fun >:(
- despite what you nay think, Dabi has a bunch of chapsticks on him at all times and he throws them at Tomura whenever he picks at his lips.
The further into the day it gets, the more he picks, the more force behind the blows.
- Dabi has a rainbow blanket tha the often uses to, as Tomura puts it, assault Shigaraki.
He'll throw it at him then kiss him when he pulls the blanket down, sling it over him with both ends in his hand so he can pull Tomura close n kiss him.
Gay shit like that.
- Dabi's more open about it — their relationship and his sexuality — than Tomura. He doesn't care. He'll say it if someone's looking at them weird or just looking at Tomura (bcus Dabi thinks it's bcos he's hot even though that's not why people are looking at him. Dabi he looks like a hobo calm down)
Tomura, though, doesn't say anything. Even if people ask. He's not exactly self-conscious or nervous or anything, he's just not one of those 'outwardly gay' people. Example, the op.
- Dabi does a lot of things to Tomura when he's asleep, since he's a deep sleeper.
Cut his nails
Put ChapStick on
Brush his hair
And many more that Tomura will not do by himself.
- Okay so I saved this one for last because it's a long one.
We were at about 975 words before this one, and the toltal word count now that I've finished is about 1719, so this is a long boi.
Tomura doesn't like his hands getting anywhere near Dabi.
He isn't as cautious around anyone else and he really wasn't round Dabi till he realized how gay he was.
As most people know already, when Tomura's Quirk manifested, he killed everyone in his family present at the time. Maybe one or two was an accident, but he was so young and he most likely panicked and got scared. He did all of that with his hands, he caused so much destruction with his hands.
My headcanon is thay it manifested while he was lovin his corgi dog with his sister across the room. Of course, that's going to cause them both to scream and she ran over. Tomura probably didn't even know what had happened, how it happened, or how he'd caused it at that point, so he tried to grab onto her. That didn't work very well.
Screams alerted most in the house and Shigaraki, well, Shimura in this case, fit it together that it was his hands that caused it.
He couldn't understand what was happening or the true weight of the situation but he knew he was in some huge trouble.
Tenko didn't look back, just trying to shut up and do anything he could.
He didn't even have time to grab anything from his home, once everything had been done. The rush of adrenaline, fear, and panic were keeping him doing what he was doing but now that he was really understanding whay was going on, what he'd just done, what'd just happened, why it looked like he'd just dipped his arms and chest and face in paint.
And he ran.
He hated his Quirk for a while before he was groomed to realize he could use it for reasons not so hurtful to him. Before that, though, he tried on multiple occasions after learning how his Quirk really worked to slice his finger off.
He got the idea back when he found a documentary on the ‘Shimura Family Massacre.’ All he got from AfO was some 'reassuring words' and a hand on his shoulder.
He got to the bone one time, because AfO wasn't home to stop him, but he didn't have a good enough knife to get through it and all the really good and sharp Japanese knives were hidden and/or out of his reach.
Shigaraki shut himself off. When he slowly started letting himself feel emotions again, in the form of gaming and things of that nature, he still didn't let himself get close to anyone. Sure it happened unconsciously, he didn't realize the dependence or care for AfO until he was ripped away.
He didn't realize the little care that started to build up among the league either.
But Dabi was the one to really break that one, he blew it out of the fucking park, and Tomura feels... Really scared around him.
He's scared to love and get attached because he's sared that something like the massacre in his home will happen again.
He doesn't want to hurt Dabi.
It took him a really long time to even get that close to him.
When he really got into a relationship with Dabi was when he started wearing his gloves again. They're the ones digital artists use.
Tomura is really touch starved and is glad Dabi can provide hugs n cuddles n shit.
It took Tomura an even longer time to start hugging or snuggling back, but he'd still rip his hand away whenever Dabi tried to hold it — even if he was wearing gloves.
But he is slowly getting better at it.
Dabi linked their pinky fingers when they were at a bus stop (he fuggin held on so tight so Tomura wouldn't jerk away).
Tomura looked up at him and gave him the most fearful look, and it fucking shattered Dabi's heart.
He didn't let it show though, he just smiled a little and said “See? It's okay.”
They've been getting better bit by bit since then.
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