#But when we add Fundy...
delicehm · 1 year
I keep thinking about the idea I have
Yogurt is bored at limbo
Kristin tells him stories from the living world
One day
Kristin: What else happened there? Oh! Wilbur got a daughter! Wait, I shouldn't have said that...
Fundy: ... Grandma, I crave violance.
Yogurt, tail wigging: I have an aunt? I HAVE AN AUNT?? I HAVE AN A U N T?
And then they made her break the rule about reviving and got send to the living world(one of living worlds. The one, Wilbur ended up after Incident. Qsmp.)
Yogurt is one of the Eggs now, even tho he's not an egg
Yogurt is literally twice as old as all other kids, but Limbo does not allow someone to mature, so he's as young as was before dying
Fundy asks kids to play somewhere else and after they do he shouts at Wilbur that tries to apologize(again)
Yogurt learns fighting from Chayanne, music from Tallulah and tells them tales of deads he met
Kids are happy, adults not so much
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lime1991 · 5 months
in my dsmp canon cdream is like close in age to cwilbur, just slightly younger, so just keep that in mind lol
#dream smp#dsmp#ik i tend to talk a lot in the tags when i could just post all my thoughts in the regular post but i feel like that clogs it#fundy was born when wilbur was 20. my timeline makes no sense so forgive me. fundy is 8 when wilbur is 28. when fundy is 14 wilbur is 34#and thats when nov 16th happens imo. thats when the final battle of pogtopia v manburg happens and thats when wilbur dies.#ignore my tommy design concept sketch's age info (i literally just wasnt sure what to put. at this time tommy would be like 21 not 18)#all of this to say dream is like 29 when wilbur dies#things change its possible i'll just switch stuff around so that the ages arent so crazy but idk i like keeping it somewhat realistic#also fundy needs to be 14 by the time wilbur dies bc ghostbur remembers him being 14. and i am. stuck on my own rules ive made up in my hea#as for the fundy/dream engagement.. fundy was always more into it than dream was. like cc wise. he always brought up ''i have a husband''#and stuff like that even though there wasnt an actual wedding yet. and even tubbo asks (in character) how it feels being engaged to dream#even though theyre fighting on opposite sides of the war. ANYWAY anyway.. in my dsmo canon cfundy initiates the ''romance'' and instead of#yk.. not giving a kid the time of day. cdream allows it. and its all a war tactic or whatever. hes not actually interested in fundy but#it'll rile up fundy's dad. and it'll cause a rift between fundy and all his friends on the other side of the war.#meanwhile fundy is completely lovestruck and doesnt understand that 1. this is wrong and 2. hes being led on :(#definitely adds to his issues with feeling unloved and unwanted in the future but shhh we dont need to talk about that
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Hope it's okay to ask here, I love your blog and how you give clear, concise answers to questions without assuming bad faith so hopefully it's ok to throw my own "warning tag" question in here, TIA for the answer! So, childhood friends-to-lovers is like one of my favourite romance tropes to write in fanfic. I've done a LOT of ships with that, but I've never actually written anything more uh...spicy, shall we say. Until after the ship were both adults. I was raised Extremely Fundie and wasn't very sex positive for a LONG time as a result but now that I'm older & out of that environment I've grown a lot. So because of religious upbringing I just avoided writing smut before both characters were 18 "to be safe". In a recent new fandom I'm in I have a character who I feel like very much WOULD have explored her sexuality before she turned 18. The partner in this context is her childhood friend so they grew up together and are probably at most like 3 years apart, if that. So my question is, would I tag that as Underage because, even tho they're close together in age (ie. both "minors" in that sense) they ARE Underage or is the Underage tag on AO3 solely for Adult/Minor ships? (not judging writers of Adult/Minor pairings either, I'll add. It's just not my scene and I don't want to give people the wrong impression in the tags, either way around, whenever I inevitably write & post their First Time fic, yk?) -🌸 (hope its okay to tag this so I can maybe find it later? I don't wanna ask this off anon in case I get blasted by That(tm) side of fandom at large who might see my username and then come into my DMs/inbox to scream "P*do!!" at me, but I DO wanna be able to see the answer when it comes up, esp if I am not on tumblr the day that it does haha)
Ah. You're still thinking about that tag in a more cultural sense, but that's not what it's for. If you dig through the FAQs and such, the explanation is in there somewhere, but to summarize, it refers to:
On page depictions of sexual activity including at least one character under 18.
(So if they just kiss or you just say she had sex but you don't show intercourse, oral, etc. on the actual page, it doesn't count.)
AO3's underage tag is actually to protect users who live in jurisdictions where <18 sexytimes are banned from art or banned unless there's ~artistic merit~ or whatever. Around the time AO3 was starting up was when Australia was having a big upheaval over such things, so it was on people's minds in the Anglosphere.
Whether the sex is problematique or age gap or whatever doesn't matter. The actual age of consent or laws around sex in the real world location these characters are in, if any, does not matter. Your 17-year-old UK characters fucking still need the warning or CNTW even though that's laughable in context. 18 tends to be the age most used in international law for... like... porn star ages and such, so 18 is what AO3 went with. Never mind that it's not necessarily the age of majority or that age of consent laws can depend on partner age, etc. etc.
Unlike noncon/graphic violence/character death, this warning isn't there primarily because readers find the topic squicky.
It's a legal ass-covering thing.
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(Adalynn's POV)(AN: Y'all I know i took a BREAK. It started small so I could work on my queue, but between my job, my new relationship, and life in general, it became an accidental hiatus. I've been lurking on my timeline with the different things happening, and I'm happy I can finally empty my drafts so I don't feel guilty for playing and not posting.)(Summary: Adalynn finally had her baby girl after 8 boys this summer, she's still friends with Eliza Pancakes, and still being fundie AF)
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Life has been busy busy busy! (When is it not) but we thank the Lord for his mercies! As we head into the winter months, the boys are practicing for their winter recital, I've kicked off holiday season planning (christmas cards, christmas dinner and fellowship) as well as the usual homeschooling, homemaking, and worship. I'm so thankful to the Lord for giving me a dear friend in sweet Eliza. She, Bob, and the kids have been doing amazingly.Being neighbours means that we can help each other whenever the other needs it, we've been helping each other with homeschooling recently as we both start planning for the holiday season, and more recently we've been having Zayden and Mia over for school because Eliza recently found out that she's expecting again!
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Eliza said that it genuinely was a surprise for her, after being uncharacteristically late for her cycle she decided to take a test and it was positive! This little one is due next autumn and we're already so excited to welcome them into the world! Bob and Eliza were talking about how if they'd never chosen to trust in the Lord and accept salvation, then they're be missing out on so many blessings (including little Zachary and this new little blessing)
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Little Zachary has been such a light in the Pancakes family, and they're so happy at being able to add another little blessing! When the older kids are at activities we'll have Zachary and Bethany play together, whilst my toddlers are having their nap time for the day. The older kids love to love on their little brother and are so excited that there's another sibling on the way! Mia says that she's praying for a little girl so that she can have a baby sister like little Bethany, she's always asking to hold her and play with her whenever she's near her and it's so precious to see a family nurture a love of children within their home.
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(AN: The hospital ultrasound pictures make no sense but i really like @pandasamacc's childbirth mod so I'm constantly using it for random gameplay shots)
Speaking of those with a love of children, Zoe announced that they're expecting another baby! She told us on a sisters group call one day, then went round video calling those who missed the groupcall. Since it's christmas card season, Zoe decided to send out their cards a little bit early so that they could include their precious announcement in their christmas card.
This little one will join older siblings Javier Jr [JJ](3) and little Cassie (almost 2), and by the time they join the family they should be ready to leave Windenburg. They're having little Cassie's 2nd birthday party at my parents house during Celeste's wedding weekend since we'll all be at the.
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ctrophyduo · 2 years
I talk a lot about my qualms with c!Phil. His behavior to c!fundy is cruel and unusual at points. But that’s the problem; it’s unusual. Because, seemingly, there is no real line of reasoning for why he treats c!fundy like that.
People often flock to surface level arguments when I say this, something something butcher army something something the time he almost scammed him something something. To which my only response is: c!Ranboo is his neighbor.
(And to the second thing- by that logic my mom should disown me because I signed up her email a few years ago for colleges and now she gets a comedic amount of emails everyday and it’s funny. But I guess I should be disowned and tormented for this. Or something. I’m not sure…)
Anyway. My point is that any excuse he makes for his hatred holds no actual weight once you realize he has little to no anger for c!Tubbo or c!Ranboo- the former of the two being far more proactive in the butcher army plot than c!Fundy was.
And here’s the thing; I couldn’t accept there was no answer. There had to be some estranged reason I didn’t get and I needed to figure out what it was.
And I reasonably think I have. Now obviously, the Morbillion words I’m about to write were probably not intentionally written (as most things on the Dream Smp tend to be) But my relationship with authors intent is a bit strained for this server. Whether Phil wrote this intentionally or not, I’ll praise it nonetheless for being an interesting piece of dots to connect that add a fascinating layer to c!Phil.
To start; c!Phil doesn’t like responsibility. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say this. Everytime he discusses c!Wilburs death with someone- he always takes partial blame, but never full blame.
The sentence will start with “I killed him… but-“ he will *always* tact on something else to blame on the end, usually the government. There is also the time he said “Because the government made me kill my son.” I don’t think it gets any more explicate than that.
The thing is too is that c!Phil killing c!Wilbur didn’t have tangible consequence. Obviously there is emotional consequence: grief, sorrow, etc. But nothing tangible; L’Manberg is gone, the new president has been selected to lead the New L’Manberg, c!Tommy and c!Tubbo- whilst found family figures are not blood related and therefore they are not c!Phils responsibility, etc.
Oh except for one thing:
You know the kid who’s an orphan because of c!phil, the kid who no longer has a dad because of c!phil, the kid who is directly impacted by the loss of his blood family… because of c!phil.
(Idk if I just have the “I need to over explain everything because Twitter will Misinterpret my words and kick my ass if I don’t” disease but just to elaborate: Me saying this isn’t exactly putting more importance on c!fundy than the others mentioned. It is just that he is the only *Tangible* consequences. Anyway)
c!Phil, is morally (and If we were abiding by our world rules for just a moment; legally) obligated to take on c!fundy. He is c!Phils sole responsibility.
And that’s where the problem is. He can’t push c!fundy onto something else. He can’t give c!fundy away or find an excuse to get rid of him. c!Fundy becomes synonymous with Responsibility and Blame.
And if c!phil takes c!fundy under his wing. He is *admitting* that c!Wilburs death is 100% his fault. It is nobody else’s. And he must take full responsibility; and full responsibility, means all the grief that comes with that.
Think about it. You’re an immortal, you’ve seen nations rise and fall. People die beautifully, tragically, unfairly, etc. You havn’t felt true grief in a very long time, if you felt grief for every person you’ve met that’s passed you don’t think you’d be standing where you are today.
However, your son dying- no less to *your* sword must be a hell of a lot to take on for someone who’s grown comfort in apathy.
So he doesn’t want that. He can’t handle genuine grief.
So when the opportunity arises to get rid of it. He immediately pushes c!fundy onto the one thing he’s *always* blamed c!wilburs death on; the government.
See c!Phils excuses for doomsday and similar events is that he doesn’t want another event like c!Wilbur to happen. But ironically, when c!fundy gets wrapped up into (what c!phil perceives as) government corruption, c!Phil immediately- without hesitation- disowns him right then and there.
And for someone who so badly wants to ensure nothing will happen like what happened with c!Wilbur. He’s a bit shit at that huh. But that’s the thing;
he gets to push c!fundy, the personification of responsibility and by proxy grief- onto what he *really blames for c!wilburs death* the government.
The worse part is- c!fundy would’ve listened! Had c!Phil talked with him and discussed his opinions I guarantee you c!fundy would’ve folded like an omelette (remember when c!fundy lied and said he thought Doomsday was justified just to get c!Phil to love and hang around him more? Yeah.) Hell, the last thing he says to c!phil is “I love you!” Clearly showing he cares and values c!phil and his opinions. And c!phils only response, to having a window to protect another family member from government corruption is; “you’re dead to me.”
Ah. I love irony sometimes. Isn’t it funny that government corruption supposedly led to his sons death and he wishes it upon his grandson who is currently being corrupted by the government? I think that’s funny.
TL;DR;Please shut the fuck up; c!Fundy is the personification of grief and responsibility, c!Phil pushes him away at all opportunities (especially pushing responsibility for him onto the government) to avoid having to deal with the true grief at taking responsibility for c!Wilburs death.
Yeah. That’s about it. This is lengthy. And I’m sorry for any errors. I have shit eyes but I like analysis, so. If you disagree too that’s ok. I think discussion is fun. Thanks for reading!
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
DSMP Season Two, Episode 3- "Crown of Thorns, Cross of Gold"
Scene Seven
[Int. White House dining room. Night.]
[Candles sit on the windowsills and a chandelier hangs low over a long dining table. Withered roses, the same from S2E2's dinner date scene, sit in a cracked vase in the center of the table. There are lines of chairs along either side of the table, but only two people are sat at it.
Schlatt sits at the head with blood still trickling out from his nose. He has an air of disgust about him, though it's impossible to tell if it's aimed towards himself or his dinner partner. He has a glass of wine to one side and a chaser of straight vodka to the other. A spread of fine dishes is in front of him- potatoes, green beans, desserts before the dessert course, mushroom soup after the soup course. Before him on a fine china plate is a wing of roast duck.
On the other end of the table is Quackity, still dressed in his suit from S2E2 dinner date scene. There is dirt on his hands and his face, and his hair is grimy and stuck together. It's clear that he hasn't slept since the last episode. Schlatt, in comparison, looks well rested. There are no dishes in front of Quackity, just a glass of orange juice and a pack of saltine crackers.
There are no noises other than the scraping of Schlatt's fork against his plate and the faint crackling of the fireplace.
Abruptly, Schlatt takes a swig from his wine and grimaces. He slams the glass down onto the table and glares at Quackity accusingly.]
Schlatt: The fuck is this supposed to be?
[He lifts the glass in Quackity's direction, muttonchops twitching in irritation.
Quackity blinks confusedly.]
Quackity: The fuck is what supposed to be?
Schlatt: [Scoffs] Don't play dumb. The wine, dude, what the fuck is wrong with it?
Quackity: How should I know? I don't touch the stuff.
Schlatt: Yeah, well, good. It's gone bad.
Quackity: Isn't that the point of alcohol, though?
Schlatt: Isn't what the point of alcohol? That it's shit and makes me sick? Are you really saying that-
[Quackity sits up and shakes his head, eyes wide.]
Quackity: No! Nonono, I'm saying that I thought that alcohol was, like, spoiled shit. Grapes and stuff.
Schlatt: God, you're dumb. No, Quackity, alcohol is not just 'spoiled shit'. It's good shit. Makes you stronger. Sharpens the mind.
[He taps his temple with the pointed end of his knife. Quackity somehow doubts that this is what alcohol does, but he wouldn't know otherwise. He's never had any. He's 19, after all.
Schlatt, despite his arguing, finishes off the wine and moves on to the vodka. He doesn't complain about that, but he looks like he wants to.]
Quackity: ...so, how's the vodka?
Schlatt: [audible eye roll] It's fucking vodka, dude, it's not gonna be great.
Schlatt: Hey, why aren't you eating nothing?
[Quackity shrugs. He picks up his glass of orange juice and swishes it around like wine.]
Quackity: Not hungry tonight. Had a big lunch today with, uh, with Fundy and Tubbo. We went out. [quick to add] We meant to invite you! But we- we just figured you were too busy doing... things!
Schlatt: [unimpressed] 'Doing things.' Right. Well. Lemme tell you something here, baby, 'cause I'm real hurt, okay? I made aaaall this for you. All of it.
[He gestures towards the plates of food. A roast duck missing both of its wings and a portion of its breast sits dead center of the spread. Quackity tries not to look too nauseous at the sight.
He was in the home when the Postmates order arrived.
Still, Quackity nods his head, blushing slightly in easily-faked embarassment.]
Quackity: Sorry, sorry. I'll go get a plate, sorry. I know you worked hard on this, let me go get a plate.
Schlatt: [affectionate, barely] Oh, don't worry about that, sweetheart. I'll get one for you.
[Quackity squirms in his seat as Schlatt leaves the table to get a plate from the cabinet on the wall. The china within is the same as what was in the decorative shelves in Niki's Bakery in S2E1.
Schlatt takes a plate and brings it to the table. He carefully carves a slice of thigh from the duck and slaps on a bread roll next to it before bringing it to Quackity.
He caresses the back of Quackity's head as he slides the plate in front of him. Quackity leans into the touch, eyes fluttering, a smile crossing his face just briefly. Schlatt's smile is almost identical. Lit by the fireplace, it almost looks as tender as Quackity imagines it feels.
Quackity looks down at the plate and frowns, though he quickly fixes that.]
Schlatt: ...don't you like it?
Quackity: No! No, I do! I just... you didn't get me any silverware. That's all.
[Schlatt's attitude shifts. His hand, still tangled in Quackity's hair, curls into a fist. Quackity winces, but he doesn't make a noise.
Schlatt's smile fades into a scowl, clearly displeased.]
Schlatt: Am I a fucking servant to you or something?
Quackity: No! No, sorry, I'll go get it myself! Just... can you just... let go?
[Schlatt leans in close, face shifting into disappointment. A pout, even.]
Schlatt: C'mon, dude, just eat something. You're worrying me. I'm scared you'll go get the silverware and ditch me to go hang out with someone else. We haven't had a night together in weeks, baby, c'mon. Just do me a solid and try it?
[Quackity sniffs. It's allergies, he'll say, but he's a politician. All they do is lie.
He nods and picks up the duck thigh with a shaking hand.]
Quackity: Yeah, of course. Of course. I'm sorry. I can't wait to try it, baby, it smells delicious.
[And he raises it to his mouth, Schlatt whispering something inaudible into his ear.]
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serashalala · 1 year
Braids || Tallulah & Puffy
This ficlet is brought to you by:
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Tallulah hears Puffy hum, with the younger purring when she cards her fingers through the locks of her hair, putting it into twin braids. She’d come across the other woman while on her own and wandering the main SMP despite, well, being told not to.
It’s just that she doesn’t really like being alone in that house. It isn’t even reinforced, so it doesn’t feel like it’d be safe in that place even if she does stay.
So here she is, sat on a treestump while Puffy is stood behind her. She’s not really tall, no, not compared to Wilbur who Tallulah has grown accustomed to seeing every time. Whenever he’d have to fix her hair instead of Phil, he’d always have to crouch and her pigtails would be unevenly placed and divided.  However, she is still shorter than Puffy which leads her to the dilemma of having to use a tall stool– hence the log.
“Tallulah, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way.” Tallulah hears Puffy say, and despite her saying that she’s prepared to listen to her say something she wouldn’t agree with. “But… who is Wilbur your dad?”
Tallulah doesn’t really understand how this could be taken the wrong way, she thinks. He is her dad, by technicality. Tallulah raises her hand, with a thumb raised up. 
Puffy exhales. “Oh,” She says. “That makes sense, you and him have a similar look, after all.” Puffy says, but something about it is tight.
The little girl already knows why she’s hesitant, and why she feels like she has to skirt through some sort of line– Puffy doesn’t like Wilbur with Tallulah. Not when the rumors of this man is already so extreme, and with Wilbur having no intention to dispel them. 
But that doesn’t matter, at least not now when Tallulah is feeling a certain giddiness at being told she resembles her dad– even if this one isn’t her dad. “What makes you say that?” She writes on her board. 
“Oh! The brown curls and the white streak– seems like a defining genetic trait I think. Even Fundy has white strands in his hair, albeit a bit scattered all over.” 
Tallulah gasps. “Where! I wanna see!”
Puffy laughs. “Sorry, kid, but I think this one would be hard to see when it’s so short.” She says apologetically. “But I’m going to tug at it so you know where it is, okay?” 
Tallulah nods, and the excitement has her swinging her legs. She’s got a white streak too! She wants to show it to Wilbur and maybe Phil.
Maybe then they wouldn’t be so hesitant to take her in and be convinced that there’s no pushing her away.
She feels a tug at the middle of the back of her head, and she lets out a happy sound. It’s not too far! Tallulah makes sure to remember it. 
“Why are you so happy about this?” Puffy asks, an amused tone in her voice.
Tallulah answers: “I want to look like my dad!” 
Because that’s what he is. Her dad. There’s no getting rid of her and she knows that even he is hesitant in letting her go. It’s why she’s been discouraged from leaving– he wants to protect her.
“You certainly do, kid.” And there it is, the resigned tone in Puffy’s voice. “Now come on, let’s finish this braid so I can take you to him, alright?”
Tallulah raises her board: “Can we add some poppy flowers in it? There’s so many around here!”
Puffy laughs. “Of course, Tallulah.” She says.
When Puffy finishes the braid, Tallulah’s got all sorts of flowers, not just poppies in it. There are buttercups, the smaller petals of the allium flowers, some peonies and many poppies. Tallulah was given a mirror to see it– she absolutely loves it.
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All Orch residents can become original characters. Orch is relevant because Alex lives there and one of the Lenses is attempting to set up residence. Fundy was supposed to be from Ywscore originally but was dumped into Orch by the Lense, are we keeping this plot point? 
Should we change the Saponite family's best food from muffins to something else? 
Sleepy Boi Inc going down from four to three members, have a friendly older character, intimidating bounty hunter character, and a chaotic young character? Possibly? They are the main Traveler family that actually interact with Karl for any length of time, kinda like a stray feral cat.
Should we cut down the Quarry trio to just Saponite and the [Ender Knight]? George's character was kinda just there and never really added much to the story. Plus it makes it more angsty when we have the whole “I raised the devil and meant to betray you” thing.
Ranboo’s character is supposed to be an amnesiac Traveler. Perhaps Sap and Cue assume Karl doesn’t talk much about his home because he can’t remember it and we can show what the effects of amnesia have on a normal Traveler. Likely nothing good.
 Tubbo was a robot bug child. Do we keep him? How should we change him? His plotline was intertwined with Ranboo’s and depending on the direction that goes in, I can see us keeping or discarding this character.
I feel like we should try and remember Alex in the plotline of all of this. Like what are they doing during the Clemintine Lens? What were they doing before they found their family? What do they think about all this plot stuff?
We should add more of these side dimensions and stuff to this document, like Mary and the superhero dimension we talked about over discord. We don’t have to name every single one, but having a list to come back to and reference for jokes and such would be good. 
For Quarry, XD needs a new name. 
Should we change the Inbetween to just Between? The Other Side should be fine, plenty of media use that name for stuff, but to distance ourselves from ksq, should we change it?
Need to review Quarry’s dimension in general, I don’t think we got to change much, but we need to rebrand from “The Ender Dragon” and other Minecraft stuff.
Foolish needs a new name. I think a name that is also a describing word that you wouldn’t associate with a god would be nice.
Alright, that's everything I thought about needing to address for now. some are actual suggestions, some are points that likely deserve their own post, and some are just "hey we need to do this". If you don't have any ideas for something just put "tosses the ball to you" instead of an answer. I'll kick off the conversation.
1)Agreed. I think Alex could take up that storyline.
2)Yeah, if we need anything for it at all.
3)I was thinking we could change the dimension Sleep to Dream-something to better reflect it's ever-shifting nature. We could keep the three tavalers and then have their parent be the dimension itself, the way Phil was a personified version of it. Like a less evil version of Ego.
4) I'm okay with that. I like the worldbuilding of the Micealium Isles but story-wise it can be overcrowded for a character from each.
5) Im not sure what you mean? I need to refresh that plotline I've forgotten it It feels like.
6) I like keeping a child from Ywscore. Since Ywscore and Orch are pretty important for the Azure lens plotline, i'd like to keep just a regular person who remains from Ywscore.
7)Depends on what order we're going in again? I remember it was from Opal to Mauve, Indigo, Azure. Since we meet Alex in the Azure lens and the Traveler Trio (SBI) in the beginning we could seed out her storyline with the Ywscore Child who's with them having connections to her in flashbacks or with seeded moments?
The Opal lens I figured would be just the epilogue of the main three getting to know each other. Maybe 4-5 short chapters (Meeting Prowa, Meeting in Quarry, All three meeting, and all three going on a regular adventure-like adventure, setting up the formula. Then the "real" story begins where we meet the whole cast and expand the world.
8)Agreed. I haven't opened the document in a while.
9) We talked about this before a little but didn't settle on anything I don't think. We talked about wanting to keep two letters that could be the face, but I'm open to making anything. Especially if you want to redesign the God altogether or something! (Your DM design is inspiring)
10) I like Between. In Between has been used for a similar place in a lot of other media too so it's not as original as i'd have liked regardless. I noticed that close to the beginning but didn't want to change it to fit with the ksq lore.
Do you like the name Twixt? I like Between too if you don't, though.
11) I'd like to keep it as a dragon or dragon-like but not call it a dragon? Giving it a more creature-esq design to combat the otherworldly god design is cool. I've always loved the motiff of angels being so much less human than demons (creators being less earthy than destroyers)
12) Spitballing: Trite, Mundane, Daft, Inane,
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tommyinnit69 · 1 year
Favorite ice cream flavor? And also which one is a sin against God?
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[Back before I was the humble man I am today, I helped to found a country called L'Manburg. My partner in making this dream a reality was Wilbur Soot, a man who both wanted to build a sanctuary for his son, and to sell drugs.]
[Anonymous asker, I have a very correct opinion on this, however the most correct of opinions often have stories behind them, so I have decided that instead of giving a simple answer, I will tell you a story.]
[Fundy, Wil's son, loved sweet cream. He'd find any excuse to get his furry little paws into it, and it meant we had hardly any for us.]
[During the winter when we stored it in the snow was a particularly difficult time to keep him away from it. It would turn to something ice cream adjacent, sitting out there in Blizzards.]
[Wilbur had noticed Fundy's affinity for sweet cream and his disdain for fruit could be remedied- or rather, one or the other would be remedied- by adding and storing fruit in the cartons of sweet cream we kept.]
[Slowly, but surely, frozen sweet cream and fruit became a favourite treat of the L'Manburgians- you could imagine the surprise when we went to add it to coffee and fruit came out- and it became a favourite of Fundy's, too.]
[L'Manburg is gone now. Fundy and Wil don't get along, and I haven't had ice cream in at least a year, now. But I guess the heart of it is there.]
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always-almost-never · 7 months
💭 for the ask game!!
💭 - Does anyone wanna share something about their source? Feel free to ramble, anyone can answer too!
Yoooo okay okay so I’ll go first, others might add on later in a reblog. So I’m a dsmp fictive right? And one specific source memory I have is during the revolutionary war my hat was WAY too big for my head, it kept falling over my eyes. Whenever this happened, Tommy liked to sneak up as close behind me as he could before pulling it even further down and running away. I almost never caught him, but the one time I did I tackled him into the dirt and got his uniform so dirty- Niki was not happy lmao
Also in my cannon, L’Manburg wasn’t started from a drug van, it was started because the SMP was oppressive and we wanted freedom. However, one time Wilbur left to go do something (idk what), and for some reason decided he wanted to gaslight Wilbur into thinking it started because of drugs when he got back, and me and Fundy went along with it. It was very funny, especially because when Wilbur told Tommy that even if it was started out of a drug van, he wouldn’t be allowed to have any because he was a child, which made him very angry LOL
The first one especially is one of my favorite memories, that and the bench with Tommy. -Maxwell
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faebriel · 10 months
rewatching the rainduo reunion just to feel something…
Also if you could add any Rainduo content pre-Nov 16 what would it be.
god good luck in the trenches anon o7
ngl when i first read this i thought this said post-nov 16 not pre-nov 16 lmao...... i don't actually have as much that i would add pre-nov 16 to be honest! i like wilbur and niki's friendship throughout the pre-manberg era (not that i'd ever have objected to more of it but you know what i mean) and the separation in manberg was just tragic enough. those two on the day of the festival are poetic freaking cinema.
what i do wish is that we had a little more interaction between them in pogtopia and outside of niki's birthday party - more niki in pogtopia in general actually. niki admits to fundy that she doesn't recognise who wilbur has become but on november 16 when she finds that TNT beneath the podium she covers that shit back up without a word. even amid her worries for him, i think she really did trust him until the end (until she forcibly couldn't anymore).
i think it would be really interesting to see niki confront these feelings while actually face to face with wilbur - that awful uncomfortable spot between trying to reckon with the fact that he's changed in her eyes while trying to piece together what has actually happened here and which cliff their collective is hurtling towards. or even just clinging to the minimal comfort of having each other's company again - everything is awful, and she's starting to think things might even go beyond awful beneath the surface, but at least they have each other.
niki was also in overt denial over wilbur's death for quite a while after he died and then proceeded to have her own issues with self injury, so i think it would be interesting to see her have to confront that too.
on wilbur's side, i think it would be cool to see him kind of struggling to uphold his plans under scrutiny. i've always felt that he pedestals niki a bit and that is really evident in the manberg arc to me, especially as even just the mention of niki's name is a bit of a morality chain for him. and like, not that it works!! he still goes through with (almost, coughs in festival) everything that he had planned. but he's already uncomfortable when tommy brings up niki in response to his more destructive ideas, and i think it would be fun to see him try to justify all that in his head when she's literally standing right in front of him.
also obligatory "i did actually write a rainduo in pogtopia fic" link so there's that for you anon lmao
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ihaztea1 · 2 years
Tommy the tailor, but make it angst? Why does my brain do this to me... Here we go!
SEWING, embroidery, knitting... It was the only thing Tommy had that made him feel like he stood out from his family. It was something that was just his.
It was also something he could use to give back to the family that took him in. By the time he was 13, Tommy was the one in charge of the mending in the SBI household.
Mending was boring though, so Tommy would add little designs to the clothes and socks dropped off in his room for mending.
Philza got tiny crows. For Wilbur, Tommy added fluffy sheep - even if Techno kept giving him fish for some reason. Techno's clothes were embellished with pigs. When Tubbo's clothes found their way to him, Tommy added bees.
When he left for the Dream SMP, his embroidery was put to the side until L'Manburg.
No-one seemed to notice, but each uniform had its own Tommy flair.
Niki's had a cupcake around the cufflinks. Eret's sported monarch butterflies on the capulets. Fundy's had a fox stitched on the collar. Tubbo's had bees around the button holes. Tommy's had a raccoon at the hem. And Wilbur's? Wilbur's had a sheep stiched in slightly darker thread on the back.
Slowly, Tommy had more people to sew for... Until the elections hit.
Tommy was still given the mending to do, but slowly, Wilbur stopped handing is his mending. He never let Tommy touch his yellow sweater or his brown trench coat.
Tommy only got his handa on the coat when it was stained with his 'brother's blood.
He stiched the gash in the back together with blue thread, adding a small sheep at the top of the 'wound.'
Seeing Ghostbur with Freind was bittersweet. Tommy decided it was a good sign, in the end. If a blue sheep made him happy... That meant Wilbur liked Tommy's gift, right?
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yellowsomethings · 8 months
beans exchange letter 2023
hi its us thebeans you have been selected to secret us a santa !! this is going to be a bit of a tutorial letter so everyone else knows what exchange letters are like, so rest assured it will be as comprehensive as i can manage. remember that you do not need to fulfill All of the conditions the recipient lists, just at least one of them to the best of your ability. woo
1. hermits
big fan of grian, scar, mumbo, ren, doc, bdubs, zed, joe hills, things of this nature. i think the slapfight goes here if it goes anywhere. we have seen seasons 6/7/8/9 and a little of season 5 so if you go before that we will probably be Confused but Willing To Roll With It. idk theres the wonderful world of hermits and crafting
2. lifes
you are probably well aware the extent to which we like the life series. things you could cover include property police kiss on the mouth secret life (or property police cold patrol new life which isn't getting its own entire bullet but it's a thing), treebark slash fairydog slash renb, toxic yaoi majorwood, the bad boys, last life grumbo, idk get silly with it !! slash p or slash r it is all good <- applies to all listed items in this letter not just here
3. empires
empires:). for season 1 there's flower husbands; you could do kathgempearl or some duo permutation; arenaduo; the whole wra tbh; smallidarizzie trio; scott and xornoth content (you could write the one billionth postcanon xornoth finds out what happened fic if you wanted). for season 2 HEAVENTRIO OBVIOUSLY; or arenaduo again or hallelujahduo or roundhousekickduo which i still need to come up with a better name for; best buds jim and joel; kathgem; pixlriffs; the crossover; fairytale trio i also like; maybe some olieddie as a treat if you're so inclined
4. eswap
free space basically. scottpearl !!!!!!! or arenaduo or kathgempearl again (or duo permutation) or pearl and pix bonding maybe idk what the state of eswap is gonna be pixwise by the end of november. or if some other part of eswap compels you then go for it. you might wanna write the watcher grian crossover idea that jay2 had that one time. up to u :D
5. pirates/rats
yeah babyyyyyy this is the writing to pander to littlesound zone. i love datastream martyn interacting with this-is-just-their-world other characters such as oli or sausage or olive or shelby or owen or scar or other people that don't start with the letters o and s. kisstrels obviously (including shep and shub); you could do property police with martyn and safety rat; farmer rat scott, baker rat lizzie, he had a pretty sweet bond with will. maybe mratyn watching as oli tries and fails to seduce the butler with cringefail affection in his eyes. maybe mratyn trying and failing to seduce one of the brown wild dogs at the edge of the grounds while scott looks on in disappointment. p!bek is canonically aroace so if you write pirate bekel you'd probably get Comments about it but like if you don't fear the fandom then fuck it. SPEAKING OF:
6. witchcraft
YURI OPPORTUNITY AGAIN BUT FOR BEK INSTEAD! beky's finally figured out her witchcraft bek au which is that el is a not-so-famous witchtuber and bek is one of her few very dedicated commenters so when el randomly stumbles across the supreme witch crown where scott dropped it then she ends up asking bek what to do and they bond from there, so you may wanna do something with that.
7. dsmp
if you are dsmp inclined and you want to go classic style then you cannot go wrong with a little bit of crimboy/clingy. bee/bench and michael could also be fun; i like niki, big q, JACK MANIFOLD, fundy, eret, hbomb, foolish, and i miss honq every day babyyyy <- not every day but often. if you'd like to add to the hit canon ao3 tag tommyinnit crashes own funeral (dream smp) then that would be very welcomed too, i canonised that shit with my bare hands
8. au ideas
well i said all of that for canon concepts but what if you want to write/draw an alternate universe? goooo fuckin crazy with it my friend. some concepts i enjoy reading are: royalty; urban/low fantasy; newly discovered/obtained superpowers; domestic roommates setting; famous & doesnt give a shit about that fame; creative type & muse; guardian angel & human. idk have fun!
9. not mcyt
i'm adding this section because i know some people will want to do this but mine will be quite short because i . do not watch anything else. uhhhh the magnus archives. moon knight 2022. i like quite a lot of musical theatre but mostly the modern post hamilton shit and i have not seen hadestown. thubs up
do not want
don't do scottpearl if it isn't eswap please! or any hermit pearl actually! uhhh nothing particularly viscerally gorey but it's ok if people die or get injured. this isn't a dnw but it is a specification, if you would like to trans some genders and neo some pronouns then you should feel absolutely free to go ahead love is love. i think i'm gonna make no nsfw a rule for the entire exchange so i don't need to clarify that. probably best to have minimal cleo inclusion if any. any fics which are specifically about the moment after a life series game where characters see each other and talk about what happened because those are weirdly common and we don't like it and it feels weird. no blinding, no throats slit, no being suffocated/choked. ummm ya if you arent sure whether something would be ok then go ahead and ask!
will write
this one is gonna be much shorter
hermits: bdubs cub doc gem scar grian joe pearl ren tango xb zed cleo
life series: scott ren martyn pearl joel grian scar bdubs lizzie skizz mumbo jimmy gem
empires 1: scott gem joey kath lizzie sausage pearl joel jimmy
empires 2: scott gem joey kath lizzie sausage pearl pix shelby joel jimmy oli
pirates: acho aimsey bek puffy eret scar guqqie martyn kyle sausage olive oli owen ros shelby scott el tubbo
rats: bek el jimmy lizzie martyn oli olive owen scott shelby tubbo
witchcraft: scott joey pris shelby el cleo
dsmp: eret callahan eryn bbh puffy phil niki karl sapnap george quackity foolish jack manifold hbomb fundy aimsey slime wilbur sam ranboo schlatt dream punz tommy tubbo techno dxd
misc: honestly i think if you asked me to write qsmp phil tubbo fit cellbit bagi bad foolish wilbur tallulah chayanne then i probably could at this point. but don't ask me to. also the afterlife/new life smp i will write for also
won't write
i'm sorry i can't write the copper people on empires i just have not seen them enough to. highly doubt my ability to write crastle/best/ties/similar groupings well. dear god please don't make me write the syndicate it won't be good for either of us. i will not write nature wives i can't do it to my girlo. pirates!scott ships also. if it's gonna get me cancelled then i may still be willing to write it but i will not post it on ao3, it's going straight into fools writing discussion channel when it goes live. i won't write . idk pregnancy? you probably weren't gonna ask for pregnancy. again feel free to ask :thumbsup:
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Making slash content is fine but insisting that the relationship is canon *has* to be romantic is not. Especially when the creator has insisted that portraying an intimate platonic relationship between men is important to them.
Sure, male-male 'friendship' might be overrepresented but male-male platonic intimacy is not. Men deserve representation of the kind of intimacy and love so often represented and accepted in female-female platonic relationships. While a lot of the backlash against male-male platonic intimacy stems frim homophobia, a lot of it stems from sexism and toxic masculinity.
Then there's amatonormativity and aphobia. Those are already serious issues but then add to that the popular ideas that all men need sex (because apparently it's in male nature or whatever) and romance (because apparently it's not appropriate to hug or open up to the homies).
So it's important to me that people don't call a creator invested in portraying male-male platonic intimacy 'queerbaiting' or 'homophobic', or insist that the relationship is actually romantic.
People whining about platonic male intimacy being under threat from slash can shut the fuck up. The issue is straight men in the mainstream, not shippers. The people who post these kinds of viral posts on Tumblr generally turn out to be homophobic fundies taking advantage of gullible fools to spread their message of homophobia.
People can also shut the fuck up about amatonormativity and aphobia if they're talking about fandom and shipping. Shippers come here to ship. It has nothing to do with whether they want all canons to have romance/sex or think all humans are broken without them or whether they want them in their own lives. "Why are the people in the romance novel section of the bookstore buying romance novels?" Gee. We just don't know.
Johnlock conspiracy style assholes who harass creators should also shut the fuck up though. I have no patience for queerbaiting discourse as I've said many times.
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fundielicious-simblr · 7 months
(Kyleigh's POV)(AN: This post is VERY religious from the jump, gotta hammer in how fundie these people are)
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We dedicated little Jackson back to the Lord this weekend! It's an honour that this is the 11th child that we've been able to do this for, the Lord sends us children to raise up for his glory and we're so thankful for his undeserved blessings and are ready to receive any further blessings that the Lord thinks we deserve.
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My parents always try and be there for the kids' dedication services, they absolutely love being grandparents and try to be there for any events that involve the kids. They say that each child is an answer to prayer, and I'm so thankful that my parents raised me to view children as a blessing. Being an only child, my parents told me the story of their struggle with infertility and the circumstances that led to them only having me (AN: I actually did a backstory on her parents since they were added to the story years ago when I gave everything a backstory - let me know if you want to hear their backstory, I've been debating on whether to add a character page for the in-laws and other side characters that will be seen now and again.)
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More great things have been happening recently, the kids learn both at home and at church that in order to get to heaven they need to be saved. The older 5 kids got saved at different ages, but recently both Daisy (7) and Marigold (6) both got saved. They approached Barrett and I separately after we did our nightly devotions and said that they wanted to be saved. Barrett sat both of them down and asked if they were sure about their decision, but they both expressed that they realised they were sinners and wanted to go to heaven. Each of them said the sinner's prayers and we then prayed with each one afterwards, they told their grandparents the next morning and they announced it at church where they were later baptised by their grandfather. I feel so unbelievably grateful that my children have such firm, Godly foundations in their lives with both sides of their family working to live for the Lord. Whenever a grandkid gets saved, Allan and Casandra gift them their own personalised bible and we have a family lunch after church on sunday, with Adalynn's kids they travel over to see them to have that time with them. The older the grandkids get, they're going to have to be creative with how they see them when it comes time for them to be saved.
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lennjamin-o7 · 1 year
Ahhh the new chapter is so good!!!! Loved seeing Schlatt, Fundy,Puffy, and KRISTIN but also the trial scenes!!!! I've never been so happy at a character's misfortune. AND WHEN MIELLE TRIED TO SWAP SPOTS SJDJDHDHD
"pigs will fly" hehe
"Actually, not even just his studies! It doesn’t matter what it is, he gives it his all.”" that's kinda swee- "Honestly, if he didn’t work so hard, he would be completely worthless.”" i take it back.
And "wanting the moment to last. He didn’t want it to be torn away by some interruption, someone demanding Phil’s attention with a more important reason than just Techno" i sense some trauma.
And phil i know you want revenge but comfort techno please,my dude is suffering. Also love the fae's giving Mielle a reality check,like i understand she's a product of her environment but dear lord i want to punt her a new one.
""“Wait-you-” Technoblade tried to pull away" it was at this moment he knew he fucked up
"She held out her hands and Philza gracefully landed on her palm" now i can hear is giant woman lol
"“He had given me thanks. He had eaten our food. He had accepted my gifts,” Philza answered. The shadows in the forest seemed to lengthen, darken, quicken. Shivering and whispering in displeasure, a growing mantra of injustice’s payment and the consequences of actions taken in ignorance." Kick their ass's Kristin!!!
I hadn't intended to add anymore characters when I first wrote this, in all honestly. But those guys popped out of nowhere and decided "nah, we are here now" lol. It worked out great! And its a nice little nod.
I cringed do hard writing Mielle's incredibly backhanded compliment. Its such a bitch thing to say. I'm not sure if a real person would ever have the balls to say that to someone but hot dang did that one sizzle. Oof, rereading that made me want to change the ending a bit.
Techno is so small and so alone. He is a little bit traumatized, yeah.
She deserves a bit of punting. Everyone is a product of their environment. The most jerky IRL person you ever met was a product of their environment. It doesn't stop them from being an ass.
Kristin is NOT happy. Not at all. That was HER sonboy. Get fucked, royals!
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