#But ye if y’all have lore questions please feel free to ask!
melomelod111 · 7 months
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Full references for my head canon Ven & Vani designs post KH3! I tweaked a few things here and there and tried to make their designs as cohesive as possible! I also have a bit of lore for them aswell (since this also kinda counts as a KH AU I have including my ocs) so if you’re ever curious abt smt just drop an ask and I’ll most likely have an answer!
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hello! I just had a question: Where do you draw the line with the asks? Because I want to send you stuff or ask stuff, but I also don't want you being uncomfortable viewing them? You having a good time is important to me because I get so much serotonin from your blog >w<
I wrote an entire response for this and then my tumblr crashed so here’s a take two.
Ok so my guidelines for asks:
You can ask stuff about prompts, posts, advice/ideas to help flesh out or progress your dpxdc fic? anything you want! Anything from your own prompts, to an idea for a prompt for me to write, to just questions about myself, but I have a few rules:
Please before you send me an ask think to yourself, “is what I’m about to send a hate crime, incredibly racist/sexist/homophobic/etc?” If any of that is a yes, then please don’t send it. I can and will delete it and ignore your question.
I have no big triggers myself. Other people do though so please put a TW at the top of your ask if it contains triggering topics.
Dont spam my inbox. If you have 10 cool ideas you want to talk about, write them and post them on your own blog! Curate your own blog! Make people read your cool ideas! Please don’t send them all to me. I get 20+ asks a day and spam is just exhausting to deal with. Please sent a max of 3 asks a day.
Please properly indent and paragraph your asks. ADHD is a bitch and my brain doesn’t focus on blocks of text. This is more to benefit y’all because I normally skip large walls of text to work on responding to properly spaced asks that I can easily digest.
If you have any constructive criticism or corrections on something you think I can improve for a prompt or something I stated about canon lore that was incorrect, feel free to correct me on it. I will reiterate though, constructive criticism. Fact checking isn’t inherently negative but it can easily be perceived as such. I only know so much about various fandoms and lore, take it easy that I don’t know everything and anything about a particular subject.
If you have complaints and want to talk shit, genuinely just DM it to me instead. I’d rather have a discussion about why you think of me or my blog negatively rather than just having the equivalent of a drive by of someone shouting “you suck!”. It causes equally the same reaction: I’m just confused and a little miffed that someone had the audacity to shout at me. If you wanna say something I’d rather I’d you just say it to my face. ^-^
Please don’t send in any asks about trans AU’s. I understand their appeal and enjoy reading them, I’m simply not Trans or have any feelings of body dysmorphia. To me it feels wrong to write about it because I can’t connect with the subject so I can’t write it accurately. If you send something in about a Transgender headcannon or AU, I won’t add any further commentary on it. I may post it but I won’t be elaborating on something that isn’t right for me to elaborate on.
Absolute no’s for pairings and ships:
Absolutely no adult/child anything. This sounds like common sense but I’ve seen enough people ship Bruce and his Robins together that it’s an issue. No twincest either, that’s a no go.
NSFW Ask Guidelines
Asks: if you have a cool idea you want me to bounce off of. I get a lot of asks that are better as submissions.
Submissions: if you simply have a cool prompt you want to show to a larger audience. No commentary given. Please only use the #prompt art tag if what you’re sending IS art.
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pheonix-cat · 7 months
brun the candle queen
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Meet brun the candle queen, brun is a candle lady that is known to be the guardian of smoke and rage, so I decided in my Cotl au there are these high groups of people known as the guardians, the guardians are basically this group of gods and goddesses and yes getsumei is apart of this group and yuna was too
p.s sorry that I haven’t been posting a lot lately there has been a lot of stuff going on and i am currently working of a comic for the lore of my au but with school and what not I haven’t had the time so yes that’s why I haven’t been posting art on here in a while, just to let y’all know yes the ask box is still open if you have any questions about the characters, the lore, or if you wanna ask the characters something then please feel free too and not that for some questions I will need time to get some art put together so just please be patient with me on that, so anyways thank y’all for being patient with me and I hope y’all have a blessed weekend!
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cryptonyx · 1 year
𓅪 A Crow’s Boundaries! 𓅪
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Y’all cool as fuck, but heed the rules, please. <33 - Crypto
𓅪 Ask Rules & General Boundaries! 𓅪
- no NSFW, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.! just be a generally decent being.
- swearing in asks & in general perfectly ok- HOWEVER, no slurs, even if you can say them pls and ty
- no personal info in my asks! (location, age, etc.) ‘preciate it :)
- no reposting my art or works. ever. not even with “credit”-because I won’t give it. only exceptions are commissions done by me posted by the commissioner on their page, and those MUST be with credit to me, preferably linked back to my account.
- do not my print out my art without asking. ok for personal use (with permission), definitely NOT for public or profit. do not do this. I will sue you.
- ask for permission to use art as profile pictures or wallpapers! I’m more than happy to give it, but I’d rather know that it’s being used and that it’s going to be used with credit. thanks <3
- DO NOT ASK ME FOR (extremely) PERSONAL INFO. General rule of thumb - If you wouldn’t want it asked of you, do NOT ask me.
If we do not know each other personally, do NOT ask me for my name, or call me something other than Crypto or Crypti. Just a personal preference :)
- this really shouldn’t have to be said, but if you are a or support pedophiles, incest, homophobes, AI “art[ists]”, cryptocurrency, cryptobros, etc, get the fuck off my page.
- sex work is cool! but please do not interact with me if you are a page solely for NSFW and porn. thank you, I appreciate you, have a nice day <33
𓅪 Rules About Writing & Fics! 𓅪
@ me with fanart for my fics or ocs! I enjoy seeing everything you make :D
Leave comments, reblog, kudos, etc! Appreciated & encouraged.
If you’re inspired by me, feel free to make something with that inspiration, as long as the idea is credited back to me! Any spinoffs or oneshots about my fics or series must be credited back to me as the original author.
Ask me questions about my fics! I absolutely adore sharing lore or info someone might’ve missed on their read through. Additionally, I LOVE hearing theories about things!! I most likely won’t confirm or deny things to keep an air of surprise and suspense about things, but. I may lead you astray with red herrings. Just a fair warning. ;)
Ask me if you can make physical copies of fics!! As long as it’s for personal use, that’s cool as shit and the answer will almost always be yes.
Repost my works. Ever. No cross-posting, no reposting with credit. If I find a work of mine on a website other than my ao3, I will get it taken down. Please don’t do this, thanks.
Translate my fics without asking/permission. I think it’s really cool that someone would want to translate my fics, and I’m more than ok with it-with permission.
Do not sell my works. Literally, wtf?
Pester respective CCs about my fics. It’s a lot more anxiety inducing and bothersome to both parties than you think. Even if you really enjoy something I’ve written, for the love of god, do not shove it in their faces. Christ alive.
Take works out of context. What do I mean by this? Tags are there for a reason. If it wasn’t tagged, it either didn’t happen, or you can ask me (in my asks) if it’s a theme. If I don’t answer it-or if I do-the answer is no, it wasn’t, or I’m gonna clown on you for bein’ a weirdo. Publicly. Exceptions are if it was an innocent question, because then you’re cool and thank you for askin! You’ll know if it’s a weird question to ask because it will be one of the things I’ve already said for you to fuck off my page for.
 DO NOT PESTER ME TO ADD ON TO FICS OR SERIES, OR PESTER ME ABOUT WHEN THE NEXT CHAPTER OR PART IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED. I will clown on you publicly, block you on all of the platforms I know you to be on, and delay whatever time I was going to post the next part by a month. I am completely serious. Bad apples ruin it for everybody else, sorry guys.
If you check my pinned post and it says that a fic or series is discontinued, it’s discontinued. End of story.
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jade-it-queen · 3 years
Jade. The fate of female character in Mortal Kombat
It’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog cause I’ve been busy with my life and rapid changes in it. During this time, I’ve watched the new 2021 Mortal Kombat movie as well as the new animation Battle of the realms and also rewatched the Story Mode of MK11 a few times. As you probably can tell, I have a lot to say.
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Skip this if you don’t want to read my very important (and long as sh*t) rant about female characters in MK.
DISCLAIMER. This thing is going to sound extremely feminist and women-supremacist or whatever. By saying things that I’m going to say, I by no means think that male characters should be weak or lacking. If anything, it would be nice to have some godforsaken EQUALITY. I’ll explain further later.
Part One: Mortal Kombat (2021)
There’s no Jade in this movie. 
The end. That should be the sole reason I dislike it.
However, it might be better this way since the Nitara and Mileena portrayals in this movie are... questionable to say the least. Okay, y’all been robbed. If MY JADE would be brought into this movie to BE THERE for like 4 minutes of screen time only to get absolutely brutal FATALITY I. would. be. pissed.
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More than I already am and that means something.
Sure, there’s a possibility that she’s going to be present in some of the upcoming movies because this one is definitely not the only one they’re going to make. But do I want that? Yes. And no.
Mortal Kombat movies (and Mortal Kombat in general) have a problem with women portrayal in general. The target audience for them are MEN, potentially heterosexual men, who want nothing more than bloody gorey fighting scenes with occasional sex scene here and there. To achieve that, they need a female lead, an attractive, kinda kick-assish but not too much, to not overshadow the absolutely badass men characters. Girls tend to be “independent” (because God forbid they’d want to express interest in the male leads before the time is right), sarcastic, laid back and sometimes even bitchy. Because, you see, they are fighters. And they are Sonya Blade. They need NO MAN. They just need plot armor, bigger than America itself. And if they’re not Sonya Blade, they are... non existent. They are there, but they are never really there. Here, let me walk on screen for a couple seconds. Let me sit beside Very Important Male Character (aka Shang Tsung) for a couple of seconds, looking absolutely gorgeous. Let me have a fight scene in which I make choices so f*cking stupid there’s no potential explanation to it. I exist in this movie to make people that love me (this character) to come into theatres in hopes to see some good action and interesting plot.
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Now, I wasn’t born yesterday, I know how the world works. It’S bEeN LiKe ThAt FoReVeR, gEt OvEr here iT. Yeah, it’s been like that forever and the result is a mediocre movie that pleases neither the casual viewer, nor the actual Mortal Kombat fan. I don’t know, there might be guys who just saw Kung Lao’s fatality on Nitara, thought to themselves “Neat” and went on with their lives. But I exited the cinema with a sour taste in my mouth, feeling like I’ve watched one of the “fighting genre” films based on video games that had nothing worth remembering. Well, besides Kano. He was my favourite part of this movie and I  normally can’t stand the guy :’D
Would it really help if they changed the way the women were portrayed? I mean - is that the ACTUAL problem of the movie? No, women being the eye candy and barely something else (if they’re not Sonya Blade) are not the only problem it suffers from. It’s that MK has been going the same route, retelling the same goddamn story for the millionth time. It’s always THE SAME. The only thing changing is who’s gonna get brutally killed. But - of course - out of the “disposable” character pool. It’s never Sonya (because you need our female lead or else there would be no female characters in the story), who ya know could be killed by Mileena but magically WASN’T. Because Mileena FOR SOME REASON was like: Ya know what? Naaah. Even though Sonya’s from Earthrealm and is actively trying to stop you. If anything, kill her because she annoys you. BUT NAH. It’s never Liu Kang because he’s the Chosen One. But killing Kung Lao is fine, he can die so Liu can awaken or smth. It’s not the main character because how else can you portray THE MAGIC OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP? Ya, that’s what I thought, don’t even think about it.
You have an amazing universe, filled to the brim with SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL. Let go of the same boring plot line and show us Kombat from another perspective. Change something. F*ck, go all feminist route and make a story center around Mileena dominating the world. Try with different versions of the same story, making it center around different character each time. 
Part Two: Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms
Jesus f*cking Christ.
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To say this film was rushed is an understatement. While I was watching it, I was like: TF? Everything happens all at once, we have Kuai Liang-Scorpion story line, we have Outworld’s attack, the tournament, not to mention the final fight that should be whole another movie. I felt like no story line was properly laid out, some of the characters died before I got to even know them and the battles were... disappointing. I believe they needed to push this movie out so they squished in everything they had and just went with it. 
But, again, this movie just repeats the same things as its live action version. Let me lay it down for you:
Kung Lao dies (because yes)
Sonya Blade lives (because yes)
Jade is just there (more of it later)
disposable characters are disposed of
Liu Kang is badass and always wins
You watch it and feel like you’ve already seen it before. Sure, gore is fine, human Raiden is precious and need to be protected at all costs and adrenaline is pumping (I guess).
You know what’s coming.
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My f*cking piece of sunshine, the gorgeous goddess of beauty and kombat, the woman who owns my heart.
She’s there for like not even a minute.
Words can’t describe how f*cking PISSED I am by this portrayal. These motherfrickers put her in EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SNIPPET OF THIS MOVIE. HER BATTLE WAS IN THE TRAILER, ONE OF THE SNEAK PEEKS WAS A SCENE OF HER AND KITANA.
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I know I’m not the only one riding this trolley. Li Mei was there just to be killed. Kung Lao had a f*cking single dialogue line and then BAM, fatality, buh-bye. But I was watching everything of this movie, being so enormously happy that I will finally see Jade in the movies, FINALLY! Only for her to be present in a single scene, get her ass kicked by Liu Kang (what’s new) and then she’s never seen again, even when the whole f*cking world is breaking apart.
Again. She’s just there. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the best Shao Kahn’s assassins, gets her ass kicked in fourty seconds. They NEVER let her speak ffs. She just spews some general villanous sh*t and proceeds to step on Johnny. Then, she just goes Observer mode as Kitana “betrays” Shao Kahn, gets tied to the column and then the world is ending. 
If you hype me up for her every chance you get, at least GIVE ME what you’re advertising. This is a scam. This is criminal offense. And homophobic. She is more than a revealing outfit and Liu Kang’s punching bag. I’m SO. F*CKING. TIRED. OF THIS. SH*T.
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Kitana. The rebellious princess of Outworld... turned damsel in distress in this movie. Her role is so effing bad it hurts me to my core. You see her as a general being so badass and independent... oh right, we need Liu Kang to save her because he needs to maintain his hero look. And we need two kissing scenes. How do we get there? Oh, right, let him save her, because you know - that’s what makes wahmen kiss you. 
The movie started just fine, with Kitana being in charge with her right hand, Jade. Then, obviously, they water her down and soon she is a princess in a tower (in this case, princess on a column) that needs her buffy sexy man to save her. Oh, and she can’t resist him - you know, every normal girl’s reaction to getting untied is to kiss a guy you’ve known for like a few hours but seen before and you’ve talked like three dialogue lines in total. Sure.
Kitana just gets the unfortunate role of a female main character. She’s Liu’s love interest and that makes her take the role of a strong (but surface level, only) woman who still needs her hero to free her. Classic damsel in distress story, with Kitana being the princess, Liu being the Prince charming and Shao Kahn as the dragon (lul). Of course, they try to cover this up by making Kitana a general, letting her win a few fights but it won’t matter in the end. Some say that women want to believe in fairy tales but the more I see fighting games’ lore, the more I say it’s the men who want to believe them. 
Is it necessarily bad? No. But it’s boring as fuk.
I would like to ask the directors to stop being so afraid of upsetting the target audience. Target audience can change and sometimes it comes out better than originally planned. My Little Pony was designed as a child’s cartoon but it was the creepy men who made it reach the top. Morally? Questionable at best. But business is booming, right? And that’s what they care for, right?
All I’m trying to say is these days women and gays are the future.
Thank you for today, more to come. I’m going to rant about the Story Mode.
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romanianwilkinson · 3 years
A collection of quotes from my Discord server with friends. Feel free to change pronouns/wording as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Suggestive, crude, gore, absolutely cursed. [ PART 1 ]
“ Can your father send us child support? Same answer. ”
* Bed rocking, aggressive bike horn noises *
“ [NAME], you are a fucking blight upon my sanity. ”
“ Is being super gay an advanced war tactic? ”
“ Look you have to tell me if this slapping will bring about the eldritch truth, or it's enslapment. ”
“ Fucking, this is still on the most mundane side of your fetishes. ”
“ New law of science. If an autopsy turns into an orgy you did something wrong. ”
“ If we have a quiz tomorrow, the questions will be: 1) how to burst a mosquito, 2) how to tear your gut, and 3) what will the aliens look like. ”
“ I'm cat girl adjacent. ”
“ Make sure to vaccinate your computer, [NAME]! ”
“ A zombie goth. A zoth. ”
“ Slaughter’s good. I like slaughter. ”
“ They know your sins. ”
“ Why so many loose beans? ”
“ I want him to try it, SPECIFICALLY for the cyberbullying. ”
“ Today I leave y’all an Immensely Cursed Artefact. ”
“ Not the knowledge I was expecting tonight, but glad to have learned it anyhow. ”
“ It’s, unfortunately, not the worst thing that’s been turned into smut fic. ”
“ Poor organless [NAME]. ”
“ Help, I'm only seeing glowing weakpoints on you... This isn’t sexy at all! ”
“ Whelp, time to make everyone MILFs and DILFs then! ”
“ Ok, nothing is getting ‘ misted ’ in horny jail. ”
“ The only bones I have are teeth. I’m like a snail in that regard. ”
“ This is just SCP Containment Breach: Horny Edition. ”
“ And what's at the bottom of the stairs? Another baby gate. ”
“ That’s what I’m banking on. The arrogance. ”
“ How much XP fucking a demon gives you is important adventuring stuff? ”
“ This is honestly the weirdest form of lust I've ever felt from someone. ”
“ I am holding your face metaphorically when I say this for emphasis. ”
“ My rage runs cold. ” “ Yeah, so does your liver, and it fucking sucks. ”
“ We have many flavors. They are all red. ”
“ I still lose my shit over those gushers like... What kind of psychological warfare was that? ”
“ ... So you WON'T tell me a bedtime story? ”
“ Look, I'll just be my own MILF. ”
“ Listen, she's not stereotypically pretty, but she's pretty in a way where she balances elegance and grotesqueness and that is like top tier pretty. ”
“ So THAT'S where the stick went. ”
“ Ooooh how I wish it would rain down... gays on me ♫ ”
“ I wanna put the war god in the jar! For no reason! Just pranks! ”
“ I don't... think monsters come in straight? ”
“ Thankfully, I have enough titty to compensate for everyone else's lack of titty. ”
“ WE DESCENDED INTO BITING EACH OTHER ONCE AGAIN. As it is the standard state of existence for us. ”
“ What is execution, if not legal murder? ”
“ I almost forgot that most drugs are illegal. ”
“ [NAME] could bust into my room right now and say ‘ Hey, I'm drafting you into my demon army ’ and I'd simply hop into her arms. ”
“ For you, you know I would do much more than grind you into a paste and spread you far and wide! ”
“ ... We have graduated from Feral Anger to De-escalation Mode. The fridge may not be knocked over, after all. ”
“ I know you’re small. You got that scrambling energy. ”
“ No shirts, no shoes, only gays? ”
“[NAME], I'm booked to terrorize you with visions of Christmas Future tonight. Just giving you a heads-up. ”
“ It's not a callout post, if you're just stating facts. ”
“ Therapy is a motion-based predator. ”
“ Please think of me but in a sexy way. ”
“ There is a sexy way to think of you? ”
“ Sometimes, it's okay to eat your friends when they insult you. ”
“ The twink has breached containment. ”
“ [NAME] is surprisingly malicious. ”
“ ... I am convinced [NAME] is on mind control shrooms. ”
“ You fool, he’s echolocating. ”
“ Snap him over my knee like a fuckin Slim Jim. ”
“ Hank Hill Ass Havin Twink. ”
“ Pff- as if I don't know how to handle a cursed sword. I'm a professional here! ”
“It’s Twink Hunting Season and [NAME] is a goddamn trophy buck.”
“ You put those cursed words back in your mouth or so help me. ”
“ Losing a thumb will do that to you. ”
“ Got no clue, let me go ask the only one I know that hasn't tried to kill me. ”
“ This. This is why I drink when nobody's looking. ”
“ Hey... want to fly closer to the sun there, Icarus? ”
“ I'm burdened with just enough Naruto lore to be dangerous. ”
“ That reminds me, I should Beanpost again. ”
“ I have no soul, only void. I feel NOTHING for tormenting friends. ”
“ That’s a lie, you are LYING. You love this and I know you love it. ”
“ We have subjugated the tiddy. ”
“ This is the carbon requirement for human transmutation. ”
“ I mean. Vampire fucker rights though. ”
“ At least take him on a date before you ask him to elope with you! ”
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incarnateirony · 4 years
This year-old tweet of Merecuda’s becomes truer by the day. 
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So I’ve said I’d collect old posts I’ve made over the past few years involving perennial philosophy as they apply to our current episode, rather than beating the same horses to death I’ve been banging on for years. That way if people missed/forgot these they can find them without me writing entire-assed new essays but rather find how they’re binding into the current episode -- as well as later-down link collections of thoughtbursts I had about the episode itself.
14.10: The numerology of Billie’s Book -- reality, matrixes and more; god’s understanding of the universe through the universe and the purchase of the extant universe.
Pre-ep-300: Aesclepius -- the dreamer, the healer, the serpent, the climb to divinity
Pre-14.14: Ouroboros, Jung, the Shadow; Nehushtan, the brazen serpent climbing the tree and more. Keep in mind the crucified serpent stuff in here because we’ll swing back to it.
Pre-14.18: Hermetic Absence; the human soul is the one true good. What we call evil is the absence of it. Later the episode itself swung around and quoted it so YOLO.
Optimism vs Nihilism; Hermeticism vs Gnosticism; the demiurge, the Truth and the Shadow. Also, see more on the Truth at this second link (x)
A cosmic game of chicken Jack being both later script-confirmed over here. (x)
Jack as the Orphic Egg, Phanes, the golden child, son of the serpent in the garden, the Big Bounce Impending.
The Empty, the Shadow, Reflection, the Lack of Soul, “Now I’m just Empty.”
S14-15 hiatus:
Old cosmogenic theories that may or may not still work.
The Shadow, Animus, Anima, God; the dance with the serpent and the cosmic marriage post-divorce -- big yike I said it was too Destiel yet here we are. Use this accessory post (x) to see the ranking of shadow/animus/anima in the video a little more clearly.
Inner worlds, we all have them, so to whom does Eden belong? After all, compare Michael’s world for Dean to Chuck’s for the rest. And I ask you to think outside the box for this (x)
A longwinded conversation about the nature of souls (x)
The Three Principles 
...just... this to think on with the rest (x)
15.11: The return of the Son and the Sun portends the revelation that the ego itself reflects light given from the sun and the soul, including the collective soul of the above and beyond, as well as a whole bunch of other stuff (phases of paths, the goddess, and more)
Once you get this far meditate on this for a bit from 15.12, given I stole the preview of the snake for it, and remastered one of my S14 spec vids for it (x)
Neshamah in the garden: the manifestation of the divine feminine opposed to eve as the essence of the soul or spirit in pre-fall Eden, and her connection with the unconscious serpent.
About the cross showing the way and it’s enduring relation to all above themes -- hell, that shape of cross even has meanings (x) as well as this, to the same theme,
but focusing on the sacred marriage elements more than the elements of the soul Reflected in the first link (x) Given the divine marriage itself is a whole other topic I’ve spammed to death including my old Eucharist video from 15.09 (x)
but with a long video track backwards that really requires just navigating the playlist once the above is soaked.
Also my next S14 video to remaster like I did Grudge based on the few above links (x)
and this old chart y’all are probably sick to death of that the goddamn yellowing snake fucking asked
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These collective thoughts bundled, if once you’ve read them you still have questions, feel free to send asks.
Also yet again, Cas is the only one the Empty puts on faces for. His death and inky shadow didn’t work to keep him down (Shadow, primal state). His own didn’t work to put him down (Animus, Albedo, masculine ego). Meg’s didn’t work to put him down (Anima, Citrinitas, feminine superego; a fun choice when demon-searching rather than using Dumah again despite her resonance with Sam’s anima in TMWKTM and EXCELLENT opportunity to let Rachel cameo; but Cas has been at minimum in the yellow since last year and we’re not rich in opportunities to get Rachel back so it definitely worked while Cas was stumbling around in oblivion to revisit it while the rest of the guys grow into Citrinitas). 
Or you know, the literal shadow or blockage of these things as they stand with the above material (not really too unlike Belphegor as the ruler of Thagirion contrary to Tiphareth, which that GOD DAMN CROSS from 13 literally represents.) I AM EXCITE for 15.18 to see who’s face it takes next (in Rubedo, the Self and speaker of truths). And recent on set scene/event leaks minded, I think we have a pretty good idea. So I am even MORE excite. 
I really just saw Nehushtan and Neshamah talk to Phanes in the inner garden before the fall of man asking “Who are you?” in the yellowing phase of this show with the reddening impending in 15+ and I need to be let out of this box.
When I spent more than 2 decades of my life studying perennial philosophy I wanted the secrets of the universe, not the secrets of a cult fiction TV show, and frankly, I need a refund, please pull this snake out of my ear.
BuckLeming were kinda handed the inability to fuck up with as advanced as the hermetic lore has become over the last few years, but I’ve gotta say, they handled unusually well. I’m also quite fond of the Emperor-Empress-Aeonchild imagery being incorporated with the Golden Dawn/Rosicrucian/Christianized elements rather than the more alchemical abstract deliveries that whiff over people, because maybe JESUS MARY JOSEPH will ring a few bells better than colored and only loosely gendered abstracts of development, especially since they haven’t been overtly labeling things Emperor or Empress as much as depicting them with all other associated quotes and symbolism to date. Though I don’t consider 15.02/03 subtle in its delivery of the goddess role in any respect.
This is the second time the Emperor has passed his sphere to the empress. Only this time, rather than the hermit brother choosing not to initiate it for the cost, it was passed from the Empress to the child and brought us to the inner garden to find the truth of the aeon and really, I’m not okay right now, send help
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(And summore x) and even (summore about the inner garden, the soul, the proto adam and divine feminine, the symbol above and a whole bunch of hoohah x) -- Yes I just linked you an entire google book. Either you wanna know or you don’t, s’your choice.
Side semi-joke commentary with Castiel’s placement in this structure: is nobody else going to point out that Cas already brought home fruit from the Tree of Life from Syria rather than this non-eden and inner garden? I don’t think they’re quite the same place, but there’s some extra lmao there. dEAnNNn i bRoughT FrUIt fRom tHE tReE oF lIFE
Edit: while i do truly believe this boils down to an excuse to see Rachel on our screens again, I can't help but have it hit harder and harder that Castiel's divine feminine superego was appealed to in supposed reminder of him having no one in life to go back to and instead an old fling he made a connection with in death.
With the overall framing of another relationship as the cause of his suffering, whether intent or by accident it couldn't have been more on point. Just sleep, Cas, happy or not. Isn't what you want here? But he didn't bite. Not one bit. He could have slowed to ask about her or split his focus to find her too, but instead he called out to Ruby still and moved on, still on point for his family back home. I have some posts about The Celestial Ruby elsewhere that I want to probe later about the Occultum but this will do for now.
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swlbarnes · 5 years
Kindred Spirits - Jack Kline x Reader
Summary: Why are you the only person that can see Jack’s wings?
Pairing: Jack Kline x Reader
Word count: 6k (i didn’t mean for it to happen but here we are)
Warnings: self doubt from both jack and reader, jack being a total sweetheart as always bc that’s totally a warning
A/N: soulmate AU with Jacky boy bc he has wings too and dangit he deserves the ever so lovely cliche “soulmates can see an angel’s wings” trope. Hopefully this can satisfy y’all’s needs for fluffy Jack content, even if I did make it a bit too long. I got excited.
Taking Jack in after everything was strange to say the least. The boy was always exceedingly kind to you and consistently tried his best to make everyone around him happy, yet opinions on him were quite divided in the bunker for quite a while. While you and Sam both held strong to the idea that he was inherently good despite his parentage, Dean couldn’t seem to shake his grudge against him. Every time the poor kid tried to do something for the team, Dean would always be prepared with a snarky remark.
Another thing about Jack’s presence in the bunker that had your mind twisted in confusion was the large pair of wings behind his back. You had never really seen an angel’s wings before, and from what you knew of angel lore, no one but other angels really could see them. Cas has tried to explain it to you one night as you sat side by side in the library of the bunker, but he tended to use references to sciences that humans had no grasp of yet, making the whole thing a bit pointless, really. Needless to say, it was a pretty big shock when you took in the sight of the young nephilim’s wings. Was this because he was a nephilim? Do nephilims usually have their wings out and visible? You wanted nothing more than to come forward to the boys with all of your questions, but something about it felt… wrong. Surely if it was polite to ask about an angel’s wings, then they would have mentioned them already. Perhaps it was even dangerous to ask, seeing as Dean had no intentions of remaining civil with the boy, and he, too, remained silent on the matter. Besides, they were the ones that knew more about nephilims. Maybe it was best to just follow their lead.
It just didn’t add up. How were you the only one to notice them? His wings were massive. Jack was by no means a small man, but something about the vast size of his wingspan made his body seem minuscule. The grand appendages arched upwards from his back, looming above his head and shoulders before reaching out a few feet on either side of his body. Most of the feathers adorning them were a glimmering white that seemed to reflect back every color of the rainbow when hit perfectly with the light. Towards the bottom of each wing were a few rows of pure golden feathers. They each ended in a sharp point, the metallic fluff gleaming in a way that no earthly creature could. Everything about his wings gave off such a purely celestial energy, and to be honest, just looking at them made you feel utterly sinful.
You really did try your best to keep quiet about the whole thing. You promise you did. Sometimes you just… can’t do that, though. You cared about Jack incredibly deeply, and that was the exact reason that you had to speak up.
“I’m just saying, Dean, we can’t leave him here alone. Who knows who could come for him here? He’s not ready to defend himself alone. Plus, we need all hands on deck with this case. We should bring Jack with us,” Sam insisted from his place behind his laptop at one of the library tables. You raised a brow, peering over the research book in your lap. You were reclined in one of the plush armchairs off to the side, while Dean and Jack sat with Sam, one in front of him, and one by his side, respectively.
Dean rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest for what you could only assume was dramatic effect. “It’s too dangerous, the kid stays here. (Y/N) can look after him, we’ll do the hunt just the two of us.” His tone left no room to argue, yet Sam still managed to worm his way in for a rebuttal.
“Seriously?” The younger brother groaned incredulously. “We have no idea what this thing is, and you want to go in without backup? Look, whatever this is, it’s nothing we’ve faced before. Four men, all drained of blood by five crescent shaped puncture wounds to the neck. Not a bite mark, not a normal stab wound, nothing like that. We have nothing to go off of, and we need extra help. I’m just saying, Jack would be an asset.”
Dean opened his mouth, ready to retort, but you were quicker to the punch. “Jack can’t go, though,” you stated matter of factly. The room fell silent, and after a moment, you risked a look up to meet the three pairs of eyes looking your way. Dean appeared to be smug, as he usually was when you took his side in arguments. Sam’s jaw hung slightly ajar in shock at your claim. But Jack’s was the worst. Not only did his facial expression convey his deep betrayal, but his naturally shining, vibrant, proud wings hung low and dragged on the floor, the feathers dulled significantly. He looked broken. You immediately averted your gaze, unable to meet his eyes knowing you were the cause of that reaction.
“What? Are you seriously taking his side in this? After all your serious sit downs you’ve had telling him that Jack is a useful addition to the team, all those times you’ve given Jack pep talks, all that, yadda yadda yadda, was that all just fake?” Sam spat. His hazel eyes burned holes in your head. His jaw was clenched in an attempt to bite back on any words he might regret later.
Your eyes grew wide at the sudden fury radiating off the younger Winchester, but what shocked you even more were his words. How dare he say that? How dare he, in front of Jack, insinuate that you didn’t care about the nephilim’s well-being? You had been nothing but kind to him since he arrived, and you were forever grateful to have him around. But how could Sam not see the issue in all of this? “What are you talking about, Sam? Of course I believe all of that! I think Jack is a gift to this team and you know it, so don’t you dare suggest otherwise, especially in front of him. I care about Jack just like you do. I’d put my life on the line for him time and time again, and I think he’s one of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve ever met. Don’t you dare tell him I don’t,” you nearly growled out in reply. Your eyes were narrowed and you leaned forward to deliver him a glare of the same caliber.
Sam seemed taken aback by your comeback, but he refused to let you shock him into silence. “Oh really?” He scoffed. “Then what’s the problem, huh? Why can’t the kid come with us on this case? What could possibly be more important than keeping him safe with us?”
Finally, you couldn’t handle it anymore. You couldn’t bring yourself to care if it was rude anymore, you were doing this for Jack’s own good. “His WINGS!” You cried out, throwing your hands in the air in exasperation. “There, are you happy? I said it! Jack has wings! And I refuse to bring him somewhere that he can be captured by humans and treated like some kind of lab rat experiment!” You knew all too well how red your face was by this point. You could hear the blood pumping in your ears as you fought to catch your breath.
You waited for the gasps of disgust at your poor taste in words. You expected to be scolded within an inch of your life for having disrespected the signal of Jack’s power. You waited. Then you waited. Then you waited some more. And after waiting just a little more, you looked up to meet their expressions. They were far from the angry faces you had expected. Instead they just seemed… confused.
“Okay, now you lost me. What are you getting at here?” Dean questioned with furrowed brows. Your gaze darted back and forth between the three men expectantly, waiting for them to laugh and assure you that they were only joking, but they didn’t. Their faces held steady.
You felt much of your anger melting away into confusion. “I… what? Why are you guys so confused? I mean, he’s got… wings. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I’m not saying they’re bad. I think they’re absolutely gorgeous and they look really soft and nice, but other people aren’t going to be so understanding and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if someone got to you, Jack,” You rambled on. Your nervousness quickly got the better of you under the nephilim’s watchful, curious gaze. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t attracted to the boy. It often made life in the bunker with him quite difficult, to say the least, what with his constant vibrant smile and carefree nature. After realizing you enjoyed binging on your favorite shows in your free time, he insisted on regularly sitting down together to watch whatever shows or movies you wanted him to see. He didn’t quite understand all of the concepts taking place in each of the plots, but he always tried his best, and he ALWAYS had your favorite snacks and enough blankets to last the winter. Little things like that were what made the hunting life more bearable, and most of those little things seemed to come from Lucifer’s son himself.
Sam looked to you, then to Jack, then back at you. “Are you saying that you… can see his wings?” He wondered aloud, gesturing towards Jack with one hand. You nodded slowly. This didn’t seem to be the answer he had expected, as he immediately asked again. “Like, right now? Right now you see wings… on him?” This time he added a second hand to the gesturing, clearly focusing the movements towards the boy’s torso. Jack shuffled a bit in his seat, but remained silent.
“Yes, Sam! Yes, I see Jack’s wings. Yes, I see them right now. They’re huge and white at the top and at the bottom some of the feathers are gold. One of them is tucked up to his back while the other is- oh, no, Jack! No, please don’t hide them away, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you!” You reached a hand out towards Jack in an attempt to comfort him, only to find that you were much too far away to do such a thing, especially since he had pulled the wing closest to you back in towards his back while you were speaking. His feathers ruffled a bit at your words, his eyes widening to match the subtle movement.
The nephilim turned his gaze to Dean before looking to Sam, clearly seeking an explanation. Each of the brothers could give him nothing but blank, questioning gazes. Dean leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table as he did so. “(Y/N), have you seen Jack’s wings the whole time we’ve known him?”
“Of course…”
“And you didn’t think to, oh I don’t know, freaking tell us about that?” His tone held an edge of anger that you were unsure how to process. The eldest Winchester seemed to snap at you far more often since Jack joined the team, and you were usually able to brush his words off and move on. This time, though, you weren’t sure if his annoyance was a result of Jack’s presence of your lack of action.
“I didn’t think anything of it! I thought everyone could see them!” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest in a defensive manner. Dean’s body moved with his eyes as they rolled up to the ceiling and then back down to you once again.
“Seriously? You thought we wouldn’t mention that our new housemate has huge freaky wings growing out of his back? I can’t say that’s something I would usually overlook!”
A low groan passed through your lips at this. “Oh, really, Dean? I’m sorry that I didn’t find it odd enough to mention Jack’s wings. I was a little busy with my usual daily tasks, like trying to save your mother from another dimension and killing the last Prince of Hell! I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but Jack having wings is probably the least strange thing I’ve told you this week,” you growled out. After a beat of silence, you decided you couldn’t hold back your other grievance with his words. “And don’t call his wings ‘freaky,’ Dean. If you could see them you’d be singing Jack’s praises. They’re absolutely gorgeous, and guess what? You can’t argue, because apparently, I’m the only one of us humans that knows what they’re talking about!” With that, you sat back with a smug grin.
Dean, however, did not agree with your assumption that you won the argument. He gave a simple annoyed huff in response. “I still think you should’ve told us. Surely you didn’t think we were just ignoring them or whatever?”
You gave a vague shrug to this. “You two are the ones that did most of the research on nephilims, so I thought there might be some respect thing about mentioning them. I was just following your lead with this whole thing.”
Sam shook his head, deciding now would be the best time to interject before your voices began to rise once again in a resurrected argument. “Alright, let’s just forget the whole ‘you should’ve told us’ thing right now. What’s important is figuring out why you can see his wings. What does that even mean?” The taller of the brothers queried, his brows knitted together. Worry lines creased his forehead, much like the ones that made themselves visible on Jack and Dean.
You shrugged your shoulders once again in as nonchalant of a manner as you could. “Does it matter? It doesn’t really seem like a life threatening situation. It’s not a big deal, and we’ve got enough on our plates as it is, don’t you think?” You insisted. Your fingers tapped absentmindedly on the arm of the couch as the three men took a silent moment to think.
“I still don’t like it,” Dean muttered in annoyance, his gaze fixated on a minute pocket of air a few inches from his face.
“You don’t like much of anything nowadays,” was your comment in reply. This earned you a callous glare from the older hunter.
Sam let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair. His arms stretched over his head, bent at the elbows so he could rub at his exhaustion ridden eyes. “I don’t know,” he spoke through a groan. “I don’t think it’s dangerous, but I’d still like to know why, you know? It might be important later on down the road.” You decided to drop the subject with a sigh, standing up to grab a new book of lore from a nearby shelf. Much to your satisfaction, they all seemed to follow suit, and the bunker library fell silent once more.
After that day, you began to notice the little things that started to change. You and Jack became closer than ever, the boy seeming to crave spending quality time with you whenever he could. Sometimes when night would fall and the nephilim’s demons continued to brawl inside his head, he would make his way into your room. It was easy to tell the difference between Jack’s footsteps approaching and either of the brothers. Dean’s steps were heavy and slightly uneven, and they echoed off the stone walls like a blaring police siren. Sam’s feet hit the ground with less force, but that didn’t make them any less noticeable. His boots still clacked noisily against the floors despite all of his efforts to remain quiet. Jack, however, was a whole different story. Jack’s bare feet shuffled almost silently up to your closed bedroom door on those nights. He wasn’t the biggest fan of shoes, and if he was allowed to go without them, then he would do so in a heartbeat. He would knock on your door, calling out that it was Jack, and asking if he could come in, just like you had taught him. Once he got your approval, he would step inside, closing the door behind him before diving into your bed and curling up next to you. Sometimes he would want to talk about it, other times he just remained silent. You trusted him to do what he felt he needed most, so you never pushed him. You just reached out and ran your fingers through his feathers until he drifted off to sleep at your side.
Sam continued to scour every piece of angel and nephilim lore he could find in an attempt to find an answer to your little winged mystery, but everything he read just came up empty. Most hunters didn’t even know angels existed, and most of the readings from nonhunters were just speculation. Even still, nothing he found could give him an answer. If the Men of Letters didn’t know about it, then he wasn’t sure how it settled with him.
It wasn’t until the brothers went out on their own hunt in Grand Junction that anything came of it all. In other words, it wasn’t until Castiel came back that you had any answers.
Your reunion with the seraph was tear filled to say the least. You remember clinging desperately to his form, your fingers curling into the familiar beige trenchcoat as if it might fade away any second, taking your dear friend with it. Jack was quick to show off his progress with his powers, much to your amusement. Your eyes couldn’t help but linger on the way his wings twitched in anticipation of his adoptive father’s reaction, and the smile that broke out on his face when Castiel praised him was enough to send your heart racing. Oh, you had surely fallen, and you had fallen hard.
Your mind hardly registered the complexity of your situation with Jack anymore at that point. You came to find that his wings were just as expressive as his face, and you were soon able to read the most minor of twitches and flutters with ease. This only served to bring you even closer to the man. It was that exact closeness that eventually led to Castiel’s discovery of your predicament.
You sat in one of the old wooden chairs in the library, Jack seated just to your left. The pair of you gazed listlessly at the dust ridden lore books splayed out on the table in front of you. Across the table sat the two older hunters and your angel companion, each one with their own piece of research material, whether it be in the form of a laptop or another one of the decrepit tomes stocked in the Men of Letters library.
The air of the bunker always seemed to carry a certain chill to it that never ceased to send chills up and down your frame. This night was surely no exception. You tugged desperately at the flannel covering your shoulders in an attempt to conserve some of your body heat, but your efforts were naught; the goosebumps along your arms remained undefeated.
Another all consuming shiver rattled your form before you decided to speak up. “Would it kill you boys to turn up the heating in this place?” You muttered in annoyance as you tugged your knees up towards your chest in order to keep warm. Dean peered up at you from over the top of his laptop screen, an amused grin tugging at his lips.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? A little chilly?” He mused. His tone was far from comforting, and the sound caused you to let out a huff of annoyance. “Why don’t you just go grab a jacket?”
You rolled your eyes in reply. “Because I’m inside at home and I shouldn’t have to wear fifty layers of clothing just to keep from freezing to death in the good year of 2019,” you insisted. You were on the verge of teeth chattering at this point, and therefore you made sure to speak through your teeth as if you were simply angry with the eldest Winchester - little did he know that you simply couldn’t talk any other way without sounding like a fool.
Sam let out a chuckle, only for the sound to be cut off with a cough as soon as your glare fell on him. His eyes focused back on the screen in front of him, his face wiped clean of his previous amusement. Good boy.
Jack turned to you with a look of concern etched into his features. “You’re cold?” He queried, his eyes scanning over the way your hands were rubbing relentlessly at your upper arms. You let out a hum and gave a quick nod of your head. At this reply, Jack wasted no time in unfurling his wings. The wing closest to you curled around just behind your back and around your shoulders. You were instantly encased in the warmth and the soft comfort of the nephilim’s wings. Your eyes fluttered closed, and for just a moment you allowed yourself to get lost in the sensation of his fledging flight feathers brushing against your skin.
A low hum of approval passed through your lips, a sound your brain only partially recognized before it left you. Your body curled subconsciously into Jack’s little embrace. “That’s a lot better,” you murmured, your voice hardly a whisper in the still air of the bunker library. “Thank you, Jack.”
You opened your eyes to look at the man by your side, and you were pleased to see the bright smile on his face. You were quick to return his expression before turning back to your lore book to continue translating the old ancient Greek text. Your plan to continue on as normal didn’t last very long, however, as only moments later Castiel spoke up in the quiet atmosphere.
“(Y/N)...” He pressed, his tone insistent but maintaining a soft edge as not to frighten you. You looked up towards the angel to assure him that you were listening. He cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter in his chair, if that was even possible for the eons old soldier anymore. “Do you… Do you happen to see Jack’s wings…?”
The question was a simple one. You’d been over this before. You’d talked through this with the boys already. Even after that first conversation, Dean insisted on asking you repeatedly for a few days afterwards just to try to catch you in some elaborate lie. There was nothing that should have made you pause about his line of questioning, but still, you found yourself hesitating at the sound of the query coming off of Castiel’s lips. This was an angel. He knows these things. This was different.
Your throat grew dry when sapphire blue eyes locked with your own. You did all you could to force down the rising lump in your throat, finally bringing yourself to squeak out a feeble, “yes…?” in response. You reached out and grabbed your beer bottle from the table, easily bringing it to your lips and taking a swig. Whether you were seeking out the dull buzz from the alcohol or the relief the liquid brought to your suddenly parched throat, you could never be sure.
This interaction didn’t go unnoticed by the taller of the two Winchesters. Sam’s head poked up from behind his laptop once again, his brows tugged together so much so that his forehead became littered with creased lines. “Cas? Do you know what that means? I’ve been scouring the lore night and day trying to find something, and I couldn’t find a single recorded instance of this,” he informed the angel, his voice dripping with concern.
Cas gave a dismissive shake of his head at the taller man’s efforts. “I wouldn’t expect it to be recorded anywhere. Soulmates are far too sacred for such things.” Castiel’s voice was always gruff, but there was something about this new information that sent his tones even deeper with thought.
Dean instantly began sputtering wildly at his friend’s simplistic statement. “You said the what now?” He cried out. The hunter’s eyes were saucers of emerald, glinting with the shock of what he just learned.
Cas finally broke from his reverie long enough to turn his eyes to the bewildered man to his right. His squinted gaze flickered to and from Dean’s expression. “I believe I spoke quite clearly. If (Y/N) is able to see Jack’s wings, then the only answer is that they are soulmates,” he clarified.
Your face was surely somewhere close to cherry red at that point, your jaw dropped open in utter shock. You couldn’t believe it. How could you believe such a thing? Jack was a creature that was truly one of a kind. Born of an archangel and a human and stronger than the devil himself, he was a symbol of hope for the future of humanity. You? You were just some poor sap that got roped into a life of nightmares and loss. The idea that he was meant to be with you so much so that the fates demanded it, it was dizzying.
Against all of your better judgment, you turned to spare a glance at the nephilim by your side. Much to your surprise, you didn’t find a fuming, disappointed hybrid, but a bubbly young man with a childlike excitement in his eyes. A broad smile adorned his lips and his chest puffed outwards with swelling pride. The wings on his back ruffled as they shifted to make themselves larger as well. The one wrapped around your form curled a bit tighter, pressing you closer to his chair.
“So,” Jack chirped, “does that mean that we’re meant to be together like Anakin and Padmé?”
You and Sam both visibly winced at the insinuation, but Castiel was the one to speak up. “Perhaps they aren’t the best idea of romance and healthy human relationships.”
Dean scoffed, snatching his beer from the table and tipping it back to take a swig. “Understatement of the century, man. He did kinda end up killing her when she was pregnant with their twins then spent his time undoing her life’s work to restore the democracy to the galaxy, but sure. Maybe they’re just a little iffy.”
Sam smirked and turned to Dean with his arms crossed over his chest. “I wasn’t aware you were well versed in Star Wars lore, Dean,” he teased, much to the older man’s annoyance.
“It’s Star Wars, man,” he muttered. “‘Course I’ve seen it. And the prequels were garbage.”
That was it, you had to speak up. “Guys!” You shouted, causing all four men to jump in their seats in fright. Their bewildered gazes landed on you. “Are you seriously talking about Star Wars when we just learned that Jack and I are soulmates? Can we please gain a little perspective!” You snapped. Jack’s wing pressed into your back in an attempt to comfort you, and to be honest, it did the job.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Sam muttered, turning to Cas once again. “So, what exactly does this whole thing mean?”
Cas leaned back in his chair. His hands clasped together in his lap. “It is really quite self explanatory. An angel’s wings can only be seen by other angels and, in very special cases, that angel’s intended soulmate.” A pleased smile stretched across his lips as his eyes flickered back and forth between you and Jack. “Not many angels have the fortune of getting a soulmate, so this is truly quite remarkable. I’m glad you two have found each other. You deserve all the comfort your bond brings.”
Though you remained rigid with shock, you couldn’t help the smile blooming on your face from the sentiment. Castiel might be a ferocious warrior trained and worked as a soldier for eons, but at the end of the day the seraph would always be a huge softie.
“So is this like, God hath come down and decreed that these two shall bang?” Dean asked as bluntly as possible. You were sure that by that point, all the blood in your body was circulating through only your face and cheeks.
“D-Dean!” You scolded him. Your voice raised an octave or two in your embarrassment. The older hunter cast you a simple wink.
Castiel shook his head, paying no mind to the awkward atmosphere you were radiating in reaction to Dean’s words. “I’m unsure how their bond was put in place. For other angels, God did hand pick the angels and their soulmate counterparts and set the bond himself, however that was millennia ago. There have been no new fledglings since then, and therefore, no more bonds to create. How this one was made is beyond me.” The answer was just enough to answer a few of their questions, only to leave them with a handful more that would surely remain a mystery.
A low groan escaped your lips as you settled your forehead on your knees, which were still tucked up against your chest. This was too much. This was way too much. You hadn’t even spilled your feelings about Jack and you were already going to be rejected, and by your soulmate no less. Jack surely saw you as just a friend, and as much as it hurt, you vowed to go forward however he wished. A moment or two passed in complete silence before anyone moved.
“I’m gonna head to bed,” Sam announced. His chair legs squealed against the ground as he scooted away from the table to stand. The sound of Dean agreeing and standing up made itself prominent, followed by a quick whack!
“What?” Cas’s voice muttered in confusion. More silence, then, “Oh! Yes, yes I should leave as well. Very busy recently. Lots of things to get done. Being alive again is very time consuming. Good night everyone.” A tell tale flap of wings and a gust of wind strong enough to turn the pages of the book in front of you let you know that he had gone. Dean’s retreat to his bedroom was clear by the heavy footsteps overshadowing his faint muttering about Castiel’s cluelessness.
“(Y/N)?” Jack’s voice called softly from his place next to you. You let out a hum of acknowledgement, but refused to lift your head to meet his eyes. Apparently, this was not enough for the nephilim. He let out a sigh, and soon enough he had hooked his foot on the leg of your chair and dragged it over until it collided with his own with a clank! Even still, your head stayed down. “(Y/N) please look at me?”
“No thank you,” you muttered. Your voice was muffled through the denim of your jeans, but he understood you all the same.
Another sigh from the man. The wing on your back grew heavier against your shoulders, as though he was no longer making an effort to hold it up. “Is it really so bad that you have to be with me?”
Your body froze. His voice wavered with uncertainty and self doubt. That one question was enough to make your heart shatter in your chest. He sounded broken by his realization - no, his idea that you didn’t want him. He thought you were going to reject him.
Your resolve faded away in that moment, and you carefully lifted your head to meet his watery eyed gaze. His lip quivered slightly with his breathing, and it took everything in you not to hold him close and make sure he never has to suffer again. His hands were in his lap, fingers toying with the fuzzy material along the inside of his jacket. He always told you how much he loved the jacket because it was so soft. It comforted him when he got scared. He was seeking out that comfort. Because of you.
“Jack, no, that’s not what this is about at all,” you whispered, being sure to meet his gaze in an attempt to prove your truthfulness. “It’s not bad for me, Jack. Not at all. I just… I worry about how you feel about this whole situation. I’m not exactly the best option you could’ve had. You could’ve been soulmates with a nice, normal, everyday citizen with none of this emotional baggage coming along with them. Someone without a hero complex, or memories of Hell, or enough nightmares behind their eyelids to give Stephen King a run for his money. You could’ve had someone like that, but instead it’s just… me.” You fought to swallow the rising lump in your throat as you finished speaking.
“You… You aren’t ashamed of me?” Jack asked you in disbelief. The broken shards of your heart continued to crumble into dust. The absolute awe in his eyes over the simple fact that you weren’t ashamed to be his soulmate was devastating. He truly thought so little of himself already in his short life.
“Of course not, sweetheart,” you assured the nephilim. You dropped your feet back to the ground and reached towards him, resting your palm against his cheek. The tears he had built up along his bottom lid escaped their confines to trail down his cheeks. Your eyes followed the droplet as it made its way down along the curves of his face. Just before it reached his jawline, you raised your other hand up and swiped your thumb over the teardrop. Your finger followed the wet trail it left behind, wiping away the remnants until both palms were pressed against his cheeks. Your thumbs brushed carefully over his cheekbones as you cradled the man’s face in your hands.
“But I’m an abomination. I’m Lucifer’s son, I might be evil. I could hurt you. I could kill you!” He insisted, his eyes growing panicked with each passing second. You shook your head.
“You’re not evil, and you won’t hurt me. I trust you. And so what if the angels think you’re an abomination? They say the same thing about Sam, you know. Is Sam bad?” He shook his head slowly. “Exactly. Sometimes… Sometimes people are treated badly just because of who they are. It’s not right, and it’s not good, but it happens. That’s why we do our best to prove those people wrong. Okay? You’ve saved people, and you’re going to continue saving people, because that’s who you are. You’re good, Jack. You’re so good, and I wish I could get you to believe that yourself.”
Once again you found yourself staring back at a pair of red rimmed, tear brimming eyes. If you thought he was in awe before, then this was absolute disbelief. His mouth hung just slightly ajar as his eyes scanned your face for any signs that you were lying. A moment passed, and he must have been satisfied with his findings, because soon enough he was pulling you towards him and pressing his lips to yours. You leaned in to the kiss and your eyes fluttered shut. The taste of the soda he had off to the side still lingered on his lips, and all too soon you had to pull away.
Jack’s eyes were shining in the low light of the library. He pressed his forehead to yours, brushing his nose over yours in an affectionate manner. “I think I like kissing,” he commented in a soft tone.
A chuckle escaped you. “Feel free to do it anytime, then,” you welcomed with a dazed grin. Jack smiled before connecting your lips with his own once again. He pulled you flush against him, and soon enough you were encompassed in the soft warmth of a pair of large white and golden wings, encapsulating you two together and blocking out the rest of the world, because in the end, none of that really mattered. As long as you had Jack by your side, you knew you could get through anything.
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mythopoeticreality · 4 years
For the reader asks: What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?, - What reader or write do you think most deserves a high five?, and Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)?
Ohh! Awesome! Just the questions I wanted to answer too! xD Thank you, you wonderful nonnie for sending me these!^^ I umm…I might get a bit long-winded here so bear with me….>.>
What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
Oh dear…you just gave me free reign here to give you my fannish wish-list anon. Do you realize what you’ve done?!
Okay, no but, these are some of the ideas and characters I’ve most wanted to see more explored for such a long time now, so this might get a bit long as I’ve been thinking about some of these things for so long, so…let’s split this up by fandom:
More Tinfang please, definately! Probably my most obscure fav here,but he has so much potential? I mean, he’s this haf-fey pied-piper type figure and I just need like…all of the fic of him outwitting orcs and robin-hooding it up across Beleriand just basically ruining Morgoth’s day in his own small ways xD I love the idea of Tinfang being this folklorish figure amongst the elves, and I’d love to see more of that.
On that note: More Middle Earth Fairy Lore in general. Yeah I know most of this stuff is only half-canonical at best and pretty obscure, coming from the Book of Lost Tales, but still, it’s just fun? Again, I love the idea of elvish folklore, especially pre-Valarin folklore and I’d love to see more of it, and incorporating some of these older Lost Tales era ideas is such a great way to do it? Besides, the addition of fairies answers an age old question in Tolkien Fandom:
“…they were born before the world and are older than its oldest, and are not of it, but laugh at it much, for had they not somewhat to do with its making, so that it is for the most part a play for them…”
TELL ME THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE TOM BOMBADIL TO YOU!?! Case closed. Tom Bombadil is a Fairy.
Asside from Tinfang and Fairy lore, however, There are a couple of things I’d love to see more of in this fandom as well.
More Amlach would always be a blessing.I don’t really see why he is so often overlooked as a character either. Here’s this guy, he’s like, ‘Okay, I’m maybe not so cool with these Elves dragging us into this war of theirs that I certainly didn’t  sign on for’  but then Morgoth comes along, and sends one of his servants to impersonate him while he’s away. Amlach finds out is all ‘What?! You stole my face?! Oh it’s personal, now…” and then goes to find Maedhros and becomes one of his vassals to fight against Morgoth. He has to be one of my favorite Men in the Legendarium, and I can’t help but picture his relationship with Maedhros to be just…so full of snark. He’s not awed by these elves after all, he’s just here because Morgoth’s an asshole. Honestly, I can’t help but feel that if Amlach feels like Maedhros is wrong about something he will speak up about it. And..Maedhros actually appreciates that? Amlach’s honesty, I mean, maybe not the snark all the time xD I just want to see more of that relationship, and it’s development, blossoming into some kind of respect and friendship between the two. Basically Amlach is awesome and I want more of him.
Finally, I’d love to see more Eönwë/Mairon stuff? This is my ship! The whole tragic lovers-to-enemies dynamic that they could have going? Those moments where Sauron came begging to Eönwë at the end of the War of Wrath and things almost, almost looked like things could have been reconciled, where everything stood on a knife-blade and a held breath? YES, I am here for that. And yeah, I’m a sucker for redemption fics, so I’m here for AU’s where Sauron actually did turn around and seek the Valar’s forgiveness as well.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
*slams fist on table* More JSMN Crossovers! I mean, the King’s Roads literally go everywhere, and I can’t be the only one who sees the potential there! You’ve got all of fiction and reality open to you! For instance: 
Send Childermass off on the King’s Roads exploring Faerie and Looking for a way to read Vinculus, and have him stumble on into the DC Universe to run into John Constantine! They can be Snarky Northern Bastards together and deal with Fairies and Demons and Magic! 
Have John Uskglass wander into Wizarding New York in 1926 and meet Credence Barebone! Can you imagine what that would be like? The Raven King meeting this orphan kid who grew up in pretty much the exact opposite situation to himself, In a world where magic is kept a secret, and who had to spend his life suppressing this magic he had? What would be going through John’s head in that moment? What would be going through Credence’s? Can the Raven King take Credence under his wing, get himself a new apprentice? He should. That would be really cool. 
Oh, or what about Strange and Norrell while they’re trapped in the Pillar of Darkness? Send them to Valinor! Imagine the reactions of the Elves and the Valar at the approach of this huge Tower of Midnight. What New Sorcery of Morgoth’s is this? Is this the arrival of some new evil into their realm, like Ungoliant? Imagine this army of Elven warriors – the very same ones that Durring the War of Wrath fought to take down the source of all evil in Middle Earth – all lining up and preparing for battle…only to discover a pair of fondly squabbling academics
Or you know what? We don’t even need the King’s roads for crossovers! One of the things I’ve been most wanting to see in this fandom is a Sandman/JSMN crossover just…focusing on the relationship between Uskers and Morpheus? Like, I could totally see Oberon’s Favorite Foster Son as having encountered the Lord Shaper over here during his time in Faerie? And just, as a being of Faerie, as a Magician, as a Legend in and of himself, he totally has this connection to Dream? And honestly….why wouldn’t I want to see these two being Melodramatic and Goth and Awesome together? I’d really love to see how they’d interact. (Crossovers involving Daniel would *also* be amazing too of course and I’d really love to see John dealing with the feelings of knowing but not knowing Daniel, of interacting with someone who is at the same time so much older and so much younger than himself. How weird does it have to get to begin to stretch at even the Raven King’s own standards for what is “normal?”) 
Other crossovers I’d like to see: John Segundus and Arthur Weasley hanging out because that would be just…the most adorable thing. And Also Henry Lascelles and Lucius Malfoy, because they just kind of deserve one another really xD
Asside from Crossovers I’d really love to read more things focusing on just the general history and world building in JSMN? I want to see like, the effects of magic on things like the Interregnum and the Restoration! I want to see what sort of History Play Shakespere wrote about John Uskglass and How opening night went! (You Know the Raven King showed up,watching from the shadows. You just know it.) I want to see Isaac Newton as a Magician, dammit! (speaking of that last one I got this lovely fic around Christmas Time about that very thing and I am eternally greatful for it, and y’all should go read it)
And honestly, more fics about the Aurate Magicians and John Uskglass would be amazing? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I want an entire series of novels dedicated to the Aurate era of Magic. I want *all* of the medieval politics and drama. How does John Uskglass interact with say…Emperess Matilda or Henry V? How does magic change things and introduce new issues that have to be delt with? Also…the characters of this time period just *fascinate* me. Yeah, John Uskglass, but also Thomas of Dundale? William of Lanchester? Catherine of Winchester? Donata Torrel and Margaret Ford and their troop of women magicians? Thomas Godbless? Walter De Chepe? Lookit. I just need *all* of the stories about the Aurates.
Oh, and one more thing: No 80′s AU JSMN fandom? I am Dissapoint. I need John Uskglass hanging out in Le Phonographique as is only his natural habitat ;P 
What reader or writer do you think most deserves a high five? 
But there are so many awesome people in both my fandoms? I mean Just going off of the top of my head…
@jordenspuls and @somepallings just seem like all around really cool people and it’s always a delight to see their back-and-forth crossing my dash (even if most of the time I’m too much an awkward nerd to say anything myself) Not only that but they’re also really awesome writers and if you like Johnsquared you should definitely check out both of their work!^^
@ohveda is also super-cool and is also an awesome writer, especially– again – if you like Johnsquared. Also, it always makes me smile when I see a comment on one of my metas, because we’ve always had nice discussion in the past. 
Of course I’ve gotta mention @regshoe here, for loving the Raven King as much I do, for always being an awesome person to talk to and for writing such amazing fic as well as comments in my own stories.
And on that same note, theseatheseatheopensea is another amazing writer in JSMN fandom (seriously, the writing is just georgous. Go read that Isaac Newton story.) and always leaves such lovely comments in my fic as well!^^
Finally, @thearrogantemu and @prackspoor have both written some of my favorite Silm fics.
Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)? 
Okay, so for most of my headcanons and ideas I don’t actually have an ideal writer in mind for any of them. I’d just really love to see what would happen if anyone took them up and ran with them.
That said, because I cannot provide any actual writers for these headcanons, I will give three each from each fandom to make up for it 8D
The Silmarillion/Tolkien:
  More Fairy Lore from Arda: Before encountering the Valar the elves would often leave out small offerings to appease the fairies and spirits of Middle-Earth. A few berries, a piece of meat from a good hunt, a dish of milk left out on the doorstep. After meeting Oromë and going to Valinor, the offerings became more craft-oriented and were said to be for the Valar, rather than the Fairies. Many – especially amongst the Vanyar – stopped leaving out offerings all together, seeing them as relics of the misunderstandings of the past, too pagan a tradition to continue with. MírielÞerindë, however did continue to leave out small scraps of brightly embroidered fabric as a tribute to Vairë whenever she began a new project. Fëanor continues on in this tradition, leaving a small wire spiral out on his workbench whenever he starts something new – not for the Valar or to keep the Fairies from interfering – but as a tribute to his mother.
Curufin is actually the best rider and horsemen amongst his brothers and taught Celebrimbor to ride 
Arien and Sauron were actually really close before Sauron’s eventual betrayal. Being some of the few Fire-spirits who remained on the side of the valar gave them a particular bond, and  Mairon was someone for Arien to turn to when the feelings of grief and betrayal that her brothers – The Balrogs – left her with grew to heavy. Well that was untill…
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
Catherine of Winchester actually didn’t start out as a particularly impressive Magician. Actually, if anything, magic was fairly difficult for her at first. Where she was impressive was in her dedication to her craft, and her shear stubbornness in it’s pursuit was what actually impressed the Raven King enough to take her on as a student (this one is actually a fairly new headcanon for me, but there is something about the idea that I find so appealing…)
Thomas of Dundale is actually a huge nerd when it comes to Arthuriana and tales of Chivalry. He was actually kind of having a bit of a fanboy freakout when he first learned Chrétien de Troyes wrote a song about him. xD More seriously though, tales of Knights and Brave Deeds were what he grew up on before being stolen away to Faerie, and during late nights in the Brugh, when neither of them could sleep, Thomas would keep both himself and John entertained with the old stories his nurse used to tell him. Sometimes he even thinks of himself and John as a kind of reversed Arthur and Merlin. 
William of Lanchester was actually one of the Raven King’s apprentices in his youth. That first week within John Uskglass’s company was one of the most frustrating experiences in William’s life, and by the end of it he well and truely hated John Uskglass and his particular manner of doing things. It was just so much the opposite to William’s own approach? He swallowed it down and pushed on anyway, because he did want to learn, but he ranted to Thomas (who he got on with brilliantly from the start) a lot about John during those early years of their relationship. Thomas helped him stick it out, Thomas gave him space to vent and honestly? Thomas helped smooth things over between William and John when they clashed the most. “He takes growing used to. But he’ll grow on you, if given a chance.” Thomas would say to him. William would just scoff. “Yes. Like a fungus.” Yet by the end of his apprenticeship, William found himself as one of the Raven King’s most trusted advisers and closest friends – and the thing that surprised William the most? When he realized it, he wasn’t surprised at all.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
The Trail (Part 3)
More stick indians. Let me tell you, it is hard to find info on the Salish tribe. I did my best, y’all.
Azula sees the pink of dawn and is embarrassed to find that she had, at some point, fallen asleep clinging to Zuko. Her music is still pulsing in her ears, she pauses it and plucks out her earbuds. Despite her exhaustion, she scooches away from Zuko, hoping that he and Zhao wouldn’t notice that she’d curled up so close to her brother at all.
Despite the golden rays of dawn and the return of the forest chatter, Azula is reluctant to venture into the world outside of the tent. Despite her hesitation, she unzips the flap and takes in the fresh air.
All in all, it is a nice day; blue skies with a generous helping of blue jay and chikadee. Their chirps are inviting and reassuring. She catches a glimpse of some type of small fish swimming about in the lake.
She also catches sight of the mess. There is a scatter of sticks everywhere and their campfire had been stomped on and the ashes kicked about. Azula frowns to herself, at least those things had left them some new firewood.
Zuko wanders out of the tent and with a yawn stretches his arms. His expression is dull with tiredness but he doesn’t seem angry. She thinks that he just has to wake up more for the irritation to settle in.
She decides to test the water. “Good morning, Zuzu.”
He ignores her.
He shakes his head, “you say something?”
“I said good morning.”
“If you say so.” He mutters. “Can we get a hotel tonight?”
Azula bites the inside of her cheek, knowing that she is about to push something that she has already pushed way too hard. “I was looking at the maps and there’s a reservation nearby. I was hoping to talk to the tribe and some of the non-native locals.”
“Talk to them about what!?” It isn’t quite a shout, but his voice is some shriller with surprise.
“What happened last night.” She replies. “I’d like to know exactly what we dealt with.”
“Or we can just…”
“Runaway? You wanted to shoot the Loch Ness Monster but you want to let these things go free?”
Zuko grumbles something to himself and rubs the back of his head. “Fine, we can go to the reserve, but if they tell us to leave things alone…”
“We’ll leave things alone.” Fleetingly, she thinks of running the plan by Zhao but ultimately decides that giving him no say in their endeavors will be part of the hazing process. Besides, the man was snoring loudly enough to let her know that she couldn’t wake him if she tried.
Watching the Salish boy flirt with his sister is an unexpected unpleasantry. For him anyhow, Azula seems rather pleased with the attention. She doesn’t usually get this brand of it. He is teaching her to fish by hand.
“Eh, laddie, ken ye get the lass back on track?”
“I really wish that I could.”
At his next glance he sees her showing the boy some of the photos she has taken, not that it is uncharacteristic of her to show off her talents.
“Could ye try?”
Zuko hops off of the rock he had perched himself upon and strides up to his sister and the Native boy.
“I didn’t give these to the press.” Zuko hears her say.
“Oh shit, dad would have a heart attack if he saw one of those on his fishing trip.” The boy laughs.
“She’s pretty helpful, actually.” Azula comments casually as though she is speaking of a common household pet.
“I’ll have to get myself a Loch Ness Monster.” He grins.
“Azula!” Zuko calls. “We’re supposed to be investigating the Tsiatko.”
The boy seems to freeze. Zuko feels many eyes upon him, most stare at him with either horror or outrage or a gut-lolling mixture of both.  Even Azula seems to go rigid. She cuffs the side of his head and in a low whisper says, “you’re not supposed to say that.”
“What?” He questions above a whisper.
“Stick Indians is a euphemism! You’re not supposed to say their real name.” She hisses. “You might as well have called them here.”
“How do you know?”
“Sokka told me.”
Zuko groans to himself. It is his first and only time in a native reservation and he has already mentioned some sort of taboo.
“It is time to go.” A man speaks up his voice is hard and unwavering. His expression just as so.
“That’s my father.” Sokka mumbles to Azula. “Chief Hakoda.”
“He seems friendly.” Zuko mutteres.
“Ye ken’t tell me what ta do, ya eejit!”
Hakoda’s expression shifts from steely to fiery in a flicker. He turns to Sokka, “see, son, this is why the white men aren’t allowed here.”
“What about Japanese men?” Zuko, much to the shock and annoyance of Azula, digs himself deeper.
“Apparently no better than the white men.” He sends a shifted glance to Zhao.
“He didn’t mean any disrespect.” Azula states smoothly.
“Aye sure did lassie!” Zhao declares, earning himself another aggravated stare
“Then you can go back to the tent, Zhao.” Zuko recognizes the way her voice lowers. He only hopes that Zhao will take the hint. On the other hand, he will take no issue if his sister decides to kick him off of the team. “Zuzu didn’t mean…”
“Whatever he meant, he has cursed us all.” Hakoda’s voice took on a quality to match Azula’s. “It is time for white and yellow folks to leave.”
Zuko’s face flushed with both anger and shame.
“Dad!” Exclaimed another voice. A girl, perhaps Azula’s age.
Zuko swears that he heard Sokka mumble, “here we go again.”
“They’re not all the same, dad.”
“Katara, go back inside.”
But the girl doesn’t retreat. Instead, she stands next to her brother. “Why do you always do this?”
Hakoda addresses her more compassionately. “I know that you don’t always agree with me, Katara. But this time I have a good reason to evict the outsiders.”
She shoots him a challenging look and folds her arms over her chest. Zuko finds himself flushing, he has to admire her spunk.
“That one.” Hakoda points and Zuko and his blush intensifies under Katara’s stare. “Invited an evil into our homes.”
“An evil?”
“Tsiatko.” Sokka whispers to her.
“Sokka!” His father snaps.
“What? He already said it, might as well say it more.”
Hakoda pinches the bridge of his nose. “Now you are a target.”
Zuko catches Katara shudder as Hakoda paces back and forth. He comes to a stop and addresses a new face, “Bato, gather the elders, we have much to discuss.” Something about the way he says it makes Zuko’s stomach lurch.
This ventrue has been nothing but mistake after mistake and she wishes that they would have just gone after the wendigo instead. As things are, they are on their way back at their campsite with two new guests in tow.
“Sorry…” Zuko mutters for the upteenth time.
Sokka shrugs, “dad can be a hardass about old lore.”
“It isn’t just lore…” Azula trails off.
“I think that he thinks you guys invaded our tribe and tried to destroy it or something.” Sokka noted.
“He didn’t have to kick you out.” Zuko replied.
“Sokka drew them in...” Katara mumbled softly.
“So he decided to sacrifice his own son?” Zuko argued.
“He’s just trying to do what’s best for the tribe.” Sokka justified.
At least he is handling it with some poise, dignity, and responsibility. Azula can accept that. “Will he let you come home?”
“I guess, maybe.” Sokka replies.
“If they don’t get us first.” Katara shoved her hands into her pockets.
“You should go back, Kat.”
“Not without you.” She frowns.
The start of their bickering reminds Azula all too much of she and Zuko. She thinks of stirring something up. Something about how he could be so careless when interacting with other cultures and customs. She knows that she will be met with the assertion that it is her fault for suggesting further investigation of the stick indians. So she keeps herself quiet.
They walk in silence for at least a half an hour. The forest is beginning to take on the warm golden and orange haze of sunset. It is almost beautiful, how the rays filter through the canopy and glisten off of last night’s frost. The stuff outlines the edge of leaves like a fine and glittering diamond dust. There is a sprinkle of snow that hardens blades of golden grass that cruches and crackles beneath her feet. But the spectacle does little to ease her mind. She doesn’t even pull her camera out as she would normally. No, Azula finds herself growing much too tense with each inch the sun falls. She looks over her shoulder to see Sokka clutching a talisman.  “What’s that?” She asks if for no other reason than to think about something else.
Her attempt doesn’t work. “Dad was nice enough to give Kat and I some wards.”
“Will they work, laddy?” Zhao asks.
Sokka shrugs. “Never had to use one before.”
“What exactly are they?” Azula asks.
“Nasty spirits.” Sokka answered.
“Dad says that they sometimes eat people that they capture.” Katara adds.
Azula regrets her inqary. She looks at the map, hoping that they will reach the campsite soon, before there is no sunlight to read the map with. She curls a strand of her hair around her finger. They still had some time to spare. She lets the thought relax her.
She shouldn’t have.
Had she kept her nerves appropriately on edge she might have been ready.
It starts with a stick.
Just one.
It nails Zuko in the face. His face bunches up as if he’d just smelled something foul. It would have been funny had the warning not been so abundant. They carry on for another mile or so before the laughter begins.
At first Azula thinks that it is human. She wants to believe that it is, but the prickling sensation and the goosebumps that dot her skin say otherwise. “It isn’t even nightfall.” She hears Katara whisper.
“We attracted a lot of attention today.” Sokka points out.
Azula looks to the sky as a whistle carries itself on the breeze. They’re sunlight is disappearing much too quickly for her tastes. She wonders if it really matters at all. A tent isn’t much of a barrier and she doesn’t think that she can call for a ride so late in the evening. Her only sense of comfort is the pistol Zhao has strapped to his belt and the rifle he has in the tent.
Zuko feels no safer in the tent than he does out in the woods. Azula has a fire roaring and is, with commentary from Zhao, telling Sokka and Katara about their adventure with Nessie. He can tell by her tone that it is her favorite hunt so far. It is almost childishly cute how much she seems to like the Loch Ness Monster. Maybe if they make it out this one he will buy her a Nessie plush toy or something.
Part of him wants to join the story telling, but he knows that he is too distracted to listen. He can’t take his ears off of the forest. What’s worse is that he knows that it is all on him. It is almost worse than realizing that he hasn’t heard a laugh nor a whistle from the forest.
He gets the sense that they are playing with him. With all of them.
And yet the forest is still comfortingly abuzz.
He supposes that if he wants to use the bathroom, he should do it before the forest goes unnaturally still. As much as he hates doing so he knows that he should probably let the rest of the group know before he wanders into the forest, even if it is within sight of the tent. Reluctantly he mumbles, “hey, I’m gonna...you know…”
“Need a partner?” Sokka asks. “I’ve been holding it for the past hour because I don’t want to go alone.”
“Really?” Azula mutters.
And just like that, Zuko has not just one unwanted guests but two. They leave Azula and Katara rolling their eyes and chattering amongst themselves.
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Birb answers random questions you probably thought about asking!
Might as well do this. *shrug emoji* 
Q: When did you start working on Borderline?
A: September 18th, 2015 is when I sort of started working on Borderline? beforehand I actually wrote a fanfic.. it was terrible.. then again, the first few updates even more terrible. It’s been 3 years since I started working on it, and I’ve made quite a lot of progress over the course of a year. 
Q: What do you use to make assets? 
A: Sai to draw, and gimp and paint.net to save them in 8-bit format (if it has textures, use gimp. paint.net just.. fucks it up even if you lower transparency on that bitch). For voices and edits, I use audacity, and my laptop mic to record my voice.. not sure what wolf uses to make their music, you might have to ask them, as for chii, she doesn’t use sai, i know she uses medibang now??? again, ask them!!
Q: What got you to write the story in the first place? 
A: uuuuu.. too much fangames inspired me to make my own thing. It wasn’t as much solid as it was, but the premise was still the same: Max has to deliver food to the Guardians. Of course, I had to make several changes to the story, because the first variation, you already knew what you had to do. In the current version, Max has no idea why Puppeteer is there, and what their intention is, other than to help you with your job. There might be more changes to the story in the future, probably minor changes and shit like that, but the main premise still stays the same!
Q: You accept cameos in your game?
A: YES, ABSOLUTELY, GIVE ME YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT NOW AND I WILL EMBED THEIR CHARACTER FILES INTO MY GAME FOREVER!! ... yes, yes I do actually! From time to time, I do accept cameo appearances in my game, but these cameo appearances don’t like.. uuuh.. how to put this. usually cameo appearances are done where like the character simply exists and doesn’t contribute anything other than just.. existing. In Borderline however, each cameo has it’s own purpose in the game, as I want the cameos to DO SOMETHING other than just stand idly and exist, so of course, each cameo is given a purpose. So when you give me your character, I make sure to do them a lot of justice!
Q: Can we use your assets? 
A: I’d rather you ask first, but chances are that I would say no, and instead would offer to make assets for you. Even with school, I have lots of time on my hands and always need some kind of excuse to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff. I also make free assets from time to time, so you’re allowed to use those as long as you provide credit. In short, if you want some assets, don’t hesitate to ask me to make you some assets. Again, it gives me an excuse to do stuff.
Q: Are you in need of aid or suggestions maybe?
A: ... always! I’m just either too anxious to ask for help, or I’m unsure of how to organize myself and tell people what I am in need.. The most important thing I am ALWAYS in need of are beta-testers, and of course, the more the merrier! Not everyone might point out the same bugs as everyone else when they play my game, and most of the time I beta-test the game.. every. single. time I set up an event to MAKE SURE it works the way I want it!! ...But sometimes I happen to miss a couple.. or maybe a little bit more. (and I burned myself out doing that oops.) But even if you decide to offer your help, I’d be utmost grateful! 
Q: Is your game crossover friendly?
A: The fuck you saying, Borderline is the biggest crossover you’ll ever get to play! ...Yes my game is crossover friendly dun worry! ;w; Not sure why I’d answer that question but if you’re curious, refer to two questions above (the cameo one).
Q: Where do we report bugs?
A: You can use the submit box to report any bugs you find. If possible, provide a screenshot and submit it there. You can also personally IM me if you feel comfortable ;w; Just please.. be specific when you’re reporting a bug. I really can’t fathom at all, as I’m but a slow dunce and might not understand what you’re saying at first... I’msosorry!!!
Q: What program are you using to make the game?
A: Rpgmaker 2003. It’s only 20 bucks both on steam and on the official site (doe I did buy it from the official site cuz steam is hecc.. and my laptop can only handle so much. :’3) 
Q: I am stuck somewhere, and I need help!
A: There is a solution folder which can be found within the game, not only does it contain images, but it also contains videos as well.. Remind me to uh.. fix a couple of dem.. puzzles.. yes.. 
Q: Is it okay to make fanart/ask/rp blogs of your characters? 
A: Why yes, it’s actually okay! I really appreciate the gesture! For art, because the tagging system (on tumblr) can’t get any more wonkier than it is, so if I don’t see something that you drew for me, please don’t feel bad! It’s just tumblr is fucking garbo. :’3333 Instead, you can use the submit box or IM me. If it’s of lewd nature, I ask of you to NOT DRAW THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS IN LEWD IMAGERY (and I am copying this from the main blog): Basically the protagons of the game (Max is ace who shames people for fun, doesn’t care about sex at all, Sam is a fucking child, Seneca is not even my own character, Puff is also ace and very sex repulsed, and Aleyes is.. he’s not a tentacle monster that’s for sure.), Asriel (He might be his own character, but.. please don’t fuck the goat!! He’s supposed to be innocent!!!!), Baka (not even mine), Pipscrap (not even mine)., Now.. Regarding ask/rp blogs however, I am okay with it, but do consult with me about it (hey, those are my children, I wanna interact with my own children!!) Plus, I can provide you with a bit of an in-depth detail regarding the characters so you know what’s up.. Which brings another question to light.
Q: Can we ship <insert character here> with <insert character here>???
A: I’m a thotticus for shippings, but I’m a huge ass sucker for chemistry(tm) and relationship development between two or more people! I really wanna see what y’all can come up with really so go crazy!! But, keep in mind..
There are... restrictions however.. mostly with Max and Puff who are in a canonical relationship; this should also apply for AU’s as well, please pleaaaaaase don’t ship them with any other characters other than each other! Not only because I can’t see those two being shipped outside their pairing, but also because their relationship is very critical to the lore itself! So.. please be respectful of my decision! ;; There are other restrictions, but I won’t list them here, because we’d be here for an eternity. ;; Just don’t do illegal shit that can get you called out or worse.. please do ask for restrictions.. ;; 
Q: Is it okay to add Easter Eggs/references regarding your game or your characters in our work? 
A: I’d cry? I’d appreciate you ask me about it first so we can consult and shit, but I’d be hella fine with that!!
Q: You inspired me to start my own game!
A: I know it’s not a question, but I can’t just shrug this one off, please excuse me while I go and scream into the void! *sniffs* I am glad that my work actually inspired you to make your own game, and I cry?? Like I literally feel the feels?? <333333
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oldcastielrip · 6 years
Just a Little Crush (Jack Kline x Reader
Request: “Hi! If it’s alright to request something may I request an one shot where Jack meets the reader for the first time and he starts to have feeling for them but doesn’t really know what that means so he asks Sam and Dean to explain it to him and get a little overprotective? I just recently followed and I’m already in love with everything you write!”
Title: Just a Little Crush
Pairing: Jack Kline x Reader
Warnings: none.
A/N: this is a little bit short, i apologize though i hope y’all still enjoy
Tumblr media
It seemed like a regular, lazy Sunday as you read in the library. Still in your pajamas, you held a lore book in your lap as your feet rested in Jack’s lap.
 You had asked the nephilim if he could keep you company, which he happily said yes too. Now you both just sat in a comfortable silence, reading away at the many books stored away from the Men of Letters.
 Though unnoticed to you, Jack had taken a quite disinterest in the book in his hand. Instead, he was quietly admiring you as you read.
 The way your hair was up in a messy bun, small pieces of hair framing your face. How your lips would sometimes mumble the words you read or how every once in a while you would have to push up the glasses that rested on your face because they kept sliding forward.
 Every little action you did left him in awe. It was like he was almost mesmerized by you. The flips his stomach would do every time you would look up at him and smile, the pounding of his heart every time you would touch him, they were all because of you. These were the affects you had on him. Yet he couldn’t quite understand what exactly this feeling was.
 “Ugh,” You groaned loudly, throwing the book to the side. The small thump was enough to snap Jack out his little daydream.
 “Everything alright?” He asked you gently, his eyes lighting up in concern.
 “Yeah, I’m just tired, I guess.” You sighed, giving the nephilim a soft smile. You moved around slightly so your head could rest on his shoulder.
 Jack stiffened under the small movement, but relaxed almost immediately. He wrapped an arm over you, pulling you in closer.
 “You’re really comfy.” You mumbled under your breath, feeling your eyes get droopy.
 Soon enough, you were fast asleep, comfortable in the nephilim’s arms. And he laid there with you, his heart beating wildly as he watched you sleep in peace.
 Though after a while, he slowly moved out from under you, making sure you didn’t awake. He slowly padded towards the kitchen, where he found the brothers.
 They seemed to mindlessly be talking about a case, not paying attention to him once he walked in. Though when Jack sat down in front of him, that’s when they turned to look at the nephilim.
 “Can I ask you something?” Jack spoke softly, not necessarily speaking to one of the brothers in general.
 “Yeah Jack, what’s up?” Sam answered instantly, giving him a slight look of concern.
 “I think there’s something wrong with me,” Jack muttered under his breath, his brows furrowing in frustration as he stared at the table.
 “Why do you say that, kid?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the nephilim.
 “It’s just- Every time I look at Y/N, my stomach feels weird and my heart starts racing.” Jack explained slowly, almost as if he was trying to find the exact words to describe what he was feeling. “I find her so incredibly beautiful and she just always finds a way to make me laugh or smile. And I find myself wanting to do the same thing.”
 Sam looked at the nephilim with a knowing look, Dean tensing up as they both figured out what Jack was describing.
 “Nothing is wrong with you, Jack.” Sam chuckled softly. “You just a little crush on her, that’s all.”
 “A crush?” Jack repeated, looking between the brother’s in confusion.
 “You like her, as in more than a friend.” Dean replied gruffly, his eyes narrowing as Jack nodded in understanding.
 Unknown to all of them, you stood outside the kitchen, waiting for the conversation to be over. You had woken up alone and you figured Jack must have gone to find the brothers. Though you never expected to walk in a conversation like this.
 You were sure you’re entire face was flushed, just even the fact of knowing that Jack felt something towards you sent butterflies to your stomach.
 “So what should I do?” You heard Jack ask.
 “Nothing,” The eldest Winchester answered almost immediately, your eyes narrowing slightly as the harsh tone behind his voice.
“Look Jack, Y/N means a lot to us, we just wouldn’t want to see her get hurt.” Sam tried to explain, confusing you and the nephilim alike.
 “You think I would hurt her on purpose?” Jack mumbled quietly, the hurt evident in his voice.
 The quiet that followed was enough to answer his question. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the brothers, their overprotectiveness never failing to astonish you.
 “Can you stop making him feel bad?” You scolded as you walked into the room. Instantly they all froze, all their eyes falling on you as you walked over towards Jack and sitting next to him.
 “Y/N,” Dean warned slowly.
 “No, Winchester, you listen to me.” You sassed back, making both the brothers look at you in surprise. “I love you both, I do. But I’m not a baby anymore, so even if you did have a say in who I could or could not date, I wouldn’t really listen. We all know.”
 You turned to look at Jack, smiling slightly as you saw the light blush on his cheeks. You leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
 “I like you too, Jack.” You told him simply, giggling as you saw the smile on his face grow.
A/N: hey y’all ok so due to some difficulties.. i have moved blogs so this one will no longer be active, i’ll just keep it up bc of all my old posts
so please feel free to follow me at @castielrip​ and feel free to send me REQUESTS there as well
sorry for the inconvenience
thank you!
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Um hello everyone??
I hit another follower milestone and like???
How are there so many of you here??
Thank you to everyone for your support!  I hope ya’ll are enjoying the stuff I put on this blog!
So for new and old followers here’s some stuff about me and a mini writing showcase:
Tumblr username: Segadores-y-soldados AO3 username: clickclickBANG Twitter: https://twitter.com/SegadorYSoldado (I am very new at the bird website, please send help) Semi-personal info: transdude from California, please use he/him for me Semi-relevant skills: slowly improving my Spanish - feel free to correct my nonsense (also, 00halle, I saw your comment - I’ve been meaning to respond!  Thank you again for the offer, I super appreciate it and will be coming to you with some questions when I get a chance)
Content: All Overwatch stuff, lots of Reaper76 shippy stuff - be sure to look at my About page to find my other ships I’ll reblog 
Things I’m most well-known for: My essays (tagged as “my essays”) including references on Reaper, Soldier, and Ana; little dialogue scenarios (tagged as “dumb stuff”), usually involving Reaper/Gabriel and Soldier/Jack in some way; doing research on lore and locational stuff in Overwatch; writing fics about Gabriel and Jack being ridiculous smartasses who are in love (and oftentimes the poor people who have to witness their shenanigans).
Little writing showcase:
SEP: Sunsets (written for the amazing Vapewraith!)
They’re in one of the halls of the SEP facility - tucked away into a deep mountainside “somewhere out west,” the building is hard angles and brutal concrete and cut-steel, as soft as titanium and as gentle as the injections they get every morning and evening.  Yet even here, in “wherever’s-range,” there is still beauty: the massive windows, normally just cold, crystalline glass, are open to the sunset, bleeding colors across the land and sky, dripping into the hallway with the vibrancy of oil paints.  Reds smoke into bright, endless pinks, golds melt into bold, sunshine yellows, oranges shift into liquid amber, and at the edges of the atmosphere, velvet purples sigh into silky blues, tinting the more vivid colors and steeped clouds with the dusk of night and the emerging stars.
It’s a sight neither Gabriel nor Jack will ever get tired of -
No matter how exhausted they are.
“The doctors will see you shortly -” the SEP instructor starts to say, reappearing at the far end of the hallway, before he looks up from the papers on his clipboard and scowls at the group of crumbling supersoldiers, snapping, “Is that what you call ‘lining up?’”
“Maybe if y’all didn’t work us so damn hard,” Number: 141 growls, his voice climbing into a hoarse yell, “We’d still have the energy to fucking stand!”
There are shouts of agreement and calls of “Yeah that!” and quiet mumbles of assent.  Gabriel huffs to himself, sliding himself onto the concrete barrier and trying his hardest not to wince as his muscles settle into a sitting position.  He’s used to hard work and even harder workouts, but today had been…brutal.  3 am running through the facility and into the mountains and back, to 10 am sparring and boxing and hand-to-hand combat, to 1 pm “simulation training” where they ran teams in rubber-bullet fire-fights, to 4 pm regulated work outs of push ups and squats and curls, to now - 8 pm - where they fall to their pieces in concrete hallways, waiting for doctors to take their biodata and continue churning them into statistics for the U.S. government before jamming more needles in their arms and sending them to brutal, uncomfortable cots in the dorms.
Jack slides himself up next to Gabriel, sighing just loud enough for his best friend to hear, “Today…was pretty bad.”
“Would’ve been easier on you if you hadn’t burned yourself out on those push ups,” Gabriel grunts back, pulling a pack of cigarettes from a pant pocket.  He taps one out, muttering with some confusion, “Why were you doing all those one-armed push ups?”
Old Habits (aka “the big fic”) - Rating: T - Action/Adventure for R76:
“PULL BACK,” Reaper’s shouting at the three goons who got blasted the fuck back with a concussive rocket, “ASSHOLES, THOSE ARE HELIX MARK VI, IF THEY FIRE A REAL ROCKET YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD.”
Louis is, remarkably, the only one who stays on his feet, although now that they’re all wearing their visors it’s getting difficult to tell who’s who.  The other two roll backwards, flipping over a few times before slamming into the cliff wall behind them.  Reaper could fucking push both of them off the ledge and into the depths of the canyon with how annoyed he is at them, but that’s not important right now.
Three of the Helix fliers pop up from behind the rock ledge, hovering just a bit above the ground - low enough to get shelter again, but just high enough to give them a subtle height and maneuverability advantage over the Talon and Deadlock ground units.  He hears Widowmaker and Henri fire off a few more rounds, but distant screams are the only reward for that - they’re aiming at the U.S. military soldiers who are stupidly rappelling down from the stable parts of the train still up on the tracks and making themselves easy targets.
“Widowmaker, Helix units, on the ground, below you!” Reaper growls out over the comms before he fucking dematerializes -
- and reforms himself directly behind the three Helix fliers.
God, that hurt like a FUCK.
He punches one of them in the back to make up for it.
(More under the cut)
76 + 127: How We Were Made - Rating: E - Reaper76 SEP fic
Jack stands by one of the dull, concrete walls and bends himself over before slowly reverse-walking his legs up the side.  The rush of blood to his already throbbing head just makes it feel worse, but the weird mix of exhaustion and energy courses through him and he -
He cannot tell if he wants to fight something
Or fuck something.
...Probably both.
That was the other thing: the fucking raging mix of hormones and chemicals - both natural and artificial - had only cranked individual personalities, energies, attentions, aggressions, and desires to the fucking max.  It had been apparent from the day of orientation that all 150 of them were between 18 and 25 years old - all physically fit, largely martially-oriented people from a multitude of military programs across the country.  Jack and Gabriel had been the top two picks from West Point, but Jack had recognized a handful of the others as being from the academy - like three upperclassmen and ten lowerclassmen and two from their own group - Adrien and Sarah.
So yeah
Of course both fighting and fucking had started occurring within the first week.
Pinche mierda, there had been packets of lube and condoms in their supply chests in their bunk rooms from the very first day onwards.  The program directors had certainly known what to expect from a bunch of high-energy, high-intensity young adults.
Jack sighs again, not sure if he loves or hates the pressure in his head and neck, before pushing his arms up off his elbows and onto his hands.
Upside-down push-ups suck.
Gabriel’s wide, smug, fucking charming grin flashes into his head.
Sharpshooter: Hit Me Like A Drum - Rating: T - McHanzo meeting fic
Jesse flicks his eyes from the apparent quiver back to the man’s amazing face and his dark eyes and immediately knows two things:
1 - This man is absolutely the most handsome person Jesse has ever had the blessed fortune of meeting.
2 - He does not understand a word coming out of the man’s mouth.
“...Pardon?” Jesse asks absently, blinking awkwardly. The...archer (?) tilts his head a little and scowls a bit - oh jackrabbit turds, I pissed him right off - before saying in flawless English, “It is your turn.”
Oh. Jesse thinks lamely. English.
“Oh uh, thanks, partner,” Jesse says awkwardly, glancing back towards the counter where one of the chefs is waiting with an expression of stern politeness that is fading into increasing annoyance. Jesse makes eye contact with the chef and she gives him a small handwave of “hurry up, tourist, I don’t have all day.”
“Uh…” Jesse glances back sheepishly at the man behind me, giving him an embarrassed smile, “You wouldn’t happen to know which one is the spicy pork ramen, would you?”
The man’s scowl fades for a quick second before returning, and he says with startlingly serious focus, “Oh. You can’t read it.”
“Uh…no, sorry ‘bout that, darlin’,” Jesse apologizes without thinking and the man raises an eyebrow, asking, “‘Darling?’”
Why, yes, please do, the wiseass side of Jesse cracks in his head and he fucking flounders over the barrage of shame and embarrassment and attraction.
“Oh, damn, shit, sorry - oh cheese on a cracker, I shouldn’t be swearing, oh god you’re gonna think I was never taught manners - shoot, sugar, I’m so sorry, it’s a bad habit I got from my pa and - Shit, I just did it again - sorry, it’s been a long trip here and, oh Lord, I just swore again, this is so embarrassing -”
A startled look of wonder blossoms on the man’s face and if Jesse wasn’t so fucking flustered, he would love to try and mentally catalogue how the man looks so open and surprised. Jesse is in the middle of tripping over his words when the unthinkable happens.
A miracle occurs.
The man gives a surprisingly broad and genuinely happy grin and starts to laugh.
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georgialouisea · 7 years
Grow Like a Weed
Characters - Dean, Reader, Sam, (shop assistant, Joanne.)
Word count - 2288
Summary - Part 4 of my Baby Winchester series. Dean, Sam and the reader go shopping for baby furniture. 
Catch up HERE!
Since the day you told Dean he was going to be a dad he begged you daily to stop hunting. You finally agreed when you were 20 weeks along after a close call with a vamp. The look in Dean’s eyes as the vamp flung you across the room was enough for you to decide this hunt would be your last one for a while. After a hospital check-up and the all clear you made a promise to Dean you wouldn’t hunt.
Sitting alone in the bunker as you leafed through a lore book trying to find some information for the hunt Garth was on as you idly ran your hand across your stomach. Hearing the faint sound of the bunker door opening followed by footsteps.
“Y/N?” Dean’s voice rang through the rooms as he found you sat in bed surrounded by books.
“Hey.” You spoke as you smiled at the green eyed hunter leaning against the door frame.
“You look beautiful.” Dean gushed as he made his way across the room.
“Don’t lie Winchester.” You sighed closing the book and adding it to one of the piles next to you.
“Shut up, I’m not lying.” Dean protested as he collected the books and moved them to the desk. Shuffling your body down the bed to rest your head against the pillows as the bed dipped next to you under Dean’s weight.
“How was the hunt?” Asking as you rolled on your side to face him.
“Fine, salt n’ burn.” Dean mumbled as he snaked an arm under your neck and pulling you closer to him.
“I missed you.” Whispering into Dean’s chest, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.
“I missed you too.” Dean responded as he placed his free hand on your bump. “How are you feeling?” He asked looking into your eyes for an honest answer.
“Pretty good.” You began as you placed a hand on top of Deans. “I’ve been reading most of the day Garth is on a weird hunt.” You couldn’t help but smile as Dean rolled his eyes at the mention of Garth.
“Bean?” He asked motioning down towards his hand.
“Squirming and kicking away.” Informing Dean of his child’s strength. As if on que the baby began to kick against Dean’s palm.
“Getting stronger I see.” Dean smirked as he felt the kicks increasing in strength.
“Don’t I know it.” You groaned as you rested your head against his chest.
“We have what?” He paused to calculate how long it was before your due date. “20 weeks before we get to meet our little one.” Dean gushed at the thought.
“Do you think we should have found out what we’re having?” You questioned Dean as you thought of the empty nursery in the next room.
“Not really it’ll be a little surprise.” Dean reassured as he kissed your forehead. “Thinking about the nursery?” He asked as he pulled himself away from you to look at your face.
Closing your eyes and nodding in response. You hadn’t yet purchased a single item for the baby, you felt as though as soon as you did so something may go wrong. Your life had been unpredictable and you had no doubt your pregnancy would be too. It was now 20 weeks until your due date and you finally felt as though you can prepare the room for your baby.
“Let’s go shopping today, finally paint the nursery.” You suggested to Dean as you sat up.
“Sure, give me 10 minutes then we can go.” Dean responded as he sat up next to you and disappeared out of the room.
Standing and making your way to the empty room next to yours. Flicking on the light and standing in the middle of the room imagining the room filled with baby things and a beautiful crib. Placing a hand on the ache in your lower back as you grew excited for the day of shopping ahead.
“Hey momma.” Sam chimed over your shoulder as he joined you in the empty room. “What are we doing?” He asked leaning against one of the walls.
“Thinking.” You shrugged as you smiled at Sam.
“About?” Sam questioned
“What colour to paint the walls.”
“Do we have options?” Sam spoke again.
“Not really…Maybe white, cream or yellow? I don’t know.” You sighed as you thought of more options. “Oh I want carpet too, wait can either of you lay a carpet? It’s not like we can hire a decorator.” You rambled on as you almost giggled at the thought of someone walking into the bunker to redecorate.
“Slow down woman, I think any will look great, yes I can lay a carpet.” Sam reassured as he hugged you.
“Are we ready?” Dean asked as he joined you and Sam buttoning up a new shirt. “Are you coming with Sammy?” Dean questioned his brother.
“Yes! We can get lunch too.” You spoke for Sam as he chose not to argue and followed you and Dean to the car.
It was 45 minute drive to the nearest shopping centre with more than one baby and DIY store.
“I need a drink. Do either of you want anything?” Dean asked as he held the door open for you to shuffle your pregnant ass out of the impala.
“Coffee please.” You requested leaning up and kissing Dean’s cheek.
“Same.” Sam echoed your choice.
“Dean we will be in here.” You informed him as you pointed to the shop in front of you.
Sam held the door open for you as you entered the store.
“Hey y’all.” A short lady scurried over to you. “I’m Joanne. Who do we have here.” She asked.
“Sam and Y/N.” Sam introduced you both motioning his hands.
“Welcome, if you need any help just give me a shout. Are you two having a girl or a boy?” She questioned.
“This is the uncle, the Dad has nipped for drinks, we don’t know yet.” You unnecessarily explained as you looked at Joanne.
“Oh, well all furniture comes in all colours, have a look around and I’ll grab you a brochure.” She apologised as she scurried back off towards the till.
“Well she’s enthusiastic.” Sam noted sarcastically as you both made your way towards the first section of cribs.
“Careful Sammy, you’re sounding like Dean.” You jested.
“Shut up.”
Hearing the doorbell chime you turned your head towards the sound and saw Dean carrying 3 coffees in a takeout tray. Upon noticing you he began to may his way towards you and Sam.
“You must be Dad.” Joanne bombarded Dean within 3 steps into the store.
“I’m sorry?” Dean asked as he looked over to yourself and Sam for clarification.
“Y/N is your wife, no?” She assumed as she looked over to you.
“Girlfriend.” Dean corrected as he took another step towards you.
“Oh I’m sorry, I should start asking not assuming.” She apologised once again as she handed Dean the brochure. “This is for your girlfriend.” She smiled as her face turned red with embarrassment.
Dean’s movements quickened as he reached you and Sam who had returned your attention to the cribs. “Well that was fun.” Dean’s voice thick with sarcasm as he handed out the coffees. “She gave me this for you, after she thought we were married.” Dean rolled his eyes as he handed you the booklet.
“She thought Sam was the father 5 minutes ago.” You laughed as you looked at Dean’s expression. “Anyway, she said all cribs come in all colours so that’s what this is for.” You explained as you waved the brochure at Dean.
“This one is nice.” Sam interrupted you as you spun to look at him.
“Sammy that looks older than Cas.” Dean exaggerated at the vintage looking crib before Sam.
“Which ones do you like then?” Sam challenged his brother as you stood back and let them butt heads while you sipped your coffee.
“I like that one.” Dean pointed to a white wooden crib.
“I do too.” You almost stuttered in shock at Dean’s surprisingly good choice of crib.
After an hour of looking through the store and selecting a few items you settled on white for all of them still not knowing if you were having a girl or a boy. After paying for the crib both you and Dean liked, a set of matching drawers, a changing table and a few other bits you let Sam and Dean play Jenga with the boxes in the impala’s trunk and backseat.
Surprisingly they worked it out in about 10 minutes.
“What else do you want to get?” Sam questioned as he shut the trunk with an exaggerated breath.
“Clothes and stuff and a pram but we can get that another day.” You smiled at the two frustrated brothers. “Come on it will be another hour at most then we can eat.” You promised.
“Come on princess.” Dean took a step in front of you before holding his hand out for you to take.
Walking into the baby clothes store with 2 giants of men felt abnormal. You watched as Dean picked up a pair of baby booties.
“How small is this kid going to be?” He furrowed his brow as he held the booties up to you.
“With your genes it’ll grow like a weed!” You laughed at Dean’s reaction to the size of the baby clothes.
Grabbing a basket, you wandered around the store picking up a few neutral coloured clothes, bibs and cloths you knew you’d be needing. Looking to your side both Sam and Dean had wandered off, looking over the shelves to find Sam, he was the easier of the two to spot. You saw him and Dean stood together near the t-shirt section.
“Look!” Dean grinned as he held out two shirts towards you. One had the words ‘Daddy’s little princess’ on, the other ‘Daddy’s little dude’ on. Sam looked between his brother and you before producing one himself from behind his back which read ‘You think I’m cute, wait until you see my Uncle’ On.
“You two haven’t been this excited over something in months!“ You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked at the expressions on Sam and Deans faces. “Sammy’s is fab, Dean we don’t know if we’re having a princess or a dude.” You tried to reason with your boyfriend who was now excited over baby tops.
“So we will get them both.” Dean shrugged as he threw the tops into the basket you were holding. “Let’s get one with giraffes on!” Dean exclaimed out of nowhere.
“Christ.” You sighed at the monster you’d created as Dean then dragged you around the store picking out cute blankets and clothes.
“You know the amount you’ve put in here it’s going to be so expensive.” You informed Dean of his shopping splurge.
“So? Go with Sammy and get us a table at the restaurant, I’ll put this in the trunk and then join you.” Dean suggested as you smiled in relief at the chance to sit down and eat.
“Come on Sammy!” You chimed and almost skipped out of the store.
 You’d planned to grab lunch whilst shopping but after looking at the time it was past 3pm. All 3 of you settled into a booth of the restaurant and pretty much inhaled the food you ordered.
On the way back to the bunker you made Sam sit in the backseat with the excess boxes that wouldn’t fit in the trunk.
“Thank you for today boys.” You sighed as you relaxed into the seat a little helping to ease the ache in your back.
 “It was kind of fun.” Sam laughed as he looked out of the window.
Nodding in agreement with him you leant your head against the cool window allowing your eyes to shut as you listened to Dean humming along to the radio.
Upon opening your eyes, you felt a chill against your whole body as you looked to see that you were in the bunkers garage, the trunk open and the backdoor open, assuming Sam and Dean were unloading the car.
Opening the door and grabbing one of the bags from the backseat you made your way into the bunker as Sam walked towards you.
“Hey let me get that.” Sam insisted holding his hand out for the bag.
“Fine.” You groaned at his overprotectiveness over you carrying a light bag of baby clothes.
“Where’s Dean?” You raised an eyebrow as you noticed Dean nowhere in sight.
“Your room, he has a surprise for you.” Sam teased as you made your way towards the room hearing Sam heading back towards the car.
“Dean? Baby?” You asked as you walked into the room seeing Dean sitting on the end of the bed.
“Here.” He patted the bed next to you to sit. “I have a surprise, close your eyes.” Dean instructed. You did as he asked and sat next to him and closed your eyes. Feeling Dean place something across your lap you fought the urge to open them and ruin the surprise you had no idea about.
“Open them.” Dean whispered.
Upon opening your eyes and looking down you saw two tops like the ones Dean had purchased earlier. These two read ‘I’m beautiful like Mummy.’ And the second read ‘Mummy’s pretty and Daddy’s lucky!’
“Dean.” You stammered out as you felt tears in your eyes. Looking back up to Dean he looked so happy you couldn’t help but cry. Here you were with such a loving man, the man you’d loved since the day you moved into the bunker.
“I love you Dean.” You uttered as you leant in to kiss him.
“I love you too Y/N”
Part 5 
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inkspot-fox · 7 years
2, 5, 7, and 8 for the swtor ask meme? ^v^
Eeeeee! Good ones!
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
Man, I really, really want to say Jedi Knight is my favorite, but if I’m being completely honest…Sith Inquisitor. The storyline is ridiculous, inventive, and has more replay value for me than any of the other stories (except maybe agent, but…I’ve done one agent playthrough and 3 SI playthroughs so yeah…). It helps that I fucking love assassin playstyle, too. The stealth, the aesthetics, the fact that tank spec doesn’t suck and has legit AOE, and the Hatred dps spec is actually both simple and v good? And has a spammable gap-closer? Mmmmmm. 
Jedi Knight has a very special place in my heart because that was my first character, my first intro to the story, I picked the absolute best character to get invested in (and I got invested), and it panders to so many of my fav trash tropes. And there’s Scourge. I…I don’t have to explain myself shhhh. Sith Warrior also has a special place in my heart because of how well done the storyline is. The fact that you can actually legit be a secret LS Sith, there’s Jaesa (oh Jaesa my whole heart), Timmns, and fuckin’ Vowrawn.
But hot damn, I love Sith!Kat, and I love Sikai, and the Inquisitor storyline is such a fucking disaster train from start to finish, I love it. So yeah, SI, followed very closely by JK and SW.
5. Favorite advanced class and discipline?
This is gonna sound weird on the heels of the previous question, but…Sentinel Watchman/Marauder Annihilation. I just. It’s a complicated, tricky dot spec that’s easy to use and difficult to master and I’m really good at it. Like there’s that bit of pride associated with the spec because I can do that, and I can do it well. Not top-parser by any means, I don’t grind enough to get the top tier gear in any patch, but like…in a 3 or 4 dps gf flashpoint, I’m usually the last one standing if there’s a wipe, and if there’s no tank I’ll end up out-dpsing everyone else enough to hold aggo and act as the tank for boss fights. I don’t like the aesthetics as much as I like assassin aesthetics, but there’s a lot to be said for the “I’m legit good at this” factor.
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
Oh gosh. So, I can only speak to the one’s I’ve played, and I haven’t played all genders. I’m not sure I can pick a -favorite- per se, because how much I like a voice is really, really dependent on how well it fits the character I’ve made. Like, male SW voice actor is phenomenal, but does not fit Ashlan at ALL. Male Jedi Knight VA isn’t brilliant (he tones the inflections way down because Jedi….ugh), but is a close enough fit for Kat that it doesn’t jar me when I hear it (especially when he’s being sarcastic or angry). 
I guess I’ll have to go with the one voice that made me go “holy shit this is perfect” the first time I heard it: male Imperial Agent. Like goddamn. Also, female Republic Trooper, because goddamn, Commander Shepard, please continue talking forever.
Least favorite, however, is EASY. Female Jedi Consular. Like holy FUCK, that VA managed to obliterate any and all inflection and emotion from her voice throughout the ENTIRE class story. And it doesn’t change in the expansions. It’s so dead and empty that I actually cannot connect to the character I made.
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
….Lord Scourge. I know, I know, his book introduction was handled TERRIBLY and I 100% understand why people hate him, and the game doesn’t actually use a lot of the neat lore he was introduced with (ALTHOUGH the dialogue you get from Master Ranos when you recruit her SEEMS TO IMPLY that the pain aspect of the Emperor’s Ritual is all canon again). But oh man, he’s a Sith EMPATH who’s had his ability to feel ripped from him due to pain overload. Like what an interesting character to play with. Also I love his voice and y’all can leave me alone.
T7. T7 has my whole entire heart. He is so pure. So earnest. So FUNNY when he doesn’t mean to be. I adore him.
Vette. VETTE. The #1 reason I will never be able to do a 100% bastard SW. Shit I even have a Dark 5 Sith Warrior and like…all of his LS points have been from being nice to Vette because SHE DESERVES BETTER AND CANON CAN GO FUCK ITSELF. She’s brilliant, she’s hilarious, she is Ashlan’s best friend.
…Gault. Oh my god. I mean, yes, Gault is an unrepentant TRASH BAG of a person, he’s AWFUL, but holy shit, he’s funny. His dialog is the fucking best. I’m 90% that he’s very slightly force sensitive and it’s all gone into Charisma, but he’d be so offended if you even suggested such a thing. He’s audacious, he doesn’t know when to S T O P, and his freakout over realizing that he actually has Feelings about Hylo Viz is the funniest shit. Gault you Garbage Bag, you make BH storyline worth playing through.
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