#C! Wilbur fictionkin
10th-is-afox · 9 months
I'm a C!Wilbur fictionkin and I wanna interact more with other DSMP kins but from any media is alright I wanna learn more about fictionkin BC I'm really new lmao so pls interact bc I also wanna make friends
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js-sunflowers · 3 months
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and the universe said, 'i love you, for you are love.' memories of my best friend. how i miss him
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clingyduokin · 1 year
Teehee can people stop shipping me and will istfg were brothers thanks 🤗👍❤️
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toby-beloved · 2 years
The c!tommy finale has fucked me up like, what if my Tommy died like that? I hope my Tommy actually got to live a life before he died. I hope he found peace and happiness. I hope he went out in a more peaceful way. I hope he forgave me, I hope Dream stopped bothering him, I hope he, Tubbo, and Ranboo are all doing well.
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ghommytommytime · 11 months
Heyo Big Man!!!! Could I get a care kit for a Pogtopia era c!Wilbur with fidget toys and soft stuff? Thanks dude hope you're swell!
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
Wowza okay, new update for Tumblr !
Intro time , Last Updated ; 4/6/23
Names ; Wilbur/Will | Subwoofer
Pronouns ; They/It/She + Neos
System , Autism , ADHD , BPD , Anxiety & Depression
C!Wilbur and Q!Wilbur Fictkin
Taken by my amazing boyfriend <3
Andddd For What i do, writing requests and imagines of really anything you can think of. X readers are gonna be pretty common around here, no smut cuz that’s yucky. I’ll write more abt that later !
But for now, that’s all !
I dont Have a huge dni list, just pr0shippers and nasty people like that dni.
Hope to see ya soon Tumblr :]
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angelic-cardigan · 1 year
QSMP election huh........
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tubzthelilbeeboy · 3 months
Welcome to my lil corner :D
Names: Tubz/Tubbo/Jackie/Sal/KC/Sarv/Chayanne
Pronouns: They/them/he/him
Trixic and nonbinary!!
IM A MINOR (IN HIGH SCHOOL)! DON'T BE WEIRD!! <333 Older ppl are allowed to be here as long as u arent being weird
I'm a C!Q!O!Tubbo, BKT!Jackie, MS!Kawaii~Chan, and Chayanne fictionkin, if you don't like it, you don't gotta be here!! :D
Main interests: DSMP, QSMP (mainly Tubbo, Philza, and Bad pov!!), Aphmau series (Mystreet, My Inner Demons, Minecraft Diaries, etc), South Park, MFM, art, STICKERSSS, acting and the performing arts, reading, writing and more hehe
INT: C!Tommy and/or C!Ranboo fictionkins, fans of dsmp and qsmp, Tubbo fans, frubbo/frubborucho and C!Beeduo enjoyers X3
DNI: Dream team fans, Wilbur fans, basic dni, C!Schlatt fickins, and etc and any form of him in any way please stay away
I'm on here just for the cool fanart and to share shit I make or wanna say randomly- I'm also here to find fellow fictionkins!! I make art every once in a while although I'm not the best at it. I post theorys too, some silly writing I do and headcanons if u get lucky/j. Biggest C!Beeduo truther and Frubborucho truther to walk the earth >:D
Other media you can find me:
TikTok - only for moots
ao3 - TubzTheLilBeeBoy
Wattpad - TubzMakesFicz
Discord - only for moots
C!Tubbo ask/rp blog - @tubzbeehive
More in strawpage!!!
Thanks for reading!! :DD
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r0adk1ll-sys · 26 days
Hi !!!!!
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We are the Rad1ok1ll system!!! :)) 🌈🍖
Endo SYS!!! 💗💗💗 We have a lot of DSMP fictives!!!
I’m the host c!Tommy
Please interact if you are a endo sys, dsmp fictive, MHA fictive, fictionkins, and IRL!!
You will be blocked for fakeclaiming and spam!!! 😒
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Meet Our Host!! 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌷🌷🌷🌷
I’m c!Tommy! My source is the DSMP ((;
I’m 17!!!
SO: Wilbur (In system) Open Relationship!
Sexuality: Pan, AAM, Polyamorous
Pronouns: Gold/Golden/Goldself, He/Him/His/Himself, They/They/Themself, 🗡️/🗡️s/🗡️self
We’ll do more intros for our other alters later!! 🐛
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tubznpurpz · 2 months
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~TUBZ INTROOOO!!!!🐝🐝🐝✿✿❀❀ ~
~Trixic and Non binary ^^
~ID KIN IS C!TUBBO!!! (Also a Q!Tubbo, O!Tubbo, BKT!Jackie, and MS!Kawaii~Chan fickin!!)
~INT: C!Tommy and C!Ranboo fickins, dsmp and qsmp enjoyers, dsmp fickins in general
~DNI: C!Schlatt kins of any shape or form, dream team fans, Wilbur soot fans, Forever fans
This blog is to share me and Purpzy wurpzy's silly fictionkin shit!! And I wanted to beat him to making an intro and I obviously succeeded heheh. Sign off on my posts will probably be a bee 🐝 live laugh love this emoji >_<
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10th-is-afox · 8 months
I blow up a country/nation? Yea. I was in war? Yes. I die and after got revived? Yea. I did cuestionable stuff? Absolutely.
I'm scared bc of a cockroach? YES
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js-sunflowers · 6 months
what i remember about wilbur
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[ x x x ] [ x x x ] my gentle loverboy. i feel like i'm more sure of my memories about him than anything else. his wanderlust, that need to explore, was so strong. he wanted so badly to see if there was more out there beyond the forest, beyond the land, beyond the stars. he'd take me along with him. he liked to say that he wasn't, but wilbur was a poet of sorts. he liked to write sonnets and freeform work. he didn't like to let people read them a lot of the time. techno was the only exception to that. wilbur looked like his mama, down to the marks on his face and the callouses on his hands. he felt like sunlight. smelt like a warm autumn afternoon, and books from the library. wilbur was afraid of the dark. we would stargaze together. sometimes, we'd dance. (and he'd step on my feet /endearing) he was a pacifist. he wouldn't pick up a sword if he could help it. he didn't like to be touched a whole lot. he had very soft lips, despite being cracked a lot of the time. wilbur had a kind of mumble when he would sing. he liked to make little terrariums and study them. we had been best friends since we were young teenagers. he and i would get into places we weren't supposed to--jumping fences, sitting on rooftops, lurking in overgrown ruins. we were very gentle, but we certainly didn't hold back with the teasing and stupid banter. he taught me how to be soft again. he was my best friend.
i really, really miss him. i miss you, wilbur.
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dsmpkincalls · 3 months
HELLO !!! I'm a C!Tommy fictionkin and am 13 yrs old !!!!! He/they/it pronouns 💪💪💪 U can find me at @tomzlikescats feel free to dm >:]]]
I'm currently looking for a Ranboo, Ghostbur, Tubbo, Wilbur, Philza, Techno, or Niki. However, anyone can int prety much . I don't have memories/I can't remember much but am trying hard to . Pls use tonetags w/ me cuz I WILL be confused without them 🙏
Im loud (very) and can be both very active and enegrtic and not active on anything at all at times (mostly cuz of shcool ) So pls be patient if I don't respond imediately ! ANWYAYS as u can tell I also misspell things a lot so be patient w/ that too tyy AAAANNDDD THATS THE END THANSK U GUYS STAY SAFE AGAIN FEEL FREE TO DM ESPECIAILLY IF UR ON MY LIST 💪💪💪💪
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toby-beloved · 2 years
🧨Revivebur Memories🧨
TW: Death and a bit of a vent
My Technoblade and I HATED each other.
Technoblade killed me in the Arctic by his house when I was just trying to apologize.
Tommy and I were arguing by the burger van. I don’t know about what since my memories tend to not have sound.
Quackity and I were arguing in Las Nevadas. Once again, not sure about what.
Speaking of Quackity, I was extremely clingy towards my Quackity. If he was outside I would be following him (that’s probably what we were arguing about).
I was always overlooked, no one paid attention to me. Philza and Technoblade only cared about each other and Tommy was always busy with Tubbo. I was always alone. Whenever I tried to reach out I would just get ignored. That’s why I blew up L’Manburg, so that somebody, anybody would notice me.
Philza was angry after I blew up L’Manburg. I was scared of him. Of my own father. That’s why he killed me in my cannon, over how much he hated me.
Me and Phil were flying. It was relaxing. I miss that Phil. (This was obviously before I blew up L’Manburg).
Will add to this the more I remember
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ghommytommytime · 10 months
Wee I'm back srry!! Could I get a carekit for a c!Wilbur kin... Mayb w soft things or things that click n stuff¿ tyyyy -⭐💜
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dizzydoodlezz · 3 months
NAMES - I go by a lot of names, mainly going by Dizzy/Dustybug right now! The nicknames to call me are Dizz/Dusty!! I am also a fictionkin of a bunch of different characters so you can call my by any of the names of the characters I kin!!
PRONOUNS - I also use a lot of pronouns. I mostly use /they/it but I also use a lot of xenos!!! I suggest going to my pronouns page for all the pronouns I use cause I use a lot but most of the xenos I use are they/it/vamp/zir
GENDER AND SEXUALITY - My gender is gender-fluid, my sexuality is unlabeled, and I am asexual. I am going to use Google to explain what all of these are. Gender-fluid - Someone who is fluid -- also called gender fluid -- is a person whose gender identity (the gender they identify with most) is not fixed. It can change over time or from day to day. Fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression, rather than a sexual orientation. Unlabeled - adjective. not labeled; not bearing a label: The unlabeled preserves at the back of the pantry were a bit of a surprise when we opened them. noting or relating to a person who does not name their gender or sexuality: Unlabeled folks is a** term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender**. Asexuality - Asexual is a sexual orientation, and is different from celibacy, in that celibacy is the choice to refrain from engaging in sexual behaviors and does not comment on one's sexual attractions.n important part of the LGBTQ+ community.** **
OTHERKIN INFO - I am infact an otherkin as I said earlier that I am a fictionkin. I am also a Therian. I only have two theriotypes: a raccoon and a whitetail deer. I might have more but I am not really sure of right now. If you don't know what an otherkin or a therian is I am getting all this info from Google. Otherkin - An otherkin identifies as a non-human species or mythological entity. Fictionkin - Fictionkin or fictionkind identifies as fictional characters or species. For some, this identity is often considered involuntary and nonphysical. What identification entails depends on the individual; the definition and purpose of "kin" and "kinning" have evolved over time. Therian - Therian is short for therianthropy or therianthrope. Theri= animal, anthro=man. Therians can have "shifts" but not all do. All therians understand that they cannot physically shift and are not physically animals, they know they are physically human.
KINLIST - My kinlist has characters from genloss, dreamsmp and a lot of other stuff if you didn't read the tags. The characters I kin are
gl!Charlie ep-one]
The Crying Child/Bite Victim
and San [Princess Mononoke]
Thats all of the characters I kin! :3
HOBBIES - My hobbies don't consist of a lot of stuff but one of the main things I like to do is art! The type of art I like to do is mostly just drawing but I am currently learning how to do cosplay as well!!! I also just like to watch all types of movies and shows!
MUSIC - I like a lot of music! I mostly listen to KKB [Kero Kero Bonito] currently and I reallllyyyy suggest them to listen to if you're looking for new music!! I used to listen to Lovejoy a lot but I don't really listen to them at all anymore and that's mostly because of what Wilbur did... I really like James Marriot because not only do I watch his streams sometimes but I also listen to his epic music. I LOVE Tally Hall and I loved them since maybe 2018-2019 and if you haven't listened to them before you're missing out because even my dad listens to them sometimes!!! I also really like Lemon Demon/Neil Cicieriega because ermm he makes EPIC music!! Same with Will Wood, Jack Stauber, TV Girl, Sodikken, and plenty of others!! If you want to find out a lot of other artist I listen to please just ask and I'll try to answer as soon as possible!
SHOWS/MOVIES - As I said earlier I like to watch movies and shows. I made this apart of my intro cause I want to share my favorite movies and shows!
Adventure Time
Regular Show
OK K.O. Lets Be Heros
Sweet Tooth
Generation Loss
Hazbin Hotel
Murder Drones
Princess Mononoke
Up On Poppy Hill
My Neighbor Totoro
Steven Universe
SpongeBob SquarePantss
Demon Slayer
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
My Hero Academia
And those are just my favorite shows at the moment! I like a lot of other stuff but those are my favorites and the only ones I can name off the top of my head LMAO
GAMES - I LOVE to play games [mostly video games] and I am also going to make a list for that!
Yandere Simulator [Ik yandere dev is a bad person but I still like the game]
Animal Crossing
Untitled Goose Game
Mario Cart
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Stardew Valley
And those are also just the games I could name off the top of my head and my favorite games!!
DISORDERS/DISABLIES - I thought this was going to be an important one to talk about so here I am, talking about it. I have audhd [autism and adhd], hypersexuality, and dyslexia. I'm not one of those fakers. I currently have autistic burnout so please do not call me a faker. All of these disorders suck so please don't try to fake them. Just don't fake any disorder. I am self-diagnosed with a couple of these but I did over 4 hours of research or more together and I'm pretty sure I have them.
If you want or need to ask me questions go right ahead! I'll try to answer as soon as possible!!
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