#canon divergent kin
js-sunflowers · 3 months
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and the universe said, 'i love you, for you are love.' memories of my best friend. how i miss him
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fluffyfairyzz · 5 months
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☆ little me ( scp 682 ) moodboard based off of past life stuff :3
☆ art creds !!
☆some info bellow cut ^__^
ive probably said this before but my 682 identity is very canon divergent , i don’t remember being dangerous or hating humans , i was just a big dumb critter! the foundation researchers actually liked me and didn’t try to kill me ( W frfr ) , I remember that i rrly liked water, i believe i had a sprinkler / and or pool in my containment chamber! water ( esp cold water ) is a rrly big shift trigger for me now so woohooo!
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hazkinserver · 4 months
joining the crowd losing their minds over the finale. i will analyze it like a bug in a jar for the foreseeable future .
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alone-in-the-shade · 1 year
"that doesn't line up with the canon"
Listen bub, It's MY unhealthy coping self projection kin. And I'll see it how i see it
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chrisoftheeclipse · 6 months
What is with @tekidoll's artstyle and matching my personal canon too much??/pos
Like.. My facial expressions line up with my memories, and how they draw Cakey lines up EXACTLY with how I rememeber Cakey when she was a teenager.
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virtualkinz · 2 months
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Akatsuki!Sakura Haruno stimboard for @toxi-kins with themes of heartbreak and weapons in black and red with art by @toxic-codependent-yuri
x - x - x / x - x - x / x - x - x
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Is it okay to say I'm both canon and canon divergent for the sake of my mental health?
What I have going on canonically with Blitz is real and integral for me, bit its also extremely painful and is really fucking up my real-life mental health.
Can I be canon at some points and canon divergent at other points to cope with it?
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a-tords-memories · 7 months
The End... The End...
I always find myself wanting to speak about this the most. I feel that most fans of the show, and most other Eddsworld fictives or kin, feel the most strongly about these episodes.
It hurts, all the time. The regret. The mistakes. How stupidly, immature I was. For someone so cold and calculating, it was the one thing I didn't calculate properly. My mind was running wild, with so many emotions. The most imposing emotion: fear.
You see, I never left. I was by my friends sides, all up til that day. I left for long trips back home to Norway, to work on the army business. My friends, unknowing of my secretive hobbies.
The day is so vivid. It's one of the few things, that I remember so well.
It was supposed to be simple:
Send Edd, Matt, and Tom to the store. Get my robot. They come home like nothing happened, and for me? There's a note saying an unexpected emergency arose, and I needed to fly back home.
Simple. It should've been simple.
But, as always, things are NOT simple.
I insisted on staying home. And then Tom insisted on staying home. And guess who got their way?
No one was supposed to get hurt. I know how stereotypical that sounds, coming from Tord. But it's the truth. I didn't want to hurt my friends.
As I was begged by the one person who made me so weak, to come to the store, I crumbled and gave in. I shouldn't have crumbled. I should've been firm. I shouldn't have gone to the store with them.
As of course, from there, we all know what happened. But what about my motives? Unlike the show, I cared about them. So what gives? Why'd I say those hurtful things to Edd?
The way he looked at me, seeing me up in that robot. The way, I could see it in his eyes: his entire reality was shattering around him. I knew what he was already thinking.
Why try to tell the truth? Would he have really believed me? Would he understand my plans, to make the world a better place? (It was never about world domination). Would he, see me?
No. He wouldn't have. Maybe in the future, but not at that moment. And I lied. I proved his thoughts right. I didn't want him to think I could come back after this. I didn't want him to try to look for me. I thought, if I hurt him now, it'd spare him the pain. If he thought I never cared, it'd hurt less. No leading on... Just, quick.
I wanted to runaway, the moment he saw me. The me, that I never wanted him to see.
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gh0stgr1nder · 1 day
Ypu guys should ask me things tshirt that says i heart yapping
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the-kinfesssional · 19 days
Very insane to me sometimes how Ezekiel is the first boot of season 1, in my memories Duncan just got eliminated and never returned and that's it. Zeke was my friend. We were the final two of Team Victory and he got sad when i got eliminated. He went a long way! (3rd place babey)
-Lindsay (Total Drama)
Happy for Zeke!
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twelve-nights · 1 month
"severus snape was in love with lily evans" WRONG.
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js-sunflowers · 2 months
i am always missing someone, but today i think about eret and q. them and wil were my best friends before everything. the love was still there, though, during the worst. i will never regret the time we shared. i love you, guys. i wish i could've given you more than what you got.
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genpact-kinfessions · 3 months
Seeing myself in game is so weird sometimes. Wdym I don't have horns and a tail and wings and scales. Same thing with it only being me and Paimon that travel around, where's the weird ass group of Lumine(me), Diona, Yanfei, Kazuha, Paimon, and Yae Miko whenever she felt like showing up???? -🐉✨
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fierycatfish · 2 years
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fallensnxw · 4 months
I’ve been pondering this for like,, a week
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But I’m pretty sure I kin Killer Frost too, but not in the way the show intended. She’s not a separate personality for me – I don’t have proper memories (yet?) but the kin feels are STRONG. In my canon I’m quite sure she was just an altered state of identity for me, like a cryogenic manifestation of my trauma, anger, negativity… all of that. Like, I wasn’t in my right mind as her, but I also wasn’t a whole new person.
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I have far too much euphoria from seeing parts of my dyed hair highlights turning light (closer to white) and putting on makeup to have blue lips and for the eye look. I’m starting to notice how my behaviour in day to day life kind of goes from Caitlin-like to Killer Frost-like as well - not even intentionally.
I find this so funny as well because early last year before considering I was a fictionkin, I had such a big crush on Savitar. Like it was huge. It scared my aroace ass. (It’s in the past now though- I hope)(At least for now)(I fear my kinfeels may betray me soon)
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jarchivism · 5 months
Thoughts on Magnus Protocol releasing tomorrow? Personally really looking forward to it. (Yet worried of what's to come.)
Agreed. Definitely excited for that, it's the sequel of my media, after all, but also anxious...
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