#CKD chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda India
eliteayurveda · 2 months
How Ayurveda Can Combat Chronic Illnesses
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Ayurveda is a science that originated in India and has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s an ancient form of medicine that focuses on the wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. Many people turn to Ayurveda when they are looking for holistic healing from chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, COPD or chronic kidney disease because it offers natural remedies without side effects. In this blog post we will discuss how Ayurveda can be used to combat these diseases while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
What are chronic illnesses?
Chronic illnesses are long-term health problems that can last for months or years. Chronic diseases and conditions can include heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease (CKD), cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more.
Most of the time, chronic illnesses are caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. They affect a variety of demographics and are treated in different ways. Some conditions are not able to be completely cured, but they can be managed to lower the impact of symptoms on your life.
There are many treatment options for chronic illnesses, some treatments include medication management and therapy while others involve surgery or other medical procedures. The good news is Ayurveda medicine has several ways of combating these issues at their core!
Ayurvedic view on chronic illnesses
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, chronic conditions are thought to be caused by long-term imbalances in the body. In Ayurveda medicine, one’s health is determined by three different doshas: vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (water). Balancing these doshas helps prevent illness from taking hold of the body.
In general, chronic diseases are often characterized by a lack of energy and exhaustion from the patient’s side. This is called Ama in Ayurveda medicine.
Ama occurs when toxins build up throughout the body because it cannot eliminate them as quickly as they’re building up due to certain lifestyle habits like a poor diet or lack of exercise.
There are several different types of toxins that build up in the body, and these correspond with particular doshas or mind-body types as per Ayurvedic medicine. For example, Kapha dosha is characterized by excess mucus buildup throughout the body.
Kapha generally feels sluggish and heavy, which can be a result of excess mucus in the body that slows down energy flow and movement throughout various organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. This is why Ayurveda medicine recommends practices such as yoga to help stimulate certain organ systems with more energy while also helping clear out excess mucus from the body.
Another example is Pitta dosha, which is associated with excess heat and irritation in the body that can lead to inflammation throughout certain organs. The lungs are particularly affected by this excess heat or fire energy, so Ayurvedic practices may recommend cooling foods like cucumbers and watermelon while avoiding spicy ones.
Some ways that Ayurveda can help with chronic conditions include:
Using foods to create balance in the body and maintain health, especially by balancing vata dosha, which is associated with all movement within the body such as breathing, heart rate, etc. Vata types need a lot of protein and fat or they could get anxious, depressed, or get memory loss.
Using oils in the body to build tissues and lubricate joints, which is beneficial for all types of conditions but especially arthritis.
Relaxing mind and body activities including yoga.
This holistic approach prioritizes natural remedies for restoring balance within the body, mind, and spirit. This includes herbal supplements as well as dietary changes that combat the symptoms and progression of chronic illnesses.
How Ayurveda combats chronic illnesses
In tandem with conventional medicine and treatments (dialysis helps patients with CKD function with kidney failure, for instance), Ayurveda focuses on treating the root cause of a disease, rather than suppressing symptoms.
Ayurvedic treatments have been shown to effectively treat cardiovascular diseases by including cardiac drugs in treatment plans that help lower cholesterol levels, increase HDL (or “good”) cholesterol, and lower triglycerides. Ayurveda also helps patients suffering from diabetes by focusing on dietetic changes, counseling patients to avoid alcohol consumption and maintain a healthy BMI (body mass index).
Ayurvedic medicine has been used for centuries in India, where it originated. It is now gaining traction around the world. While it may not be able to cure chronic conditions that have progressed into later stages, this practice of medicine can prevent early-stage chronic conditions from progressing. Ayurvedic practices may also be able to lower the need for medication in those who have been prescribed it. Ayurveda can help prevent chronic conditions from worsening, helping patients live a better life despite their condition.
The history of Ayurveda and chronic conditions
According to research, Ayurveda medicine has been used for over two thousand years, with its earliest mentions in the Vedas. Ayurveda medicine is based on three main principles: the three doshas, the five elements that comprise everything in existence, and a multi-step process of cleansing.
This practice is based on the idea that our bodies are composed of these six elements: ether, air, fire, water, earth, and space. These complexes make up every part of us from physical to mental states.
Ayurvedic practices can help treat chronic conditions by reducing symptoms and preventing further progression of the disease. The practice focuses on prevention rather than treatment-based care because it can lead to better long-term results.
Historically, patients with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and COPD would only receive palliative care. Palliation involves managing the patient’s symptoms without actually curing them of their condition. Patients with these types of conditions can be prescribed Ayurvedic supplements to help manage their diet and lifestyle changes that go along with their chronic illness.
The success of Ayurvedic medicine can be seen in the numbers. Over the last four decades, there has been a significant decrease in heart disease and diabetes mortality rates. In India, it is estimated that over half of all individuals with chronic illness can be treated through Ayurvedic medicine alone.
For more information about whether Ayurveda could be right for your chronic illness, contact us at [email protected] to learn more!
Ayurvedic care at EliteAyurveda
As a cure to every illness, concentrate on progressing gradually and keep on encouraging yourself, even if the results are not immediate. The symptoms of diabetes will take some time to turn around, but with moderation and a shift in diet, workout, and lifestyles, your clients are able to cure diabetes and live a long and stable life.- Dr. Soumya Hullannavar
Our supportive EliteAyurveda specialists will assist you with diabetes-related health issues.
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sukhayujaipur · 1 year
Ayurveda, a healthcare system with origins in India dating back more than five thousand years, emphasizes harmony between body, mind, and spirit. It focuses on prevention and treatment rather than merely diagnosis and treatment. Ayurvedic therapies for CKD aim to restore health to the whole body, enhance kidney function, and forestall further harm.
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sukhayuindia12 · 2 years
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago. It emphasizes the use of natural remedies and lifestyle modifications to maintain the balance between the body, mind, and spirit.
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Chronic Kidney Disease, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist Doctor
9 out of 10 people with kidney disease are unaware that they have it, & half of those with severely reduced kidney function (but not yet on dialysis) do not know they have kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops when the kidneys become damaged & over time they may not clean the blood like healthy kidneys. When kidneys do not work well then the toxic waste & extra fluid accumulate in the kidney which can further lead to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure & even early death. Despite this, the kidney specialist doctor – at Surjit Ayurvedic Clinic knows how to cure this disease in a safe, precise, affordable & effective manner.
Who are Susceptible to Kidney Disease?
Unfortunately, anyone can develop kidney disease but certain or the following people are more susceptible than others those are as follows:
Heart patients
Diabetic patients 
People having a history of renal illness in their families
High blood pressure or hypertension patients
People who are over the age of 60 are more likely to develop kidney disease.
What are the Early Symptoms or Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease?
Following are the early symptoms of signs that can help you to detect kidney disease:
You may experience frequent urination or blood in the urine.
Reduced kidney function can lead to a buildup of toxins in the blood that causes you to have a lack of energy & feel overwhelming tired.
Dry & itchy skin may be a sign that you have an imbalance of nutrients & minerals in your blood due to kidney disease.
Electrolyte imbalances like low calcium levels or high phosphorus brought on by impaired kidney function may result in muscle cramps.
When your kidneys aren’t draining enough fluid, extra fluid might build up in your lungs, which may make you feel out of breath.
When your kidneys aren’t working properly, protein might enter your urine.
Kidney dysfunction can result in excessive fluid and sodium buildup that can lead to high blood pressure.
Do Men & Women Experience Different Kidney Disease Symptoms?
Evidently, chronic kidney disease (CKD) may progress differently both in men & women where Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) & kidney infections may cause kidney disease to develop in women. However, both men & women can prevent or lower the risk of kidney disease by maintaining healthy body weight, controlling blood sugar, & living a healthy lifestyle. Above all, you can book a consultation or take affordable treatment at the best kidney specialist doctor in Kapurthala – Dr. Surjit or Surjit Ayurvedic Clinic.
Why Should You Consider an Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist Doctor in Kapurthala?
Ayurveda is ancient science or 5000 years old practice of treating the mind, body, & soul. Even if you suffer from any kind of disease triggered in the body by the blockage of certain specific channels named doshas, are effectively treated by an Ayurveda doctor in Kapurthala. Not only this but we also know, ” Ayurveda has side-benefits, no side-effects.”
For these reasons, you should consider the best ayurvedic kidney specialist  in Kapurthala – Dr. Surjit, who has gained sound experience in treating chronic kidney disease (CKD) purely with Ayurveda. Our treatment has successfully treated thousands of patients in India & around the world. 
Book an appointment now!
For more information, visit us today.
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In this blog, I have explained how I got treated from AKD through Ayurveda. I have also shared some facts on the difference between AKD and CKD. Moreover, you will also get to know the excellent benefits of taking Acute or Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda. Do let me know how you felt after reading this blog.
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Compelling approaches to keep the #kidneyhealthy are:
➡️Customary oxygen consuming activity and everyday physical movement keeps up an ordinary pulse and enables control to glucose.
➡️Follow a healthy eating regimen, loaded with new foods grown from the ground.
➡️Keep up your weight with equalization of solid sustenance and normal exercise.
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Kidney diseases are that health disorder which is growing worldwide and is letting millions of people to face dangerous health-related complications. Today millions of people are undergoing dialysis on the name of #chronic_kidney_disease treatment. But is it the right solution? Well, the answer is no. Artificial procedures like kidney transplant and dialysis never became a solution to kidney disease. Such artificial procedures are found to be linked with many dangerous risk factors and can be a cause of death for a person.
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Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda | CKD Treatment in India
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
How Does Junk Food Affect Your Kidney?
The rapid inclination of people towards junk food can make them vulnerable to gain excessive weight, which is considered the known cause of many chronic health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.
Being overweight can increase all the causes of mortality by doubling your risk of having the health mentioned above complications that can also affect your kidneys' functioning.
According to the World Health Organisation report, more than 135 million people, especially people in their 20s, are obese. Researchers have predicted that by 2025, 18% of men and 21% of women will get affected by obesity in India.
Obesity is mainly reported in people who are more inclined towards a sedentary or inactive lifestyle with a poor diet. Because of being overweight, they are exposed to hypertension and diabetes that can indirectly affect their kidneys and interfere with their functioning.
What is chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease is a cumulative loss of kidney functioning in which your kidneys gradually lose their functioning with time. A person having CKD might not feel any complications or symptoms at the initial stages, as this disease silently invades your urinary system without being noticed and prowls around your kidneys to impair their functioning.
How can junk foods affect your kidney function?
Outside foods and beverages, such as pizza, fries, nuggets, and fizzy beverages, are loaded with excessive amounts of artificial preservatives and other substances, such as potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. The substances are complex and require extra work by your kidneys to re-maintain the healthy balance of salt, minerals, and fluid in your body. Junk foods increase your risk of having diabetes, hypertension, and blood pressure, making you vulnerable to kidney-related complications at some point in life.
Let's look at how diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels affect your kidneys' functioning.
People with diabetes are always at the stake of experiencing kidney complications. Studies have shown that around 30 per cent of patients who have type 1 diabetes and 10 to 14 per cent of people who have type 2 diabetes will likely have kidney-related problems at some point in their lives.
Diabetes increases sugar in the bloodstream, which makes blood thick and hard to get filtered by your kidneys. This condition increases the workload on your kidneys to purify sufficient amounts of blood needed by your body for performing various bodily processes. Because of being overworked, your kidneys develop inflammation inside them and start losing their functioning with time.
High blood pressure
If you're consuming salt more than 2,300 mg per day, then you're likely to have a high blood pressure problem at some point in your life. High blood pressure damages the inner walls of your blood vessels and weakens them, which reduces the blood supply to the different parts of the body, including the kidneys. Due to low blood supply, your kidneys don't get enough work for their working, and they ultimately lose their functioning.
High cholesterol levels
Not only your kidneys, having high cholesterol levels is a hazard for other primary organs of your body, such as the heart, liver, and lungs. High cholesterol levels lead to plaque accumulation ( a stick waxy fat-like substance) inside the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. This condition reduces that blood supply to your kidneys that gradually leads to a permanent loss of your kidneys' functioning.
Is there any way to detect kidney complications in time?
CKD takes time to get visible; a person suffering from CKD might take decades to get visible. Also, it's hard to control the disease with routine medications when it gets visible. The Symptoms may include the following-
Blood in urine
Having frequent urges to pass urine
Loss of appetite
Having pain or pressure on the chest
Weight loss without even trying anything
Bubbly or foamy urine with a strong foul smell
Nausea and vomiting
Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet due to excessive fluid retention
Anxiety and depression
Recurring pain in the lower back
Is there any permanent cure for chronic kidney disease?
Try Ayurvedic herbs for CKD if you're looking for a medication that is effective and kidney-friendly. The Ayurvedic treatment for CKD stage 5 are based on formulating several powerful herbs that are proven effective in curing kidney complications of its roots. Ayurveda is the science of life that originated from ancient Vedas. The ultimate goal of Ayurveda is to prevent disease progression with a mixture of several types of herbs that work effectively on the root cause of the problem.
Ayurvedic herbs for CKD are equally supportive and effective for people of all ages, and it doesn't leave any abnormalities on the body like other modern medicines.
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monika0101 · 3 years
CKD Stage 5 Ayurvedic Treatment
Can Ayurvedic Treatment Offer A Lasting Cure For CKD Stage 5?
The final or last stage of chronic kidney disease is referred to as stage 5 CKD. It has many other names, such as end-stage renal failure, end-stage kidney disease, renal failure, and, commonly, kidney failure. It’s a life-threatening kidney state where your kidneys are entirely damaged and cannot do their functions at all. In the modern treatment system, dialysis and kidney transplant are the two most advanced treatment procedures to manage this problem. But these procedures are too complicated that makes them risky and expensive as well. Above all, modern treatment doesn’t guarantee a lasting cure for kidney failure even after applying these treatment methods. If you find the best CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment, it can help you beat this severe stage of CKD and live a healthy life.
In stage 5 CKD, the eGFR level falls down to 15 ml/min or even less. It indicates that your kidneys are not doing their functions as they tend to. It's a clear indication that your kidneys are about to fail or have failed already. Consequently, the kidney functionality gets disturbed, and you can experience several changes in your health. Those changes are the symptoms of CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment.
What are the symptoms of CKD stage 5?
CKD stage 5 is the final stage of this common problem where your kidneys lose their functioning ability completely. As a result, a patient with this kidney problem may experience a plethora of symptoms; a few of them are;
Loss of appetite
Nausea or vomiting
Pain in back or plank area
Fatigue or tiredness
Problem in urinating
Swelling in hands, ankles, or legs
Breath shortness
Change in skin color
Difficulty in concentration
When you have any of these symptoms, search for the best CKD stage 5 treatment to get rid of these symptoms as well as the problem.
How will you know that you have stage 5 CKD?
The laboratory tests can be beneficial in determining CKD and the stage you are dealing with. Commonly some routine Urine and Blood tests are conducted to check if there is any problem with your kidneys. If the tests’ reports have the clue of poor kidney functionality, you are ordered to follow some other medical tests further.
Mainly, some blood samples are used to determine the estimated Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of the kidneys. This test's report shows how well your kidneys are clearing out wastes from the blood.
Apart from that, some Imaging tests and Renal Biopsy may also be conducted further to check kidney damage and their affected functionality.
If the reports of the tests confirm that you are at CKD stage 5, your physician can help you in choosing the best treatment for this life-threatening problem.
Available treatment for stage 5 CKD
If you are detected with CKD stage 5, you will need to see a kidney expert immediately to start the best treatment. As far as the modern treatment system is concerned, it has many medicines, dialysis, and kidney transplant to manage this kidney problem. Dialysis is conducted to remove excess wastes and fluid from the blood that kidneys can't do in their failure state. After a certain period of time, one may need to find a donor to obtain a healthy organ for a kidney transplant. A kidney transplant is a kind of surgical procedure in which a healthy kidney is replaced in your body for your survival. But be it dialysis or kidney transplant, they are too complicated and thus risky in nature. It is seen that many patients lose their lives due to complications of these treatment procedures. So, Allopathy is a 50-50 chance for kidney failure patients. On the other hand, if you choose CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment, you can get your normal kidney health and thus functionality back again.
Ayurveda is a holistic treatment approach that has been in existence for thousands of years in India. These days due to unawareness of this treatment, it is used as an alternative treatment system. But, let’s tell you, it’s a complete treatment system in itself. Ayurveda is taken from the ancient Indian Scriptures, also known as Vedas, so it follows an entirely holistic approach to fight and cure health problems permanently. This ancient treatment works on several aspects of a disease and also possesses characteristics to repair and restore the damaged section or organ of the body. In short, this natural treatment makes you healthy again by repairing each and every damage to your body. In CKD stage 5, Ayurvedic treatment adopts the same healing methodology to reverse and cure it permanently.
CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes eradicating kidney complications and repairing kidney damage. Consequently, it helps your body in restoring kidney health and reviving its functionality. This is how Ayurveda reverses CKD stage 5 and helps you get rid of all its complications. When it comes to CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment process, it mainly uses the healing power of natural herbs and some ancient therapies to stimulate the body’s natural functionality. Additionally, Ayurveda also suggests a CKD patient to make some necessary changes in his diet and also follow some Yoga stances and exercises. Since CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment consists of only natural herbs and therapies, it’s highly effective in reversing CKD, and it doesn’t have any consequences. In a nutshell, you can say that CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment offers an enduring cure to this kidney problem without affecting your health in any manner.
So, find an experienced Ayurvedic kidney doctor to experience the healing power of Ayurveda for CKD stage 5 cure.
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Acute Kidney Failure Disease Treatment
Like the other organs of the human anatomy, the kidney also plays a vital role in wellbeing. Acute kidney disease is a state of kidneys when they meet spontaneous renal dysfunction. Numerous reasons can be held responsible for the state, but Acute Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda has a cure for all. An unexpected loss may bring various complications needing a quick repairing action even though the loss can be estimated by the elevated levels of various blood wastes such as creatinine, nitrogen, and urea. Metabolic acidosis, fluid imbalance, uremia, high potassium, life-risk, etc., are some deadly acute kidney injury complications. Acute kidney damage results in an increased risk of chronic kidney disease affecting many other body organs. Acute kidney injury status can be managed by treating a disease’s elemental root or providing supportive care like renal replacement therapy. The treatment of the elemental root of the disease is done in acute kidney injury treatment in Ayurveda.
Causes of Acute Kidney Disease:
Analyzing the causes of this sudden intervention of the injuries gets triggered by the inappropriate activities or may influence drug abuse and trauma. The best acute kidney disease treatment in Delhi, India, SRIAAS- SR Institute of Advanced Ayurvedic Sciences, suggests that this type of systemic disease is potent enough to cause CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). However, a few other systemic diseases cause Acute Kidney Failures, such as lupus nephritis and autoimmune diseases. Following are the most vulnerable cases that become a cause of Acute Kidney Injury:
Pre-renal: The pre-renal causes of acute kidney damage include reasons that lead to the low Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In this medical condition, both kidneys must be affected. Prominent causes behind acute renal injury are low blood pressure, liver cirrhosis, low blood volume, heart failure, and specific changes to the kidneys’ blood vessels.
Intrinsic: Intrinsic causes of acute kidney injury directly related to damaging the functioning units of kidneys. Two significant cases falling under this category are tumor lysis syndrome and rhabdomyolysis. Furthermore, medications such as calcineurin inhibitors damage kidneys’ tubules and become a part of intrinsic causes.
Post-renal: Post-renal causes defined under Ayurveda acute kidney failure treatment include the reasons that result in the downfall of kidneys’ functioning. This condition often can be the result of obstructions occurred in the urinary tract. Some well-known diseases falling under the post-renal cause category are bladder stones, kidney stones, blockage in the urinary catheter, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and ureters cancer.
Ayurveda acute kidney damage treatment often has described the vulnerability differently on the number of patients. Acute kidney diseases can be both asymptomatic and symptomatic. Different kidney habitats replicate different symptoms. To analyze the symptoms, these changes can be seen in the body:
The accumulation of chemical wastes in the bloodstreams signifies the following acute kidney disease symptoms:
Fluid retention
Lost appetite
The excessive amounts of potassium present in the blood may cause the following symptoms in the body:
Irregular heartbeats
Pounding heart
Excessive sweating
Lack of fluids often becomes a reason for acute kidney failure. When the body would be dehydrated, it will make the throat dry, and the diseased would feel thirst in excess.
Other associated symptoms that may the body of diseased indicate are:
Pain in the groin
Dry skin
Abdominal pain
Flank pain
Ayurvedic treatment for acute kidney failure:
Now are the times where people call Ayurvedic treatment for Acute Renal Failure an alternative treatment. Ayurveda has been an ancient remedy to cure chronic and acute diseases of all kinds. It is a technique rather than a treatment to bring back the functioning of kidneys naturally. The emphasis of acute kidney infection treatment in Ayurveda is on repairing the longstanding results’ underlying causes. Ayurveda has been a traditional remedy of India and sub-continents and specializes in mythological and Vedic books. Ayurveda is a wholly developed medical system from the widely accepted history and adopted even after the recovery. Ayurveda faces criticism claiming that treatment methods are obsolete, and there is zero development in medicines. However, Ayurveda has proved all these claims false every time it has been put to the test.
As per Ayurveda’s idea, the human body has three main elements, Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. Any imbalance or aggravation to either of the elements results in the illness of the body. Acute kidney disease is also the result of such an elemental imbalance. The best acute kidney injury treatment in Ayurveda brings all such elements in line and treats the disease from the core. The treatment includes herbal medicines (pastes, oils, and tablets), yoga, meditation, and particular lifestyle & dietary changes.
Thank you for reading. If you have any queries to know about our process of treatment kindly let our team know. Feel free to contact us. We will be pleased to save one more kidney.
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ompharmaayur · 4 years
What are the Herbal Remedies for CKD?
Kidneys are the most accommodating organ of the body. But before starting anything let’s talk about the kidneys. The essential task of the kidneys is to separate waste from the body. They absorb what is essential or needed and rest they remove it in the form of Urine. The foremost essentials waste which they remove from the body is excess salt and water in the form of urine.
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Human kidneys have millions of filtering units which we refer to as nephrons. These nephrons when don’t work properly which means the whole process of filtration is not intact then it results in the renal tissue damage and which results in the CKD. The problem as it sounds is quite intense and the only solution doctors offer is the dialysis or the transplant operation.
These treatments cost a fortune and it is not affordable by everyone. This is the reason we at Nirogam came up with this herbal remedy for CKD. It is proven to benefit those who are suffering from this chronic disease. We have a REUC system that works on kidney failure. The REUC pattern is a different pattern that was defined by the doctors at nirogam.
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Best Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda
They define the system or pattern as renal failure management therapy.
The four-step system is defined as:
Step 1: R- Renal Tissue Repair
Step 2: E- Electrolyte Imbalance Management
Step 3: U- Blood Urea Level Management
Step 4: C- Serum Creatinine Level Management
The main problem which this disease causes is with the functionality of the disease, it means that it works on the proper absorption ability of the kidney which has been disturbed. The natural ingredients such as pearls work as a catalyzer and help to improve the impact of the disease by making it better.
The herbal remedies for CKD are also beneficial for those who are already undergoing dialysis. The process of dialysis is somehow repetitive and including these remedies with the dialysis will speed up the recovery of the patients. People somehow still have the doubts that the Ayurvedic treatment for CKD is not beneficial or might have some negative impact. But it is to understand that this Ayurvedic treatment for CKD or the herbal remedies do not have any negative impact or side-effects. It is 100% natural and herbal which makes room for effective yet affordable treatment.
Every year lakhs of people lose their lives because of this deadly disease. Chronic kidney diseases are one of those diseases which are only found when the chances of recovery are very less. We recommend people to get themselves checked in case they face any problem. It always needs to be kept in mind that the kidneys are the most accommodative organs which means that they will keep on adjusting till the time they can’t accommodate any more.
To get more information on this topic or know more about the Herbal remedies for CKD, Call our 24×7 Helpline numbers
USA: +1(407)777–0062 | India: +91–7307032211 or mail us at [email protected].
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vishlaagro · 4 years
Ayurvedic treatment for cancer and kidney care
Ayurveda -The oldest Healthcare system in the world
Ayurvedic cancer care is complementary strategies to combat cancer directly also on support general health during cancer treatment. Ayurveda is the oldest known system of health and healing. it's a holistic approach to the body and mind. Ayurveda is assumed to be a minimum of a 4500 plus-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins within the Vedic culture of India. It’s an integral a part of the lifetime of an Indian and there are tens of thousands of Ayurvedic healers who provide routine holistic advice and proposals. Many Ayurvedic practices predate written records and therefore the oral teachings were finally written in Sanskrit quite 2,000 years ago. The utilization of Ayurveda and holistic cancer care techniques leads to fewer side effects and greater tolerance of any therapy offered. a pleasant discussion about Yoga is found here, and positively deserves a crucial place in Ayurveda.
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The guiding principles of Hinduism and therefore the healing art of Ayurveda are that the mind, spirit, body and world are different expressions of an equivalent original creative urge, and zip has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind. Freedom from illness results from expanding our own awareness, bringing it into balance, and increasing that balance to the body. With such expanded awareness the body’s system is strengthened. Knowledge is obtained and retained by the mind supported observation and experimentation also as transmitted from teacher to student. By optimizing the mind we optimize the body and spirit. By optimizing the body we will begin to optimize the mind and spirit. By optimizing the spirit we optimize the mind and body. Ayurveda recognizes that different people answer different things-some immediately answer the concept of breath relaxation which then allows them to extend the mental focus than the spirit. Holistic cancer care using concepts derived from the traditional science of Ayurveda can greatly improve the experience of Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment. Others begin with spiritual teaching and as their recognition of such begin to spill over to the body health also as mental clarity. All techniques are addressed in Ayurveda additionally to use of herbs and spices.
 Kidney Disease
The kidney is a crucial organ for maintaining the homeostatic balance of body fluids by removing waste out of the body.
Chronic renal disorder (CKD) refers to irreversible deterioration in renal function which develops over a period of years.
In acute renal disorder, these symptoms develop during a week’s time. It’s easily manageable compared to chronic renal disorder.
In kidney care Treatment, the choice is dialysis and renal transplantation which is more cost and complexity can’t afford for each CKD patients and few patients are ready to obtain adequate treatment for kidney disorders.
In Ayurveda, CKD is described as Mootra dosh vikara and causes of edema. Both Kidneys are root of Medovaha srotas. consistent with Acharya charak the causes of Mootra dosha vikara are the doshas vitiated by the intake of drinks and food, sexual activity while having the urge for micturition, and suppression of the urge of micturition, disorders of wasting or malnutrition and severe traumatic injury.
Other kidney troubles like urinary calculi, diabetic renal disorder, scanty urination, BPH; mild increase in creatinine, the acute renal disorder also is treated in our centre.
Kidney Ayurvedic treatment
Kidney diseases are treated as shodana, panchakarma therapies, herbal diuretics and a special diet. Abyanga-massage, kizhi-herbal pouch application, siro dhara and a few of the vital kidney rejuvenating herbs. Etc Treatments are highly helpful and that they can revive the diseased kidneys. Medicines like Punarnavadi kashayam, Dashamoola Punarnavadi kashayam, tri kantakam, chandraprabhavati etc are given.
If you've got the other problem like Penis enlargement, there's even had the Ayurvedic treatment for this problem.
Ayurveda Penis enlarge treatment not only increases the length and thickness of the penis but also helps in regaining self-confidence, self-worth and improve self-esteem.
Causes of Small Penile Length
• Low level of testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone)
• Genetic factors also control the quantity of testosterone, human somatotropin and other hormones.
Ayurveda treatment for Penis Enlargement
Ayurvedic Medicine For penis Growth has made it possible to treat this condition that deprives a person of self-esteem. And, it also makes him feel being emasculated. knowledgeable and experienced Ayurveda practitioners, they changed the lives of the many men by offering safe, effective and 100% natural treatments for increasing the length and thickness of the penis.
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What is Stage 4 Kidney Failure
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Choose Ayurveda to cure stage 4 CKD and prevent kidney failure!
Patients with stage 4 kidney disease should be well-versed with their condition to contribute to the treatment that will help stop the worsening of this stage of CKD. If a patient and his nephrologist fail to stop kidney functioning loss, it may progress further to the final stage that is CKD stage 5 or chronic kidney failure, commonly called kidney failure. Treating this stage can be challenging as it’s a life-threatening stage where your kidneys have lost their functioning completely. So, stage 4 kidney disease patients should;
Learn what to do to stop kidney disease from progressing and follow them.
Do your part to manage complications which may be;
Anaemia or low red blood cell count
Bone problems
Nutrition management
Learn more about stage 5 chronic kidney disease and the availability of treatment options required for it.
What is stage 4 chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) occurs when most of your kidneys have been damaged, and your kidneys are too close to get failed. The damage may be due to several reasons, including an underlying medical condition, physical injury, or other factors. In this damaged state, your kidneys cannot do their natural functions, mainly blood filtration and wiping out wastes from the blood through the urine. Kidneys do many essential jobs for the body, which include;
Balancing body’s electrolytes’ level
Regulating blood pressure
Ensuring good health of bones’
Secreting some hormones to increase red blood cell production
Additionally, kidneys do a few other functions to ensure the functioning of the interconnected organs, mainly the heart.
A chronic kidney disease is a progressive form of kidney disease, and it has five stages. Stage 1 and 2 are the initial stage where kidney damage is mild. Kidneys are mildly damaged at these stages, and their functioning is not or nominally affected. At stage 3 of CKD, kidneys are severely damaged and lost half of their functioning. A patient on CKD stage 3 has some noticeable symptoms like hypertension, bone problems, or a few more. While at stage 4, your kidneys have severe damage, and they may get failed soon if not appropriately managed. It’s essential to slow down or reverse kidneys’ worsening and control its complications like blood pressure or heart problems. CKD Stage 5 is kidney failure where your entire kidneys have been failed, and kidney transplant and dialysis are methods to keep you going. However, chronic kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can better cure all these stages of kidney problems.
Increase your awareness about kidney failure
Even if your treatment for stage 4 CKD is ongoing, you may still get kidney failure. Kidney failure may happen if;
Kidneys are 85–90% dysfunctional.
GFR drops down below 15.
Kidneys are solely not able to help you survive.
There is no guaranteed cure for kidney failure in modern treatment, but it can help patients live longer with the treatment. Kidney failure doesn’t confirm the end of life, as conventional treatment can add a few years more to the lives of kidney patients. In the last couple of decades, Ayurveda has come up as the safest and effective way to manage kidney failure.
Available treatment for kidney failure
Kidney failure treatment varies from one another treatment system. If you choose conventional treatment methods for kidney failure, you have below treatment methods to choose from;
Dialysis- It is one of the adequate medical treatment procedures to manage kidney failure. This treatment procedure is conducted when your kidneys stop doing their natural functions. Your kidneys can’t drain out wastes and toxins from your blood at this health condition, and they start accumulating in your body. Dialysis can clear waste substances from the blood using medical equipment. It can only help clear wastes, but it doesn’t have the sense to retain the essential blood substances and throws them out. It doesn’t in kidney functioning improvement in any manner. There are two types of dialysis- hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Kidney transplant- It is a type of complicated operation that is conducted to place a healthy kidney into the patient’s body to keep him alive for some more years. The healthy is mainly taken from a healthy person of a deceased body. The main challenge of this procedure is that the body often rejects organs taken from any other body. For that, several medications are given, which are called anti-rejection medicines that help the body adopt the new organ and start working with it. And when your body completely rejects the organ, you may need another healthy organ for transplantation. A kidney transplant is a treatment; it’s not a permanent cure. Even if your body accepts the organ, you may need another transplant after some years. This treatment procedure is too expensive and risky.
Let’s tell you that these Allopathic treatment methods help manage kidney complications but can’t provide a permanent cure. In other words, they can be helpful in the management of chronic kidney disease. But these Allopathic treatment procedures are too risky and possess many complications.
In contrast, there is another treatment system for kidney diseases, Ayurveda, an underrated healing system due to the overhype of modern treatment.
Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system that has been used for thousands of years. This holistic treatment believes in curing a disease completely, not only in management. Its treatment methodologies are based on ancient formulations depicted in Indian Scriptures. This treatment is well-versed with the physiology of the human body, and thus it also knows several natural techniques to manage it. This holistic treatment emphasizes on corrective body’s imbalance and rejuvenating functioning of the affected organ. Eventually, it heals diseased organs and rejuvenates them along with overall body organs.
Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda utilizes ancient healing methodologies and techniques to reverse kidney damage naturally. The holistic treatment works on the aetiology of kidney problems and eventually offers an enduring cure. It primarily conducts a thorough analysis of the patient’s body and prepares a customized Ayurvedic treatment package depending on the patient’s Dosha or other biological conditions. In kidney failure,
Kidney failure is managed by some ancient corrective therapies like Basti Karma or Enema Therapy. Mainly, Uttara Basti (medicated enema is given through the urinary tract) to remove accumulated wastes from the body for complete detoxification. Such procedures help improve or correct the vitiation of Doshas involved in chronic kidney disease.
Herbal formulations containing therapeutic herbs and elements promote the wellness of the kidneys by stimulating the body’s self-rejuvenating trait. While therapies help improve the body excreting toxins to heal itself speedily. Yoga and exercises improve functions of the body and thus contribute to a faster recovery. As a result, Ayurveda treatment for chronic kidney failure promotes the overall wellbeing of the kidneys and makes them healthy again. Hence, your kidneys start doing their job naturally, and therefore; all your complications are gone. A kidney failure patient can get permanent relief from this fatal kidney with a holistic treatment approach of Ayurveda that has no consequences.
Acquire CKD chronic kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda from a renowned Ayurvedic kidney hospital to get your life back on track again.
Put a halt to the progression of kidney damage
Along with treatment or after Ayurvedic treatment, good self-care will help you live a healthy and happy life for a long. Before treatment, it can help prevent kidney problems or progression of kidney worsening to delay kidney failure. A good self-care plan begins with;
Controlling underlying health problems
Treating complications of kidney disease
Managing your heart health
You may have several other disorders like diabetes and high blood pressure, which put pressure on your kidneys and can cause them to get damaged. A few other health issues can occur, and most of them can be managed by following a healthy lifestyle, such as following some exercises and doing a proper diet. You can do several things to prevent or manage kidney health which include;
Lose weight in case of overweight
Lower your salt intake to manage blood pressure
Control your diet if you are a diabetic
Practice mindfulness to manage blood pressure
Along with chronic kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda, following a healthy routine, including a kidney-friendly eating regimen, can help defeat this kidney disorder.
Search for the best chronic kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda India to heal your kidneys with a touch of nature!
Source of Content: What is Stage 4 Kidney Failure
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niharikasharma · 5 years
Ayurvedic Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in India Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care institution, where kidney disease survivors get relief from their kidney problem without dialysis.
Full Video: https://is.gd/E3p0OA
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mykidneytreatment · 5 years
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in India | CKD Treatment in Ayurveda
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