#Penis enlarge treatment
erectionclinicpost · 7 months
Pellet therapy, also known as hormone pellet treatment, offers a convenient and effective solution for hormone imbalance. Tiny pellets, containing customized doses of hormones, are inserted subcutaneously. This method ensures consistent hormone levels, reducing symptoms like fatigue and mood swings. Experience balance and vitality with hormone pellets, your pathway to wellness.
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drashishsaini1 · 2 months
Exploring Penis Enlargement Treatments Available in Delhi: Options and Insights
Explore a range of penis enlargement treatments available in Delhi, including non-surgical and surgical options. Leading clinics offer advanced procedures, such as penile implants and enhancement techniques, tailored to individual needs. Achieve your desired results with expert care and cutting-edge technology in a professional and discreet environment. Visit Us:
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erectionclinicpost · 7 months
Discover the future of regenerative medicine with exosome treatment in Orlando. Harnessing the power of cellular communication, exosome injections offer targeted healing for a range of conditions. Experience non-invasive, personalized therapy that stimulates natural regeneration. Unlock your body's potential for recovery with exo shots conveniently available near me.
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drarorasclinic1 · 1 year
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staminapills · 2 years
Premature Ejaculation during in Sex? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction where the man has a tendency to ejaculate prematurely. Opposing to popular belief, it is quite common and in a survey around 30-35% of men agreed to deal with it once in their life. Uncontrolled ejaculation can be disturbing and embarrassing at the same time. What if I tell you that you can avoid premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse? Well, there is no scam here, just science and proven information ahead.
Premature ejaculation (PD) can affect your mental health, your relationships, your partner, and even your work life. The effect of being dissatisfied with your sex life will be visible in one way or another in all aspects of your life. It can be an embarrassing position to be in, and one may feel like they will never be able to satisfy their partner. It becomes uncomfortable and the man may stop initiating intercourse or blame his partner for it. In any case, this will not solve the problem and will worsen his condition. Let’s see
Premature ejaculation: what do you know about it? Premature ejaculation (PE) is a standard sexual dysfunction that can affect men of any age and stage. There can be many reasons behind this, which can be physical or psychological.
Here given two main reasons – 1-Physical reasons 2-Psychological Reasons
First of all we take a Psychological Reasons – Let us see Psychological causes – Mental problems can also present physical symptoms in the form of sexual dysfunction. You may have premature ejaculation as a result of the following, let us understand – • Effect of Depression • Effect of Stress • Effect of Guilt • Effect of Performance nervousness • Effect of Low self-esteem • Effect of History of sexual abuse • Effect of Difficult relationships • Effect of over thinking
Another important point-
Physical Causes: Problems can also present physical symptoms in the form of sexual dysfunctions. You may have premature ejaculation as a result of the following, please let us know
• effect of chemical imbalance • effect of sensitive skin • effect of erectile dysfunction • effect of infection • effect of influence of heredity • effect of weak muscle • effect of overwork
There are two types of premature ejaculation-
Primary (lifelong) premature ejaculation – This refers to the type where you ejaculate early when you’re trying to have sex, and this has been going on ever since.
Secondary (Acquired) Premature Ejaculation – This is the way you used to control the timing of your ejaculation in the past, but recently you are facing this problem.
How to reduce Premature Ejaculation?
Here given some important suggestions (Treatment) by Dr. Hashmi –
Effects of behavioral therapy on our body –
There are some behavior modification techniques that can work to improve your responsiveness and control. Over time, these techniques can help you avoid premature ejaculation during intercourse. These are some of the effects of anxiety therapy –
The role of masturbation –
Masturbating beforehand can help delay the refractory period, which is the time a man needs to ejaculate for a second round. This will help you enjoy physical intimacy before you can ejaculate again, Use it.
The diversion effect –
When you are close to arousal, you may try to think out of context. You can think about something boring at work, counting down, or anything that dampens the excitement. Again, this will help you avoid having an orgasm too soon, use it.
Effect of density method –
It is about stimulating your genitals until you reach orgasm. When you are close to orgasm, hold the shaft of the penis and squeeze it. This will affect the erection and also prevent orgasm. Once done, start over and does it again, try again.
Another treatment is medication – A sexologist can prescribe pills that can help you delay the moment of ejaculation. These medications can have side effects, so don’t self-medicate. Always follow the advice of the sexologist and then start any medication.
Other effective suggestions (Treatment) –
Role of exercise – As we know, premature ejaculation can be caused by weak pelvic musculature, so working on the muscles can help its cause. Kegel or Yugas exercises are an effective way to strengthen the pelvic muscles. To do this exercise, you need to identify the muscles that need attention.
Role of counseling – For men with psychological barriers, therapy may be the right choice. Therapy can help you deal with mental blocks and difficult relationships which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction, give it a try.
Role of supplements – Zinc-rich supplements may help with sexual dysfunction. It acts in favor of male fertility and increases testosterone levels. So it can help men with premature ejaculation, give it a try.
Bottom Line- Premature ejaculation can make you feel out of place and unusual when we talk about our sexual weakness. Although you must accept your feelings, you must know that sexual dysfunctions are common. Stop blaming yourself and find ways to be better. There are many ways to help you avoid premature ejaculation during intercourse. There is nothing to be ashamed of and you should talk to Hashmi Dawakhana’s best sexologist Amroha. A sexologist can help you understand the condition, find out the exact cause, and guide you toward the right treatment. So go to a sexologist for a better assessment. Take the right treatment and enjoy your life.
If you feel feeling shame today because of the childhood mistakes of your life, and don't satisfy your wife or girlfriend. Don't worry about it, we always are with you, don't delay and talk to me freely about your sexual problem.
For More Information, Visit – www.hashmi.in  and  www.hashmidawakhana.in
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anewskinclinic · 2 years
Unwanted body hair is a major problem that many people face all over the world. Even after shaving or waxing, the unwanted body hairs will grow eventually after some time. For this reason, to get rid of unwanted body hair you would have to go for shaving and waxing very frequently. But if you are looking for a permanent solution then laser hair removal is the best option for you. If you are living in Bangalore and are having unwanted body hair then you can go for the best laser hair removal in Bangalore. Unwanted body hair is a major problem that many people face all over the world. Even after shaving or waxing, the unwanted body hairs will grow eventually after some time. For this reason, to get rid of unwanted body hair you would have to go for shaving and waxing very frequently. But if you are looking for a permanent solution then laser hair removal is the best option for you. If you are living in Bangalore and are having unwanted body hair then you can go for the best laser hair removal in Bangalore. 
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thevacurect · 2 years
Benign prostatic hyperlasia
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Let's delve into the intricacies of an Omegaverse society, drawing insights from both biology and evolution. As a social science student myself with a background in anthropology, I aim to explore various aspects of this complex world, including its prison system, bathroom arrangements, treatment of the transgender community, societal norms, stigmas, reproduction dynamics, birth rates, and even the portrayal of sexuality through pornography.
Collaborating with my best friend, a medical student well-versed in anatomy, we've pooled our knowledge to shed light on how such a society might function, drawing parallels and extrapolating from existing data in our world.
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So. Within the Omegaverse, there exist two overarching categories, male and female, each subdivided into three distinct statuses: Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Over time, the majority of individuals have transitioned beyond the Alpha and Omega distinctions, akin to how the human female body evolved past its reproductive heat cycles during the paleolithic period, marking a pivotal moment in human evolution.
In the distant past, during the age, Alpha males and Alpha females coexisted alongside their counterparts, Omega males and Omega females. The differences between Alpha males and females were minimal, much like the similarities between the two Omega sexes. However, there still were differences in genitalia where only Alpha females and Omega males displayed intersex characteristics. The enlarged clitoris of an Alpha female, resembling but distinct from a penis, possessed a knot—a feature absent in Alpha males— because of it's inability to produce sperm which necessitated an evolutionary adaptation towards a larger knot, in order to increase the chances of pregnancy.
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Like stated before, the transition into a largely Beta population occurred even before the neolithic era, resulting into a similar contemporary societal structure as we know today. However, there being secondary genders didn't stop the historical oppression of all women. Only now it extended to impact Omega males, though they can pass as Betas if their genitalia remains private. Contrary to popular beliefs, there is no discernible scent associated with Omegas in heat; instead, it is their aura and demeanor that undergo noticeable changes. A "sex appeal", if you will, that affects everyone except Beta women for a vast number of reasons i'll touch upon later.
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Legal frameworks exists to address non-consensual interactions with Omegas in heat, and sometimes even with Alphas in ruts. Statistical data still reflects a disproportionate involvement of Alpha and Beta males in such crimes.
In cases of rape involving an Omega in heat, the perpetrator might exploit societal biases to justify their actions or even escape punishment altogether. They might argue that the Omega's biological state somehow diminished the severity of the crime.
Similarly, in cases of rape involving an Alpha in rut, the legal system might downplay the seriousness of the offense due to the perceived status and power of the victim over the perpetrator.
In such a society, power dynamics based on genetic status and gender could heavily influence the legal process as well. Despite the vulnerability of Omegas in heat and the potential vulnerability of Alphas in rut, the legal system might consider it an extenuating circumstance for the aggressor.
In the Alpha Beta Omega prison system, inmates are segregated based on their genetic status and gender to ensure safety and maintain social order. Alpha males and Alpha females, Beta males and Beta females & Omega males and Omega females are all housed in separate facilities due to the perceived risks associated with mixing different genetic statuses and genders.
This segregation is justified by concerns for safety, as it is believed that males, regardless of their secondary gender, have the potential to overpower females. By separating inmates in this manner, authorities aim to mitigate the risks of violence and maintain control within the prison environment.
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Alphas and Omegas are not exceedingly rare, but they remain somewhat uncommon, often noted and remembered as peculiarities. Their presence evokes a similar level of curiosity as encountering a left-handed person or a natural redhead—an intriguing aspect of diversity that captures attention but is ultimately regarded with a level of casual interest.
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Second out of three parts coming right up, Tumblr won't let me post more images !
Also stay tuned, next part is gonna include a list of the Batfam members who I think are Omegas
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drarorasclinic1 · 2 years
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intersex-animal · 3 months
What is it?
Dyadic or Perisex is a broad category that encompasses people who aren't intersex. Other common wordings are Endosex and Juxtasex.
Intersex individuals are born with biological sexual characteristics (such as gonads, reproductive organs, genitals, chromosomes, hormones, etc.) typically attributed to both sexes. Dyadic individuals, on the other hand, have only female or male sexual traits, and thus, they are assigned one of the two binary genders at birth. 
What does it mean?
Although Dyadic or Perisex individuals can identify with any gender identity, their biological sex is either female or male. This means that they were born with sexual traits that are allocated to one of the genders in the binary. 
One's biological sex does not interfere with their gender identity, meaning that dyadic individuals can be transgender, queer, or have any identity within the non-binary umbrella. The dyadic term serves only to differentiate intersex individuals from non-intersex people.
Dyadic (Perisex) Flag:
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All infants are medically assigned a sex, either upon prenatal sex discernment or at the moment of birth. Those who are not intersex are either Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB) or Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB), meaning that dyadic people can be split into these two groups.
AFAB - assigned female at birth - individuals typically possess XX chromosomes, have a female reproductive system (Fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, vagina), have external female organs (vulva), and upon reaching puberty, manifest higher levels of estrogen and develop female secondary characteristics (breast enlargement, increased pubic and facial hair, etc.).
AMAB - assigned male at birth - individuals typically possess XY chromosomes, have a male reproductive system (prostate gland, seminal vesicle, testis), have external male organs (penis), and upon reaching puberty, manifest higher levels of testosterone and develop male secondary characteristics (increased body hair, deep voice, muscle enlargement, etc.).
Are all AMAB/AFAB individuals dyadic?
No. Although dyadic people are either AMAB or AFAB, one can be assigned a specific sex at birth and still fall into the intersex category.
History & Flags
The Dyadic concept was created by intersex people to describe non-intersex individuals without having to resort to words with potentially underlining meanings. This way, intersex wouldn't be the counterpart of normal or natural, for example, gaining a more appropriate connotation.
But is supporting new terminology really the way to fight the stigma against intersex individuals? The intersex community debates if reinforcing the existence of the gender binary is, after all, beneficial to their own situation.
On the other hand, many disagree over the right wording, not over the concept itself, hence the existence of different phrasings. The term endosex was officially used by many intersex organizations, but other intersex individuals still prefer the words dyadic or perisex.
The phrasing intrasex was also considered, but it was quickly discouraged and discontinued due to the similarity in phonetics and spelling with the word intersex.
Related Terms
Altersex / Alteradic / Transsex / Transexual / Transsexual - Individuals who are born dyadic but posteriorly alter their biological sexual characteristics through reassignment surgery and/or hormonal treatment.
Cisgender - Individuals whose gender identity coincides with their biological sex. Term created by the transgender community to refer to those who are not transgender.
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latexjester · 3 months
THANK YOU Genuinely I’m so uncomfortable when I see people shipping Ted and AM unironically, this may be a personal thing but considering Ted’s treatment of women it’s kind of disgusting to sideline that to be like ‘well he must like men then!’. And you can tell a lot of these people don’t actually KNOW anything about the game or story. He is not AM’s favourite. Obviously. In the game AM calls everyone his favourite, but seems to favour others over Ted (like Nimdok and Benny, he loves messing with Benny, and he says he relates to Nimdok). In the book Ted is just making stuff up to cope. And a lot of the fandom just pretends they don’t see this stuff so they can put it into some ‘toxic yaoi’ thing. Like have fun with media but genuinely can we stop reducing characters into ‘cutesy’ abusive ships thanks guys
FULL agreement with what youre saying anon, teds treatment of women (especially in the character dossier given in the game manual) is really just used an excuse by the majority of new fans as a way to “prove” him only liking men/an excuse for him to be shipped with AM…. even when its explicitly stated within the game AND book AND radio drama that ted is romantically (and sexually) interested in ELLEN!!!! WHICH IN AND OF ITSELF IS DISTURBING WITH HOW HE ACTS - he wants to POSSESS her, to have her sole attention, and he feels ENTITLED to it. which again further proves my point of people just sidelining ellen because shes a woman - on top of bias because shes black and traumatized and people hate woc who dont make way for their perfect yaoi ships. the complete divorcement of ted (canon) vs ted (fanon) is absolutely appalling because people seem to think hes just some Poor Unfortunate Guy :((( as if he didnt get to the point hes at by conning rich women into thinking he was some sort of rich socialite by womanizing them for his own pleasure.
AND YES. nimdok and benny more often experience more torture from AM than the other characters - but despite this AM does not have a favorite!! in playing the game i noticed that the nimdok and benny segments were longer and i would even consider them to be more intensive - AM delights in torturing nimdok, and explicitly states that he reminds it of itself! it states that its DISAPPOINTED in nimdoks humanity, because it sees nimdok as the closest thing to a comparable mind in its own twisted way. benny is the canonically most physically tortured of the five - disfigured, blinded, mentally disabled by AM, reduced to walking on his hands like an ape, his penis disfigured and enlarged as a perversion of his homosexuality! and yet the new fans continuously disregard these characters - not because nimdok is a nazi, and benny is a cannibal - but because theyre unattractive. i consistently see benny left out of fanart outside of being the butt of the joke and it honestly isnt surprising with how these new fans act lmfao
AND YOURE EXACTLY RIGHT - we cant even trust what ted is saying has been done to himself - because his mind isnt whole!!! hes paranoid, unable to distinguish his own delusions from reality! we see it happen in real time within the story!!!! but as you said - maybe we can stop reducing these incredibly complex and intriguing characters into cutesy ships? i thought we wouldve moved past that by now :/
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njabulomash · 1 year
Penis Enlargement in Pretoria+27 60 837 9552: A Complete Guide
Herbal Penis Enlargement in Pretoria: A Complete Guide
If you're looking for a natural way to enlarge your penis, you may have heard about herbal remedies. In Pretoria, South Africa, there are many traditional healers who claim to have natural remedies that can increase penis size. But how effective are these treatments? In this article, we'll explore the world of herbal penis enlargement in Pretoria, including its history, benefits, and risks.
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Introduction to Herbal Penis Enlargement in Pretoria
Herbal penis enlargement has been around for centuries, and many cultures have their own traditional remedies. In Pretoria, traditional healers have been using herbs to treat various conditions, including erectile dysfunction and penis size enhancement. These remedies are usually made from natural ingredients like roots, leaves, and bark, and are taken as a tea or applied topically.
How Herbal Penis Enlargement Works
There are several ways that herbal remedies can increase penis size. Some herbs are known to increase blood flow to the penis, which can result in a larger erection. Others can stimulate the production of testosterone, which can lead to increased muscle mass and a more prominent penis. Some herbs can even increase the number of cells in the penis, resulting in permanent growth.
Popular Herbs for Penis Enlargement in Pretoria
There are many herbs that traditional healers in Pretoria use for penis enlargement. Some of the most popular include:
Imphepho: This herb is known for its calming properties, but it's also used to improve sexual health. It's believed to increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in larger erections.
African potato: This root is used for a variety of purposes, including penis enlargement. It's believed to increase the production of testosterone, leading to larger muscles and a bigger penis.
Muti: This is a term used for traditional medicine in South Africa. There are many muti remedies that claim to enhance penis size. Some of these include a mixture of herbs, roots, and animal parts.
Butea superba: This herb is native to Thailand, but it's also used in traditional African medicine. It's believed to improve sexual function by increasing blood flow to the penis.
Benefits of Herbal Penis Enlargement
One of the main benefits of herbal penis enlargement is that it's a natural solution. Unlike surgery or synthetic drugs, herbal remedies have few side effects and are generally safe to use. They're also affordable and accessible, especially in countries like South Africa where traditional healers are prevalent. Additionally, many men report an increase in self-confidence after using these remedies.
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Risks and Side Effects of Herbal Penis Enlargement
While herbal penis enlargement is generally safe, there are some risks and side effects to be aware of. Some herbs can interact with medications or cause allergic reactions. Others can cause stomach upset or diarrhea. Additionally, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these remedies, and they may not work for everyone.
How to Choose a Herbal Penis Enlargement Remedy
If you're interested in trying herbal penis enlargement, it's important to choose a reputable source. Look for a traditional healer who has experience with these remedies and can provide you with detailed instructions on how to use them. Avoid buying remedies from unlicensed sources or online retailers, as these may be unsafe or ineffective.
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Herbal penis enlargement is a popular practice in Pretoria and other parts of South Africa. While there is little scientific evidence to support these remedies, many men have reported success with them. If you're considering trying herbal penis enlargement, it's important to do your research and choose a reputable traditional healer. Remember, however, that
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