tennyo-elf · 2 years
What I learned about revenge from Love Like the Galaxy:
If you’re going to get revenge make sure you take your favorite vindictive blorbo with you. Otherwise if you take revenge alone, your blorbo might get really fucking pissed and not speak to you for 5 years.
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cpd-55055 · 2 years
do you think that Hailey still has to learn how to communicate properly? Because I have the feeling that she only behaves towards him as if she doesn't want any luck at all and wants to provoke Jay on purpose
Clearly, you're not a fan of Hailey, and that's okay. But saying that all she wants to do is provoke Jay...seriously!
I know a lot of anti-Upstead's claim that Hailey and Jay suck at communicating. And I laugh at that statement. Clearly, this is my opinion, but from all the ships of Chicago PD, Jay and Hailey communicate the best. They aren't perfect at it, and we have seen how lack of communication has affected them, but overall there have been countless times where they communicate with each other. From earlier in their partnership when Hailey and Jay would call each other out, to even their romantic relationship in the later seasons, opening up about their past and trauma they still have.
Yes, there was some lack of communication during the earlier episodes of S10, but I genuinely believe they wrote it that way to create more angst for Jay's exit.
You are allowed to not be a fan of Hailey and Upstead, but saying that she wants to hurt Jay or is intentionally trying to provoke Jay shows that you will literally say anything to bash a character.
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wazzi2ya · 7 months
Angel: I love your bigass, unkempt eyebrows.
Husk: I love your small flat ass.
Angel: I love how you cough a hairball every morning as soon as you get up from bed.
Husk: I love how you clog the shower drain with all the hair you shed every day.
Angel: I love how you own one pair of pants and never wash them.
Husk: I love how you use every pot and pan in the kitchen when cooking and never clean up after yourself.
Charlie, watching from afar: Hey, uh, are they alright? Sounds like they're fighting.
Vaggie: Nah, they're good.
Vaggie: None of them have ever dated anyone who they could be honest to, so they're unloading.
Vaggie: They do it once a week.
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theereina · 2 months
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spirit-lanterns · 4 months
Omg Angey… are you cheating on Navia rn with Robin?
For shame!
FOR THE RECORD, Navia, Robin, and whoever else I decide to wife up, are totally fine to date other people if I have multiple wives. It’s only fair that my wives could have other wives, yeah?
Tis why I say Robin has a harem of Penacony gfs and Navia has her Fontaine gfs <3
We are in a happy inter-universal polycule :D
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humanransome-note · 9 months
hey jon... jon... i know the world has ended jon but please communicate with your boyfriend... he's going through it bud
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Relationship advice please?
I started dating this Tumblr mutual in Jan 2024 he talked to me really nicely and gave me time for the 2 months everything was perfect uk but then March came and he doesn't give me time . He has University and also works so I give him his space but on the weekends aswell he doesn't talk much.
Well have you talked to him about it? If you haven't yet then you certainly should. Tell him how you feel and then see.
From his POV, it's understandable since he has uni + he works so maybe he wants his space or rest so he doesn't talk much but then again, if he can't handle being in a relationship along with managing all that then he shouldn't have entered into one.
So talk to him and see how he does from now on, if he still doesn't change or put in any effort then you should probably ask for a break and then use that to focus on yourself and try to figure things out. And then take your final decision.
Hope it helps!
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theanmolkang · 20 days
How Forgiveness Can Heal Relationship Wounds and Strengthen Bonds
How Forgiveness Can Heal Relationship Wounds and Strengthen Bonds
Healing, Forgiving and Relationships Forgiveness Heals Relationships Have you ever felt the heavy weight of unresolved conflicts burdening your relationships, straining the bonds you once held dear? Imagine a scenario where forgiveness becomes the key to unlocking emotional wounds, paving the way for healing and strengthening connections. In a world where misunderstandings and hurts can sow seeds…
#a simple yet profound act#allowing individuals to move forward and rebuild trust.
In relationships#allowing partners to navigate through conflicts and difficulties. It serves as the cornerstone of a healthy relationship#and a genuine remorse for the pain caused.#and expert insights that illuminate the way forward. Learn how forgiveness#and past hurts#anger#can breathe new life into strained relationships#effective communication#exploring how the act of forgiveness can mend emotional wounds and foster more profound connections. By understanding the role forgiveness p#forgiveness acts as a practical tool#Forgiveness Heals Relationships
Have you ever felt the heavy weight of unresolved conflicts burdening your relationships#forgiveness plays a crucial role in finding resolution and creating a deeper connection. It helps to release the emotional burden and grip o#fostering mutual respect#individuals open themselves up to a renewed sense of trust and the opportunity for a fresh start.
In the context of relationships#offering a fresh start and a renewed sense of trust.
Introduction to the Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human r#offering a path to harmony and deeper understanding.
In this blog#offering a transformative power that has the ability to heal emotional wounds and strengthen bonds. It is a conscious decision to let go of#paving the way for healing and growth. By forgiving#paving the way for healing and strengthening connections. In a world where misunderstandings and hurts can sow seeds of discord#personal stories#relations#Relationships#straining the bonds you once held dear? Imagine a scenario where forgiveness becomes the key to unlocking emotional wounds#the transformative power of forgiveness emerges as a beacon of hope#we delve into the intricate dance between forgiveness and relationship healing#we uncover the science behind this oftentimes difficult yet profoundly rewarding process.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and inte
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sleyaz117 · 5 months
## Is Social Media Sabotaging Your Love Life?
Hey there, social butterflies and texting turtles! Let's talk about relationships in the age of "likes" and "followers."  Social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and even X (Twitter) can be a double-edged sword for our love lives. ️
On the bright side, these platforms can be awesome for:
Finding your perfect match:  Remember when finding a date meant waiting by the phone?  Social media lets you connect with people who share your interests, no awkward blind dates needed!
Keeping the spark alive:  Sharing funny memes, sending flirty DMs, or posting a cute couple pic can keep things exciting, especially in long-distance relationships.❤️
Staying connected:  Busy schedules? No problem! Social media lets you share updates and stay in touch with your partner throughout the day.   
But hold on, there's a flip side. Social media can also lead to:
Unrealistic expectations: People often post the highlight reels of their lives, not the everyday stuff. Don't compare your behind-the-scenes moments to someone else's carefully curated feed!  
Jealousy drama: Seeing your partner "liking" someone else's photo can spark unnecessary fights. Remember, social media doesn't show the whole story!  
Less face-to-face time: Scrolling through endless feeds can steal precious moments you could be spending connecting with your partner IRL.
So, what's the takeaway? Social media can be a fun tool to connect and share with your partner, but it shouldn't replace real-life interaction.
Here's the challenge:  Put your phone down for an hour tonight, have a genuine conversation with your boo, and see how much closer you feel!  ️
Remember, strong relationships are built on trust, communication, and quality time together. Let's keep it real and make social media a plus, not a minus, in our love lives!  ➕❤️
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esotericalchemist · 29 days
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𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 *☾
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In astrology, Saturn is known as the "Great Teacher" or "Taskmaster." This planet governs discipline, responsibility, and the lessons learned through hard work and perseverance. Saturn's influence often brings challenges, delays, and restrictions, but it also offers the potential for growth, maturity, and wisdom. Saturn teaches us that lasting success is achieved through patience, careful planning, and a deep understanding of our limitations and strengths. While its lessons can be tough, they are ultimately transformative, helping us build a solid foundation for long-term achievements. In this post, I'll explore the general meaning of Saturn in astrology, discuss how to navigate its challenges, and explain where these lessons can lead in terms of personal and spiritual growth.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Aries, it brings together two contrasting energies. Aries, driven by Mars, is all about action, initiative, and a pioneering spirit, while Saturn focuses on discipline, limitations, and patience. These two forces don’t naturally align—Saturn’s cautious, methodical approach can feel at odds with Aries’ impulsive and fast-paced nature. If you have Saturn in Aries, you might find it challenging to assert yourself confidently or feel held back when trying to take initiative. This placement encourages you to find a balance between acting on impulse and planning carefully, teaching you to channel Aries' fiery energy into disciplined and productive efforts.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop patience and self-mastery in expressing your identity and leadership by focusing on building inner confidence through disciplined self-improvement, ultimately resulting in a strong, resilient sense of self that commands respect and authority. 2nd House: The key lesson is to learn financial discipline and align your values with long-term goals by practicing careful financial planning and avoiding impulsive spending, leading to lasting financial stability and a deeper understanding of your values. 3rd House: The focus is on mastering clear and effective communication through precise expression and patient learning, which strengthens your communication skills and fosters solid relationships within your community. 4th House: The lesson involves building emotional security and stability at home by creating a strong, supportive foundation through patience and responsibility, ultimately achieving a secure, nurturing home environment and deep emotional resilience. 5th House: The challenge is to express creativity and love with responsibility and discipline by channeling creative impulses into structured, meaningful projects, which leads to fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and lasting joy in personal relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing discipline in work, health, and daily routines by establishing consistent, healthy habits and a strong work ethic, resulting in success in work and robust health through disciplined daily practices. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and commitment in relationships by building them slowly, focusing on trust and mutual responsibility, which can lead to deep, enduring partnerships based on mutual respect and stability. 8th House: The key is to confront fears around transformation and shared resources by approaching change and intimacy with careful planning and emotional resilience, ultimately leading to empowerment through facing challenges, resulting in deep personal and financial security. 9th House: The lesson involves cultivating a disciplined pursuit of higher knowledge and beliefs by approaching learning and travel with patience and a structured mindset, leading to deep wisdom and strong, well-founded beliefs that guide your life. 10th House: The focus is on achieving career goals through persistent, disciplined effort by building your professional reputation slowly and focusing on long-term success, which results in significant career achievements and a lasting, respected legacy. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and ambitions by building meaningful, stable friendships and pursuing goals with long-term planning, ultimately achieving your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: The key is to face inner fears and limitations with discipline by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with patience and commitment, leading to deep spiritual growth and inner peace through overcoming personal challenges.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Taurus, it highlights themes around stability, security, material possessions, and values. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is naturally associated with comfort, luxury, and the enjoyment of earthly pleasures. However, Saturn’s influence introduces a more cautious and disciplined approach to these areas. Achieving the comfort and security that Taurus desires often requires significant hard work, patience, and sustained effort under Saturn’s influence. This placement teaches important lessons about building a solid foundation, managing resources wisely, and adopting a consistent, long-term approach to material and financial matters. Saturn in Taurus challenges you to balance your desire for material wealth and comfort with the need for responsibility, careful planning, and long-term vision.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a stable and grounded sense of self by building your identity on solid values and a patient approach to personal growth, leading to a strong, dependable self-image that others trust and respect. 2nd House: You learn to manage finances and resources with discipline by focusing on building wealth slowly through careful planning and saving, ultimately achieving long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating patience and consistency in communication and learning by approaching education and interactions with a steady, practical mindset, resulting in strong communication skills and reliable, well-developed knowledge. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life by creating a solid emotional and physical foundation for your family, which leads to a deeply rooted sense of security and a harmonious home environment. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love in a stable, consistent manner by channeling your creative talents into enduring projects and cultivating lasting relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creativity and stable, loving relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a consistent routine and disciplined approach to work and health by establishing and maintaining steady habits in your daily life and job, resulting in career success and robust health through a balanced lifestyle. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by building relationships on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and long-term commitment, leading to stable, enduring partnerships that bring mutual security and comfort. 8th House: You confront challenges related to shared resources and deep emotional bonds by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and responsibility, leading to empowerment through managing shared resources wisely and achieving emotional stability. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a grounded and practical approach to higher learning and beliefs by pursuing knowledge and spiritual growth with patience and real-world application, resulting in deep wisdom and well-established beliefs that guide your life with stability. 10th House: You achieve career success through persistent, disciplined effort by building your professional life on a foundation of reliability and long-term goals, leading to significant, lasting career achievements and a strong professional reputation. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and long-term goals by pursuing friendships and ambitions with a steady, consistent approach, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to find stability and security within yourself, even in solitude, by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with a focus on inner peace and self-sufficiency, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner security that transcends external circumstances.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Gemini, it introduces a disciplined, cautious, and sometimes restrictive energy to the areas of communication, intellect, and adaptability. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, typically thrives on quick thinking, versatility, and the exchange of ideas, but Saturn’s influence tends to slow these processes down, urging you to be more deliberate in your thoughts, communication, and learning. This placement often teaches the value of clear and precise communication, the benefits of structured and methodical thinking, and the necessity of developing patience in both learning and social interactions. Saturn in Gemini challenges you to transform your intellectual skills into something solid and dependable, emphasizing depth and substance over superficiality in all matters related to the mind and communication.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop well-structured, clear self-expression by refining your communication style and presenting yourself with clarity and confidence, leading to a strong, articulate identity that earns respect for its depth and consistency. 2nd House: You learn to communicate your values and manage financial matters with care by approaching finances and self-worth with a practical, well-considered mindset, resulting in financial stability and a secure sense of self rooted in clear values and effective communication. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication and learning by taking the time to master communication skills and develop well-organized knowledge, leading to strong, reliable communication abilities and a reputation for being well-informed. 4th House: The lesson involves building a stable, communicative home environment by fostering open and structured communication within your family and creating a mentally stimulating home life, resulting in a secure and intellectually rich home that promotes comfort and growth. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and joy in a disciplined, thoughtful manner by channeling creative energies into structured projects and approaching love and leisure with thoughtful engagement, leading to fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing disciplined communication and adaptability in daily work and health routines by establishing structured work habits and clear communication in the workplace, leading to career success and improved health through well-organized routines. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in communication within partnerships by building relationships on clear, thoughtful communication and mutual respect, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep understanding. 8th House: You confront challenges related to communication about shared resources and deep emotions by approaching sensitive topics with caution and thoughtful communication, leading to empowerment through wise resource management and emotional resilience. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to higher learning and philosophical communication by pursuing knowledge and spiritual growth with patience and clear expression, resulting in deep wisdom and a solid philosophical foundation that guides your life. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined communication and structured intellectual work by building your professional life on clear, organized communication and long-term projects, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for clarity and intellect. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and intellectual pursuits by pursuing friendships and ambitions with consistent communication and a focus on long-term goals, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and intellectually stimulating connections. 12th House: You learn to find mental clarity and discipline in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with a focus on structured thinking, leading to deep spiritual growth and inner peace that transcends external distractions.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Cancer, it introduces a disciplined and sometimes restrictive energy to the emotional and nurturing qualities that define this sign. Cancer, governed by the Moon, is deeply connected to emotions, home, family, and a sense of security. Saturn’s presence in this sign can create a tension between the natural inclination for emotional expression and the need for control and stability. This placement often brings important lessons about managing emotions, developing emotional resilience, and finding a sense of security within yourself rather than depending solely on external factors. Saturn in Cancer challenges you to build a strong emotional foundation, emphasizing the importance of responsibility in caring for both yourself and others while navigating the complexities of feelings and attachments.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop emotional resilience and a grounded sense of self-expression by cultivating inner strength and learning to express your emotions with maturity and control, resulting in a strong, stable self-image that balances emotional depth with responsibility. 2nd House: You learn to manage emotional security and financial stability with care by focusing on building a solid financial foundation and nurturing your sense of self-worth, leading to long-term financial security and a deep sense of self rooted in emotional stability. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful emotional communication by approaching interactions with emotional intelligence and care, fostering meaningful connections, and resulting in strong, emotionally intelligent communication skills and reliable relationships. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure, stable home life and managing family responsibilities with care by creating a nurturing, emotionally secure home environment through patience and dedication, leading to a deeply rooted sense of security and a harmonious family life. 5th House: You learn to express love and creativity in a disciplined, emotionally aware manner by channeling your emotional and creative energies into structured, meaningful projects and relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and emotionally rich, stable relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing disciplined emotional routines and a responsible approach to work and health by establishing consistent habits that support both your emotional well-being and physical health, resulting in career success and improved health through emotionally balanced, well-organized routines. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in emotionally charged partnerships by building relationships on a foundation of emotional maturity, trust, and mutual respect, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep emotional understanding and mutual support. 8th House: You confront emotional fears and challenges related to intimacy and shared resources by approaching deep emotional issues and financial matters with caution and resilience, leading to empowerment through managing these challenges wisely and achieving profound personal growth. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to emotional and philosophical growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with emotional maturity and a focus on deeper understanding, resulting in deep wisdom and a solid emotional foundation that guides your life. 10th House: You achieve career success through emotional discipline and responsible leadership by building your professional life on a foundation of emotional intelligence and long-term planning, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation for maturity and responsibility. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in emotionally driven social networks and long-term goals by pursuing friendships and ambitions with emotional intelligence and a focus on nurturing supportive connections, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social networks. 12th House: You learn to find emotional security and peace in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on emotional healing and inner stability, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace that transcends external circumstances.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Leo, it introduces a disciplined and sometimes restrictive energy to the self-expressive, creative, and leadership-oriented qualities of this sign. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is naturally associated with confidence, creativity, and a strong desire to lead and be recognized. However, Saturn's influence can make it challenging to express these qualities freely, often teaching important lessons about the responsible use of power, the need for humility, and the value of earning respect through consistent effort rather than simply expecting it. This placement may also bring a sense of caution or hesitation in self-expression, making it essential to develop inner confidence through discipline and perseverance. Saturn in Leo challenges you to balance your desire for recognition with the maturity and responsibility required for true leadership.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop disciplined self-expression and leadership by cultivating confidence through steady personal growth and responsible use of creative energy, leading to a strong, respected presence that combines creativity with maturity and integrity. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and self-worth with care and responsibility by focusing on building financial stability and a secure sense of self through disciplined efforts, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth based on real accomplishments. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and confident communication and creative thinking by approaching learning and communication with patience, ensuring your ideas are expressed clearly and confidently, which leads to strong communication skills and a reputation for thoughtful, creative expression. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with responsible leadership within the family by creating a nurturing, supportive environment through disciplined efforts and emotional maturity, leading to a harmonious and respected family life. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love in a disciplined, responsible manner by channeling your creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities and relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support your professional goals and physical well-being, resulting in success in your career and improved health through disciplined, creative work habits. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by balancing leadership with cooperation, building relationships on mutual respect, responsible self-expression, and a balance of power, leading to stable, enduring partnerships. 8th House: You confront challenges related to power, control, and shared resources with responsibility by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and disciplined self-expression, leading to empowerment through responsible management and deep emotional resilience. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical and creative growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with responsibility, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with integrity and creativity. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined leadership and responsible self-expression by building your professional life on a foundation of mature leadership and steady effort, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and creative ambitions by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to express your creativity and leadership in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on disciplined self-expression and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner confidence that transcends external recognition.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Virgo, it highlights themes of precision, practicality, and service. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, naturally gravitates toward analytical thinking, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic. Saturn’s influence in Virgo intensifies these traits but also introduces challenges such as perfectionism, over-criticism, and a tendency to become overly fixated on flaws and imperfections. This placement often teaches important lessons about balancing efficiency with flexibility and managing responsibilities in a way that promotes both productivity and self-care. Saturn in Virgo challenges you to adopt a disciplined and organized approach to life while learning to accept imperfections and avoid getting lost in minor details that may not serve the bigger picture.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined and precise approach to self-expression by cultivating a strong personal identity through attention to detail and self-improvement, leading to a well-organized, respected presence that combines practicality with confidence. 2nd House: You learn to manage your resources and self-worth with meticulous care and responsibility by focusing on building financial stability and self-esteem through disciplined work and careful planning, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth based on practical achievements. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and precise communication and analytical thinking by approaching learning and communication with clarity, accuracy, and practical application, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being thorough and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a stable and organized home life with careful attention to detail by creating a well-maintained, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, leading to a harmonious and well-structured home life that provides comfort and security. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and attention to detail by channeling your energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize quality over quantity, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, thoughtful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support your professional goals and physical well-being, paying attention to details, resulting in career success and improved health through well-organized habits. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by balancing criticism with support, building relationships on mutual respect and practical cooperation, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by shared responsibilities. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and deep analysis by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution, meticulous planning, and an analytical mindset, leading to empowerment through responsible management and a deep understanding of complex issues. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical and analytical growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with practical application and attention to detail, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-structured philosophical outlook. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined work and attention to detail by building your professional life on careful planning, organization, and a commitment to excellence, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for reliability and precision. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and analytical pursuits by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach to organization and practical analysis, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and analysis in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-improvement and practical growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and clarity from disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Libra, it introduces a structured and disciplined influence to the areas of relationships, balance, and fairness. Libra, ruled by Venus, is naturally linked to harmony, partnerships, and a strong sense of justice. Saturn's presence in Libra is particularly potent, as Saturn is exalted in this sign, meaning it operates very effectively here. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the importance of responsibility and commitment in relationships, the need to establish clear boundaries, and the ongoing challenge of maintaining balance in various aspects of life. Saturn in Libra encourages you to approach partnerships and social interactions with maturity and fairness, highlighting the significance of long-term commitment, diplomacy, and the cultivation of stable, enduring relationships.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a balanced, disciplined approach to self-expression and relationships by cultivating a strong sense of fairness and responsibility in your interactions, leading to a respected presence that harmonizes personal needs with a commitment to fairness in relationships. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on balance and fairness by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and a commitment to long-term stability, resulting in financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in balanced values. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and fair communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity, diplomacy, and fairness in all interactions, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being thoughtful, fair-minded, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and balanced home life by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts and a commitment to fairness within the family, resulting in a stable, peaceful home life and strong, respectful family relationships. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with a sense of responsibility and balance by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize fairness and commitment, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, harmonious relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, balanced approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical well-being with an emphasis on fairness and service, leading to career success and improved health through well-balanced habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment and fairness in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and responsibility, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect, fairness, and long-term stability. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, intimacy, and shared resources with fairness by approaching deep emotional and financial matters with diplomacy and balance, leading to empowerment through responsible management and deep emotional connections built on fairness and trust. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, balanced approach to philosophical and spiritual growth by pursuing knowledge with a focus on fairness and justice, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with integrity and balance. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined leadership and a commitment to fairness by building your professional life on fairness, justice, and long-term planning, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for balanced leadership. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach to fairness and cooperation, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections built on mutual respect. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and balance in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on inner balance, fairness, and self-reflection, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and balance from disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Scorpio, it brings a disciplined, intense, and transformative energy to a sign known for its emotional depth, intensity, and focus on power and transformation. Scorpio, ruled by Mars and co-ruled by Pluto, is connected with themes of regeneration, secrets, and control. Saturn's influence in Scorpio often presents challenges related to managing deep-seated fears, navigating power dynamics, and dealing with emotional complexities. This placement teaches crucial lessons about developing emotional resilience, confronting and overcoming fears, and the responsible use of power. Saturn in Scorpio pushes you to explore the depths of your psyche, confront your inner shadows, and emerge stronger and more disciplined, turning challenges into opportunities for profound personal growth.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a strong, resilient sense of self that can handle intensity and transformation by cultivating emotional discipline and navigating personal challenges with strength and control, leading to a powerful self-identity that commands respect and handles life’s challenges with grace. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with emotional depth and security by approaching financial matters and self-worth with discipline, focusing on long-term security and emotional stability, resulting in financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in resilience. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and intense communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity, depth, and a strategic mindset, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being insightful, strategic, and emotionally intelligent. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and emotionally resilient home life by creating a stable, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a deeply rooted sense of security and a strong, emotionally stable family life. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with intensity and responsibility by channeling creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize emotional depth, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and emotional health, leading to career success and improved health through emotionally aware, balanced habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, depth, and emotional resilience in partnerships by building relationships on trust, responsibility, and a willingness to confront and resolve emotional challenges, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep emotional connections. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, intimacy, and transformation by approaching deep emotional and financial matters with caution and discipline, leading to empowerment through responsible management of shared resources and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, transformative approach to philosophical and spiritual growth by pursuing knowledge with deep understanding and resilience, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life through transformation. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, intense focus and responsible leadership by building your professional life on emotional strength, strategic thinking, and commitment to transformation, leading to significant career achievements and a reputation for resilience and depth. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and transformative goals by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with emotional depth and shared transformation, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and transformation in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on emotional healing and inner strength, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace through disciplined self-reflection and resilience.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Sagittarius, it brings a disciplined and structured energy to a sign naturally associated with expansion, philosophy, and the quest for truth. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is characterized by its optimism, love of adventure, and pursuit of higher knowledge. However, Saturn's influence in this sign introduces challenges around balancing the desire for freedom and exploration with the need for discipline, responsibility, and focus. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the importance of patience in the pursuit of wisdom, the necessity of grounding expansive ideas in reality, and the challenge of maintaining optimism and faith even when faced with obstacles. Saturn in Sagittarius encourages you to develop a mature, disciplined approach to your beliefs, goals, and personal growth, urging you to combine your love for exploration with a practical and responsible mindset.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression and personal growth by cultivating patience and responsibility in how you present yourself and pursue your goals, leading to a strong, respected self-identity that balances adventure with maturity and wisdom. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with discipline and a focus on long-term goals by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and grounding your optimism in practical plans, resulting in long-term financial stability and a deep sense of self-worth. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication and learning by expressing ideas with clarity and a structured approach, balancing curiosity with responsibility, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being wise and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with philosophical and spiritual grounding by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, peaceful home enriched by shared beliefs and a sense of adventure. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on higher ideals by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize growth and wisdom, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing higher purpose and integrity, leading to career success and improved health aligned with your beliefs. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, honesty, and shared values in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and long-term growth. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and philosophical transformation by approaching emotional and financial matters with caution, discipline, and a focus on growth, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge with structured learning and practical application, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, ethical leadership and a commitment to long-term goals by building your professional life on integrity and higher ideals, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for wisdom and ethical leadership. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with discipline and a shared vision, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and philosophical understanding in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on inner growth and the application of higher wisdom, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and clarity.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Capricorn, it resides in its own sign, where its energy is particularly strong and functions naturally. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, embodies qualities such as discipline, ambition, structure, and a strong sense of duty. With Saturn in Capricorn, the emphasis is on hard work, responsibility, and long-term planning. This placement teaches important lessons about the value of perseverance, the need to work within established frameworks, and the significance of building a solid foundation for future success. Saturn in Capricorn challenges you to approach life with patience and discipline, to set realistic goals, and to steadily work toward achieving them, often by overcoming obstacles and demonstrating your endurance and commitment.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined and responsible approach to self-expression and personal identity by cultivating a strong sense of self through steady growth, focusing on long-term goals and resilience, leading to a respected presence that combines ambition with maturity and a solid, enduring sense of self. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with discipline and a focus on long-term financial stability by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in hard work and practical achievements. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and practical communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity and structure, and approaching learning with patience and thoroughness, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being reliable, thoughtful, and pragmatic. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with a focus on responsibility and tradition by creating a well-structured, supportive home environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, harmonious home life and strong family relationships rooted in respect and mutual responsibility. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on lasting value by channeling creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize long-term commitment, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing responsibility and structure, leading to career success and improved health through well-organized, disciplined habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, responsibility, and stability in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect, duty, and a commitment to long-term growth, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and shared goals. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and deep emotional responsibility by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and discipline, focusing on building long-term security and trust, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal growth. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, structured approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with practical application and long-term goals, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with maturity and discipline. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, structured leadership and a commitment to long-term goals by building your professional life on integrity, responsibility, and hard work, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation for leadership and endurance. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of long-term, collective goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with discipline and a focus on collective growth, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social networks. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and responsibility in solitude, spiritual practices, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner strength, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and resilience through disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Aquarius, it highlights the importance of discipline, responsibility, and structure within the realms of innovation, social causes, and intellectual pursuits. Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn and co-ruled by Uranus, is associated with humanitarian ideals, technological advancements, and a progressive mindset. Saturn’s influence in Aquarius emphasizes the need for structure and long-term planning in these areas, urging you to balance your desire for freedom and progress with the necessity of rules, order, and accountability. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the significance of working within a collective framework, the responsibility of contributing to society, and the discipline needed to turn innovative ideas into practical reality. Saturn in Aquarius challenges you to responsibly push boundaries and contribute meaningfully to the greater good.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression by balancing individuality with social responsibility, cultivating a strong, unique identity while considering the impact on the broader community, leading to a respected presence that combines personal authenticity with a commitment to social progress. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on innovation and long-term stability by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and grounding innovative ideas in practical strategies, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in contributions to collective well-being. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined, forward-thinking communication and intellectual pursuits by expressing ideas with clarity, structure, and a commitment to social progress, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being innovative, thoughtful, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure, forward-looking home life with a focus on social responsibility and progress by creating a stable, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a harmonious home that encourages individual freedom within a structured family setting. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on innovation and long-term impact by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize originality and responsibility, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and innovative relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, innovative approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, with an emphasis on efficiency and social impact, leading to career success and improved health through innovative habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, innovation, and social responsibility in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to long-term stability and social progress, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by innovation and shared contributions to society. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and transformative innovation by approaching financial and emotional matters with discipline and a focus on collective growth, leading to empowerment through responsible management of shared resources and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, forward-thinking approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with innovation, social responsibility, and structured learning, resulting in deep wisdom and a philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity and innovation. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, innovative leadership and a commitment to social progress by building your professional life on integrity, responsibility, and a dedication to long-term success through innovative solutions, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for leadership and social responsibility. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with a disciplined approach to innovation and collective growth, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and innovative thinking in solitude, spiritual practices, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and resilience through disciplined self-reflection and a commitment to personal and social transformation.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Pisces, it introduces a structured and disciplined energy to the fluid, intuitive, and spiritual nature of this Water sign. Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, is connected with dreams, imagination, compassion, and a profound link to the collective unconscious. Saturn's influence in Pisces brings challenges related to grounding these ethereal qualities into practical reality. This placement often teaches important lessons about setting boundaries, managing escapist tendencies, and applying discipline to spiritual and creative pursuits. Saturn in Pisces encourages you to balance your sensitivity and idealism with the need for structure, responsibility, and perseverance, ultimately guiding you to turn your dreams into tangible achievements.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression by balancing intuition with practicality, cultivating a strong sense of self grounded in realistic goals and disciplined action, leading to a respected presence that combines sensitivity with strength and the ability to manifest dreams into reality. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on spiritual and material balance by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility, resulting in long-term financial stability and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in a balanced approach to material and spiritual values. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication by expressing ideas with a blend of creativity and practicality, ensuring that your message is inspired and grounded, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being insightful, imaginative, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and spiritually fulfilling home life by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, peaceful home that provides emotional support and fosters spiritual well-being. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on meaningful, inspired work by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that blend imagination with responsibility, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, compassionate approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing spiritual and emotional balance, leading to career success and improved health through compassionate habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, compassion, and emotional boundaries in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and shared spiritual growth, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and compassion. 8th House: You confront challenges related to emotional depth, shared resources, and spiritual transformation by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and discipline, focusing on deep emotional and spiritual healing, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, spiritually grounded approach to philosophical and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge with a balance of faith and practical application, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity and compassion. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, compassionate leadership and a commitment to long-term spiritual and professional goals by building your professional life on integrity and responsibility, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for leadership and spiritual integrity. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of collective, idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with a disciplined approach to collective growth, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections built on shared spiritual goals. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and spiritual understanding in solitude, introspection, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace through disciplined self-reflection and spiritual practice.
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katiemods · 2 years
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Mega Interactions Mods - The One With All The Romance (in development)
Just another sneak peek of something else I’m working on....
This is still in development, but just wanted to give a sneak peak because I can’t wait to finish this mod since I low key want to play it too lol
*** EDIT: The beta version is now out on my Patreon only. ***
Planned Features:
Get To Know: Have conversation starters to keep your interactions more interesting. (e.g. “What do you like to do for fun?”, “What would your dream date night be?”, “Tell me about yourself”, etc)
Choose which pick up line or compliment you want to use when flirting with another Sim.
You can talk about Relationship Milestones such as moving in together, saying I love you for the first time, having children, meeting the parents, etc.
Discuss Relationship: Have healthy discussions about things that are missing in a relationship. These interactions will strengthen the relationship instead of weakening it. (e.g. “Ask for more communication”, “I need more space”, etc)
Tired of asking nicely? Argue about it! Have a variety of Arguments that will have a negative impact on the relationship. (e.g. “We never have fun anymore”, “Why are you so jealous?”, “Who are you texting?”, “Why am I never a priority for you?”, etc)
Arguing too much? Maybe it’s time for a break up. Different reasons for Break Ups will result in different responses.
I don’t have a release date planned for this one yet since there is a lot to be worked on, but hopefully I can release a beta version of this soon.  EDIT: The beta version is now out on my Patreon!!! See link below.
If there is a lot of interest on this, I might prioritize it to try and release it sooner. Let me know with a like or reblog if you like this idea! :)
Click here if you want to make my day and support this mod’s development. I would love to hear your feedback on the beta version before release ❤️  
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ezukll · 7 months
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Mars in the first house is a placement that can embody strong, passionate, and commanding energy. A person with this placement may have a confident, direct, and ambitious approach to life. They can be outspoken, willing to take risks, and unafraid to go after what they want. They may also have a strong drive to succeed and a competitive nature. However, Mars can also symbolize anger and aggression, which can lead to outbursts and confrontations. Finding a healthy way to harness and express the energy can be key in unlocking one's highest potential.
Mars in the 2nd House is a placement that can have a strong focus on material possessions, self-value, and resources. A person with this placement may have a tendency to be ambitious and driven when it comes to accumulating wealth and creating a comfortable and safe environment. This can also indicate that they may be stubborn or set in their ways about their values and possessions. It can also mean that they may feel defensive about their beliefs, values, or ideals, potentially leading to confrontations if their boundaries are crossed.
Mars in the 3rd House can indicate a strong desire for expansion and adventure when it comes to communication and mental pursuits. The person with this placement may have a strong focus and drive to communicate their ideas and opinions. They may be very vocal and opinionated, and can be assertive when they want to make their views known. However, they can also be very stubborn and unwilling to see other perspectives. They may tend to jump into conversations or arguments without thinking things through first.
Mars in the 4th House suggests a strong passion and energy in the private realm of home and family. The person with this placement may have a strong drive for protecting and providing for their family and those they care about. They may have a need for security and a sense of safety in their inner world. They may be very protective of their home environment and those they care about and may have a strong desire to ensure the wellbeing and comfort of their family. However, this may also lead to a tendency towards possessiveness and controlling tendencies.
Mars in the 5th House represents passion and energy focused towards creativity, play, and pleasure. The person with this placement may have a strong desire to express themselves through creative outlets and to make memories with their loved ones. They may be very passionate about romantic relationships and self-expression through creativity. This placement can also indicate a strong focus on having fun and engaging in thrilling, exciting experiences. On a more negative note, this could also lead to excessive pleasure-seeking or an addictive personality.
Mars in the 6th House represents energy and passion directed towards the mundane tasks and routines of life. The person with this placement may be very dedicated and hard-working in their daily tasks and can have a strong work ethic. They may tend to take on too many obligations and be unwilling to ask for help. They may also have stronger reactions and frustration when things don't go to plan, particularly in matters related to their health, work, and responsibilities. This placement may indicate a tendency to take on too much responsibility, which can lead to exhaustion and frustration.
Mars in the 7th House is associated with passion and energy directed towards relationships and partnerships. The person with this placement may have a strong desire for a committed and passionate relationship. They may have a competitive approach to relationships and can sometimes feel like they are at odds with their partner. Additionally, they may have a strong desire to win their partner's admiration or respect. They may be a passionate debater and be willing to fight for what they believe in. They may also be more argumentative and quick to confrontation when it comes to their relationships.
Mars in the 8th House can point towards strong passion and energy in matters of the 8th House, which include death and transformation, sexuality, intimacy, the occult, and deeper psychological dimensions. The person with this placement may have great willpower and determination when it comes to exploring these aspects of life. They may have a strong connection to their emotions and be willing to go deep when it comes to understanding their feelings and personal boundaries. This may lead to a willingness to confront darkness and explore the unknown. They may also thrive on deep, intense connections.
Mars in the 9th House represents a strong passion and energy directed towards philosophy, knowledge, exploration, and higher education. The person with this placement may have a significant focus on learning and expanding their understanding of the world. They may find passion and stimulation through gaining wisdom and deeper knowledge. They may have strong opinions and beliefs about higher truths and knowledge and may have a strong desire to discover the hidden dimensions of life. They may also be drawn to studying other cultures and expanding their worldview.
Mars in the 10th House signifies a strong passion and energy focused towards career, status, legacy, and authority. The person with this placement may have a competitive and driven approach to their career. They may be hardworking, confident, and assertive in pursuing their career ambitions. They may have leadership abilities and may feel fulfilled in a structured, professional environment. They may have strong initiative and willingness to take action in pursuing their goals. They can also have a strong focus on their public image and reputation.
Mars in the 11th House points towards passion and energy that is directed towards friendship, community, and social groups. The person with this placement may have a strong desire to be a part of a community and may be more comfortable with group interactions than 1-on-1 relationships. They may enjoy the support and stability of a collective and can be good at working together with others. They may also be more assertive and outspoken when it takes a position of leadership in a group. They may enjoy having a network of supportive relationships.
Mars in the 12th House points towards an intense and subconscious energy that is deeply personal. People with this placement may have a strong connection to their emotions and imagination. They may feel a desire to be alone and prefer to delve deep into their subconscious and explore their inner world. They may have a deep desire for connection to a higher power or something metaphysical. They may feel like they need to take time to recharge and understand themselves more deeply before they can truly commit to someone else. A 12th House Mars can be more prone to issues related to depression and escapism.
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harmoonix · 6 months
Mars and the sports in the birth chart:
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💥 We all know Mars is a planet who needs a lot of movement/motion/action/stimulation and of course competition, and in a birth chart Mars can indicate a passion for that, here are some examples 💥
Mars aspecting the North Node can indicate being involved with sports in your life, maybe you wanna make a living out of a sport you like, for ex, swimming or football/soccer etc
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can indicate a career involved with sports, making a sport your job/career
Mars in the 1st/6th/10th and 11th/12th house need a lot of movement in their lives try waking up with a running outside if is comfortable for you, maybe with yoga or meditation
Mars in the 1H / 2H /5H and 10H can have athletic bodies which can be a boost/bonus when they're practicing a sport
Mars in the 4H can indicate a person from your family can be involved with sports/a sport- passionate person! They may get you into sports aswell
Mars in the 9H/12H is really good if they practice something between mediation - yoga and sport in the same time because it can help them a lot
Mars aspecting Chiron can help you to get out of your fears by using a sport/gym/personal motivation
Mars in the 3rd house can be very attracted into being motivational to others or to themselves, and here we bring the podcasts (take care *healthy podcasts* not toxic ones) or that one person who watches yoga from their tv at home
Mars in the 3rd house can aslo develop a passion for bikes or motorcycles so if that helps you and your body do it!!!
Mars in the 11H can be into a sport where involves communication and friendship (team work) such as team sports like football/basketball/volley and more..
Mars in the 6H needs lot of mental stimulation in order to enjoy/start their day maybe try a little bit of body movement after waking up like waking up your muscles and you can feel a lottt better
Mars in the 8H can be actually invest a lot in sports, either be watching sports from home either practicing a sport themselves, sports can also bring them money or wealth
Mars aspecting Uranus are known for being talented already, dancing/body movement/gymnastics/ballet is a good key for them
Mars aspecting Sun can easily have a passion for everything they get into, whatever it is they'll enjoy it
Mars aspecting Neptune on the other hand can be good at teaching others, especially in sports like gymnastics/yoga they're good mentors
Mars aspecting Moon needs an emotional boost before starting their day try to listen to music and practice body movement in the same time it can help
Mars aspecting Saturn can either have sensbile bones or really strong bones it really depends here, a good massage can help them with their body movement a lottt
Mars aspecting Venus can have a healthy routine/ a healthy relationship with their body so there just try to make whatever your body feels the best/most comfortable with
Mars aspecting Mercury can be good at encouraging which may help in not losing hope/getting better and better everyday
Mars RETROGRADE in your natal chart can indicate a sport can help you much better, can improve your life and your mental Health
Mars aspecting the South Node at first can be a bit shy/confused if they are into sports or not but if they're truly passionate about it they can get attached to that
Mars sitting empty in a chart/little or no aspects to Mars can indicate not really a passion to sports but you still wanna do something to improve your life and your body
Mars aspecting the Ascendant natives already have that very athletic energy, they're that type of person who can be good at any sport if they have the ambition for it
Mars in the 7H can be good at improving their love lives with using sport as a tool. Maybe you and your partner share both a passion for sports (which btw is a really cute thing to have), that type of couple who goes running every morning
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
• Sun in Groom persona chart •
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✨ you guys requested this series of groom persona chart, so here it is. Today I am gonna cover sun in the houses of Groom pc .
Sun in the houses :
💖 1st house : your fs is likely to have a strong sense of self confidence and Vitality . They may have commanding presence and charismatic personality. They may possess natural leadership abilities and a desire to take charge in various situations. This can make them stand out in social settings. They are likely to be expressive and have a clear sense of identity . They may be quite open about their thoughts and feelings. You fs may seek attention and recognition from others. They might enjoy being in the spotlight and receiving praise for their accomplishments. They are likely to be determined and have a strong will . When they set their mind on something they pursue with vigor. They may have generally positive and optimistic outlook on life, which can be infectious to those around them. Sun in the 1st house can also influence physical appearance , potentially indicating a strong , healthy and attractive look. While they may have admirable qualities , they might also need to watch out for excessive pride or ego , which can sometimes leads to conflicts.
💖 2nd house : When the Sun is in the 2nd house of your groom's persona chart, it can uniquely indicate that your future spouse's identity and life purpose are intricately tied to their ability to create and sustain value. This placement suggests a person who doesn't just seek financial stability but sees wealth creation as a form of self-expression. They may have a unique approach to wealth that blends creativity with practicality, turning passions and hobbies into lucrative ventures. This placement can denote a person who values authenticity in their possessions and relationships. They might prefer quality over quantity, investing in items or experiences that reflect their true self and bring lasting joy rather than fleeting satisfaction. your future spouse might also possess a natural talent for identifying hidden potential in people and things. This ability to see value where others might not could lead them to success in areas such as investing, art collecting, or any field where discerning true worth is key. This placement might indicate that your spouse’s journey involves transforming their relationship with material wealth, learning to balance their innate desire for security with a deeper understanding of self-worth that transcends possessions. This unique blend of traits can create a dynamic and enriching partnership where you both grow and thrive.
💖3rd house: Your future spouse may stand out as an intellectual leader in their community.They may have a unique ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to innovative solutions and creative projects. This knack for seeing the bigger picture can make them a visionary in their field.They could excel in multiple areas, from writing and public speaking to technology and social media. Your future spouse might have a natural talent for connecting people, creating networks, and fostering collaborations. They can effortlessly bring different groups together, facilitating teamwork and community building. Their love for variety and learning may lead them to travel frequently, seeking out new experiences and cultures. They might enjoy exploring different places and sharing their adventures through blogging, vlogging, or social media. With a strong emphasis on continuous learning, they may always be enrolled in a new course, reading the latest books, or attending seminars. This lifelong pursuit of knowledge can keep them dynamic and adaptable. They might have a passion for teaching and mentoring others, finding fulfillment in helping others grow intellectually. This could manifest in formal education roles or informal settings, like community workshops or online platforms.
💖 4th house : Your future spouse might possess an extraordinary ability to turn any space into a vibrant, lively, and welcoming home.Their home could be a reflection of their personal adventures and interests, filled with unique artifacts, travel souvenirs, and collections that tell their life story. Your spouse may have an innate ability to transform emotional pain into strength and wisdom. This skill allows them to help others navigate their own emotional journeys, often acting as a healer within their social circle. They might excel in integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional home comforts, creating a smart home that’s both futuristic and cozy. Think automated systems, green energy solutions, and innovative home design. There could be a unique passion for cooking and experimenting with different cuisines. Their kitchen might be the heart of the home, where they create culinary masterpieces that bring people together. They might blend different cultural elements into their home, creating a space that’s a melting pot of traditions and modernity. This could manifest in their interior design, food, and even the way they celebrate holidays. Their approach to family relationships might be both insightful and practical.
💖 5th house : When the Sun is in the 5th house of your groom's persona chart, it highlights a vibrant, creative, and playful side to your future spouse. This placement suggests that your spouse will likely be someone who thrives on joy, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal passions. They may have a natural talent for arts, whether it be music, painting, acting, or any other form of creative expression. Their creativity isn’t just a hobby; it’s a core part of their identity and something that they actively seek to incorporate into their daily life. This placement also suggests a strong connection to children. Whether or not they have their own, your spouse is likely to have a youthful spirit and may enjoy activities that allow them to connect with their inner child. They might be excellent at entertaining children and could find great joy in spending time with them. Romance is another key aspect of the 5th house, and with the Sun here, your spouse is likely to be very romantic and expressive in their affections. They may enjoy grand gestures of love and will likely seek to keep the romance alive in your relationship through thoughtful surprises and passionate moments.Their competitive nature can drive them to achieve great things in their personal and professional life, as they are likely to enjoy the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of victory.
💖6th house: With the Sun positioned in the 6th house of the groom's natal chart, your future spouse's focus on routine and structure can be a defining aspect of his personality. He might thrive on having a well-organized daily schedule and may feel most comfortable in environments where tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined. This inclination towards routine can make him a reliable and consistent partner, as he likely values stability and predictability in his relationships. Health and wellness are likely important to him, and he may integrate these values into his daily habits. This could manifest as a commitment to regular exercise, a balanced diet, or other health-conscious practices. He might also encourage these habits in his partner, reflecting his belief in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. His attention to detail is another notable trait. He is likely to be meticulous and thorough, whether in managing household duties, handling work-related tasks, or addressing minor issues. This precision can be an asset in maintaining an organized and functional home life, though it may occasionally lead him to stress over small details. In the context of a relationship, he might express love and affection through acts of service and practical support. For him, demonstrating care might involve helping with chores, offering assistance with daily tasks, or being a steady source of support. This service-oriented approach reflects his belief in showing love through tangible actions rather than just words.
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💖 7th house: Sun is in the 7th house of a groom's persona chart indicates that your spouse may have a strong and confident personality. They might be assertive, charismatic, and central in their social circles. Physically, they could have a noticeable presence or be prominent in some way. Since the Sun symbolizes leadership and authority, your spouse might be someone who takes charge in relationships or in their career. They may have natural leadership abilities and can be influential in their community or workplace. The 7th house is traditionally associated with partnerships, marriage, and significant others. With the Sun here, marriage and committed relationships are likely to play a significant role in their life. They may seek a partnership that enhances their personal identity and goals. The Sun in the 7th house can also indicate that your spouse may be quite visible or known publicly, possibly through their work, social activities, or community involvement. They might have a career that puts them in the spotlight or involves interactions with the public.
💖 8th house : The 8th house in astrology is associated with deep transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. When the Sun placed here ,it suggests that your future spouse is likely to have a profound and intense personality. They may approach life with a deep sense of passion and emotional depth, seeking meaningful connections and experiences that go beyond the surface.This placement can indicate that the spouse may have an interest in occult, mystical, or spiritual matters.The 8th house deals with shared resources, investments, and inheritances. Therefore, the spouse may have an influence or involvement in financial matters that involve joint resources or inheritances. Your spouse may seek relationships that bring about personal growth and change. They might have a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection, and relationships could serve as a catalyst for their personal development. The 8th house is also significant, indicating a deep and intense approach to physical intimacy. Your spouse may place great importance on the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy, seeking a profound connection with their partner.
💖 9th house : your spouse could be philosophically inclined, interested in exploring different belief systems, or deeply spiritual. They may seek meaning and purpose through intellectual and spiritual pursuits.your spouse may have a keen interest in travel,(or could be a foreigner) either physically exploring different countries or mentally through academic studies of different cultures. They might be drawn to adventures abroad, international relationships, or careers that involve cross-cultural interactions.your spouse may have pursued advanced studies or have a career in academia, teaching, or guiding others in some capacity. They might value knowledge and continuous learning, possibly inspiring others through their wisdom and experience.Your spouse may be idealistic, advocating for causes they believe in or striving to make a positive impact on a larger scale. They could be ethical, principled, and committed to justice and fairness.They may have a cheerful disposition, seeing opportunities and possibilities even in challenging situations. Their upbeat attitude could be contagious, uplifting those around them.your spouse may have an affinity for languages or an ability to adapt to different cultural environments easily. They may enjoy learning about different customs, traditions, and languages, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and integration.
💖 10th house: your spouse is likely to be ambitious, driven, and focused on their career goals. They may aspire to positions of authority, leadership roles, or recognition in their profession. Their identity and sense of self-worth may be strongly tied to their achievements and career success.They may strive to maintain a positive image in the eyes of others and uphold their integrity and credibility. Their actions and decisions may often be influenced by how they are perceived in their professional and social spheres.Your spouse may receive recognition and accolades for their hard work and accomplishments. They may strive for excellence in their chosen field and be motivated by the desire to achieve significant milestones and goals. Their achievements may bring them a sense of pride and fulfillment. There may be a need to balance their professional goals with personal life. Your spouse may invest considerable time and energy into their career, which could impact their family dynamics and relationships. Finding harmony between work and personal life may be an ongoing challenge. your spouse may have had influential authority figures or mentors who guided them in their career path. They may have learned valuable lessons from leaders in their field and benefited from mentorship or guidance that shaped their professional development.your spouse may have strong public speaking abilities and effective communication skills. They may excel in presenting ideas and networking with other people.
💖11th house : Your spouse may possess a visionary mindset, capable of seeing beyond current limitations and envisioning innovative solutions or possibilities for the future. They may inspire others with their forward-thinking ideas and aspirations.Your spouse may have a natural affinity for technology, whether it's through their career, hobbies, or social connection.Your spouse may have a diverse and influential network of friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. They may excel in building and maintaining relationships that span different social circles, which could benefit them professionally or personally.They may be actively involved in community initiatives, social groups, or online communities that align with their interests and values. Their contributions could range from advocacy for social causes to organizing events that promote collective well-being. They may advocate for social justice issues or champion reforms that contribute to a more equitable society. Your fs may have entrepreneurial inclinations , particularly in the areas of technology, innovation or social enterprise. They may be drawn to startups or ventures that harness creativity and connectivity for positive impact.They may have a keen interest in future trends, whether it's in technology, social movements, or cultural shifts. Their ability to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly could be a valuable asset in both personal and professional endeavors.
💖12th house : your spouse may have a rich inner life and be introspective by nature. They may value solitude and contemplation, finding spiritual fulfillment through practices like meditation, prayer, or introspective self-reflection.They may be drawn to helping professions or volunteer work that allows them to make a difference in people’s lives.Your spouse may have a talent for creative expression through music, art, writing, or other forms of artistic endeavor.Your spouse may have a deep interest in psychology, psychotherapy, or exploring the hidden aspects of the human psyche. They may be introspective about their own motivations, fears, and desires, seeking to understand themselves on a profound level. This introspective journey may also lead them to explore esoteric or mystical teachings.Your spouse may prefer peaceful, serene surroundings where they can retreat and recharge. They may have a knack for creating sacred spaces or environments conducive to relaxation and inner peace.They may have a quiet determination and inner fortitude that allows them to overcome obstacles and setbacks with grace and perseverance.The 12th house is often associated with karmic themes, past lives, and spiritual healing. Your spouse may be on a path of spiritual growth and transformation, seeking to resolve past issues or karma through self-awareness, forgiveness, and healing practices.
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Thanks for reading 💓
- PIKO 💖
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Astro obs part 9
🐌 The planets in your 12th house indicate your sleeping style:
Sun in 12th house - their sleep schedule is extremely messed up; for them, daylight hours = nighttime hours and vice versa, so they have trouble being themselves during the day; their true self comes out at night
Moon in 12th house - goes to sleep very late; full moons have a special effect on these people; their intuition is more clear at night; as kids, they probably slept a lot with their mother
Mercury in 12th house - loves texting/calling people late at night; they might journal their thoughts before sleep because they overthink a lot and it helps to clear their mind or maybe they just like to relax by reading a book at night
Venus in 12th house - cares a lot about getting their "beauty sleep"; sleeps with sleep masks on, buys expensive bed lingerie, skincare night routine might be very important; loves sleeping in general lmao
Mars in 12th house - enjoys working out before going to sleep, can go to sleep angry because they tend to get into conflict more at night than during the day
I have Uranus in 12th house and i can be both a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, depending on where i am. For example, when i'm traveling, during the first night i wake up several times, but from the second night on i sleep like a baby lmao. Another thing would be that i can't sleep in a quiet car but i don't have any problem sleeping during a thunderstorm
🐌 Mars in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Mars in 3rd house individuals love riding motorbikess
🐌 While Mars in 9th house peeps would probably love to go on a world tour on their motorbike. The sign ruling their 9th house represents the countries they would love to visit (i'm aware that some of these can only be visited by plane, take it with a grain of salt): 
♈ in 9th house: Ireland, Poland, Japan, Zimbabwe
♉ in 9th house: Cuba, Paraguay, South Africa, East Timor
♊ in 9th house: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Montenegro
♋ in 9th house: Canada, USA, Bahamas, Argentina, Slovenia, Madagascar
♌ in 9th house: Hawaii, France, Italy, The Netherlands, India, South Korea, Peru, Bolivia
♍ in 9th house: Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam
♎ in 9th house: Belgium, Portugal, China, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho
♏ in 9th house: Panama, Spain, Turkey, Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Palestine, Lebanon
♐ in 9th house: Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Tanzania, Thailand
♑ in 9th house: UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Camerun
♒ in 9th house: Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka
♓ in 9th house: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritius, Saint Lucia
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🐌 I have a feeling Pisces Suns like to spend their time in a garage lmao. Mostly because their opposing sign, Virgo, would hate to spend time in a garage due to how dirty it can get.
🐌As a 7th house Sun who's been in love for almost a year now (haha, are we surprised, ofcours not; i'm not even in a relationship with him but ugh we're so perfect for each other), i realised that Sun in 7th house people tend to behave differently with their partner when they're in a healthy relationship vs when they're in a toxic one
Sun in 7th house in:
♈ Aries in a healthy relationship: empowers their partner, knows how to balance me time vs us time in a healthy manner, encourages their partner to take safe risks
♈ Aries in an unhealthy relationship: impulsive, impatient, selfish, dismisses their partner's feelings, often controlled by rage, prone to abusing their partner
♉ Taurus in a healthy relationship: veryyy generous (their love language is gift giving), accommodating to their partner's wants and needs, cooks for their partner
♉ Taurus in an unhealthy relationship: stubborn af, hard to please, focused more on the material gain from their partner rather than the love they share
♊ Gemini in a healthy relationship: curious, always lightens the mood of their partner by cracking up tons of jokes or telling them funny stories, knows that communication is key to everything so they're not afraid to discuss serious topics, teaches their partner a lot of random stuff
♊ Gemini in an unhealthy relationship: superficial, doesn't have a problem moving on from their partner to another person in a matter of seconds, if they're still in school/college, then they prioritize studying over their partner
♋ Cancer in a healthy relationship: nurturing, knows how to balance babying their partner vs being babied by their partner, emotionally vulnerable, feels safe enough to present their partner to their family early on in the relationship
♋ Cancer in a unhealthy relationship: if they don't trust their partner, they tend to become emotionally closed off to hide their deep sadness; defensive, but if their partner attackes them, then they'll hide, worries excessively, avoids presenting their partner to their family
♌ Leo in a healthy relationship: treats their partner like the king/queen they are, keeps their ego in check so it doesn't interfere with the relationship, if they've got artistic talents (music, acting, art etc.), they'll show their love for their partner by performing in front of them
♌ Leo in an unhealthy relationship: egocentric, shows off their partner/relationship too much out of pride, often feels entitled in the relationship and wants to be put on a pedestal by their partner
♍ Virgo in a healthy relationship: selfless to a healthy degree, remembers every lil detail from every casual conversations with their partner just to please them, remembers every important date and plans ahead for it, takes care of their partner when they're sick
♍ Virgo in a unhealthy relationship: critical, overfixates on past hurts and mistakes that their partner made in the relationship (often times their partner doesn't even remember those things because they're usually not that serious), loves their pets more than their partner
♎ Libra in a healthy relationship: romantic, charismatic, truly values their partner and the relationship with them, acts fair in the relationship, teaches their partner lovingly about the importance of honesty, truth and a healthy give and take dynamic in a relationship
♎ Libra in an unhealthy relationship: doesn't prioritize the relationship; instead, they flirt with others despite being in a relationship, emotionally detached, cold and calculated in their current relationship
♏ Scorpio in a healthy relationship: loyal, loves their partner deeply and intensely, but without suffocating them, keeps their partner's secrets like they're a locked safe box with no public access
♏ Scorpio in an unhealthy relationship: obsessive, manipulative, seeks to dominate their partner, displays stalkish behaviour in the relationship, liar
♐ Sagittarius in a healthy relationship: exposes their partner to various cultures, belief systems and philosophies to expand their mind and form their own opinion on certain topics, loves freely but is still able to maintain a long-term relationship, improves their partner's mood, usually brings an element of surprise and excitement to the relationship
♐ Sagittarius in an unhealthy relationship: travels in order to avoid dealing with their partner, parties a bit too much, doesn't take the relationship seriously
♑ Capricorn in a healthy relationship: loves their partner in a mature, serious and secure manner, doesn't shy away from improving their partner's social status and/or career if they can, discusses plans for the future (getting married, having kids, adopting pets, buying a house) with their partner early on in the relationship, they make time for their partner, despite the fact that they're busy most of the time
♑ Capricorn in an unhealthy relationship: displays no emotions or physical affection in the relationship, has a hard time communicating their thoughts with their partner, settles in a relationship for the wrong reasons (money/kids/safety/"i'm getting old and i need to have my life established"), prioritizes work/career over their partner
♒ Aquarius in a healthy relationship: flexible, makes their partner's dreams and aspirations come true (whether they're related to the relationship or not), has got a very open-minded attitude towards their partner's opinions, lifestyle and identity, takes the time to become friends firsts with their future partner because they value a relationship built on solid foundation (often times their partner is also their best friend), knows how to balance couple time vs time with friends
♒ Aquarius in an unhealthy relationship: displays wishy-washy behaviour, emotionally detached, prioritizes their friends over their partner, seeks online validation from strangers and acquaintances to fulfill their needs
♓ Pisces in a healthy relationship: sensitive to their partner's emotions, knows how to balance wearing their heart on their sleeve vs hiding their emotions in unfavourable circumstances, always honest with their partner
♓ Pisces in an unhealthy relationship: prone to drown their relationship problems and sorrows in alcohol, drugs and meds for mental health issues, runs away from problems instead of dealing with them with their partner, displays dishonesty to a fault, prone to self-sabotage
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eomayas · 4 months
be alright • kmg
pairing: non-idol!mingyu x gn!reader, established relationship
genre: angst & fluff
synopsis: reader has a hard time asking for and accepting help, and that’s all mingyu wants to do
warnings: reader uses a purse, hyper-independent reader, arguments, reader is mean to mingyu but it’s resolved, healthy communication, mention of reader wearing women’s clothing
a/n: got inspo from SATC where carries computer breaks lol. i love making my reader unconventional because its not super common in fics!
“let me hold something,” mingyu says, reaching for the bag in your hand, but you jerk it away from him as you fumble with the keys.
“i got it,” you say, balancing your phone, purse, and keys in one hand while not dropping the shopping bags in the other. mingyu sighs quietly behind you, just as you shove the key into the lock with success, and open your your apartment. “see.”
mingyu chuckles, but it sounds more like a scoff that you ignore. you drop your items onto your small kitchen table, hands finally free of holding a million things at once. curse tiny purses and the lack of pockets on women’s clothing! “where do you want these?” mingyu asks from your kitchen, holding up some groceries in his hand. the pantry where you keep them is to his left, but there’s a certain order in which you keep things, and you’d rather not explain it at the moment.
“don’t worry about it, i’ll do it,” you say, walking into the kitchen and plucking the items from his hand. you move around mingyu to the cupboard and put your groceries away, just dancing around him until you’ve put everything in their places. “what’s wrong?” you ask mingyu once you’re done. he leans against one of your counters with his arms crossed over his chest and his face pinched.
mingyu opens his mouth, but closes it immediately as if trying to measure his words. he pokes his tongue in the side of his cheek and sweeps his eyes around your kitchen before landing them on you. “i’m just trying to help,” he says, tugging his beanie off and running a hand through his hair, yanking at the roots.
you tilt hour head to the side, confusion littered across your face. “what do you mean?”
mingyu chuckles and shakes his head, lightly pinching the bridge of his nose before sighing, his shoulders rising and dropping hard, like he’s been holding it in for awhile. “you don’t let me help you—with anything, ever. you never ask me for help,” he says.
“because i don’t need it.”
your response is quick, was sitting on the tip of your tongue the moment he opened his mouth for the second time to explain to you. it’s the truth, whether you wanted to spell it out for him, or if he actually wanted to hear it. you can do things on your own, take care of yourself. you don’t need anybody else to do it for you. “you don’t need it? or you don’t want it?” he fires back, making you cock your head back in surprise. is this your first fight?
“both. and if i needed your help, id ask,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. the frown on his face deepening.
“i am just trying to help.”
“and if i needed your help id ask, mingyu!” you don’t mean to shout, but you’re done with the conversation. “if you don’t like it, then…” you shrug and gesture vaguely. you watch his face morph from frustration, into something that makes your heart deflate in your chest.
“then what?” he questions, and all you can do is shrug, swallowing the lump in your throat. “really?” he imitates your shrug and straightens up against the counter, hurt taking over his expressions. “how could you say something like that, y/n?”
your nose starts to burn and your throat feels clogged. you sniff and blink a few times to keep the tears that threaten to fall at bay. “that’s just how i am, mingyu. i don’t know what else you want me to say.”
mingyu drops his hands to his sides and pushes himself off of the counter. “i’ll just… see you later, i guess,” he mutters, snatching his beanie off the counter and pulling it on. you don’t make a move to stop him as he walks down the hall to your door. you stay planted in the kitchen, slumping when you hear your front door close—he doesn’t even do you the favor of slamming it so you could have a reason upset with him later, to give yourself an out for how you’ve talked to him. you expect the tears to come, but they don’t. still, you stay rooted in the kitchen for a few minutes to collect yourself and your thoughts.
surely, you’ve been on you own before. the world isn’t going to end because you’re by yourself.
by the third day of no contact, you start to feel like the world may end—maybe not today, but sometime soon. the lack of random, sweet texts throughout the day make you itch for his attention. it starts to makes you feel bad, and by the fourth day you’ve decided you’ve had enough—of the silence, of yourself. all of it.
sitting in the dark of your car, you dial up his number and press it against your ear. your acrylic nail flies up to your mouth, and you anxiously put it between your teeth as the phone rings, and rings, and—“hello?” mingyus voice ripples through the speaker and fills your heart up with hope.
“hi. are you home? can we talk?” you ask. it sounds quiet on the other side of the phone, and you desperately need to see him, before you lose the one person you’ve probably wanted the most in this lifetime.
mingyu is quiet for awhile before saying. “i am,” he takes a pause, and you hold your breath. “you can come over.” and you let out the breath, a sigh of relief at his voice and his words and the fact that you have a chance of getting your man back.
“okay, ill be over soon.”
you pull up in front of his apartment building ten minutes later. you rush out of the car and bound into the lobby, opting for the stairs because there’s already somebody waiting for the elevator. he only lives on the third floor anyway.
coming to a stop in front of his door, you take a deep breath before raising your fist to deliver three short knocks to the door. you count the seconds in your head before he answers—23–and he’s pulling a shirt over his head as he gestures for you to come inside. it takes everything in you not to rush into him, to beg him to come back to you and for his forgiveness. you’re much more civil than that, thanking him for letting you come over, and standing promptly in the foyer.
mingyu chuckles and shakes his head at you before sighing and dropping his shoulders. “y/n, you don’t have to stand in the hallway like you’ve never been here before,” he slips past you, his hand colliding with the small of your back (definitely on purpose), and walks ahead of you into the living room. with a start, you follow after him into his living room, glancing around for a safe place to sit. you worry that if you’re too close to him, your words won’t come out right and this drive here would be a waste of time.
you opt to keep standing, leaning against the wall adjacent from him. he sits lazily on the couch, his arm draped across the back and his legs outstretched in front of him. he keeps his gaze on you, a silent stand off happening between the two of you. “so…” he trails off, and your stomach roils.
“okay, well, first off—i’m sorry for the other day. i know you just want to help, and i appreciate it. i really do. i’m just not a person who needs it, mingyu. it has nothing to do with you specifically—it’s just how im wired,” you say, blowing out a breath. his lip quirks at your last comment before dropping back to the emotionless expression he was wearing previously. “and i really miss you, you know? i-i really, really fucking miss you.” pressing your hands into your stomach, you swallow the lump in your throat and ignore the burning in the back of your nose.
mingyu shifts on the couch, bringing his hand up to his hair to muss. “i know, but you can’t just… you can’t just tell me to get over it, or leave, y/n. i don’t think you realize how mean that was,” you cringe at his words, feeling even more like shit. if he called you a ‘bitch’ you’d probably hate it less than him calling you mean.
your feet are waking you over to him before you realize it. you sit next to him and grab his hands, grateful that he lets you with no pushback. “i really like you, y/n, and i really care about you, too. i don’t think you’re weak, or incapable, when i offer to help you with things. i just want to make things easier for you if i can. i just want you to let me shoulder some of the weight for you,” mingyu adds, his voice sincere and his eyes saying more than his words did. you gnaw at your bottom lip as you try to blink back pathetic tears. you’re not prone to tears, but with mingyu that’s all you feel like you can do right now.
taking a deep breath, you swallow the lump in your throat and try to keep your voice even. “mingyu, im really sorry. i-im just used to taking care of myself,” you let go of one of his hands to harshly wipe away tears from under your eyes, closing them for a brief moment and blowing out a breath. mingyu doesn’t rush you to get the words out, just sits there quietly and waits for you to be ready. “if i start letting you do things for me, one day you’re not going to be there. i can’t let myself get used to that, and then one day you’re gone.”
“i’m not going anywhere.”
that brings a small smile to your lips. “but if you’re—i don’t know, gone, and i need you but you’re not there, what am i supposed to do? and nothing is guaranteed…” you sigh and hunch your shoulders, staring at his face. he looks like he’s choosing his words carefully, opening his mouth and closing it a few times.
“then we will just figure it out, y/n. don’t focus on what hasn’t happened yet, okay? i’m not going anywhere, especially not soon,” he tugs you towards him by your hands, and you fall into his chest and rest your face in the crook of his neck. “just don’t push me away.” he says, his voice a whisper. you cringe inwardly and press a chaste kiss to his neck, letting you lips linger before hugging yourself into him.
he wraps his strong arms around you and holds you tightly against him. “i’m sorry,” you say into his skin, voice hoarse as silent tears leak out of your eyes. you feel relief, and a sort of sadness for who you almost lost, but mainly just relief. you also feel like the biggest asshole ever, but you know that feeling will pass.
“hey,” mingyu coos softly, pulling his head back to look down at you. you lift your head and he wipes your tears away with his thumb. “we’ll be alright, baby.”
and he’s right. you’re not going to magically relinquish all autonomy to make your relationship work, but you can start accepting help when it’s offered, and start asking when some things feel too big for a single person. that’s what a partnership is, right? taking another persons burden and making it your burden too?
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