retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1997
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dotcom-bubble · 2 years
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the electronics retailers we've lost...
Circuit City (03/02/2000) / CompUSA (05/11/2000) / RadioShack (10/01/2002)
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realsolaris · 2 years
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“I’ve got 2 tickets to iron maiden baby... come with me friday don’t say maybe... i’m just a teenage dirtbag baby like you... oooooooooohhhhhhhh....”
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linuxgamerdog · 2 years
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Wooden Dry Erase Board Used as a Mobile Support for my Computer Mouse
Here’s a tip on how to get better comfort and drawing accuracy out of your computer mouse. Use a wooden board as a mouse support.
See full article
Wooden Dry Erase Board Used as a Mobile Support for my Computer Mouse
Also see computer mouse
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joebustillos · 2 years
Idiot & Idiotic Things
Idiot & Idiotic Things
7:15pm CompUSA, nay, some hours later outside the Costa mesa apple store. I’m still outside because was just talking to Juls and she had to pick up a call. And I was right in the middle of making a really big ass out of myself because I want more from our relationship than the current wishlng-and-hoping morsels that I’ve been getting. Fuck, I’m an idiot for a multitude of reasons. I have the…
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g4zdtechtv · 5 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - A Link to the Fast Food | 11/15/06
Happy 1-Year Anniversary, Xbox 360!
(4GTV - 24/7. LIVE. WATCH NOW.)
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fondlepunch · 1 year
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Sharkman.EXE 🦈🤖
Back in 1993 at a CompUSA (remember those?), I got a copy of what I thought was Mega Man 3 for our old Compaq family computer. What I didn’t realize, is that I got a game that I could only describe as a fever dream from someone who had NO IDEA what Mega Man was. From nothing but organic enemies, weird recolored Mega Man 2 bosses, and NO soundtrack, it was a real enigma. Hilarious that they pulled Sharkman out from obscurity, and gave him a place in the EXE universe though.
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kennak · 8 months
Sears や CompUSA などで展示されている PC でデモ ソフトウェアが実行されていたときのことを思い出します。このソフトウェアでは、PC を購入するときに行うべき 1 つのこと、つまり実際にそれを使用することができませんでした。 そのため、私は CTRL+ALT+DEL を押して、タスク マネージャーでデモ ソフトウェアを強制終了していました。 即座に再起動する、より頑固なデモ ソフトウェアの場合は、msconfig を開き、起動時にデモ ソフトウェアが実行されるチェックを外して、再起動します。 近くで見ていた他の人たちが驚きと喜びを感じたことを覚えています。彼らは私に、自分の PC でそれをして、自分たちもクリックしてマインスイーパーやピンボールをプレイできるように頼んだのです :-) 今となってはとても素人っぽく聞こえますが、90 年代半ばの CTRL+ALT+DEL が - 敢えて言えば、そうであったことを思い出すのは難しいです��� -- 経験豊富なユーザーだけが知っていた一種の電動ツールです。
Google には別の秘密のブラウ��があります | ハッカーニュース
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krjpalmer · 1 year
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Macworld March 1999
The high-end desktop Mac received an iMac-like makeover, even as “Bondi blue” passed into history with the now-plural iMacs packaged in five fruit flavours. (A sixth flavour to match the six stripes now painted out of the Apple logo would presumably have risked all the connotations of “lemon,” or at least brought Bloom County’s Banana Junior 6000 to mind...) David Pogue’s back-page column in this issue did take on how uninformed and unenthusiastic CompUSA’s staff seemed about the Macintosh, even as enthusiastic volunteers took it on themselves to go into the stores and tidy up the desktops of the demonstration Macs.
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Top filme romantice
1. A Star Is Born
Remake-ul din 2018 al filmului ,,A Star Is Born", cu Lady Gaga si Bradley Cooper in rolurile principale, a fost un succes uimitor printre acele filme bune de dragoste, aducand 42 de milioane de dolari si adunand opt nominalizari la premiile Oscar. Povestea din versiunea recenta este in esenta aceeasi cu cea a povestii anterioare: o vedeta in varsta, a carei cariera este in prag de ruina din cauza dependentelor sale, se casatoreste cu o femeie mai tanara a carei cariera abia incepe, doar pentru a realiza ca nu poate face fata succesului ei sporit.
2. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind 
Dupa o despartire tumultuoasa, Joel (Jim Carrey) si Clementine (Kate Winslet) trec printr-o perioasa care le va sterge toate amintirile pe care le au unul despre celalalt. Dupa ce isi da seama ca a facut o greseala uriasa la mijlocul procedurii, Joel isi propune sa reia legatura cu Clementine si invata sa se impace cu durerea unei inimi frante. In parti egale amuzant si tragic, ,, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind " este una dintre cele mai capricioase si mai imaginative interpretari ale unui film despre despartirea romantica. Filmul poate fi gasit printre filme noi online cu subtitrare in romana.
3.Love Actually
Pur si simplu dragoste, este un film din 2003 de Craciun - scris si regizat de Richard Curtis. Prezinta o distributie de ansamblu, compusa predominant din actori britanici, multi dintre care au lucrat cu Curtis in proiecte anterioare. Filmat in cea mai mare parte in locatii din Londra, scenariul se adanceste in diferite aspecte ale dragostei, asa cum se arata prin zece povesti separate, care implica o mare varietate de indivizi, dintre care multi se arata a fi interconectati pe masura ce povestile progreseaza. Povestea incepe cu cinci saptamani inainte de Craciun si este jucata intr-o numaratoare inversa saptamanala pana la Craciun, urmata de un epilog care are loc o luna mai tarziu.
4.About Time
Era si timpul! este un film britanic din 2013, scris si regizat de Richard Curtis, cu actorii in rolurile principale, Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, si Bill Nighy. Filmul este despre un tanar cu capacitatea de a calatori in timp care incearca sa-si schimbe trecutul in speranta de a-si imbunatati viitorul. Filmul a fost lansat in Regatul Unit pe 4 septembrie 2013. Acesta a primit recenzii pozitive din partea criticilor. La box office, a incasat 87,1 milioane de dolari fata de un buget de 12 milioane de dolari.
Rebecca este un thriller romantic din 2020, regizat de Ben Wheatley, dupa un scenariu de Jane Goldman, Joe Shrapnel si Anna Waterhouse. Bazat pe romanul Rebecca din 1938 allui Daphne du Maurier, filmul ii are in distributie pe Lily James, Armie Hammer, Kristin Scott Thomas, Keeley Hawes, Ann Dowd si Sam Riley. Rebecca a fost lansata in cinematografe selectate pe 16 octombrie 2020 si in format digital pe Netflix cinci zile mai tarziu. A primit recenzii mixte de la critici, care au comparat filmul in mod nefavorabil cu versiunea din 1940 regizata de Alfred Hitchcock.
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andtimestandsstill · 1 month
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This feels rather uncomfortable now.
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I miss CompUSA.
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retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1997
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powerrcp-g3 · 3 months
Yup, I finally went to the Apple Store in Halifax to get something there that will have it's own review pretty soon. The Apple Store is the one stop shop of all of your Apple needs. That is if certain products aren't out of stock. While Apple opened their first Apple Store in 2001, it wasn't until 2005 where the first Apple store was opened in Canada. So yeah, the Apple Store has been around for a long time. And even before then, Apple had tried the concept of a store-within-a-store with CompUSA in 1997. The same year Steve Jobs returned to Apple. Apple has always been trying to go into the retail space for a long time and while several stores nowadays sell Apple products, there's nothing that comes close to that Apple experience as the Apple store itself.
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dantasticsims · 11 months
My name is Dan. It’s a sunny summer afternoon as I post this. I’ve been playing video games on computers for almost 30 years. It all started with a trip to CompUSA when I was 12. My little brother Matt went to summer basketball camp, but for some unusual reason then after I, my father David took me to CompUSA and there were a couple of racing games on the shelf. We bought IndyCar Racing and I ended up playing it all summer long.
For some inexplicable reason, especially after a global pandemic where people like yours truly have been meeting via computers, tablets, smart phones, smart TVs, smart displays and smart refrigerators, and with normal life returning quickly, one game has provided me with a way to escape the quirks of normal life.
            It was the spring of 2000. I was at the end of my junior year at St Martin de Porres High, and I spend my Memorial Day doing community service activities. My school had mandated that I spend 10 hours a year performing what they called Christian Service in order to move up to the next grade and I hadn’t reported any of it to that point. That day I asked members of my family to donate cash to a charity and purchase food for them.
Later that afternoon, my parents rewarded me with the opportunity so I asked my father David to take me shopping at Best Buy. Previously, the only. But that was before my PC  when I came to this Best Buy, my life would change forever.
I bought the game called “The Sims”. This game began the life simulation genre. From that night on, I’d be glued to my computer desk for up to 3 hours a day, just to make sure all stories are perfect and follow the right plan. Or I might play dress-up, plan out my roles and instructions and  e puzzle of a story together. Amazingly I still have some unfinished business. Primarily I play this game to tell my life story in a different way.
I can make them rich or poor, frumpy or fabulous, cool or cruel
Will Wright
The Sims was the brainchild of an Atlanta native named Will Wright, the creator of the popular city simulation game SimCity. Born in Atlanta, he and his family later moved to Louisiana. Will’s interest in game design began with a strategy board game, Go.
Will graduated at age 16 from Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge. From there he enrolled at Louisiana State University. Two years later he transferred to Louisiana Tech. Afterward, he moved to California
How a mini-wildfire changed gaming history
In October 1991, two years after SimCity was released, there was a fast-moving firestorm that broke out across the East Bay. A partially extinguished grass fire would increase The fire started when firefighters thought they’d extinguished a grass fire on Similar to a wildfire, this was a more destructive, but deadly. 25 people were killed and 150 injured and over 1,500 acres were destroyed. when a small wildfire destroyed over 1,500 acres around Oakland. This fire eventually became known by Cal Fire (California Fire Department) as the "Tunnel Fire."
The 49ers and (my) Detroit Lions were playing at Candlestick Park – a frequent matchup in the NFL back in the day – that weekend. Ash started falling onto the field during the game. But the game was played anyway. CBS was showing most of the damage from the fires with its blimp, which provided many people watching the game with first word of the wildfire. FYI, San Francisco won the game 35-3.
One of those affected was Will Wright. Will's home was a few blocks away from where the firestorm started, on a highway intersection is home was consumed by the fire, as well as several records of his early career.
Will was inspired to create a virtual doll house as a way to rebuild his life after the fire. Replacing his home and he used his experience as the basis of The Sims. The game SimCity 2000 included a scenario in which one had to rebuild Oakland Hills after recovery from the fire.
In February
So… an incompletely extinguished grass fire in the Bay Area mutated into a wildfire that destroyed Will Wright’s house, which led to the development of The Sims, then it replaced my life somewhat. That’s how it all began for me. Basically, if that fire had been fully extinguished in the first place, we wouldn’t be simulating our lives with a PC game. In fact, prior to The Sims, I used my own personal word processor.
My life has been full of missed opportunities. In my world there are many imagination. I’ll explain some of the things I love about the game, and showcase some of my stories. We'll also share information about an upcoming life simulation game coming next year: Lif.e by You
My life has been full of missed opportunities. No true relationships and no In my world there are many imagination. I’ll explain some of the things I love about the game, and how We'll also share information about a pair of upcoming life simulation games coming next year: Life by You and inZOI.
So why did I create this site?
To showcase my passion and appreciation for the sims 4
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dininimapentrumine · 11 months
Gânduri din inimă ( mesaj needitat )
Viața este frumoasă! Nu sunt nici idealist, nici un un romantic incurabil.Sunt un simplu om care trăiește. Trăiesc și am amintiri.Amintirile sunt acele clipele din care este compusa viata noastra, pentru că viața în esență, este compusă clipe, frumoase sau mai puțin frumoase asta depinde de noi. Amintirile sunt momentele frumoase, petrecute alături cei dragi, acele apusuri formidabile pe care…
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thefreecheese · 1 year
The Free Cheese Episode 522: Zuma Deluxe
This week on The Free Cheese, we’re preinstalled with every CompUSA purchase! We’re here to guide the great frog king on his journey to match the colors of three or more balls at a time. Chasing combo chains and gap bonuses, we find out where Zuma Deluxe ranks on The List. Reviews Joe Across its 13 main stages, Zuma Deluxe relies on its core gameplay hook without much variance. You eventually…
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