#COVID detox
airbrickwall · 2 years
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oliveretreat · 2 years
The Vaxicans' New Clothes - White Robes
The Vaxicans’ New Clothes – White Robes
Look at the them! They go from black to white, from white to black through history. The self-proclaimed holders of the TRUTH and the oligarchs paying them in today’s temples, the labs, are as dogmatic as they have always been. They adore their rituals, methods and the robes they wear, (including those in normal suits – a civil nineteens century military gear with a tie representing the fallos,…
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didanawisgi · 4 months
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twinprime · 2 years
called out of work laying in bed so so sick literally i knocked tf out after work yesterday and then woke up at 8pm and threw up and went back to sleep and ive just got up this morning and still feel sick and i don’t want to move bc i feel like i’ll throw up again but it’s election day…. i have to get to the polls…. :(
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suara-rakyat-blog · 3 days
Detok Kesan Buruk Selepas Vaksin
"Base Spike Detox" yang terdiri daripada OTC: -Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) dua kali sehari -Bromelain 500 mg setiap hari -nano Curcumin 500 mg dua kali sehari Boleh ditambah padanya bergantung pada keutamaan doktor/pesakit dan sindrom. Berikut ialah kemas kini mengenai Bromelain.
“Base Spike Detox” which is comprised of OTC:
-Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day -Bromelain 500 mg daily -nano Curcumin 500 mg twice a day Fine to add to it depending on physician/patient preference and syndrome. Here is an update on Bromelain.
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qwiggo1 · 5 months
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jbfly46 · 1 year
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Been Vaxed?
Feeling negative symptoms after being vaxed?
Fearing negative symptoms after being vaxed?
Consider these Vax-Crushing solutions by watching this video.
If you have Covid, avoid drugs with a high mortality rate: Get Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Amoxicillin, Bactrim, Flagyl, Zofran (ondansetron), Z-pack (azithromycyn), Doxycycline, and Fluconazole via a telemedicine consultation by licensed patriot doctors.
The Hazards of Taking Remdesivir - 53% mortality rate.
REMEMBER: The same drug can be under different names (generic vs. branded) so do your research when prescribed anything to know exactly what you're getting (the best you can).
Build Your Emergency Preparedness Prevention Medicine Cabinet
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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airbrickwall · 3 months
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Vital Force Reviews - Should You Buy VitalForce Detox Support Pills or Scam?
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Maintaining optimal health and well-being can be quite challenging for current lifestyles. The body is constantly exposed to toxins and stressors that can negatively impact overall vitality. Vital Force pills feature an advanced formula that helps boost your immune system and overall body health. The cutting-edge pills are specially designed to elevate your spirit, body, and mind while unlocking your true body potential.
With the advanced formula, the dietary supplement allows you to forget your limitations and embrace the endless possibilities. The Vital Force formula combines several vitamins and nutrients and offers immense natural healing properties to boost your immune system and cleanse toxins from your body. Enjoy optimal immune health by leveraging scientific research from top US-based institutions.
Vital Force Key Ingredients
The Vital Force advanced formula helps improve your ability to stay healthy and energetic. The potent formulation is based on several core vitamins and nutrient ingredients, including:
Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, and K. The formula also includes thiamin as B1, riboflavin B2, niacin, folate, B12, biotin, D-calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, manganese, chromium, boron, and molybdenum. https://bit.ly/3OarZv6
More: Immune System Boosters
Benefits of Vital Force
Vital Force Detox offers a range of benefits for detoxification and overall health support. While individual results may vary, here are some potential advantages associated with this dietary supplement:
Improved Immune System Protection: Vital Force Detox is designed to support the immune system. Strengthening immune function may help protect the body against common illnesses and promote overall health. https://bit.ly/3OarZv6
Cleanse the Body of Harmful Toxins: This supplement's primary objective is to assist in detoxification by aiding the body in eliminating harmful toxins and waste products. Cleansing the body may help restore balance and promote optimal organ function.
Repairs, Rejuvenates, and Restores: Vital Force Detox aims to rejuvenate the body by supporting its natural repair processes. By providing essential nutrients and promoting detoxification, it may aid in restoring vitality and overall well-being.
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didanawisgi · 10 months
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Why Won’t My Cough Go Away? Doctors Explain Why This Symptom Lingers Postinfectious coughs are common. Here's how to deal with them. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/why-wont-my-cough-go-away
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pugzman3 · 1 year
Soooooo I never got the shot, or jab or whatever for the covid. But, if you did, and you regret it, you might want to check this out. This came out late last week. Do your own research of course, but it's pretty interesting.
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druvjelly · 2 months
tips to all my transautistic peeps!
Get all the vaccines! The more vaccines the better. MMR, COVID, polio, smallpox. All of them
follow holistic healing blogs where parents try to cure their cisautistic child by going on a heavy metal detox, and do the opposite.
when school starts! I recommend watching TikTok’s about the autistic kid in the back of the classroom. They will give you a perfect perspective on how to be seen as autistic by people around you.
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glngrbred · 2 months
OK, so gen alpha is doomed, We can all agree on that, in the US specifically kids on average are not doing well (academically and behaviorally), and on top of that there is a growing mental health crisis in kids the age of my younger brother, like kids 10+. kids younger than that are doing better, that's not even weird to say. The issue is probably a combination of really small children post 2010 having consistently unregulated screentime, and also covid breaking up developmental patterns for kids, and sorta giving kids a habit of being on their devices for 18 hours a day. that's causing social issues and behavioral issues since their parents ALSO HAVE UNREGULATED SCREEN USE 24/7 and are NEGLECTFUL. if your kid is spending 10 hours a day on screens YOU ARE ENABLING THAT AND NEGLECTING THEM! Kids are literally not capable of regulating screen use on their own!!!!! and teenagers are BARELY able to, like if your teenage son has a learning disability like i do, they probably don't know how to regulate their screen use. the point is, people in the US are doing a disservice to the kids by completely ignoring issues that break up typical development. Like, being on a phone for 10 hours a day prevents you from making/building meaningful in person relationships, especially if that time is spent binging entertainment (or to a lesser extent playing video games). If 90% of kids in the Us spent 10 hours a day in their bedroom laying on the floor face down, it would be a national health crisis. being on your phone, just rotting, is barely better than that. Like, unless you are spending 10 hours a day doing regimented research on social media, like watching an entire crash course or something, you are not gaining any skills. Period. Like, you are just straight up losing your life to entertainment, friendships breakdown, your health goes the same way, your mental health is statistically probably doing the same thing, you are rotting.
If you are a parent, do a screen detox for real this time, get a therapist to help you, and find a way to spend time with your kid in a way that will benefit them in the future, help them study, take cooking classes, teach them some skills from your trade, Anything. Just please for the love of god help them find something to do that won't be exhausting, and WONT NEGLECT THEIR NEEDS!!!
-Sincerely, a barely adult who is just barely not rotting anymore <3
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cbk1000 · 4 months
Also, re: that terrible doctor (because my last appointment was so horrible and useless I can't fit all my complaints into one post), the cardiologist gave me some calcium channel blockers to help with high heart rate, but I stopped taking them because they didn't seem to be helping, they caused really bad fatigue, and also I'm worried about dropping my blood pressure if I take them long-term. My blood pressure has always been basically ideal during all of this, and I don't want to lower it too much because that will also cause issues.
So I mentioned this to my doctor, and that I had read there were beta blockers that were more targeted and would affect my heart rate but not my blood pressure as much; is that so, and if so, maybe it would be worth trying one of those while I get this all under control. He says, yes, there are more targeted beta blockers. Ok, cool, because I'm worried about the calcium channel blockers lowering my blood pressure too much. Him: Yes, your blood pressure would be a concern. Me: Ok, so is there a beta blocker I can try that wouldn't affect my blood pressure as much? Him: Reeee shots.
I never did get an answer out of him about whether I should try a different med.
Then he tells me he just wonders whether this is going to get worse, and I look right at him and remind him that I have told him, multiple times, across multiple appointments, that I have been improving, that several weeks ago I felt like I was dying, and now I can get out of bed quite a bit more and don't feel nearly as bad. But as I'm still mostly bedridden, and have been for three months now, could we please just try a small iron infusion and see if that helps speed up my recovery. I kind of want to, you know, go back to my life and job. He tells me if he's right about chronic fatigue and POTS, I'm going to be stuck like this for a long time. I have read a bit on both and am aware they are chronic conditions, but they are also managed through medication and physical therapy. I say, 'Yeah, but there are ways to manage those conditions.' (Btw, beta blockers are a common treatment for POTS.) He's told me I have two different chronic conditions caused by the Covid vaccine and given me no hope of any treatment and pretty much implied I am going to keep deteriorating and I am just going to have to wait for the neurologist to confirm, so I'm trying to prompt him into at least offering useful advice. He completely ignores me when I say there are ways to manage those conditions, does not reassure me at all, just starts in on Congress investigations or the doctor being 'persecuted' for inappropriately prescribing Ivermectin or whichever part of his rant he was on at that point.
He also actually DID admit at one point that low iron could be 'a component' of all this, but has no interest in treating it.
Also, why do these anti-vaxx people ride Ivermectin's dick so hard? Because Trump mentioned using it to treat Covid? This doctor has mentioned that he personally takes Ivermectin at almost every single appointment. Ok?? Take an anti-parasitic multiple times a week if you want, that's your business, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to ask for my own dose of worming medication so I can detox from the shot or whatever the hell you think Ivermectin does?
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