#Ca-Chan needs a hug
xerox-candybar · 8 months
It is 3am. I am just getting to bed >.<
I did not expect to spend five hours in spreadsheet hell, but alas.
Part of me wants to chastise myself for taking an hour-ish break to do some writing in between whenever I clocked out for the day and whenever I realized that my work project was totally FUBAR. But in retrospect I feel like that 80 or 90 minutes I spent with emotional support Geto and the ice cream I had at midnight is the only thing that kept me from my desk over today
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Holiday Hi-Jinks - Ch 7
Rating: Teen
Category: Promptfic (for Christmas), Fluff, Humor (Situational Irony Goes Up To 11), Misunderstandings, Comedy of Errors
Pairing: Garou x Genos. Garou and Saitama Are Besties (and also drive each other crazy constantly).
Fic Summary: When Garou and Genos agree to watch Tareo for the holidays, chaos ensues. Genos accidentally ruins Christmas with science. Saitama confronts his arch nemesis (elves). And who the heck keeps melting all of Garou's snow monsters? Certainly not Reigen Arataka.
In this Chapter: Garou has solved the mystery of the missing Christmas ornaments, and all that’s left is revenge. But first, he’ll have to team up with an unlikely ally. Also, Reigen fakes a seance.
“Spirits and Such Consulting, how can I help you?”
Garou stared down at his hand, at the glistening business card he clutched between his knuckles; the one remaining item in his otherwise empty wallet.
The neat script and smiling cardstock image beamed back at him with overwhelming conceit. “Reigen Arataka,” it read. “Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century.” On the back, attached with a single staple, was a tiny packet of restaurant exorcism salt.
God, Garou thought. What an asshat. What an insufferable asshat—
“Good afternoon,” the voice repeated. “You’ve reached Spirits and Such. How can I help you?” It was a soft voice, a boy’s voice… probably the same middle school kid from earlier.
“Uh, yes… hi.” Garou picked at the staple with his fingernail. “So, uh, you were at my house yesterday, and, um—“
The boy murmured a few words of gentle encouragement, and then suddenly the line cut out. A shuffling, scuffling sound followed as Reigen wrestled the phone away from his assistant.
“Don’t worry, Mob, I’ve got this.” Reigen’s voice was faint, away at first. Then he leaned towards the receiver, chiming in with a smug, singsong tone: “Well, well, well… look who’s calling. And by the way, you’re on speaker.”
“Hey, you’re the one who gave me this number.” Garou glared at the low-res image printed on the business card—Reigen’s insufferably smiley photograph. Garou could see it all clearly: the self-proclaimed psychic lounging around his office, kicked back at his desk, lying in wait for this embarrassing-yet-inevitable phone call, with that terrible, arrogant grin plastered all over his stupid face—
And where was Garou? Stowed away in a pantry, currently. More specifically, he was in hiding; hoping the industrial-sized sacks of flour and rice would muffle his voice and praying to God that none of his housemates would wander into the kitchen for a last-minute snack.
Nobody could find out about this conversation—nobody.
[[read the whole chapter on ao3]]
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jeonginsleftcheek · 4 months
Dating Bang Chan
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pairing: bang chan x afab!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive
warning/s: mdni, mentions of insecurities
a/n: i had a stressful week and this was just sitting in my drafts. this is just a collection of random thoughts i had bcs i'm soft for chan♡ 
(i'll probably do this for every member eventually)
Chan is such a sweetheart. Expect to be hugged and pulled into his lap all the freaking time. He needs to have his hands on you somehow no matter where you are or what you're doing. Chan will give you a back hug and then pull you into him, burying his face in your hair. He loves skinship like that especially with people who bring him comfort like you do.
Chan is the type of boyfriend who will always ask if you're hungry, thirsty or cold and if you need anything at all he will stop what he was doing and get it for you. He always wants you to feel comfortable.
He is also very playful and will tease you all the time. I also feel like he is that type of boyfriend that will swoop you up and put you over his shoulders all the damn time especially while you're doing something just to get a rise out of you. He will laugh cutely as you trash around and yell at him to 'put you down or else' but you both know you're laughing too.
You become so close to his mother and sister, and you and Hannah team up to tease him together. Berry also adores you and always runs to you whenever you visit. Chan will playfully pout and sulk, saying that 'his family replaced him' but he is actually so thrilled that you get along.
He daydreams a lot about your future together, imagines you two getting married and starting a family and it makes him all giddy and giggly. Some things he's too shy to say to you directly so he puts them in songs that he writes for you.
Chan will watch every movie and listen to every song you recommend him. He wants to know what you like and why you like it so send him cute songs and tell him that they made you think of him.
Late night adventures. Driving around aimlessly as you listen to music, getting something to eat from a convenience store or a gas station. He pulls up somewhere secluded where you have the perfect view of the city. You eat, talk and look at the stars together. Kisses are shared, hands are roaming and pretty soon you end up in the backseat of the car.
Chan will take you out to dinner, bring you flowers, take you out to the arcade, to an ice cream date, to the beach, everywhere and anywhere, he just wants you to have fun together. But he will also enjoy a quiet night at home, while he works on his laptop and you're cuddled up to him reading a book.
He always puts you first, your needs above his so you have to scold him when he tells you he forgot to eat dinner. You bring him food to the studio and he's happy to see you but sad that he made you upset. You tell him you'll forgive him if he eats everything you brought him and he happily will.
Arguments with Chan would probably mostly happen when he's sleep deprived because he gets snappy then. His voice raises a little (not on purpose) but as soon as he sees tears forming in your eyes he will start apologizing. You tell him you need a few moments and obviously he does too, so he leaves to another room to cool off a little. When he comes back out, you two sit down and talk it out. You never want to go to bed angry or without resolving a fight.
No matter if you live together or you're sleeping over at each other's places you can forget about personal space. When you go to bed at night, Chan will cling onto you, he will pull you into him and hold you tight. Good luck on trying to move until the morning. Showers together because why wouldn't you wanna save water?
Absolute gentleman. Will open doors for you, move your chair, help you put your jacket on, you'll never have to carry anything heavy. He knows you can do it but he just wants to treat you like the queen you are and you better indulge him or he will sulk.
Sometimes, Chan feels insecure and nothing can make him feel better than your arms around him, his head on your chest as you gently tell him about everything you love and admire about him. He's used to always being alert and taking care of others so he'd love for you to take care of him sometimes like that, baby him a little, it lights his heart up.
Little moments when he's concentrated on something or lost in his own little world always make you gush at him and your camera is full of his cute moments, when he realizes you're filming him, he gets shy and you capture his sweet smile and cute giggles.
This man will also never give you room to doubt yourself. He will remind you every single day how much he loves you and respects you. How beautiful you are to him, every single part of you, every scar, stretchmark, anything you're insecure about he'll give extra kisses and caresses to that part of you just so you start loving yourself more.
Make him sleep please! He needs to rest and often pulls all-nighters but if you offer him cuddles he can't say no, he has to join you in bed.
You wear matching bracelets!🥺 And they're ones that you make by yourselves with cute colorful beads and maybe your initials and it's just so adorable!
Random cuteness agression moments where Chan can't contain all the love he has for you so he attacks you with kisses all over your face. You squeal and you both end up giggling and play-fighting. Will also tickle you every chance he gets. You're never safe from Chan the tickle monster. (He just loves touching you and loves seeing you laugh, deal with it.)
Okay but your mom will love him so much. He's the type of boyfriend that will treat your mom like his own. Anything she needs help with, he will help no questions asked. She's already calling him her son-in-law.
You need help fixing something around the house? Chan is your man. Just imagine those arms of his as he's working on something, wearing just a tanktop. (😩)
You can talk to him about anything really, he loves to listen to you ramble about your friends or work, sometimes he starts teasing you in the middle of your rambling, repeating what you're saying or reacting dramatically. You smack his thigh or arm and whine that he's not taking it seriously. He just laughs at you and promises to listen seriously with a goofy face.
But when it comes to actual serious issues, you can really rely on Chan. He will hold your hand and caress you as you tell him your worries. He'll listen without interrupting, letting you vent to him. When you're done he will do everything he can to comfort you, motivate you, make you feel better, help you get through whatever you're struggling with.
Talks about you all the time, he's so proud to be yours and he's just infatuated with you. Giggles to himself when he thinks about you. He just adores you so much.
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juniefruit · 4 months
☆ bf werewolf chan ☆
☆ modern, non-idol au, established relationship. gn! reader except fem! in the nsfw part (specified with a warning)
☆ Warnings: regular werewolf shenanigans, idk pretty tame. lmk if I need to add something! not proofread, posting from the cafe where I just finished the smut portion :)
☆ Word count: ~1.5k
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Super shy when he first tells you about the whole werewolf situation. He stumbles over his words and his face is red from embarrassment. But you give him your undivided attention, eyes full of patience and love. He confesses everything, his hand gripping your forearm and kneading the flesh for reassurance. 
Finally, everything falls into place. All of his little quirks and mannerisms make sense now. The way he clings to you, how he insists you wear his jackets/hoodies, and so on. Oh, and the fact that he’s practically a human furnace. Cold hands and feet? Not with Chan glued to your side. 
Knows that you're fully capable of holding your own, but sometimes he just can't help his jealousy or overprotectiveness. Can you blame him!! he just wants you to be safe and keep you all to himself. He never denies you of the things that bring you joy. He also buys you little keepsakes or trinkets that remind him of you. Holds your hand, waist shoulder, etc. in public. He has enough self awareness to know that extreme PDA is cringe, so he keeps it to a minimum unless something truly pisses him off and has to let them know you're taken.
Now that you think about it, his ‘stargazing’ trips always happened during a full moon. It annoys you that you didn’t catch on to it earlier. But what he does is far from stargazing. Him and the other pack members patrol the forest on the outskirts of the city for anything alarming or new. You had shown interest in these trips, but Chan promised he’d take you another day, one where it could be just you two, instead of having to deal with Chan’s  buddies too. And he delivered. It was one of your favorite date activities now. It’s like the world slows down as the stars twinkle above the grassy meadow you’re laying on. Crickets chirp in the distance, and Chan’s arm is wrapped around your shoulders, providing you with a comfy headrest. There’s a blanket under you, too. Once in a while, he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, eyes closed, smiling with content. He takes in your scent, nearly groaning at the delectable smell. His senses are still heightened more than the usual amount since the full moon had just passed a few days ago. You lay in the grass together until your eyelids grow heavy and tired, ready to whisk you away into a peaceful slumber. Chan pulls you up, helping you walk to the car and tucking you into the passenger seat. The rest is a blur, until you wake up covered by crisp linen sheets and soft huffs coming from the wolf boy next to you.
Big fan of the sense of smell. His heightened senses alert him immediately when you switch up your shampoo, lotion, or perfume. He gets so whiny if you use something different than usual. His fake annoyance doesn’t last long though, because in T-minus 5 minutes he’s bear-hugging you from behind, nose buried in the nape of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent that’s all his to enjoy. 
His favorite candle has notes of pine needles, dried wood & maybe hints of vanilla or citrus musk. The pine reminds him of the forest & calms his senses. If he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough, he could visualize himself in the forest, moss and dirt beneath his wolf paws, and his tail swishing behind him.
One day, you brought it home and lit it in the living room. He loved it so much, it was never more than three feet away from him. He thanked you so many times, hugged you and peppered kisses all over your face until you were giggling. You insisted it was no big deal, it was just a candle after all. But to him, it was more. It was the fact that you had seen it at the store, and bought it because it reminded you of him. He was elated that you cared so deeply about him. 
The scent of the candle hits him like a wave when he walks out of his studio room and finds you curled up on the couch, the latest trending novel in hand. He thinks you look beautiful; especially because you’re wrapped in a huge black hoodie of his. 
As an alpha, his protective instincts run deep. He’s very selfless in this way; his lover and pack members always come first. 
Super clingy!! He thrives on skin contact. Not only is it a way to leave his scent on you, it’s a form of intimacy. Sift through his hair or scratch his head or behind his ears and he’s turning into jelly in your lap, limbs sprawled out across your figure, humming and grunting with content. 
Your honor, he's just a big puppy with responsibilites!! 
As his mate partner, he trusts you enough to let his guard down and listen to his concerns. He’s definitely the type to talk at 2 A.M about anything and everything that comes to mind. He doesn’t even care if you’re half asleep, he just has to let it out. Of course, being the good girlfriend you are, you’re laid on your side, head propped up by your elbow and giving him the attention he’s craving (But he’ll never say it). He’s also the most vulnerable at this time. Channie Second-guesses his leadership like his life depends on it. Do the members secretly hate him? What if he’s not working hard enough? Nonsense, you tell him. Your reassurance makes him feel better, like all hope is not lost. He mumbles thank you’s and praise into the nape of your neck as he wraps himself around your backside and falls asleep to the steady beating of your heart. 
Always takes your opinion into consideration. Not comfortable somewhere? Chan’s already leading you by the hand and heading home. He’s so good at reading body language because of his senses.
Needs people to know you’re his. Yes, he knows it's a bit silly since regular humans can’t smell pheromones. But! On the off-chance you come across a werewolf, he needs you to be protected. Definitely makes sure you’re wearing something of his, it doesn’t necessarily have to be clothing. It can be a bracelet, necklace, earrings or keychain.
NSFW section! MDNI. 
Firstly, his ruts. Kind of like a boy period, he has phases. First he’s super clingy and lovey, and then he ruins the mood with his own horniness. He has to convince himself that it’s okay!! It’s natural and you are more than willing to help. His ruts always bring out the more possessive and animalistic side of him. However, he’s always so gentle with aftercare, cleaning you up and feeding you until he’s ready to go again. 
Soooo obsessed with the curves of your body. Big or small, doesn’t matter. He’s running his hands along your hips and up your waist until you’re squirming.
Marking!! Hickeys, bite marks, scratch marks. Both giving & receiving. He’s folding so quickly if you scratch his back, especially the hard-to-reach spots. Channie swears he’s never felt something better than the feeling of your legs wrapped around him and your hands gripping and scratching at his muscled back as you’re lost in pleasure. The next morning, he’s stood in front of the bathroom mirror admiring the pretty pink scratch marks cascading down the rippling muscles of his shoulders and back muscles. He tries his best to cook something edible and, to his surprise, it’s not half bad (again with the self doubt). He’s got an apron on but no shirt underneath, and boxers. He’s bringing you the plate as you’re in bed
Your pleasure is his pleasure. That being said, he can get off on your sounds alone. He can also spot fake moans, so don’t even try!! Also hates when you try to cover them up, like why are you denying him access to your sweet sounds?? Channie doesn’t care if you think they’re weird or embarrassing, what matters is that you feel good, and he’s providing that for you.
Chan needs foreplay. He needs to get in the mood, make sure he’s on his A game. God forbid he makes a mistake or hurts you!! He’d never live it down. Big fan of wet, messy kisses and sucking your tongue out of your mouth and into his. He’s leaving love bites along your lips and trailing them down your cheek and jaw, making a stop and your earlobe, and lapping at your neck. Doesn’t leave a trace of skin uncovered. Red and blue marks are littered over your body. 
He slowly makes his way down to your core, until he’s languidly caressing the soft insides of your thighs with his hands. Doesn’t matter how hard he is, he’s eating you out and making love to your cunt with his face. 
He loves controlling the pace of his thrusts until you’re a babbling mess and cock drunk. It fills him with pride to know you trust him enough to lose yourself completely, until the only reality you know is him and his cock. 
“Mine”, “my love”, “babygirl” “my good girl” ... ohhh….
Good lord he goin crazy on that thang!!!!
read more here! -> my masterlist
Warning: Everything I post is 100% my original writing & thoughts. This also includes the moodboards at the beginning, that I create. Please do not plagiarize or copy. Tag for inspiration or add-ons. Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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cas-skz · 2 years
Our Girl
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Bangchan x Fem!Reader
| non idol au | single parents au | ex to lovers |
Chan has your five year old daughter Emma for the weekend, but during a vicious hurricane you realize she forgot her stuffie and head out to deliver it. When a tree blocks the road, you’re forced to stay the night…or two.
warnings: alcohol, unprotected sex, cum shot. little cursing
writers note: yea hello hi my friends. jac used my full real name and “my fucking heart you bitch” when she read this so I hope you feel the same. And yes I named their kid emma so I could scream it like on H2O
enjoy! cas xx
The sounds of children's laughter filled the playground. Your eyes followed Emma as she ran around, making friends with the other kids and joining them in games. She got her social skills from her father, that was for sure.
Emma was born just after you graduated from college. Her dad, Chan, had just started his career as a music producer and you had signed as a junior designer for a fashion line. Life got busy, between both your jobs and raising a baby, you and Chan eventually drifted from each other.
One thing you appreciated about Chan was how much he cared. He checks in daily and gets her anything she needs. Even though he doesn’t have much free time, when he has the chance, he always spends it with her.
“Daddy!” Emma’s voice screamed out from the crowd of kids, her curly locks flying behind her as she ran towards Chan.
You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them embracing. Chan lifting her in the air and hugging her tightly, kissing her cheeks until she told him to stop. You wished you could stay in these moments, where everything felt okay.
It had been a couple weeks since you’d seen Chan in person. He would video call every night to read Emma a story, taking a bit of time to chat with her about their days. It reminded you of the nightly calls you shared with him years ago.
After a few moments with Emma, he joined you on the bench. “When will she stop growing?”
“In like 10-15 years.” You groan with a laugh, leaning back on the bench and turning slightly to Chan. He looked tired, but he was much more toned than you remembered.
“We’re gonna be so old.” Chan said dramatically.
You nudged his arm, “we’re already old.”
He whined a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess we are. You’re still older though.” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, looking back towards the playground. “So, what do you have planned tonight?”
It was the first time in a long time that Chan was able to take Emma for the weekend. She was head over heels excited.
“Homemade pizzas, cupcakes for dessert,”
You interrupted, “Chocolate?”
“Of course, she’d flip if not.” Chan laughed, “I also got a couple of those bracelet making kits, since she’s been going on about them” he went on for a few minutes about all the different things he had planned.
You couldn’t help but smile, hearing how excited he was made your heart happy.
He stopped and looked at you, a bright red creeping onto his ears. “What?”
“Thank you.” You said after a long moment, your eyes fell to the ground before back to Emma. “You’re a really great dad, and she’s lucky to have you. We’re really lucky.”
You spent the next little while chatting, catching up on life before Emma came running over to you both, “I’m hungry!” She whined in a dramatic voice.
The three of you went to a nearby pizza place as storm clouds started to roll in. You quickly got to your cars, giving Chan her overnight bag and you said your goodbyes. “You call mommy if you need anything, okay? I hope you have so much fun with Daddy.”
The storm started a few hours later. Chan confirmed they had gotten back to his place and you decided to relax for the night - or at least try to. The movie was almost over when the power went out and you sighed softly before moving to your bed.
You had just sat down when you felt a soft bump under the blanket, pulling it out to see Emma’s stuffed rabbit. She slept with it every night and you knew she’d have trouble without it.
Without a second thought, you grabbed your keys and headed to your car, trying to reach Chan as you drove through the storm.
It took you twice as long to get to his place, and the phone lines had stopped working by the time you pulled in. Candles flickered through the windows and you made the dash to his front door.
“What the fuck?! Are you actually crazy?” Chan said as he pulled you in the house. You were soaking wet just from the few seconds in the rain. You unzipped your jacket and pulled her bunny from under your shirt. “She forgot, Mr. Hopper.”
“Daddy, you’re not supposed to say Fuck.” Emma said coming into the entry way in a tutu and gently taking the plushie from your hand. “Thank you for keeping him dry, and bringing him. He was scared.” She turned in a circle and walked back into the living room.
You smiled softly and turned to leave, but Chan held the door closed. “I’m not letting you drive again.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “I got here perfectly fine, didn’t I?”
As if the weather gods were on his side, a loud snap came from across the street.
“Timber!” Emma yelled from the living room.
Chan moved to look out the window next to the door, “Looks like you’re stuck.”
You groaned quietly as you peered outside, noticing a tree fallen down across the road.
It took you a while to settle down. It was weird being in his home, feeling his energy after so long. After a couple glasses of wine, you finally relaxed into the couch a bit.
You laid on your side, flashlight on the bracelet making that was happening on the floor. You smiled as you watched Emma pick out different beads and carefully string them together, but your eyes kept drifting to Chan.
You didn’t remember the last time you saw him so happy. It looked good on him.
His eyes flashed up to catch yours for a second before you quickly moved them back to Emma. A lump in your throat started to grow. You tried to drown it with the wine.
“Sweet dreams, my beautiful girl. I love you so so much.” You kissed Emma’s forehead a few times before sending her upstairs with Chan.
The tension in the air finally lifted a bit, and you took the opportunity to look around his place. It was nicely decorated, with different paintings and albums on the walls. You walked slowly through the halls until you found his studio.
Your fingers ran slowly along the shelves of his music collection, pulling out a few to admire the cover work. A baby picture of Emma caught your eye, and you slowly walked over to Chan’s desk.
You smiled to yourself, starting to gaze over the other pictures he had out. They were mostly of Emma, no surprise. Though, a small frame with two pictures, sitting directly in the middle of his desk, caught your eye.
A wave of emotions started to hit as you looked at the photos. One was of you, laying in bed sleeping and another was of the two of you when you first met.
Tears started to fall from your eyes, you slowly set the picture back in its place. You turn to leave the room. You stop in your tracks, gasping, seeing Chan standing in the doorway, a glass of dark liquor in hand.
“Sorry.” You start, your eyes focusing on the glass before falling to the ground. He hated drinking. “I was just having a look around. The place is really nice.”
He smiled softly, “thanks.”
He shot back the rest of the liquor, walking over grab the picture you had put down. “This was the morning we found out about Emma.”
You turned your back to him as he leaned against the desk, his eyes following you as you avoided his gaze. The room felt heavy with tension again as it fell silent for a long moment, wind and rain hitting the windows the only sound filling the room.
You didn’t want to admit how much you missed him, how much you wanted your little family back together. He was your best friend and feeling so drifted apart from him broke your heart.
“The guest room is made up, I threw some clothes for you in change in.”
“Thank you.” You turned to look at him, a few more tears falling. “I’m gonna head up.” You forced a smile and turned to leave.
Chan’s hand caught your wrist before you could make it out, his grip gently against your skin. You turned, looking at him through watery eyes.
Your body unconsciously took a step towards him, and his arms wrapped tightly around your head and shoulders, pulling you into a hug.
It caught you off guard at first. The warmth of his body, his familiar scent. It made your stomach erupt with butterflies.
You finally wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his chest.
When Chan finally pulled back, he quickly wiped his face and sniffed. “Just let me know if you need anything.”
Sleeping was nearly impossible, the noise outside was horrid. The tears hadn’t managed to stop falling and everything was cold since the power was still out.
You had just closed your eyes again when Emma’s soft voice woke you. “What’s wrong baby?”
She clung to Mr. Hopper, “I had a bad dream and now the storm is scary. Can you come sleep with me and Daddy?”
It was only then you noticed Chan in the doorway, half asleep, hair a mess.
You sat up in bed a bit, tucking a piece of hair behind Emma’s ear. “I don’t know if daddy would like that sweetie. Why don’t you go with him, he’ll keep you safe.”
“But I want you both.”
Chan insisted it was okay and you let Emma guide you towards his bedroom. You both took a side and let her in the middle.
Emma yawned, snuggling into Chan’s arm while holding onto yours. “Night night mommy and daddy.” She said sleepily.
You kept your eyes on her as she fell asleep, but could feel his gaze on you. Your eyes move to him, meeting with his. You looked at each other for a long moment and it felt like your heart was going to explode.
You smiled softly and let your eyes close.
The quiet sound of chatting woke you up. Emma was sitting up on the bed, babbling away with Chan.
You stretched out groaning, turning on your side to cuddle into Emma.
“Mommy! We’re gonna build a fort, do you wanna help?!”
You happily agreed, quickly washing up before meeting Chan and Emma downstairs. Emma was dragging all the blankets and sheets from the linen closet, and Chan was in the kitchen raiding his pantry.
“Do you need any help?” You asked as you walked into the kitchen.
Chan sighed quietly, turning around with a few random boxes in hand. “I didn’t realize how hard it was to make breakfast without power.”
You grabbed a box of crackers from his hand, peaking into the pantry to check what else he had. “Can you cut up a banana and apple, please?” You ask, setting out some peanut butter, Nutella and granola
He rose an eyebrow at the items you pulled out before grabbing a knife and starting to cut the fruits.
You quickly spread PB on some of the crackers and Nutella on the others. Sprinkled some granola and started to grab the pieces of fruit Chan had cut, placing them on top.
“How did you come up with that so fast?” He asked, lifting Emma into his arms as she came running into the kitchen.
Her eyes went wide at the sight of the makeshift breakfast, “Snacky Crackers for breakfast?” She asked excitedly, reaching over to grab one.
“Special occasions only, and I guess the power being out can count as one.” You laughed, starting to munch. “Emma was the one who came up with it. I wasn’t feeling good one night and she brought me these.”
“I’m kind of a genius cooking person.” Emma said confidently.
“A chef.” You and Chan said at the same time.
After finishing eating, the three of you headed to the living room to build the fort, which ended up taking over the whole living room. You told stories, played board games and found different ways to pass the time.
The power was still out when the evening came, and the tree was still blocking the road out. You had no choice but to spend another night.
You’re not sure what time it was when you woke up from a nightmare, gasping for air and tears falling. They didn’t happen as much as they used to, but the effect always left you anxious and restless for a while.
You pushed out of bed after a few minutes and started pacing up and down the hall. You sang ‘you are my sunshine’ quietly. When you turned to walk the other way, Chan has stepped into the hall.
“Oh, sorry. I’m just having trouble getting back to sleep.”
“Nightmare?” He asked.
You bit your lip gently and nodded, sighing quietly as you started to walk towards the guest bedroom. “Sorry for waking you.”
“Y/N…” Chan said quietly, “Come sleep with me.” He extended his hand to you.
He knew you’d never get back to sleep alone.
You took his hand and let him guide you, crawling into the bed from his side. You flipped on your side to face him as he settled back into bed.
“Come here.” Chan said, sinking down into the bed with one arm opened, making a little spot for you.
You slid up and tucked yourself under his arm, resting your head on his shoulder and a hand his bare chest. Your body calmed almost immediately.
“You didn’t have to do this for me.” You said quietly, your fingers moving slowly across his skin.
“But it helped, didn’t it.”
“It did.” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “Thank you. For everything.” You moved your self up a bit, placing a gently kiss on his cheek.
Your lips barely left his cheek when he turned his head to catch you, pressing his lips deeply into yours.
Your hand slid up to his neck as you kissed back, a soft moan escaping your lips in between the tender kisses.
His hand rested gently on your hip as the two of you made out.
Chan slowly moved on top of you, his lips moving to your neck, sucking gently on your sweet spot.
“We shouldn’t…” You said quietly. Your body was starting to cave into him.
Honestly, it was driving you a little crazy how bad you did want him. You hadn’t stopped wanting him.
“I know.” Chan said, his breath hot in your ear. “I just miss you so much.”
You lifted his head back to yours, kissing him again as a tear fell from your eye. “I miss you too, Channie.”
The last time you hooked up with him after the breakup was at Emma’s birthday party, almost a full year ago. You hadn’t been with anyone else since him. He was the one.
“You know it’s always been you.” Chan kissed your lips again, “it will always be you.”
You pulled his lips to yours, smiling into your kisses. It felt like a weight lifted off your chest, and as if it was some sort of sign, the power came back on.
From down the hall, Emma screamed awake. You and Chan both rolled out of bed instantly, going to her room to see her sitting up in bed, giggling to herself.
“People are scared of the dark, but the lights scared me!”
You shook your head laughing, sending Chan in to help her back to sleep as you went downstairs to turn off things that had been on before the power outage.
Chan was just leaving Emma’s room as you reached the top of the stairs, “She fell back asleep really fast.” He chuckled, his eyes on you as you walked towards him.
When you were almost to him, you slid your panties off from under the oversized shirt you were wearing, tossing them aside before l finishing your walk.
Your hand slid slowly up his chest, “Is daddy going to help me go to sleep too?”
His hand gripped the back of your neck as he pulled you in for a kiss, his other arm swooping down to pick you up from under your leg.
Chan carried you to the bed, you stopped to remind him to lock the door. Emma had almost walked in on your two at her birthday party, thankfully you had just finished.
He lifted you onto the bed, kicking off his pj pants before climbing on the bed, hovering above you. “You know, this is the first time since Emma was born that we’ve had sex twice in under a year.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, smacking his arm gently as he leaned down to kiss you. “Should we keep count for the next few months til her birthday?” Chan said, his lips moving to your neck.
“You think you can keep track?” You giggle, reaching down to stroke his cock. He moved up a bit, his hand replacing yours as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds before slowly thrusting in.
You gasped a moan as your head fell back, your wet walls expanding from his thick cock. His lips found your neck again, kissing and sucking gently at your skin.
Chan’s hand ran gently on your outer thigh, lifting your leg a bit as he continued to thrust slowly, filling your body with chills and goosebumps.
You cursed quietly as your peak already started to approach, you pulled Chan’s lips back to yours, giving him a deep kiss as your walls started to contract, your wetness dampening the spot underneath you.
His lips moved softly against yours, only lifting the tiniest bit when a few moans and curses left his mouth.
Your body shook gently as he pulled out, the feeling on his warm cum spraying up your torso.
You ran your hands though his hair as you kissed him for a few minutes, unable to stop smiling.
“And I think that’s the fastest we’ve made each other cum.” Chan said smirking.
You covered your face with both hands, laughing into them. “Do you keep track of our whole sex life?”
“Not hard to do when my girl fucks so good every time.” He said, nuzzling his nose between your hands to kiss your lips.
The sun had just started to come up when you and Chan went for a shower. Knowing Emma would be up soon, sleep was going to have to wait.
Sitting on the counter, you happily sipped on a cup of coffee as Chan cooked breakfast, bacon and eggs.
He turned to you while it started to cook, his hands running up your tights as he kissed your lips softly.
“Are you kissing?!” Emma yelled from the entryway, running over to the two of you, hugging Chan’s leg as she looked up at you both with eager eyes.
Chan lifted her onto the counter next to you, placing a kiss on her forehead, “And what if we were?” He asked with a laugh.
Emma made a long thinking sound, “Gross, but only because kissing boys seems icky.”
“How would you know?” You asked
“Rylan kissed me like 500 weeks ago, it was gross. He smelled like farts.”
“You’re not allowed to be kissing boys.” Chan said, pointing the spatula towards her. “Not until you’re 40.”
“You’re 40, right daddy?” Emma asked.
You burst out laughing at her question, and Chan’s facial reaction.
“I’m 25!” He whined, doing a little sulky stomp.
The three of you ate in the kitchen, feeling cozy in the spots you were in. You and Chan couldn’t stop smiling at each other, even if there was still a ton of stuff to figure out.
Once done, Emma ran off to play and you started the dishes.
Your mind had trailed off as the ‘what if’s’ started to creep into your mind. The stress of figuring out how to balance your busy lives without losing each other again.
“Hey,” Chan said softly, leaning on the counter next to you, his hand tucking some hair behind your ear. “Talk to me.”
“I’m just…worried.” You say quietly, finally rinsing the dish you had zoned out washing. “I don’t want us to drift again. I don’t think I could handle it and I don’t want to think about how Emma would deal.”
You started on a word vomit ramble, about how busy life was and how you could barely keep up as is. You had started pacing at some point, hands dripping from the water.
Chan placed both his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in place as you looked at him with blurry eyes. “Quit your job.”
His words took you by surprise, you whispered the tiniest, confused. “What?”
“You have enough connections in the industry, you could easily be a freelancer until someone, someone who knows your worth and how fucking talented you are, signs you.”
It was true that work was stressing you out. You poured your heart and soul into designs, only for them to be shot down.
“I can probably work from home, since I’ve been there long enough. I want us to be a family, for real this time.”
You looked up at him, his face so sincere and confident. It made your heart fell warm, and you knew you could trust him to take care of you both.
“I want that. I want this. I want you. I want us.”
Chan smiled softly, leaning in to gently kiss you. He took your hand and guided you to his studio, “Emma, can you come here please?” He yelled.
Chan sat in his computer chair, pulling you onto his lap and when Emma came skipping in, he lifted her and sat her on his other leg.
“You remember when you told daddy what you asked Santa for?” Chan asked Emma, brushing some curls from her face.
Emma nodded, “For daddy to marry mommy.”
You blushed deeply, scrunching your nose at Emma while smiling uncontrollably. “You silly goose.”
Chan turned in the chair a bit, reaching behind the picture of you he kept in the middle. “Well,” he started, wrapping his arm around Emma and sneaking one around your waist, a small light blue box in hand.
You felt your chest go tight as tears started to well in your eyes, you leaned back a bit to look at Emma, who took the box from his hand and held it happily in hers.
“It doesn’t have to be marriage, but I think it’s time you got this.”
Emma opened the box, a stunning pear shaped Tiffany ring. Chan took it out, holding it up.
“I’m in it forever.” He said looking into your eyes.
You let the tears fall, kissing his lips before holding your ring finger up. He slid the ring on, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Forever.” You whispered against his lips.
Emma jumped off his lap, doing a silly celebration dance and cheer. “You’re married!” She yelled, taking off running into the house. “Marrrrrrried.”
“Cute officiant, where’d you find her?” You laughed.
“My wife, and it’s the best gift she’s ever given me.”
You kissed his lips again, running your hand through his hair. “Is my lovely husband going to help me move?”
“We got married like two seconds ago, and you’ve already got a job for me?” He asked dramatically, his smile gave away that he was joking.
“Just wait til you see the plant watering schedule.” You giggled.
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nero-vanderwolf · 7 months
“That’s Ken-kun’s dungeon!?”
Naoto stares up at the looming tower, and Akihiko curses quietly.
“Tch. We shoulda known the kid wouldn’t be able to let go of what happened so easily...” Shinji mutters, gripping his Evoker.
Fuuka stands next to Rise. “I think it’d be best to divide your teams now. Rise-chan and I will provide support from here.”
Yu glances around. “Makoto, Akihiko-san, and Yosuke. Come with me.”
Yosuke grins, bounding over to his friend. “You can count on me, Partner!” He says joyously, and Akihiko notices the look on his face when Yu turns away. It’s the same that Akihiko wore whenever he thought of Shinji, whenever his mind wandered into areas he used to block off, strayed into territory he deemed too dangerous to venture in- especially since the thoughts were about Shinji.
Yu knocks his elbow against Yosuke’s, then strides away to discuss something with Naoto and Kanji. Akihiko uses the opportunity to place a hand on Yosuke’s shoulder.
“...You love him, don’t you?” He mutters, and Yosuke sighs, nodding once.
“I do. I didn’t realise it at first, but... I really do. It’s scary, Akihiko-san. Am I allowed... Am I allowed to feel like this?”
Yosuke looks up at him with shiny eyes, and Akihiko is terrifyingly reminded of himself, desperate for validation from those older and wiser than him.
Akihiko nods. “Me n’ Shinji could do it, even after I almost broke his jaw. You two seem to have a pretty strong bond, one that I’ve only ever seen twice before.”
Yosuke tilts his head- but before he can ask further, Yu comes back.
“Hey! Sorry, had to check with Naoto what they were planning on doing. Hey, are you alright, Partner? You look ready to cry...”
Yu places his hand on Yosuke’s other shoulder, and Akihiko steps away as the two hug.
“Yeah, ‘m okay. Don’t worry about me, alright? It’s nothing,” Yosuke says, resting his head on Yu’s shoulder. He looks at peace there.
“Hey, lovebirds! We’ve got a kid to save!” Chie shouts from across the path. The two jerk away from each other, Yu’s face a furious red. Akihiko almost laughs.
The groups have been divided, he realises. Naoto, Kanji, Mitsuru and Yukari are in one group. Koromaru, Shinji, Kotone, and Yukiko are in another. Chie and Junpei stand awkwardly together, hovering by Kotone’s group.
Akihiko is almost ready to drag her into his group, when Fuuka shouts.
The robot comes marching up to them, looking frazzled but intact. “Sorry I am late,” she says with an apologetic smile. “There were... Shall we say, technical difficulties getting here. But all is well now, and I am ready to fight.”
Makoto and Kotone rush forward, both hugging her tightly. Kotone presses a kiss to her cheek, and Makoto’s hand drifts to the knot of the ribbon on her neck. It’s smaller since the last time Akihiko saw her, no longer big and showy, but still enough to protect her Papillon Heart. It’s yellow, matching her blue sundress. Classy.
Akihiko pulls her into a hug once the twins back off into their respective groups. She smells like lavender and lemon. “You missed the reunion... We were worried about you.”
Aigis embraces him back, a bit too tight and a bit too long, but Akihiko finds he doesn’t mind at all. “I apologise for worrying you. We can have another one once we rescue Ken-kun. Now, are there any groups that need another person?”
Aigis steps away, scanning the rather large group SEES has amassed.
“Do you two need another person?” She asks Chie and Junpei, who look up. Chie’s eyes go to the sundress Aigis is wearing, but regardless she nods. Junpei just grins- telling enough for SEES, who’ve known each other through the end of the world.
“Heck yeah! Kicking Shadow butt is always more fun with a friend!” Chie declares, a grin forming on her face. Junpei spins his sword in his hand.
“You know we need your help,” he says, and Aigis smiles brightly.
“Very well, then. I’ll show you what I’m made of.”
gay recognizing gay with aki and souyo... i love the way aki can see through their denial and internalized homophobia because he's been there. he sees himself in them and he can help them because hes been there. gah this man is just a father to all these kids... AIGIS AND KOTONE DATING?? GHHHGVHBJN also aigis joins the crew!!! all the help we can get to find ken :D also so excited to hear about ken's dungeon if you have any ideas!!! i feel like theres a lotta potetial there
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
Summer’s Night
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This bad boy has been in the drafts since the end of spring… now it’s the end of fall. Enjoy!
Words: 1460+
Warnings: accidental confession, making out, grinding, reader is sad in the beginning
Ft. Yamaguchi Tadashi x FEM!reader, Tsukki
Summary: You’re having a sad summer night and Tadashi let’s you come over. What will he do when he sees you in your short little silk nightgown?
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A cool breeze blew over Yamaguchi as he snuggled deeper into his nest of blankets, thankful for the smell of summer nights. He wondered if it would be too late to sneak outside and watch the stars, or perhaps he could just look outside his open window. His eyelids felt heavy as he finally started drifting to sleep, the crickets humming outside lulling him into a light slumber.
Yamaguchi sat up, confused at the shrill sound coming from his bedside table. It was a shock from the nice quiet, and he swore his heart leaped out of his rib cage. He grabbed his phone to shut off the annoying sound, but his brain woke up enough to realize that it was you who was calling him. He stared in disbelief for a moment, glancing at his clock that read '12:32am' before tapping on the accept option.
"Hello?" Yamaguchi asked tenderly into his phone. "Are you ok?"
"Y-yam-chan," you sobbed into the phone, "I'm s-sorry if I woke y-you, b-but no one e-else would pick up," his heart broke as you hiccuped an explanation through your tears.
"You didn't, don't worry," he lied. "Do you need to talk? I can listen."
"N-not yet. I just- I really need to be with someone right now," you took ragged breaths as you spoke, "would I'd be alright if I ca-came over for a bit? I-I'm so sorry for the intrusion, it's fine if not—."
"—oh of course!" Yamaguchi cut you off. "How far away are you? Would you like me to bike to you?"
"Actually.. I'm near the par-park just around the corner of your street," you huffed. Now that Yamaguchi listened past your heavy breathing, he could hear the soft mull of crickets from your end.
"Ok, you'll make it ok?" Yamaguchi offered. "Just text me when you're here. My parents are sleeping so I'll open the front door for you."
"Y-yeah I'll be fine. Thank you so mu-much, Yamaguchi. You have no idea how grateful I am," you said. "See you in a few."
Yamaguchi hung up after he heard the line go dead, and he flung himself out of bed. He was wide awake now, throwing dirty clothes into his hamper and shoving his mess under his bed. He panicked when he realized he was still in the briefs he went to bed in. Yamaguchi hurriedly threw on a white T-shirt, and managed to slip a pair of shorts on. Just in time too, because the ding of a notification came from his phone. He scanned the message and quietly ran to his front door.
Tadashi could safely say that he wasn't expecting you to come to his house dressed in a silk nightgown. He really hoped you couldn't see the growing blush appear on his face as he let you in. Your sudden hug took his breath away and he wondered how he was going to survive the night.
"Th-thank you, Yams," you hiccuped, rubbing your puffy eyes. He admired your lips that were swollen from crying and he imagined kissing them.
"U-uh, of course," Tadashi stuttered, "the bathroom is this way if you need it..."
He led you to the bathroom, opening the door to let you inside the small room. He offered a shower, to which you declined and set on washing up your face instead.
Tadashi went back down the hall to his bedroom, a long sigh leaving his lips as he leant against his wall. He flopped face first into his pillows and groaned.
You peaked into Tadashi's room and looked at him with an unreadable expression, coming forward when he beckoned you over.
"I know this might be a little weird but.. can we just sit and cuddle for a bit on your bed? I think it'll soothe me a bit," you wrung your hands together.
Tadashi admired your slightly smudged makeup and gulped before answering, "s-sure." He offered you his bed, and you sat down on the plush mattress.
The freckled boy sucked in a deep breath when you wrapped your arms around his waist, smooshing your cheek against his shoulder. "Thank you again for letting me stay."
"Of course," Tadashi mumbled against the top of your head. "Anything for you."
The two of you sank further down the bed until you were only half sitting up, and you threw a leg over Yamaguchi's. Your silk nightdress rode up and revealed your thigh; any higher and Tadashi thought he would get a nosebleed.
The boy felt bad that he got an erection while you still had tear stains on your cheeks, but making you feel comforted and safe made his gut twist in glee. He was able to snake an arm around you to pull you closer, and he carefully made sure that you wouldn't touch the bulge that formed in his pants. You fell asleep fairly quickly, and Tadashi could hear your soft snores.
The freckled boy fumbled with his phone to see if Tsukishima was still up. He watched Tsukki's Instagram activity go from '1 mins ago' to '2 mins ago' and he sighed in relief. He switched apps to call his blonde friend, praying that he wouldn't ignore him.
"What?" Said Tsukishima's gruff voice.
"Ok so long story short, y/n had a breakdown and she called me to ask if she could stay over, and obviously I said yes..." Tadashi rambled.
"Jeez... okay?" The blonde pressed.
"... but I didn't expect her to come over in a tiny silk nightgown! She's sleeping on me right now and I'm freaking out! What do I do?" Yamaguchi worried his lower lip between his teeth, side-eyeing your sleeping form.
"Ok so? I can't really help you with that," Tsukki mumbled into his pillow. "Just relax or whatever."
"How am I supposed to relax when I have a boner, dude?! With the girl of my dreams in my lap?!" Yamaguchi whisper-yelled.
"I'm too tired to deal with this right now. Sorry but you're on your own," Tsukki said before hanging up. Yamaguchi frowned and put down his phone, his hand going to rest on your shoulder.
"Girl of your dreams, huh?" You said groggily, voice thick with sleep.
"you weren't supposed to hear that..." Yamaguchi sweat dropped. His heart thudded repeatedly in his chest.
"If it makes you feel any better" -you paused, licking your lips- "you're the boy of my dreams."
Tadashi looked down into your eyes, his own widening. You lifted yourself up a bit and looked down to his lips before using a hand to cup his cheek.
"Oh my god, kiss me," Yamaguchi muttered dreamily, and before he could blink your lips were on his.
He let you slide onto his lap so you were straddling him, his hands nervously travelling down to hold your waist. Your fingers tugged gently at his hair, pulling a quiet squeak from the boy below you.
Yamaguchi could feel the warmth of your heat radiating on his crotch, and he moaned just thinking about how close he was to you. He helped you grind yourself on him as you slid your tongue across his lips.
Having you so close to him made Tadashi overwhelmed with your touch and your smell, and he soon realized that he could smell your arousal. He panicked at the thought of telling you that he's hardly had any experience with this sort of thing, and he pulled away to gasp for breath.
"right... well... I'm not sure how we ended up kissing like that..." Tadashi's chest heaved. His cheeks were dusted pink and you were sure that you felt his cock twitch from within his shorts.
Yamaguchi glanced down to see that your nightgown had rode up just above your thighs, and he gulped before looking back into your e/c eyes. His breath hitched as you trailed a finger down his jaw, smiling gently at him when he shivered.
"You're pretty," you grinned at him, using your thumbs to smooth over his freckled cheeks.
"I-I feel like I should be the one saying that to you," Tadashi said, his mouth still agape in awe.
"Nonsense," you began. "You're the prettiest person in the entire world."
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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Captains and Strong Independent S/o’s
☁︎︎ request:  Oikawa, Kuroo and either Bokuto or Ushijima (I cant choose!) reacting to a (fem or g/n) reader who does some type of martial art and they’re kinda tough/strong and (maybe they’re the team manager and they don’t take no shit) and the captains kinda crush on them for it? (I like to imagine Oikawa having a tough gf who stops Iwa from being mean to him and jokingly threatens Iwa that if he wants to hurt Tohru he has to go through her
☁︎︎ pairing: oikawa x reader, kuroo x reader, ushijima x reader
☁︎︎ warning/s: swearing, felt a bit of angst while writing for ushijima’s idk why tho it might just be my imagination :> 
☁︎︎ a/n: also dont know if it’s obvious but i kinda got carried away with ushijima’s 
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Oikawa Tohru
• is a smug little shit every time you’re with him or in the same room at least 
• like,, he could piss Iwa-chan off to death and he won’t get hurt for it? now this is what he calls power
• sincerely loves and adores you, but at first, he kinda got sad that you’re so self-sufficient, you practically don’t need him 
• but he’s now long accepted that you’re just so you… and in your relationship, it’s you who does the protecting and looking out by a whole lot (ofc it doesn’t mean he loves you less) 
• that’s why he gets so so soft when he gets his turn in being the person who’s leaned on
• as their manager, he loves how you get things done so effectively, even Kyotani bows down to you, as he should—he always says in his head, smiling as he looks at the feral boy getting flustered around you  
• he listens to you all the time and we all know Tohru backing down is so rare 
“Oy, you’re overdoing it, let’s go.” 
“Head home without me, Iwa-chan,” he mutters mindlessly as he screws up another serve, a scowl on his face as he bends down to get another ball; but he freezes at an instant upon Iwaizumi’s words—no, Iwaizumi’s threat.
“Suit yourself, I’ll call y/n.” 
Oikawa has never changed stance so quickly in his life, cleaning up the gym as he sends smiles to his best friend’s way every five seconds, hoping he won’t tell on him on his cute but scary girl who could easily kick him unconscious. 
• he uses your name to threaten anyone who wants to cross him and they will back down immediately
• also likes to show off because he knows you treasure him so much; he likes to be babied by you especially in front of others 
“y/n-chan c’mere,” he softly says, whining a bit. The rest of his team look at the both of you in astonishment as you take the captain in your arms, Tohru’s cheek on your shoulder, looking back at the bewildered look on his teammate’s faces while you sit side by side on the bench. 
They could never get used to someone as tough as you having such the softest spot for Shittykawa… like how could you even stand him? 
“Really tired,” he mumbles, a small smile on his lips when you run your fingers through his hair. “I know, you were great as always, let’s head home so you could rest.” 
“Y/n-chan, today, Iwa-chan hit my head when you were out to get water. It really hurt,” he says, still in your embrace as he smirks at his teammates. 
Their mouths fall open, Iwaizumi’s eye twitching in irritation for his shitty best friend. 
“And Maki-chan…” Hanamaki grits his teeth, looking at him pleadingly in panic as his mind runs through everything he did today, wondering what he could’ve done to your beloved. “He ate my milk bread; I was really hungry.” 
Yup, Maki and Iwaizumi knew there was hell to pay, gulping in unison when you pull away from your boyfriend and narrow your eyes at them. 
“Iwa-chan. I thought we agreed you weren’t hitting Tohru again.” 
A chill runs down his spine, Tohru simply looks at you with pride, pulling you into his lap as he wraps his arms around your waist before you get the chance to throw hands at Iwaizumi.
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Kuroo Tetsuro
• loves loves LOVES your remarks, your attitude, the way you take no crap from anyone, like “ah, he’s scared shitless, that’s my girl” 
• dw, you’re not a thug or anything, but men who force their feelings on you will see heaven’s gates early 
• and kuroo’s so pleased about it. sure, he’d love to get the chance to act all cool and brooding and possessive in front of other suitors but what’s more fun is watching their dejected faces as you say—
• “how many times do I have to turn you down? I have my tetsuro, now back the fuck off or I’ll break your nose.” 
• you had no idea he was just outside your classroom waiting for you, arms crossed and a cocky grin stretching his lips when you lock eyes with him
• “chibi-chan!” he calls off cheerily, and you bet he’ll tease you about it til death do you part 
• “don’t just stand there, give your tetsuro a hug!” 
• laughs about how your friendly banters with yamamoto always end up with you winning the argument 
• you rub off as mean bc you won’t take any disrespect, even a little—and that’s great
• those are one of the things he loves about you 
• but he’s always worried you might get hurt or hated for it, though he knows you are very much capable of beating anyone up even kuroo himself
• so he’s always holding you back, and I can’t stress this enough, but this man knows you could fend for yourself and he is so proud you’re his partner 
• he just wants to make certain that no one’ll hurt you, okay kitten? 
• your conversations often go like this: 
“I’ll beat up whoever tries to lay a hand on me.” 
“don’t say such reckless things, you’re not superman.”
“uhuh, geez, I’ll be fine, I don’t need you to walk me home.” 
“well news flash, your tetsuro, needs his y/n to walk him ho—ow,” he mutters when you slap his chest. 
“go home with kenma.”
“I don’t want kenma,” he scowls, already irked that this is turning into an argument.
“too bad,” you deadpan.  
“ugh,” he groans, “imagine a girlfriend who actually listens to you, just imagine.” 
• he is the one and only person you’ll gladly accept lectures from, bc his lectures are always reasonable and for your own good
after checking and verifying that you were completely okay, you knew he was about to go down to business. 
“you got into a fight? What are you? a thug?” he crosses his arms. You were both inside the gym along with the rest of his teammates who looked like they were far too preoccupied to listen. They were all clearly listening in though, except Kenma of course.  
watching your figures from a few feet away, it was obvious that he was scolding you, and Lev already had a ridiculous visualization of you hitting Kuroo. Everyone was worried you’ll fight him, or maybe even hit him, well, everyone except Kenma, of course. 
The setter knew that you would never ever lay a hand on kuroo as if the 6’1 captain was fragile. He also knew that you loved and respected kuroo too much to actually get agitated just because he was scolding you, you aren’t an unreasonable person. Lastly, he knew that kuroo would be going soft on you in five minutes tops, his best friend is hopeless like that. 
Kenma was right, he always is. Your back is glued to the wall behind you, Kuroo’s hand beside your head, his face extremely close to yours that you’re left flustered which is rare. 
After you were rambling on about how you had to put that girl in her place, going off about how it made you so mad and he should cut you some slack, he knew just how to shut you up. And it worked. You’re speechless. 
“what was that again, hm? go on, you surely had a lot to say,” he mutters, acting all tough as if he wasn’t dying to just kiss you now. when you don’t respond and stare at him and his lips instead, he already gives in. yes, just like that. “you were wrong to do that, okay?” he breathes, the worry from earlier on making its way out through his voice. 
“I know, I’m sorry.” 
Locking lips with you, you pull him closer to yourself, and kuroo had purposely decided to kabedon you on this wall since his broad back would be shielding the two of you from his teammates’ line of sight. 
After pulling away, he pats your head, licking his lips. “I forgive you, I’m not mad anymore.” You look away in embarrassment, realizing how petty you must’ve seemed to him. He sighs before hugging you, chin atop your head. 
“Make this the last time, okay? I swear you’re shortening my lifespan having me worried all the time.” 
You hug him tighter as a response, kuroo letting out a breath of contentment. Regardless of how tough you are outside; you are and always will be his soft little kitten and it was his greatest honor that you allow him to take care of you like this. 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
• is probably a little too used to the idea of his most treasured girlfriend being extremely capable and self-sufficient 
• his teammates would always look at him like ‘why are you not stepping in,’ every time you’re in a tough spot i.e. having an argument with someone or having a too-touchy suitor 
• then they’d be like “oh, that’s why,” after you flung the despicable creature out to space 
• he thinks so highly of you, not only are you physically strong, you’re even tougher on the inside too
• this is kinda a given but I’ll say it anyway—he can be unintentionally insensitive (well your relationship is kinda new)
• example no 1: 
you were arguing with goshiki and while he would normally like to ignore you and let you have your way; he was getting annoyed bc the argument was far too petty. 
“I’m gonna surpass him!” 
“and I’m telling you that you ca-
your mouth is clamped with a big hand, and it took you only a second to realize it was Wakatoshi because only he would have the nerve to lay a hand on you like this. he still doesn’t say anything, dragging you with him in an empty hallway for privacy.
finally after you stopped walking, he turns to you and looks at you expectantly. “what was that for? Did you even wash your hand,” you mutter, slightly annoyed. 
“I haven’t touched the ball yet, don’t worry,” he lowly says, making you sulk because he totally missed your point. “still, you didn’t have to make me shut up by clamping your hand against my mouth.” He’s too… not gentle with you sometimes. 
“you were going to say something you shouldn’t to goshiki.”
“he said something he shouldn’t have.” 
he only narrows his eyes at you and you do the same, anyone from your class would’ve been scared at the sight. You were both known as the cutest yet intimidatingly scary couple. 
• you were in the early stages of dating and though you understood each other well, it wasn’t really enough yet
• it’s all good though, because once you tell him that he was too uncaring of you and your feelings he does something that no other man would do: 
• apologize, admit his mistake, reflect on it a lot and,,, actually change!! 
• he’s much softer to you after that, and he finally realizes that you were still his precious girl and you were sensitive when it came to him 
• cursed himself for being too reliant on how you never seemed sensitive or needy
• doesn’t dwell too much on regret, just treats you 100x times better 
• is fascinated with your passion for martial arts but is against you overdoing training
• one time, he was torn between dragging you out of practice or just turning a blind eye to your visible exhaustion since you’re always so tough anyway, you’ll manage 
• but then he remembers his promise to himself to never treat you like you aren’t the most special person to him so he excuses himself from practice and heads to your training room 
you sat alone, your back to the wall. everyone else has gone home but you stayed because your muscles were too sore and you felt like you couldn’t even walk for another day. maybe it had something to do with how you’ve been training too much. 
you’re startled upon seeing shoes on the floor you blankly stared at, looking up to meet eyes with Ushijima. “Wakatoshi,” you say in surprise. 
he is expressionless as he bends down across you between your legs, and you had to admit this was something you weren’t used to from him. “are you okay?” he asks, his voice soft as velvet. you’re taken aback by his question, looking away in embarrassment. 
Wakatoshi rarely asks you that, and most of the time it was only when you said the word ‘ow’ when you accidentally hit something. you clear your throat, bringing your hands together to play with your fingers, “I’m okay.” 
it was silent for a few seconds before you hear him sigh, not only that, warm, gentle hands had found its way to yours and you look at him, bewildered. “is this okay?” he asks, looking down at both your hands and you nod. “your hands are much smaller, compared to mine at least.” he says, but you’re too flustered to even understand that. 
“are other things okay too?” he asks, and like his former statement, you didn’t understand. your silence doesn’t stop him though, he decided to push his luck. tugged gently by your wrist, your back’s no longer pressed to the wall as ushijima wakatoshi pulls you in his arms for the first time in your very few months of dating. 
“wakatoshi,” you mumble, your heart racing so much you’re sure he feels it against his chest. he’s so warm, welcoming, and in his loving hold felt like the rightest place to be. “you’re not feeling okay.”
you don’t respond, opting to bury your face at the crook of his neck instead. “I’m here, I know you’re tired.” 
you both stay in that position for a long time, it was addicting to be cradled in his arms and he felt the same. “y/n,” he whispers, and you hum in response. 
“you’re strong. very strong. you don’t need a man at all.”
your heart skips a beat, “toshi are you breaking up with me?” 
you hear a soft chuckle ring in your ears, “let me finish. as I said, you’re very strong. you look like you’re always so tough. but you’re not, and so…” he trails off, so you pull away to look at him, hesitance evident in his eyes, his palm still pressed at the small of your back. 
“you’re not always strong. in fact if I dare say, you are fragile, and I care about you. so please, allow me to be there for you all the time, I’ll be here, just like now.” 
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @ultzuko @yappychan @dipsydoo542 @devilgirlcrybabiey @dai-tsukki-desu​
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xerox-candybar · 2 years
Me: today is a good day. I will not cry at the airport. I have prepared well and I have refrained from consuming any plane-crash related media in several months. I will not cry at the airport—
The local headlines, displayed prominently at an airport kiosk:
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scary-senpai · 6 months
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hearts4-robin · 3 years
# flying colors - Katsuki Bakugo
# genre - fluffy angst
# pairing - Katsuki Bakugo x y/n (no specific gender)
# warnings - yelling, swearing, inappropriate words, intense arguments, crying, anxiety, trauma, panic/anxiety attack
# ages - Katsuki Bakugo: 16 - y/n: 16
# authors note - I hope you like this short story (: let me know if you like it and send in some requests! <# this story haven't been read through and English isn't my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes etc.
# - Thursday - 01.46 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had forgotten what you were arguing about. But it was heated. It was horrible, the yelling from your boyfriend was driving you crazy. He had just came back from another late extra practice and he had been lacking on giving you any attention. You got that you were both hardworking students but you missed the tingling feeling from when he'd hold you close at 2am while discussing why Mineta is a total asshole.
"You never talk to me anymore!" You voice almost cracked as the words left your mouth. Katsuki's frown sunk deeper, his vein in his neck starting to pulse faster. "Maybe I don't want to pay attention to you, y/n! Ever thought about WHY I always practice so late?" he snapped back. You could clearly see how he was holding back his anger. "Well- no, I haven't-" the thought struck you like one of Kamanari's shocks. "Are you cheating on me?" Katsuki's eyes widened as he watched tears prickle up in your eyes. "What-, no what kind of boyfriend do you actually think I am?" He was yelling. On the brink of screaming at you. "Clearly one who avoids me! Avoids my company! If you're so sick of hanging out with me, why don't you just go right ahead and break up with me?" Now you were yelling too. Holding back wasn't a thing anymore. You watched as Katsuki's hands started releasing small explosions as I his eyes turned darker. You couldn't tell if it was in disappointment, anger or sadness.
"Now why would you say that! Huh? Why?" He was screaming, a hidden growl and sadness under his voice. "Because it's how I feel, Katsuki!" you frowned deeper as your nails dug into the palms of your hands, creating small moon-shaped marks. "I don't care about how you feel, y/n!" You immediately felt a sting of pain in your chest as you watched your boyfriend clench his fist and walk past you and into his dorm room. Well aware that he just woke up half the for building, he slammed the door shut. You covered your mouth with your hand as warm salty tears started streaming down your cheeks. How could he say that to you?
"y/n-chan?-" You looked up, snapping out of the daze you had fallen into. The worried face of your fellow classmate, Eijiro Kirishima, appeared from his bedroom door. "Are you okay? I couldn't help but overhear you and Bakubros argument." He stated as he walked out the door and closing it, revealing himself in a fated red sweatshirt with a big 'Crimson Riot' over the chest and a pair of black pajama pants. You shook your head no at his question as he walked towards you in his big slippers. He frowned worridly as he allowed himself to wrap his arms around you and pull you into a hug. You let out a low sob before you buried your face in Eijiros chest. "H-He doesn't ca-care-, he doesn't care a-about me anymore!" You clung onto Eijiro as he rubbed your back in soothing circles in hope of calming down your mixed feelings. Your chest hurt, your throat was sore and your head was pounding in a quick pace.
"You know Bakubro-, he's not always easy to handle. He won't tell you but he really does love you. He cares for you a lot, y/n." Eijiro looked at you as he lowered his arms around you. You looked at your red haired classmate before he looked towards Katsuki's bedroom. "Give him three days alright? If he doesn't do anything, dump him. I know it sounds harsh but that's the rule I've lived after and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Think about it." You nodded at his words before wiping your tears off your cheeks, even though you knew they'd be back as soon as you'd close your bedroom door. "Good. Sleep well dude! I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Don't stay up too late!" Eijiro grinned cheekily as he waved at you. He closed his door as he disappeared behind it. Your lip quivered as you slowly walked to the elevator. You weakly pressed the button to summon the elevator. Stepping inside after the doors opened with a low 'ding!' you leaned against the wall. You pressed the button to your dorm floor before the elevator moved slowly. You rewinded the whole argument in front of you, everything passing like flying colors with all the wrong shades.
The elevator once again let out a 'ding!' before the doors slit open. Sniffling, you walked out of the elevator with your head down. "Young y/n."
You looked up with slightly wide eyes as you heard Mr. Aizawa speak. "M-Mister Aizawa-" You got cut off by his stare. It told you everything. You bowed before walking to your room. "I'll go to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up." You sniffled back a few tears before you closed your bedroom door after you. Letting out a small sob, you feel onto your bed. You felt absolutely miserable. You felt horrible. The pain and guilt in your chest had spread to your stomach and you felt sick to the guts as you broke down in tears again. After almost 6 months with Katsuki as your #1 wingman and your boyfriend, hearing his words hurt you. 'I don't care about how you feel, y/n!'
Those 8 words burned in the very front of your brain while you tried to sleep, escape from the aching pain.
# - Thursday - 05.30 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had been wide awake for the past 30 minutes, distracting yourself by getting ready. Brushing your hair, getting dressed in your uniform and doing whatever was left to do. Your appetite was small, but your stomach still craved some food. You opened the door and stepped out, rubbing your tired eyes. You followed the other few classmates on your hall to the elevator.
“Good-morning y/n…” You looked to your right to see Ashido yawning, dark circles under her eyes. “Good-morning Ashido-. Didn’t you sleep?” She leaned back and stretched her arms, her shirt rising a little as the elevator continued moving down slowly. “Not much-, Bakugo was throwing around with stuff all night! Mr. Aizawa had to tell him to keep it down and go to bed. Nobody knows what’s going on with him right now.” She yawned again after finishing off. A little sting poked you in your chest as she spoke before the elevator let out another ‘ding!’. The door opened, revealing Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya and Eijiro at the table. You and Ashido walked towards the table, and both sat down. You sat down beside Tenya, as far away from Katsuki as possible, which was odd. Very odd. Katsuki was frowning more as usual before he angrily got up from the table and violently grabbing his tray of breakfast. You avoided eye contact at all costs. You looked at the tray of food Tenya had pushed towards you. You looked up to see everybody at the table looking at you with various different expressions. Worry, confusion and awaiting. “y/n… What happened?” You looked at Tenya as he spoke. You poked to your food, the appetite you had earlier suddenly disappearing. “Nothin’.” You mumbled before standing up, holding your tray with weak hands. You left the table to the kitchen.
You froze in your tracks as you saw Katsuki in his usual black shirt with the white print on. He was holding his empty tray in his hands as the unfinished food was thrown in the nearest bin. He glared at you before tossing the tray on the counter and leaving the room. You looked after him, tears prickling and threating to escape from your tear-bags. You placed your full tray on the counter before walking back to the common area. Those moments that felt like hours in the kitchen was just a few minutes. Within those minutes, Katsuki had left the dorm and just about everyone else was up and eating. Walking towards the shoe racks, you picked up your shoes and slipped them on. You stepped out the door, already feeling the early morning cold from December. You stepped onto the road leading towards the school and started walking.
"y/n! Wait up!-" You looked behind you, seeing, once again, Eijiro running towards you while clumsily putting on his shoes. "Eijiro?..." You voice was sore from barely talking this morning. Usually, you get along with Tsu and Ashido pretty well, Yaoyorozu too.
Eijiro caught up to you as you both started walking. "Did you hear Bakubro yesterday?" He looked at you, adjusting hid headband. You shook your head. "No. Ashido told me about how Mr. Aizawa had to stop it." You were mumbling, you never mumbled around people like Eijiro. "Hm.. He'll get better. How are you feeling today? Did you get sleep yesterday?" You both reached the front of the school. He opened the door for you as you, once again, shook your head. "Hard time falling asleep?" You nodded at his question as he walked in behind you. "Do you need to talk about anything? I suck at advice but I'm always here to listen!" You nodded, smiling a little bit. You truly were grateful for people who checked up on you like Eijiro did. You both entered the empty classroom.
"Where's Bakubro?" Eijiro looked around, frowning in confusion. "I think her went for a walk or something like that. I don't know, he didn't tell me..." You dozed off as you sat down in your seat. "Tenya should be here soon." You stated as Eijiro sat down, leaning back in his seat. "Tenya is so manly! Taking responsibility to keep the class in line!" You nodded as Eijiro continued to ramble about manliness. Soon, the class was filled up, even Katsuki had shown up.
You were laid over your desk, looking up towards Mr. Aizawa as he spoke. Another practice day. The costumes slid out the wall, everybody standing up to grab their case with their costume.
# - Thursday - 08.27 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"Wow, y/n! Did you choose a new color scheme? It matches Bakugo's!" You looked down at yourself as Ashido, Kamanari and Tokoyami admired your new costume. You nodded at their questions. "I did. I don't know if he likes it." You were mumbling again. Kamanari opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Cementoss.
"Alright, everybody. Pair up in two and try improve your quirks." Everybody nodded and paired up in two. Mezo walked up to you, kindly asking if you wanted to pair up. You nodded as you both walked to one of the platforms. Using you quirk, you made your way up to the platform along with Mezo.
# - Thursday - 10.58 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"T-Ten-... Tentacole-..." You crouched forward, your lungs hurting as you gasped for air. "I-I need a break." Mezo immediately stopped his movements as he noticed your shaking limps. "y/n? Are you okay?-" He runs to you, helping you sit down. "Shit..." Your head started spinning as your breathing became uneven. You could feel Mezo's multiple arms wrap around you to support you.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN WE'RE FIGHTING, SHITTY HAIR!" Eijiro looked away from you and towards Bakugou who was flying towards him. He quickly shielded himself and hardened his arms. "WHAT'S SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU CAN'T LOOK AT ME?" he screamed as he dodged one of Eijiro's hits. He looked away again, Bakugou taking his chance to land a hit on Eijiro. "y/n-" Eijiro fell back as he kept his eyes locked on your small form being supported in Mezo's arms. "y/n? WHAT ABOUT HER?!" Bakugou was furious, letting out all the anger from the night before. He looked around, finding it weird for shitty hair to talk so much about you. His eyes widened as he saw you, knowing what was happening to you just now. He quickly took off in a run. "Y/N!"
You looked up weakly, seeing Katsuki flying towards you. "Katsuki..." You let out a small cry as you tried calming down your breath. Your vision started blurring. "y/n! Squidward get away from her!" Mezo knew better than to talk back. He looked at you before slowly letting go of you as Katsuki ran to you, gently picking you up and into his embrace. "Are you mad?! What the fuck happened-" He didn't look worried but you knew he was. The glint in his eyes showed it. "y/n- breathe. Did you drink and eat? Of course you didn't- you left as soon as you saw me, you little dipshit." He grumbled under his breath as the others started to notice Bakugo screams fading. He picked you up and jumped down, running towards a place to put you down. Cementoss approached you both but you vision was failing you right now.
"What happened?" He looked at the two of you. "She's having a panic attack. Water." Katsuki sat down with you, holding you close. "I'm sorry, firecracker-. I shouldn't have said that-" He held you closer as Cementoss walked out to get you some water. "It's okay-" "No shut up. It's not. Don't fucking say anything." He growls at you as he sits down, leaning against the gym wall and laying you between his legs. He ripped off his big hand gear and threw them beside you both before propping you up against his chest. "Breathe. Breathe you dumb-ass-" he took a deep breath as you tried to follow his breathing pattern. "It's okay. I got you. I won't let anyone, not me either, hurt you." He was whispering now, gently caressing your arm. Cementoss returned with a bottle of water. Katsuki quickly grabbed the bottle and ripped the cap off before gently helping you chug down the water. "We'll wait till lunch. Cementoss, the time." He looked at Cementoss. "It's 11.47. Lunch is in about 15 minutes." Katsuki nodded before he looked back at you. You were blinking slowly, your breathing back to normal now as he lowly talked to you.
"It's okay. I got you. And I'm not letting go of you again, never."
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Stray Kids reaction to you breaking up with them
Theme: angst, rage, hate, very much established relationships, y'all deeply love each other
Scenario: You had been waiting for almost 2 hours now. "where is he" you were getting impatient and angry. He did this quite often, forgetting about your scheduled dates. You call him for the umpteenth time, and finally he picks up. You can tell by his raspy voice that he had been sleeping. "you've been blasting my phone for a while now, if I'm not answering then it means I'm either asleep or busy. What do you want?" he says annoyed. Oh hell no, he did not just just talk back to you. You immediately hangup, not wanting to create a scene because you were fuming at this point. You drive to his studio, but he's not there. Okay now you're just losing your mind, like you're on fire now. You go to his apartment and knock until he opens the door "WHAT THE HELL???". You walk straight in and it all makes sense to him now, he forgot about your date. He has no explanation to give so he's silent and embarrassed. "yeah, that's what I thought" you say sarcastically. He tries to come near you, "oh no keep your distance mister, I am sick and tired of your behaviour. Who do you think you are?? You might be the dream man of millions of women but you're an ordinary man for me and I will not allow you to treat me like this!! You have been forgetting about our dates, not even random ones, we schedule them TOGETHER but you still forget them! And I am sitting there embarrassed, waiting for you all the time! You always put your work first, even when it's not urgent!".
Bang Chan
He's shocked listening to you and tries calming you down "babe listen to me I know I messed up again, I'm so-". "so what? So sorry? Like you were the last time? And before that?". He's silent. You get more annoyed knowing full well that this isn't going anywhere and he will most definitely do it again. You take a deep breath, trying not to let your anger cloud your judgement but it's not really, your voice of reason tells you to do it. "Christopher, listen to me". Oh shit, you almost never call him Christopher, the only time you do, it's 100% serious business, his heart is thumping hard at this point. "y/n I'll be better, I promise. I'll make time for us I swear". "you and I both know that's not gonna happen, at least not now when you're so deeply involved in your work. And I honestly think it's better if we go our separate ways from here. Because this, us, isn't working and I'm not too happy being the only one putting in effort and making compromises for this relationship". He isn't thinking straight right now because even though you're right, a part of him is telling him that you're being ungrateful because he infact does check up on you, leaves you texts occasionally and meets up with you sometimes. That made him lose it and he snaps "look at you being an ungrateful little brat" this caught you off guard like hello?? how dare you? "wHAT??" you're voice is shrill, laced with anger. "you heard me, all you do is glorify your efforts while you completely ignore the effort I put in this stupid relationship". "well if that's what you wanna think then I can't do much about it now can I?". "leave" he says lowly, you heard it but you can't believe it so you're starting at him. "I said leave right now" he's seething. "oh gladly! I don't want to stay here with you anyway". You walk towards the door and look back just once, "we're done, I don't want to be in a stupid relationship with you where all you do is list down the things you do for me and bring me down". You want to slap him but he's too angry just like you and might start manhandling you so you decide against it. "I made it clear that we're breaking up, even now you weren't paying attention" you say as you step out. He slams the door shut.
Lee Know
He's instantly annoyed at your reaction. "I don't want to deal with you right now I'm tired". "I'm tired too Minho" "then fucking rest, don't yell at me" "I'm tired of you pushing me aside all the time! You expect me to put up with your stupid behaviour and comply with you but not anymore". "I said be quiet, don't yell at me" "UGH!! you make me so angry I hate you" "congratulations now go away" "I'm breaking up with your annoying ignorant ass Minho, don't ever text me or call me again because we're done it's over" you say barging towards the door. "whatever just leave me alone". You fight the urge to punch him in the face and squeal with anger, leaving the door open as you left his apartment. "annoying ass woman" he says, not yet fully understanding what happened.
You guessed it right, he's angry. Just like Chan his brain thinks of all the times he worries and care for you. "YA! It's not like I did it on purpose, you need to get your mind straight". "not do it on purpose? Sure you might haven't done it on purpose but this has been going on for some time Changbin didn't you think I was gonna snap at one point in time? Or did you just think I was gonna keep forgiving you like the rest of the time!" "stop pushing it, alright?" "my God Changbin if you aren't even gonna believe me then there's no point in arguing about this" "I'm glad to finally read my mind" "Changbin you are so stupid and annoying ugh I don't want to be with you anymore". His eyes widen "what?" tries to hold your arms. "don't touch me, I'm leaving you Changbin we're done for good". His mind is going haywire, like he loves you so damn much what is he gonna do if you leave him. "y/n listen to me, you're angry right now we ca-" "there's no we anymore" you say as you open the front door, he holds your wrist but you push him back and leave. He stands at the threshold looking at your disappearing figure.
He's scared and embarrassed. "y/n please baby I'm so sorry, I'll try to make you happy" "Hyunjin I can't believe that you and I have been together for so long and you're still gonna try to make me happy, like that's how much it matters to you" "nononono I don't mean it like that come on sit down I'll get you some water okay baby?" "save it Hyunjin, I'm done" "what do you mean" "I mean I'm done with you, with us trying to stay together, with this relationship, we're done I'm leaving" "no honey please let's talk about this" "there's nothing to talk about" that's the last thing you say and start walking towards the front door. "baby please think about this, you're doing this out of rage, please don't do this, sit down with me we need to talk about this, I love you so so much y/n come back". You silently leave his apartment.
Doesn't say a word. He knows it will make you more angry if he says anything so he stays quiet. "Jisung I'm not an object for you to turn to when you're stressed about work. Do you even realize that the only time you actually put me first is when your work stresses you out to the core and you need release. Is that all I am to you?? A booty call? Well? Answer me!!"" erm no" "no what?" "no it's not like that, I'm sorry give me another chance to prove to you what you mean to me" "no thank you Jisung I'm done being embarrassed, I don't want to continue this relationship with you, we're breaking up right now" "what? No nono no nonono hey wait listen to me, I love you, wait I'll be good to you please wait" but you don't wait and you don't let him stop you, you're tired. Jisung cries watching you leave his apartment and his life.
He'll start crying. You can't deal with this anymore, every time you're mad at him and snap he starts crying. "Felix I'm not going to let things go on like this, I know just how busy you are and I fully understand how little time you have for me but I endured it. Not anymore. I want out. I'm breaking up with you". With that you walk to the door but he stands in your way, "please don't do this y/n I love you way too much, I need you in my life please don't leave me". "you want, you want? What about what I want? I want you to be there for me, just as I am there for you all the time. But you never make an effort. It's in your nature to put all your energy into your work, you can't seem to help it. I'm sorry Felix, but it's over, please get out of my way". He knows stopping you is futile and he doesn't want to swallow his pride, the pride he has left after a little begging, so he quietly moves but comes in for a hug before that. You don't hug him back though and you feel his frantic heart beat. You want to hug him so badly but you can't make this any harder for yourself. "what will I do without you?" he says, suppressing tears. "work? I guess. Goodbye". He cries quietly in his bed the rest of the day. "what have I done".
Maknae line do be sentimental huh? Boy's sad because he can't give you enough time and understands your position. "I'm actually really sorry y/n, I'm sorry for making promises I can't keep" "I don't need your apologies anymore Seungmin, they don't matter anymore" he's like ??? come again? "I don't want this anymore, I'm done, we're breaking up". "y/n please don't say that, why don't we sit and talk when you calm down" "I don't need to be calm to make this decision. We're over". "y/n wait listen to me, I said I'm sorry please wait at least sit down with me, let's talk". "I'm sorry Seungmin, this is how things need to be, goodbye". He's pleading for you to stay but you're gone.
This baby is just sad and upset. He wants the best for you and knows that this isn't the best. So when you say "we're over" it does come as a shock to him but deep down he knows this is the best for you. You leave immediately, immediately because you don't have the heart to see him cry. He calls Chan to tell him what happened, Chan offers to meet up with you and talk on his behalf because just like you, Chan and the older boys can't see IN cry. It hurts to see him like this so he shuts out, completely. He doesn't want to hurt the people around him just because he couldn't treat his girlfriend right.
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twstismymuse · 4 years
Hello hello!!
I don’t even need to tell you, do I? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anywayyyys, the idea for this Drabble was sitting in my head for literal days so I’m really happy I was finally able to put it out!
My first x reader piece so I really hope it’s to your liking!
Enjoy! Be warned though, it might be...more than you signed up for ;3
{Title: Made with Love}
{Pairing: Reader x Yandere Idia}
{Summary: You and Idia have been dating for a while now, so when that special day creeps up on you you wanna do something nice for your boyfriend! Why wouldn’t you when he adores you so much? 😊}
{Warnings: Mentions of body modification, Yandere, Past trauma indication}
Humming non committedly, you flipped the pancake batter on the sizzling pan, forming a perfect circle. Smiling happily, you continued to hum the strange tune as you slid the pancakes onto a plate and grabbed a handful of chocolate chips to form a heart. Adding the finishing touches, you stepped back to admire your handiwork. It looked almost too good to eat, but hopefully it would actually be enjoyable to.
Taking the slightly warm plate into your hands, you headed out of the Ignihyde dormitory kitchen that was unsurprisingly empty. Walking through the dimly lit halls, you spot a familiar face coming out of Idia’s room dejectedly. “Ortho, hey!”
His amber eyes immediately lit up upon catching sight of you, “Y/N!!” He wrapped his arms around your waist in an affectionate hug while you carefully lifted the plate above his head.
“No luck today?”
“No,” Ortho sighed, “Nii-san says that he’s really busy with his game and that he can’t come out right now blah blah blah-” He trailed off once his eyes landed on the plate of pancakes in your hand. “Woah, Y/N!! Those look so amazing! Are they for Nii-chan??”
“Mhm! But shhh, keep your voice down!” You whispered, bringing a finger to your lips. “It’s a surprise~.”
He dutifully imitated your gesture, barely containing his delighted giggles. “You got it!! I’ll leave you to it then! Bye Y/N!”
Ortho ran off, leaving you standing in front of Idia’s foreboding door. Taking a deep breath, you pushed it open and peeked your head inside.
You had to blink a few times to get adjusted to just how dark your boyfriend’s room was, the only light source being the glow emitting off of his many screens and the faint flickering of his fiery tresses. Fingers flying across the keyboard, his half lidded eyes not once leaving the battle unfolding right in front of him.
“Idia? Uh, hi, it’s me.” He turned his head to look at you briefly before going back to defeating the boss on screen but stopped when he noticed the undisguised food in your hands.
“Y/N? What’s that?”
You beamed and held the breakfast out to him, exclaiming, “Happy anniversary, Idia!”
Idia was always so warm, your body nearly instinctively seeking out his to receive more of the tantalizing heat your boyfriend radiated as the two of you lay together on his bed.
Warmth your body could never seem to attain on it’s own.
“Thank you for that surprise, love,” Idia whispered, lips pressing against the crown of your head, pulling you away from your thoughts. “That was really really good.”
You giggled, “I’m glad. I was worried that it wouldn’t taste as good as it loo-”
“It was perfect and I loved it! I just…” He averted his eyes and lips curled downward into a frown, “I just wish I’d gotten you something. I feel...bad…”
“I really don’t mind. This...this is good enough for me,” You reassured him and pecked his cheek, noticing how his face flared up along with his hair.
“H-happy anniversary, Y/N.”
“Happy anniversary, Idia.”
He pulled you in closer and whispered softly to you, “I love you...so so much.” You opened your mouth automatically to say it back.
You wanted to say it back. You should say it back. Your brain was urging you to repeat those exact words.
“I lo-”
No, this was wrong.
You need to get away. This wasn’t right. You didn’t love him. You don’t love him.
You need to run. He’s sick.
“Is something wrong?”
What were these thoughts?? These...memories of being strapped down onto an operating table, of the sudden cold that flooded your head?!
I-Idia was dangerous??
A piercing voice, shrill and urgent, was yelling at you inside your mind, screaming at you to flee.
“Are you ok?”
Before you could stop yourself, your arms shot up and shoved him away with all the strength you could manage and hurriedly entangled your limbs from his. You jumped off the bed, fumbling around in the dim light, running for the door while Idia shouted your name at the top of his lungs.
The voice in your head, it was your own. You were so close now, the exit was right there, you’d finally get away-!
That hope was killed the instant you felt a hand grab your leg, forcing you to crash onto the ground. You tried to crawl towards the door, tried to kick him away, but he persisted and pinned you to the floor watching you desperately writhe beneath him.
“I thought we were over this.” He calmly stated, a...pitiful look on his face. “I really thought with that sweet surprise you made for our anniversary and how well you were behaving, that the new program had finally set in. I thought you had finally accepted my love. Looks like I didn’t do as good of a job as I thought. I must be losing my touch with how many times we’ve gone through this.”
He sighed disappointed and let his hands trail along your cold metallic limbs, over all the rivets and joints, the body he had designed just for you. The body that was completely and utterly his.
“I guess it’s back to the drawing board. I’ll just have to reprogram you again.”
Those words chilled you to the bone, pure horror settling in.
“NO!! Please, tha-that wasn’t me! I-it was just my old consciousness!! You have to believe me! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you with all my heart I swear!! Please, you don’t have to change me, I...I ca-can’t, please!! Please don’t reprogram me!! I’ll be good I swear! PLEASE!!!”
You pleaded desperately, babbling nonsense and declarations of love, your optics unable to spill any tears as your captor, your lover watched blankly.
“...I believe you, Y/N.”
Relief flooded through your emotional system, mustering a grateful smile. “Idia-”
“But I won’t stop until I finally make you mine.”
That smile came crashing down. “B-but I am y-yours...you d-don’t need-”
“Hold still, Y/N.”
“NO!!” You struggled under his grasp, you used every fiber of strength in your robotic body yet it only took a second for Idia to grab you by the neck and force you down, the command falling from his lips nearly unheard amidst your shrieks.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Your painful screams die out in your throat as your senses all shut off at his voice. He released you from his hold and lifted you up so Idia could cradle you in his loving embrace.
“Shhhh, hush now love,” He cooed. “You’re alright, you don’t have anything to fear. I’ll rebuild you up from scratch and I’ll take every last nasty thought of rejecting me out of your code. You’ll want me just as much as I want you~. You’ll want to tell me you love me until your voice box gives out.”
Smiling maniacally with razor sharp teeth on display, he holds your cold lifeless body tighter.
“Every time you push me away, I’ll just make you good as new.”
“Every time you break, I’ll just fix you.”
“Again and again and again.”
“Because I love you...so so much.”
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cas-skz · 2 years
Loves Touch
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Chan x fem!reader
Two months apart felt like forever and after the night of your reunion, Chan worries he hurt you from his aggressive need for his fiancée
18+!!! MDNI
warnings/what to expect: SOFTY FLUFFFF, mentions of sex, bruising/hickies, I cursed once and used the word pussy so WATCH OUT
writers note: my heart needed this thank u bye, jk i also wanted to mention that jac didn't check my work so theres probs a lot of errors with grammar. BLAME THE FRENCH I TOOK IN ELEMENTARY ok now bye love you cas xx
"Channie...Please." You quietly whine, eyes barely able to open from how exhausted you were from last night. Your fiancé had been away for the last two months on a work trip and although the dirty talked helped him get through, you were usually left unsatisfied. Chan had quickly made up for that the second he walked in the door, completely ignoring the romantic dinner you had made him and tackling you for round one. You lost count after 6 or 7 rounds, fucking the night away before passing out in bed curled up on Chan's chest.
Your body was sore, covered with bruises and spank marks, your throat sore from his large hands choking you out. Usually you'd be the one waking Chan up with his morning blowjob, but today you laid weakly curled in the blankets, wanting just the comfort of your love.
Of course Chan had other plans. Having not seen the love of his life for so long, he couldn't keep his hands off you. Even when you woke in the middle of the night, his fingers were tangled with yours. The feeling of his fingers brushing gently across your body is what woke you, "Baby.." Chan whispered in your ear, his teeth nipping gently. His body rolled against yours as he tugged at the blanket, peaking in at you, holding the middle finger up to him. Chan laughed, kissing your finger before pressing a lingering kiss into your lips. A small whimper leaves your lips as he moves his towards your neck, placing gentle kisses on the hickeys he had made. “Geez. I did a number on you.” He whispered, his body lifting slightly as he pulled the blankets down slightly, his fingers running over the many bruises that covered your torso. Chan’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes looking down at you with concern. “What?” You question, your voice cracking slightly.
He moved off you, his hand quickly pulling the blanket off, exposing your naked body. You whined his name as he checked your body, flipping you and lifting your limbs while quietly cursing to himself. “Wh-baby, what’s wrong?” You questioned, sitting yourself on the edge of the bed, eyes searching for his as you grabbed his hands. It was your first time seeing your legs, and they were painted with various shades of blue and purple. His eyes finally met yours, tears daring to drop from his beautiful brown eyes. “I hurt you…” His voice trailed, a single tear falling. Your body shot up instantly, your hands reaching for his face. “Baby no…no-” You whisper, thumb gently brushing the tear from his cheek. “Why didn’t you stop me?” Chan interrupted, his hand running through his brown curly hair before he pulled you into a hug. You leaned your head on his bare chest for a moment, waiting for his heart beat to calm. Admittedly, the previous night took top spot for the best sex you’ve had in your 4 year relationship, even if it left you looking like a MMA fighter after a fight. You and Chan had been inseparable and the two months away made you long for each other.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you reach up and press your lips into his, your legs almost giving up a few times, but Chan held you up. “I promise I’m okay honey.” You smiled against his lips, eyes meeting with his. “You fucked me so good…” You giggled, poking at his chest. You spotted a few hickies you had left on Chan and poked them gently. “My pussy is still throbbing.” Chan rose an eyebrow as he looked down at you, the tiniest smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Seriously babe, I promise I’m okay. It was- hot and so fucking good. I wish I had the energy to do it all again.” You say, letting yourself fall backwards onto the bed dramatically. “Have your way with me, my love.” You threw your arm over your face. “Just throw me in a hot bath when you’re done” Chan couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head at your silliness. “Wait here” he said, taking off into the house.
You weren’t sure how long Chan had been gone for, but you had curled yourself back up into a ball with the blanket and drifted back to sleep. When you woke, you were in Chan’s arms, being carried down the hall. Your eyes moved up to his face, raising an eyebrow at the white powder dusted across his brow line. The bathroom was set up with candles, a laptop on the toilet and a plate of pancakes on top of the laundry basket. He made you feel so spoiled sometimes. “Can I just marry you right now?”You asked, placing kisses on his bicep. He shook his head with a small laugh, placing you in the perfectly heated bathtub before climbing in behind you. “Your parents wouldn’t be very happy about that. Especially since your mom can’t stop talking about how excited she is.”
You fit perfectly in Chan’s arms, head resting on his chest as the water covered and soothed your skin. His large hands ran softly along your body, kisses being pressed into your head as you happily enjoyed the movie. He really was everything you wanted in a life partner and even more. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, your eyes dropping to your stomach as you imagine what he’d be like as a father. You swear it made your heart grow even fonder of him. “I probably put a baby or two in you last night” he laughed, as if he was reading your mind about starting a family. You lean up to place a kiss on his cheek, “maybe three, that’s a good number for me.” You giggle, turning his head so your lips could find his. "Two boys and a girl?" He questioned against your lips. "Two boys and a girl." You agreed, happily sharing gentle kisses with Chan
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tamcitrus · 4 years
pairing: Oikawa x f!reader.
genre: fluff, domestic. (sfw)
warnings: manga spoilers for Oikawa after graduation!
words: 900~.
Tam’s notes: Happy birthday to The my Great King! I can’t even explain how much I love him. I wrote this short little thing last night to celebrate his birthday. Thanks a lot to @dorkyama​ and @sunshinesatori​ for beta-reading this! I was sleepy and tipsy when I wrote this alñskjdñas ♥
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You and Oikawa had met many years ago, as soon as he joined the CA San Juan club. You worked at the club as a physical therapist and assisted him on his admittance exams. You also doubled as an English-Spanish translator. Very few people in the club didn't speak English, nor did they speak Japanese, so you'd help with communication if all those people would happen to be together.
Along the years you got closer and closer and finally ended up together. You bought a comfy apartment in a nice neighborhood close to the club. You divided your time in work hours, your private consulting room, and him. He divided his hours in training, the club, and you.
When he told you about him getting the Argentina citizenship, you didn't even blink. Of course he was going to show a 200% commitment with the club because that's who he was. Committed, perseverant, dedicated, passionate. Of course he would go so far as to get the citizenship.
So, when someone in the club let it slip to you that he already got it, you prepared a surprise for him.
"Baby, is everything  good? You never call me from work," he answered his phone and sounded breathless.
"I'm just craving something and you're closer to it. Could you go to get some ice cream from that store we went to last time when you’re done in the club?"
"Craving? Is your period on time?" he laughed.
"Yes, Tooru! Gosh, you’re making me nervous," you giggled.
"Well, choose your words wisely next time, honey," he said and you could hear the smirk on his voice. "Ok, I'll get the ice cream. I have to go, see you at home."
"Bye, babe!"
Now you had an extra 30 minutes for him to come home. You rushed out of your consulting room and ran to buy everything you needed for the special dinner. Three hours and a lot of shopping later, you had a whole dinner with japanese dishes. Sushi, ramen, takoyaki, sake. A bit of everything for sharing between two and, of course, milk bread.
"Baby, I'm home!" he announced. He put your ice cream in the fridge. "I have great news to share with you!"
"Hey babe, welcome back," you smiled from your seat on the table.
"Woah, what's all this?"
"First your news," you said and offered him a glass of wine.
"I'm officially Argentinian," he smiled and showed you his little ID card. It no longer was tagged as foreign.
"Tooooooru, I'm so happy for you, congratulations!" you threw your arms around his neck and he grabbed your waist with one arm to lift you up a bit and walk to the table.
"Your turn now. What's all this?"
"Celebration for you getting the citizenship!" you let him go and showed him his seat. "We've got all kinds of Japanese food, or everything I could think of, and your favorite dessert! I just wanted you to have something that reminded you of your home today," you explained.
"This is my home now, love," he kissed you. "You are."
"I know, I just-" you blushed.
"I'm just messing with you. This is awesome and I love it," he sat on his chair and guided you to sit on his lap.
"You'll make it to the national team now, I'm sure. You'll kick everyone's ass," you kissed his cheek.
"I've got a free day tomorrow. Wanna play a drinking game?"
"You bet. But let's eat first."
"How did you know I got the citizenship today?"
"That's a secret," you stick your tongue out to him. "Now, let's eat!"
You finished your dinner talking about your day. Then, you moved to the couch to share a blanket and watched a movie.
"Did I ever tell you what my favorite alien movie is?" you asked him. He shook his head. "Signs. Have you seen it?"
"I don't think I have."
"Each time we get scared, we drink," you said.
"Let's start then, baby."
By the end of the movie you were already tipsy and snuggling by your boyfriend's side.
"We should go to bed now, babe," he laughed when you refused to let go of his arm, safely locked between your arms and against your chest.
"I really really love you, Tooru~", you babbled and kissed his arm.
"I love you too, y/n-chan," he said, sweetly, and kissed you. "Want me to carry you to bed?"
"Pretty please," you pouted.
He took you bridal style to your shared bed and hugged you from behind, being the big spoon.
"I'm happy you feel this is your home," you whispered. "I'm really happy to meet you and for being your partner."
"You're the best thing that happened to me here," he kissed your neck. "Now sleep."
"Iwaizumi is coming."
"Hajime is coming. He's part of your birthday gift," you explained.
"That's awesome."
His birthday was months apart yet but you found a way to make it awesome already.
After a few minutes of silence, he felt your breathing get really soft. You were sleeping. He pulled the covers over your bodies and cuddled with you again.
You, right here between his arms, were his home now.
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britishassistant · 4 years
But I Like One Piece (19)
She opens her eyes.
There are insects on her face.
Oh Luffy, there are so many insects on her face.
It’s only years of practice and the knowledge of how upset Shino will be with her that prevents her from swatting wildly.
“Why are there insects on my face.” She mumbles, moving her lips as little as possible and lifting a hand to her cheek so some of them can scuttle off and onto her fingers.
She doesn’t want any falling into her mouth on accident.
“Because my kikaichū are capable of injecting small doses of chakra into your system, which restores your reserves and helps return the body to homeostasis.” Shino extends his hand and the remaining insects begin flitting off her face back up his sleeves.
Her confusion must show on her face, because he sighs. “Chakra injections to help you wake up.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
Shino inclines his head as he retracts his arm, all insects safely retrieved.
She struggles to sit up. One side of her head throbs a little.
“How are you feeling, Ketsugi-chan?” Iruka-sensei asks. “Do you feel dizzy or nauseous at all?”
She shakes her head. “No, Iruka-sensei.”
He purses his lips and tilts her head to the side, before pulling a small flashlight out of his jacket pocket and shining it in her eyes. “No bumps, and your pupils seem normal...what caused you to collapse, Ketsugi-chan? Can you remember?”
Her breath stutters in her throat at the thought.
“I don’t. Like them. The g— them. Those.”
Iruka-sensei blinks. “The weapons? They upset you?”
She nods mutely.
“Seriously?” Uchiha mutters. “First chakra and now this?”
“Sasuke-kun!” Iruka-sensei scolds, though his tone is slightly exasperated. “Well, if you feel bad again, be sure to let me know, okay Ketsugi-chan?”
Her mind won’t stop racing, even after they return to the classroom.
How, how, how, how can those—those things be here?!
This world is supposed be a ninja story, where people use taijutsu and chakra and kunai and katana to fight.
She’s pretty certain none of the flame wars in her past life ever talked about any characters bringing shitty g-firearms to the mix.
And not just any firearms either.
Nothing like the older models found in One Piece and museums of her old world, where the bullet and gunpowder needed to be inserted separately into the barrel of the g— of the weapon before firing.
The existence of that older type of weapon here might make a small amount of sense at least.
No, those were high-tech, modern firearms, the kind with cartridges that are inserted at the bottom of the handle, with bullets that have gunpowder built into the casing, that are pointed so they can pierce—
She only narrowly keeps herself from retching.
Naruto keeps shooting her worried glances as the day goes on.
He’s resorted to scribbling what happened?? on the edges of her notebook by the time the last lesson of the day draws to a close.
She does her best to placate him with weak smiles and shaking her head discreetly, but that seems to have the opposite effect judging by the way his brows furrow.
Shikamaru keeps staring at her as well.
However, it’s not the same as the concerned looks that Chouji, Ino, Hinata, Sakura, Shino and even Kiba keep giving her.
He’s staring at her like he knows something isn’t right.
Like he suspects something.
She does her best to avoid his gaze when they leave the classroom.
Lee meets them outside the Academy.
His greeting trails off as Naruto grabs his hand and drags the pair of them over to the tree swingset.
“Naruto-kun, what’s going on?” He asks, brows furrowing.
“Mayu passed out when she saw the weapons from Yuki.” Naruto accuses, arms crossed over his chest and brows furrowed. “And don’t say it’s nothing, ‘cause you’re still pale and shaky. Not even chakra has ever done that to you, believe it.”
She glances down at her trembling hands. She squeezes them together to try and make the tremors stop.
“Mayu-chan.” She looks up when Lee claps his hands on her shoulders, staring her dead in the eyes. “Are you okay?”
She starts to nod.
Lee raises an eyebrow.
She doesn’t end up shaking her head but it’s a near thing.
“I’m—” She cuts herself off. “I’m not alright, but. It’s not something I ca-need to talk about. Can we just go?”
Naruto’s brow furrows even further and he makes a face. It’s the same face he made when confronting Ami over bullying Sakura, or confiding his worries about Uchiha’s diet in her. It’s his “I’m not happy and going to do something about it” face.
Lee’s frowning too, now gripping her hands tight. “You can talk to us about anything, Mayu-chan. You know that, right?”
Unseen stares from the surrounding trees bore into her as she nods. She very carefully does not look up.
She flounders for something, anything to make them understand.
“It’s a Tamara thing.” She hisses quietly.
It takes them a moment, but then sweet, merciful understanding flashes across Naruto and Lee’s faces, the pair of them stiffening like they’ve been pricked with pins.
“Ah! Is that so!” Lee’s laugh is too loud, too boisterous to anyone who knows him well. She prays to Robin that the masks don’t. “Well thank Luffy it’s nothing to worry about, right Naruto-kun?”
“Y-Yeah!” Naruto agrees, hesitating a fraction of a second too long for comfort. “You shoulda told us that’s all it was earlier, Mayu-chan, I was worried over nothing, believe it!”
She feels an eyebrow twitch, but tries to contort her expression into an apologetic smile. “Sorry, it’s just a little embarrassing, you know,” She fakes a laugh. “Girl problems and all that.”
“I see! Girl problems! Of course!” Lee says, clearly not understanding at all.
She takes a moment to wonder what exactly the boys do while the girls are in kunoichi classes.
Naruto loops an arm around her shoulders. “Yosh! Let’s get home then! Oka— Mayu’s okaa-san will be waiting for us, believe it!”
“Well said Naruto-kun!” Lee loops an arm around her other shoulder. “Yosh! Onwards!”
The three of them frogmarch home, chattering loudly about nothing.
They could not be more conspicuous if they were dressed in animal costumes and singing a musical number.
The unseen stares following them now have an added side of judgement which she does not appreciate.
She’s already racing upstairs to grab her coats and yukata when they all tumble through the front door.
“Welcome ba—” Okaa-san gives her an odd look when she clatters back down the stairs, clothes in her arms. “—Mayu? What’s going on?”
“We’re home Chie-oba-san! Nothing happened at all!” Lee proclaims in the same breath as Naruto blurts, “Mayu passed out!”
Okaa-san blinks, then grabs her shoulder as she makes for the front door. “Not your nice yukata, young lady, I just finished ironing it again. Go get your towel instead. Then you’re all going to sit down here and tell me exactly what happened calmly. Understand?”
“Yes, okaa-san.” They chorus meekly
Naruto calls dibs on telling his side of the story first.
She begins to regret letting him a few moments after he opens his mouth and launches into an embellished retelling of how she made a wheezing noise at the mere sight of the weapons and dropped to the ground like a broken mast, startling everyone and interrupting Uchiha.
He’s tearing up as he continues, “An’, an’ Mayu just wouldn’t wake up, no matter what, even when I shook her an’ everythin’ believe it, an’ Iruka-sensei yelled at me because he said I mighta’ hurt you worse, an’ then Shino did his bug thing an’ you woke up but you were still so pale an’ shaky an’ scared but you wouldn’ say anything, an’, an’—”
Okaa-san pulls him into a hug as he trails off into frustrated hiccoughs, rubbing his back soothingly.
Lee’s grip on her hand is so tight it’s beginning to hurt a bit.
“Well, Mayu?” Okaa-san says, voice slightly strained. “Was that what happened?”
“K-kind of?” She shifts forward so she can give Naruto a one-armed hug. “Sorry I scared you, I was just...just really, really freaked out. I never meant to scare you too.”
“...s’okay.” He mutters into her hair. “Dun’ do it ‘gain, kay?”
She nuzzles into his shoulder, “I’ll try. Promise.”
Lee gives a cough behind her. “So...what alarmed you about those weapons, Mayu-chan?”
She stiffens, drawing back out of the hug.
“They— they aren’t right.” Her head throbs. “Maybe if it was earlier, a prototype model, maybe. But that kind of g—of weapon shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t even exist.”
Okaa-san’s brow furrows. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean it shouldn’t exist!” She snaps. “This place prizes ch-chakra too much for their existence to make sense! You lot place a premium on throwing projectiles and close combat because chakra allows you to compensate. The existence of those kind of g— of firearm doesn’t make any sense, because there’s not a need for that kind here like there was in my world, it just, it just doesn’t make any sense, why is it here, why is it here?!”
Her breathing is ragged.
Her head hurts.
Everything’s so blurry she can barely see.
“Mayu-chan?” Lee’s voice sounds very small. “Does that mean those weapons are from your world?”
“I don’t wanna get shot again.” She chokes out. “I don—I—it hurt so much last time.”
Lee hugs like he’s trying to both squeeze the pain out of her and shield her from it ever returning.
It’s almost painful how tight his arms are around her shoulders, but it does help ground her somewhat.
Then there’s softness pressing against her side and Okaa-san’s arm is curling around Lee’s shoulders to pull them both to her, burying her face in the crown of Mayu’s head.
Naruto reaches over and threads his fingers with hers from where he’s curled into Okaa-san’s other side, squeezing as hard as he can.
They stay like that for a long time.
They startle when the front door snags on her winter coat when it opens.
“I’m baaa-ah? Darling, is the door broken?” Otou-san asks, poking his head through the small gap at the threshold.
“Welcome home Jirou-oji-san!” Lee waves.
“Otou-san! It’s coat and stair time!” Naruto yells. “You gotta come in right now, believe it!”
“Hang on, I need to get the door unstuck first!” Otou-san replies. “Hm...maybe if I unscrewed the hinges...”
Okaa-san gives a weak chuckle. “Mayu-chan, go pick up your coat before it rips or your father dismantles the front door.”
Otou-san smiles at her when she opens the door properly, coat in hand. “I’m home, Mayu.”
“Welcome back, Otou-san.”
The smile drops slightly when he gets a good look at her, and he reaches out to brush a thumb over her temple. “Ouch. How’d this happen?”
She winces slightly at the pressure. “I fainted at the Academy. It’s...a long story.”
Otou-san gives her a searching look, then turns that stare on the interior of the front hall, where her raincoat and towel block the entrances to the kitchen and the living room.
He closes the front door behind him and lays her winter coat back at the bottom of the threshold. “Well, I’d better hear it sooner rather than later, hadn’t I?”
She’s a little proud that she’s able to say, “I freaked out at the sight of the weapon that killed me in my past life” on the third try without blubbering.
Okaa-san drums her fingers on her arm. “How can you be sure that these weapons are from your world? After all, your world had katana and kunai and other weapons that are found here— maybe it’s just that our technology is beginning to catch up to yours.”
She shrugs in Otou-san’s hug. “I’d believe that if they weren’t so...so modern. This world relies on c-chakra a lot, which makes bladed weapons and thrown projectiles much more viable than they are in mine. We haven’t even been taught about the existence of g-firearms at the Academy before today. Yet, despite that, those things are just as if not more advanced than the ones from my world, with no precedent.”
“Yeah!” Naruto nods decisively. “What’s a preceden?”
“It’s when certain things have to happen first for something to exist.” Okaa-san explains. “Like you need to have eggs if you want to make omelette rice.”
Otou-san hums. “You’ve never spoken to anyone else about your past life, have you Mayu?”
She shakes her head. “Only you lot and Gai-sensei. And I wouldn’t tell anyone about...those things.”
“Where is Gai-sensei, anyway?” Naruto asks.
“He has a mission today.” Okaa-san says. “He dropped by earlier to say he would be back in time for training tomorrow morning.”
Lee nods, smile small and happy.
Then he leans against Okaa-san, arms crossed. “So if the guns are from Mayu’s past life, but Mayu-chan didn’t have anything to do with their creation, how did they get from that world to here?”
She purses her lips. She’d like to know that herself.
Naruto closes his eyes and tilts his head from side to side, like a dog trying to listen to something. “Hmmm...a wizard...no, a mindreader...Iwa nin...hmm...Mayu’s evil twin...magic teleporting frog...”
She snorts and opens her mouth—
Then freezes.
“Naruto, what did you just say?”
Naruto blinks. “Magic teleporting frog?”
“Wh-no! Before that!” She says, mind whirring a million miles a minute.
There’s a moment as Naruto’s lips work soundlessly, going back through what he said.
Then his eyes widen and he rears back. “What the heck?! Mayu—you—you have an evil twin and never told me?!”
“You think I would’ve noticed if that was the case.” Okaa-san mutters.
“Kaa-san!” She yelps, flustered. “And no I don’t have an evil twin—that’s not the point!”
“What is it?” Lee leans around Okaa-san to stare curiously at her.
“It’s just an idea, I don’t have any proof for it or anything,” She gently digs her teeth into her lower lip. “But when Naruto said ‘evil twin’, it made me think what if—what if there is someone out there who was like me? What if I’m not the only one who was reborn into this world from mine?”
The room goes still.
“If such a person did exist, why would they do this?” Otou-san asks carefully. “Why manufacture and export these weapons, if there’s no real need for them here?”
She shrugs. “Money? Power, maybe? I-I don’t know, I have no idea. It’s just— nothing else makes sense, does it?”
There’s a sharp rap at the front door.
They all freeze.
“Dear. Gai said he wouldn’t be back from his mission today until tomorrow morning, didn’t he.” Okaa-san says.
Otou-san stands, one hand on his bokken. “Yes. He did.”
He moves towards the door, while Okaa-sama pushes them behind her, hissing, “Go upstairs to the door of our bedroom. Do not come down until we call you.”
After a moment, her towel and coats are lobbed up after them.
The zip on her winter coat smacks her in the lip.
She pulls it off her head in time to hear her father faintly say, “...Nara-sama! What an unexpected surprise!”
“Geez, Nara-sama’s such a drag. Nara-san will do just fine.” The lazy drawl floats up to them as Naruto leans forward to try and get a glimpse of Shikamaru’s dad, towel wrapped around his shoulders like a cape.
“Thank you very much, Nara-san. Would you like to come in?” Okaa-sama asks as Lee fidgets with the zipper on her raincoat.
“Nah, we’ll be quick. Shikamaru here just wanted to check with your kid, see if this whole shrine thing tomorrow is still going on.”
“Oh! Well we haven’t discussed that with her yet, so we’ll call her down.” She only gets a brief moment to panic before Okaa-san is raising her voice. “Mayu-chan! It’s one of your friends from the Academy for you!”
She shoves the coat behind her and traipses down the stairs.
“Hello Nara-san,” She says, a fake smile plastered across her face. “Hey Shika.”
“Yo.” Shikamaru replies.
His eyes still have that assessing quality from earlier.
He knows nothing, she tells herself. He hasn’t figured out you’re reincarnated, he doesn’t know there’s anything to figure out, please, please Sanji don’t let him figure anything out.
“So,” Shikamaru says suddenly, startling her. “How’s the head? It’d be troublesome if you woke up tomorrow too hurt to fix up the shrines.”
She touches the bruised area. “It’s a little sore, but I should be fine for tomorrow!”
“Are you sure, Mayu?” Okaa-san squeezes her shoulders. “We could always reschedule for next weekend if you aren’t up for it.”
“But Okaaa-saaan,” There’s a series of thumps as Naruto slides down the stairs one step at a time. “We’ve been waiting ages for this! Oh, hi Shika!”
“Hey Naruto.” Shikamaru raises a hand.
“I’m sure,” She nods her head. “Plus I think they’re eager for the shrines to finally be done too.”
Okaa-san’s expression goes tight and unamused, like it always does when they interact with her without it being an emergency, or Mayu asking permission first.
It’s not quite fair because Mayu suspects they can’t really help it, and it’s not really anything too direct, just flashes of emotion that are a little too intense to be her own.
She’s just glad they’re excited about the shrines too.
Then Shikamaru says, almost too casually, “The guns really spooked you earlier, huh?”
She can’t help it. She flinches.
Otou-san lays a hand over one of Okaa-san’s on her shoulder. “Ah, that...we were just discussing it with Mayu. We’re sorry for any worry her behavior caused, but...well...”
“But what?” Nara-san asks, one eyebrow raised.
Otou-san looks down, face twisted as if contemplating a difficult memory. “We don’t...enjoy talking about the journey from our homeland to Konohagakure. The...trials...we all had to weather. We’re just thankful we all made it here in one piece.”
Okaa-san nods and returns Otou-san’s doting smile, pretending to discreetly dab away tears with the sleeves of her kimono.
Shikamaru’s eyes widen slightly and he shifts, scratching his cheek and looking away.
It’s all she can do to not gape at the scene.
Are they—are they insinuating that her reaction to those things stems from their escape from Iron to hide her reincarnation? To the Jounin Squad Leader of Konoha and his son, no less?
She gives silent thanks to Franky and Robin.
She has the best parents in this world. The best.
“So the fact that the manufacturer of these weapons is based in Yukigakure comes as no surprise to you?” Nara-san says.
Otou-san jolts behind her.
Then after a moment, he sags, scrubbing one hand over his face. “You know, it really doesn’t. Does Yamanaka-san know?”
“He knows.” Nara-san nods, seemingly disinterested. He does a much better job of faking it compared to Shikamaru.
She glances back and forth between them, but there’s nothing on either man’s face that gives away any meaning to these non-sequiturs.
At least Shikamaru’s calculating look isn’t directed at her anymore.
Instead, he squints at Naruto. “Why are you wearing a towel?”
“Uh.” Naruto says, eyes darting to her.
Usopp help.
“We...were deconstructing a pillow fort! In my room.” She lies.
“A pillow what?” Shikamaru asks, eyes...oddly bright.
“A pillow fort! It’s where you take a whole load of pillows and blankets and towels and stuff and you create a fort using chairs and tables, or a chair and your bed if you have a raised one.” She explains.
Shikamaru nods, like this is only logical, though his expression has gotten even more weirdly intense for some reason. “Is that so? What do you do once you’ve built it?”
She shrugs. “It depends. You can just hang out in it and tell stories? Or nap?”
A slow, almost vicious smile spreads across Shikamaru’s face. He turns it upwards towards his father, who’s gone a worrying shade of grey and is staring at her like she’s pronounced a curse on his clan.
“Why.” Nara-san says, tone despairing. “Why would you tell him something like that exists?”
She shuffles so she’s partially hidden behind Otou-san. “...Sorry.”
Nara-san sighs, tugging gently on Shikamaru’s ponytail. “C’mon you. Let’s get going before you get any more ideas.”
“Actually, Nara-san, I have a quick question.” Okaa-san steps forward. “Would it—would it be acceptable for me to write to my relatives in Water Country? Perhaps inviting one or two of them over?”
She blinks up at her mother. She knows she has relatives in Water, but this is the first she’s heard about potentially meeting them.
Nara-san cocks his head to the side. “Writing a letter isn’t a crime. Inviting them here, to this village, for a visit...that’s more dicey.”
Okaa-san nods, chewing on her lower lip. “I suspected as much. Is that the same for all of Fire Country, or...? Ideally, we wouldn’t want to travel very far from Konoha.”
“Ideally.” Nara-san sighs again. “There are some villages nearby that might suit your needs. For now, I’d just put in a request for mail delivery at the mission desk. They can help you with any questions you have from there.”
“Thank you very much, Nara-san.” Okaa-san bows at the waist. “I hope you and Shikamaru-kun have a pleasant afternoon.”
“You too.” Nara-san bobs his head and takes Shikamaru by the shoulder. “C'mon, say goodbye.”
“See ya.” Shikamaru says, inclining his head like his father before the pair of them begin to walk away.
“See you tomorrow, Shika!” Naruto calls.
“Remember to wear clothes you don’t mind getting paint on!” She yells after him.
Shikamaru raises a hand in acknowledgement, before turning back to say something to his father.
Otou-san lets out a heavy sigh once the door is closed. “Right. Lee, could you bring the coats down with you?”
Lee obligingly comes down the stairs with both coats in his arms. “Are your relatives coming to stay, Chie-oba-san?”
“Maybe not to stay.” Okaa-san says. “But hopefully my brother Ikei and cousin Mei will get to meet you all.”
“All? You mean me, an’ Lee an’ Gai-sensei get to come with?” Naruto pipes up as he finishes setting down the towel, a huge grin spreading across his face.
Okaa-san beams and gathers the two of them into a hug. “Of course. I can’t let them leave without introducing them to three of my four favorite boys, can I?”
Lee’s eyes are shining and Naruto’s grinning and giggling. Otou-san leans over Okaa-san’s shoulder, pouting playfully. “Then what am I?”
“You’re the fourth favorite, of course.” Okaa-san teases, planting a kiss on Otou-san’s cheek.
Her mother turns and shoots her a small smile. “I also thought we could ask them it they’d met anyone who behaves...well, like you do. We’re a large merchant family spread all over, so it’s not unlikely that one of them has met someone in your circumstances without knowing it.”
“It’s not a bad idea, considering there’s likely one in Yukigakure.” Otou-san says glumly.
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