#Camden Lahey (Mentioned)
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Mason: Stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’. Liam: I will that my brother didn’t die. Theo: I will that I wasn’t manipulated at a young age. Isaac: I will that my dad wasn’t a dick and what Liam said. Derek: I will that my family wasn’t killed in a fire. Jordan: I will that this town could be normal for two fucking days and what Liam and Isaac said. Stiles: I will that my mom was still alive. Mason: I will that I didn’t say anything... Are you guys okay? Everyone else at the same time: No, we aren’t
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the-fandom-queen · 6 months
all I do is think about the dead siblings of teen wolf
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one of my favorite theories (jordan parrish is camden lahey) + another one: liam dunbar is isaac and jordan's half-brother, related through their mother
neither lahey, isaac, nor camden knew about liam growing up because their mom (jenna dunbar-geyer, reverted to her maiden name after divorcing lahey then compounded her last name with dr. geyer's) and them all went no-contact
and since the pack never had overlap with isaac and liam, they wouldn't have figured out
adding to the first theory is that parrish lost his memory after his first death and the takeover of the hellhound, and i don't think that isaac and parrish ever had an overlapping scene
this leads me to:
isaac comes back to beacon hills and recognizes parrish immediately, leading to the original discovery
liam meets isaac and asks him about his last name, since apparently his mom used to tell him a few stories about her past, but never mentioned other kids
jenna dunbar-geyer being confronted by ALL THREE of her children, cue hurt AND comfort
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okay but @spookyblazecoffee I need more Lahey bros canon pls bcuz can you imagine Theo’s first meeting with the brothers/Stiles & Scott
Theo mistakes Scott & Stiles for being the Laheys. Scott & Stiles decide to prank him. All while Liam is at a University class.
The actual Lahey bros get there and Theo thinks they are Scott & Stiles. The four of them decide to continue the charade.
Theo thinks he’s messing up, esp. when Stiles and Isaac mention things about Liam he didn’t even know.
Theo runs off after texting Liam that he was going to stay at his own apartment that night.
Liam gets home pissed off. Puppy pack in tow. Stiles, Scott, Issac & Jordan/Camden have to fix it. Corey, Tracy & Josh join them in finding Theo.
Theo realised that they were pranking him just because Liam’s the baby of the family. Theo tells them they are a bunch of assholes that Liam is an absolute angel for dealing with them.
Liam wakes up to a knock on the door and it’s Theo with breakfast all tied up in a bow with a note. He drags his boyfriend in and they have ‘the talk’. Theo proposes while Liam asks if he wanted to move in together.
Laheys & Stiles & Scott are with the puppy pack. They find out Liam was dating Theo ever since HS and Theo was Liam’s first. Overprotective brother instincts kick in but Hayden, Gabe, Josh & Mason keep them from going back to the apartment. Esp. When Liam messages them a ring on his finger.
All I can think of is all of Liam’s brothers/brother-figures going “OVER MY DEAD BODY”.
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mystiika · 11 months
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an npc from isaac's life
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it took a very long to find an fc i like but i have officially determined miss bernadette peters to be the fc for isaac's mother, aka amelia lahey. she died from complications after isaac's birth so he only "knew" her for about a day. i always put off writing out anything about her personality from bad experiences with camden blogs of brothers past, but i figured writing him for a decade is long enough to go without properly talking about her anyway. its not like growing up without her doesn't still affect him in adulthood. her death was the cause for his earliest feelings of survivor's guilt & isaac still has to actively remind himself while thinking about her that her death was not his fault however i'll get into that more in a bit.
before i really get into anything i want to put a quick trigger warning. death is obviously mentioned but her past involves fertility issues & miscarriages along with pregnancy complications eventually resulting in complications during isaac's birth to which she succumbed to a day later. some things are mentioned more than once though & i'd rather just put it all below a cut than risk anyone catching anything by accident if i miss a tag somewhere but i'll try to put all the major key words. also nothing about her personality or medical history is all that important to interacting with isaac. if its relevant, he'll tell your muse himself or i'll bring up things if context feels needed.
anyway, onto her <3
amelia was always a really kind soul but was loud & proud of the things she cared about, standing up to bullies 3 times her size for being mean to people in her presence & was sort of seen as a bit of a loose canon if you pushed her to it. but she grew up so loved in a big family that she'd hoped she'd be able to create in her own marriage. for her, motherhood was something she’d like to think it was something she had been good at, something she would have been good at. she always avoided the "grown up" table at family events, more interested in playing with the younger kids & as sort of seen as a baby whisperer of sorts. growing up, she had always been told she’d be a great mother & she prided herself on that fact among so many other things, mind you. as a side note mother hood is heavily mentioned but that's because of how she relates to camden & later isaac, & i don't mean nor want to imply that motherhood was her one & only dream, nor was it her entire personality & i feel like that doesn't really read much in this post. she loved flowers & music & taking camden out on mother son dates. she loved picnics in the park on a sunny day. she loved the beach & the sound of waves. she loved science & medicine which eventually led to her job as a nurse. & as difficult a job as a nurse could be, she knew that her tired feet were the result of making a difference even if its just one patient or family at a time.
this next bit is from an old post from her perspective after her death & it feels like a good way to show what her feelings would be looking back on isaac now. "she’d like to think motherhood was something she had been good at, something she would have been good at. growing up, she had always been told she’d be a great mother & even though in hindsight she shouldn’t have tried so hard to convince simon to have kids, but she had been so desperate for a family & for a family with him. she wanted to be a mother, to be able to love & raise a child of her own, watch them grow both physically & as a person under her gentle guidance, & to be able to help them whenever they needed her. she had a few good years with camden & she was sure he had known exactly how much she loved him but with isaac, she had never been a mother at all. she was the one that abandoned him from birth, condemning him & his brother to a life with a father who never truly wanted children despite any real love he felt for them. she’d like to think she was a good mother, but no adequate mother would have done something as terrible as that." the ending is perhaps a little more intense than the reality but its her feelings on the matter so who am i to say. 
i will say, the desperation mentioned above had been a rather slow growing feeling than something she'd started out with. while she always knew she wanted kids & to build a home life like the one she'd had growing up, she hadn't really been rushing for it. for a time she was happy just living her life with her then boyfriend, soon fiance turned husband. he'd never really been the type to dislike children & was quite good with them. but it wasn't something he really saw in the cards for himself. it was only after they started trying for kids that it became a stronger want for her life & he started to wonder if the journey to get there was really worth it all. the women in her life had grown & married & started their families. motherhood started to grow to be more of a priority & after a good bit of talking about what that looks like for both of them, simon agreed to their having kids ( thankfully the conversation was before their marriage so that's a good practice at least but that's neither here not there ) he had a lot of apprehension about it, fears about the type of father he would be & how he was worried that he'd end up just like his dad ( which, spoiler, the abusive alcoholic truly doesn't fall far from the tree )
but all his worries she was able to dispel & so started their journey for a family of their own. by this time simon was forced to move back to his hometown of beacon hills from where he'd met & married amelia in the mid-west — all in order to take care of his father. his mother was long gone by then & the bitter old man had driven everyone away from him leaving only simon acting purely out of filial obligation. he hated it. he hated being around the father who'd been so terrible to him, he hated the town he'd tried so hard to get out of, & he hated that he'd dragged amelia away from everything & everyone she had ever known, but she'd refused to let him move alone. she was his only oasis & as guilty as he felt, he was so incredibly grateful to have her support.
within a few months of their move, they discovered she was pregnant & the both of them were overjoyed. she missed her family terribly & being able to start her own made her feel a little bit closer to them all. & simon needed something else, someone else in his life to make his life a little happier. unfortunately she had a miscarriage not 2 weeks after receiving their first ultrasound & she was beyond devastated. she was left grieving this loss as if she'd carried to term & had held the baby in her arms. & she had every right to feel that way. simon didn't react quite the same. to him that baby was just a jumble of cells with a heartbeat, not yet a person he'd grown to love. he grieved it, but more so as the concept of a family it represented. to him, a baby he could hold & care for would mean he'd no longer be grieving the loss of this baby. of course he kept this to himself for fear of making amelia feel invalid of her own very real version of grief ( so credit to him for this stuff at least ). frankly, he really was a good husband to her & actively tried his best to make sure he never slacked in that department.
this was also only the first miscarriage. as it would turn out, she had little difficulty getting pregnant, but rather seemed unable to carry to term & every time it would happen she'd be depressed for months, eventually allowing herself to try again only to recieve the same result. after their first, they assumed it was a fluke when their next time they were able to last into the second trimester. but she then miscarried again. after the 3rd miscarriage over in 4 years, simon insisted they see a specialist to find out why it was all happening &, more importantly, fix it so that they could have the baby she so badly wanted. by this time she'd slowly cut back on hours at work, having to take so much time off work in order to grieve ( & thankfully her employer & coworkers were all understanding ). meanwhile, simon wasn't sure how much longer he could take it all. he loved her beyond all words but it gutted him to watch the love of his life suffer so terribly while he could do nothing except watch her face grow tired as she started to become a shell of the woman she once was. she blamed herself as if it was a choice she'd made to lose every child they'd made together & he couldn't stand that.
& to simon's credit, they found their answer quite quickly. while it was unclear what, if anything, had caused their first, the subsequent miscarriages appeared to be as the result of a weakened cervix. a position that wasn't uncommon by any stretch. simply, the next time she gets pregnant they'd put in a small stitch to make sure the baby was able to remain in place. & as promised, the next time she became pregnant they did just that. & so camden came to be. the birth wasn't easy, it was long & painful but when she held her baby boy for the first time she knew undoubtedly all the pain & loss was worth it just to have him.
for a good few years they were a happy little family. simon was better at fatherhood than he'd expected but seeing how happy amelia was & how absolutely fantastic she was with cam, it was such a relief knowing he had her to rely on. then when cam was 5, their lives started to change again. to start, simon's father passed away, & while he didn't enjoy the feeling, he was glad he was gone. he was a miserable & mean spirited man who simon had never let cam be in a room with let alone meet. but knowing that the reason for their move was gone, they had to reassess if they were going to move again. in the end, the answer was no. she'd built a life there & so had camden. so with his father gone, simon agreed since it would make them happy.
it was also at this time that amelia brought up the idea of having another child. they no longer had to worry about taking care of simon's father & they had more than enough money to feed another mouth. simon on the other hand was far less willing. sure they knew the cause of the miscarriages, but pregnancy takes a toll on the body & from all the complications she'd had during cam's birth he had every right to be apprehensive. but in the end, cam was old enough not to need constant attention & amelia was right, they had both the time & money. 
so once again she became pregnant quite quickly. both she & cam were beyond excited & simon felt a great deal of joy getting to watch the two of them. besides he loved cam, more than he'd expected, so what was another baby in the mix anyway?
as a side note, during amelia's pregnancy with camden she started making notes in a book addressed to him on things like silly cravings he'd given her or the first day she felt him kick, a book she continued up until the day she died, her last entry being the day before isaac's birth about how she knew he'd be a good brother & write about how excited he seemed to be. isaac had one too, though there were so many more blank pages than filled when all she had were the months leading up to his birth. the largest entry in isaac's book was about how camden had been the one to pick a final name for isaac, naming him after the imaginary friend he'd had. this book ended up in the box with all the other things she & cam had crafted for him.
during her pregnancy with isaac there were a few more problems than with camden, eventually landing her on complete bed rest until the birth. but during this time camden was learning all there was to know about being a big brother, even writing down important things he wished he knew earlier ( keep in mind he's still only 7 ). all in all they ended up making all sorts of things to give isaac once they brought him home, letters, cards, homemade books, drawings of the 4 of them together or at least how cam had imagined them to be — though the box wasn't something isaac saw until he was nearly 7 himself.
knowing how difficult cam's birth had been, simon & amelia it was best to book an appointment for a c-section. unfortunately isaac was too eager to meet the world & she went into labour 2 days before their appointment which meant that they had to try giving birth normally if or until a c-section is requited. they were right to worry when they eventually had to do an emergency cesarean. really, the doctors left it too long which only made matters worse. she seemed to pull through, even waking up long enough to spend some time with isaac but later that day, more complications arose & she eventually succumbed to those injuries. 
losing her ( let alone losing her like that ) was simon's worst nightmare come to life.
i'm going to be making this part 1 of 2. part 2 will be more about the immediate after her death & go a lot more in depth on their home life/what that looked like without her there & how isaac & cam were treated within that. links will be included here when they're up. her death was also fully preventable so i will mention winning a malpractice suit in that 3rd post as well. how he felt about her death directly will be included in part of a larger meta on isaac's survival guilt.
finally is a couple more posts written in her pov from my old isaac blog so read at ur leisure
prompt — an anon asked "are you proud of isaac?"
"Of course I am. He’s a fighter, just like his mom.”
She got to watch him grown up to be the amazing young man he is today. It was her own personal torture to watch what was happening to him and never being able to lift a finger to help him, but unlike so many as of late, her death had been final. There had been no coming back, there had been no helping her son. But even though he was forced to go through his life alone so far, she couldn’t be prouder of who he had become. He was learning to be his own person again, to go through life knowing it was okay to be a little selfish some times, that it was okay not to only worry about making everyone else happy.
”Isaac is such an amazing young man now, I just wish I could tell it to him, to say it to his face.”
prompt — a melissa blog asked "how can i help isaac?                
”Melissa, there’s nothing more you can do for him than what you already are. Just keep treating him like you are, like a son. Be the mother I couldn’t be.”
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scottstiles · 6 years
HC that the reason why Isaac never came back from France is because he heard that there are rumors in the Middle East of a soldier that was supposedly killed in combat but came back as something different... (aka Cam) and goes to investigate.
tbh it would be VERY cool if isaac went off to find his brother, i do wish we knew more about him, but it would have been one hell of a coincidence for another supernatural creature to be in the same troop as a hellhound and for nothing to have happened. there’s some backstory there too with those guys we coulda had.
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Sheltered From The Storm
Pairing: Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: Derek kicks Isaac out of the loft so he goes looking for a new place to stay.
Warnings: Mention of past abuse, because you know it’s Isaac and his dad was a horrible human being. Blood, nightmares. Angst and then fluff because that’s all I can write. Soooo, enjoy I guess.
Italics are flash backs.
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~Isaac’s POV~
“Did something happen?”
“It’s just not gonna work with the both of you here,” Derek said looking down and away from the window, where rain was coming down by the bucket full. “We’ve got Cora now, it’s too much. I need you out. Tonight.”
“Where am I supposed to go?” I scoffed throwing my hands up.
“Somewhere else.” He retorted back dryly.
I hesitated for a second, almost scared to ask the most prominent question on my mind. “Did I do something wrong, Derek?”
“You’re doing something wrong right now by not leaving.” He turned to me, a whiskey glass in his hand as he motioned with it towards the door. “Get out.”
“Get. Out.” He cut me off.
“Derek, please.” I tried again.
“Go!” The glass was hurled at me and I ducked, nearly avoiding the shards which exploded behind me on one of the steel beams that supported the roof of Derek’s apartment.
I looked on at him in fear, memories of my dad flashing behind my eyes.
“Pathetic,” he spit out. “How can I even call you my son.” I cowered further into the wall, my hands coming up to shield my face, as another plate shattered above me. One of the chunks lodged its way into the skin just above my eyebrow and another one into the back of my hand. I’d have a fun time later digging the both of them out and bandaging my self up.
I could feel the blood beginning to flow from the new cut. It reached my eye lid and I did my best to wipe it away with the sleeve of my sweater. It wasn’t much use because of the cut on my hand was also soaking the end of the sleeve in a bright red.
All that had started this fight was me getting home past curfew. I wasn’t even that late, it had only been 11:13. God I hated this place. Everything was so much better before mom and Camden died. I miss them so much, but could never mention that around my dad or else it would turn into a fighting match just like the one we were having now.
“I’m still very angry with you and I don’t believe you have learned your lesson yet. It’s my job as a parent to teach you right and wrong,” he feigned disappointment, walking over to where I was curled up.
“No, please. I’m sorry it won’t happen again I was just a little late, I was with Y/n,” I called out, making a feeble attempt to get away from him by scooting back across the floor.
“I’m sorry, Isaac,” he said, “you know what has to happen.”
“Please, no no don’t-“ I cried out but he ignored my words, dragging me by my collar down the stairs to the one place in this god awful house I dreaded the most.
I gave Derek one quick glance as another final plea to change his mind but his face remained cold as he glared at me. I turned and grabbed my stuff, heading out into the night.
~Y/n POV/3rd Person~
I was deep into a marathon of Parks and Recreation when there was a sound heard coming from downstairs. No one else was supposed to be home with my parents out for the weekend.
I grabbed a bat Stiles had insisted I keep around since gaining knowledge of the supernatural.
Slowly I made my way down the hall and peeked over the balcony. I saw no one so I decided to get a closer look. As I reached the bottom of the stairs there came another noise from somewhere followed by a muffled curse. “Y/n,” a voice said behind me.
Deciding not to take any chances, I turned and swung letting out a yell.
Isaac easily caught the bat in his hand, blocking it from hitting his chest. “I’m not sure if I should be proud or concerned.”
“Isaac!” You squealed out, dropping the bat and moving to hug his torso, which you soon realized was drenched. You quickly pulled back, “why did you break into my house I thought you were an intruder, I could of hurt you!”
“Not with this little thing you couldn’t of.” He laughed. “I forgot my key, and Derek kicked me out of his place, I needed somewhere else to go.” He shied as he said the last part, casting his gaze down to his feet.
“Well you’re always welcome here, now let’s get you something else to wear.” You drug him up to your room and pointed to your bed. “Clothes off.” You demanded.
“Wow you sure know how to woo a man,” he chucked while removing his shirt.
I grabbed one of his sweaters I kept stockpiled in the drawer. Some of them I had stole and others he’d kept here in case of times when he would stay over for the night. They were kept there for times like this. Except usually it had been because of his father. Never would you have thought that Derek would be the cause.
“Huh, I was wondering where that one had gone off too,” he said taking the shirt and cracking a smile at you. After that you grabbed him some pajama bottoms and tossed them his direction. He changed quickly then scooted up the bed to rest against the head board.
You joined him, moving yourself to be underneath him with his head resting on your chest. His arms wrapped securely around your waist as your hands combed through his wet curls. You stayed in silence for a while until you finally spoke.
“Would you like to talk about it?” You asked gently, knowing he would never bring it up first.
He shook his head no and his grip on you tightened. You felt your shirt getting damp and knew he had let some tears slip through his cool exterior.
“Well if you ever need to you know I’m always here.”
You knew he just needed someone to be there for him at this moment, so that’s what you did. Your hands continued to play with his hair, occasionally running down his face along his cheek bones and jaw line. He closed his eyes at your soft touch and was soon lulled to sleep, the silent tears drying on his face.
~Issacs again~
I heard the lid slam shut and the clicking of a lock on the outside.
No, no not here. Not again.
I was trapped.
I could feel the cool metal on my back, seeping though the thin tee shirt I was wearing.
My hands pressed on both sides of the enclosed space and I squeezed my eyes shut. You’re fine, it’s okay. I tried to convince myself of these thoughts but it wasn’t working as well as I had intended.
“Help,” I sounded out.
My fist pounded against the top of the door.
A third time.
It wasn’t any use, the logical half of my brain knew this. But the other half wanted to attempt to fight my way out of the frozen tomb.
Panic began to bubble up, but I pushed it down best I could at the time. Stop it Isaac, you’ve been through this before. Again my attempts to stay calm didn’t prove to be effective.
I began to claw at the inside walls of the freezer with my nails, making no progress on my mission to bust out, but needing to hold onto something all the same. I needed something to ground me. Anything. A physical object. A thought. An idea even. But, I came up with nothing of the sort.
Screams left my mouth, cries for help, but no one ever came. My fists continued to pound on the cold metal, never even making a dent.
I was trapped and alone.
~annnd back to you~
Isaac’s murmuring woke me up from my light sleep. His arms were no longer around my waist, his head now buried into the pillow beside mine, his body in a fetal position.
Soft groans of “no” could be heard coming from him as I concluded he was having another nightmare. They happened not as often as they used too, but reoccurred on occasion when something had upset him. And I’d say tonight could be classified as upsetting.
“Isaac, wake up,” I asked softly. I reached for him, flipping him onto his back. His head thrashed from side to side.
My hand cupped his cheek, “Isaac wake up honey, it’s just a nightmare. Comeback to me, please.” You knew shaking him or yelling would have no affect, all you could do was try to talk him out of it.
“Help,” he cried out in his sleep, body still jerking from side to side.
Then he sat up fast, panting, causing you to jump back in surprise. Sweat has formed on his forehead. His eyes snapped open, glowing bright gold.
“It’s okay,” I continued gently, “I’ve got you, you’re safe, he’s gone and it’s all over.” His eyes moved around the room frantically. I gently grabbed his chin and guided his eyes to meet mine. “Look at me Isaac, I’m right here.”
He finally calmed, eyes returning to their natural baby blue state, then collapsed into you. “I’m sorry I woke you up,” he sniffled into your shirt.
“Don’t you ever be sorry for needing someone to be here for you, I don’t mind.” You said placing a kiss on his forehead.
You waited until he pulled away to bring his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. He eagerly wanted more and drew you closer into his lap. When you finally separated you both were breathing heavy in need of air. His forehead rested on yours, his hands cupping your face.
“What would I do without you, huh?”
“Be standing out in the rain right about now for starters,” you joked placing another lingering kiss on his lips.
“I love you, y/n.” He confessed with a sleepy smile.
“I love you, too Isaac Lahey.”
Sorry I am so inconsistent about who I write for, I’ll make an official list one day but until then look at this lil cutie.
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
hey so isaac lahey had a brother. who joined the military and died in combat. he was only mentioned once. and not even in association with isaac?? only the kanima/matt?? which i think is ridiculous. are you telling me isaac didn’t have any feelings about that? he didn’t mention his brother in any anecdotes? he didn’t even directly tell his friends that he existed? why didn’t we get to see anything about camden and isaac lahey.
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blessednereid · 3 years
First Line Tryouts
Series Masterlist
Mentions/Warnings: Implied Smut, making out, cursing, eating/food mentions, mentions dead bodies, slasher film mention, dementia mention, slight domesticality(?)
Word Count: <4,200
A/N: This took so long im so sorry, tried to sum up the events of ep 1, while adding some isaac moments! Enjoy! LMK If I need to add anymore tw’s or cw’s.
Taglist: @rogershoe Dm me to be added to the taglist. 
There was a week left until your second semester began. Isaac was determined to thank you for everything you had done for him since he told you about his dad. 
He enlisted Stiles and a reluctant Lydia to help him with the planning. Isaac was going to make a picnic basket with your favorite foods. After that, Stiles would drive him to Lookout Point, and Lydia would take you there right after he gave her the go-ahead to let her know it was ok to leave. 
Lydia would take you to the mall so that Isaac could prepare the picnic basket. He had bought assorted fruits, a platter of ham and cheese pinwheels, passion-fruit fruit champagne, your favorite desserts, and your favorite chips. He packed a picnic blanket as well as two smaller ones so that you both could lay under the stars and watch them dance. 
After everything was packed, Stiles drove him to the point in the woods, and two miles away from his destination, he called Lydia and gave her the signal. 
When he reached the peak, before he could do anything, Stiles scolded him.
"Hey scarf," he barked. Isaac turned his head.
"Don't try anything with my sister tonight, alright? You may not be in the house, but I will still be watching everything?"
Isaac paused. "Aren't you going back to Scott's house?" 
"I have eyes everywhere, Lahey," he stated simply before waltzing away.
When you arrived, Isaac had everything set up, the picnic cloth was laid down on a flat chunk, the colorful plastic champagne glasses he had bought were carefully placed down on top of the plates, 
When you arrived, Isaac had already laid everything out. The picnic blanket was spread out on a flat chunk of land, and the ceramic plates sat on top of it. There was a bundle of spoons and forks, knives, and colorful plastic champagne glasses for the both of you. 
"I-saac, haha," you chuckled.
He bowed. "Good evening, madame. How can I serve you today?" He walked over to you and led you to the setting. 
"Isaac, you didn't have to do all this, you know?" 
"I know, but you've done so much for me recently, and I wanted to thank you."
You looked at him fondly, and he stared back at you before breaking away to grab the fruit. He fed you a strawberry, and after that, you both took turns tossing berries into the air and trying to catch them. 
After you both were done eating, Isaac packed all the remaining food (which was a lot) into the basket and tossed you a cover. He pulled you closer to him once you were wrapped in the blanket and laid down to watch the stars with his favorite person in the world. 
"That's Orion's belt, right there," you thought out loud. 
"That's the big dipper then," 
"How do you know so many constellations?" Isaac questioned, and you frowned. 
"I- uh…" 
"What's wrong?" He looked at you with worry.
"It was something me and my mom did before she died. She would go out to the woods with me—" you paused."—and she would show me where all the stars were. Stiles was never interested. My obsession with finding the stars became so big she decided to get me a telescope and a big book of all the constellations." 
"Oh, so I'm guessing it's a touchy subject?" 
You laughed. "It's a subject that brings up memories. To be honest, I haven't tried stargazing since my mom's death. This was nice." 
"You never told me much about your mom…" 
"And you never told me about yours," you hit back. 
You went first. "Before everything, my mom was…in all aspects… perfect. Every day when we came home from school, she would have lunch ready, even if we already ate, just some chips and cookies on the table for Stiles and me." 
You smiled. "Mom would take us outside to the backyard and play soccer with us, us two against her. I think she would go easy on us." 
"When she got diagnosed, she started becoming less… tolerant of us. She would yell for the tiniest things,  and they didn't hurt me as much because Dad would always remind us that she didn't mean it, but I guess it always hurt Stiles more—"
"How do you mean?" Isaac asked.
"He was always a mommy's boy. One night we went to visit her at the hospital, I went to the vending machine to get snacks for Stiles and me, and he was gone. When he came back, he was crying nonstop. I kept trying to get him to tell me what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me.  The next day it was like he just forgot about it." 
You both sat there in silence for a while longer. 
"My mom…. My mom was always working. She had her own business making soaps and perfumes and stuff like that." 
"She would always ask—" he gulped. "—she would ask my brother and me to help her with her orders. We would always make a mess, so after we were done, she made bubble baths for us." He giggled at the memory. "When she died, I guess we all changed a bit." 
"I got a little shier, Camden got more impulsive, Dad just lost his filter. He put more effort into making sure we were disciplined." He saw your eyes squint. "He didn't hit us back then. He just had stricter rules." 
You pulled him closer to your chest, and you guys just stayed there, looking at the stars, and feeling, even more, closer to each other than before.
You broke the silence.
"Yes, Y/N?"
"I love you…" 
He leaned down to your face and pecked your lips.
"I love you too," he smiled.
"Y/n!" Isaac was trying to wake you up. You had fallen asleep watching Nightmare on Elm Street. You had been desensitized to all the blood and gore because you and stiles would always stay up late and watch slasher films. This was when your dad worked extra shifts at the Sheriff's station, and your mom was at the hospital.
"N/n, Wake up!" 
He grabbed your ringing phone and pulled it up to your ear, despite knowing he would face your wrath for doing that later on. Stiles had just called you for the 4th time that night, and you weren't waking up.
When you still wouldn't wake up, he did the only thing he could think of, as illogical as it was. He laid down flat on his back and rolled over, pushing you off the bed. You woke with a start. 
"Stiles has called you 4 times in 5 minutes, and you told me to wake you up whenever someone calls you…" He fake-pouted. 
Your expression softened because you couldn't resist his cobalt eyes, but you were still angry. You answered the phone and shouted at Stiles to release your frustration. 
"Stiles, what the hell, you're across the hall. Did you really have to call?"
"Hurry up and get ready, Dad just went out, and we need to go get Scott."
"Why do we have to follow dad? It's his job."
"Someone found a dead body, but half of it is missing,"
"Ok, I'm coming," You said while putting on your jeans. 
"Oh, and leave the golden retriever."
"His name is Isaac, not 'golden retriever,' Stiles!" you scolded. 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, hurry up!"
You finished putting on Isaac's hoodie and turned to face him. 
"I gotta go, love."
He pouted. "Why can't I go with you?"
You went to give him a hug. "We should go with the least amount of people possible., so we don't get caught…" you lied. 
"Is Scott going?" He was always able to tell when you were lying. He knew all your tells and your poker face before you were even dating. 
"Fine, It's Stiles."
"So, I realized. Do I really look like a golden retriever?"
You shrugged and said in a pitchy voice, "An adorable golden retriever?" 
He sighed. 
"Be safe, and come back before midnight, please? I don't wanna go to sleep without you…"
"Nervous for tomorrow?"
"It's the start of first-line tryouts. I really wanna make it this year,"
"I'm sure that you'll make it Isaac, you are one of the most hand-eye coordinated people I know, and at every game, I will be there to cheer you guys on!"
 He smiled at your statement and kissed you. 
"Be sa—"
"Y/N, Hurry up!" Stiles shouted from downstairs. 
You stayed in the car while Stiles was getting Scott, silently cursing him for not allowing Isaac to come but going to get Scott. 
Scott and Stiles got out of the house and piled into the car. 
"Next time you wanna leave the 'golden retriever,' Stiles, we're also leaving the poodle," you angrily intoned.
Scott took up an offended expression. "Poodle?"
"Would you rather chihuahua?"
"No, we're not leaving Scott. He's my best friend," Stiles said defensively.
"Oh yeah? Isaac is my boyfriend, yet he couldn't come!" 
"My car, my choice of guests."
"Fuck off, Miechyvslaw!"
"We're seriously doing this?"
"Obviously," you stated simply.
He started driving the car, and they headed to the woods where the search party for the body and the other half of it would be located. 
"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles said.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow."
"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles sassed.
"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making the first line."
"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."
You interrupted their bickering. "Just out of curiosity, do either of you know what half of the body we're even looking for?"
"Uhhh-" Stiles stuttered.
"And uh- what if whoever killed the body is still out there," Scott questioned.
"Also, something I did not think about."
"It's comforting to know that you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott stated. 
Stiles and Scott continued bickering, but soon, you saw a flashlight.
"Shit! Hide!" you warned, but Stiles kept going. You leaped forward, trying to grab his shirt and pull him back, but your dad caught you.
"Hang on. Hang on. These two delinquents belong to me."
Stiles sighed. 
"I told you to hide, you brat!" you whispered to him.
"Daaaaad!" He enunciated. "How are you doing?"
"So, do you, uh, listen into all my phone calls?"
"Not the boring ones," Stiles said. 
"So, where's your usual partner in crime?"
"Wh-who Scott? Scott's home, he said before continuing to ramble.
Your dad had called out for Scott, and when he didn't respond, dragged you and Stiles back to the Jeep. 
You went back to your room once you got to the house and found Isaac asleep on the bed.
"Izzie!" You grabbed a plush pillow from beside him and whacked him softly with it. 
You went home that night, not knowing where Scott was or what had happened to him while worrying about what Melissa would do to you if Scott got bitten by a coyote and she found out you lured him out there.
He stirred but didn't wake. You groaned and moved beside him.
"Isaac?" you shrilled. "Isaac, you were supposed to wait for me to come back!!"
You shook his body left and right until he woke up groggily.
He fully opened his eyes and groaned at the comfort that it was you.
"You scared me!" he complained.
You began shuffling towards him and running your hands down his covered pectorals. "Aww… what can I do to make you feel better?"
"Anything?" he said before sucking in a breath.
"Anything, baby," You nodded. 
He pulled you onto his lap and started kissing you passionately, your lips meshing together. He trailed his lips from yours to your cheekbones, then to your jawline, nibbling slightly. You moved your hips forcefully against his, and he brought one hand down to your waist.
"Hey, is this ok?"
You nodded vehemently. 
He pushed your hips back and forth along his while leaving dark red marks towards the base of your neck and your collarbone. He sucked a hickey onto a pulse point, making you let out a moan, which you tried muffling by pressing your lips together. 
He brought his hands to the hem of your shirt and tugged slightly before looking up at you. You replaced his hands and pulled your shirt off of your torso. 
He placed open-mouthed kisses onto the tops of your breasts, causing you to throw your head back in delight. He brought his hand back to the small of your back and shuffled you forwards on his lap. 
He turned you over onto your back and continued to kiss from your chest up. He stood on his knees in front of you and pulled his shirt off of his body. He placed one more brief kiss on your lips before gripping your thighs and lowering down your body.
Stiles drove you, Isaac, and Scott to school the next day. When you got out of the car, Scott and Stiles were talking about a bite that Scott had gotten when he went to the woods, but he assured you that you wouldn't face Melissa's wrath. 
When you saw Lydia amongst the crowd, you dragged Isaac all the way to her. Lydia had never liked Isaac, feeling like her best friend could do much better than someone who wouldn't even talk to her(you) for extensive periods of time. 
"Hey Lyds!" you said with Isaac's face buried in your neck. He was not fond of Lydia either, not that she had done anything, but he had picked up on her apathy towards him and just decided he would do the same. 
"Hey Y/N! Isaac." You all walked into the building and headed for your respective classes. 
You had English first, and the teacher was rambling about the dead body found in the woods. 
A familiar faced walked into the room, and you almost squealed. It was your godsister, Allison Argent. You knew that her family was moving to  Beacon Hills, but you hadn't known when they would be arriving. 
Chris Argent, Allison's dad, was your mother's best friend in high school. When she gave birth to you and Stiles, she made Chris your godfather.
You quietly clapped your hands at her appearance. She smiled at you before taking the seat diagonally across from you and right behind Scott. You noticed how when he turned around to give her a pencil, he looked highly flustered. 
Before you could point this out and tease him about it, your teacher began to talk about the novel you were reading as a class.
When you got out of class, you decided to introduce Lydia to Allison. 
When you both approached Allison, she squealed and ran to give you a hug, almost causing you to stumble. You hugged her back for a good five seconds before letting her go. 
"That jacket is absolutely killer! Where'd you get it?" Lydia asked the brunette.
"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco."
"And, you are my new best friend!" Lydia said before greeting her boyfriend, Jackson, who had come up behind her. 
"Hey? What about me? Already replacing me with my godsister?" you asked before you felt two slender arms wrap around your waist.
"Never!" Lydia smiled. "We can all be friends." 
You could hear a girl talking about Lydia or Allison or both, and you decided you would defend your friends. 
You walked over to where she was talking to Stiles and Scott.
"Hey, what's going on over here?"
"Oh, Audrey here was asking what Allison did to already be hanging out with your exclusive clique."
"Uh, nothing? She's just Allison." You said, looking at Scott and Stiles but directing it towards Aubrey. You then turned on your heels and walked away.
You had found that your friends had told Allison about the upcoming party and were just about to head to the lacrosse practice for the day.
You gave Isaac a good luck kiss before he went out to the field, and Lydia looked at you weirdly.
"What is it?" you asked, rolling your eyes.
"Nothing, Nothing."
"Why do you have such a problem with my boyfriend?"
She turned to look at you. "I don't know, maybe it's because you caught feelings when he hadn't said a single word to you for a week and didn't for another week after you first kissed him"
"It could be that when you asked him out and actually confessed your feelings, he waited a week to give you a response and made you think that he was rejecting you, which made you cry?"  
You rubbed your temples. "Lydia, I explained all this to you. He's a shy guy. He just doesn't talk much to people, and he thought I was playing a joke on him."
She shook her head. "Mark my words, Y/N, he's going to end up breaking your heart, and when he does, I'll be left to pick up the pieces."
You groaned. "Allison, does Isaac look like someone who would hurt me?"
"No? He looks like… He looks like a golden retriever!"
The three of you burst out laughing, and Lydia promised to try and be tolerant of Isaac.
Suddenly, it was Scott's turn to try guarding the goal. He allowed the first shot through before finding his footing and blocking the rest of the throws. 
"Who is that?" Your godsister asked. 
"Hmm… I'm not sure who he is," Lydia said questioningly.
You scoffed. "That is Scott McCall. Stiles' best friend. Why?"
"He's in our English class. He seems like he's pretty good," she said sagely.
She changed the subject. "Speaking of Stiles, how is he? I haven't talked to him since I got back."
"He's-" you tried answering but stopped short. "Wooh! Go, Isaac!"
He smiled at you before going to shoot lacrosse balls at the goalie.
On the final day of tryouts, you and Isaac had done stretches, though he didn't know why, and they had run laps around the field before practice had started.
The coach started talking to the players, and you, Lydia, and Allison sat in the stands. By the time practice was over, Scott had made the first line, but Stiles and Isaac didn't. To cheer them up, you had taken them to their favorite to-go restaurant and bought dessert for them.
It was a Friday night. You were particularly sad, not only because Isaac couldn't go with you, but because Isaac had his weekly dinner with his dad today. So, he wouldn't even be there when you fell asleep. 
Scott and Stiles had gotten into a fight earlier, so he wasn't going to the party. This left Jackson to drive you, who was taking Lydia to the party. This didn't make you too happy, seeing as how Jackson was a self-entitled bastard who got his status from his family and isn't grateful for any of it. 
You didn't understand how Lydia had decided it would be a good idea to date him. But, you knew that the same way she couldn't change your mind about Isaac, she wouldn't change your mind about Jackson. 
You wore a pink satin body-con dress that reached your mid-thigh. Isaac had picked it out for you when he realized he wouldn't have been able to attend the party. He was ok with it being as short because he knew all the guys there would remember what happened to Garrett Ferrero after he started hitting on you at a party. He had to get nose surgery because Isaac had broken it, and his nose swelled up so large, he didn't come to school until it shrunk.
You paired it with opaque tights with fishnets on top and a pair of red, 3-inch, cut-out heels. As for makeup, you had outlined your lips with a black lip liner and smeared a cherry red lipstick over it. You applied minimal foundation and went for a nude eyeshadow look. 
When you stepped out of the bathroom in your outfit, Isaac nearly went feral. He lightly kissed the expanse of your neck, knowing you would kill him if he messed up your makeup, and he ended up backing you both into a wall. 
You had to swat him away after a few seconds of this affair because you had to leave soon, and so did he, albeit reluctantly. You put a black jean jacket on top of your outfit before heading downstairs. 
He left your house a few minutes before you did, but just before you left, Stiles pulled you aside.
"Hey, Y/N, just watch out for Scott today, and especially Allison." Stiles was overprotective of both of you. Before Allison and her family began moving around, she was like a sister to both of you. You three did almost everything together. 
"Stiles, what's going on?"
He sighed. "Ok, this is going to be hard to explain, but you have to go. So I'm going to give you the brief version right now and explain later."
You nodded, beckoning him to continue. 
"The night Scott got bit by that 'coyote'... it wasn't a coyote. It was a wolf, and wolf hairs were reported on the autopsy of the dead body. Scott has been experiencing heightened senses, and he's been stronger. Y/N, he hasn't needed his inhaler all week."
Your eyes widened. You didn't know what to say.
"So… you think he's a werewolf."
"Better to be safe and absurd than sorry and sad. Tonight's a full moon, and he just wouldn't cancel that date. Just look out for them, you know?"
You bobbed your head up and down vigorously. 
You left the house, and outside were Jackson and Lydia, in the front seat of his Porsche. It was a nice ride but a bit overly embellished for someone who only just got his license.
Later at the party, you had last seen Allison and Scott as they were dancing. You were dancing with your friend, Marya Cullen. She was a freshman, so she didn't really know most of your other friends. You had met her through your job at Forever 21, and you instantly clicked. 
She was really drunk, so you called another one of her friends and asked them to take her home. Marya had given her friends a list of the people allowed to drive her home if this happened. 
It was just as you were putting Marya in the backseat, you saw Scott walking away from her, dazed. While that happened, a mysterious guy who looked much older than you were approaching Allison. 
"Hey, I'm her friend. I got it, thanks!" 
You walked with Allison back to her house after grabbing all your belongings and immersed in conversation, mostly about how weird Stiles was being. Stiles was driving in his Jeep when he saw you coming from Allison's house. You got into the Jeep, and you both went home. 
When you got there, you changed into your pajamas and laid down onto the surface of a cold bed. You grabbed your thickest pillow and pulled it into your arms, trying to create some semblance of a feeling of Isaac laying down with you.
You awoke to bright sunlight and a buzzing phone by your head. Isaac had been calling you to ask you to let him in the house. You realized it was high time that he gets a key to the front door. 
You went downstairs to greet your boyfriend, and you noticed that he had brought Starbucks. You almost caused him to fall to the floor had he not caught you in time. He set you on the floor and kissed your lips before heading to the kitchen.
He had gotten your regular order, as well as your favorite drink, and he had gotten his order as well. 
You guys say down to just eat and relax.
He took a sip of his iced coffee before saying anything.
"My dad wants me to work at the graveyard," he said, pensive.
You choked on your food. "What?" 
"Well, he said he's cutting off my allowance." 
"So he said I can either earn it by working at the graveyard or stay broke." 
"That's fine, darling?" 
"I know, but I still want to get a job to save so once I turn 18, I can move out. And, he is willing to let me choose my own hours, or really just give me hours that don't interfere with lacrosse practice."
You gave him a solemn look and whined. "But that means we won't have as much cuddle time?" 
"He shouldn't even be in your room," your dad said, approaching you from behind.
"Hi, dad."
"Good morning, Mr. Stilinsk—"
"Isaac," your dad interjected. "It's fine. You can call me Noah." 
Isaac smiled. 
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spookyblazecoffee · 11 months
Liam's brothers had always taken the brunt of their father's ‘Discipline’ ; he had only gotten the worst of it a few times.
The first time he got ‘Punished’ was when he was six. It was the first time after the divorce that he and his brothers were staying with their father for longer than a day.
He remembers hearing Cam shouting, "He's a kid, don't do this, please!" and his father responding with shouts and a thrown plate in Cam's general direction.
He remembers being placed in the freezer in the basement and punching the walls to try and get out.
He remembers crying so hard he passed out. He remembers waking up and crying some more. He remembers his father telling him not to tell his mom or anyone really.
He remembers Camden and Jordan comforting him and cleaning the blood off of his hands.
The second time it happened, he was almost seven, and it was after he stood up for Jordan because his father had told JJ that he'd never be a boy. 
He remembers this time more than the first.
He remembers his brothers crying for their father to put him down. He remembers being put in the freezer. He remembers punching the side so hard he broke his hand. He remembers passing out because of the pain.
He remembers getting out of the freezer and Cam driving him to the hospital while their father was at work.
He remembers Dr. Geyer calling their mom. He remembers his mom asking him what happened, and him almost telling her what their father does, but he also remembers what his father had said the first time this happened.
He remembers Camden telling her that he got angry and punched a wall. He remembers having to wear a cast for a few weeks.
The third time this happened, he was seven and a half. He remembers being put in the freezer with Isaac. He remembers crying into Isaac's shoulder and asking what he had done wrong.
He remembers Isaac's voice, all shaky and scared, and hoarse. He remembers being cold and hungry and scared. He remembers Isaac starting to whisper comforting things in Gaelic because they could only speak it in secret while at their father’s house.
He remembers falling asleep to the sound of his big brother's voice.
Another time was when he was ten, his father had been yelling at him and Isaac about how: “It was perfect when it was just your brother and sister but then you two came around.” he remembers wanting to stand up for Jordan and correct his father, but he remembers what had happened the first time he tried to and keeps his mouth shut.
He remembers his father throwing a vase at him and Isaac, and getting glass in his skin under his eye and around his mouth.
He remembers a few tears falling from his eyes as Isaac gets the glass out of his skin. He remembers Isaac whispering: “Bidh e ceart gu leòr.”* he remembers himself responding with: “A bheil thu cinnteach?”**
He remembers his father had heard them and demanded for the translation of what they said he remembers not telling him and being put in the freezer again.
He remembers going back to his mom’s house the next day, he remembers his mama and David asking why there’s scars on his face.
He remembers Isaac telling them that he fell off his bike and got some glass that was on the road under his skin.
He remembers that this was the day he swore he would never be like his father. Those scars didn’t heal when he got turned.
A week after his father threw the vase at him and Isaac it happened again. Isaac hadn’t walked Liam to the house from school because he had gotten detention. Liam went straight to his room because their father had still been at work.
Their father got to the house before Isaac and started yelling for the two of them. When Liam went into the living room he had asked: “Where’s your brother?” not because he was worried but because he was mad. Liam had answered with: “I don’t know.” his father had known he was lying and asked again: “Where’s Isaac?” Liam looked at the ground and mumbled: “I told you, I don’t know.” he had gripped Liam by the shoulders and said: “I know you are lying to me, now, where is your brother?” just before Isaac walked in.
Liam had loosened himself from his father’s grip and ran up to Isaac, hugging him as tight as he could while trying to keep tears from falling. He had come up to the two of them and pushed Liam away from Isaac and to the ground.
Isaac was about to say something when their father said: “And where have you been?” Isaac looked at the ground and he repeated what he had said. Isaac mumbled something incoherent under his breath. Their father had asked: “What was that?” Isaac responded with: “I was in detention.” he looked pissed.
He asked: “Why were you in detention? You know you’re supposed to walk William home from school everyday.” Liam had always hated being called William. Isaac had started to say: “I’m sorry, but-” he interrupted Isaac saying: “No ‘buts’ you didn’t walk William home from school. You are at fault.”
Liam walked in between him and Isaac. He looked at Liam and said: “What are you doing, William?” Liam didn’t falter when saying: “I told Isaac I would walk home alone, so if you’re going to punish someone, punish me. I didn’t wait for him to get out of detention. It’s my fault. I lied to you, I didn’t tell you where he was." by the time Liam finished talking a few tears were falling from his eyes. He looked at Liam and said: “Go to your room William.” Liam stood still.
Their father got angrier and repeated what he had said. Liam didn’t budge. He started to yell at Liam to go to his room, Liam didn’t move an inch, however, more tears did start to fall. Isaac interrupted his father’s yelling by whispering in Liam’s ear: “Go to your room, Li. I’ll be okay.” Liam looked away from their father and turned toward Isaac who looked at him with a comforting look in his eyes so he went to his room.
He remembers hearing his father yell for him to go to his room some more until Isaac said: “He’s in his room already.” because he didn’t realize Liam had left. He remembers thinking about how Isaac shouldn’t have interrupted their father. He remembers hearing his father shout at Isaac some more before he heard the door to the basement slam shut.
He remembers hearing his father leave the house. He remembers leaving his room and going into the kitchen where there was a note on the table along with the keys to the freezer.
The note said: Let your brother out when you get hungry, William. Don’t try and make food for yourself, you’ll just burn the fucking house down like the incompetent boy you are.
He remembers ignoring the first part of the note and going to the basement and letting Isaac out immediately.
Another time it happened was after he got fired from being the swim coach at Beacon Hills high school. Liam had been twelve and Isaac had been fourteen.
Liam remembers that his father had come back to the house late and really drunk. Liam had been in Isaac’s room reading one of his history books about the middle ages when he burst into the room yelling: “Why isn’t the kitchen clean?” and grabbed Liam’s book. Isaac answered by saying: “We cleaned it right after we ate dinner.” to which he responded with: “Oh, so you ate dinner before I got home?” Liam remembers that he didn’t like the smell coming from the man yelling at him and his big brother.
Isaac just looked at the man in front of him and calmly explained: “It was getting late, and we needed to do homework and go to bed.” Liam remembers that his father had turned to him, his book still in hand, and said: “This doesn’t look like homework.” Liam looked at him and replied with: “We’re learning about the middle ages in social studies. I just happen to already have the book that Mr. Hadley is reading from, I thought I could refresh my memory on what we’re going over, considering I have finished my homework already.” he looked at Liam with disdain and turned back towards Isaac.
Isaac visibly stiffened when his cold gaze was turned to him. Their father had just stared at him and said: “And what work are you doing? Hopefully chemistry.” Isaac stared down at his work and answered with: “I’m working on chemistry.” he looked at Isaac and asked, anything but politely: “Can I see it?” Isaac lifted up the paper and showed it to him to which he promptly yanked it from Isaac’s hand and looked over it before throwing it back down slightly crumpled and saying: “Your second answer is wrong.” Isaac looked over it in confusion and responded with: “I checked it five times and asked Ms. Sparrow if it was correct, she said it was.” he looked pissed.
Liam remembers that his father was about to start yelling at Isaac when he said: “Don’t get mad at him please.” he looked at Liam, getting close to his face, and said: “Why shouldn’t I? He talked back. He deserves it, William.” Liam looked the man in front of him dead in the eyes and said: “My name is Liam.” he looked at Liam and grabbed him by the shoulders.
Isaac stood up from his bed and walked over, trying to pull Liam away from the man in front of him. He just tightened his grip on Liam’s shoulders. Liam remembers that Isaac kept pulling and his father kept squeezing so much that it started hurting. Isaac kept trying to pull Liam away until they both fell back onto the floor.
Their father lifted them off of the ground and dragged them out of Isaac’s room, brought them down to the basement, and threw them in the freezer.
Liam remembers punching and scratching at the walls of the freezer. He remembers eventually stopping and curling into Isaac, trying to stay warm in the cold, small space. He remembers Isaac held onto him as tight as he could and whispered into his hair: “Tha mi gu math, Liam. Bidh sinn ceart gu leòr, tha mi a ' gealltainn. Gheibh sinn air falbh bhon taigh seo agus thèid Sinn Dhan Fhraing, No Alba, no àiteigin mar sin.”*** Liam just responded by tightening his grip on Isaac’s torso, crying into his arms.
Another time it happened was when Liam was thirteen and Isaac was fifteen and at a friend's home for the night, he couldn’t have stopped Isaac either considering Isaac’s friend had insisted, and their parents had convinced him to let Isaac stay the night. Their father had gone out to a random bar like he did almost every weekend and he had gotten back to the house at ten o’clock at night. Liam had been asleep when he got there, but was woken up as soon as the door to his room burst open.
He had apparently forgotten Isaac wasn’t there and asked Liam almost immediately after he entered the room: “Where is your brother, William?” Liam looked confused so he repeated his question. Liam looked at the man in front of him and answered: “He’s at Javier’s house, remember?” he looked at Liam and yelled: “He left you home alone?” he was pissed off. Liam stayed quiet until he said: “You need to come clean up the kitchen.” Liam got up and went into the kitchen, looking around for what he hadn’t picked up when he saw the plate he had left out for his father.
Liam heard his father stumble from his room into the kitchen before he said: “Well, clean it up.” Liam turned around and told him: “It’s the leftovers from dinner, I left the plate out for you to eat because I didn’t know when you would be home." he looked at Liam and yelled: "You will listen to me, William, I am your father, now, clean up the kitchen." Liam walked over to the kitchen table, picked up the plate, and started to scrape the food into the trash can before going over to the sink to rinse the plate.
He set the plate down in the sink when he finished rinsing it and tried to go back to his room before he held up his hand and walked over to the sink picking up the plate. He stared blankly at Liam before asking: "Why didn't you wash the plate, William?" Liam was about to say something when he threw the plate at the wall next to Liam making it shatter, large shards got under his skin on his right shoulder and even on his neck as well.
He started to walk out of the kitchen, before turning towards Liam who was cowering in the corner, and saying: "Clean up this mess and then go to your room, I'm going to bed."
Liam cleaned up the glass shards and went into the hall bathroom to get the glass out of his skin and clean the blood away before going to his room and going back to sleep.
Liam remembers that he could hide the scars on his shoulder and neck for a while. He remembers his mama and Isaac had caught a glimpse of the scar on his neck after his father had died. Those scars hadn't healed when he got turned either. 
The last time it happened was the day before his father died. He had just gotten back from the store because his father had left the house as soon as the closest bar opened and told him to go to the store, leaving him some money. Isaac wasn’t there that day, he had told Liam and their father that Coach Finstock had decided to keep practice super late and that he would probably go over to a friend's house so he didn’t get to the house late at night.
Their father had gotten back around nine o’clock, he went into the kitchen immediately. Liam was cleaning up the mess from the dinner he had made for himself when he heard the door shut.
He had asked Liam: “Why aren’t you asleep?” Liam stopped what he was doing and answered with: “I lost track of time and had a late dinner, sorry.” then he went back to washing the dishes he used.
His father had turned and went to the living room, sitting on the couch. Liam finished up the dishes and went to his room to try and go to sleep.
Liam remembers he barged into his room just as he was about to fall asleep. He had said: “You forgot a dish. Come pick it up.” Liam knows he didn’t forget anything, but he decided to humor the man in front of him.
Liam went into the kitchen and saw what his father had been talking about. There had been a cup on the kitchen table, one that hadn’t been there when he went to bed. Liam walked over to the table and picked the cup up, rinsing it out, washing it and putting it away before he turned to go back to his room.
He had stopped Liam, before saying: “What is wrong with you today, I come home and you barely talk to me. I tell you to finish cleaning the kitchen and you do it slowly when it was just one cup, it shouldn’t be that fucking hard to wash a single cup.”
Once he had finished his rant Liam looked at him and said: Sorry, but-” he interrupted Liam by smacking his face and yelling: “There are absolutely no excuses for how you’ve been acting lately. Or if you would like to give an excuse, we could take this down to the basement.” Liam looked at him and shook his head, tears in his eyes.
He looked at Liam’s reaction and said: “Good, now go to your room.” Liam went to his room putting his head down to hide his tears from his father.
He cried as he waited to hear the door to his father’s room close before he packed up his backpack, tears falling on his clothes and books.
He snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks from the pantry, putting them in his bag along with some water bottles from the fridge before he left through the front door and locked it. He took his key to the house and threw it onto the ground.
He remembers that it was cold and raining outside as he ran towards the apartments where he knows Jordan lives.
When he arrived at the apartments he was soaked and freezing as he looked around the lobby. The woman at the front desk had looked at him and asked: “What are you doing here kiddo, it’s really late right now.” Liam looked at her and answered with: “I’m here to see my brother, I know he got off of work thirty minutes ago, his name is Jordan Parrish. Can you call him down, please?”
The woman, Mary was the name written on her nametag, looked at him a little longer before pressing a button and saying into a microphone: “Jordan, there’s a kid here to see you, he says you're his brother.” Liam stood in the middle of the lobby with the woman staring at him. There was some sound on the other end of the line and the woman responded with: I know it’s late, but he’s soaking wet and has clearly been crying, plus there’s a bruise starting to form on his left cheek.” when Liam heard that he covered his cheek with his hand turning away from the woman.
He remembers there was some more sound, worried sounds, on the other end before the woman let go of the button and said: “Your brother will be down here shortly kid. In the meantime, do you want a sucker?” Liam looked at her, and walked over to the desk mumbling: “Thanks.” she smiled softly at him and nodded.
Jordan exited the elevator and wrapped him in a hug, Liam broke down in his big brother’s arms, crying as Jordan let go of the hug and started leading him to the elevator, mouthing to Mary the words: “Thank you.”
He remembers Jordan bringing him into his apartment and taking his bag, setting it down on the couch. He remembers Jordan saying: “You can sleep here tonight, but I have to take you to mom’s house tomorrow, okay. We’ll tell her and David everything that he does to you and Isaac. Alright?” Liam nods silently. He remembers Jordan giving him some clothes to sleep in.
He remembers Jordan telling him: “You can sleep in my room, I’ll sleep on the couch, bub.” he remembers grabbing Jordan by the sleeve and asking: “Can you sleep here too?” he remembers Jordan nodding and lying down next to him, wrapping his arms around Liam. All Jordan can see when he looks at Liam is his six-year-old baby brother who would stand up for him no matter what.
Liam remembers Jordan moving his hair out of his face when it falls in his eyes. He remembers Jordan kissing his forehead softly and holding him tightly. He remembers Jordan whispering: “I’ve got you, bràthair.”****
They had gone to his mama’s house after Jordan got home from work at eight o’clock at night when they find out that their father has been killed and Isaac is nowhere to be found.
*It will be okay. **Are you sure? ***We'll be fine, Liam. We will be okay, I promise. We'll get away from this house and go to France, or Scotland, or somewhere like that. ****brother.
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Day 2: Cam and fam
In Raving (S2E8 - the only episode where Cam is mentioned) a number of props give us all the information we have for Isaac’s brother. In both his military personnel file and one of the school transcripts we find that his name was Victor Lahey.
My own headcanon:
I think that Victor might have been Mr Lahey's name and that he named his eldest after himself. Camden, the boy's middle name, was perhaps Mrs Lahey's father's name. Camden never liked his first name and always preferred his middle name. Mr Lahey never approved of that, but after his wife died, whenever he saw his oldest son use his middle name (rather than the one he had given him himself), Mr Lahey would get angry;
"You will use the name I gave you, Victor!"
"That's your name, Dad. Not mine!"
"You don't want to take this conversation to the basement, do you, Victor?"
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chwrpg · 2 years
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As per the guidelines laid out before the game once medallions were found and players escaped the compound they sent their selfies through to the judges and made their way home. This way, no one is entirely sure who made it out in what order. With bated breath they waited for the instagram account Penn and Chanel had mentioned to upload the selfies in order of who found their medallion first. The top ten competitors moving on to the next round are as follows:
Trevor DuChamp
Camden Claymore
Perrie Cruz
Ainsley Rice
Nova Lisbon
Pete Verona
Arden Atkins
Nadine Dahl
Bryson Lahey
Willow Balcoin
well, happy new year chw!! as has already been taking place on the dash, go wild with aftermath threads. characters are now allowed to talk about the eliminations / top ten.
hopefully the next challenge won’t take me so long to get going. after the next round is the joust so we should see a panic winner before summer at least lmao. then it’ll be time for panic 2022! (kidding)
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stiles-ao3-centric · 3 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Lydia Martin, Camden Lahey, Original Characters, Satomi Ito, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall, Melissa McCall, Kate Argent, Matt Daehler, Allison Argent, Marin Morrell Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Wasteland, Mad Max Fury Road AU, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Human, mentions of past rape/non-con, Mentions of Past Slavery, Explicit Sexual Content, POV Stiles, POV Derek, No mpreg, Mentions of infertility and miscarriage, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, but nothing happens, Threats of Violence, Stiles reads dystopian literature in the midst of a dystopian world, Sterilization, Fanart Summary:
“They call him the Feral Wolf.” The man laughs hysterically as Stiles backs away from him, fear coursing through his veins. “Feral Hale. Do you know why? Huh?” The man creeps closer, testing the restraint of his chains, white talcum falling from his skin, swirling in the air like the dust devils plaguing the wasteland. “Because he’s fucking mad.”
Or the one where Stiles is a prisoner looking to return home, but to do so, he may have to rely on a questionable drifter.
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we’re safe now. you’re safe now. @ cam ⤷ inbox clearout : @scarfwere​
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               now  that  he’s  managed  to  locate  his  younger  brother,  he’s  making  a  conscious  effort  to  spend  more  time  with  him,  even  if  that  means  he’s  not  staying  with  the  pack  where  he  should  be.  (  he’s  not  fully  in  control  yet.  )  derek  had  warned  him  of  what  could  happen  if  he  were  to  lose  control.  he  quite  literally  erupts  into  flames.  it’s  fatal  to  everyone  and  everything  in  his  path,  but  it’s  been  a  few  months  and  he  has  been  changing  as  regularly  as  he  can.  he  hasn’t  had  any  incidents  and  so  his  alpha  settled  to  having  a  simple  phonecall  a  day  to  check  in.  
              since  returning  to  this  town  though,  camden  hasn’t  been  able  to  sleep  all  that  much.  staying  in  his  father’s  house  didn’t  help,  but  it  was  the  only  space  (  that  he  knew  of  )  that  could  house  him  and  his  brother,  without  interruption.  (  if  they  were  quiet  enough,  that  is.  )  the  memories  of  the  house  haunt  him  almost  as  much  as  the  hell  he’d  endured  on  tour.  it  often  became  too  much  but  isaac  was  here  so  this  is  where  he  belonged.
              sleep  had  been  evading  him,  to  no  surprise.  it’s  now  been  four  days  since  he  last  took  so much  as  a  twenty  minute  nap  and  it  had  really  started  to  take  it’s  toll  on  him.  the  dragon  had  waited  for  his  younger  brother  to  retire  to  bed  for  the  night,  had  snapped  the  lock  on  his  father’s  old  liquor  cabinet  and  dug  through  the  bottles  to  find  something  worth  drinking.  he’s  been  sober  since  june  of  ‘05,  but  one  drink  wouldn’t  have  him  falling  off  the  wagon.  (  he  hopes  )  it  was  just  a  little  something  to  take  the edge  off,  and  it  did.
              he  was  asleep  not  long  after  finishing  the  shot,  head  dipping  to  the  side  as  he  occupied  the  armchair.  he  was  watching  something  on  the  news  beforehand,  had  a  habit  of  checking  it  daily.  paranoia,  he  supposes.  he  is  on  the  run,  had  abandoned  his  post  in  afghanistan.  if  they  find  him  ??  it  won’t  end  well.  (  just  another  issue  with  coming  back  from  the  dead,  in  truth.  maybe  life  would  be  easier  if  he’d  actually  been  put  in  the  ground  after  that  explosion.  )  
              the  dreams  don’t  take  long  to  arrive.  a  sick,  twisted  array  of  images.  old  memories  of  claustrophobic  freezers,  gun  shots.  tight  spaces.  the  sensation  of  his  father’s  fist  makes  him  jolt,  eyes  flying  open  and  glowing  bright  orange.  he  realises  as  he  stares  at  his   younger  brother’s  terrified  expression  that  he  wasn’t  punched  at  all.  that  isaac  wasn’t  john,  and  he  wasn’t  a  scared  child  anymore.  (  he  sure  felt  like  one  though.  )  his  breathing  is  heavy,  sweat  dripping  down  his  back  and  coating  his  forehead.  eyes  blink  back  to  their  usual  cerulean  blue,  the  male  sinking  back  into  the  chair  for  a  split  second.  his  skin  feels  like  it’s  on  fire.  fuck.
              he  needs  to  get  out  of  there.  if  he  doesn’t,  the  whole  house  will  go  up  !!  poor  isaac,  he  tries  his  best  to  understand,  but  how  can  he,  when  even  camden  struggles  with  what  he’s  become.  (  a  modified  version  of  a  long  dead  species  ;  the  only  weredragon  in  existence.   )  he  pushes  past  his  brother  as  he  clambers  off  the  sofa.  water,  that’s  what  he  needs.  there’s  a  shower  downstairs,  one  of  those  wet  room  style  ones.  he  heads  there,  and,  still  fully  clothed,  turns  the  shower  on.  he  stands  there,  letting  the  freezing  water  wash  over  him.  soothe  him.  his  breathing  is  still  heavy,  but  soon  the  sensation  of  fire  crackling  against  his  skin  starts  to  fade,  though  there’s  scales  still  travelling  up  his arm.  his  abilities  are  getting  stronger.  he  can’t  live  in  denial  of  that  fact  anymore.  he  needs  to  call  derek.
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I'd like you for Christmas 14K
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Character: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Camden Lahey
Additional Tags: Sterek Secret Santa 2021, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe - Human, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Oblivious Stiles Stilinski, Writer Derek Hale, Awkward Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Pining Derek Hale, Mutual Pining, Derek Hale's Past Consent Issues with Kate Argent, Derek Hale's Leather Jacket, Derek Hale is a Failwolf, Warning: Kate Argent, Past Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Minor Cora Hale/Isaac Lahey, Minor Laura Hale/Camden Lahey, Minor Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Minor Ethan/Danny Mahealani, Minor Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Presents, Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Derek Hale & Lydia Martin Friendship, Derek Hale & Erica Reyes Friendship, Easter, First Kiss, Slow Build Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Romantic Gestures, Mentioned Jennifer Blake
Summary: Stiles and Derek both want to act on their attraction to the other but struggle with the courage to act until gifts start being exchanged between the two. But when it comes right down to it will they both get what they really want before the deadline?
Read on Ao3 Here
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liliaeth · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Well the one pattern I can see is that I have way too many wips, damn my flighty muse
I’m tagging anyone willing to do this one
1. The Weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh (Nicolò di Genova/Yusuf al Kaysani, The Old Guard
Yusuf wasn’t even sure what he was doing, taking the invader with him. He should have left the man behind after the Franks took the city, but when he’d seen the look on the Christian’s face, that thousand mile stare in the other’s eyes, he’d been unable to do so. There had been a plea in the way he knelt there, not even reaching for a weapon, though he and Yusuf had killed each other dozens of times by now. Almost as if he wanted Yusuf to kill him. That might have been why he stayed his blade at first, that notion that he couldn’t give the other what he wanted, not after what the Franks had done. But then he’d seen the man’s eyes and he hadn’t been able to stop himself from feeling pity for him.
2. The Body Remembers (Scott McCall/Theo Raeken, Teen Wolf
He had flinched.
3. We come from Warriors (gen fic, with some Nicky/Joe , The Old Guard)
Solomon hesitated as he reached the door. He didn't want to go in. Not now, not when Mom would have prettied up the room, trying to achieve holiday cheer, desperate to pretend things were normal, that there wasn't another empty chair at the table. He was about ready to just turn around, to take his gifts back to the car and leave, go to a bar, and drink soda after soda, until he got on too much of a high and had to head out in his car, driving till the carbohydrate high was out of his system.
4.Artefacts of history (Nicky/Joe, Andy/Quynh, Nile, The Old Guard)
His first thought was ‘another one’. 
5. Sinking Down (Gen, Andy and Booker, The Old Guard)
Booker wasn’t even sure why he was in this damn room, with these people, none of whom had a clue who he was, or what he’d done. They all had their issues of course, and he wasn’t stupid enough to assume that anything he went through was worse than what they went through.
6. Tomatoes, lettuce and a burger (Gen, Dean and Sam Winchester, Supernatural)
Dean wasn’t sure what it was that made it feel like his heart was torn to pieces. Sam was sitting right there, mere inches away from him. Reading, writing, Dean wasn’t sure what his brother was doing as Dean himself was cooking. 
7. A Soldier goes marching on (gen, Nile Freeman, and Jay, The Old Guard) 
Jay stared at he empty bunk. Dizzy wouldn’t even look at her. Jay would have screamed at her, but she knew it wasn’t fair, since her anger was aimed as much at herself as it was at Dizzy. And neither would do any good.
8. New Wolf in the Old Guard (Teen Wolf/The Old Guard crossover, Scott centric)
Scott woke up gasping for air. It was the third time this week that he had the dream of drowning. The other dreams were weird, and scary, but he’d have any of them over the ones where he drowned. 
9. Good Little Milker (Dean Winchester, Supernatural a/b/o au)
Dean was still sulking. Sam could see it in the poor Omega cow's eyes, the way he glared at the both of them, when he thought Sam or Dad weren't looking. Oh sure, he was playing nice after the rough spanking Dad had given him. Dad had had no choice after Dean's initial tantrum when John had mentioned what was going to happen. It hadn't really been a surprise to anyone but Dean himself, when Sam's younger brother had presented as an Omega. Even during the first signs of his first heat, the boy had still been hoping to present at least as a beta if not an Alpha. But both Sam and John had known better. Dean was a brat, but he'd always been at his happiest when Dad or Sam told him what to do.
10. Clean (JDM/Jensen Ackles, spn rps, non-con)
Jeff couldn't believe his luck. The notion that this perfect piece of slave flesh had never once been fucked was probably the biggest waste of a slave's body he'd ever seen in his life.
11. Light in the Basement (Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, spn rps, non-con)
Jensen wasn't even sure what had happened as he slowly woke up face down on a dusty floor. He stared up at the room he was in. It was dark, stuffy, like there was something in his throat making it hard to breathe. There was a pervading smell of shit and mold hanging around the place, like he was in a badly cleaned toilet in one of the factories he'd been working at over the past few months. He crawled up into the dark
12. The Treaty (Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, spn rps, a/b/o, dub-con)
Peace. After ten years of war, it was long awaited, and even from the throne room, Jared could hear the celebrations spreading across the capitol city. Jared wished he could join the people, spend time with his loved ones and hold his mother, but all he could think of was his father's face as he'd died in Jared's arms.
13. the Wolf who Ran with Hunters (gen Teen Wolf/Supernatural, Scott-centric)
Scott shivered as he woke up. He didn’t want to open his eyes, because once he did, he’d have to accept that he was all alone in some crappy motel room.  Outside the window, he could see the dusty town in Oklahoma which he didn’t even know the name of.
14. Covered in Bandaids (Scott McCall/Isaac Lahey, Teen Wolf)
Isaac wasn’t quite sure what he was doing at the field. He shouldn’t even care about lacrosse any more. He was strong now, and lacrosse had been something he’d done because his father wanted him to be more like Camden. 
15. Breaking Point (Scott McCall/Theo Raeken, Teen Wolf)
The place was cold. Even with the increased body heat of a werewolf Scott shivered in the corner of the cell. He wished he’d been wearing more than a tank top and his jeans when the cops had burst into his room. They hadn’t told him what he was being arrested for, or what they wanted, which as far as he knew, was not the norm.
16. Kindness for the Devil (Lucifer Morningstar/Scott McCall, Lucifer/Teen Wolf)
It was a night like any other. Things were a bit too quiet over at Lux, but then it was early, and it seemed to make Linda happy, making her more likely to stay instead of having her take Charlie and leaving. 
17.Can’t Always hold him back (Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Teen Wolf)
Scott looked down at Stiles, carefully listening to his friend’s heartbeat, pushing out the distraction of outside noise. Nurses and visitors talking in the hall outside, the beeping of the machine monitoring Stiles. He desperately tried to follow the pattern. It scared him, how hard his friend’s heart was working just to keep going, how difficult Stiles’ breathing went even with the oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose. Scott had finally managed to get the sheriff to go downstairs to have something to eat, maybe even take a shower if Mom could slip him into the staff showers. They all knew that their stay here could end up being a marathon that might last days more than it already had. 
18. Beloved (Btvs/Angel, co written with @spikesheart)
Sitting at one end of a fully laden table, Buffy looked at the appetizers piled on the finest bone china sitting atop platinum charger plates, studied her matching platinum silverware, and wrangled with the finely woven silver linen napkin in her lap – patently avoiding her lover’s gaze as he sat at the other end. Only the best of everything life had to offer was laid out before her. A wide variety of catered pasta, meat and vegetable dishes filled every square inch of space in between them, yet nothing caught her fancy.
19. Parent Wolf (Teen Wolf, the parents)
She woke up in an endless white room, found her head leaning against the bark of an old tree trunk, staring up and noticing several other men and women waking up alongside her. 
20. Missed Shot (gen, teen wolf, Scott-centric)
Scott stared up at the men coming closer and at the man who had just shot him with an arrow. Derek Hale, the creepy guy who’d lured him here in the first place, tried to grab him and pull him loose, but seconds later he was down on the ground as well with arrows in his leg and back.  Scott stared around in fear, pulling at the arrow, too scared to think of breaking it free.
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