#Camp camp tickles
leebrains · 7 months
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my autism is taking oevr
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lee642 · 9 months
IM STARVING FOR LEE MAX AND LER DAVID! AND I JUST GOT INTO THE CAMP CAMP FANDOM!? Max needs some cheer up tickles. Imagine this: David finds max sitting by the side of the cabin and he's crying or sobbing and David decides to take it into his own hands to try and cheer him up. Fic idea! I might do this if my ADHD and autism doesn't get in the way.
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carrie-tate · 7 months
Ok first of all, I love ur art so much🫶🏻
Can we get some Lee Max and Ler Nikki and/or Neil?🤭
Thanks dear!
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I can't choose between these two, like, I think Nikki and Neil would almost always team up against Max, you know?
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Flirting With Pranks
Because I wanted these two to laugh and be happy together
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The pale elf doubled over in his bout of hysterical laughter. He dropped his book on the ground in favor of holding his abdomen, which was tingling as his nerves were toyed with. He tried to fight the bubbling laughter before giving in to the urge - it was too strong. The tingling was turning into invisible yet solid touches, pinching up his hips and sides. 
Astarion collapsed to his knees. "Whahat the FUCK Gahahale?! It tihihickles!"
"It does? Good! It's supposed to."
Astarion slapped a hand over his ear as some invisible soft instrument flicked over it. "Whyhyhy?!"
"I wanted to hear you laugh, darling. And I wanted it to be fun for you." He put his hands on his hips with a satisfied grin. He had never seen Astarion so out of control - the elf had flopped face-first to the ground and was writhing. "It lasts about as long as that laughing curse you keep casting on us in camp."
"Yohou're awful!" Astarion squealed as the tickling moved into his armpits, and his legs kicked out in wheels. 
"I can't help but notice you aren't begging for it to stop, darling. Where does it tickle most? I want to know so I can focus the magic there."
Astarion was not about to tell Gale the magic all seemed to jump around his worst spots, making him spasm and twist in his giggle bouts. He couldn't, and didn't dare, imagine what it would be like for all of his worst spots to be tickled at once. His arms went up and down as his hands tried to soothe his tingling skin. "Fuhuck you!"
"More experimentation it is. I don't mind! You had me cackling like a damn loon yesterday, you know? Wyll and Karlach got the best cuts of meat for dinner and I got bone broth. Clear. Bone. Broth."
"I'm sohohorry!"
"Well yeah, you are now."
"Aha! Heh. Heheh…" The tickling slowed and disappeared, leaving Astarion panting hard on the ground. He was not left alone for long though - Gale sat himself down on the other's thighs and wriggled his fingers into the exposed stomach lying before him. "GAHAHALE!"
"I had no idea you were actually ticklish dear, I simply must try this for myself."
"Oho no you dohohon't!" A struggle ensued, or started to, because Astarion was still a panting mess from the magic tickle attack. He tried to grab Gale's hands as they snaked up his sides and to that bottom rib, but he was too clumsy and panicked to stop the wizard from making him cackle. He squeezed his eyes shut and caved as the other played his ribs like some instrument. "Nohohoho! Gale, haha, GAHALE, stahp! NAHAT THERE! THAT! HAHA! FAHACK! Yes, yehehes, gohoho bahahack dohown! Get awahay FROM OHAHAHA! THEHERE!"
Pinches turned into loops and swipes, then stopped, and Astarion's cackling slowed to gasping giggles. He managed to open his eyes and give Gale a pleading look. 
"Your real laugh is adorable, you know that?" He said fondly. 
"Yohou're an insufferable asshole."
"Are you going to stop casting that laughing spell on us around camp now that I perfected one of my own? Because I can tickle you all day long, darling."
"I…" His smile faltered as he thought, and it returned as a playful and practiced smirk. "As awful as that was, darling, I think it is awfully strange that you created such a playful spell just for me. That wasn't designed to be a one time use, was it? I mean, here you are, on top of me-"
"Oh my gods Astarion."
"And you know? I rather like the attention. And I think you want to make me laugh. Keep making your teasing, playful spells for me Gale, it makes me feel special. Now get off of me so I can exact my revenge when you least expect it."
"It makes you feel- oh you do want another round is what it is? Projecting your feelings onto me, like you aren't the one making us laugh first, I see right through you," His hands began to glow, but the vampire had time to recover. Astarion twisted and threw Gale off, and they wrestled for control. "I'm not giving in!…NO!" Giddy giggles filled the air as they jabbed at each other, and Gale found himself weakening to protect his sensitive stomach. "I'll blow you up you ass, you get that finger OUT of my AHA! SHIRT! "
"Found the tickle button," Astarion had gained the upper hand, literally, and kept wiggling his finger in Gale's navel. The wizard's hands fell to protect himself. "Now we…are…on…the saaaame page. I may be ticklish, but you seem to be far worse off than I. Is that why you felt the need to cheat with magic?"
Gale was giggling too hard to answer. The tables had turned and he was drained from his earlier magic use.
"This is fun dear, and now that I know you're enjoying yourself here too," Astarion paused to admire the man below him. He ran his hands over Gale's stomach to soothe his nerves. "Well," he chuckled. "I prefer being the one to make you laugh. Remember that next time you start a fight I will always finish." He collapsed beside Gale on the ground. They caught their breath together, and Astarion broke the silence once they were quiet again. "So can you teach me that spell? I want to see if Lae'Zel is-"
"I hate wasting a revival scroll, dear. If that power were in your hands this whole camp would either be at your mercy or I would have to keep bringing you back after they kill you."
"What if I only use it on you?"
"Even worse. If you want to tickle me you have to be brave about it."
"A challenge…I accept. Now cuddle me, if the group isn't back by sundown we can keep playing."
"Gladly, darling."
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jonasiegenthaler · 1 year
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njd@pit | 30.12.23
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radio-navlee · 4 months
can u write some hcs for ler dadvid...lee max ofc - leebrains
Yess! Ofc I can! I’d love to! These hcs might be a little longer than most, I got carried away😵‍💫
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Max definitely has a soft spot for David, he just doesn’t want to show it.
David loves to taser his sides every now and then
Max doesn’t usually gets back at David, tickling people in general is awkward for him.
David has totally woken up Max with tickles
The few times Max and David are alone together, David likes to tickle massage Max’s shoulders. (He thinks it’s funny how he scrunched up his shoulders)
Max usually holds onto David when he’s getting tickled, weather it’s an arm, leg, finger, torso, foot, Max just needs something to hold onto.
David and Max have made systems, if Max is getting tired but still wants tickles he’s taps David 3 times, if he wants to move spots that’s 2 touches, if Max wants David to go for the kill at his worst spots that’s multiple taps for it to start and stop, if Max is tired in general he taps David’s arms 4 times.
David loves to tease, Max hates it. (Love hate relationship with teasing)
Different spots have different laughs for Max, you can’t tell at first but after a while you can’t deny it.
Max likes the pinning, David does not like pinning max. Max thinks it’s fun and David thinks it’s torture for the poor boy
Max sometimes sleeps over at the counselor cabin, before falling asleep David always rubs his back so he can fall asleep faster.
David will find any way to tickle Max, cussing, bad moods, being mean to people, he will find a way to tickle him to bits.
Davids favorite tickle moments are when he finds Max grumpy or sad and tickles to cheer him up
David never knew he was ticklish until the ‘missing incident’ (I wrote a fic on it) but before that, he would alway graze or accidentally tweak his sides causing a gasp or a squeak in return. “Sorry Max, you ok?” “Yeah-yeah. It’s- just a bruise. That’s all!”
Even though Max is a crazy good liar, David can alway tell. (David tickles him until he tells the truth)
David loves nicknames, but only when he uses them, and Max hates nicknames. (Max: Grumpy pants, Maximilian, Maxy, Cutie, Ticklish Man, etc). (David: Camp Man, Leaf hair, etc)
Maxs laugh is very squeaky, he hates it, so he tries to cover it up by laughing deeper when he’s around other’s. So instead of a “Hihihi” it’s a “Hah Hah Hah” and most people think it’s fake.
David loved hearing Maxs real laugh for the first time, he was so shocked his voice could go that high.
Davids favorite spots to attack first are sides, underarms, thighs, knees, neck, then ears.
Max has memorized David’s tickling patterns and loves hates it.
Max is constantly wondering and exporting the camp, so it wouldn’t have surprised David if he got himself stuck in place. The most recent ones have been; (Little Fics Below)
An old cabin, he had reached for railing but missed and his fall caused the floor to cave in, causing his legs and arms to be pinned to his side. Good thing he wasn’t too far from the camp or David would have never found him. (David tickled his ears, neck, and shoulders)
Stuck in vines, classic, but not for the amount of bugs that were there. Max had adventured to the forest but David was concerned because of the last incident so he came with. Noticing vines just a little out of his reach, Max jumped up to grab them. The vines pulled down around max but tightened when they got caught on a branch. The vines were practically laced with Beatles making Max panic. “Uhh, David- DAVID!!” He squirmed realizing the Beatles came crawling towards him. Max had his arms pinned out and was held in the air but 5 tangled vines. “Stop! Stop!! Get- go away!!” He tried to shake them off the branch but they kept getting closer. Crawling through his hoodie sleeve, they scurried around his body, their favorite spots being the belly, armpits, and neck. Max practically screamed for David and David helped him out of this predicament.
String, now max wasn’t completely stuck but he was limited on movement. Neil thought if he tangled him up in string he wouldn’t be able to get out, and he was right, but Max took it as a challenge. After 6 failed attempts, he gave up and asked Neil to get him out. Unfortunately, not even Neil could get Max out of it. So when all else fails, go to David. David awed at the moment to make Max feel embarrassed. David then helped him untangle himself and got a few quick tickles here and there which drove Max insane. As quick attacks always made him jump and yell, but never laugh or giggle.
I hope this was enough for you guys🩷🩷
(Yes i did decide to just write tiny fics at the end😊🤫)
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punkrogue · 5 months
some fucking idiot: when we say "magneto was right" we're saying he's right about society and shit not supporting his terrorist actions
me: don't lump in with your cowardly ass i'm in full throated support of his terrorism. sentinels, purifiers, the mardies etc are all real and exist and want mutants dead and literally no one gives a single shit. they'd rather pass the mutant registration act and make "scaly lives matter" jokes on twitter then help stop the genocide of mutants. it's a good thing actually he's blowing shit up and he should do more of it actually.
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Silly homos <3
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ticklingmesoftly · 10 months
This happened like a week ago and I forgot to post about it but
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So of course when I got home, I said again that there was no brochure in my nightstand. His response was, "you didn't even check."
So I checked.
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hardcoffeegardener · 8 days
my gacha club disventure camp designs! (except for the hosts bc i didnt feel like making them)
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nhasablogg · 1 year
It's camp!
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Steve, Robin
Anonymous said: Hi! Could you write one where Steve is messing with Robin so she straddles him and tickles his belly button? Maybe they’re at his house having a sleepover and he makes fun of her haircut?
Words: 920
Steve became suspicious when Robin didn’t want to take her hat off in the middle of july. “You’re gonna get heat stroke,” he told her, going back and forth between opening his window and slamming it shut upon realizing it was still too early in the evening for the air to have cooled down. “I’m serious, Robin, I don’t feel like driving you to the hospital if you collapse.”
She rolled her eyes, pulling the neon green thing lower down so that it covered her eyebrows. “It’s comfy.”
“It’s psychotic behavior. Did you shave your head or somethin’?” It was mostly a joke, but the way Robin tensed up made him gasp. “You didn’t.”
“I didn’t!” she was quick to reassure him, pulling a strand of hair out of the hat. “See? Hair.”
“So then what’s your deal?”
“I might’ve cut my hair myself?”
Steve waited for her to laugh and say she was joking, but no laughter came. “Robin, oh my god.”
“Listen,” she started, sitting up, legs crossed on Steve’s bed, where she was about to spend the night like many other nights. “I- it’s a gay thing.”
“Shorter hair? Like short short hair.”
“The hairdresser never wants to cut it as short as I want.”
Steve was beginning to see where this was going. “So you decided to take matters into your own hands.”
“Exactly. But-” She winced, grabbing her hat, but not pulling it off. “But I messed up.”
Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You should’ve asked for help.”
“I know.”
Her voice sounded small, which was fucking terrifying to hear and Steve found himself reaching out to squeeze her knee. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“Promise you won’t laugh if I show you?”
“‘Course not.”
“It’s getting hot.”
“Told you.”
She sighed and shoved the hat off, her hair a mess of tangles on top of her head. Steve waited for it to settle down enough before he said anything, only to promptly realize it wasn’t settling down at all. 
“Oh my god.”
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“Woah, woah, am I laughing?” He wasn’t laughing, but that was mostly due to shock. “Robin, I- Did you try to cut layers?”
Robin nodded wordlessly and Steve mentally wondered how he could convince her to go get it fixed at a hairdresser. “It’s- nice. It’s camp.”
“Did Eddie teach you cultural words again?”
“It’s a good thing he did. I can definitely see the vision here.” He framed her face with his hands. “Way ahead of your time. A trendsetter.”
Robin snorted. “You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not! It’s-” He waved his hands around, trying to think of a word. “Cool?” The way he’d said it, slightly high pitched, laced in a question, accidentally made way for a laugh which came out at the end, and he was already apologizing by the time Robin had tackled him.
“You’re so dead, Harrington!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not funny, it’s just-”
“It looks bad. Just say it.”
“I’m sure we can get it fixed-” He had no time to say anything else as Robin’s fingers were worming their way under his arms, nimble and strong and unbearably ticklish. “Wait, wait, I’m only trying to he- stop!”
Straddling his hips, Robin and her ridiculous haircut hunched over him, her frown slowly smoothing out as he laughed and laughed and begged and laughed. She’d caught him off guard, okay? He could totally fight back otherwise. Probably.
“Oh-kay, no, not there, come on-”
Robin had this thing where she would zero in on a spot and not move away until Steve was a puddle beneath her. This time it just so happened to already be one of his worst spots, much worse than underarms which she’d only tortured for a minute. As Robin ignored him and tickled the edges of his belly button, shoving his flailing arms away easily, Steve felt he would pay for three of her haircuts if only she stopped.
It was a good thing they were alone, because Steve’s scream could surely be heard throughout the whole house. “Robin!”
“This is what you get,” she said, finally grinning at him which was at least a bit of a win for him. “I told you not to laugh.”
“I barely did- oh my god!”
His hands being free was nearly worse, as he came close to relief and then pulled right away from it. Robin was occupying one of her own hands purely with blocking his attempts, her other dancing around his belly, but mostly keeping close to his navel. His shirt was still pulled down, but it tickled too much nevertheless.
The first time she’d discovered this particular spot was a day he could never forget no matter how much he tried. The persistent pokes, over and over again, laughing when he jumped. Embarrassing, but also strangely nice to feel close enough that this could be happening. She’d discovered many spots since, but that memory was one of his strongest.
Also maybe because Robin kept bringing it up, making a very clear reference now as she was poking at his navel over and over. His whole body jerked with each poke, his laughter becoming choppy. He felt nearly as ridiculous as her haircut. Maybe he shouldn’t tell her that though. Although how much worse could this get if he did?
She stuck her hand under his shirt and Steve found out just how much worse it could get, all right.
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leebrains · 7 months
uuum so camp camp is back amirite enjoy my self indulgent art
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regularme12 · 1 month
ler alec??
Alec is ticklish?!
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So I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume u guys mean Alec from discenture camp😭 also, two ppl requested this so I'm gonna do it.
Author's note: I had someone comment Lee Alec, and this comment had Ler Alec instead, so my dyslexia thought it said Lee and not Ler, but I alr had this whole thing written out, so u guys better enjoy it nontheless.😭
Alec and Connor was hanging out by the dock, drinking beer, and staring at the lake. "Hey man, about Riya..." Alec started scratching his neck, "I'm really sorry about that, we were both drunk and that's no excuse but-" He was then cut off by Connor. The older man sounded dissapointed but understanding at the same time.
"Listen, let all that go in the past, I don't like Riya, but it's ok. Honest. U're still my friend." Connor signaled him to stop talking or he's gonna make this situation a lot more unbearable to handle.
Alec sighed. "Alright, I guess..."
There was silence.
"Hey, what u thinking about Alec?"
More silence.
Connor had a brilliant thought that j crossed his mind. The thing he used to do to his grandson if he ever ignored his grandfather. It was tickling, and Alec was really ticklish, is what Fiore mentioned to everyone, but was forced to keep quiet. In her opinion, it was just to toy with the other if he ever got on people's nerves. Fiore isn't the type to just tickle any one, so the fact that she knows about this was out of shear accident. She saw him getting licked all over by a dog and he was screaming and laughing, "Hey, stohohop that! It tickles, hahaha."
Connor leaned his hand to Alec's side and squeezed, and it was the most reaction he got out of hom that he had never seen before. It was quite delightful.
Alec swooped his head to look at a mischevoius looking old man, his face was beat red, and his heart was pounding fast. "Don't you dare, Connor."
But it was too late. Connor pounced on the latter, and pinned his arms to his side. And then he did it. He started rapidly squeezing his sides to no end. "Cohohohonor!! Sthohohop!! Ahahahahah!!"
"Wow, Fiore was right, you are wildly ticklish. This an amazing founding, she may be an evil child, but I send my condolences to her for giving me this information."
"How dihihihid she fihihihind out!!! She never once tihihihickled me!!" He was wiggling side to side and he started humping up and down to fight the older one off, but to no avail.
"Well, she kinda basically told everyone. She said that she saw a dog licking u and u felt ticklish by that. So I thought I just had to find out if the rumors were true, you know, as a good friend I am." Connor switched to rapidly poking his stomach, Alec leaned his head back and started giggling sporadically.
"Gahhahahahd this is thohohorture!!!" At this point, he didn't know what to do. He thought he was stronger than the one with old bones, but he was saddenly mistaken. He then started kicking his legs up and down, kneeing the men in the back multiple times.
"Ouch, would you stop kicking me? That's not very nice..." Connor thought out a plan witch scritching and scratching the lee's middrift.
"You tihihickling me isn't vehheheerry nihihice!!"
"Mmmm, I was hoping you'd say that." The ler brought his hands down to give Alec one little squeeze on his thigh, and he was done for.
"No, nononono, Connor! Connor pls, anything but thAT!!! GAHHAHHAHA CHOHOHONNOR!! SOMEONE HEHEHEHLP!!!" Alec did everything in his might to knock the other off, but he wasn't budging.
"Wow, it's like riding a bull. Is your thighs that ticklish? Wow, I really hope one of the challenges won't be 'See who can untie thier limbs first' while sitting on a chair, rope tied. Because then I'll make everything hard for you. By squeezing your very ticklish thighs, or scratching your toned stomach."
"Alright, how about you stop moping around with that kiss scene and acctually talk like friends we are, or I'll stay in this one directly very ticklish death spot you have until u piss yourself and make a mockery of you or u'll pass out. Pick one."
"Ok man, here let me help you up." Connor gave Alec a hand and they both sat at the end of the dock once again. Alex was near out of breath and Connor still had that evil grin.
"Damn... Never... do that... again."
"We'll see."
They both started laughing again, but this time it was together and not one laughing at the other. The camera pinned over to the sunset, while they had their one last drink together before heading back to their tents.
But what Alec doesn't know is that they're on live television, seen across the world.
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carrie-tate · 1 month
In the meantime I'm continuing that event because I'm a responsible person x'D
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This one for @randommusicalfluff
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c00kingcompanions · 1 month
OH MY GOD?? TICKLE SCENE?? IN THE NEW EPISODE?? (dm if u want the link, it’s on tiktok though)
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chocos-universe · 2 months
Say It Again!
--Yul heard what Kai said about his abs... oh mama.--
|Lee - Kai -- Ler - Yul|
Ships included - KaiYul (Kai x Yul)
@eiji-atgw As you wished♡
Kai was peacefully sitting on a random tree stump, twirling a little flower between his fingers
"Oddly peaceful, no?"
A voice said from beside Kai as he jumped, his flower falling to the ground slowly. Kai looked over to see Yul. Kai blinked and chuckled slightly
"Ehe... yeah. What brings you here, friend?" Kai asked, his hands in his lap
"Nothin' much just uh... kinda overheard somethin' you said...~" Yul said in a low tone, chuckling slightly
"Oh? What what would that be?" Kai questioned, lowering his arm to pick the flower up again
"Somethin' about my abs..~"
Kai fell silent for a moment, his shocked and slightly flushed face giving all the answers Yul ever needed. Kai cleared his throat and sat back up straight
"I-I said no such thing. Your ears must be broken..."
"You're rude." Kai huffed, rolling his eyes slightly. Yet, he tensed slightly when Yul put his hands on his sides.
"But... you wanna say that thing again? I'd love to hear it again~" Yul said in a sing-songy way
"Y-Yul-- dohon't--..."
"I'm not even doing anything! ...unless you don't wanna say it~"
"No I don't--!" Kai managed to choke out without nervous giggles.
"Suit yourself." Yul then started to tickle Kai's sides, earning a stream of little giggles
"Ehehehehe! Y-Yuhuhul! Noho-!" Kai giggled, placing his hands on Yul's wrist
"No what, Jellybean?"
"Dohohon't cahahahall me that!"
"Not until you say it again~"
"It you say so..." Yul then stopped suddenly
Kai giggled breathlessly for a moment before catching his breath and opening one eye "Yuuuuuu AHHHHHH!!" his eyes shot open
Yul poked and dug his finger into Kai's belly button
"Ooh! It's like a button! You press it, and you get a giggly surprise!"
"NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHO-- YUHUHUHUHUHUL!!" Kai squealed and squirmed, his legs kicking as he tried to pry Yul's hands away
"No, what?"
"Eh... I don't think I do... could you possibly tell me?~" Yul blew on Kai's ear, earning a hiccup from the green man
"Admit it! You said my abs were nice, no?~"
"Come onnnn!~ Admit it! You like them!"
"This is the price for being stubborn then!" Yul gently kissed behind Kai's ear
"*squeak* NOHOHOHOHOHO-- *hic* KAHAHAHAHAHA-- PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! EEEHEHE!!" Kai squirmed and kicked his feet, trying his best to get away
"Admit it! My abs are just amazingly hot~"
"This is your only ticket for it to stop, 여보! [Darling(?)]"
"Translate it later, Jellybean..."
"YUHUHUHUHUHUL!!" His face was already red as a tomato, too busy trying to pry Yul's hands away then trying to cover his face.
"Say it again, weed boy!"
"Now say I'm the hottest guy here..."
"Okay, okay!" Yul let up, stopping as he moved his hands away, letting Kai breathe.
"Ahahasshole..." Kai giggled breathlessly before catching his breath
"Heh.. you know you love me~" Yul wrapped his arms around Kai's neck, nuzzling his cheek
"Y-Yeheah... you're lucky I do..." Kai chuckled and leaned into Yul's touch slightly
"Am I still the hottest guy here?"
"Of course you are..."
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