#Can you really call a character your fave if you don’t project on them just a little tiny bit?
bohemianrequiem · 2 years
Because rep is awesome and literally no-one can stop me, consider the following - Yang with a stutter.
After the Fall of Beacon and losing her arm, Yang develops a speech impediment as a result of the physical and mental trauma she endured. It’s an incredibly touchy subject with her and she won’t even acknowledge that she has difficulty saying certain letters or forming particular sounds for months after moving back to Patch. Some days are better than others when it comes to her speech, but it’s only after she begins training with Tai again that Yang starts confronting that part of herself as well.
Even with years of fluency practice and speech therapy, there’s still no definite way to completely stop stuttering, only little tricks and tactics to avoid continually locking yourself into a verbal loop of being unable to get so much as a single word out. Yang only has so much time before she has to leave home and reunite with her team, and it’s easily one of the things she’s worried about most. She knows they’re her friends, her teammates, but what will they think of her? Will they think she can’t handle herself anymore? That she’s lost her edge or isn’t as strong as she was? Worse yet, what if they’re right?
Of course, none of that happens. Yang’s still a complete and total badass that does whatever she sets her mind to, even if she has to occasionally pause and phrase or enunciate her words more carefully when she speaks. Weiss and Ruby are happy just to see Yang again, the members of JNR too, and when the whole team reunites after saving Haven? It’s a major weight off Yang’s chest knowing that the people she cares about all safe.
Where her stutter was once this indescribable thing hanging over her, now it’s something that Yang can acknowledge and talk about with her friends. Just like her the trauma of having lost a limb and witnessing the destruction of Beacon, it’s something that’s a part of her now but that she can name and address so as to give herself power over it. It’s something that no longer feels indomitable and Yang learns that those who truly care will always listen to her. No matter what.
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crestoflames · 1 year
I know you love to talk about your boy, so Reese for the Ask game
it’s so true, I’ve been called out lol
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual, as all of scarlet hollow is oops! all bisexuals. i also can see him as demisexual? but that might be my demisexual ass projecting lmao. also he’s 100% a switch
2: otp: Reese x MC or Reese x Kaneeka (Reneeka). honestly love both of them so much. Reese x MC just because duh, I love him a lot and I really like his relationship with my specific MC, and Reese and Kaneeka because I’m a sucker for friends to lovers and I really like that she’s so defensive of him and they clearly care about each other a lot.
3: brotp: Stella and Reese! I love their friendship so much and I’ve had fun exploring it in the fic I’m writing. Stella is the most enthusiastic wingwoman ever and all she wants is Reese to be happy. As an introvert, it can help to have a persistent extrovert friend that still checks in on you even if you’ve been in a situation where you can’t really hang out with people at the moment. So I like that depiction of their friendship, and I think Reese does truly appreciate having Stella as a friend who continues to check in on him.
4: notp: Dr. Kelly x Reese. Just no.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: idk why i’m blanking on this. ummmm. this is more of a joint headcanon, but in universes where Reese and the MC don’t get together, he has a crush on Kaneeka, and the painting she “stole” from him was actually one he was painting for her at one point but never got a chance to give it to her properly. I know he says he doesn’t usually make art for other people but I believe he did it just this once okay. lol. I swear I usually have more Reese headcanons but I’m blanking today.
6: favorite line from this character: “MC gets me. This is a cat I can jive with.” so iconic and i fell for this corny weirdo right away
7: one way in which I relate to this character: chronically ill introvert with very little relationship experience who missed out on typical young adult/teen experiences due to being sick for large swaths of high school. we would bond a lot over that and he would never judge me for my inexperience. also just the way he gets passionate and infodumps about his interests is so similar to me, I would love to just sit with him and we can infodump to each other lol.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: uhhh not much? less of something about him in particular but more of just being known as a huge fan of his. reesemancers have a Reputation™️ as very overzealous and passionate and I would say I have definitely contributed to that lmao. OH! the part where he bolts from Wayne in the obedient ending is definitely second-hand embarrassment inducing, even if I understand why he did it. it’s just very funny and kind of ridiculous that he’s so unhinged and on an ego trip in that ending but as soon as he sees Wayne he’s like “NOPE, I’M OUT”. also I do agree with people that eating his mom as his way to kill her makes me kind of uncomfortable just as a concept, but the art is great and I find cannibalism being used as symbolism or metaphor in a piece of art to be very interesting. (gained more appreciation for it after watching Yellowjackets)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic cinnamon roll? if that’s a thing? lol. he killed people but i think it’s funny and hot /j
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seeminglydark · 1 year
i found your blog through that detention au post and binged your whole webcomic and i love it! im fairly new to webcomics and ive been trying to find some supernatural ones to read (one of the first i came across was paranatural, which is also excellent). seemingly dark is exactly the type of story ive been looking for and im so glad i found it! also if you have any recommendations for other webcomics id love to know what they are but thats not the point of this ask lol
Oh gosh thank you! I’m so excited to hear that, I’m really happy that piece brought someone to my comic, thank you for telling me, it means a lot!
Let’s see, Seemingly Dark and of course my other project Mil-Liminal is actually about the two characters in the Detention post (they are in Seemingly Dark too but ML focuses on them) it ofc has a big romance element, but will be monster of the week style after the first intro season.
I am ALWAYS happy to rec stuff though I don’t get the chance to read as much as I should.
Some of my favorites include (paranatural ofc!)
Stag Town on Webtoon, it’s REALLY good but does have some disturbing imagery but I recommend giving it a go, I’d call it supernatural horror. (Spooky town ala junji ito but not)
Black Water comic here on tumblr is AMAZING, you can easily binge it in one go, the art is perfect and the story is really engaging in my opinion (monsters, forests and mysterious boys)
Wilde Life is an ongoing one, you can google it, it’s got great art, fantastic lore and a really interesting premise (guy buys a haunted house on Craigslist, hijinks ensue)
Welcome to Wolfsgate on Webtoon, it’s on hiatus but the art is reallllly cute, the stories engaging and we love pumpkin head kids around here (Spooky ‘how did we get here’ places)
A lot of the comics I really enjoyed that inspired me are dead and gone or unfinished unforch, but I’m going to say them anyway because they deserve to be recognized. Return to Sender was insane, beautifully drawn and the premise was wild and I miss it and was sad it never finished but understand. And Hanna is not a Boys Name, which has a lot of uhhhhh lore about what happened to it and I know the artist has another comic but I haven’t gotten into that one yet.
And finally, comics people always put in the same lists as Seemingly Dark that I haven’t had a chance to read all of yet, Demon for Hire, which looks amazing, and Lies Within. Both comics I’ve read pieces of, both have phenomenal art, I just haven’t found a lot of time to binge them.
Followers, hit me with your fave supernatural comics in the comments if you want!
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sparklecriticism · 9 months
Please read the FULL THING before sending an ask. It’s not that long I promise you. Or maybe it is I keep editing it
What’s your name?
That’s top secret, just call me Mod Polly
He/him, I have others but I’m not giving myself away THAT easy
Do you hate Sparklecare?
Absolutely not, if I hated it i wouldn’t have made this blog. I just think the fandom is god-awful and that the comic has so much wasted potential. I still regularly keep up with the comic’s updates, follow the blog (alongside the blogs for Kittycorn’s other various projects), and enjoy making fanstuff for it. I am heavily critical of all my interests, especially indie projects since I KNOW those ones don’t have to go through censors and shit.
If you don’t hate it, then what’s this blog for???
This is for me complaining about the fandom, and criticizing the comic. This is essentially a diary of bitching.
I don’t like this blog
Block me, this is my personal diary of bitching. I remember I was in your shoes once, and didn’t like to see criticisms of Sparklecare, so I 100% get it.
Were you sparklecrit?
No. Leave them out of this. They clearly feel remorse for their past actions. Now me on the other hand, I feel bad about none of this XD
Are you gonna post the preboot link?
Absolutely not. I’m not going to disrespect Kittycorn’s wishes. Like I said this is only my personal diary of bitching, nothing more.
Is your main [tumblr user]?
Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
Thoughts on mspec lesbians/gays/contradictory labels in general?
Cool as shit. Do what you want, conservatives want us dead. Polly is a bi lesbian also, she told me this herself.
Thoughts on the preboot?
It’s way funnier and way less “clean”, I’ll give it that. However, the reboot does a better attempt when it comes to characters, keyword attempt. I still miss Knot though.
Favorite character?
If I said my actual fave, I’d be given away. However, I love the side patients/side characters in general.
Least favorite character?
Uni. She’s treated by the fandom like she can do no wrong, and it feels like people only draw her. Because of this it sorta ruined her for me as a character. Sorry Uni.
Favorite ship?
Honest to god I see good chemistry/potential in all of them. I’ve never really been interested in Sparklecare shipping on its own but I enjoy doing it to analyze the characters and whatever the fuck
Least favorite ship?
Barruni. It’s the only one I see 0 chemistry or interest in, sorry. No hate to anyone who does ship it though!!
What about Cuddles?
Cuddles doesn’t feel like a character to me. He’s not interesting enough for me to hate that much. I don’t like him either, by any stretch of the imagination. I just forget he exists.
What do the tags mean?
“Fandom bitching” is for bitching about the fandom, “reboot bitching” is for bitching about the reboot, “comet bitching” is for any bitching regarding the Cometcare AU askblog, which will probably be few and far between let’s be real here, and “preboot bitching” is for bitching about the preboot because I WILL criticize the preboot as well. All criticisms/bitching will be tagged “sparklecriticism”. “Not bitching” is for general posts, and “Polly speaks” is for general posts from Polly. “Sparkleposting” is about my general, standard Sparklecare posts, usually regarding the version of it that exists in my brain. The "asks" tag is self-explanatory, and "your bitching" is bitching sent in by VIEWERS LIKE YOU!!!!!!
Are you trans/queer/nd/mentally Ill/disabled?
I’ve been a fan of this comic since late 2021, what the fuck do you think. Yes to all 5.
Will you be tagging character neg?
No. This is sparklecriticism what did you expect. I will however tag ship neg as “[ship] neg”, though you’ll probably only see that for Barruni.
Are you a troll?
Why are you doing this???
I believe anything worth a damn is worthy of criticism. I also want to see if anyone else agrees with me here. Sparklecare is a spinterest of mine, I care about it a lot. It’s why I’m so harsh on it.
Sparklecare’s a spinterest for you?????
Yes, in fact the day I developed it as a major spinterest is the day I started being more harsh on it.
Why don’t you read better comics then?
I do, actually! If you wanna hear the comics I like send me an ask-off anon and I’ll tell you privately :3 webcomics in general are a spinterest of mine actually! It’s why I’m so harsh on them, because I KNOW they can be so much more!!
If you hate bitch on this comic so much, why don’t you make your own comic??
I already did, actually! I’m not sharing it to keep my privacy, but I do in fact have a webcomic! If you wanna see it, send me an ask off-anon and I might send you it in private
How would you feel if someone made a criticism blog based off YOUR comic???
I’d feel honored, honest to god. I would encourage it if you guys knew who/what the fuck I/the comic was
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
😅 - I’m not a big fan of Live Show lol. I don’t think I’ve even re read it since posting it. Shudders, lol.
😈 - Lol I mean, I like to unravel revelations in the story as the story progresses instead of revealing what’s going on right away. I guess maybe that’s kind of mean? Lol Idk
🎢 - take it back was wild
✨ no thanks lol 😭😂
💋 - LOVE. To quote Bucky in Ashens: “…first kisses are special…”
🎶 - Sometimes I do. Depends on my mood and the scene. Sometimes I need complete silence. For the latest project I’m working on I’ve been listening to a lot of late 2000s/2010s stuff, primarily Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis
🛠 - I keep my writing on my MacBook and I use either pages or scrivener
⛔ - Forbidden Fruit which was a Steve/Reader/Bucky love triangle fic.
🍦 - I think my new one I’m working on might be the sweet one.
🌞 - not really. My energy to write comes in spurts. Can be early in the morning, can be at 3pm, or even late at night.
💖 - my crazy imagination brewing at 7 years old.
💌 - I’ll be honest, I love love positive comments obviously but because I am my own worst critic, I never feel deserving of it and/or I never know how to properly respond and convey my love and appreciation for the support. In regards to feedback, I love it, because it’s gotten me to where I am. I still don’t think I’m the best writer right now, but when I tell you I was terrible at 13, I mean I was TERRIBLE. And I got a lot of criticism and feedback at the time and a lot of it hurt deeply BUT it helped me a lot. I always applied every criticism I got. 15 years later and I still have a lot to learn. Writing isn’t something you learn overnight, you are always learning to be better.
❌ - Incest. No thanks.
🧐 - Depends on the story.
🎃 - I’ve never done a holiday fic before. I think a Christmas one is very cozy.
🎯 - All the time! My readers are extremely intelligent and logical lol. They’ve been pretty spot on with most of mine.
🎨 - I love fan art!!! I wish I got more :( I’ve only ever gotten one.
🦅 - OUTLINE. Always.
💞 - my comfort character deff has to be Bucky. I love him soo much. Bucky or Steve.
🤩 - my fave character to write….I’m not sure. I have to get back to this one. But I would say the same answer as above for now.
😬 - All of them lol. I’m very like vanilla and innocent in person so if they found out about the subject matters I write, I think they would be very surprised. I don’t think I’m anything like what I write at all. But that’s one of the fun parts about writing.
🎉 - having at least the first 100 words written. Doesn’t even have to be posted. Don’t be hard on yourself.
✅ - a lot of verbal fighting. I just can’t help it. I love writing those scenes.
🤯 - probably action/fight sequences. I’ve never written them much. I think the fight with Ashen and Reader in Ashens is probably the only one I’ve ever written and it’s not even a lot of action. I applaud writers who can write those.
💔 - all of them probably but mostly Break Me. Bucky and Reader sleep together after Steve dies.
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chaithetics · 2 months
i’m sorry you’re still so fatigued!!! don’t worry abt rushing the latest chapter out, just focus on getting better ❤️‍🩹 and i think Marie Antionette is my favorite movie of hers!!! the score, the set and costume design, the casting, all of it is like so geared towards me and up my alley. i love how it’s this biographical piece but doesn’t focus on these big events in her life from the outside, it looks closer and shows how the events impacted her as an individual 😌 what’s your fave coppola movie?!?
Hello lovely Nonnie! You can be my Coppola Nonnie x
I'm so sorry for how late this is!
It's such a gorgeous film!!! I really love how it really takes this 'seasons of her life' kind of approach to the film and how it's depicted literally with a seasonal kind of palette with how her hair, makeup, costuming changes and how it at times correlates to seasonal palettes. Coppola's filmography definitely isn't a masterclass in intersectionality (also kind of interesting that she gets called out for this more than white male filmmakers who only do white men character studies-most of them) but I do appreciate how well she focuses in on a character and kind of strips it down to them as a person. It absolutely deserved that best costume design win at the oscars! And the casting was great, I love Kirsten Dunst more with each project of hers I see and like many others, Jason Schwartzman was my most watched actor on Letterboxd. Devoured his filmography last year.
Last year I would've said Marie Antoinette was my favourite Coppola film, closely followed by The Virgin Suicides. What she did with that story was incredible, I don't know if you've read the book but it's super male gazey and has a lot of creepy stuff. I feel like she kept the enigma of the Lisbon sisters but she made them so much more than the teenage eye candy that they are in the book. Also the soundtracks in her films scratch an itch in my brain so well.
But after finally getting to see Priscilla- that's hands down my favourite! Similar to Marie Antoinette, the costume design, hair and makeup is incredible and I love how like Marie Antoinette it's used to symbolise her personal journey. I thought it was a really powerful film with some incredible performances. Really eye-opening and I'm glad it was made during my lifetime and also Priscilla's. It just is somehow ingrained in me. I've seen it three times and it's a core experience I think I'll always carry with me. Have you seen Priscilla? What did you think of it?
I haven't seen Somewhere yet, I think that's the only Sofia Coppola film left for me to watch!
Love your thoughts Nonnie! And am always happy to talk about films! I hope you're having a great weekend ❤️
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purplebass · 4 months
What is your favourite art of Thomastair, Ghostwriter, and Wessa?
Who are your top 5 TSC characters and why?
What's your all time favourite meal?
What's your favourite of your own TSC fics?
Can we have a snippet of a WIP? ❤️
Hey 💜
What is your favourite art of Thomastair, Ghostwriter, and Wessa?
I really love the Thomastair art Sasha Coleman did for CoT with them outside! (And Thomas has freckles too on that one so it's a bonus). I don't have a link because it's not on the artist's IG
I also love @agnes-draws's art of Thomastair with Zachary and little Thomastair 🥹 and a lot of @lekawi's art, esp. the medieval Thomastair piece: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbDjLshrPrN/
My most fave of Ghostwriter is surely this dancing piece by loweana.art because it's ethereal and soft I love realistic style so much! https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfmo_FAAOX/
I also love this by lasq.draws (one of my favorite artists bc of adsom too) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMplzhmJo8f/
Of Wessa I think Charlie Bowater's art for the 2022 TLH calendar it's the best (like I said, I love realistic style a lot!!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CInOWF_HV1-/
Who are your top 5 TSC characters and why?
Well, the first character is Will because he is so deep and he's the first TSC character I've ever liked for longer after I read a book series after years. I love his sense of humor and how he's silly but he is someone who would do anything for the people he loves
Then comes Alastair, who I can relate a lot to because we have a lot of things in common (especially with the past teen me) and we deal with people in a similar manner. We also have a similar familiar situation and Idk when I see Alastair and where he arrived at the end of the series, I have hope that things can get better for me too. I project a lot onto Alastair ehm lol
And on the other side there's Lucie who is like the younger part of me who used to be so excited about life and who has the same hobby I have (writing). I like that she's a bubbly character but she's also fearless and a bit unhinged and that's a part of me I want to find again (the innocent girl)
Then there is Matthew that has a killer fashion style and a great sense of humor and I also project on him. He had an uplifting arc that didn't end tragically (I'm sure another author would've chosen the easy way out) so it was a positive example to me because I am often in a similar spot mentally. So it made me think there is hope
And then let's pretend they are six and not five because I also need to mention Jesse and Thomas. I may not mention it enough but I just love them and they are positive characters to me, comfort characters. Thomas is courageous and he's a little stubborn and he would try to do anything to save the people he loves. And he loves learning languages which is something we often forget!!! I like of Jesse that he's a little arrogant and bookish and that he is reserved. Needles to say I also heavily project on him and I find him relatable as well
What's your all time favourite meal?
Gnocchi for sure <3
What's your favourite of your own TSC fics?
I think Farewell, Farewell. One Kiss and I'll Descend because it was my longest fic and it's a comfort fic
Can we have a snippet of a WIP? ❤️
I don't have any longer wips right now, but I have this piece from a James and Jesse fic where they train together and Jesse confides in James
“I am feeling way better now,” Jesse said after they gathered their things, ready to go back to their rooms to change for dinner. “Thanks for the runes.” “Don’t mention it,” James smiled, but there was still a hint of worry in his golden eyes. “But you should look for help. You could go to the Silent Brothers or if you want privacy, I could call for uncle Jem.”
Thanks for the questions <3
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
When you think KP couldn’t get anymore messier they say sike lol the BC mess Poor kid that was his time to shine smh. Then the one writer met with pond 👀..I have so little hope but as long as the writer keeps her ground we may see Apo in a series? Hopefully crossing my fingers(manifesting). What I’m not liking especially on TW non MA stans putting their two cents saying how “She only asked for Apo” “stop asking for MA your hindering Apo’s growth as an actor” blah blah blah……. Like what is wrong in wanting MA together again? You don’t even Stan them like that. I’m excited that Apo is getting calls I love this, both MA know how to pick their projects and if this doesn’t include them together that’s OK! As long as they give my man Apo someone on his same level then I’m all for it I’ll be tuning in im 100% sure that Mile is going to be the hyping his BF up like that’s not an issue and most of the ppl that I follow on Tw think the same way. But it’s getting weird seeing ppl go on other accounts and basically wanting Mile away and downplaying his work..idk side eye them really hard ( I muted them lol) people want them together bc they work amazing together, who wouldn’t want them together again, there is nothing bad in hoping they get casted together. We don’t even know what work she’s bring to the table, many want the Police officer/ Doctor story but I heard somewhere that that story is already taken and made for another couple.. I think. Anyways what ever comes out of this meeting I am speaking it into the universe that it’s For Apo or MA only I really don’t want to see some other dude from that company. I know that whatever MA do it’s bound to be successful you just have to work with them on their same level and you shall see. All good wishes/ Vibes for MA and MA only ���❤️
You know what it is? It's the hatred for Mile. Their hatred of him runs so deep that they're willing to come up with lame excuses as to why Mile shouldn't be attached to this project too. We love Apo. We really do, but chemistry between the leads is extremely important here. Unless they can guarantee that the person they want to pair him with (instead of Mile) can deliver the same type of chemistry we saw in KinnPorsche, then there's no point.
This story is a drama, but there's also romance, right? So, in any case, whoever could potentially act opposite of Apo still needs to be able to have chemistry with him. I'm not saying it has to be Mile either, but I expect something along the same lines of what I saw in KinnPorsche when it comes to chemistry. I'm not budging on that part and neither should anyone else. I know other fans have expressed their desire for the lead characters to go to another duo in this cast but .. you already know how I feel about that other duo so I won't rehash it again. In any case, I'm sure Apo is going to knock it out of the park if he books the lead role. I'll support him from a distance because I hate Manner of Death and there's no way I'm going to watch anything like that again. Then again, I'm not sure if the novel is why that show sucked for me or if it was because the show writers changed it so much that it's unbearable to watch. Regardless, I do know the author is pretty respectful and understands boundaries. I've only heard good things about her, so it sucks that I don't like her material.
Also, I don't hesitate to block people who hate Mile, anon. I saw one tweet from someone saying that and I immediately blocked them. Fortunately, I was never following them in the first place. You have more patience than me, anon. I just have little to no patience for that shit. I don't need that crap on my TL every time Apo does something with Mile or every time we find out there's more joint projects in the future. We get it - you hate Apo and you hate the fact that Apo's so attached to Mile that he's happily and willingly agreeing to do more projects with him but you need to get over that. Your fave loves Mile, even if you don't.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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Welcome to ‘The Writer Shuffle’ where some members of the One Piece writing community have come together for a special project for the month of April! Starting from April 1st you can send in any request you’d like to the blog and your request will be picked up by one of the many talented writers taking part!
How does this work? Send in your requests as normal to this blog and not the writer’s own blog. Don’t worry about any of our rules because someone is bound to pick up the request. It’s just still ‘reader insert’ only content.
You can’t request a certain writer it’ll be completely at random who takes on your request and posts it! To avoid spamming the page it’ll be set up on a queue.
Please be kind, polite and stick around for the fun.
We take N/SFW, headcannons, SFW and most things!
CLOSED: Masterlist One Masterlist Two
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Introducing our writers....
Franky [@cyborg-franky] the idiot who likes WBP way too much, sends you on dates with fictional disaster messes. Thought this would be a fun little event and got some friends along for the ride. I look forward to working as part of an amazing team <3
Sunny❦ [@missallsundaes] Hiii, happy to be part of the team and a guest writer here, I'm looking forward to doing some prompts for y'all! You may know me as Rosinante obsessed writer and artist. My favorite characters to write for are Sanji, Buggy, and Usopp! ♡
Bee [@secretsnailor] 'Sup! I'm a slow + long-winded author but I hope to at least do something fun here! Really excited to be working on this project with everyone and see how it all shakes out. I'm looking forward to trying new things I wouldn't normally do in this as an excuse to stretch my wings.<3 (Unless I get utterly distracted by a good WBP prompt because I love them). Let's have a fun time together!
Ares [@lawscorazon] the patron saint of law content and good music taste. it’s a pleasure to be here! i’m honored to be included amongst such an amazing team of writers. i look forward to writing for y’all. ❦ Didi [@usopp-writes] the older sister, who loves to distract herself from life, by writing for people that shares a passion for One Piece with her. I hope you'll like the craziness I can come up with and enjoy the stories this fun group of writers will make for you.
Maxx [@sugxrslushy] just here trying my best, I love to write all things fluffy and soft! also ceo of loving one piece women lol. very excited to be sharing this with such lovely writers <3 and excited to meet all of you!!
Ann [@fire-fist-ann] I am The feral caffeinated one of the group . I enjoy to write for others in my free time when I'm not working and just getting to make new friends and making people smile. I hope we all can get along and become friends and share our love for one piece.
Lev [@dxvilmanlev] hello! I’m excited to be apart of this team! If you know me you know I love Zoro<3 and the color green lol, I look forward to writing some fun things for y’all!<3
Lemon [@eustasssimp] i am happy to be here with these lovely people + am happy to see what fun writing opportunities this brings! my op favorites are Kid, Thatch, Franky, Barto + i like writing just about any character<3
Eve [@smoleeveewrites] Hey all! Nice to meet everyone it's your local ASL + Robin simp and I'm happy to be here with everyone! Hopefully this is a new opportunity to write more for other characters (since I always write Ace and Sabo lol). Can't wait to have loads of fun
Lale [@childofblackmaria] the dilf slayer has entered the chat! very excited to be part of this project with all those talents and also very looking forward to having lots of fun with your requests! i love coming up with fun scenarios and calling old men baby girls. my favs are Rayleigh, Smoker & Roger but i enjoy writing for other chars, too. let’s have a fun time together <3 Star [@ztarvokwrites] hi hi! it be me! star!! your favorite galdino simp! i'm so so so SO excited to be here with everyone involved! doesn't it seem like fun? :D anywho, my fave characters are; galdino/mr 3 (obv), usopp, helmeppo, chopper and buggy!! i can't wait to write for you guys!!
Meli [@kaizokuwritings] your content provider for underrated characters! i'm looking forward to participating in this great blog with my artist friends! i love a lot of characters but my favorites are Mihawk, Smoker, Gaban and King. i hope i can bring you some happiness with my writing!
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kojinnie · 3 years
AOT Characters’ Modern Jobs Headcanon; The Vets Edition!
The jobs that The Vets would have in modern!au, their workplace antics and their back story. There might be some inaccuracies when describing the job as obviously I don’t work at these industries to know its intricacies. Most of the jobs are office jobs. Enjoyyyy!
My Masterlist .::. Pt. II: Zeke Yeager’s Modern Jobs Headcanon   
Most recent work: Dream Me Home (Before Shiganshina) | reader x erwin smith
A/N: I really need to finish a presentation deck due tonight for an early morning meeting tomorrow but of course, this comes first hahaha 
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A/N: Basically lawyer!erwin is the way to go, innit?
He's in his 40s, so he may have a settled career
He came from a white-collar, middle-class family. So he wasn’t silverspoon-fed, but his parents had enough money to put him through good school
Got a scholarship to go to one of the nation’s finest law schools
Kept it lowkey in college’s social circle, graduated with summa cum laude, developed a strong academic relation with his professor, and got recommended for an internship at top law firm at the capital city
Starting his career as a corporate lawyer, but then built his expertise as white-collar crime attorney
In his early 30s, he represented a union suing against conglomerate corporation in a big case that had national coverage, from then on he began to know his calling
Expanding his portfolio and became well-known for defending workers, consumers and civilians against corporate fraud scheme
Currently doing a lot of pro-bono cases for deprived victims of big corporate fraud. You would see him frequently gracing your local newspaper we love us some socialist king
On the side, he often writes for law journal and fills in as guest professor at local universities for summer courses
Established his own law firm with some of his partners, specializing in white collar crime and labor & employment law
He’s damn accomplished, but never really had any time for self-indulgence. Even after he becomes a household name in the country, with tens of attorneys working under him, his employees would still see him working on New Year’s Eve
He was always attentive to his employees, though. Although he has a very strict, borderline no-life work ethics, he never forces his employees to follow his habit, in fact he despises when his employees works on holidays and can be seen blaming himself for it a bit of a hypocrite but thats ok
He still takes metro to work. He prefers a very lowkey, ordinary lifestyle because he fears if he shows any knack for indulgence, he will be susceptible to gratification from potential enemies or crooked politicians
Definitely a sight to see at the workplace, for he's tall and always oozes a sense of authority in the way he speaks and carries himself generally
His emotional intelligence is top-notch, you would never meet someone who is able to be very objective and calculating, while being kind and compassionate at the same time
His fellow attorneys put a lot for respect for him, and hundreds of applicants come to his considerably small firm every week, because a lot of aspiring attorney find him inspiring to work with
He wasn’t oblivious to his shiny reputation, but he’s trying his hardest to not let the compliments get to his head. Sometimes he doesn’t give himself enough credit for it
Was approached by one of the political party’s committee to run for local senate, but turned it down
basically he’s perfect if you like a man who’s never home for christmas
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A/N: Ok ok, I really wanna see Paleontologist!Hange because it has always been my fave dream job, but I want Hange to be out and about with people so here it is
Hange is the type to be incredibly good at one thing, that she will dedicate her whole life for that pursuit, but will be awfully oblivious to a whole lot of things (not intentional of course, they just have a very limited attention span) (they wouldn’t know who kanye west is or what tiktok is)
Like Erwin, they came from a middle-class family. While Erwin’s parents might have been teachers, accountants or other common profession, Hange came from a family of academician and researchers
Hange studied Human Geography at uni, but later found passion specifically in its relation to industrialization and urban development
Hange aims to advocate for a better living condition for workforce, and nearby inhabitants of industrialized city detroit would be a beautiful city if only they let hange designed it
Hange is a professor at university, where they also led a non-profit research think-thank that also serves as pressure group for better government policy.
The university that Hange teaches in, is also the uni where Erwin teaches in summer. They’re close-knitted colleagues as they share similar passion. Erwin relies on Hange a lot for some intellectual insights to help his cases  
Hange is relentless in their cause, you may find Hange everywhere! From street protest to a hearing in the government court. They are passionate and will do anything for the cause they believe in
Hange was once hired by the government as an independent consultant for a new housing project, but left because they grew to be frustrated by the government’s bureaucracy and their outward reluctance to follow Hange's recommendation
Hange spends a lot of time overseas, consulting and advocating development in newly industrialized countries
On Hange’s birthday, her fellow researchers surprised them with a ‘pampering day’ where they took them to an optometrist because Hange had been complaining about their eyesight for a YEAR that gave them a lot of migraines, but was always either too busy or too lazy to go
Hange never really considers themselves as working, because they enjoy their job very much. Hange likes to spend months observing a community, talking to people for hours, and trying their best in understanding their problem
Out of so many great qualities that Hange has as a researcher that meets different set of people everyday, prejudice or preconceived judgment is completely absent in Hange’s demeanor and perspective
Hange doesn’t get a lot of free-time, even if they do, they’d wander around the city to do a little observation. But when the weather’s bad and they’re stuck at home with their pet lizard, they would logged into Quora to answer random internet questions
They’re an avid writer for National Geographic, and one time Hange won a pitch to make a documentary about an industrial city project they were working on
After the docu-series got broadcasted, Hange gained a small but passionate and loyal fans on the internet. You could even find a subreddit dedicated for Hange’s works
for real I want to be Hange. I want to have that kind of passion in life
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A/N: I spent a lot of times thinking about Levi’s job in modern!au. Because here’s the thing, either we adopt his unfortunate childhood into its modern!au equivalent, or let’s just recreate his whole upbringing. But I think his personality stems from a specific things he experienced during childhood, so let’s not dismiss that.
Levi came from a struggling working class family. I reckon his parents might have had worked multiple jobs to sustain their living expense. Unfortunately they both passed away when Levi was very little, and left little to no inheritance
Levi’s parents were not close to their extended family, so when they died, Levi was admitted to the system and had to brace several foster families who didn’t really pay attention to him
Little Levi had come to realize that life’s all about survival and so he had been able to fend on for himself since very young age, he never asked for things
His uncle, Kenny, finally won custody over Levi when he was in elementary. Kenny made money from small-scale racketeering here and there. Levi never asked what he did for living, as long as he got food to eat and tuition paid off
Kenny was emotionally absent, but he loved spending time with the oddly quiet little child, teaching him a lot of crafts, from carpentering to how to flay pig’s skin
Levi didn’t really care about getting into college, and thought that he’d probably end up working for his uncle, so he put his bare minimum throughout school, although he was really good with numbers, especially in math, accounting and finance
One time in high school, Levi’s teacher asked him to sign up for the olympiad team, Levi turned it down because he thought that was a rich kid thing
He didn’t even apply for college, and worked odd jobs after high school. Probably working as cashiers or assistant to retail shop’s owner for couple of years, enough for him to afford a cheap studio apartment on his own
One of his bosses came to acknowledge Levi’s talent, and trusted him to handle the company’s accounting
By sheer luck, the company hit it big, and Levi found himself running the day-to-day accounting of mid-sized business with over 300 employees
He made good money already without a college degree, but with a new-found confidence Levi applied for uni, where he chose to study accounting (of course)
Although he was confident with his skills, he understood he needed to widen his horizon and network -- thus uni
Levi was one of the oldest members of his cohort in uni, but graduated with highest distinction
After graduating, with his skills and experience, it wasn’t hard for Levi to score a job at top accounting firm
There, he discovered an interest for forensic accounting, where through audits, analysis and investigation, he basically finds out if a company is doing fraud and embezzlement or not
This is where he came to know and get acquainted with Erwin and Hange (yippie they’re together again)
The firm he works for was assigned to investigate the finances of a troublesome company that had been sued by its workers for a jeopardizing working condition. Erwin was on the case, and Levi helped him with evidences for legal proceeding.
By chance, Erwin introduced Levi to Hange. At first, Levi would find Hange annoying and overtly energized, but after learning the things they have done, Levi grew to appreciate Hange’s passion (and secretly wants to have more of his positive outlook)
Levi is fucking good his job. In short amount of time, he could get a really ideal position in the office. He was almost foolproof, finding even the tiniest bit of discrepancy in his audit. He’d get assigned to the big league case/project.
Although really good at his job, he’s not a social person, especially in his office. He couldn’t understand the lavish lifestyle that finance and banking people often lead. He will only show up to office party if it is really necessary for him to show up (usually to receive some kind of informal awards for, again, being so fucking good) 
He leads a no-bullshit attitude at the office, largely because of his background. He is a self-made man, and is not easy to impress by some young executives from posh school that talk bigger than they can chew
His cold, seemingly dismissive attitude gained him a reputation of being scary, when actually he is very considerate
One of the things he enjoys doing is to actually teach, he really likes when a new kid at the office come to him with none of that pretentious, big talk, and really asks for his guidance. He would love to teach you a thing or two
He would frequently check on his mentee, just to keep up with their development
And he doesn’t take credit too. When his mentee makes a milestone, he believes it’s 100% your work
If you’re his mentee, he probably doesn’t give a crap about your personal life, so don’t expect him to make small talk about that (and don’t ask him about his personal life either). But he really cares about your skill and career development
Same with Erwin, he leads a very ordinary lifestyle. He doesn’t go out often and would rather reading detective novel with his cat on the couch
He likes to spend Sunday at Uncle Kenny’s house, because he finds himself worried about the old man very often. They became close as Levi grew
Overall, Levi is a really kind and caring person if you know how not to push his button
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Spotlight: Autobot Academy
Tried writing this once already but tungle just straight up ate it, so let’s try again! The spotlight before this one is here. Now we have Autobot Academy, with links you can find in the masterlist, written and illustrated by several folks including the brilliant @stonecrusherdrawsthearts​!
Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What's it about, what's it called, what's it like?
[Stone]  Autobot Academy is about the misadventures of the students of Autobot Academy. It’s admittedly a bit barebones to say it like that, so I’m gonna do semidramatic here. ahem
In a society much like your own but different in many fantastical ways, individuals gifted with strange abilities beyond the ken of technological advancement and scientific understanding have become increasingly common. Special “Hero Guild” facilities have been set up so that the cities of the vast galactic nation they call home are protected from both the minor threats and the dangerous calamities that threaten the lives of their citizens… but not life as you know it. Intelligent robots capable of thinking, feeling, and manipulating phenomenal powers inhabit the worlds of the Cybertronian Commonwealth, and the heroes that save these people are known by many names. Protectobot, Aerialbot, Maximal, Axellerator… but the most common and well known title is Autobot.
This is the story of the next generation of heroes growing up and facing the challenges that life throws at them to become the greatest heroes in the cosmos… assuming their antics don’t get them killed.
Q) Ooooooo. What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
[Stone] I don’t know how, but somehow I came to appreciate Lightbright quite a bit, to the point where the now-starting Season 3 focuses… quite a bit on her. Characterwise. I also really like how I ended up writing Arcee in this universe, that sentient ball of sass that may or may not spew acid on occasion.
[Dev] While the obvious leads are those like Hot Shot, Lightbright, Artillery and such, there are a lot of fun characters, some of which I’m not yet able to talk about. Even one-shot villains and characters. That being said, some of my favourite cast members include Tap-Out, Beta and Hot Shot.
[Sap] People who know me know I’m a big fan of Nautica in general, I’m committed to putting Flareup in everything TF related I ever make, and I’m admittedly head over heels for Artillery. For a surprise favorite, for what was originally a swap in cause I forgot Nightbeat was already used, I really love how Muzzle has turned out.
Q) Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
[Stone] Personally speaking for me, it’s always been something to do so I don’t stress out about the complexities of life. So, uh, pen it under fluffy fun for me.
[Dev] Honestly, the main reason I do it is I enjoy it, and it gives me the chance to tell stories ranging from the serious to the whacky. That and getting to work with a great crew. So yeah, fluffy here
[Sap] I just like doing stuff with my friends. Also pushing my obscure faves for SummerSlam and doing something with my surplus amounts of ideas.
Q) How long have you been working on it?
[Stone] Well, for me personally it all started in late 2017. Back then I was in a bit of a creative slump. My first continuity had become a revenant of what it was, people who I considered friends were raising concerns, and I felt like I didn’t have much to do then. But then a friend of mine popped by and asked, “Hey, you wanna work on something together?”
“Whatcha have in mind?”
“A new fan continuity that’s kinda a spin on that old concept we tried a year back, but we mix it up with BNHA to add a zing!”
“...Eh, don’t have anything else in mind, why not?”
And it kinda spiralled from there… after my original collaborator decided to tackle other projects, I took on help by some friends, Devaron9 and Saperion.
[Dev] I’d started out simply colouring pages for Stone’ previous project, and started to do so when Autobot Academy first started in 2017. I then got the chance to write with the first issue focused on Steeljaw, and from there got to write many, many stories.
[Sap] Legitimately can’t remember. I probably proofread or colored something before, then somehow skipped straight to writing multiple issues about Nautica? The others probably remember better.
Q) Wow, that’s a long time, you’re dedicated! Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
[Stone] OKAY! For preexisting material, I’m going to show you the first ever picture of Autobot Academy Hot Shot. Are you ready? I don’t think you are~
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Yeah, he uh… went through a phase. A very armada-esk phase.
Lightbright was designed by Megatronski, with a slightly less sleek profile and more IDW-ish head
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Megatronski also designed the biggest figures on either side of the dichotomy:
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As for future works... we've got quite a few in the pipeline, but for now these shadows of what might be will probably have to do...
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Q) OOOOOO they look so cool!! Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
[Dev] Inspiration comes from so many places. Sometimes it’s comics like DC, sometimes it’s TV shows. Hell, even a really good bit of music can give me an idea for a scene.
[Stone] Since Dev gave you the basic answer, I think I’ll give one a bit more elaborate. The initial inspiration for the comic when it was proposed to me all those years ago was “My Hero Academia through a Transformers filter,” to put it in basic terms. While a fine idea on its own, I decided to add some stuff to that from various other media influences, including other “magic school” anime (There is a shocking amount of that) and even one or two “normal school” anime. Throw in some IDW for the backstory of the big good and the main bad guy and it was a little presentable in terms of worldbuilding. Then I decided to have a Role-Play game that happened alongside the comic to see just what would happen as a result. Players in that arena took influences from Transformers Victory, Homestuck, various animes, and so much more. And then people started writing fan stories influenced by other forms of media, and I took influence from those fan stories and it kinda… kept going, even after the RP fizzled out.
I even took influence from the works of my original co-author’s nostalgic but sadly short-lived continuity “Transformers Hurricane” in the overall storyline of Transmutate, namely her coming from a dark future ruled by Great Convoy who happened to be a dictator, though steady absorption of more media influences caused that storyline to develop into a bigger and more complicated thing until we wrapped up that plotline in Season 2’s big finale.
[Sap] In the camp of stuff I’m like, “in charge of”, there’s inspiration from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Borderlands, bit of Spider-Man, tiny bit of Megamind. But then there’s one storyline I’m really looking forward to that I can’t, like, pin an inspiration on. It kinda just came from the soul.
Q) Show off something you're really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
[Dev] I would say something I’m really proud of is the Umbra Convoy reveal at the end of the Knowing Me, Knowing You. So much build up to that dramatic scene where he takes off the helmet. I felt incredibly proud because of it.
[Stone] I’d say the most proud I’ve been of this continuity is how the second season wrapped up. The seeds for what would become Siege of Acadeimos were planted right from the beginning by my original collaborator, but they grew like crazy, interweaving their roots into many of the storylines for the first two seasons until we finally got to the end of Season 2. There, they mixed with the bad future plotline that informed much of Season 2 and created a major event that took at least 200 pages to cover, including people dying, people getting their deaths retconned by time travel shenanigans, and those same shenanigans having a tyrannical dictator arise to threaten our heroes. The fact that we as writers were able to pull this off as well as we did… Well, I’d say it’s probably the biggest bit of awesome we’ve done so far… course, something in the next few seasons might dethrone that, who knows unless you read on.
[Sap] or a like, sappy(heh) answer, I think the thing about AA I’m most proud of is the inclusivity. My bi transgirl ass is so lucky to have two amazingly supportive friends who are kickass allies, to the point that even when I’m not actively making stuff gay, these two are deciding “ya know this character is gonna be a girl in this continuity” or “these background characters are gay cause why not”.
As for a point of personal pride, loved seeing everyone demand Nautica’s dad’s head on a pike.
Q) Excellent! What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
[Stone] I like Necromaster’s Brave New World for its tight focus on characters and also its willingness to throw said characters into mortal peril for the sake of a good story. I find myself binging it at least biannually, and also loved his first transformers comic, A New Translation.
Transformers: Mobius Run (over at @transformersmr-hq​) is a fun little thing that is somehow both tight and slipshod in its construction. Like, it has very well thought out chronology and character dynamics, but it also made the substitute cardboard tube fusion cannon, like, an actual thing, and I can’t say I’m that flippant, so I gotta respect that.
And finally (for me at least) one more continuity that shined well when it did but ultimately succumbed to the predilections of time - Megatronski’s Transformers Connect series. That work, as short as it was, can make you care about the Decepticons better then anyone else, by making them feel like people. Sure, one of them may’ve been a yandere, another may’ve been flippant as hell, and a few might’ve been tearing at their own circuits trying to keep it together, but Connect, for all the time it lasted, made you care about these people, even if a good portion of them are objectively terrible.
Feel free to look into them if you want, but with Season 3's first issue being posted at my usual premiere outlet and with it soon arriving on Archive of Our Own, right now’s a good time to binge AutoAca if you feel like it.
Q) I’m absolutely agreeing on your recommendation of BNW and Mobius Run, they’re fantastic! I’ll have to look up Connect 👀
Thank you all! You do magnificent work on this comic, I really enjoy Autobot Academy and all its fun, I really look forward to what’s coming!
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northern-passage · 3 years
Recently played your demo for the first time and love love LOVED it, from the textured worldbuilding to the snappy dialogue and especially the horror elements. are there any works/books that inspired you originally? or just fave book recs in general?
i know i've answered this before but i literally cannot find it because tumblr search function hates me >:-(
but i'm always down to rec some of my fave media soooo hehe
there was nothing specific really that inspired tnp, i guess dungeon and dragons since this started out as a campaign. i haven't done a lot of reading lately so i'm just going to... skip over the books... lmao. i do have some favorite authors though: gillian flynn, cormac mccarthy, benjamin alire sáenz, ocean vuong, and carrie fisher... just to name a few.
i play a lot of video games, which i think is where i usually get my fantasy fix, because even when i do actually read i don't really read fantasy. but i'm a fan of dragon age (sometimes... 😬), dishonored, assassin's creed, tyranny & pillars of eternity, stuff like that.
fullmetal alchemist is what i based my alchemy system on. i named the alchemist in blackwater alphonse as an homage lmao
i also really like westerns..... as like, a concept. there unfortunately aren't that many good westerns. logan, true grit, shane, the revenant (the book not the movie) and 3:10 to yuma are some of my favorites, though.
also i love black sails. literally cannot recommend that series enough... the characters in that show definitely inspired me a lot. a specific quote by jack rackham lead to the creation of clementine :-) i definitely pull a lot from black sails for siren's call, my side project (that i have not worked on in a long time but we'll ignore that...) but just in general like... the storytelling in that is something i strive to achieve.
as for horror i always link this video here which talks a lot about the kind of horror i like. isolated, unknown, dark and lonely but still compelled to go forward. that youtuber has a lot of really good video essays, i also recommend the vid on artificial loneliness and jewish superheroes, too.
the southern reach trilogy by jeff vandermeer is like. the best horror i can imagine. definitely recommend those books. i haven't seen the annihilation movie but the visuals look amazing. the game soma is also one of my favorites. asks a lot of questions and the ending is.... memorable. one of the only horror games i've actually played (i'm really bad at them)
the host & train to busan are two of my favorite horror movies. i really like the focus on family in both of them and the tragic endings :-)
i also can't not mention the last of us... that game means a lot to me. definitely inspired certain things in tnp.....
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saby-chan · 3 years
Why the ATLA comics fail when it comes to Zuko and his family
To whom ever took their time to actually stop and read this post, thank you in advance for not skipping my post and willing to stay and read my humble opinion! I hope I won’t disappoint you!
As a relatively newcomer to the ATLA fanbase since 2020, I’ve come across a lot of interesting debates, comments and rants about the show, characters and fandom in general, but nothing has captivated me as much as the dumpster-on-fire that are the ATLA comics, more specifically: The Promise and The Search. 
On one hand we have the hardcore fans who want them to be animated or serialized into the Netflix live action, praising the comics for the new views and subject matters they’ve brought into the show’s lore, while on the other hand we have the furious Azula fandom who is really angry for the fact that best girl didn’t get the redemption arc she rightfully deserved so much after the painful event that was the Last Agni Kai and the even more angry fans of the Urzai ship (yeah, the people who actually ship Zuko’s parents unironically) who hated the retconning of the show’s cannon since the comics basically took a huge fat dump on what was previously established as official cannon, when the Search entered the scene, but between these two sides, who has the more valid point? In the end, are the comics good cannon or bad written fanfiction?
Well... Here are my two cents on this matter since I myself happen to be an Azula and Zuko fan and had huge expectations from these comics (since I wanted more from my fave hot-headed fiery siblings duo) but ended up disappointed: the comics are indeed a huge mess and actually bad written fanfiction when it comes to Zuko and his family! Don’t click off yet, because I actually documented the reasons why exactly the comics fail in this area:
1. The author of these comics is not part of the BryKe duo
Yes, I would like to start with the fact that if you actually take a second to look up who in the heck took the time to write these two books, you won’t find Bryan, nor Mike, but a fellow man named Gene Yang. This is important because while the wiki of both The Promise and The Search state BryKe as the creators, that doesn’t mean that they were the actual minds behind these comics, but rather because ATLA is their “baby” and these comics involve their characters, over which they have copyright. Mr. Yang here is the actual brain behind the plot, as the main writer, which explains why we find huuuuge inconsistencies between the show lore and the comics, especially Zuko wise.
My main issue with Mr. Yang isn’t that he isn’t BryKe specifically, but because he did an unforgivable mistake in his writing process: He projected himself into Zuko’s character, based on the relationship Zuko had with his father. This is a documented fact from an interview in which he explains that he sees himself and his dad’s relationship into Zuko and Ozai and used that when writing their interactions and built Zuko’s character in the comics. And this is wrong because when you have an already very developed and complex character such as Zuko, you can’t just come in and be like “Oh, I was an angsty teen just like him in my teenage years, fighting with my dad and whatnot, so he must have the same thought process as me!”. NO! This is bad fanfiction writer behavior! Zuko has his own personality and philosophy, which he developed over the course of 3 seasons and is not defined by only 1 unfortunate aspect of his past, so you can’t just base his whole mindset and actions off of your own personal experience just because you had the same daddy issues he had!
2. The whole “Promise that you will kill me if I turn out like my dad!” nonsense in The Promise
Reason number 2 why these comics fail and go under the category of “bad fanfiction” is because they fail to convey the core essence of the source material. The whole point of Zuko’s redemption was that he realized the wrongdoings of his ancestors and his own mistakes. He outgrew his desire of gaining his father’s acknowledgement in favor of choosing his own destiny. Having him worry that he’ll turn into his father is utter nonsense and feels like poor angsty drama material for the sake of angst. At this point in time, Zuko has overcame that obstacle in his life a long time ago and should be at the level where he himself is the “Uncle Iroh” for other people and in no way someone concerned of becoming their own worst enemy!
Not only that, but the whole point of Aang’s journey and the story of the show as a whole was to teach us, the viewers, the importance of forgiveness, empathy and love in life. Aang didn’t spare Ozai, aka “the ultimate evil” just to flex in front of his pals or because he is a “ 12 y/o vegan pacifist monk kid”, but because he knew that killing someone, no matter of what they did or wanted to do, wouldn’t restore balance into the Universe, on the contrary, him killing the villain would have meant perpetuating the “endless cycle of hate” that plagued the world. So having Aang promise to kill his best friend in case “they turned into an evil maniac like their dad” contradicts Aang’s whole character and it’s a nonsense that throws into the trash what we’ve learnt throughout the entire TV series.
3. Azula deserved (and was supposed) to have a redemption ark
This might still be pure speculation, but I count it as a documented reason because I’ve heard quite a few people saying that there should’ve been a book 4 in the show, aka “Book 4: Air”, and no, it wasn’t The Search, but actually Zuko and Azula’s journey as Zuko helps his younger sister heal her broken mind by being her very own “Uncle Iroh”. Sure, they prolly were going to end up looking for Ursa, but the journey should’ve ended with them actually being happy and a family again and not the bs we got in The Search where a still very unstable Azula runs away and becomes the “Next Joker”! The only problem is that M. Night had to pop up and curse the world with his movie, which forced BryKe to delay the project (and eventually abandoned it in favor of Korra).
All in all, either if BryKe had this preplanned or not, it made sense for Azula to get a redemption ark, she deserved it because she was just a broken 14 y/o child! If Katara’s mom’s murderer deserved to be forgiven, so did this poor child who had no fault for what happened to her since she had a dysfunctional family! What Gene Yang did in his poorly written fanfiction was to just antagonize a broken child, turning her into a monster for the sake of friggin angst!
4. The Search is the worst of the two, being flat af character wise
And finally, getting to the point that I personally find the most annoying about these comics: The Search. This one... This one is a mess on a hella lot many levels, and just to list a few: characters are flat as fudge, being either black as vanta black (like Ozai and Azula) or pure white like Gene’s Gary Stue OC, Mr Ikem (or how I like to call him, IKEA man) and his ‘victim’ rendition of Ursa, Azula gets to suffer more for no reason (see reason number 3 to why I find this as a no no), Ursa’s whole character sucks ass (man, I could write a whole thesis on why Yang’s version of her is terrible and doesn’t match the strong woman we got in the show) and Zuko does morally wrong stuff (my man literally used his unstable sister to bribe their dad into spitting info about Ursa... Show Zuko would never do that!;-;)
Oh boy, as a person who’s seen a ton of anime and other media and read many books, I can’t begin on how much I despise this type of writing: flat characters are the worst!
 ATLA characters in the show are nothing close to being flat! What I mean by that is that none of them fall perfectly into pure white (aka goodest of good characters with no imperfections) or vanta black (aka lowest and darkest twisted monsters out there), each of them are various shades of grey (like Aang who is a very light grey because despite being a very kind and nice character, he still isn’t a “perfect hero” since he ran away from his duties, practiced tax fraud with Toph, had insecurities and even threatened to kill people on ocassions like with the sand benders who took Appa) and this is a good choice because that prevents them from becoming what’s globally known as Mary Sues and Gary Stues (aka those either “perfect” characters with no flaws and/or unlimited power, or the twisted monsters full of flaws).
And the other reason why many other people hate The Search: it literally negates previously established cannon. And here comes my short essay on why this comic fails Zuko’s family (since we’ve already talked enough about Zuko himself).
In cannon and even interviews with BryKe, it was clearly stated that Zuko’s family was “once happy”. Where is this “once happy” family in The Search? All I see is pain, deception, lies and betrayal, nothing close to anything that resembles happiness. Okay, some of you might come in and say that “It’s because it was never the case! It was only lies and Zuko trying to convince himself that he didn’t live in hell forever!” and here is WHERE YOU WERE ALL WRONG! And why? Because, my dear fella, where were depicted the flashbacks of Zuko’s “happy family” in The Beach? Ember Island. And what do we know and had been even quoted in the show?  "Like waves washing away the footprints on the sand, Ember Island gives everyone a clean slate. Ember Island reveals the true you." (direct quote from the show). Exactly, no matter who you are or how hard you try, you can’t hide your true self when you are on the Ember Island, best example being Azula, who’s impenetrable though shell cracked and revealed the true vulnerable child that was underneath. If Azula couldn’t resist the “spell of the island”, no one can. So this means that Zuko’s family was indeed happy once and yes, Ozai wasn’t always the douchebag we got to know in Season 3 (I have a whole nother essay on my theories regarding what could be his real past story and why he’s actually the “Zuko” of his generation, based on stuff I gathered from old wiki entries and character analyses I made, but that’s for another time, lemme know if ya’ll are interested).
And what I guess is the biggest proof why The Search did this family’s past trash is comics Ursa herself. My dude, if this woman were indeed the victim of years of endless abuse and never loved her husband, I guarantee you that she would’ve been closer to what we saw in Todoroki’s mom from BNHA and Zuko would’ve gotten that scar or even worse long before the Agni Kai, not from his “daddy dearest”, but from “mommy dearest” herself, because no sane woman would be soo affectionate and attached to a child that’s the perfect copy of their abuser, sepecially appearance wise (again see Todoroki’s mom’s case from BNHA because the stories are really similar) and in no way would’ve she been willing to sacrifice her life for said child’s sake. With this ocassion, I remind ya’ll folks that according to the ancient ATLA cannon wikis on Nick’s site, Ozai was designed with Zuko’s appearance in mind, being meant to be like a “grown up scarless version” of Zuko. So yeah, remember this with a grain of salt that whenever you simp over grown up Zuko, you involuntary simp for Ozai too.
So yeah, I guess this kinda concludes my “not so short” rant about why the comics fail and are bad fanfiction. Lemme hear your thoughts in the comments and if you agree, feel free to leave a like and even reblog.
Bye bye and remember that Momo is the true strongest character of the show!
 Saby out.
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kvgs · 4 years
ok so here’s some of my personal headcanons/things that happened when i shifted with my fave characters except i haven’t shifted to attack on titan bc i would NOT survive but
calls you babe. 100%
pretends to complain about doing things for you (cooking, buying you stuff etc) but he loves that you trust him enough for him to make you a meal LMAO
alright, just saying when i shifted. he offered me his hoodie. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ so. that’s gotta mean something for y’all
he’s possessive but not like holy shit let me breathe possessive ya know
he just kinda always keeps an eye on you though
he’s only a big fan of PDA when he sees,,extras,,,staring or annoying you.
other than that he usually just puts his arm around you somewhere
loves spending time with you. literally always wants to be by u
just bc he loves u doesn’t mean he’s gonna go easy during combat training,,,he’s not gonna like fucking try to kill you but you’ll have bruises.
so will he. you’ll beat his ass too dw
she’s very protective js
will 100% write you a song, will she tell you about the song? probably not.
will attempt to teach you how to play an instrument (if you don’t know how already)
loves kissing your nose !!!!!!!
will get matching piercings with you
loves cuddling. pls cuddle her all the time
she likes linking pinkies instead of full hands. i just know it
he !! calls !! you !! pretty girl/boy or just pretty !!! all !! the !!! time !!!!
will buy you things if it reminds him of you
is really confused as to why hinata doesn’t annoy the shit outta you,,,”you enjoy his company why y/n?”
“shut it tobio u like his company as well”
he really wants you and his sister get along :( pls get along with miwa. plus she’s nice dw
knows basic hair styles bc of his sister though so
i feel like he would want to introduce you to the team. i mean you’re gonna show up to practice sometimes might as well
can’t cook. he can’t cook. maybe he can make a grilled cheese.
his room his pretty basic but he probably bought the LED lights simply bc hinata said he bought them and he got annoyed
i feel like he likes pda? simply bc he’s possessive and wants ppl to know how cute his s/o is.
he’s not gonna make out with you in public but hand holding, hugs, kisses on like the forehead, temple etc.
he’s just actually a nice bf i wish ppl would stop headcanoning him as shitty :(
your biggest hype man
loves squishing your face and kissing your nose
come to his games and shout his name and suddenly he’s more fired up
he tries to learn tik tok dances.
posts pictures of you all the time
when he tells noya about you tanaka won’t stop smiling
unlike kags he can cook so
probably really into tv shows and will love if you guys watch them together
does the fucking hand in back pocket thing don’t even
has a playlist for when you guys are hanging out
calls u baby and queen.
would be down for adventures
has a weird obsession with like haunted things (me too tanaka. maybe i’m projecting bc i kin him)
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theawkwardterrier · 2 years
2021 fic roundup
To Learn Twice
and the last age should show your heart
lay your worries on these shoulders
my whole trajectory's toward you, and it's not losing momentum (call it anything we want) 
Harry Potter
An Alliance with an Earl
Hold Your Voice In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms)
When in the Depth of Winter
Blossoms Every Day
neither are you free to desist
Amicus Curiae
Day by Day (you're making all my dreams come true)
turn the dark cloud inside out (we come home)
Where the Heart Is Fixed
Now I Thought that I Was Clever (you couldn't take me by surprise)
Build Ourselves Together
sometime, I'm goin' to build a little home (for me and my gal)
from the tunnel came a voice, and it seemed to say "there you go"
All Frightful and Delightful 
for peace comes dropping slow
Here's All the Melting Thrill (And Here's the Kindling Fire)
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?:
I've long said that I don't want to predict (I'm more likely to be disappointed than anything) but...more! Way, way more! Including an actual chapter fic - with a plot and an arc and multiple characters and everything (well, sort of).
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?:
I'd watched Bridgerton just at the end of last year, so it wasn't a huge surprise that I kicked off the year with that as inspiration. Outlander, however, was absolutely not on my radar at all until March, and even afterward it was months before I actually posted fic for it. 
3. What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
I actually have a bunch that I like this time around, which is a bit unusual for me. But I think I’ll go with my whole trajectory’s toward you: even though it doesn’t have a particular line that’s a fave, one of my biggest issues with a lot of my other fic this year was pacing, and I think that I was pretty spot on in that regard there even without making the story super long, plus the characterization is good and the humor really flows; it has something of what I call “the AO3 tone,” which is something I rarely achieve.
Honorable mention to Here’s All the Melting Thrill, of course: it’s been a Project, and I’m proud of and really pleased with much of it.
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Small writing risk: writing Blossoms Every Day as a second person, outsider POV story. In the end, it came out pretty well, even if I was nervous about it at first (and strongly debated not posting it at all) so I think sometimes I need to ignore my instincts about these things.
Bigger writing risk: starting to post chapters of Here’s All the Melting Thrill before I was fully done with it, something I told myself to never do again. I think I planned it okay, and the scheduling did work out, but the unexpected time needed for writing some of the chapters just reinforced for me that I need to think ahead and at least get a good head start; writing chapters and posting them whenever I get a chance just doesn’t really work for me because it’s so stressful and I don’t want to let people down. However, it also reminded me of how encouraging feedback can be on a work, and how that can push you through writing more.
5. Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I've already started a new Jamie/Claire fic, and I'd like to work on, finish, and post that. Otherwise, I'm just looking to go on with participating in my usual fandom stuff (perhaps with more natural enthusiasm than I sometimes felt last year), and maybe even just getting some inspiration out of nowhere to write something random, even if it's small.
Fanfic related goal: trying to make sure I comment more on the fic I read. Comments make such a huge difference to me, and I’m trying to break my bad habits in regards to them.
6. From my past year of writing, what was…
Story Most Underappreciated by the Universe:
By the numbers it’s for peace comes dropping slow, but I think that earned about what could be expected (Jamie/Claire is such an integral part of Outlander fandom, plus I didn’t realize that Brianna is so disliked by many fans - kicking things off with a story with her as the narrator and them in the background was an unintentional risk, I suppose!). In my heart, though, I think it’s Hold Your Voice In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms) because I thought the writing there and the domesticity/family/marriage stuff was pretty solid and it got seemingly less notice than my stupid high school mock trial minific...
Most Fun:
I think maybe An Alliance with an Earl, which I see as a slightly surprising but well-integrated AU (avec some classic fast and loose Regency romance tone 😜) but I also have a bit of a fondness for from the tunnel came a voice, and it seemed to say "there you go" - it’s just weird and fun and about podcasts and commuting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most Disappointing:
To Learn Twice, for sure. The premise - a new slayer bonds with a newly human but struggling Angel - was actually okay, but the pacing and build is all off and the OCs didn’t get rounded well enough to carry the story properly, and it didn’t coalesce around a theme. You can always tell when my themes don’t come together because the titles feel random.
Most Sexy:
Haha, for a while I thought it was going to be either the implied sex dream/masturbation in my whole trajectory’s toward you or the equally implied actual sex in neither are you free to desist, but now I have actually written on-page sex in Here’s All the Melting Thrill - congratulations to me, even if it’s without specifics and couched in flowery language! 😁
Hardest to Write:
In different ways To Learn Twice (struggled and failed to fix the problems listed above) and Here’s All the Melting Thrill (just a long slog sometimes, especially when no one else had seen or enjoyed it and I was just fumbling around with it alone and it would have been easy to just give up).
Most Unintentionally Telling:
In an odd way, maybe Build Ourselves Together: just the idea that a sweet, gorgeous guy might chance upon someone and be kind and want to be friends and eventually more even if things are complicated with them...In a more amusing way, Now I Thought that I Was Clever aka “I think bearded Steve is hot.” 
Choice Lines:
I wrote so much that even for me, the world’s biggest fan of my own fic, it’s hard to go back and find specific lines (if you have faves, feel free to let me know!). But there’s one phrase from for peace comes dropping slow that I think is really good because of the double meaning: “...whose hands construct and kill equally as love.” It’s referring to Jamie, and on its face, it can mean that he uses his hands equally for construction, killing, and love, but at the same time it can also mean that he uses construction and killing equally as expressions of love. I don’t know, I just thought it was both a good character note and a cool writing trick.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
yet another ask dump yeehaw!
do you ever think that jay's mother was one of those bitch who believes in horoscope and tarots and things like that and so he believes in these things too, or it is just me projecting?
sheila haywood took one look at jason's birthchart said 'nah this won't do' and left.
Wait, but what happens when the justice league does find out that Bruce and John fucked? Lmao it sounds like it would be hilarious, really, I don’t want a justice league that doesn’t make fun of Bruce for like his entire life.
barry runs out of the meeting immediately and comes back with an entire sti testing kit. diana fully seriously wants bruce to get tested while bruce is sitting there like 'come on guys, you're being ridiculous, i already checked twice'
john is standing in the corner clearly offended while bruce is just like 'don't even say anything, constantine, you fucked a shark'
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
on the one hand, good for him, on the other hand, bro, how do you still have a secret identity when your superhero name is just your last name,,,,
Your fic on ao3 was GOLD PLEASE CONTINUE I loved Dinah's cameo btw ( @purple-vixen
thanks so much! i already continued but this ask is like 10 years old because i'm a notorious procrastinator (also yes! i love dinah so much aahhhhhhhhhhhh)
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
bruce internally: holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit bruce externally: get out of my city, alien
AHHH ur multimedia fic is the only thing that brings me happiness anymore continue it forever pls
uhh thanks, but can't continue it forever because my attention span is that of a toddler on crack on a good day and i can't function without at least 10 things going on at the same time and music in the background
Oi, so I'm getting into dc and watching batman the animated series, and they use fruitcake a lot. Which I thought was very funny and wanted to share w you - Denilla
wait like fruitcake (food) or fruitcake (derogatory) ?
young justice 🤝 teen titans slut shaming batman
tim drake and dick grayson to their respective teams 'you guys stop it, that's my dad'
Happyhoganon: If an eighty year old Batman had fought crime in Gotham City for decades and the only threats to him and the city lately are a wheel chair bounded Penguin, your usual purse snatchers and a few con artists popping up every now and then, how well could the Dark Knight do in maintaining the peace in Gotham despite him being just somewhat fit to do that as an elderly man (which says A LOT given how old he is)
uhh he'll probably do what my grandpa does and that is ruthlessly prank them until they die of shame.
in the death in the family interactive movie there's an ending where Jason is tasked with raising Damian and he decides he's gonna raise Damian to take down the waynes and al ghuls which uh maybe isn't great BUT the idea of Jason raising Damian... PRICELESS. CHAOTIC. I just need more people to know about this :)
yes i saw that wow holy shit but jason would accidentally drop damian on his head one (1) hour in and jason just yeets him into the lazarus pit.
Headcanon: The Penguin has a really hard time fighting any of the Robins because of his avian obsession means there's always a small part of his mind that's like "Birb. Child. Protect" ( @subspacecadet )
as soon as dick becomes nightwing the penguin is like 'you know what, fuck this dude' and shoots at him.
Y'all talking about King Shark dating Constantine, let's not forget about John literally hooking up with Satan
listen there's a clear difference between monsterfucker and satanfucker in that king shark is literally a shark and satan still looks like a normal dude
Does everyone in Gotham think Batman is a teen dad?
everyone in gotham thinks batman has been around since gotham was founded, but they do think that bruce wayne is actually a teen father and dick grayson's biological dad.
why. why would you do that fancast when you know it will only hurt people
what? i loved my fancast it was really well done. i did it with good representation in mind and i really managed that with alfred pennyworth being ✨italian✨
Seeing james charles a jason gave me psychic damage how dare you i need to wash my eyes
well that's a you problem isn't it?
do you think dick grayson thirst tweets about nightwing just to annoy his family/cause problems on purpose in general?
he thinks nightwing is hot, next question.
holy jiminy cricket batman, its as cold as the good lords ass crack in here!!
i- what? this is why i don't fuck with english expressions it's way too goddamn weird
Brooooooo, your teen dad!Bruce au is soooo good. I've got brainrot.
Honestly if you ever write anymore, I'd read that shit twice. Sign me the fuck up. Good stuff, Good Stuff.
uh yeah i'm thinking about writing a fic, but i have exams coming up and i don't wanna fail because that would suck. but after i'll certainly be writing more tho
your teen dad AU is so great! bruce acting like a big brother for all of like a week before he's telling everyone about his son. what if in the AU dick meets the JL because they need to rescue him? maybe he's in trouble/kidnapped at a gala and bruce starts calling for JL. clark finds him and has to fly with dick to bring him home - that's how dick and clark meet and superman becomes dick's fave hero. he goes around the manor thinking he can fly with a red blanket draped around him like a cape.
actually- if you want a young dad! bruce fic with like that kinda stuff(just with damian) go check uhh- in for a penny by cdelphiki. it's really good and bruce is like 24/25-ish. (and dick's there!!!)
This account has solely convinced me that Tim is a trash goblin ( @hamilcat-and-magic-turtle )
because he is. that boy has slept in dumpsters on multiple occasions even if he is the son of a billionaire.
Okay but when you said victory dance I did think of the whole justice league defeating the big bad and then they all start flossing
well that's exactly what hal jordan does and that's why batman uses a gun now. no but the victory dance in my opinion is like the 'we're all in this together' dance from high school musical.
The horrors in Invincible s1 was nothing compared to the comics, I cant wait for s2
oh well okay, i mean i personally react to horror and violence by laughing awkwardly so i can't wait to be called a monster for accidentally laughing at a mass murder.
I'm currently watching Batman: The Brave and The Bold and- Bruce is just talking about Oliver like he's an old love (@nightwings-kid)
okay im going to watch that lmao that's totally and completely in character for him tho.
The invincible comic is like super gratuitous with its violence so much so I'm shocked the show was able to adapt it in a faithful way! Anyway had the show been live action it absolutely wouldn't have the same impact as it does as an animated show and I'm so glad so many people agree with me on that
also because a live action casting would've been like uhh amanda stenberg for amber, the dude- the guy from the supernatural but with a mustache for omni-man, and scarlet johanssen for debbie grayson
Debbie grayson is a milf, yes. You're welcome for the invincible propoganda, now you can questions your life. Bruce def seems like the perfect father next to Omni-man. Like they really took a rip off justice league and I was like well, now I'm attached even tho I was like hah I know who they're supposed to be. And then bam- death gore death gore gore gore sad Mark grayson just had to have daddy issues. Why does every character have daddy issues. I'm sick of the attacks
because daddy issues make a person arguably funnier, that's why i'm not even remotely funny (haha good dad flex). i liked that it was dark contextually, but not in the colouring, bc i hate when it's like 'uh yeah graphic murder and now a shot so dark you have to sit in a dark room and squint at the screen to faintly see the characters. (like dcau ugh)
About the Wayne insurance, for a moment I thought you would put the video with moans over the waves.
i mean- i could've done that, but rick rolling seemed more family friendly.
Its the first time in forever that im surpise rickrolled, i usually expect it. Congratulations (i really should know better this is tumblr)
i get rickrolled so often but i actually like the song so i dont really give a fuck
Actually, my information about Damian and John's kids is outdated because it was revealed that the old men telling the kids stories about the Supersons were actually Jon and Damian the whole time. I was blinded by my thirst for Grandpa!Bruce Wayne but I was wrong... I liked my version better, tbh (@artemisa97)
fair enough. but i'd honestly like to see damian and jon getting together, just because it's a really fun dynamic and their friendship was really cute when they were kids. (also idk maybe it would be nice to have one (1) main batfam/superfam character that's not cishet)
How am i JUST finding your blog skdskfkd you're so fucking funny and ur takes are hot
i thought u were calling me hot :( but youre not :( crime detected (but lmao thanks)
So I have depression and I swear that your memes are one of the few things that have made me laugh so thank you 💛🥺 (@katekanebadass)
aw you're welcome, and i hope you're doing okay!
The metropolis memes are so funny, I love them 💀😌
i think metropolis is also so fucking funny it deserves more attention imagine having your entire police force being upstaged by an alien from kansas and his kids
as an american i feel your complete lack of knowledge of us geography is just so sexy (platonic) ❤️
thanks so much (i also don't know any other geography, i'm not kidding, like you can tell me you're from hungary and it will just blank, there will be nothing that comes to mind)
In the DC universe they don't say "Can't have shit in Detroit" they say "Can't have shit in Gotham"
this just reminds me of that guy whose porch got stolen like the steps to his door, and i'm thinking of people living in gotham and waking up without a front door and going "can't have shit in gotham"
honestly all i know about chicago is the bean, so. what would gotham's famous sculpture be?
gigantic gargoyle statue in front of one of the police precincts because a villain thought it was a smart way to keep the police inside, but it's too heavy to move.
why tf do people go on about how batman "works alone" or how he's the "lone wolf" when he like 38290202 members in his family
bc people think it's cool that a grown man in his 30s has no friends or family instead of calling it what it is (sad)
Bruce is gotham's sugar daddy
why would say something so controversial yet so brave.
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
dick: gerard way are you in position, gerard way are you in position
tim: for the last fucking time, my codename is 'totally not count olaf' this week, abbafan 3000
dick: shut up my codename isn't 'abbafan 3000'
dick: it's 'abbafan number 1' and you know it
I have a feeling Tim drake is ur favourite batfamily member but okay u don't have favs if u say so ok
i mean he is, i won't deny it. but i love each and every one of the batfam just the same, i just have a weak spot for short dumbass nerds, because i'm a short dumbass nerd.
Omg i fuckin love boy meets world too fam shsjkfk
bro boy meets world was the shit!!! it was just fire and awesome and so fucking great like bro. it was so good im not even going to be accepting criticism
you know I find the whole "joker completes batman" thing a bit disgusting considering the horrendous stuff the batfamily went through because of the joker and let's not get started on the "joker has a point" thing like yeah he's this cool complex villain but he's absolutely batshit crazy
like yes! i get what you mean the joker just fucking sucks man he doesn't do shit for batman's character or the batfam he's literally just annoying as fuck. like the joker has a point' shit is so stupid. i will accept 'magneto was right' because he fucking was and i think he didn't do anything wrong, but joker? he's just like that. he's not even cool and complex he's just a weirdo with a bleach kink at this point.
thanks bestie, i'm glad you agree.
in today's essay of why I think cass should become batman- I was thinking Tim would probably be the most efficient batman in many ways but I also think he wouldn't want to be batman tbh none of the batfamily members would want to be batman because they're trying to outgrow him but cass is the one who wants to represent the symbol that is batman
absofuckinglutely i will say it again and again that cass represents the batsymbol more than anyone in the batfam, in batgirl (2000) she literally didn't care about anything else than bruce's oath to not kill, she thought the batsymbol was more important than anything in gotham. she's just an excellent character because her motivation to not kill is not 'i'm scared i can't come back from it' or 'well my dad says no murder so i'll go along with it' but that she's killed somebody as a young child and she never wants to kill a human ever again and that's so fucking beautiful for a new batman like yes.
need more cass, duke and tim inclusion in gothamite memes
yes yes, a tall order of cass, duke and tim coming up in 1-14 business days
oldest to youngest batfam members cus I'm confused as shit
okay order of being taken in: dick, jason, tim, cass, damian, duke order of age: alfred, bruce, dick, cass, jason, tim, duke, damian (though cass and jason are around the same age general consensus is that cass is a little older)
I'm so confused Steph is a redhead?? like how was it that hard to get this right? the source material is literally right there and free
cw is jared, 19
do you receive anon hate? if so, how do you deal with it
uh no, i'm not remotely popular enough to get anon hate and i also don't say a lot of things that would attract anon hate, but i do send anon hate to @the-real-peter-parker because he forgot about the specialists from winx club
Wait how many languages do you speak??
uhh- 5 if you include latin, but that's a dead language and i'm really bad at it. but english, my native language, german, and french also, tho german and french not fluently.
You can mix aguaepanela with aguardiente 😈 and is tasty
okay but now i'm curious if the liquor deserves the 😈 emoji or if that's a you problem. but i googled it and it looks like something you'd take one sip of and then not remember the rest of your evening.
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