#Canon Divergence HTTYD
wolfasketch · 6 months
Some canon divergence/redesigned Night Lights
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Before DreamWorks announced the Night Lights species name, given names and genders, I called them Blight Furys(didn't know blight was a fungus at the time) and gave Dart the name Twilight and made her male, Ruffrunner was given the name Midnight and made him male and Pouncer was given the name Eclipse and made him female.
Lineart is a F2U Base by LumiiDragon over on DA
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useless-moss · 1 year
The scene in triple cross where Viggo hands over Hiccup but it's even angstier.
Viggo says his little 'I brought you a gift' thing and shoves Hiccup and instead of looking angry and confused Hiccup looks genuinely hurt instead. His expression is simply sad but his eyes show agony that seems to border on physical pain for him. As he's being dragged away he calls out in a voice that sounds like he's on the verge of tears, "I thought you'd changed, Viggo! I thought-I thought..." He trails off and is carried away and we see that, while Viggo's expression is masked, his eyes are full of shock and regret.
Just a thought.
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To all the Hiccstrid readers who enjoy my recommendations, I bring you another offering:
The Caves of Raven Point by AnakinMousestalker. This is a canon divergence fic, and yes, we've all read these before, but this one had been in the works for years, and he has finally started to publish it!
The snark is great, and the introspection is wonderful. Toothless’ character in particular is really well done, as the writer has written Toothless with an already established goal and agency that makes his character arc truly compelling instead just a nice side character in Hiccup’s story.
Also, it had plenty of pre canon type Hiccstrid, shenanigans, clever quips and references, and this author deserves all the support in the world, so go give them a try!
If you read the tags, you’ll see a lot of our favorite tropes, just saying
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My two moods in writing canon-divergence plotpoints (with some examples I feel passionate about in no particular order)
"Yes, canon is acceptable, but consider..."
○Hiccup x Jack ○Jay Gatsby x Nick Carraway end game ○Pitch Black redemption arc ○Tony Stark surviving the snap ○Alec Ryder remaining alive but still had to transfer S.A.M. to his son/daughter so they still become a Pathfinder ○Gregory Sackville-Bagg getting more screentime than Anna Sackville-Bagg ○Miguel being in a threesome with Tulio x Chel ○Camillo joining Mirabel in her quest to save the miracle, so Pepa's side of the family and their struggle could also be addressed. ○Chai snapping at Peppermint once for her being bossy and being valid about it.
"Just because it's canon doesn't mean it should be..."
❌Stoick dying ❌Toothless leaving ❌Gatsby dying ❌The original Gamora dying ❌Jason Grace dying ❌Pedro not surviving and the miracle shows up before the sacrifice was completed ❌Ali, Saebyeok, Sangwoo, Jiyeong, and Junho dying ❌Finnick and Prim dying ❌Zagreus not finding out exactly what Sisyphus did to Thanatos because it could've led to an awesome secret boss fight with Sisyphus. ❌Daedalus not being a character in the 'Hades' games with his own story of not seeing his son Icarus, who's has a secret relationship with Apollo.
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yknow the hyperfixation has taken over when you have to go search for new wallpapers
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dragetunge · 1 year
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httyd-divergence · 1 year
Welcome to HTTYD - DIVERGENCE. We're a semi-realistic, post HTTYD 2 server with a dragon roster of over 150 (allowing Rescue Riders and Nine Realms dragons) with no activity check systems in place.
 - LGBTQA+ and system friendly
 - Active mod staff 
- 14+ with few exceptions
 - Allows for experimentation with both human and dragon alike 
- A strict audition-for-role system when it comes to alpha and rare dragons
 - Friendly staff
 - give suggestions and feedback, and we'll listen!
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armybratz123 · 1 year
Company's Shadow
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The Hobbit x How to Train Your Dragon
Being the last of your kind is a lonely thing. Especially when you no longer have your best friend, brother in all but blood, by your side to distract you from that bone crushing loneliness that comes with being the last.
So, you find it easier to just wander. Reminiscent of the old days of just flying to get away from everything. Two partners just flying away together, exploring for anything new, just get away from all the responsibility and worries that come with life. It's nice and nostalgic. Helps make remembering things less painful.
And that's what Toothless was doing, for he may not have knew it then when he had first met his human, but the moment the human Hiccup had dubbed him Toothless, from that moment on, it became his name until Toothless finds his own end. Toothless flew and flew, expecting to find the end of the world as Hiccup talked about during their past explorations. Toothless flew, finding many new islands. Until, one day, he came upon a large piece of land, much bigger than any island Toothless has ever seen before in the past. So, Toothless decided to explore this new land and its people.
By this point in time, it's been years, and on one of Toothless's many wanderings and explorations, one day, he finds a strange large group camping out on the cold night.
This group consisted of a tall elderly looking man and thirteen short people. The man dressed differently than other humans Toothless has met or seen, wearing almost ragged looking grey robes with a large wide brimmed pointy hat, in his hand is a tall wooden staff. He looked old and frail, but the aura he gave out told Toothless that this man is much stronger than he looks. And the thirteen short people were definitely not children, despite being about the same size, for the way they carried themselves reminded Toothless of the grown men, they remind Toothless of the short people he has caught glimpses of in the mountains he'd passed by. Dwarves, Toothless remembers over hearing other humans call them. But what built upon the strangeness of this group that caught Toothless's attention, is the fact that they aren't heading in the direction of any mountains, at least not any close by. Which means these dwarves are far from home, and Toothless is curious as to why. But there is one that stood out to the Night Fury. One that can't be a dwarf like the others. For he may be small like the other dwarves, but he's smaller still, he is built differently than the others, he has less hair on his face, has slightly pointed ears unlike the others, and this one holds himself much differently compared to the others.
The little man reminds Toothless of his human Hiccup actually.
Strangeness of no home or mountains nearby, this little man would have been the only reason Toothless would need to stay and watch. He reminds Toothless too much of Hiccup not to stay close. Hiccup had the bad habit of finding himself in trouble quite often.
Toothless has the feeling this little man is no different.
So, Toothless settled himself quietly above the group of sleeping dwarves, the little man, and the strange old man, easily blending into the shadows and the darkness of the night. He notices they already have someone awake and on guard, notices how they wake each other up to take turns watching over the others.
And Toothless sleeps, keeping an ear out and instincts alert as he decides to watch over the group. Just until they get where they are going.
It's been multiple days since Toothless had decided to follow and watch over the company, what the group had called themselves, and he is slowly learning the names. One of the younger dwarves, Kili and Fili, reminds him a little of the twins on their Zippleback, except with less fighting and more bantering. Kinda like him and Hiccup when they play and mess around together. The leader of the group is named Thorin, he reminds Toothless of Stoick, Hiccup's father, before he was okay with dragons. More angry and fierce.
Though Stoick was always fierce, he just had more reason to be when dragons and Vikings were at war with each other.
There's this one dark haired dwarf that wears a funny hat, and tells fun stories, always keeping the other's spirits on high, his name is Bofur, Toothless remembers, and the cheery dwarf reminds Toothless of Gobber actually. The two both liked to tell stories around the campfire. And then the little man, Hobbit, half-ling, or burglar Toothless has overheard the others refer to the smaller one as. But it was the man, Gandalf the half-ling has called him, that finally gave Toothless the Hobbit's name, Bilbo Baggins.
It's been a week now and Toothless noticed how Bilbo's been getting skinnier and hasn't been dealing well with the small rations, none of them have really. But Toothless noticed that it has been affecting Bilbo the most.
Well, he can't have that now, can he?
So Toothless decided to lend a helping hand, or claw really. Before, Toothless mostly hunted for himself and always did so whenever the Company would sit and eat. He would fly to the nearest pond, lake, or other water source and grab what he wanted before flying right back to wherever his hiding spot is close to the camp, and enjoy his meal.
Now, things are different. Compared to their first interactions together, Toothless likes to think he is pretty knowledgeable to humans, and dwarves and hobbits in this case, eating habits. And Toothless has realized three very important facts about humans and their diets.
First, they are not like hatchlings. They do not like to share food that have already been consumed. When Toothless realized this later in life, he was actually impressed his partner still did it in their original meetings in the beginning.
Second, they don't like raw food, prefer to cook over fire or some other heat source. Fortunately, Toothless has that covered. His plasma blasts will have his killed cooked and ready to eat in no time.
And thirdly, humans don't like just fish. They eat other meat. Prefer land meat actually. Only the cities, villages, and smaller islands that live/surrounded by water eat more fish then land meat. And based on their usual meager meals, Toothless can safely guess that the company is former, and prefers the meat from the lands than the water.
So, the next morning the company awoke to find a charred.... deer? Wolf? Boar? It's kind of hard to tell from the blackened fur and burned flesh.
Toothless waited eagerly in the shadows, tail swaying excitedly behind him. He hopes they like his hunt. Plus! He made sure to make the land meat extra crispy.
"What in the heavens?", Bilbo mutters as he stared the lump of charred meat.
"That wasn't there earlier.", a small red headed dwarf states as he keeps spinning around as if in search of the source of the strange... gift?
Unbeknownst to Ori, said source was crouched, hidden, right behind him. Only mere feet away.
"Well.", Bofur said with a raised considering brow, "It may be charred beyond belief, but it's food. Bifur, help me cut off anything left that may be edible for today's lunch and, if there's enough, dinner."
Toothless ears perked up. Not edible? He thought he did a great job! Maybe it wasn't cooked enough?
The next day, they found another unrecognizable animal, for it too was burned until black. Except, this time, it's somehow worse than the last one. The company could only look at the charred remains incredulously.
"What is wrong with this trail?", Gloin asked in confusion, "Why is it we keep finding burned animal meat?"
Gandalf actually looked amused, "Either there is something hunting for sport, or there is something out there trying to tell us to eat more... albeit poorly."
"I don't like it.", Thorin spoke as he crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed in suspicion, "There are not many out there that could cause such damage like this. And those that can, are creature I'd prefer to keep my distance."
"I don't understand. Your saying that a-a... creature did this?", Bilbo asks face becoming pale as he stared at the poor animal, "What could have done this? What kind of creature?"
"None I care to meet.", grumbled Thorin before turning to the rest of company, "Gather up anything that can be used for food and be ready to move out. We need to keep moving."
Toothless laid in his hidden patch of shade, pouting. He cooked it more this time and it seemed to baffle and upset them even more. Maybe they do prefer fish rather than the land meat.
And that's when Toothless remembers, whenever they took a break and ate together, Hiccup preferred to cook his own food. Maybe humans just had this territorial thing of cooking their own meals. Not that much different from dragons being possessive of their own kills. Only sharing to those they like or trust.
So, once again, the next morning, the company awoke to find another animal carcass sneaked into their camp. But this time it was fresh and left alone.
Toothless was very happy to see the company take to the meat with glee. So he was right! They are just particular about cooking their own food.
Good to know.
After that, every other morning, the company would awake to new meat waiting for them. All of them confused, Bilbo looked sick at the sight at first, but as time went by, the hobbit was just relieved to have the extra food on his plate. Thorin remained suspicious, but won't turn away good meat that can be used to feed his men. The quest will all for nothing if they're starving by the tie they reach Erebor. And Gandalf seemed to be amused, but curious as well.
Out of the company, Gandalf seems to be understanding what's going on the most. But even though he understands the situation, he doesn't know or what is doing it. Following them as a self-proclaimed guardian it feels like.
Again, amusing, but curious as well. For whoever or whatever it is that is following the company, is very good at hiding themselves. Gandalf knows that they are being followed, he knew just before the meat begun to turn up. But thing is, the wizard is aware that the group was most likely followed by the creature for longer before Gandalf had noticed.
Gandalf chuckled, and Bilbo looked over to the Grey Wizard curiously.
"What's so funny?"
"We are being followed.", Gandalf answered with an amused mischievous twinkle in his eye.
But the moment those words were out of the wise wizards mouth, he had the attention of the whole company.
"Followed?", Thorin rumbled, "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"
"Because by the time I noticed Master Dwarf, our shadow had started to leave gifts for us to find.", Gandalf spoke calmly, staring at the dwarf pointedly.
"You mean the food?", Kili asked.
"Makes sense why the meat was charred at first. Probably tried to cook it for us. But when it noticed we didn't like it, tried to cook the meat more, and finally left it raw for us to use as we pleased.", Balin mused.
"It's intelligent then?", Bilbo guessed.
"Must be.", Dwalin crossed his arms over his chest, "Other wise, we'd either have found it by now, or the meat would have remained charred like it was the first time we found it. Or, more likely, not burned at all."
Dwarves all nodded in agreement. So that's one clue to this mysterious tag along, it's a creature, but it's intelligent enough to understand them and make adjustments according to their reactions.
"What I don't get is when it started following us in the first place, and why?", Dwalin grumbled.
"That's what I would like to know.", Thorin agreed with an angry furrow in his brows.
"My guess, is that it's been following in our shadows long before it had started to leave us food.", Gandalf informed the company, "A week, a the least, and a fortnight at most. For some reason, it seems that this creature, whatever it is, has determined to remain in our shadow until it is needed, remaining hidden at all times."
"Alright, but what for? For what purpose?", Thorin pushed.
Gandalf shook his head, "Your guess is as good as mine."
The left the Company in silence before Bombur looked over and saw Bofur looking off into the distance thoughtfully.
"Bofur.", the round dwarf called out.
Bofur hummed with a thoughtful look, "The Company's Shadow. I'd say that's a good as name for it as now."
"We're naming it?", FIli and Kili asked in unison.
"No. No. No. We are not naming whatever thing is following us.", Thorin thundered.
But Bofur just grinned, "We just did."
"Shadow's a good name.", Bilbo nodded in agreement.
"Aye, fine name for any lass or lassie.", Balin agreed, many dwarves followed their leader voicing their own positive reactions and agreements.
"Ya hear that!", Fili calls out into the woods.
"Your the Company's Shadow now beastie!", Kili finished.
And Toothless couldn't help his roar of amusement and permission. His name is still and forever will be Toothless. But he doesn't mind being called a shadow for now.
It's funny, because many of the Vikings in the village joked about the same thing when referring to how close he stuck to Hiccup. It's not his fault the human kept finding himself in trouble and needed to be watched at all times because of it!
So yes, for now, the Company's Shadow Toothless shall be.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author's Note:
Hey ya'll! Hoped you liked it! I've had this stuck in my head for a long while. I think I'll turn this into a series. When the next part is posted, there will be a link pasted below to the next part. Hope you enjoyed!
Be Your Best You! Bye~!
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
Absolutely sandblasted in the face at 2:30 in the morning by the memory of a fic I read a full fuckin decade ago on ffnet and *I can’t remember the name*
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noctusfury · 2 years
My HTTYD Fanfic Ideas — X Leaves Berk AU Series
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If you wanna check out the article (written by yours truly) that started all this, please click here and enjoy!
If you’re interested in checking out my list of story ideas about Hiccup leaving Berk, please go to this post here!
Hiccup Leaves Berk AUs || X Leaves Berk AUs
These fanfic ideas for another series of mine focuses on changing the trope a bit where instead of Hiccup leaving, other characters will have their chance to leave Berk — one way or another, for one reason or another. Whether they RETURN to Berk is up to them.
The X-Leaves-Berk Series will be loosely connected but not much. Each will be stand-alone stories — with each of them set at different times for different reasons — though some of them will be connected to other separate Series.
I’m wanting this long-term project because I’ve never seen any fanfics where the rest of the Gang leave Berk besides Hiccup (and sometimes Astrid who goes with Hiccup). So I’m deciding to fix that. I’m actually quite excited about this series! ^_^
Aside from the Gang, I plan on doing stories for Stoick, Spitelout, Alvin, and Valka for this series. (Valka’s saga will be original and won’t follow the “canon” backstory given to her in HTTYD 2.) Heck, I might even do some Sagas for GUSTAV and MILDEW, of all Vikings. lol XD
Gobber, Dagur, Heather, and other characters might also have Sagas of their own but won’t be part of this Series (since they don’t leave Berk). Or maybe I will... who knows?
Some of these stories will follow canon events, such as Alvin getting banished from Berk and Stoick searching for his wife and hunting Alvin, Heather returning home, etc. While others will NOT, such as Valka’s backstory, “Traitor Johann”, Vigilante Heather, the non-Viking-like appearances of the DOTW and Wingmaidens, etc. I might even get rid of the Dragon Hunter arcs entirely. We’ll see.
Here is the list of people I plan on writing fics for for this series:
• Snotlout • Astrid • Fishlegs • Tuffnut and Ruffnut • Heather • Macey (yes, the mace gets its chance to shine, too) • Stoick • Valka • Alvin • Gustav • Mildew • Spitelout • Drift/Rig (OC) • And maybe others...
Snotlout’s Saga (A Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB. Saga AU. Snotlout loses the Thawfest Games, and has to deal with the aftermath. When things get out-of-hand, Snotlout and Hookfang are forced to leave Berk and become Outcasts. This saga will focus on their journey, their struggles, their successes, their losses, their sacrifices, and their growth.
This story will be set during/after the RoB episode “Thawfest” onwards and ends after RTTE but before HTTYD 2. And because Snotlout leaves so early, much of the plot will be changed. I have, in fact, been watching the show VERY closely and have been taking notes at what exactly gets changed and how to write accordingly. Surprisingly, Snotlout actually affects much of the plot. Some episodes will be gone, others will be greatly altered, and others not much will change.
I might also do a companion story for this that gets into the Gang’s POV during Snotlout’s exile, just so that you guys can see the changes caused by Snotlout’s absence. I don’t plan on doing this for the other Gang members. Only for Snotlout. Because he’s fun. lol XD
A Jorgenson’s Vengeance (A Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
When Snotlout’s mother and little sister get abducted by raiders on their way to visit family, and Spitelout dead, Snotlout vows vengeance and rides out to find the culprits and send them all to Niflheim!
(May or may NOT be the sequel to “Snotlout’s Saga”. Depends on whether I kill Spitelout off in that one or in this one. Buuut I’m thinking not.)
Saga of the Dragon Riders (A Gang Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. After being accused by other Tribes for attacking trade ships and other targets, putting Berk into the spotlight of political and diplomatic ire, the Dragon Riders are forced to leave Berk until the matter is settled and they can prove their innocence. As they establish a base for themselves, they plan on hunting down the culprits who are responsible for attacking trade routes and other targets. But it’s not going to be easy, and gossip flies faster than a Night Fury. 
And what’s worse? Oh, nothing. Just a bunch of Rogue Riders that are slippery, experienced, and don’t want to let go of their hard-won loot nor want to step up and take responsibility for their crimes and for framing them.
Can they succeed in defeating this band of marauders? Will they forever remain Outcasts? Or will they become fish food in Ran’s domain?
Bon Voyage! | Welcome to Viking Training! (A Gang Leaves Berk AU)
Set in HTTYD 1 / Post-HTTYD 1 | RoB/DoB. 
Dragon Training isn’t the only thing young Vikings-in-Training have to know, there’s Viking Training as well, a program where young Vikings-to-Be learn to sail and repair longboats, navigate, fish, hunt, and other tasks. But the most important skill of all is learning to raid! After all, dragons aren’t the only pests that a Viking has to deal with — other Viking clans are also a problem. A constant fight for resources and territory is a given in an Archipelago where life is rough and often short, and the weather is even worse.
So the Gang, plus Gobber and some others, are tasks with sailing a longboat from Berk and learning to become Vikings before they can become true members of their community.
Can Hiccup the Gang manage to bear through Gobber’s tough training and make it through unscathed? Can they succeed and become full-fledged Vikings of Berk? Or will they fail and be forced into exile?
(Hiccup will be more competent in various things than he was in canon, and will also be better at weaponry and will be physically stronger.)
Going A-Viking! (A Fishlegs & Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB or RTTE. Seeking adventure, fame, and glory — and riches beyond one’s imaginings — Snotlout convinces Fishlegs to join him on an adventure outside of Berk, and outside of books! What will their adventures and quests bring them into? Where will it take them? Will they succeed and bring home a wealth of riches and tales to tell? Or will they find out that leaving Berk was a terrible idea and wish they had stayed home?
Disowned Sons (A Hiccup & Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in HTTYD 1 or RoB/DoB. Hiccup and Snotlout may not see eye-to-eye most of the time, but they have more in common than they think. For one, they’re both disappointing sons of dissatisfied fathers who expect great things from them than what they actually bring to the table (each in their own way). 
This boils to such a peak that when the two boys start having a fistfight with each other in public, the two heads of the two clans decide to exile them for three years in order to whip them into shape (though they secretly do it because they’ve had enough of their unfruitful progress). And thus the two lads are kicked off Berk and are left to fight for themselves.
Can Hiccup and Snotlout overcome their stark differences in order to survive and overcome all the trials, obstacles, and dangers that the Archipelago can offer them? Or will they be food for the fishes, slaves for the slavers, or appetizers for the dragons?
Fishlegs the Outcast (Fishlegs Leaves Berk AU)
Set in Post-RTTE / HTTYD 2. Impressed by Fishlegs’ heroics over the past year, Alvin the Trustworthy (formerly the Treacherous) comes to Berk to ask Stoick and Fishlegs’ parents if he could adopt him as his heir of the reformed and reinstated Outcasts (now Incasts?). Will Fishlegs accept this surprising and golden opportunity? 
Astrid’s Saga (An Astrid Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB. It has been 9 years since the Flightmare came to Berk, killed her Uncle Finn, and tarnished her family’s honor and her uncles. Despite knowing that the Flightmare will return to Berk in less than a year, and that it’d be smarter to stay on Berk, Astrid allows her bloodlust and thirst for vengeance to not let her wait any longer. She declares to the family that she wishes to start a Quest to hunt the Flightmare and kill it before it even comes to Berk.
Despite protests from the older members, there are some who side with Astrid: Finn’s daughters and wife, her uncle and cousins, and her good friend Fjord Fjardson. They eventually end up convincing the Patriarch of their Clan and, despite the protests from her other friends and family, the date is set and a ship and dragons are prepared for the journey.
The Hoffersons are out for blood, but will they find the Flightmare? Or will they fail, and have to wait another 10 years for their chance at settling the score?
Fishlegs’ Saga (A Fishlegs Leaves Berk AU)
Set in DoB or RTTE. Ever since he was young, Fishlegs had a hunger for adventure, to sail throughout the Archipelago and beyond — meeting different peoples, eating different foods, smelling different spices, reading different books, speaking different languages... everything! He had hoped that he could’ve went with his uncle during the Dragon Raids, but his uncle always refused, and taking care of the family always took precedence. 
But now? But NOW? His uncle had returned to Berk, a wealthy merchant and tales to tell — and is now offering him an invitation to travel with him! A whole new world has opened up to him! What experiences and adventures shall the young Ingerman sail through? What people shall he meet? Will he ever return to Berk after he satisfies his wanderlust? Will he even WANT to?
The Thorston Saga (A Twins Leave Berk AU)
There are 3 different scenarios/story ideas for this:
Set in DoB. After having caused mayhem one time too many, Ruffnut and Tuffnut get exiled from Berk. With nowhere else to go, they decide to either join the Outcasts, the Berserkers, or explore the world on their own.
Set in RoB/DoB. A storm hits when Tuffnut is taking a nap on the boat, and the storm sends him away from Berk into the open sea. With no idea how to get home, Tuffnut has to do his best to survive until then. Meanwhile, Ruffnut discovers that Tuffnut’s missing, and with the Riders gone on a mission, it’s up to her and Barf/Belch to search for and rescue Tuffnut. Will she find him in time before something bad happens to him?
Set in DoB. Macey has been stolen! And it’s up to Tuffnut to hunt the blaggard down and take Macey back! But he won’t be hunting alone: Ruffnut, naturally, is coming along for the ride, despite her grumblings. After all, somebody’s gotta witness Tuffnut’s legendary feats (or glorious and grisly death). Beware of Tuffnut, the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon!!!
(Disclaimer: this last story idea is not connected to “Macey’s Saga”.)
Ruffnut the Wingmaiden (A Ruffnut Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. Ruffnut, upon bonding with Wingnut and being able to fly, decides to have a little change of pace and quits being a Dragon Rider in favor of joining the Wingmaidens, effectively leaving Berk as a member. Will she regret it? What future awaits her? Will she end up enjoying being a Wingmaiden, or will she wish to return to her friends after a spell?
Ruffnut's Saga (A Ruffnut Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. After Tuffnut’s death, Ruffnut, grief-stricken, decides to quit the Riders and leave Berk, accepting Throk’s proposal and joining him on Caldera Cay. 
Will she be able to pick up the pieces of her heart and be able to move on and find happiness in her new life?
Tuffnut’s Saga (A Tuffnut Leaves Berk AU)
There a 2 story ideas for this:
Set in DoB. Disenchanted with the Berkian lifestyle, and having enjoyed his time with the Outcasts during his espionage days as a scout during the Wars against the Outcasts and Berserkers, Tuffnut decides to leave Berk and become an Outcast.
Set in DoB/RTTE. Tuffnut gets an offer to become a Berserker by Heather and her cousin Thorvald (OC) on account of his achievements in battle as well as his Berserker heritage. Tuffnut decides that it’d be more fun being with them than with the boring Berkians.
Macey’s Saga (A Macey Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB. Eager to get away from Tuffnut and find a new owner/master, Macey manages to get itself onto a ship and away from Berk, finally free from Tuffnut’s craziness. But will she be able to stay away for long, or will Tuffnut find Macey again? 
Will it manage to find a new owner before it gets found by Tuffnut? Or would it just be better to plop in the deep Northern Seas and rust and rot away from salt and time?
Gustav’s Saga (A Gustav Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. Gustav has always wondered where his father had gone, and why his mother never seemed to talk about it or even care to. With Gustav having come of-age, he decides that it’s time to explore the Archipelago and turn it upside down and inside-out in search of his father.
Will Gustav ever find his father, or will he find something better and move on? What will happen if and when he ever reunites with him?
Alvin’s Saga (An Alvin Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. This follows Alvin during and after his banishment and his joining the Outcasts, as well as his adventures and exploits that would eventually lead to him being called “Alvin the Treacherous.”
Mildew’s Saga (A Mildew Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB. This follows Mildew during the events of “We Are Family”, the finale episode of Riders of Berk, and after he gets banished and becomes an Outlaw. What became of him afterwards? Is Fungus still alive after all that, or did he become... lamb chops?
Heather’s Saga (A Heather Leaves Berk AU)
Post-“Heather’s Report”/RoB/DoB. After Heather reunites with her parents, she leaves Berk and her new friends behind as they sail back home and returns to their old lives. But not everything will be the same. 
Unlike in-canon, her family and Tribe won’t perish at the hands of Dagur. This may also become a companion piece for “Snotlout’s Saga” and also the “Retelling Series”.
Stoick’s Saga (A Stoick Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. When his father dies as a result of Alvin’s insubordination, and the latter having fled Berk, Stoick and Spitelout vows to hunt him down. Will they be able to find him and bring him to justice?
20 years later, Stoick leaves Berk again in order to search for his wife, who, with Osvald, had gone on a Quest to find out how and why the Dragon Raids were happening, and where the source was, but had yet to return. Will he be able to find them, or will he fail? Or will he find them dead?
Valka’s Saga (A Valka Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. Wanting to find answers concerning the Dragon Raids and how to put a stop to them, she leaves on a Quest along with Chief Osvald of Berserk in search of those answers, leaving her family behind. Will she and Osvald find what they’re looking for? Will she be able to return to Berk? Will she be able to end the Dragon Wars?
Toothless' Saga (A Toothless Leaves Berk AU)
Set in Post-HTTYD 2 | HTTYD 3 | Post-HTTYD 3. When Toothless meets up with his old thunder of Night Furies, he decides, with Hiccup’s help, to leave Berk to visit the home he had once lived in before he had been cruelly torn away from them thanks to the Red Death. What will he find there? Are his parents still alive? Will he even want to return to Berk when he does get to his old home?
Another variation is Hiccup gets abducted and Toothless rides out to find him throughout the Archipelago.
Drift’s Saga (A Drift/Rig Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB | DoB | RTTE. When Drift discovers and reunites with his real parents for the first time, the young man is torn between remaining with his adoptive family whom have been with him for most of his life, or to live with his real parents whom he has just reunited with. Hiccup and Stoick encourage him to follow his heart and to go with his family if he so desires, and that he’s always welcome to return if he should so wish it.
Encouraged, Drift (now renamed Skathgard the Younger) returns to his home island with his family. Will he like this new life with the family he had always wondered about in his dreams? Will he want to stay, or will he decide to return to Berk?
[This will be a Canon Divergence to my Retelling HTTYD series.]
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Candle: The Rewrite
Actually that title is a complete joke but anyways. My first fanfic i actually posted anywhere is officially in the stages of being rewritten! The first chapter is up so YIPPEE. I am keeping the original fanfiction attached to my ao3, even though it is technically not canon anymore to the new storyline in any way, unless I decide to include scenes from the fanfiction as a callback to the original. The original has too much character and sentimental value to me, and as such I will never be deleting it or orphaning it, so do not worry about any of that happening.
Moreover, I want to thank everyone who has been here with me since I started posting on this site, or anywhere else, over four years ago now. It has been a pleasure for everyone involved, and I dearly hope that I can continue pleasing people with my fanworks in the future. For my new people who have either recently followed me, or those who just watch my works on occasion.
Thank you. Literally. If it wasn’t for all of you, I would probably have lost interest in posting and enjoying the fandom. I love everyone here, and i want to give a shoutout to people like @krattgirl124 @tittybender @issy5316 @lashlamb13 @lilliths-httyd-blog @amyrafierceblade (you. you have been my friend the longest. I love you so much I cannot even describe it in words. Thank you for being here!) @i-wishforwhump, @useless-moss and many more individuals that I cannot even name. You are all amazing.
And now that it over, it is time to get into the fic specs!
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Fandoms: DreamWorks Dragons (Cartoon), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Relationships: Viggo Grimborn/Krogan, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Toothless
Characters: Krogan (How To Train Your Dragon), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Viggo Grimborn, Astrid Hofferson, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Heather (How to Train Your Dragon), Dagur the Deranged, Meatlug (How to Train Your Dragon), Fishlegs Ingerman, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston, Viggo’s Savior, Snotlout Jorgenson, Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags: Blood, Blood and Injury, Blindness, Disabled Character, Disability, Memory Loss, Concussions, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Krogan has PTSD, Anxiety Anxiety Attacks, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Nightmares, Chronic Illness, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post Triple Cross, Viggo Grimborn Lives, Protective Viggo Grimborn, Soft Viggo Grimborn, Soft Krogan, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst, Found Family, Fluff, Eventual Fluff, Krogan Really Needs a Hug and some ibuprofen. how sad that it doesn’t exist in httyd
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wolfasketch · 6 months
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Eclipse's mate Void and their clutch, Stardust, Galaxy, Nova, Dipper and Milkyway
Bases belong to LumiiDragon on DA
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bambino1294 · 1 year
okay poll results are resoundingly in favour of the httyd au so I’m gonna work on that and btdl at the same time because the latter is one I want to do and that’s arguably more important
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 6 months
Hi hi !
More of jealous Hiccup, please 🥺
Or more of castoff 🥺
Love your work, thank you <3
Castoff pt 3
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,044
You listen, and wait.
Tags: Angst, fem!reader, heartbreak, villain reader, unresolved insecurity, anger, canon divergent, RTTE, Httyd 2, dark content, unedited
<Previous - Next>
There was no silence down here, not for long, stale air filled with the angry, mournful, tragic sulfurous breathing of dragons.
You curled in your cell, a square wooden thing with an open, vertical bars caging you in at one end of the wall. The rest room was filled with the violent sound of clanging metal and the hissing of beasts, a steady mix between a barely contained violence and mournful quiet.
Your hair was matted and clothes dirtied, your body pressed up against the cold ship walls as cages filled besides you. Your face was overshadowed by your unlit cell, all the nicer amenities including fire spent on places where the non-prisoner folk roamed. 
The wood felt like ice through your boots.
 Your stomach complained silently to you, burning a hole through your torso only you could feel. 
You heard the rabble of the crew above in the silence between words, rushed feet stomping viciously against the wood floors as their muffled shouting and the clash of metal on metal filled your ears. You’d spent so long at sea that you’d lost track of time. 
You wondered if a dragon above had broken loose. You hoped it did, and killed them all. You knew it was a lost cause.
You watched a dark brown, gray set of boots, not yours, across the way, shifting against charred wood, clenching your fists and digging dry, blood-caked fingernails into cut palms.
You listened to the rattling of chains below, the heavy breathing of dragons come together to make one loud synchronized voice. At times it made you feel as if the very wood of the ship was expanding and contracting with it. 
It couldn’t have been any more than a week, maybe two. 
Your arms were braced at either side of you, your back pressed up to the corner of your small, dank cell as the rocking of the ship became more intense.
You glowered at the stockily-built trapper in front of you, as if he might dissolve if you put enough malice into it. You hated Eret, Son of Eret, who stood with bravado between two stark cages containing a pair of chained and muzzled dragons. 
A Nightmare, like the many lining the edges of this packed room you were stuck in, and a Scauldron.
He glared back, arms crossed over tans furs, a plaintive sneer marring his stone features as the rabble from above grew more intense.
“You cost us dragons.” He said, finally, his voice with heavy amounts of malice.
“You’re hunting them back,” You croaked, voice bordering a hiss just as sharp and jagged as the rest of the beasts locked up around you. Because your life was ruined, trapped here with the rest of the unwanted mongrels, the violent souls the unknowing Riders failed to save.
“You have to tell me,” He quieted down, speaking with controlled, exaggerated breaths.
The stomping from above grew just loud enough to finally draw his attention, breaking his facade for only just a moment. He shot a glance up the narrow stairwell towards the deck, then glanced back.
He was still incensed from your earlier argument. He wasn’t the rageful type, but you found that you had quite the penchant for making him mad.
“No,” It was so cold. You pushed down a wave of irritation, hugging your arms irritatedly in an effort to quell your shivers, and the chattering of your teeth.
The two of you stared at each other in silence as the ship rocked violently, men storming around above. You were at a verbal impasse.
“Either way, I’m trapped.” You broke it. You felt sometimes as if you were still in shock, because you felt no such thing, though you’d never heard of a shock lasting so long. 
“I can’t help you, then.” Eret looked down on you, waving his hands angrily before dropping them onto his thighs.
“You were never goi-” You started, as the trapdoor covering the top of the stairs leading down burst open.
Slowly, steadily a large, scruffed man made his way down, each step dropping heavily against steep wooden staircases, taller than they were wide.
He was one of the thicker men, with a large reddish brown bear that was now stained ever darker by the blood running down his temple. He hunched in on himself, arm on his side, exchanging a meaningful look with Eret, who faced him fully.
“The- the masked- The dragons,” The man groaned angrily, blood dripping down from a large cut on the top of his head, just as a scream rang out from above.
“It’s- This early?” Eret’s head flipped towards you and back. He decided quickly that it was time for him to go, though his eyes promised that this wouldn’t be the end of it. You weren’t surprised, there never was an end.
He didn’t wait for an answer, moving forwards, face exposing his astonishment and determination, running up the stairs to the top, forcing the other man to stumble up with him.
You watched him go unblinkingly, listening to the happenings from above with apathy. Once again, you entertained the mild pipe dream that come what may, they would all be dead by the morning. 
You remembered the way flesh felt on the other end of your knife, living, breathing and human. It terrified you just as you cursed the lot of them with it.
Your hands shook with grief. 
The trapdoor fell to the ground with the loud, hollow slam of wood on wood, just as Eret’s foot disappeared up the hatch.
You listened to the dripping water, the sound of stomping as it traveled through the wood from directly above, the rustling of leathery skin and the storming water outside, to your back. 
You listened to the sound of buzzing in your ears, closed your eyes as they unfocused and the sounds of fighting, the clash and the thump of fist against metal and metal against bone became obvious.
You ignored the splinters digging into your palms, a few out of many, and the blisters that grew there like fungi, a result of your constant grip on the hard surface and the friction brought on by the rough seas.
The rumbling of dragons grew louder as something hummed through the wood above, the sluggish, lazy, weighted sounds of leather dropping softly onto the deck and the delicate scratching of claws kindly rested against flooring, tapping against the metal detailing of the even larger, covered trapdoor that allowed the trappers to settle dragons into the jail.
It was like listening to the world’s worst shanty, all of that mindless noise come to a violent and discordant crescendo.
You listened to loud shouts demanding recompense, then even louder, panicked shouting to move.
Your face burned angrily.
One of the dragons must’ve escaped. 
You sighed with bitterness, jealousy heating up your breath, causing you to expel air much like a dragon expelled fire.
You tensed your arms, released your nails from your palms, shook out your shoulder, anticipation and dread building in your gut.
Room grew hotter with such sudden ferocity that you were caught off guard, unaware until you yourself were nearly baking in it, the sudden onslaught of heat caused the dragons below to rear up, to grumble and crackle zealously and sweat boiled against your temples.
You searched for the source, eyes jumping erratically from side to side. 
The wood above you blackened, eyes focusing on it with immediate clarity.
You startled as the metal embedded into your roof began to glow, simmering a bright, passionate orange before distorting, melting onto the wooden floor just outside your cell.
It was the sound of your breath, louder to your ears than any other, that had covered the breath of another. 
You listened to the crackling hiss of fire, with the dying hope that it was the riders, come after you, finally. But you knew that wasn’t their modus operandi.
A hot jet of fire ripped through the wood floor with sudden ferocity, wood frames snapping viciously as it burst through to your floor that you tried to jump back, forgetting that you were already pressed flushed to the corner of your cell.
It brought your cell to unbearable degrees, infusing the air with smoke and ash and filling every one of your nerves with the urge to writhe away. 
You blinked away the smoke with shaky waved hands and stinking, watery eyes.
You shook, squinting up towards the misty deck from where you were crumpled. 
You could vaguely make out a hole had been burnt into the side of the ship, melting through the varnish and fireproofing as you left out, a new dragon crawling through the hole, slitted eyes taking in your surroundings with vigorous abandon.
Your breath caught. And a dragon, with a great, large crown of thick red spines and a flat, viciously-toothed face. It glared down into the hole with slitted eyes, and you pressed yourself back, praying it had not yet seen you.
It brought you back to your days on Berk before the peace, where everything you knew was ravaged and you could do nothing but hide and wait, ignorant to the flashing world around you. Except instead of your world being awash with a series of bright reds and the screams and shouts of VIkings in fiery battle, it was silent. 
A world marked by muffled shouting and pounding of flesh on wood and something much less forgiving. The sounds of battle were not as loud as they should have been. There were too many a distant shout cut off suddenly and without abandon by the root.
You weren’t sure what was more frightening; Hearing the rest of the crew crumple and fail and hearing exactly how or being left to the silence, knowing deep down that you were next.
The catch and release of a bola reverberated over the silence, a deep hollow flinging sound hollowing your ears before fading off into the distance. 
The disgruntled scream made by the beast came much too late after it was hit, tumbling off and around the side. 
As it fell, it revealed something, someone…. For a moment, you had hope.
Overshadowed in your cell, you peered outwards.
Someone was in a mask, wrapped tightly in leather, their face covered by a heavily spined wooden slab. 
They stood with their shoulders braced, stance confident and body lithe. 
You couldn’t make out their face. The whole thing rendered them rather mysterious.
But it was someone.
You didn’t know there were any riders. You weren’t sure if they were a Rider. 
You kept your head down, pushed up into the corner of your cage, deliberating whether or not you should move. You knew if you didn’t it would be your doom. You didn’t know if you could break the trance you found yourself in.
They peered into the hole, before a sharp, ragged dragon call drew them away, lean legs bringing them out of view and rendering them invisible in the mist.
You shivered.
You waited. And waited, counting the seconds in slow motion,listening to your breathing, experiencing every second. Watching the way ousted pieces of wood fell to the ground and shifted as the ship moved, watched as small embers shifted and puttered out, as the metal marking the front of your jail slowly, slowly cooled off, leaving a large, neary person-sized hole.
You could run.
Your breathing quickened. You should have spoken up
But now you could run.
You stared at your knife, hilted on a mount just by the staircase. 
You stared at the melted metal cage and stumbled to your feet, nearly falling as you made your way over, trying to keep with the rocking of the boat and the dizziness clouding your thoughts and vision.
You stopped in front of it, hands on your knees, before you turned to the side, lifting your leg up ever so carefully and dropping it onto the other side, mindful of the metal that had just cooled itself still.
You felt your foot drop to the other side and you let out a breath of relief before catching it, leaning forwards hard in order to make up for the sudden jolt of the boat, hissing as you grazed the red end of a bar with your arm.
You felt skin there sting as it threatened to blister. You knew it would, later.
You came out the other end hopping on one foot, falling against one of the cages on the other side, grabbing the handle of the bar, gritting your teeth as hot metal burned your hands and pushing roughly away towards the stairs, nearly landing on your knees. 
You looked back at the few dragons who hadn’t managed to escape, trapped and locked down in their cages, pressing close to the far corner.
A Nightmare, chained down but no less ferocious, blew smoke through the small allowance in its muzzle. It glared at you rebelliously just as you had Eret a while prior. Condemning, knowing.
You wondered if you had a right to free it, if you were just as bad as the ones who strapped it down, cut the points of its claws to nubs, let it burn itself to near death as the others laughed and jeered.
You couldn’t help but to reel back at the look in its eye, briefly imposed by the image of another.
You wondered if setting it free might give you brownie points with your masked hero. If they were here to play hero, that was. 
You had a choice to make.
You slipped between the cages, You were much slimmer than most of the trappers on board. Slim enough to slim to the other side and grab ahold of one of the huge locks keeping a set of remaining dragons trapped.
They were built to be hardy, enough to keep the dragons locked in, but delicate enough for a person to undo on their own.
You wedged your knife into the lock, messing with the latch and cylinder until you heard that telltale loud release-click. You had become very familiar with that particular sound over the past few weeks.
You slipped to the side, fabric of your furs getting trapped on a sharp untrimmed end of the cage as a pillar of fire burst past, blowing a hole into the next cage over. 
You pushed open the cage door, though not before the dragons had freed themselves, running from the hole and slithering up towards the top.
You scowled, “Beasts.”
You weren’t sure if you could muster anything besides bitterness for them.
Shaking your head, scanning the empty room, you decided to move, running up fast before crashing up through the trapdoor, causing whatever freed dragons there were to jump away.
Your arms shook as you ran across the deck, both invisible and vulnerable in equal measure.
Through the misty fog, you spotted some masked person in the middle of a fierce confrontation against two large men, which they ended by knocking one of them into the other and allowing their dragon, who had since recovered from the bola, to throw them offboard.
You hid around one of the crates, eyes darting around erratically, looking for a way off the ship, smelling something like freedom.
You ran and ran, hoping to maybe find a dragon to hitch a ride off, or at least a raft which you could use to continue to float aimlessly across the sea until you either found land or drowned. 
You reached the edge of the ship, skidding to a stop, great pounding as you made eye contact with a figure standing tall at the bow, the same person as before, one food on the side of the ship, the other planted firmly on the ship’s deck and they stood tall above you.
You had pushed open the cages, freed the dragons. You had helped. 
“Take me with you,” You pleaded, glancing back at the freed dragons behind you in the mist, fighting off trappers and making off for more open skies. 
You wondered if they knew how a moment so inconsequential, a moment so small,  could become so holy to you. It was your poetry. It was your Pantheon. 
You couldn’t tell anything about them besides their eyes, green and hard, the rest of their features hidden behind leather and rags. You thought you might look pathetic the way you were then in your worn, holed furs, torn to the thinness of rags.
Eerily, it reminded you of the moment you spent dangling off the edge of a cliff, looking into the eyes of someone with a very much similar build.
You stared at them, stuck in a moment of hesitation, which caused hope to well up like blood cut from your still beating heart. You pleaded with your eyes, shoulders, body language, let the knife in your hand loose. 
Eerily, it reminded you of the moment you spent dangling off the edge of a cliff, looking into the eyes of someone with a very much similar build.
You imagined their faces, whatever lay under that mask and Hiccup’s, moving in the same way, though you prayed the outcome would not end up the same.
There was a time when you would have rather been in Hel alone than in Valhalla without him.
Eventually, after a long moment of silence and clear deliberation, the masked warrior shook their head no.
They turned, hooked staff shivering, bone parts wrapped to the staff with twine rattling, conveying a command you could not decipher in full. 
The dragon got ready to take off. You tried to grab on to their coattails, the fins of their dragon, anything as they left. But you were too late.
You choked back a sob as you fell back down, hard against the deck. 
Misty, separated by a curtain from the rest of the world, listening to the steady approach of footsteps from behind. You bared your teeth, knife at the ready, and swung.
You felt the blade drag though you couldn’t see against what before you were nicked back onto the ground.
Sopping wet, you struggled against the men who worked to hold you down.
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kittenpinkamations · 1 month
Honestly I get why so many httyd fics are AUs and canon divergence because like. Canon is already so massive & complete and so well-rounded. How do you add on to that when everything’s already so well-developed & elaborate???
There’s so much worldbuilding from the dragons to the islands to the different tribes, and the characters & their arcs are also represented super well even for side characters that only appear in the tv shows like Dagur.
There’s not much space for exploring what happens in between timeskips because the franchise is literally a straight line what happens during 6 in-universe years from when Hiccup is 15 to when he’s 21 from HTTYD1, GOTNF, ROB/DOB, DOTDR, RTTE, HTTYD2, then HTTYD3, unless you want to write about pre-canon or post-canon like the epilogue where Homecoming takes place.
Everything is so well established & fleshed out within the timeline & lore that you really have to squeeze in whatever canon-compliant thing you want to write (i should know because I first started out fic writing with HTTYD & this was exactly my experience. It’s on an anonymous account don’t go looking for it)
Like. Kudos to the httyd writers and the httyd fandom like damn
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willow-lark · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
oh this was so sweet to log on and see! thank you, lex! 💕ok, in no particular order:
heartlight, ST/byler (T/M, ongoing series, 38k+) - byler fantasy au! 🧙⚔️✨ will byers is an apothecary from small-town lenora who has been drafted as a mage in hawkins's war against vecna. michael wheeler, his childhood friend, left over a decade ago to become a knight, and has since risen to become prince lucas's right hand. reunions abound, along with heapings of romance, angst, and fluff!
don't leave me here alone (don't go where i can't follow), ST/byler (T, completed series, 31k) - on your 15th birthday, your soulmate's name appears on your wrist. on march 22nd, 1986, will's soulmark reads "Mike Wheeler." but with mike being so preoccupied with el over the course of s4, it seems to will that he's resigned to live the rest of his life pining from the sidelines. on april 7th, mike realizes that his soulmate has thrown everything away and gone on a suicide mission to the upside down.
heartbeat, ST/byler (G, 1/1, 1.3k) - will doesn't have a heartbeat anymore. mike's not sure how he's supposed to handle it. an angsty one-shot character study centered on grief, loss, and love.
as far away (as saturn)., ST/byler (T, completed series, 19k) - you switch places with your soulmate on your 16th birthday. in a world that's canon-divergent after s3, this means that mike and will--who have not spoken in several years--must re-patch their relationship and find their way back to one another. very sweet!!
and if anyone is interested in my non-ST work...
dragon, boy, HTTYD (G, 1/1, drabble) - hiccup, now a very old man, is dying. toothless, far away in the hidden world, still has a duty to return and honor his boy.
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