#Captain-General Kitten
shellderbeast · 11 months
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I’ve been absent for a while and work and depression are mostly to blame for that. But also, finding fresh life in my local Warhammer community has been a blessing 💜
Top two photos are from Iron Cygnet, bottom two are photos a friend took of the models I entered into a comp. Neither won, but I’m damn proud of them.
Magnus - Warp Shenanigans
Kitten - The Machine Spirits Vengeance
Shout out to @alicesuicide , @minkelmyers and The Dark Chronist for reaching out over the last few months despite my periodic radio blackouts. I do love y’all but my brain is a broke potato and the hamster is spinning solely on meds.
Still actively working on the stories when life lets me - there’s too much left to not finish 💜♥️💛
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scooter-sys · 3 months
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Haven't drawn
In a while
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sorormaior · 9 months
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more… MORE!!! Starring Magnus and Captain General Kitten as the Sixth House, and Angron and Kharn as the Fourth House. Both for obvious reasons.
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skrankku · 2 years
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Sometimes... you are made of eldritch warp goop and it is hard to stay in shape. Inspired by @relax-and-read-on !
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minweber · 5 months
Musings on Custodes: Talons Apart
Is there a rift between the Adeptus Custodes and the Sisters of Silence? There must be, right?
If Custodes have not enough lore, then the Anathema Psykana have next to none. They are played up as the almost-as-important-as-Custodes-no-seriously-trust-us in that charming GW way, but most of their lore so far fits on a single codex page.
The second talon of the Emperor, the Pale Scourge, the Null Maidens - they are depicted as ferocious and as loyal to the Emperor as Custodians themselves, but where the latter have their whole "literally built around the Emperor's identity" thing, the Sisterhood somehow arrives to the same level of devotion by more conventional means. And here I would have loved to present my examples of how their brand of fixation on the Emperor differs from that of Custodians or the other all-female warrior sorority... IF I HAD ANY! I'd say their relationship with the Emperor and their duty deserves its own separate post, but that would be straight up just me coming up with headcanons for them (which I might still do). When it comes to any sort of meaningful worldbuilding that is not just rank structure and training regime - yeah, the girls got no lore, or, rather, no theme.
By themselves, that is. As a part of the Talons of the Emperor however...
Well, no, no real thematic depth materializes for them once they are placed next to the golden demigods, but the two factions do make an effective pair - dread and awe, silver and gold, the natural and the artificial evolutions of humanity, psychic and physical armour of the Emperor. Some sources say that the Sisters first appeared at the Emperor's side during the Great Crusade, but others insist that when he made his Custodians ages before, he made them specifically resistant to the powers of the null... So there is chance that the two factions were straight up designed to compliment each other and work together, which they did well... until they didn't.
Because in the current state of the lore, it seems that they haven't actually been working together between the Horus Heresy and the Era Indomitus.
The Anathema Psykana came out of the other end of the Horus Heresy in no better state than Custodes. Once again - all the numbers are very vague and we don't even really know how many of them there were to begin with and yada-yada - what's important is that the end of the Siege of Terra left the Sisterhood in shambles. But unlike Custodes - and here we come to one of the few pieces of interesting worldbuilding that sisters do have - they never had the opportunity to recover. By the time Guilliman rolls up to Terra in "present day" 40k, the Sisterhood is still a shadow of its former self, its members extremely few and scattered.
So what happened? Well, the codex states the following: "Without the Emperor to support them, and with Custodians looking inward after their failure to protect the Master of Mankind, the natural aversion many felt towards Blanks led the Sister's political enemies to drive them out of positions of influence." And isn't that a whole story in disguise? After the Heresy, the Sisters came into conflict with other imperial institutions - a conflict they did not win - and Custodes did nothing to intervene. Surely such a breaking of bonds of fellowship has consequences?
Custodes were obviously deeply affected by the "death" of the Emperor. They blamed themselves for it - hence the black cloaks and ten thousand years of moping around. They blamed the primarchs - Guilliman rises as the last loyal son of the Emperor and receives direct divine guidance from his father, and they still run drills on how to kill him. They blamed the Astartes - the Phalanx, hanging above Terra as its most devout defender, is infested by the Custodians ready to bring it down at the first sign of treachery. Did they blame the Sisters too, then? Did they knowingly abandon their counterparts to the judgment of degrading Imperium, seeing it as a fitting punishment for a failure of duty? Have they preserved this sentiment across the millenia? Or did they come to realize their betrayal for what it was? If so, why have they never sought the remaining Sisters out? Or have they? When they encountered the Brides of the Emperor thousands of years later - did it stir something in them? Was Captain-General reaching out to them not solely about the solution to the Van Dire crisis?
It is specifically pointed out that high Custodes casualties in the battle against Khorne's demons at the Lion's Gate were caused by the absence of the Sisters of Silence at their side. Did they re-embrace the ancient partnership out of purely practical necessity, or was it a true rekindling of bonds? Could it even be such for those custodians who began their vigil after the demigods and the blanks have parted ways?
And what is the Sisters' side of the story? The lore that we have is pretty clear on the fact that, despite being abandoned by their allies and shunned by the Imperium's caracss, they never shirked their duties. Left without any official support and recognition of their status, persecuted and sometimes downright hunted - Space Marine legions have rebelled for less. And yet, as reduced as the Sisterhood became, for ten millenia Black Ships somehow still prowled the stars, and the sacrifices to the Carrion God were still being delivered. Did they feel betrayed? By the Imperium they served and partners they fought alongside? And what carried them through? Was it all solemn duty and grim determination? For how many generations could those last you? And what can motivate an organization for ten thousand years instead?
How strong is their institutional memory? Are the annals of their order's history lost to the Sisters of the Era Indomitus, like it is with so many other - much better supported - imperial institutions? Do they know about the rift between their forebears and the Ten Thousand? Do they carry resentment towards the Custodians? Do they know why?
And now that the Talons bite together again - do they do so earnestly, the synergy woven into the very structure of both orders restored? Or is there an unspoken divide between them still? Was there any sort of official reconciliation? Do either feel a need for one? And after ten thousand years of potential bitterness and resentment - is it even possible?
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selemina · 5 months
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Blorbo thoughts
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
More age regression stuff for One Piece
Now with additional stuff!!!!
Buggy's favored activities while regressed are most definitely atypical. He doesn't have a set age range, given that he... honestly had to grow up so quickly even before Roger swept him into his fold, he doesn't know. All he does know is that sometimes words and coordination are harder, sometimes he'll be more stable, sometimes he's needy, but all the time he's ever so slightly on edge in some capacity. At best he's one mistake from a meltdown; at worst, he's a feral critter.
He really really really loves the trapeze. Big or Little, the motion and feelings are AMAZING. If Buggy is small and you can't find him, he's either hiding somewhere dark and small or he's high off the ground.
He's also a stimmy baby. Textures and colors and lights and motions, he's thriving. But once he hits his input limit, he hits it hard and it's explosive. It takes time for him to realize when Enough is Enough. ((Mihawk is the one to clock that... maybe this is more than simple, typical sensory seeking behavior. Maybe it's self stimulation and self soothing as well. ((Mihawk, looking at Buggy: Fellow Autistic????))/hj))
Buggy has a Way with animals. Whether that way is Good or Bad varies seemingly on the most comical result, but Crocodile's fruitwanis have seemingly decided that Buggy is one of Theirs and it's as hilarious as it is adorable as it is mind boggling. ((Later on, the humandrills decide much the same to everyone's absolute exasperation and confusion.))
It actually took him a Very long time to be open to pacifiers. The concept was foreign to him and he made do up until that point anyway so why even bother? It only was actually attempted after Mihawk realized a lot of Buggy's quieter days coincided with gnawing on things like his toys or fingers or, on one memorable occasion, Crocodile's coat hem. The germs alone left the swordsman shivering in revulsion. First came a teether, which was wonderful. But sometimes he'd catch Buggy still Antsy and unable to communicate it.
One impulsive decision later, he is handing a box over to Buggy after a meeting with a comment along the lines of "I debated the logistics of this for a deal of time before committing - at any rate, here, I believe this may prove useful if you are amenable to trying."
And it's a soft lavender pacifier with little pastel circus designs painted and sealed on it. Buggy is stunned. Buggy is flustered. Buggy is confused.
He's not against it, though.
Turns out, once you get past the weird feeling of something new, it's Perfect. Buggy turns out to definitely be varied, but when he's on the smaller end so far as he or others can tell, he is definitely a binky baby.
That first one from Mihawk is definitely his favorite though.
Not that the rest are forgotten of course. Baby Bugs has a fan club and they fight for Bragging Rights /hj
His favorite - and, frankly, first age appropriate - toy for his regression came from Shanks who will lord it over everyone ever that HE was the first favorite for quite some time, barring a Captain Shaped Hole in both their hearts.
His favorite outfit is from Alvida, which is technically not an outfit at all and was initially a gag gift. It's women's pajama shorts - pastel pink with blue polka dots - and a sleep shirt a size or two too big, baby blue with pink comic sans font saying "Candy Queen" across the chest. Neither have tags and both are INCREDIBLY soft. Buggy loves them. Comfort for regressing is Required and he doesn't always have to have That One Outfit to be small, but he always wants soft clothes when he's little and, if given a chance, wants his "candy c'othes".
Cabaji and Mohji fight over it to this day over who gives the best books or stories. It's a tie, and nobody has the heart to tell them that Ritchie actually picks the best books while they argue loudly in the children's section of book stores.
Galdino faces no contest of best blanket giver. He knits them himself and only uses Buggy Approved Yarn, stolen ethically from marine bases. He also unofficially hosts the best tea parties. Yes, he's smug about it.
But Witchy, you may ask. What does that leave for Crocodile?
Buggy's favorite nap spot is Crocodile - or near him at the very least. It's difficult for him to explain no matter the headspace, but Crocodile is currently the closest and most familiar behavior to what he knows and remembers - in all of the good ways. Crocodile doesn't often raise his voice; he is firm but gentle when correcting something; he's big, warm, and he will not hesitate to scoop Buggy up like a toddler. He's also got that good, healthy muscle that is equal parts firm and soft, his sand is cozy, and he lets Buggy "steal" his coat for Mischief and also snuggles.
Mihawk is the best at surprise gifts, and, to the surprise of almost everyone - himself included - he's the best at games, snacks and actually getting Buggy to calm down or relax. If Bug's in a good mood already, Mihawk is the beat at keeping the mood up and keeping Buggy relatively safe and steady. On rougher days, the swordsman's efficient and quick actions are comfortably steadfast, and he handles Buggy's tantrums, meltdowns, etc with grace. And somehow, even on the worst of days, Mihawk is Buggy's PERSON.
((And, on days where things are a little fuzzier, when Buggy's lips are a little looser, he confesses how Mihawk reminds him of Rayleigh in the good ways, how Crocodile reminds him of Crocus, how Shanks reminds him of Roger - how each of them have all the good, safe things he associates with that time without the ickier bits.))
Buggy is spoiled, because he DESERVES to be ((and because I wish I was, so blorbo is next best thing-))
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not-scooter · 2 years
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Drawings from the end of last year!
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Hi hi! Asking 4 a friend , do you still have the pattern for the Captain General Kitten stuffed toy ? They really wanna make their own stuffed toy of him & were too shy 2 ask 4 themselves , so I'm volunteering in their stead ! [ I hope you have a lovely day, your stuffies look very sweet and made with lotsa love :o) ]
Sorry for the long answer, I hope it helps!!
Unfortunately, I no longer have all the pieces of Captain General Kitten's pattern. I was able to find a handful of the decorative pattern pieces and have included a photo of them. I made a quick sketch of the pattern for the body and armor base (it's not to scale with one another) to give an idea of what the pattern looked like.
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Most of my humanoid plushies have the same or almost the same body base. A front chest/stomach, 2 pieces that wrap around to form the sides and back, two legs/feet that get sewn onto the bottom of the front of the body, a butt piece that the front (with the legs already attached) and side/back pieces attach to (this allows them to sit), and two arms that are attached to the sides of the body via buttons, so the arms can be rotated. The back of the head is two pieces to help give the head a round shape. Normally, I have one flat piece for the face, since you normally don't want a seam down the middle of the face. However, since Kitten has a mask and helmet covering his face, I used two pieces for the front to further round out his head. You can also add a chin piece to the bottom of the head to round the bottom and give the appearance of a neck.
I was in the middle of making my own Kitten (the one on here was a commission), and I've included some photos of what he looks like under all the armor pieces.
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The part that really makes Kitten look like himself is all the details on the armor. For most of the armor pieces, I used felt as the base and either glued the gold fabric to the front or sewed the felt to two layers of the gold fabric except for one side, turned it inside out then ladder stitched up the gold fabric so that the felt was inside and no longer visible. This makes the armor pieces stiff enough to hold their shape but still be soft to the touch. It also allowed me to layer the fabric, so the armor was three-dimensional. The lion and eagle details are several layers thick to achieve the desired effect. I didn't really use a pre-sketched-out pattern for all the armor but instead made them as I went. I made the body base and stuffed it first, then I laid tracing paper over the doll to sketch out the details (rivets, eagles, etc) at the correct size for the doll. I also cut out holes for places like his eye and glued black felt on the back (I've included photos to show how the front and back of the face mask look).
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simon-newman · 2 years
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Work in Progress.
So I’ve been painting with metallic paints today...
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Pinned post v.0.1
Learning to Love (working title) is a gay fantasy novel that I've got like 50k words of notes about and maybe 5k words of actual text for (it's all random scenes from like the middle of the story and I can't fucking post them anywhere but I need to talk about this thing)
Setting: post-apocalyptic. Before the catastrophe it was a high magic society, about as technologically advanced as we are right now, except with magic instead of technology.
Characters: mostly magical academia people (several magical colleges/research institutes stayed fairly intact as social structures throughout the catastrophe). Basically, if you're someone from academia who also likes fantasy and mlm romance, these guys should be up your alley.
Story hook: newly Ph.D. guy comes back home, finds his professor dad a grumpy asshole (moreso than before) who mistreats his live-in maid/Ph.D. student. The student finishes his Ph.D., professor dad seemingly kicks him out, student is bummed, professor's son offers to go on some adventures together with him.
Creation notes (&reasoning behind some tags on this post) and tag list (to be updated) under read more
Learning to Love originally started out as a global AU fanfic for Alfabusa's If the Emperor had a text to speech device video series, itself a fix-it fanfic for Warhammer 40.000. But, as I worked out more and more of the details, I realized that calling it a fanfic is sorta dishonest.
The point of the Warhammer characters I was playing with, their essense, is war. War is their life, their purpose, the source of their tragedies... I didn't want to write about that. And if you keep that out of your wh40k fanfic, is it really a wh40k fanfic? Especially if it's a global AU, set in a world that bears no resemblance to wh40k or any of its versions? Personally, I don't think so.
Thus, Learning to Love is not a fanfic anymore. I changed most of the "inherited" characters to be barely recognizable, kicked out some primarchs from my story, remade others entirely (or maybe rather made up new characters in their place? hard to tell sometimes), put a couple OCs with no wh40k precursors in. But the main pairing started out as Magnus x Captain General Little Kitten (as anyone from that fandom can probably already tell), and their dynamic is still a version of that. (A very optimistic version.)
This is why this post is tagged with If the Emperor had a text to speech device and the several Mittens pairing tags. Don't worry, I'll only tag posts where I talk about Learning to Love's fanfic origins with that, which I can't imagine there's gonna be a lot of.
This change brought a problem: there were suddenly a lot of unnamed characters on the cast, because previously I'd just keep the wh40k names of their prototypes, and now I had to come up with all new names. The main duo is still unnamed as of now. (I might just leave the professor's son's name as Magnus... He's not even one-eyed anymore, I don't think this qualifies as copyright infringement)
(I will add on to here as I post)
#Corrinthim lore -- the continent this takes place on is called Corrinthim, so that's just gonna be the lore of the post-apocalyptic fantasy setting
#dramatis personae -- the basic information on my characters will be here.
#story spoilers -- you guessed it, these are posts about what happens later in the story
#backstory -- also guessed it, characters' backstory
#backstory spoilers -- specifically the parts of backstory that are meant to be revealed later in the story
List of character-specific tags: #Alexander Yunt
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shellderbeast · 9 months
It’s taken me nearly a gods cursed year but here’s Chapter 10 of Crimson Birds and Golden Felines (there’s no smut - probably another part of the reason it’s taken me so long)
Here’s to life being on the up now and getting back into writing properly again in 2024 💜💛❤️
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scooter-sys · 2 years
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Happy holidays, everyone!
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creativecuquilu · 2 years
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The rest of stuff I prompted on Dalle.
Hope you like them!
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skrankku · 1 year
Do you have a favorite among the Magnus doodles you've created? :)
Ohhhhh a very difficult choice! I might just go with this one:
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jepergola · 6 months
New story today: "The Spaceship Captain Who Can't Even Anymore"
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