#Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt
stymshots · 2 months
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Breaking it down olfactory style.
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virovac · 9 months
Honestly feel the Carnivores series could make an okay movie adaptation
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Game premise for those unfamiliar: you have paid for privilege hunt alien equivalents of prehistoric Earth Fauna on a plant run by a hunting safari company, who bought the planet after failed colonization attempts. They tried building some facilities on the surface but at this point… from what if can tell it’s mostly just a spaceship comes down to drop off and pick up customers and what they kill or tranquillize. So most facilities are probably orbital or in areas lacking megafauna.
Imagine a scene where skinning a dead “wooly mammoth” and realizing underneath that hair it really does not look much like an elephant
There are also mysterious arcaheology with ghostly voices, and strange yeti that could be reinterpreted as the classic dumb speculative idea of “dinosauroid” but covered in insulator feathers.
Th T-Rex analogues are also possibly smarter than they seem , since unlike other predators they don’t seem food motivated since they don’t eat the player but beat them to death ,and never get bored or tired to stop chasing you. And they send out calls so more T-Rex’s will join the chase. One broke through a wall of a fort which is part of why attempts at building facilities on the planet stopped.
There was a dropped game idea of poachers: those who didn’t fill out the paperwork and land without permission and without regard for the rules.This gives a perfect human antagonist.
You could easily combine all the that into a plot of the tyrannosaurs as guardians of the planet tied to the strange extinct civilization and a poacher antagonist meeting his end when the plots intersect.
Can maybe incorporate the ice age inspired animals by having the poacher sabotage the ship and cause a crash landing detour, or just give them cameos in trophy rooms or in-universe advertisements
I’m imagining some futuristic satire possible like saying “it’s a good thing companies are more long term in interest since the stock market was abolished, or else the dinosaurs would be extinct again”
Might want to not do references to Stonehenge like in the second game, at this point connecting it to aliens would be silly… but if you make it only superficially like stone henge an make the like solid blocks rather than stacked could fit the weird atmosphere of it being a not-right mirror world, or imply Dinohunt Corp company faked it perhaps trying to further cash in in similarities between Earth and this planets archaeology and provide a landmark for hunters. The fact they don’t have the mysterious voices and are in the area of an abandoned settlement by Dinohunt Corp could add credence.
A fake archaeological site is also in spirit of the community which still has lots of hoaxes to this day with similar energy to “finding Mew under a truck”.
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michael-rosskothen · 5 months
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Tyrannosaurus Rex hunting the Homo Habilis
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dimalink · 1 year
Dinosaurs and cod
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So, it happens, that mainly, I am playing in videogames in country house. With old notebook with Windows Xp. So, it was a week, that I almost do not play. I was busy with country house activities. And it was a good weather.
So, I try some new games. It is about dinosaur hunt. Carnivores. And Call Of Duty Mystery of third Reich. It is modification for well known shooter. And, simply, take it to check.
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Here, you need to hunt at dinosaurs. Game has a small windows resolution. So, it looks like, it is designed for Windows 95. And, graphics is 3d. And open locations. To walk. Hero walks slowly. It is game to watch things round. And dinosaurs are different here. Control is little strange. But for game which gives you ability to look around, with some elements of action it is ok.
So, you can choose weapon and aim of hunt. And later it begins a level. So, cool made exit. It is like evacuation from point of landscape. And you need to wait. So, it is good for atmosphere. I remember such game with such title. But, maybe, it released later. And I played some game in times of Pentium 2. Near with Half Life. About time. But game has a cool idea.
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Call of Duty mystery of third Reich
So, at my pc I have never play in first parts of COD. So, I run into modification. Standalone modification. And, it is like standalone game, based on Cod. Theme is the same. Second world war. So, it is happens, like this. So, it was a times, when such modification can be sold at radio market as standalone games. Like some continue to famous game. And it depends on quality of such modification. This one -is good.
Everything starts in a forest. And it starts very intense. And, by situation, I have no chance. When, just a little went from forest. Everything starts immediately. Enemies build fortifications. At the road. And hide in bushes. And road is under their control. And at once, it starts a fire from bushes and from some distance. From automatic guns and from the sides. Enemies are set with big plan. And also, with a fortification. There is also machinegun and automatic guns. All of them are set into fortifications and watch the road. And you are walking this road. So, from unexpected attack, you are caught under fire.
But, it is a shooter, and gameplay is different than Half Life. Lots of intense shooting.
And, later, a little forward, there is a farm. And it is also with fortifications, very well done. And from every side at least one enemy. They shoot clever. They are set in clever points. Build fortifications. Also, with automatic guns and machine guns. I never expect such attack. And die many times. So, it was a run into this game about 5 minutes of gameplay.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, and some retro more.
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polyessence · 18 days
Carnivores STREAM 3
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woundedheartwithin · 3 months
Kinda bullshit that velociraptor isn’t in this game actually
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blueiscoool · 9 months
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Gigantic Skull of Prehistoric Sea Monster Found on England’s ‘Jurassic Coast’
The remarkably well-preserved skull of a gigantic pliosaur, a prehistoric sea monster, has been discovered on a beach in the county of Dorset in southern England, and it could reveal secrets about these awe-inspiring creatures.
Pliosaurs dominated the oceans at a time when dinosaurs roamed the land. The unearthed fossil is about 150 million years old, almost 3 million years younger than any other pliosaur find. Researchers are analyzing the specimen to determine whether it could even be a species new to science.
Originally spotted in spring 2022, the fossil, along with its complicated excavation and ongoing scientific investigation, are now detailed in the upcoming BBC documentary “Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster,” presented by legendary naturalist Sir David Attenborough, that will air February 14 on PBS.
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Such was the enormous size of the carnivorous marine reptile that the skull, excavated from a cliff along Dorset’s “Jurassic Coast,” is almost 2 meters (6.6 feet) long. In its fossilized form, the specimen weighs over half a metric ton. Pliosaurs species could grow to 15 meters (50 feet) in length, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica.
The fossil was buried deep in the cliff, about 11 meters (36 feet) above the ground and 15 meters (49 feet) down the cliff, local paleontologist Steve Etches, who helped uncover it, said in a video call.
Extracting it proved a perilous task, one fraught with danger as a crew raced against the clock during a window of good weather before summer storms closed in and the cliff eroded, possibly taking the rare and significant fossil with it.
Etches first learned of the fossil’s existence when his friend Philip Jacobs called him after coming across the pliosaur’s snout on the beach. Right from the start, they were “quite excited, because its jaws closed together which indicates (the fossil) is complete,” Etches said.
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After using drones to map the cliff and identify the rest of the pliosaur’s precise position, Etches and his team embarked on a three-week operation, chiseling into the cliff while suspended in midair.
“It’s a miracle we got it out,” he said, “because we had one last day to get this thing out, which we did at 9:30 p.m.”
Etches took on the task of painstakingly restoring the skull. There was a time he found “very disillusioning” as the mud, and bone, had cracked, but “over the following days and weeks, it was a case of …, like a jigsaw, putting it all back. It took a long time but every bit of bone we got back in.”
It’s a “freak of nature” that this fossil remains in such good condition, Etches added. “It died in the right environment, there was a lot of sedimentation … so when it died and went down to the seafloor, it got buried quite quickly.”
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Fearsome top predator of the seas
The nearly intact fossil illuminates the characteristics that made the pliosaur a truly fearsome predator, hunting prey such as the dolphinlike ichthyosaur. The apex predator with huge razor-sharp teeth used a variety of senses, including sensory pits still visible on its skull that may have allowed it to detect changes in water pressure, according to the documentary.
The pliosaur had a bite twice as powerful as a saltwater crocodile, which has the world’s most powerful jaws today, according to Emily Rayfield, a professor of paleobiology at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom who appeared in the documentary. The prehistoric marine predator would have been able to cut into a car, she said.
Andre Rowe, a postdoctoral research associate of paleobiology at the University of Bristol, added that “the animal would have been so massive that I think it would have been able to prey effectively on anything that was unfortunate enough to be in its space.”
By Issy Ronald.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I know it's such a highly popular dinosaur but are they any interesting facts about the Tyrannosaurus Rex that isn't well known? I still love the Rexes wishing more dinosaur media treated it in the same way nature documentaries treat modern carnivores as animals just trying to surive and not just ripping up every living thing they encounter.
T. rex is actually one of the best studied (non-neornithine) dinosaurs ever, period. In fact, writing all the interesting facts we know about it is... more work than I particularly want to do right now, lol.
some things off the top of my head:
it wasn't built for moving fast in terms of miles per hour or whatever, but they were built for extreme cursoriality in other ways. Essentially, T. rex and its relatives were built for turning, quickly, on a dime. And they moved faster than the herbivores they were chasing. So these were animals built for short, surprise attacks on their prey. And ballet dancing
T. rex had the best sense of smell... ever. Like, ever ever. And its eyesight and hearing were good too. It had a fairly large brain for where it is in the dinosaur family tree, as well. Essentially, this was a dinosaur built to take in as much sensory info as possible, to pinpoint prey as quickly as possible.
T. rex aged kind of like people! IE, the process of going from infant -> sexually and skeletally mature adult takes about the same amount of time, with similar stages happening at similar times. So, T. rex had an awkward teenage phase! They were tall, but very skinny and lanky, and many researchers think that different ages of Tyrannosaurus filled different niches, with bigger rexes eating larger prey and the teens eating smaller faster dinosaurs.
That said, there's lots of evidence for familial groups and social life in Tyrannosaurs, based on fossilization patterns and footprint records. So it's very likely they took care of their young, and hunted in groups.
did they have feathers? no idea. they're big enough to have lost them for thermoregulation like many other dinosaurs did. they are in a group that have some big feathered animals, though, like Yutyrannus. Maybe babies had feathers and adults lost them. Maybe adults kept them some places and not others. We do know that there are parts of the Tyrannosaurus adult body that had scales. Beyond that - whether feathers were present too, or not - we don't know.
it was not skeletally sexually dimorphic. however, we do know that some tyrannosaurs were female because the fossilized when they were in the process of making eggs. during this process, dinosaurs - including living birds - deposit extra tissue in their bones called medullary bone. This tissue stores calcium to make eggshells from later. It's only present in actively ovulating female dinosaurs. So, we know some of our fossils were making eggs when they died!
the arms were small, yeah, but they were VERY strong. these weren't vestigial organs, yet, though their shortness was mainly due to the strengthening of the neck muscles. T. rex interacted with the world primarily with its head and jaws. The arms would have been helpful with holding on during mating, or possibly for display.
it wasn't a scavenger. it was an opportunist. No predators today avoid easy meals - life is all about minimizing energy spent to get more energy. But obligate scavengers tend to be flying organisms, ones that can cover huge distances, in order to find enough carrion. T. rex was definitely a predator, and had to hunt occasionally, but wouldn't turn up its nose at an easy meal.
T. rex lived all over western north america, right at the end of the age of dinosaurs. It was one of the most successful nonavian dinosaurs, ever, and would probably not have gone extinct so quickly if there hadn't been an asteroid.
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elbiotipo · 3 months
It's worth doing a full analysis on how the Jurassic Park franchise makes the "bad man-eating carnivore, nice and friendly herbivore" dichotomy so prevalent it's almost a staple of its writing now. In Jurassic World, the pteranodons get released and they attack humans for no other reason that, well, this is a monster movie and they have to. In Camp Cretaceous, there's a carnotaurus that stalks and wants to kill the kids for no other reason than well, this is a monster series and they have to have a monster, but they approach and make friends with a Pachyrhinosaurus because it's an herbivore and herbivores are nice. Now, I can't say for sure what was the exact behavior of a Pachyrhinosaurus, but based on our current large horned herbivores, I have a feeling approaching one would be as a good idea as a stranger approaching a bull or a rhinoceros.
These are the examples I can recall now, that's why I said it would be great to do a full analysis, but it all comes down to the fact that in the writing herbivore = good and carnivore = bad. In real life, and thus we can assume that for dinosaurs, large herbivores are extremely territorial and aggressive, always on the look out for any potential threat. A human just happens to be around the size of a random dromeosaur and bipedal too, if a dinosaur saw or heard a bunch of humans approaching it, it would be in alarm mode instantly. Big sauropods might not care out of sheer size, but I don't think it would be safe to approach a 30 meter long animal either. Meanwhile, carnivores would not be safer, either, but most apex predators tend to spend the time between hunt resting and trying to conserve energy, lazying around.
I mean, I'm being generic here since there are lots of kinds of animal behavior but it's never "good nice herbivores". In fact, the nice herbivores we know are because of domestication, because wild goats/sheep and horses are incredibly aggressive, and I'm still not sure how we domesticated aurochs or fucking boars.
But that's because Jurassic Park isn't as much as interested in showing an ecosystem or actual behavior, but rather, the dinosaurs are characters too in a movie, and you have good and bad characters. Which is fine, I mean, it's not a documentary, is it? But many people do treat it as such, in the sense of what they see there is what the popular conception of dinosaurs are, and even the conception of how animals and ecosystems 'work' in the first place. I'm not blaming Jurassic Park for seeing all those people commenting "why didn't you rescue it???" in videos of a wild animal predating another, but I do think it's a kind of thinking (moralizing animals) that comes from that viewpoint.
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raptorladylover6969 · 3 months
My take/theories on Raptor Lady/The Handler’s design and how it’s significant to her overall character‼️
So I’ve mentioned this before in a comment section, but I wanted to go more in depth. For a while now, I’ve been pondering about the certain design choices of The Handler, and whats the significance behind her wide eyes, and blank expressionless face, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it actually plays a huge role in her personality, and overall character.
First off, the uncanniness of her design. She always has a blank emotionless expression on her face, and shows little to no emotion unless its related to her Raptors. So far the only emotions we’ve seen from her are: frustration (the Nublar 5 getting away from her), satisfaction (seeing her raptors kill someone, or when she realized the campers were in the warehouse with her) and empathy (seeing her raptors injured and unable to fight). Besides this, she keeps a blank expression on most of the time. Her wide eyes and no-eyebrows add to the blankness of her face because all the viewer is focusing on when they see her are her eyes.
Her personality. The way she wants people to perceive her is for them to be intimidated by her, and its not just people who find her intimidating, its the dinosaurs too. In the final episode, the scene inside of the warehouse, you see the dinosaurs in the crates going haywire, roaring and growling and stomping until The Handler walks in. The dinosaurs suddenly go quiet, and lower their heads, avoiding any to all eye contact with her. This is kind of a big deal considering even the giant carnivores also went quiet. She has all these dinosaurs cowering before her. That look she gave Cabrera clearly is her go to strategy of intimidation because of the way he was stuttering the second she turned her head to look at him.
We can also compare and make connections to this through basic science. Thousands of years ago, we looked nothing like our ancestors, our appearance is dramatically different to that of the early humans, especially our faces. and human expression. As a species, we communicate socially through our facial expressions to display what emotions we feel. Our ancestors didn’t have that. If you look at the skulls of early humans, you’ll see that humans of that time had eyebrow ridges that protrude more outwards than modern humans. The main significance of this was for the humans to look more aggressive and intimidate other humans and animals. Sound familiar??? Our ancestors only expressions were blank.
The main question here is “How does any of this information involve The Handler???” Well, theres been theories going around that she might be part raptor, because of her demeanour and behaviour. I don’t think thats the case. I think she isn’t trying to seem like a raptor, rather, she’s trying to display the same mannerisms as ancient humans.
Think about it. The whole intimidation factor in ancient humans I mentioned earlier? The lack of eyebrows is strictly for the purpose of making her eyes more bigger and expression more blank so she is able to display more fear into people (and animals apparently) just like ancient humans. The way she chases down our beloved Camp Fam is the same exact way our ancestors hunted their prey. Relentlessly, chasing and chasing until she’s got them cornered/tired. Her domination of the raptors, the same way our ancestors dominated the wolves we have domesticated. (The fact raptors are also compared to wolves in this franchise) She uses intimidation, and her smarts to make her way to the top of the “food chain”, eventually conquering the dinosaurs (I.E them being intimidated the second she walks into a room)
And what adds to this is how exactly uncanny humans were as a species. Our tall lanky slim bodies and endurance + determination made us the ultimate apex predator in the history of earth. By using the art of uncanniness, humans were able to rise above. Just like with The Handler who uses her uncanny factors to conquer.
Don’t get me wrong the theory of her being part raptor is cool, but the idea/concept of her entire personality being that of an ancient human is much much much more scarier if you look at it through the bigger picture. But anyway, what are your thoughts on this?
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 3 months
Alright, I am now absolutely obsessed with the Camp Cretaceous dinosaur human hybrid AUs. I’ve stared at @silverthelovebug’s beautiful art for a long time, and I binge read @snugglylime’s amazing fic! I tagged them both so you can check their content out, which you absolutely should.
But that got me thinking about my own hybrid AU. Since both of the above ones are set during Camp Cretaceous, I decided I wanted to create an AU for Chaos Theory! Spoilers below, obviously.
Basically, in this AU, the Six are still being hunted. But instead of it being an assassination attempt, the goal is to capture them to use as human test subjects. Specifically, turning them into dinosaur human hybrids. That’s the main idea, although I’m still working some things out. Below are the dinosaurs I think they would be:
Ben: Ankylosaurus
Brooklynn: Allosaurus
Darius: ???
Kenji: Atrociraptor
Sammy: ???
Yaz: Becklespinax
Okay so for Ben, he would obviously be an Ankylosaurus, specifically Bumpy (rip Bumpy). And Brooklynn would be an Allosaurus, for obvious reasons. Specifically the one that was sent to kill her (though in this AU, it wasn’t meant to kill her). For Darius…well, I don’t now yet. He and Sammy I still haven’t figured out. The problem is I’m trying to use dinosaurs just from Chaos Theory. And I can’t really think of any that would work for Darius and Sammy (but I want them both to be herbivores to make an even balance of carnivores and herbivores). So loving on to Kenji, he would be an Atrociraptor. The only one that doesn’t appear in Chaos Theory is Red, so sure, why not. He’s Red now. I chose this dinosaur for him because although they were all hunted by the raptors, Daniel was killed by them which I think gives Kenji the closest connection to them. Finally, Yaz. I decided to make her a Becklespinax, mainly because they attacked the dinosaur free zone where she was living. I think that makes sense.
Honestly, I might wait until Season 2 comes out to flesh out this AU more. By then we should have more dinosaurs, more info about the people hunting the Six, etc. And who knows, what dinosaurs they are might completely change when Season 2 comes out.
But once I have a solid idea of the AU, you better believe I’m writing a fanfic! Fucked up fanfic ideas my beloved <3
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akariuta311101 · 3 months
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1. Time Period: Allosaurus lived during the late Jurassic period, approximately 155 to 150 million years ago.
2. Size: It was one of the largest predators of its time, reaching lengths of up to 12 meters (39 feet) and weighing around 2.3 metric tons (about 5,000 pounds).
3. Physical Characteristics: Allosaurus had a large head with sharp, serrated teeth designed for tearing flesh. Its arms were relatively short compared to its body size, but it had strong legs and a powerful tail.
4. Hunting Behavior: It was a carnivorous predator that likely hunted large herbivorous dinosaurs such as sauropods and stegosaurs. Its teeth and jaw structure suggest it could deliver powerful bites to its prey.
5. Fossils: Fossils of Allosaurus have been found in North America, particularly in the Morrison Formation of the western United States (Colorado, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming).
6. Social Behavior: There is evidence to suggest that Allosaurus may have been social animals, exhibiting some degree of pack behavior or cooperative hunting, based on findings of multiple individuals found together in fossil sites.
7. Paleobiology: Studies of Allosaurus bones have provided insights into its growth rates, metabolism, and biomechanics, indicating it was a highly adaptive and successful predator in its ecosystem.
8. Popularity: Allosaurus is one of the most well-known and studied dinosaurs, often featured in documentaries, books, and popular culture alongside Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor.
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swan2swan · 3 months
Dominion haters will fume like "If they were treating this dinosaur situation realistically with regards to environmental impact, they would be treating them like a proper invasive species, because the populations would have flourished from ten to ten thousand in four years! See, by every animal asexually reproducing with ten offspring every year, and the fact that nothing would kill them, we would reach numbers that would DEVASTATE the environment! Especially because the biggest creatures would reach full size within months of their birth!"
And I'm here just...
Guys. Elephants grow to full size over fifteen years.
Even if the accelerated growth gene Wu programmed into his animals resulted in fast-growing populations, they'd still probably take a year or two to reach adulthood and/or breeding age. Bumpy took a month or two to reach her peak, and she still turned out a runt, and she was a freak who was running at about 500% speed. And "rapid growth rate" is a whole different can of worms to study.
But...yes, it's boring, but that's not how invasive species work. I'm begging people to study the timelines of these things. I just looked into the python infestation in Florida, and they were basically introduced in the 1930s. The nineteen thirties. Almost a century ago. Then they were confirmed to be breeding in the wild in the nineties. Sixty years later. They weren't banned until 2012. They're an invasive species that's devastated the Everglades, but it took them decades to reach that point.
Pablo Escobar's hippos? Forty years.
But then you look at the Spotted Lanternfly and the Emerald Ash Borer. Insects. The Ash Borer came over in 2002, and it took a decade or so to mess up my neighborhood's ash tree population. The Lanternfly arrived in the 2010s. By the 2020s, it's Public Enemy Number One. Insect epidemics take a decade to latch on and do their thing. That's fast.
That's why the locust plot worked in Dominion. Because bringing back a prehistoric insect that can't be hunted by falcons or mantises or spiders or carnivorous non-avian dinosaurs is going to have FAR more rapid consequences than a dozen elephant-sized herbivores who wandered off a farm. Even a bunch of ostriches three times the size of ostriches.
If you take things seriously...you have to take it seriously in every aspect.
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polyessence · 27 days
Carnivores Stream
Going live with some Carnivores Legacy. A 90's dinosaur hunting title brought to life by some fun modders online!
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woundedheartwithin · 3 months
Guess it had to think about it
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precambrianhottopic · 6 months
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information + propaganda under the cut!!
Bio: Spinosaurus were river-dwelling carnivores that lived during the Cretaceous period. Their name comes from the distinctive 'sail' on their back, made up of seven-foot tall spines. Spinosaurus was a strong swimmer and a fierce predator, hunting almost exclusively in the water. Its skull was long and crocodile-like, with greater bone density for more control over its buoyancy, and it's currently the largest known carnivorous dinosaur at ~46-59 feet in length.
Propaganda: these dudes are fuckin sick. my favorite dinosaur by a long shot and i shouldnt have to explain why. also every new discovery seems to steer them away from being a sick ass carnivore to a duck billed weirdo and im so here for ittttt
Bio: Anomalocaris were the greatest thing to happen to the Cambrian period. These funky little bastards had a body structure so unconventional it defied classification for years. They were apex predators of the Cambrian ocean, and one of the key species in defining the predator-prey relationships we recognize today. Giant compound eyes for visual hunting, huge grasping tendrils out front, and a segmented body- what's not to love?
Propaganda: just go here ok?
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