#Cartagena highlights
travelernight · 4 months
Colombia`s Magic: Explore 10 Captivating Destinations That Will Enchant You
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thatssosussex · 1 month
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Colombia Day 3- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Vice President Márquez paid a visit to Escuela Tambores de Cabildo, a drum school located on the beach of La Boquilla, Cartagena. This exceptional school, dedicated to preserving cultural traditions and instilling pride among young students, offers a range of programs that go beyond drumming.
Under the auspices of the Cabildo Corporation, an NGO committed to promoting the African diaspora’s oral and written traditions, the school provides a unique blend of music education, social support, and community engagement. Serving children aged 6-18, the school has been a beacon of hope and cultural preservation for 14 years.
Prince Harry and Meghan were greeted by the booming sounds of drums and the school’s founder Rafael Ramos upon their arrival. After the opening performance, The Duke and Duchess and the Vice President listened to local community members that included children, teenagers, parents, and elders, about the importance of preserving the culture of Cartagena.
The couple, alongside Vice President Francia Márquez and her partner, joined a drum lesson led by local students. The session was followed by a performance from the community that moved both the Vice President and The Duchess of Sussex to their feet.
The vibrant rhythms, heartfelt stories, and deep sense of community showcased the school’s vital role in celebrating and preserving Cartagena’s rich Afro-Colombian heritage. The visit highlighted not only the cultural significance of the school but also the power of music and community in bridging generations and fostering unity. (8/17/24)
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It's official! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, will be in Colombia from August 15 to 18 on a four-day visit. The couple, invited by Vice President Francia Márquez, will tour Bogotá, Cartagena, and Cali, participating in important events.
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This trip highlights Harry and Meghan's commitment to social causes and the work of their foundation, "Archewell," dedicated to creating safer digital environments. In addition, their visit puts Cali in the international spotlight.
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heeey! you just answered my post ❤️ to be honest it’s such a stupid affirmation to say that betty has no backbones, she’s the strongest character I’ve ever seen or read about and watching her getting stronger and stronger during her journey it’s so satisfying to me, she makes me feels things I wish I could feel, she accomplished things I wish I could have accomplished it. talking about me personally, watching betty deal with misogyny/racism coming from women and gay men, watching them mock her features, her body, her presence, dehumanising her, it really was a experience where I felt like I was holding hands with her all the way. when she found the letter, her time in Cartagena finding herself, the fashion show where Hugo tries to humiliate the Quartel publicly and she stands up for them. betty taught me something very important “la cabecera de la mesa esta donde yo esté sentada”
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“[Betty] is the strongest character I’ve ever seen” exactly and it’s shocking how people don’t notice it! From the beginning we see how resilient of a character she is! It’s not easy to endure rude remarks (Hugo, Gutierrez) and humiliation (Marcela’s comparison) with a stoic face, yet Betty was able to so! She continued with the interview process without batting an eyelash. She acknowledged that the employees (Ig the superiors) were rude yet at the end of the day she laughed it off. If I were her I would’ve cried myself to sleep especially if I experienced Marcela’s comparison! Like how are you going to get my hopes up with a 2nd round of interviews all for yall to compare me to a beautiful woman!! And let’s not forget the whole situation with Armando’s agenda or phone book (whatever it was). The way Marcela went feral to snatch the book from Betty’s hands and how she tried firing her was crazy! I would’ve given her the agenda or definitely quit on the spot ain’t no way I’ll continue dealing with a crackhead. Ik that at the end of the day she needs the job but I just feel like these situations really highlights how mentally strong she is and especially how selfless she is! She’s willing to endure the abuse from her superiors to keep her job that feeds her family! And as someone who’s mentally weak I can’t help but feel jealous of Betty’s mental strength. I remember when I started working at retail job a few years ago I ended up quitting on my third day... All because I couldn’t handle the look of annoyance of my supervisor when I asked questions on how to do my job and how a customer was rude as hell when I struggled finding an item for her. Remembering how Betty endured worse to straight up abuse I can’t help but feel compassion for her yet I admire her fortitude. And tbh, even tho I hate it, it was great how they didn’t hold back with the jokes in ysblf. The mild jokes to the dehumanization help the audience relate to Betty even more since its experiences we all endured in our lives especially when you’re a minority. (I don’t think Betty would’ve had the same impact if they stuck with the mild jokes imo). This why I love the quote mentioned!! It’s so impactful and layered!! To see how far she came with overcoming her low self esteem by standing up to her abusers and making it clear to them that she will not let herself be trampled on again is so satisfying to watch!! Plus she let’s everyone(the shareholders and audience) know that she’s always been the main character 💅
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andivmg · 6 months
Colombia Post!!
ahhhh colombia was so fun! the food was 10/10 everywhere we went. i stuffed my face w arepas and steak at any given moment and it was all so delicious!!
we went to both medellín and cartagena and i think i definitely prefer cartagena. dont get me wrong, medellín as a city is fucking gorgeous. i have traveled to a lot of different places and that city really took my breath away. i’d say it’s the perfect mix of nature and city. HOWEVER! there was not a moment where i felt 100% safe. obv bc i was with my bf i felt a lot safer but i think the culture of that city is not very protective towards women. in a word, i felt like prey. ik that’s common all over the world but out of everywhere i have been, that is where i have felt like men were looking at me the most, in like a scary way.
cartagena was my fav just because i love the beach and the ocean. also it reminded me of puerto rico a lot! it’s like san juan but 10x bigger!! we rode on jet skis and went on a boat and everything! cartagena is so fucking beautiful, and las islas rosario were definitely the highlight of the trip for me. also i still got catcalled but not nearly as much as in medellín. although i will say, lots of scammers around the area. (if you are ever there and women come up to you at the beach with lotion and start massaging you, just tell them you don’t have any money and they’ll leave u alone)
anyway here are some pictures!!!
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
Thank you for saying Aldo is not good looking at all. Seriously, everyone fawning over his looks (El Cuartel and Luigi) had me thinking we, as the audience, were being bamboozled. The actor didn’t look so bad in other soaps, I think it’s just that he looked much older than Fernando and Lety? Also, I hated his voice lmao and if we include all the red flags of his character, no wonder many of us didn’t like him 😂 he completely robbed Lety of her character development, I will die on this hill. Michel displayed problematic behaviors, but at least didn’t play a huge role on the story until the very end. If Betty’s big proposal to save Ecomoda had been all about Michel’s project, I would’ve been so mad (I know this is simply not possible in ysblf because it’s about fashion and he is a chef whereas in lfmb it’s a production company, so they couldn’t go for the same idea as in the original version, so the door was wide open to come up with something that involved Aldo 😪).
Circa 2006, Vale and Camil were 31 and 33. Soler was 40\41. not very old. but weird that they cast him as the secondary love interest. im certain his casting was bc he reached a certain demographic (older women that like him). bc it certainly wasn't for the youth (women and girls 25 and younger were only in love with fernando\camil).
Aldo's styling is Committed Beach Bum to highlight his flowy, easy, not stressful lifestyle. (the beach jewelry too, ugh). If you notice Michel was not styled that way in Cartagena. He wears light colors, whites and blues (to highlight his frenchy white man blue eyes), his shirts are big and not tucked tightly or at all, he doesn't wear suits or ties. He's easy going, relaxed. (the complete opposite of Armando). Aldo looks like someone who's constantly telling himself to relax. There is something so forced about Aldo's entire character, fm the way the he's written, styled and acted.
It's like Soler himself didn't know what he was doing there, so he just acted like he would if he were a villain in a normal telenovela. There's a huge disconnect. Also, Soler isn't very attractive unless he has facial hair. (see Apuesta Por Un Amor, where he's decent looking.) (he's not my type, feel a need to stress that). (in both Ysblf and Lfmb, everyone fawns over Michel\Aldo and im like 'what am i supposed to be fawning over? men that need to moisturize more???)
I responded to an old ask here about Michel and what happens if he doesn't arrive at Ecomoda to trigger the events of BxA's reconciliation.
But Ocampo and Televisa were like 'well what if we don't let Letty heal and dont give her a make over and Aldo stays forever?'
Congratulations, now you have two protagonists that are stunted and a second love interest who looks like a villain out of a lifetime movie.
Letty was absolutely robbed of her character development when they decided Aldo was more important. Including Fernando.
I had to do some quick refreshing on Aldo and I came across the Fernando and Aldo fight outside of Conceptos.(must be noted that Aldo throws the first punch BTW). I completely forgot they had a physical fight. And after watching it I realized it was the Fernando\Tomas fight redone.
Because Fernando says something like 'he's just using you. he came here and followed you down here bc he wanted to use you for his business'. which is similar to things he says not only about nicolas but also daniel (idr what daniel's name is in lfmb). Anyway he digs himself into a hole and Aldo's like 'yes, bc i want to do business with her'. But he also throws in Fernando's face that he can say\yell out that he's in love with Letty and Fernando can't (And he doesn't). Which again, as we know in Ysblf, Cartagena Arc and after it, Armando doesn't care anymore about his appearance and all he wants is to be with Betty and love her openly.
And then moments before Fernando appears, Aldo tells Letty that he loves her and Letty says 'no, no it's not possible I'm ugly'. Which....I mean do I have to go into it? Do I really need to? She didn't get to heal. She still puts herself down. And now you have some guy she doesn't know saying he's the only one that can love her. (This actually IS a red flag).
If Armando had gotten into a physical fight with Michel, it would show that he hadn't changed. If Armando was challenged to say he loved Betty out loud in some public setting and then didn't do it, it would show he hadn't changed. If Betty hadn't healed and learned to love and accept herself, she wouldn't have the confidence to stand up for herself or run Ecomoda.
Letty and Fernando were robbed of those moments, which is shame because they have decent actors. I would go so far as saying that Aldo\Soler was given protagonist level priority because of his name and fame.
Literally Michel's only job was to give Armando competition and give Betty incentive to leave Bogota. He does display some red flags that, imo, are supposed to contrast with who Betty is now and also contrast with Armando. Betty is much more independent by the end, she doesn't need another man in her life telling her what to do. She needs an equal partner to support her emotionally. Michel wants to fix her, guide her, tell her what do do. ('Let me drive, drink this instead, take this job working for me). Armando wants another chance to show her that he wants what she wants.
Aldo never, ever, ever, should have been given a whole plot about needing Conceptos to help his gastronomy fair or whatever it is that he was doing. It could have literally just been 'I'm opening a seafood restaurant in mexico city. I came to say hi and also, maybe date you?'. They could have kept it at that and let Letty fix Conceptos on her own. There were other ways to make Aldo stay longer without taking away from Letty.
Since Concepto's is a production company in Lfmb, to make a connection\reference to Ysblf, Letty's idea could have been about promoting a suffering mexican fashion company's clothes and suggest to said company that the only way to promote their line is to open their market to every woman and then Letty's puts the cuartel in this said commercial and watch the sales go up. This is not a clear idea but it's better than gastronomy fair because it would give Letty agency.
In conclusion, Aldo should have drowned in the ocean devoured by the Acapulco waves, never to be seen again. And Angelica Vale deserved to showcase her dramatic acting talents instead of....all of that.
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July 4, 2023 - Day 190
Hubbard’s Glacier, Alaska
In the comments section “easyasgoingtothedentist” asked the following question so I thought I would try and answer. My response is probably too long but I wanted to give it a go so here it is.
Question = “It’s hard to believe you have been on this journey for half a year now. With one month remaining, would you reflect on your favorite places and where you would return to? Any comments on the world atmosphere post-Covid which you have experienced? How about any interesting people you have met on the ship? Which ports did they embark? What nationality were they? It has been really fun to read of your escapades. Thank you. Oh- and could you please post a map of the rest of your ports-o-call?”
Thank you for your note. I appreciate that someone is actually looking at this. It is hard to answer your first question because there have been so many but let me give you a few statistics before I try.
On this trip we have visited 44 countries with 117 stops in different cities. I keep track of how far we go each day and the two screenshots below show my mileage markers. To date we have traveled 51,430 miles and have 7,195 miles to go for a total voyage of 58,625 miles. As far as the rest of the voyage we will be visiting Sitka, Ketchikan, Prince Rupert, Victoria, Astoria, San Francisco, Cabo San Lucas, Zihuatanejo, Puerto Quetzal, Puentarenas, Cartagena and Great Stirrup Bay in that order. We weren’t allowed to land in Peru or Myanmar because of political unrest and missed Kodiak Island and Hubbard’s Glacier because of weather. Because of CoVid we were the first cruise ship to return to many of the ports and there were extremely happy to see us. Bands, dancing and big welcome signs were common. Many of these places depend on the tourist business and there were many closed businesses and restaurants that didn’t survive.
The average age of people on the ship is 72, the oldest is 92 and the youngest is 23. Five people have died during the voyage, there was one helicopter evacuation because of a heart attack, there have been 8 people that have broken arms, legs and wrists because of falls and 2 couples have been kicked off the ship because of misbehavior. The ship doesn’t advertise these events so there may have been more but these are the ones I know about.
Three hundred and fifty of the Around The World passengers got on and will get off in San Francisco. Fifty seven got on and off in Miami and NewYork. Half the passengers are from the US, 25 % from Canada and the rest from other countries including Switzerland, Germany, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Holland, Israel, Mexico, Columbia, Turkey and two Ukrainians. The passengers are fairly affluent with representation from all races, colors and nationalities. Most are retired but some still working a little. The professions include medical Doctors, lawyers, engineers, book authors, a retired bus driver, a police detective, a tobacco factory owner, university professors, bed and breakfast owners, medical laboratory technicians, the owner of a Canadian lumber company, the chief architect for Home Depot, high school superintendents, a physiologist and many more that I don’t know.
The crew is even more diverse. The Captain is from Croatia and most of the officers from Eastern Europe. There are only about 8 of the crew that actually work for the cruise line the rest work through a contract company and are mostly Indian, Philippino and Indonesian. The chef and ship manager are French.
As far as places I would like to go back to there are many so let me just pick one or two from each continent. The highlight of the trip was Antartica. Amazing scenery, amazing animals and absolute desolation. In South America it would be Punta de Este, Uruguay followed by Puerto Monty, Chile and Recife, Brazil. In Africa it would be the Seychelles followed by Cape Town, South Africa and Walvus Bay, Namibia. In the Middle East it would be Muscat,Oman. Dubai, of course, is great but it is just a big international city. In South Asia it would be Columbo, Sri Lanka. In the Far East all of Japan was great but if I had to pick it would be Hakodate and Kobe, Japan followed by Ha Long Bay, Vietnam and Singapore.
Politically my biggest surprise was how strong the Chinese influence is in many of the countries especially West Africa. The situation in these countries is very sad. It is to much to discuss here but basically the vast majority of people live in extreme poverty with the few people in power selling off the resources of the country to China to enrich themselves. The Chinese then move their people in to gain land and resources at the expense of the local population.
Another surprise and disappointment was what I saw in San Diego and San Francisco. The downtown streets are lined with tents and cardboard boxes housing the homeless. There were many many more than I saw in even the poorest countries we visited. I am not going to get into the reasons I think this is happening but there is definitely something wrong in these cities and it needs to be fixed.
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woolfpuppy · 1 year
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I was in Cartagena recently, and had many cute pictures of me taken. However I will share these two because it’s so endearing to me that my friend thought my delighted reaction to food and drink was cute and worth photographing.
We went to celebrate a friends birthday! She found this amazing linen suit (see below) and the shop tailored it for her the day she bought it, so she could wear it at birthday dinner! Total highlight of the trip that she found such a gorgeous outfit.
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here’s a slightly cuter one of me because I am a little vain and want to memorize that indeed I was looking good.
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WHO's Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health.
The combined effects of ambient and household air pollution cause approximately 7 million deaths each year. 99% of the world's population breathes air that exceeds the WHO Guidelines, according to this Organization's data. It is low- and middle-income countries that face exposure to the highest concentrations. The Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health will be, in this context, a great opportunity to present the region's progress in the initiative to eliminate the use of polluting fuels in homes and in the actions developed to address air pollution as a risk factor for non-communicable diseases.
The event, which includes pre- and post-conference sessions on March 24 and 28, will bring together ministers of health, environment and energy, as well as officials from national, intergovernmental and development agencies. The Second Conference aims to highlight solutions needed to reduce ambient air pollution and lack of access to clean household energy, strengthen policy and technical cooperation among stakeholders, as well as help catalyze evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions aimed at preventing disease, saving lives, improving public health, boosting sustainable economic development and mitigating climate change.
Colombia, as a co-host country of the Conference, is also one of the regional leaders for air pollution response. In 2023, the country hosted the first AirQ+ regional expert group meeting and is advancing a broad application of the tool in the country.
367,000 deaths per year from air pollution in the Americas
Air pollution is one of the main environmental risk factors for noncommunicable diseases and exposure to these pollutants can weaken the immune system, making people more susceptible to communicable diseases. It has been shown, for example, that exposure to household air pollution causes noncommunicable diseases such as stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. In addition, the use of biomass for cooking and exposure to fumes and particulate matter is associated with respiratory infections and inadequate living conditions, which exacerbate the burden of disease from noncommunicable diseases in the region.
In the Americas, 367,000 deaths are caused by air pollution each year, and there is growing evidence linking ambient and household air pollution to various health problems.
PAHO's response to this problem is strong: it is necessary to reduce inequities and the burden of disease attributable to air pollution. To this end, the elimination initiative includes the elimination of biomass for cooking as one of the environmental health risk factors. Thus, PAHO's Departments of Social and Environmental Determinants for Health Equity and Noncommunicable Diseases are joining efforts to reduce exposure to air pollution as one of the risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.
Both PAHO departments, together with the country offices, lead the development of integrated roadmaps on air quality, mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants and health at the national and local levels. In addition, PAHO has worked in coordination with the countries in the development or adjustment of air quality and health regulations; in the implementation of health impact assessment tools, such as BARHAP and AirQ+, with example exercises such as those carried out in Quito and Barranquilla; and in capacity building through the region's AirQ+ Expert Group, among other actions.
PAHO calls on the entire community of the Americas to actively collaborate in promoting solutions to improve air quality and to join this global effort to protect the health and well-being of our communities. Everyone's participation is essential to achieve cleaner and healthier air for future generations.
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The Conference will be held March 24-28, 2025 in Cartagena, Colombia.
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travelsbliss · 23 days
Best Places to Visit in Cartagena, Colombia: A Guide for U.S. Travelers Are you ready to explore the jewel of Colombia's Caribbean coast? Cartagena, with its colorful colonial architecture, vibrant culture, and stunning beaches, is a must-visit destination for travelers. This guide is perfect for U.S. travelers eager to discover the best places in Cartagena. Whether you're walking through the historic walled city, visiting the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, or relaxing on the Rosario Islands, Cartagena offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and relaxation. 🏰🇨🇴 📍 Discover Cartagena: Best Places to Visit in Cartagena, Colombia - A Guide for U.S. Travelers
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odilletours · 2 months
Puerto Plata Agencias de viajes
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Start Your Odyssey with Odille Services Tours
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thatssosussex · 1 month
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Colombia Day 3- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited, and took a stroll in the historic village of San Basilio de Palenque. They began their visit with a special tour of San Basilio de Palenque. Upon arrival, they were greeted by a performance of the Colombian national anthem by local students, followed by a series of speeches and performances by Palenque’s community leaders. Each speaker expressed their gratitude for the visit and highlighted the significance of preserving Palenquen culture and historical landmarks, which are vital to Colombia’s heritage. The visit continued with a stroll through the town, where locals cheered, children danced, and Prince Harry and Meghan explored the vibrant street market. (8/17/24)
⁣The history of San Basilio de Palenque:⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣The village San Basilio de Palenque, with a population of about 3,500 inhabitants, is located in the foothills of the Montes de María, southeast of the regional capital, Cartagena. San Basilio de Palenque was one of the walled communities called palenques, which were founded by escaped slaves as a refuge in the seventeenth century. Of the many palenques that existed in former times, only San Basilio has survived until the present day. It developed into a unique cultural space.⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣The Cultural Space of San Basilio de Palenque encompasses social, medical and religious practices as well as musical and oral traditions, many of which have African roots. The social organization of the community is based on family networks and age groups called ma kuagro. The kuagro membership comes with a set of rights and duties towards other group members and entails strong internal solidarity. Daily work and special events are jointly undertaken by all kuagro members.⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣The complex funeral rituals and medical practices are evidence of the distinct spiritual and cultural systems framing life and death in the Palenque community. Musical expressions such as the Bullernege sentado, Son palenquero or Son de negro accompany collective celebrations, such as baptisms, weddings and religious festivities as well as leisure activities.⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣Central to the cultural space of San Basilio de Palenque is the palenquero language, the only creole language in Latin America with a lexical Spanish basis and grammatical characteristics of Bantu languages. The language constitutes a vital factor in reinforcing social cohesion among community members. ⁣⁣
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bbumtravel · 3 months
The Heroic City
Cartagena, located on the northern coast of Colombia, is a vibrant and historic city with a rich cultural heritage and stunning Caribbean beaches. Here's a detailed introduction to Cartagena:
Location and Geography: Cartagena is situated in the Bolívar Department on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. It is the country's fifth-largest city and a major port on the Caribbean Sea. The city is characterized by its picturesque colonial architecture, vibrant streets, and nearby islands with white sandy beaches.
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History: Founded in 1533 by Spanish conquistadors, Cartagena quickly became an important port city in the Spanish Empire. It served as a key hub for trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, making it a target for pirates and privateers during the colonial era. The city's historic center, known as the Ciudad Vieja (Old City), is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture and fortifications.
Ciudad Vieja (Old City): Explore the narrow cobblestone streets, colorful colonial buildings, and historic squares of Cartagena's Old City. Highlights include the Clock Tower (Torre del Reloj), Plaza de Bolívar, and the Cathedral of Cartagena.
San Felipe de Barajas Castle: This impressive fortress, built by the Spanish in the 17th century, offers panoramic views of the city and the Caribbean Sea. It played a crucial role in defending Cartagena against attacks.
Rosario Islands: A short boat ride from Cartagena, the Rosario Islands are a group of picturesque islands known for their coral reefs and clear turquoise waters, ideal for snorkeling, diving, and relaxation.
Bocagrande: The modern district of Cartagena, Bocagrande is home to luxury hotels, shopping malls, and bustling nightlife. Its beaches offer a contrast to the historic center.
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Culture and Cuisine: Cartagena's culture is a vibrant mix of African, indigenous, and Spanish influences. The city hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, including the Cartagena International Music Festival and the Hay Festival of Literature and Arts. The cuisine of Cartagena features a variety of seafood dishes, tropical fruits, and traditional Colombian flavors.
Activities and Tourism:
City Tours: Guided tours of Cartagena offer insights into its history, culture, and architecture. Walking tours of the Old City are particularly popular.
Water Sports: Enjoy activities such as sailing, jet skiing, and windsurfing along the coast of Cartagena or on the Rosario Islands.
Shopping: Cartagena is known for its vibrant markets and shops selling handmade crafts, jewelry, and local artwork.
Accessibility and Climate: Cartagena is easily accessible via Rafael Núñez International Airport, which connects the city to major cities in Colombia and international destinations. The city enjoys a tropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round and a rainy season from May to November.
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In summary, Cartagena is a captivating destination that blends colonial charm with Caribbean beauty, offering visitors a rich cultural experience, stunning architecture, and opportunities for relaxation and adventure along Colombia's Caribbean coast
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picesworkkpices · 8 months
Luxury Cartagena Yacht and Boat Rentals: Embark on an Unforgettable Maritime Adventure.
Welcome to Cartagena, where the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea beckon travelers to indulge in a world of luxury and exploration. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning coastal landscapes, Cartagena sets the stage for an unforgettable maritime adventure. Whether you're dreaming of a lavish yacht excursion or a leisurely boat ride along the coast, Cartagena offers a diverse array of options to suit your every desire. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of Cartagena yacht and boat rentals, highlighting the top experiences and must-visit destinations that will elevate your journey to new heights.
Cartagena Yacht Rental: Experience Luxury on the High Seas:
Immerse yourself in opulence with a Cartagena yacht rental, where every detail is meticulously crafted to provide the ultimate indulgence.
Choose from a selection of luxurious vessels, ranging from sleek motor yachts to elegant sailing yachts, each equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and personalized service.
Enjoy the freedom to explore Cartagena's pristine coastline and secluded islands in style, with expert crew members catering to your every need.
Cartagena Boat Rental: Discover the Coastal Charms at Your Own Pace:
For a more intimate experience, opt for a Cartagena boat rental and chart your own course along the sun-kissed shores of the Caribbean.
Select from a variety of vessels, including speedboats, catamarans, and traditional sailboats, perfect for romantic cartagena boat rentalgetaways, family adventures, or group outings.
Cruise along the tranquil waters of Cartagena Bay or venture further afield to discover hidden beaches, secluded coves, and vibrant marine life.
Must-Visit Destinations: Explore Cartagena's Coastal Gems:
Set sail for the enchanting Rosario Islands, a pristine archipelago renowned for its crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and white sandy beaches.
Discover the historic charm of Barú Island, where you can unwind on secluded stretches of shoreline or explore the vibrant underwater world through snorkeling and diving excursions.
Cruise past iconic landmarks such as the San Felipe de Barajas Castle and the Bocagrande skyline, offering breathtaking views of Cartagena's rich history and modern allure.
Embark on a journey of luxury and discovery with Cartagena yacht and boat rentals, where every moment promises to be a cherished memory. Whether you're seeking the thrill of adventure or the serenity of relaxation, Cartagena offers a maritime experience like no other. So, set sail into the sunset and let the beauty of Cartagena's coastal paradise captivate your soul. Your adventure awaits on the shimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea.
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thestylishnomadic · 8 months
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bombatours · 8 months
Exploring the Hidden Gems: Guided ATV Tours in Cartagena
Unleashing the Adventure:
Cartagena's Guided ATV Tours provide an off-road adventure that takes you beyond the typical tourist paths. Riding on all-terrain vehicles allows you to reach places inaccessible by traditional transportation. The tours cater to both beginners and experienced riders, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Scenic Landscapes and Hidden Beaches:
As you rev up your ATV, get ready to be captivated by the diverse landscapes Cartagena has to offer. The tours often take you through lush jungles, offshore fishing charters Cartagena rolling hills, and serene beaches. The scenic beauty of the surroundings is a stark contrast to the bustling city life, providing a refreshing escape into nature.
One of the highlights is the exploration of hidden beaches that are not easily accessible by foot or conventional vehicles. Riding along the coastline, you'll discover pristine stretches of sand, crystal-clear waters, and the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore. These secluded spots offer a perfect setting for a refreshing swim or a relaxing break amidst nature.
Historical Marvels:
Cartagena is a city steeped in history, and the guided ATV tours seamlessly blend adventure with a cultural journey. The routes often lead to historical sites, allowing riders to explore ancient forts, colonial architecture, and archaeological wonders. Riding through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll witness the charm of colonial-era plazas, vibrant buildings, and centuries-old churches.
Expert Guides:
The guided ATV tours in Cartagena are led by experienced and knowledgeable guides who not only ensure your safety but also enrich your journey with fascinating stories and insights. These guides share the city's history, folklore, and hidden anecdotes, providing a deeper understanding of the cultural tapestry woven into the landscapes you traverse.
Sunset Rides:
For a truly magical experience, opt for a sunset ATV tour. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Cartagena, the city takes on a dreamlike quality. Riding through the city streets and along the coastline during this golden hour is a breathtaking experience, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
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