#top destinations in Colombia
travelernight · 1 month
Colombia`s Magic: Explore 10 Captivating Destinations That Will Enchant You
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h-o-timeline · 11 months
Love On Tour, Music In Numbers
Now that the greatest show on Earth is over, let's check the data for a moment.
Most popular song: "Kiwi", played 171 times.
Least popular songs: "Sweet Creature" and "Ever Since New York" each played only once.
Most popular show opener: "Daydreaming", played as opening 77 times.
Most popular main set closer: "Love of My Life", closed the main set 92 times.
Most popular show closer: "Kiwi", ended the show almost every time (167 times), except for the São Paulo concert on December 13 (where "Fine Line" was the final song) and the final concert in Reggio Emilia, where Harry finished with a special song written for the fans.
Most played album: "Harry's House." Harry played songs from his third album 1296 times.
Least played album: "Harry Styles." Obviously, since the tour was to support his second and third albums, he played songs from his first the least amount of times (480 times).
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Photo credits: @/amymariephoto (on Twitter), @/lifewithlaurel (on Twitter), and @/photosbycat (on Twitter).
Now, talking about other artists...
Most popular cover: "What Makes You Beautiful," by One Direction, was played at every single show (169 times).
Most popular guest: Wet Leg sang with Harry on stage twice, at the same show, during the Portugal concert on July 18, 2023.
Now, locations...
Top 3 destinations for Love On Tour were the United States (86 shows), the United Kingdom (15 shows), and Germany (10 shows). The least visited countries were Chile, Colombia, Czechia, Hungary, South Korea, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines, Sweden, Singapore, and Thailand - they all only got one show each.
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apricitystudies · 2 years
what i read in june 2022:
(previous editions) bold = favourite
class, race, & labour
how white feminists and elites appropriated slavery, and still do
love song to costco
why are we all working so hard if it isn't making us richer?
guaranteed next-day deliveries in south korea are coming at a heavy price
undrinkable water and casual racism (australia)
white parents rallied to chase a black educator out of town. then, they followed her to the next one (usa)
gender & sexuality
lesbian women tell us how straight men just can’t let them be
what the sexual violence of game of thrones begot
‘women are treated like walking incubators’: malta’s fight for abortion
thailand is a top destination for gender confirmation surgery. its success is a symptom of western failure
the history of fetishising asian women (usa)
roe v. wade
‘i was worried i had been permanently mutilated’: what abortion was like before roe v wade
roe v. wade defined an era. the supreme court just started a new one
women of colour react to scotus decision overturning abortion rights
politics & climate change
marcos jr’s popularity shows lasting appeal of strongman leaders in the philippines
in 10 years, we may no longer be here (malaysia)
private prisons are a very australian problem
colombia’s shift to the left: a new ‘pink tide’ in latin america?
history, culture, & media
they bent to their knees and kissed the sand (uk, chagos)
the king of kowloon: my search for the cult graffiti prophet of hong kong
the anxiety of influencers
a universe of magazines (singapore)
how hollywood validates the myth of the good guy with a gun
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icecold24k · 3 months
¡Hola! My Spanish Journey: From Beginner to B1, Learning the Language and Embracing the Culture.
Hello everyone, my name is Jeffery, and I have a fascination for learning Spanish. It's almost like an unhealthy addiction for me, but in a good way. I've been studying Spanish for about 3 years now, and I currently find myself at a level between B1 and B2. I feel like I've come a long way, but the process has been quite slow.
I chose to learn Spanish because, for some reason, I've always been interested in the Spanish language and the culture of Latin America, encompassing all the countries in South America. My desire to learn Spanish probably dates back to high school, but I never knew where to even begin. However, with all the technology available today, such as YouTube and various language learning apps, there's absolutely no excuse for me not to pursue my dream.
About three years ago, I started using an app called DuoLingo to begin my Spanish learning journey. It really helped me build a basic foundation of the language, learning vocabulary and proper sentence structure. I felt like I was on top of the world, making significant progress and breezing through my lessons, until reality hit me when I had to start grappling with all the different conjugations. It was at this point that I became overwhelmed and realized I needed some outside help.
That's when I stumbled upon a website called Italki. Here, you can hire online teachers from all around the world to learn whatever language you desire. I hired a professional teacher from Mexico and also found a tutor from Colombia. Both of them have been truly amazing, helping me learn so much in a short amount of time. While learning through apps is great, the experience of talking to actual native speakers has been priceless. With their help, I swiftly progressed from a level A1 to B1, and my pronunciation has improved significantly. I would definitely recommend Italki to anyone learning a language and seeking real-world speaking experience.
I have many goals for the future that this journey will help me achieve. I hope to someday visit many countries in South America, conversing with native Spanish speakers on almost any topic without struggling to express myself. I aim to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, engaging with locals, and delving into the true culture South America has to offer, avoiding the touristy areas where large crowds tend to flock.
Here's where you guys can help! To my followers and future followers, I invite you to share your language learning experiences, regardless of the language. It doesn't have to be Spanish. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, share tips that could aid me on this journey, and please, offer your support because I truly need it as well.
I'm very excited to embark on this blogging journey, hoping to create engaging content and receive valuable tips and feedback from everyone, which can benefit anyone currently learning a language and feeling discouraged. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, and I extend an invitation for you to join me on this journey. I'm thrilled to have you with me in the future.
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female-malice · 8 months
“We are trying to show that the US is the easiest place to hide dirty money, which is a major problem not just in terms of national security, drug trafficking and kleptocratic corruption but also environmental crime,” said Ian Gary, the executive director of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (Fact) Coalition, which produced the report.
For the first time in 2021, the US came top in the world financial secrecy index released by the Tax Justice Networks, as a result of money laundering and gaps in its financial transparency laws.
The report identifies two principal flaws in the US regulation of financial flows from other countries: permissive rules on identification that allow the use of anonymous shell companies; and gaping holes in the anti-money-laundering framework that enable estate agents and refineries to accept payments without checking and disclosing the origin of funds.
Earlier this year, the Igarapé Institute estimated that environmental crime in the Amazon generated annual profits of between $110bn and $281bn, though it has been a relatively low priority for financial authorities in Latin America. Investigations by the Insight Crime website suggest the problem may be growing as links build between environmental crime, narco-trafficking and money-laundering networks in Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.
The Fact report urges the US to take more responsibility because it is the primary destination for illegal funds, followed by the UK and its crown dependencies such as the Cayman Islands.
Among its recommendations are for the US administration to establish anti-money-laundering obligations in the real estate market, to provide support for Amazon nations to improve financial oversight, and to implement the Corporate Transparency Act, which would establish a database of true “beneficial” owners of all companies. It also calls on the US Congress to pass the Forest Act, which would add illegal deforestation to the US money-laundering statute.
“The US needs to step up,” Gary said. “Our report shows the importance of the US cleaning up its own financial secrecy house and the need to collaborate with law enforcement partners in the Amazon region to combat illegal financial flows … for the US to have such financial secrecy is a problem for the whole world.” (continue reading)
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darshanaaa7 · 10 months
Coffee aficionado
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Coffee is so much more than just a drink; it's a way of life. You may receive an introduction to how vast and varied the world of coffee actually is by looking through some of the top coffee blogs available.Perhaps you're a newbie whose crush is quickly developing into something more serious. Or perhaps you're a connoisseur with a hunger for information about brewing methods. Many of these blogs have experienced it, and they zealously offer advice, comparisons, and experiments that will have you producing excellent craft beers in no time. Some other blogs, which concentrate on coffee-forward international travel itineraries and coffee destinations and introduce you to the people behind them, are driven by the social side of coffee. Coffee and community go hand in hand.
Certainly! Coffee is a popular and beloved beverage enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Its rich history, diverse varieties, cultivation methods, and health effects make it a fascinating subject for a blog post. Here's some information you can include in your blog about coffee:
1. History and Origins: Coffee's history dates back centuries to the ancient coffee forests of Ethiopia. The legend of the discovery of coffee by a goat herder named Kaldi adds a charming touch to its origins. Coffee cultivation and trade spread from Africa to the Middle East and eventually to Europe and the rest of the world.
2. Coffee Varieties: There are two main species of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are known for their nuanced flavors and aromatic qualities, while Robusta beans are often used in espresso blends due to their higher caffeine content and bold flavor.
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3. Coffee Growing Regions: Coffee is grown in various regions around the world, each imparting unique flavors to the beans. Some well-known coffee-growing countries include Ethiopia, Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Indonesia. The concept of "terroir" is relevant here, as the soil, climate, and altitude influence the final flavor profile of the coffee.
4. Coffee Processing: After coffee cherries are harvested, they undergo processing to extract the beans. Different methods, such as washed, natural, and honey processes, affect the flavor and characteristics of the coffee. This is a crucial step in determining the final taste of the brew.
5. Roasting: Roasting is an art that transforms green coffee beans into the aromatic, flavorful beans used for brewing. The roast level impacts the coffee's taste, with lighter roasts preserving more of the bean's origin flavors and darker roasts producing bolder, smokier notes.
6. Brewing Methods: There are numerous ways to brew coffee, each influencing the taste and texture of the final cup. Some popular methods include drip brewing, French press, pour-over, espresso, AeroPress, and cold brew. Each method extracts different compounds from the coffee grounds, resulting in distinct flavors.
7. Coffee and Health: Coffee has been studied extensively for its potential health effects. It contains antioxidants and can be linked to various benefits, such as improved cognitive function, enhanced physical performance, and a reduced risk of certain diseases. However, excessive consumption can lead to negative effects like insomnia, jitteriness, and digestive issues.
8. Coffee Culture: Coffee has a significant cultural impact worldwide. It's not just a beverage; it's often a social experience. Cafés and coffeehouses are gathering places for people to relax, work, and connect. Different cultures have their own unique coffee traditions and rituals.
9. Sustainable Coffee: As the coffee industry grows, concerns about environmental sustainability and fair labor practices have become more important. Fair trade and direct trade practices aim to ensure that coffee farmers receive fair compensation for their work and that the environment is protected.
10. Coffee Trends: The coffee world is always evolving. Trends like specialty coffee, single-origin beans, and alternative milk options (such as almond, oat, and soy milk) have gained popularity. Staying up to date with these trends can help you understand the current coffee landscape.
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Mexico City Police Seize 1.6 Tons of Cocaine
Mexico City police announced the single-biggest cocaine bust in the capital’s history, seizing 1.6 tons of the drug from two freight trucks.
Police chief Omar Garcia Harfuch said Tuesday the confiscated cocaine had a street value of about $20 million in Mexico.
But Mexico City’s top cop said only part of the shipment had been destined for the capital, with the rest heading north across the US border to Los Angeles.
The cocaine apparently was sent to Mexico from Colombia and landed at a port on the Pacific coast of the southern state of Oaxaca, the chief said.
The Mexican newspaper El Pais reported that the drugs were stashed in secret compartments inside the trucks.
He said a third vehicle was escorting the two trucks, and four Colombians were arrested in connection with the seizure — three of them with prior criminal records.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Top Medical Tourism Destinations for Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with the rise of medical tourism, more and more people are traveling to other countries to receive cosmetic procedures. The following are some of the top medical tourism destinations for cosmetic surgery:
Thailand is a popular destination for cosmetic surgery due to its high-quality medical facilities and skilled surgeons. The country is also known for its affordable prices, which can be up to 50% less than in other countries. Some of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Thailand include breast augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty.
Brazil is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, but it is also a top destination for cosmetic surgery. The country is home to many experienced plastic surgeons who specialize in a wide range of procedures, including breast augmentation, tummy tucks, and facelifts. Brazil is also known for its body contouring procedures, such as the Brazilian butt lift.
South Korea
South Korea is known for its advanced technology and skilled medical professionals, which makes it a top destination for cosmetic surgery. The country is particularly popular for its facial procedures, such as double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty. South Korea is also home to many high-tech medical facilities and clinics, making it a safe and comfortable destination for medical tourists.
Mexico is a popular destination for Americans seeking cosmetic surgery due to its close proximity and affordable prices. Many clinics in Mexico offer a wide range of procedures, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and facelifts. The country is also known for its experienced and skilled surgeons.
Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourists in recent years due to its affordable prices and high-quality medical facilities. The country is particularly popular for hair transplant procedures, but it also offers a range of cosmetic surgeries, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. Many clinics in Turkey also offer all-inclusive packages that include accommodations and transportation.
India is another popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery. The country is home to many experienced plastic surgeons who specialize in a wide range of procedures, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. The cost of cosmetic surgery in India is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an affordable option for those seeking high-quality care.
Colombia has become a popular destination for cosmetic surgery due to its reputation for producing some of the best plastic surgeons in the world. The country is particularly known for its body contouring procedures, such as liposuction and tummy tucks, as well as breast augmentation and facelifts. Colombia is also home to many modern medical facilities and clinics, making it a safe and comfortable destination for medical tourists.
Malaysia is a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its modern medical facilities and affordable prices. The country is particularly known for its expertise in cosmetic dentistry, as well as facial and body contouring procedures. Malaysia is also a popular destination for medical tourists seeking post-operative care, as many clinics offer all-inclusive packages that include accommodations and transportation.
Dubai has become a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its high-quality medical facilities and skilled surgeons. The country is particularly known for its expertise in cosmetic dentistry, as well as hair transplant and rhinoplasty procedures. Dubai is also a popular destination for medical tourists seeking luxury accommodations and amenities, making it a popular choice for those seeking a comfortable and luxurious experience.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica has become a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its affordable prices and skilled surgeons. The country is particularly known for its expertise in dental procedures, as well as body contouring procedures such as liposuction and tummy tucks. Costa Rica is also known for its beautiful landscapes and eco-tourism, making it a popular choice for those seeking a relaxing and scenic recovery.
Spain is a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its high-quality medical facilities and skilled surgeons. The country is particularly known for its expertise in facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty and facelifts, as well as breast augmentation and liposuction. Spain is also a popular destination for medical tourists seeking a cultural experience, as the country is home to many historic landmarks and attractions.
Hungary is a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its affordable prices and high-quality medical facilities. The country is particularly known for its expertise in dental procedures, as well as body contouring procedures such as liposuction and tummy tucks. Hungary is also a popular destination for medical tourists seeking a cultural experience, as the country is home to many historic landmarks and attractions.
The Philippines has become a popular destination for medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery due to its affordable prices and skilled surgeons. The country is particularly known for its expertise in facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty and facelifts, as well as breast augmentation and liposuction. The Philippines is also known for its beautiful beaches and natural landscapes, making it a popular choice for those seeking a relaxing and scenic recovery.
In conclusion, there are many countries around the world that offer affordable and high-quality cosmetic surgery options for medical tourists. When choosing a destination, it is important to thoroughly research the country and the clinic, and to work with a reputable medical tourism agency to ensure a safe and successful experience. With proper planning and research, medical tourism can offer a cost-effective and high-quality alternative to cosmetic surgery in one's home country.
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Travel Demand For Brazil Is Skyrocketing – Here’s Why Americans Love It
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Brazil may be the largest country by territorial extension in South America, home to a plethora of natural landmarks that need to be seen to be believed, and a vibrant multicultural scene. Despite its huge size and potential, it is not the most sought-after destination in the continent, being easily overshadowed by Argentina, Colombia, and Chile in terms of arrival numbers – but this could soon change.
According to the latest survey carried out by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, which tracks tourism trends across the country’s top destinations, Brazil hosted more than 3.63 international tourists in 2022, still lower than the pre-pandemic levels of around 5 million, but a 500% increase compared to 2021.
Compared to 2019, the South American giant remains 43% below expected levels, but this sharp rebound is laudable, nonetheless. Despite never shutting down its borders for inbound travelers for the best part of the pandemic, Brazil took a hard hit from COVID, scaring away potential customers as deaths soared and infections spiraled out of control.
Continue reading.
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What is Best Vacation Rental in Cartagena Colombia?
Cartagena, South Americas most visited tourist destination on the Colombia’s Caribbean coast is popular for its colorful houses, cobblestone streets, and rich historical sites. Cartagena is considered as one of the most beautiful tourist destination in the Caribbean region. The tourist friendly person in Colombia and world famous restaurants along with amazing tourist sites encourages tourist & vacationers for a memorable vacation in Colombo’s Caribbean coast region. Top tourist attraction in Cartagena de Indias includes Rosario Islands, Torre del Reloj, San Basilio de Palenque, archipelago of San Bernardo, Cartagena’s Cathedral, Totumo volcano, Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, Playa Blanca, Plaza Santo Domingo, horse carriage ride, Getsemani, Plaza Bolivar, nightlife, street performances, and street food safari.
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Tourist to the Colombian port city finds abundance of luxury vacation rentals to stay comfortably near the beautiful beach. Wide range of vacation accommodation like condos, beach houses, penthouse, hotel, cabin, cottage, beach resorts and villas in Cartagena are loaded with all amenities to provide relaxing setting with the view of the Caribbean Sea. Cartagena Dream Rentals provide luxury Cartagena Penthouse Rentals by Owner at an affordable cost to explore beautiful and romantic port city of Cartagena, Colombia. This vacation rental is nestled right in middle of tourist sites, shopping centers and excellent dining restaurants. The jaw dropping view from the terrace with whirlpool provides relaxing surrounding. This fully equipped Cartagena Group Vacation Penthouse with the Caribbean ambiance, ultra-modern services & facilities, and fully equipped kitchen, and total privacy is best bet for group vacationers. As, the space and facilities make these penthouse ideal venues for party, functions, events or reunion. The games room, gym, recreational room, and the mesmerizing view of the sea & surroundings entertain all types of visitors in these penthouse rentals.    
People admire Cartagena colonial architecture, colorful buildings, cobblestone streets, horse carriage rides, La Ciudad Amurallada, and San Basilio de Palenque. San Basilio de Palenque or Palenke is the village in Bolivar and the UNESCO World Heritage Site just situated outside the walled city of Cartagena. Tourists start there exploration of beautiful beaches, cafes, restaurants, and islands in Cartagena with the Old City, home to Torre del Reloj, Plaza Bolivar, Plaza Aduana, and Plaza Santo Domingo. Castillo de San Felipe De Barajas (San Felipe Barajas Castle) is the historical landmark and Spanish fortress now the vibrant tourist site is explored by visitors and vacationers. Tourist friendly locals, street food and nightlife provide the unique Colombian ambiance. Playa Blanca is one of the most stunning white sand beach and hot spot for tourist in Cartagena Bolivar in Colombia. Thus you can plan your travel itinerary to the picturesque coastal port city for excellent vacation experience in Caribbean Colombian Coast.
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pallas-cat · 2 years
top travel destinations when pandemic is gone(lmao) not in order are
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cartagenadreams · 15 days
Colombia Top Souvenirs To Buy - Cartagena Dreams
Colombia, a vibrant and beautiful city is a well-known destination for travelers and is known for its amazing coffee but there are other important things to buy as well.
Read blog to know more!
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weinfashion · 23 days
All-Over Print Recycled High-Waisted Bikini
Our All-Over Print Recycled High-Waisted Bikini is destined to become the only swimsuit you want to reach for in your drawer! The bottoms are high-waisted, and the top has removable pads. Both come with a tear-away care label. These features make it comfortable and flattering on many different body types. The only thing this swimwear gem is missing is your beautiful designs. Get it for yourself, a friend, or sell it on your online store.
Click here for buy
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Fabric composition in the EU: 88% recycled polyester, 12% elastane
* Fabric weight in the EU (may vary by 5%): 6.78 oz./yd.² (230 g/m²)
*Fabric composition in MX: 81% REPREVE recycled polyester, 19% LYCRA XTRALIFE 
*Fabric weight in MX (may vary by 5%): 7.52 oz./yd.² (255g/m²)
UPF50+ protection
Customizable inside label on both pieces (1″ × 2.5″, 2.54 × 6.35 cm)
Double layered and non-reversible
Removable padding
Fabric is OEKO-TEX 100 standard certified
Single-color customizable inside layer
Tear-away care label 
Fabric is Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified
Zig-zag stitching
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Blank product components in the EU sourced from Spain, Germany, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lithuania
Blank product components in MX sourced from Colombia, Taiwan, and China
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gaiafertility · 1 month
Why surrogacy in Colombia is rated highly on medical excellence?
Surrogacy is that one practice that does offer equal opportunities for everyone to achieve their parenthood goals irrespective of their sexual orientation. That said, surrogacy in Colombia has emerged as one of the top surrogacy destinations, primarily due to its superior medical facilities. This post examines Colombia's reputation as a top surrogacy destination, emphasizing the high quality of medical care offered there.
Ensuring higher quality of medical services
A country is as good as the quality of its medical infrastructure for not only the locals, but the people visiting there. That said, surrogacy in Colombia is proud of its internationally acclaimed high standards in the healthcare system. The nation offers a combination of public and private healthcare options, with numerous private hospitals and clinics providing top-notch medical care. These facilities are manned by highly qualified professionals and furnished with the newest medical technology.
Standards and Accreditation: International health organisations have accredited a large number of Colombian hospitals and clinics. Thus, in terms of patient care, safety, and medical procedures, they either meet or surpass international standards. This kind of accreditation guarantees prospective parents that their child(ren) will receive excellent medical care.
State of the art Medical Technology: Colombian healthcare facilities are furnished with cutting-edge facilities and resources. These resources, which range from cutting-edge imaging devices to the newest IVF tools, are necessary for the success of surrogacy procedures. Modern technology makes sure that every stage of the surrogacy procedure is managed carefully and precisely.
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Top of the line IVF expertise
IVF does hold a key part in the overall surrogacy journey even within this part of the world. Colombia's high surrogacy rating is largely due to the proficiency of its medical personnel, including nurses and doctors. Moreover, particularly in reproductive medicine, medical professionals offering surrogacy for lgbt couples in Colombia are renowned for their outstanding training and experience.
Reproductive health professionals and IVF technicians who work with surrogates frequently have specialised training in these areas. Many have graduated from prestigious colleges and medical schools across the globe, bringing a global perspective to their practice in Colombia.
At the same time, the high success rates of Colombian IVF and surrogacy clinics are indicative of their experience. In-depth education and practical experience work together to guarantee the best care possible for intended parents and raise the likelihood of a successful pregnancy
End to end support at every phase
Surrogacy is a journey that often demands end to end support from every participant within the procedure. For both the intended parents and the surrogate mother in Colombia, this country provides all-encompassing care and support during the surrogacy process. In addition to being medical, this support is also logistical and emotional.
Holistic Approach: Colombian surrogacy centers provide care that is both physically and psychologically needed. This guarantees that everyone involved feels supported throughout the process by giving intended parents and surrogate mother in Colombia access to counseling services, dietary guidance, and stress management support.
Constant Monitoring: Throughout the pregnancy, the surrogate's health and the health of the unborn child are closely watched. Check-ups, ultrasounds, and other required tests are performed on a regular basis to make sure everything is going according to plan. This ongoing care aids in seeing possible problems early on and taking appropriate action.
Keeping up with the legal framework of the country
Colombia is a country that is very specific with the rules and regulations around every aspect of life here. Moreover, Colombia is more desirable as a surrogacy destination because it has created a clear surrogacy laws in Colombia. The intended parents, the surrogate, and the child's rights are all intended to be safeguarded by the legal procedures.
Unambiguous Legal Guidelines: To guarantee that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations, the Colombian legal system offers unambiguous guidelines for surrogacy agreements. This clarity guarantees a seamless process from beginning to end and helps to avoid legal complexities.
Ethical Standards: Surrogacy in Colombia does prioritize ethical issues. On the other side, the surrogate's rights and welfare are safeguarded, guaranteeing that she is fully informed and gives her consent. Fair compensation and ongoing support for the surrogate during the pregnancy are also guaranteed by ethical standards.
Keeping surrogacy affordable for everyone
You don’t have to spend a fortune while pursuing surrogacy in this part of the world. In addition to providing excellent healthcare, Colombia is renowned for being reasonably priced when considering other surrogacy locations. For many intended parents, the combination of quality and affordability makes it a desirable choice.
Surrogacy costs in Colombia are typically lower than in many Western countries, even with the country's high standards of medical care. It is a financially sensible choice for intended parents because of its affordability without sacrificing the standard of care.
Because of its location, intended parents from North America and Europe can easily visit Colombia. It is easy and convenient to travel to Colombia for surrogacy if you have good international flight connections.
Final words
No matter if you are pursuing surrogacy for lgbt couples in Colombia or else, the country comes as a perfect destination for everyone. Colombia has a great reputation for surrogacy, which is well-earned given its outstanding medical quality, knowledgeable staff, extensive care, tolerant legal system, and reasonable cost. These elements work together to make Colombia a desirable location for intended parents looking for a dependable and encouraging surrogacy experience.
Source: https://gaiafertilityuk.wixsite.com/blog/post/why-surrogacy-in-colombia-is-rated-highly-on-medical-excellence
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mainuddinhira2024 · 2 months
Your Ultimate Cartagena Travel Guide: Discover the Charm of Colombia's Caribbean Gem with Heart Rock Adventures
Welcome to Heart Rock Adventures, your go-to resource for exploring the enchanting city of Cartagena, Colombia. Nestled on the Caribbean coast, Cartagena is a city steeped in history, culture, and vibrant energy. With its colorful colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and lively atmosphere, Cartagena is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience in Colombia. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems, must-see attractions, and insider tips for exploring this captivating city.
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Why Visit Cartagena?
Cartagena's allure lies in its unique blend of old-world charm and modern amenities. Here's why you should add Cartagena to your travel bucket list:
Historic Old Town: Step back in time as you wander through Cartagena's well-preserved Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the colonial architecture, including the iconic walled city, vibrant plazas, and centuries-old churches.
Caribbean Vibes: With its picturesque beaches, turquoise waters, and tropical climate, Cartagena offers the perfect setting for sun-seekers and beach lovers. Relax on the golden sands of Playa Blanca, snorkel in the crystal-clear waters of the Rosario Islands, or soak up the vibrant atmosphere of Bocagrande Beach.
Cultural Riches: Immerse yourself in Cartagena's rich cultural heritage through its museums, art galleries, and cultural festivals. Discover the city's Afro-Caribbean roots, indigenous traditions, and Spanish influences through its music, dance, and cuisine.
Gastronomic Delights: Indulge your taste buds with Cartagena's diverse culinary scene, which showcases a fusion of Caribbean, Spanish, and Afro-Colombian flavors. From fresh seafood ceviche to traditional Colombian arepas, Cartagena is a food lover's paradise.
Vibrant Nightlife: Experience Cartagena come alive after dark with its buzzing nightlife scene. From salsa clubs and rooftop bars to beachside discos, there's no shortage of entertainment options to keep you dancing until the early hours.
Cartagena Travel Guide Blog:
Explore Cartagena like a local with our comprehensive travel guide. Here are some highlights to help you plan your perfect getaway:
Top Attractions: Discover the must-see sights and attractions in Cartagena, including the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, the Palace of the Inquisition, and the vibrant Plaza de la Trinidad.
Hidden Gems: Uncover Cartagena's hidden gems off the beaten path, from secret rooftop bars with panoramic views to hidden courtyards tucked away in the Old Town's labyrinthine streets.
Insider Tips: Get insider tips and recommendations from our local experts on where to eat, drink, shop, and explore in Cartagena. From the best street food stalls to the most Instagram-worthy photo spots, we've got you covered.
Day Trips: Venture beyond Cartagena's city limits with our guide to the best day trips and excursions. Explore the mangrove forests of La Boquilla, visit the historic town of Santa Cruz de Mompox, or embark on a sailing adventure to the Rosario Islands.
Safety and Practical Information: Stay informed and travel with confidence with our safety tips and practical information for navigating Cartagena. From transportation options to health and wellness resources, we'll ensure you have a smooth and worry-free experience.
Experience the magic of Cartagena with Heart Rock Adventures as your trusted guide. Whether you're a history buff, a beach bum, or a culture vulture, Cartagena has something for everyone. Start planning your Cartagena adventure today and let us help you create memories that will last a lifetime.
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the-yuanjian-blog · 3 months
Deyou Tape at Cologne Hardware Exhibition
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Germany Cologne Hardware Exhibition (EISENWARENMESSE) is currently the world’s largest and most influential hardware products professional exhibition, is one of the world’s largest hardware exhibitions. It attracts retailers, suppliers and buyers from related fields around the world to gather here. It has always been the preferred exhibition destination for manufacturers, distributors, buyers and decision makers in the hardware industry.
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As the industry’s top event, EISENWARENMESSE has naturally become the first choice for Chinese companies to go to the world hardware market. With its huge international influence, the exhibition is attracting more and more Chinese exhibitors.
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As one of the well-known aluminum foil tapes enterprises in China, our company participated in the 2024 Cologne Hardware Exhibition. In this exhibition, we met many customers from European countries, China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Turkey, India, Australia, Mexico, Colombia and other countries.
We have reached a good consensus with dozens of enterprises, established friendly cooperation with more than a dozen companies from all over the world, and promoted the high-quality Chinese products of De You Tape to the world.
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