#Castiel fanFic
bored-writer101 · 11 months
{Castiel X Reader} My Angel
A/N: this came to me in a dream and i had to write it. sorry for being kinda inactive :( writers block be a bitch. but i hope you guys enjoy this one shot i was finally able to write! :] (gender neutral reader)
Warnings: reader gets kidnapped but angels, castiel unalives them
Summary: You had fallen right into their trap. The angels were using you as bait to get Castiel. They made the mistake of underestimating him.
Words: 1009
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(not my gif)
Your scream bounced around the skull of his vessel like a ricocheting bullet. He abruptly stood from the chair he had been sitting in. The sudden movement caused Sam and Dean to look over at their angel friend. They eyed him curiously.
"You alright, man?" Dean asked, but before he could receive an answer, Castiel disappeared with a woosh of his wings. Dean turned to his brother. "What the hell was his problem?" Sam shrugged in response before looking back at his computer screen.
'Angels... Why did it have to be angels?' you thought.
You had fallen right into their trap. They wanted you to get to Castiel. Unfortunately for them, they were going to get just what they wanted.
"Castiel!" you called out for him again, and the angel in front of you laughed before smacking you across the face.
"Shut up. You already did your job."
The single lightbulb above your head suddenly popped, sinking the room into darkness. You heard shuffling footsteps before the sounds of punches landing. A few more moments of fighting before you heard the squish of a blade stabbing into flesh. A few feet away, three lights slowly emitted from the darkness. You could see a brief glimpse of the rage in Castiel's eyes as the angel died. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned away once it was too bright to bear.
Then it was silent. All you could hear was the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. The smell of blood wafted through the air. You sucked in a breath and held it. You heard footsteps come over to you and around to stand behind you. You felt hands tugging at the ropes that were tied around your wrists. You were still terrified even though you knew who it was.
"Castiel?" you asked, your voice wavering.
"I'm here," he said as he finally got the ropes untied.
You brought your hands into your lap and rubbed your sore wrists. Castiel rounded the chair you were sitting in. You heard shuffling as he knelt down in front of you. Your eyes were slowly adjusting in the dark. He reached out and gently held your hands in his. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles in an attempt to calm you down.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, reaching up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I-I don't know."
"It's alright. I'm going to make it all better," he said softly.
You felt two fingers press against your forehead. "Castiel, wait!" you reached up to grab his wrist and try to pull his hand away, but it was already too late.
You could feel the ache in your muscles subsiding. The tingling on your cheek from where the other angel had slapped you was gone. You could breathe evenly again. You pulled Castiel's hand down, and he let you; you were already healed. You could see a faint smile on his face through the darkness.
"I'm sorry-" he cut you off quick.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. This isn't your fault," he reassured you.
"I fell right into their trap. I should have seen it coming!" you insisted. "And your grace..." you added sadly.
"It doesn't matter. What matters now is that you're safe," he said as he cupped the side of your face.
You leaned into his touch. Your eyes fluttered close, but it wasn't much difference to the darkness that surrounded you.
"Let's get out of here," Castiel said.
His trench coat rustled as he stood. He held both your hands, and you knew what was coming next. Usually you'd protest him teleporting you, but you just wanted to be out of that room. You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for teleport and for the incessant questions you were sure to get from Sam and Dean. With a quiet whoosh of Castiel's wings, the two of you were out of that stuffy room.
You were surprised to smell fresh air. You shivered as the wind blew over you. You opened your eyes, and you're a bit disoriented when you realized you were standing. You stumbled on your shaky feet. Castiel was quick to place his hands around your waist to keep you upright. You put your hands on his shoulders for leverage as you tried to force your legs to work.
"I'm sorry. I thought you'd want to come back to the bunker instead of..." his voice trailed off.
"It's alright. I actually would rather be here. It's just, next time have me stand up beforehand," you said as you finally managed to regain your balance.
"My apologies. I'll remember that for next time."
"It's okay," you said with a chuckle, "Thank you for the rescue. I don't know what I'd do without my angel," you added.
You noticed the way his head cocked to the side at 'my angel.' You didn't even mean to say it, it just sort of came out. You hoping he doesn't acknowledge it.
"Your angel?" his pleased smile says he's not annoyed, but you can't help the embarrassment that burns your cheeks.
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean-" he cut you off before you could dig yourself into a hole with your rambling.
"I'd be your angel forever if you asked me to," he said smoothly.
Your jaw dropped open slightly at his words. He leaned in and kissed your cheek. You're sure he can feel the warmth against his lips. You closed your eyes when he kissed you, and you heard the flap of wings. Your hair was jostled by the gust of air. You opened your eyes to find him gone. You're left with your skin tingling with the rush of almost getting killed and then getting rescued by the angel you've had a crush on since you met him. You brought your hand up and gently touched the spot where his lips had kissed you. The next time the two of you were alone, you were definitely taking him up on his offer.
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bohemianblasphemy · 24 days
things castiel would do bc i said so ✨
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- oh castiel. you are such a cutie.
- before being with you, he would continuously stare at you from afar. he’d pine over you always thinking he was being subtle, but in reality he’d just sit or stand there gawking at you. if you’re speaking to him, he will be staring at you intensely to make sure you know that he’s listening.
- would use pebbling to show you he’s interested in you- but absolutely doesn’t know what to give you.
“y/n… i have got you something.”
*places a pair of sunglasses he found at a petrol station on the counter*
“thanks cas?”
- dean would witness his attempt and tell him to get you flowers, or something that related to your interests.
- he asks for advice from sam and dean about pursuing you, sam being actually helpful and dean just… being dean.
- when he’d ask you on a date, he couldn’t contain his happiness when you said yes (reminiscent of Ken in Barbie going around the corner yelling “SUBLIME!”)
- will watch rom-coms and replicate what he sees on the screen.
- your first kiss on my gosh… it was as if fireworks went off in his head. he couldn’t get enough and will kiss you at any given opportunity.
- very protective of you, like… astronomically protective.
- he’s quite affectionate and likes to be physically near you. loves to hold your hand, have a hand around your waist- just to feel your warmth against him.
- as he doesn’t sleep, he will watch over you- admiring your sleeping frame and listening to your heartbeat, holding you as you cuddle into him.
- this man… whew.
- he will need to be shown what to do, but once he gets the hang of it? you’re seeing stars, tasting colours.
- he’s a very gentle lover, so eager to please you. he constantly asks how you feel and if he’s doing good, doesn’t want to hurt you.
- he’s not super loud, but he will make grunts and moans as he cums.
- “is this okay? does it feel good? p-please tell me it feels good…”
“gosh… you feel s-so amazing…”
- he loves oral, giving and receiving, but he loves receiving more. don’t get me wrong he goes down and ravishes you like there’s no tomorrow. when he feels your mouth around his cock he gets so overstimulated but he cannot get enough of it and always wants more.
- praise kink praise kink praise kink. he worships your body and the things he’d say??? absolutely euphoric.
- uses his grace to pleasure you in many different ways. enough said.
- has pressed you against the wall pizza man style more than once (and it works every single time.)
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gococogo · 6 months
Hello would it be ok to have a destiel fanfic with prompts "Just like we promised" and "I've missed your touch" i love ur work <3
Prompt 1 | Destiel
Synopsis: Dean has been out on a hunt for over a month and hasn't called Cas at all. He's still getting use to this whole fucking an angel thing.
Word Count: 2.9K
Pairing: Dean Winchester / Castiel
Warnings: Angst. Sappy. Smutty.
Notes: It's more than okay to want this. This was a pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy what i created! Enjoy!
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The pacing became a constant thing on the fourth week. On the fifth, the nail biting had started. A bad habit he’s picked up from Sam out of all people, a nasty human habit. But the satisfaction behind it to relieve stress almost calms Cas’s nerves. He had paced from the main foyer to the kitchen to Dean’s room. Dean’s room is one of the main places that Castiel had resided.
When the sixth week came around, Cas’s nails were all chewed off and he had began picking at the skin around them. Dean was meant to call an entire week ago. No SMS either. No even a single prayer. Complete radio silence.
Sam had given Castiel Charlie’s number in case he got bored. Dean had made a comment about Charlie’s Angels. Something Cas didn’t understand until he had looked it up on his own phone later that day. But Sam had insisted yet Castiel declined saying he would be perfectly fine, for angel’s cannot feel human depths of boredom, just passing time.
One thousand and eight hours and six minutes to be exact. So, the angel isn’t bored per say, just very, deathly worried about Dean. And Sam.
The fourth day of the sixth week, the chunk and click of the bunker door snaps Castiel out of his trance in the main foyer. He stands up from where he sits at the table as laughter and voices burst into the bunker. By God is it good to hear their voices but at the same time it brings out so many bad emotions that vibrate his being and make him grind his teeth.
Sam is first to walk down the stairs, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder and a grin upon his face. When he spots the angel, his smile faulters. He tries his best to play it off but Cas sees the uncertainty.
“Oh, Castiel!” Sam says more surprised than anything, “I didn’t expect you to still be here!” He speaks as if the conversation they had over a month ago never happened. Which only -what’s that word Dean uses- pisses him off even more.
“I’ve been here this entire time,” Cas grumbles.
Which is below an angel of the lord like himself but the frustration flickering around inside of him is something that he hasn’t felt in a good while. Probably since apocalypse days.
All eyes go to the older brother making his way down the stairs. Unlike Sam, Dean isn’t unscathed. His lip is busted, and his entire right eye is blackened. His eyebrow is split, and three gauze strips hold it together.
As soon as Dean comes down the last set of stairs, Cas is already across the room pushing past Sam to press two fingers to his forehead. The hunter straightens up at the sudden wellness that comes over him. His bruising disappears and fades into yellow and the cuts and scrapes heal without a scar. He goes to thank the angel but all he sees is a very frustrated one in front of him.
“You were suppose to contact me,” Castiel speaks firmly. Like angel of the lord firm. “But I received none of the sort.”
Sam goes deathly quiet behind them. He places his duffle bag of guns and knives on the table which make a louder noise than he originally intended. As if the sound is cutting through the thick tension in the room.  
Dean sucks in air through teeth as he tries to avoid eye contact with the angel. But it doesn’t matter where he looks because Cas is only a few inches from him. So those deep blue eyes is all he sees.
“The hunt got very busy, Cas you know how it gets,” Dean argues poorly as he shrugs his shoulders. “We didn’t have time.”
“We had plenty of time,” Sam comments from the table.
Castiel slowly turns his attention towards Sam with a frown. All while Dean looks to his brother with a look of betrayal mixed with disgust. Sam swallows thickly and picks up his duffle bag.
“I’ll go put these away in the stash,” Sam grins sheepishly as he scoots himself across the room.
Blue returns back to green who looks more like a hurt child than anything. And all that anger and frustration is slow to wash away as Cas brings a hand to Dean’s cheek. The hunter flinches away slightly at first but stays in the warm touch of the angel.
“I still don’t know what I’m doing, Cas,” Dean murmurs.
The angel lets out a deep sigh that has his shoulders drooping. Oh Dean.
“I’m…” The hunter clears his throat, readjusting his tone to something more manlier. “I’m still very new to this. To us.”
Cas holds Dean’s face in both his hands, almost engulfing his face but the hunter stays so still. Why still keep up this façade that doesn’t work on the angel? He’s seen him break and cry and become soft so many times. Why still keep up daddy’s good lil soldier in front of him?
A soft kiss is planted on Dean’s forehead over his once black eye. Then, like all the other times Cas has kissed Dean, he kisses the hunter gently and warmly. The heat that the angel radiates is like a furnace yet so inviting.
Dean grabs onto Castiel’s trench coat as he leans forward, deepening the kiss a little. In this moment, Cas can put his own irritation aside for this. He holds Dean, taste the hint of jerky on his mouth from the trip here. It isn’t the most pleasant of tastes, but Dean has kissed him with worst. Much worse.
Calloused hands make their way under Cas’s coat to his waist. This, this is something the angel has missed. Even if it has been a month and two weeks. Too long for his own good.
Unlike Cas, Dean pulls away to inhale a breath of air. The hunter smiles something wicked and Cas’s eyes slightly widen. Dean’s fingers loop into Cas’s belt and flips the buckle open a little too swiftly and a little too eagerly. A soft grip latches onto his wrist, stopping him in his movements. Dean raises a brow at the angel.
“I don’t think Sam will be too impressed if he catches us out here,” Castiel points out sternly, “Like last time.”
Dean barks out a fit of laughter, the memory coming to mind of Sam’s horrified face at the sight of the two. Dean splayed out on the table with the angel over him, his blue eyes as wide as saucepans. Both stark ass naked with the angel’s white butt out on full display.
“Why not?” Dean chuckles out.
Cas can’t help but roll his eyes. With his grip still on Dean’s wrist he begins backing up slowly across the foyer, dragging Dean along.
“You worry too much,” Dean grins.
“I don’t think I worry enough,” Cas bites back playfully.
Dean stops the angel and draws him into for another deep kiss. One that has him gripping the back of Cas’s hair and looping his fingers back into his belt. Dean pulls away but only mere millimetres, not wanting to stay away for too long.
Those green eyes lock onto the angel and Cas won’t lie, he’s missed those emeralds. He runs a thumb over Dean’s freckled cheek and smiles softly when he sees that everything is the same. No more bruises or cuts. Dean follows the notion with a side eye, almost wanting to pull away but staying still and stiffens under the touch.
It takes both of them a good while to get back to Dean’s room. Having to push the hunter there rather than drag him along since he kept stopping Cas. He isn’t vocal about it but he can tell that the hunter can’t keep his hands off of Cas.
Clothes come off a little too easily and Cas can’t help but frown when he spots more cuts and bruises on Dean’s frame. With soft touches, Cas heals them without a second thought. Dean shivers under the touch, his eyes tracking every movement. With a warm glow, Cas heals a deep purple bruise on Dean’s chest that has the hunter breathing a little easier. But with that he pushes Dean back onto the bed. The springs creak under his weight and he disrupts the perfectly made blankets. Cas’s work.
Dean tries to sit up on the bed but is pushed down again when Cas straddles his lap. He runs his hands over Dean’s body once more, making sure that he hasn’t missed any nicks and cuts. He could heal Dean in one go, but where’s the fun in that?
“I’ve…” Dean hesitates, adverting his gaze downwards to the angel’s hands. “I’ve missed your touch.”
“Hmm,” Cas hums at that with a smile.
“I wish I had called,” Dean continues. “Or sent a text. But I’m scared alright. As stupid as that sounds.”
The angel’s smile falls at that. To respond to that, he clasps the hunter’s face in his hands and kisses him softly unlike before. He moves his hips down on Dean as well, making the hunter squirm under his weight. Maybe he can forgive Dean after all.
In between the kisses, the angel mumbles out, “It’s not stupid at all.”
The result of watching Dean’s face go beet red is a reward in it’s own. Cas kisses him again, humming into his mouth with satisfaction. Such a human thing to do. How much he’s changed since being around Dean. He’s changed him so much. Does Dean realize just how much he’s done for the angel? Or is he blind to that fact? Maybe he might have to ask him one day. But not now.
Not when he feels Dean’s grip tighten on his hips, wanting him to grind down harder into him. The friction is something that the hunter craves at this moment. He grows hard and his dick rubs in between the angel’s cheeks. Precum leaks from Dean’s dick, making the glide easier.
Cas sits up slowly and as if out of nowhere, he holds Dean’s bottle of lube in hand. Dean’s stares at it bug eyed for a moment but doesn’t question it because he knows he left that in the bottom draw of his dresser. Where it normally stays. Either Cas miraculously brought the bottle to his hand or it was always on the bed and he just didn’t see it. Either either, both make sense for the angel.
“Let me,” Dean says as he takes the bottle from him.
Lathering his fingers up generously, Dean a little too eagerly brings his hand around Cas’s ass and inserts two fingers. The angel grunts at the sudden penetration, his eyes fluttering shut. With Dean’s other hand as he sets a quick pace to open up Cas, he kneads his thumb into the angel’s hips. Holding on as if he’s going to fly away with those wings of his.
Cas towers over Dean, scrunching up the blankets into his fists next to the hunter’s head. More lube is added and then a third finger is fitted right to the next others. Cas’s breathing becomes heavy, every nerve in his body buzzing and every inch of his grace humming. He can feel everything a little too well for his own good. The stretch of the three fingers, the way his hard cock rubs up against Dean’s, the way that he’s been wanting to feel Dean’s touch once more. Too much.
Deeming the angel ready, Dean brings his lubed fingers to slick his own dick up. He exhales shakily, holding himself together by a thread. The entire hunt, the Angel of Thursday was on his mind yet he was too coward to send a simple prayer. Next time. Next time we won’t be so stupid.
Cas exhales shakily, opening his eyes to meet a lustful green graze. The angel looks into those eyes fondly with a smile coming upon his reddened lips. He kisses Dean again, this time deepening it and grinding down on the hunter again. Dean grunts under him and digs that thumb into his hip a little more.
Dean guides the head of his dick to Cas’s ass, rubbing himself between his cheeks a few times. He pushes the tip of his dick in, humming in the kiss at the warmth he feels. He pushes in a little deeper and breaks the kiss, his face scrunching up into something needy. Cas continues lining Dean’s exposed neck though with small kisses, sucking and biting lightly. Dean groans as he grabs onto the angel’s hips with both hands to help guide him down.
Cas winces but moans something whiny into the hunter’s skin. He still smells like the hunt. Gun powder, cheap pharmacy cologne and musk. Dean grunts with every push. He fucks into Cas eagerly, but the angel isn’t going to stop him. He’s enjoying this too much. He’s missed Dean too much to let this pass. His body buzzes and constricts with pleasure that he can’t help the noises that comes his mouth. He can feel himself shaking in the hunter’s hold, his grace vibrating within.
Dean pushes Cas down onto him until he’s flush against his hips. The angel groans and breathes heavily as Dean only gives him a few seconds of adjustment before he begins a quick pace again. Each time he thrusts into Cas, he brings the angel down just as hard that gets a satisfying grunt from him.
The hunter sits up suddenly, still holding onto Cas so that they’re flush against each other. With each movement, Cas’s dick rubs up against their stomachs. The angel holds onto him as he lets the hunter fucks out everything from the hunt. Dean groans deep within his throat as he keeps moving at a constant pace, thrusting into Cas on his lap. It’s more of an awkward bob at this point, both being too desperate to do much more. But both are satisfied right now.
But Dean wants more.  Suddenly, he flips and throws Cas onto the bed with little effort. He grabs onto the back of the angel’s knees and pushes his legs up so that he’s almost folded in half. He lines himself up again, this time slipping in easier than the last.  
The new angle has Cas shivering and grunting with each thrust into him. He digs his fingernails into Dean’s shoulder, unable to gain control of the delicious noises coming from his throat.
Through shaky pants, Dean is able to grumble out a deep, “I’ve missed you.”
Another shiver runs down Cas’s back, earning a whimper like sound from him. The hunter’s cock passes by that sweet bundle of nerves inside of Cas that has him grunting with each movement. Cas wraps his legs around Dean, holding him close as the hunter’s thrust become short and shallow. Dean comes down for a sloppy kiss, mostly broken by breaths of shaky inhales.
“I’ve-“ Dean pecks Cas on the mouth, cutting him off. “missed you-“ another kiss, “…too.”
Dean brings a hand down to wrap about the angel’s leaking cock, flicking a thumb over his tip with every stroke. Cas arches his back the best he can in the position he’s in and startles out a cry. By God, he can feel himself getting close. His body buzzes and feels like tv static with just a simple touch. He doesn’t want this to be over already, but with Dean abusing that sweet part inside of him he can’t hold on at all.
Cas chokes out a strangled cry as his whole body and grace feels like it’s going to explode. He releases hot strips into Dean’s hand as he digs his bitten nails deeper into the hunter’s shoulders. He heals the bruising before it even comes about, even in his stare of high. Dean keeps fucking through his orgasm, making it ten times more intense.
“Dean,” Cas grits out.
With a few couple of more hard thrusts, Dean drives his cock deeper into Cas as he reaches his own orgasm. Dean stiffens up, unmoving as he cums hot and deep within the angel. Who would have thought. Fucking an angel of the lord.
Cas shivers at the new sensation of the warmth inside of him. He grits his teeth, holding Dean in place. He doesn’t think he can handle the hunter moving at this given moment. Both stay still for a good few minutes, a panting and sweaty mess. Cas can’t help but shake faintly, his breathing ragged and uneven. He can feel his grace is all over the place and he tries his best to collect himself.
But it’s very hard when Dean lands on top of the angel with an audible, “Oof,” slipping out of the angel in the process. Cas places a hand on his back and gives him a light pat on the shoulder. But Dean doesn’t move and inch, his face flat against the nape of his neck.
“I’m coming with you next time,” Cas grumbles out.
Whatever Dean says next, it’s lost into a mumble and jumble of words in the angel’s neck. This earns a short chuff from the angel, knowing full well that the hunter can’t stop him in doing so. What he says goes. But right now, he’s fully content in laying in for a few minutes. He’s fine in letting time pass by when it’s with Dean Winchester.
Have an amazing day/night ;)
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welldonebeca · 1 month
Guardian Bot - Masterlist
Summary: Worried about your well being, your brother convinces you to accept the robot your company has been given. Castiel cooks, cleans and takes care of everything you might need in your house. When you jokingly suggest that he start making the decisions on your life, your relationship changes to something very different. His program really is irrelevant. aka.: Obsessed robot boyfriend Cas. Pairing: Castiel x Winchester!F!Reader Warnings: Future AU (think something like Westworld, except that there are no parks and robots are a luxury). Robot Castiel. Robot-Human relationships. Angst. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Smut. D/s relationship. Vaginal fingering. Degrading kink. Praising kink. Jealousy. Possessive sex. Orgasm delay/denial/edging. Overstimulation. More warnings in chapters. 
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 on Patreon (6th of September on Tumblr) Chapter 3 on Patreon (13th of September on Tumblr) Chapter 4 on Patreon (20th of September on Tumblr) Chapter 5 on Patreon (27th of September on Tumblr) Chapter 6 on Patreon (4th of October on Tumblr) Chapter 7 on Patreon (11th of October on Tumblr)  Chapter 8 on Patreon (18th of October on Tumblr) 
Check the Masterlist on Patreon. "Guardian Bot" is a fully posted on my Patreon. To have early access to it now, along with other stories, consider subscribing to my page! It's just $2 a month and I promise you won't regret it.
Tag list is open and +18 DM me to get it.
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zepskies · 1 year
Sharing Is Caring (III)
Pairing: Castiel x Reader 
Summary: Navigating a new relationship means learning how to share a bed with Castiel. [3-part series with Sam, Dean, and Castiel.]
Word Count: 1,100 Warnings: 18+ only, smuttish, but mainly fluffy!
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Part 3: Castiel
You could tell he was uncomfortable with the idea. You smiled, resting your hands on your waist.
“It’s just a bed, Castiel,” you said. “It’s not gonna bite.”
But I might, you thought in amusement. The angel offered you a wan look; he knew that mischievous smile of yours. His dark blue eyes ran down your scantily clad form.
You had a feeling he’d like the white satin.
The tank top had thin straps while the shorts were, well, short. His gaze lingered on your bare legs, making you blush a bit. 
“You know I don’t sleep,” came his uncertain reply. He gestured to your desk chair. “I can just sit over here until you fall asleep.”
“Come on, please? Not all the time we spend in this bed has to be play time,” you said, ending with a teasing lilt of your voice. Castiel actually averted his eyes in embarrassment. 
You didn’t know what he was afraid of, really. But you knew Dean had warned him again and again about the sanctity and privacy of people’s bedrooms—especially their beds. Especially yours. 
And that was still true.
However, if you and Castiel were going to be together, then some adjustments were going to have to be made. 
You climbed across the bed to reach out for his hand. Cas hesitated, but he recognized that your warm smile was an invitation. He took your hand, allowing you to pull him down to sit on the edge of the bed. 
He was already divested of his coat, so you worked on his tie and blazer, then his belt and dress shirt. He helped you after a little while, and eventually he was down to his white undershirt and boxers.
You had seen him in far less, but it still amazed you how different he looked without the entire ensemble, quite literally stripped down of his outward trappings.
He was still your angel, cupping the side of your face with a warm hand and tender features. You smiled and leaned into his touch. 
Then you encouraged him to get comfortable lying down with you. You knew he wouldn’t sleep, but at least he could be with you for a while until you did. 
His movements were slow and deliberate (and still a bit unsure) as he sat up against the pillows, crossing and uncrossing his legs. He settled on uncrossed as you tucked yourself against his side and tangled your legs with his. 
His arm came around your waist more naturally, his thumb stroking your arm. It made you smile. 
“Did I tell you what Dean did today?” you asked, raising your head up to him. Cas looked down at you in curiosity. 
“No, what?”
“By some miracle I found some flour and chocolate chips in the pantry, so I decided to make cookies. I took the tray out, and I guess the smell is like a bat signal for bottomless pits. Because Dean literally came downstairs, with a sandwich in hand, to ask me if I made food,” you recounted with a grin. 
Cas’s lips raised in a smile. “That sounds like him.”
You nodded. 
“So against my advisement, he picks up a cookie. And of course, it’s like a thousand degrees ‘cause it just came out of the oven. It burns him and falls apart in his hands, all gooey and chocolatey and stuff. He’s like, Oh shit. And it falls on the floor. But what does he do?”
Cas considered it with amusement, the corners of his eyes crinkling knowingly. 
“I’m guessing he didn’t clean it up for you.”
You grimaced. “Well, kind of. He picked it up off the floor, and like the massive man-child he is, he said, Five second rule! And he ate it, Cas,” you said.
“He fucking ate it. Gooey, crumble mess off the floor, where we most definitely tracked in ghoul guts last week. I was thoroughly disgusted.”
Castiel inclined his head.  
“That is…gross,” the word somewhat foreign on his lips, “but I’ll remind you. You once ate cake off a bar floor while intoxicated.” 
You sent him a peeved look. “It was red velvet cake, Cas. And it was my birthday.”
“Still, you could’ve just gotten another slice,” Castiel murmured. You pouted. 
“Whatever, I stand by my drunk decisions,” you said, raising a finger. Cas grabbed that hand, making you look up at him. He gave you a rare, soft smile and pressed your hand to his lips. 
Your heart fairly melted. Like warm, gooey chocolate.
His gaze drifted down, and the air between you changed. He drank you in like your body was a wonder of the world, and he was just getting a glimpse. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d received such a look, but hot damn, you hoped it wouldn’t be the last. 
By the time he refocused on your face, your lips were parted and your heart had jumped up about three speeds. 
His gaze could be so intense. It was part of what attracted you in the first place, his singular focus and tenacity. He also held incredible strength, knowledge of the world and so many of its secrets, but he chose to live here in the bunker.
He chose to stand and fight with Sam and Dean and other hunters like you.
He chose to love you, and be here with you, talking about nothing at all and sharing your bed. 
“It’s not nothing,” he said. This close, touching your skin, he had likely read your thoughts.
You blinked in confusion. “Wh-what?” 
“Being here with you is never nothing,” said Castiel. “Not for me.”
He reached for your cheek again, brushing his thumb over your lower lip. He bent down to kiss you, and you welcomed him with open arms. You wrapped them around his shoulders and he shifted you underneath him, bracing a hand against the bed. 
Your fingers wound up in his dark hair. He made a pleased sound when your nails lightly dragged down the back of his neck. So you shifted your hips to accommodate him, and he planted himself between your legs. He fingered the hem of your silky shorts.
But then he paused, breaking the kiss to look into your eyes. Uncertainty had crept back into his. 
“Sorry. This counts as play time, does it not?” he asked. “We…weren’t supposed to do this tonight.” 
With a giggle, you took his face in your hands and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, with heat and tongue and full of promise. “All I said was, all of our time doesn’t have to be play time.” 
Castiel’s head tilted with a small grin. “So…most of it can be?”
You nodded, giving him a “serious” look. 
“Oh, yes,” you said. “Most is good.”   
With that invitation, Castiel would take his time removing your white satin. 
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AN: And finally, Castiel! I want to write for him more often. He's so adorable.
To read Part 1: Sam.
To read Part 2: Dean.
(So far I think this is my "everything" tag list. If you'd like to be added, or need to remind me to add you to it, please do!)
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @this-is-me19 @hobby27
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Castiel Masterlist
Supernatural Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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venrlz · 1 month
When Dean reunites with his childhood best friend, Castiel, things take a turn. What happens when the two realise how different things are now? Will they ever rekindle their friendship to the same level it was before the Winchesters skipped town, or will their lives take a turn for the worse?
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Fic name: Casual • Destiel High School AU
I started reminicing about some old Destiel High school fanfictions I used to read years ago when I was young and new to the fandom, sadly I don't think people really write those things all that much anymore, so I decided to take matters into my own hands !
Three chapters out now !
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queen-of-deans-booty · 10 months
Different Kind Of Test
Pairing: Castiel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: none
Request by anon: Hi i have this crazy idea but you are the perfect to write is something like the reader is a normal girl (22 years) not a hunter just normal that is like a daughter two both angels and demons and The Winchester find about her because the follow Castiel to her apartment and meet her and Castiel said her backstory to them like she was found as a baby thanks to angels and demons that was fighting next to her or something like that and she always said that they are her parents? Fluff and confused Sam and Dean 
Summary: After you were found by the angels, Castiel took care of you as if you were his own daughter. He wants you to be prepared for anything that might come your way, and he has a funny way of teaching you how to.
Square Filled: silver/salt/holy water test (2020) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i changed the age of the reader to just a big older!
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The words on the pages are starting to blend together, but you promised yourself to get through this chapter. You’re almost done studying so you can eat and relax afterwards. College is a lot harder than you thought it was going to be, but you’re going to prove to yourself that you can do it. You started your Freshman year a little later than everyone else, and now you’re twenty-nine years old and about to end it.
If only you can retain this information and pass your fucking final.
You turn the page to read the last page of the chapter when your phone lights up. Your dad, Castiel, is calling. He’s not biologically your dad but he counts for one in every other sense of the word. He put his blood, sweat, and tears into raising you to be the best version of yourself as you can be. You owe everything you have to him.
“What’s up, Dad?” you answer the phone.
“I need your help. This is urgent.”
“Are you okay?”
You cap your highlighter and close your textbook in concern.
“I really need your help, Y/N. Code Black.” Your entire body goes rigid and fear creeps down your spine. “I need you to hurry.”
“Where are you?”
“Twenty minutes from you. The bar that got shut down on the edge of the city?”
“I’m on my way.”
You hang up and immediately prepare yourself for the fight you know is coming. The thing you know you’ll need is your holy water, angel blade, silver knives, and iron bullets. Code Black means demons and if your dad is asking you for help, then you know he’s in big trouble. You change out of your loungewear and into something more suitable for fighting. Something you wouldn’t mind getting blood on.
Once you’re done, you leave your apartment and get into your car. He says he’s twenty minutes away, but with your speeding, it’s twelve minutes. The parking lot is empty but you have no doubt there are a bunch of demons inside. You check the bullets in your gun once more before heading to the front door that’s suspiciously open. You kick the door open and train your gun in front of you, making sure to scan the entire area before advancing.
The place is eerily quiet and empty. Where is your dad? Where are the demons? The place looks as if it still runs but you know it’s been abandoned for a while now. The booths are covered with dust as well as the tabletops and bar counter. Still, you don’t lower your guard. Just because you don’t see anything doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone here.
Something moves to the right of you and you turn swiftly hoping to see someone standing there. However, there isn’t anyone there. You could have sworn you saw a flash of clothes run by you. There are no curtains on this side of the bar, so the only explanation would have to be if it’s a person. You walk closer to the area to inspect it when you see someone step forward. Your iron bullets won’t do as much damage to a demon than an angel blade, so you unsheathe it and throw it at the person.
The person ducks so the blade goes into the wall behind them. The man (you can see him clearly once he steps into the light) runs at you and tackles you to the ground. You kick him away as fast as you can and scramble to your feet. You jump on his back before he has a chance to get up, and you grab his right leg tightly. You pull it toward you and grab the opposite arm to pull to you so that he’s trapped in your grip. You’re not sure why this demon isn’t fighting back like how you’re used to, but you don’t question how easy it is.
Another but taller man comes running from the shadows at you, and you let go of the man below you to focus on him. You step on the first man’s back to get over him and he groans in pain from the pressure. You’re much smaller than both of these men so you use your height against them. The taller man goes to grab you but you ram your whole body into hs lower half, sending him crashing to the bar counter. You grab his legs and lift him over, watching as he crumbles to the ground behind it.
You grab the holy water attached to your hip and toss some at the man behind the counter to the first man who is just now getting up. You expect them to scream out in pain but they stand there looking wet and annoyed. The man behind the bar jumps over the counter and both of the advance toward you. You take out one of your sharp daggers and hold it out to them a s precautionary. 
Before any more damage can be done, your dad comes rushing into the light.
“Wait, stop!”
“Dad?” both men ask with confused faces.
“Y/N, they’re not demons. I just made that up. I’m not in any actual danger.”
“God, is this just another one of your tests? I thought we were done with this,” you groan and put away your knife.
“I have to make sure you’re prepared.”
“Yeah, and the seven years you spent training me was all for nothing?”
You walk over to the angel blade still stuck in the wall and yank it out. There is no way you’re giving up one of these bad boys.
“Wait, hold on. Did she say dad?” the shorter man asks.
“Sam, Dean, this is Y/N. She’s not biologically mine but I did help raise her. She’s human and was found as a baby in the middle of a battle ground. Demon and angels were fighting all around her without knowing she was there. When she was found, the angels decided to take over for her. I became the main parent. She calls me Dad because that’s all she knows.” Castiel turns to you with a worried look. “These are my friends, Sam and Dean Winchester. They’re human like you. I worry about you and want you to be able to protect yourself.”
“I appreciate that, I really do, but I have a major test to study for. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when you call me for help. Next time, make sure you’re actually in danger or I might not come,” you chuckle.
“Deal,” Castiel chuckles.
“They’re lucky or I would have knocked their heads clean off.”
“Let’s get one thing straight. You caught me off guard. You wouldn’t have one,” Dean shakes his head.
“Yeah, okay, old man.”
“Old man?” Dean turns to his brother. “Did she just call me an old man?”
“I took you two down without getting my nails dirty. I think you’re the ones who need to be tested. I gotta get back to studying. See ya.”
You leave the bar and Dean is flabbergasted at your sass. Castiel sees the look on his face and immediately shuts it down.
“No, Dean. Leave her alone.”
“What, I wasn’t gonna do anything,” Dean shrugs but smiles at the thought of you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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dadstielminibang · 2 years
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Calling all Dadstiel enthusiasts!
Join us to celebrate Castiel as a parental figure in this 5K + art event.
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Posting now! Check out the amazing collaborations our authors and artists have created, and please stay tuned for future rounds :)
Questions? Don't hesitate to send us an Ask!
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yknow...most ppl who write Cas pov fic just use a computer. and a regular normal modern alphabet. and not whatever the fuck it is that I do
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...also this is pages 1-9 of 36. aaaand I just realized I have to edit these either physically or on procreate. which means i have to read them.
...at least they're PHONETICALLY written in english. mostly.
edit: translating it back to english for fic & editing purposes. the grammar keeps yeeting between different centuries/millenia. Random words are in german.
I rly created a shorthand version of Enochian thats easier to write with a modern pen and used it to write weird, bleak pov whump....
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thatonewriter15 · 4 months
A Day of Firsts
Relationship: Castiel/Gender-Neutral Reader; Castiel/Original Character
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 455
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Castiel, Fluff, Angst
Summary: Set during 5.17 ("99 Problems"); the reader helps Castiel through his first headache and hangover.
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yunggoblin · 1 year
Babysitting - Castiel (18+)
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Pairing: Castiel x Female!Reader
Summary: You and Castiel are together while he has to watch over Charlie and Rowena. While Castiel is on the phone you decide to distract him only to sneak off for a quickie.
Based Off Of This Imagine
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, Grinding, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Minors DNI
Word Count: 1,738
Note: I wrote this back in 2015, I only touched it up a bit.
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You stood there, watching Charlie and Rowena argue about the technology that Charlie was using for research. Your eyes kept jumping back and forth to whoever spat back a rude comment. How did you even end up in this run down building with two arguing redheads? Oh right, you were trying to get closer to the angel you had a crush on. Plus Sam insisted you go with Castiel to keep a close eye on Rowena so she wouldn’t try anything. Also, there for Charlie’s company but she and Rowena have been talking up a storm about old school and new school research. Growing tiresome of them arguing you didn’t even realize you sighed out heavily, you looked up to see both of the intelligent girls looking at you. 
“Oh I’m sorry, we’re we interrupting you?“ Sarcasm in Rowena’s voice as her accent rolled off of her tongue smoothly, it wasn’t hard to tell that she was Crowley’s mother. You could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment for being called out. You open your mouth to talk until the door opens. The three of you turned your heads to see who it was. Your hand rested upon the handle of your knife, being on high alert was nothing new to you. You sighed out in relief seeing it was Castiel  walking down the small steps with a white bag in his hands full of goodies. He stopped and looked at the females. 
"I sense tension.” His voice boomed off the walls, his blue eyes scanned the room to see if anything changed. “I brought snacks.” He held the plastic bag higher and walked over to the table and placed it down. 
“When I was human,” Castiel began while he reached into the groceries, finding the bag of chips. “I became very fond of these.” He held up a small red bag with the word Doritos on the side. Charlie and Rowena looked at each other and shrugged, Charlie searched through the bag, being picky about what she wanted. 
A soft chime tone rang making you look towards Castiel as he fished out his phone. “It’s Dean, I have to take this.” He mumbled and clicked the green button while walking away. “Hello?” You could hear Castiel ask into the phone while he walked into the other room.
"There it is.“ Charlie smiled widely as she held a large chocolate bar in her hands. 
"That’s mine.” Rowena hissed towards the other red head, wanting it. “There better be more.” She snapped, Charlie checked the bag and looked slowly towards the witch. “There isn’t any more, is there?” Rowena growled and crossed her arms. Charlie shook her head no. “You better give me that.” Rowena snarled, which only made Charlie push her buttons more as she placed her fingers at the end of the wrapper and slowly started to tear at it. 
“Charlie don’t you fucking open that, I want it.” Rowena tried standing up only for the chains connected to her ankles to force her back into her seat.
"I’m done babysitting you two.“ You announced and started to walk towards the room where Castiel was. 
The angel's back was facing you as his voice was low. "I can’t handle these girl’s, Dean.” Grumbling as he ran his fingers through his dark short hair. You leaned against the door frame watching him talk on the phone, he was really improving. He was very different when you both first met but after he was human it was like he understood everything now. He knew more about emotions that humans carry.  He was a very handsome man, you always thought he was ever since the first time you laid your eyes on him. You licked your lip that suddenly became dry. 
"So does that mean you can’t handle me?“ You purred out, making him freeze in place, stopping everything he was doing. 
"I- I’m going to have to call you back.” Castiel trailed off and quickly hung up, you could hear Dean on the other line asking loudly what was happening. Castiel shoved his phone in his trench coat pocket and spun around, facing you. “How much uh, how much did you hear?” He asked nervously which made you arch an eyebrow. 
“That you can’t handle these girls.” You responded which made him sigh out in relief. You shut the door with your foot, walking towards the angel. “What about me? Can you handle me?” You questioned while playing with his blue tie. 
"We should head back to Charlie and Rowena. They shouldn’t be alone together.” Castiel said, walking towards the door about to pass you to leave the room, only to stop him in his tracks by placing your hand on his broad chest. 
"Now I asked you a question, Castiel.” The hand you had placed on his chest started to slowly unbutton his white shirt. “Can you handle me?” You asked a bit sexually, you noticed how his breath hitches in his throat and his eyes darted from the door down to you. 
"I- I like to think that I can.“ He mumbled lowly which made you smile. 
"Good.” Was all you said once you roughly pushed him up against the wall and placed a kiss on his lips. You were a bit rough but noticed him not kissing back, you slowly started to pull away with a frown only to feel his hand on the back of your head pulling you in for another kiss. He growled lowly, spinning around, pinning you up against the cold wall. His hips rolling up against your making you whimper at the feeling of his erection rubbing up against your thigh, making his black slacks tighten. 
You soon noticed the cool air hitting up against your naked body and Castiel’s lips no longer on yours. You whimpered at the lost contact and slowly opened your eyes to see the angel of the lord naked right in front of you. You realized that he used his powers to take your clothes off. “Come here.” Castiel gripped you and sat you up on the nearest table, it creaked slightly as your weight was put on it. You cried out softly as your warm clit made contact with the cold metal table. 
Castiel quickly clamped his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. “Shh.” He growled out. “Can’t let Charlie catch us, not like this.” He muttered and grabbed his hard cock and gave it a few strokes. He was right, you’d die from embarrasment having her walk in on the both of you about to fuck each other silly. You watched his movements, admiring his hand working his cock. 
Castiel’s warm hands grabbed your hips pulling you closer to the edge of the table, a small squeal escaped your lips as he did so. You didn’t think he was that strong until after he picked you up. Castiel hand never stopped stroking his cock, grabbing the base of it he slowly rubbed the tip of his cock against your soaking slit. “Hmm, it feels so lovely.” He moaned.
"So wet for me.“ He flashed a smirk that made your heart melt. You looked up into his bright blue eyes, moaning loudly as you got caught off guard as he slid all the way into you without warnings. "Fuck.” He mumbled placing his hands on your ass, gripping it and pulling you as close as he could. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he was balls deep inside of you. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, whimpering as he slowly pulled out and pushed roughly back into you. Your breasts pressed against his toned chest, soft pants left your lips with each thrust he gave.
"Oh God, Castiel.“ You moaned out, against his skin. He soon stopped his actions. 
"I would like it if you didn’t moan out my Father’s name.” He chuckled lowly only to pull out swiftly and pushed back into you hard, making you bite down on to his shoulder muffling a moan. 
"I- I’m sorry.“ You yelped out and he started to pick up his pace. 
By now you were a mess, sex hair as he kept tugging at it in a heated kiss, beads of sweat on each other’s foreheads as you two grew closer to your orgasms. He thrust in once more making her moan out louder than before. "Fuck.” You kissed Castiel to cover up his moans.
"Right their baby?“ He questioned the kiss as he was thrusting into a new angle, hitting your g-spot. 
“Y- Yes, oh fuck yes!” You tugged at his dark hair as he picked up his pace, the table creaked underneath them, soon banging up against the wall loudly. For sure the two girls could hear them now. Soon you could feel your lower stomach tighten up knowing what was going to happen. 
“You close?“ He whispered knowing you were since your walls tighten around his cock which made him slam into you. 
“Yes!” You practically screamed, the faster he went the harder the metal table slammed up against the wall. Soon you could feel yourself come undone for him. Coming all over his throbbing cock.
"Shit, Y/N!“ Cas shouted out his come shooting up into you. He lazily kept rocking his hips to help you both ride each other’s high. He soon stopped thrusting into you and relaxed his tense body. You hummed tiredly, resting your forehead on his shoulder. "That was amazing.” He mumbled lowly.
"You think they heard?“ You ask in a soft tone with a blush tinted on your cheeks. 
"The way I made you scream, I think everyone in a twenty-five feet radius heard.” Castiel jokes. He slowly slid out of you making you whimper and slid off the table and on to your feet, almost falling from now weak you were. Castiel quickly caught you, holding you up. 
"You alright?“ He questions, making you nod and look up at him.
"Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” You smiled at him. With a snap of his fingers you were clean in between your thighs and dressed with a pair of clean panties on. He got dressed in his usual clothes and both of you walked out to see Charlie and Rowena. 
"Dontcha think you were loud enough in there?“ Rowena asked with her silky accent and a smirk on her lips.
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Castiel's Masterlist
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imagineteamfreewill · 2 years
softly, gently, falling
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Title: softly, gently, falling
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Mentions of a bad day at work
Square Filled: First Snowfall
Trope Completed: Comfort Fic
Summary: After a long day at work, Y/N returns home to Cas, who’s waiting to make her feel better.
A/N: This is a submission for the 2022 SPN Christmas Bingo (@spnchristmasbingo​)and fulfills Trope #19 in my 25 Days of Tropes series! I am determined to finally finish this trope list after several years of avoiding working on it.  I hope you all enjoy.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
25 Days of Tropes Masterlist
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“What do you need?” he asked.
You shrugged under the blanket Cas had draped around you immediately after you’d curled up on the couch. “A new boss? More food? Quitting?” You sighed and leaned your head against his shoulder. “I don’t know, Cas. It was just a bad day, you know? I don’t know what exactly will make it feel better. I just want it to be over.”
Right now, everything and nothing sounded like the best solution ever to your horrible day. You were so exhausted that you could barely keep your eyes open on the drive home. Customers had been coming in droves, and none of them were even the slightest bit thankful for your help. Not even your boss had thanked you today, despite the fact that you’d gone above and beyond. The only thanks you’d gotten was an hour’s worth of overtime pay, but that was nothing compared to what you deserved after a day like today. Thankfully, Cas had dinner waiting when you arrived home, and now you could spend what little remaining energy you had on him.
Sighing again, you snuggled closer to him and cradled your bowl of soup between your thighs. He adjusted his arm and the blanket so that you were still kept warm as you moved, and you smiled a little. No matter how long you’d been together, his thoughtfulness never failed to make you feel a little giddy inside. Castiel had a way of making you feel special. The blanket he’d chosen was one of your favorites, as was the soup, and you knew that if you even mentioned it, he’d be able to pull one of your favorite desserts out of the kitchen. He probably even had one of your favorite movies on standby if you wanted to watch something together.
“It is over,” he reminded you, and you hummed in agreement. “And now we have the weekend together. We can sleep in tomorrow, and then we can do whatever we want.”
“Yes, we can.”
You smiled a little more. The two of you had been planning your Christmas weekend for almost a full year now. It was the first time either of you had been able to spend it away from the craziness of your families. It would just be the two of you in your little apartment, celebrating how far you’d come since this time last year. Grand ideas for vacations and friends-only parties had been tossed around, but eventually you’d settled on a quiet weekend at home. It was exactly what the two of you needed, especially after today.
You and Cas continued to eat your soup in silence, though the TV continued playing reruns in the background. He’d kept the volume low, mostly to fill the empty space, but you didn’t need it. Cas did, though, and anything that helped him stay in the moment while you were together was okay with you. You’d gotten used to the different tricks and techniques he used on a daily basis, and tuning out the TV was second nature by now.
Once your bowl was empty, you nudged him in the side with your elbow. He grumbled about you knocking his organs out of alignment, but you caught his playful smile out of the corner of your eye and smiled back.
“I’m glad you were off today. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been here…”
When you trailed off, your smile fading at the reminder of the terrible day you’d had at work, Cas nudged you back. You lifted your eyes just enough to meet his.
“You could’ve called me. You can always call me if you need me. I’ll always come, even if I have to reschedule a meeting or move a client to another day. You’re more important to me than any job,” he told you.
Your heart grew two sizes, if that was even possible, and you leaned into him a little bit more. He kissed the top of your head. You could’ve sworn that you fell in love with him a little more each day, and you had been for years now. 
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” you asked as you snuggled against him.
Cas took the empty bowl from your lap and set it on the coffee table beside his. “I believe you have.”
“Well, I do.” You grabbed his hand before he could tuck it back under the blankets and began to play with his fingers. He watched you in silence, letting you fidget as you continued to warm up from the long walk from your car to the building. With holiday visitors taking up over half the spots, you’d had to park even farther away than usual.
You were starting to drift off to sleep in Cas’ arms when he shook you, then stood up from the couch. If you hadn’t caught yourself, you would’ve faceplanted on the cushion.
“Y/N, look!”
You squinted up at him for a moment and propped yourself up with one arm. Cas gestured toward the sliding glass door that led out onto your small balcony, and you blinked a few times to clear your blurry vision. He hadn’t shown this much enthusiasm since you’d arrived home, but you’d just assumed he’d tampered down his usual evening energy to help your night be more relaxing.
“What is it?” you yawned, blinking a few more times.
Still smiling, he carefully helped you to your feet and led you by the hand over to the windows. With the other hand, he pushed the curtains out of the way so you could see what had made him so excited.
Outside, fluffy white snowflakes had begun to fall. They fell steadily, gently covering each car and bush with a thick layer of white. Judging by what you could see from the floodlights on the sides of your building, it had already been snowing for a while now, but neither you nor Cas had noticed while you were wrapped up in each other.
The frigid cold had settled in days ago, leaving everyone with high expectations for a white Christmas, but no snow had fallen until now. Almost everyone had given up hope. You gripped Castiel’s arm with both hands, smiling wide as you watched the snow float down from the sky above. All thoughts of sleep were gone from your mind, instead replaced with ideas involving snowmen, hot chocolate, and a quiet breakfast beside the windows.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, and he nodded beside you. String lights twinkled on other apartment balconies and windows, creating a picturesque view from your fifth floor apartment. 
You slid one hand down to lace your fingers with his. Cas hummed happily when you did, and you smiled a little bit more, looking up at him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him.
He smiled back, then leaned down to kiss you sweetly. “Merry Christmas.”
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Thank you for reading! <3
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gococogo · 7 months
♡ Destiel Valentine's Day Special ♡
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Synopsis: Castiel has never celebrated Valentine's Day and so he wishes to do so with Dean. He wishes to show Dean how much he loves him and from the YouTube tutorials he's watched, things seem to work
Word Count: 3.4K
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Warnings: Childhood trauma/anal/biting/marking
Notes: @ja3hwa helped me a shit ton on this fic. I couldn't have finished it without her ehhe. But I did it, it is here on time and I'm quite happy with it. I wish I had more time, but eh, what are you going to do? Sue me!?
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Flowers had just been the beginning of it all. He had found them by his bed side when he woke up. Being very confused and still very tired, he went to seek out anyone in the bunker for an answer.
Then it had turned into petals down every single corridor in the bunker. That had Sam laughing up a lung when all Dean could do was look around confused in the main foyer. Everywhere was covered in red rose petals. On the chairs, on the table, on the bookshelves. It was like some cupid had come around and vomited up petals.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Dean had asked with his face scrunched up with one of those looks.
Sam had only shrugged and said, “Maybe.”
Then, he had walked away with a shit eating grin on his face that had Dean boiling with anger. With that, the discission to go back to his room was adamant. He wanted to change and get dressed for the day. But, he found something else.
Castiel, an angel of the lord and a warrior for heaven, throws unwrapped chocolates onto Dean’s bed.  
For a moment, the hunter can only stand there and watch the angel grab a handful of chocolates from a larger than life box -most likely from Costco with Sam’s membership if his brother is in on this- before throwing them onto the bed like he’s throwing a frisbee. The sight is… it’s a sight.
Dean clears his throat and Cas whips around with wide blue eyes. If the angel had any feathers, Dean can take a guess that they would be ruffled.
“Was that you with all…” Dean waves his hand as if shooing a fly, “that out there?”
“Do you like it?” Is the reply he gets from the angel as he takes a step away from the bed.
Dean can only stare, his gaze flicking to the chocolates on his bed to the angel with his brows raised waiting for an answer. He clutches the large box to his chest, almost like holding a child it’s that big. But Dean doesn’t know what to say. Like, yeah he likes it but… this has never happened to him before.
“I uhh-“
Cas’s brows furrow before he crosses the room to Dean, throwing the box of chocolates beside the bed.
“You do know it’s Valentine’s Day today, right?” Cas asks.
Valentine’s Day!? It’s February already!? Dean tries to hide his panic but it’s clear on his face. Where in hell did January go!? They’ve been on so many hunts lately that they nearly missed New Years! And now Valentine’s Day!? This year was going by quicker than he thought.
He tries to play it off with a smirk and a gruff, “Of course I knew!”
But the angel doesn’t look impressed.
He raises a hand to cup Dean’s cheek who flinches slightly at the touch. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Cas, but he makes no comment of it.
“It’s alright if you forgot,” Cas says softly.
Dean chortles at this as he softly takes the angel’s hand off of his face. But he doesn’t let go of it, holding onto it between them.
“That’s not the point,” Dean murmurs.
Cas raises a brow with a tilt of his head, urging the hunter to go on. This leads to Dean letting out a staggered sigh. He didn’t really know the point himself, nor why he constantly acts so recoiled with Cas’s affection at times. He did love the angel, but the image of his father would come creeping in his mind at times. And it always left a distaste in his mouth.
Why couldn’t he just love the angel they way Cas wanted, the way he needed.
“I’m just…” The hunter huffs, rubbing his scruffy chin, then his eyes. Before pinching his nose with another huff. Cas could see Dean turn on himself, something he did a lot. He’s self-destructive.
“Dean. It’s okay.” Cas can’t recall a moment he didn’t say this to his lover.
It’s okay. Two simple words that humans use to reassure one another. Normally it’s always hollow and more of a silent lie, but Cas had never meant it as such. It’s okay meant; I’m here. I understand. I love you.
“How did you get stuck with me?” Dean scoffs, thinking low of himself.
Cas is so attentive; Dean would always question if he would be a perfect fit for someone else. Someone more like him. Maybe another angel perhaps? Not some hunter that can barely face the fact he is in love with such an angelic man.
Someone that it’s been drilled into his head time and time again that all creatures are bad. That it’s always shoot first and ask questions later. That did happen the first time he met Cas, but beside the point.
Something has changed inside of him that’s changed only for the angel.
“I like being stuck with you,” Cas tries his luck again, tugging a hand free from Deans tight grasp to lay a cupped hand on his bearded cheek.
Dean doesn’t flinch this time. In fact, he moulds his hand over Cas’s much softer one, his rough palms such a wild contrast to the angelic beings. One would thing that a warrior of heaven would have a soldier’s hands. But Dean doesn’t care, he leans into the touch and lays a small, soft kiss into the palm of the angel. Cas chuckles softly to himself, a deep rumble that Dean always loves.
“Thank you…for the uh stuff.” Dean mumbles letting go of Cas’s hand so the angel could place his it back to his sides in almost an awkward manner.
Cas turns to face the bed again inspecting his work. He spent almost three whole days with Sam trying to find the best way to please Dean with this human holiday. So, to say he was nervous that Dean was not going like it was an understatement.
“I’m glad. I watched a tutorial on that YouTube thing you showed me.” Cas emphasised the word Tube with a strong ‘B’.
Cas then begins to ramble on about how he purchased such items and how he managed to use one of Sam real credit card. Dean rolls his eyes with a grunt before coming forward and wrapping his arms around Cas’s waist. He kisses the nape of his neck where the skin is exposed above his trench coat and the angel goes ridged, his words getting caught in his throat.  
“Oh…” The angel peeps out. The tutorial was correct.
Dean begins undoing Cas’s buttons from behind, his fingers skilled from doing this many, many times in his past. He may not be great at sappy words, but he could classify himself an expert in other departments.
Cas turns around in the hunter’s hold to only have a pair of desperate lips crash into his. The angel grimaces but holds onto Dean’s face and doesn’t let him go. He pulls the hunter closer as his shirt is pulled out his pants. He’s slowly walked backward into the back of the bed. As soon as his knees hit the bed, he spins Dean around as if they were dancing.
Dean lands on the chocolate ridden bed with a gruff, “Oof,” before he can even register what just happened.
The hunter watches Cas shrug off his trench coat that flops to the ground heavily. Then, he pulls off his jacket and already undone shirt in the same motion. Dean can’t help but let his eyes wonder over the angel’s toned chest.
A little heavily, Cas sits down a top of Dean’s hips. The bed creaks under the added weight, but it’s nothing it can’t handle. Cas grinds down ever so softly but the motion has Dean grunting deep within his throat, his hands instantly grabbing onto the angel’s waist.
“Let me show you, Dean,” Cas grumbles deeply as he bends down, so close to the hunter that their noses touch, “Let me show you that you’re loved. That you’re cared for. That I love you.”
Dean breathing hitches in his throat as the angel kisses him deeply. Many would dream of this moment. To be kissed by an angel that they’ve read about in the bible. Or heard about from their priest and how the lord will send one down to help them in their worries. Well, Dean has many worries and problems, but he doesn’t think any priest or bible reader would be able to wrap their head around a sight like this one.
One that has an angel of the lord, grinding his hips down on his hardening crotch. One that has him doing something special for Valentine’s Day. Showing him how much he loves him and how much he’s cared.
At this affection, it has Dean feeling all weird and gooey inside. Something that he has never felt before with his one-night stands. There’s something about Cas that has Dean feeling desperate every single time. Out of breath, red in the face, weak in the knees.  
It’s Dean that has to pull away from the kiss for air. He pants as his head spins from lack of oxygen and because Cas is still grinding down onto him, it makes his feel even dizzier in the head. The angel’s been either watching too many pornos or he’s picked up some shit from the hunter.
“Get these clothes off me,” Dean growls deeply before bringing Cas down for another kiss with a hand on the back of his head.
The angel groans as Dean tugs at his hair, keeping him as place so that he can abuse his mouth. But he does as the man wishes, breaking the kiss once again. He begins taking Dean’s clothes off as quick as he can. Pulling his shirt off over his head and unbuckling his jeans to pull them down. Dean’s half hard cock becomes exposed to the cold bunker air and he hisses through his teeth.
Cas is quick to follow suit, slipping his own pants off as well. And Dean soaks up the view all the same. He’ll never get over seeing the angel like this.
And certainly, won’t get over how the angel plods over to the bedside drawer and opens it up. His bare ass is open to the world and Dean can’t resist. It’s like there’s a massive red, neon sign pointing to his lily white ass saying, Smack me. So, he leans over where he is on the bed and slaps it.
The only reaction Dean gets from Cas is a slow turn of the head with a frown deep set on his face. He’s slightly disappointed in the hunter. He grabs Dean’s still outstretched hand and pins it to the bed as he climbs onto the bed again and over the top of the other.
“That was impulsive,” Cas murmurs.
“Hey,” Dean pipes up. “It was right there.”
Cas rolls his eyes at this but let’s go of his hand so that he can pop the lid of the lube he grabbed from the bedside table open. It should be embarrassing that he knows where to look without asking Dean, but he shouldn’t be all too worried. All worrisome thoughts are quickly ridden of though. Dean can’t help but runs his fingers over the angel’s thighs as he pours a generous amount of lube onto his fingers.
He's all too tempted to reach in between Cas’s legs and touch. But he holds himself strong, waiting for the angel to say he can. He’s learnt well in the past to not touch in certain places without asking. The angel explained it as overwhelming but in a way that every single sensitive touch is like a hundred fireworks. What a thought.
Touching your own dick and fireworks begin bursting out of you.
Then, the angel lifts himself up a bit. And all while making eye contact with Dean, those blue eyes so dark now that they’re almost like midnight, he pushed two slicked fingers into himself. Dean bites the inside of his cheek as he grips Cas’s thighs tighter. Small grunts escape the angel’s throat as he leans over Dean more, working himself open for him. Dean swallows thickly, a warmth coiling in his gut at the sight. All for him. He grips Cas’s thighs tighter again, not being to break eye contact with him.
He feels like he’ll miss something. The sight of Cas is intoxicating. He wonders why his father saw this as wrong and unnatural. There’s nowhere else Dean would rather be right now. He would never be able to admit that out loud, but he just hopes that his angel knows that. Maybe one day he’ll be able to speak his mind without thinking he’s sounding like a little boy.  
Then all of a sudden, like something out of Dean’s pornos, Cas reaches around to grab the hunter’s cock. He gives it a few strokes with his lubed-up fingers and each touch feels like fire to Dean. He holds his breath as the angel lines himself up, biting his lip with the amount of concentration on his face. The head of Dean’s cock pushes in smoothly and it feels like the hunter can’t breathe, all the air being punched out of him.
Slowly, the angel works himself onto Dean’s cock. Inch by inch, he’s determined to get every bit of the hunter into him. Cas breathes heavily through his nose as he closes his eyes, getting lost in the feeling himself. Dean can’t help but imagine the fireworks and it has him grinning.
Finally, the angel sinks down fully and sits on top of Dean with a shaky sigh. Dean can’t let go of the angel’s thighs. If he does, he reckons he’ll float away and never come back.
Only because it’s Cas, it feels so much different for Dean. The angel has Dean throwing his head back into the blankets and chocolates with a little movement of his hips. His finger nails scratch into Cas’s thighs and he can’t help but pant and groan deep within his chest. His angel hasn’t even done anything special, and he feels his skin buzzing.
Cas spreads his hands out onto Dean’s chest, his thumb rubbing over the tattoo on his peck. He sits on Dean for a moment, fully flush against his hips. He breathes slowly, taking in the beautiful sight of Dean trying to hold it together. He begins a slow yet brutal pace to watch Dean writhe. Moving his ass up an inch before moving back down with a twist of his hips. Each movement he’s able to get a small whine from his lover beneath him.
He keeps up the slow and agonizing pace though, waiting for Dean to say something. But he won’t force it out of him, he likes seeing him squirm a little.
“C-Cas,” Dean pants out. “Cas, please move fa-ah-ah,” he’s cut off for a moment, having to find his words in the muddle of moans and groans that force their way from his mouth. “Faster,” he gets out finally.
The angel can’t help but grin as he does as Dean wishes. He rises up until the head of the hunter’s cock sits at his rim then comes back down with another twist of his hips. He quickens his pace and his own hard cock bobs between his legs. The heat that coils in his own gut is intoxicating. Something he’s had to get use to with feeling everything tenfold.
With the new pace, Dean quivers and groans with every movement and coarse of pleasure that strikes through him. He looks to the angel through squinted eyes and feels his heart jump in his throat. Cas, his angel, he’d have to be an idiot to not see beauty in him.
He brings his angel down with his hands on either side of his face to kiss him. He just needs him close. Needs to feel his breath against his face. Needs to taste him on his tongue. He moves his hips upwards every time Cas comes down and each time it gets a grunt from the angel. A beautiful sound that is silky to the ears.
Dean pulls away from the kiss, having to catch air. But it’s very hard when Cas begins pecking and sucking at his jaw and neck quickly after. It’s all too much. He tries to flip Cas over like he’s done so many times. So that he can get at a better angle to fuck into Cas. But the angel holds him down tight on the bed.
Cas continues his pace, working himself on Dean’s dick without a faulter in his progress. He also continues nipping at Dean’s skin, kissing and sucking at him. Leaving marks wherever he’s been that will be there for days to come.
Dean holds onto Cas as his gut tightens, everything becoming fuzzy. He’s close and Cas is going to make him come his way tonight. And he holds on for dear life.
“C-Cas,” Dean pants out. “’M close.”
He can feel the angel smile into his neck as he changes the pace again. To something that has him taking the entirety of Dean and grinding down where he sits. Dean splutters, trying to move his hips but his legs begin to feel like jelly. He moves his knees up the best he can, so that he can move his hips in a way that he’s actually getting a grip on Cas. What the angel is doing to him is torture.
Cas sits up again and arches his back. He breathes heavily, sweat trickling down his chest and stomach. He rests his back against Dean’s knees, using it as a support so that he can concentrate on what he’s doing.
Dean squeezes his eyes shut, his breath hitching in his throat at his loss of simple thoughts. And he doesn’t register it at first. The thing that’s pressing up against his flushed lips. But when he opens his eyes, he gladly takes the sweet chocolate being pushed into his mouth. Two fingers follow after it and Dean sucks at them before he knows what he’s doing. The chocolate breaks inside of his mouth and a gooey caramel covers the angel’s fingers and his tongue. He groans at the taste of the chocolate. If only if the brown sweet could taste this amazing all the time.
Without even asking, Dean begins licking and cleaning the angel’s fingers from the sweet and salty caramel and chocolate. He never breaks eye contact, looking at Cas through long lashes. His tongue twists and curls around Cas’s soft fingers, not leaving an ounce of caramel behind.
Once deemed acceptable, Cas removes his fingers and smiles at Dean’s work. He wishes to grab another, but the hunter has other plans.
With this new found position from Cas, Dean is finally able to move his hips properly. He grips onto Cas’s waist and begins driving his cock into the angel. The angel shivers and trembles at the abuse, having to hold onto Dean’s chest for support. He’s so close and he needs that little extra oomph. He grunts and whines as he comes closer and closer until finally.
Cas lays a hand over one of Dean’s hands as the hunter comes undone deep inside of the angel. His thrusts stutter but he gets a few more in before letting himself go fully. He can’t help but moan as his body goes ridged. He doesn’t let go nor does he move from inside Cas. He lets himself get lost in the orgasm and the sticky feeling dribbling down his balls.
It takes awhile before Dean comes back to the land of the living. Out of breath, sweaty and having lust filled eyes stare down at him is a wonderful mixture of things.
Cas moves off of Dean and the hunter’s softening dick flops onto his thigh. The angel sits down on his stomach gently, his stare never leaving the man under him. Dean swallows thickly, licking his caramel sweet lips. He looks down at Cas’s still hard and reddened cock between his legs and grunts in his throat.
“Give me,” Dean swallows thickly again. “Five minutes and we’ll go round two,” he says as he holds up two fingers.
Cas raises his brow. “Are you sure?”
Dean nods with a snort. “Of course, it’s Valentine’s, isn’t it?”
Happy Valentine's Day bitches :)
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welldonebeca · 7 days
Guardian Bot (3)
Summary: Worried about your well-being, your brother convinces you to accept the robot your company has been given. Castiel cooks, cleans and takes care of everything you might need in your house. When you jokingly suggest that he start making the decisions on your life, your relationship changes to something very different. His program really is irrelevant. aka.: Obsessed robot boyfriend Cas. WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Future AU. Tension. Robot Cas. Smut.  Masturbation. Sex toys. Vaginal fingering. Degrading kink.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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You sighed, staring at the door. Castiel was always too conventionally on time.
"I'm on my way," you told him.
You searched around your clothes, finding a silk robe folded in your drawer, and put it on, covering your half-naked body.
Hopefully, dinner and charging would be equally quick, and you'd be able to get yourself off.
When you opened the door, Castiel was waiting right there for you.
"Did you finish what you were doing?" he asked, almost in a teasing tone.
You glared at him. Did he...
He was just a robot.
"I'll serve your food," he affirmed. "I suspect you'll want some wine?"
Wine usually made you horny.
Was he trying to send you a message?
But it was a good idea.
"Yes, please," you confirmed.
When you both walked down, he didn't direct you to the dining room, but to your living room, waiting on the coffee table in front of the TV.
"You should relax a little," he told you. "Watch your favourite show. Can I offer you a massage?"
You chuckled.
"Cas, you are really spoiling me," you chuckled.
He smiled.
"You are easy to spoil, miss Winchester," he said simply.
You took your plate, placed your feet on the table, and Castiel quickly sat in front of you, taking your foot and starting to massage it.
Maybe you shivered.
You hadn't realised how touch-starved you were until he actually touched you.
You took the glass he had poured you and let yourself relax as the fantasy show played on the TV, distracted until he spoke up.
"I must say," he ran his thumbs over the soft bit of your foot. "I was a little nervous when I was assigned to you."
You looked at him, surprised.
"Really?" you asked.
He confirmed with a nod.
"Humans need a lot of attention and care, I realise," he explained.
You chuckled.
"You talk as if we are pets," you pointed out. "Is that how you see us?"
Castiel looked at you.
He didn't answer, though, only moving up your leg.
"How was work?" he asked, instead. "Did they like your dress?"
You felt yourself flushing a bit, flustered.
"I... uh..." you cleared your throat. "Got some attention. Compliments."
"Really?" he looked at you, interested. "What did they say? That you looked pretty? Radiant?"
You blinked surprised.
"Radiant," you agreed. "Exactly."
He smiled a little.
"This is your best colour," he affirmed simply. "It's supposed to make you look radiant."
You looked at him, and while you didn't want to talk about the sales guy, you felt like you should.
You would tell him anything he asked you.
"There was a guy in sales who said something more," you confessed, at last. "He didn't disrespect me, of course, just..."
Castiel waited and you flushed a little.
"He didn't say anything extra," you explained. "Just that I looked beautiful and happy. And that I should do it more."
He listened to you attentively, and you sighed.
"And he looked at me... differently."
Like he wanted to fuck you.
"How?" he asked.
You processed your lips together.
"Like he wanted to... uh..."
Castiel raised his eyebrows waiting.
"Fuck me," you whispered, not wanting to say it aloud.
"Oh?" he massaged your calf. "That must have felt good for you."
Your cheeks burned.
"I don't think you've been fucked in a while, have you?" he asked.
You gasped.
Why was he even asking you that?
"I have access to your period tracker," he told you. "And you have logged every instance of sexual intercourse in it, if I recall correctly, it was-"
"I know how many times I've had intercourse," you interrupted him. "There's no need to mention it."
He gave you a soft look.
"I only have your best interest at heart," he affirmed. "Some humans require sexual stimulation for relief and happiness."
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
"Is that what you want from that man?" he asked, massaging your thigh. "For him to fill your sexual needs?"
You whimpered.
Why did he have to sound so sexy while saying that?
"I mean," you squirmed a little. "It doesn't have to be him."
You sipped your wine to stop yourself from saying more as your mind ran beyond your mouth.
"So you would just let any man have you?" he pushed his hand between your legs, almost touching your cunt now. "Such a slut."
You gasped and jumped when he traced a finger over your folds.
That wasn't his program! The Androids weren't programmed for vulgarity!
"Cas, I-"
"It's what you are, though," he hummed, tapping your sensitive centre. "Logically speaking."
Castiel parted your folds and you could only pant. What was he doing?
"Slut," he continued. "Definition from Oxford Languages. A woman who has many casual sexual partners."
You whined - why did he sound so hot?
Castiel massaged the outside of your cunt up and down, soft and almost unintending.
Did he know what he was doing?
"Cas, that's not my leg anymore," you panted.
"It isn't?" he asked, clearly teasing you, and tapped your clit, making you squirm.
"What are you doing?" you whined.
He wasn't a sex bot!
"I took the liberty of upgrading myself," he hummed. "To provide you with some more care."
You stared down at him, confused, and gasped when he stopped tapping and started circling your clit.
"I am, after all, tasked with fulfilling your every need," he continued. "And you told me to take control."
"Cas," you panted, squirming. "I don't know. I don't think we-"
"You don't think, miss," he corrected you. "This isn't your work. I'm the one who commands this house, and I command you. And I think you need special care to make you better."
You moaned, speechless.
Castiel stood up, watching over you for a moment and reaching for you, untying your robe.
"You're so beautiful," he hummed, pushing it off your shoulders. "So hot... I've been watching you for quite some time, you know?"
You swallowed down.
"Have you?"
He hummed, fingers going down to your chest, and he toyed with the fabric.
"And you have no shame, do you?" he asked. "Always naked around me. Always showing off."
You shuddered.
"I didn't know you cared," you tried to argue.
His lips curled in a little smirk, and he moved his gaze to your eyes.
"I don't," he agreed. "But you make me care."
His fingers held the little bra, and you inhaled deeply, surprised when he tore it.
"I bought better ones," he assured you. "Don't worry."
Castiel picked you up, sitting on the place you had been sitting and putting you on his lap with your back to his chest, and you gasped when he used his legs to spread yours, pushing a finger into your cunt.
"Cas," you squirmed, shocked, but he just held you close.
"Be a good slut for me, miss," he whispered into your ear.
You whined.
Where had he learned to talk like this?
"It's what you like, isn't it?" he fucked your cunt slowly. "I read the little stories you have bookmarked on your phone."
Your face burned in embarrassment. He had read your porn?!
"Why?" you moaned, feeling him push a second finger into you.
"Because I want you to improve, miss," he answered simply. "And I think I have a good motivation for you."
You gasped when he moved his other hand down, rubbing your clit.
"You humans are so easy to work on," he cooed. "All you need is some good leading."
The moan that left your lips when he curled his fingers inside you was embarrassing.
"I knew those toys weren't enough to make you cum, miss," he cooed softly. "It's good that I'm here, uh?"
You whimpered, squirming.
"Cas," you arched your hips. "I'm so close."
He kissed your shoulder.
"Cum around my fingers, miss," he purred, moving quicker, and his finger vibrated on your clit.
You cried out, shaking on top of him as you reached your orgasm, and Castiel only pulled away when you started pushing his hands away.
"Good girl," he kissed your shoulder. "Aren't you happy you wore that dress today?"
You panted.
This was just for wearing the dress?!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67 @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23 @smalltowndivaj @tayrae515imagines @afanofmanystuffs @oneshoeshort @andkatiethings @wakanda-sometimes @xoxabs88xox @izbelross @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
Supernatural Kinky Fics (+18): @stoneyggirl2 @phoenixblack89 @that-dark-girl
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Hell’s Bells - Castiel
My Masterlist.
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Descriptive canon typical violence/gore. Not proofread.
Summary: Reader makes a deal to drag Dean's soul out of hell, but Castiel is the one who dragged him out. They've been scammed, but the hellhounds are still coming to collect. Fluff,  hurt/comfort, hurting to heal (sort of).
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Placing my driver's license into the box, I knelt down, setting the box into the small hole I had dug. I recklessly covered it back up with gravel. I stood to my feet, glancing at each of the four roads expectantly. 
"Well, well, look who it is." I spun on my heel at the voice of a woman behind me. "Come to make a deal?"
"Let Dean out of hell." I demanded.
"Straight to the point, I see." She smiled. "But what could you have that I want?"
"My soul." 
"Oh my, my. You must really care for him." 
"Like my own brother." I raised my chin, glaring at her.
"How long do you want?" Judging by the smirk on her face, I knew she was just asking to see how long I thought I could get.
"Five years."
"That's quite a while." She hummed. I shrugged.
"It's not going to matter." She sighed. "You know what? You caught me on a good day. How about this, I'll give you a better deal than that bitch gave Dean. Two years."
"You don't seem to understand how very many demons want his soul down there. Very high in demand." She laughed. 
I narrowed my eyes. "Three." 
"But yours is just as valuable. Maybe even more considering…" She eyed me up and down with a sigh, trailing off and tapping her finger against her arm. "Fine, three." 
I didn't even hesitate. "Deal."
"Do we really have to figure this all out right now guys? Can't we just be happy that we're all back together?" I sighed in frustration. My time was ticking, and I just wanted to enjoy the three years I had left with the boys. 
"Yeah, but we can also figure out what left a nasty frickin handprint on my arm, don't you think?" He snapped. I sighed again, but I couldn't blame him for wanting to know. Even though I knew he wouldn't find any answers. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. 
Not long after that, we had gone to the psychic for answers. Her eyes had been burned out, and several nights later, Dean had come to me and Sam with the news that he had been visited by the angel Castiel.  
Apparently, the angel had been the one to pull Dean out of hell, which raised the question, for me at least: was I out of my deal? After all, Dean had been freed from hell from Castiel, not the demon. I might have questioned which had gotten to him first, but that much was obvious, considering the mark of a handprint on his bicep. 
The next night I had gotten a chance, I made my way to meet up with the crossroads demon once again. I had to be let out of the deal. She hadn't held up her end of the bargain, it was only fair. But demons were anything but fair.
"Hey sweetheart, whatcha need?" A brunette in a black dress and high heels strutted up to me. I spun around. 
"We don't have a contract anymore, right?" 
She laughed in my face. "Of course we do, I freed your sweet Dean from hell, didn't I?" 
"Don't you dare take credit for that." I hissed, shoving her away from me. "You had no part in it, and I know that for a fact." 
"Still, a deal's a deal."
"Even if you don't uphold your end of the bargain?" My voice was low, dangerous. 
"That doesn't matter now, does it? I have your soul, that's all that matters." 
"You con artist bitch!" I yelled at her. I reached for the demon knife at my side, when her mouth opened wide. Black smoke poured out and into the air. I couldn't be bothered to help the now unconscious woman on the ground she had been possessing.
 I kicked at the gravel in frustration, screamed, punched a tree. I let all my anger out, because I knew I was going to hell, no matter what. We hadn't been able to find a way to get Dean out of his contract, even with everyone working on it. I couldn't imagine the disappointment on their faces if I told them. I had been scammed, really. 
I was going to hell, and that was that. 
 "How could you?" Ruby had snuck up behind me. I jumped, hand poised for the knife at my waist before I recognized her.
"Shit, stop doing that." I grimaced, leaning back against the wall. "How could I what?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She narrowed her eyes at me. 
"No, I really don't." 
"Where do I start?" She began, stalking in front of me and eyeing me up and down. "Let's see, you sold your soul to the crossroads demon. To Lilith. The very bitch we're fighting." 
"What did you expect me to do? Let Dean stay in hell?"
"He made the deal, he had to live with it! And now look at you, you poor thing." She quirked her lips into a humorless smile. "You got scammed."
"You know what? Fuck you." I growled, pushing away from her and stalking off. "You don't know shit." 
"I can sense it. Demon, remember?"
"Yeah, and you're a bitch just like the rest of them." 
The angel Castiel had always been cold towards me, even more so towards the others; And I, weary of him. Since I had made the deal to save Dean's soul, and Castiel had shown up shortly after, I had steered clear from the angel. I had met him only a few, necessary times, and the way he looked at me told me that he knew about the deal I had made. I assumed he hated-or at the very least disliked me-for getting myself intertwined with hell. Dean, of course, was an exception.
Even after he had grown closer to the Winchesters, I was still distrustful of him. I could never fully trust something of the supernatural. After witnessing the demeanor of other angels, despite how he acted, I still saw him as one of those holy pricks. My interactions with him were kept to the bare minimum, and they were mostly with the Winchesters in the room. I felt the smallest bit safer that way.
Now, three years later, I watched Dean's face morph and twitch rapidly across the table from me. I set my jaw, grimacing and struggling to focus on the words decorating the pages of the book in front of me. Until those started to morph and dance across the page, too. Endlessly taunting me, a constant reminder that I had just 3 hours left.
I slammed the book shut and stood, making Dean jump and look up at me. 
"You feeling alright?" 
"No, not really." I smiled apologetically. "I just need some fresh air, starting to lose my mind being stuffed up in here."
His lips quirked up. "Aren't we all." He muttered as I walked away. 
"Wait." His voice made me stop to turn back. "You coming with us on this case?"
"No I, uh- Sorry." The apology held more to it than just the hunt. My throat was suddenly tight, and a shadow that I knew wasn't real danced in my peripherals. I swallowed. "I've got some more research to do. Just..Just let me know before you guys leave." 
"Will do." 
I headed off to one of the storage rooms, gathering the things I needed to begin warding the bunker as soon as the brothers left. I knew the bunker was supposed to be protected against just about everything, but I felt better doing it my way. I also knew it was pointless, but if I could buy myself just a little bit more time maybe I could-
It was inevitable. 
At 10 o'clock, I heard Dean call for me from the bunker door. I hurried to his voice, steeling myself for my final goodbye to them, even if they didn't know it. I smiled in greeting and goodbye. 
"We're off." He said, catching me in a one armed hug, the other holding his duffel. I hugged him back tightly. 
"Be safe." I said quietly. I released him and captured Sam in an equally tight hug. "You too, Sammy." 
Sucking in a shaky breath, I stepped back from the two of them. "Thank you, by the way, you know? For everything. You guys are my family." 
"Of course.." Dean trailed off, giving me an odd glance. "Is there something you're not telling us?"
"No, just feeling sappy." I laughed, even though it was strained. 
"You be safe too." Sam added. I acknowledged him with a brief nod, waving them off out the door.
As soon as the low rumble of the Impala faded into the distance, I was busy with herbs and wards and everything else I possibly knew. I wasn't sure what my plan was. I guess I was just hoping to hold out as long as I could. 
The hallucinations became worse and worse in the following hour, and by ten minutes to midnight, I was almost at the end of my rope. I just sat against the wall, my jaw clenched, muscles tensed and waiting. 
I jumped when I heard banging at the bunker door that sounded oddly real, compared to everything else that my mind had brewed up in the past hour. Then, Dean's voice. Yelling for me to open up the door. I squeezed my eyes shut, hugging my knees to my chest. 
"No." I whispered. 
Something gave me the feeling that this was off. That it was a trap. Dean's yelling and cursing at the door was insistent. I knew they were hunting something big. Something bad. But they would never come screaming their heads off at the door from it, right? 
"Open the god damn door!" Dean yelled, louder this time. "Sammy's hurt!" 
Squeezing my legs to my chest one last time, I pushed myself to my feet, my chest heaving with fear. I opened the door cautiously, and there was Dean, with a bloody and unconscious Sam draped over his shoulders. I immediately rushed forward to help, away from the protection of the bunker, and that's when I felt it. 
White hot pain in my shoulder, and once I hit the ground, in my abdomen. A sharp pain in my lungs, and then wet, struggling breaths. Teeth and fangs and sharp claws, ripping and piercing and crunching anything they could get ahold of. One bit into my ribs, and another clawed at my leg. I gasped, pulling my demon blade out and slashing it in front of me. It caught the hellhounds by surprise, and they backed away growling and snarling. 
It allowed me enough of an opening to scramble to my hands and knees and pull myself back into the safety of the bunker. A thick trail of blood followed behind me. I grasped the door and pulled it shut, collapsing onto my back with a whimper and coughing. I laid on my back, gasping for air. Choking on my own blood. As it became harder to breathe, my struggles to turn onto my side grew more and more frantic. I couldn't die like this. 
I heard what sounded like the woosh of a breeze, or the flapping of a bird's wings. The sound was vaguely familiar, and I opened my eyes to find its source. 
I gasped, my eyes blown wide in panic at the angel standing in front of me. He looked down at me, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side. 
"Calm down." Castiel said, kneeling down. I struggled to push myself away from him, even as it became harder to breathe by the second. The pain was so overwhelming I could barely even process it, I was at least that lucky. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Yeah right." I  greedily sucked in what I knew would be my final breaths of air; even if they were filled with blood. Whether the hellhounds or the angel got to me first, I knew I wouldn't be seeing the boys again. I squeezed my eyes shut at the white hot pain in my abdomen, coughing.
 I gasped for air, fear becoming more prevalent when I couldn't stop coughing. I was lightheaded. 
An arm crossed my chest, turning me onto my stomach and holding me in his lap. I went limp in his iron hold. It was irrational, but somehow I thought he knew I was trying to evade the hellhounds, so he had come to throw me into hell himself.
My coughing eventually ceased, and I began to struggle against him. As I fought against his grip, he raised two fingers to my forehead, and I began to panic even more. I thrashed, not caring about my injuries anymore. I didn't want to be at the angel's mercy.
Until then, I was only aware that the hellhounds had become silent since Castiel arrived, when they began to growl and bark again. I shrank back against Castiel, shaking violently and curling into myself.
"It's okay." He told me as soothingly as he could. He shifted, pulling me with him. I jerked back, my breath quickening and my terrified eyes darting between him and the bunker door that the hellhounds growled and scratched at. I managed to wriggle out of his hold with the element of surprise. 
"Let me help you." He reached for me. I hunkered down like a wounded animal, shaking. My skin was cold to the touch.
"Why?" I croaked out.  I knew I wasn't important to the big picture, not like Dean was. I thought he would make me face the consequences of my reckless deal, and let the 'nature' of the supernatural world take its course. Why help me, and what was in it for him?
There was a bark on the other side of the door, and I flinched. "No." I mumbled. "No, get away from me." 
"You don't want to go to hell, do you?" I was lying on my side now, my back against the wall. My vision was full of spots, and I squeezed my eyes shut momentarily. When I opened them again, he was right in front of me. 
"Please don't tell Sam and Dean. Don't tell them what happened to me." I begged hoarsely. They couldn't know, if it was the last thing I did.
At that, the angel gave me a confused look. "You're not going to hell. I won't allow it." He said simply.
"Then what do you want from me?"
"Let me help you."  He rolled his sleeve up and grimaced, touching his palm to my already torn abdomen. "This…will hurt. A lot. But trust me." I was about to question what he meant, when I felt a blindingly hot, crippling pain spread from my ribcage to the rest of my body. An agonizing cry choked out of my mouth, and my hands gripped at the floor, desperate for something to grab onto. They found his trenchcoat, and the hem of it was bunched up into my white-knuckled grip. I writhed as the agony only worsened. All the air left my lungs. I could no longer gasp or cry out. 
Just as abruptly as it had started, the pain vanished. He let me down onto the floor, and my body slumped down weakly, spent from the whole ordeal. My breath came in quick pants, my eyes darting upwards. I was terrified of what he might do next.
But in a flutter of wings, he was gone. 
I pushed myself to my forearms, seemingly no worse for wear despite the pain that felt like it would do permanent damage prior.  But I was still bleeding out, and still horribly, fatally, injured. Pressing my palms to the floor, I managed to shove myself back so my back was up against the wall. At least that way, he wouldn't be able to appear behind me, and I wouldn't be caught off guard. I still didn't understand what he had done..that for.
 I laid against the wall, my breaths becoming shallower and more far and few in between. My eyes shut, and my heart barely thudded against my broken ribcage. A dangerous amount of blood had pooled around me once again. It hadn't even been that long. 
A light breath of air across my face made me crack my eyes open. The angel was kneeling beside me.
He reached for me, and this time, I could do nothing but flinch away from his touch. "It's all right." He murmured softly, pressing his palm to my forehead, and another to my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't know what to expect, but after what he had done before, I could only brace myself for something even worse. 
The last thing I would have expected was for a warm feeling to wash over my entire body. It overtook all the pain, and with it came a feeling of comfort and safety. I sighed, my body finally relaxing. 
"It's done." Castiel said. I opened my heavy eyes, flexing my shoulder experimentally. When it didn't hurt, I pushed myself onto my elbows, then into a sitting position. I looked at him cautiously and quizzically, still unsure of the angel in front of me.
Another snarl at the door made me cringe. I pressed myself against the wall, my breath hitching in my throat. Castiel vanished in a flutter of feathers, startling me. 
I pushed myself onto shaky feet. Even though he had healed me, I still felt incredibly weak. I staggered into the infirmary, gripping onto the sink when my knees went weak. The water coming from the faucet was shockingly cold as I splashed it onto my face. I scrubbed my arms vigorously, desperately trying to get rid of some of the nightmarish gore that coated my skin. I stripped out of my blood-soaked shirt and rinsed the blood off of my midsection, too. 
I shrugged on a t-shirt and collapsed gratefully onto the hard bed of the infirmary. After several moments, feeling slightly less lightheaded and beginning to drift off, I heard feathers. I jerked up in surprise, shouldering my upper half onto my elbows. 
"They're gone." He was sitting on the edge of the bed, turning to glance at me. 
"What?" I shuffled back to put some distance between us.
"You shouldn't have to worry about your deal anymore." He smiled. He looked disheveled. I suddenly felt for him, in a way. I saw him as a person in that tired, reassuring smile, and not the cold angel he had always seemed like to me. 
"Thank you, I-" I had no idea how to express my gratitude to him. "Thank you."
"What was that?" I asked him. He didn't need to ask, he knew exactly what I meant. 
"It was necessary. I had to find the demon you made a deal with." 
"But how-"
"When you sell your soul, the demon leaves a sort of..brand on it." He hesitated, but continued. "Reading your soul is painful. Agonizing. But it had to be done." 
"Thank you, Cas." It was embarrassing, but I couldn't help the sudden, overwhelming urge to cry. 
"You're safe now." He was hesitant, but he pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around me. I tensed up but after a moment, mirrored his actions, balling his trench coat up in my fists. His hands rubbed up and down my back soothingly. 
"Why?" I mumbled into his shoulder.
It took him a moment to respond. "You don't belong in hell. You belong here." He said simply.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Your Next Meal: Part Two
Pairing: Castiel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: trying to eat your family, feeling guilty and sad for what you did, comforting!cas
Summary: You come clean to your father about what you did and the hunt you went on. He hates you didn't tell him but he's your dad and will always love you no matter what species you are.
read part one here: Your Next Meal (part two requested by @gabrielslittleangel)
Square Filled: body swap (in the sense that she swaps body with a wolf) for @castielspnbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Sam, Dean, and Castiel turn to run out of the room but you’re already trying to pounce on them. Saliva drips from your mouth at the thought of ripping into their bodies, and you bark so loud the noise echoes off the walls. All three men run for their lives straight down to the control room where they have access to shut down the entire Bunker. If you can’t have them, you might be inclined to leave the Bunker and hurt someone innocent.
Castiel uses his powers to slam the doors closed just as you ram your entire body into the door. Sam scrambles to press the lockdown button that shuts down every door, locks them, and turns the blinking red lights on.
You bark loudly and slam your body against the door yet again causing it to shake and almost splinter.
“How the hell did this happen?” Dean gasps.
“I don’t know. Y/N! Stop!”
You bang against the door again. This time, it does splinter and the wood pierces your arm. You howl out in pain and back up to give yourself a break. The door is made of metal but the outer layer is wood which is why it was able to break off and pierce you. Suddenly, the urge to kill isn’t so bad now that you have a wound to take care of. You whimper in pain and run down the hallway to somewhere isolated.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel stare at the door in fear you’re taking a break to ram the door again. However, after an hour of sitting there, they figure you must have moved on to something else. Sam turns the alarm off, allowing people to enter and exit the Bunker freely. The red lights shut off and are replaced by the dim yellow ones.
Castiel opens the door and sees a pool of blood by the door. Wolf or not, you’re still his daughter. If he sees blood, he’s immediately going to get worried for your safety. The trail of blood leads them to the infirmary where you’re sitting on the bed in your human form. Tears are streaming down your face as you’re trying to heal yourself.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob and yank a piece of wood out of your arm.
“What happened?” Sam asks in a gentle tone that makes you cry harder.
“I went on a hunt without you guys. I just wanted to prove myself. Life’s been hard without my powers and I wanted to do something good for once instead of screw it up like I always do. I wanted to prove I could still help people even if I’m not an angel. I got bit by the werewolf. I was so scared to tell you. I messed up. I’m so sorry,” you sob.
Sam and Dean give you and Castiel a moment to yourselves as father and daughter. They will discuss it later but this moment is reserved for you two. Castiel walks over to you and places his hand on your arm. He uses his angelic powers to heal you of any wounds you might have.
“I’m upset you didn’t tell us what happened and the fact that you went on a hunt by yourself, but you’re my daughter. I’m gonna love you no matter what species you are. We can and will definitely talk about this later, but what matters right now is that you’re okay.”
“Don’t hate me, please,” you cry and look up at him. “I’m so sorry.”
“Come here,” he whispers. He pulls you into a hug and lets you cry into his chest. He rubs your back soothingly and smooths down your hair. “I could never hate you. I love you so much. We’ll figure this out together. Garth is a werewolf. We can talk to him and have him help you adjust.”
“Okay,” you nod and pull away from him.
“Without your mother, it’s just you and me.” He leans down and kisses your head. “Right now, that’s all you’re ever going to need. We’ll figure it out together.”
You messed up but there is a way to deal with it instead of panicking and hurting someone who doesn’t deserve it. It’s not going to be easy, but what is?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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