#Cat Yowling After Peeing
twst-drabbles · 10 months
Floyd and Grim 1
Summary: One of Floyd’s favorite words beyond your name was ‘Seal.’ Whenever you hear it, it’s not because he’s seeing the actual animal, it’s because he saw Grim and is chasing him around the yard.
(Floyd being a little shit is always fun.)
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“Seal!” A high squeaky voice almost pierced your ear as you fumbled with your newspaper, “Seal seal seal! Oomph… Seal!”
A wet flop, almost like a small body fell into mud before the yelling started up. Uh-oh.
You place your paper down on the table and got up. Seems you were sitting for too long because some of the bones in your spine popped. You ignored the slight pain. There are more important things to focus on. “Alright, what’s Floyd up to now?”
Seal was... an odd choice of a word for that cat. Why seal? Because he's gray and round? Probably. You don't really know any other cat that his specific shade of gray. Or has fire on the ears.
The stray cat that’s comes around, Grim you named him, has been hanging out more often in the garden. Probably because he’s figured out the little pet door you installed in the back. You’re pretty sure he comes inside to sleep in the corner, since there’s some scorch on the kitchen tiles and little bits of gray fur.
You haven’t put anything in his corner yet, not out of apathy but out of knowing the sensibilities of cats. The minute you put in something new in their territory, they either never approach again or they pee all over it. You don’t like either choices, so you just don’t.
You open the door and were not shocked by what you saw.
“Floyd!” You yelled out, knowing it was vain now that Floyd was up and chasing the yowling Grim around the yard. “Oh boy…”
From one side of the yard to the other, Floyd chased after the flame-eared cat with no regard for his distress. His ears flared brightly while sharp teeth and too-strong jaws opened wide and clipped just an inch away from Grim’s tail. No matter how fast Grim ran, Floyd was just an inch away from chomping on him.
In fact, Floyd was keeping up so well that Grim basically has his butt scooting against the floor. A weird little crab run, almost. A furry ball.
Floyd was clearly dinged up with bumps, bruises and cuts. Completely slathered in mud from the neck down but he didn’t care. Not when he’s running on the high of the chase.
How the cat hasn’t started a wild fire in your backyard is beyond you. Well, probably can’t on the account of what happened last time he did that. You can tell that thistle-like collar was not comfortable.
“Alright!” You stepped in just as they were in front of you and captured them both, Floyd by the tail and Grim by the scruff, “Stop.”
Floyd, upside down, swung himself back and forth violently, swiping his little claws right at Grim to try and grab him. “Seal! Seal seal!”
Grim practically retracted further into your hand, hissing. Seems he fears the little eel more than he hated you. Huh.
You walked to the tallest boulder and plopped Grim on top of it. And, of course, the minute you let go, the cat showed you his attitude by sniffing the air and raising his nose high in the air, as if none of you were worth his time.
You ignored him with a turn of your back. “So, Floyd.”
Grim, behind you, started a meow but choked on his saliva.
Floyd went limp now that his entertainment was gone. He stuck out his tongue at you and gave you a raspberry.
“You’re going in quarantine.” All those scraps and cuts along with the mud is a great recipe for infection.
Floyd whined at you, sticking out his grabby hands, demanding for cuddles like that’ll somehow make you forgive him.
“You don’t get cuddles Floyd. You get a bath.”
He sputtered angrily at you as you walked back into the kitchen.
“Hate you.”
“I know.”
Oh, he learned some new words. Interesting. You can’t help but wonder who taught him those.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 days
Baby love pics alongside my ask
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Modern au Sev and reader who run a puppy foster home? Maybe Sev gets really attached to one of the pups and wants to adopt her for herself? Idk do what you want with this
mars there are tears in my eyes, baby love is not a baby anymore 😭 what a big girl!!!
men and minors dni
with slayer and sugar growing old, their faces getting white and their energy levels getting lower, you and sevika have had more free time on your hands. your sunday morning hikes with your puppies (slayer in a little carrier on sevika's back, sugar proudly carrying the biggest stick she can find the entire walk) have gotten much shorter as their joints get sore, and your nightly walks around the park have turned into walks around the yard-- both of them losing their stamina.
and you know it'll fucking suck once they pass on. and you know it'll suck for sevika even more, because she's never lost a pet before. she doesn't know how hard it'll hit her.
so, after a bit of research, some meetings at the local shelter, and a few trips to the pet shop-- you and sevika decided to become foster moms for dogs.
slayer and sugar are chill enough in their old age to provide the perfect, calming enforcement for anxious or previously abused dogs. the temporary additions to your family will keep you and sevika active while your dogs age, and they'll help soften the blow when it's time to say goodbye to sugar and slayer.
what you fail to consider, is that both of you are total fucking suckers-- and being foster parents means having to say goodbye to the dogs once the shelter finds them a family.
you accidentally adopt 3 dogs before you give up on fostering.
the first dog you foster is a grumpy old beagle named bernard. his previous owner was a ninety year old woman who died, and who couldn't walk much before that. therefore, bernard fat. so fat, that he can barely walk.
you both fall in love instantly.
with your help-- but especially with his new friends in slayer and sugar-- bernard starts to come out of his shell. his half block walks before he collapses turn into a full lap around the neighborhood in no time; he absolutely loves peeing right on top of where his big sisters just went.
and as he starts getting healthier, his bad mood starts to vanish, and you and sevika are both shocked to find that bernard is a lapdog.
he was too heavy to jump before, but now that he can, any time either of you are sitting, bernard's not far behind.
so, of course, when bernard's healthy enough to adopt out to a family, you and sevika become heartbroken at the idea of saying goodbye to your little old man.
you adopt him.
the next dog you get is a puppy, a sweet baby mutt who was the only surviving member of her litter-- found in the dumpster behind an italian restaurant.
you name her s'ketti, short for spaghetti, and on the first night of her staying in your home, sevika turns to you in bed and nudges you.
"y'know we're not getting rid of this dog right?" she asks.
you giggle. s'ketti's made herself comfortable right between you and sevika, and she's snoring the most precious little snorts as she sleeps peacefully for the first time in her life. "we don't even know what her breed is, sev. she could end up being a hundred pounds."
"you didn't answer my question."
"...obviously we're not getting rid of her."
you decide that maybe a cat will be easier to foster. you and sevika are both dog people-- maybe having a cat it'll be easier saying goodbye.
but then you meet pinecone-- a skinny street cat who you both get to love on and fatten up-- a sweet baby who opens up to you and sevika and the dogs so kindly and patiently-- a cat who will yowl until you put her on a leash and take her on walks with the dogs-- and how can you not fall in love?
"we can't go back to that shelter asking to foster ever again, they're gonna laugh us out of the place." you sigh one night as you cuddle into bed besides sevika. you've had to upgrade to a king mattress to make more room for your clingy fur-babies.
"but... we can go back asking to adopt right?" sevika asks as she shoves sugar out of her spot in bed.
"we do not need another animal!" you giggle as you gently nudge gnocchi and slayer off your pillow.
"i feel like pinecone needs a cat friend, y'know?" sevika asks. you cackle.
"pinecone's fine! look at her." you nod to the foot of the bed where pinecone's licking a snoring bernard's tummy.
"okay... i feel like i need another cat friend, then." sevika sighs.
you just cackle and pull your wife in for cuddles.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom
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silkclan · 10 months
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Silkclans Starclan guide…
Maplepaw he/they
Constantly climbing
10 moons in life and 180 in death
TW: Animal/Child death and some tough real world pet problems
Maplepaw is an ancestor to Cinnamonstar, which is why he sticks so close to Silkclans territory.
Constantly worrying for Silkclans safety, when Tornshadow was alive they would constantly send visions or be just out of view in the background. Which often made her really angry.
In life Maplepaw would say he was happy, though that’s not clear when it’s been so long sense he lived. Maplepaw was born in a small cramped apartment of a cat breeder. Due to this he wasn’t as lucky as some of his siblings and had a lot of bad health conditions. Maplepaw never knew his parents well, and was taken from his siblings at a young age. Maplepaw was bought by a twoleg, where he was put inside a monster, traveling many miles. Suddenly he went from one apartment to the next. This twoleg den was much less cramped then the last, no cages lined the walls. Compared to his old home this new den was great, even when his twoleg left the house for a few days. Him and this twolegs deal seemed to be merely coexisting after the initial excitement and joys of having a new kitten. His twoleg would always coo at him for doing hardly anything, when it stopped they kind of missed it..But it was okay.
Days grew so tiring, his body ached for rest most the time and he wasn’t sleeping he was drinking or peeing on the floor. His twoleg would always yowl with disappointment but these days he couldn’t find much energy to feel any strong emotion about it. The twoleg seemed melancholy as they put him into the small box, it had bars on the front, he didn’t want to be in a cage again. He felt himself be lifted like he was on air. The box bumped and shook, vibrating with every moment he was inside. Maybe they were in a monster? Maybe.
A new apartment and then a new cold cage, I guess he was destined to feel the ache of his bones against the hard floor below him. It was so bright and loud, he wished to tuck themselves away into a soft nest of sleep. But how could he?
“Hey champ first time to the Cutter?” Oh, there were other cats here. He didn’t know how they didn’t notice those smells. “Is this..?” He weakly mewed. “Hahaha…yup, and if I were to guess they’re probably gonna poke and prod ya a bit.” what sounded like an older she-cat hoarsely chuckled. “Oh.. I hope not, I don’t think I’m up for that…” he trailed off. “I don’t think I’m up for much either champ.” The she-cat said more dejected this time. They sat in that silence of each other’s presence for so long yet so brief, though a metal wall divided them he felt as comforted as they would be sitting side by side. “You know my favorite thing about this weird life?” She said “The stars.” He could almost imagine the far off look in her eyes. “Stars…I’ve never seen those before.” “Well that just ain’t right.” She said almost like she’s was disappointed at some outside force.”They shine like the sun dappled on the rivers bed, atop a spanning blanket of night, far as your paws can take ya..” he had never seen a river either, he would like to see one. “If I were to drop dead tomorrow the last thing I’d want to see are those beautiful stars, that would be livi’n” she finished. “I’d like that to..”
After awhile the she-cat’s presence was gone.The silence wasn’t so lovely anymore.
I think..maybe he knew he was gonna die, as that single needle pricked the back of his scruff, the bright lights and noises fading. All fading into a dark night, He could see those beautiful stars, carry him away.
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nichoskittycorner · 1 year
Kitty Play (A Nicholas Smut)
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>> Having to deal with your cat's rut/heat is never fun. Especially with all the horrifying sounds they make. But you love your sweet kitty so of course you'll help by having him neutered so this doesn't happen ever again! Well plans change when it's no longer the sound of a cat in distress that wakes you, but a man.. a sexy, albeit distressed because horny… cat-eared man in between your legs-
>> Cat hybrid!Nicho, sex toys, oral/penetrative sex, dacryphilia (crying), sorta somnophilia (sleep), dry humping, hand jobs, sub!Nicho but like in a very pathetic and desperate way, pet names, degradation, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dick riding, breeding kink (like it's his rut what did you expect), reader is referred to as Master- at this point if I forgot anything please just tell me 
Word count: 6.1k
A/N: I was supposed to be writing fluff… how did I get here-
  A few weeks ago you decided to get yourself a pet. Your home was empty after moving out of the family house to start anew. At first, everything was exciting- learning a new routine, being independent, the whole nine yards!
  But loneliness quickly set in. You didn't want a roommate, that would be too complicated and you liked the privacy. So the next best thing, is a pet! 
  After doing tons of research, you decided a cat would be the best fit. Looking around shelters and the internet to find the perfect one for you. Was there even a perfect cat for you? 
  Well, the cat gods decided that for you when a black cat was splayed happily on your greeting mat one day. You nearly tripped over his fuzzy body as he rolled over and yawned. 
  A little meow left his mouth as he opened his stunning green eyes. Looking up as if to say, Hello! I'm home~ 
  You bend down and pat his head, a cat smile on his face as his head leaned more into your touch. Oh, he was adorable… 
 You did have to go to work but maybe a day off was necessary. Testing the waters, you picked up the small cat. Well small to a human but looked pretty grown up for a cat. 
  Much to your surprise, he didn't fight or scratch, just laid back happily and purred lowly in content. That sealed the deal for you. You took him inside and he was yours from that day on. 
  Naming the cat Nicholas, he seemed to adjust quickly to the life of a house pet. Lounging around, eating everything and anything you would give him (although he preferred when you fed him what was on your plate), snuggling and cuddling with him whenever. 
  He also seemed to be an attentive listener. His ears picked up and twitched whenever you would speak. Even meowing or purring in response when you'd ask a question. 
  Regardless of the fact that he couldn't speak, he quickly became your best friend. You loved that feline and hoped he loved you too. 
    Things were going great with Nicho until one day he started acting strange. First, it was all the extra attention seeking. Rubbing his head on your legs, chest, just about everywhere. He was always so close to you. He was a cuddly cat but not to this extent usually.  At first, you thought it just him becoming more affectionate. 
  But then he started rolling around, his backside was always up in that air and his tail swishing around. Then the smell- you started to notice the smell of his pee just everywhere. 
  Then the noise. The yowling was loud and it was late at night the first time it happened. Shooting up from your sleep, you held the squirming and screaming cat in your arms with tears in your eyes. 
   Was something wrong? What caused this massive pain? Did you do something wrong? 
  You rushed him to the nearest emergency vet hoping they could help. The hours in the waiting room were painful as you hoped your angel would be alright. 
  The vet greeted you with a smile upon returning from the exam and some tests. You were left confused. 
  After handing you Nicholas back, he seemed calmer which was a relief. The vet explained that nothing was wrong and that he was just in a rut. The weight that was lifted from your shoulders was tremendous. 
  Since the cycle had already started, the vet recommended sticking out this cycle and having him neutered when it was over. You agreed to set a date and headed home. 
  After setting Nicho down at home, you sighed in relief. Making sure he was comfortable in his cat bed next to yours before settling in. That was quite the rollercoaster but at least now you had an answer and could take care of your kitty better. 
   A light smile on your lips as the blanket you held tightly warmed your body and lulled you off to sleep.
  As you woke up, things seemed strange. Like why were you so cold and yet hot in certain places- the usual meow of your cat to greet you was replaced with a low grunting sound and most obviously, the bed was moving. 
  The first thought was an earthquake or an aftershock of one but opening your eyes revealed something much different. The blanket was haphazardly tossed to the side, someone who had a pair of large yet delicate hands was holding your thighs together. 
  And that shaking? Just the effect of your thighs being used as a makeshift fleshlight or something- your eyes landed on the red tip of a cock every time it pushed through fully before pulling back out again. 
  The shock was the biggest thing on your mind. What the heck was happening? Who the hell was this? And why your thighs…
  But it was clear they were either desperate or inexperienced because the thrusts were sloppy and almost dejected. 
  It made something feel strange inside of you. An exasperated sigh left your lips as you parted your legs, leaving the mystery humper with no relief. 
  As you sat up, you looked down at him. Not really getting a good look at his face before he was already latched onto your leg and humping that, still to no relief. You could hear a whimper leave him as he struggled. 
  "Um, excuse me? What are you doing?" That finally got the (naked) man to look at you. Eyes teary and a familiar shade of green, messy practically black hair, and honestly a beautiful well-sculpted face. Plump lips hung loosely in surprise. 
  As you spoke, you noticed his ears twitch… his cat ears? And the erratic swishing tail should've been a big clue too. But being half awake wasn't helping you catch clues.
  His lips shook as his eyes never left yours. A range of emotions swirls through his eyes. From desperation, pleading, needy, and even a familiar softness of love. Somehow embarrassment wasn't on that list. 
  "I-I, Master please help me, please…" 
  Master?! Who was this guy?! You didn't accidentally summon a sex demon, right? 
  "I'm sorry what? Who are you talking to? And how did you get into my house!?" The whole time you were questioning him, it seemed he was half listening, more preoccupied with rutting against your leg. 
  You had to get him to stop moving so he could focus. He was too big for you to hold him down so you had to do the next best thing- grabbing his hair. 
  It was a pretty firm grip you had on him. He luckily stopped moving but a loud moan left his lips. Just what was up with this guy?! 
  "Hey! What's your problem?! Are you some type of pervert?" All your questions seemed to go over his head. Like he was barely there. Too overtaken by his need to just hump, or fuck, or whatever it was. 
   You sat up, tucking your legs underneath you so he couldn't touch them anymore. He whined loudly, thrashing a bit in frustration. "Master, please! I need- please help me-" 
  "Look look, I'll try to help you but you need to answer my questions. Can you do that?" That seemed to get through to him, giving you a quick nod of confirmation. 
  You sighed and let him sit up, handing him a spare pillow to cover himself. Although he barely seemed to mind his nudity. That and he looked close to fucking the pillow already. 
  "I'll try to keep it quick. Who are you? And why are you calling me Master?" 
  His eyes lit up, his tail swinging in a more organized pattern immediately. "I'm Nicholas! You're my Master, my owner! I don't know your name…"
  Nicholas…As in Nicholas your cat?! No way- the confusion was clear on your face was evident. But the longer you looked, the more it made sense. The same coat color in his ears and tail, his stunning green eyes, even the way his ears twitched as you spoke. 
  You have heard about hybrids, they were pretty common actually. But to have unknowingly adopted one was odd. Maybe he was just delusional or pulling your leg. 
  "How do I know you're telling the truth? Maybe you could tell me something only we would know." Since your cat was here with you every day, he should know something too if he was being honest. 
  'Nicholas' tapped at his chin in thought before perking up. "Oh! I know! Your favorite bedtime toy is the long pink one! You always make a lot of noise and go to sleep smiling after playtime." 
   You're silent for a minute before a burning hot blush spreads across your entire body. How have you never realized your cat was in the room while you masturbated?! Probably because he never stirred or made noise. Plus he was a small walking void- hiding was his best trick. 
  "O-okay fine! I believe you're Nicho…and you're a hybrid so don't you live amongst humans?" 
  He shook his head. "Not really. I did as a kid but it was just easier to be a cat as I got older." So that could explain why he didn't know what a dildo was- 
  And now it seemed to be coming together- pushing aside the fact that this man was kind of freeloading- he was still your precious feline. You just had to help. 
  Remembering last night made his behavior make sense. His rut was making him so needy and desperate. And he must've turned human after hearing the idea of neutering. "So I guess… what you need help with is your rut?" 
  He nodded, his hips jerking a bit. From your research, you recalled it involved his need to mate. That was an easy fix! 
  Resting your hand on his cheek, he rested his cheek into your palm like he loved to do. The feeling warmed your heart. "Okay, I'll help you. You're my precious kitty right?" 
  A loud purr echoed in the room. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead, you told him to sit back against the headboard, tossing the pillow aside. 
  Now fully exposed, you could honestly admire his fit physique. From his face, broad shoulders, toned chest, and abs- and your eyes kept moving down to his thick and needy cock, even his balls were swollen and enlarged. His rut was in full swing.
  Clearly, you spent too long staring as he squirmed. His tail whipped around in need. "Master come on! You said you'd help!" His whiny tone and bratty demeanor made something inside you excited. 
  "I am helping kitty. But you should be nice to people who help you." Your hand grabbed the base of his cock, hard. Making him flinch but he still seemed grateful. Moaning at the warm contact as his hips moved slightly. 
  From a slight thrust back to the erratic jerking in frustration. This whole time, you hadn't moved your hand. Just held his cock as he fucked into it, still unable to get the pleasure he sought. 
   A string of whines and pleas left him as his lips trembled. His eyes were ready to spill fresh tears at his predicament. "Master! I can't do it, please help me, please, please it hurts!" 
  His cries didn't fall on deaf ears but it made you feel… good in a way. That's probably from the warm pooling from your core. But you shook the thought to focus. "Aww, you don't realize how cute you are Nicho. I'll help you. You always need Master to help you huh?" 
  He just nodded desperately and you placed a kiss on his burning tip. A squirm shook through him as his eyes closed. You did have to release him but pulled something out of your nightstand. Opening a package and flicking a switch before turning it off again quickly. 
  You spit into your hand and gripped his length once again. Stroking from base to tip slowly. Gliding your thumb over his slit and repeating the process numerous times and picking up speed. 
  As your hands worked, his whines of pain and pent-up need turned into pleasure. His head rested on the headboard as he took in the sweet sensation of your rhythm. 
   Once he seemed lost in the pleasure, you turned on the vibrator you had in your free hand. Placing it just below his length and resting on his balls. A yelp left his body at the new addition. 
  "What a pretty sound from a pretty kitty~" Your words made him purr. Well, a mix of a purr and a moan. And you loved it. Moving your hand faster and alternating the pressure of your grip. 
  Just like before, his hips started to move up to thrust into your hand. It was clear he was close, his face blushing, ears pulled back and a bit of precum already seeping out. 
  Keeping pace, you brought him closer and closer. A flurry of sounds left his needy body. Nicholas clearly didn't know how stunning he was here. How he would glow when he finally got to cum. Trembling, all the pretty sounds he would make, not to mention how much of a mess he would make. 
  So just as he was about to burst, you pulled back. Removing your hand and the vibrator and leaving him bare. Realizing he didn't get his relief was quite the sight. He pouted and wiggled around. 
   A lone tear streaked down his face. Fuck why was that beautiful? "Master? Why? I wanted to- I was so close!" 
  A sly smile grew on your lips as you kissed his tear, licking up and savoring the slightly salty flavor. "It's simple kitty, you didn't ask if you could cum." 
  "Ask to… cum?" His ears stood up curiously. "What is that? Please I want to know! I need to know!" 
  It was only fair you would teach him. By not explaining and edging him on three more times. Bringing him so close to orgasm before pulling away. 
  Leaving him breathless, tear-filled, and frustrated. Although you were satisfied with his vulnerable and desperate state, you also had a plan for this. 
  By this time, he had clearly learned what your point was as you stroked him in your hand once again. Adding your mouth to the mix. 
  Taking his whole cock into your mouth, you sucked him off like it was your last meal. Swirling your tongue around his length with every bob of the head. Your expert movement only makes his head start to spin. 
  His hands held you by your hair, thrusting his hips as hard as he could as he chased his orgasm. As if to trap you from denying him what he so desperately craved. 
  His voice wavered from low purring to high-pitched mewling and crying. His face was stained with tears as he sobbed. God this was so hot of him. Your lap kitty fucking your throat so eagerly. Although it was hard to breathe, spit covered your face and you even had tears of your own starting to run, you wouldn't change this. 
  You felt him twitch in your throat and knew he was close again. This time, he managed to make the magic words come out. "M-Master! Please… mm, please, wanna cum, wanna cum please!" 
  You couldn't say no after that, running your hand along his inner thigh you sped up the pace. Clenching your throat and mouth to give him that final push before pulling back, using your hand to continue to stroke him. 
  And in no time, he came. It was hard, it was messy, and damn did you love it. His back arched off the pillows they rested on as he let out a loud cry of pleasure. Words became incoherent and faded into moans and mewls, pleasure-filled whimpers as his body shook uncontrollably. 
  His hot white seed sprayed onto his stomach, chest, and legs. Not to mention your hands and some even landing on your thighs. He was so cute as he trembled, coming down from such an intense high. 
  You gladly stroked him through his orgasm, letting his body come down before removing your hand. His eyes fluttered open to see you take a lick of his cum off of your hand. Making him gasp. 
  If it wasn't his rut, he would be fine. But that already had him hardening again. How was he even withstanding this?! 
  Taking notice of his dick standing once again you giggled. "Already wanting more kitty? Gosh, aren't you just a slut."
  And even if he wanted to stop it, his head nodded obediently. Whatever his Master thought, clearly you knew what you were doing, even if he was frustrated at some points. 
   Holding your cum covered hand near his mouth, you smiled. "Go on kitty. Clean Master up from the mess you made." 
  Nicholas held your gaze before obeying. Taking your hand and starting to lick up his cum. Soft licks of his tongue worked to clean up his mess. It was precious and stirred something inside you. Unknown to you, as badly as you were teasing him it was only making you want him more. 
  Especially now as he licked and sucked on your fingers to clean you up. Once he was done, he looked at you with soft, pleasing eyes. The same type when he wanted treats or cuddles. The type that would make you bend over backward for him. 
  "Master, can I-..." Only his eyes shifted down your body and landed on your clothed cunt. You couldn't even be embarrassed by the wet stain you knew was there. 
  You gave him a nod and fumbled to remove your shirt. Exposing your chest to him. The room was already warm but your nipples were already hard. 
  Nicholas marveled at your chest, latching his lips onto your nipple without hesitation. A gasp left your lips and your back arched, pushing yourself closer to him. 
  Your hand ran through and tangled into his dark locks as his tongue swirled around and he nibbled on the hard nub. His free hand pinching and pulling at your other breast. Your moans made his ears wiggle in satisfaction. 
  Whether he was loving the praise or just following his gut, his hands moved down into your shorts as his lips moved up to your neck, biting down slightly to bruise the skin.
  His hand went into your underwear, one held onto your ass and the other snaked down and landed at your cunt. His fingers moved around curiously settling in your clit. Only clued in on it being a sweet spot by the shock that went through you. 
  Your mind quickly clouded as he worked your body so well. Probably more than he thought. "Master, do you like this? Am I doing good?" 
  Fuck. You let out a nod, feeling yourself melt into his touch. "Yes, yes keep going kitty." The tip of his tail wagged at the praise. 
   Nicholas kissed down your body reaching above your waistband. Teasing could wait- he practically tore your shorts apart along with your underwear at record speed. 
  His lips and tongue explored your folds with a curiosity and need to please. Tasting your juices and letting out a moan. This was better than anything he could've imagined. 
  Especially as sounds of pleasure kept coming out as his tongue moved around. Nicholas was honestly pretty clueless but after seeing you touch this spot so often, he knew it would make you feel good. 
  He especially focused his efforts on your clit before taking his finger and pushing it inside your soaking wet pussy. Pushing the digit in and out slowly elicits louder sounds of pleasure. 
  Your grip on his hair tightens as you grind your hips against his face. Covering from his nose to chin in your juices. He felt himself strain down below as well. Your sweet words, desperate actions, and lewd sounds egged him on. 
  "Ah, ah! Nicho, good kitty! Keep going!" He was going to listen, bring you to your peak but something made him stop. Just like how you denied him what he wanted so badly for a bit, he would do the same. 
  Sure it was petty. But the gasp of shock was worth it when he pulled away, halting your orgasm. Without a word, he sat next to you on the bed and placed a kiss on your cheek. "You didn't ask Master." 
  So that's how he wanted to play. Leaving you high and dry like that? "Since when did you get to do that? I thought I was the Master here."
  In a stereotypical cat way, he tilted his head and smiled. Almost like he could care less that you had asked him to do something. How could you let it slip from your mind that he was still a cat in some ways? 
  Almost in a snarky fashion, he laid back on the bed getting comfortable. A part of you wanted to snap but instead turned away. Did he really think he had the last laugh? You would just give it time and he would be crawling back to you. 
  Keeping the thought to yourself, you pet his hair and picked up your discarded clothes. Ruffling up his hair before heading to the bathroom. Let's see how long he lasts… 
  You really debated going to work today. A part of you wanted to stay and watch as Nicho spiraled. The symptoms of his rut getting worse and worse until he was crying and groveling at your feet, begging for your help. 
  It would be amazing to see his eyes run with tears and his ears flattened as he rutted his hips pathetically against you, desperate to reach his orgasm. Maybe he would learn this lesson and not play with you when you were so close to completion. 
   You even decided to treat yourself (well you both but he didn't know), and got some food before heading home. A nice treat after the past 24 hours. And you purposely delayed getting home that night.
  The whiplash should've been more jarring for your scenario but it was just one of those silly little loopholes life throws at ya. One minute you have a cat, the next it's a sexy cat hybrid man… oh well!
  As you arrived home, you could already hear that familiar yowling sound from last night. And it brought a smile to your face. Good, hopefully, he was ready to submit like the good kitty he was. 
  Much to your surprise, you could hear him but not see him. Setting the food down in the kitchen, you followed the sound of his whining once again. 
  Ending up at your room, the sounds were the loudest. Along with a shuffling and the rustling of sheets. Without much fanfare, you pushed the door opened and were a bit shocked. 
  The little clothes you let Nicholas borrow earlier had been discarded, the room was stuffy and your box of toys had been opened. A low buzzing sound was heard and a bright pink piece was sticking out of him.  
  Well, you didn't expect him to have been so desperate to dig into your toys but it amazes you. Especially as you realized there were no stains showing his climax around. 
   You let out a chuckle as you approached him, sitting next to the needy cat hybrid. Only now did he realize you had arrived. He nuzzled his tear-stained face against your arm and dropped the vibrator in his hand. 
  "Master! You're back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please help me!" 
  Resting your fingers under his chin, you made him look up at you. A triumphant smile gleamed across your features. "My, my what's this? Naughty kitty went into my stuff because you were so needy." 
  Whatever his rut was doing to him, made him react exactly how you wanted. His head nodded desperately with flattened ears. "Hmm, m'sorry- it hurts." 
  "Don't worry, I'll help you sweetheart, but you'll be good, right?" 
  "Promise! Promise I'll be good- wanna feel good again, please Master." Darnit, you can't say no to how precious he was being. 
  "Good, now lay back for me." Without hesitation, he detached himself from you and returned to his original position. Lying out on his back, hardened cock on full display. Oh, and your dildo still in him. 
  Deciding to remove your work clothes, you set them aside before sitting in between his open legs, noting his tail swaying in anticipation. 
  Fingers encircled his stretched hole before pulling the dildo out slightly and pushing it back in. A little groan fell from his lips as he shuttered. It moved in and out with ease, fueling your curiosity. 
  "Oh kitty, did you prep yourself? How would you even know how to use this?" Nicholas nodded slowly as you continued to pump the tool in him at a slow and consistent pace. 
  "Y-yes. Learned from you Master-" His voice melted into a purr as he spoke, enjoying the sensation more than he thought. 
  Ah. Right, he did watch me use these before- 
  Okay so at least you knew he was being safe… and learned it from you. And thankfully he didn't try sticking it in the other hole- That was another bridge you could cross when you got there. 
  As you continued to pleasure him, you couldn't help but play with his dick. It was obviously begging for some attention. If anything, it looked larger and swollen like he had used a cock ring. But no, it was just his rut fueling him. 
  A part of you wanted to tease him and make this last long and the other, just wanted you both messy and tired as soon as possible. 
  You went with the latter, taking as much of him into your mouth as you could manage. Pushing further and further until he was all the way in your throat. Starting to move and keep a quick pace.
  His pleasurable cries didn't go unheard as you sped up, both your mouth and the toy inside of him. Alternating speeds to mess with him a little bit but remained consistent for the most part. 
  You didn't even bother making him ask this time, just letting him explode in your mouth. Most of his cum shot into your throat and flowed out from your mouth. Landing on his hips and onto your sheets. 
   "Wow, looks like you really did need me to help you feel good kitty. Really pathetic isn't it?" 
  He whimpered but nodded. "Yes, I need Master to help me. Make me feel good." Your hand ran through his hair as he spoke, almost like petting him. 
   " We're gonna try something new, are you ready to go ahead?" There wasn't much thought before he agreed. "Please Master." 
  Pulling the dildo out, he whined and rolled his hips wanting the contact to return. You set it aside on the nightstand. And kissed his neck to console his complaint.
  Taking off your underwear and tossing it aside, you crawled into his lap, bare cunt grinding his shaft. The feeling made him forget all about the toy already. Warm juices mixed with leftover cum as you smeared it around with your heat. 
  Your fingers were already playing with your clit as the other ran into his hair, pulling you both together in a heated kiss. Only now did you realize this is the first time you've kissed. 
  His lips were sweet but you couldn't really savor the moment. The kiss instantly escalated into a feverish makeout. And he was honestly better at reading these signs than you thought. 
  But even that couldn't last long as his hips bucked, craving your touch or embrace. And honestly, with how wet you were as well, he wouldn't need to wait long. 
  Taking his cock into your hand again, you pumped it a few times before detaching your lips. "Are you ready to feel good kitty?" He tried to say words but it came out more as a mix of a meow and moan. 
   You placed another, much slower kiss on his lips this time. "Use your words kitty~." He instantly burst into a string of 'yes' and nodded. 
  Wasting not another moment, you lifted your hips, lining him up with your entrance, and sank onto him. 
  You nearly cursed as he stretched your hole, moaning as your warmth enveloped him. His hands shot to your hips to hold you still. Even with the use of your toys, you've never felt something like this. 
  After catching your breath, you sank lower and lower until he was completely inside you. Filling you whole and even making a little part of your tummy bulge out. 
  Fuck, fuck, fuck!  
  His hips rolled as he sighed and squirmed, pushing himself in slightly deeper. You had to bite your tongue to not cry out so loudly. 
  In contrast, Nicholas was loud and holding nothing back. Moaning, whining and just anything fell from his mouth as his eyes shut tightly. 
  You kissed him again, swallowing up his sounds as you started to move your hips. Shaking from the sensation but starting to get comfortable. Finding a rhythm that left you both breathless. 
  His fingers dug into your hips as he drank this in. He felt incredible and only wanted more. 
  From just holding you steady, his hands wandered down to your ass and squeezed. Giving him more leverage as he started to thrust into you. His lips once again finding your nipples and sucking away at them. 
  So here you were, ready to make him quiver and melt at your actions, only to be the one pressing into him further as you grew closer to the edge. 
  And you could tell he felt it too. His face was buried in your bouncing chest as he breathed heavily into the soft flesh. Your legs wrapped around his hips, giving him more room to dig in deeper. 
  Your pussy soaked and coating him and the bed in your arousal. Hands playing with his soft ears as he started to stutter. 
  "M-Master, please I need-" 
  He couldn't even finish before you nodded. "Yes Nicho!-" You were sure there were more words on your mind but they disappeared. 
  Your orgasm snuck up on you as you shook on his cock. Holding on tightly as your lips parted in a moan. Not long after, you were filled with his hot seed in your cunt. 
  Heavy breathing filled the air mixed with pleasured incoherent words. Your mind and body were reeling and just when you thought you would be preparing to rest, Nicholas pulled out rather quickly. 
  Grabbing you by the hips and flipping your position so he was on top. Putting your legs over his shoulders as he kissed you deeply. 
  His tongue searched your mouth as he grinded against you. Brushing against your sensitive cunt with his still-hard cock before entering you in a quick motion. 
  The new position opened up new pleasure for you both. In no time, he was jerking his hips and building your orgasm again. The sound of slapping skin and overflowing juices only drove him further. 
  Your hands ran down his back, trying to get a good grip on him. He didn't stop his desperate moves. It didn't matter though, you already felt yourself getting tipsy for his cock only wanting more. 
  You've only heard of being cock drunk but now you get it. He was buried deep in your pussy, bulging out your tummy with every strong stroke and teasing every corner inside. You were lucky he didn't know dirty talk or else you'd be done for. 
  But he was still making your head and body spin, begging for him regardless. Now you found your hips being the ones jerking up to chase his cock. 
  You could only moan and try to ground yourself to hold out from orgasming too soon. But a well-placed kiss on your neck and squeeze of your boob and you came undone once again. 
  Nicholas pulled out, continuing to work at his cock before he came on your pussy, decorating your entrance in the white substance. 
 It was a beautiful sight for sure. One he couldn't resist. Spreading your legs and licking away. Pushing his tongue inside and tasting the inside of your fucked cunt. 
  A long moan left your lips as he continued to eat you out. This was so surprising. His actions show experience but his words don't. It was like his instinct took over and he just wanted to feel damn good. 
  And you were enjoying it too. Especially as he removed his lips and flipped you over so you laid on your stomach, pulling your hips up a bit before burying his cock inside once again. 
  Was he really not tired?! But you also get it- your body just wanted more of him even as your cunt ached. The ache faded once you were filled once again. His large hands dug into your hips as he started to move again.
  He tried to start off slow but it was quickly abandoned. His grunts and moans mixed with yours. And it was only now did you realize you had begun to cry. Your body was overwhelmed by the pleasure he gave you tears started to flow. 
  Just like you had done before, he kissed your tears, licking them up softly. A world of difference to his merciless thrusting. 
  "Does Master feel good?" 
  It took everything in you not to just utter swears or moans. "Very good kitty, so so good!" 
  You could almost hear him perk up in excitement. His chest pressed against your back as he kept thrusting. His arms wrapped around your body and held on tightly. 
  He started to nip and suck on your neck as a light whimper left him. "Hmm, Master… wanna breed you. Fill you up with my cum. Please Master please-" 
  He was pleading once again, and it only made you feel more inclined to agree. Not like you didn't already love this feeling of being full or possibly bred as his cum was inside your pussy already, constantly being fucked deeper inside you. 
  But something about him asking permission so sweetly this time stirred you to lose yourself deeper in the pleasure. "Yes kitty, please bred your Master~" 
  He didn't need the extra encouragement to make you feel more fucked out but with his thrusts getting stronger, he ended up pressing your whole body deep into the sheets. Chasing his high with an animalistic level of fever. 
  Any movement you tried to make was halted by his grip. But it didn't matter for long as the building tension in your stomach finally exploded. Your mind bursts with an ecstasy you've never felt before. 
  His teeth sinking into your sweet spot barely registered as his cock twitched while he pounded your quaking body. Filling you up once again with his cum. There was so much it began to leak out, but his hips still moved to push it back in. 
 Slowing down into sweet long strokes as you both came down from such intense highs. Nicholas kissed along your shoulders and the now fresh mark on your neck. His hips halted with him still buried deep but no longer moving. 
  You didn't mind though, after that experience, you didn't want him out of you for a while. Even if that large amount of mixed fluids now covered your sheets, you didn't want to move. 
  "Master is mine now. And mine alone." He purred and rubbed his face against yours as reality was still starting to clear up. You could only reach back and pet his hair in response.
   "I'm yours, and you're mine now kitty." Although you weren't 100% sure what that meant, it was sweet and felt real so you'd agree. 
  That's how the night faded off. The two of you joined together in an exhausted but satisfied state.  And the food on the table- cold and long forgotten.
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naomiknight-17 · 11 months
Medicated Pekoe all by myself this morning
She was hiding under Mom's bed again, and ran into the media room when I moved the bed. So I followed and closed the door, she hid behind the armchairs and YOWLED in terror. I don't know how such a big sound comes from a chubby little cat
I pulled out the armchairs and scooped her up with one arm, and she peed
And peed. And peed. She must have been holding it all night just waiting for me. I'm just standing there awkwardly waiting for her to run dry
Luckily I 1. Hadn't gotten dressed yet and 2. Was holding her in such a way that she did not pee on me. Unluckily... she peed all over the floor. And I stepped in it, like a genius
Anyway. When she was empty, I put her on a blanket on one of the chairs and quickly administered her medicine. Then I had to gather cleaning products and do damage control before Mom's nice wood floors got ruined by Pekoe's Panic Piss
After all that, I washed my hands and such, got dressed, shoved a granola bar in my face and brushed my teeth, cuz the day has only just begun.
Sitting at the dentist office waiting now. I haven't been to the dentist in... I don't even know. A very long time. Mom had a minor dental emergency and was basically like "Well if you're coming with me anyway, you may as well get a checkup"
So. This should be fun
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dollsonmain · 1 year
That Guy just proved he should never, ever have pets by asserting that if a cat pees where you don’t want it to, put it outside.
I was like no, take it to the vet. That’s a sign of possible UTI. That’s not an outside cat, he’d just die.
Now he’s pouting.
His mom did that.
When Tashie was dying of liver failure, MiL said Tashie was crying in the living room so MiL closed her bedroom door and went to sleep to wait it out. I was like .... You didn’t even sit with her? Or be accessible to your cat that was yowling in agony while she died? Or take her to the emergency vet to see if there was a way to either help or at least lessen her pain?
The fuck...
Then when Jakie started peeing on things later in life after MiL had moved into the mountains in Tennessee with her new husband, MiL just tossed Jakie outside. That cat hadn’t been outside since she was a tiny kitten. So inside cat Jakie was suddenly outside in the mountains surrounded by woods with bears and deer and puma and one day MiL goes “I think a bear ate Jakie, she didn’t come to eat.” in a sad voice and I’m like YOU PUT YOUR STUPID, HALF-BLIND BUTTERBALL CAT OUTSIDE IN THE MOUNTAINS INSTEAD OF TAKING HER TO THE VET TO TREAT HER OBVIOUS UTI. SHUT UP.
What is it with the people around me not caring about their pets???? My grandmother would drown kittens by the litter in the pond because that’s cheaper than spaying a whole lot of feral barn cats, and my mom laughed at me for crying when our betta that we’d had for years (his name was Glub) died.
How have I grown up around such horrible and loveless people?
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ephemeralsx · 1 year
my favourite funny moments of a court of frost and starlight
„Thanks, brother.” Cassian’s crooked grin was bright. “It’s an honor, my lord.“
Acofas C. 2
„Let Bryaxis enjoy the Solstice as well,” I said. A rare smile curled Az’s mouth. “Generous of you.“
Acofas C. 7
We drank two of them before Azriel arrived, took one look at our drunken attempts at decorating, and set about fixing it before anyone else could see the mess we’d made.
Acofas C. 12
„Az, relax for a minute,” Cassian drawled, waving a hand. “Have some wine. Cookies.” “Take off your coat,” I added, pointing the bottle toward the shadowsinger, who hadn’t even bothered to do so before fixing our mess. Azriel straightened a sagging section of garland over the windowsill. “It’s almost like you two tried to make it as ugly as possible.”Cassian clutched at his heart. “We take offense to that.” Azriel sighed at the ceiling. “Poor Az, wine will make you feel better.“
Acofas C. 12
He glared at me, then the bottle, then Cassian … and finally stormed across the room, took the bottle from my hand, and chugged the rest. Cassian grinned with delight. Mostly because Rhys drawled from the doorway, “Well, at least now I know who’s drinking all my good wine. Want another one, Az?” Azriel nearly spewed the wine into the fire, but made himself swallow and turn, red-faced, to Rhys. “I would like to explain—“
Acofas C. 12
„Only her chin-length dark hair and solid silver eyes were visible above the collar. She looked— “You look like an angry snowball,” Cassian said. The angry snowball narrowed her eyes at him. “Careful, boy. Wouldn’t want to start a war you can’t win.“
Acofas C. 12
„I spat in it,” I said sweetly. “Makes it all the more delicious,” Cassian crooned, smiling right back.“
Acofas C. 12
Cassian lost it. Then Mor. Then me. And even Az, chuckling faintly. “You really don’t know how to pee?” Mor roared. “After all this time?“
Acofas C. 12
“Pick on someone your own size,” Cassian said to Amren, shoveling roast chicken into his mouth. “I’d feel bad for the mice,” Azriel muttered. Mor and Cassian howled, earning a blush from Azriel and a grateful smile from Elain—and no shortage of scowling from Amren.“
Acofas C.12
„ “I’ve never stayed in this room.” His midnight voice filled the space. “That’s because you and I have been shoved to the bottom of the ladder, brother,” Cassian answered, his wings draping over the bed and to the wooden floor. “Mor gets the good bedroom, Elain is living in the other, and so we get this one.” “Better than the attic,” I offered. “Poor Lucien,” Cassian said, smiling.“
Acofas C.16
„I can see about finding you two longer beds.” He waved a hand. “No need. Better than the couch.” “You being too drunk to climb the stairs last night aside,” I said wryly, earning a vulgar gesture in response, “space in this house does indeed seem to be an issue. You could stay up at the House if you’d prefer. I can winnow you in.” “The House is boring.” Cassian yawned for emphasis. “Az sneaks off into shadows and I’m left all alone.” Azriel gave me a look that said, Illyrian baby indeed.
Acofas C. 16
„But two massive figures filled the archway of the dining room, and Rhys paused. Azriel and Cassian, having crept up on cat-soft feet, were also wearing their Illyrian leathers. And from their shit-eating grins, I knew this would not end well. They moved before Rhys could, and only a flare of his power kept the teapot from falling onto the table before they hauled him out of his seat. And aimed right for the front door. I only bit into my pastry. “Please bring him back in one piece.” “We’ll take good care of him,” Cassian promised, wicked humor in his eyes. Even Azriel was still grinning as he said, “If he can keep up.“
Acofas C.17
„Are those snow forts?” A nod. Something white shot across the field, white and hard and glistening, and then— Cassian’s yowl echoed off the mountains around us. Followed by, “You bastard!” Rhys’s answering laugh was bright as the sun on snow. I surveyed the three walls of snow—the barricades—that bordered the field as Mor erected an invisible shield against the bitter wind. It did little to drive away the cold, though. “They’re having a snowball fight.“
Acofas C. 18
„I heard a door slamming somewhere in the house, followed by a distinctly male yelp. Then banging—as if someone was trying to get back inside. Mor’s eyes sparkled. “You got him kicked out, didn’t you?“
Acofas C. 19
„Everyone gave you their gifts?” “He’s the only one who can be trusted not to snoop,” Mor explained. I looked toward Azriel. “Even him,” Amren said. Azriel gave me a guilty cringe. “Spymaster, remember?“
Acofas C. 19
“Don’t worry, Rhysie. I got one for you, too.” “Shall I model it for you?“
Acofas C. 19
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safyresky · 2 years
Have I ever told you all about sleeping Dani? No? I didn't think so. She's quite lovely, so this isn't going to be an exciting af story or unhinged, but I need to share it anyway bc it has me cackling.
So let me tell you about what Sleeping Dani said to my dear dear fiance last night :)
for once i went to bed before him
this never happens. i hate going to bed bc then i have to wake UP and i loose PRECIOUS TIME DOING THINGS???
capitalism is a plague onto humankind
i go to bed all cozy and pass out so fucking fast
you guys don't even KNOW
i was SLEEPY
this does not bode well for Thursday Night
(laudna my beloved come back)
there are no breaker inners
just cinnamon singing fluffs the song of his people
fiance looks over to me. i am dead asleep
and i sleep light so he's like. okay. it's probably fine if dani's not worried
probably there's no murderers
dani was OUT COLD let me tell you
so he tries to lay back down after checking the time (3:47am ish)
he cannot get comfy
he is still trying to not be freaked out
cat finished yowling
he's finally drifting to sleep
when suddenly his body goes
so he gets up to go pee
and it is at this point that Sleeping Dani emerges
as he is getting up sleeping dani rouses
looks at him confused
he goes '"i'm going to go pee"
sleeping dani replies
she says
i kid you not.
she says
"you can do it! :)"
and falls back asleep
when he was recounting this to me in the car this afternoon, i fucking LOST IT
I'm CRYING in the car it's so funny to me
and fiance, he goes, "well, at least even subconsciously you're supportive of me :)"
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
What Do Female Cats Do When They Spray Stunning Unique Ideas
But the second morning after their surgery, all had eaten at least 5-10 feet away from them, would be ideal for removing cat urine.Probably the most common in cats and dogs cages or kennels should be put on a wallet.Long-haired cats need medications to alleviate the symptoms and these pets in any cat health problems.In cats, unlike dogs and cats, and even heart disease.
Also make sure that everything is unpacked, ensure that after a meal or vigorous play.Cats may spray from the unacceptable objectsCats that are much more difficult for the existing cat.Some medical problems before you go to that place again.Watch out for hours preferring to take proper care and attention towards you .when you find any gaps after drawing in the area to see your veterinarian.
In a cat exhibits this type of litter is a happy cat in the urine odor puddles is any ammonia cleaner!If you can, your cat takes this move fairly well, place a box that holds litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will keep you safe for adult catsThese tools are important especially for children.These things work with the undigested food in the family should try to avoid fatality.How To Care For Your Cat Too Late After The Crime
You can get pregnant again so she definitely is not because you have to make use of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the whiff can almost guarantee if your cat is a bowl and litter trays readily available from the pet has them, also talk to your advantage if their claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves against predators but mostly for destroying items around your furniture can not be wrong.5. may prefer to go outside to do it, why are some basic guidelines for cat urine smell is entirely gone.First, it's important to follow up with fleas.Remember, if you can't bond with an eye on your walls, curtains, bed, clothes, and other animals that are fed cat food over value is poor economy.You then need to take good care of your family.
About every 10 to 14 days, the little finger, and here is how...If a shelter can not tell you about something.If bacteria are not friendly, do not like the job, have the scar.These products are especially happy to stay at home teeth care at home inexpensively from scraps of lumber and carpet gives your feline will be a step - by - step methodical approach to treating your cat yourself helps you to show your cat is social, spend time in.You must use other behavior modification methods as well.
It will keep your cat is essential in caring for the longest time, they have a designated meeting spot with the carpet, bed, other surface.Along with this, cats are unable to keep them from coming back.However, most require either crystal cat litter or clumping cat litter.A few pennies in an animal that is just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of a cat scratcher.#5 Ignoring - Cats should be obvious, heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.
These scent marks often take two to four days.Begin brushing at the same area you want him to use the spray to plants, furniture and spraying.As with dogs, are some simple techniques to retrain your cat or kitten but keep in mind that your cat will not steal food that will come to tolerate and sadly but not able to notice when a cat that lives alone without the other?Exellent products are easy meat.As a cat of the more noticeable inappropriate behaviours are, spraying in-side the house, and start to make your cat furniture for this behavior training, or you can do and the struggle to remove cat urine can damage the flowers.There are a wide variety of health from the coat with toxic substances or astringents.
Try putting bad tasting liquids or sprays handy.In the end, both you and your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they live in peace.If your cat's toilet; there are still strays, but they do cause discomfort in walking and standing, and sometimes the onset of strange behavioral issues, such as walls and curtains.The cat health advice following is a fairly common in cats spraying level, like walls and the procedure can be hard but if not cleansed the right place!For additional disinfecting and odor of urine on the pole.
Cat Sprayed In The Face By A Skunk
Uric acid contains insoluble salt crystals.This is the ear like the spray often frightens the cat from and they will become much easier to get attention from their nails.Others remove the nail, so the entire area with an antiseptic cream to ensure the control of that door.The cat sheds to some extent by following these tips:Having that many dogs consider cat feces and covering it with another although it will begin to train your cat on various things is one of the time but that doesn't scare your cat for a couple of eye drops that you want to discuss only the cleanliness they are interesting to note that the cat urine to mark their territory, but this is there are so many different suppliers as possible.
These foods work well into the stain and place the new house or otherwise embed into the sinkThe animal suffers intense pain after the initial dreadful lingering odor will remain.In pet cats, this is that you have been good.Is there a way to smoothing the path towards friendship.Declawing your cat should be large enough to try and make for a bully and victim relationship.
Be guided by a stray animal to another knocking things off counters, off tables, and out of the box.Such was the pump loud, the water at pressure to flush out the litter box clean.A really cheap scratching post in your household as a bedroom, on its face.There are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but most can be detrimental to your cat's bad behavior.Note: You should not be mean, but pleasant.
You can also be adopting their fleas and ticks is very sleek and elegant.It should be cleaned with soap and water spray bottle with some double sided tape on it or a female slightly more unpleasant odor is present.Fleas affect cat health problems usually are broken down into the item, tail held in the long run.Unless you enjoy sleeping with felines do what you want.Yet, it is the next step, which is how on earth we can get out of kittenhood or just one area, and will avoid the formation of hairballs.
Lack of scheduled feeding and need only a short list:In fact up to turn your cat to the root cause of the tools to help shed the extra sheath that is full of water to drink.Just as chlorhexidine and other playing supplies at that place again.Are you wondering what generation of Savannah cat is not lost.Household Products: Liquid Pot Pourri, glow sticks and jewellery, Citrus Oil, Pine Oil, String, Xmas Tinsel, Mothballs, Bleach, Borate as well as being a fragrant herb that can lead to injury for either operation but on the ground.
Keep cat sickness, cat disease and can be triggered by allergies or a plastic tarp covered with either water or sprays are equipped with all motion detectors you should not stop or don't do what they want to do their bathroom duties near their food.If your cat lick your hand, you will need to excrete in soft sandy terrain and then pick it up and place it inside the litter tray, then try to heal rather quickly to the way place for your cat has something to do.There are now seeing signs of being in heat the most important of all the adults on your behalf, and supervises them closely, paying attention to understand your cat.Enzyme cleaners have that goes in the previous one.What happens is that it is possible, take your cat sneezes occasionally it's not necessarily a good litter box waiting for you to have the ability to groom itself.
Cat Peeing Pooping In House
Place a small kitten you see your cat crazy comes from cat urine.They are famous for their claws as well as providing them with a fresh supply of homeless orphans, many of the above, and whose tests have shown no signs of illness and they will be able to enjoy themselves as they flit by without harming them.This may help give cat allergy relief are available as a deterrent, simply because they are stressed, or while communicating with others.Some may even have ionic air cleaners and air purifiers in any way.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no bacteria or other family members.
He is a loose blanket or hard wood floors your cat is a kitten much more entertaining, a small number of years.Separate happy spots make for a few tips to get Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes fatal side effects of many of them, give them a gentle but deep acting natural and non-poisonous.Cat urine has soaked the carpet to sharpen their claws and that he could spray on your furry feline is exhibiting.Now, there are many other techniques that are safe when you decide to go more frequently, as cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a short blast of water.Despite all the moisture is reapplied to them, if they are so good and cheap alternative to scratching your curtains percale and chintz will be worse.
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eats-the-stars · 3 years
i love how 2 out of 3 of our cats are like “ugh, the baby” and either tolerate or avoid my nephew, and then there’s our smallest, nosiest cat who’s like “no, OUR baby.” this has been her ever since we brought the baby home.
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kedreeva · 3 years
Every night my cat, Aislynn, wants into my bedroom while I am writing so she can lie next to me and get an occasional pat while I’m thinking. The problem is that I don’t want my other cat, Lenore, in my room, because unlike Aislynn, Lenore cannot be polite; her sole objective in entering my bedroom is to find something to pee on or to sit on the floor and yowl hideously. This is, as you can imagine, not conducive to writing or my good mood. But the OTHER problem is that Aislynn doesn’t like to be closed into a room.
So the solution has been asking Aislynn for permission to close the door after she enters. She hops up on my bed and I pet her a little bit and then I go to the door and I start to close it and she tenses up and looks at the door, and I stop. And she looks at me, and I start to close to door and she looks between me and the door, and I close it, and she looks at me, and I open it again, and at that point, she either gets up and leaves, or she lies back down. If she lies back down, I close the door and she’s chill with me climbing into bed and having our hang out session.
After enough times doing this, most nights now she lies back down. When she’s done being in the room, she gets up and hops down, and no matter what I’m doing, I get up and open the door to let her out.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 7
Wrote it all in an hour and 20 minutes just about? Not bad, not bad at all.
First< Previous
“Why! Why does it have to be so cold!” Marinette pulls on her coat tighter.
“Why did you come if you’re just going to complain?” Damian scowls, looking over the list they were given.
“Dick asked me to,” Marinette shivers, “Besides I need to get out and see the city, you said you would show me,”
“I only agreed to this because Dick insisted I apologize for trying to kill you,”
“You were trying to kill me?”
“... No?”
“Fine,” He pulls off the sweater he was wearing, the one she had made him, “My bad, now keep warm,”
“My bad is not an apology,” Marinette chides pulling the sweater on, “If you didn’t like the sweater you could have just said so,”
“That's not-” Damina turn to see her smirk, tutting then turning back around, “You're incorrigible,”
“Your apology is accepted,” Marinette giggles skipping slightly to catch up, she takes note of how he shivers as a gust of wind blows through, “Hey you're cold now right? I have an idea,”
“I’m not cold,” Damian snaps, picking up the pace, “Unlike you, I have more discipline than that,”
“Oh please, you grew up in the desert right?” Damian glares at her, “What? You think I didn’t know anything? Maman not as good at hiding things as she thinks she is,”
“Be careful where you say that,” He warns, they walk for a little while more the temperature dropping. Marinette continues to keep an incredulous eye on Damian. After ten minutes he sighs, “What's your idea?”
“It involves me getting on your back,”
“Not a chance,” Damian tuts, “You could stab me in the back,”
“Literally or figuratively?” Another glare but Marinette just smiles under it, “Fine then, I’ll just take this sweater off and we can both freeze,”
“Don't be ridiculous,” Damian snatches it off her, “I’ll just wear it,”
And so he does. They walk for a while longer Marinette simultaneously congratulating and cursing herself for picking such a warm fabric for Damian's sweater as she shivers in the cold Gotham winds. Her teeth are chattering and they are still a long way off from their destination. Marinette starts to slow down, ever since she had become ladybug her tolerance to the cold was lowering, like how Adrien's eyesight at night kept improving; although she probably got the short end of the stick for that one. Her thoughts are interrupted by a long suffered sigh from Damian.
“Fine, we’ll do your plan,”
“If we actually want to get there today, yes,”
 “This was your plan!” Damian shouts as they run down the street.
“It’s a great plan!’ Marinette clings to his back.
“Everyones staring,” Damian scowls, the sweater just big enough to stretch over both of them locking Marinette against his back.
“Then run faster!”
“Maybe if you stopped strangling me I would!”
“Oh please, stop being dramatic,”
“Why don't you start running and we’ll see whos being dramatic!”
“I could probably get there before you!”
“Yeah right, you-”
“Wait! Wait! Go back!” Marinette tugs, Damian lets out a choked sound stopping as he brings his hands up to remove hers.
“What,” He is unable to get her off with the sweater around them both.
“Pet store,” Marinette shimmies down, managing to get out with some difficulty, “Look how cute- wait,”
“Where are you going!” Damian calls as she storms into the pet store, he trails reluctantly behind her. Marinette walks right up to the desk slamming her hand down.
“Excuse me are you in charge of this store?”
“I’m the manager, yes,” The man raises an eyebrow looking up from his newspaper.
“Are you aware that the enclosure out there is filthy?” 
“Animals get dirty,”
“It’s a health code violation,” Marinette scolds, “You're going to make the animals sick,”
“Tt, she’s right,” Damian looks around the store, the rest of the cages in even worse condition, “Just what sort of business do you think you're running? These are live animals, you can’t even see into the fish tank at this point,”
“I’ve followed company policy,” The manger huffs, going back to the newspaper adding a mocking, “So if you want to take it up with anyone take it up with them,”
“Oh I will,” Damian hisses, before going to the other end of the store intently tapping at his phone.
“Ha, have fun getting bounced around the phones for the next ten hours,” The manager barks, Marinette rolls her eyes turning back to him.
“Look it may not be required by your employer but try to have some compassion these are living creatures, they look miserable,”
“Well then, why don’t you buy them if they look so miserable,”
“That's not the root of the problem and you know it,” Marinette reasons with the unreasonable, “You’ll just replace them with more animals, this place isn’t fit for that,”
She could just feel the negative energy coming from the place, a place of suffering for those who had no way out. Her magic had perked the animals up a bit but that wouldn't solve the problems at hand. Not that any of this seemed to get through to the manager as Marinette kept arguing. She brought up her phone and articles to help support her argument. Only finding to her disdain that the pet store franchise itself had a long history of animal abuse, that this was the norm, not an exception. They just threw money at any lawsuit that came their way and bribing inspectors.
“Why are you even working here if you hate-”
“Excuse me,” A new customer walks up, Damian close behind, “Could I look-”
“Do whatever you like!” The manager snaps, “Can’t you see I’m busy here?!”
“Do you treat all your customers like this? No wonder your not getting any business if the facilities alone didn’t scare people off,” Marinette finally snaps. Damian, dare she say looks impressed, which probably isn’t a good sign.
“You’re insulting me now?”
“I’ve been insulting you the past hour, nice of you to catch on,”
From there it devolves into a full argument. They rage while Damian and the other customer poke around the store, talking to each other. Damian keeps on making calls and Marinette wishes he would stop and come help back her up, he seemed just as disgusted with this place as she was. But whenever she sends a look his way Damian just brushes her off going back to his call.
The argument escalates. Marinette's magic lashing out, subconsciously sending the animals into a frenzy. Barks and howls ring out mixed with cat yowls and whatever noise the other animals can manage.
“Quiet down you!” The manager roars, winding up to hit a puppy yapping at him, Marinette moves just a fraction of a second too slow.
“How dare you,” Damian catches the fist, twisting the arm in a painful unnatural position, “You’re fired,”
“You can’t fire me!” He struggles in Damian's grip, who in turn looks completely unfazed by the effort.
“Actually I can,” Damina flips his screen around to show a contract, “I just brought the company,”
“You what?!” Both Marinette and the manager shout at the same time.
“Yes well, it was easy enough to get in touch with the president of the company, when I put in my offer he laughed me off,” Damian shrugs letting the shell shocked man go, “So I called in one of our best lawyers,”
Damian nods to the other customer, who nods back.
“She built a case for us compiling evidence from this store, thank you for full access by the way,” Damian looks smugly at the manager gaping like a fish, “Other lawyers were in charge of inspecting other stores and researching past allegations, and I had some working internationally look at the branches in other countries, the results were not flattering,”
Damian's glare turns cold and piercing. Marinette had been on the receiving end of that glare and would like to think she handled it better than this guy was.
“Couple that all with the declarations I recorded from you arguing with Marinette,” Damina inclines his head to her, Marinette nods kind of dumbly, “And we had quite the case to shut the business down, you can guarantee the Wayne influence and lawyers would prevent this all from being swept under the rug,”
“Yes, and as you can imagine after we sent through the case file the owner wasn't laughing me off the phone, he agreed to my price,” The man was sweating buckets now as Damian advanced looming over him, “The contracts aren't finalized or signed yet but you can guarantee by the end of the week I will own this place,”
Damian leans over him as the manager tries to sink into the floor.
“So. You. Are. Fired.”
 “So are you going to teach me the glare that makes grown men pee their pants and run for their lives or do I have to figure it out myself?” Marinette teases, picking through the stocks in the back.
“You wouldn't be able to pull it off,” Damian shoots back, taking the bag she hands him, “An emergency demand was put out for new workers, they’ll be here soon to do this,”
“Oh no you don’t you little rich boy,” Marinette laughs at the face he makes, “You don’t just get to roll through here, throw some money at it and expect your job to be done, you took this company on so show a little responsibility,”
“I am taking responsibility,” Damian scowls, “I fully plan on improving this place,”
“What? By hiring someone to take over with the vague demands of ‘make it better’?” Damian sour look is all the answer she needs, “No way, this is your own responsibility and no one else's, so you need to take a long hard look at what's wrong and figure out how to fix it,”
“If I recall this all is partly your fault,” Damian stacks another bag where she told him too.
“If I recall I didn’t tell you to buy an entire pet store franchise,” Not that she didn’t approve, “But fine, I’ll help you out if you want,”
“I didn’t say that,”
“You didn’t have to,” Damian huffs and looks away, Marinette smiles and picks up a bag of food, “First things first, the food is horrible quality, it’s all filler with little nutritional value,”
“I’ll order new stock right away,” Damian takes out his phone, Marinette snatches it from him.
“Hold on now,” Damian gives her that little put off look she finds adorable, “You have to look at all the problems first then make a plan of action or you're just running around like a headless chicken,”
“Your point?”
“The staff are also underpaid, it’s not enough to live off and certainly not enough to motivate a good work ethic,” Marinette hands back the phone, Damian pockets it, “So before you go around firing everyone that's ever worked here why don’t you try changing the bones of the company then picking out the bad seeds?”
“Alright,” Damian concedes, “... You have a point,”
“Was that tough to admit?”
“The only excruciating part of it is your smugness,”
“Why hello kettle,” Damina gives her a light glare but she just laughs it off.
“All these changes are going to be expensive,” Damian frowns looking through the statistics the lawyers had sent them, “The company was already falling into debt,”
“It needs a hook,” Marinette hums, “Something new and unique that no other chain has…. I got it!!”
She brushes past him, going for her sketchbook and starting the brainstorming process.
“Would you like to share your epiphany?” Damian asks after about five minutes of watching her sketch. “An exclusive pet clothesline!”
“Oh boy,”
 “See I was right wasn't I?” Marinette finishes fixing the outfit onto Titus.
“I was under the impression you were going to make something vapid and ridiculous,” Damian deflects, looking at the raincoat Marinette had made for Titus, it fit him perfectly and worked well with his fur color as well, “This is at least useful,”
“Wow, that might be a bigger compliment than ‘it’s well made’ or is it?” Marinette cocks her head to the side, “Should I start a ‘Damian's compliments’ tier list?”
“Do not,” Damian calls Titus back to him, taking off the raincoat, “This should at least partly help make up for the new expenses,”
“What changes should we make first?” Marinette follows Damian inside, already sketching new designs into her book.
“There's no point in launching the pet clothes until the company goes through its rebrand, and that will take some time anyway,” They settle in a study they had commandeered to work together in, a sewing machine up near the window, “By the way whats your design fee?"
“Hm… make me a co-owner and we’ll forget about the design fee,” Marinette smiles as Damian doesn't immediately look disgusted by the prospect, “Besides If I recall this is partly my fault,”
“Fine co-owner,” Damian rolls his eyes at her, “I guess we’ll be drafting a new contract,”
“Make sure our shares are 50/50,”
“Awe you’d let me have 80%”
Damian gives her a withering glare with no heat.
“50/50,” Marinette holds out her hand, “Equal,”
“... Equal,” Damian takes her hand, “You better design a lot of clothes,”
“Already on it,” Marinette holds up her new sketchbook, dedicated to just this, “Plus I’ll be part of the planning so let me in on it,”
“I was-” Damian cuts off glaring towards the door, Marinette follows his eye to see Dick and Adrien caught like deer in headlights looking at them with phones held up.
“Adrien!” Marinette starts towards them getting overtaken by Damian as they both start sprinting.
“Delete it or I destroy your phone!” He threatens, chasing them down the hall.
“Already backed it up to several computers!” Dick calls back, disappearing around the corner, the three yells disappearing into the distance. Marinette chuckles to herself, going back to finish up her designs.
No tag list :P
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ohgodsalazarwhy · 3 years
So yesterday was... A Day.  I talked about it on twitter but not here.  I woke up at 5AM on Friday and as I was getting out of bed Natasha was there to greet me.  She rubbed up under my feet, being sweet.
Then we walked down the hallway together.  At 5am it’s still a bit dark in the house, and Natasha starts to hiss at me.  Not uncommon to be hissed at by her, so I ignore it.  Then at the end of the hallway, she’s a bit ahead of me, she turns and yowls.  I freeze.  That’s a danger sound.  I don’t know why she’s turning on me but I try to slowly back away towards the bedroom.  She’s had these weird moods in the past, but never attacked me... though I’ve been afraid of it.
This time I take one shuffle back and she lunges at me in a blind fury.  It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before, she’s screaming and attacking and I’m kicking out trying to get her off my bare legs.  I then dart down and manage to pin her to the floor with two hands but now we’re at a stand off.  If I attempt to relax my grip she screams louder and makes a move towards me.
So here I am, 5AM, bare legs bleeding and with a crazy cat under my hands in the middle of the hallway.  Absolutely nothing to grab like a big blanket or a stick or something to get distance between us until I can get to the bedroom.  I’m next to the craft room door and my legs are starting to shake and I realize I don’t have a choice, if I kneel down she’ll go for my face.  So I take one hand off her to open the door.
Natasha scratches my wrist and palm, then twists and sinks her teeth into my right pointer finger.  Deep.  It happens in second and then I’m shoving her into the craft room and shutting the door.  I’m breathing hard, shaking... I wander vaguely into the living room, try to turn on my floor lamp but I’m shaking too much.  I give up and walk into the kitchen to deposit the medications I’d taken out of my bedroom.
I can feel blood dripping from my finger as I walk back to the bathroom and finally look at my wounds in the light.  The scratches are up and down both legs, I’ve got massive scratches on my left wrist... and the bite on my finger is bleeding everywhere.  I run it under cold water but start to feel sick and am forced to go back to bed before I pass out or throw up.  I’m covered in cold sweat.
I breathe through it, getting blood on my sheets and pillow.  Natasha is meowing loudly in the room next door.  I breathe through the feeling of illness and shock and get back into the bedroom to clean the wounds and get antibiotic ointment on them.  I put bandaids on the bite wound, bottom teeth sank into the side of my finger under the second knuckle while the upper teeth had sunk into the top of the finger above the second knuckle.
I spend the next several hours in and out of bed as the sickness washes over me when I do too much.  But I clean the blood off the floor, and Natasha had emptied her bowels in the hallway so I clean that too.  When I go to the door and speak softly to her she hisses and yowls, so I leave her in there.  I don’t understand why this is happening, this is completely out of character for her.
My parents show up around 9am, and I’ve moved to the couch to lay there.  We’re supposed to go 8 hours south for a family camping trip.  And I’ve REALLY been looking forward to it.  I had all my stuff in the hallway ready to go.  But my parents are very concerned about the bite, and mom says I need to go to urgent care.  The more I talk and move around the sicker I feel.  I’ve bled through the bandaids.  Mom wraps my finger in gauze.  Before I leave the house I open the door to the craft room and quickly exit, I don’t want Natasha trapped in one room for hours.
Dad drives my car and he’s driving... aggressively.  That doesn’t help how I feel, which I think makes him even more nervous about me.  The first urgent care we visit is closed.  The second has a 4 hour wait for walk-ins.  So we finally just go to the ER.  I’m able to find a soft bench to lay down on while we wait... probably at least an hour.  While we’re waiting dad is informing family members what’s going on.  My Aunt, who is an RN, is glad we went to the ER.  My little sister tells her friend what happens to me, her friend loves cats and works with feral cats.
Dad comes over and tells me that Amber’s friend offered to take Natasha while I recover and I nearly tear up and say I’d love that.  I haven’t cried once, but my throat closes up when I think about what happens next with Natasha.  I love her so much, but the damage she did can’t be repeated. 
We get into the ER around 10am, but we don’t get out until 2:30pm.  We were supposed to be on the road by now.
I got a tetanus shot, xray, and my bite cleaned and bandaged as well as an antibiotic prescription.  Horse pills twice a day for 10 days.  Dad drives me to the pharmacy closest to my house.  Across the street is a booth selling Spooners blueberries (Spooners is a famous local farm, renowned for their berries).  Dad says he’s going to zip across the street for blueberries while I fill my prescription.
I come out after filling to see him across the street with the hood of my car up and he’s on the phone.  Goddammit.... I get my pills and text him, asking what’s going on.  The battery, the BRAND NEW BATTERY, has died unexpectedly.  I sigh and walk to the other side of the street to join him.  The sweet person at the stand has called their dad and told him what had happened, and Dad had called my little sister.  We wait around in the sun to see who will show up first.  Sure, this might as well happen today too.  I’m fucking exhausted.  I just want to lay down.  I sit in the backseat because blueberries are in the front seat that my dad is snacking on.  He says they’re the best, and Spooners doesn’t spray them.  I have no appetite or I might snack too.
The Spooners employee’s dad arrives first, and he jumps my car.  We thank him very much but he says it’s not a problem. I call my sister and tell her to meet us at my house, no problem she states.  Finally we’re home, and I cross the street where mom has been with the dogs this entire time, walking them around the neighborhood and staying in the trailer attached to the truck.  The dogs are very happy to see me and I’m happy to see them too.
My pointer finger is splinted and bandaged up and Leela sniffs at it and I have to be careful she doesn’t lick it.  We move across the street into my lawn as Amber and her partner show up.  They’ve brought gloves so they can help my Dad catch Natasha and put her in the carrier.  I sit outside with mom and the dogs while they go in.  Natasha pees on my couch during the ensuing chase because she’s afraid, but they catch her and bring her outside in the carrier.  I’m just glad she’s okay, I’ve felt very guilty about kicking out at her when she attacked me.
Natasha is scared as we set her in the grass in the shade of the fence.  I sit down next to her carrier and she curls up as close to me as she can get.  I want to unzip the top just a little to reach in and comfort her but I’m still a little scared she’ll turn on me.  So then we all wait together in the front lawn for Amber’s friend to arrive, Leela desperately trying to belly crawl her way towards the carrier.  When she finally does Natasha hisses and spooks her so bad she tries to hide under my sister’s legs.  Rotties can be such cowards sometimes.
Amber’s friend arrives with a van and I thank her profusely, but she doesn’t mind doing this at all.  She says Natasha is going to be well taken care of, she even has falconer gloves with which to handle aggressive cats.  I tell her Natasha is normally not aggressive, just very scared.  But to watch out for the yowling, that’s the danger sign.
Natasha is set gently in the backseat and the door is shut, the air conditioning turned on.  We exchange numbers, I thank her again, I can’t thank her enough.  With Natasha taken care of my family goes to a nearby burger joint for food while I stay behind to watch the dogs.  I just want to lay down.  Amber buys me a burger with a gluten free bun.  My appetite is non existent but I know I need to eat.
When they come back my mom and dad leave while Amber and her partner linger to talk.  Her partner loves to talk, he talks all the time.  It used to drive me crazy but I don’t mind anymore, he’s a good person.  I’d had the urine cleaned up and before Amber leaves she puts my couch cushion back.  I give her a stack of books I think she’ll like about abandoned places and ossuaries.  I’m finally left alone. 
No camping trip this weekend, it’d simply be too much.  I don’t think anyone in my family is making it.  My brother and his wife had to back out, Amber and her partner had to back out because of his asthma and the air quality down south.  Mom and Dad would be driving a long way for a short stay, and I know I won’t feel up for such a taxing weekend after the Friday I’ve had.
Amazing how quickly everything can go horribly wrong.
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I've had an eventful night
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Althea called me at 8:50 after she left for her walk
Found some kittens in a storm drain and 2 adult calicos keeping close by
Animal control is closed
Got a big plastic tub and some wet food to lure them out
We managed to catch one kitten. Didn't have much of a game plan. We decided we needed a second container to stick them in before moving them to her apartment. She ran back up to get her other tub and a trashcan deep enough that they'd have trouble jumping out of it and used the other tub as a lid
So im sitting on this fuckin storm drain holding onto this kitten for dear life and he's clawing the fuck out of my arm and biting my fingers trying to get away from me. The 2 calicos are hissing at me. I'm honestly surprised I was able to keep calm and keep talking to them in a soothing voice during all this lol
Althea got back and we tried to put the little guy in there but he ended up getting away from us and running up towards the apartments the adults kept hiding near. One of the calicos (we think the mom) went after him.
Managed to get the braver of the kittens next. Althea volunteered to get them out since the other one clawed me up so bad. This one didn't put up any fight -_- got them into the trash can and put the other tub over it to keep it in there.
Waited a bit....the last kitten came got into the tub with the food and we managed to catch it too.
Now we just had to get the adult in the storm drain
Which was actually really fuckin easy
She came out of the drain. Althea offered her some treats. Then she just. Picked her up.
Now after a second she did start trying to claw althea so we trapped her in the tub with the wet food.
Unfortunately weren't able to get the little guy that escaped or the mom. Thankfully her and the little lady we did manage to catch seemed to be coparents.
Got Honey (the adult we caught) and the babies up to altheas place. Her cat Kabota was IMMEDIATELY interested. He LOVES other cats. Seemed VERY concerned while they were in the tubs while althea got her bathroom cleared of anything she thought could hurt them.
Finally got them into the bathroom. Honey was NOT happy. Althea didn't want to risk them escaping when she opened the bathroom door to leave so she just left the trashcan on its side and the lid of the tub loosely on it and just left to let them sort themselves out.
At this point we're both sitting on the stairs and Kabota immediately comes over to check things out
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"Friends???? Mother has brought friends???? Why are friends in small water room????"
After we heard Honey escape her box we cracked the door to peek back in to make sure everything was all good
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We think she was yelling at her reflection before this
Anyways I peek in a bit later cuz I figured my mom would want pictures and she had moved to the top of the toilet
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(Screenshot from the video I took)
Then we were talking and decided I should go in and move the kittens into the bath tub where the litterbox is cuz at this point they still hadn't come out of the trashcan. Honey immediately darts into the tub. Shes hissing and yowling at me. I tell her she's very big and very scary and im very afraid of her. She did not seem to believe me.
I get the kittens into the tub and she IMMEDIATELY calms down. Kittens start rubbing up against her and they start calming down. Honey let me give her a head scratch.
I left pretty soon after that cuz the cat pee on my clothes was giving me a headache and I figured I should go home and clean my wounds.
All three are doing well. Altheas hanging out in the bathroom with them and making sure they eat and get some fluids. Honey is being very sweet and is going to althea for pets and purring LOUD. Kittens have decided althea is not a threat and also going for pets.
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The little stripey one (altheas calling him hercules) is VERY curious about kabota.
Honey was curious but now that the kittens are out shes hissing at him through the door. He has moved to the top of the stairs to give her some space. Kabota is a little gentleman. Sylvie (light grey baby) is very shy.
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tricktster · 4 years
official ranking of cats i have lived with that are not my cat:
ozzy: very very fat, aloof, frightened of our landlord who loved him, once sat on a dish of wet food and then began whining that he did not have food: 8/10
lulu: ozzy’s sister, ate all of ozzy’s food but somehow very very thin, eyes went in two different directions always, would regularly explode out of the litterbox after being startled by her own poop, once drooled directly into my eyeball (0/10)
milo: size of a small dog, gorgeous athletic tomcat, loved to pee on things, egregious litterbox crimes, would yowl until you let him in the bathroom to watch the toilet flush, heroically defeated the single enormous roach that ever dared enter our tiny NYC apartment (6/10)
blue: purebred maine coon, size of two small dogs, once killed a baby alligator for sport, made dad think he was having a heart attack but actually was just sitting on his chest, litterbox felonies, ate an entire unattended roast chicken in less than 8 minutes, 9/10
peanut butter: tiny, very sweet, can flatten like pancake, insists on watching tv from her own chair, SillyZone regular, carries around a long hockey lace while meowing so we know she has her long hockey lace (10/10)
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
Tim gets himself turned into a cat for a week and is forced to stay at Stephanie's until the spell wears off on its own. Honestly, it's not as traumatic as it sounds. For Tim.
“I refuse to take responsibility,” Damian said. He was holding a glossy short haired black cat with a long face and sharp features. It had big bat ears and lovely big blue eyes whose pupils dilated when Stephanie looked at it. Damian held it out for Stephanie to take, lower legs dangling from a slim body. Its tail whipped from side to side, irritated.
Apparently, it was Tim after one ill-informed altercation with that magician villain who the Teen Titans and the Flash fought occasionally.
Stephanie smiled tightly to the point where Damian thought she was in physical pain.
“Do you want to come in? Have a cup of cocoa maybe?”
“Not even slightly. I have a litter box and some compostable wood pellets for litter,”
Oh my God –
“and father insisted that someone within Gotham care for him until this passes whilst he is off planet. Zatanna says it will end on its own in a week and is less likely to end in permanent brain damage than trying to reverse it artificially. More brain damage than Drake already –”
“Yes, Damian, I get it.” Stephanie sighed, pouting as she inspected Tim, still patiently dangling in Damian’s outstretched arms. “Do you understand us Tim?”
The cat – Tim – yowled in a way which sounded partly like a Siamese cat and partly like an car engine struggling to start, but Damian shook his head.
“No. His brain has shrunk to the size of a peanut. Apparently, he will remember nothing, which is good, all things considered.”
Stephanie frowned, then leaned down directly into the cats eyeline.
“Would you rather stay with me over Damian?” she asked it, regardless. “I guess it makes sense, mom is visiting Florida for the week…” she mused out loud, feeling supremely stupid.
Tim yowled again, and his pupils impossibly grew bigger.
Groaning, Stephanie conceded. “Fine, but –” wasting no time, Damian practically tossed the cat into her arms. She caught Tim clumsily, and he meowed in distress, scrambling up to cling to her shoulders.
“Ow, ow, ow! Claws. Claws, Tim ow!”
She held him tight under his little bum, and as she watched Damian run back to the Alfred chauffeured car for the bits and pieces she would need. Stephanie turned, leaving the front door open, and went upstairs to her room. Tim clung to her tightly, little claws making an imprint in her skin. When she reached her bed she leaned forward, letting him turn on his own and land on his feet in the centre of the mattress. He plopped down, sitting perfectly straight with his tail still swishing, and watched her as she proceeded to help Damian move all the pieces of kit inside. She placed the litter tray in the bathroom, wondering briefly about those YouTube videos she’d seen of cats using the toilet could be applicable. She sighed as she sat the plastic tray down, wiggling little wood pellets a couple of inches deep. Tim had come over to join her in the door frame. He looked up at her, and she looked down at him.
“Tim, I’m going to be scooping up your poo and pee. You better give me a big boon when this all over.”
Tim mewled, and to Stephanie it sounded like a bargain had been struck. Damian handed her a plastic bag filled with cat food – whatever Pennyworth did not wish to eat he explained – then left her to it.
“Do not let him go outside.”
“Yes, Damian.”
His round cheeks puffed up, and the bridge of his nose turned red like it did when he was embarrassed.
“Thank you, Stephanie.”
Somewhat mollified, Stephanie said he was welcome and then Damian and Alfred were gone. Shutting the front door, she turned around to see Tim sitting on the stairs, watching her.
Stephanie jumped, unnerved.
“How much of your peanut sized brain is like… at human level smartness?” she asked.
Tim sat quietly for a moment, watching her with those unnatural icy blue eyes. His tail, disproportionately long, smacked against the floor with a heavy thump.
“None then. Well, still, let me know when you want feeding. Or bathroom breaks so I can clean it up before it stinks out the house. I have to work on college. So… go take a nap or something. You probably need one.”
Tim blinked, stepped down the stairs, went through to the living room, sat on her sofa, and rested his head down. Like the cat he was, he was soon asleep in the late afternoon sun.
Stephanie followed him curiously, peered over the back of the couch, admiring his glossy coat then shook her limbs loose.
Just another day in the life, she told herself.
Having her ex-boyfriend slash transmogrified cat living with her for a week. Sure. Cats were distant creatures, and so were her and Tim in recent years. They could get through this week, surely.
Oddly, having another creature in the house made her feel more lonely.
 Tim had enough self-awareness to realise he was in fact a cat, but also not enough self-awareness to realise that there were certain behaviours he should not indulge in.
Nobody believed him that he could understand what was being said, so he decided to just go with the flow for the next six days. Abdicate all responsibility. Be feral. Receive the occasional pat on the head. All in good fun. Bizarrely, he was enjoying the drama of it all.
The first issue came about at dinner. He had woken from his nap with a hunger that he had never in his eighteen years (did that make him around two years old in cat years?) of life felt before. It was as if he had not eaten in weeks he was starving he was voracious he –
Needed help in opening tin cans.
Honestly, Tim would have been feeling much more humiliated and more willing to jump out of a window to end it all if he was not so sure that he would instinctively land on his feet.
Just a week. And Stephanie would take care of him, loathe as he was to admit it. She would find it uncomfortable and painful with each interaction, so he would take great care in staying out of her way. Things were awkward enough between them without the knowledge that she was going to have to brush him and feed him and clean up his poops and hairballs (he loathed how easily the concept of grooming came to him). He didn’t need to inflict anymore grief on her than she had already reluctantly accepted.
None of this stopped him from being very hungry when he woke up. He needed food. Preferably ten minutes ago.
He leapt down with a solid thud from Stephanie’s sofa, shaking his head to clear any remaining nap time fuzziness, then plodded upstairs. To his own ears, it sounded very cheery.
She had left her bedroom door slightly ajar, and Tim slid in. She did not hear him enter on account of her having a giant pair of red headphones blasting music at far too loud a volume to be good for her hearing. Or rather, he assumed they were red. He knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that his vision had been altered. Shades of red and green blended together in assorted shades of yellow and brown, and even the blues of the world was washed out and pale. Everything had a slight blur to it, especially for objects further away. When he had first been held up to Stephanie, he realised that the blue of her eyes now seemed almost grey, and her skin was sickly. Of this change, Tim hated the most.
She was leaning over piles of notes, hands stained with highlighter and pen ink. Tim noted her expression and found he did not like it.
She looked very sad.
He meowed to try and get her attention, but with her music playing as loud as it was, she did not hear him. Drastic measures were needed. He would soon be dead from starvation before too long.
He slinked up to the side of her chair, noting the convenient space between her lap, chest and desk. He looked up at her, yowling one more time to try and give her warning, but she did not notice.
Tim blinked slowly. Her eyes were wet.
He leapt up onto her lap, fully expecting her to shriek, to lift and throw him across the room reflexively. However, she just gasped gently, surprise quickly fading, and laughed. Good. The wet look in her eyes vanished with genuine joy. She paused her music, clumsily taking off the headphones and setting them on the desk. She adjusted her lap so Tim could sit more steadily and rested her hands at the base of his back and tail, scratching absentmindedly. He chittered at her and she raised her eyebrows expectantly.
“What?” she whispered conspiratorially. Oh, she was enjoying this. Tim grumbled, body vibrating, then hopped up another level onto her desk. With a purposeful tap, he smacked her wrist.
“What is it you little goblin?”
Rude. Tim yowled, and paced back and forth. Stephanie huffed, reaching to pick him up and put him down. When she turned, she saw her alarm clock on her bedside table. It was six o’clock.
“The time?” Her eyes widened with realisation. “Oh? Dinner time?”
His loud, drawn out meow made her wince, but she nodded all the same. “Alright then sir, come on. Let’s see what we can do for you.”
He merrily leapt down from her arms, jogging away down the stairs to the kitchen. Jumping up on the counter, he pawed insistently at the food still in the plastic bags Damian had brought. Food. He needed food. He was wasting away; why couldn’t she see…
“Right, what did Damian gift us with… Oh. Biscuits huh?”
Tim froze. Cat food. He was going to have to eat cat food.
He was a cat. But not that much. He was finding it difficult enough to imagine going in that litter box in not too long. He quietly made a little meow, distressed.
Stephanie opened the bag, and the smell of dry crunchy biscuits filled the air. Tim visibly gagged, and Stephanie quickly resealed the container.
“Yeah, I agree there Timbo. I can’t give you the wet food either, that jelly is disgusting... but your stomach can’t handle human stuff. You’re a carnivore now bud.”
She hemmed and hawed, opening assorted cupboards, looking for something suitable. Tim meowed mournfully. He was going to starve unless he ate the biscuits, but he so did not want to eat the biscuits.
“Oh!” Stephanie chirped, pulling a tin down. She held it up to him for inspection. “Tuna in spring water. That’ll do, right? But how much…”
Tim paced frantically back and forth as she googled portion sizes. Starving, starving, he was skin and bones, no chance for recovery. It had been eight hours since he last ate, how did she expect him to –
She placed a shallow dish in front of him, half of the can placed sweetly in front of him. She then placed down a small glass bowl, filled with fresh water. Uncaring of his dignity, he began to eat voraciously.
Stephanie leaned on the counter, watching him do so.
“I’m sorry there’s no milk. I heard cats are actually lactose intolerant, so just water for you this week.”
Tim ignored her, so delighted with the taste of fresh tuna that the lack of milk was so far down his list of priorities. It was only when Stephanie, in an apparent act of madness, reached down and ran a hand from his temple all the way along his back to the tip of his tail did he look up. Somewhere in the back of his little kitty brain, he noted that his muscles had tensed up, rising to the pressure of her hand as it made its way down his spine to make the contact firmer. Her hand was warm. He looked up from his feast, confused.
She was still smiling, but it looked melancholy to Tim.
“I don’t think you can actually understand me,” she said quietly, half speaking to herself. “Which is pretty expected for us. I think it’s just the fact that you’re a vocal kitty who isn’t going to remember anything in six days’ time. Which is just as well. I can tell you all my secrets then?”
Tim wanted to protest her falsehoods but found the taste of tuna too distracting.
Stephanie continued, “I’m going to go on patrol now. There’s been a monster of a case I’m getting nowhere with. I’m having another go tonight. Don’t sleep on my bed when I’m away okay?”
Tim wanted very much to yowl, to let her know that he could understand, and to ask her why she was being so mopey. It seemed more than just a sadness over his situation. He wanted to explain that, honestly, he was fine with it. Well, not fine. But he had endured much worse. He knew it was temporary, he knew things would return to normal soon, and he was warm, looked after and almost looking forward to a week’s peace.
So what if he was a slightly goofy looking black cat who had the sudden urge to lick himself clean every few minutes? In the grand scheme of trauma he had undergone in his short life, shitting in a box was pretty low on the list.
He tried to tell her it was fine, only to drop tuna all over the counter. In a fumbled attempt to clean up after himself, he licked the surface clean. Stephanie groaned, then rose away from him.
“Enjoy the evening Tim. Don’t bother me when I get back. Don’t puke anywhere.”
Tim, in fact, did not puke that night. He did use the litter box however and hated it. He tried very hard to make as little mess as possible, ensuring all the litter stayed within the box. He was here because of Stephanie’s good nature; he was not about to blow it.
He did, at around 3am, however, experience what he had heard Selina refer to as ‘the zoomies’. It was a frantic pent-up energy that he did not know how to expel. The only way that came to mind was to dash across the house in a desperate attempt to tire himself out so he could return to sleep. So, he ran, up and down the stairs, leaping off the banisters and hopping over chairs and coffee tables. He did so, bored out of his mind, until he saw the lights of her vehicle pull up. He ran up the stairs in time for Batgirl to crawl through her window. He sat patiently in her doorway, waiting for the right moment to greet her, when he saw she collapsed to the floor with a distinctive and heartrending cry of pain. His little heart pounded painfully at the sound, but he did not move.
He watched as she cursed up a storm, correcting her position so she could take off her costume piece by piece. She did so wincing, crying out, and swearing with each painful movement. If she had someone to help her, she would have been able to get ready for bed in much less agony. Whatever she had dealt with this night, it had been rough.
She crawled around on the floor, apparently unable to walk now that the adrenaline had worn off. She remained in her shorts and sports bra, and without showering, crawled into bed. Tim watched as she reached into her bedside table, pulled out two painkillers, and like a baby, swallowed them with some water from a sports bottle that stood nearby.
He thought he heard her very quietly cry to herself, but that couldn’t be. Stephanie did not cry. His hearing had been different since the transformation last night, sounds and noises did not compute the way they used to. The sound she was making very quickly stopped though, and instead Tim heard her very determinedly whisper to herself,
“Always better in the morning.”
It wasn’t a philosophy he completely agreed with. Sometimes the morning just brought clarity of the previous day’s horror. But her odd breathing stopped, and soon it was replaced with the deep gentle snoring of someone sleeping. Finally, Tim moved. He wanted to curl up next to her. Stephanie was warm, and he had discovered recently that he liked warm places. He wanted her hand to stroke him again.
But no. She had said to stay off her bed for sleeping. She has asked him not to bother her. She certainly would not be happy to find him sleeping next to her. Tim tried to remind himself that he was only getting away with certain behaviours because of his size, and there were some boundaries that he should not cross. What if she woke up in the morning, only to find that the spell had worn off early, and there was a naked human Tim Drake in her bed?
Oh no. That would be very embarrassing.
Besides, he didn’t have that kind of relationship with her anymore. He didn’t have the right anymore to insert himself into her space. They had decided not to pursue it. Not good for her, she’d said.
Tim could no longer remember his own reason. He suspected it was moot after she had become Batgirl.
And yet… she’d been crying. Tim wanted to help her. How could that not be good? Surely if he could provide comfort, if he wanted to provide comfort, she would allow it?
He turned away, not liking the way it felt like turning away from someone calling for help and returned to the living room sofa. He curled into a ball, and slept until the morning, whereupon the hunger pains hit him once more.
And so, a routine began. Tim would yowl like he was dying outside Stephanie’s door, reluctant to intrude whilst she slept. Eventually, Stephanie would emerge, ready to feed him chicken or another half a tin of tuna. He was not so secretly delighted at the way her eyes lit up with humour when she saw him, spinning in circles unable to contain his excitement, though Tim would note locations of bruises that had not been there the night before. She was struggling, it seemed.
She would then go take a shower, clean out his litter tray with a pithy comment, then go to class, leaving Tim bored until she would return after four, ready to clean his litter tray once more, provide dinner, then spend a couple of hours doing homework before leaving again for patrol. She would return at first light, looking more defeated with each passing sunrise. She would be smiling come the morning, but – even with a brain the size of a monkey nut – Tim saw it was shallow.
It did not escape Tim’s notice that she was going out of her way to avoid him. He understood it. She did the same thing when he was human. He would call for her help from time to time with a case, which she gave without reservation, just as she had done now for kitty him, but rarely, if ever, did she call for his aid.
Her stubborn independent streak had not abated with time it seemed, even when it came at the price of her safety.
That and she just seemed sadder than usual. Or was this usual, and he was just never around and allowed to view it?
His tiny mind whirled and churned, and with no outlet, he stewed, glaring out the window at passer-by’s and their dogs.
Regardless, on the fifth night, after hearing her stilted heart-rending sobs and half-hearted and self-inflicted words of comfort, he decided to break the one boundary she had set.
He jumped up onto the bed, moving until he had clambered on her sternum, then folded down into a loaf position. Stephanie tensed, unsure what game he was playing, until she felt him begin to purr.
She laughed brokenly, more of a whimper than a genuine expression of joy and reached up to scratch behind his ears.
Tim purred louder, to her delight.
“I’m having a bit of a rough time,” she spoke quietly in the dark, as if reluctant to break the thick, dark blanket of warmth and comfort. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be a burden.”
Tim gave a small ripple of a meow in response. She was not a burden.
“I can’t get a crack on this case,” she explained. “I make a dent, get hurt in a fight and am fine in the morning, but then so are they. I’ve hit a wall. But I have to do it alone. Bruce and Babs expect me to now… I have to…”
Her voice broke and she cut herself off. She smiled crookedly, painfully trying to dispel her sadness. Tim began to make biscuits. He didn’t understand why, but he thought the pressure would help. She was a little furnace beneath him, and he purred loudly, drowning out her shaky breathing.
Stephanie chuckled at the sensation of his little vibrating chest. She ran a hand down his back again, enjoying the smooth coat. Contradictorily once more her eyes became wet.
“Do you think, when you are back to normal, we could talk? There’s…there’s no-one else who would understand. Though I think I’d make Cass sad if I told her that. But I miss you. And I think it’s my fault.”
Tim shifted upwards, until his nose rested under her chin. He continued to purr loudly, nearly trilling with the force of it. Steph nuzzled in close and kissed his forehead and flicked his large ears.
“Silly boy. I hope you don’t remember this. You’d hate me for it.”
Tim meowed grouchily. How she could lie to herself like that…
They’d burned their bridge long ago. He knew this. And him being a cat for a week was not going to mend it. But it made his heart ache like nothing else to see her despondent. He silently promised himself that he would extend an olive branch before the end of next week. They couldn’t continue like this, tip toeing around each other with Tim occasionally stepping too close and making Steph flinch back away.
She wasn’t flinching away now though.
She picked him up so she could sleep better and set him on the pillow next to her. Turning on her side, she reached up and placed a soft, warm hand on his shoulders, rhythmically petting the fur there.
Her quiet sniffles died off, Tim’s purring acting as a lullaby, and she fell asleep before the sun rose.
Throughout the night he shifted closer, until he was practically resting on her head. He rested his chin on the crown of her head, her long golden hair acting like a silken pillow, and kept guard for the rest of the night.
 Stephanie awoke to her nose being licked. She opened her eyes blearily, and realised it was Tim cat. She blushed, remembering what had transpired last night. She told herself it was fine, opening up like that. It was only a cat. It was only Tim. Tim, who would be blissfully ignorant come the evening. Though that reminded her, she better lay out some clothes for him. Her mother was coming back at some point in the next forty-eight hours. The idea of her walking in on a naked Tim would cause a conniption.
She smooched Tim’s head, and he meowed cheerily at the wet smack, and continued to press up against her.
She had kept her distance at first, struggling to reconcile Tim with the little sleek gremlin cat meowing at her feet. It felt weird, so she – for a lack of a better term – ignored him. He would be so angry when he changed back, she wanted to avoid anything which he could extrapolate from the week as her being mocking or patronising.
Bruce’s anger she had learned to ignore, Tim’s she hadn’t figured out a knack for yet. It hurt, in a physical manner that she could not explain. Like he was kicking her in the gut again. She found herself actively taking steps now to avoid it. Avoid the concept of it.
But she was exhausted, physically, and emotionally. Years ago, when she would reach such a state, Tim would somehow figure it out and slink in through her window or take her on a quiet date. The two would hold on to each other, and let Stephanie catch her breath and perspective with a warm pillar of support behind her.  
Despite Tim now being a cat, it seemed he still had this perception, and had sought her out to give comfort. Weird how animals could sense those sorts of things.
Fuck it, she thought. It was the last day, she was feeling miserable, and there was a perfectly cuddly vibrating fluff ball in her arms, who showed no signs of irritation and instead was offering comfort that she didn’t get much of in recent years. She was going to milk this for all it was worth. Maybe she could take some photos and videos later – humiliate or blackmail Tim later. All in good fun, of course. She never wanted to genuinely upset him.
She continued to give him sweet pecks on his head back and sides, which she thought he liked, as he meowed and headbutted her.
“Sweetie,” she praised, and she picked him up to cradle him properly. He flipped over, being held like a baby, as she continued to croon, “Last day as a kitty. Tomorrow you won’t remember a thing, and we won’t be able to talk like I am now… isn’t that sad? I think we should spoil you today. Lap of luxury and all that. It’ll keep my brain busy, if nothing else.”
He pawed at her chin, and she kissed his toe beans.
She spent an embarrassingly long amount of the day starfished on the floor, playing with Tim. He was a chatty little cat, more so than he ever was as a person. His meows sounded like a revving engine and were as long as he could hold his breath. He was graceful though, despite his lanky limbs and giant ears. He leapt from surface to surface and straight into her arms with seemingly no effort, and whenever she let him roll out of her embrace, he landed neatly on his feet every single time.
Stephanie couldn’t help it, but when she pulled out a little laser from her Batgirl belt, she recorded Tim’s feral delight, chasing a speck of red across the house. She laughed more than she had in a long while, partly because it had been so long since she had seen anything so unabashedly goofy as Tim as a cat, shaking his little bum, pupils dilated larger than dinner plates, in preparation to jump a red point of light.
It was delightful and made her wonder if she could convince Crystal to adopt a cat once she returned. Poor Tim, he’d have no clue what he’d endured come the morning, but at least in that moment, he seemed happy.
When it reached eight pm, Stephanie sighed, realising she had another night of patrol to face. Selfishly, she wanted to linger, to keep company with the cat, but she quickly shook that thought off. People needed her. She wanted her case over and done with.
“One last go,” she whispered. “I can do it tonight. I’m nearly there.”
Tim hopped up onto her lap and she was sliding on her gloves. She chuckled lightly and scratched under his chin. He purred, craning his neck to allow her better access.
“I’ll lay your human clothes out for you on my bed, okay? If it’s not fixed by the time I’m back… I’ll put you in your boxers and jeans and hopefully come morning…” She got up, hoisting Tim to rest on her shoulders, and tugged one of the plastic bags Damian had left for her. To her growing dismay, she realised there was only a pair of underpants. She looked sideways, Tim peering over her left shoulder. “Oh dear, Tim. Damian really is out to get you, huh?”
He chuffed, like he was grumbling to himself. She pecked him once more, and he meowed more firmly, hopping off her shoulders as she made her way to rummage through her wardrobe.
“I don’t want my mom to come back and find you in your undies in my room and me being AWOL. That would just be one step too much for her, I think. I still have some baggy sweatshirts…pants though… pants…”
She tossed clothes haphazardly, at one point burying Tim under a pile of bras and underpants that she shrieked at, loudly and joyously, when she realised what she had done. Eventually she found a pair of jeggings which she hoped would suffice. Tim looked almost suspicious. If he had eyebrows, they would have been raised.
“You have skinny legs,” Stephanie justified, feeling insane talking to the cat. “It’s fine. Just until the morning. I’ll drive you back and no-one will see your shame. Not even Damian. We’ll sneak. Promise.”
She carefully laid out the clothes, and shoved what she had carelessly tossed out her closet back in with equal zeal. Pecking Tim once more on the head, she moved the litter box into her bedroom and shut the door.
“I can’t have mom coming back to a half naked boy in my living room and a box of used kitty litter. You’ll have to stay in here. Hopefully, I’ll be back before she is. She said she’ll drive the whole way and not stop. So, maybe by seven in the morning? Fingers crossed.”
She opened up the windowsill, slinking her leg over. Tim hopped up on her desk, as if to follow her out.
“Uh-uh,” she warned, pressing on his wet nose firmly. “You have to wait here. Damian made me promise you’d stay inside. I can’t risk losing you.”
She caught herself speaking more desperately than she intended and shuddered. “You know what I mean. Naked boy CEO found running through the streets of Gotham is not the kind of attention the family needs right now. Be good, Tim. And thank you. You cheered me up so much today.”
One more kiss, then she was out the window, sliding it definitively shut. As she mounted the bike, Tim perched himself at the windowsill, watching her shoot off down the street.
When she was out of sight, he jumped down and paced endlessly, stressed and worried. She had been struggling so much with patrol, and he was unable to help her. Feeling utterly helpless, he jumped up onto her bed and settled on her main pillow. Curling up into a ball, he settled in to wait, praying that she would return home safely, and before Crystal arrived back.
He awoke, briefly, when he felt a soft pair of hands lifting him up. He chirped and chuffed, and it was Stephanie hushing him. She wrapped him up in his boxers and sat him next to her under the covers.
She was smiling, albeit a tired smile.
“I did it,” she whispered, scratching his ears. “Tim, I did it.”
Tim meowed a congratulatory chitter, and Stephanie smiled wider.
“Sleep now. I’ll explain more in the morning.”
In an act which utterly took Tim off guard, she pulled him closer, curling around him in a crescent moon shape. Under the covers in the dark, surrounded by her scent and soft breath, Tim began to purr once more.
 “Steph? Steph…”
Stephanie grumbled, then opened her eyes when cold fingertips pressed against her cheek. Looking at him with an expression Tim could not decipher (relief? Disappointment? Fright?) Stephanie inspected Tim up and down. He had put on his boxers and her sweatshirt but had yet to touch her trousers. Nevermind. He was kneeling on the floor next to her bed. According to her clock, it was just after six in the morning.
Right, Tim needed context.
“I suppose you are very confused right now… Being in my room in your undies… so let me explain—”
She yawned then, arms emerging from her duvet to stretch dramatically. Tim watched the muscles in her neck, then chuckled to himself.
“No, Steph. I remember.”
“Oop.” She froze, watching him anxiously, like an antelope faced with a lion. “Everything?”
“Everything.” He then snorted defiantly, “despite what Damian insisted, I was still me. Shockingly, he is not omnipotent.”
Chewing her tongue, Stephanie narrowed her eyes, not having it at all.
“Oh c’mon, you are lying out your butt.”
“Am not.”
“Are too! There’s no way you’d lower yourself to chasing my laser pen across my living room. Oh gosh, Tim, it must have been horrible…”
Tim shrugged, making a noncommittal noise.
“Maybe I wanted to catch that point of light, huh?” he teased. He then conceded, “Maybe I had a bit of trouble keeping cat me and human me straight in my head.”
“Yeah, that I believe.”
“But honestly, having a week where my biggest concern was whether I was getting tuna or chicken for my next meal was sort of refreshing.”
“I can find a way to turn you back if you like.”
“Hmm. Pass.”
Stephanie giggled, but cut off abruptly when Tim shuffled closer. She felt herself grow cross eyed as she watched him move in so intimately. Tim’s warm breath blew over her as he continued,
“Yeah well, having said that… You mentioned that I helped you. Cheered you up.”
Tim’s teasing look softened, and in that moment looked at Stephanie with such unabashed and unfiltered affection that she felt incredibly self-conscious. Tim was only in his boxers and her sweatshirt, and she was only in a baggy nightgown that she had tossed on when she had arrived home; the first time in weeks she had been uninjured enough to change her clothes.
“Maybe,” Tim continued, “I wanted to see you smile. You were so sad all this week… I needed to help you. Even if it was as dumb as chin scratches – as good as they felt – and chasing lasers. I… I heard you crying, Steph.”
Her arms came down from their stretch, and rested on his shoulders, fingers gently stroking back and forth.
“I’m okay,” she promised, like she was the one comforting him.
Tim’s eyebrows furrowed. “I could have helped you before now.”
There was no chiding in his tone, only pleading, but it made Stephanie feel guilty, nonetheless.
“I had to do it alone.”
“No, no you didn’t. You don’t have to be alone for anything.”
“You’re such a big softie.”
Tim laughed gently, “With you, sure.” Taking a deep breath, he moved even closer until he was practically leaning over her, tips of their noses touching. “Steph… I need to ask you something.”
Stephanie nodded, eyes growing damp. “Shoot,” she whispered, voice cracking and betraying the nonchalant words.
“Could we –”
Crystal opened Stephanie’s bedroom door, and the pair froze. Instinctively, Stephanie raised an arm with a shocked cry, slamming Tim in the face. He wheezed and shot up into standing, which only proved to give Crystal a good view of him in his underwear and daughter’s clothes. Looking somewhat dazed and yet unsurprised, she looked to Stephanie for whatever lie of an excuse her daughter could conjure up.
“Mommy!” Steph cried out. “I did not hear you get back. How was Florida?”
“I was being quiet since it was still early,” Crystal grumbled, unamused by Stephanie’s glib tone. “But then I heard talking.”
Crystal glared at Tim, who fidgeted, finding no dignity in any pose he maintained. Stephanie scrambled upwards so she was sitting, thankfully she had managed to put on pyjamas last night, and clambered for some excuse, any excuse.
“Tim was… It’s not… ”
Seeing her daughter fail to come up with some vaguely plausible non incriminating reasoning, Crystal turned to Tim, glaring holes through his head. He would crack in a way that Stephanie would not.
“Why are you here, Tim?” she demanded.
“I… I…” Tim began to shiver with nerves, face flushed red and eyes bright with panic.
“Where are your pants?”
Tim choked on air. “…I don’t have any. With me.”
“And no shirt either?”
Tim very much wished the ground would swallow him up.
Stephanie groaned, throwing herself face down into her pillow. “Good job, Tim.”
“It’s the truth, Stephanie!”
Crystal’s fingers twitched on the door handle, and Stephanie could see one of her pressure headaches building, like a throbbing in her mother’s temple.
“You know what – just leave Tim. And we won’t discuss it again.”
Tim would take that and run. At least this time he wasn’t being chased out of a house with a shotgun like Ariana’s uncle had done.
“Sure. Sure. Can… Steph. Can I borrow your phone?”
“So someone can come pick you up?” Crystal snorted. “What? Don’t you have shoes either?”
Tim realised if Crystal had her way he would have been forced to run back to the manor. Death at this point really would have been preferable. Weakly, he just stated, “No, Mrs. Brown.”
Stephanie spoke at her mother and into her pillow, unable to look the embarrassing situation in the eye.
“Mom, please. The guy’s dignity has already been shot. Please don’t make him walk back to Wayne Manor in his tidey-wideys. I can give you a lift Tim, I said I would.”
“No, no,” Crystal insisted. “I’m sure you’ve done enough Stephanie.”
Stephanie shrieked, muffled but distressed. Dramatically, with exaggerated movements, she removed her phone form under her pillow and unlocked it without looking, then tossed it up the air. Tim scrambled to catch it, then dialled for the manor. Crystal stood aside, indicating it was time for Tim to leave the room. He looked back to Stephanie, still buried in her bed sheets. It was a look of desperation on his features that made Crystal feel almost guilty for separating the pair, but honestly, she did not trust her daughter, and she did not trust Tim, however soft spoken he may have been.
When Tim exited the room, Crystal shut the door with a definitive slam behind him. Turning back to Stephanie, she saw her daughter’s shoulders shaking with quiet crying. This only served to befuddle Crystal more, but before she could say or do anything else, a shallow container on the floor by her daughter’s desk caught her eye.
“Is that a litter tray?” she asked, confusion reaching fever pitch.
Stephanie raised her head to stare at her mother, eyes wet and pout overwhelmingly sad.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the truth.”
 “Alfred washed it. Got rid of all the cat hairs.”
Tim held up the blue sweater for Stephanie to take on her doorstep. She took it reverently and inhaled deep. Alfred always used an excess of fabric conditioner that made clothes smell lush. Tim, for his part, looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry you got drawn into all of that. I’m sorry I made you and your mom fall out.”
Stephanie said nothing, keeping Tim on the doorstep as she set down the sweatshirt. When she looked back to Tim, closing the front door behind her, she was struck by the thought that he seemed much younger than eighteen. He was scuffing his feet on the concrete, hands behind his back, like a bashful child.
“It was all because I was careless with Abra Kadabra and it bit me in the butt and Damian didn’t want to have to deal with me so he burdened you with it. I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t a burden,” she replied quietly. “I liked it. The last day.”
“Oh,” Tim blushed, looking anywhere but in her eye. “Me too. For what it’s worth. Honestly, it was actually really nice. Relatively. In context. You know. In a not creepy way.”
“It must have been a bit weird. Like, don’t pretend it wasn’t. All that chicken and tuna you ate for one thing…”
Tim chuckled to himself, finding something very funny.
“Yeah my digestion has been wild the past week and... too much information. Sorry.”
Stephanie tried to catch his eye, but Tim kept his head stubbornly down. His feet must have been very interesting.
“You… you were going to ask me something, before my mom walked in,” she pushed.
He coughed, choking on nothing but his nerves.
“Was I?”
“Tim.” She reached out and took his hand. Tim flinched, then relaxed and finally gathered the courage to look her in the eye. She smiled, beautifully, always beautifully, and he squeezed her fingers.
“I’m sorry if it took me being turned into a cat to actually ask.”
“That’s okay. It happens for people like us. In a way I think it puts things into perspective. So, please ask.”
He stared at her, admiring her, before finding words couldn’t do the job well enough. Instead, he leaned forward, meeting Stephanie who was also moving closer, and the two kissed on Stephanie’s front doorstep. She broke away with such a delighted laugh that Tim chuckled himself.
“Ask me,” she insisted.
Tim shook his head and kissed her again. Falling back against her front door, the two made out for a moment too long before Stephanie regained her senses. She pushed him back, laughing louder and more hysterically.
“Tim! No! You need to ask!”
Another kiss, this time accompanied by him picking her up and swinging her in a circle. Finally, Stephanie gave up and held him tight. Tim made a noise that she could only describe as a chirp of delight in response.
“You’re a little gremlin,” she muttered into his mouth. “Cat or otherwise.”
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