#Centre Zahra
meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Movie Analysis: Henry's Seclusion and Perception-Part 1
“They used to call me the prince of England’s hearts, but now it feels like everyone hates me.”
“Hey, they still love you.”
“They love the idea of me. And now they are faced with the reality.”
These three lines stuck with me for some reason.
The time gap between the email leaks and Alex flying to London is significantly longer in the movie. In the book it was almost immediate, I think in the span of one or two days? But in the movie, it was a week.
In that week, Alex wasn't shielded away from media or news about the matter, seeing as he watched Miguel's interview on his laptop. We already know that his parents are ultimately incredibly supportive of both his sexuality and his relationship with Henry. The White House Staff, his team, are implied to be supportive as well, since I don't think the press conference and his speech was solely his effort, plus Zahra said she's proud of him. Him getting outted before he was ready was a terrible thing that happened to him, but amidst the chao and pain, he had a support system, and he wasn't limited to seeing a single side of the public's reaction.
Henry though? Henry and Bea, the only other person who supports him (I do think Shaan does care about and support Henry, but he's also a palace employee under orders), had all of their electronics, their tools to access the internet, outside information taken away from them. He was stuck with a brother who was endlessly berating him, a grandfather who was giving him the cold shoulder, and a neglectful, absent mother. Bea loves him, but when the rest of the family is crushing down on him there's only so much one person can do. Even in meetings, even if the situation is entirely about him, about his sexuality and relationship, he's not involved in discussions. There's a heartbreaking shot during Alex’s speech, where although he’s in the centre of the frame, although he's at the head of the table, the other people aren't facing him, they’re talking among themselves, not talking to him. And Henry looks like he desperately wants to be part of the conversation, but he can't cut in, and you can see his eyes drop and him giving up. I don't know if anyone has had that experience, of wanting to join in a discussion but constantly getting cut out or ignored, but I can tell you, it feels fucking awful.
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So in that horrible, horrible week, Henry was forced into an information cocoon, where all the information he received was how bad this thing that was forced onto him was for the crown's image, how awful of a person he is for being gay and pursuing a relationship with Alex/ letting a “mad infatuation” ruin the image they made him create, and how others in the palace are dealing with this for him in a way he doesn't agree or have a say in. That's all he could see, and when that’s all you can see, it starts to feel like the definitive truth.
That's why it feels like everyone hates him. Because within the space he was confined in, save for Bea and Shaan, everyone did act like they hated him. No Alex, No Pez, No. Oscar, no public opinion. He was forbidden from seeing any support. That's why he feels so lost.
So when finally, he gets to see a sea of rainbow outside Buckingham Palace, he's so overwhelmingly glad and determined, as he realizes that he's still the Prince of England's heart, he is still loved by his people, perhaps even more so now, because he's one of them. He's their rainbow prince.
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He's finally confident, as he takes his love's hand and steps out onto the balcony, greeted by howling cheers and applause, an ocean of support that he didn't get to see before, but was always there.
Alex was right all along.
"They still love you."
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kazisonline · 2 years
Few quick words on the three new tlovm episodes!
First of all
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So gorgeous. I absolutely fucking hate them. Can't wait for Raishan's human version oh lord
Second of all
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ZAHRA AND KASHAW. ZARA AND KASHAW!!!!!! Mary and Will doing amazing job with their voice acting, as always of course. Still wondering where is Zahra's staff, but I think it might be a big reveal later that she is a warlock now and instead of pact of the tome it's going to be a pact of the blade, which is eeeehhh, I liked the fact that she made the staff herself. Other thing I dislike is the antagonistic thing Zahra and Vex have going on, like I want my girlbosses who have romantic tension between them back, but maybe that's just a matter of time, they had do introduce them somehow right. So fingers crossed for some wholesome Vexahra later. But I'm so happy they're here!!!!!!!!!
Next is Osyssa and boy oh boy
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She is just magnificent. I'm not always fond of 3d animation in shows like these, but this style fits the otherworldly aura of a Sphinx, and idunno it was just so well executed I really enjoyed it! And these illustrations???
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Just gorgeous
Now to the heavy stuff
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This moment right here???? THIS is the good stuff
In the original campaign Vex died while searching a pile like this one. You see how she's positioned in the centre, hinting at this for the older fans??? Amazingly done
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This is just imma scream cry this composition is so sadly beautiful, the animation team deserves a raise because my fucking god these three episodes were so beautiful each and every one of them, the lighting, rules of composition that they used, so simple but so well done, I'm just, clap and a half for them seriously
Oh, and Victor was there as well!!
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Ask Real Nice Pt3
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It's actually kind of nice writing something in such short installments. It's all I have time for with all the other stories anyway, but these little bursts are just stress-free fun. So yeah, enjoy this third part of Ask Real Nice, AKA the Ask Drabble That Could.
Starts Here.
Maria made it very clear, in no uncertain terms, that Joel was in charge of the rescue party.  She looked at the other three arrayed before her outside the gates of Jackson.  Zahra, with her backpack teeming with medical supplies;  Patrick, a Glock tucked in the front of his bulletproof vest and sniper rifle across his shoulder;  Sasha, nervous but determined and finally Tosh, the only one amongst them wearing a helmet.  It was a good group, fighters all.  But none of them had a slice of the experience that she understood Joel to possess.
It was maybe a five hour ride to Hoback.  Joel told them they would stay the highway for the fastest progress until they closed in on the town, then skirt the mountains for the track that was promised to lead them to Tommy.  Maria rode point with him. 
The journey was the longest Maria had spent almost exclusively in Joel’s company.  Someone else was always around, Tommy, maybe Tess.  Determined to keep her mind off her worst fears of what they might find in Hoback, Maria refocused her attention on Joel and tried to keep it there without getting caught.  He was centred on the way ahead.
When Joel had first shown up in Jackson, Maria had not been able to spot any resemblance between him and his brother.  Joel had seemed so much older, for a start.  Tommy had come to Jackson as careworn and lean as a stray dog – but alive, taut like a bow-string.  Joel had come under a cloak of pain and secrecy and suspicion.  Maria had feared for the girl in his charge.  She had a pack of Tommy’s stories of the full, brutal extent of Joel’s capabilities. 
But they rode the same:  hand on thigh, reins held low against their leg, the same tilt of the head.  In fact, Maria had glimpsed Joel through the trees once or twice and her heart had leapt.  He could almost – almost have been her husband.  It was a strange composition in her mind because physically their bearing was not so alike but somehow, they reflected a similar presence.
He kept riding.
Annoyed, Maria pulled her horse diagonally across the highway to the shoulder upon which Joel rode. 
He looked over with a little start.  And then it clicked – she was riding on his deaf side.  She rubbed the reins between her fingers.   Tess was usually positioned on this side, ready to intercept. 
“Are we going to talk about a plan?”
Joel leaned her way, headed tilted to listen.  “Maybe you should ride round the other side.”
“Or maybe this is exactly where I need to be.  Your hearing’s really bad, isn’t it?  What happened?”
“Don’t know.  Could’ve been anything.  My money’s on the grenade.”  Beat.  “Guessin’ you know about that.”
“That would be it, ma’am.”
“A plan, Joel.  What’s the plan?”
“We’ll leave the highway soon.  I reckon we’re not far, now.  Then we’ll send a scout in – maybe Tosh, she’s fast and quiet – make sure those assholes were telling the truth.  No sense making a plan until we know that.”
Maria shot him a look.  “You don’t know if they were telling the truth?”
“Information seemed solid.  But you never can tell.  You get better at tellin’ with time,” he admitted, keeping his gaze directly ahead, “if you can put any stock in it or not.  Tess seemed to think it was pretty good.  And Tess is usually right.”
“And if it’s what they said?  What’s the plan then?”
“What’s the plan if it’s what they said?”
“How many people you killed, Maria?”
Maria clicked her tongue.  “Excuse me, now?”
“How many people?  Anyone?”
“I killed people,” she answered.  Her temper, marinating with her fear, was quick to spark.  “I’ve done what I had to do, same as everyone else.”
“Killed unarmed people?”
“I know where you’re going with this.”
“I know where you’re going with this!”
“Keep your fuckin’ voice down.”
Maria squeezed her reins and curled up her toes.  She wanted to tell him to clean his fucking ears out.  She breathed out, long and slow, imagining all her frustration going with it.
“I can do what I need to.  I want Tommy back, and that’s all that matters.”
Joel gave her a long, appraising look.  He was so much like his brother in that moment that Maria felt the final vestiges of her anger melt away.
“Don’t ice me out here, Joel.  That’s my husband.”
“Well, all right,” Joel shrugged.  Maybe he rolled his eyes – maybe she imagined it.  He was such an asshole.  “Off the road here.  We’ll cut through here to the track.”
Part Four
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randomnameless · 1 year
In regards to how much of the Church bad rhetoric is supported by the Fódlan games themselves, from what i've seen of Three Houses' JP script there isn't really that much support for those arguments there outside of heavily biased sources that the audience should take with massive doses of salt like Edelgard, Dorothea or Lysithea; i'd argue that it wasn't until IS and/or KT decided to, for whatever reason, take the lolcalized church-demonizing script and fandom reaction of EN 3H to heart when making Three Hopes that they really started believing they wrote Rhea and the Church as being the hidden villains of the verse, and that JP 3H is (mostly) free of the issue of making stupid arguments just to try and criticize the Church for things it can't be reasonably blamed for.
I agree with the things you say, but about the biased sources...
Well, the games of course hammer the player with biased sources, Supreme Leader and her court, Claude, the Abyss residents -
Which is doubly funny for the Abyss residents, because their "Church BaD" is completely bonkers, given how it's the Church who offers them a crappy, and yet existing shelter.
"The Church wants us gone" Dude, if they really wanted you gone, Rhea would have deployed the knights to evacuate the Abyss as fast as she organised her expedition to put the Bishop of the Western Church to the sword.
Doubly funny bcs the Big Boss of the Abyss, Yuri, is sekritly Rhea's agent!
Of course being a secret agent, he can't tell people to use their mind and think - if the Central Church wanted them gone, why are they sheltering you all here, under Garreg Mach the most important site to them, and giving you, albeit in measly quantities, food and water? Rhea is the one who named the class "Ashen Wolves" - it would be pointless to give a name to the class of abyss resident who are considered unofficial students of the officer's academy, if she really wanted to purge the Abyss, right?
I understand in CS this was used as a red herring for Aelfie, who is akshually the one who runs the Abyss and spreads the "Church BaD Rhea BaD" sentiment because of his own agenda and opinions, but with 3 (counting the DLC) routes having biased narrators against the CoS in FE16 (out of 5) you'd have to wonder what was the point -
Was it only to sell Hresvelg Grey? To sell Billy becoming God and the "new" head of Church being a necessity so the former has to suck?
FWIW, Nopes gave us one (1) NPC who, from the start, says something positive about the Church rebuking the biased statement everyone is throwing around, Mark the NPC, who says accusations of corruption of the Central Church and wyvern poo, since Rhea and Seteth both punish people who take bribes or commit crimes...
And yet, for one Mark, we have many lines spoken with bias against the Church, and no one bothers to correct them (the church forces you to marry ? Uh, no, I've heard the story of a woman who left her land to marry a foreign king! - Church forces you to have responsabilities through crusts : no? Almyra and Brigid have royalty, and Brigid royals want to protect their people thinking it is both their duty and something they want, and yet the Brigid royal line has no crust? Ditto for Almyra? - crusts are the reasons why nobles act like asses : No, Kleimann offed Lambert not because he was jelly Lambert had a crust, but because he wanted more lands and opposed the King's reforms?)
KT wanted their golden route, but because Supreme Leader is the main thorn to any Golden Route (tfw the person who wants to conquer neighboring lands has to work with the people who don't want to be conquered and are fighting for survival in a war the previous person started :( ) everyone has to ally against a common enemy, and it fell on the CoS (with Dimitri getting the nonsensical Zahras scene) - is it it because Nopes follows an Agarthan narrative, as opposed to FE16 having Billy stand-in for a Nabatean centred narrative?
I still find it hilarious that the Nopes writers bent Dimitri, and, arguably Clout, in bonkers versions of themselves to justify Nopes, but couldn't find a way to, uh, have Supreme Leader realise the Mole People are the biggest threat to the world and the Lizards aren't that evil to begin with, provided you don't try to kill them ; that's why Supreme Bullshit started to be something interesting, Supreme Leader targets the Mole People first, but then it became a traditional Supreme Leader route, erasing the lizards took precedence over everything - even if she knows Uncle and pals are still slithering around since she never caught him - so the second she can become Emperor, she returns to her original plan, not giving a fig about Uncle and hunting Lizards to MAGA.
Compare this to Rhea, in the very same route, at the end, who has to fight against the Empire (who's out for her head) and the Mole People - and Rhea dgaf about the Empire anymore, the biggest threat to Fodlan are the Mole People - she doesn't target/aim/attack Supreme Leader and Barney in the ending cinematic, she flies over them, to defeat the "real" enemy, Thales.
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
RE: Red, White & Royal Blue
Quotes from interviews on #RWRBMovie about the book & film's story
This post will be updated as content is released
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Last updated: August 7
From Glamour
Says Galitzine, “We were all aware that we wanted to make one a classic rom-com but with a sort of new spin. Matthew's a very sensitive, very feeling person, and we obviously wanted to inject our movie with that kind of emotionality. He had a great balance in being able to facilitate both lightness and emotion within his work.”
Zakhar Perez tells Glamour he knew the movie “could be something special” as he read the book—a feeling that only amplified after seeing the script.
Galitzine continues, “It's a really heartwarming story. Not a lot of films like this are made, and I hope it's important for the LGBTQ+ community because there needs to be more films like this. I hope it resonates with everyone. I've been really touched to hear how widespread the book became and affected many people from many different backgrounds. I hope our movie can do the same because a lot of love went into it.”
From Entertainment Weekly
"I first read the book in early 2020 and I decided I wanted to make the movie by page 100," he tells EW. "I fell madly in love with the characters and I wanted to bring them to life on the screen. I also was excited at the prospect of filming scenes set in the world of the presidency and the British Royal Family. I shamelessly harassed [producers] Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schecter into backing me with the studio to direct it. The idea that someone else might make this movie filled me with unbearable jealousy."
But now Lopez gets to turn his eye to a happier gay love story. "[I found] in the book something I had rarely seen on screen: a love story between two young men that is hopeful, funny, and deeply romantic," he adds.
From People
Perez, 31, tells PEOPLE it's "a classic fairy tale with a twist for all generations," adding that he hopes viewers take away "joy" after watching it.
Shahi, 43, says it was a "no-brainer" to sign up, as she "fell in love with" the screenplay for the film, in which she plays Zahra, President Claremont's deputy chief of staff and right-hand woman. "I was floored by the dialogue," she says. "It didn’t matter that it was a gay love story — it was a bottomless well of relatability. Love has made a fool of us all at one point or another, and it was nice to see myself in both characters."
From What to Watch
"I mean, it’s a fairytale, right? It’s just an absolute fairytale, there’s something aspirational about it, and when I read the books, it just felt like a wonderful bit of escapism. I think the reason people love these characters so much, in the book, and hopefully when they see Taylor and Nick in the film, is that these two people can only exist together in fiction, right? The rarefied world that they live in, that these two rarefied worlds would collide like this, can only happen in fiction — that’s what makes it so delicious. For me, there’s something so beautifully ludicrous about how sort of unattainable their lives are, and it allows us actually to go full circle with them and deeply humanise them in some ways. That’s the other thing too, they live these extraordinary privileged and sort of high-flung lives, but what I’ve always loved about the book and what was really important to us in creating the movie was that there are two beating hearts at the centre of this book. At the end of the day, you actually end up forgetting that they’re two princes, basically, and you really do, in the novel, and I hope in the film, just fall in love with these two people."
From Vanity Fair
“I read the novel back in early 2020, and I fell madly in love with Henry and Alex,” López says from his home in the UK. “There are a lot of projects that have come and gone in my career that I have had the ability to let go of,” he continues, “but if I wasn’t able to make this movie, it would’ve cost me something. It was really a very, very irresistible passion.”
From Out Smart Magazine
With the film’s highly-anticipated release approaching, López reflects on the imaginary world that his cast and crew created in this film, and how this story of queer love can impact people of all ages who yearn to see more representation on screen. “It’s aspirational. We knew we were very consciously making a fairy tale. But I think it’s within fairy tales that we we express our truest desires in some way. I think that, for me, seeing this kid living this life is something that, if this book had been around when I was 18, 19, 20, or maybe even younger, it might have helped me. I’m hoping that the movie can do that, as well.”
From TV Times
'Beyond the LGBT love story itself, this is about two people who are trapped by circumstance and responsibility, and how that can get in the way of love,' says Nicholas. 'I think that's a very universal feeling.'
From BroadwayWorld
I read the book in early 2020 and I fell madly in love with Alex and Henry. It was the two characters. Everything else I loved as well, but those two people, that love affair that they have, it just turned all of my imagination on. I really wanted to make this movie in order to tell their story.
This movie isn't designed to address the issues that you mentioned. It isn't designed to fix the problems. That was never what this book was intended to be and this film isn't. What I hope is that this film does in some ways give solace, in some ways bring joy. I think at the end of the day, bringing joy to people who are under siege is a very valuable, valuable tool in the arsenal. I think Alex being someone who sort of sets a goal for himself and his family politically and that in the fairy tale version of it, he pulls it off. That these two people, through their queerness, can change the world. I think the other thing that you learn from this story is that like the best way to challenge the preconceived notions or to challenge authority is to be yourself. I think that you see that happening in America where in response to these draconian laws, it's like, instead of don't say gay, we're gonna scream it. I think that defiance, which has always been a hallmark of the queer community, is going to serve us well. In a very rom-com fairy tale sort of way, Alex and Henry do the same thing.
From The Queer Review
“I actually discovered the book a long time before most other people did because I was sent it pretty early on. I fell madly in love with it and I knew very quickly that I wanted to make this movie. I started lobbying for this job very soon after the book was published. When I started working on it I didn’t really pay attention to what the book was doing in the world because I was already focused on the movie. It wasn’t until September 2021, when it was finally announced that I was directing it, that I noticed something. Overnight I got about 15,000 new Instagram followers. It was right after the Tonys, so initially I thought that maybe it was because I had just won a Tony. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s a lot of new Instagram followers for the Tonys!’ Then it started to dawn on me that it was down to Red, White & Royal Blue. I remember saying to Casey McQuiston at one point, ‘You know your book is really popular, right?’ She was was like, ‘Yeah, I know. Thanks for telling me that!’ I think I needed to work in that place of ignorance because if I had understood just how popular the book was I probably would have frozen up.”
From Tatler
'I read it – like most people in America – and fell madly in love with it,' says the film's director, Matthew López. 'There was something very hopeful, romantic, funny and sexy about it. And I thought, "Well, if I can't turn this into a movie, then I should just stop doing anything productive with my life."'
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inqilabi · 2 years
I agree with you in the individual choices not ending the patriarchy but isn’t not wearing makeup, not shaving and just refusing to participate in femininity also an individual choice? Like what would be the difference between a choice and taking real action? I don’t know if my question makes sense. How can we mesure when an action is simply “individual choice” or actively participating in a movement for liberation? I guess this question can be asked for every other movement and some things are obvious too (not watching porn for exemple but I guess it would depend on the reason WHY too).What are your thoughts?
the main difference is collective targeted and planned effort by a community (that's 1000s of people brought together by something in common, may be all mothers, may be all immigrants, may be all living in an industrial area are all industrial workers) at material joints that are the centres of capitalism or centres of maintaining the ruling class and therefore women's oppression. That is not the individual, the individual is acted upon. The individual does not "uphold system" as liberals so often say
There's no ethical consumption under capitalism for most things. Most alternative solution will be capitalized, are simply actually creating new capital markets.
But porn is one major exception because no one actually needs to consume porn. We need clothes, we need eggs. You can try to make sure your clothing is sustainably sourced, you can by from small production co-ops etc. Only a certain group of ppl will be able to afford to do this btw. I do believe that no one needs to wear makeup and no one needs to shave, it's not essential. I mean Zahra Khanom was considered like peak beauty. So this is more driven by conformity and social acceptance. It's possible to change this but probably easier if the change is driven top down, rather than what ppl often recommend here which is bottom up change... or individual effort. Don't get me wrong, individual decisions can bave positive impact. May be a girl aees you with no makeup, unshaved legs and armpits and it impacts her positively. Which is a great endeavour ofc but it's defs a small effect contained withint your ecosystem of interactions, but admirable nonetheless
I like what China did way back in the day where they promoted through propo art, depicting women in men's clothes working industrial labor, intensive jobs. They look sturdy, not effeminate and weak. And I think it created an atmosphere for the average woman to aspire to dress like that, study and be involved like that. This is top down tho. You already have a socialist gov and women in the departments of this socialist gov creating this stuff.
Outside of that, true change will come from seizing ports, supply chains, factories, things that disrupt the entire ruling class ecosystem. You can't go against an entire web or econosystem that maintains women's oppression very intricately: through propoganda, through media, art, ads, influencers, music, academia, plastic surgery industry, porn industry, makeup industey. It's all very organized from the top to feed on your insecurities. You are so entrenched and enmeshed in it from the day you are born. And you are simply a single actor when you decide to do or don't do something. It won't effect much change.
I think the best examples of bringing out mass level change to women's lives is that example of Iceland women's walk out, changes we see in relationship satisfaction experience by women in the GDR after them adopting Stalin's socialist policies, and lastly in China's Long Bow Village where after the communist revolution, there was I believe a local committee that granted land to women. It was theirs to do whatever with. This gave women power. Many divorced their husbands. Many told their mother in laws off. Many remarried someone else. Many husbands were like we will straighten up. Some women took the men back and then divorced them again when the men didn't straighten up. And some genuinely straightened up. But it's absolutely wild to read this social transformation from material provisions to women. It truly changes things drastically within a generation
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mariacallous · 2 years
Lansing — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has chosen state Rep. Kyra Harris Bolden to fill a seat on the Michigan Supreme Court, making her the first Black woman to serve on the state's high court.
Whitmer, a Democrat, is announcing the selection on Tuesday. Bolden will succeed Justice Bridget Mary McCormack, who revealed in September her plans to leave the court to become CEO of the New York-based American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution.
McCormack is a Democratic nominee, and Democrats maintained a 4-3 majority on the court in this month's election.
Whitmer described Bolden, a 34-year-old lawmaker from Southfield, as "passionate about the law." Bolden will be the youngest member of the Michigan Supreme Court and could hold a seat for more than three decades as justices can seek reelection until they reach the age of 70.
"She will bring a unique perspective to our high court as a Black woman — and as a new, working mom — that has too long been left out," Whitmer said. "Kyra is committed to fighting for justice for generations, and I know she will serve Michigan admirably, building a brighter future for her newborn daughter and all our kids."
Bolden was a Democratic nominee for two seats on the Michigan Supreme Court in the Nov. 8 election. But she finished narrowly behind Republican-nominated incumbent Justice Brian Zahra for the second position.
Bolden got 22% of the vote. Zahra won 24%. Democrat-nominated incumbent Justice Richard Bernstein finished in first place with 34%.
For much of the campaign, Bolden ran for office while pregnant, giving birth in August.
First elected to the state House in 2018, she is a member of the House judiciary and insurance committees. Prior to serving in the House, she was a lawyer with Lewis & Munday P.C. in Detroit and worked as a staff attorney for Judge John Murphy in Wayne County Circuit Court and as a court-appointed criminal defense attorney for district court in Southfield. Bolden studied law at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law.
"I am incredibly honored to be chosen by Gov. Whitmer for this appointment to the Michigan Supreme Court,” Bolden said. “I will ensure equal access to justice, apply the law without fear or favor, and treat all who come before our state’s highest court with dignity and respect."
Bolden will serve a partial term expiring at noon on Jan. 1, 2025. If she wishes to complete the remainder of McCormack’s term, which expires on Jan. 1, 2029, Bolden will be required to run for the seat in the November 2024 general election.
Whitmer’s appointment of Bolden to the Michigan Supreme Court marked a significant and consequential moment in the history of the state, said John Johnson Jr., executive director of the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.
"As the first Black woman to serve in that capacity, she will bring a long-missing perspective to the deliberations of the state’s highest court," Johnson said in a statement. "That alone makes this a monumental decision, but Ms. Bolden brings more to the table than her racial identity."
Bolden's experience as a criminal defense lawyer and her leadership on public policy will inform her decisions, Johnson said.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer makes historic pick for Michigan Supreme Court vacancy
Lansing — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has chosen state Rep. Kyra Harris Bolden to fill a seat on the Michigan Supreme Court, making her the first Black woman to serve on the state's high court.
Whitmer, a Democrat, is announcing the selection on Tuesday. Bolden will succeed Justice Bridget Mary McCormack, who revealed in September her plans to leave the court to become CEO of the New York-based American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution.
McCormack is a Democratic nominee, and Democrats maintained a 4-3 majority on the court in this month's election.
Whitmer described Bolden, a 34-year-old lawmaker from Southfield, as "passionate about the law." Bolden will be the youngest member of the Michigan Supreme Court and could hold a seat for more than three decades as justices can seek reelection until they reach the age of 70.
"She will bring a unique perspective to our high court as a Black woman — and as a new, working mom — that has too long been left out," Whitmer said. "Kyra is committed to fighting for justice for generations, and I know she will serve Michigan admirably, building a brighter future for her newborn daughter and all our kids."
Bolden was a Democratic nominee for two seats on the Michigan Supreme Court in the Nov. 8 election. But she finished narrowly behind Republican-nominated incumbent Justice Brian Zahra for the second position.
Bolden got 22% of the vote. Zahra won 24%. Democrat-nominated incumbent Justice Richard Bernstein finished in first place with 34%.
For much of the campaign, Bolden ran for office while pregnant, giving birth in August.
First elected to the state House in 2018, she is a member of the House judiciary and insurance committees. Prior to serving in the House, she was a lawyer with Lewis & Munday P.C. in Detroit and worked as a staff attorney for Judge John Murphy in Wayne County Circuit Court and as a court-appointed criminal defense attorney for district court in Southfield. Bolden studied law at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law.
"I am incredibly honored to be chosen by Gov. Whitmer for this appointment to the Michigan Supreme Court,” Bolden said. “I will ensure equal access to justice, apply the law without fear or favor, and treat all who come before our state’s highest court with dignity and respect."
Bolden will serve a partial term expiring at noon on Jan. 1, 2025. If she wishes to complete the remainder of McCormack’s term, which expires on Jan. 1, 2029, Bolden will be required to run for the seat in the November 2024 general election.
More:Michigan Supreme Court elects Elizabeth Clement as chief justice
Whitmer’s appointment of Bolden to the Michigan Supreme Court marked a significant and consequential moment in the history of the state, said John Johnson Jr., executive director of the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.
"As the first Black woman to serve in that capacity, she will bring a long-missing perspective to the deliberations of the state’s highest court," Johnson said in a statement. "That alone makes this a monumental decision, but Ms. Bolden brings more to the table than her racial identity."
Bolden's experience as a criminal defense lawyer and her leadership on public policy will inform her decisions, Johnson said.
Staff Writer Beth LeBlanc contributed.
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🍃🥀🍃 A Short Biography Of Lady
Ummul Baneen (as) 🍃🥀🍃
🥀 SHAFAQNA – Some years after the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) Imam Ali (as) expressed his desire to his brother Aqil bin Abu Talib (as) to marry a woman of a brave tribe. Hazrat Aqeel was a very knowledgeable in tribe genealogy and he immediately proposed the name of Hazrat Fatima binte Hazam bin Khalid (sa) and the marriage took place soon after.
🥀 Much earlier during 8 A.H., Imam Ali (as) had been given the prophecy by Prophet Muhammad (S) of a brave son who would be martyred alongside with his brother Imam Hussain (as) on the day of Ashura. Ever since then, Imam Ali (as) had been waiting for the birth of that son which came in the person of Hazrat Abbas (as)
🥀 The woman, who bore and brought up that Hero Hazrat Abbas (as) the standard-bearer to Imam Hussain (as) was Ummul Baneen (sa). She was the daughter of Hazam ibn Khalid and wife of Imam Ali (as). She was from the courageous family of Bani Kalab. Her maiden name was Fatima, but when she bore Imam Ali (as) four sons she was called Ummul Baneen mother of sons only.
🥀 Ummul Baneen (sa) had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet’s progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (as) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart, It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: “Tell me about Hussain (as) and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (as) martyrdom she said: “All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and whatever that exist under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (as).
🥀 Ummul Baneen (sa) gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as)
🥀 After the arrival of Imam Sajjad (as) and Lady Zainab (sa) in Madinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen (sa) used to continuously gather women in her house and narrate to them how Imam Hussain (as) and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.
🥀 Hazrat Ummul Banin (sa) was a great poetess and she is considered as the first Noha - lamentation poetry - reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as). She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Nohas in a very sad voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly
🥀 She transformed the Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as “the Centre of Azadari of Imam Hussain (as). The Nohas recited by Hazrat Ummul Baneen (sa) was for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) are recorded in history and are considered as masterpieces in Arabic literature.
🍃🥀🍃 shafaqna.com 🍃🥀🍃
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mysteli · 1 year
Here's another snippet for the book I'm writing. This is a draft of the opening. It's nowhere near finished but I wanted to share what I wrote. Feel free to provide some feedback about the description given here. It's a scene containing Lo's (MC) first vision. All the characters are here for now but it may not stay that way and I will be sharing more of these <3
Everything was silent. Unusually silent. Lo couldn’t even hear the whistles in the wind or her footsteps on the path. A path her body was forcing her to follow, while her mind seemed ready to escape. It was as though time had stopped all around her, as she was nearing a destination. No movements in the typically tantalising trees. No sign of wildlife; instead, everything was hibernating. 
  An unfamiliar kind of night had dawned. In fact, it was an entire universe. As Lo peered upwards, stars hadn’t left any part of the sky untouched. Sprinkled everywhere, as a fluorescent full moon stood proudly centred in the midst of it all. She had never seen a sky so full, never in the city. Despite everything else being frozen, the night still carried its character.
  Peace may have been exerting from the space above her but an eeriness creeped up her spine, as she continued to wander towards something unknown. In front of her looked like nothing. The frightening part was it being nothing. Whatever had warped her here wasn’t prepared to give her any answers. Even as she closed the distance between her and the darkness, it was still as pitch-black as the sky back home. In reality, she wanted to stop but her body wouldn’t allow her to. 
  Finally, Lo reached the dust. At this point, her mind was enraged, fighting to get away from whatever lurked beyond. Again, her body ignored it all and dragged her into the gloom. For a couple seconds, there was nothing - not even a sign that she was still moving. Then the mist cleared and Lo could feel her feet on the ground again. Her mind had paused its bitterness, going into complete shutdown.
  As her vision focused, she found herself in a foggy forest, an ominous air surrounding her. For the first time, control of her body returned to her consciousness but it was done commanding her to run. Curiosity had already taken over at this point, and was in full effect. Before her stood 11 graves, memorialised with handmade wooden crosses and engraved with names she mostly recognised. All were completed with what appeared to be freshly dug holes and all but one was empty. With a lost expression, she analysed each and every one.
  Quinn Kelly. Estela Montoya. Sean Gayle. Grace Hall. Aleister Reed. Michelle Nguyen. Raj Bhandarkar. Diego Soto. Craig Hsiao. Zahra Namazi. 
  All of these names, Lo recognised. Seeing all of her old friends’ fates laid out like they were nothing but cattle waiting to be slaughtered. Then, her eyes scanned the final grave, the only one with a fate already sealed. Jake Mckenzie, it read. Despite this being a name she was unfamiliar with, tears threatened to pour just from the sight of this particular resting place. Defeated, she hung her head, an urge to mourn welling up within her. Then, she noticed something that definitely wasn’t there before, even when she was wandering.
  Dog tags clung to her thin neck, swaying despite time still feeling stuck. Overcome by a breakdown, Lo grabbed hold of them, desperate to understand the meaning of them. Releasing a sharp exhale, she lifted her head and all her tears had suddenly dried. One last look at the sky revealed that one specific constellation was outshining all the others. 
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
🦋🕯️💌 for the emoji ask game!
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Not really insecure about anything these days? I've posted a truly absurd amount of fic and my previous fandoms include Harry Potter (TERF author can go rot) and MCU (... character roundabouts abound and the tonky stans refuse to admit it) so ... fandoms don't scare me much, I'm liberal with the block and delete buttons and I'm pretty confident in my own writing ability and general standing as a fanfic author.
I think the only thing I tend to worry about is my tags? I always either miss something, or tag something in a slightly weird way there's probably something better for. If you ever notice a fic of mine that could do with either tag pruning or an additional tag - please do let me know. I once managed to forget to add Whump to a fics tags and only remembered when a commenter mentioned it, I promise, I will not be mad.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you’re not a social person/experience social anxiety?
See, I am Bad At People. I had very few friends going up and whether or not I have any neurodivergency (unknown, not unlikely, Dad almost definitely is, but I also have trauma from bullying and a shitty ex to complicate matters) I don't always socialise so good. I tend to observe social interactions and write them well, but outside of my close friends I get very antsy about interacting with new people.
This is why, generally, I stay in my own lane on tumblr; I'll post my metas and analysis here or in response to asks and only occasionally add them to other posts - and then posts by either people I know or, for whatever reason, feel comfortable enough to add to. I used to be a lot more fighty but frankly that intersects with my social shit badly and I am trying to keep to things which spark joy, even if people being wrong on the internet regularly makes me want to fight them.
Anyway. Comments are also easy because like - an awful lot of people don't respond to your comments? And it's a massive load off my anxious back to know I can just leave a comment and probably won't get any response. And then, if there is a response, it's often delightful because I wasn't expecting it and it's to a comment I probably put way too much thought into which means there's often something fun to discuss. Likewise - I love when people comment on my work with clearly thought out considerations and I know, from my own experiences, that many don't expect a reply and it'll be a nice surprise for them.
And, like I said - I'm trying to keep to things which spark joy. Spreading that joy in fandom is one such. World sucks enough - lets not add to it.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
So uh.
I reblogged a meta from @exhaustedwerewolf a lil while back and it's because of that meta that Kash is now eating my brain apparently? I have gained a new blorbo. I will be resuming my other WIPs soonish - the intense rush of writing has definitely tapered off some - but uh. Now I have 2(.5) new WIPs, centring on Kash and Zahra.
Look I just really like poking at characters and their trauma and Kash and Zahra are both fun and drastically different examples.
Anyway so uh.
From what we hear of Kash's backstory, that boy was raised in a cult? I'm so glad I've listened to the Gangster Capitalism series on Liberty University and read/watched/listened as much as I have to stuff about cults and cult-like entities and abuse within those structures because uh.
Boy has some shit to pick through!
(It's extremely engaging.)
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neuzboyx24net0 · 3 days
Three Afghan women trying to fly on forged documents arrested at Karachi airport
Afghan refugees are registering at UNHCR’s refugee camp and repatriation centre in Nowshera. —INP/ File Zahra arrives in Pakistan as a patient’s attendant. Mehria comes to Pakistan on a business visa. Aziza claims she was treated at Islamabad hospital. KARACHI: Immigration authorities have arrested three Afghan women attempting to go to Germany on forged documents via Karachi. The Federal…
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michaelammounblog · 2 months
Jean-Marie Le Pen sur l’Iran et Gaza Interview datant de 2009 de Jean-Marie Le Pen, fondateur et Président du « Front National », par une journaliste du Centre Zahra France (dissout en 2019 par Macron et son gouvernement) , à l’occasion de la célébration des 30 ans de la fondation de la République Islamique d’Iran, pour laquelle le leader politique avoue son respect le plus profond.Jean-Marie Le Pen fustige également les crimes de guerre israéliens contre la population Palestinienne de Gaza qu’il qualifie de « camp de concentration ».#palestine #gaza #bandedegaza #PalestineWillBeFree #cisjordanie #genocide #israel #israël #PalestineGenocide #palestiniens #AllEyesOnRafah #PalestineForever #rafah #freepalestine #IsraeliCrimes #israéliens #gazaouis #israelwarcrimes #sionistes #sionisme #gazagenocide #giletsjaunes #netanyahu #revolution #freegaza #génocidaire #enfants #femmes #civiles #nuseirat #mawasi#juifs #chrétiens #musulmans #judaisme #christianisme #islam #monotheisme #monotheistes #religions #religion #bible #coran #thora #evangile #psaumes #catholiques #protestants #orthodoxes #sunnites #chiites #sunnisme #chiisme #croyants #dieu #allah #eglises #mosquees #synagogues #monasteres #ermitages #paroisses #imams #rabbins #pretres #curés #religieux #cheikhs #pasteurs #evangelistes #temoinsdejehovah #eveque #archeveque #curé #papes#iran #ayatollah #sayed #ali #khamenei #khomeini #perse #perses #persan #princeofpersia #mollah #sayyed #republiqueislamique #wilayatalfaqih #islam #musulmans #chiites #sunnites #chiisme #sunnisme #religion #revolution #imam #cheikh #religieu #iraniens #iraniennes #salmanleperse #salmanalfarisi #raissi
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infosisraelnews · 11 months
Palestiniens : Tsahal a commencé à avertir les habitants de Gaza des prochaines attaques contre des bâtiments résidentiels
Jeudi soir, l’armée israélienne a détruit quatre immeubles d’habitation dans le quartier d’al-Zahra, au centre de la bande de Gaza. Selon l’agence de presse officielle palestinienne Wafa, l’armée israélienne a averti à l’avance les résidents de 270 appartements des attaques à venir, et les résidents ont réussi à évacuer. Ce rapport indique des changements dans la tactique de Tsahal dans la…
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] LAHORE:Acting Vice Chancellor University of Home Economics (UHE) Prof Dr Syeda Faleeha Zahra Kazmi has said that a university's primary mission is to instill values of peace and unity in its students, ensuring they play a pivotal role in fostering harmony in the country. While addressing a seminar “Promoting Interfaith Harmony and Peace” organised by Women Development Centre at the UHE Lahore, she emphasised the pressing need for promoting peace and brotherhood in Pakistan.Prof Ashok Kumar, former MPA Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora, Director Punjab HEC Dr Tanveer Qasim, Sabiha Shaheen, Jessica Ilyas, Dr Iram Rabab and others also spoke on the occasion.Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora, highlighted that the foundation of every religion was rooted in promoting peace and brotherhood. He urged educational institutions to take proactive measures in advancing peace education. He also reaffirmed the Sikh community's love for Pakistan and their commitment to its development. Dr Tanveer Qasim underlined the importance of moral values in human beings. He urged universities to instill these values in their students and stressed that promoting inter-religious harmony is integral to maintaining peace. [ad_2]
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hardynwa · 2 years
Presidential Elections: Tinubu maintains lead in nine LGAs in Borno
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The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Bola Tinubu, has continued to lead with 70,892 votes in Borno State, winning in the nine local government areas so far announced by the returning officers. They include Gubio, Kaga, Magumeri, Mafa, Kwaya Kusar, Konduga, Nganzai, Dikwa and Bayo LGAs. The former Lagos State governor is closely trailed by the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar, who has so far garnered 30,948 votes. Meanwhile, confusion trailed the announcement of presidential results for Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State, despite the ongoing vote count at the local government level. On Monday, the second day of the presidential collation exercise at Multipurpose Hall 5 of the Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, Maiduguri, the agent of the PDP claimed that votes were still being counted in Konduga when the results were being read at the state capital. The PUNCH reports that observers on Sunday rejected election results from Gubio Local Government Area because the total votes cast exceeded the total number of accredited voters. This followed the inability of the Assistant Electoral Officer (Operations) of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Borno State, Zahra Musa, to reconcile the numbers despite two attempts allowed by the Presidential Collation Officer, Prof. Jude Rabo. The results as announced at the collation centre are as follows: - Gubio LGA APC – 3, 519 PDP – 2, 127 NNPP – 30 LP – 07 - Kaga LGA APC – 5,361 PDP – 2, 608 NNPP – 16 LP – 1 - Magumeri LGA APC – 5, 424 PDP – 3, 399 NNPP – 32 LP – 1 - Mafa LGA APC – 14, 821 PDP – 1,077 NNPP – 38 LP – 6Sponsored Stories - Kwaya Kusar LGA APC – 8, 420 PDP – 7,254 NNPP – 328 LP – 123 - Konduga LGA APC – 10, 012 PDP – 4, 119 NNPP – 111 LP – 76 - Nganzai LGA APC – 3, 468 PDP – 1, 513 NNPP – 12 LP – 01 - Dikwa LGA APC – 11, 030 PDP – 2, 773 NNPP – 254 LP – 08 - Bayo LGA APC – 8, 837 PDP – 6, 078 NNPP – 220 LP – 26 Read the full article
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