#Channel your analytical mind
obsidian-pages777 · 5 months
Pick a Card: Career Guidance from Pallas Athena
Top Left (Pile 1) , Top Right(Pile 2) Bottom Left (Pile 3) ,Bottom Right (Pile 4)
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Pile 1: Current Challenges and Obstacles
The Tower: This card suggests that significant changes or disruptions may be occurring in your career path right now. Pallas Athena's message here is to embrace these changes as opportunities for growth and transformation. Trust in your wisdom and strategic thinking to navigate through any obstacles that arise.
Five of Pentacles: This card represents financial challenges or feelings of lack. Pallas Athena reminds you to tap into your resourcefulness and inner strength during difficult times. Remember that setbacks are temporary, and with perseverance and strategic planning, you can overcome any financial obstacles in your career.
Channeled Key words:Resilience and Adaptability
Action Steps to consider:
Embrace change and consider exploring new career paths or industries that align with your skills and interests.
Seek opportunities for financial stability through budgeting, saving, or exploring alternative sources of income.
Focus on building resilience and adapting to changes in the workplace environment.
Consider seeking support from mentors or career coaches to overcome obstacles and navigate challenges effectively.
Pile 2: Guidance and Wisdom from Pallas Athena
The High Priestess: Pallas Athena's message here is to trust your intuition and inner wisdom when making career decisions. Quiet your mind and listen to the subtle guidance from within. Your intuition is a powerful tool that can lead you toward the right path in your career journey.
Ace of Swords: This card represents clarity of thought and new opportunities. Pallas Athena encourages you to approach your career with clear intentions and a strategic mindset. Stay focused on your goals, and be open to seizing new opportunities that come your way. Trust in your ability to manifest success through your intellect and determination.
Channeled Key Words:Networking and Relationship Building
Action Steps to consider:
Explore careers that involve intuition, spirituality, or working in fields such as counseling, coaching, or holistic healing.
Consider opportunities in education, research, or intellectual pursuits that allow you to leverage your analytical skills and strategic thinking.
Pursue roles that involve clear communication, writing, or public speaking, where you can share your insights and wisdom with others.
Embrace leadership opportunities where you can use your intuition and intellect to inspire and guide others toward success.
Pile 3: Opportunities and Potential
The Empress: This card symbolizes abundance, creativity, and nurturing energy. Pallas Athena's message here is that there are abundant opportunities for growth and success in your career. Embrace your creativity and tap into your nurturing instincts to cultivate a fulfilling and prosperous career path.
Ten of Cups: This card represents emotional fulfillment and harmony in your career life. Pallas Athena reminds you to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek fulfillment in your work. Follow your heart's desires and pursue career paths that align with your values and bring you joy and satisfaction.
Channeled Key Words: Continuous Learning and Skill Development
Action Steps to Consider:
Explore creative industries such as arts, design, fashion, or entertainment where you can express your artistic talents and creativity.
Consider careers in fields related to nurturing and caregiving, such as healthcare, counseling, or social work, where you can make a positive impact on others' lives.
Look for opportunities to create a harmonious work environment or start your own business venture where you can cultivate abundance and prosperity.
Pursue roles that prioritize work-life balance and prioritize emotional well-being, such as remote work, flexible scheduling, or positions with supportive company cultures.
Pile 4: Pursuit and Manifestation
The Magician: This card represents manifestation and taking action to create your desired reality. Pallas Athena's message here is to harness your innate talents and skills to manifest your career goals. Believe in your abilities and take decisive action toward your ambitions. With focus, determination, and strategic planning, you have the power to manifest success in your career endeavors.
Six of Wands: This card symbolizes victory, recognition, and achievement. Pallas Athena encourages you to celebrate your successes and accomplishments in your career journey. Be proud of how far you've come, and continue to strive for excellence with confidence and grace. Your strategic thinking and perseverance will lead you to even greater heights of success in your career.
Channeled Key Words: Self-Reflection and Exploration
Action Steps to Consider:
Take proactive steps to pursue your career goals, such as networking, furthering your education, or acquiring new skills relevant to your desired field.
Consider entrepreneurial ventures or freelance opportunities where you can take control of your career path and leverage your unique talents and abilities.
Set clear intentions and goals for your career and take consistent action toward manifesting your aspirations.
Seek opportunities for recognition and advancement in your current career path or explore avenues for professional growth and development that align with your long-term objectives.
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sefinaa · 7 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐰.❞
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
18+ readings
Pile 1
You must understand that the reason why everything isn’t going your way isn’t due to the fact you’re not a good person. It is not about your good deeds, or your bad deeds. It is not about who you harm inadvertently, this stems from you as a person. What are you looking for or in your case, whom are you looking for? Are you looking for something that satisfies you for the time being or for the longer term? Ask yourself this. Are you deserving of good luck? Am I deserving of the best?
If you think to yourself that every small detail of your life isn’t going well then you stimulate your mindset in the wrong light. Small simple bad things are normal for us all. One paper cut, a fight occurring, a friendship ending, these things are much smaller than you know.
A paper cut, you were careless and you lack patience.
A fight occurring teaches you patience, resilience, and knowledge. You learn from their behavior, are they a hot headed, calm, how do they react? It heightens your sense, awareness and analytical skills.
A friendship ending is a lesson for us all, it makes us grow as a person and it teaches us how to make ourselves the priority because friendships always end no matter, positive or not. Happy memories are the things one can hold on but to reminisce about the past makes us a prisoner. Do you want to be a prisoner? Does that sound ideal to you? If so, why?
So to ask once more, who are you looking for?
Think about this for a bit and speak to yourself about it until you realize you already know the answer.
The answer is within you.
Pile 2
When you see fire near you, you instantly run or perhaps freeze due to fear, and yet here we stand in the midst of it excited by it. Why is that? Why do you think you seek the adventure of danger? Do you think it plays the factor of being the person you desire or perhaps you’re hiding away once more under a facade of dread and hatred?
Do you believe that the burning flame within you is seeking to go upward or downwards? Do you believe that the same burning flame is you or perhaps it's merely the people around you, your environment?
Why all these questions? What is this reading, you may ask, the truth is, your mind is rather clustered of useless thoughts surrounding you like a snowstorm where you cannot escape, only to shelter oneself. Learn to let go of the thoughts that do not benefit you, and take in the ones that makes you happy. Let go of your worries to whom you believe or what you believe in, and let them take those worries away. Come back anew and make yourself whole once more. Your life is in your hands, not them, not the community nor your family, simply just you and you alone. Obstacles surely are a pain, are they not? But then again, obstacles make us whole so, will you be the person who stops midway through the obstacle or will you go forth with it and leap over it, perhaps even swim around it? The choice is yours and it lies within your grasp. You choose.
Pile 3
When you see the moon hiding the sun, you find it to be mesmerizing. The moon shines its beauty for us so we can enjoy the stars, perhaps to stargaze, maybe to feel like ourselves, who knows. But then again it’s just a normal cycle, a factual tradition, I suppose. But then we look at society and how it teaches us that our flaws are significant and that we must be perfect like Barbie and Ken. But then again, one cannot achieve such perfection, it’s simply impossible. Right?
Why do you believe that you must be perfect at everything? You must achieve everything and that if you do not, you’re unworthy? Not good enough and such. What are you gaining from that? Would you preferably say that to a child, let alone your child? No.
Would you find an infant, barely born and tell them, “you’re doing this wrong. What is wrong with you?! You cannot do anything right!” No. So why do you do it to yourself?
If I were to yell at you right now, how would you react? Would you reciprocate it? Would you let it bury inside and create resentment towards me? Maybe you might slap me as well. Or I suppose, you will laugh it off like it’s nothing, or maybe it truly isn’t anything because you became numb to it because you justified it.
Even so, it’s not justified to act so harsh on yourself, high expectations won’t lead you anywhere, well, I suppose it would leave you in a dump. That doesn’t sound enjoyable, does it? No.
Maybe next time, let’s try being easier on ourselves and show gratitude to oneself for achieving a small accomplishment and giving ourselves a reward. Shouldn’t be hard if you actually care for yourself, now would it? You tell me. Decide it for yourself.
Pile 4
When I think of your pile, I see a child, presumably someone who looks pale, but isn’t. I see an image of someone wearing nothing, but not in a perverted fashion. I see them staring into my eyes with such sadness, such hatred in their heart and eyes. So much anger, and yet there is a “help me” feeling of the way they are gazing into my eyes.
What I’m saying is, those reading this pile feels .. a sense of emptiness and apathy. This pile gave me anxiety for 3 hours straight and I ruined my nails by biting them (which I never do), I wish I was exaggerating, but I am not. Your pile is very rocky, lots of anxiety and frustration, and so much resentment. I can feel my heart beating so incredibly fast, I feel suffocated, I feel like I am drowning, but it’s not the same as you expect someone to drown. I feel as I am dying and that is what you feel right now.
I hear depression, anxiety, BPD, and “I’m going to kill you.” Everyone here feels so much anger, it’s going to explode on the next person. Sometimes you feel like no one understands you and they treat you as a joke, at times you feel as if you aren’t important enough to be apart of your social group, even your family as well. At times, you want to.. jump off a cliff but the thought scares you very much, not because you're a coward, but because you have this small shred of hope that you may have a better life, and you will.
I see a hill, someone's child is holding a book or perhaps a diary, they are holding it tightly, close to their heart. Despite if you don’t read or write journals/diaries, something you have within you is what you hold very close to you and you must cherish that. Keep it close, I’m not speaking of your negativity (some of you, stop it), I’m speaking of the thing you want so badly but you believe it is impossible to achieve and yet it is not. How could it be impossible? You found the right pile for you, so what is the issue of you believing it will come to you even when you do nothing? Anything is possible, that’s very obvious, understand this. If you put your mindset on something, in this case, what you want, you think of it or perhaps daydream about it, then it’s yours. That’s all.
Here is what you must hear.
When a shooting star shoots across the night sky, we all become hypnotized by it due to it being such a rarity, correct? We stargaze because stars are so mesmerizing, so enchanting. When you think of what you desire, that lost hope, you become hypnotized about it, don’t you? If shooting stars are possible, then how dare you say what you desire, that shred of hope isn’t possible?
Getting lost in a world of possibilities is such an exciting experience, isn’t it? But when you realize it’s not real, it hurts even more. Perhaps using that small shred of happiness can amplify what you want. Ever think of that? So just daydream or think of the things you want, even if it’s a “silly” daydream about being a knight saving a princess in a castle with dragons and such, and then think of what you want for a split second even and go back to that “silly” daydream. You’ll manifest what you want without even realizing.
My intuition is telling me is that you can get what you desire if you change your approach in life. If you can do that, then that small shred of hope in your life can bypass the hopelessness that you feel as of this moment. It will twist your mind and make it assume that what you want is so incredibly easy to reach and achieve.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Planets in the 8th house
I know a lot of you may don’t really like this house but trust me it’s more lovely than it seems and as with any other house it has it’s ups and downs. Now let’s understand what it’s up with this house, first it’s where Scorpio and Pluto rules, also as a side note Mars feels pretty comfortable here as well, in traditional astrology Mars was the ruler of Scorpio. It dives deep into subjects such as intimacy, sex, secrets, fears, death, rebirth, shared money and possession. It’s the house of transformation and occult, deep psychology inside as well. It’s also a pretty karmic house. Here is how each planet behaves in the house.
The Sun: an individual with the Sun in the 8th house seeks deep, intimate relationships but may face challenges as they tend to give excessively. They might experience ups and downs due to others' casual approach to relationships. Healing often involves addressing a father's emotional impact and seeking fulfilment through connections. The path to growth lies in balancing self-reliance with meaningful, committed partnerships, allowing for personal shine and transformation through shared resources. A curiosity for mysticism and the occult converges with a aspiration for financial stability, potentially influenced by inheritance.
The Moon: drives a deep desire for security, sometimes leading to seeking it through others' resources. This can evoke self-doubt, possessiveness, and psychic sensitivity. Transformative partnerships or marriages might bring financial gain. They approach relationships seriously, often overextending, leading to turmoil; finding balance through self-sufficiency brings happiness. Sensitive to unspoken nuances, they find peace by releasing expectations, channelling probing curiosity into worldly understanding, seeking connection through intimate relationships and a quest for broader meaning. Gains or inheritances linked to women are common, yet a sense of connection remains elusive.
Mercury: in the 8th House gifts you with analytical powers, suited for research, detective work, and understanding complex matters like taxes or insurance. Your inquisitive nature drives you to unravel the depths of life's mysteries, though this may lead to concerns over finances and a tendency to gossip. Your mind dwells on profound subjects like death, healing, and psychic phenomena. Mercury's presence here offers a valuable perspective, helping you discuss and process intense emotions, easing the pain associated with this house. It enhances rational clarity within the realm of misunderstood emotions, serving as a valve for emotional release and facilitating conscious understanding.
Venus: in the 8th House grants you access to material comforts and potential prosperity, often through a partner's contributions or inheritance. While you enjoy sensual pleasures, be mindful of avoiding overindulgence or laziness. Your attraction to healing, metaphysical pursuits, and magic might thrive. This placement bestows a harmonious touch to intimate connections, making give-and-take feel natural, appreciating the sensual without burdening the relationship. Challenges, such as losses and responsibilities, are handled with understanding, adding a sense of kindness to your relationships.
Mars: in the 8th House fuels your drive for research, uncovering secrets, and intense pursuits, but challenges arise as desires clash with the give-and-take nature of relationships. Financial issues, possibly through a partner, highlight the need to diminish money's importance. Struggles may emerge in sharing resources and emotions within partnerships, causing emotional outbursts. Learning to channel Mars' willpower constructively, alongside exploring healing or surgery interests, can lead to personal growth despite these challenges. Understanding and managing the intensity of your desires and their impact on relationships becomes key.
Jupiter: in the 8th House blesses you with optimism and faith in humanity. Financial gains through partnerships, marriage, or inheritance are possible. Your strong emotional depth can be harnessed for psychic abilities, enabling you to bring upliftment and healing to others. Jupiter's presence in this house facilitates an effortless give-and-take dynamic, aided by your universal outlook, allowing you to avoid getting entangled in overly emotional relationship issues. Your emphasis on genuine, giving connections attracts reciprocal generosity.
Saturn: in the 8th House endows you with diligent work ethic and patience, yet your pursuit of financial security might lead to self-imposed social and sexual restrictions. Transform this drive into soul growth via wisdom gained through partnership relationships. Issues around abuse, power, and past hurts may arise. Challenges involving inheritances, shared finances, and intimacy emerge due to Saturn's hesitance to let go. This position can make relationships tough, leading to commitment issues. Overcoming Saturn's grip fosters eventual happiness and harmony, teaching valuable lessons of release and trust.
Uranus: with this placement, your intuition and psychic senses are heightened, drawing you to the mysteries of life and the occult. Nervous tension may arise, and unexpected gains or losses in shared resources are possible. Balancing your need for freedom with emotional connection is key, as Uranus' resistance to commitment can challenge relationships. Remember to stay open to intimacy while navigating life's uncertainties.
Neptune: in the 8th House enhances your intuition and empathy, but it's important to set clear boundaries to avoid relationship challenges. Embrace healing and afterlife interests while ensuring honesty in financial matters. Remember to balance selflessness with self-care, fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections. Your compassionate nature is a strength in navigating these dynamics.
Pluto: In the 8th House, your intuition and business sense thrive, drawing you to metaphysical realms. While inheritance and clairvoyant potential shine, be cautious of financial complexities in partnerships. Transformative experiences spark a fascination with life's mysteries. Pluto's influence urges open communication to ease power struggles, offering healing through release and growth. Embrace vulnerability for stronger, more compassionate relationships.
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chikaras-garden · 1 year
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Your boyfriend finds out that you’re secretly working for a rival mafia family. It’s only right that he teaches you a lesson for spying on him.
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Pairing: mafia!Kuroo x fem!reader
Words: 2.4k
Contains: dubcon, mafia!Kuroo, dom!Kuroo, mean!Kuroo, brat!reader, fingering, piv sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, sex as punishment, roughness, manhandling, desk sex, K calls R “kitten,” “little girl,” and “naughty girl”
Notes: 18+ or you’ll be blocked, also on ao3
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“You’re lucky I’m patient.”
Tetsuro stands in the doorway of the office—his office. You’re not sure how long he’s been there, but you’re certain he just caught you digging through papers on his desk, on top of the fact that you’re not even supposed to be in here at all. Ever. That was rule number one of being with him, not that you ever had any intention of following it. 
You involuntarily gasp, stuffing the papers in your hands behind your back. His eyes lazily glance between your hidden arms and your face; somewhere between the quirk of his eyebrow and downturn of his lips, you know you’re caught.
Closing your eyes, you expect to be yelled at. Thrown out of the room. Locked away. Worse. That’s what other men you’ve dealt with—done this to—would have done to you, anyway.
But, Tetsuro’s voice is even, only clouded by the shadow of disappointment.
Suddenly, that voice is right next to the shell of your ear. What he says sends electricity down your spine, sends the papers falling to the floor, sends your fingers reaching for his chest. “I wasn’t told you were going to misbehave.”
You feel his arms cage you in, one hand on either side of your hips, fingers drumming on the solid wood of his desk. He doesn’t touch you. He won’t do it, he never has, and that stirs something in between frustration and need in your stomach.
“Look at me.”
His hazel eyes are dark and analytical, tinted by the shroud of catching the one woman he’s let into his life in the act of betraying him. Your lips part, trembling, and it isn’t his rage, sadness, or bloodlust that channels fear into you.
It’s his complete lack of them.
“So you steal information from me, pass it off to…” when you don’t answer, he sighs, the first sign of his real annoyance at you, as if you’re no more bothersome than a delayed train. “...whoever you’re working for, not that the list of people who’d want to screw me over is short.”
Tetsuro tilts his head, and his voice follows to the shell of your other ear, his breath grazing your cheekbone. He speaks quietly, every syllable so perfectly measured to show you that he’s in control. It’s eerie, and you swallow hard at the realization.
“Then what, kitten? Did you think you were smart enough that I’d never find out?”
You let out a shuddering breath while your eyes slip closed again. This close, you smell his cologne: it’s cold, but still burns your nose—peppermint and sage. You tilt your head back, baring your neck to him like an offer: Does he dare to take it?
“Fuck,” he whispers, realizing what you’re thinking as soon as it crosses your mind. “You just wanted my attention, didn’t you?”
Caught both in the act and with your true intentions, you nod.
He starts laughing.
It starts with a chuckle that fights its way out of his chest, but it swiftly melts into real laughter more genuine than you’ve ever heard from him. Your eyes fly open, and you spot a mean, self-satisfied grin. But, behind that, you see eyes ablaze with an echo of the need swirling in your stomach.
Your toes curl. Every layer of clothing you’re wearing is starting to feel hot, like it’s burning. You reach a hand back, fingers extending behind you until they touch skin: his skin, which burns as hot as yours.
He stares at you with an intensity that would scare anyone else, but you’ve grown accustomed to his nuances. “Gonna have to make you regret this, you know.” 
Oh, you know. And you’re hoping he makes good on that threat in ways that surprise the very excitable imagination you’ve been developing since the moment you met him. So, you egg him on. “Are you sure you’re the right man for the job? I mean, I did get this far…”
Before you can finish, he grabs you by the hips and hoists you on top of his desk, paperwork be damned. You’re stunned threefold: first by his strength, second by his speed, and third by his lips capturing yours while your mouth is still open, ready to accept his tongue.
This kiss is more intoxicating than anything you’ve ever felt before. Your head swims, and you reach for him to tether yourself to this Earth before the feeling of him sends you straight to the moon. Your fingers wind into his hair, and you tug without thinking. Just that little action, so innocent compared to all the ways you’ve thought about him, makes him moan into your mouth.
His fingers, long and roughed up by who knows what, make quick work of your clothes. Shirt, up and over your head. Bra, tossed across the room. Skirt, pooled on the floor. Panties, dangling from your ankle. You thought removing clothes would make you feel better, cool you off, keep your head on straight, but the air in Tetsuro’s office burns hot with your need for more, more, more.
You need him to give you what you want. He needs you to make him do so, evidently.
“Tetsuro,” you whine, fighting against the kisses he places to the corner of your mouth. “Tetsuro, please, please.”
His hands massage into the soft skin of your thighs, spreading you wide so he can fit easily in between them. There’s an unforgiving gap between your pussy and his still-clothed dick; though it must only be as wide as your fist, it feels like it’s a whole ocean across, like you can’t just reach out and bring him to you.
“Naughty girls don’t get what they want.” Although he’s teasing you, his chest rises and falls with heavy panting. It’s a struggle to keep up with what his body wants to do to you, what your body demands of him. He kisses down your throat, your collarbone, the top of your chest—and you whine in response to his snail’s pace.
“I can earn it.” Your beg is heard by interested ears; you can practically see him perk up at the suggestion, glancing up at you through dark eyelashes. “I’ll do anything.”
For several beats, he ignores you. You watch him fight against his own willpower, and you realize—while his eyes dart from your lips to your hands to between your legs—that you don’t need to hear him say it to know that you’ve won. He hides his concession in another ravenous kiss; this time, his hands find your breasts and mercilessly squeeze, making you mewl and invite his tongue back into your mouth.
His hands feel like fire consuming your skin, making you shake from head to toes. You’ve never been with him like this, but you’ve imagined it, and you know you want it. And, in fact, your imagination doesn’t come close to the real deal.
He grips one of your thighs, holds your leg around his waist, angling you so he can get a view of your folds that makes him sigh. It’s a breathy sound unlike anything you’ve ever heard from him before; when you try to lean into him, try to give him a kiss of your own, his free hand presses against your chest.
“Stay still, would you?” He tuts, feigning annoyance that’s softened by the smirk on his lips. Then, he whispers a betrayal of the act he’s been putting on. “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
Then, he reaches for your folds, wasting no time in thumbing at your clit. You bite your lip; though he doesn’t physically hold you back anymore, you stay where he put you, telling yourself that it’s just because this angle makes the shapes he’s tracing on your clit feel even better. Indignantly, you ignore the voice in your head that’s whispering about being good for him. Proving yourself. Earning what you want.
“Oh,” he groans while your pussy swallows two of his fingers all the way to the third knuckle; he’s not even trying. “This is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Hips twitching, trying to brush your clit against the palm of his hand, you nod. Tetsuro leans his forehead against yours and chuckles, a sound that makes you shiver from how close it is; he still isn’t looking at you, not really. He’s looking down, captivated by the way his fingers sink into you.
Testing your balance, you lift one hand to grip his shoulder. He doesn’t move, not even to acknowledge your touch, so you dance your fingers across his collarbone, down his chest, all while your own breathing grows heavier and heavier. You’re certain you’re a mess, and you think it’s wildly unfair that you’re the only one.
So, your trembling hands make clumsy work of his shirt buttons. The thin white fabric feels like silk under your hands, soft and supple, something you’d love to rub your face all over if it wasn’t currently in your way. Every button undone, you get a glimpse of the sculpted chest underneath; you end up so distracted, eyeing him hungrily, that you miss the fact that his fingers have stilled inside you.
Until they pull almost all the way out, making you gasp, and plunge all the way back in, curling upward in a way that makes you cry out. With an almost-literal snap of his fingers, you’re on the edge of a high you weren’t sure he’d let you have.
A sudden fear crosses your mind. With wide eyes, you look up at him, only to find him looking back with a wild, starving gaze. 
“T-Tetsuro,” you keen, “wanna come.”
“Wanna come?” he mocks, curling his fingers in the same way again. You start to slump forward, wiggling your hips, but he grasps your shoulder to keep you an arm’s length away, in perfect view for him. “Think you deserve it?”
“Please!” you beg. You don’t care what you have to do or say to get it. Tetsuro’s fingers feel so good, and you’ll be damned if you let him ruin this orgasm for you.
You think you hear a mutter of “alright, girl, alright,” not unlike he’s talking to a stray cat mewling at him for scraps of food. The metaphor isn’t lost on you: you do, in fact, feel something like a starving animal while his fingers pick up the pace. He fucks you into his palm until release crashes over you, feeling like the best, biggest, finest meal you’ve eaten in months.
Shuddering, you breathe something that sort of resembles his name, incomplete syllables tumbling out of your lips while you wrap yourself around him. His fingers linger inside of you, and you feel his eyes on you, watching, waiting. For what? You don’t know—you don’t care. With his free arm, he holds you against his chest, and you welcome the comforting sear of his bare skin against your cheek.
Seconds pass, and then you hear, “Alright. That was one.”
Your eyes flutter open. Delirious, you murmur, “One?”
He doesn’t entertain you with a response. Instead, he pulls his fingers away from you to shrug his shirt all the way off and, before you can complain about the absolute void between your legs, you hear the soft clink of metal on leather.
Trousers slide down his thighs. He steps out of them, closer to you, and leans over you; he’s tall, so tall that it’s too easy for him to collect your wrists in one hand while he lays you back on his desk.
Ironically, the papers you were trying to steal are right underneath your cheek.
He holds your wrists loosely in one hand, presses them against the tabletop above your head. His grip is loose, like a warning: just try fighting, and see what happens. You catalog the idea for another day.
He angles his hips in a way that has the tip of his cock brushing against your wet, puffy folds. He hisses—or maybe you do, or maybe you both do. There’s a brief moment of eye contact where you notice need and selfishness in his gaze. Lowly, he says, “Remember, kitten, this is supposed to be your punishment.”
And then, he sheaths himself inside you. He’s neither fast, nor slow; he moves at the pace he wants, ignoring the wriggling of your hips and strangled little noises coming out of your throat. He’s as big as you imagined, big enough to stuff you fuller than your fingers or toys ever could. Your eyes fall closed as you resign yourself to enjoying the stretch, the lude sounds of cock plunging into leftover come, and the rhythmic roll of his hips driving into you.
You moan his name as soon as you feel another high mounting within you; it’s shameful how quick it rushes in, sneaking up on you. 
He bends forward and presses sloppy kisses to the sides of your chest. The more you strain, heavy breaths struggling against the weight of him, the harder he kisses. In short order, lips turn to teeth, and he’s biting, bruising your breasts while his cock pounds into you. He marks you as his, claims you, brands you like a punishment for “forgetting” who you belong to.
Tetsuro’s cock buried deep inside you, his lips attached to your chest, you’re not sure when one orgasm ends and the next begins. All you know is he has you coming again and again until the room spins around you. You’re dizzy, blissed, panting, whimpering, and writhing underneath his iron grip on your wrists.
You twist your hips, searching for a moment of reprieve, just a second to catch your breath, but he responds with a grunt and an upward thrust that makes you cry out. “Don’t be difficult, kitten. You wanted to be taught a lesson? Here it is.”
“Said you’d do anything,” he mumbles, but it’s so quiet that it’s almost drowned out by the sound of skin slapping skin. He’s deep, so deep, too deep. You can’t focus, can’t think, can barely feel anything except his cock plunging into you, kissing your cervix with every thrust. 
“Tetsuro,” you whimper. “I-it…’s too much, please…”
“Patience, little girl,” he warns through gritted teeth. “I’m making you…regret trying to betray me…remember?”
You find it in you to put up a little bit of a fight. Heart pounding, head light and fuzzy, you squeeze his hips with your thighs, trying to put a few inches of distance in between you. Slow down, your mind chants; slow down. You want him. You want a break. Your stomach begins to coil again, and you let out a pitiful, broken moan.
Tetsuro laughs breathlessly, then picks up the pace, making you cry out with another orgasm. “Good—Good girl. I’m done with you when I say so.”
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— College
College student! Bakugo x College student! Black! Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Headcanons of how Bakugo would be as a college student + what it’d be like to date him.
TW: Swearing, mentions of injuries, suggestive on some parts
Note: Made with the help of @katsumiiii <3. Also this is a sort of implied quirkless au bc it’s a college au but it doesn’t matter too much.
⇶ When Katsuki gets to college, he mellows out a whole lot
⇶ Of course he’s more mature than he was in high school. But now, he has a very obvious security in himself and is like a whole new person
⇶ He’s much quieter, and keeps to himself for the most part
⇶ Somehow, he’s even more focused on his goals than ever, and because of that he just doesn’t have energy to waste on cussing people out and yelling all the time
⇶ He has so much going for himself and he knows it, his priorities are set in stone and nothing can keep him from reaching his goals
⇶ Katsuki would likely major in something related to business whether it’s actually business, finance, analytics, etc, that’s all he can see himself in, and he’d fit the part well
⇶ Even though Katsuki has worked through a lot of his issues by this point, he still has a lot of frustration and stress he needs to channel
⇶ And being competitive by nature, he joins the football team and boxes on the side
⇶ Despite most of his teammates being fairly popular, Katsuki is extremely lowkey
⇶ He is still very popular, in a sense. People know him and know of him, but he minds his business and hardly speaks to most people
⇶ But of course the one person he spends as much time with as possible is his pretty girlfriend
⇶ What drew Katsuki to you initially was your determination and work ethic
⇶ You were smart, and heavily involved with the school and your peers, and he found this oddly attractive
⇶ Before getting together, you were decently known through your in involvement around campus. But after, you were both school celebrities
⇶ Everyone knew, or knew of, the two of you. And they all knew you belonged to each other
⇶ Though, you were both so busy that you’re hardly together during the week
⇶ But you always make your way towards each other by the end of the day, and compensate for lost time over the weekends
⇶ During your freshman year, you’d sneak into each others dorms for the weekend to spend time with one another
⇶ Of course, staying in a drab dorm room all day could be boring, even with company
⇶ So the two of you would always end up taking little adventures together whether it was a walk around campus, driving around town, shopping, or going out to eat, you always made sure your time was well spent
⇶ By your sophomore year, Katsuki would get his own apartment near by the campus
⇶ And although you still had a dorm, you essentially lived with him
⇶ A good chunk of your clothes and shoes were there, he bought all your body care for you so you weren’t taking it back and forth, more bonnets than you’d ever need, and of course, him.
⇶ But it was an advantage to the both of you, and your relationship. Because as busy as the two of you could get sometimes, even if you didn’t see each other the whole day, laying in the same bed at night was enough for you
⇶ During the week, even if your schedules had no alignment whatsoever, Katsuki would always make time to see you
⇶ He has a special knack for always knowing where you were at all times, and knew just when to show up, even if your location was off and you hadn’t communicated where you were to him in the slightest
⇶ This especially comes into play in the context of getting all three meals in on a daily basis
⇶ Katsuki still loves to cook, and he’s never played about having a proper diet and he won’t start with you
⇶ Even if he’s gone from his apartment by the time you wake up, there’s a nice warm breakfast sitting on his counter for you
⇶ And no matter where you are come lunch, he’ll make sure that you eat
Katsu💖: You eat yet princess?
You: Nah, I don’t have time to eat rn anyways
You: I think ima just skip lunch ngl
Katsu💖: The fuck do you mean you’re gonna skip lunch
You: I mean I’m gonna skip lunch!
Katsu💖: No tf you’re not
Katsu💖: I’m otw I’m bringing you food
You: bro
You: my location not even on rn fym you’re otw🧍‍♀️
Katsu💖: ? I don’t need your location to be on to know where you are
Katsu💖: What kind of bf would I be if I didn’t know where my gf was
Katsu💖: Especially if I just let her voluntarily starve like a dumbass
You: Alr.
Katsu💖: What do you take me for??? A fucking loser???
You: Now what if I said yes Katsuki.
Katsu💖: Then you’re not getting food
You: Yeahhhh okay😂😂😂😂
Katsu💖: I’m outside
Katsu💖: Hurry up before I change my mind🤦‍♂️
You: Ty bbg😋
Katsu💖: Do not call me that
⇶ Katsuki pulls his random “I’m outside” texts often
⇶ Usually, it’s to bring you some food, and sometimes he just misses his girl
⇶ As crazy as they may be at times, seeing that notification pop up never fails to make you smile
⇶ Nobody misses it when you smile like that either, you’re so well known as a pair that it’s expected that you’re going to see him when you basically skip out of the room
⇶ Unfortunately, being a well known pair doesn’t stop audacious people from hitting on either of you
⇶ On Katsuki’s end, he think people are insane when they approach him in such a way knowing that he’s dating you
⇶ It’s such a slap in the face whenever it happens, that he can do nothing but stare at the person like they’re stupid until they go away
⇶ On your end, Katsuki’s temper jumps out whenever people get the nerve to approach you in any sort of flirtatious way
⇶ If he’s in the area whenever it happens, he always pops up to remove the person from your space
⇶ If he’s not, you always tell him exactly what happened and the only response you ever get is, “I’ll handle it.”
⇶ Regardless of whether or not he’s present, he always handles it by having a less than friendly exchange with your pursuer that usually puts an end to things
⇶ If the person decides to persist for some reason, you become more reluctant to tell Katsuki about it
⇶ You know he cares about you, but you don’t want him stressing or putting to much energy into something that’s not worth it
⇶ But Katsuki can read you like a book, and to him, no energy that goes towards you is ever too much
⇶ Though Katsuki’s is reputation is fairly polished, it’s only blemishes come from people he ended up fighting over you
⇶ Days where neither of you are busy are both of your favorite days
⇶ They’re usually spent at his apartment, or running errands together
⇶ And of course, he squeezes in time for dates
⇶ On occasion, he’ll randomly tell you to get dressed up nice before taking you out for a fancy dinner and spoiling you with delicious food and thoughtful gifts
⇶ While you always stress about him spending so much money on you when he doesn’t let you do the same, he doesn’t mind at all
⇶ To others, Katsuki always seems to have a suspicious amount of money for a college student
⇶ It sparks some rumors, but nobody cares enough to make a big deal about it
⇶ The truth is, he makes money by modeling for his mom on the side, and makes a little off boxing as well
⇶ And if he’s being honest, most of his money goes to you
⇶ He pays for your hair products, hair, nails, clothes, random things you want, and sometimes even your groceries
⇶ Most of the time, you do small dates like picnics and study dates
⇶ He’ll set a cozy mood in his apartment with a led lights, a playlist going, candles lit, and both of you in matching pajamas
⇶ Katsuki makes snacks during breaks and gives you kisses whenever you get a question right
⇶ And what kind of boyfriend would he be if he wasn’t your personal tutor? He helps you on all and any work that you have, and if he doesn’t know jack shit about the class he’ll learn just for you
⇶ On days where just one of you is busy, you’re still attached at the hip, tagging along wherever the other goes just to be in each others presence
⇶ Game days are “secretly” Katsuki’s favorite
⇶ There’s a certain feeling that he only gets when he sees you wearing his jersey and hears you shouting his name from the stands
⇶ Runs over to talk to you whenever he gets a chance, even if he’s not supposed to be over there
⇶ Takes his good luck kisses VERY seriously, and honestly gets frustrated if he doesn’t get one both before the game and during half time
⇶ Even though he’s supposed to be with the team after games, he somehow always manages to slip away and simply go straight home with you
⇶ Half the time, he should be going to his trainers to get any cuts and bruises treated, but he’ll break a bone before he goes to a trainer instead of you
⇶ Puts it on everything that he heals extra fast when you do it, and even faster if you kiss him while you patch him up
⇶ While cleaning him up should really only take 30 minutes, it always ends up taking 2 hours because Katsuki can’t keep his hands to himself
⇶ Always going to kiss you on your lips, cheeks, and neck, always trying to hold your hands, grab at your thighs, pull you closer by your waist
⇶ You can hardly manage to ice a bruise when he gets like this
⇶ But when you finally get done cleaning him up, he thanks you and smothers you with more kisses
⇶ Cooks up a nice dinner to curl up on the couch with, and puts on a movie that you more than likely fall asleep to
⇶ But like the good boyfriend he is, Katsuki carries you to bed where he puts your bonnet on for you and crawls into bed with you
⇶ Coming home to you is by far Katsuki’s favorite part of his day, and even with the path in front of him, he thinks he’d be lost without you
Taglist: @megurulvr @ivanine @planetlunaa @rynfiles @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @cosmiles @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii @lillizxzz @starsoir @nikorubakugou @ruubric
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Thank you for reading, follow for more! Comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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Left: 111 ; Right: 333
Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Personal Readings are paid only. DM to book.
No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
Thank you for allowing me to read for you, and provide feedback.
Justice will be served, it’s been long due for you isn’t it? You have been waiting, praying, hoping and have been hopeless and joyless too. This is your confirmation of justice being handed to you. Especially in relationships, I see someone along thinking they will never find somebody, some people came almost too good to be true, and as you suspected they weren’t, they betrayed you, made a fool of you, but I am being told to tell you, that you were not the fool, how can someone so pure, someone who’s intent was nothing but innocent is the fool? Why do we think that pessimism is maturity and optimism being naive? Isn’t the true fool the one who betrays? Aren’t they the one who actually lost something good due to their own stupidity. Please go BACK TO TRUSTING YOURSELF. You will find a partner who trusts themselves too, a union of too mature adults, a union grounded in reality, a union till death do you part, a union with kids and family, a union of loyalty and legacy, a union joining two communities. MOST IMPORTANTLY, A UNION OF MUTUAL RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING. You will be soon tied to your destiny, weather a partner for most of you or life purpose, or the balance of the yin and yang, but its time to go around the sacred fires and take sacred vows. Also the number 7 and 11 popped up, these are soulmate numbers, you could marry your soulmate or for some of you, they could be a friend. YOU or the, could be born on the 7, 16, 25th or 11th , 20th, 29th be a 7 or 11 life-path. COMMENT ’rose’ to claim 🌙DM to book a personal tarot reading, your mystery messages want to keep being channeled🌙
(There are many messages, take what resonates and leave the rest) For some of you: you don’t reach the sun from earth on foot, change your plans, you are dreaming big so why is the plan  so hurried, you don’t trust this plan either so why are you hurried pushing it further, what’s yours won’t get copied, put your own unique touch, but for that you need time, you are a good leader, motivating and charming, but what’s the need to hurry. LEARN PATIENCE. I am seeing someone overwhelmed, who wants to stop or slowdown but won’t admit to themselves.  KEEP MOMENTUM, but do not be hurried, you get hurried, then frustrated and then nothing seems to work out and then it forms a loop, relax. I AM GETTING VERY FRUSTRATED ENERGY FROM YOU and anxious.  Oooo, BIG KING ENERGY! You are a person with intense passion and a solid plan, that’s rare. You might be the creative type that is logical too. Maybe you never could just fit in one category but like clay kept taking the shape the energy or the activity needed from you. It’s confirmed, you are not meant to be in a box. The message here is to take the logical, analytical mind take a back seat in the initial stages, don’t critique yourself or your plans too much, let the energy take form, during the course of times, things self correct automatically.  SAVE THIS AND RE-READ THIS, take a print or screenshot, but please don’t just read and move on without doing anything about yourself. Hope you feel better, and keep taking deep breathes.  COMMENT ’relax’ to claim message. 🌙DM to book a personal tarot reading, your mystery messages want to keep being channeled🌙
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willalove75 · 1 year
The Estate | Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!oc Chapter 2
Summary: Your first day of work continues and you try your best to impress your new boss.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Fluff? Dash of angst at the end, not much else to tag for now!
I'll add more tags as needed!
Notes: Chapter 2! I am trying to make this a genuine slow burn so it's going to take a tiny bit to get going (especially to get to the fun smutty stuff - but don't fret, it will definitely happen!) but I hope you all stick around and enjoy the ride! I have a lot of great things planned for this fic so stay tuned!
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After Alcina leaves for her meeting you get settled at your desk. Opening the new laptop box you're surprised to see it's a new MacBook. You were expecting some kind of crappy ThinkPad. Once you're settled and hooked up to the two monitors you start diving into the estates social media accounts. Switching between checking them out on the computer and seeing how they look on your phone, you start taking detailed notes of your initial impressions. You note a few analytics you were able to find and you write down some ideas on how to improve the channels.
After you vetted the social media channels you look at the past marketing strategies your predecessor had laid out. Impressed with the work they had put into the strategies, there wasn't much that needed changing. Most of the things you tweaked were more personal preference than anything else.
You thought it would take time to get back into the groove since it's been almost two years since you've done any of this, but to your pleasant surprise it was seamless. Before you know it you have half a dozen pages of written notes on the social media accounts and marketing strategies. Although you're not sure if it's because it's your first day on the job and you want to impress your boss, or because it's been so long since you've been able to sink your teeth into something like this and you're making up for lost time. Glancing between the monitors and your notebook, invested in your work, you didn't realize Alcina came back from her meeting and was standing in the doorway watching you.
With her arms loosely crossed over her chest, leaning against the doorframe, Alcina watches you for a few minutes as you work. Observing you as you look between your notebook, writing what looked to her like very detailed notes, and your computer screen. You're completely oblivious to her presence. The corner of her lip curls up just a little as she hears you muttering to yourself. She's impressed with your diligence, but is curious if the effort you're putting in now will last or if you're just trying to impress her on your first day. Dropping one arm, she gently knocks against your office door.
You're pulled from your hyper-focus when you hear a soft knock on the door. Looking over, you see Alcina leaning against the doorframe, one arm laid across her chest.
"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." You say as a blush creeps across your cheeks.
"No apologies necessary," She says, her voice as smooth as velvet. "I see you've made some progress with the social media channels?"
"Yes, I was able to go through them. Not as thoroughly as I wanted to, but enough so I could get an idea of where everything stands."
"And what are your thoughts?"
"Oh, did you want me to go over everything now?"
"I would. I am very curious to know what your thoughts are, especially since you came so highly regarded from your previous employer."
You feel your heart almost leap out of your chest.
"You- you talked to my last boss?"
"I did. I do with all of my potential employees, especially those with a two year gap in their CV's." She says, raising an eyebrow at you.
You let out a nervous chuckle and you feel yourself getting warm.
"Wh-what did they say? If you don't mind me asking, that is." You quickly add.
"That you were an excellent addition to their staff. That you are brilliant at what you do and that it was a pleasure to work with you. Your boss also mentioned that he was sad to see you go but wished you well."
A blush creeps across your cheeks. You really liked your old job, but after everything happened you couldn't stay - you couldn't do anything for two years honestly.
"Oh, well, that's really nice of them to say. Did he, um, say anything else about my resignation?"
"Only that you resigned due to a personal issue outside of work."
A wave of relief washes over you, you weren't ready to have that conversation with your new boss - not yet at least. There was a part of you that thought you were insane for calling your old boss, asking him not to mention details of your resignation. But it seems like the conversation paid off, and as usual, you were able to trust him.
"Oh, good." You say with a little too much relief. Alcina tilts her head and her eyes narrow a bit at you. "Not good, I meant, it's nice to know that he respects the privacy of his employees, past and present." You say, trying to save yourself. Alcina purses her lips a bit, you can tell that now she's even more curious about why you left your last job and why you haven't worked since. "The last two years have been, difficult, really difficult actually. But things are finally getting better and I'm really excited to be working again, to be able to put my skills to good use."
Alcina can't quite make heads or tails of your situation. She knows you have a 3 year old, so she was one when you stopped working, "Perhaps it had something to do with her daughter? Or maybe something happened to her. Maybe she was sick? But she looks healthy." Although Alcina knows better than anyone that looking healthy doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy. She wants to push you for more information but not only does she know that's incredibly unprofessional and inappropriate, she can tell you're avoiding talking about it so she lets it go for now.
"Then I would love to see your skills." She says as she walks up to your desk and stands behind you.
"O-okay." You say, looking up at her. She looks down at you and the corner of her lip just barely curls into a smile, her blue-grey eyes boring into yours. Fuck, she's gorgeous. You take a subtle deep breath to calm yourself and inhale the scent of her perfume. It smells expensive and mature, but also pretty and calming. It completely distracts you for a moment. You can hear her shift her weight from one leg to the other behind you and you snap back into the present.
"Is there anything in particular you want me to start with?" You ask, looking up at her over your shoulder.
"No, just show me what you've done so far." She replies with a wave of her hand.
You flip to the first page of your notes and start from the beginning. Starting off with the estates Instagram page, you tell her your thoughts on the visual aspects, the layout, the images themselves, how they could be improved, captions and hashtags that could be utilized more often, ideas for reels, stories and posts that can promote events and day-to-day operations. Next you move to the Facebook page, showing her some of the analytics you've collected, how the page can be improved, etc.. You go through the rest of the social media channels; telling her that embracing newer apps like TikTok and more professional ones such as LinkedIn can help drive traffic to the other social media accounts as well as the website. Alcina rolls her eyes at the mention of "TikTok" which makes you giggle a little.
"Something funny?" She asks with an unamused edge to her voice.
"Oh, no, sorry." You say, freezing in place. "It's just, I've seen that reaction quite a lot when talking about TikTok and it always makes me laugh a bit."
"What about it is funny?" She doesn't sound offended, at least you don't think she does. God you hope you didn't offend her on the first day.
"Because it really is a stupid app, it's like Vine but for Gen Z kids." She gives you a look when you mention "Vine," which lets you know that she doesn't know what that is. "Uh, Vine was a short form video social media channel, you could only make six second videos and it was mostly used by Millennials and some Generation Xers. It became massive quickly and a lot of the videos turned into popular memes. It was only around for four years before it was shut down, but it had over like, 200 million users or something crazy like that. Anyway, TikTok is similar to that. It's definitely hard to take it seriously when there's a lot of ridiculous videos on it. It's so massive and so popular, it would be stupid to not utilize since it can drive so much traffic to our other socials and even drive people through the doors."
"Is that your professional opinion?" She deadpans. You look up at her, confused. "That it would be stupid to not use it?"
Biting your lip for a second, you realize that what you said without thinking could easily have come off as if you're calling her stupid. With no way of digging yourself out of this one you shyly reply "Yeah."
Alcina quirks and eyebrow and her eyes go back to the screen.
"Interesting, continue."
After you go through the rest of the social medias and a little bit of the analytics that you found, you move onto the marketing strategies your predecessor left. Alcina is quiet but nods her head along as you go over what they left and what your thoughts are on it. After you mention the few things you plan on changing you make it a point to let her know that it's more for personal preference rather than professional reasons. She looks pleased as you go over what the person before you left and she gives you a nod of approval when you tell her what you plan on changing.
"I like the changes you plan on making and I agree with you in terms of personal preference. John was brilliant but I couldn't stand the way he did things. But how he did what he did worked so I had no real qualms with it. I already know I prefer your way."
"Thank you. It seems more logical and straightforward doing it like this, at least to me. I try to keep things as simple as possible so there's little room for error or miscommunication."
"Those are all things I appreciate. Very well done Kathleen, I must say I am impressed." She places her hand on your shoulder and you have to stop yourself from relaxing into her touch.
What is wrong with you? Have you really gone that long without physical contact? There's a part of you that thinks that it's just her putting you under her spell - whether she knows it or not. But you quickly push that thought out of your head. She's your new boss for gods sake! You need to get laid. You make a mental note to give your friends-with-benefits guy a call this week.
"I must say, I had my concerns when I hired you. I was aware of the fact that you've been out of work the last two years. My main concern was that you would be a bit rusty right off the bat, but just from what you've shown me you've already been able to put those concerns to bed. I am pleasantly surprised and happy to see that your work is just as wonderful as the work in your portfolio." Alcina gently squeezes your shoulder and takes her hand away.
"Oh, thank you so much. I really, really appreciate that. Please let me know if you have any other concerns so I can do my best to ease those as well." You say with a smile.
For a moment Alcina looks impressed but just as quickly as the look appeared, it disappeared.
"My only other concern would be that you strive to impress me early and then fail to do so after the first few weeks. Which I certainly hope is not the case. Aside from that, I believe you're going to do a wonderful job here."
"I absolutely understand. I know I tend to hit the ground running, but I can assure you I have the endurance to keep up the pace I've set."
"We shall see about that." Alcina says as she heads towards the door. "Wonderful work Kathleen. I am looking forward to see how well it all pays off."
Once Alcina is out of sight you lean back in your chair and exhale. It worries you a little that she seems to have some doubts in you. But from her perspective, you can understand why she would and you try to not let it get to you. You pick up your phone and you realize that you were with her for over an hour. There's no way, it felt like you were talking to her for maybe 30 minutes. How did that take over an hour?! And how was she standing there in those heels for so long without fidgeting or sitting down? That thought alone bewilders you. You're sitting for most of the day and you can't wait to get your shoes off the second you walk inside. She gave you a thorough tour of the place and stood there for over an hour and walked away like it was nothing? You were impressed to say the least.
With only a few hours left in your day, you decide now is better than ever to have lunch. After debating for a few minutes if you should shut your door or not, you decide to close it to give you a few minutes of peace while you eat. As you're eating your lunch at your desk, you scroll through Facebook and Instagram mindlessly. Michelle hasn't texted you since this morning so you're assuming everything is fine but you text her anyway to make sure. She responds a few minutes later with a picture of Emma asleep, taking her afternoon nap. The door to your office flies open and almost slams into the wall, causing you to jump in your seat.
A young, redheaded girl walks through the door with a backpack slung over her shoulder. When you jump she notices you and jumps too, letting out a yell.
"OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU?" She yells.
You sit there for a moment in shock, unsure how to answer. This girl can't be older than 16, who is she? And what is she doing here?
"I-I'm Katie, the new marketing and social media strategist. Uh, who are you?"
The sound of heels against the floor takes your attention away. When you look at the door, Alcina is standing there with an unamused look on her face. She's looking at the young girl, you almost feel sorry for her but you're grateful she's not looking at you like that right now.
"Daniela." Alcina says through her teeth.
"Hi mommy!" She says, amping up the sweetness. Daniela wraps her arms around her mother and Alcina returns the gesture. She looks up at Alcina and Alcina arches an eyebrow at her, very well aware of that fact that Daniela is trying to soften her up so she doesn't get in trouble.
"Hello bug. Did you forget that our new marketing and social media strategist was starting today?"
"Yes, sorry mamă."
"Mhm." Alcina mutters before placing a kiss on the girls forehead. She pulls away from the girl, leaving one arm around her shoulder.
"Kathleen, this is my youngest daughter Daniela. Daniela, this is Kathleen."
"Wow you're pretty!" Daniela says.
You try and fail to bite back the smile that crosses your face and Alcina lets out a low, wait did she growl? That's what it sounded like, towards her daughter.
"Sorry." Daniela says, looking down at the floor.
"Its okay." You say with a smile. "It's great to meet you Daniela."
"It's nice meeting you too Kathleen!" She says, the excitement in her voice suddenly back. "Can I call you Katie?"
"Daniela." Alcina warns.
"It's okay," you say to Alcina with a smile. "Yeah, you can call me Katie."
Daniela's face lights up and she looks at her mom, beaming.
"So Katie, what's your favorite color?"
"Daniela that's enough." Alcina says, softer this time. "Kathleen is busy and has work that needs to get done. Your shift doesn't start for another 30 minutes, why don't you go find something to do until then?"
"You work here?" You ask, your words leaving your mouth before you even realize it.
"Yeah!" Daniela says, turning towards you. "I wait the tables, I can't serve alcohol until I'm 18 so I can't be behind the bar like Cass, but I can't wait to learn how to bartend! Mamă," she says, turning back towards Alcina. "where am I supposed to go now? There is where I would hang out!"
"You can stay in my office bug."
"Ugh. But your office is so boring!"
"I apologize draga mea but that seems to be your only option. Unless you want to start sweeping the tasting room before your shift starts?"
Daniela pouts at her mother who looks down at her adoringly.
"Fiinnneeeeee." She says, defeated. "Bye Katie! It was really awesome meeting you!"
"It was great meeting you too Daniela."
Daniela walks out and heads towards her mothers office and Alcina turns towards you.
"I apologize, again, for my children's behavior. Daniela seems to have a never-ending amount of energy. I would like to promise it isn't always a zoo with them around, but-"
"It's okay, really. I get it." You say with a smile.
"I appreciate your understanding. Now that you met two of my three girls, I'm sure you will meet Bela tomorrow. She only has one morning class and is usually here for the rest of the day. If you would like, I can have her show you what she's been doing with the social media channels tomorrow and have her start to gradually hand over the reigns."
"Yeah, that sounds great."
Alcina turns on her heel and walks out of your office. You almost completely forgot about your lunch so you scarf it down quickly and get back to work.
As you're focused on working out the latest marketing tactic, you hear a "pssst" at your door. Looking over, you see Daniela, now in a white button down shirt and black dress pants, her long red hair is pulled back tightly into a ponytail.
"Hey Daniela, is there something I-"
"Shh!" She says, putting her finger over her lips. "I don't want mom to hear. She'll get mad at me for bothering you." You can't help but giggle at her and she steps further into your office. "Sorry if calling you pretty before embarrassed you. Mom is always telling me I have to think before I speak but you're just, super pretty, and I just blurted it out and-"
"Daniela," you say and you notice her starting to spiral. "it's okay, I'm not upset, I promise. Thank you for the compliment."
Daniela tilts her head at you, almost as if she's confused that you're not upset with her. She squints her eyes at you, as if she's trying to decipher something.
"You're different. I like you. I'm going to give you a new nickname."
"And what nickname will that be?"
"I don't know yet, but when I know, you'll know." You look behind her and see Alcina standing behind Daniela with her arms crossed over her chest and eyes narrowed at her daughter. How did she not make a single sound in those heels? And how long was she there for? Alcina clears her throat and Daniela jumps and turns around, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Mamă!" She says, trying to butter her mother up again.
"Don't even try."
Daniela smiles wide at her mother and turns back towards you.
"Bye Katie!"
"Bye Daniela." You say with a smile.
Alcina's eyes don't leave Daniela's head as she turns and leaves your office and Alcina follows behind her.
"Ce ti-am spus despre deranjarea ei? Nu înțeleg cum ai întârziat la tura ta, în timp ce ești aici de o jumătate de oră." (What did I tell you about bothering her? I don't understand how you're late for your shift meanwhile you've been here for half an hour.)
"Imi pare rau mama!" (I'm sorry mom!)
The rest of your day goes by rather smoothly and by the time you know it, you're packing up your things and getting ready to leave. Before you go, you stop by Alcina's office and knock gently on the door.
"Come in."
You open the door and Alcina looks up from her computer and smiles.
"Ah, Kathleen, is it the end of the day already?" She asks, more to herself you think, and she looks at the clock.
"Yeah, it went by fast. Is there anything else you need me to do before I go?"
"There is not, thank you. But I did want to speak with you, do you have a moment?"
"Absolutely." You say and she motions to the chair in front of her desk.
"So, how was your first day?" She asks, taking off her glasses and giving you her full attention.
"Honestly, it was great. I feel like I got a lot done and made some great headway on the new campaigns and strategies."
"I'm very happy to hear that. Is there anything you're unsure of or any questions you have?"
You pause for a moment to think.
"Um, not right now, but if something comes up I will let you know."
"Excellent. I'm glad you had a productive first day. I am looking forward to see the things we spoke about come to fruition."
"So am I."
"Well then, if that's all, I will see you tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day Kathleen." She says with a smile.
"Thank you, you too."
After getting your stuff from your office you walk through the tasting room and see Daniela.
"Katie!! You're going home already?!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Will you be here tomorrow?!"
"Yes I will be!"
"Daniela." Cassandra growls from across the room. Daniela shrinks down a little and looks up at you apologetically.
"It's okay kiddo." You say, giving her a gentle smile. Daniela's face lights up again and she gives you a big smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow Katie!!"
"See you tomorrow Daniela." She heads over to one of the tables and you turn towards the bar to say goodbye to Cassandra. She glares at you and turns her back to you. "Alrighty." You say quietly to yourself and head to the car.
You pick up Emma and talk to your in-laws for a bit, giving them a brief recap of your first day. They both seem happy for you and you sense a little bit of relief from them too, but you know neither of them would ever say it out loud. When you get home you talk to Marge, giving her the same brief recap and she tells you she's proud of you. With Emma in tow the two of you head upstairs. Emma insisting on walking up the stairs herself since she's "a big girl."
Once dinner was eaten and cleaned up you gave Emma a bath and put her to bed. When she's finally asleep you pull out a bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass. With your wine in hand you sit on the couch and flip through a few suggested shows, settling on re-watching a few episodes of your favorite comfort show. After finishing the wine and relaxing for a bit, you get yourself ready for bed. Before you know it, you're fast asleep. It's the fastest you've been able to fall asleep in a long time and you're grateful for it.
When you open your eyes you find yourself in that all-too familiar field. Where the sky is clear and blue and the green grass is blowing in the wind.
You look around and finally spot the figure in the distance once more. Your heart clenches in your chest and you try to move towards it but you can't. No matter how hard you pull against your legs your muscles won't budge. The harder you fight against the led in your legs the harder it becomes. A silent cry rings out into the air and you find yourself becoming more and more desperate to move.
When you look up, you see the figure begin walking towards you. No matter how loudly you try to call out to it no sound passes through your lips. It closes half of the distance between the two of you before stopping once more. With one final desperate pull you're finally able to move your leg. Your movement is so slow, it feels like cinderblocks are tied to your ankles but you continue moving closer.
The shadow across the figures face lightens just enough so you think you can make out who it is. With your heart hammering inside of your chest you try and push forward faster. Just before the shadow falls away the figure begins to fade. You try and scream. You feel it reverberate through your vocal chords but again no sound comes out. Desperately you try and push forward faster, trying to reach it before it disappears.
Just as you reach out to touch it, it vanishes.
"NO!" You scream.
Your voice echoes through the valley. It combs through the tall grass and expands in the air reaching as far as the eye can see. Tears stream down your face and you fall to the ground on your knees. Another wail tears through your vocal chords. The sound flies through the air and as if it hits a wall, it reverberates back to you.
Your eyes snap open and you shoot up out of bed. With a ragged breath your eyes scan the room and you realize you're in your bedroom. You put your hand over your chest and you feel your heart hammering away inside of your ribcage. The sound of your alarm goes off again and you shut it off. Dragging your hand across your cheeks you realize you're wiping away fresh tears.
Looking down at the empty side of the bed you feel your heart ache. You grab your necklace from around your neck and trace the heart shape with your fingers in an attempt to ground yourself. When you feel your heartbeat finally settle you decide to get out of bed and get ready for your second day of work.
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ivesambrose · 1 year
May mini messages 🍇
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1. 2. 3.
Indepth Month ahead reading slots open for $20 only 🩷
DM or email me at [email protected] to book
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Pick a picture readings
Tips appreciated ✨
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A sense of leadership and accountability will be awakened in you this month. For some towards others or their career/studies or pursuits and for some towards themselves. Maybe in the past few months people have told you to 'humble yourself' or have projected an energy of, 'well, you're not special. So be quiet.' which in turn made you second guess your own capabilities. Well, that is about to snap itself in half. Because you'll realize you do yourself a great deal of disservice when you give into this mindset. There's a fine line between humility and straight up imposter syndrome.
You'll also be feeling connected to the spiritual side of yourself. Now this is something very personal to you but you may feel as though you're receiving intuitive nudges or spiritual downloads. Mostly in the form of words, phrases, messages, texts etc. You may also be inclined to write or express yourself more. A part of your mind will be very analytical but in the sense that you'll have more discernment instead of giving into herd mentality.
There will be steady progress and even promotions for some or some of you might just pave your own way because you got tired of building things for others when you could surely use your talents elsewhere or for yourself.
Channel your aggression in any kind of sports or just brisk walking. Nearing the end of the month you'll feel very excited about something that makes you feel that the true summer of your life has just begun.
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This month, remind yourself that every expert was once a novice that didn't give up. So if there's something you've always wanted to do but were too reluctant to try because you weren't already perfect at it, discard the perfectionism mindset and go for it.
You may really want to go back to a time of your life where things seemed more innocent and sweet before you got too hyper aware of everything and being a responsible adult took away the child like wonder that you once had. Please allow yourself to indulge and find beauty in everything.
Likely whilst revisiting this energy you'll figure out your true calling in life. You'll also realize the more fun you have or the more you engage in activities that just seem silly yet exciting, even as simple as watching a film and making that your personality for a week or discussing new or old things with a friend, the quicker you find clarity, confidence and things falling in place for you or manifestions coming in quicker.
You'll feel more in tune with your emotions without having to dissect them or discard them.
Some of you may also be drawn to flowers, floral designs or fragrances. Like I said, a childlike wonder towards things more. The more those aspects of you are catered to the happier and peaceful you'll be.
Towards the middle or end of the month you may have improptu travels and events to celebrate with your friends and family.
Some of you always have an ancestor or a late family member looking over you, they want you to realize your worth and take pride in yourself and your accomplishments and what you will be accomplishing ahead.
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Romantic admirers and romance in general but a lot of healing when it comes to the wounds relating to the matters of the heart and relationships, doesn't have to be solely romantic relationships but the ones that were significant to you but caused you pain along the way.
I see you romanticizing your life this month, at least starting to. I literally heard, "this is my Sophia Copolla movie era, I do not care."
For some of my ladies and those who identify as women, if you were having issues related to let's say hormones or coming into your femininity in the past this will be a good month to recover and heal those.
You'll be putting yourself on the pedastal and focusing on your physical appearance, aesthetics, skin and hair health and well being. You just want to slow down, make a routine for yourself, see which supplements suit you best etc
Some of you may be wanting to get into a creative, intertaintment or fashion industry so you'll be making that your primary focus. There will be a lot of deep changes, lot of discarding the old story, old mindsets etc moving away from chaotic times to happier ones.
Some of the events in this month might just feel destined or that whatever is happening is leading you to your goal or life path. Keep a tunnel vision when it comes to your desires as priority.
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secret-subject · 1 year
Is now the WORST time to start a hypno themed content channel? (Yes, but do it anyway!)
So this is going to be a wild ride into hypnosis content creation, inspired a lot by my recent return to making it and how things have shifted over the years. This is in no way trying to deter people from making content, quite the opposite, I want to inspire others to take this as a sign to go for it if you've been thinking about it.
So WTF is going on online?
Welcome to YouTube a platform where anyone with some good ideas can start their own hypnosis channel. A place where you can be a spiral with text, an asmr creator moonlighting as a hypnotist, full cam video or an anime girl with a passion for mind breaking. It's actually wild how things have evolved and I love the shift in the medium. Back in the early days of hypnosis YouTube it really was the wild west, and a lot was able to slip by the community guidelines without a blink of an eye, and I should know, I really did push my luck with some of my own videos. YouTube isn't the only platform in this situation now where you can do hypnosis. You have here on tumblr, twitter (or x, make up your mind Elon), patreon, soundgasm, hypnohub, devient art, twitch. Name a platform or site and odds are someone is doing hypnosis there. This is great because it means the community is growing and the potential reach is expanding but it also means that working as a hypnosis creator is now harder than ever.
Back in 2017 I started a YouTube channel which I had no clue would as of today lead me to 95k subscribers and my entire income being funded through patreon. But if you look at my content from then to now there had to be some massive leaps to keep my name and my work in peoples attention span. Most content creators don't last years, I know I am an outlier and not a norm. This is due to the fact that over time tastes change, the algorithm changes to reflect this audience shift and what you did back then is just not good enough comapred to now. I had to be drastic to weather the storms of mental health, physical health, audience rention and analytics galore, branding shifts, shifts in community. It's all a lot to deal with but if you want to do this in any format you have to be ready to put yourself through it to be a success and even then I look at my work now and I don't think it's truly successful, yet.
I haven't made it and I don't think I ever will because that "made it" feeling, the top of the hill, is such a subjective metric that's hard to describe. Back in 2017 if you'd asked me, "Secret, when will you know that you are a great creator?" and I would have told you, "100k on YouTube, I want my silver play button." I still do want it, but not like I did before. Before it was clout to be quite honest. 100k means you are powerful enough to do what you want to do, to be able to reach brands, to make friends and collab with the bigger channels, to have people look at you and take you seriously as a creator. But none of that matters now. Subscribers are less important than ever. What matters now is attention. Retention. Clicks, engagement and views.
Now back in 2020 I was really rude. I made a video called Seduced into Obedience that blew up my channel. It got half a million views before YouTube made me take it down earlier this year. It's an achievement I could never expect to relive and it was all based on cheating the system. See I knew that back in "the day" people loved doing those audios on YouTube where you would "comment I am a good slave" in the comments. Knowing what I know about YouTube I decided to run a little test, an experiment on my channel. A risk that I thought just might pay off and if not, oh well, worth a try. I made an audio with the aim of making people like it, and comment in the comments. In the same style of those before me, I took a concept that was not often seen and honestly a little stupid, I made it and the worst part is, it worked. It got me seen by huge content creators in the mainstream who memed on me for it. It skyrocketted in views and kept going. It was my first video to hit 100k on YouTube and it is a moment that will never happen again. It was age restricted which killed the growth but the channel kept going and it wasn't a viral hit, but it was a dark horse that built my reputation on YouTube and then I went and changed everything.
Why change if it was going so well?
So one thing about the internet is you have to follow the success where it takes you. I could have made several more Seduced audios for YouTube and in fact I did do that for a little while but, tastes change. I changed. I stopped doing what I was doing and started being a vtuber, a faceless creator and I got into ASMR. At the time ASMR roleplaying was massive so this was a strategy I wanted to try, mix my love of acting and fantasy with my love of hypnosis see what happens. It worked pretty well as those videos also started doing pretty good and now I have a bunch of videos over 100K on YouTube. But this also trapped me in a box. Now I have had time to have a break and come back I noticed, YouTube especially is really hard on ASMR creators. It's hard on hypnosis creators. It's hard on creators because the platform is loaded with content. You have to be unique to stand out. You have to play to your audience. You have to gain people's attention through interest and ideas that are still fresh but not too specific to turn away the people who watch you. It's a battle to keep it going and it's one I have made many, many mistakes in. You have to give your audience the most, but not too much. You have to be avaible to people in the comments, but not too much. It's a fine balancing act and one that will drive you insane if you don't have a great support system.
So why am I sharing this with you?
I'm at a stage in my career as a creator where I am fearless to try new stuff. I am trying not to care about my reputation as a domme or as a person (more on that in a later essay, I'm sure). I'm trying to lead with my creative spirit and not be upset when a video doesn't "hit" or "pop off". I'm not going to leave a livestream anymore and cry because no one came to see me do a thing. I'm splitting my time between making music, gaming and creating fun things for me and making hypnosis and asmr roleplays for the people who want it and not being sad if my song doesn't go viral right away. Because recently after a death in my family, a health scare that nearly ended my career and the loss of a huge opportunity that turned out not to work for me, I have learned that life is too short not to make the fun things I want.
I want to share with content creators that doing this fulltime is scary and it is hard. It is tough to see posts do nothing. It's scary to see that platforms want to ban hypnokink. It's rough to have other creators disown you for being the wrong kind of degen. But if this is your passion and your dream to make this work, you can do it.
How do you get noticed in this challenging environment?
Lead with passion and your own point of view.
I'm not kidding here, it's the best and worst advice I can give you. Too different and you alienate people, not different enough and you aren't memorable. But you have to lead with passion. Passion carries through the screen. People can hear it in your voice, see it in your work. But outside of that, here are some other things you might want to think about if you are going to commit to making content of any kind:
Who is your target audience? If you say yourself, great! What do you like? What do you want? What are you goals with interacting with content? Follow that.
What is your brand (and can you say it in a single sentence) I'm literally not kidding. If you can't describe what you do in one sentence your branding needs work. Eg, hi I'm Secret and I'm a hypnotic nyanpire from New Zealand.
If someone was to see you on the internet, what should they remember? The other day I got a great comment on a piece of art I commed, "I saw this and I immediatly thought of Secret Subject, and then I looked and saw it was posted by her", your branding should be that strong because people see thousands of posts a day. What makes you different? For me, it's purple. It's goth mommy. It's cats and bats. Find your vibe and own it. Do not be afraid to double down and make your entire thing about it. Everytime I get art made, I make it about my character and it must have purple hair because that keeps the brand strong in someone's mind.
What is your purpose? For me without a goal of "this is why I make the content I do" I would be lost and unmotivated. Find your why and write it down, put a post-it on the wall. Tell a friend. Whatever you need to remind you, this is why I do what I do. When times are hard or you run out of steam/ideas go back to this and really hone into what it is you want to say.
Own your mistakes and bad days. We all have them. That thing didn't do well. That video wasn't great. There was a mistake in this thing or I accidentally made a tweet that went viral for all the wrong reasons. It happens. Be honest with yourself but exercise kindness. Own your mistakes and show people you are human even if you play as an anime vampire catgirl online.
Make connections for the right reasons. As an ex-vtuber I can tell you it's hard when people use you or befriend you "for something". It's okay to build business connections and make this all about business but be honest with people, it does go a long way. Have respect for people who are fellow creators and if you seriously are looking for "friends" that's fine but also know that being friends and colleagues in content are not the same and the lines get very blurry at times.
Be persistant instead of consistent. You've probably been told "constancy is key" a bunch here, hell, you may have heard it from me. I used to teach this as part of my content class at cons but it's not as important as just sticking with it. We are not robots. We can't just all schedule tweets to go out perfectly timed and are all amazingly funny all the time. You need time to come up with quality so take it, but do not give up. If you give up and throw in the towel often you won't make it. Especially on social media. Taking a break or hiatus is fine, I just had one myself, but if you everytime it gets too hard say "I'm done" and then come back on a cycle you are just hurting yourself.
Perfection is a creativity killer. Just post that thing. Sometimes just posting that thing will lead to a new classic for the community.
Time to make your mark
I'm still grinding, we all are still out here making it happen in our own ways. I am so excited to watch the next gen of hypnosis creators florish and thrive. I am a huge simp for my friends who take on this challege because they all work so hard and have so much passion for this weird niche kink we all have. I am in awe of people who feel the fear of this journey and keep doing it. I'm in awe of people who started before me and are still here doing it, because it is not easy and I am over pretending it is.
We need diversity in content and especially in hypnosis kink. I am a person from New Zealand, a small country where a lot of us tend not to make a big splash in the world. People like me don't get the kind of platform I am lucky and insanely grateful to have. I encourage you to take your point of view as a kinkster, and make your mark on the world too. Play safe, care about your content and do good. Remember that you don't need thousands of dedicated fans to be popular and you can be someones favorite regardless of how "seen" your work is.
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zorosdimples · 6 months
Can I have a Nanami or Higuruma "cheer up" moment please? Or both? 😭💞🪿🪿
yes, of course!
kento—ever the comforter—keeps the ingredients for your favorite meal on hand for these exact moments. he gives you the necessary space to be upset and parse through your emotions while he whips up something he knows will melt your stress and put a smile on your face!
hiromi is analytical—it comes with the territory of being an attorney. in his mind, the best way to pull you out of a funk is to distract you. his solution: your favorite board (or card) game. it’s even better if you can channel your frustration into a competitive edge! by the time the game is over, you’ve long forgotten your worries.
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes: daily transits 7/25
Thursday, 7/25, the astrological influences highlight a journey from heightened sensitivity and potential vulnerability to a more assertive and confident energy. The day begins with a delicate Mercury-Neptune quincunx and a Moon-Neptune conjunction, shifting quickly as the Moon enters independent Aries and the Sun sextiles Mars. Mercury's ingress into Virgo adds a pragmatic touch, helping to temper impulsiveness.
Key Influences
Mercury Quincunx Neptune (29°47' Leo–Pisces): Heightened Sensitivity: This aspect can make us overly sensitive to the moods and opinions of others, blurring boundaries and creating potential confusion. Intuition is strong, but clarity may be lacking.
Moon Conjunct Neptune (7:31 a.m.): Emotional Vulnerability: The monthly rendezvous between the Moon and Neptune can amplify emotional sensitivity and heighten our susceptibility to external influences. This can create a dreamy, intuitive, but also potentially confusing atmosphere.
Moon Enters Aries (7:52 a.m.): Independence and Assertiveness: The Moon's ingress into Aries shifts the emotional tone towards independence and assertiveness. There's a focus on taking action and pursuing personal desires with enthusiasm.
Sun Sextile Mars (3°36' Leo–Gemini): Confidence and Energy: This aspect brings a boost of self-confidence and energy, encouraging us to take initiative and assert ourselves in a bold, dynamic manner. It supports courageous actions and enhances vitality.
Moon Sextile Pluto (9:13 a.m.): Passionate Intensity: This aspect adds depth and intensity to emotions, encouraging transformative actions and powerful connections.
Moon Trine Sun (1:28 p.m.): Harmony and Enthusiasm: The harmonious trine between the Moon and Sun enhances our ability to express ourselves with confidence and enthusiasm. It's a supportive aspect for creative and personal endeavors.
Moon Sextile Mars (1:35 p.m.): Energizing Action: This aspect provides a boost of energy and motivation, making it easier to take decisive actions and pursue our goals with vigor.
Mercury Enters Virgo (3:41 p.m.): Pragmatic Mindset: Mercury's ingress into Virgo introduces a more cautious and practical approach to communication and decision-making. This influence will be felt for the next three weeks, promoting attention to detail and analytical thinking.
Integrating the Influences
Managing Sensitivity and Boundaries: Morning Sensitivity: Acknowledge the heightened sensitivity in the morning and be mindful of maintaining boundaries to avoid confusion or emotional overwhelm.
Independent Action: As the Moon enters Aries, shift focus towards personal goals and assertive actions, moving away from any feelings of vulnerability.
Harnessing Confidence and Energy: Boost of Confidence: Utilize the Sun-Mars sextile to boost your self-confidence and take initiative in areas requiring bold action.
Expressive Harmony: The Moon's trine to the Sun supports harmonious self-expression and creative endeavors, making it a good time to pursue personal projects.
Pragmatic Approach: Practical Communication: With Mercury entering Virgo, adopt a more analytical and detail-oriented approach to communication and decision-making, ensuring thoroughness and precision.
Practical Applications
Morning Routine: Set Boundaries: Start the day with practices that help maintain emotional boundaries, such as meditation or journaling, to navigate the sensitive Mercury-Neptune and Moon-Neptune influences.
Plan for Action: Prepare to shift into a more action-oriented mindset as the Moon enters Aries, setting clear intentions for the day.
Daytime Activities: Take Initiative: Use the confidence and energy from the Sun-Mars sextile to tackle tasks that require assertiveness and boldness.
Creative Pursuits: Engage in creative and personal projects during the harmonious Moon-Sun trine, channeling the supportive energy into productive outlets.
Afternoon Focus: Analytical Thinking: As Mercury enters Virgo, focus on tasks that require attention to detail and a pragmatic approach. This is a good time for organizing, planning, and analyzing information.
Evening Reflection: Evaluate Actions: Reflect on the day's actions and decisions, using the pragmatic mindset of Mercury in Virgo to assess progress and plan for the days ahead.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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apollowhoo · 1 year
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Main 4 + Adult Trio x Oc!Leah!With Various Powers
(First time writing with an oc :0)
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Your unique abilities and strong Nen definitely captured Hisoka's attention. 💀 He saw a potential rival in you and was intrigued by your Emotion Empowerment.
Hisoka, the thrill-seeker that he is, becomes fascinated with your powers and wants to test you in battle, just like with Gon. He would challenge you to combat, hoping to witness the full extent of your abilities.
Hisoka found your magical powers tempting, especially your telepathy, which allowed him to dive deeper into your emotions and psyche. It doesn’t matter how much you’d try avoiding him, Hisoka would find his way to you.
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Your extraordinary powers definitely intrigued Illumi, who saw potential in your abilities for his own benefits. So Illumi wouldn’t really care about you, he’d only care about your powers. At first, he approaches you with great skepticism, but gradually, he grew intrigued by your Emotion Empowerment and how it could be manipulated.
Illumi quickly recognized the usefulness of your Spiritual Gateways in his line of work. Although the relationship would primarily be based on mutual benefit, they developed a special understanding.
Your ability to channel emotions into powers really does fascinate Illumi, he would occasionally observe you in combat to further examine your techniques.
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Chrollo, being a collector of unique abilities, he couldn't resist the allure of your powers. But let’s be real, he would most definitely try to steal your nen.
I have always headcanoned him to have a very greedy side and this side of his would appear while trying to steal your nen abilities. Chrollo would manipulate, gaslight, fight, threaten you to get her abilities.
If he somehow does fails to do so his B plan would be to proposed an exchange of knowledge, sharing his insights into Nen and unconventional applications. In return, you gain access to Chrollo's vast library of stolen abilities, allowing you to expand your repertoire. The interactions between you two would be stimulating, filled with discussions on the nature of powers.
Despite Chrollo's mysterious nature, he developed a sense of respect for your unique capabilities, and y’all formed an unusual alliance based on their shared knowledge.
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Gon, with his boundless enthusiasm, quickly befriend you. Gon would mostly by fascinated by your glowing stars and balls of light!
Gon would often finds himself entranced by their shimmering beauty, and his emotions fuel your powers. You both would spend hours together, experimenting with your abilities and discovering new ways to combine each other’s powers.
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Killua, would be impressed by your proficiency in nen and her diverse magical powers. He would see you as a potential equal in terms of combat prowess (which is something big i should say).
Killua would act like he despises you but he secretly admires your skills. You two would engage in intense training sessions, pushing each other to your limits.
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Kurapika, with his analytical mind, would be fascinated by your power of Emotion Empowerment. He would mostly observe how your emotions directly influence the greatness of your abilities, and he’d actually spend time studying this unique aspect of your powers. Kurapika would also emphasize with your personality.
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Leorio, is obviously fascinated by your abilities but his favorite ability is probably the one to open Spiritual Gateways. He would also see the potential to use these portals for humanitarian purposes! Such as reaching remote areas in need of medical assistance.
It would be cute if you two collaborate to provide aid to those in need, utilizing her powers of teleportation and healing to make a positive impact on the world!
(This took me a while xd)
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latibvles · 3 months
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useful as dirt.
okay i promise i’ll stop beating the immediate post-Münster era with a bat after this one (maybe) but in the meantime … our camera pans back over to England, where it’s apparent that one Jo Alden is having some typewriter troubles at the Flak House. Luckily we’ve got an antsy lawyer-turned-pilot there to offer some assistance :) mind any typos, this one isn't proofread my fault OGs
They have typewriters at the Coombe House.
Really nice ones, heavy and black, the ding when she reaches the end of the line providing some type of familiarity. Jesus, Josie, they have running water and real coffee and clawfoot tubs, why wouldn’t they have typewriters? But Josephine can’t help but be a little bit enamored with the idea. Maybe enamored wouldn’t be the right word. Relieved maybe, that one thing, one minor thing, had gone right after what seemed like a three-day series of wrongs that’d left her helpless and rattled enough for Harding to decide to send the two of them to the Flak House.
Coombe House, she corrects herself. Calling it the Flak House, as the others seemed partial to, made her feel like there was something innately wrong with her. It was too close to madhouse, and Jo wasn’t mad — she was just… sad. And she wasn’t sleeping, either. And – okay, maybe she’s not mad, but she is angry: angry that Captain Savorre made her stand down and guilty for feeling angry about it.
Was it so wrong of her to prefer she’d gone down with the ship than be the one left behind?
She hasn’t said that part to Neumann, yet; she wouldn’t dare to.
Jo knows, deep down, that Lieutenant Neumann wished it was Savorre standing here now as opposed to herself. She wasn’t offended by that, she just kind of wished Neumann would just say it. Once, there’d been… something established between herself and Neumann — as much their friends were partial to teasing Jo about her mother-henning, Neumann had made the brief remark about how “someone’s gotta keep you people on a leash.”
She’d smiled at Jo then, and although Neumann was only a year her senior — something about it made Jo preen, like when her older sister Jean showed off her spelling test to their mother to get the younger girl her rightfully earned praises. She prided herself on knowing what her crew needed, how to keep them out of trouble: who needed the shoulder to cry on and who just needed an ear to listen.
Neumann needed neither of those things. What she needed was the one thing Jo couldn’t give, even if she’d do anything to fix this.
And she couldn’t really write, either. An added inconvenience that the typewriter was meant to amend. She resented it — her hands, the way they trembled. Her last letter from her mother was a scolding about her lack of a response: I hope you haven’t forgotten you have a home to come back to in the midst of all your self discovery. Your siblings, as well as your parents, eagerly await your next letter, whenever you plan to send it.
Jo didn’t know how to tell her that correspondence had become harder over the past four months — that, and she never knew what she was supposed to say. Maybe in the beginning it was easy to write about the novelties of England, the Land Army girls, the mechanics and the Club Mobile girls. But now her pool of words and anecdotes had run dry and Jo wasn’t especially hard-pressed to lie to her mother.
Well, that, and her hands just won’t stop shaking.
She told herself it was from the recoil of the gun, and not from watching formations fall apart in technicolor. It used to really only start once they were up in the air and over the channel — she could ignore it once her hands wrapped around the handles of the gun, demanding the full commitment of the muscles in her hands. Then it’d trickled out of the fort and into smaller tasks: the morning of their second raid on Bremen, she’d spilled her coffee onto the breakfast table and Captain Savorre gave her one of those analytical looks of hers: narrowed eyes and furrowed brows.
The jig was up by the next afternoon.
Physically, according to Doctor Stover, there was nothing wrong with her. It was all in her head. Like dropping a Life-Saver into a bottle of Coke and then sealing it just again. They’d already been planning to send her up here when news hit that only one crew came back from Munster — so they sent Neumann and her off like two peas in a pod.
She’s only gotten a couple lines into her letter by the time it starts. A ‘Dear Mother’, an apology for not writing that Jo doesn’t really mean even if it’s owed, halfway through questioning about how Jack and Joan are doing when it starts and she huffs under her breath.
And Jo tries, really does try, to continue, to keep at it. But three typos later and she can already envision the lines in the subsequent letter about being sloppy and how she knows better than to be so careless in a letter home.
Her chin wobbles without meaning to, and she has to take a measured breath, grappling with her frustrations and trying not to burst into tears. She’s never been much of a crier. Carrie was, after bad flights. Fern, too, when she had too many drinks and crossed the line from giggly to weepy (there’s a memory there, clawing to the forefront of her mind, when Fern and a few others drank to Curt Biddick’s memory. How she was glassy-eyed afterward, crying into Jo’s shoulder about missing her dance partner).
Dammit. She’s wiping at the tears as they prick her eyes and they practically go dry as there’s a clearing of the throat that draws her attention from her ever-growing list of shortcomings.
Lieutenant Rosenthal- er, Rosie, is standing across the table from her, looking at her curiously in a way that’s so reminiscent of how he’d stood during Dye’s party: a high school freshman uncertain what to do with his hands at his very first school dance. He looks at her, gives her that same shy smile he’d offered during their first meeting. His eyes take in the whole of her as they had when she’d approached him initially.
June’s voice harps on in her ear, sharp and strongly-opinionated: no point in learning the names of a bunch of guys who’re just gonna get sent home in a box in a week.
She swallows hard. His eyes fall on her hands and she balls them into fists in a feeble attempt to put up some type of wall, mildly embarrassed by her present defect.
“Hi,” Jo offers, a half-hearted attempt to distract, and blue eyes flit back up to her face.
“Hi,” he breathes out, eyeing the typewriter. “Writer’s block?” Jo wonders if he’s asking on purpose, opening up an avenue for her to scurry down instead of stating the obvious.
“Something like it,” she reaches up to tuck dark hair behind her ear. “You know when you have the words in your head but it just won’t come out?”
“Eesh, don’t make me relive my college essay days, Jo,” Rosie gives her a faux-groan and Jo laughs a little under her breath. They lapse into a momentary silence, he eyes her hands, then looks back at her face. “Anything uh… I can help with?”
“Not unless you wanna write it for me,” Jo doesn’t mean for the words to tumble out, but they do anyway. She doesn’t know what’s worse — the fact that she’s said it or the fact that he looks like he’s considering it. She gets her answer when he starts moving towards her, rounding the table and Jo tilts her head to look up to him; feeling flushed.
“That was a… you don’t have to do that, really.” He shakes his head.
“I don’t mind. The boys are uh… rowing.”
“Yeah. I didn’t even know they knew how to do that,” Rosie admits, and he almost sounds exasperated when he sits down next to her. Jo looks over his frame as he takes the seat beside her, trying not to linger on it too long. They’d all been provided civilian clothes when they got here. He was in some type of pale blue button-down tucked into his slacks, hair curling more than it did three days ago.
He looks so delightfully ordinary, it’s hard not to stare.
“Rowing isn’t a thing you do?” She asks, half-teasing, and he chuckles a little breathlessly.
“Not many rowing teams in Brooklyn, you?”
“No, but my big brother did. I was more into reading and writing than sports.” Rosie reaches over to drag the typewriter towards him, their elbows bumping with the movement. His lips curl into another smile, flashing teeth.
“So am I writing a Shakespearean Sonnet?”
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is just a letter to my mother,” Jo returns it with one of her own, softer now. “And I’m not much of a poet.” He gives her an unconvinced look and she’s almost caught off-kilter by the fact that he’s already forming an opinion of her: enough of one to disagree with her statement, even if he doesn’t verbalize it. But he nods all the same, no matter how much he’s already begun to believe that she could be a poet.
“You said it’s uh… in your head right?” And she nods as he looks over her first three sentences, and their crossed out misspellings. Her cheeks burn. “So just talk to me and I’ll write it down.”
“Like a scribe?” He chuckles, something soft and breathless.
“Yeah. Somethin’ like that,” he assents and she nods, brows scrunching together in quiet concentration for a moment. She kind of has to look away from him a bit. A small effort not to get caught up in how his shirt matches his eyes or the soft dark circles there, only perceptible because of the way the sun’s hitting his face. Okay, so she does have time to get caught up in it even as her mind goes through what exactly it is she wants to say.
“Well now I wanna tell her about the rowing or uh- okay, first, tell her I’m on leave.” Rosie starts with his typing, quicker than hers. She almost resents him for that. “And that there’s rowing here. I think that’d make James smile.”
“So James is the rower?”
“Mhm,” she nods slowly. “I’ll tell her about the hedge maze, too. And um…” she falters and he looks at her. She kind of wishes he didn’t. On one hand she’s endeared by his eagerness to help. On the other hand, he’s distracting and she can’t help but wonder if she’s made that blatant on her own face.
“They’ve got good pancakes in the dining hall.”
“They do.” He types, and she talks.
There is that fleeting thought that this might just be an inconvenience after all, when she stalls and tries to come up with things to say. It harps on her, hard to shake — doubt wrapping itself like a viper around her brain and squeezing a bit. She’s not used to being the one needing help, more often the one used to doing the helping. And her brain is treading into that dangerous territory again: angry, upset, rueful. If she’d been in the plane then she wouldn’t have to inconvenience Rosenthal with her inability to write a letter.
“You really don’t have to do this,” Jo reminds him, about halfway through the closing paragraph. He pauses, gives her a long look, eyes dragging over her face, then up and down. “I-I appreciate it, really I do, but… if there’s anything you wanted to do today I don’t want to hold you up.” Rosie looks back at the paper, lip between his teeth.
“If I tell you something, promise you won’t snitch to the doctor?”
“Well I’ve already heard about the training in your underwear,” His cheeks dust pink at that, and he lets out a bewildered, breathy laugh, nodding even as he contemplates his next words.
“I’ve been going a little stir crazy the past couple days. This…” he trails off, looks at the typewriter then back to her with a smile that edges on shy. “I like this. I know we’re supposed to be relaxing or resting or…”
“It’s hard to do that after being in drive for three days straight,” Jo finishes, and he agrees breathlessly, like she’s perfectly summarized it. They hold each other’s stare for a long moment, and once again she finds her well all used up of what could be better, more comforting words. She doesn’t think he’d want them though. Their knees knock for a moment beneath the table, slacks against skirts and Jo feels almost dopey in his presence. “I want to say hi to my sisters too, that’s uh… Jean and Joan.” Rosie snorts.
“Your mom has a thing for J names?”
“There’s also a Jack if you can believe it, three years younger.”
“Jesus Christ,” Rosie can’t help the way his shoulders shake as he types it, and then a couple other things she wants to say. She throws in a small anecdote at the end that has him grinning — she’s talking about a new pilot who finds her naming conventions very impressive, and his eyes are crinkling at the corners in a way that Jo can’t stop staring at. Once she’s concluded, he’s taking the paper from the typewriter, shaking it a bit so the ink dries faster. Then he raises both brows. “Can I add something at the bottom?”
He looks like a little boy asking permission to pet a dog. Jo tilts her head to one side.
“Should I be worried?” Rosie smiles, reaches for a long-discarded pen on the table, and scribbles something at the bottom. She leans in enough to see it. R. Rosenthal says hello, in a neat slanted script. She laughs a little, takes the letter from him after that. Then at the bottom, she writes in her own looping cursive: Love, Josie. She can feel his eyes looking from her to the paper.
“Josie, huh?”
“I think she’d have a heart attack if I signed them as anything but,” she admits. She could see the sentence now about how being overseas is changing her — her mother had always been dramatic. “But Harrie likes to add rhymes to the end of it, see how long she can…” She trails off, a lump forming in her throat a moment that she forces herself to swallow. If she thinks too hard about it she can hear it ringing in her ears, and that might just be enough to sour this comfortable air between them. She doesn’t realize Rosie’s arm has moved behind her chair until his thumb brushes against her back with his thumb unintentionally.
“How long has she gotten it?” He asks, not missing a beat
“Five rhymes, I think,” He rises to his feet with her, and she nods to herself once. “You’d probably get tacked onto it too, now that I think about it. Josie and Rosie.” He chuckles, amused.
“Didn’t even catch that. You sure you’re not a poet? You already got the rhyming thing down.”
Jo shakes her head again, cheeks flushing at the tease and when she steps he steps with her, walking out of the study with her to hunt down an envelope and a stamp.
“Takes more than rhyming to write poetry,” Jo points out, “You need rhythm too.”
“Oh, I’m no good with that, they kicked me out of choir.” Rosie says it so quickly that she knows he isn’t lying — she laughs anyway, a small giggle that she just can’t help.
“Well you can’t just say that and not tell me how it happened.” She points out, and he lets out a small sigh, flushing as they brush up against each other — which has her doing the same.
“Alright well… buckle in, no laughing at me till the end.”
Jo doesn’t promise that she won’t, but she promises to try her best.
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sunshinesmebdy · 8 months
February 2 Astro Vibe Check
Moon in Scorpio's passionate depths intertwines with ♑️ Venus in Capricorn's ambitious drive, igniting intense focus and magnetic charm. Your business vision burns brighter than ever, attracting strategic partnerships and lucrative opportunities. Meanwhile, a celestial bridge emerges: 🪐 Saturn in Pisces' wisdom whispers through  Mercury in Capricorn's pragmatism, while ‍♀️ Neptune in Pisces' intuition dances with Scorpio's emotional intelligence. Expect profound insights, strategic planning fueled by empathy, and the ability to navigate choppy waters with unwavering resolve. Embrace the intensity, hone your vision, and trust your gut – under this lunar spell, your business ascends towards its summit, fueled by passion, strategy, and a touch of cosmic magic.
Moon in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn: This cosmic tango blends the passionate depths of Scorpio with the grounded stability of Capricorn, creating a potent mix for your relationships and emotional landscape. You might feel drawn to deep, committed relationships built on trust and shared goals. Your passions are likely to manifest in tangible ways, leading to fulfilling pursuits and creative expression. Facing emotional vulnerability within committed relationships can lead to deeper intimacy and mutual growth. Navigate power dynamics in relationships with maturity and respect. Capricorn's practicality can help you balance passionate desires with responsible decision-making.
Tips for this Transit:
Deepen your bonds
Channel your passions
Seek stability and security
Celebrate sensuality 
Communicate authentically
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces: Navigate power dynamics in relationships with maturity and respect. Capricorn's practicality can help you balance passionate desires with responsible decision-making. Old wounds, buried fears, and hidden truths may surface, urging you to confront them with courage and compassion. Saturn's grounding energy guides you through the process with structure and discipline, while Pisces' sensitivity offers empathy and understanding. Saturn brings responsibility and maturity to your emotions. 
Tips for this Transit:
Practice shadow work
Embrace deep reflex
Set healthy boundaries
Practice forgiveness
Express your compassion
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: This transit fosters innovative thinking and a fresh perspective on challenges. Combine Capricorn's analytical mind with Neptune's boundless imagination to find unconventional solutions. Express yourself with empathy and understanding. Neptune's influence softens Capricorn's directness, leading to more nuanced and heartfelt communication. Neptune's influence encourages seeing beyond the immediate and envisioning future possibilities. Capricorn's practicality helps ground these visions into actionable plans.
Tips for this Transit:
Listen to your intuition
Embrace creative expression
Communicate with empathy
Explore spirituality
Set visionary goals
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ashabsynthe · 1 year
Exploring the Importance of Intuition and Strengthening Your Inner Voice
Intuition, often referred to as our inner guidance or gut feeling, is a powerful tool that connects us to our higher wisdom and helps us navigate life's complexities. It is the voice within that whispers insights, nudges us in the right direction, and serves as a compass for our soul's journey. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of intuition and explore techniques to strengthen and cultivate this innate gift, allowing it to become a guiding force in our lives.
Understanding Intuition: Intuition is a form of inner knowing that goes beyond logical reasoning. It is a deep-seated wisdom that arises from our subconscious and higher consciousness. Intuition operates beyond the limitations of the conscious mind, tapping into the vast well of universal knowledge and subtle energies. It often manifests as feelings, hunches, visions, or sudden insights that provide valuable guidance and wisdom.
Importance of Intuition: Intuition serves as a trusted ally in our decision-making process and life choices. It can offer insights that our rational mind may overlook, providing a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of situations. By honing our intuition, we gain access to valuable information, heightened creativity, and a sense of alignment with our true path. Intuition acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms, helping us navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and live authentically.
Cultivating Intuition: a. Quiet the Mind: Create regular periods of stillness and silence in your life. Through practices like meditation, mindfulness, or spending time in nature, you allow the mind chatter to settle, creating space for your intuition to speak.
b. Trust Your Instincts: Practice listening to your gut feelings and initial impressions in everyday situations. Start with small decisions and pay attention to the sensations and emotions that arise within you. Trust your instincts and act upon them. Over time, this strengthens the connection to your intuition.
c. Journaling and Reflection: Maintain a journal to record your intuitive experiences, dreams, and insights. Reflect on them regularly to identify patterns and themes. This practice enhances your self-awareness and deepens your understanding of how intuition communicates with you.
d. Body Awareness: Tune into the wisdom of your body. Notice how different situations and people make you feel physically and emotionally. Your body can act as a powerful sensor, providing subtle cues and signals that align with your intuition.
e. Engage in Creative Expression: Activities such as art, music, dance, or writing can open channels for intuitive insights to flow. Engaging in creative endeavors allows you to tap into your subconscious mind, bypassing analytical thinking and connecting directly with intuitive guidance.
Trust and Surrender: Trusting your intuition requires letting go of the need for absolute certainty and control. It involves surrendering to the wisdom of the unknown and having faith in the messages you receive. Practice letting go of doubt and fear, and embrace the guidance that comes from within. As you surrender to the intuitive flow, you align yourself with the greater universal intelligence.
Seek Solitude and Solace: Create regular moments of solitude and silence to deepen your connection with your inner voice. This can be done through practices like solitude walks, retreats, or simply setting aside quiet time for reflection. In the absence of external distractions, you create a sacred space for your intuition to emerge and communicate clearly.
Practice Discernment: While intuition is a valuable tool, it is essential to discern its messages from wishful thinking, fear, or ego-driven impulses. Develop discernment by cross-referencing your intuitive insights with logical reasoning, seeking feedback from trusted sources, and reflecting on past experiences where your intuition has proven accurate.
Intuition is a precious gift that resides within each of us, waiting to be acknowledged and honed. By recognizing the importance of intuition and actively engaging in practices to strengthen it, we can access profound wisdom, make aligned choices, and live a more authentic and fulfilling life. Trust in your intuition, embrace its whispers, and let your inner voice illuminate your path as you journey through the magic of life.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Can I ask about Venus in 8th house? Like how would the elements that rules the house (in whole signs) impact how certain themes of it will play out?
How Elemental Rulers Shape Venus in the 8th House
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Hello Siren!
Venus in the 8th House signal us to explore the depths of passion, transformation, and shared resources. The 8th House is traditionally associated with matters such as intimacy, sexuality, shared finances, psychological growth, and the mysteries of life and death. By considering the ruling element of the house in whole signs, we can gain further insight into how these themes may manifest.
If the ruling element of the 8th House is Fire (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius), the energy of Venus takes on a fiery and passionate nature within the realm of intimacy and shared resources. You may approach matters of deep connection and transformative experiences with enthusiasm and a bold spirit. There is a strong desire for intensity and excitement in your relationships, and you may feel inspired to take risks in matters of shared finances. This fiery element infuses your encounters with a sense of adventure and the potential for passionate transformations.
If the ruling element of the 8th House is Earth (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn), Venus manifests its energies through a practical and grounded lens. You seek stability and security in matters of intimacy and shared resources. You approach relationships with a patient and reliable nature, valuing loyalty and trust. Financial matters are handled with a methodical and meticulous approach, focusing on long-term stability and tangible assets. Your connection to the material realm is strong, and you may find comfort in building solid foundations in both your personal and financial partnerships.
If the ruling element of the 8th House is Air (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius), Venus expresses itself through intellectual and communicative channels within the realm of intimacy and shared resources. You seek mental stimulation and harmonious exchanges in your relationships. Communication and intellectual compatibility are essential for you, as you value the power of the mind in fostering deep connections. Shared finances may be approached with an analytical mindset, seeking fairness and balance. Your ability to engage in meaningful conversations about emotional matters can bring depth and understanding to your partnerships.
If the ruling element of the 8th House is Water (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), Venus delves into the realm of emotions, intuition, and profound transformation. You possess an innate sensitivity and depth of feeling in matters of intimacy and shared resources. Emotional connections and soulful exchanges are of utmost importance to you. Your approach to shared finances may be influenced by intuition, and you may navigate financial matters based on gut feelings or emotional insights. Transformative experiences and emotional healing are central themes in your relationships, allowing for profound growth and soul connections.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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