#Charles Xavier deserved better
mcmusing · 1 year
Previously, on X-Men: The Hypocrisy Games....
OMG, Charles, we're not kids! We inexperienced rubes are totally ready to stop WW3! Ugh, you're always so overprotective!
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OMG, Charles, they're just kids! How could you put a heavily trained fighting force in danger?! You have no regard for our safety!
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Why do I have to stay covered up during the segregated '60s? The world should worship my blue!
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How dare Charles create a world that worships my blue in the integrated '80s-90s? Ew, better cover up.
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groovy-lady · 1 year
I loathe Mystique/Raven Darkholme in the XCU SO MUCH especially in the Alternate Trilogy!!!! She’s whiny, selfish, bitchy, narcissistic, and mean. It also makes zero sense that she is somehow Charles Xavier’s sister yet she asks him if he would date her, she gets jealous when he flirts with other women, and she doesn’t think it’s wrong or uncomfortable for others when she walks around nude and just reprimands Charles for being uncomfortable about her walking around naked, and just abandons Charles after he gets shot by Erik! And that’s just in X-Men: First Class! She gets worse in the rest of the movies! She didn’t deserve to be seen as a hero because she has done nothing to earn the hero status. If they wanted to give Charles Xavier a sister, then he deserved a sister who actually cared about him!
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star-lights-up · 6 days
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This shirt doesn't exist for me to buy so i drew it anyway
and then twenty others:
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I also had one that said "whip. laaaaaash" and "James Mcavoy ships it. Do you?" but i have no clue where they've gotten off to so I'll post them later.
Reblog with a description of yourself and which is your favorite shirt and I'll draw you in it (:
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delyth88 · 2 months
X-Men rewatch 6
X-Men: Dark Phoenix. I hadn't seen this one either. That might have been a good thing.
Okay. I think filmmakers should be banned from telling this particular story ever again.
I mean I guess this wasn't awful from a general movie point of view, but from a fan and character point of it really went in to destroy, didn't it? Like, I now have an unpleasant taste in my mouth. It took what I had come to love and just broke it.
I can't say I wasn't warned.
But this is unlikely to get a rewatch for a looong time if ever.
Both films that have tried this storyline have sucked. Not being a comics reader I wasn't sure which parts were fundamental to the story, so going into this one was a bit like Russian roulette - which characters are going to die this time? Given I'm now a certified Charles Xavier fan I am selfishly glad it wasn't him this time, but Raven? That was totally unnecessary. (As a Loki fan I am completely allergic to killing off beloved characters for shock value and to make your new big bad look more powerful. Just stop it. Okay?)
But beyond that, what I hated the most about this was how they twisted everyone just a little too far in to the evil mirror universe. *rolls eyes*
It was rather excruciating to watch Charles talk of superheroes and later be cut off by the president. Which I can only assume was there to make sure the audience knew that the other's were right about how he was being overconfident and putting people in harms way, and... I'm not exactly sure what else. The moments where this thread worked best for me were when it was more personal conversations. (Although the kitchen scene with Hank just seemed out of almost nowhere.) Jean's conversations with Charles I thought worked better - we could see how it looked from both sides and how Charles genuinely thought he was doing the best thing for Jean. I truly thought she was going to kill him again, so it gave me hope that he go through to her in that moment.
It's a shame Raven wasn't around to have a heart to heart with Charles. I think that would have been enlightening. And Hank seemed to change so abruptly that it didn't feel convincing.
Perhaps if it had been a couple of years for me between Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix it might have seemed more natural. But coming directly after three movies that had a really strong bond between the characters to this, I really felt I was missing some backstory here.
Thinking about this I've also realised there weren't any moments in this that felt like there was as much of a connection between the characters as the first few. Each one of those had at least one knock out moment for me between Charles and Erik, and sometimes the others.
Although, I did feel the weight of the world building and the previous films when Charles tells Erik that if they fight here on the streets of New York they will have lost what they've been working for. It has been so much work to get to a world where they are not feared and hunted, and the exchange with the guard and Nightcrawler in the transport about how the guard's kid had looked up to him hit home. :( And then we watch them tear it apart. But somehow it didn't ring as true to me as the other key decision points in the previous films. I had been thinking to myself that they had had remarkably believable motivations for each of the characters for their actions, and the scale of them, up until this film. :/ I dunno. There was just something missing.
Maybe it was that the key relationship this time was between Charles and Jean, but it just was as strong as the one between him and Erik that has been the foundation for the last three films.
And now, help me out here. What actually happened at the end? Did Charles just decide to retire and leave the school? Did he just feel too guilty? Did he feel he needed to leave because he had gotten too above himself? Was he pushed out? Is he homeless now? Or did they just rename the school in Jean's honour and he's stepped away from the day to workings of it, but is still welcome there? Did Erik just offer to help him move the his island? I'm not clear. Whatever it was he clearly was unhappy about things, but I WANT TO KNOW MORE! lol
I thought it was interesting that Erik really did seem to have settled down to live a peaceful life. I appreciated how he was prepared to defend his people, and then help the authorities escape. And here again, I think it really needed to have hit home harder that Raven was dead, because it just didn't seem to work for me that he was so dead set on killing Jean.
Still, I did enjoy seeing them all working together on the train.
I did appreciate Charles eventually acknowledged he'd done the wrong thing by Jean to Hank and the others on the train, and there did seem to be some sort of redemption for him through Jean's forgiveness. But not fully, maybe only not from himself. I don't know.
I missed the light and energy of the Charles from the previous films.
I do wonder if that's part of the formula for the X-Men - the contrast between Charles and Erik. The continual hope for something better from Charles, and Erik's quest for vengeance. And when you disrupt that balance the line goes slack. Here Charles took on too much of the darkness, and there was no-one left pulling in that direction anymore.
Y'know, if Raven had been injured such that Jean thought she'd been killed but had survived and then been able to have that conflict with Charles I think that would have been more satisfying. She could have been fighting for the family she loved and the ideals they had originally set up the school on. I think to have seen her, the person who has always been sceptical of hope and seeing the good in people, going up against Charles and being the example of what he used to be before he got too carried away would have been more powerful. And then her and events bringing him back to the place he needed to be.
Maybe this was meant to be a lesson on becoming too entitled and arrogant. But the resolution sucked.
Hmmm... what else can I say.
Oh yeah. The weird aliens. I don't really want to say this, but I think they needed more screen time. lol They felt like such a side plot. Who were they? Why did they want to take over earth if they could just use the power of the pink space lights to terraform Mars or any other planet? Did the blond one have enough of the power from Jean to do that? She certainly seemed to have significant power of some sort after Jean transferred some of it. All in all they didn't spend enough time on them for me to care about them or feel any sort of sympathy towards their cause. They may as well have been a random natural phenomenon.
Oh yeah. Her Dad sure seemed to be a jerk. And again that shouldn't have felt that way to me.
So yeah. A very unsatisfying film.
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folansstuff · 7 months
Spoiler Talk for Rise of the Powers of X #2
So Doug is actually Sinister in disguise, and Charles knows this and is okay with it. The fact that Rachel is not aware of this is actual clown shit, so either she agrees with him (unlikely) or ig just... hasn't read his mind? She is so powerful it would require a level of contrivance I cannot imagine. And I know it's a story n whatever, but come on.
Why does anyone trust him? He has been on his scumbag shit this whole era. I feel so bad for Ras IV, she also deserves better. Everyone in this story but Charles deserves better.
Actually hate that this is the way Krakoa is ending, with clown horns.
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nanivinsmoke · 19 days
✩ Take Care .
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✩ logan ‘wolverine’ howlett x mutant!femreader
hate is a strong word, but not stronger than the feelings you have for him.
✩ tags: sexual tension, enemies to lovers (?), mentions of blood, you and Logan both get hurt, passionate sex, creampies, logan has nightmares, rough sex, etc…
note: nightmare scene heavily inspired by the first x-men movie with rogue and logan. cr: plutism for divider <3!
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“Did you hear? Ms. Y/N slapped Mr. Logan in front of her whole class!”
“I heard that he called her a bitch. I don’t know, that seems deserved.”
“Those two are definitely in love with each other. I don’t even have to use my powers to know.” Professor Xavier shook his head as he wheeled by a group of students, talking about his two hard headed staff members; who can’t seem to get along. At least that’s what they’ve been trying to claim.
Being a telepath has its perks, but it also has its disadvantages, and right now the professor wished he couldn’t read people’s minds. As he rolled into the science class, he wasn’t surprise3: to see the two of you there—keeping distance from one another.
“I’ve been hearing a lot about you two.” Charles announced, causing the two of you to look at each other, an eye roll from you while Logan groaned. Using his telepathy, the professor closed the classroom door; rolling closer to you both.
“Why are we here, Charles.” Logan spoke, getting ready to light his cigar—however you swiped it out of his mouth, using your powers. He shot you and look and the two of you began to bicker, but that immediately ended as the Professor got into your heads; silencing you both.
“Sorry professor..” You mumbled and the old man nodded his head.
“This is the third time the two of you had got into a fight, not counting the ones off school grounds. You two are teachers, adults better yet, and you two are setting a bad example for the kids.” Even though he didn’t look angry as he spoke, it was evident that the Professor was. It was hard for you both to look him in the eyes, he was disappointed with you two.
“If the two of you don’t clean up your acts and realize the truth behind your feelings for each other, then I’m going to put you both on leave; until I deem fit.” The Professor turned and wheeled himself out, not bothering to hear an explanation from either of you—since he made himself clear.
You turned to look at Logan, his hazel eyes on yours before he turned away—following after the professor’s steps, leaving you alone. You sighed and began to clean up your classroom, Xavier’s words replaying in your head; especially what he meant about your feelings. ‘Did you actually hate Logan?’
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That question played in your mind for the next couple of weeks, wondering what were your true feelings for him. The two of you stayed out of each other’s way, taking the Professor’s words seriously; you two couldn’t afford to get into another fight.
The only time you two saw each other is during x-men meetings or as you passed each other in the hall way. It was for the best and everyone could see the change, especially Charles.
However, things took a turn during one night in the mansion…
It was real late in the night, almost everyone was asleep; except for you. You had just got out of the shower, a silver colored towel wrapped around your nude body—excess water dripping off of you as you rummaged through your closet for something to sleep in. Settling for an oversized t shirt, you slipped it over your head, tossing your towel on your vanity’s chair—before climbing into your bed, getting comfortable.
And as you reached over to turn off your lamp, your ears perked up to this low groaning, followed by some yelling. You rose an eyebrow and climbed out of bed, slipping on your slippers before coming out of your room, checking to see where that noise was coming from.
And as you followed the sounds, with it becoming louder as you approached, you found yourself outside of Logan’s room. With a soft knock, you entered and tip toed inside—the room covered in darkness, yet you could see the man writhing in his sleep. You frowned at the sight, it wasn’t uncommon for mutants to have nightmares about their pasts. However, seeing him like this hurt you and you walked over to the bed, lightly tapping him to wake him up from this terrible dream.
He continued to shake and mumble, his hands clenching the sheets below him and when you reached over once more—tapping him, he shot up from his bed; yelling—claws unsheathing and piercing your skin. You were stunned, mouth agape like you were going to scream, however nothing came out—you couldn’t.
And as Logan slowly came to, he had realized what he had done, his hazel eyes still wide like saucers—claws retracting back into his knuckles.
“Mr. Logan? Oh my—im going to get Ms. Grey!” A student who happened to hear everything, appeared in the room—shocked by the horrifying sight. You gasped and kept your eyes on Logan, before responding to the student, “No need, just go back to bed. I’m fine.”
Your healing factor had now kicked in and your wounds slowly started to close, the pain fading away as well. You turned your head and gave the student a smile, reassuring them once more. “I’m okay, really! You can go back to bed.” The kid looked over at you once more before nodding, retreating back to their room and leaving you two alone.
Turning back to Logan, his eyes had softened and he had grabbed your waist—staring at you.
“I’m sorry….I didn’t mean—“
“I know. You were just having a nightmare.” You cut him off and gave him a smile small before he pulled away, getting up from his bed and grabbing a t-shirt from his dresser—tossing it over to you. “Since i ruined yours…”
You smiled once more and turned in your heels, headed for the door before you felt his hand on your wrist, pulling you back.
“Stay with me….if that’s alright with you?” His voice was soft, just like his eyes. There was something about this that made your heart swell, so you nodded your head and dipped into his adjoining bathroom—changing out of your bloody t-shirt, into the clean one that he had given you—which smelled like him. Warm and musky, with hints of spice. It was comfortable.
Reappearing from the bathroom, you saw Logan lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling until his eyes fell onto you. You gave him as soft smile, before climbing into bed with him, creating a distance between you two as you stayed on one side of the bed.
It was quiet as you laid there, trying your hardest to sleep, however it was just too cold. You shivered and tucked yourself further under the blanket, yet it still wasn’t enough. You looked over at Logan, his hazel eyes closed, and scooted over towards him—his body heat radiating off of him and warming you up. He felt you next to him and he didn’t protest or push you off—instead he pulled you closer and wrapped his arm around you, relaxing into his spot.
And after a few minutes, you could hear him snoring, sound asleep once again. You sighed and closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep in the comfort of his arms.
From that day on, everything changed for you.
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You had found yourself in his room almost every night, sleeping in the bed with him, arms around each other; having the best sleep of your lives. He didn’t mind it either. You would find him awake every time, almost like he was waiting to fall asleep with you.
And in the afternoon, during your breaks, he would treat you to lunch. Sometimes you guys would eat at the academy, other times he would take you for a ride into the city, buying you something to eat out there.
Almost like your perception of each had changed and you weren’t going to question it. You liked it and deep down you knew he did too. But, there was something about this that had your heart thumping and skipping a beat. Is this what the Professor meant? Was the truth behind the hatred really something else?
Those questions scrambled in your mind and as you entered Logan’s bedroom, your heart caught in your throat. The sight that was plagued upon you was shocking, Logan and another woman in his bed—kissing each other. “Oh.” You let out, startling the two.
The woman parted from him and excused herself out of his room, brushing past you as you stood near his doorway. You kept your eyes on him, a million emotions running through your body as his demeanor changed, standing up and coming close to you.
“Look, I don’t need a fucking babysitter and im damn sure not your boyfriend. You’re fucking suffocating me!” His words were harsh and eat one felt like a personal slap to the face. You could feel your eyes watering and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop your tears from falling. After all the things the two of you said to one another, this was one of the worst.
“You’re a dick. Go to fucking hell!” You stormed out of his room, tears falling down your face—head tense from thoughts of him; and you soon realized what Charles meant. Without using your powers to connect with the Professor, you knew he was listening to your thoughts anyway—shaking his head as he listened to your heartbroken mind. He was disappointed, especially in Logan.
Days turned into nights and nights turned into days as time went on, the two of you never interacting with each other. You passed by each other like two stranger’s on the street and evens thought the two of you worked together—that didn’t mean you needed to interact with one another.
You did your best to avoid him, during team missions you made sure to be paired with someone else and if you were paired with him; you would handle the mission practically on your own. When it was real late at night and you went into the mansion’s kitchen for a snack, and saw him there, you would quickly grab whatever you were looking for and headed to your room—never acknowledging him.
You even went as far as getting a set of ear plugs so you wouldn’t hear him at night. You were done with him. You focused on yourself, your teaching and trainings—riding him of your mind.
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As you sat in your class after the last one, grading papers, Charles entered, catching your attention. You smiled at him, but from the look on his face you knew something was wrong. Using your telepathy powers, you listened to his thoughts, your facial expression changing by the second.
You shook your head and stacked your papers together, “He can go to hell and back, Professor. I don’t wanna hear about him.” The older man wheeled closer to you, and placed his soft hand onto yours, a half smile on his face.
“I’ve read his mind, he thinks about you a lot. He’s been miserable with out you, ever since that night.”
“Yeah? Well that his problem, im not the one pushing people away. Im not the one who’s scared of letting people in! Im not the one who’s not scared to admit how they feel!” You yelled, heart thumping out of your chest; overwhelmed with emotions.
“And how do you feel?” Charles inquired and your eyes widened, but before you were able to respond a cloud of blue smoke appeared in the room; allowing Kurt to pass through—a frantic look on his face.
“Professor! Come quick, Logan’s been hurt! He isn’t regenerating and he’s not waking up!” The sound of his voice along with the news, made your heart drop to your stomach. You quickly grabbed onto Xavier’s chair and teleported with both him and Kurt, appearing in the academy’s infirmary. Your eyes widened once you laid sight on him, his half naked body hooked up to wires and machinery, while Jean and Hank worked on him—trying to find anything to get the male up.
Your eyes were filled with tears as you ran over to the table, looking at every wound he had, heart breaking by the second. You cupped his face and sobbed, at that very moment you weren’t afraid to admit how you felt. You were in love with him. Deeply in love with, Logan.
“Fix him! Please!” You begged Jean and Hank, watching them trying to repair his body; but the wounds were deep and without his regenerative factor—nothing would heal.
“We’re trying, but he doesn’t seem to be there either. Like his mind isn’t conscious—I can’t connect with him telepathically,” Jean spoke, patching his bloody body with gauze, hoping to soak up everything.
By now, tears poured out of your eyes as you looked at his lifeless body, “How did this happen?” You asked, eyes never leaving Logan’s body.
“He was on a mission. His car flipped multiple times—totaling everything, injuring him gravely.” Charles explain and you blinked out tears, cupping his face, before you turned back over to the Professor. “Have you tried to tap into his mind?”
“I have, but it’s like he’s not letting me in…I think you should give it a go.” Charles suggested and you took a look at Logan, leaning down to kiss his temple—taking in his musky scent before placing your hand onto his forehead and closing your eyes.
‘Let me in Logan’ You whispered, before you heard his voice in your mind.
‘Princess, is that you?’ His deep voice asked, the nickname making you melt, before you continued.
‘It’s me. I need you to wake up for me okay?’
‘I fucked up, Y/N. I hurt you….fuck im such a dick’ The hurt in his voice made your heart pang, while more tears left your closed eyes:
‘I know baby, but you have to wake up for me. Okay?’ You didn’t hear a reply back, however you were quickly shot out of mind, hearing him groan out in pain as he finally returned back to his body. His wounds started to close up, stopping his crimson red blood from pouring out. Logan’s hazel eyes connected with yours and he started to pull out the wires in his body.
“Wait Logan! You shouldn’t—“ Hank was cut off when he seen the wolf like male reach over and pull you into a kiss—a deep and passionate one.
“I think we should give these two some privacy.” Charles suggested, with everyone agreeing and following him out of the infirmary. The two of you stayed just like that, kissing each other, lips melting onto one another’s—making your heart swell. And as he pulled away from your addictive, plump lips, a spit trail followed; which you happily slurped up.
Logan pulled you close, ignoring the soreness in his body, arms wrapping around your waist—while his head lied on your shoulder, “I fucked up, I ended up hurting you twice…all because I couldn’t say I Love You.”
You were quick to pull back from him, scanning his face for any misconceptions, however his face remained the same; and you kissed him once more—hand reaching up to tug on his hair, eliciting a growl from him. His huge hand traveled from your hips to your ass, giving the fat a nice squeeze through your skirt, making you whine.
“Could smell you the moment I kissed you. I should’ve known how needy you’d be~” You whimpered as his hand trailed under your skirt, ghosting your soaked panties—eyeing you like you were his prey. “Please…Logan~”
“Please what, princess?” He began to rub you through your panties, your slick seeping through and onto his digits. You moaned softly, looking at him with low lidded eyes, “Please, fuck me.” A smirk etched on his face, pulling you into a kiss before he pulled your panties to the side and started to toy on your clit.
His fingers worked numbers on your swollen bud, pinching it and rubbing it in circular motions, making you whine in the sloppy kiss he was giving you. He pulled away from your lips, thick fingers now inside of your aching hole—pumping in and out of it; stretching your walls.
You were in pure bliss, you had yearned for this for some time and now you were getting your wish fulfilled. “Don’t tease me, Lo’~”
“Gotta prep you. Need you to take all of me, princess.” He pulled his fingers from your pussy, a whimper escaping, before he tore your button’s off your top and pulled your skirt off—eyes glued to your navy blue matching set; his favorite color.
You watched him, hunger in your eyes while he undid your bra; your plump breasts falling—nipples standing at attention just for him. The more you watched him take his time with your body, undressing you, the more needy and impatient you became; causing you to take matters in your own hands.
Using your powers, you pushed his back onto the infirmary’s bed, catching him by surprise; eyes locked on your body as you climbed onto of him; hovering right over his crotch. You moved the white blanket, mouth watering at the sight of his heavy cock—cunt becoming more slick with arousal when you grabbed it at the base and eased it into your entrance.
He was just as big as he looked, fatter too, as he stretched your pussy to fit around him—clinging to him like a glove. “Fuck, would’ve been an idiot to give this up,” Logan cursed, big hands clinging to your hips—pushing you all the way down on his length; filling you to the brim. You didn’t bother to try and get used to his size, instead you began to grind and bounce on his dick—tension building in your core; a whine slipping from your lips.
“Slow down, princess. Don’t want you hurting yourself.” You shook your head and continued your movements, tip rubbing against your sensitive spot.
“Need to cum on your cock right now.~” your lewd words, along with the squelching from your cunt, had Logan bucking his hips up to match your movements—allowing a louder, sexier moan to escape from your mouth. “Right there, bub. Sit there and take it.” He pushed your back down, closing the gap between you two and proceeded to drill your pussy.
You were a moaning mess, face on his hairy chest, drool spilling out the sides of your mouth and the coolness form his dog tags stabilizing your body temperature—while he proceeded to make it rise with each stroke.
You were taking it like a good girl, the bubble im your stomach at its peak, seconds away from bursting—you craved the pending orgasm. “G’na cum! Please please please—I love you!” Lips crashing onto one another, his cock twitching; craving a release as well.
“Cum for me….” His tone had came off like a beg and you couldn’t hold it anymore, your walls clung onto him—spasming like crazy, creaming all over his fat dick. Logan watched as you came undone, the pretty mewls and moans were a perfect melody to his ears, perfect enough to help him cum—buckets—into your womb.
He let out grunts, thick ropes of cum pouring inside of you—filling you up while you rode out your high. Your legs shook while he continued to thrust underneath you, bottoming out into your cunt.
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And just like earlier, as Charles sat outside the infirmary’s doors, he shook his head—wondering why out of all the mutant powers in the world, he was stuck with telepathy. He unfortunately heard everything, including the two of you going for round two.
However, he was happy the two of you finally got together—his two favorite mutants.
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rageserenity · 6 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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ichorai · 1 year
get better ; hobie brown.
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track nine of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; hobie brown x spider!cottagecore!reader (gender neutral)
synopsis ; electric guitars and strawberries, leather jackets and quilted skirts, city spiders and cottage spiders. the two of you were perfect for each other.
words ; 5.5k
themes ; fluff, mild angst & action, established relationship (dating)
warnings / includes ; mentions of death, a nightmare/mild panic attack, reader is a mutant on top of being a spider (has the ability to conjure flowers), reader's universe is basically cottagecore universe, pav is there even tho he shouldn't be bcs i wanted to include him, hobie is an amazing bf and affectionately calls reader 'cheeky' :( and a little charles xavier mention bcs <3 the x-men are everything to me
main masterlist.
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London was a cold, dreary place. You didn’t belong there, no, sticking out like a sore thumb from the cold, harsh corners of buildings that grazed the clouds and the damp, narrow streets. But you were there anyway, almost as often as you spent time in your own quaint universe, where York was nothing but homey cottages and endless green fields of flowers, strawberries, and farmer’s markets.
You were there for your boyfriend, who cared for the people of the city enough to criticize its leaders—a feat the large portion of the country couldn’t be bothered doing.
Today was a long day of protesting. Inhumane laws were being passed, the government was in shambles, and the PM was a fucking joke. You wanted to be there for him and show him support—it wasn’t your universe, sure, but it was important to you, anyway. Nobody deserved to live in fear of tomorrow.
The two of you made your way back up into Hobie’s dingy little apartment when the sky began to grey with gloomy clouds and cold rain dribbled down dirty rooftops. Hobie slammed the door behind him, the faded Sex Pistols poster loosely tacked on the back warbling with the sudden movement. In turn, you made a bee-line for his bed on the opposite side of the room—really, Hobie’s apartment was just a narrow rectangle, with a cramped bed in one corner, a beaten-up green sofa in another, and the kitchen furthest away from the door. There was another door by the other end that led to the bathroom with cracked mirrors. All the walls were covered with art, posters, random memorabilia, and stickers. 
It was a claustrophobe’s nightmare, but it was home to Hobie, which made it your home, as well.
You moaned with relief when you laid down on his thick comforter, shutting your eyes for a moment. Still leaning against the door, Hobie watched you eagle-spread over his bed with a small, amused smile. 
He could never get over how funny you looked, surrounded by dark colors and ripped clothes and filthy artwork, when you yourself were the exact opposite—all soft hues and gentle nature and sunshine. Hobie loved that about you. How you were unabashedly so lovely no matter where you were, or what you were doing.
“You falling asleep on me, Cheeky?” he asked, voice lilting with the affectionate pet name, languidly striding over to sit onto the mattress beside you. The bed creaked with protest under the additional weight.
“Mhm,” you hummed in reply, turning your head so you could offer him a tired grin. “Rain always gets me sleepy.”
The silver of his piercings glinted with what little light streamed through his window. “Take a nap, then, yeah? I’ll wake you up for dinner.” 
With your final murmur of thanks, Hobie dipped down to sweep the hair away from your face, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead, before standing back up to go fix himself a snack. 
Hours later, when you had only begun to twitch with the beginnings of a nightmare, Hobie had gently shaken you awake, beaming at the way your nose wrinkled and your heavy eyes fluttered open to meet his bright ones. 
“Rise and shine,” he greeted, smoothing out the creases of the shirt you were wearing. “Well, it’s not really shinin’ out there, innit? Rise and gloom.” 
A steaming cup of peppermint tea was pushed into your hands. You didn’t even have to taste it to know that he’d added just the right amount of sugar for you. “Thanks, Hobie,” you mumbled, craning your neck to kiss his cheek.
“Got you somethin’ from the chippie—it’s in the microwave whenever you want it.”
Still groggy, you loosely wound your arms around his neck to tug him into a warm embrace, careful not to spill any of the tea. Half of your body was slung over his legs, the other hanging off the bed. Without hesitation, Hobie’s long arms came around to pull you tighter against him, hugging you close. 
“Argh, you’re just too good to me,” you whispered, clutching him tight. “How much was the food?”
“Ah, ah,” he said, pulling away to click his tongue and shake his head. “Don’t worry about it. My shitty universe, my shitty quid.”
With an affectionate roll of your eyes, you pulled away from him. “Alright, well, next time we’re at my place, I’m treating you.”
“Would expect nothing less, Cheeky.”
The two of you shared the microwaved dinner from the chippie together, the large fries nearly burning your tongue and the fish drenched in far too much vinegar for your taste, but the two of you ate it happily regardless. 
After the food was cleaned out, you curled up into Hobie’s sofa—which smelled just like the mango perfume you had given to him for his birthday—and brandished the sewing kit you had kept here, hidden beneath the cushions. Your boyfriend took a seat beside you, his guitar situated over his lap and a dull pocket knife gripped in his hand. He took to engraving his initials against its side (and planned on engraving yours right next to it), as you pulled his leather vest closer, stitching one of the patches that had come loose back on. 
A comfortable silence stretched over the both of you, like a warm blanket draped over your shoulders. It was only broken by Hobie’s disjointed humming to a song you couldn’t recognize, and the soft pattering of rain outside. 
Once he was done with the ‘B’ of his last name, he peered over your shoulder, leaning down to press a kiss to the base of your neck. “How’s it coming?”
You turned with a sweet smile, one that made Hobie’s chest warm. To him, you were the literal embodiment of sunshine. “All fixed,” you chirped, nudging him slightly. “How’s the guitar?”
“Good as ever. D’you mind if I put your name next to mine?”
Your eyes shone. “Go ahead,” you replied, before reaching down to fish something out of your pocket. “Oh, I totally forgot—I embroidered this for you! Made it from my own synthesized silk ‘n everything.”
It was another patch, about half the size of his palm, depicting a bright red strawberry sitting against an equally vibrant yellow backdrop. A genuine smile flickered over Hobie’s countenance. 
“Oh, this is wicked, Y/N! Looks fuckin’ fab,” he exclaimed, leaning closer to inspect all the tiny details. Somehow, his beam grew wider. Hobie situated the patch over an empty spot on his vest. “Could you sew it here?”
You nodded whilst humming an affirmative. A rush of heat pulsed over your face when Hobie leaned down to kiss your cheek, pulling back with an obnoxious mwah. 
“You’re a talent, you know that? Thank you.”
It was a few minutes later when you showed him his vest—finally ready and decked out with a multitude of both new and fixed patches. In turn, he showed you your name etched right next to his. Overwhelmed by just how much you loved your boyfriend, every single bit of his punk, anarchist self, you threw yourself into his open arms, hugging him tight. A flower appeared behind his ear, and he pinched it between two fingers, pulling it away to inspect its small white petals and smooth green stem. With a hum, Hobie pushed it back onto his ear and returned your embrace.
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A week later, you and Hobie were at another underground music concert, filled to the brim with punk rock enthusiasts and anarchists of the very same ilk as him. Seeing as he was the last gig to play, the night ended with an elongated guitar riff, and Hobie’s fist thrusting high up as the final notes crashed against the cheering crowd. It wasn’t long before he was hopping off the rickety stage, immediately greeted with your wide smile and more tiny flowers blooming within the moist cracks of the sidewalk by your feet. 
“You did amazing!” you exclaimed, bouncing on the heels of your feet excitedly. “Argh, I’m so proud of you! When you did that thing—with that guitar—and then you just—AH! I loved it, Hobie!”
Your boyfriend slung an arm over your shoulders, briefly pressing his nose against your hairline. “Thanks, Cheeky.” He glanced at the large box you were holding. “What’s all this now?”
“Merchandise,” you chirped with bright eyes. “Made it all myself back in my universe. Free of charge, of course. Everyone deserves to enjoy art without worrying about its price.”
Hobie swore he fell in love with you just a smidge more right then and there.
With nimble fingers, he plucked a bundle out of the box, unfurling it to reveal a dark black t-shirt with a messy crimson scrawl of ANARCHY! across the chest. To his fond delight, there was a little flower drawn just beneath the large text. A touch of him, and a touch of you.
Not waiting another second, Hobie slipped the shirt over his head, one of his piercings momentarily snagging against the collar. You were quick to shift the box onto one arm so you could help him safely tug the shirt down without ripping his earlobe into two. 
After murmuring his thanks, Hobie cupped his palms over his hands to yell, “Oi, you lot! Come ‘round here for free shirts! Made by the loveliest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing!”
The two of you stayed at the venue until all your shirts were given away, and even then there were a few stragglers left, disappointed they hadn’t gotten anything.
“Come to Hobie’s next gig, I’ll bring some more things by then,” you reassured them with a kind smile. 
After another series of goodbyes, Hobie finally pulled you out of the dingy venue, his hand curled over your upper back and your arm wrapped around his hips. 
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Hobie was a true artist. Everything he touched, he could turn into something of beauty, something raw and pure and breathtaking. When you had vocalized such thoughts to him, he smirked, loose and humored. 
“Don’t like labels,” he said, gaze fixed on his guitar and the uncapped marker he was using to draw just beneath the strings. “You sure you’re not biased?”
“Not at all,” you hummed in reply, leaning against him. The two of you were in your universe, laying spread over a checkered blanket on a vast field not too far from your little cottage. The grass was greener than what Hobie had back home, and the air was clearer and lighter than anything he’d ever breathed before. Somehow, the breeze that whistled between the two of you smelled of strawberries and peaches—or maybe that was your perfume. Hobie couldn’t get enough of it, either way. Your universe was beautiful—nearly as beautiful as you were. 
Whilst he was concentrating on his scribbled drawings, you were tinkering with one of your web shooters—a series of miniscule gadgets with brown fixings to wrap around your wrist. Once you clicked it back into place, you jutted it out to Hobie, the round capsules hovering only inches beneath his nose.
He laughed, gently pulling your hand away so he wouldn’t go cross-eyed. “You make these yourself?”
“Synthesized them with all natural ingredients. Took a lot of trial-and-error, but I think I’ve finally perfected the colored formula,” you said, pressing down with both your middle and index finger, showing him how the webs shot out so far he couldn’t even see where it disappeared within the swishing blades of grass.
Arching a brow, he echoed, “Colored formula?”
You grinned. “Take a look. I made them green! I think it’s much prettier than plain ol’ white,” you said.
“Green spider webs, huh? You really are something else,” he surmised with a half-chuckle, half-snort, a goofy smile to his lips. Your excitement was beginning to rub off on him, so he took your hands again, admiring your craftsmanship. “These are so fucking cool.”
“I could make you colored webs, too—whatever color you want!” You perked up with the idea, smiling brighter than the golden sun hanging sweetly in the soft pink sky (the skies were pink during the day in your universe, it was trippy as hell). Little flowers bloomed around you, a few appearing in the surrounding grass, some popping into his hair, others materializing on your flowing blouse.
Flustered, you reached over to pluck out the flowers in his hair, murmuring a quiet apology. 
“Nah, it’s cute,” he reassured you, shooting you a curious look. “So—does your universe have others that are also called ‘mutants’ or is it just you?”
“There’s not a lot of us,” you admitted. “It was scary, at first. I was completely… normal until I hit thirteen years old—all of a sudden, flowers started blooming everywhere and I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t control it and it only grew worse the more scared I got. A man named Charles Xavier took me under his wing at his school for gifted students—well, that’s just a code word for mutants—and he helped me train to control it. Obviously… not well enough—flowers still sprout when I feel strong emotions.”
Hobie’s nose wrinkled. “My fault. You like me a bit too much, Cheeky.”
With a playful shove, you huffed out a tinkering laugh. “Anyways, while I was at the school, there was a student with the ability to turn objects radioactive. Highly dangerous, and he could’ve been used as a weapon of war if in the wrong hands. One day, he was just fucking around and… he accidentally turned a spider radioactive. He didn’t tell anyone because he was scared he was going to get in trouble. Lo and behold, it got loose, and the next day, it bit me while I was out on a walk. So not only was I a mutant, I became a Spider, as well. I trained with my newfound powers every day in the Danger Room. I graduated top of nearly all my classes. And not too long after, Miguel came popping out of nowhere—the look on his face when flowers started appearing all over his suit was hilarious.” You chuckled lightly, leaning your head against Hobie’s shoulder. “Your powers are much cooler, though. I wish I had electric abilities.”
The marker in Hobie’s hand was quickly capped, and put to the side so he could raise it to stroke the back of your head. “Flower power is cool as fuck, what are you on about?”
You smiled. Another flower, a fragile pink thing, blossomed onto his lap. Hobie barked out a roguish laugh.
“I love you,” you hummed. 
“Love you back, Cheeky.”
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Nueva York was the exact antithesis to your world. Everything was new and modern and cutting-edge, heavy on minimalism and plain white canvases of nothing. It lacked art and humanity and just… life, in general. You didn’t really enjoy coming to this universe—the only reason you did was to help out with anomalies whenever you were needed. Though you didn’t quite agree with Miguel’s canon theory (it was messy and evidently didn’t apply to every Spider), you had to agree that villains running amok in rogue universes was no good for anyone. You had personal experience with the matter when a glitching Mysterio came tumbling through a farmer’s market in your universe, baskets of fruit flying every which way and bouquets trampled beneath his descent. 
Today, however, you were called in because of your boyfriend. His hologram had appeared over your wrist, offering you a loose smile and a two-fingered salute.
“Hey, Hobie,” you greeted, pausing your baking and brushing errant strands of your hair away with flour-covered hands. “What’s going on?”
“I’m at HQ. Heading over to see Miguel. D’you mind coming, if you’re not too busy?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” you said, heading over to the wash basin to rinse off your hands. “Is everything okay?”
The hologram of Hobie hummed, warbling as you rushed to change out of your clothes and into your suit—a white top with beige and green accents, webbing into a spiral around an embroidered collection of flowers on your chest shaped into a spider. Your boyfriend lowered his voice to say, “The original is here.”
“The first anomaly.”
“Oh,” you said, eyes widening a fraction. Oh. 
Hobie pursed his lips. Though he was doing well to hide it, you could see the buried worry behind his dark irises. The both of you were well aware that Miguel wouldn’t take this lightly. “Yeah. You’ll be here?”
“I’ll be there. See you in a minute, yeah?”
“Yeah. I’ll be waiting by the Spider-burger place. Love ya, Cheeky.” With that, he flickered out of view. You blew out a breath, snagged a bag from your room, and pressed a few buttons on your watch. A glowing orange portal opened by your kitchen door. You stepped through, and a tunnel, an elevator, and a hall later, you found yourself at the heart of Spider Society.
Hundreds of Spidermen, Spiderwomen, and Arachnids alike were passing by, chattering aimlessly, or rushing to wrangle their anomalies to the Go-Home Machine. After weaving through the crowd, you made your way to the McSpiders booth, where they sold the most delicious burgers, but you didn’t think you had time for that today. 
Hobie was waiting at one of the tables, Pav glued to his side, and Gwen on the other. 
Your boyfriend waved, shooting you a wink just as Pavitr shot up, dashing forward to envelop you in a tight hug. 
“It’s been so long!” the younger Spider exclaimed. “How’ve you been? How are you?”
“I’m good, Pav,” you warmly replied, patting his back affectionately. Then, you waved to Gwen, who looked a little uncomfortable at the predicament she was in, but tried her best to push it down for a moment to say hello.
You gave her a warm embrace, squeezing tight, a nonverbal confirmation of telling her you were there for her. Knowing that she was technically universeless, both you and Hobie would often let her crash over at your respective places. In fact, she slept in one of your extra rooms so much it was practically hers by now, filled with plenty of her personal belongings. She was one of your closest friends, and seeing her so anxious did nothing but fill you with worry. 
Once you pulled away from your two friends, you gave Hobie a quick hug, kissing his cheek. Pav cooed obnoxiously whilst Gwen lightly joked for the two of you to get a room.
Hobie shoved at the blonde’s shoulder with scoff. “Come off it, we wouldn’t have the time anyway.” 
Finally, you turned your gaze to the last one in the group—Miles Morales. 
It was certainly strange to see him in the flesh, when he was such a popular topic of discussion amongst the verse-traveling Spiders. He was a gangly yet handsome boy, with a head of dark, curly hair, and large brown eyes. 
He offered you a nervous smile. “So, uh, you must be Y/N! I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I can say the same thing,” you replied, thinking back to all the times Gwen would lounge in your bed and tell you about her time helping Miles with Kingpin. “It’s nice to put a face to your name after all this time.”
“Yeah, yeah, same.” Awkward as ever, Miles let out something akin to a laugh. His eyes darted down when he noticed Hobie’s hand slipping over your midriff. “So! You’re Hobie’s partner, right? I thought he didn’t believe in consistency.”
You grinned when Hobie drummed his fingers along your hip, shrugging in a nonchalant manner. “If I was inconsistent all the time, that’d be me being consistent, no? Keep with the times, mate.”
Confused, Miles’ lips parted to ask another question but you shook your head. “Just don’t question it. God knows how many times I’ve stumped myself trying to figure him out.”
Hobie shot you an amused look. Before anyone could say anything else, Gwen swung onto her feet, shifting her weight in a fidgety manner. “We should probably get a move on, before Miguel gets mad.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. You guys mind filling me in with what happened on the way?”
And so the five of you set off, with Pav and Gwen taking turns on telling you what had transpired in Mumbhattan, with Hobie occasionally chiming in. Miles was far too enamored by all the other Spiders to really pay attention to what they were saying. 
Once you were all informed, you supplied a worried look in Miles’ direction. Stopping a canon event from happening… Miguel definitely wouldn’t be happy about that.
Sensing your eyes on him, Miles met your eyes. “Is there something on my face?” he asked. 
“Oh, no. Sorry. I was just distracted.” A flower popped on your shoulder, and another appeared in Miles’ hair. He pulled it out with a surprised raise of his brows.
“Huh. That’s new,” he said with a slightly curious smile. “So, you and Hobie! I guess I just didn’t expect him to be with someone so…”
You tilted your head. “So…?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “You guys look, like, complete opposites.”
Pavitr clapped his hands. “Well, opposites do attract!”
With half a smile pulling at one corner of his mouth, Hobie chimed, “We aren’t complete opposites. We both have a crippling hatred for capitalism and greedy billionaire corporations.”
“That we do,” you agreed, beaming warmly at him. Suddenly, you perked up, remembering what you had brought with you. “Oh, I almost forgot! Pav, Gwen—I made you tote bags a while ago and haven’t gotten the chance to give it to you guys. They’re all made from ethically sourced materials, of course. Sorry, Miles, I would’ve made you one if I’d known I was going to meet you today.”
“It’s no problem. There’ll be a next time, right?” he said, watching as you handed the rolled up bags to an excited Pav, bouncing on the balls of his feet with a litany of thank you so much, this is amazing on his tongue, and a hesitant Gwen, smiling despite being so strung-up to face Miguel. 
“Right… A next time…” you echoed, unsure if there’d even be a next time if Miguel had his way with things.
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Everything was going wrong. 
Miguel went too far, as he often did in his tunnel-visioned haze for order, and trapped Miles in a laser cage, intending to keep him in Nueva York while his father died back in his home universe. A sick feeling curdled within the pits of your stomach—none of this felt right to you. Peter and Gwen were yelling at Miguel, their words washing over you in a blur, like the crashing and the retreat of a wave against an unsuspecting shore. 
You watched helplessly as Miles turned around, betrayal lacing heavily across his crestfallen features, staring at the people he had once considered his friends. For half a second, Miles caught your gaze. Anxious flowers—various shades of violet and scarlet—blossomed by your feet. To your side, your boyfriend held both his hands up, gaze fixed on Miles.
“Palms,” he silently mouthed. 
Heeding his advice, Miles pressed both his palms against the barrier.
And three beats of a heart later, he had broken free. A blast of energy pushed everybody back a few feet, and you could hear Hobie’s faint laughter echo right beside your ear. You couldn’t help but smile along with him. 
Someone had to look out for the little guy, right?
Apparently, Miguel had other ideas. He wasn’t a rational man. No, he was a perfectionist to the core, needing everything to go according to his plan, his theory, his ideology. When the stakes were this high, who was to say no to him? And now, he had somehow convinced nearly the entire population of the Spider Society to chase after a fifteen year old.
Then what? Lock him up? Force him away from his home and wait out his father’s death?
No. It wasn’t right. None of it was.
As pandemonium broke out during the chase after Miles, Hobie gave you a glance. “Just for the record, I quit,” he announced. It wasn’t directed at you, per se, but it was important to him that you knew of his stance. That he wouldn’t sit around and idly twiddle his thumbs at this bullshit. 
A portal opened behind him, bathing his dark skin in a bright clementine glow. He unclasped his watch and let it fall to the ground. “You coming, Cheeky?”
“I’ll meet you at your place,” you reassured him. An unspoken trust me hung heavy between you. A white little wildflower appeared in his hair, but Hobie didn’t move to pluck it away. Instead, he ducked his head to press a lasting kiss onto your forehead. You shot him a fond grin before leaning forward to peck his cheek in return, and hurriedly rushed off to go help Miles, canary-hued flowers floating behind you with every swing.
It was by pure chance that you happened upon Miles and Peter, the latter begging for him to hold his baby, which he most definitely shouldn’t have brought along to a chase. You hid behind a large metal pipe, waiting for Miles to leave Peter. It wasn’t long before Miles was running away again, believing his mentor had betrayed him once again, and you were quick to follow after him. Green webs shot out from the fixings on your wrist, and you caught up to the younger Spider in no time.
“Miles!” you exclaimed.
“Please, just let me go back home!” he yelled, stress and panic coiled around his words as he rounded around cars and signs.
Guilt settled around your lungs in a constricting manner. You’d lend him your watch to get home, but with a quick glance behind you, noting the several dozens of Spiders hot on your tail, you realized that there was no way that he’d make it there in time without them following after. There had to be another way.
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” you replied, trying your best to convey that you were on his side. “Trust me, I’m with you on this! If not for you becoming Spider-Man, there’d be no Spider Society, and I would’ve never met Hobie. Of course I’d try to help you, Miles! Listen to me—there’s a bullet train that goes to the moon here—if you draw all the Spiders away from HQ, then you can use the Go-Home machine to get back to your universe!”
Miles shot you an initially dubious glance, which soon melded into one of cautious appreciation. “Where?”
“A couple miles that way! You won’t miss it—it’s a huge glass tube going up to space.” You nodded in the direction he was to be headed. “Good luck, Miles. I’m rooting for you!”
With a shout of his gratitude and a slight smile, Miles swung away from you. 
It’s a shame that this was goodbye. Both you and Hobie were really starting to grow on him.
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It was raining again, as it almost always was in gloomy London. You were in bed with Hobie, having passed out after letting him know about how you helped Miles, and listening to him tell you about the watch he made for Gwen, knowing she’d most likely need it later down the line if things didn’t work out. He was taking up most of the space on the bed, one arm behind his head on the pillow and the other curved beneath the small of your waist, fingers splayed out over your stomach. Chests rising and falling in synchronized tandem, you were curled up onto your side so that your spine brushed against his side with each breath.
Nightmares weren’t a common thing for you, but when they did slink into your unconscious mind, they were always terrifyingly realistic, and always of the same event. Your canon event. 
Tonight was no different. 
Soft pink skies. Swinging through the trees after something—someone. Prowler. 
The forest gave way to steep mountains. Steep stones and ice and cliffs. The pink above you bled into a menacing shade of purple.
Nets of webbing shooting from your wrists. Desperation. Pleads on your tongue, but you didn’t quite know what you were saying. 
The villain tripped over the webbing, rolling down a mountainside that tapered off into a sheer drop. You darted forward, shooting out a web to catch the Prowler.
But it was too late. 
They tipped over the edge, stray pebbles tumbling down in their wake. If the Prowler screamed, you couldn’t hear it over the thrumming blood in your ears. 
It took over a minute for their body to hit the ground with a sickening thud. 
Horror stained your insides black. You weren’t quick enough. You failed.
You made your way down the mountain, wide eyes fixed on the motionless body. You crept forward, checking for a pulse. Dead. 
Gingerly, you peeled the mask away from their face. The hazy face of your best friend stared back up at you, beaten and bloody. 
Your fault, your fault, your fault—
You woke up with a gut-wrenching sob, jolting up with a broken wail. Hobie had startled from his slumber at the sudden commotion, quick to prop himself up on an elbow, his hand shooting out to properly wrap around you.
Comforting words were murmured into your hair. You only cried harder, gently pushing the blankets away from you, feeling overwhelmingly hot and crowded. It took you another moment to realize that you were hyperventilating, large flowers popping up everywhere around the two of you. 
“Breathe,” you could hear your boyfriend say, tracing slow circles along your lower back. “That’s it, love. You got this.”
After a few minutes, your breaths had slowed down, and the tears stopped flowing. You sniffled quietly, turning to Hobie with an apology on the tip of your tongue.
“Don’t apologize,” he said, seeming to know exactly what was on your mind. “You alright?”
“Nightmare,” you whispered in return, voice hoarse with disuse and thirst. “My canon event. It’s my fault Prowler died. My best friend.”
Another circle along your spine. “You wanna talk about it?”
Your eyes, puffy and red-rimmed, blinked back more cresting tears. You nodded, croaking out the tragic story of you and your best friend—the Spider and the Prowler. Hobie listened intently, humming soothingly into your skin. 
Once you were finished, he adamantly shook his head. “You can’t blame yourself for that. It’s not your fault.”
But it is, you wanted to say. You swallowed the words, deciding instead to remain quiet and simply lean further into his touch. 
“I love you,” he said, voice low and soothing. “You hear me, Cheeky?”
“I hear you. Thank you for… for always being there for me. You’re the punkest punk that’s ever punked.” 
A hum rumbled from his throat. “I’ll always be here for you. I trust you’ll do the same for me. We’re all broken, but… it’s a good thing we Spiders got sticky webs to keep us together, yeah?” A pause before Hobie backtracked, “That didn’t come out the way I intended it to but you get my point.”
You wrinkled your nose in amusement. “Yeah. I’m glad we found each other in all this chaos, Hobbes.”
“Mmh. Nothing better than a bit of chaos, innit?”
The two of you sat in silence for a bit longer, simply soaking in each other’s comforting presence. When you arched your neck to press a lasting kiss along the underside of Hobie’s jaw, you could feel his face shift with a fond smile. Before he could reciprocate the gesture, a tangerine glow shone from outside the window, warbling with the rain, but still a stark juxtaposition to the macabre grey of the city.
Both you and Hobie peered out of the window, limbs still tangled. 
Outside was Gwen, her cowl pulled over her uneven strands of blonde-pink hair, hexagonal portal rings shifting behind her. Her features were solemn and grim as she locked eyes with the both of you. You and Hobie glanced at each other. Small pink flowers started to bloom along the windowsill, much to your chagrin.
With not another second of hesitation, the two of you leapt out of bed, hastily yanking on your suits and swinging out of the window to join Gwen.
To join her in saving Miles Morales, and, ultimately, the multiverse.
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kryptonbabe · 3 days
I ship Charles Xavier with no one, least of all with Erik, Magneto deserves better than that and you know it, hand Xavier to the colonialist intergalactic bird people and let's be done with this
21 notes · View notes
cherikdogfood · 6 months
Cherik fic idea: "Soulmates" [A fic idea for #revivecherik #17: Soulmates]
In a world where everyone is born with a soulmate stone (a stone that lights up when it senses your soulmate's stone), Erik has long lost his hopes of finding a soulmate, because he's lost his soulmate stone. Anyway, he has lost his mother a long time ago, and as Sebastian Shaw's ward, he just wants to live well -- he's got no dreams or hopes of finding his soulmate or happiness.
Then one day, Sebastian Shaw meets Charles Xavier, and their soulmate stones light up, which means Sebastian Shaw and Charles Xavier are soulmates.
Shaw, being a powerful warlord/king/whatever has a lot of concubines, playthings, etc, and he doesn't treat Charles that well. Shaw makes Charles move into his palace/mansion/house, and plans to give Charles "training" to be his future spouse.
In the mansion/palace, Charles and Erik meet, and they slowly fall in love. Of course, Erik thinks it's impossible for Charles to be in love with him (after all, Charles' soulmate is Shaw) -- Erik thinks maybe Charles is just lusting after him or whatever, but Erik doesn't mind, because he's really, really in love with Charles.
As for Charles, he knows, logically, that he should love Shaw -- they're soulmates. But he finds himself falling deeper and deeper for Erik instead, and over time he starts feeling as if Erik is actually the one for him.
Cue Shaw and Charles finally getting married, but Sebastian never consummates their marriage and just treats Charles so poorly. Erik is enraged, of course (Charles deserves the world, in his opinion), but he's secretly kinda happy too, because this means he gets to spend more and more time with Charles.
Charles and Erik's relationship is getting so much better, when one day Sebastian's concubine/someone frames Charles of a crime he didn't do. Shaw doesn't let Charles proves his innocence, and instead tortures him.
Shaw goes something like, "Did you ever love me, Charles?" and Charles is unable to answer. So Shaw takes out a mythical item -- it's called the Love Acid.
Here's how the Love Acid works: If person A pours the Love Acid on person B, and person B reacts in pain, that means person B is not in love with person A. (Whereas if there's no pain, that means you are in love with that person).
Anyway, Shaw uses the Love Acid on Charles, but Charles reacts in pain because he doesn't love Shaw. Shaw is angry + humiliated + paranoid and accuses Charles of infidelity.
Sebastian calls all the people he suspects Charles is close to and makes them pour the Love Acid on Charles one by one (e.g., Azazel, Janos, etc). Of course, Charles reacts in pain for everyone...
But when it's Erik's turn (and at this point Erik is angry at Shaw for what he's doing to Charles + he doesn't want to hurt Charles + Erik is afraid that when he pours the Love Acid, it will show that Charles isn't in love with him + maybe at this point Erik is planning on starting a rebellion against Shaw) -- Charles doesn't react in pain.
Which obviously means Charles is in love with Erik. (Erik is torn between feeling overjoyed and upset because Shaw is a jerk).
Then maybe Shaw kills Charles, or just has fun torturing Charles again, while Erik is either killed by Shaw also, or manages to escape and gather people for a rebellion.
IN ANY CASE, and here's a major spoiler below so if you don't wanna know then don't peek or just skip to the *** part:
It's later revealed that:
-Sebastian Shaw killed Erik's mom (of course)
-Sebastian Shaw stole Erik's soulmate stone because he lost his own stone. THIS MEANS that when Charles' soul stone was reacting, it was reacting to ERIK'S soulstone -- Charles and Erik are actually soulmates.
Of course, Erik is furious and yeah, Shaw can go die.
It can be either a happy ending, with Charles and Erik reunited, or a sad ending, where Charles is already dead and Erik manages to kill Sebastian.
+ this can be a powered or non powered story
+ Charles and Raven have a good relationship, and Raven being badass, she's a leader of the resistance or rebellion and she is PISSED at Shaw and his treatment of Charles.
+ Emma Frost is one of Shaw's playthings or concubines, but she likes Charles or they bond over tea and opera or whatever, and Emma is protective of Charles too.
+ The other characters like Hank, Alex, Sean, Darwin, and Angel are there too, and they end up helping Erik or Charles, or both.
I don't know whether I'll end up writing this (Since I have a few, cough a lot of WIPS, and if someone does write this, I'd be so happy.
And if anyone does write this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me, tag me or something, I want!!! To read this!!!
Thank you.
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mcmusing · 1 year
From the beginning, he always offered her love, acceptance, safety, forgiveness, and loyalty.
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By the end, she only offered him disdain, ridicule, disregard, bitterness, and abandonment.
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scoganbingo · 14 days
Scogan Bingo Round 1 Round-Up
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At long last, Scogan Bingo Round 1 is being put to bed with this outstanding array of links all celebrating these two and their connection, whether it's rivals turned friends or as friends turned lovers! Here is the entire collection of our Round 1 Scogan creations, under a cut because it's a HUGE list!
Also if you're interested in climbing aboard our fun and groovy and laid back bingo completely with mini-events, games, and adoptable fun, our Round 2 is still taking sign-ups! So be sure to check out these links as well as all the submissions under the Read More.
FAQ/Rules This should give you an idea of what we are all about! If you’d interested in joining us, please check out the rules before you sign up!
Sign-Up Form If you’ve decided this bingo is for you, then please sign up by clicking the link and filling out the sign up form.
Discord Once you’ve signed up, be sure to join us at the Scogan Bingo Server to interact with other fans :) We're a great family, a kooky crowd, and all around bunch of nerds who cheer each other on. We don't bite (unless asked)!
Title of Fill: he carries the reminders Author: Wolfsheart Card Number: SSB-002 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58168717 Square Filled: I1: Touch-Starved “I need to remember what hugs feel like,” and B4: Traces a scar on lover’s body Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: T Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Trans Kitty Pryde, Gay Bobby Drake, Minor Bobby Drake/Kitty Pryde, Minor Emma Frost/Tony Stark, Not Charles Xavier Friendly, Not Jean Grey Friendly, Charles Xavier Being an Asshole, Jean Grey Being an Asshole, Transphobic Charles Xavier, Transphobic Jean Grey, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Bisexual Scott Summers, Bisexual Logan (X-Men), Protective Logan (X-Men), Protective Tony Stark, BAMF Emma Frost, Aftermath of Violence, Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Protective Avengers, Hugs, Protective Bruce Banner, Sleepy Cuddles, BAMF Logan (X-Men), Swearing, Touch-Starved, Scars, Logan Has a Heart (X-Men) Summary: Logan gathers a small team to help Scott tackle a problem in the Bronx, but when they find Scott, he's all cut up and bruised and left damn near for dead. With Emma's and the Avengers' help, they take him to the Avengers Tower for medical care and recovery, and Logan doesn't leave Scott's side for most of it. It's during this time that he realizes he can't hide his feelings anymore for his teammate and sometimes-rival. Word Count: 8504
Title of Fill: Eden revives in the first kiss of love Author: Wolfsheart Card Number: SSB-002 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53491201 Square Filled: G1 “I mean, I’d totally kiss you if you asked.” Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: X-Men Days of Future Past (2014), Established Relationship, Established Logan/Scott Summers, Minor Remy LeBeau/Rogue, Minor Bobby Drake/Kitty Pryde, Gay Bobby Drake, Trans Kitty Pryde, Trans Male Character, Kissing, Making Out, Emma Frost Lives, Good Friend Emma Frost Summary: Logan wakes up in the present day, having time traveled to the future and past to stop Trask from creating the Sentinels that would wipe out the whole mutant population. When he opens his eyes, the world he knew is much, much different. Better but not at all what he expected. Word Count: 2,742
Title of Fill: The rock to build on, the wall to protect Author: Wolfsheart Card Number: SSB-002 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52822084 Square Filled: O1 – Bodyguard AU: “Kid, it’s my literal job to take care of you.” Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: M Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Mention of Sam Wilson/Misty Knight, Mention of Loki/Bruce Banner, Mention of Happy Hogan/Pepper Potts - Freeform, Mention of Thor/Jane Foster - Freeform, Mention of Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov - Freeform, Divorce, Post-Divorce, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Human, Not Jean Grey Friendly, Not Charles Xavier Friendly, Emma Frost and Scott Summers are cousins, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Alternate Universe - Bodyguard, Kissing, Making Out, Implied/Referenced Sex, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Kiss, New Year’s Eve Party Summary: Nine months after a nasty divorce and coming off losing his job teaching at the Xavier Prep School, Scott Summers takes his cousin Emma's offer to come live in Stark Tower where she and her husband Tony Stark have collected a ragtag family. He believes the arrangement will be temporary until he gets on his feet, but with the promise of his own apartment in the building and a fresh start, he finds much more than he'd expected or hoped for. Word Count: 12,727
Title of Fill: Between the Raindrops Author: Scottxlogan Card Number: SSB-001 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57261679 Square Filled: G5 Time Travel Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Cuddling & Snuggling, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: X-Men Days of Future Past (2014), Sexual Tension, Flirting, Hurt Scott Summers, Protective Logan (X-Men), Logan's adjusting to the new world, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Summary: Logan's less than thrilled that Hank has requested that Logan be the one in charge of keeping an injured Scott from trying to sneak out of recovery and back into the swing of things with the team. Knowing that Scott is always an impossible patient in this new world as well as he was in the last, Logan is reluctant to take the assignment, but left without a choice, Logan finds himself getting closer to the man who has never left his heart no matter what world he's been living in. Word Count: 4789
Title of Fill: Last Night in the City Author: Scottxlogan Card Number: SSB-001 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57210919 Square Filled: N2 Balcony Scene Ship/Main Pairing: Logan/Scott/Bucky/Steve, Scott/Logan, Scott/Bucky, Scott/Steve, Logan/Steve, Logan/Bucky, Bucky/Steve Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Foursome - M/M/M/M, Past Jean Grey/Scott Summers, past Jean Grey/Logan/Scott Summers, Scott Summers-centric, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Sexual Content, Implied Rough Sex, Getting Together, Propositions, Team Bonding, Collars, Blindfolds, mention of Emma Frost/Tony Stark, Polyamory Summary: Scott Summers prepares to shut his old life behind him after the end of Krakoa by spending one last night in New York City, but finds that things don't exactly to plan after a wild night with Logan, Bucky and Steve prove to work towards skewing Scott in a new direction away from the mission he's set on taking. Word Count: 8865
Title of Fill: Submission Author: Scottxlogan Card Number: SSB-001 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58143469 Square Filled: O5 Scott topping Logan Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sexual Content, Smut, Fighting Kink, Light Dom/sub, Rough Sex, Submissive Logan, Switching, Making Up, Versatile Scott Summers, Versatile Logan (X-Men), Digital Art, Fic and Art, Danger Room, Danger Room sex Summary: When Logan once again ignores Scott's command on the battlefield things get tense between them leaving Logan longing to find a way to solve the problem. Later Logan's trip to the Danger Room sparks a fight between them that Logan's hoping will settle the score and bring them closer to where they really want to be together. Word Count: 6282
Title of Fill: you mean more to me than you must know Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51139258 Square Filled: I3: dramatic proposal Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: established relationship, marriage proposal Summary: Scott and Logan have been dating for about a year. Scott's ready to take the next step. Word Count: 695
Title of Fill: i'm pretty sure i'm the only guy he's hooked up with tonight Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/52921804 Square Filled: O3: aphrodisiacs/sex pollen Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Camping, Past Relationship(s), Recreational Drug Use, Aphrodisiacs, Explicit Sexual Content, Riding, Self-Lubrication, Feelings Realization Summary: Scott wanted to go camping. Bobby, Warren, Jean, Jubilee, and Logan tag along. But hey, at least Bobby brought some cool weed. He says it's from Krakoa, surely it won't do anything weird to mutants… right? Right? Word Count: 2,793
Title of Fill: one of us is always leaving Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/52540438 Square Filled: O5: Gifts Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Gen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Break Up, Angst, Bittersweet Ending, Autistic Scott Summers Summary: Scott gives Logan a watch to say goodbye. Perhaps actually saying goodbye would have been smarter. Word Count: 883
Title of Fill: I'll remember you in the '88 ford Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/52082611 Square Filled: N/A (Holiday adoptable?) Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Gen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Domestic Fluff, Scott Summers Has Brain Damage, Jewish Scott Summers, Hanukkah Summary: Logan and Scott have moved out to a cabin in the woods together. They celebrate Hanukkah together. Word Count: 924
Title of Fill: im paranoid of things i cant avoid Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/51793231 Square Filled: O4 Autumn Festival Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Come Eating, Dom/sub, Autistic Scott Summers, Scent Kink, Cock Worship Summary: Logan and Scott go into a corn maze together. Logan gets them lost, and Scott almost has a meltdown. Word Count: 1750
Title of Fill: you mean more to me than you must know Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/51206344 Square Filled: N/A (Adoptable fill?) Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Gen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Poetry. Mutual Pining Summary: A poem about Logan and Scott, and how much they love each other. Word Count: 119
Title of Fill: maybe love is a broken thing Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/51182533 Square Filled: I4: Sex After a Big Fight Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Teasing, Daddy Kink, Past Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Anal Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary: The only thing Logan and Scott enjoy more than fighting is making up afterwards. Word Count: 1882
Title of Fill: if you're looking down on me, i could really give a good goddamn Author: Mercury Card Number: SSB-003 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/scoganbingo/works/51159274 Square Filled: I2: First Kiss Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings/Triggers: First Kiss. Fade to Black Summary: Scott's been kissed many times before, just never by Logan. Word Count: 683
Title of Fill: A Certain Understanding Author: Meddalarksen Card Number: SSB-012 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53212288 Square Filled: I5 Headaches/Migraines Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan (Pre-Relationship) Rating: General Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Migraine Summary: Migraines are a disruptive force that Scott has learned to work around….by rather uselessly ignoring them until he can't anymore. Word Count: 1748
Title of Fill: Man Is All Animal Author: Meddalarksen Card Number: SSB-012 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58264483/chapters/148375141 Square Filled: I1: Animal Transformation Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Pre-relationship Summary: One night when he can't sleep, Logan finds himself following a cat through the woods of the school grounds. Between the night time gathering of woodland creatures with a cat, and the constant bickering and fights with Scott Summers, his days fill up quick. But nothing in this place is ever quite what it seems. Word Count: 10,106 First chapter: 2,504
Title of Fill: Mine! Author: Sivan325 Card Number: SSB-006 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52732372 Square Filled: Free Space Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Dark Era Comic, Spoilers, Fix-It, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Logan (X-Men), Omega Scott Summers, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex, Telepath Scott Summers, Blind Scott Summers, no beta we die like men, Gift Fic, Temporary Character Death Summary: Logan dreamt of this moment. All he wants is that Scott will be happy. He loves him so much that it hurts. Now, seeing him like this, Logan wants to kill the mutant that made his omega hurts. Logan shredded Scott’s clothes, or at least what’s remain of, as he made sure that the omega is alright and unhurt. Word Count: 1630
Title of Fill: I Have Doubts, Sometimes, Of Being Real Author: Endlesstwanted Card Number: SSB-011 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51335404 Square Filled: B2 Hogging the Blankets Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Post-X2: X-Men United (2003), Past Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Dreams and Nightmares, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Character Death Summary: Months after the events in Alkali Lake, Scott wakes up from a nightmare to find Logan at the usually empty side of the bed. Word Count: 878
Title of Fill: Blood like no other Author: acidkoipond Card Number: SSB-010 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/acidkoipond/732750737357094912/blood-like-no-other-prompt-vampires-entry-for Square Filled: Adopted: Vampire (replaced spooky painting prompt) Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: General Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Blood Summary: N/A Word Count: N/A
Title of Fill: Morning together Author: acidkoipond Card Number: SSB-010 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/acidkoipond/749216698236829696/scogan-bingo-entry-scoganbingo-morning-together Square Filled: B2: Cooking with love Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: General Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Cooking Summary: Scott and Logan in the kitchen together. Word Count: N/A
Title of Fill: My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51254512 Square Filled: Free Square (Halloween Adoptables – Back from the Dead) Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Angst, Horror, Blood and Violence, Gore, Cannibalism, none of that done on canon characters though, also all taking place as illusions/memories and described only non graphic, Human Experimentation, Medical Experimentation, Medical Procedures, Corpses Summary: When the Cure- and Dark Phoenix-crisis is over, Logan thinks he's lost everything. In the midst of his grief, Hank brings the stunning news that Logan might have a chance to get back the man he loves - if he's ready to go through to literal hell first. Word Count: 7626
Title of Fill: Open my eyes for me Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51229564 Square Filled: O4 – Image Prompt: Red BDSM/sex toys Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Blood and Injury, Medical Procedures Summary: After an accident during sparring in the Danger Room, Logan has to fear for Scott's life. Thanks to Hank's help, the recovery turns out to be more thorough than anyone thought. Word Count: 7808
Title of Fill: What is written in your history Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51202156 Square Filled: B2: Dirty talk Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Domestic Fluff, Grief/Mourning, Drinking, Canon-Typical Violence, Depression, mentions of cannibalism, reminder that Victor Creed is canonically a cannibal, nothing said or done in detail though Summary: Logan and Scott have been dealing with numerous attacks by Sabretooth lately, and Logan is increasingly anxious about Sabretooth's and his common past that he can't remember. An old friend from that past showing up brings surprisingly good news. Word Count: 7520
Title of Fill: Your taste on my tongue Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51175732 Square Filled: I2: Flavored Condoms Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Injury, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: As a new teenager at Mutant High unexpectedly turns out to be an enemy, Scott is left in a dangerous condition alone in the woods. Logan and Ororo get there just in time. Afterwards, there's some comfort downtime for Scott and Logan in order. Word Count: 4492
Title of Fill: Gravitational force Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51153247 Square Filled: G3 Pick-Up Line Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Depression Summary: When trying to save Logan and Marie from Sabretooth in Canada before Liberty Island, Scott and Ororo run into unexpected trouble, and Scott, badly injured, gets stuck in a death trap together with Logan. Luckily, Logan knows how to help. Word Count: 4100
Title of Fill: Bathe me in sin Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51132289 Square Filled: I1: Sex in the Shower/Tub Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: When a heist to get to some Weapon X secret goes wrong, Logan only just barely saves Scott from an explosion. Afterwards, some comfort cuddling is in order. Word Count: 3539
Title of Fill: Feel I’m in heaven Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51106231 Square Filled: N1: Oral Sex Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning Summary: Logan isn't thrilled about Scott wanting to teach him how to fly the Blackbird. Scott has his own methods of convincing him. Word Count: 2562
Title of Fill: My eyes when I couldn’t see Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51081472 Square Filled: B1: Neighbors AU Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Alternate Universe (mild), Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Strangers to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: Shortly after Scott has left Mutant High to live on his own and decide what he wants to do with his life, he learns about the Mutant Cure and makes a crucial decision about how to spend New Year's Eve. He doesn't expect a handsome stranger to get in the way of going through with it. Word Count: 6272
Title of Fill: Let’s be bad guys Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51056632 Square Filled: O3: Bounty Hunters AU Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Domestic Fluff, Torture, mentions of cannibalism, nothing happening though, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence, Depression, the usual soul bond issues regarding consent, Blood and Injury, Eye Trauma (mild) Summary: Logan and Scott are on a space journey to get to the nearest Shi’ar settlement for medical help. To finance the journey, they've taken to unusual methods which mean a life in constant danger. Word Count: 4274
Title of Fill: Looking for something dumb to do Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51033427 Square Filled: G2: Honeymoon Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Smut, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: There's nothing romantic about Logan and Scott getting married. Or so they think. Word Count: 6880
Title of Fill: Basic instincts Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51010015 Square Filled: O2: Sharing coded love words Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Victor Creed is canonically a cannibal, which is mentioned here, nothing happening though, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore Summary: Sabretooth makes another attempt to win Logan for his cause, trying to turn him against Scott. It doesn't go as planned. Word Count: 3754
Title of Fill: Coldness of space Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51001786 Square Filled: B5: Sharing fantasies Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Smut, Medical Procedures, Depression, Drinking, Child Neglect, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: When Jean is resurrected by Phoenix and flees into space after a battle with the X-Men, Charles hires a person thought dead from Scott's life to take the X-Men to her. Scott is not thrilled. Word Count: 6281
Title of Fill: Today was a fairytale Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50955793 Square Filled: B4: Poppy (Red) - Pleasure Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Smut, Depression, Drinking Summary: On Valentine's Day, Scott finally wants to pop the big question to Jean. Things don't go as planned. Luckily, Logan is there to comfort him. Word Count: 6376
Title of Fill: Our love language dialect Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50932843 Square Filled: G1: Impulse Shopping Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama & Romance, Torture, Bigotry & Prejudice, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury Summary: Looking for a little gift for his and Logan's anniversary, Scott runs into unexpected trouble with bigots. Word Count: 4116
Title of Fill: Sweetest temptation Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50909293 Square Filled: N4: Dessert Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Grief/Mourning, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Medical Torture, Depression Summary: On her first official mission with Logan for the X-Men, Marie ends up in captivity together with her team partner. Freeing them takes more out of Scott than expected. Some energy recharging is in order not only for him. Word Count: 4999
Title of Fill: On the way to the promised land Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50883826 Square Filled: G4: Our Song Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, Aftermath of Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Medical Procedures, Implied/Referenced Medical Torture, Blood and Injury Summary: Back in the field after recovering from his ordeal at Orchis, Scott promptly runs into trouble right again. Luckily, Logan gets never tired of saving his ass. Word Count: 3686
Title of Fill: Sunday morning after Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50857225 Square Filled: I5: Hangover Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Crack Treated Seriously, Drinking, Vomiting Summary: At a party at Stark Tower, Scott and Logan finally get drunk enough to spend the night together. Waking up the next morning is sobering in more than one regard. Word Count: 1950
Title of Fill: Feel what I feel Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50833585 Square Filled: I3: Soulmate: You feel the same sensations your soulmate is feeling (pain, touch, sexual) Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Grief/Mourning, Depression, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Smut, Domestic Fluff, Drinking, Medical Procedures, Serious Injuries, the usual soul bond issues regarding consent Summary: Shortly after Alkali Lake, it turns out that a soul bond has been created between Scott and Logan, of all people, that causes them to feel every physical sensation that the other is experiencing. Adjusting to it takes some time. Word Count: 6080
Title of Fill: Some inner fucking peace Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50804824 Square Filled: N5: Yoga AU Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Alternate Universe (mild), Fluff and Angst, Depression, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Strangers to Lovers, Drama & Romance Summary: Logan has had an eye on his attractive fellow yoga student for a while. When the guy doesn't show up for class one day, Logan pays him a visit. Word Count: 2240
Title of Fill: In this together now Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50782309 Square Filled: G5: Facing the Darkness Together Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Depression, Hurt/Comfort Summary: As the anniversary of Jean's death approaches, Scott is plagued by worse nightmares by the day. Logan helps him through them while a terrible secret is revealed. Word Count: 2414
Title of Fill: Just to bring you back home Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50759827 Square Filled: N2: Sneaking In/Out Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Experimentation, Medical Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Implied/Referenced Medical Procedures, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Depression Summary: When Logan is captured by Weapon X after Alkali Lake, Scott goes to great lengths to free him. Word Count: 2263
Title of Fill: Reawakening instincts Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50735626 Square Filled: N2: Breaking the rules Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Friends to Lovers, Depression, Canon-Typical Violence, Victor Creed is canonically a cannibal, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Vore (not on a canon character), Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Blood and Injury, Graphic Description of Corpses, Blood and Gore Summary: Sabretooth's return after Alkali Lake forces Scott to fight his depression and go back into the field. It doesn't go half as well as expected. Word Count: 4347
Title of Fill: Not getting too comfortable Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50707057 Square Filled: I4: Pillows Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Angst, Aftermath of Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Medical Procedures, Blood and Injury (no details), Eye Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: After a couple of surgeries following his latest torture ordeal, Scott has Logan fussing over him at Stark Tower. His patience is quickly running thin. Word Count: 2713
Title of Fill: Still on the clock Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50598532 Square Filled: O5: Caresses and Kisses Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Angst, Aftermath of Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Medical Procedures, Blood and Gore (no details), Eye Trauma Summary: After the most recent torture Scott has been through, everyone is trying their best to put him back together. Logan makes sure those efforts won't be in vain. Word Count: 1444
Title of Fill: Pick your battles Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50568547 Square Filled: O1: Holding Hands Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama & Romance, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Homophobia, Homophobic language Summary: Logan takes Scott out for a night of drinking to get him out of his depression funk. Things don't go as planned when Scott attracts the attention of some bigots. Word Count: 2250
Title of Fill: Spring Fling Mini-Event NSFW Card #2 Full Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55228981 Square Filled: Free Square: All Prompts Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sex Club, Mission Fic, Light BDSM Summary: A mission in a kink club to bust some sex trafficking bastards requires Logan and Scott to go undercover and Scott to speed race out of his comfort zone. Logan helps his lover understand that even for mutants, broadening your field of vision occasionally doesn't hurt. Word Count: 13,326
Title of Fill: Your true colors Author: stormxpadme Card Number: SSB-005 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56858920 Square Filled: Adopted: Pride Month Prompts: Mini Event Cards - NSFW Card Prompts: Post Pride sex at/behind a lumberjack bar | Uniform kink | Hanky code read horribly wrong (colorblindness) | Inappropriate use of handcuffs | Feeding leftover Pride cake to/off each other Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Smut, Fluff and humor, Light BDSM, hanky code, dirty talk, Misunderstandings Summary: Scott and Logan try to enjoy an exciting night at a gay bar after a Pride parade almost gone wrong, only for an embarrassing misunderstanding to almost ruin the mood. Word Count: 6651
Title of Fill: Resolution Author: Cerylid Card Number: SSB-007 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141 Square Filled: G3: Snuggling Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly, Sexual content Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474
Title of Fill: Fifth Times the Charm Author: Cerylid Card Number: SSB-007 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751 Square Filled: I4: Grand Romantic Gesture Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: General Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2161
Title of Fill: Long Nights Author: Cerylid Card Number: SSB-007 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726 Square Filled: O5: Taking Care of Each Other Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings/Triggers: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy, Mild sexual content Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult… and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791
Title of Fill: New Beginnings Author: Cerylid Card Number: SSB-007 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145 Square Filled: N5: Unwavering Friendship Ship/Main Pairing: Scott Summers/Logan Rating: General Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 6, Poll 10
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Percy Newton-The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
He's canonically gay and has epilepsy, both of which are quite important to the story.
This is a wonderful, long-suffering young gay man unfortunately in mutual love with an idiot. He's also epileptic, which presents more than the usual problems for him, because he lives in the early 18th century, and due to his illness his family is planning on shipping him off and thus separating him long-term from the loser he's in love with. Deserves better, and gets it, eventually. Very sweet, lovely violin player, great at poetry, fully willing to whack people over the head if necessary.
Charles Xavier / Professor X-Marvel/X-Men
He [uses] a wheelchair. And frequently shipped with Eric Lehnsherr / Magneto.
Listen, I don't even like this man a lot of the time. But he is gay, and he is disabled. And I love both James McAvoys and Patrick Stewarts portrayal of the character. And as a character I really like him.
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yourlocalenbat · 1 month
just finished X-Men '97, so I'm ranking all the mainest characters in order of how much I like them, lemme know if I missed any :]
1. Wolverine - Love Logan in general and idk this version of him was so *chef's kiss*
2. Gambit - REMY DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER, and I ugly cried when he died
3. Nightcrawler - I love him so much (for the record, Logan, Remy, and Kurt are all very very close for my favourites 😭)
4. Jubilee - I have the urge to make TikToks with her
5. Storm - ugh I love her story
6. Forge - I love his part in Storm's story
7. Jean Grey/Madeline Pryor - I was gonna have them one after the other but I can't decide who I like more
8. Beast - I want to hang out with him so much
9. Morph - Yeah they're pretty chill
10. Cyclops - OKAY I like Scott and I hate that he didn't get to be a father like he deserved but I like other characters more
11. Bishop - Didn't get enough screen time
12. Magneto - Actually do like him, the only reason he isn't higher is because of what he did to Logan :(
13. Rogue - I simply do not like her
14. Professor X - Charles Xavier they could never make me like you, your movie vers. is better
15. Roberto - Hisssss get it away
I feel like I'm missing people so if I am I apologize please be nice to me 😭
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secretkittywolf · 4 months
X-Men 97 finale spoilers
The ending! Omg I fucking LOVED IT!!!
The fight against Bastion
The "His name was Gambit! Remember it!" From Rogue
The scene with Scott, Jean and Cable made me weep
Mr. Sinister becoming an old wrinkly man was deserved
Charles and Erik moments!!!!!
Phoenix has returned (well a water spirit version)
Jubilee and Roberto better get back together (did they break up???)
Oh and the ending with Apocalypse in both the past AND the present!!!! (Possibly the future too) plus he's gonna be done right!!!
Possible Gambit return as the Horsemen of Death
Iron man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Peter & MJ, Omega Red, Black Panther & so many more cameos!!!
I fucking loved this so much. Also when Xavier was gonna enter Erik's mind, I kinda thought that Onslaught was gonna show up but Apocalyspe appearing is gonna make S2 good. Gonna get his backstory and more about him since the original didn't touch up on it but yeah overall this show is a 9.5/10 and I'm excited to see where this goes
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xaviersjames · 8 months
Good Morning and Goodbye
Pairing: Charles Xavier x OFC
Author’s note: This has been sitting on my mind for a couple days since I saw this prompt and I just had to!
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Waking up to strange women in his bed is no new experience to Charles. When he isn’t busy saving the world, or training young mutants, he’s out having lovely experiences.
They’re usually fueled by alcohol and a deep, secret sense of longing and loneliness. Every once in a while, they manage to tug at his heartstrings.
This is one of those times. Fortunate or not so much so? Charles can never quite figure that part out.
Ella Cameron is no strange woman, and her proposition to him certainly wasn’t alcohol-fueled. He found himself leaving the bar with her last night without having touched a single drink, without having spoken to a single other lady.
Maybe it was her sense of humour. It had him doubling over his barstool, slapping his knee, all that. She had him giggling all throughout dinner—yes, because she dragged him all the way to her favourite restaurant—and all throughout the rest of the night.
It could have been her eyes.
She opens them now.
Breathtaking hazel, a glinting glen in the morning sun. If Charles searched hard and long enough, he thinks, he might be able to find all of the secrets of the universe hidden within them.
That's why he's slightly relieved when she shuts them with a pleasured sigh the second he presses his lips to her jaw. Would he be upset if he lost himself for all of eternity in those eyes? He wasn’t quite sure.
“Mornin’," she says softly, voice raspy with sleep.
Her clothes are discarded carelessly over his bedroom floor, the cream sheets tangled around her hips. Charles runs a hand down along the golden skin of her back and he's sure, with a contented sigh, that she's the most perfect person he's ever laid eyes on.
“Good morning, darling,” he whispers into her skin.
His fingers trail over her abdomen, his lips ghosting over her throat.
He wishes he could press his mouth to hers one last time. He shoves the feeling away with all his might.
She’s the most perfect person he’s ever laid eyes on, and that’s why Charles has to do this.
She doesn’t deserve to be dragged into his mess of a world. No, she deserves better—someone who can offer her what he can’t. A wonderful, normal life.
He raises two fingers to his temple.
The laughter in her eyes dissolves instantaneously.
Familiarity is overtaken by confusion.
She doesn’t know who Charles Xavier is—not anymore, at least.
She walks out of his mansion and back to her apartment, and all she can remember is that she went out for an early morning stroll, having seen nothing particularly special on her way.
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