#Charlottesville tw
shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
The positive about my expectations being in hell now for people to care much about antisemetism is I get excited when people care. My dad is so much better about being normal about jews than I thought, and like... I feel safe to rant at him about the negative experiences I've already had.
The negative about my expectations being in hell is that there's a reason for that, but I'm not going to focus on that. It just means a lot to me that my dad accepts my judaism and he's an ally, especially because I was planning on hiding this for a long while longer.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Like in most other livestream chats I'm monitoring, an increasing number of watchers are begging for violence now. Some are calling the protestors weak for not fighting the police and counter-protestors. Here is a sample:
These thugs need to be stopped
hang em again
This is weak
i think it's time you stop being nice and start a fucking riot you pussies
your a fucktard
This is Cucksville
need the Blues Brothers to come run these cunts over
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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aspiringbelle · 2 months
A few years ago, a presidential candidate running this year faced death. He didn't have secret service protection. He didn't even have police protection. He just had a line of Anti-fascists standing between him and those with him, and fascist groups.
His take on things was different than Joe Biden's, needless to say.
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chaoticcosmos666 · 1 year
Holy Fuck
TW- NAZIS (so yea... you know theres gonna be hatred and violence)
everyday i feel like i cant be more shocked but here i am... sitting in pure anger and rage, with no outlet to even put it out on. so here we go in writing. it is the year of our lord 2023... almost 2024. im gonna be 24 soon. and the one thing that childhood me never thought id see ever as a small lil history nerd? nazis. i never thought id see them ever. but they rebranded themselves as some bullshit that i wont list here out of sanity for myself and others. you can though read some in the article im linking here
so.... what is it that boils my blood? the fact that in motherfucking america we have asshats like these marching around when we had grandfathers and great grandfathers who fought this same ideology. im not the first to be like "oh trump this... trump that" but look closely at everything since 2016. like very closely. ill critique the previous presidents happily but right now isnt the time for that. we can go on about how obama caged kids first and how he drone striked innocents... but right now im focused on this. a president who has said there are "very fine people on both sides" after Charlottesville "Unite the Right Rally" and during the debate for the presidency recently when asked about these groups for the proud boys to "stand back and stand by".... that isnt really condemnation is it? In the wake of all this, the aftermath of chuds running up in the capitol, and now the rise of christofascism... how long is it gonna take??? when are people gonna stand up? florida is a full on fascist state now. if you are queer or a POC its highly advised to stay out of that hellscape. its like a cult of personality with these people. and now with neonazis... they wont hide their support for their love of trump and now desantis. they stand outside of a theme park for families screaming their shit. how did we get here? how can we stop this? honestly i dont even know... but im disgusted and angry and just... full of vitriol and seething hatred for these fucks. remaining blind to this wont stop it. simply voting blue wont stop it. hell the GOP nazis are trying to impeach do nothing biden for nonsense so whos to say the GOP wont try that for the next guy? we need some sort of action. Police wont do it, they protect these chuds. something has to give. we imprisoned people like enrique tario but theres people always ready to take his place. we let this shit go unchecked for too long.
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monsterroonio · 9 months
Were you raised by real neo nazis(people who follow hitlers teachings in this day and age) or just people you disagreed with?
!!! Quick little TW/CW for nazism, fascism, and the alt-right !!!
I didn't think anyone would actually ask me about this but boy oh boy am I glad you asked!! Yes, I was raised by real neo-nazis. My father was very active in the alt-right neo-nazi movement, and is a self identifying white supremacist.
For the sake of anonymity I won't say who my father is or who I met, but I went on several "family trips" that were really alt-right or neo-nazi riots my father wanted to attend. Like Charlottesville in 2017. I actually still have a newspaper that was published the day after the riot in Charlottesville. (Also, disclaimer, I do not have a relationship with any of these "family members" or "family friends" anymore. I refer to that man as my father for the ease of explaining it all. Fuck Nazis. <3)
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Visualization by @wonder.render of the 'Three Chimneys House' is a modern take on traditional Southern Colonial architecture, located in the beautiful horse country surrounding Charlottesville, Virginia. The house is designed to blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings, with separate wings framing picturesque views from every room. The central structure features a low entry hall with modernist influences, leading to a glass gallery that links the library to the rest of the house. The three impressive chimneys, rising 30 feet, provide a defining feature visible from all angles of the 45-acre property. Site walls that stand 12 feet tall conceal and reveal panoramic views of the sloping natural landscape. Visualization: @wonder.render Architect: TW Ryan Architecture Design Principal: Thomas Ryan Project Team: Mitchell Price #usa #virginia #charlottesville #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Charlottesville, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp70aADM3FV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deqdyke · 3 years
TW: discussions of Ch*rlottesville
An active part of being antizionist is destabilizing the narrative that Jews need Israel for safety. You do that by supporting and keeping safe diasporic Jewish communities, especially ones that have no direct connection with the settler state. It's so frustrating to me to see white goyim leftists constantly post about Palestine but when confronted they have no idea what BDS is, what the nakba or farhud are, what the term Mizrahi means, what Hamas actually is; they can't name any Zionist thinkers and if pressed they'll name "Bernie Sanders" or Netenyahu. A vocal local antisemitic leftist has a rehearsed call and response that involves calling basically any public Jewish figure they're dismissing a Zionist. It's so disheartening. There's no care for the actual pain and hurt that impacts Palestinians or Jews.
That same leftist constantly claims she can't be an antisemite bc she was at CVille. She talks about it all the time. I had Jewish friends at CVille. One of them got beat by Neo-Nazis who were shouting "Jews will not replace us". They don't organize anymore. I have another friend whose entire family FLED THE COUNTRY because they had to watch Nazis march down their street and could do nothing to stop it. Every time that antisemite brings it up I just want to scream at her that this isn't about her. Part of the conversion process is being taught about the violence you face as a Jew and being asked "Why do you want this? Can you really condemn your children to this? Understand what it is you're facing".
Fucking protect us. Being an antisemite doesn't help Palestinians, it just uses them as a cudgel. Be loud, be vocal, be unapologetically against the Zionist colonial regime. Create a world where basically every Jew doesn't have an escape plan plotted out. Render their propaganda meaningless.
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englishproblems · 7 years
Do black people need to discuss terrorism after black lives matter does things like this? What these people did is terrible but they are doing the same thing that Blm and antifa does
Okay, let’s dive right in.
Black Lives Matter is not a terrorist or hateful group. Black Lives Matter has never done anything comparable to the damage, hate, and violence of this past weekend.
The Neo Nazis and KKK members who were a part of this domestic terrorist attack were carrying torches, were shouting “blood and soil,” which is a well known hateful Nazi chant of white supremacy, were purposefully injuring counter-protestors by speeding a car into a crowd of peaceful protestors, which threw people in the air upon contact and killed Heather Heyer. 
We don’t need to talk about terrorism after acts of terror. We need to discuss it every single day. We need to address our fatal systems of oppression. We need to address the white fragility which is dragging us back into our past instead of towards our collective liberation.
If we are quiet, black people die. That is a simple fact. Want proof? How about 400 years of white silence as fellow human beings were brutalized, raped, and murdered for no other reason than the color of their skin?
If we are quiet, members of the LGBTQ+ community die, especially queerfolk of color. 16 black transwomen have been killed this year alone. 
If we are quiet, others die. Consider the present in its historical context. We have seen this type of hate try to take control time and time again in history and we promised never again. This is how we guarantee hate, bigotry, and violence on a national scale never happens again. We talk and we take action.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
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scentedluminarysoul · 3 years
Poor Lia Thomas. She just wants to swim, and now she's a prop to further hate worldwide.
Lia, congratulations on your victory from me! You worked hard and it paid off!
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fanchonmoreau · 7 years
My great-grandfather got my family out of Germany in 1933 to ESCAPE the fucking Nazis. That this is happening during his daughter’s lifetime, the same daughter who escaped it the first time. I am filled with horror, and anger, and fear. 
I want to resist in solidarity with other targeted groups. But today I just need to feel safe, so I will write gay fluff and do my laundry and call my grandma and try to stay off twitter. Tomorrow, next week, I will fight. 
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I really don't have the energy to talk about what's going on in Virginia - the state I live in. Charlottesville is an hour away from me. I live in the fucking capital of the confederacy. I'm burnt out. I feel heavy with all the thoughts and emotions going through my head with the root of those thoughts being indescribable fear. I feel worthless. I feel like I don't matter. When will we be free? How many more generations of my people will never know true freedom? I'm too tired to think about it. I'm tired tired tired.
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architecturalmodels · 4 years
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blue-skies88 · 4 years
Maybe its selfish
I found an old list from freshmen year. Its the things i needed to pack for my first international trip without my family. A week with my college class to Sweden and Finland. My first plane trip. Scary and exciting. Going with a guy i later had my first kiss with somewhere in the Baltic sea. Going with people I trusted not to let me down. Going to New places and exploring and trying new things and just breathing different air and stepping on different ground. Everything new and different.
Before I realized I actually liked traveling. Before I realized I didn't particularly like being in a casual relationship. Before I started to fail my classes. Before I spiraled into depression and couldn't control the anxiety. Before the apathy overwhelmed me and scared my parents and my sisters knew what mental illness was. Before I started therapy.. Before shit hit the fan and everything went wrong. In so many ways. Before i started my antidepressant. Before I acknowledged I was Not Straight and probably Bi and Queer. Before I graduated and felt so lost. Before this stupid pandemic and loneliness and horrible year and awkward adjusting years to come.
Maybe its selfish. But I want to go back. Not to that person. God no. I may be alot sadder now but im not willing to give up the growth my soul went through. But I want to go back. To traveling. To visit places. To things New and Exciting. To have Purpose again. I want to go back to Finland and explore the fjord and museums and maybe actually enter that Ice bar. I want to go back to Sweden and try Max's again and reindeer meatballs and walk those streets and visit that National Library again. To be ok to explore alone and with others somewhere I know is relatively safe and English speaking. Just to start again. And then maybe try somewhere new. To finally reach Italy and sing in their Orfeo festival and walk those paved stones or to Egypt and try out my Arabic and explore or to Japan and wander and taste new foods or to Gapuwiyak finally see them again and relearn how to dye and twist plant fibers into baskets.
Maybe its selfish. Maybe one day, I'll do it. Maybe right now I have other priorities to focus on. Maybe the whole world has other more important things to worry about right now. But maybe... maybe one day it'll be ok to dream those things again without guilt.
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auspicioustarantula · 6 years
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maybe i haven’t talked about it before, but this is my city. i live fifteen minutes from here. i have photos of myself on the mall where heather heyer was killed a year and a half ago.
this is my city. i have friends who go to charlottesville high school. friends that i’ve done shows in. friends who accepted me when i came out to them. friends i have laughed and made quesadillas and brownies with. that school has artists and thespians and lovers. for my newsies fam: it has race.  
when does this end? when will i be able to wake up in the morning and think, “these shootings are terrible but it could never be me. it could never be us.” 
when are we going to start treating people like people again?
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weavemama · 7 years
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yeah so there’s a neo nazi/white supremacy rally going on in charlottesville where they are literally chanting “blood and soil!!” (an actual nazi saying) and the police are doing absolutely nothing about it. no tear gas, no national guard, no heavy police force,, these TERRORISTS are getting away with spreading hatred towards the marginalized and i am absolutely sickened 
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Today in Racist Fuckery (10/10/17): Remember Deandre Harris? He was one of the young Black residents of Charlottesville who decided to stand up to the Nazi scum who had come to terrorize his town. For his bravery and courage, he was nearly beaten to death by a mob of white terrorists. This was caught on multiple livestreams and videos from the day, with pics/vids of the attack going viral. The police, of course, did little to nothing to catch his attackers; the internet, led by countless pleas from Shaun King (that dude literally was sending out daily emails for help) essentially had to hunt down the identity of these inbred savages. So with many of DeAndre’s attackers caught, he should be able to hope for some measure of justice, right? NOPE because in AmeriKKKa, a black man is at fault for his own violent beating, and he had no right to defend himself...or at least that’s what the Charlottesville police want you to believe, as they issued a warrant for his arrest yesterday. This arrest comes after white supremacist mounted their own online campaign to slander the 20-year old Harris. He will be turning himself in later today. Send your thoughts and prayers to DeAndre, and demand that any charges filed against him be immediately dropped. His day in court should be against his piece of shit attackers, not defending himself against lies mounted by the racist state. (1, 2, 3) 
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From @SolidCville: “From a friend: Looks like we need to ask the Magistrate why were the charges brought against Dre, and furthermore ask whether or not a full investigation was completed before the charges were issued. 434-977-0220  #FreeDeandre”
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