#Chimers band
sonic-gonzo · 9 months
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Last night at the Metro Theater Sydney Australia - CHIMERS (151223)
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spectrolitha · 5 months
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My Changeling the Dreaming OCs in the post-Shattering era.
Januarius of House Liam, sidhe who didn't leave for Arcadia and so continues to rule over his freehold, comes to Kirsa the Bloody, leader of the local redcap band, to hire the band to help with dragon problem. Because apparently, redcaps were mercenaries who hunted chimerical beasts after Shattering happened. Their kithbook is now my favourite.
As you may see, Jan is pretty terrified of negotiations going wrong, but he shouldn't be — Kirsa the Bloody finds his poor attempt at drawing a dragon amusing enough to go and check out what it actually looks like :D
I'll let you decide, whether Kirsa thinks the drawing is cute... Or Jan himself is cute. Maybe it's both 😌
No text version is under the cut :D
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shark-myths · 2 years
Sending My Love From the Other Side
Things we should discuss:
Pete’s sexy metal Viking princess unitard, he’s waiting to be rescued by a barbarian, I can only presume he is a bride-prize for the hero who can save him
The Folie-ness of it all, the ship at sea but not doomed, not this time; instead it is a vessel of hope
The mythology-of-the-band frame narrative
How the title references back to Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash
Stardust stardust stardust and Pete’s fear of space objects
What do Field of Dreams and The Princess Bride have in common?
For those expressing concern about Joe’s absence both on Sunday and in this video—he writes in his recent book, None of This Rocks, about emergency back problems during the latter end of this pandemic, compromising his ability to walk for a brief post-surgical time, exacerbated by overworking. He writes about learning boundaries, learning to rest, and asking his band for accommodations for his health. It seems likeliest that he’s recovering from a back-related issue, rather than conscientiously abstaining from participating in this record as he describes doing with MANIA.
General ranting about lyrics:
DISCLAIMER: It’s not me, okay, it’s the text, it’s Pete being incapable of writing anything that doesn’t sound like it’s about forbidden queer love, I could not make this shit up, I truly could not
“Model house meltdown”
Reminds me of walking through the house in your shoes, I’m supposed to love you; reminds me of I’m just playing house, no idea what I’m doing now. It’s a very dark Tim Burton-y sentiment from an outwardly happy man living a domestic fairy tale.
“We were a hammer to the Statue of David, we were a painting you could never frame, and you were the sunshine of my lifetime.”
Right from the start, this sets us up for something universally perceived as perfect and beloved being destroyed. This could be a reputation, a cultural relic, a profound piece of history, a narrative, a love. We were a hammer that destroyed it, that perceived thing… 
We were a painting too profane to be displayed in a museum, hidden and damned? Or we were larger than life, uncontent to be contained by a frame, always in motion, chimeric and twining, together apart, together apart, a tesselated image you can only see if you zoom out and unfocus your eyes.
You have all read my opinions about twenty years of Patrick = sunshine metaphors, which seem to be getting pretty FUCKING literal here at the end of days.
“Nowhere left for us to go but heaven, summer falling through our fingers again”
Among other things, this seems to be a VERY explicit reference to Heaven’s Gate.
I am feeling the hope of MANIA (you know my manic poly dream reading of that beautiful, purple beacon of hope) replaced by what the pandemic / apocalypse did to us all. So much for stardust, indeed.
Summer symbolizing touring, festival circuits, linking to the recent FOB instagram post that showed video from the Hella Mega Tour with the caption “take us back here.” The liminality and fleeting-ness of those spaces, those selves, that unmoored time of doing nothing, being everything. The way they want to be home when they’re on the road and the way they want to be on the road when they’re at home. Summer slipping through our fingers again, like the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass, gone past, gone past.
“What would you trade the pain for? I’m not sure”
Isn’t that a fucking question, my friends!!! The pain of longing, unsatisfied, love, unrequited or unconsummated, forbidden and forsaken? The pain of not-having, or of having-had? The pain it was to be together? Welcome to my glossary of suffering
And what would you trade it for? Is this a question of, what is it worth and I can’t imagine giving it up? Or is it a past-tense question—a way of saying, I traded that exquisite pain to get what I have now, and I’m not sure what it was for, I’m not sure if it was worth it.
“Every lover’s got a little dagger in their hand”
Tbh someone smarter than me will have more to say about this, I am sure. Tarot and betrayal and the way love has thorns and anything worth having always hurts, everyone you trust with love will hurt you and let you down at least a little bit, imperfections and prices paid. But it’s also a very classic, very catchy and poetically deep sounding chorus of the type FOB loves to use and do not always hold a deep reading. 
“I saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head.”
More field-of-dreams invocation and playfulness! If there is not a stadium show at that field, I am going to light something on fire, it is the only pilgrimage I care about from this day forward.
“Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: Give up what you love before it does you in”
LITERALLY what can I even SAY about this and the past tense and the DECISION, the question popped by MANIA that was answered only by global cataclysm and forced separation, the way they began work on this album in early 2021 (per Joe’s book). I can only hear this in conversation with the tracks on that record.
“The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end”
I was all prepared to do some read about morality and queerness and what you give up for the people you love, until @carbonbased000 said, “I love the pain line and I want to give it a kinky read so badly but we both know it’s about tennis”, and you know what. She’s right.
To summarize: there’s a lot to say, there’s a lot to feel, I love this song immensely and I hope you do too. I hope to explode more thoughts soon and uhhh maybe write another fairy tale. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, EVERYONE!
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thanamoriarty · 18 days
Let’s face it - the moment I showed him my favorite live performance of my favorite song and his response was sorta “meh. THIS is what all the fuzz was about?” I knew I should have left (actually, kicked him out, because we were at my house). But it’s ok that I didn’t. I thought “Ok, so we don’t always see eye to eye”. Except “seeing eye to eye” was the exception. It was never the rule. Unless I would compromise.
He always went out of his way to belittle me. To make me think I didn’t know enough about music - the one thing I’ve loved all my life. From “uh this band you like is just AWFUL”, “no way you’re choosing the playlist” to laughing at my face for calling an instrumental outro a solo and leaving me drunk alone without a phone in the middle of the night to go babysit his grown up drunk friend, or making me wait for hours at a random bar completely alone because he was drinking with his buddies (and then showing up to our date with said buddies), the red flags were so much that if I’d collected them, I could have built my own golf course. ⛳️
And I still didn’t leave, because at the end of the day, he always acted like he needed me. Or his bff (who used to be in love with him) would write me a “secret letter” and slip it inside my pocket, written “I think he really likes you. He’s just bad at showing it. Don’t give up on him”.
We both loved metal. I guess that and alcohol were the only things that we had in common. He was obsessed with Pantera, so of course I had to pretend to like Pantera, how am I a fan of metal if don’t like Pantera, right? I really tried liking Pantera.
I hate Pantera.
Maybe someday I’ll like Pantera. It is most likely than me ever liking him again.
Because today I have friends that don’t think I’m basic because I love Metallica and they’re “practically mainstream”, or because Arctic Monkeys is on my top 5 favorite bands. I don’t have to prove I’m a sexy metalhead because I touched myself for the first time in my life to Rammstein’s “Pu**y” music video. I don’t have to lie about not liking pop or pop punk.
I’ve learned I don’t have to be a fucking stereotype just because you were one. I don’t need to cut out parts of my personality to make myself “worthy” of you. If anything, I realize now I was too much for you. I’m chimerical, whimsical, creative, funny. I am a multitude of personalities inhabiting a single body. I feel like for the first time in my life, I know my worth. And it’s not in the backseat of your reckless drunk buddy’s car. It never was.
Gotta thank you for the guitar model recommendation when I started playing though. It was really on point.
Oh, that day you left me waiting for hours at a weird bar? I met a guy there. Told him I was with someone, and he waited with me until you arrived. There was a jukebox there and we bonded over The Doors. Up until very recently he was still after me. We went on one date, but I immediately realized he was just as emotionally unavailable as you (for different reasons) — he just happened to be a lot nicer. I’m really done with emotionally unavailable men. There were others after you two. I’m just tired. I don’t like playing games I know I’m gonna lose, not anymore.
You did leave a lot of boxers here. I hope you don’t mind I’ve used one of them to paint a wall. I guess underwear is disposable anyway.
Like I was to you, and you were to me.
Strangers to lovers, and strangers again.
(Here’s a song I love, and I love telling people that I love it. You would definitely HATE IT HAHA. But I think this sums up what I felt at the time:
“I don't wanna call it off,
But you don't wanna call it love.
You only wanna be the one that I call ‘baby’”
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cloudbattrolls · 1 month
Right Now You're Mine
Ullane Wistim | Mobile Wellspring Clinic | Present Night
TW: Brief mention of vaccines being administered, a non-consensual kiss, non-consensual surgery & brain modification.
“There you go.” The artifice said in a soothing tone to a young patient, one getting some shots for the first time. 
The child - maybe five sweeps old - kicked their feet nervously as they sat on the medical table while Ullane finished administering the vaccines. 
It was late in the night, and this was the last patient of the evening; the sun’s light would soon start to peek into the sky, though it wouldn’t rise for some time.
Arty had suggested asking Chimer for some funding in exchange for taking on a few projects for her and Ullane had to admit, it was working out well so far. They’d been able to afford more things like tetanus and rabies shots for lowbloods who would likely never have access to such things otherwise.
She finished putting the band-aid on the slightly sniffling young redblood’s upper arm, and nodded encouragingly. Arty did as well.
They hopped off the table and left, their extra-large sandpiper lusus fluttering after them. The clinic was empty except for the pair of them now, and Ullane locked the door behind her fellow lowblood.
She narrowed her currently yellow-disguised eyes at her assistant, who blinked back at her indifferently with its teal ones.
“Do you need anything else?” It asked her politely.
Too polite. It hadn’t smirked or laughed or done any of its inexplicable whimsical behaviors in a few nights now, nor made any non-troll vocalizations.
Something was wrong. 
“Why have you modified your behavior?” She asked bluntly.
“I was tired of being emotional.” It answered placidly. “So I erased them.”
“Too bad.” She retorted. “Put them back now.”
“That’s an order.” The yellowblood tightly, glaring at it as her ears flicked in irritation.
It blinked. “You don’t have permissions for that modification.” It said in a pleasant tone.
Its smile lacked any of its usual eeriness. A peaceful, empty expression.
Ullane gave it a morbid one of her own in return.
“Manual it is then.”
Ullane tackled it to the clinic’s hard gray floor, strengthening her muscles with her psiionics. Luckily this was one of its fairly organic bodies, as it to be to keep up appearances among the troll patients - not quite as fast or strong as its more technological ones with lightning reflexes.
Not that the artifice made it easy regardless - it writhed hard, yet aimed no blows at her, not wanting to hurt the medic. 
Exactly as she’d suspected.
She covered her hands with bone claws, hard and layered, strong enough to tear through her assistant’s synthetic flesh and blood to the blades within on its face and neck.
“What do you think you’re doing?” It said, tone still pleasant as she gouged deep into its flesh. It had stopped writhing, but she knew it wasn’t done resisting her; it never gave up so easily.
“Really, Mal, what are you trying to accomplish?” It added calmly as imitation teal blood pooled on the floor and its skin hung in tatters. 
“I’m stable this way. I’m behaving like a regular construct, courteous and hardworking. What could you possibly have a problem with?”
“It doesn’t get to be this easy for you.” She grunted, putting her hands to the blades gleaming with drops of blood and the moisture of the flesh she’d recently torn through.
“Oh, it’s about jealousy. I’m afraid I cannot assist you with that. I advise seeking counseling.”
She laughed sharply as she revealed more blades, and grasped at them eagerly with her bone-covered hands like they were something precious.
“Is about Glas too. Selfish creature, you think nothing of them? They’ll be hurt by this.”
“They have many friends. I am more of an entertainment anyway. The loss will be minimal.”
She laughed again, almost cruelly.
“You wish it were so easy. It’s never easy! They keep caring! They won’t let you go!”
The Maledict’s eyes flared a glowing red-pink, and the blades in her hands began to change to flesh -
Then Arty kicked her clean across the room, hard enough that she rammed hard into the wall and gasped for air, sure her whole side was bruised. She’d been lucky to escape a cracked or broken horn, or a sprained ankle.
“Psiionic violation of autonomy registered. Please cease your attempts to alter me, or further retaliation will be forthcoming.” It chirped.
“Question.” She panted as she dissolved the bone, letting the collagen-filled liquid drip to the floor. “You have courtesy protocols.”
“Courtesy protocols in active service.” It confirmed.
“Are autonomy violations prioritized over courtesy?”
“Yes.” It confirmed.
Damn, she thought. It made sense, but still.
Then an idea occurred to her. 
“How do you enact courtesy requirements if a troll attempts to violate them?”
“Encouragement to cease. Violence is only permissible if a certain level of violation is achieved.”
Ullane’s eyes glowed with psi and calculations, her mouth set in a grim and angry line.
“I’ll take those chances.” She said softly, and with a wince and curse picked herself up and threw herself at the artifice, which had begun trying to repair the holes she’d torn in it.
This time, she didn’t try to tackle it or keep it down - instead she dragged it up with her, gripping its t-shirt.
She wrapped one arm around its middle and one around its neck as they both stood up together in a struggling duet.
Then Ullane kissed it - with a lot of teeth and very little lip - on the mouth.
It froze, and she wrestled it down onto the operating table as an automatic request to stop came from the artifice - though its eyes were empty of feeling, its face still lacking expression.
She detached herself from it and it sat up. She shoved it down again and quickly strapped one arm down - with restraints designed to hold down fuchsias. 
It writhed, saying this was not its intended use, but the medic ignored its words and her own aches to keep it pinned down and fasten the other straps.
The Maledict panted as she finished, sweat running down her face and limbs, tail limp from her efforts.
It lay on the table, each limb restrained, still and indifferent as any other piece of machinery.
“Fully manual, then.” She said with a bloodstained mustard grin, eyes still reddish pink.
She’d bitten her tongue during her struggles with it, but she was going to enjoy what happened next.
“Attempts to reconfigure my coding will be retaliated against.” It warned her in flat tones.
“Just need to fix your body.” She said, taking out surgical instruments and putting a medical mask on so she could delve back into the wounds she’d already made.
“Attempts to destroy my internal - ”
Then, setting her tools aside, Ullane grasped the blades in its neck with her bare hands again, bleeding in dark highlighter yellow tones, gloriously bleeding as she stroked them almost lovingly and Arty fell silent.
“No.” She whispered, then used her psiionics on her dripping blood to grow flesh from it over the blades, flesh to join with the metallic cells that were the construct’s most basic unit.
She did not alter the thing itself. But now she was growing into it, binding them together on a biological level, creating a new substance that still remained part of the artifice’s body.
Then she turned it into a virus, released her power from it, and set it loose in the creature’s insides.
The Maledict watched her creation convert gleaming tech to complex biological matter, working its way up to the artifice’s brain, as she sealed her wounds with her power and waited.
Ancestral spirits, she ached, and her hands would be sore even after healing them. 
Yet it would be worth it.
The artifice shuddered and twitched, its body reacting while its face was still expressionless, until -
Feeling sprung back into its eyes as its entire self was overwritten by her virus - its body unable to reject something partially made of its own being.
“Ohhhhh, Mal…” It groaned, now knitting its wounds back together as it lay there, including the fang marks around its mouth. Its teal eyes found her face as it shook its head.
“You’re a terrible kisser.”
“Wasn’t trying to do a good job.” She deadpanned.
“I’d rather have Glas again.”
She scowled.
“You won’t.” She accused, voice slightly threatening.
“I won’t. I just want it on record.”
“Anyway.” She said, brushing past that. “You have to feel. No getting out of it.”
“You know I have other bodies, right? You can’t win this; I’ll develop a resistance and reconfigure myself.”
The medic grinned savagely.
“I’m the Maledict. Try it.”
“I’m the Guardian Artifice. I will.” It said, bored and unimpressed as its ears flicked.
She took out her phone.
“Texting Glas and saying you tried to not love them. They’ll be so sad.”
“Hey!” It protested, sitting up and swiping at the device.
The medic dodged its grabs with a wince, then smirked.
She knew she’d only won a battle and not the war. She knew this would be a difficult victory.
But it didn’t get an easy way out when she didn’t either, and neither of them got to abandon Glasya, or anyone else who cared for either of them. 
No matter how tempting it could be.
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noelcollection · 2 years
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With Halloween only a few days away, we fittingly conclude our Gothic series with a contemplation of those ghoulish creatures known as gargoyles. The word “gargoyle” derives from the Old French “gargoule” meaning “throat” and, strictly speaking, refers to the Gothic architectural detail that channels water away from the walls of buildings. Laon Cathedral, a thirteenth-century structure in Laon, France, is believed to have the earliest medieval gargoyles.
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Scholars have long debated whether the chimerical design of these waterspouts was meant to ward off or embody evil spirits…or neither. Regarding gargoyles, art historian Lester Burbank Bridaham advises “we must be wary of reading in too much meaning.” Whether to protect, frighten, or entertain, gargoyles and their related grotesques have captured the human imagination for centuries. 
John Henry Parker's Architectural Glossary (1845-1846)
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Engraved plate depicting various gargoyles found on English medieval buildings, ca. 1277-1480, from a mid-nineteenth century architectural glossary compiled by John Henry Parker. Wanting to see the Gothic Revival movement flourish, Parker also edited an edition of Thomas Rickman’s Gothic Architecture (1848) and published an Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture (1849).  
Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris (1888)
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Gargoyles loom large in this illustrated edition of Victor Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris, also known by the English title The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The Notre Dame gargoyles do not come to life as they do in the 1996 Disney animated film adaptation, but, in a romantic sense, Quasimodo bears a kinship with the gargoyles since both form integral parts of the famous Parisian cathedral. Quasimodo imbues Notre Dame (including her gargoyles) with life: “Il semblait qu’il s’echappât de lui  ... une émanation mystérieuse qui animait toutes les pierres de Notre-Dame…” Illustrations by Ernest Biéler and Felician Myrbach. 
L. Frank Baum's Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908)
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In L. Frank Baum’s Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, the Wizard, Dorothy, and the rest of their band of adventurers come across the Country of the Gargoyles (or “Gurgles” as Dorothy calls them). The gargoyles in the Ozian universe are sentient creatures who live in a world made entirely out of wood. The gargoyles themselves are also carved from wood and have magical wooden wings that give them the power of flight. In the course of battle with the Gargoyles, Dorothy’s cousin Zeb manages to capture the Gargoyle king and use him as a wooden club. Illustrations by John R. Neill. 
Images from:
Parker, John Henry. A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1845-1846. Catalog record: https://bit.ly/3SJyZPA
Hugo, Victor. Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, ca. 1888. Catalog record: https://bit.ly/3SBpwtO
Baum, L. Frank. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz. Chicago: Reilly & Lee, 1908.
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tropical-lycan · 4 months
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It's been a while I wanted to try making a "character page" for Roy 🐺
If you want to know more about him: He is a bisexual werewolf playing in a punk rock band called Underworld Roadtrip*. Also, he tends to tilt his head when he is confused. ❤️ His dog is a blue heeler with chimerism** called Orthos.
* The name of the band is a reference to Percy Jackson and the Olympians book 1 👀
** chimerism
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danzameccanica · 6 years
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Ci sono tantissime congetture sul perché Glenn Danzig abbia lasciato i seminali Misfits. Per problemi di soldi, perché Glenn si stava più buttando sul blues-metal, per problemi di songwriting e perché (sempre a detta di Glenn) i ragazzi della band punk passavano poco tempo in sala prove. Al di là di ogni altro pensiero possiamo ben sentire cosa è successo nel passaggio di testimone fra Mistifs, Samhain e Danzig: un processo che dall’immaginario horror anni ’50 è approdato a quello degli anni ’80; una progressione musicale che, in nome della velocità e dell’imbastardimento ha di fatto solo indossato la maschera metallara quando in realtà a livello stilistico è successo ben altro. Danzig, col suo progetto solista, oltre che ad esser diventato il deus ex-machina di ogni scrittura e composizione fa un bel back-to-the-roots per quello che riguarda gli stilemi musicali da prendere ed elevare.
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Dietro alla produzione bombastic di Rick Rubin (che all’epoca stava davvero macinando successi come Reign in Blood e South of Heaven degli Slayer o Blood, Sugar, Sex & Magic dei Red Hot o i RunDMC) e c’è la volontà di dipingere il lato più notturno di Los Angeles. Dopo aver lanciato un roster di artisti che ti parla di strade, di rapine, di malavita e di disagio sociale Danzig è il profeta della notte. Musicalmente non c’è più niente di punk mentre il lato horror è coadiuvato dalla reinterpretazione dei Black Sabbath, dei AC/DC e dei Led Zeppelin: un blues-rock mascherato da diavolo. Glenn abbandona qualsiasi pilastro punk-rock (neanche i Ramones né i Clash fanno parte più del suo background) per andare più indietro nel tempo ed attingere da Jim Morrison o addirittura da Elvis. L’unione di questo blues-metal lento e asciutto è il debut di Glenn Danzig, che vede la partecipazione di Chuck Bisquits (D.O.A., Black Flag) alle pelli e John Christ al suo tipico tocco blues. Tutti i brani sono puro rock’n’roll vecchio stile ma con la possente voce evocativa e magnetica di Glenn: ascoltate "She Rides" se non vi sembra la sorella malvagia di un brano dei Doors… "Am I Demon", "The Hunter" e "Evil Thing" riprendono tanti stilemi di Jimmy Page e soci imbastardendoli con quel quid in più. Il tutto, stando ben fuori da qualsiasi mondo o panorama heavy metal, anche se siamo in un momento storico in cui l’hard rock spinge molto di più sulla velocità e sulla batteria. Ma non è questo lo scopo di Glenn; il suo è un viaggio musical-spirituale intorno al rock, alle sue chimere e ai suoi diavoli.
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botcomplex · 1 year
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Currently suffering from major Dragon Quest brainrot yet again so it's time I share her too Dahlia is my Dragon Quest IX (9) Celestrian oc and I adore her immensely y'all have no idea LOL She's a Virtue of Purity and Paladin class, even has a Boss Monster form called the "Divine Decimus", this big ol' chimeric beast sporting the heads of a unicorn and minokawa bird on the body of a great dragon. She bands together with a misfit party of adventurers and sets out on a journey to take on the world! 1st image is her ref made by myself, second and third are by my friend Hubbz (@hubbzjunkman on Twitter to be precise)! Second image also features friends' ocs, in order of appearance: Arlette, left (by @inkydamethevictoriansmew), Akemi, middle, (by @a-feenix) and Glacies, right (by @hyperlightlunar)! Also flagged the post as Mature just 'cause of the Dr. Manhattan meme on the bottom there; rip Corvus he actually died to her using Solar Flair like that in my Dragon Quest IX rom lmao Hopefully y'all will get to see more of her soon :)
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swallowtailed · 1 year
palisade 15!!!
SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS EPISODE. full length feature film of wild space shit
“it’s not like there’s a band of defenders of the people who are powered by the moon’s light” nah, but by the end of this series there are def gonna be. also, i am so pleased that we’re learning even a fraction of what’s up with chimera’s lantern.
using “any opening is a way in for the iconoclasts” on clothes on a BODY? AUGH
love to see the payoff with cori losing a point of channel!! feels like we’ve been building in this direction since cori was introduced. i’m excited to see how she loses the other two points!
concrete as the opposition to the iconoclasts—unchangeable, empirical. the figure in bismuth drawing on chimera’s lantern. chimerism, concrete. “i don’t need to kill her, i can just be free”/“you’re concrete but at this moment you’ve never felt lighter”. desire shapes belief shapes form. “we weren’t building mirrors, we were setting fires”...
aside from the Thoughts of it all, hey, the new looks this episode?? figure is now anti-iconoclastic concrete, and the wings on cori’s wrists turned black?? cool as hell.
the gambesons……..
[clears throat] Peace Returned To The Valley, The Rivers Flowed Clear And Blue, The Mountains Resplendent, Grand. Magnificent Light Shone On The Diligent And The Penitent Alike.
anyway i know we learned a lot from that dream sequence (volition???) but i do just want to draw our attention to the fact that the earliest followers of whatever this is were known for. leaving parties early
(slaps roof of violet cove) this island can fit so many weird little guys
also hey um did they just give the guy who makes iconoclasts to the bilats??
do love to see brnine captaining though. they’re doing pretty good tbh
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sonic-gonzo · 10 months
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Last night at Crowbar NSW Australia - CHIMERS (021223)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
The Beginning Chapter 5
Summary: Those with a uterus have it hard in modern society, pre or post quirk. It’s even harder in a post-quirk society, however. Especially when the person in question has the ability to have a child who’s quirk is just like or stronger than the other parent’s. For a girl like Izumi? It only takes one nurse to diverge her path from what destiny wrote. Now, forced to make the borderline unethical work to protect her, the choices she makes will mean everything.
Warning Tags: Sexism, Quirkless discrimination, HPSC is SHADY as hell, Quirk marriages, arranged marraiges
 The emails started a day after the meetings. Izumi sent a general one out, talking about how it was nice to meet them (excluding Keigo) and how she was happy to continue to get to know them. Izumi sent them off with a hopeful heart, wondering how the rest of the year would go. It was only November, after all!
… I finally understand why my parents never sent me to a public school. From your stories, they seem to be full of horrific bullies and tormentors. Though I admit, homeschooling is a hard battle, even with the group I have. All of us have mutations or volatile Quirks, which band us together but also sets us apart even from one another, as none of us are similar. 
 Would you ever go to a different school?
 Tokoyami Fumikage
Hello Tokoyami, 
 I don’t know about a different school. I’ve been going to this one for a long time, and I find myself nervous about the idea that I would leave. I know that none of the kids are really friendly, but I can’t let that stop me! Maybe I’ll go to a different middle school than Aldera, but I don’t know if it would be worth it. It’s really expensive, and even with the money we have saved, it’s not always an option. 
 I know that homeschool groups like yours are common but do you guys get taught by parents or by actual teachers? It sounds very different…
…I have managed to create water while training today. My father appeared both pleased and very upset. I think he wished for me to truly have half of his Quirk and my mother’s. Fuyumi, my sister, however, became worried about hearing of my possible Chimerism and booked me a doctor’s appointment. 
 Thank you for informing me of the possibility; it is very pleasing to see the old man so annoyed.
Hello Todoroki,
 I had to rewrite this twice because I kept gushing. It is SO COOL that you can create water; this totally proves you’re likely manipulating the oxygen in the air. Or, you know, using both halves simultaneously, but I think you’d have to press your hands together in that case. I hope everything works out at the appointment!
 What is it like having siblings? I’ve never had anyone other than maybe Kacchan, who used to be my best friend, but he got really mean and cruel when I was found to be Quirkless…
 … I do not understand why on earth your school is so grossly underfunded! It makes little sense that all of these things occur! However, I find myself believing you as I cannot understand why you would lie! I have spoken to Tensei, who confirmed that there are such schools! It is appalling! 
 Though no doubt you already know, so instead I would like to inquire what your favourite book is? A hopeful change of subject, perhaps, but I quite enjoy reading. I enjoy reading the “History of Heroes” by T. Stark. It is a fascinating subject.
Iida Tenya
Hello Iida,
 It is a sad state of affairs of how my school is run, but I am unable to change the truth of it. I try to make the best of it, though! It’s all you can sometimes do! As for books, I have read that one. It is a good read. Hearing about the older style heroes is very interesting, though according to my father, most are ‘put through a propaganda filter’. I asked him about that, but he said he’d tell me when I was older.
 I suppose I read a lot about Quirks and the related sciences, but I also read some fantasy novels. My mom is a writer though her stuff is adult-only. Through her, I got some pre-Quirk books, including a few series by Tamora Pierce that I find amazing…
… so in conclusion, there is NO way you can argue that Best Jeanist should be number one. Even if you love All Might, Best Jeanist has outstripped him in terms of ability, skill and style. 
 With that pointed out, I ask if you’ve heard of the fact All Might isn’t going to the latest International Hero Tournament? What are your thoughts?
 I’ll give you that Jeanist has the skill and aptitude to hone his Quirk until it’s perfect, but you are WRONG in the idea that he would beat All Might. Super strength is THE most versatile Quirk.
 Also, do NOT make me laugh with the style point. The Jurtleneck is a crime against fashion…
… and then my aunt told me point blank if I got another cat, she would pretend she didn’t know me. I did get one. My dad is laughing his ass off as she pouts, pretending she doesn’t love the cat even as it plays with her ears and she dangles string for it.
 Do you have any pets at all? Any interest? 
Hello Shinsou,
 The fact your aunt pretends to be ashamed since you love cats so much made me laugh so hard that I fell out of my chair. It was a nice thing to read after my week. Kacchan was acting weird again, pressing about my friendship bracelet with him for some reason. I confirmed I had it, and then he started yelling? I don’t know. I zoned out.
 I don’t have pets. I’d like a cat or, like, a big dog…
… sorry, but I don’t know what else to talk about. Training takes up my time, plus the internship with Skyfall. I did point out that hobbies are important for heroes to relate to the public, as you mentioned in your last letter, so they’ve been giving me a little more free time. I find I like watching cooking shows. 
 I’ve been experimenting with a small herb garden now as well. Not much, just some random plants. One of the Commission people gave me some cuttings from her garden. It’s pretty cool. You mentioned your own hobbies? What other than analysis do you do?
-Takami Keigo
[Handler’s note: remove mention of internship with Skyfall and mention of approaching debit as a hero. Reminder- we want to see what happens when we don’t tell them their ages. And keep this from the big boss. She’ll think it’s horrible]
Hello Takami,
 I’m happy you’re getting a new hobby other than just training! Gardening sounds fun! My mom has a small garden on our balcony, and I like helping out when I can! She says that if we could ever move to a house with more room, she’d love to have a vegetable garden! We don’t have enough room right now, sadly. 
 Besides analysis, I mostly like reading books and going for long walks. I like to think walking helps strengthen my body in preparation for the UA entrance exams…
[Handler’s note: remove mention of UA exams.]
… I find myself more drawn to darker literature now, with different emotional twists. I also feel somewhat lost as I read these twists. My mother said perhaps I am too young to know. My father told me that while he did not mind me reading Stephen King, he wished for me to be careful in the risk of nightmares.
 As the darkest day of the year grows closer, may I ask you about plans for the holidays? Do you celebrate Christmas? My father does as he is Christian. My mother is more traditional though she does enjoy the festivities as well.
Tokoyami Fumikage
Hello Tokoyami,
 I looked up Stephen King, and wow, he’s a really old horror novelist, isn’t he? It’s pretty cool you can read his stuff! I’d be too scared to. I like other books. Usually, happy endings I won’t lie.
 Personally, I don’t. My dad and his girlfriend do, but mom’s more traditional. So we get the bucket of chicken and spend the 26th together, but we’re more fond of New Years…
 … just happy buckwheat does not have gluten, as I can still have soba noodles while being celiac. Fuyumi feels terrible that she never noticed that I tend to feel ill after having wheat, while father is just annoyed in general. However, Natsuo seems to be spending more time with me. It’s interesting to hang around him.
 I also researched Quirklessness, if you don’t mind. I discovered something called an appendix. Is it true these can randomly burst? Shouldn’t you have it removed now? Are there other medical conditions, if you don’t mind me asking?
 As a side note, my brother also insists on sending you this photo we found while researching chimerism. 
Todoroki Shouto
Dear Todoroki,
 Seeing a photo of a rose white and red perfectly down the middle made me laugh. I have no doubt you know exactly why it’s funny and are pretending otherwise. 
 My appendix can burst, but I’m told that unnecessary surgery is foolish because all surgeries have complications. So it’s there for now. As for other medical concerns, I may have to have some teeth removed and a few other issues, such as an illness known as chickenpox, but I’ve already had that. It was…
… so we changed to the sleeker armour you pointed out was better. Tensei voices he’s increased his top speed, and it’s more durable, so he’s gaining fewer injuries. My mother is pleased by that. There is now even enough room to add a coolant system! 
 My parents insist on paying you for this and have already reached out to your mother. This will increase productivity! So please accept it. Tensei said to make it a Christmas gift, but I told him to stop teasing. Sadly, his friends decided to tease me too, but I am too used to that. 
 Thank you again for your help.
Iida Tenya
Dear Iida,
 You’re welcome! My mother accepted the money, and we’re putting it into a fund we’re calling the middle school fund. With everyone saying I shouldn’t stay at Aldera, we need a new school. I think she told her friends since Kacchan is acting so weird about it, yelling I had to stay and that I was too stupid to go elsewhere. I reminded him I’m at the top of the class, just like him. He didn’t like that.
 When you say Tensei’s friends, do you mean other heroes? Can I ask who they are? I…
…no. You’re completely wrong. That makes no sense for them to reboot the entire series! The series was fine as it was; rebooting it does nothing but cause more issues! Batman is superb as he is!
 I don’t understand why you’re supporting this reboot so much!
 BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL BATMAN DID NOT HAVE POWERS, AND THAT WAS HIS ENTIRE THING. The change to having him have a classic villain Quirk was INSULTING to his character and beliefs! I’m adding links to the old stuff..
… and then the teacher tried to claim I used my Quirk. I wordlessly pulled out my phone and played the audio file. Greatest moment in my life seeing her face. The principal then asked her: You know he’s from a very rich family too? Her face was AMAZING. Usually, I don’t use my family, but man, it was AWESOME using it like that.
 It sucks we have to do this, though. That EVERYONE is against me for my Quirk, and everyone is against you for your lack. I just want to prove them all wrong.
Hello Shinsou,
 I know how you feel. It hurts some days hearing everyone speak against me, even if they’re being nice. I’ve met people who are completely fine with me being Quirkless but said I couldn’t be a hero due to it. I don’t think everyone is against you or me, but it feels like it. Particularly when it’s school and teachers doing these things…
… Skyfall then looked me in the eyes and told me that it was the stupidest thing he had ever seen but also the funniest thing. He then gave me a new botany book, and I’ve been reading it. It’s great! I’ve been working on my garden since. Plus cooking. I actually find it relaxing; this way, I know exactly what’s going into me.
 What is your favourite food? I like chicken, mainly fried chicken, but I find I enjoy making more Italian foods, oddly enough.
[Handler’s note: Edit the talk about Skyfall to make it seem he was speaking about his cousin rather than himself.]
Hello Takami,
 Oh, god hearing about Hawks flying into three billboards is HILARIOUS. Thanks for telling me! I hope he wasn’t hurt, though. It’s nice that Skyfall gives you things too. I’m happy you’re enjoying new hobbies!
 I really like pork katsudon. My mom makes it for me, and it’s great! I tried once to cook it and, well… I’m no cook. I don’t know why. I just cannot cook. It’s rather funny…
[Hander’s note: Edit the talk with Hawks. Adjust her mentioning of her elementary school.]
… Frankenstein is a challenging read. I find myself drifting while attempting the effort of reading it. Sadly, I eventually decided to give up and switch to a different novel. I feel ashamed that I am unable to read either Frankenstein or Dracula. Both are such glorious examples of gothic literature, but I cannot read them. 
 How was your week? You mentioned getting into an argument with Bakugou, did you not? Has it been resolved, or were you forced to get your mother involved? How about the school itself?
Tokoyami Fumikage
Dear Tokoyami,
 I have had a good week so far. I did end up going to my mom, who had to talk to Auntie Mitsuki. Mom told me that Mitsuki still seemed very unconcerned. I don’t get it; I thought me telling her that Kacchan’s bullying is annoying and rude would get her to stop. School is alright, though. We had a jerk sub who made Quirkist comments, but he commented on ‘Explosive Villains’ concerning Kacchan, so he got punished. Yeah, it’s unfair. I know.
 I tried Frankenstein too, and I think it’s because of how old the books are we’re struggling with them. They’re not bad, but the style is very…
… you did not need to get me a present but thank you. I enjoyed the candy. I never had many of them and was surprised by how much I liked them. The rest of my birthday wasn’t bad. Natsuo got me some comic books he thought I’d like about ice heroes and Fuyumi made soba. 
Dear Todoroki,
 I’m happy you had a good birthday! I hoped that you would like them. They’re from this little shop a few streets over from me. They’re imported but pretty cheap still! Though I’ll say, nothing beats a KitKat sometimes. 
 You mentioned that your dad was angry about the possibility of having a Quirk that works with oxygen instead of the two Quirks you had, particularly if you have chimerism. Well…
… I can see why you enjoy Tamora Pierce. Her books are quite good, and I am enthralled by the struggles Kel appears to be going through. Joren is a despicable character, and I hope he is forced to face the consequences of his actions. I plan on reading Squire in a week due to a test.
 Have you given any thought to the recent billboard chart? I was thinking about them and wanted to ask if you have any strong opinions on the recent changes.
Iida Tenya
Dear Iida,
 I’m glad you like the series! I won’t spoil it, but I am eager to see your reaction to things happening in Squire! Out of curiosity, have you had to get the Anti-Cheating Board involved? My mother had to call them often when I was younger due to multiple teachers insisting I cheated due to the high marks I got. Apparently, being Quirkless meant I couldn’t have such a high mark. 
 I have many thoughts, starting with WHO THOUGHT THAT…
… I am torn. On the one hand, the idea of only using villain Quirks against them is very delightful as it allows me to terrify them. On the other you’re right; having a guaranteed Quirk in my back pocket would do me much better in the long run. And yes, I do need to work on my physical ability.
 Have you found any martial arts that would accept you? I know you said they were hard to come by.
Hello Monoma,
 I understand why you like the idea, but let's be honest: many Quirks take time to get down. Look at Best Jeanist. His entire Quirk is thread manipulation. He took it to a level few would ever consider. Can you actually think of all the ways to use it?
 As for martial arts, it’s less about finding a place to accept me and more about trying to make sure none of the bullies from my school harass the class...
… and frankly, I don’t know why you seem so convinced Bakugou is a good guy. I wanted to brainwash him to walk into a wall, and I only spoke to him for five minutes while our parents ‘politely’ talked. Mom told me I did good, not reacting to his snarled comments. I wish Dad had let me stay home, but he thought it would be okay since you knew him.
 Not that I’m blaming you. Not your fault Bakugou decided to be a Quirkist jerk about my Quirk. I already knew he was a jerk to you. 
Hello Shinsou, 
 Apologies for that. If it makes you feel better, Kacchan was complaining about his mom and dad grounding him for ‘risking their stupid connections’ and that ‘a rival designer shouldn’t be that important.’ He got told by one of his lackeys that, of course, they’d be upset with him for that. 
 I still hold out hope over him one day waking up. He was my best friend, after all. I…
… I’m not sure if having an agency as soon as I turn eighteen is smart. It’s going to be a money sink, and sure the Commission thinks it’s a good idea, but what if I just flop? I just don’t know what to do, you know?
[Handler’s Note: edit everything to be as if Hawks is talking of his cousin rather than himself]
Hello Takami,
 Has Hawks considered just going independent? Speaking from the various trends, I noticed those who go independent before creating a hero agency do much better in the hero rankings. For example, Endeavour started his agency immediately but faced a lot of backlash for it until the Fire King encounter…
[Handler’s Note: Edit to be as if she knows Hawks is Hawks. Also, why did no one else pick this up?! She’s 11!]
… Thank you again for the candied apple slices. Dark Shadow enjoyed them immensely, as did I. You are correct as well: the amount Dark Shadow ate was converted into energy which kept me up for the night. My mother and father have declared we are not to do so again. 
 How did you figure it out? 
Revelry in the Dark,
Rapture in the Brilliance,
 I’m happy you guys enjoyed it! I got the idea after a night of binging an old show with ghosts that had them gaining energy after having caffeine. My brain started going, and I wondered if it would be possible for you. I’m glad I was right! Perhaps as a hero, you could carry energy drinks. I wonder, as well, if caffeine being introduced would lessen the effects of sunlight…
… Thank you for the chocolate. Endeavour told me I was allowed to eat it, and I greatly enjoyed it. I’ve had other chocolates before, but I really liked this one. Was it homemade? Natsuo made a joke about it that I pretended not to understand. He doesn’t get that I do have access to the internet.
 Right now, we’re friendly, if not outright friends. I hope we continue being friends even if you do not pick me. So don’t worry about me assuming anything.
Dear Todoroki,
 I wasn’t worried until now. I like making chocolate, so some giri choco isn’t hard. But I am happy you’re aware it was meant in the spirit of friends. My mom got startled when I told her about this and went: I write romance novels, but romance is still a mystery before she walked off. It was amusing. I made the chocolate with some raspberries because…
… in the end, your advice led to us discovering that one of our sidekicks was the mole. Or, well, Tensei found it, but he said I deserve credit for helping point out the odd comments on Twitter. Which I would not have thought to do so if you did not inform me to try. So my thanks to you for that- we are going to pay you once more.
 As well, thank you for the chocolate! Tensei and I laughed at the Sonic shapes. He said I should go by Sonic as a hero, which I told him just no. I must ask, though, how did you figure I like dark chocolate?
Iida Tenya
Dear Iida, 
 I’m happy you guys figured it out! Honestly, it was a guess a sidekick may be supplying villains with info! I suggested Twitter because many people tend to be a little oblivious even now that social media isn’t an utterly anonymous thing unless you go through the steps to do so! Mom is now saying with the payment; we can afford a middle school like Yavin for the entire three years, so thank you!
 As for the chocolate, well, Iida, you spent three paragraphs a few emails ago complaining about how sweet milk chocolate is…
… upon informing the imbecile that I did receive giri choco, he laughed in my face and said a weakling like me couldn’t have gained anyone’s eye unless it was for my money. I couldn’t refute it. I know in the end, this is for the fact I am rich, and it entirely depends on me wooing you or at least befriending you the rest. So I ask why? I’m rude, and my mother’s told me off for some of my emails, so why still speak to me? I’m sure you picked other wealthier people.
Hello Monoma,
 Yes, you’re rude, but I don’t care because I love debating with you. Do you know how hard it is to find people willing to argue with me like you are? No one else likes analysis like me, so it’s excellent to rage together over the hero charts. I may be in it due to the money, and I won’t lie about that, but I consider you a true friend.
… the fact that I got any sort of chocolate caused a rumour to go around about me brainwashing whoever gave it to me. I then clarified I was speaking with a potential match for an arranged marriage. I was jumped by a group of other students who wanted to… take care of the idea of me breeding. That’s the polite way.
 I hate it. I hate it; I can’t stand this. It sucks, and I want to die sometimes because why do they do this? Why hurt me? Why? Because my Quirk is scary?! You’re lucky that you don’t get that.
 Thanks to some older kids hearing about the betrothal letters, I got jumped last week. They wanted me to ‘know my place’ and not ‘rise above my station.’ I don’t know what those guys wanted to do to you, but my group wanted to beat the crap out of me and scar me. It sucks; it really does. But I won’t play the trauma game with you. 
 We’ll both lose…
… the chocolate was good. I liked how you managed to put that filling into it, made it tasty. I ended up going to try out some recipes too. One of the sidekicks at Skyfall’s agency got upset that I got chocolate and made some advances. I shut it down, she’s kind of a bitch, but she tried to spread rumours. Sad for her, there were cameras around! 
 The handlers made it clear to Skyfall to look into that. I got a book from the guy as an apology, another book about plants! This time it was all about fruit. When I get my own apartment, I can arrange for a room to be changed into a little greenhouse. It would be helpful.
[Handler’s Note: Edit the talk about the sidekick. Either have as if cousin Hawks was the target or another student at whatever school we’re using. Also, for the apartment we’re arranging, see about changing to a larger place. The garden is practical and does make him approachable]
Hello Takami, 
 I’m happy you liked the chocolate! I had way too much fun with the fillings and styles. I think mom was very bored when she let me experiment. She’s now wondering how I can bake, but cooking does not work. I think it’s because it’s more of a science. 
 What happened to Hawks is awful. People spreading rumours are disgusting and should be fired or severely fined! Especially heroes- after the last scandal with Dr. Rich…
[Handler’s Note: Edit the talk, so she’s talking about him rather than his cousin. Also, look into this stuff. Seriously, how does a damn eleven-year-old girl figure this stuff out?]
… Mother says Yavin does look the best. Particularly with their anti-bullying policy. As their founder was like me, a creature of the night, it would need to be the best. The darkness is within us all, and Yavin shall keep it safe.
 I have created a poem for you, one of darkness and light to suit you as well as I. Happy White Day, beacon of the light.
Revelry in the Dark, 
 Rapture in the Brilliance,
 Tokoyami, you’re my friend, and I care for you, but the whole darkness thing doesn’t translate well through email. It just looks strange. The poem is beautiful, though! I ended up framing it to put on my wall along with my pictures of famous charity heroes and posters of pros! There’s actually one group you might like too!
 The Fae Court is a group of Canadian heroes who all are…
… Fuyumi is very confused by my skill in the kitchen. I enjoy it, though and was proud of the food I made. Endeavour scoffed when he heard, calling it woman’s work. I told Fuyumi, who got quiet. She looked confused too, which Natsuo remarked shouldn’t be a surprise. They tried to hide the argument, but I heard some of it. Fuyumi simply does not wish to accept how our father is. It’s rather frustrating.
 I hope you enjoy the chocolate that I sent. 
Dear Todoroki, 
 I did enjoy the chocolate! I found that the mint was nice when paired with both milk and white chocolate. I never thought of combining those tastes!! 
 I’m getting somewhat worried with these emails talking about your father. Plus, he’s also just rude. Cooking is not a woman’s work- look at Lunch Rush! His entire Quirk is based on cooking!! I told my mom, and she decided to tell me about a prank she played on her parents when they told her about her arranged marriage that failed horribly…
… I would have kicked him, but sadly my Quirk is in my legs which would have made it possible to call it illegal Quirk use. So I punched him instead. I still got in trouble, but I managed to point out the various horrific things he said, and after listening, the teacher put him in trouble. Yet, I wonder if it is because of the fact his Quirkist, horrific words were against the rules or because I said something.
 But onto better topics, did you like the notebook I sent? I thought of chocolate, but I know of your love for writing and decided to send it instead.
Iida Tenya
Dear Iida,
 I won’t say that it was probably the son of a hero family who forced the teacher to take action. We don’t know, and from the sounds of it, the student spoke against mutation Quirks. That often gets smacked down quickly. I know that people still can argue saying things about Quirkless people isn’t Quirkist but who knows?
 I also loved the notebook! It’s amazing!!! I love how big it is and that while it’s leather, I can fold it in half so I can still write!!! Thank you…
… and I simply had to brag about your cooking. The fools in my class deserved it for the comments about my Quirk. I hope that the gift I gave you was received in time. A fantastic gift as you gave me deserves proper thanks. 
 Also- you’re wrong about the idea that Hawks could easily break into the top hundred with his Quirk in the next two years. Flying and telekinetic feathers simply will not cut it. Instead, I believe he’ll take around five while he works on his hand-to-hand more.
 You don’t want my cooking. Baking is different, trust me. Also, they deserved mocking for being jerks, but lying about that feels weird. And I did love the book. An entire history of Quirk classifications?! Of course, I would love it! It’s amazing!! 
 Also, you’re wrong. I’m sending the links to the various fights he has gone hand in hand. He’s terrifying with a sword. Plus, he’s one of the most versatile…
… name is Yaoyorozu Momo. She seems interesting, but frankly, I kinda pegged her as the ‘innocently insensitive type.’ Not maliciously on purpose, but someone I’d prefer to get a wake-up call before she goes into heroics. She seems like the type to be utterly oblivious to the struggles of others. 
 Anyway, I hope you like your gift. Dad said prank supplies weren’t great until I told him you’d probably use them on Bakugou. Then he was all for it.
Hello Shinsou, 
 I did use them on Bakugou. I had a good laugh at his confusion, along with a lot of the class. Of course, he was furious about that and targeted the class prankster. I felt bad, but given Muhi had dumped paint on me last week… the feelings didn’t last.
 I find it interesting that many people don’t look outside their bubbles. You undoubtedly didn’t before we met, don’t lie. Yaoyorozu sounds like a rich girl who never had to save what we have, so…
… paperwork is tedious, and I consider it the devil. More so since I will be going independent now and not have someone to shove it off on. I kind of hate that you suggested it, but you raised good points about the whole situation. Whatever.
 I hope you enjoyed the gift! I thought you might like a plant to put more greenery in your room. I know you have green hair, but the picture they gave me was old—something about security, whatever. 
[Handler’s Note: Edit the part about the old photo and adjust the rest. Also, I am still annoyed that the child figured this out first]
Hello Tamaki, 
 Homework is always dull, but at least you can try out some hero paperwork. I did like the plant! Thanks for making sure it was hardy; I’m confident I’ll kill anything too delicate. Though I realized something thanks to the last email: I missed your birthday in December! I’m so sorry!
 I don’t know if you’d like a gift, but here is a list of possible ways to use your Quirk inspired by an argument with a friend over Hawks…
[Handler’s Note: Edit everything to incriminating. And fire our counsellor for Hawks. We are slacking]
… I was then informed that I may be a chuunibyou, but I am not evil or cruel to others. They commented on my demon, and I just… I don’t know. Dark Shadow is a dark force in my life, a shadow whom lives in my being, but they aren’t a monster. I may speak of them in dark tones, but I never truly mean it. I do not know how to feel about this. 
Revelry in the Dark, 
Tokoyami Fumikage.
Rapture in the Brilliance, 
 Tokoyami, there is NOTHING wrong with you being a chuunibyou. And there is nothing wrong with Dark Shadow. They’re the ones who are wrong for acting as if having Dark Shadow makes you evil. They’re a part of you, like your feathers. Dark Shadow never minds being called the shadow of your life, those videos you send of them prove that. 
 If you really are worried, maybe talk with a Quirk Counsellor…
… then Natsuo put dye into Endeavour’s shampoo. It didn’t work as well as we’d hoped, given pink wouldn’t dye red well, but we had a laugh. Well worth the extra training, in my opinion, though Fuyumi told us off.
 Have you ever pulled a prank? I find myself enjoying them when I pull them with Natsuo. He’s been spending even more time with me, often looking a little sad when I mention he’s spending more time with me. I wonder why. 
 Dear Todoroki, 
 I WONDERED WHY ENDEAVOUR SEEMED SO MAD! His hair did look a bit different in the news too! That’s hilarious. If you want to recreate it, try black. Or… does liquid catnip actually work? It seems like such a fanfic trope, but it would be hilarious to see if it does attract all the cats.
 I have pulled pranks. Mostly on Kacchan, who never suspects me. I don’t get why. It’s not like I hide them…
… while my mutation is not like others, I am angry towards people making remarks about mutations. Due to the fact they are engines, I often go to a mechanic as well, though regrowing them is not their duty. So whenever someone mocks anyone for needing to visit a vet, I want to say something.
 But I find myself choking a little. My mutation is something few look twice at. Those who call me a robot are more often commenting on my behaviour. Do I have a right to be upset? To speak out?
Iida Tenya.
Hello Iida,
 Yes, you do. It would mean a lot for many people to have you speak out. Your mutation may not be as extreme as others, but it is still a mutation. Bringing that up will bring into question what a mutation is. I’ve included some links, but the truth is a lot of Quirks could have been considered a mutation years ago. Why? Because it adds something to the body that most do not. Take my father’s Fire Breath: he possesses an extra organ in his lungs to create…
… after that, they were arrested. Mother told me to keep quiet more about my Quirk, even though I wish to scream it from the heavens. It’s just not fair. I either am wanted by villains due to it, or my peers despise me. Even though I do not take Quirks, it is seen as villainous or cheating to use a Quirk not your own. Even if I use it.
 We’ve spoken about your schooling, but how would your peers react to me?
Hello Monoma,
 I don’t think you’d have a good experience here. They prefer the larger Quirks rather than the quiet ones. The ones you use your brain for. I’m at the bottom of the pile, but there is a kid who can yank his eyes from his skull who is considered only a few steps above me. Kacchan is at the top. I wonder, though, given I’ve read so many articles about bullying, how they would react if we were at any other school. After all, explosive Quirks are either heroic or villainous, depending on whom you speak to.
 It’s the same with Copy Quirks…
… I feel sick. I just never connected it, you know? I never considered that anyone else could be hurt by others, that I wasn’t the only bullied person. I even thought you were the odd one out. But now, after the conference Aunt Rumi dragged me to… I feel disgusted. Those stories broke me. I didn’t face some of the same stuff, and… just damn.
 I am so sorry for what I said and implied. But, even more, I’m ashamed that I still didn’t really believe you until now.
Hello Shinsou, 
 I’m happy you understand a bit better. It does suck it took until now for it to click for you, but it’s good that you do now. That’s why I want to work with charities. Even when I am a pro-hero, I want to work with them. To help people like you and like me. To help people who are bullied, who are told they’re less. You know how lucky we are now. Kacchan may be cruel, but he’s also stepped in for many of the worse things. And my mom…
… then I flew into a window. I broke my wing, so I’m benched for a while. My handlers got mad, but they’re letting me focus on learning recovery meals, so I’m happy. It’s a lot of fun to do! So far, I’ve learned a lot about the body and what helps it recover.
 I also have a few questions, if you don’t mind me asking. You’ve mentioned a friend and his weird behaviour about the various offers. Does he have a crush on you? Or do you think he does? Because it certainly sounds like he does from my perspective. Are you worried about him trying anything?
[Handler’s note: Usual edits.]
Hello Takami, 
 I hope your wing will be okay! I’m glad you’re eating well right now! As for your questions… It's complicated. Kacchan has been my best friend since we were little. Our parents know each other. But he’s hurt me a lot. I don’t entirely blame him; he’s been told for years it’s okay, he can do that. But he still, you know, hurts me. 
 As for a crush, I don't think so. Kacchan is smart; he’d know he can’t even be considered with how much he’s bullied me. But, I think his parents are oblivious with how…
[Handler’s note: Usual edits. Also, this Kacchan character should be watched.]
… for thy hair is as green as moss, and thy mind is as sharp as daggers;
Thy world is thy own, and thou shall take it by its throat;
To begin anew.
 Thoughts? Dark Shadow gave it a 6/10 and then said I should add more bloody imagery.
Revelry in the Dark, 
Rapture in the Brilliance,
 Fumikage, I am not going to lie. It was interesting to read, but it ran together after the first few lines. Using the word thy lost its meaning after a while. Try for a more modern term, maybe? I know what you’re going for, but…
… I then showed Endeavour the list you created of different ways to train my Quirk properly. He got very quiet before telling me, and I quote, ‘Go to your room, Shouto, so you can tell Midoriya that she better accept you or else.’ So here I am, offering the ‘or else’ threat he gave.
Dear Shouto, 
 Are you guys okay? Like seriously, you’ve said a lot of stuff, but like would Endeavour actually threaten me to pick you? It seems so petty and just not worth the time and energy. That being said if you really wanna mess with him…
… Mother slapped Father for his comment, saying that his reaction was not allowed, thanks to what she’d learned about him. I don’t know what happened, but Tensei told me I ‘do not want to know’ even though I genuinely do. I just wish I could adequately articulate my confusion. What happened that made mother so mad? 
Dear Tenya,
 From the sounds of it, the entire thing involved you. Your parents were arguing about the agency, right? And you said they stepped down for you, right? So your father may be planning something about the agency your mother doesn’t like. Though until it happens, I doubt...
… you didn’t need to get me anything, Izumi, but thank you. The poster looks fantastic on my wall. How did you manage to find a poster about Quirk types? It’s incredible, and I want to know!
 That said, I have to wow you now for your birthday.
Hello Neito,
 No, you don’t need to wow me! Just give me something you think I’ll like! And I got the poster from my dad’s girlfriend. She does art in her spare time and was willing to make it for me. Of course, I paid her, but she made it. I think it’s super cool too. I actually didn’t know that about mutation types until Dad…
… and here is a picture of Auntie Rumi after the catnip incident: 
[Picture of pro-hero Miruko glaring at the camera, an orange cat on her head biting her ear. Miruko is covered in green plant matter]
 She couldn’t get the catnip off for a week. Dad gave me 54000 yen for it. HA!
 I DIED laughing at this picture; you don’t understand. Miruko is widely known to be this badass, and here she is, felled by a CAT. HA! Oh god, I can’t stop laughing…
… I still say chicken is better than pork but to each their own. And no, this does not make me a cannibal! Hawks eat other birds, thank you! 
 Adding to this, you have a point that filing down my talons is an issue, but there are issues in keeping them as long as I can grow them. It’s hard to pick things up and hard to set things down. Plus, typing, eating and more is difficult. The world isn’t made for talons.
[Handler’s Note: Usual edit.]
 I see your point about your talons. But keeping them short could also cause problems. Maybe growing them out a bit more than what’s considered normal will work. They can be a great backup…
[Handler’s Note: Usual edit.]
… I have been attempting to find the perfect gothic style for myself, but I find myself lost. The Victorian look I have been attempting falls short of my dark desires, but the more modern version feels fake. It greatly relies on using Quirks, and I wonder if it works for me.  
Revelry in the Dark, 
Rapture in the Brilliance, 
 You could go with pre-Modern goth? You know more of the styles in the early 20th century before Quirks. They have a bit in common with current gothic styles, though…
… [image of Todoroki and a woman with white hair streaked in red. Both are covered in flour, but both are sort of smiling] Making buckwheat noodles from scratch is more challenging than one would expect. Natsuo delighted in taking as many photos as he could. It was one of the nicest weekends I’ve had when Endeavour is out of the house.
Dear Shouto,
 Oh wow! That looks like a lot of fun! I’m happy you’re spending more time with your siblings. Not much has changed here. Mom and I are learning more self-defence together until I can get into a class that will accept me. [Image of Izumi posing with her mom in mock hero poses]. It’s going well!
… and now my brother is the happy cause of a million memes with which he is spamming all group chats. [Image of Pro-Hero Ingenium who has run into a wall] He won’t stop. At all. Which I suppose is not too bad with the drama going around about my father. Mother is speaking of divorce, and Tensei is trying to keep me out of the way. I just do not know what’s going on.
Hello Tenya,
 I’m sorry this is happening. Unfortunately, I don’t have advice to give. My parents split years ago and may remain married, but that’s due to legal reasons. All I can say is to focus on yourself, not your parents. This is their issue going down, and while you don’t know…
… the fight took way too long. If Endeavour hadn’t tried to show off, it could have been over in ten minutes by my count. He also used too much fire; around 40% of the civilians there earned burns! Honestly, how that man is still number two, I don’t understand.
 He closes over 95% of his cases and has a 90% success rate. That’s really impressive, considering how often heroes end up botching their cases. Which is something I think needs more focus. Hero work has required a degree of detective skill for years and...
… [Image of Shinsou looking exhausted as Miruko holds him up the back of his shirt, the bunny hero grinning ferally at the camera] Auntie says that she thanks you for convincing me I need to actually work out. I, in turn, want to die now. She’s gonna kill me, I swear.
 You’re the one who thought he could be a hero just with his Quirk. We have people like Eraserhead out there, and you’re assuming you can just- what? Use your Quirk all the time? What about people who know it and don’t respond? You need to…
… [Picture of Hawks deadpanning at the camera as Skyfall mimics his look. Behind them is a villain talking] monologuing is going to claim so many villains. They just will not shut up, and it becomes this huge should we… wait how long until they notice us? It’s ridiculous. 
[Handler’s note: Edit it so it’s as if Hawks told the story to his cousin]
 There’s this old pre-quirk movie where they discuss that supervillains tend to monologue. I’m curious, honestly, now about how often your cousin runs into these. It sounds so fake. Why would a villain take the time…
[Handler’s note: Usual edit.]
… I hope you enjoy your gift. I believe it completely captures my thoughts on you and your skills. Your mind is as sharp as a dagger, my friend, and I hope you know no matter what you choose, I will always be your friend.
Revelry in the Dark,
Rapture in the Brilliance,
 I love my gift! An entire book on various ways Quirks have been used in combat and in the theatre? That’s amazing! I knew Quirks were used in entertainment, but I never thought that…
… I wish to inform you that I did pick out the gift despite my father’s encouragement for a different one. I knew you would prefer a book on Quirk science more than a book on heroics and the jobs associated with them. I hope we can continue to speak no matter whom you choose.
Dear Shouto,
 You’d be right; I do prefer a book on Quirk science. I know enough about heroes. I don’t need another book on that, but Quirk science changes so much that it’s impossible to really pinpoint…
… as such, thank you from both Tensei and me for your words concerning our parents. We spoke with them, and both agreed to counseling before considering divorce, but both decided that if they cannot reconcile, they will divorce. 
 I hope you enjoy the gift I have sent for your birthday and wish to impart my joy over our friendship!
Dear Tenya, 
 I’m happy that your parents are taking this seriously! And I love the gift!!! Signed merch from Ingenium, Midnight, Present Mic, Thirteen, Manual and Native!? I am so HAPPY that you got this!! I love it!! My mom…
… we need to meet up for HeroCon in September; I don’t care that you may not pick me. We need to argue about Quirks in person and go to the Quirk panel! That’s why I sent you tickets so we can go! 
 YOU GOT VIP PASSES TO HEROCON FOR MY BIRTHDAY?! Holy HELL, NEITO, THIS IS AWESOME! I can’t wait! Isn’t Best Jeanist and Gang Orca supposed to be there? I heard they were going to have some sort of announcement…
… Thank you for the book on mental Quirked heroes. It was a great gift, particularly the parts where they discussed how to fight using their Quirks still. I didn’t know so much of my habits were due to my Quirk. 
 I hope my birthday gift for you is just as well received. I will keep talking to you, no matter what.
 I’m glad you liked the book! I thought it would be right up your alley. And I love the text on pre-Quirk martial arts! It’s amazing! So much of today is based on Quirked bodies that I stumble during my attempts, so…
… I hope you like the gift I gave you! I thought about it and figured out exactly what you’d like. Thank the Commission, too; they even agreed this was a gift, not a loan. They’re very particular about that. 
 Since the month is drawing closer, even though we still have emails to go, I want to keep talking. You’re a good friend Izumi, and you helped me a lot with the stuff the Commission does.
[Handler’s Note: Edit as usual. I also support further conversation between Midoriya and Hawks. Also, adjust the waiver for someone at Midoriya’s age.]
 THANK YOU! The martial arts classes are going to be so helpful! A whole year paid!! Thank you!! I can’t wait to try it out! You’ve been a great friend Keigo yourself…
 At the end of it, Izumi sat in her room. Papers were in front of her, littered with the pros and cons of each suitor. She had to choose and had to decide soon. 
 But who should she pick?
-The International Hero Tournament is basically a bunch of heroes sparring for the world to see. It’s an idea I’ve been spitballing for a year or so where a Quirkless hero appears at one but it’s always been something I’m never happy with. I included it here for fun.
-I was pretty young when I first read Stephen King. I think… eleven or twelve was when I saw the movie Salem’s Lot (terrified the hell out of me) and the Shinning (that one I thought was dumb). I read the books shortly after and they didn’t scare me. It really depends on maturity level. Tokoyami here is judged as mature enough. 
-Christmas isn’t really a Japanese thing. It’s more for couples than not. Their winter break usually starts on December 26 and they’re more focused on January 1st as New Years. I know there’s a Christmas short for MHA but I’m like 95% that it was a money grab since it has such a huge Western following. 
-Todoroki is in fact a chimera! Some tend to have autoimmune diseases and celiac is one so… here! Natsuo feels bad for hating on his brother now that he knows actually he could have had twin brothers and instead Todoroki ate his sibling. So Todoroki has twin chimerism! They knew he would get sick after having soy sauce and some wheat based dishes but didn’t connect it. They thought it was an allergy to, like, soy or something, so they cut it out. 
-Frankenstein and Dracula were books I could not get through. Kudos to those who can but I just couldn’t.
-Bakugou being Quirkist was a debate I had when I wrote that. Given his terrible attitude to Izuku, it’s not impossible. I honestly don’t think he is Quirkist though and here he isn’t. He’s just very much an asshole and didn’t want to be there, so he lashed out because he never faced issues doing so. Of course, here the Shinsou family were angry and stopped even considering an end to their rivalry. 
-Todoroki is not an idiot. A little socially oblivious but, like, personally I like to think he’s also a conniving little shit at times who KNOWS what he’s doing. I have written fanfics (not posted they were spite written after a comment about another fic) where he is obtuse but that’s out of a messed up desperation. However, usually I just think he’s a little shit.
-I am having way too much fun with this. Hawks getting hobbies and being really into them is fun. But it’s all useful stuff he can do. Growing plants means he can have a lot of fresh food. Cooking so he doesn’t rely on others. It’s approachable to. Yeah, the commission sucks still here. (Y'all probably guessed it)
-Is Yaoyorozu actually like that or is Hitoshi being Hitoshi? You decide.
-A heavy headcanon is Todoroki can cook. I do it for the househusband Todoroki who lives in my head honestly. He just never tried it before. 
-I read a few fics where Fuyumi was full on abuse apologist and refused to admit that her parents were bad and so on. But honestly to me Fuyumi knows, and admits it but she’s very wrapped up in ‘things are okay’ or ‘things happen for a reason’. Or ‘he said sorry so things are okay’. She won’t admit that some things are too broken to fix because she relies on the idea of a perfect family. So in this AU, Fuyumi is very focused on the idea that things will be okay. Shouto has the Quirk her father wanted, so things should be okay! They should be happy…
-Yep. Hitoshi is related to Miruko! I have no regrets! One person guessed it!!
-I will never understand the trope that the HPSC makes Hawks file down his talons/removed his mutation traits. It just makes zero sense because frankly they want a hero to be skilled and I can’t see them risking damaging Hawks’ abilities by removing parts of him. Plus, while yes some people have very long nails, we’re talking about talons. As in curved things that would affect how people interact, so Hawks does file them for convenience here.
-Honestly, I’ve been debating how to handle everyone’s friendship when Izumi picks. I know a few would continue being good friends, but others would just become infrequent penpals. I don’t think anyone would be too mad. Maybe some angry words but it would be smoothed over later on.
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Episode 052 - The Jesus Lizard
Shane is back in the seat this week. He played new songs from Marching Orders, Square Tugs, Cull The Band, Chimers, One More Billy, Something Something Explosion, The Dictators, Jon Spencer and of course The Jesus Lizard!
Fun Things - Savage
Marching Orders - Younger Than Today Destrends - Straight Square Tugs - Straight To Hell Cull The Band - Serpent's Kiss
Shandy - Do The Stomp Chimers - Glossary One More Billy - Spin Man Something Something Explosion - Unsung
The Dictators - Let's Get The Band Back Together The Dictators - God Damn New York The Dictators - Sweet Joey
Jon Spencer - Wrong Jon Spencer - Get Away Jon Spencer - Guitar Champ
The Saints - Lipstick On Your Collar Radio Birdman - Snake Lazy Cowgirls - Can't You Do Anything Right Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders - Why I Sing
The Jesus Lizard - Alexis Feels Sick The Jesus Lizard - Falling Down The Jesus Lizard - Dunning Kruger
Scratch Acid - Cannibal Scratch Acid - Greatest Gift
The Jesus Lizard - Chrome The Jesus Lizard - 7 Vs 8 The Jesus Lizard - Mouth Breather The Jesus Lizard - Nub
The Jesus Lizard - Puss The Jesus Lizard - Fly On The Wall The Jesus Lizard - Dancing Naked Ladies (Live)
The Jesus Lizard - Thumper The Jesus Lizard - Deaf As A Bat The Jesus Lizard - Cold Water
The Jesus Lizard - Sunday You Need Love (Trio)
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snackpointcharlie · 21 days
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It’s true, Snackpoint Charlie is for lovers… of music from elsewhere, and beyond. From Ukrainian pop and Chinese prog to Panamanian funk and East LA Norteño, we’ve got you covered. 10pm to midnight August 21 on WGXC.org and downloadable podstreamcast below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 143 - 2024.08.21 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/669k83 [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Codona - “Like That of Sky” from CODONA https://ecmreviews.com/2011/05/16/the-codona-trilogy/
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Resuss”
2) Herandu - “Downtown Street” from OCHER RED https://herandu.bandcamp.com/album/ocher-red
3) Kobza - “Bunny” from EVEN THE FOREST HUMS: UKRAINIAN SONIC ARCHIVES 1971-1996 https://lightintheattic.net/products/even-the-forest-hums-ukrainian-sonic-archives-1971-1996
4) Tetty Kadi & Band 4 Nada - “Kasih Di Gurun Sahara (Love in the Sahara Desert)” from SOUL BEAT https://www.discogs.com/release/7877966-Tetty-Kadi-Band-4-Nada-Soul-Beat https://madrotter-treasure-hunt.blogspot.com/2024/08/tetty-kadi-band-4-nada-prumagari-udara.html
5) The Scepters - “Message” https://discodelic.bandcamp.com/album/conjunto-raza-the-scepters
6) Sublime Frequencies / Alan Bishop - “Ramadan With Crowbar” from RADIO PALESTINE: SOUNDS OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/radio-palestine-sounds-of-the-eastern-mediterranean
7) A Million Mercies - “Melancholie” from ELECTRICTRIC https://amillionmercies.bandcamp.com/album/electrictric
8) LA LOM - “Lorena” from THE LOS ANGELES LEAGUE OF MUSICIANS https://www.thelalom.com/
9) Carnage Asada - “Norteno” from HEAD ON A PLATTER https://carnageasada.net/
10) Maatsethe - “surrounding french ambience” from CHIMERIC SKETCHES 2002 — 2020 https://umorrex.bandcamp.com/album/chimeric-sketches-2002-2020 with Gena Rowlands from MINNIE & MOSKOWITZ https://sheilaomalley.substack.com/p/outside-inside-john-cassavetes-minnie
11) Steve Beresford & Anne Marie Beretta - “Cicada” from DANCING THE LINES https://www.wewantsounds.com/?lightbox=dataItem-lx9h0jg7
12) 竇唯 = Dou Wei - “高級動物 = The Higher Being” from 黑夢 = BLACK DREAM https://insheepsclothinghifi.com/dou-wei/ https://www.discogs.com/master/1166641-%E7%AA%A6%E5%94%AF-%E9%BB%91%E6%A2%A6
13) o’summer vacation - “宿痾 Su E (Shuku-a)” from ELECTRONIC EYE https://osummervacation.bandcamp.com/album/electronic-eye
14) People Like Us - “I Only Have I's with PLU” from COPIA https://peoplelikeus-vickibennett.bandcamp.com/album/copia
15) Shorty Petterstein - “Telephone Interview (Another Service of Your Local Telephone Company)” from THE WIDE WEIRD WORLD OF SHORTY PETTERSTEIN http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/10/wide_weird_worl.html
16) Los Diablos Melódicos - “Loco Amor” from SOY CUBA https://www.criterion.com/films/33466-i-am-cuba
17) Bhajan Bhoy - “Fazer” from PEACE FREQUENCIES / HEALING FREQUENCIES (THE WFMU + WGXC SESSIONS 2023) https://bhajanbhoy.bandcamp.com/album/peace-frequencies-healing-frequencies-the-wfmu-wgxc-sessions-2023
18) boycalledcrow - “Sweet Dunes” from EYETREES https://boycalledcrow.bandcamp.com/album/kullu
19) Sheida Gharachedaghi & Mohammad Reza Aslani - “Awareness of The Dying” from CHESS OF THE WIND https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/album/chess-of-the-wind
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sleepysera · 5 months
"Card 1: The Magician I Saw the Man. His figure reached from earth to heaven and was clad in a purple mantle. He stood deep in foliage and flowers and his head, on which was the head-band of an initiate, seemed to disappear mysteriously in infinity. Before him on a cube-shaped altar were four symbols of magic--the sceptre, the cup, the sword and the pentacle. His right hand pointed to heaven, his left to earth. Under his mantle he wore a white tunic girded with a serpent swallowing its tail. His face was luminous and serene, and, when his eyes met mine, I felt that he saw the most intimate recesses of my soul. I saw myself reflected in him as in a mirror and in his eyes I seemed to look upon myself. And I heard a voice saying: 'Look, this is the Great Magician!" With his hands he unites heaven and earth, and the four elements that form the world are controlled by him. The four symbols before him are the four letters of the name of God, the signs of the four elements, fire, water, air, earth. I trembled before the depth of the mysteries I touched...The words I heard seemed to be uttered by the Great Magician himself, and it was as though he spoke in me. I was in deep trepidation and at moments I felt there was nothing before me except the blue sky; but within me a window opened through which I could see unearthly things and hear unearthly words. Card 0: The Fool And I saw another man. Tired and lame he dragged himself along the dusty road, across the deserted plain under the scorching rays of the sun. He glanced sidelong with foolish, staring eyes, a half smile, half leer on his face; he knew not where he went, but was absorbed in his chimerical dreams which ran constantly in the same circle. His fool's cap was put on wrong side front, his garments were torn in the back; a wild lynx with glowing eyes sprang upon him from behind a rock and buried her teeth in his flesh. He stumbled, nearly fell, but continued to drag himself along, all the time holding on his shoulder a bag containing useless things, which he, in his stupidity, carried wherever he went. Before him a crevice crossed the road and a deep precipice awaited the foolish wanderer. Then a huge crocodile with open mouth crawled out of the precipice. And I heard the voice say: 'Look! This is the same man.' I felt my head whirl. 'What has he in the bag?' I inquired, not knowing why I asked. And after a long silence the voice replied: 'The four magic symbols: the sceptre, the cup, the sword and the pentacle. The fool always carries them, although he has long since forgotten what they mean. Nevertheless they belong to him, even though he does not know their use. The symbols have not lost their power, they retain it in themselves."
-P.D. Ouspensky, "The Symbolism of the Tarot" (1913) from The Tarot (2021)
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cloudbattrolls · 6 months
My Selatakian trolls are, in ascending caste order:
Siroco Tamahu (native to Bukit Berongga, the nearby hilly area on one of the larger islands, but currently traveling with their palecrush and his band)
Rivali Tescin (native to the Hanhai desert cavern, but started working in Selatak’s some time ago as a lusus wrangler)
Hazard Ailaht (native to Selatak proper, has lived there his whole life minding the library system his bloodline is traditionally in charge of)
Chiloa Teroct (hatched and raised there, he is the head of the Moons’ Eyes education program)
Plaske Wilhem (hatched from a cavern just outside the region, they have nevertheless spent most of their life roaming it with their circus)
Zanzul Varzim (a native of Selatak, but she doesn’t remember being from there and left shortly after pupating, though she has passed through several times since)
Chimer Latrai (Hailing from the border of the city-region, she hasn’t been back in a long time)
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