#Chimney Han x Reader
metalmonki · 18 days
50 Ways To Say Goodbye
911 x fem!reader
5k word count
Summary The 911 helps you escape your abusive ex but in true 118 dumb, dumb stile they create a bigger problem that Athena has to fix.
fluff, idiots
Warnings mention and description of death, domestic abuse and self-harm.
Note: I've been working on the next part of The Dating Oddessey while listening to some music. 50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train came on and gave me this idea. Didn't quite turn out how I wanted but its still pretty funny. Also you could take this to mean either Eddie or Buck has feelings for you. Not how I intended it but it's how it came out.
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Today you had finally done it. You had finally worked up the courage to break up with your horrible excuse for a human ex Bradley. You made sure to break up with him while he was working so you had witnesses. The last thing you needed was him gaslighting you back into the relationship like last time. With witnesses, it was harder for him to say the breakup never happened. 
Today had been planned out for weeks. Your best friends, Eddie and Buck, had been helping you slowly remove your stuff from his house for the last month and taking it to your Dad's place. You did have much, after all, Bradley didn’t allow you to have much. He had to control everything from the furniture to the decorations and even the food kept in the house.
Outside Bradley's workplace Buck and Eddie were waiting for you in Eddie's truck. Your Dad, Bobby, was their boss and had given them the day off to play bodyguard for you. When you walked out the front door with Bradley storming after you both boys were fast to jump out of the truck and jog towards you. Eddie wasn’t going to let him hurt you anymore and Buck didn’t want what happened to his sister Maddie to happen to you for that reason Eddie had hidden a lot of what Bradley had done to you from all your friends and even your Dad. Eddies had been the house you would hide in for days at a time while waiting for bruises to heal. Eddie had been the person to give you that final push you needed to leave. 
“What if next time he kills you y/n? Did you think of that?” Eddie slammed his fist onto his kitchen counter as you held a bag of frozen peas to your soon-to-be black eye. “Do you have any idea what that would do to me? To Chris? Hell, think about your father and Athena. The rest of our friends. We all love you y/n and yet you keep allowing yourself to be treated like shit. You know what if you're going to go back to him this time then I don’t want you in my house, take your things and leave” Eddie had left the kitchen, leaving you standing there shocked to your core. It scared you. More than the beatings. You didn’t want to lose Eddie as your friend, you didn’t want to hurt him or Chris, your family, your friends. Eddie was right enough was enough. 
After that night you had come clean with everyone about what was happening. Athena was quick to offer up their spare room for you and Bobby wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eddie and Maddie had to keep Buck distracted at all times until your items were moved out of Bradley's house because he threatened to kill the guy if he laid eyes on him. So when Buck and Eddie saw him coming up fast behind you screaming at you Eddie made sure to direct Buck to get you out of the way. Buck was quick to slide an arm around your waist and guide you quickly to Eddie's truck. Eddie blocked Bradley from coming any closer to you. You couldn’t hear what was said between the two of them but whatever Eddie said had Bradley ducking back into his building quickly. Eddie waited until the building doors closed behind Bradley before walking back to the truck. He didn’t speak once he started the truck nor did he speak for the entire trip to your Dads. His white knuckles gripped the steering wheel the whole drive there. Their conversation was something that had pissed him off. Once at your Dad's, you excused yourself to go lay down. The day had left you physically and mentally exhausted. 
“It’s okay baby you go rest, your Dad wants to cook you something special for dinner so I’ll come get you when his home and cooking, okay” Athena gave you a loving smile. 
You made your way to the spare room and quickly made yourself comfortable on the bed. As you lay there you could hear Athena talking with Buck and Eddie. 
“She’ll be safe here, trust me if that guy comes anywhere near this house he can consider himself arrested” Athena said
“How long does it take for someone like him to just leave a person alone?” Buck asked 
“Some give up after a few days, some a few weeks, months, years, some never quit” Athena sighed “But this guy I’d say as soon as he has a new target he’ll leave her alone” 
“Athena…” Eddie was cut off by someone banging on the front door. Before anyone could move to open the door what could only be described as a stampede echoed through the house. Heavy boots took staircase steps 2 at a time until the fanfare came to an end in the kitchen where Athena, Eddie and Buck still stood in shock at the interruption.  Stood before them in full uniform fresh from a call were Bobby, Chimney, Hen and Ravi. 
“What in the world are you lot doing in my kitchen?” Athena asked frustration lacing her voice
“Did you get y/n?” Chimney ignored Athena looking straight at Eddie and Buck
“y/n is trying to rest which she won’t be able to do with you lot acting like a bunch of zoo animals” Athena crossed her arms over her chest looking at them all like a disappointed mother. 
“So what's the plan from here how do we keep her ex from intimidating her back into a relationship with him” Hen asked keeping her voice just above a whisper partly to keep from disturbing y/n but mostly to appease Athena. 
“Well, to start Maddie and I are going to take her out for the day tomorrow, take her mind off all this” Athena motioned around the room. 
“Then starting the day after I’ve adjusted our rosters so someone can be here with her around the clock in case he shows up here” Bobby spoke up
“Unfortunately, someone here invited him over for dinner so he knows exactly where we live” Athena threw an accusatory look at Bobby. 
“Maybe she should come to stay with me he has no idea where I live” Eddie offered up. 
“No she’s safer here with Athena” Bobby said “Any sign of trouble and Athena can have the entire LAPD on our doorstep” Bobby smiled at Athena. 
“A Mumma has to protect her babies” Athena smiled back at Bobby. “And besides, he knows all of us and he will likely stalk all of us to get to her”
“So what are we supposed to do just wait for him to lose interest” Buck spoke up frustrated with the situation “I mean you said it yourself Athena it could take years” 
“Or days or weeks or months, the only guaranteed way to get rid of him quick is if y/n died, it’s the only way I’ve seen his type leave their victim alone for good” Athena said. The 118 shared a look, a look of mischief, of a united thought on how to get rid of this threat to their family. Athena knew immediately what they were thinking and quickly began shaking her head and looking between them. 
“Don’t you even think about it” Athena pointed a stern finger at each person standing in her kitchen. “You’ll be causing more problems than what you’ll solve”
Despite Athena's warning the 118 decided as a family that if ‘the asshole’ as they affectionately dubbed him showed his face to any of them they would warn him to back off and if he wouldn’t listen they would tell him y/n was dead. It seemed like the perfect plan until it wasn’t. 
The first person to meet him face to face was Chimney. It was 4 days after Eddie and Buck had taken you to live with Bobby and Athena. It was Eddie's day off. He had taken you out for lunch, then you picked Christopher up from school before heading back to Eddies to hang out. Eddie asked if you wanted to stay for dinner and a movie. Christopher who overheard the offer from where he sat in the dining room doing his homework practically begged you to stay. You called Athena to let her know you were going to be out late with Eddie and that he was going to drive you back when the movie ended. Christopher was old enough after all to stay home alone for the 20 minutes it would take Eddie to drop you home. 
Because of this, it was Chimney who got stuck working late at the firehouse. He was the last to leave after finishing off all the small boring end-of-shift jobs like making sure all the dinner dishes were done and the ambulance restocked for the next shift. Bradley had been parked across the road from the station all day watching the team come and go. Your little stunt at his office had cost him his job. He was going to make you pay and he had all the time in the world to make it happen. He waited and counted off your friends as they left. He wanted to make sure that he followed the last person to leave because he knew if he risked following anyone else the rest of your friends would know and his plan would be ruined. He noticed after the first three calls of the shift that one of the guys he had seen you out the front of his office with wasn’t on shift today. He decided it was likely that guy's fault you left him. You’d probably been seeing him behind his back all along. He’d make him pay too. He counted them out one by one as they left the firehouse, first, it was the other guy he’d seen at his office and some Middle Eastern-looking dude. Then that black woman he’d seen you hang out with left. Next was your father. He almost forgot to wait to see him. He wanted to chase him down and run him over with his car but he held it together. He knew there was one more person left. The little Asian guy. When he hadn’t come out after 30 minutes he almost thought he went home earlier and he’d missed him. That was until Chimney walked out of the 118 firehouse almost 45 minutes after his shift had finished. He was talking away on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings creating the perfect situation for a stalker. 
He followed Chimney from the firehouse to one of those 24-hour corner stores. He followed him in close behind, waiting until Chimney was alone in the back of the store. As luck would also have it there were no security cameras in sight. While Chimney was distracted looking at the small selection of diapers the store carried, he took his chance. Before Chimney could respond, he had grabbed him by the shoulder and had him pinned against the diaper shelves he was just looking at. 
“Where is she?” He asked aggressively.
“Who?” Chimney asked shocked but trying to remain calm. He knew exactly who he wanted. 
“Y/n” He held back from yelling in Chimney's face. 
“Y/n? You…you mean you haven’t heard?” Chimney tried his best at putting on a distraught face even willing a few tears to fall. 
“Heard what?” He loosed his grip on Chimney. 
“I’m sorry man, she… she's dead” Chimney said softly trying to lace his voice with sadness. 
“What no! What happened?” He aggressively slammed Chimney back against the shelves. 
“The night Eddie and Buck picked her up from your place she slit her wrists in Bobby and Athena's bathroom” Chimney made himself sob. 
Bradley shook his head in disbelief and ran from the shop. Once out of sight, Chimney let a massive grin break out on his face and he let out a proud chuckle. He grabbed diapers and practically skipped to the counter with them. He was so proud of himself and his lie. He knew if Bradley went looking to see if it was true he would see there had been a call out to Bobby and Athenas that night. It hadn’t been for you thought. Buck being the massive cluts that he is had managed to get his foot stuck in the bin beside the toilet while changing out a light bulb in the sconce above the sink which had stopped working while he was using the toilet. While trying to get the bin off his foot he slipped on the bath mat and fell smacking the back of his head with a loud yet hollow-sounding thunk on the sink, Luckly for Buck he has a thick skull and came out of it with a sore bum, ankle and head and a bruised ego. They still had him taken to the hospital because even though the injuries weren’t that bad he still needed to be cleared of any major head injury before returning to work. 
2 days later by chance, he ran into Hen. It was her day off and she was about to come pick you up to go out to the movies but first, she had to run some errands. Bobby wanted to have a barbecue at his place to celebrate family and new beginnings. She was grabbing a few things to take with her when he spotted her. She was about to walk into the supermarket when he walked out. Seeing Hen he decided to take the chance to confirm what Chimney had told him. He grabbed Hen who was distracted by the shopping list on her phone and pulled her to the side of the door. 
“What do you think you're doing? Get your hands off me!” Hen snapped. 
“I’m sorry I just want to talk” He sighed. 
“What do you want?” Hen asked crossing her arms over her chest,
“Is it true?” He asked. 
“Is what true?” Hen asked. 
“Is she dead?” 
“I’m afraid so” Hen dropped her head.
“No, no it can’t be” He looked at the ground. 
“If it means anything she didn’t suffer” Hen put a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up at her confused Hen was quick to drop her hand back by her side. “There was nothing anybody could do for her. I can assure you she died the second the car made contact with the semi, she wasn’t even aware of the fire” 
“A car accident?” He stumbled backwards. He ran away from Hen and made his way into the parking lot. The groceries he had brought were abandoned on the ground. Hen passed a confused look to the parking lot, shrugged and continued with her day. She knew if he went looking he would find a two-vehicle collision between a truck and a car. Y/n was nowhere near the accident but the 118 had responded to the accident so if he looked it up he wouldn’t be able to accuse them of lying. 
The very next day Ravi saw Bradley hanging out across the street watching the fire house. Ravi would have run off and grabbed Bobby but he was at home spending time with you. Ravi took a quick look around but couldn’t spot any other members of the 118 to alert. Ravi decided that he was going to have to do something about it himself. He jogged across the road and stood beside Bradley's car. He positioned himself in such a way that if anything should happen anyone watching on in the firehouse would be able to see both Ravi and Bradley in the car. Ravi through a look back at the firehouse and then turned his attention back to Bradley. 
“Any reason you're watching the firehouse?” Ravi asked faking a smile trying to pretend that he didn’t know who the man in the car was. “Are you interested in working for the LAFD? I could get you some information if you want to come inside” Ravi motioned towards the firehouse with an outstretched hand. 
“Oh no, I was just hoping someone could help me get some information on a friend” Bradley put a fake smile on his face. 
“No problem sir if you want to come inside I can set you up in the captain's office and we can all have a couple of officers down to help you” Ravi never once let the smile on his face falter. 
“I don’t want to be a bother” If he stepped foot in the firehouse he knew he would be recognised by the other members of the 118. “My friends' name is Y/n Nash I believe you know her, she’s the fire captain's daughter” 
“Oh y/n, yeah I knew her, um the captain is actually off today, I guess you’re here for the funeral?” Ravi let his smile drop. He tucked his hands into his pockets, rocked back on his heels and looked at the ground. “I could get you the funeral details if you want” 
“No, no it’s fine, when did she die? How did she die? I mean last time I saw her she was healthy, she seemed happy” Bradley knew he was baiting Ravi. He’d already been told two different things. Either your whole team was messing with him or you were messing with them. Either way, he was going to figure it out and track you down. And when he found you he was going to make you pay. 
“Uh she…she was involved in a hit and run, Cap had to decide to turn off her life support. The doctors said she had almost no chance of recovery any way” Ravi looked up to the sky knowing if he looked Bradley in the eyes he might break and smile. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that, I was just in town and thought I would stop in for a minute but I wouldn’t want to be a burden, pass my condolences on to Bobby” Bradley gave Ravi a small smile and pulled away from the firehouse. When he was out of sight Ravi fist-bumped the air and jogged back into the firehouse. As far as Ravi was concerned that was the last time he thought any of you would hear from him. Bradley on the other hand had only gathered more evidence that the 118 was potentially lying to him. 
Early the next morning Bradley stalked Eddie to his usual running path. He waited until Eddie was on a particularly quiet portion of the track, hidden from the eyes of the public by bushes and trees. He blocked Eddie's path not allowing him to step around him. Eddie the second he laid eyes on Bradley wanted to punch his lights out but he held his composure. Eddie placed some distance between himself and Bradley before speaking up. 
“What the hell do you want?” Eddie said voice laced with anger. 
“I just want to know what happened to y/n” Bradley put his hands up in surrender. 
“You have no right to ask about her” Eddie snapped “She was so happy until you came along, you broke her down, you isolated her from us, you’re the reason…” Eddie choked on his words. A mixture of real and fake emotions was flowing through Eddie. He was so upset and caught off guard that he almost went off the script. “You’re the reason shes dead” 
“Now Edmundo I don’t believe that for a second” Bradley smirked at Eddie
“Look in my eyes and tell me I’m lying” Eddie growled, “I carried her lifeless body out of her parent's house after she blew her brains out with her mother's gun, I begged and pleaded with god and anyone who would listen to bring her back to me, to us.”
“No, no… you're lying!” Bradley yelled backing away from Eddie. 
“She killed herself because we wouldn’t let her go back to you, maybe we should have, maybe if we did she’d still be here” Eddie's gaze dropped to the ground. The next thing Eddie heard was the sound of someone running away from him. He looked up to see himself once again alone. A smile broke out on his face as he continued with his run. He couldn’t wait to finish up his run, get home, shower and get to work. The only thing that was going to top this was having dinner with you, Buck and Chris tonight. Bradley on the other hand was not so sure what was going on. He found himself confused. Everything Eddie said seemed so genuine. Maybe Bobby and Eddie had told the rest of the team different things to keep them from knowing what happened. He hadn’t seen you around since that day in the office not even with Eddie and Buck even though he knew you’d always run off to them in the past. Still, he had two more people to ask and he wasn’t going to stop until he got the truth. 
That afternoon he followed Bobby into a butcher as he looked for the perfect cuts of steak and his favourite burger patties for the weekend during some downtime between calls. He wanted this BBQ to be reminiscent of the BBQs that you had when you were a kid even though, Mum, Robbie and Brook weren’t here anymore and you’d felt like he had tried to replace them with Athena, May and Harry. You’d grown to love them like Bobby did and accepted them as your family. Bobbys plans came to a halt when Bradley grabbed him by the arm and spun him to look at him. Bobby went from shocked to furious in seconds. Bradley could tell immediately that Bobby was not impressed to see him. 
“I’m not trying to start anything” Bradley puts his hands up in defence “I just need to know…”
“Need to know what?” Bobby snaps crossing his arms across his chest making himself larger and more intimidating. 
“Is she dead?” He asked. 
“My daughter? My child who you destroyed so completely that she couldn’t see her self-worth. Yes, she’s dead and it's all your fault” Bobby was now shaking with anger, his arms hung limp at his side and his gaze had met the floor. “I had to scrape her brains off every surface of my guest room, all my children are now gone, I couldn’t save any of them, what kind of father can’t protect his children?” Bobby looked up to where Bradley had been standing to find that he at some point had run off. Bobby looked around the empty store and shrugged. Had he been a little overdramatic sure but he didn’t think he’d been that bad. With a smile plastered on his face, he went back to picking out the steaks for the weekend and hoped that would be the last time he would have to see Bradley. 
The next morning Buck found himself running late for his shift. Chris insisted on watching a movie with everyone the night before but fell asleep not 15 minutes into the film despite insisting to Eddie that he was not sleepy at all. Eddie carried Chris to bed and decided that since the movie had started you might as well watch it. It was one of your and Chris's favourites. Eddie was sick of watching the movie on repeat and Buck had somehow had the blessing of not being subject to FernGully until now. After the movie, Buck drove you home. This meant he didn’t get home until almost 11 pm and he had to be at the station at 7 am. Bradley had spotted Buck on his drive home and decided to camp out the front of Buck's apartment building for the night. When Buck stumbled out the front door in a rushed mess the next morning Bradley was there to greet him. 
“I’m not here to start a fight, I just need answers” He held his hands up in defence. 
“What the hell do you need answers for?” If looks could kill Bradley would be dead with how Buck looked at him.
“I just want to know if y/n is dead” Bradley moved further back from Buck out of fear of getting hit.
“Dead” Buck yelled and got so close to Bradley that their chests were almost touching “Why do think it’s any of your business to know what’s happening with y/n?” 
“I just heard rumours and wanted to know” Bradley flinched away from Buck. 
“You wanted to know? You wanted to know?” Buck looked away and scoffed “Yes she’s dead alright, she killed herself, you have no idea what it’s like to be called out to a scene where someone you love has killed themselves, to see their blood all over and know that nothing you can do will save them. To see them choking on their blood as it spills out of their open throat” 
Bradley had gone pale, so pale that Buck thought he was going to faint. For a split moment, Buck felt bad, made be he had been too harsh and taken things too far. Bradley quickly crossed back across the road to his car and took off before any more words could be exchanged. Buck shrugged and quickly made his way to work running even more late now. But that was normal for Buck so he knew no one would question him and he wouldn’t have to tell anyone about running into Bradley. 
Finally, Saturday rolled around 2 days later. You had been kept busy all morning by Athena who had you help put out her good wine glasses, set the table for lunch, and do other small tasks. Eddie, Christopher and Buck had shown up around 10 am because Chris was too impatient and excited to hang out with his favourite person. You were so distracted with Chris that before you knew it, the rest of the 118 had arrived. Bobby and Buck were manning the BBQ, Chris was off playing with Danny and Mara, Hen, Chimney, Ravi, Karen and Maddie were busy talking among themselves. Athena was busy drifting around the kitchen while Eddie stood outside next to you watching the kids play. 
“I’m glad you left him” Eddie broke the silence. 
“Me too” You smiled up at him “Thank you for knocking some sense into me”. 
“Okay everyone lunch is ready!” Bobby called bringing a tray of meat into the dining room. 
Everyone sat around the table. Athena had set the kids up at their table out in the yard which made them think they were the coolest kids ever. She even gave them their plastic wine glasses to drink juice from. You were in the middle of one of the greatest lunches you’d ever had when there was an overly aggressive knock on the door. Before Athena or Bobby could move to answer the door someone yelled through the front door.
“I know you're all in there, I want answers and I want them now!” Bradley screamed through the door. 
“What in the world?” Athena looked towards the landing where the front door was. 
“What’s he doing here?” Buck looked around the table. 
“I guess this means the plan didn’t work” Chimney looked between everyone. 
“What plan?” Athena looked at Chimney. 
“Uh, well, uh, Bobby do you want to explain it” Chimney looked to Bobby. 
“You brought it up” Bobby motioned back to Athena. 
“What plan?” Athena stood up, crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. 
The 118 shared panicked glances while you, Maddie and Karen looked around the table confused. 
“Robert Wade Nash you better start speaking or so help me god you’ll be sleeping at the firehouse tonight” Athena levelled her attention on Bobby. 
“We might have told him y/n was dead” Bobby said 
“Dead” Athena looked around the table “After I told you not to tell him that you went and did it anyway” 
“Well in all fairness Athena I was the one who told him she was dead” Buck admitted looking at his plate. 
“You? No, I told him” Chimney jumped in. 
“Wait but I told him she was dead like a week ago” Hen added. “Oh god what have we done” 
“One at a time, how did you all say she died” Athena asked the table. 
“Slit her wrists,” Chimney said
“Hit and Run,” Ravi said
“Car accident,” Hen said
 “Shot herself with your gun,” Bobby said
“Slit her throat,” Buck said
“Same as Bobby,” Eddie said
You, Maddie and Karen, were trying to hold it together despite all having a bad case of the giggles. Athena was done with the entire 118 at this point and it was clear from the look on Bobbys face he was already trying to decide who would let him crash on their lounge tonight. 
“If you weren’t going to listen couldn’t you all have at least agreed on how she died” Athena sighed. 
“I’ll go deal with” Bobby went to stand up. 
“No you’ve done enough damage” Athena left the table. 
Athena went to open the door while everyone else quietly got up from the table and came to peak around the corner. Bradley was still furiously banging on the door when Athena answered it. 
“What do you want?” Athena asked angrily.
“I need the truth, I’ve been told so many different things over the last week,” Bradley said “Tell me the truth and I’ll leave you alone” 
“Yes y/n is dead, yes she killed herself with my gun, no we haven’t told everyone, now if you don’t mind we’re currently having her wake” Athena crossed her arms. 
“I’m so sorry” Bradley quickly turned on his heels and ran off up the driveway out of sight. 
Athena took a deep breath and closed the door. 
“When I turn around you all best be at that table eating” 
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babyjackdaniels · 3 months
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Buck: “Oh yeah. They’re definitely flirting with you, Chim.”
50 notes · View notes
darknqlmes · 1 month
Cute Friend
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PARING: Howard Han x Reader
WARNINGS: Talk about jumping! (I think?)
SUMMARY: Athena wanted to live a life where she helped people, so she became a firefighter. But her captain is horrible; how will she react when someone new comes in but is very nice?
(This is before Bobby becomes the captain of the 118)
Athena's day started with Toothless licking her face until she was fully awake. That was what she loved waking up to, but she is currently sitting down on a bench in the 118-station locker room. Looking up at Toothless, she sees he's hissing at one of the firefighters that were trying to pet him. Word of advice: Toothless does not like being touched. Unless it's Athena.
She then sees her captain come out of his office, and he looks pissed. "Hey, Johnson! Get over here!" Athena rolled her eyes, but got up and walked to her captain. "Yes, sir?" Her captain scoffs at her and points at Toothless. "That beast of yours, control it." Athena chuckled and peered at Toothless. "That "Beast" of mine doesn't like being touched. Maybe warn your boys not to touch my "Beast"."
Athena turns fully to Toothless, who is already looking in her direction. "Come on, Toothless, let's go find something to do." Both she and Toothless walk out of the station; she gets on his saddle, and he flies off into the lovely skies of Los Angeles. "This is dispatch, for the 118 air team." Athena hears from her radio, which is attached to the side of her chest. "This is 118 air team dispatch; what do you need?" 
"We need you downtown; PD has requested your backup for a possible jumper." Athena comes back. "On it, send the location to my phone." Athena grabs her phone from her back pocket and opens it to see the location. "Alright, buddy, are you ready?" Toothless looks back at her, then back in front of him, hitting Athena with his ear on the way. "Ow, you could have just said yes." Athena told Toothless while rubbing her cheek.
Landing, Athena gets off Toothless and walks up to Sargent Grant. (Ha, funny. Two Athena's) "Hey, you requested me to help with a possible jumper?" Sargent Grant looks at Athena. "Oh, we know he is a jumper. He's tried jumping within the past two minutes." Sergeant Grant informed the girl. "Okay, I'll go talk to him." Athena walks up to the ledge that the boy is on. "Hey, I'm Athena. This is Toothless; what's your name?"
The boy looks at Athena, then Toothless. "I'm Alex." Athena smiled at the young boy. "Hi, Alex. Would you like a little fly with Toothless?" The boy looked at Athena and asked. "Are you allowed to do that?" "Yeah, as long as Toothless will allow it." Athena looks at Toothless, who nods his head a little bit.  Grabbing his hand, Athena started strapping in the harness for him so he wouldn't fall.
When the harness is tight enough around his body, Athena climbs behind him and tells Toothless to be gentle. Toothless pushed off of the ground very gently, so that way he didn't scare Alex. Circling around, Athena and Alex talked about his life and what was going on. When he finally said he was ready to land, Athena lightly pulled Toothless's strap for him to land. 
Everyone cheered when Athena and Alex landed. While helping Alex get the harness, she gave him some advice. "Hey, remember. You might not have anyone right now, but you will at some point." Alex smiled and waved to Athena and Toothless, and Athena took off into the sky, going back to the 118 station. When she gets inside the station, she starts petting Toothless.
"You need a bath, stinky." Toothless growls at her, while Athena laughs. "I'm being honest! You need a bath." Toothless, being stubborn, gets on his back legs and starts licking her face, wanting to distract her. "Ew! Toothless, get off! I'm still giving you a bath." They then hear footsteps, and Athena and Toothless look up in the direction of the footsteps. "Woah, aren't you guys Athena and Toothless?"
Athena chuckles a bit and nods her head. "Yeah, I'm Athena, and you already know Toothless." Toothless walks up to the man and stiffens him, shaking with excitement. Then plops a squat next to the man. Athena was astonished. Toothless usually hates people. "Wow, that's new." Then the man looked up at Athena. "What do you mean?" "Well, usually Toothless hates all the men here." The man hummed. "Oh, also, I'm Howard. Howard Han." Athena smiled and shook his hand. "Athena, But you already know that."
Athena and Howard knew that their friendship would be unbreakable.
Part Two?
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vibraniumavenger · 15 days
TW/CW: Car accident, injuries.
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Diaz!Reader
You smiled to yourself as you walked beside Christopher, your nephew. You had watched him in the morning while your brother was working, and Carla was attending an appointment. You didn’t mind though, you absolutely adored him, and he enjoyed spending time with you. 
You had an hour to kill before dropping him off to Carla, and heading off to work yourself, so you decided to swing by the station to have lunch with the team. It was quiet when you arrived, indicating the team were on a call. You took it upon yourself to make lunch for everybody, knowing it would be a relief to them when they got back. Chris was sat at the table on his tablet, in a world of his own, allowing you to focus on the food. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as the sound of the shutters opening filled the station followed by heavy boots thudding against the floor as each firefighter jumped out of the truck. The footsteps got closer, the faint smell of smoke mixed with a familiar aftershave filled your nostrils and you instinctively lean back into the body that is now behind you as arms snake around your waist. “Isn’t this a nice surprise?” 
You turn towards the voice, and smile, “Apparently, I can’t seem to stay away.” You lean up to kiss Buck, causing Chris to pull a disgusted face. This seemed to amuse Buck, and he kissed you again. Eddie appeared in the kitchen, and made his way over to his son, visibly happy to see him. “Come on guys, get a room.” You rolled your eyes playfully at your brothers comment, and pulled away from Buck. 
You dished up the food for the team and took a seat, eager to hear about the call they had just been on. You listened intently as you ate, your complete focus on Buck as he spoke passionately about the call. Your heart warmed as you watched his face light up, he loved how much you genuinely enjoyed hearing about the calls, and how his day had gone. Chimney was the next to speak up, “It was a good call, except the part where Buck was playing hero and nearly got himself killed.” Bucks eyes widened and he turned to look at Chimney, giving him a look that immediately stopped him talking. Chimney, trying to help, began speaking again, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn’t any more dangerous than a simple call, the risk is always there. Besides, it was probably one of the safer times Buck tried to save the day, you should’ve seen him on the call last week.” 
“Chim, stop talking.” Buck, who was now visibly on the spot, turned to face you. He studied your face, working out how to approach this. He opened his mouth to reassure you, but you beat him to it, “I thought we spoke about this…” Buck knew you understood that no day was guaranteed, and that saving people on calls was something he would always try to do, even if it put him at risk. He also knew that he had a habit of jumping the gun and putting himself in dangerous situations without thinking it through. “I’m sorry…” 
You checked your watch, and stood up. “I just wish you’d be more careful, Buck.” Chris stood up and hugged Eddie goodbye, and you did the same. “Later bro.” You said goodbye to the team and walked back to the car with Chris by your side. The breeze hit you, and you took a deep breath. Maybe you were overreacting, maybe not but you just needed a moment. You helped Chris into the car and got in yourself, turning on the radio. The short ride to Carlas mostly consisted of Chris laughing as you sang along to the music, and the occasional conversation when Chris wasn’t overly engrossed in his phone. Carla was there to greet you when you pulled up on her drive, Chris was extremely excited and practically jumped out of the car to hug her. Carla gave you a hug, “Y/N, it’s so good to see you!” You smiled and hugged back, “It’s been a while, huh? Life has been hectic.” Carla laughs at this, “You’re telling me, your brother told me all about you and Buck. Moving in together? That’s a big step!” 
“We were practically living together anyway, and if I’m being honest, Eddie is probably just relieved to have his couch back. I was starting to get on his nerves.” You explained to Carla, and she chuckled. “Well, I wish you all the best. I’m gonna get Chris inside, and I’ll let you run off to work. It was lovely seeing you.” You hug Chris goodbye and bid farewell to Carla before getting into your car and beginning your journey to your place of work. In front of you, the amber light turned to red and you stopped. You could see that traffic was beginning to build up on the other side of the junction, and you didn’t want to be late. You sighed, and made the decision to take an alternate route, so when the light turned green, you indicated and pulled out to begin taking your turning. You let out a sudden gasp before you could even properly register the car coming towards you. All you could do was attempt to brace for the impact, and so you did. 
A loud crunching sound surrounded you, followed by the feeling of being thrown as your car was barrelled into. You closed your eyes tightly, scared of what was next. You didn’t have the courage to open them again until the car steadied. The first thing you could see was the airbag in front of you, despite not feeling it deploy moments before. You could smell the burning of the tyres, outside of the car, you could hear the panicked voices of bystanders, but all you could focus on was the blood that was now spread across your arms, unsure of where it was actually coming from. You weren’t in pain, at least you couldn’t feel any in that moment. Is that what shock feels like? You couldn’t think, but your eyes got heavy and you fought your hardest not to succumb to the darkness. 
Back at the station, the call was only just coming in. The alarm blared throughout the station, alerting the team to the call. They were quick to jump into action, grabbing their gear and piling themselves into their assigned trucks. Eddie and Buck sat beside each other, speaking casually between themselves about what had happened earlier. “Just give her some time, she’ll come around. For her, two of the people she loves most are at risk everyday, you’ve gotta imagine it can’t be easy. It’s a risky job as it is, and when you put yourself into riskier situations without needing to, it decreases the chance of making it home at the end. She’s scared. Just talk to her.” Eddie attempted to reassure Buck, who was feeling terrible. He couldn’t shake the image of your face from his mind, the face that showed disappointment in his actions. Before Buck could respond, the truck halted and the team jumped out, ready to give help where needed. Buck stopped in his tracks as an all too familiar car was crushed before him. He tried not to panic, hoping that his suspicions were wrong. His eyes flicked to the number plate and his heart stopped. His feet were moving before his mind could catch up. He shouted your name, drawing Eddies attention. It took Eddie a few seconds to process what was happening. You had not long left the station, it couldn’t possibly be you. Right?
Buck arrived to your car first, nausea washed over him as he caught sight of your injured body. “Y/N? Hey, it’s me. I’m here.” You weren’t completely aware of what was happening, your eyes opened with a struggle. Your movements were weak as you turned your head to look at him. “Buck?” You spoke quietly, not completely aware of the situation at hand. “Don’t move, try and keep still.” He tried to remain as calm as he could, he didn’t want to scare you any more, he was terrified himself. Eddie ran right over to the car, his heart racing as he feared what he would find. His first instinct was to check the back seat, relief finally washing over him as he saw no sign of Christopher. Still, he needed to make sure, “Y/N, was Chris in the car?” 
You shook your head, “Carlas.” Eddie felt a weight off his shoulders, knowing his son was safe. The weight soon came back when he saw the condition you were in. Your eyes rolled back, and you fell into unconsciousness. Bobby was running the scene, assigning Hen and Chim to medically assist you, and he grabbed the gear to support Buck and Eddie in freeing you from the car. Buck didn’t want to let go of your hand, but he knew he had to in order to get you out sooner. The team worked tirelessly, ensuring to be as careful as possible. Bobby handed the halligan to Buck, “Buck, you focus on getting the doors open. Diaz, grab the saw and be on standby.” 
Buck groaned as he tried to pry the doors open, with no results, “Roofs too dented Cap, I can’t get it open.” Bobby nodded, and turned to Eddie, “Saws it is. Get in there Diaz, Buck, you too.” The roof was off in no time, Hen and Chim jumped straight in and equipped you with a neck brace, and got the back board in place to move you. Hen checked your vitals quickly, trying to make sure you were steady enough to be moved. “I’ve got a faint pulse, we gotta move.” They moved you out of you car quickly, and transferred you to the ambulance. “Trauma to the abdomen, possible internal bleeding. I’ll let the hospital know we’re en route.” Buck jumps into the back of the ambulance with Chimney, and instantly takes your hand in his. Hen places herself into the drivers seat, putting the ambulance into 911 mode and begins the journey as fast as she can to the nearest hospital. 
Buck hated seeing you like this. He was filled with anxiety, the nausea constantly there as he studied your visible injuries. His heart sank with every second that went by, the more he thought about you laying there almost lifeless, expecting you to flatline any second now. “I’m sorry baby, we can’t leave things like this. I need you to get through this so I can apologise to you. I know I’m not the easiest person to love, and I also know that I’m the biggest pain in the ass, but I love you, and I need you. Please.” Buck sobbed as he held your hand tighter. Time seemed to be going extremely slow for Buck, yet moments later Hen was pulling up at the hospital. You were rushed in, Hen spewed all your information to the nurses as you were wheeled in and handed over. Buck, Hen and Chimney stood there as you were wheeled out of sight. One of the nurses stopped Buck from running after you, and he sat defeated in the waiting room. The rest of the team arrived soon after, Eddies face was similar to Bucks. Eddie spoke first, “Any update?” The lack of response from Buck had him on edge, fearing the worst. Luckily, Chimney filled the silence. “There’s no update, but no news it almost always good news.” 
Eddie placed his hand on Bucks shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before sitting down next to him. “How’re you holding up?” Buck didn’t look up, instead he kept his head in his hands. He couldn’t respond, he couldn’t trust his voice not to give out. His leg bounced anxiously, and despite not talking, his feelings were painfully obvious. Eddie could empathise, he knew exactly what was going through Bucks mind. It was happening to him too, but he concealed it as much as he could, knowing Buck needed him. “You know, each time we’re sat in these chairs, it never gets easier. You don’t have to talk, I get it. I think you should know that I’m right here for you, I understand. Y/N is going to be okay, that I have no doubt about. She’s my sister, and us Diaz’s, we don’t back down. We fight.” Eddie continues talking, and he’s not sure whether he’s trying to convince Buck or himself. 
A few hours go by, and the team are waiting as patiently as they can for an update. Maddie had arrived some time ago, and was sat with Buck. She was not only there to support her brother, but also her brothers girlfriend, who Maddie had claimed as her best friend shortly after meeting her. Bobby hands a coffee to Buck and Eddie, who hadn’t moved from their seats since arriving. This changed moments later as a nurse approached, making them stand. Buck felt as if his legs were going to give way any second. The nurse cleared her throat, “She’s stable. She’s incredibly lucky to have made it out with the injuries she did, it could’ve been a lot worse. She’s awake, if you’d like to go see her.” 
Buck didn’t stick around to hear whatever else the nurse had to say, he darted through the corridor until he got to your room. He stopped to take a deep breath, and stepped inside. He was scared to look at you, all he could picture was you covered in blood still. His head shot up as he heard a voice, your voice to be exact, “Buck?” 
He was by your bedside in a blink of an eye, taking your hand in his. His eyes wandered over your body, taking in each of your injuries. His heart broke a little more with each one. He finally looked you in the eyes, and that’s when it hit him. His eyes filled up with tears, “Y/N…”
“Hey, don’t cry. I’m fine, see. I’m right here.” You gave his hand a squeeze, trying to give him the reassurance he needed. Buck took a seat close to your bed, your hand in his and against his lips. You move your hand up to his cheek and wipe his tears, Buck practically melted into your touch. “I really thought I had lost you.” 
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I need to apologise for my reaction earlier, that could’ve been our last conversation earlier and left without saying goodbye, or telling you how much I love you.” 
Buck shook his head, “You have nothing to apologise for, I’m the one that owes you an apology. I’m sorry that I’m not more careful when I’m out on a call, I shouldn’t be that reckless. I’m sorry that I can’t promise to walk through that door every night, safe and unscathed. I can appreciate how you feel now, and I promise I’ll try my hardest to be more careful. I love you, and I don’t want you ever feeling anything close to what I’ve felt today.” You wince as you sit up, making Buck panic. You push through the pain, and pull Buck to you. “Come here.” He stands from his chair and leans down to kiss you quickly. He carefully moves your hair from your face, ensuring he doesn’t touch any of your cuts or bruises. 
“I love you too, and even though I’m petrified that you won’t make it home one day, I trust that you’ll try everything in your power to make sure you do. I’m proud of you, Evan.” As you spoke, Buck smiled to himself. A sense of relief washed over him. Before he could respond, you continued. “So… does this mean I can finally get a new car now?” 
Buck chuckled, “You’re a pain in the ass, Diaz.” 
“Takes one to know one, Buck.”
A/N: So, I think I rewrote this like 10 times. Its been a while since I've done any writing, so please bare with me while I figure out my writing style again. Any criticism is welcome, I appreciate the feedback.
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mvltisstuff · 7 months
HI!! i was wondering if you could do a buck fic to where they’re working at the 118 and he just randomly starts getting really needy - like arms wrapped around reader’s shoulders and walking (waddling rlly..) while still holding onto them. then like a cute little cuddle session at home where he talks abt how he wants to marry reader and just talks about the future.
clean - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @housewifebuck
a/n: guys!!! i love this i can’t wait for a new buck in s7 :)) anyway, 1989 TV SO SOON GUYS WTF, it feels like yesterday was red tv 😧
the lightning had taken care of the other fires in buck. he was different, and he couldn’t tell if he hated it or loved it at first.
the man he was was reckless and like a shiny new toy for someone to play with. he allowed people to string him along and pull at his arms until he did what they wanted. it almost felt like his purpose, to be a prop for everyone else.
he thought y/n would leave him soon after the strike. everyone else liked to do the same thing. his parents giving up on him after his youthful mistakes, abby fleeing because he wasn’t enough for her, aly fearing her future with him. he thought y/n would crack under the pressure of almost losing someone like buck, now he hates himself for second guessing her.
he started to appreciate the smallest things in his girlfriend. the softness of her words, the light reflection of sun in her eyes, the cotton-like skin on her hands as they grazed over it. he almost didn’t want to face her after the accident, but she was clutching onto his hand when he woke up. and, there hasn’t been a day where she hasn’t reminded him that she’s going nowhere.
she knew bucks scars as she watched them all get handed to him. she knew how silently fragile he was. he could see it clearly in her as well, noticing each fear of hers and the love she’s pushed away. it was foreign to both of them, the tenderness of each other.
it’s been years since they began dating, and somehow every day is brand new with them. y/n doesn’t ever believe that buck has something to make up. but, he thinks so. he’s been spending years begging for love, and now he has it. now, he wants to show the world what he has after it tried to strip him of everything.
it doesn’t matter how long a shift was, when buck was back to work, every free moment was spent on her heels. he used to go through work, only looking around to see who maybe looked at him. now, he looks forward to see his girl waiting for him wherever he may be.
today was no different, y/n was stocking the engine full of brand new supplies from the new shipment. the trucks glazed red popped out from her perfect polishing on the sides.
“this truck looks almost as good as you,” buck whispers, placing his hand on the side of her waist, making her jump in place.
“and what are you supposed to be doing right now?” she teases back.
“taking it easy, like you and bobby told me!”
“so you come and flirt with your already girlfriend? professional hours baby, remember?”
“those are boring, though. i just want to take you home and never leave.” he sighs, placing his chin on her head.
“just a few more hours, i believe in you!” she encourages, making him smirk and land his lips on her cheek, running away like a little kid.
y/n stood with buck at the island of the kitchen, smelling over bobby’s new dishes that he had prepared for the team. he made several things for a feast amongst everyone, getting a well deserved break.
she could practically feel buck breathing on her neck as he peered over her shoulder. normally, someone doing that would be insufferable, but buck makes it seem normal. it makes her smile, knowing how close he always wishes to be.
“if i didn’t know any better i’d think you were conjoined twins.” chimney takes a turn at his own joke, trying not to laugh at himself. he gets a smile from y/n, but the fakest look you ever did see from buck.
“i’m gonna slap you and i hope it shocks you.” buck snaps back, half joking but also half annoyed as well. chimney takes his plate and scurries away.
buck makes two plates as y/n grabs them drinks from the fridge, moving over to place it in the seat next to her. before she can even think about sitting, buck slightly runs into her with his hip. he places the plates down perfectly on the mats before pulling her chair out. she gazes at him, noticing the cheesy grin on his lips. the team stops to notice his abruptness on pulling out her chair, and kissing her head as she sits.
as the dinner closes, and the sun dips lower, the calls come in slower. luckily, the shift is just ending, so it’s just buck and y/n left in the kitchen as she scrubs away at a bowl. he sneaks up behind her, grabbing a dish to dry from her.
“hi, honey,” he says, looking down at her.
“hi, buck,” she smiles back, noticing the excitement on his face just getting to be near her. “do you wanna talk?”
“about what?”
“i just want to make sure you’re okay, baby,” her kindness and concern comes through her angelic voice, buck almost getting distracted by the sound of her.
“i’m fine!” he replies. “just been thinkin’”
“we can talk about it if you’d like.”
“maybe later, i just can’t wait for us to go home together.” he dries the plate as y/n scoops them all up, buck wrapping his arms around her waist and tucking his face into her neck. he locks his fingers together and rests them on her belly. she just giggles, waddling over to the cabinet where she slides the dishes in. it would’ve been easier if she wasn’t like a tree to a sloth, but easier isn’t always for the best.
the car ride home in his truck was nothing less than romantic. his hand was rested on her thighs the whole time if it wasn’t on the gear shift or the wheel. she practically had to keep touching him somehow to make him keep his eyes on the road.
when the duo finally arrived at home, she looked over at buck and could tell how sleepy he was. his eyes told her everything, and she can read him like a book now that she’s admired him for so long. “hey, go shower and come back down here.”
buck agrees, taking a quick shower and changing into some more comfortable clothes. when he walks back down the stairs, he can smell the sweetener of his favorite tea wafting through the living room, as y/n sits down in her soft sweater and places the mugs on the couch. they’re matching LAFD mugs that y/n’s parents bought for them. she turned on reruns of new girl as she moved to grab a blanket from the basket, leaning against the arm of the couch.
“come on,” she sweetly curls his lips up at him, signaling for him to come lay with her. he happily obliges, going to sit between her legs on his side, the side of his face buried into y/n’s warm chest.
the tightness of her arms wrapped around him eases any weight of the day or stress on his body. he lets himself relax in her hold, knowing she’ll keep him safe from whatever might come his way next.
one of her arms is rubbing his back as the other cups his face as he appears to be intently watching the show, but he’s not.
he thinks of small y/n and buck mixes running around a small house in los angeles, the sun shining through the curtains early in the morning. he thinks of the smell of ice cream and the reflection of the moon on the windows as they get ready for bed. he thinks of a warm vacation with a shining rock on her ring finger.
“i can’t wait to see you in a big, white dress,” he mumbles into her shirt, smiling just at the thought of seeing her on a carpet, walking down an isle to greet him.
“what is going on in that mind of yours?” she teases, brushing her fingers through his hair.
“i just- i don’t want anyone else but you,” he begins. “you could’ve ran. you could’ve left me in the dark, but you didn’t. you’re the only person who hasn’t done that to me. i trust you, and i know you won’t. it’s my turn to show you that i’m here to stay, and that we’re forever.”
“listen,” she starts next, the clear adoration in her eyes. “i would lay on this couch, all day, every day, if it meant you’d come back to me. id do anything, and literally anything, to spend the rest of my life with you. im sorry for every other woman who can’t be with a man like you.”
he doesn’t know how to compete with sentences like that. it feels brand new, even though she tells him all the time. it feels different after the lightning strike. someone above tried so hard to ruin the best things he had going on, but he pulled through. he wants to think he’s strong on his own, but buck knows he wouldn’t be here if y/n wasn’t next to him. if she hasn’t picked up the pieces that everyone left behind, if she hadn’t taken the time to put him back together.
now, buck barely thinks of all the shit that’s happened to him. how could he, when the future is definite right in front of him? he used to just assume his life would be the same forever, but y/n’s flashlight guided him out of the cave he was in. he sleeps in her arms without a fear that she’ll disappear from him, and without a fear that things are out for him.
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Drunken night - Eddie Diaz x Reader Smut
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Summary: After a drunken night it leads to multiple one night stands with Edmundo Diaz, after he goes on a date you both realize what really matters
The first time you and Eddie Diaz ended up in bed together was truly a drunken mistake, you were Evan's twin and at first if Eddie was sober, he would've never even looked in your direction, but after that one night, you became like his drug, he'd purposely come over to your and your brothers apartment to 'help' with things, which would always in end with you two having sex somewhere in your apartment.
Tonight you were sure your guys' fun was ending, Eddie was on a date his Tia had set up for him, and you were lucky enough to be a babysitter for Chris. Unknown to you, Eddie wasn't planning on dating anybody except for y/n Buckley, and his plan to have you as a sitter? an excuse to have you over. As you laid on the couch staring at the ceiling, Chris being asleep for at least the last two hours, since Eddie left. As you felt yourself start to zone out, you jumped up, ready to swing the bat that was tucked under your crush's couch for safety. "You're gonna beat a man who's coming home?" Eddie gasped playfully, walking closer to the couch, frowning as you rolled your eyes plopping back down resuming your staring contest with the ceiling tiles.
"Hey, Amor..." He whispered teasingly leaning closer to you over the back of the couch "What's troubling you?" Eddie finally asked sitting down next to your legs. "How'd your date go?" You asked, not meaning to sound so cold towards him, but you cringed at the thought of another woman grabbing Eddie like you did. Eddie laughed softly resting a hand on your thigh slowly moving to hover over you, so you weren't able to avoid eye contact. Moving his arm to hold himself up from the arm rest, and using his other hand to hold your jaw straight to look at him. "You wanna know how it went, amor?" He whispered raising his eyebrows "We went to dinner, and the entire time I sat in that chair, I thought about how badly I wanted to get home to you" He whispered kissing down your neck making your entire body shudder in excitement "These last couple of weeks, mi amor" He continued, not stopping his trail of kisses towards the neckline of your shirt, which was actually his. "All I could think about was you. Wanting you here, I can see you everytime I got home, not sneaking around" He whispered before kissing you deeply, you could feel a knot forming in your stomach as he bit your bottom lip, sliding his tongue into your mouth as he let his free hand roam your body, taking in every inch.
Eddie took you by surprise as he easily lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you towards his bedroom, his lips never leaving yours "I love you" He whispered against your lips before dropping you onto his mattress, your legs still linked around his waist "I love you too" You whispered back, grabbing the sides of his jacket pulling him closer, taking your turn to kiss his jawline slowly "I've missed my Edmundo" You whispered tracing your hands up and down his chest as you left hickeys down his neck, smirking as you felt his manly demeanor falter, his knees buckling under him "Fuck, mi amor" He grunted grabbing the back of your neck, hovering over you again as he kissed you deeply, grinding against you. You bit down on his bottom lip trying to muffle your moan the best you could "E-Eddi-" You were cut off by him pulling away making intense eye contact with you, you felt nervous under his gaze, he looked almost dangerous.
"I've got you, mi princesa" He whispered softly, before pulling his shirt off of you, kissing down your chest, growling against your skin as you tightened your legs around him, grinding against the obvious bulge in his jeans. Grunting, Eddie undid his belt, tossing it to the side as he shoved his jeans down, stroking himself a few times, as he watched you squirm impatiently "te tengo princesa" He whispered as he pulled off your night pants, followed by your underwear. Eddie bit his lip hard, he couldn't help it, the way you looked so desperate laying on his bed, under him because you were his woman, and somehow you managed to make desperate look knee buckling hot.
You growled, growing impatient with him, you pulled him closer, squealing quietly as he pushed into you, you could feel yourself screeching around his size. "Lord help me" He panted as he leaned on his elbows, giving you the perfect opportunity to kiss his chest softly, leaving deep hickeys where you could. Eddie panted leaning his head down to look at you before starting to thrust his hips, you gasped digging your nails into his back, that just fueled him more, almost fucking you so hard the bedpost would occasionally hit the wall. "Fucking hell, Eddie, what's gotten into you?" You panted between moans, you guys had fucked, but he was never like this "You. All I fucking think about is you, anywhere I look. You've fucking ruined me" He panted as his thrusts never faulted, you were so worked up, you could barely hear him, moaning into his hand as he kept it there to keep you quiet. "I can't think of anything without remembering how you sounded cumming for me for the first time" He whispered in your ear, you whined loudly trying to pull him closer to you, wanting to feel him deeper, faster, harder.
"What, mi amor? Is this not enough?" He asked teasingly, resting his hands on your hips, turning you onto your hands and knees before fucking you again, this time at alot faster pace. "H-Harder, please Eddie" You begged tugging his hair, this triggered something in Eddie, his thrusts became a lot rougher, but never slowing in speed. You felt like you were going to explode, only being able to repeat Eddie's name like it was a prayer. You could feel Eddie's hip stutter for a moment, his knuckles tightening as his hold on the sheets and your wrists as you felt him cum, feeling the warmth flow inside of you. You moaned his name loudly as his thrusts returned back to his original speed, your legs quickly closed around his waist, you entire body shaking as an orgasm ripped through you. Eddie grunted, releasing your wrists as he kissed you deeply "That's it, baby, you can do it" He whispered against your lips, you whined loudly, overstimulated your legs tried to close to give yourself a break, but Eddie wasn't stopping, you two had an agreement, tap out (Saying stop, no more, etc) or knock out (Fuck till you can't take it anymore).
He lifted you back into his arms, letting you lean against his bedroom wall as he continued sliding in and out of you, watching as you threw your head back against the wall "Fuck, you look so fucking hot taking all of me like that, baby" He panted holding your throat gently, just tight enough to apply pressure "E-Eddie! I-I can't-" You stuttered pushing your hand between the both of you, your legs were shaking so bad from overstimulation, you didn't think you'd ever walk again, the knot in your stomach was almost painful, but Eddie's dick continued to brush against your cervix walls, you could feel his cum start to smear against your inner thighs. "Yes you can, you're my girl, you can take it, you know your words" Eddie grunted, bottoming out inside of you before rolling his hips, you dug your nails into his back again, your body shaking and spasming as your 3rd orgasm ripped through you almost painfully, but honestly? the pain just made you twice as wet.
You bit your lip, tears brimming your eyes from overstimulation as Eddie slowed his thrusts, but didn't quite stop "Fuck I'm almost there Mi amor, please baby" He begged, you could tell by his face he wanted to cum bad, so you slowly pulled him out of you, much to his disliking "Please, please baby, just need to cum, please baby" He begged, basically on his knees, taking to opportunity to lick a bold strip right across your clit, you almost fell to the floor as you moaned loudly "get up" you demanded, Eddie slowly stood to his feet as you slowly sat on your knees "you dont- Oh!" Eddie moaned out in shock as you immediately took his cock down your throat, his hand found it's way to the back of your head, guiding your head up and down as you swallowed around him. It wasn't long before you felt the warm substance starting to run down your throat. Looking up Eddie was laid flat on the bed, you could see his chest rising and falling rapidly as he attempted to catch his breath, as you slowly and shakily stood up, Eddie's hand was quick to gently tug you down onto the bed with him, pulling you close to his bare chest.
"You really love me?.." You asked after a moment, breaking the comforting sounds of Eddie's humming, his hand still running through your hair, trying to get any tangles out "I do, mi amor, more than anything in this world, other than my son, nobody can top him" Eddie whispered before chuckling "I really love you then too..and agreed, I love Christopher more too, he's a great kid" You smiled, resting your hand over the tattoo the wrapped around his forearm. "I'm really glad we got drunk that night.." He whispered pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, you leaned closer into his touch as he continued humming quietly, Eddie adored you, no matter how messy your hair, or rough you look, he could never find a flaw, you were perfect in his eyes in every possible way.
Now only thing left is to find a way to tell your brother and Eddie's best friend.
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targaryenluvs · 2 months
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— at first sight (out now! mature/dark themes)
summary: never in his life would Buck have ever thought that he’d end up with the girl of his dreams. how she ended up with him doesn’t matter, right?
— hard times
summary: whilst waiting for his appointment, Evan abstains from sexual encounters. which is a bit hard whilst simultaneously having a crush on the girl from the coffee shop.
— shadow
summary: evan would go to great lengths to make sure his girlfriend never leaves.
— make you stay
summary: your attempt to leave Eddie won’t work, because he won’t let them, or you.
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
— her & i
summary: when your best friend and crush shows up on your doorstep after a bad night, you help her to finally leave her husband.
— coming soon!
164 notes · View notes
Strawberries and Cream
I will be so real I made this title up while watching strawberry shortcake *Hyena laughing gif*
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader
🔪remember to reblog🔪
Notes: You know the strawberry shortcake from the early 2000s? That’s MY GIRL. P.s I’m in the middle of writing this rn 1:47am 4/19/24 and imma be so real this fic is full on Christopher erasure I’m SORRY
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Chapter 1: First Appearances
Eddie had never been a “bumbling idiot” when it came to women, or okay at least he hadn’t been in a long time. 
“Hi there! Can you help me?” 
And there goes that record.
It’s like you walked in on a cloud of sugared lavender and cotton candy and strawberries and anything else sweet he could think of. He whirled around, nearly knocking into you
“Oh shit- god no shit- no I shouldn’t say shit-“ He grabs your arms to steady you, and it’s like he’s holding an angel. You’re… soft? Yeah soft is the word he’s looking for. He’s taking way too long to talk like a normal person and he knows it. But god if that short pink dress isn’t doing things to him…. 
“What um- What can I help you with?” Eddie leans against the fire truck, crossing his arms over his chest, coming back down to earth. What a smooth recovery. 
“Well- I’m looking for Evan Buckley. He goes by Buck?” She looks up at him, her hands clasped behind her back sweetly.
Oh, she wanted Buck. 
Eddie deflates just the tiniest bit, okay a lot but he can’t let her know that “Oh yeah sure, I think he’s upstairs, come on” 
He leads the way, his hand flowing over the cool railing, trying to ground himself a little. Was it wrong he was hoping Buck fumbled this one? He wanted his best friend to find happiness- to know what that felt like…but like he could just wish that a teeny bit right?
“Hey, Buck? Someone’s here to see you” He says as he stands at the top of the stairs. You pop out from behind him, throwing your hands in the air. 
“Surprise!!!” You yell, doing a little spin 
“It’s me!!!”
Buck's mouth drops wide open, his fork falling from his hand as he gets up from the table so excitedly he knocks his chair back.
“Y/N?!? What are you doing here?!” He runs over, picking you up and spinning you around, you squeal, holding onto him tightly.
“Buck!! Put me down!! You’re gonna drop me!” You’re laughing, your head tilted back as he squeezes you to his chest
“Not, I’m never putting you down again” He buries his face in your neck, hugging you as tight as he can before he sets you on the floor. He holds your arms, shaking you like a ragdoll.
“It’s been years Y/N, does Maddie know you’re here???” 
You push away from him a bit, steadying yourself and putting your hand on your forehead.
“Can you rein it in for like five seconds” you giggle, looking up at him “I thought it was finally time to come see you! And no Maddie doesn’t know I’m here yet, I wanted to surprise you two! 
“Well, do you have a place to stay? Because you’re staying with me you can have the bed I’ll take the couch! We can have Maddie over too! Oh god I’m so glad-“
Bobby finally clears his throat, looking up from the salad in front of him. 
“Uh…Buck? You wanna maybe introduce your friend before you kill her with whiplash”
“Or from crushing her sternum,” Hen says, pouring a cup of coffee
“Oh shit, yeah! This is Y/N, my cousin!” He puts his hands on her shoulders pridefully, pushing her towards them. 
Eddie perks up at that, turning around and leaning against the counter… cousin? He stirs his coffee slowly
Bobby gets up and shakes her hand, patting her on the shoulder 
“It’s nice to meet you! Family of Bucks is a member of ours. Welcome to the 118”
They fawn over her, really that’s the only word Eddie can come up with. Chim compliments her “adorable” dress, Hen tells her she’s working those shoes, showing off that black girl magic. She’s a bit overwhelmed by the attention, giggling through her nerves as she talks to them. A wide smile on her face. 
Buck takes her hand eventually, yanking her over to Eddie 
“This is my best friend,” He says proudly, patting Eddie on the back. “Eddie Diaz!” 
Eddie melts when she looks up at him with those sweet eyes, he smirks, looking away for a second and biting his lip. It's subtle but Buck catches it, narrowing his eyes. 
“Yeah, we’ve met,” he says, looking back at you and shaking your hand “It’s nice to properly meet you Y/N” 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Eddie,” You say, a smile on your face, you bite your lip and Buck sees that too. He looks down at you, and then back up at Eddie.. and then right back down to you. His head goes up and down like a paddle ball and he whips out his phone, distractedly pushing you at Eddie.
“Ed do me a favor and keep her entertained for a minute. I need to call Maddie real quick I uh- I remembered something” 
“Don’t you dare tell her I’m here! I want to surprise her” you warn him and Buck struggles, his hands gesturing wildly. 
“Oh. Uhhh I’m sorry. I already texted her!” Chim interjects, shrugging awkwardly and you frown a little but shrug back “Oh okay! That’s fine” 
Buck shoots Chimney a thumbs up for covering for him and immediately calls Maddie, running down the stairs for privacy.
“So um…where are you from?” Eddie asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Admittedly he does it to make his chest look better, and God does it. Hen snickers but ignores him doing that and Chim makes faces behind your back at Eddie.
“Oh, I’ve been in Minnesota for a while! It’s nice there, pretty quiet. I’m maybe looking for a place around here now though… but don’t tell Buck or Maddie I don’t wanna get their hopes up.
“Buck would probably just make you move in with him,” Bobby comments over his salad.
“Hey! We have plenty of space” Chim adds “if you’re looking for something temporary. I'm sure Maddie wouldn’t even mind permanent if we were able to discuss it”
“Eddie has a spare room. If you were here temporarily at least, that would probably be your best bet at this point” Hen chimes in, looking at him. His cheeks heat up and he chokes a little on his coffee 
“I- I mean. I-“ he doesn’t even know what to say to that because god yes would he want that. Is that premature? That’s premature. Like so premature wanting to live with you……Anyway, a dog maybe? he knows exactly what old clothes he’d get rid of too to make space in his closet for you. Definitely a dog, gonna name him- 
“Okay, okay slow down you guys” You laugh lightly, interrupting his internal life planning. 
“I’m not moving in with anyone yet. It’s just a thought… and there’s no way in hell I’d feel comfortable imposing on Eddie like that. Family is one thing. A literal stranger? Yeah, I don’t know.” 
“It’s not an imposition!” Eddie is way too quick with that answer. He clears his throat 
“I- it wouldn’t be. That is if you need a place to crash. Besides I’m at work all day you know! It’s not like my place gets too much use…” 
“See! Problem solved!” Hen says happily and you roll your eyes at her, scrunching your nose and making a little face at her
“Oh ha-ha, very funny. I’m not moving in with Eddie” 
“You’re moving in with Eddie?!” Buck’s mouth is dropped wide open as he stands at the top of the stairs. 
“What?! No!” You tell him, your hands up in defense “I’m not moving in with anyone.”
“Good,” Buck says as he picks up his chair from earlier. “Because if you’re moving in with anyone it’s gonna be me.” 
“Told you” Bobby rolls his eyes. 
After he finishes his pad, Thai, Buck eagerly shows you around the firehouse, dragging you and Eddie around like a kid in a candy shop. He just has so much he wants to show you, and he wants Eddie there “for backup” in case he misses anything. He proudly shows off his locker and you giggle, he’s incredibly cute sometimes. He shows off Eddie’s locker too, to which Eddie rolls his eyes and shuts the door, giving him a shove. 
“Trust me when I say I saved the best for last.”He climbs up into the truck, reaching out for you. “Eddie help her?” He requests, taking your hands in his. Eddie shrugs, putting his hands firmly on your hips as you step up into the truck, he gives you a little lift and push and you’re in. Buck winks at you and you roll your eyes as Eddie climbs in behind the two of you. 
“Isn’t this cool?!” He practically yells “Cool” and you’re looking around like a little owl, your eyes wide, head swiveling. It’s a lot to take in but it’s cool, he’s right.
“Uh, yeah!!!” You agree, touching everything in sight. Eddie sits on one of the seats and watches you walk around a bit, looking at everything and running your fingers over it. Buck makes you sit down in one of the seats and buckles you in. 
“You look awesome!” He chuckles as he takes pictures of you for Maddie. He unbuckles his belt and gets up, looking around outside the door. Eddie gets on one knee, helping to unbuckle you. He looks up at you as you pull your arms out from the straps 
“Thanks” Your voice is a little breathless, god his smile is gorgeous and he smells so damn good. 
“Yeah no problem” He grins, standing up out of your way. 
“Hey Y/N, you wanna pretend to drive?” Buck asks excitedly, rubbing his hands together as he turns back around.
“Oh my god, can I??? Please!!” You squeak and Eddie chuckles, shaking his head at the two of you…he can see your similarities. Buck makes Eddie get out first and smirks as Eddie grabs your hips again, it’s a little harder getting out and you stumble into his arms, squeaking. 
“Hey, Don’t worry I got you” He chuckles, holding you against his chest, you look up at him as he smiles down at you. 
“T-thanks uhh again, I guess' ' you mumble, your cheeks feeling like they’re practically on fire. Buck sits on the floor of the truck, swinging his feet as he just gleefully watches the interaction. Eddie sets you down properly, taking a second before he lets you go. 
“Guess he’s gonna make you help me into the front seat too huh?” You ask a bit shyly 
“I’m lazy as hell so yes” Buck pipes up from behind you and Eddie rolls his eyes. 
“It’s fine. I don’t mind it anyway, just gives me an excuse to get closer to you” He practically purrs and even though he’s joking (he’s not) you melt on the spot, your mouth falling open quickly and snapping shut just as fast. He cracks up as he helps you up into the driver's seat. His hands feel so hot on your hips, they sear into your sides and you wish he’d keep them there. Eddie shuts the door and goes around to the other side, climbing inside. 
“Alright children, go crazy” he teases you and Buck as he watches, he has to swat your hand away from so many buttons that Buck is trying to make you push. Eventually, you’re both just doing it to drive him crazy. 
“Honk the horn, honk the horn!!” Buck chants from the backseat and you look over at Eddie, he shakes his head snickering as he nods
“Alright alright, God. Go ahead, Bobby will know Buck made ya do it” 
You put both hands on the large horn and push down, the loud honking noise echoes through the entire station and Buck bursts out laughing. You fall back in the seat, kicking your legs laughing excitedly and it takes everything in Eddie not to just lean over and kiss you. You look so happy and gleeful as you all hear Bobby already yelling at Buck
“Scatter!!!” Buck yells and jumps from the truck, running away. 
“No! No, that's not fair!” You yell after him, as Eddie jumps from the front seat too. You scramble over to the other chair and Eddie is already waiting with his arms out to you. It stalls you for a second, your heart beating out of your chest as you climb down into his arms. 
“Safe and sound,” he says as he shuts the door and pulls you with him over to a little corner to hide. You can see everything from there, you’re pressed against Eddie as you both watch Bobby coming down the stairs. Buck is hiding in front of the engine, he runs around the opposite side and you’re giggling. Eddie is snorting as he covers your mouth
“Shhhh you’re gonna get us caught” he whispers and god does Eddie not want to be caught. He didn’t mean for this to happen, for your body to be pressed into his, one hand on your back pressing you into him and the other over your mouth. It’s intimate, and soon your giggles die out and you look up at him, his hand still over your mouth. You both stare into each other’s eyes…is it getting hot in here??? Did someone open the bay doors?? 
He slowly removes his hand and you blink at him 
“Sorry” he apologizes softly, he’s just glad there’s no way you can feel the way his heart is beating out of his chest.
“It’s cool,” you say back just as quietly, feeling the same way. You bite your lip, your hands feeling the hard muscles under his tight shirt. Kinda makes you wonder if all his clothes fit him this nicely. 
You’re about to say something when alarms start blaring. You jump, holding onto the front of his shirt and he pulls you in for a second 
“Shit- Shit I gotta go,” he says, reluctantly letting you go. “Hopefully I’ll see you again sometime soon” He tilts your chin up, like he wants to kiss you but decides against it… he did just meet you. Instead, he kisses your forehead before running off to get his stuff on. 
The truck is gone for about 10 minutes before you get a text from Buck, telling you Maddie is coming to pick you up and take you back to his place and that he’ll see you for dinner. He sends a little heart emoji at the end of the message and you smirk. Buck was ridiculous, sincere, but ridiculous. 
The truck rolls back into the station a couple of hours later, It’s time to clean up and head out, their shifts are almost over finally. They work together, putting things back in their places and giving the truck a little wipe-down in a few places. Finally, Bobby dismisses them as the next shift starts coming in.
Eddie walks into the changing room, exhausted and ready to crash at home. He grabs his clothes and tosses them down, grabbing his shirt and yanking it tiredly over his head. 
“So are you ... into her?” Buck asks as he walks in, getting his stuff together and standing next to Eddie to change and chat. He pulls his blue shirt over his head and looks at Eddie as he reaches for his pants
“Into who?” Eddie raises an eyebrow, pulling up his pants. He knows exactly who he’s talking about but he’s not confirming that. 
“ “Into who” Yeah okay” Buck scoffs “Are you into Y/N?” 
“Buck I just met her this afternoon. How could I be into her.” He lies through his teeth…and Buck sees right through him. 
“Okay sure, anyway. Since you wanna play coy I’m not inviting you to dinner anymore”
“Wait, you were inviting me to dinner?” He stops buttoning his pants and looks over at Buck who’s pulling on his jeans
“Yeah I was… but since someone isn’t into someone… I’m not bothering” he buttons his pants and claps him on the back “See ya tomorrow bestie!” He goes to leave, a smirk on his face and Eddie stops him, grabbing his arm. 
“I’m not….I’m not saying I’m into her. But- like-“ he sighs
“I’m hungry” 
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Buck walks into the studio, kicking off his shoes and hanging up his coat. Maddie is sitting at the table, eating a bowl of grapes and you’re standing at the stove, stirring the pot. 
“I’m telling you Mads, he is literally so cu-“ 
Maddie cuts you off, clearing her throat “Hey Buck! Hey… Eddie?” 
Buck pushes Eddie ahead of him and over to the counter, he walks past him to the fridge and grabs a couple of drinks 
“Look who’s staying for dinner,” He says in a singsong voice, tossing Eddie a bottle of water, Eddie rolls his eyes and leans against the small counter next to the stove, he gives you a wink as he opens the bottle 
“Hope you don’t mind? He just invited me at the last minute” He shrugs, sipping the water. He looks over at Maddie, who is staring at Buck intensely. They’re definitely having a sibling conversation. 
“No, not at all! I made more than enough!! I’m glad you could join us.” You give him a little hip bump, feeling your cheeks flush and he bumps you back. He looks up to see Maddie and Buck staring at the two of you, Buck eagerly wiggles, trying to hide his excitement, you turn around and he instantly stops, making Eddie laugh. 
Dinner is good- like really good, Eddie hasn’t eaten Mexican food like that in a while, sure he could go to Catrina’s but it’s just different when it’s from home. Buck had nearly shoved Eddie into the chair next to you, as he plopped down next to Maddie
“Oh don’t mind me! Just wanna sit by my wonderful, loving, perfect, sister” he explained and Maddie facepalmed, Buck couldn’t be more obvious…but at the same time, you couldn’t be more oblivious…Buck was acting weird but he’s Buck he’s always weird.
“So I guess it’s safe to say you’ve got a little Latin flair in you hm?” Eddie asks as he takes a bite from his carnitas, even the tortillas are freshly made. You’d brought them with you from home for Maddie and Buck.
“Yup,” you smile proudly as he moans and rolls his eyes back “I’m half Mexican. And uh, I take it the food is good?” 
“I’m so sorry for the absolute slut I’m about to become while eating this, yes it’s delicious” he nods his head while he’s eating and you break down laughing. Buck and Maddie are looking at each other with that certain sparkle in their eyes again while you’re shoving Eddie and he’s stealing a bite of your rice. 
It’s kind of natural the way you hang all over Eddie over dinner and the way he holds onto you, maybe it’s the Hispanic in you both, very touchy. Or maybe it’s just that he’s fun to be around. Eddie learns a good deal about you, most of it incredibly embarrassing as Buck can’t help himself but tell all of your embarrassing moments as kids together. Eddie gets him back for you, telling the story about how he quite literally peed himself on a date once and you and Maddie are both scream laughing as Buck starts throwing leftover lettuce at Eddie screaming at him to shut up.
“I’m sorry you got into a lettuce war” You giggle as you walk out to Eddie’s car together, nudging each other occasionally. He’s got his hands in his pockets 
“Yeah that’s Buck for you”
Buck had made you walk Eddie out to his car, claimed he absolutely had no choice but to start the dishes or he’d forget, and said Maddie had to use the bathroom and it wasn’t safe for pregnant women to hold it for so long. You’re pretty sure he made that last part up but you just shrug it off, slipping on your slides and following Eddie outside. 
You stop in front of his car and you lean against it a little, dragging your finger down the hood. He clears his throat and you look up at him, he’s blushing as he runs his fingers through his hair nervously. 
“Do you…wanna like to hang out? While you’re in town?” 
“Yeah sure why not! You’re Buck’s best friend I’m sure he’d love to “
“No no- just. Like just us. Just me and you?” He interrupts you, as he gets in his car.
“Oh,” You feel your cheeks flush. “Like…- like a date?” 
“No! No not. Okay- okay that sounds bad I said it way too fast-“ He’s stumbling over his words “Jus- just like being cool hanging out I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t ask you on a date…yet. Like we just met you know so I mean I don’t want to take things too fast for you!!” 
His head falls heavily back against the headrest groaning at his awkwardness, and you’re smirking, your arms crossed over your chest. He looks over at you, his voice low as he takes a deep breath.
“Would you like to go to the zoo with me this weekend? As friends. I’d like to get to know you better.” 
You smile at him, leaning into the car window and kissing him on the cheek.  
“I would love to go to the zoo with you this weekend, as friends” 
Eddie rolls his eyes, that blush on his cheeks deepening as he starts the car, looking at you. “Friends don’t kiss friends” He dares to say that as if he hadn’t kissed your forehead that afternoon. 
“I promise you, friends kiss friends on the cheek. Trust me” You tell him a matter of factly, assuring him as you step back, giving him a little wave.
“Guess I gotta get on that trend huh?” 
He smirks as he drives off. Is he speeding? Yes. But does it look cool as hell, also yes. He’s so giddy all the way home. Not only does he have a Tupperware full of some of the best food he’s eaten in a long time that you’d shoved in his hands and refused to take no for an answer when he tried to tell you he couldn’t possibly take it. But you’d also said yes to the date… okay a “friend” date but you still said yes!!
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The next morning he’s got a little more pep in his step, he gets through his workout faster than usual and he’s even early to work.
“You’re in a good mood” Hen comments, as she drinks her coffee, he shrugs as he finishes tucking his shirt into his pants
“I guess I am …yeah” He smiles, fixing his hair. He is in a good mood…he can’t stop thinking about you. He’d even dreamed about you… it was impossible not to think about you. It’s like he could smell your perfume as he was just standing there, whatever you wore was everything to him, he could practically bathe in it. 
“Why are you standing with your hands in your hair like that?” You giggle as you walk up next to him. 
Oh, so he could smell your perfume.
“I was just distracted..” He says awkwardly, turning towards you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I brought brownies! Me and Maddie are hanging out today so she brought me up here ...didn't realize I’d run into you” you say, your hands behind your back as you look around the firehouse. 
“Didn’t think I’d get to see you either…” he says, mimicking your stance
He leans down, kissing you on the cheek. His lips are soft and plump and it makes you blush, his hand ghosts over your hip before he pulls you a little closer to him. 
“So, I was thinking we could go to lunch after the zoo? If you wanted” 
He’s so close now, looking down at you. He’s tall…and he still smells so good, like he always does. You could bottle that and just bathe in it.
“Lunch?” your voice is a bit dreamy as you feel his hand on your hip. He’d been touching you yesterday too and today felt just as good. You can practically feel his body against yours like it was the other day when you were hiding. 
“Yeah, figured we could go to the zoo early…maybe spend the day together. If you’re okay with that” His voice is smooth, sort of deep. Like he’s purposely trying to overwhelm your senses. 
“Y…yeah okay. Yeah, that sounds nice” you agree easily because he is overwhelming you. And you can’t help the way your lips part softly like you just need to know what his feels like. He’s got a smirk on his face as his eyes flick down to your lips, he runs his tongue over his own before he chuckles lightly.
“Alright…it’s a date. But you know, not” His voice is playful as he wiggles his eyebrows at you and you roll your eyes, finally pushing at his chest, shoving him away from you.
“Yeah, yeah whatever I’ll see you this weekend.” You can finally breathe again. 
He watches you walk away, practically thirsting over that sway in your hips and the way those shorts you’re wearing hug your body so deliciously. 
“Shoulda taken her to the beach…” he mumbles to himself.
“Can you not eye fuck my cousin in front of me please, I truly don’t think that’s too hard of a request.” Buck groans as he shoves a brownie in Eddie’s mouth. 
“And she’s good at baking?!” Eddie moans around his bite, accepting the brownie from Bucks's hand 
Buck rolls his eyes “Of course she’s good at baking. She’s good at everything”
“Eddie you better get to talking to her before I do” Hen threatens him jokingly “These are damn good”
“I know okay, I know” Eddie sighs “I’m not going to jump at her though, that’s like….desperate right? I don’t want to come off as desperate…even if I think she’s pretty. Like really pretty- stupid pretty”
“Hey, guys? You think she’s pretty?” Chim asks as he comes over to help Hen restock the engine. 
“Not sure. Maybe we should ask Eddie” Hen nods as she walks away with him. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, flicking them both off as he leans against the wall, rubbing his hands over his face. Buck chuckles at him, putting his hand on his arm.
“She's not gonna think you’re desperate Eddie… Y/N isn’t like that. And I think she’s into you too. Just be yourself, man, You’re a good guy Eddie, and a total catch. I love Y/N with all of my heart but if she can’t see that? She’s a total loser. And you know two sides of the same coin if you can’t see she’s the greatest woman in the entire world you’re the loser” He snickers as he elbows Eddie in the ribs. Eddie chuckles and sighs nudging Buck back. 
“Thank you for restoring my confidence…I needed that. You’re the greatest friend in the world man, honestly”
Bobby makes a gagging sound as he walks by “And you’re the greatest crew in the world” He says in a high-pitched voice, fluttering his eyelashes. 
“Hey! We’re having a moment” Buck says, throwing his napkin at Bobby. 
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Part Two
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cloveroctobers · 6 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🦇 — 11. Evan “Buck” Buckley
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A/N: my man, my man, my man!! Hopefully we get to see you soon and I can actually get the nerve to finish season six—I only have maybe 4 episodes left? Then I’ll dive into 9-1-1 lone star while we wait. Regardless I thought this would be funny and a little creepy to write so here we are! Enjoy 😉
Synopsis: Buck loves the new house you live in together and although you’re not crazy about it…you decide to pull a prank on your boyfriend to liven up the place that perhaps leads to you opening doors for a uninvited guest?
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE & HERE & I’m using: A buys a crappy sound machine and plants it in the house. While it plays ghost noises and spooky sounds, A hopes they can convince B that the place is haunted. + “Come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it’s definitely now.”
*GIF BELONGS TO: @911edit
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
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“BABE!” Buck yelled into your ear after pulling the headphone away.
You flinch as you stand up straight from the kitchen island and away from your overnight oats, “Yes?” You press with raised brows.
Buck waves his hands around, “you don’t hear that?”
“Hear what?” You question, pausing the podcast and resting your headphones to lay around your neck, “I didn’t even know you were home.”
Buck immediately frowns, “don’t tell me that. That means anybody could be hiding in here and you wouldn’t even know because of those stupid things.”
“You bought them for me.”
“Yeah to use at the gym and keep those meathead douchebags away while I’m not around.” Buck explained which made you smirk with a roll of your eyes.
“Listen,” Buck said again as you moved around the modern kitchen (that you hated) to place the now empty bowl and spoon into the sink.
Placing a hand on your hip you glance around the new open floor plan home that you and Buck moved into together. The modern contemporary home was such a contrast from the outside to the inside with its exterior being too boxy for your liking but you enjoyed the black exterior and the courtyard and pool. The inside was much lighter, from white to cream walls, along with the high ceilings which made the home feel bigger and instantly sold Buck who believed this would be your forever home.
You on the other hand were not convinced but nobody could ever say you weren’t open to trying new experiences. It’s only been four months settling in and there were still some things you wanted to change like: mainly the wall colors but Buck was convinced furniture and decor could replace that urge.
Sighing you say, “I don’t hear anything Ev,” you tap the sink on, “maybe you should lay down? Was it a rough day?”
“No, it was a breeze.” Buck fanned his hand along before resting them both flat against the White Island counter, “…maybe it’s a bird or something?”
“Well what exactly did it sound like?”
“Like scratching. Kinda like Pearla when she tries to sneak into our room at night,” Buck answers before glancing around, “matter of fact, where is she?”
“At the groomers. She won’t be ready until after four,” you inform Buck of the whereabouts of your old English sheepdog.
Buck dips his head, looking at his watch, “it’s 3:42.”
“Shoot! time does really get away from me,” you widen your eyes as you quickly finish washing the dishes before spinning around to shove it into the dishwasher.
Buck nods his head, “I’ll drive.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” Buck shrugs his shoulders, “it’s a nice crisp day and…I don’t want you having any accidents considering your hearing isn’t the best right now.” He playfully lifts the headphones from your neck to place down while you roll your eyes again.
You lean towards him smug, “ah, I see what this is…you’re scared to stay here by yourself because of this imaginary noise you’re hearing.”
“I’m not! And i don’t think it’s in my head.” Buck defended while you went over to the couch to shove your hoodie back over your gym attire.
“Uh huh,” you say as Buck scoffs ready to plead his case as you lock up the home behind you.
The next time Buck hears the noise is around 3am when you’re both tucked away at the back of the home in bed. It’s not a pleasant sound as his eyes snap open to the darkness of the room, the moaning and creaking almost sounds like a mixture of a whale and the cracking of a ship that meets the bottom of the ocean. Buck knows he should stop clicking on random things on YouTube before bed that leads him down a deep dive but this isn’t the first time he’s hearing that groaning sound.
It was brief before on his day off while you were at work and he was lounging on the couch watching some twisted documentary about Russ McKamey. Buck tried to brush it off as something that was on screen since it stopped when he paused the television but he couldn’t hear it while watching again. Was this truly in his head? He started to think but here he was— technically—the third time hearing the noise for much longer.
When he peaks over at you with your back to him, he lightly grips your shoulder and leans over to see that you’re still fast asleep and sits up in bed. By the edge of the bed, he spots Pearla on the floor with her fluffy ears perked up and Buck nods his head.
“You hear it too, girl? I know I’m not going crazy!” Buck whisper-yells to the dog who’s definitely more alert than you are.
Buck’s crawling out of bed with Pearla at his ankles, taking a deep inhale he opens the bedroom door to peak down the left of the hallway towards the front of the new home and only sees darkness. Pausing for a moment he listens for the noise again but the home is eerily quiet.
Buck stands there for at least two minutes before he considers closing the door but the creaking starts up again, sending Pearla flying out of the room barking as she tries to locate the noise first.
“Pearla!” Buck yells for the dog who disappears down the hallway and out of sight.
He blows a whistle with his fingers to get her attention, stepping into the hallway now but Pearla is nowhere to be seen. When he glances over his shoulder back in your direction, you’re still in fact sound asleep. Usually you’re the light sleeper out of the pair but somehow in this early morning, you’re having a grand time in dreamland.
Reaching for the doorknob, Buck slowly pulls the door closed with a soft click and begins taking the path to the main areas of the home. Pass the three bedrooms and the half bath on the left, Buck scans the dining room, kitchen, and living room to find it all empty. Confusion is written all over Buck’s face as he stands in the center of the home, hands on his hips as he’s searching but…for what?
The groaning picks up again just as a touch goes to his hips. Buck yelps, whipping around to face you who’s actually holding their composure. Buck holds onto his chest ready to let out a exhale but the look you cast behind your shoulder then back to meet Buck’s island water eyes you say, “the house is haunted.”
“What?” Buck let’s out a full exhale, trying to calm his heart rate.
You swallow, hands still holding onto Buck’s hips, “I hear it too.”
He tightens his jaw, ears picking up on the noise but now it’s the loudest it’s ever been, making you grip your very sensitive ears.
“Wait here,” Buck suggests, hands flexing as he picks up a fire poker that was left leaning against the industrial bookcase from his old apartment, “it sounds like it’s coming from the laundry room.”
You huff, feet slapping against the floor as you latch right onto the back of his shirt, “hell no! You’re not leaving me behind in this sketchy house.”
“Ohhh,” Buck sing songs, “now it’s sketchy but when I said it’s been weird lately you tell me I need a nap.”
You hiss, “be quiet, we’re supposed to be stealthy when sneaking up on a ghost.”
“I wasn’t aware that you had experience with the paranormal.” Buck looks back at you with a frown before slowly leading the way back towards the bedrooms.
“I’ve seen ghost whisperer you know?”
“…am i supposed to know what that is?”
“It’s a show Maddie and I are currently binge watching, now ssh!” Your attempt to silence the man was met but Buck used this silence to steady his heartbeat.
If this house was truly haunted then it was going to be hard to explain this to the insurance company when he’s done tearing up the place.
And we all know Buck’s not afraid of some action. His arm goes out to shield you as you both slide up against the wall opposite of the door that leads into the small laundry room. Buck couldn’t hear Pearla’s barking anymore and she did go in the opposite direction so he hoped whatever this is, didn’t harm your beloved dog.
“On my count,” Buck signals peering at you shortly to make sure you understood where he was going with this, “three…two…”
Of course he didn’t say “one” as he pushed the door back, revealing the very normal looking laundry room. Everything appeared in tack as Buck stepped into the room, hand reaching out to shove some clothes on the rack aside and then checking the cabinets above the washer and dryer.
“Huh,” Buck hummed before pulling the appliances open to find them both empty, “nothing.”
When he turns to face you, you’re hugging yourself but your brows are still furrowed in disbelief. He reaches to flick the light off and steps towards you to exit the room but a screeching noise picks up yet again. Instead of it sounding like it’s in the laundry room, it’s appears as if it’s coming from back towards the front of the home.
“No freaking way!” Buck yells, bringing the fire poker up like a bat as he runs down the hallway.
You scream at his back, “stop running towards danger you idiot!”
Buck ignores you, following the sound right to the pantry door, which is closed shut. He wastes no time, pulling the door back to reveal a gray and white Pearla fleeing from the room with a whine. Buck almost recoils at how loud the sound is coming from the pantry but steps in anyway, looking around the spacious storage room until the door shuts right behind him.
He tries the knob but to no avail, he turns back to the dark room, dropping down into a push up motion to check underneath the shelves. The thirty year old was just waiting to see something further unusual but got back to his feet just to be shoved towards the shelves.
Buck steadies his hands out in front of himself, catching himself against the shelves but not without the goods crashing onto the floor. He spins back around as the cracking noise picks up, almost making his teeth ache at the sound but that doesn’t stop him from swinging the fire poker wildly in the air. He’s not sure when the poker breaks one of the shelves but he spots a flash of red way at the top behind a acrylic container.
Panting Buck begins latching and crawling up on the shelves and swipes a hand across the top shelf, knocking the contents onto the floor to spot some sort of machine that suddenly shoots a weak steam of fog his way, followed by the creaking sound. Buck presses on top of it which sends out that screeching sound that makes Buck slip at the upsetting noise.
He’s shouting your name once he aims his footing right, landing back on it but not without the machine slipping right towards his face and knocking Buck off balance.
“I’m just glad it’s not broken,” you say for what felt like the thirteenth time as you hold the door open; ten am later that morning, leading your boyfriend back into your shared home that Buck secretly didn’t want to come back to.
The bandage on his bruised and cut up nose was prominent but Buck still sported a small smile on his face. “See what happens when you try to prank me. Now you have to tell everyone that I did in fact fight a ghost.”
The pantry door was jammed by the time you got to Buck, hearing him calling your name and Pearla barking for your attention. It wasn’t something it commonly did but you just deemed it as your anxiety getting the best of you, struggling to get it open. You were in on a bet with Chimney and Hen since Eddie (surprisingly) and Bobby didn’t want to participate—that you could convince Buck that your new home was haunted.
However you weren’t expecting for him to go investigating and get smacked in the face with the crap ghost machine you purchased off eBay. You were just happy that you weren’t the cause of Buck almost breaking his nose (you didn’t intend for the machine to slide off the shelf) but everything else you’ll take responsibility for.
“Sit,” you ordered Buck by his arms who laughed at you going into your nurturing role, “you know they’ll never believe that right?”
Buck kicks his feet up along the couch with a sigh, “but it could be a plot twist x2 with there actually being some haunted vibes going on. I mean…you did set me up.”
You pout as stood in the kitchen, “it was supposed to be all in good fun but then you had to go Rambo—being Buck. Did I mention how sorry I am?”
Buck laughs, “it’s just a scratch,” as Pearla jumps up beside him to rest her head in his lap, “it’ll heal and I can take a joke but just know…you did start a prank war for the rest of this fall season. You have no idea what you just unleashed.”
You didn’t like how Buck was rubbing his hands together in wicked joy but you’ll learn to deal with it.
“Yeah that’s what Maddie said,” you mumbled as you pulled open the fridge, “so before you come up with those ideas…I can make you your favorite breakfast.”
Buck grins, “that’ll be nice but I’d prefer a cuddle first.”
“Is your head hurting?”
Buck lolls his head, “I told you babe, I feel fine. Now get over here.”
You make a cross motion as you cautiously step over to Buck who shakes his head at you with a grin. Once you’re close enough, he reaches for your sweatshirt to yank you to his other side since Pearla made her claim on his left.
“Now that I know I’m not going crazy anymore, I can really enjoy this house with my two favorite people.” Buck curls a arm around you and rests the other along the back of the couch after patting Pearla’s head.
Resting your head against Buck’s chest you sink into the comfort each other. However that doesn’t last long with the sound of glass shattering from the mirror that once hung on the wall above the wooden chest that contained the record player on top of it.
The silence is almost deafening now as the both of you watch the pieces of the mirror decorate the floor.
Buck says, “Come on, if there was ever a time to be superstitious it’s definitely now.”
You knew a broken mirror was not a good sign and Buck started to feel like it wasn’t really all in his head as the flashes of what happened earlier this morning played back in his head. It couldn’t just be the trash machine you bought whenever and Buck really wasn’t that clumsy to trip over his feet so what gives?
Spookiness can be fun but Buck could always sense when things didn’t exactly feel right anymore? He believed in the full moon, mercury in retrograde and he strongly believed in when things weren’t just a good scare.
“So you agree, we should go house hunting?”
Again? Buck hated the process when he was on his own but with you it felt nice, like there was a definite future to look forward to.
“Yeah,” Buck states, “I think I’m done ghost hunting for awhile.”
“Hell yeah you are.” You respond, keeping your eyes towards the area just in case you saw something else that didn’t sit right with you; while reaching for your phone.
The both of you didn’t bother to debate over where you would be escaping to for the night as you searched your contacts for your realtor and fast.
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Continue with my fall anthology prompts here.
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babyjackdaniels · 6 months
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Buck: "Be myself"? Bobby, I have one night to win over Y/n's parents! How long did it take before you guys started to like me?
Eddie: Couple weeks.
Hen: Six months.
Chim: Jury's still out.
Buck: See? "Be myself." What kind of garbage advice is that?
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reality-exodus · 1 year
The Abduction
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Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader (established relationship)
Warnings:angst hurt blood bullet wound
Summary: reader gets shot trying to escape the situation, will they be taken care of on time
We had been called in a riot, police escort and all the crazy things that happened in state prisons. We had a fire to put out either way, I hadn't had the chance to speak with Eddie after last night's argument. I have to admit, storming out of the house during night wasn't the nicest reaction but it was better than saying things upon fury. When we arrived at the station, dispatch immediately got us to the prison incident.
We arrived and police were all around us, I could feel Eddie's eyes closing on me making sure I was nearby. We were moving out as we noticed the two inmates that were barely alive, Eddie and Buck got one of them aiding him out to our ambulance while we waited for more police escort.
"What if he codes?"I asked Captain Nash who sighed heavily.
"Alright Y/L/N approaching Diaz and Buckley" he informed the systems as I jogged towards their route.
"Approaching them now" I filled in as I arrived and started walking next to Buck.
"Hey there" he greeted with a smile, he could sense the electrified atmosphere between me and Eddie, therefore he knew it wasn't the moment to talk or ask about it.
"Officer why don't we move forward, prepare the ambulance we shouldn't be exposed to the yard" I suggested and snuck my hand on Buck's pocket I was moving, I wouldn't give them space to argue with me. He did follow. I heard Eddie's exhale and I shook my head as I was jogging to the exit.
"You seem like you know our job" the escorting guard commented as I opened the ambulance and got the bed out.
"It's true, I was in the police academy but then being a paramedic won me over." I explained and prepared the bed as the rest exited as well, I lowered the bed so the inmate would be laid quicker. I got in the back of the ambulance and so did Eddie and one guard as the other and Buck went on the front. The siren was heard.
"Eddie, give me the IV" I requested as the supply was closer to him,I started cleaning the spot not really realizing what was going on, I plugged the small tube of the fluid bag to the needle and then carefully placed it on his arm as the siren stopped. There was silence no one said a thing, I would break the silence as my fianceè was in a mood to start a conversation.
"What the hell?" Eddie murmured the moment I stood up to hook the IV,I turned my head abruptly as I noticed the abrupt movement of the prison guard that was holding a gun pointing at me. Eddie held my wrist the moment I was frozen standing and pulled me to sit down again next to him. He didn't let go, I slid my hand to hold his too.
My throat went dry, my gaze spectated Eddie, he was staring at the guy angered, his expression was solid and tremendously decisive as if he was scheming a plan… I had my own plan though as well. I breathed out, not realizing I was holding my breath, it came out like a sob.
"It's going to be alright"Eddie assured me, we were close to each other so close he was putting his body forward so I was behind him just in case. I didn't resist, I simply held his hand tightly, he could feel me shaking.
"We can't thank you enough, I was waiting to get out of there 18 years ago." He sighed heavily and smiled at us, the vehicle was slowly stopping. "Now how about we get out of here for a while." He winked at us, signing us with the gun.
I stood up and opened the doors slowly, Eddie was close behind me. I took a step and tripped, in my attempt to stop the fall I grabbed a drawer making it fall along with its interior to the ground. Before I fell Eddie wrapped his arm around my waist pulling to my feet. As he did I managed to snatch two sedative injections.
Once I was down Eddie followed suit, he came close to me, as on my other side there was Buck, he was angry too, but in a way that he was to do something stupid. "Check them" the one that was on the back ordered and the other one started patting Eddie's suit then it was my turn, his eyes fixed on me as foreign hands patted my body over the suit.
"That's enough" he spoke and the guy laughed a bit and moved to Buck as I managed to cover the injections.
"What do we do" Buck asked lowly and I swallowed
"There are two of them and two of us" Eddie spoke and I shook my head
"And then there's me, with two sedatives on my sleeve, so I need a distraction" I announced and looked at Eddie slightly.
"The fall as you got out" he realized with a heavy sigh
They ripped our wirelesses and took our phones and wallets. One was holding Eddie. He took a photo of Christopher out "Cute Kid" he noticed "Yours?". He overstepped, Eddie's behavior changed, softened I could feel the fear he felt for his son. "I guess he lives with you at 4995 South Be-" he was to say the address but Buck interrupted him with a punch landed on his face.
This was my distraction.
The other guy fought Buck with a punch as I moved to the other one to inject him before I could, there was a shot heard, I turned my face immediately to Buck who was next to me and then Eddie only to see fear flooding both of their faces. Seconds later I felt the same fear as I felt the bullet enter and exit my shoulder, I fell with a sob as Eddie raced stumbling next to me as if guns weren't there, he held me close to him, I was breathing sharply already red in tears, he leaned me on his chest applying pressure with his fireproof coat, he removed mine too.
Buck soon approached and took my wrist."strong pulse." He informed Eddie who was letting go of my wound.
"It's an in and out. Only shoulder." Eddie spoke, I calmed down, my head upon his heartbeat, assisted me to control my breaths and calm down, it made me feel safe.
"I assume that now we are on the same page" one of them said.
I was only waiting for what would come now… I didn't move an inch from where I was hidden "Get in" he ordered us.
Eddie had me standing. "Are you alright?" He asked as he wrapped the coat carefully so then pressure would be applied.
I nodded "don't worry I am hanging" I assure him, I walked on my own to the vehicle behind me then boys. "He is in cardiac arrest" I realized as the patient had no pulse and was choking in his own blood.
"Then save him" he spoke
"She c pman't" Eddie pointed out as he and Buck started the attempts to regain his pulse.
"Don't worry, when will be just fine she is a paramedic, and besides that if she dies you two will die." He announced and my blood went cold.
"He is right, you revive him and I will take care of myself" I smiled reassuringly. "I am just getting the patches to stop the bleeding of my wound," I said.
"No, I have it stable with my coat Y/N… remove it and it may get worse" Eddie remarked. "You have to rest so your pressure falls enough and the blood you lose is preserved " he suggested and I nodded, laying back I was speaking advising them on how to behave with the patient.
Soon we arrived at the hospital, it was dark outside and I was starting to slip in and out of consciousness. Everything I heard was blurry. I woke up from Eddie and Buck shouts.
"Okay he ought to go to the hospital with Buck but Y/N needs to follow along." Eddie exclaimed "She is bleeding out" his voice sounded scared.
"Her life it's not in my hands, and in case you haven't noticed I am holding the gun, so now do as I say before I quicken the bleed out" he sighed and Buck slowly got off the ambulance with the other guard.
Eddie approached me "Hey Y/N" He sighed softly and pulled me to the space on the floor so I would lay down "how are you feeling?" He asked me as he processed one IV on my hand, I flinched with a sob.
"I am alright" I breathed, barely making my voice audible "just dizzy" I spoke and smiled weakly.
"You said her life is not in your hands… what do you want to let us go" Eddie yelled slightly.
"My son is on life support, waiting for a heart transplant, but you see his priority spot is not so high up…" he explained "I am available and compatible… but I also am a convict… so I cannot donate." He explained and lowered his gaze to me.
I could hear him, he looked at me with a slight sigh. My breathing was shallow as I was laying on Eddie's arms. "You can't stay here forever, they will make a move eventually and both of them will die…" Eddie spoke for some reason and it seemed to work. "If we go out and you turn yourself in, I have a friend, Taylor Kelly. She will let people know of the situation and the transplant will be found," he suggested.
"We will do our best too, if we know your son's blood type" I spoke my voice came out hoarse, I coughed turning on my side, if I passed out I should be on the right position, Eddie helped me his hand str
Oking my head, untangling then braids I had to let me looser, he kissed my temple before looking back up.
"Alright… we are going out…" he finally announced. "Secure her to last for a few more minutes and let's go out. You care moving first" he ordered Eddie.
Eddie placed me on the floor of the vehicle and kissed my head, I brought my exhausted glare to meet his gaze, reassuring still. "It's going to be alright, see you in a few minutes" he assured me gently stroking my head, I smiled raising my head to kiss his lips, he responded by cupping my face softly. "Hang on for me" he spoke and moved to the door, I heard him exhale loudly. The door was clicked open.
He spoke loudly to the cops in order to be heard, his tone remained calm, soon the ambulance shook slightly as our captor got out,seconds later I heard a shot, I gasped trying to move but I could barely speak, I felt my heart race. I wasn't able to keep my eyes open, I knew Eddie was alive… I heard him right before everything went black.
"Tell them to prepare an O.R… Then get in the ambulance, Y/N is still in there in need of blood… please"
"Y/N" Buck yelled, getting in.
"How bad is it?" Eddie asked
"Pulse barely exists, I am moving her out, I got it." I heard Buck as he placed his one hand underneath my knees and his other over my waist, he supported my head on his shoulder, I could sense the shift of my body and the alterations of the environment, everything seemed in a far dream… a bad dream.
I shot up feeling a stretching ache on my shoulder and hand, the IV and the stitches… I was in the hospital, I looked around, I took a look at the screens that monitored my heart, I realized I was panicking… there was no need… I was safe… that's what the hospital meant. I pressed an emergency button soon the nurse came and checked on me, she highlighted the fact that it was amazing how quickly I responded to the blood transfusions, they calculated I'd be out until dawn.
"Are you up for any visitors?" She asked and I nodded with a smile.
Soon the room flooded with people. Eddie came by my side with a sigh and kissed my cheek. He was carefully hugging me. "Is the kid safe?" I asked him softly and he nodded and signed me to look at the people that entered the room.
"How are you doing?" Bobby asked me as he moved in with his wife.
"I am alright." I assured them, Buck approached me and Eddie hugging us both carefully with a heavy sigh.
"You two gave me quite the scare" he sighed and slapped slight hate back of Eddie's neck and ruffled my hair.
"Sorry, we had work to do" Eddie chuckled at his best friend and kissed my cheek.
We talked and laughed, and ate. They were my family, so important to me… and to Eddie. He was sitting next to me on my bed as I started dozing off, they begun to flee my room, Eddie kissed my lips and cheek but I felt exhausted, he sat on the chair next to me holding ,my hand, I could feel his fingers stroking my wrist, subconsciously feeling the pulsation in my veins that it is still there.
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brotheramberland · 10 months
Firefighters as fathers with a child!reader.
Firefighters include: Evan Buckley, Howard Han "Chimney", and Bobby Nash.
Summary: The firefighters reaction to coming home to their child/the reader after a rough, saddening shift at work.
Please keep in mind: All character and reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Bobby Nash
Bobby loved his job, but getting home to you was his favorite part of the day. The relief, joy and peace he felt when he got to embrace you in his arms after all the atrocities he faced at work made him feel whole. His guilt and his shame for his own past sins would mildly subside, and he thanked God with every fiber of his soul that he still had you.
The past forty-eight hours at work had been stressful and frustrating with not a lot of success. Everyone was quiet and emotional, especially Bobby who couldn't quite handle the loss of children as well as others. It broke his heart and made him hate himself for being unable to save their innocent lives.
When he got home, you came sprinting out of the living room, the sound of your cheerful, excited voice instantly enlightening his dark mood. "Daddy, daddy," You giggled, racing to him, "I missed you!"
Smiling warmly, Bobby set his bag down and knelt to scoop you into his arms, "Hey, sweetheart, I missed you too. How've you been?"
Soaking up his warmth and loving attention, you nuzzled into the long-missed safety of your father's chest and giggled, "I drew more pictures for you. Wanna see?"
Bobby kissed your cheek and said happily, "I'd love to. Why don't you go ahead and grab them for me, huh?"
"Ok, daddy, be right back," You cheerfully agreed, speeding off when he set you down.
With you temporarily out of sight, Bobby took the chance to drag himself over to his arm chair. Plopping down, he sighed heavily, rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. The stress, disappointment and guilt these past two days brought still sat upon his shoulders like a tortuous barbell.
On your way back from retrieving your pictures, you saw the way your father was sitting and the expression on his face, and you slowed in your movements. From past experience, you knew that your father did not always have the funnest job, and some times he would come home sad. Your nanny once told you that Bobby could not be everyone's hero all of the time. And that may be true, but...
You could be 'his' hero.
After over five minutes passed, Bobby lifted his head in concern and hollered, "(y/n)? Everything okay? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, daddy," And then you came running into the living room.
"Hey," Bobby chuckled at your enthusiasm as you ran up to him with a blanket, a plushie, and his favorite pillow. "What're you doing, sweetie? What's this?"
"You're sad," You stated, covering him with the blanket and placing the plushie in his lap, "So I'm gonna make you happy! Nanny is heating you up some soup, and I'm gonna go get you your pictures and your favorite soda- I know soda makes you happy, hehe! Be right back!"
"W-well- hey-" Bobby tried reaching out for you but you were too caught up in your own priorities. Priorities that revolved around him. At first he scolded himself for allowing his emotions to show, but then he clutched the blanket, his pillow and your plushie, and he couldn't help but to feel a sense of happiness, relief and gratitude.
He tried so hard to help everyone else. He tried not to ever ask for help himself. He couldn't always succeed in helping everyone. And sometimes he wanted help for himself... even though he didn't deserve it.
But here you were. You, his little, amazing, considerate, kind angel. His guiding light and soul reason to live. You were here and you cared about him and loved him even though he felt it wasn't what he deserved. It was something that put pressure in his chest and tears in his eyes.
Running back with a can of your father's favorite soda, you smile and hand it to him, "Here you go daddy. I made sure to grab the coldest one I could find and I-daddy?"
Before you could finish talking, Bobby set the can aside, leaned forward, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you sideways onto his lap. You hummed in confusion at first, but you were always happy to have cuddles so you happily accepted and leaned against the safety and warmth of his chest. "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, baby," Bobby had to keep his voice from breaking as he held you tightly, his teary face slightly hidden against the top of your head, "I love you so much. You could never know how grateful I am to have you in my life."
Every time Bobby lost people on calls, he lost a piece of himself, but you gave those pieces back to him, and he loved you so much and he was so grateful for you, you just had no idea.
Howard Han "Chimney"
He came home while you were still asleep, briefly conversing with your nanny before bidding them a good evening and some appreciation for their patience. Then he sauntered into the kitchen where he made himself a glass of water and cooked some low-effort food.
But he didn't eat the food.
No. Instead of eating, Chimney just sat there at the table, mindlessly staring into the abyss while thinking about their failed calls these past few days. Did a worthless failure like him even deserve to eat? Gosh, just thinking about the sad, stricken look of horror on those poor parents faces, it just...
"Daddy Chimney?"
Sniffing and rubbing a hand down his distressed face, Chimney quickly cleared his throat, turned around in his chair and smiled big in greeting, "Hey, little oven. What're you doing awake?"
You frowned at him while walking closer, your blanket held close as you mumbled, "Why are you crying?"
Chimney made a silly face, pretending to be shocked, "W-who? Me? I'm not crying."
"Yes you are," You frown even more.
The last thing Chimney wanted was to drag you down into the same sad pit as himself; that is why he tried his hardest to tease you and make you happy, "Hey, look, I'm not the one who's crying. You are. Don't think I can't see those fat crocodile tears running down your face. Geez, kinda rude of you to call me out like that, you know... Hypocrite."
You giggled at his teasing and made adorable whines of childish yet endearing irritation, "Daddy...."
Chimney smiled, the aching pressure in his chest subsiding a bit. Gosh, he had missed you. Getting to see your face and hear your adorable voice was like stepping into a comforting light. "Come here, oven," He smiled, lifting out his arms.
Setting down your blanket, you walked over and sat down in your father's lap, humming in content when he leaned down and gave you a playful eskimo kiss before kissing your forehead. You whimpered joyfully at his affection and hugged him tightly.
"Want some cold eggs and pancakes?" Chimney asked, "Though I think the pancakes have turned into a deliciously frozen mush by now. Might need a spoon to eat it if I'm being honest..."
"Yucky..." You grumbled at him.
Chimney chuckled and patted your head, but even though he was being affectionate and silly, you knew him well enough to know when he was sad. "Daddy Chimney, please tell me why you're sad," You look at him, pouting hopefully.
Chimney looked at you, observing the concerned, hopeful expression on your face and thinking about how sometimes it felt like no one knew him better than you. "I uh... I just had a rough couple days at work. That's all," He rubbed his lips together tightly, nodding stiffly, "What about you? You do anything fun this weekend?
"What happened?" You asked, twisting around in his lap to better see his face.
Chimney paused, stared at you and sighed. He didn't want to project his own burdens onto you- not in the slightest fashion, but you were always so determined to fish them out of him, and he felt guilty for denying you. But he would also feel guilty for telling you how he felt. When failures at work happened, everyone departed with a measly "we did the best we could", and usually they never spoke of it again.
Over the months, a lot gets bottled up. Guilt, sadness, fear, anxiety and hopelessness. Like right now, Chimney could not stop looking at you and imagining you in the same place the people they couldn't save had been. He could lose you so fast and so easily, and it terrified him. Not to mention how awful the victim's family must feel.
"I just... They were... There were just some people I couldn't save." He softly admitted, gazing away regretfully, "Yeah..."
This wasn't the first time your father had admitted to losing people on the job. Bobby and Hen had explained to you how not every person in the world can be saved. Sometimes outcomes are unavoidable. Trying their best is all that they could do.
Gazing around in thought, you shuffle forward and wrap your small arms around his shoulders in a warm hug, "Thank you."
Chimney twitched a little, confused as he hugged you back, "For what?"
"For trying to help those people," You explain, "They can't be here to thank you anymore, so I'll thank you for them. Thank you, daddy Chimney."
Immediately Chimney's eyes watered and his heart throbbed. His arms around you tightened and his lips wobbled. He sniffed and shook his head, unbelievably grateful that you were his child, "Ugh-gu-gu. There you go again with those crocodile tears. Man, you really gotta slow down with those. I'm drowning over here."
"It's okay to cry, daddy," You giggle, still hugging him.
And finally, Chimney relaxed. "Yeah," He sniffled again, bowing his head, "It is."
Evan Buckley
It was late at night when Buck finally made it home. He was exhausted and yet far from being clear-headed enough to go to sleep. Thousands of thoughts plagued his mind while sadness, guilt, and regret pulsed through his body. He was anxious and ashamed and haunted by his latest shift's failures.
After politely sending your nanny home, Buck quietly wandered into your room and gazed upon your peacefully snoozing figure. Relief from your assured safety engulfed him and had him sighing softly. Seeing you after such a difficult shift was a sight for traumatized eyes.
Unable to avoid the protective urges inside him, Buck walked further into your room and carefully sat down on the edge of your bed. You were in your pajamas, wrapped up in a blanket and snuggling your pillow. It had Buck smiling with loving endearment. You were so precious.
Reaching out a hand, Buck gently caressed your face, delicately moving loose stands of hair out of the way and brushing your warm cheek. "Mm?" You stirred at this, however, but Buck had been anticipating your awakening, "Daddy?"
"Hey monkey," Buck said almost shakily for he was still emotional from his shift, "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to wake you, I just... I just really wanted to see you is all."
"Oh," You yawn cutely, stretching your arms out before lifting them up, "Hi daddy."
"Hi baby," Buck encompassed you in his big, incredibly safe arms, and he inhaled your comforting scent when you hugged him back, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, daddy," You mumble tiredly, feeling cozy enough in his embrace to easily be lulled back to sleep.
But, as childish and immature as it may seem, Buck couldn't stand to be by himself right now- not while he felt like this. He needed you. "Hey," He smiled cheesily, "I was thinking... Why don't you and I go out and get some ice-cream?"
"Hm?" That peaked your interest, and you leaned back to blink at him in confusion, "But... All the ice-cream places are closed..."
"W-well, they... There's gas stations," Buck shrugged, chuckling a bit, "And gas stations have lots of ice-cream. At least I think they do, ha... Do they?"
You yawned again and nodded, "Ok, daddy."
Feeling slightly guilty for waking you up, Buck reached out, scooped his arms around you and hauled you against his hip, "There. Ready?"
Holding onto his neck, you nod and go to rest your head against his chest, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat as he carried you through the house and out to the car. He was so warm and cozy and safe.
Buck drove you to a nearby gas station, carried you inside, picked out some frozen desert and took you for a drive down old roads. You had woken up just enough to enjoy your ice-cream before nodding back off in the backseat. It was then that he went back home and carried you inside.
Instead of carrying you to your room though, Buck carried you to his room. He couldn't help it. His feelings and anxiety were driving him insane and he needed to know with utmost assurance that you were safe. So he laid you down on his bed, tucked you in, and went to the restroom to change in his own pajamas.
By the time he went back, you were sitting up in bed blinking groggily at him, "Daddy?"
"What's up, monkey?" He asked, sitting down in the spot next to you.
"You can't sleep?" You ask in a very adorable yet concerned tone.
Welp, Buck knew he was bound to get caught. This was kind of a bad habit he had; like a child who needed a toy to sleep with for safety- only this way it you he was trying to keep safe. By now you had experienced loads of his breakdowns, and that normally included late-night snacks, games, movies, and/or drives that ended with you sleeping in his arms.
Come to find out, it was a habit Buck started because he was scared.
"Uh..." Buck took in a deep breath, "Yeah- well- no-I... I can sleep, I just... I just really wanted some ice-cream... a-and a roommate, ha."
Crawling over to your father, you snuggle against his side and look up at him, "What happened?"
Buck held one arm around you, his heart clenching at the thought of you being in the same place as the kids that they had lost yesterday. Tears pricked at his eyes, his throat swelled and his body stiffened. "I'm- I just... I'm just so grateful that you're here, (y/n)."
"Huh? But I'm always here, daddy," You say, smiling, "So everything's okay. You don't have to be sad. Please don't be sad.
Buck briskly wiped his eyes and nodded, his smile crooked but grateful, "You're right. I love you so much, monkey."
Brightened by his positive response, you hugged him back and whimpered happily, "I love you too, daddy."
Buck held you long after you fell back asleep, simply needing you close so that he knew that you were alive, safe, healthy and happy. He loved you so much that the thought of losing you made sleeping during some nights to difficult to face alone.
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mvltisstuff · 8 months
Eddie Diaz x female reader
Eddie and reader are childhood sweethearts and have been engaged for 4 years with their wedding is in a few months, reader is also a firefighter with the 118 & also maddie’s best friend. Reader is also close friends with Ravi and Buck. Reader is walking home one night alone after collecting food for Chris and Eddie when she gets mugged and attacked and left for dead in an alleyway, she has multiple injuries such as a gunshot or stab wound, dislocated shoulder, dislocated knee, broken arm along with cuts and bruises to her face. Someone finds her and she ends up in the hospital in a coma, eddie has a breakdown in the hospital and Chris also visits reader crying. Reader wakes up and panics about the wedding as she needs physical therapy on her knee that was injured, worried that she won’t be able to walk down the isle to Eddie, she has a panic attack and everything goes wrong. Maddie tries to help her through it. You can decide on the rest. 🩶🩶
sorry this is so long😅🥲
hope you’re doing well and having a great summer ❤️‍🩹🤍 xx
let the light in - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x reader
gif from @housewifebuck
a/n: this request is from quite some time ago, but it’s been in the drafts for too long! i apologize and hope you enjoy <3 also this is not proofread btw 😭
each hit to her body ricocheted through her muscles, feeling the marks and scars form on her skin. it was a foreign feeling, one of fear and pain. y/n was helpless on the ground of the alley, and there was nothing she could do.
her heartbeat thumped in her ears, and she was horrified that she might not even look the same, let alone be the same. she faces things like this every single day, saving someone’s life but she could barely manage to save her own.
she only wanted to bring home food for chris and eddie, her beloved ones who instantly became her family. she was almost like a mother to christopher, and he was connected to her as she was always there for him.
the moment eddie proposed to y/n, he knew that there would be no hesitation. he had never felt this way about a woman before, let alone want to live with her until their hair turned grey. every single part of y/n left eddie enamored, just falling for her all over again. her persistence and attitude was nothing but precious to him, and he couldn’t help but love every part of her.
he waited for her to come home, knowing that she would be stopping at the grocery store. it was late, the sky dark and the streets only illuminated by the street lamps. he knows how tough she is, and she’d be ok. so, he patiently waited at home with his son, the worries in the far back of his head.
as y/n’s body was dragged about and penetrated with sharpness, all she could think about was her fiancé and stepson at home. the two people she loves most in this world. it was so hard not to give up and let these criminals take her life, but she knew neither of them could deal with her life being stripped away.
let alone the 118. bucks been her best friend since day one, being the first supporter of her and eddie’s relationship. he completely adores her and her humor, along with her strong work ethic. ravi has always looked up to her from the moment he stepped into the station on his first day. she assisted him and taught him with kindness, but didn’t go easy on him. she’s the reason that ravi is the firefighter he is, and he idolizes her for that, in and out of work. hen and chimney have been alongside her, running into each building and saving a civilian. she was almost too good to be true, and the people who attacked her had no idea.
the men heard the crumbling of rocks underneath tires, and scurried away into the midnight. y/n was left there to rot, laying on the hard ground and feeling herself bleed out. her entire body was in agony, but it was nothing compared to the thought of losing herself.
her weak fingers traveled to her pockets, taking out her phone with a shattered screen. surprisingly, the group wasn’t smart enough to steal it, and she thanked god for it. her blurry vision was tempting her, minutes away from fading into complete darkness. her mind was shrouded with negativity, but a flicker of hope came in when she heard maddies voice on the other side of the phone.
“maddie.” y/n groans, practically inaudible. maddie freezes at the letters of her name leave this woman’s mouth, being strictly confused but also horrified. “y/n.”
the slightly collection of blood in her mouth made the words jumble together, maddie using every ounce of brain power to put the pieces together.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t-“ the light goes off in maddies brain, finally being able to put the letters together, forming y/n’s name. “y/n?” she hears a painful groan of agreement from the muffled earpiece. “can you tell me exactly what happened?”
“they tried to kill me,” y/n informs her, slowing her breathing but it only makes her head spin faster. her eyes are closed, fighting the unconsciousness that’s begging to take over. “maddie, i’m not gonna be able to stay awake, but… i-i’m somewhere near the interchange.”
“y/n, honey, you have to try and stay awake for me, okay?” maddie begs, her eyes filling with moisture as she hears y/n’s small voice come through the phone in stutters. “y/n?” the phone lands over her torso, beginning to be stained with blood as y/n’s mind is shrouded in black, unable to process anything any longer.
eddie sat in the living room with christopher, watching a show for chris to practice his spanish. they were both invested in the plot, but also trying to expose christopher to the language.
eddie adored nights like this with his son. christopher is his sun, and his world revolves around him. he protects christopher with every ounce of his being, and there’s not a moment where he regrets any of it. the room was dimmed, the wick of the candle radiating a sweet smell as the words on the tv came through.
there was excitement in his mind as well, knowing y/n would be home soon to greet them. her alluring smile would be seen the moment she stepped in the door, and her bewitching voice became music to the boys. instead, when he heard others car doors slam, he was confronted with silence from his front door afterwards.
the next 15 minutes passed slowly but surely, and there were no signs of y/n coming home. he checked his phone only to find no messages or calls. his thoughts began to run through everything that could’ve happened, and he attempted to focus on the brighter ones. he finally heard the knock on the door, the pounding coming off assertive. somehow, he still wanted to find optimism and it could’ve been y/n.
when the door swung open, a burly man who was slightly taller than eddie stood in front of him. he had on a jacket with the LAPD, and eddie’s heart fell at the look on his face. it was blank on the outside, but eddie could tell he was here to deliver something horrid. he listened as the officer deeply uttered his first and last name, christopher lifting his head to the door at the unfamiliar voice.
in this line of work, eddie knew exactly why the man was here. “where is she?” eddie’s voice crackles, showing weakness when he’s so used to being strong.
the ride to the hospital was silent, deafening silence that only turned up the volume on eddie’s fears. the chugged through his head like a train on tracks, and he could barely see straight. he had absolutely no idea what to expect, only knowing that his girl was in the hospital. for all he could know, she could be wide awake or she could be in the morgue.
it felt like someone had grasped his heart, restricting him from breathing as he saw the almost empty waiting room. he desperately looked for anyone, finally landing his eyes on maddie.
“maddie!” he shouts, stomping over to her in anxiety. “what the hell happened?”
“i got a call,” maddie told him, her voice shaky and uncertain. “i could barely even tell who it was -her voice was so different- she told me that they tried to… they tried to kill her.” maddie mumbles the last part out, not wanting to imagine her closest friend’s life being taken.
the room started becoming blurry, all sights and sounds around eddie becoming irrelevant. it felt like he was the only person in the room, and someone from above was pointing and laughing at him. it was like a gunshot, being thrown back at the sudden force, or in this case, the sudden news that someone had attempted murder on y/n.
“i called buck, he’s on his way,” maddie says, fidgeting with her hands as she looks into eddie’s distant eyes. “eddie, sit down-“
“what room is she in?”
“i don’t know if you want to see her like this so fa-“
“maddie, i love you like a sister, but if you don’t tell me what room she’s in, i swear…”
“she’s in 319,” and that was the last thing eddie heard before taking wide steps through the hallways, his feet swiftly carrying him through the hospital as he eyes the door numbers. 316, 317, 318, and the one that held y/n inside. he prepared himself for the worst, but nothing could compare to actually seeing it.
each cut on her face was surrounded by a thick bruise disguising her angelic features. her soft, welcoming expression was replaced with discomfort and tightness. her eyes were tired and screwed shut, begging to remain closed and her lips were tightly coiled around the thick tube down her throat. the mechanical breaths pumped through her body, and eddie only hurt himself more with every step he took to her room.
she heard the thumping of footsteps down the hall, and prayed that it was eddie on his way to save her. she wanted him to just pick her up and they could run away, live their life and forget about all that happened that evening. she wanted to smile, but the look on his face was only disappointing.
his face looked as if someone had landed a punch to his gut, leaving his stomach dropping and shakiness building through his hands. he could barely figure out the words to say. his beautiful girl, the one he lays with at night and the one who kisses him with her soft lips. the one who he cries to and laughs with, and someone tried to steal it.
she had a long, white cast over her leg, being slightly elevated in the bed. he could see the bandages all over her body, and the thick wrap of gauze around her belly. he didn’t have any idea what to say, and it brought eddie back to the former years.
before he and y/n dated, shannon had passed away as eddie watched the life leave her eyes. he felt everything, the guilt, the grief, the anger. it took too long for things to return, but he never, ever wanted to experience that again. he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t manage to push through losing y/n.
y/n wanted to move so bad, she used all fibers of her muscles to try and bring herself up to meet eddie, but she was only met with his frozen figure staring down at her own. someone had put chains on her body, restricting her from moving or speaking, let alone open her eyes. she wanted to be caught while she was falling, but was just left dangling in the air without a hand to grab onto. just by the aura eddie reflects, she knew he was there.
he stepped closer, running his smooth fingers down her rough wounds, brushing her silky hair down. the hissing of her intubation flooded the silent room, realizing that it’s the only thing keeping her alive.
the door had remained open, the doctor entering the room and knocking on the open door. he stepped out and stood in front of the bed, carrying binders and charts in his arms. he looked through them, explaining each familiar term to eddie as he went down the list of y/n’s injuries. the doctor knew eddie well, him returning to the hospital to drop off a patient, or god forbid a patient himself. he let eddie sit alone next to her in the room, watching the very small movements of her chest.
the next person came rushing in, much faster than the doctor had. buck swung the door open, maddie trailing behind him in hesitation to see her friend like this.
“jesus,” buck whispers under his breath, stepping closer to eddie who’s elbows kneel on his knees. “you holding up?”
“i’m fine,” eddie tells his friend, fully aware he’s far from it. his eyes wander down to the ring in maddies hand, the one eddie remembers shining in the little box. it’s been years, but with their schedules, they could never find a date. they found their perfect venue and time, and y/n was so excited. now, it was questioned whether or not she would even make it to their wedding.
“i’ll call her family and take care of stuff for her and work,” buck assists, patting eddie’s shoulder before moving back out of the room with his cell phone. maddie takes this opportunity to step closer to eddie, and try to touch his heart to help ease the pain.
“you need to eat, or walk for a bit, eddie.” maddie tells him, lightly throwing her arms up and receiving zero glances from him. when she notices the distance in his eyes, she knows exactly what he needs. “eddie!”
he perks up, looking into maddies soothing eyes and seeing her begin to walk toward the door. “she’ll be ok for a minute, please just come with me.” she pleads, finally achieving to get eddie out of the uncomfortable hospital chair.
eddie follows maddie through the halls like he’s just a kid, letting his mother lead him through. it was a strange feeling, one that was out of his control. the control that he’s so used to having. maddie sauntered casually through the thick white walls and metal stretchers in the halls. she looked up and down the stretch of area, seeing no nurses or doctors. she swung open the storage closet, yanking eddie in and standing in front of the door. she leaned against it, looking into eddie’s exhausted eyes. they were so close to breaking, and maybe that’s exactly what he needed.
“it’s ok to let yourself take a break.” maddie says to eddie, watching him place his hands on his hips and allow his tired eyes to well up. “do whatever you have to. scream, cry, lay on the ground, throw those lap pads. it’s clear as day that you’re about to fall apart and you can’t carry this weight and be there for her at the same time.”
he spun around, spitting out a dry chuckle and losing the eye contact. he couldn’t face it, he couldn’t handle someone watching him look so weak. however, when maddie turned around, he knew that she was safe, and that he was too.
first, his breathing starts to pick up along with the sharp burning in his nostrils. it was as if the gears of an attack started turning, and eddie knew now that there was nothing to stop them.
his hands began to shake, messily frizzing his gelled hair as his fingers ran through it. his already tightened chest had began to feel like it was being crushed, and someone was wrapping their strong fingers around his heart.
the tears started coming in constant streams down his cheeks, leaving shiny residue on the soft skin. he tasted the salty cries on his lips whenever he took a deep inhale. with a strange sensation, there’s a feeling of lightness throughout his body. he knows too well that y/n remains helpless in the other room, but he also knows that he can’t control it.
in such a simply way, eddie cries. he cries for his son, who he knows is going to be completely shredded by the news of y/n’s condition. he cries for her parents, thinking about someone’s little girl in that bed. he cries for himself, watching his beloved fiancé lose herself. of course, he cries for y/n and how everything she loves has vanished due to the villains in this world.
when maddie turns back around, eddie is hunched over with his head in his hands. his fingers aggressively swipe at his eyes and cheeks, trying to rid any signs of upset in his face. maddie gives him the smallest, but the most reassuring smile that he’s gotten in a while. she opens the door, stepping out and they both walk back to y/n’s room.
eddie didn’t want christopher to see y/n so vulnerable like this. y/n had been a role model to chris since the day he met her, becoming an instant prized person in his life. christopher knew y/n was hurt, buck being the one to break the news as eddie physically couldn’t form the words. a few days had passed, and christopher still had not seen y/n, or barely even known what happened. someone did something bad, and that’s the only thing he could handle hearing.
christopher begged to see y/n to his dad, who tried to hide the situation from him as long as possible. he allowed eventually, becoming aware of the unfairness, and that christopher deserves to see favorite person, too.
buck walked into the doors with christopher, eddie meeting them at the front. eddie had become more accustomed to the sight of y/n on the bed, and her limp figure resting silently. he couldn’t help but let out a cheesy grin at his son, seeing him excitedly walk in to see y/n.
“dad!” he shouts, stepping closer to eddie who then embraces him.
“hey, chris!” he replies, thrilled to see his boy after the past few days from hell.
“is y/n better yet?” he asks, and the naivety almost breaks eddie.
“uh, not yet, buddy,” eddie mumbles. “she’s still sleeping.”
“can i please see her?”
“you can, of course, but christopher,” eddie kneels down to match his height, placing his hands on christopher’s sides. “i want you to know that she doesn’t look normal right now. it’s okay to be scared.”
“are you scared?”
eddie looks at the ground, not wanting his son to see him in his moment of weakness. he looks at buck, who wears the matching expression of glumness on his face. “yeah, i am. but, it’s going to be ok.” he takes christopher to the room, greeting everyone else who came to visit her.
hen leans against the wall of the room, toward the end of her bed. chim sits against the window, a grimace formed on his lips. ravi had come to visit, only being able to watch y/n on the small mattress. bobby watched, painfully, from the corner as well. athena had stopped by, but she was still on duty and had to leave.
christopher walked in, stepping up toward the bed and seeing a smile form on everyone’s face. they adore him, but he doesn’t understand how they can smile right now. “can she hear me?”
“i think she can,” hen replies, giving another grieving, but comforting expression
“y/n,” he begins. “i know you’re really hurt, but we all need you to come back. it’s not your fault, but you have to come back to us, and dad. everyone is here for you, and we all love you. you’ve always taken care of me, and i need you. you can’t let the bad guys win.”
eddie leans against the doorframe, his hand over his mouth and tears sprinting back down his face. he attempts to choke back the audible sobs, but the silent weeping in the corner almost felt worse.
the days passed, slow and agonizing days of seeing her only linear condition. it felt like nothing was going anywhere, until the doctors came in to check her on the week mark.
“her brain function is looking pretty good, it’s honestly best that the coma saved some of it. her heart rate looks extraordinary, and her white blood cell count is good, mr. diaz.”
the good news comes light as a feather to eddie, barely touching the optimism in his head. he knows he should be happy, but until he sees that beautiful face that he calls his awake and alert, nothing will be the same. he knew he should be grateful that she’s even breathing, but what he would give to be able to bring her back to the surface and hold his hand.
as much as it stung his heart, life continued without y/n’s consciousness. he had a child who had needs, a family who had needs, the person inside of him that also had needs. he was too smart to know that he was destroying himself every minute that he spent next to her brittle body. maddie swore to spend every second with her that eddie couldn’t be.
she sat besides her, spoke to her, told her stories and read her books. maddie always let y/n cry on her shoulder, now it was maddie weeping on her bedside. hours ticked by on the shiny hospital clocks, and the sun crept down and dimmed the sky along with the room. maddies eyes were pushed with weight, her own sleepiness covering her thoughts. she allowed herself to slump back on the chair, pulling her legs up and her breathing began to shallow, lulling herself to sleep.
the next time she awoke was around six in the morning, the morning sky slowly being illuminated by the orange sunrise. the light outside was glorious, the painting on the horizon better than any artist could create. the swift streaks of clouds only simply covered the sliver of sun peeking out.
when maddie stretched out her arms, she smiled at the warm colors outside the big glass window, she searched around the room, noticing the soft sound of fabric shuffling on the bed.
it was almost like a ghost had appeared and laid in the bed, moving itself around over the sheets. maddie directed her eyes closer, seeing y/n’s fragile fingers twitch and run over the smooth bed.
“y/n?” maddie asks, her voice still weak from her slumber. she begins to sit up, faster than before, to examine y/n’s face. there’s a brighter color to her features, her cheeks became more pigmented and she looked more full. she didn’t just look like another body in the hospital, waiting for her heart to give up on itself.
the more words that left maddie’s mouth, the more flickering she saw on y/n’s face. her heart was pounding against her chest, feeling the anxiety rise through her spine. “hey, y/n.” she whispers, giving a reassuring squeeze to her hand. after a few moments that felt like centuries, y/n’s eyelashes fluttered a bit, and her red, tired irises were finally revealed again.
eddie was laying on the couch, unable to sleep in the bed that once held the couple together. it felt eerily cold without her, his hand subconsciously floating over to run a hand over her back, only to be confronted with the chilly satin. he never wanted to leave y/n, but he also know that she would never want him to fall apart in the hospital watching her. he so badly wanted his eyes to finally shut, being able to give him even an hour of rest. someone had their fingers holding open his eyes, painting horrible images in his mind.
he turned on his back, his arm behind his head and staring into the bumpy, popcorn ceilings of his home. the home he shares with his son and his fiancée, the two people he cherishes the most. now, it was filled with darkness and loss and he prayed that he could get it back.
something grabbed ahold of his mind, halting his thoughts with the blaring noise of his ringtone. when he saw the ID of maddie illuminate his phone, he thought of the worst. either y/n was dead, and he never gets to see her again, or nothing has changed, and there is only more of an agonizing wait.
“eddie, you should get here,” was all he needed to hear over the phone before he roused christopher, dropping him off to get more rest at his tías, and eddie continued to speed over to the hospital.
the tube was gone. it was replaced with a skinnier cord, only pushing air into her through her lungs. her face, still bruised and scraped, but so alive. her eyes shined through the room, meeting eddie’s with a slight upturn of her lip. she was laying on her side with her hand under her cheek. the dark bags under her eyes were clear, but practically matching with eddie’s.
the moment he walked into that room and saw her, his rapid heartbeat began to slow, leaving a dropping sensation in his chest. he scurried over, not being able to stop himself from placing a long kiss on her lips, the ones that had just almost been taken from him.
“i am so, so sorry, mi vida, i wish i were here when you woke up,” he cries, tears welling up in his eyes.
“but you’re here now,” she rasps out, trying to lose the discomfort in her voice. “you’ve been here the whole time for me.”
“don’t ever leave me like that again,” he sighs, pressing his forehead against her own, letting her wired hand be placed on his cheek.
“i wasn’t scared of them,” y/n tells him. “i was scared that they’d take you away from me. i don’t ever want to leave you in the dust like i did last night.”
“last week, honey,” eddie grins with a bit of pity on his voice.
“oh, yeah,” she chuckles a bit, but afterwards grimacing at the pain in her abdomen.
“you should go to sleep, get some real rest this time.”
“i just slept for like, 160 hours, eddie.”
“i know, baby, but you still need to let yourself heal.” she smiles up at him, silently thanking him for his gentleness and tranquility. she nods, as he steps out to see the doctor. maddie returns back in, clutching her purse by her side and smiling her gorgeous maddie beam.
“hi again,” y/n smiles, seeing her best friend walk into the room once more.
maddie carefully walks in, placing her bag down and hugging y/n’s laying figure. “how are you feeling?”
“physically, a bit better,” y/n says.
“but what about the y/n i love. how is she doing in there?”
y/n pauses, all the thoughts rushing back through her head. every sentence screams through her ears, wanting to push itself to the front of her mind. every worry, every fear comes clean to the surface.
“maddie, i don’t know what to do,” her eyes begin to water, and her voice starts to tremble along with her hands. “we’ve been trying to plan this wedding for so long, and those men just took it all away from me. how am i supposed to just move on from that? i’m never going to be able to be the same after that. and eddie,” she sighs, pushing a long exhale out through her mouth. “i feel like i completely destroyed him with this. and now, i have to go to PT and i can’t even walk down the isle by myself! one of these days he’s gonna realize that i’m not worth anything anymore. i’m horrified that every day he has to take care of me, is just one part of him that doesn’t want me anymore.”
her breathing picks up, maddie trying to ease her but ultimately not being able to with just a simple touch. she looks at eddie, still focused on the doctor.
“listen, y/n/n,” maddie begins. “that gang took so much from you, but you have so many people on your side. they lost, you won. and with eddie, he would bleed himself dry if it meant you came home with him. every single breath you take is worth a million dollars to him. you are the most, fighter bitch i’ve ever met, and if anyone’s going to bounce back from this, it’s you. the moment you two kiss on that one night, all this worrying will be for nothing. he is your soldier, and he’ll never leave you. he would fight the gods if it meant he could keep you next to him every night.”
the tears fall onto her pillowcase, leaving several dark patches besides her face. eddie turns back around, letting himself back into to room only to see the upset written all over y/n’s face.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, the sweetness in the delivery of his words. maddie looks up at him, her eyebrows tilting up together in a sadness for her friend. sharp inhales and gasps come through y/n’s body, using her shaking hand to wipe the wet tears from her cheeks. “you’re ok, baby, i got you.” he tells her, sitting besides her on the bed and caressing her side. maddie kisses her cheek, stepping out of the room to leave the engaged pair alone.
“i never want to be away from you again,” she sobs. “promise me you’ll never leave me, and i promise i’ll always love you.”
“i’ll make this promise to you until the day we grow grey hair, or the day you don’t remember me anymore. i’ll promise you this every single day. i mean it when i say i love you more than anything.”
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thedyingwriter · 6 days
Friends don't look at friends that way (Ongoing series on AO3)
In the aftermath of a harrowing incident, trauma surgeon Amara Jones finds herself unexpectedly intertwined with the lives of the heroic firefighters from Station 118. As Evan "Buck" Buckley's primary surgeon after a life-threatening injury, an unexpected bond forms between them, which deepens when they realise they're new neighbours.
As Amara becomes the go-to caretaker for the close-knit crew, her relationships with Buck and his best friend Eddie Diaz intensify. What begins as a casual friends-with-benefits arrangement with Buck evolves into much more as Amara finds herself falling for both men. Buck and Eddie, too, begin to develop feelings for the compassionate surgeon who's become an integral part of their lives.
Navigating the complexities of polyamory, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, forging an unbreakable bond. With tenderness, humour, and heat, this unconventional love story explores the depths of human connection and the many forms love can take. Can Amara, Buck, and Eddie find their happily-ever-after together?
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