#Chris if you see this I just want to tell you you’re beautiful n very pretty 👺👺
kiarastromboli · 9 months
You’re mine (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
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Warning: smut content, drug mention, toxic relationship, argument, rough sex.
Summary: y/n and Chris are in a toxic relationship, and y/n is about to tell him that she wants to end it.
Note: This fanfic is entirely inspired by a past relationship I had. I want to emphasize that I'm writing it as a way to talk about my experiences and for fun. If you're in a similar relationship, please, for your well-being, escape. Don't let anyone, under any circumstances, treat you this way. It's destructive, trust me, it's not worth it.
Here I am again on a Thursday night at 12:30 AM, sneaking out to see the boy I promised to stop seeing.
I'm pathetic; it only took one message for me to go against my principles, and now I find myself making the same mistake that I've been repeating for over a year.
But this time is different; tonight, I'm going to end this toxic relationship once and for all.
The boy I'm talking about? Chris, a guy from my high school with whom I've been in a secret relationship for a little over a year.
It all started when he replied to one of my Instagram stories. At the time, I had no idea how much of an asshole this guy was. I was naive and carefree, smoking joints with my friends to have fun, and I only knew Chris by sight.
He hung out with the "cool" people at school—the ones my friends and I desperately tried to become by smoking and adopting a delinquent attitude.
When Chris responded to my story, telling me he found me cute, I couldn't believe my eyes. No one really paid attention to me despite all the effort I put in.
Anyway, after a bit of conversation and some innuendos, I eventually understood what he wanted from me: to hook up. And, to be honest, that was enough for me. I was ready to settle for just that if it meant being closer to him.
That same night, I sneaked out to smoke a joint with him, and I discovered a whole new Chris, far from the one I saw at school.
He was funny, attentive, nice, caring, and very open. I quickly felt comfortable with him; the connection was great. Eventually, we ended up sleeping together in his room.
I had sex with a guy before him, but it didn't go well, and I didn't know much about it. Chris was super understanding and took his time with me. He helped me discover my body and taught me how to please myself and him.
Our relationship helped me become more comfortable with myself. Chris always took the time to kiss every inch of my body to make me understand how beautiful he found me.
"You're so beautiful, Y/n."
"I forbid you to have any complexes; you're perfect."
"Look at yourself; you're gorgeous."
You're probably wondering why our relationship is toxic if Chris helped me so much. Well, the thing is, our relationship has always been a double-edged sword. When the doors were closed, and it was just him and me, everything was fine. He only had eyes for me, complimented me, and listened attentively. But as soon as we were in public, everything changed.
I wish he had just ignored me because he didn't want to acknowledge our relationship, and that was the case at the beginning. But it went much further than that over time.
At first, he ignored me at school, and it hurt a little, but I signed up for it. He made it clear he didn't want anyone to know about us, so I had no say in the matter.
But over time, his friends and mine became friends, and we started hanging out together before, during, and after classes.
That's when things took a different turn. I knew I had to keep a low profile, so I tried to keep my distance from him without looking suspicious when our friends hung out together. However, he started acting strangely.
Whenever I opened my mouth to say something, he hurried to cut me off, diverting attention to himself, making me look like a fool.
Whenever he had the chance, he made more or less hurtful comments about me to amuse the group.
"What's with this outfit? You look like a clown."
"Are you naturally stupid, or did it come with time?"
"You know, you can hide behind all the makeup you want; we still see your face underneath."
In short, he acted like a real jerk when people were around, and in parties, it was even worse. He would grab my attention and then proceed to hook up with other girls right in front of me, as if to provoke me.
He spent all his time humiliating me. The thing is, it happened gradually. It started with a few tasteless jokes from time to time, so I never really took the initiative to defend myself. I don't know why, but I already felt like a fool, and I didn't want to worsen my situation.
At first, I tried talking to him privately to understand why he did that, why he treated me like his princess in private but like a dog the rest of the time. And his responses were always the same.
"Babe, don't stress; it's just how we joke around with my friends."
"It's not a big deal; I just had a bit too much to drink. It happens."
"I treat you the same way I treat my friends so that we don't look suspicious. You know very well that I don't mean any of what I say in front of them, Y/n."
And after that, he would kiss me and make me forget everything with a few caresses. I blamed myself for being so weak, but he was so good with me.
I felt alive and considered with him. No one looked at me the way he did, and no one treated me like he did. But what I hated more than anything was the way I belonged to him while knowing that he didn't belong to me at all.
"You're mine, Y/n; I don't want any other guys putting their hands on you."
"We're not together; I have the right to see other people."
"Who the fuck was that guy in your story this morning?"
I found it cute that he was jealous, but I quickly understood that it was just possessiveness. I was his trophy, and he loved knowing that I adored him, maintaining this destructive little link between us.
I struggled to realize that it was bad for me; I idealized him so much that I normalized his awful behavior towards me. I reached a point where I thought it was the price to pay for having such a perfect guy by my side.
I know it sounds insane, and you probably judge me, but when I met Chris, I was not doing well. I felt bad, lost, and he helped me appreciate life again. He helped me with my body and mind, treated me like a princess, and I was ready to endure all of this not to lose what he gave me.
It was like a drug; without him, I was doing very badly. As long as he was there, everything was better, but I knew it was destroying me, and I knew it was bad. However, cutting ties with him meant giving up on my happiness, and I didn't have the strength for that.
I began to realize how bad it was on the day I broke down publicly with him, during a party with our friends.
Start of the flashback:
What a shitty night; I'm wasted, and Chris shows up with another one of his girls. I don't want to see him; he disgusts me.
I headed to the kitchen to take another shot when I felt hands wandering on my hips. I immediately turned around in surprise to find a Chris even more drunk than me. "Oh my god, Chris, don't touch me," I spat out, rolling my eyes before removing his hands from me.
He chuckled before leaning into my ear to say, "She doesn't suck as well as you, you know?" I felt anger boiling inside me; I pushed him away before starting to walk towards the terrace where the others were.
"Hey, I'm kidding; it's fine, don't make a scene for that, Y/n," he said, grabbing my wrist as I reached the door leading to the terrace.
"Damn it, let go of me, you asshole," I said, opening the door and breaking free from his grip. "Go to hell, Chris," I shouted, unintentionally drawing the attention of others to us.
Chris clenched his jaw and shot me a hateful look when he realized that everyone was fully focused on us. "Stop acting like a bitch and giving a show in front of everyone, Y/n; I don't have time for your bullshit," he snapped, and everyone around us sighed, shocked.
I felt tears welling up. "Damn it, what's your problem with me? Just leave me alone!" I said before breaking down and leaving the party.
End of the flashback.
After that night, nothing was the same. I hated him in public, always making a promise to myself not to go see him again, until he sent a message, and I caved.
It was always the same, the same message, "Come smoke a joint with me." I said no the first time, he insisted, promising it was just to smoke a joint. I'd give in, we'd smoke, end up sleeping together, and again, I'd go back home annoyed at myself for succumbing once more. Secretly, I hoped that the next day, when we met in class, he'd treat me well. But it never happened; he always ended up treating me like crap, and the cycle continued when he sent another message.
A damn vicious circle I tried to break free from as best I could, and for a while, I succeeded. Three months had passed without giving in. Three months of ignoring his messages. But tonight, I allowed myself to go back because I wanted to tell Chris that it was officially over. I found a guy, and I was determined to forget Chris in the arms of this guy I had met a few weeks ago.
I knew it wasn't right, and I had promised not to go back, but it was stronger than me. I couldn't wait to give him a taste of his own medicine, to see his face when he learned the news. Yes, I was acting out of revenge, but you couldn't blame me; he had ruined my life for over a year. I had the right to get back at him.
Anyway, here I am, after a 15-minute walk, in front of his house. I knew where the keys were hidden; I was used to coming here. I stealthily entered his house, being careful not to wake up his parents or siblings. I headed to his room and stopped in front of his door.
Oh my god, what am I doing? Suddenly, stress invaded me, memories flooding back. I thought I was over this, but now, standing in front of his door again, all those good moments rushed back, only accelerating my heartbeat.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. It was too late; I was already here. I opened the door and closed it behind me, making sure to put the towel at the bottom to prevent the smell of weed from escaping his room.
I took a deep breath, memories swirling in my head—the smell of weed and his deodorant, the green glow of his LEDs, his slightly messy room—nothing had changed. Chris was slouched in the chair at his desk, shirtless, and hair disheveled. He had just finished rolling a joint, looked up at me, and I saw the smirk that I hadn't seen in ages. "Long time no see around here, princess."
"Yeah, I've been pretty busy," I replied, rolling my eyes before removing my sweater; it was unbearably hot in his room.
Chris stood up and started walking towards me. My heart raced, and I stood there, watching him approach. "I missed you," he said, running his hands over my waist.
I cleared my throat before moving towards his bed to sit at the edge. Damn, I just lost my composure in front of him. I was confident just a few minutes ago; all of this was a bad idea. "Shall we smoke this joint?" I said, hoping that the joint would help me feel more at ease to accomplish what I came here for.
He turned to me with a confused look before sitting back in his desk chair and grabbing his joint. "Very eager tonight?" he said, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm eager to shut you up and pass me that joint," I said, giving him a fake smile. He chuckled before lighting the joint and handing it to me.
"You're sexy when you're angry, you know?" he said, leaning towards me from his chair. I rolled my eyes before taking a drag.
"Three months without seeing me, and you're acting like a real bitch with me," he said, smiling and watching me smoke his joint without passing it back. "You're not even going to let me have a little, mama? Are you that angry with me?" he said, tilting his head to the side and placing his hand on my thigh.
I jumped at the contact of his hand on me, immediately passing him the joint, hoping he would take it with the hand resting on my thigh. However, he did the opposite, pulling his chair even closer to mine, blowing his smoke into my face. "You're chattier than that usually," he said, smiling before taking another massive drag and placing the joint on his desk. He then leaned in, burying his head in my neck, extracting a sigh from my lips.
He started kissing my neck, placing his hand on the back of my head to keep me in place. I couldn't help but tilt my head back, offering him better access, and as he nibbled on my skin, a warm sigh escaped my lips. I could already feel my panties getting wet at that moment.
My head began to spin, unsure if it was the effect of all those drags at once or the way he devoured my neck as if it were his last meal.
Suddenly, I regained my senses, remembering why I had come here in the first place. I pushed him back by the chest, forcing him to sit up on his chair. "Chris!" I said, catching my breath, and he looked at me confused when I did that.
"I didn't come here for this, damn it," I said, getting up from his bed and starting to walk away from him.
"Why are you here, then?" he asked, turning his chair towards me without leaving his chair.
"I came to end this, Chris. I'm tired of your shit," I told him, crossing my arms, and he chuckled. "Is that funny to you, you jerk?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"Come on, baby, stop your drama. I acted like an idiot, let me make it up to you by having a good time," he said, getting up from his chair.
"No, it's over, Chris, I'm done," I replied sharply.
"You say that every time, y/n, and we always end up here," he sighed. "Can we avoid going through this again, please? You know very well that you and I won't end." He said this while caressing my arms once he reached my level. "These were the most complicated three months I've had since I've known you. You've punished me enough like this," he added, rolling his eyes.
"Do you hear what you're saying, Chris?" I said, shaking my head. "You don't even realize how toxic you are to me," I said, getting angry. "Damn, it took me three fucking months to have the courage to end this relationship. Three fucking months of crying and lamenting because of you, Chris."
"We'll figure it out, y/n. You can't just leave me because you're feeling bad; it's selfish!" he replied. "Do you think I was doing well these last three months? Fuck, y/n, we'll find a solution; we always find a solution."
"We always find a solution?" I said with a fake laugh. "Because treating me like crap in public is a solution for you, Chris?" I said, pushing him, carried away by my anger. "You only think about yourself; damn it, I can't fucking take it anymore. It's not a healthy relationship, none of this is healthy!"
"I told you I didn't want others to know about us, y/n. I don't like airing my life; you can't change who I am!" he said, advancing towards me.
"But damn it, you don't listen to anything I say!" I told him, shaking my head. "This discussion is fucking pointless; it's over. I found someone else, Chris, and he'll genuinely make me happy, not like you," I spat out full of rage before heading towards his door.
He grabbed my arm abruptly and violently slammed me against his door, causing me to release a groan of pain. "What the fuck did you just say?" he said through clenched teeth, bringing his face closer to mine and tightening his hand around my neck to force me to look him in the eyes, where I could see all his burning rage.
"You're hurting me," I said, closing my eyes as his grip tightened around my throat, forcing me onto the balls of my feet. It wasn't the right moment, I knew, but somewhere deep down, his reaction satisfied me. He was furious, and that's exactly what I wanted. I wanted him to feel the hatred he made me feel, and I knew he felt it at that moment.
His hold around my neck loosened, and a smirk appeared on my face. "You heard right, Chris. I found a guy better than you," I told him, looking him in the eyes before leaning toward his ear on tiptoes, resting my hands on his shoulders. "A guy way better than you for me, a guy who will treat me much better than you, and especially a guy who will fuck me much better than you," I whispered to provoke him.
I slowly faced him again, never breaking eye contact. He ran his hand over his face before pressing against the door behind me with his other hand. I could feel the anger boiling inside him, and I liked it. He raised his head to look at me before running his tongue over his teeth and fake laughing. "What's happening to you—" I started to say before being cut off by his lips on mine.
At first, I tried to push him away, but his hand caught both my wrists, pinning them above my head without his lips leaving mine.
No matter how much I resisted, it was useless. When I entered this room, I already knew how it would end, so I ended up giving in and kissing him back, letting his tongue into my mouth.
He pressed his body against mine, and the kiss was hungry and furious. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth. I must admit that this burning fire in the pit of my stomach had been missing, a sensation that only Chris had the power to provoke.
"You're mine, y/n," he growled before reconnecting our lips immediately.
"No, I'm not, Chris," I tried to deny despite having just succumbed for the thousandth time.
"Then why do you always end up here, huh?" he said between hungry kisses on my jaw and neck.
"Because—" I said, moaning as he started to nibble on my earlobe.
"Because you're mine," he insisted, placing his hand on the side of my neck. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll forget the name of that guy you're dating," he said, directing his lips towards my breasts.
"Chris—" I said before being interrupted by his hand on my mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, y/n," he said before pulling on my tank top to expose my chest and began kissing me. "This guy doesn't know you," he said, inserting one of his fingers into my mouth for me to suck, which I did. "I know you inside out. I know where to touch you and what to say," he said, straightening up so his face was in front of mine, lifting his knee between my legs to apply pressure to my pussy.
"I can't believe you even thought for a second that another man could ever fuck you better than me, baby," he said, smirking and rubbing against me, making me moan at the friction of my clothes against my clit.
"Chris, fuck," I said with his fingers still in my mouth. Suddenly, he pulled them out, removing my top in one swift motion. "Please, Chris," I said, desperate. At this point, I could deny it all I wanted, but this guy could reduce me to my knees with just one sentence. It had been three months since I had a proper orgasm.
"Please what? I thought you had someone else, someone better?" he said with a sly smile, grabbing a handful of hair at the back of my head and pulling to make me lift my head toward him. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" he said, stopping the friction between my legs, driving me completely crazy.
"No, Chris, don't stop!" I said in a frustrated moan.
"Say it, y/n," he said authoritatively, looking me in the eyes and pulling harder on my hair. "Fine, since you don't want to say it," he said, dragging me by the hair to his bed where he threw me before swiftly removing my bottoms and panties in one go.
I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop. I was dying to feel him inside me. I sat up from my previous position lying on the bed to kiss him. Before I could reach his lips, he pushed me onto the mattress with a sly smile, making me let out another frustrated moan. "Why?" I said, furrowing my brows.
He didn't answer and walked towards his dresser, taking out two pairs of handcuffs we had used in the past. I watched him come towards me with an apprehensive look. "Tell me if your new guy can make you cum like I can," he said, grabbing my face before suddenly releasing me and handcuffing both my arms to his bedframe.
"What are you doing, Chris?" I asked, feeling my breath quicken. He came to kiss me briefly, pushing me to pursue his lips in the hope of reconnecting them hungrily when he broke our kiss.
"Shhhhh," he simply replied before proceeding to kiss every inch of my body except where I really needed him to, making me squirm under his lips. "If only you were less complicated with me, y/n," he murmured, kissing the hollow of my waist. "You're driving me completely insane, y/n," he said, biting the inside of my thigh this time, prompting me to let out a moan.
"Chris," I said, unable to bear the way he teased me. "I need you, please," and with my words, he abruptly spread my legs and dove his head in.
He began licking my wetness from my hole before moving up to my clit, making me moan at the sensation. His left hand came to play with my breasts, while the fingers of his right hand teased my entrance as he stimulated my clit with his tongue, causing me to roll my eyes. "Oh my God, Chris," I said in a broken voice, trying to free my hands from the handcuffs to run them through his hair, but in vain.
Chris continued to groan against me, sending vibrations to my clit, making my head spin. Without warning, he inserted two fingers inside me, causing me to throw my head back and release another moan at the sensation.
He began to move his fingers in and out progressively faster, bending them inside me and hitting that spot that made me see stars. Chris knew perfectly well that he could make me climax very quickly; he knew me inside out. So when that familiar knot formed in the pit of my stomach, I didn't need to alert him for him to know that my orgasm was dangerously approaching. "Can you feel it coming?" he said, continuing to finger me. I simply nodded, too intoxicated by the impending orgasm to speak. "You want it?" he asked, accelerating the movement and making me lose my mind.
I was on the brink of climax when he withdrew his fingers without warning, making me moan in frustration and lift my head towards him. "Chris, no!" I gasped, "Don't stop, please." I pleaded desperately, closing my eyes and rubbing my thighs in the hope of feeling something.
"What's the matter? Did I frustrate you by making you think I was going to let you cum on my fingers?" he said mockingly. "Go ask your new guy to finish the job," he spat, grabbing my throat.
"I lied! Chris, I lied, please!" I said desperately. "No guy can make me cum like you!" I exclaimed, agitated and looking pathetic. "Fuck me, Chris, I beg you, just fuck me!"
He licked his lips while looking at me, then smiled and removed his underwear. I let out a whimper when I saw his member for the first time in three months. I bit my lip, remembering all the things he could do with it. "Did you miss this, little slut?" he said, slapping me before positioning himself between my legs. I nodded vigorously, making him smile. "I missed you, princess."
He began to slap his cock against my clit, making me lift my head and moan at the teasing sound. Then, he started rubbing against me without penetrating. "Chris, stop teasing me; I can't wait any longer," I said, frustrated and hungry.
"Say it, baby, say it, and I promise to give it to you. I promise to stop messing around, and I promise it'll be the last time you have to run away from me," he said between several kisses on my lips, jaw, ear, and neck.
I knew that if I said it, there would be no turning back. I knew that if I said it, the three months I've spent without him would have been for nothing. And I knew that if I said it this time, I was screwed. But it was Chris, the only guy who shone in my eyes. So, for the umpteenth time, I swallowed my pride and principles. "I'm yours, Chris, only yours."
He gradually entered me, almost making me scream when he hit the depth. "Fuck, I missed this pussy, baby," he said, moaning before starting to penetrate me. "I never want you to let anyone else touch you, do you hear me?" he said, thrusting abruptly into me, and I nodded furiously. "You're mine, y/n, only mine. Fuck!" he said, trying to contain his moans before burying his head in my neck to bite me.
"Oh my fucking God! Chris! Shit!" I exclaimed when he began to thrust in me at an inhuman speed. "Yes, yes, yes, don't stop, oh my-" I felt like I was losing my mind. He pressed his lips to mine to kiss me fiercely, our kiss filled with growls and moans.
"Damn, y/n, I missed you so much. Never leave again," he said, moaning against my lips and thrusting impossibly deeper.
"Never again, baby, I promise!" I said, looking at him with furrowed brows and a face tense with the pleasure I was receiving.
"You're the only good girl for me; I want no one else," he said, placing his forehead against mine while grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist. "I'm going to do things right; I'm going to fix things for you," he said, moaning when I started to clench around him.
"Chris, I—fuck, please," I uttered a sentence that made no sense. I no longer had the ability to formulate a coherent sentence, but he understood what I wanted. He untied my hands from the handcuffs without withdrawing from me. He turned us around so that I was sitting on him, and his back was against the headboard.
I moaned at the new angle, which allowed him to reach even deeper. I could feel him in my core. I began to bounce on him at a steady pace, and he threw his head back. "Oh my God, you're so good for me, baby," he said, closing his eyes.
My hands came to grip his cheeks, making his beautiful blue eyes meet mine. His hands grabbed my hips to guide and pull me even closer to him. Our torsos were pressed together, and our lips brushed against each other as I bounced on him. No words came out of our mouths, but we communicated through our eyes. His grip on my hips tightened, and he began thrusting from below. I felt my orgasm approaching. "Baby, I—I can't—I can't—I'm going to—" I tried to articulate, but once again, everything tangled in my head, and I couldn't say it.
"I know, princess. Let yourself go. Come for me, baby. I want you to come for me, ma , please don't stop," he said, biting his lips and clenching his jaw. I could feel him twitch inside me, and within seconds, I started to climax. He grabbed my neck roughly, kissing me while forcing me to continue bouncing on him until he also climaxed inside me.
I let my head fall on his shoulder, and he began to stroke my hair. We were both out of breath. "I never want you to see that guy again," he said.
"Fuck you, Chris," I replied without moving from my position.
"I'm serious. If I see you with him, I'll kick his ass," he said, grabbing my chin to make me face him.
"I won't see him again," I replied simply, and he smiled before kissing me slowly and gently.
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astrolynnworld · 9 months
Faded Views
pairing: sub! chris sturniolo x f!reader
summary: your best friend is cross faded at a party and he’s feeling real intimate, will you fold?
warnings: SMUT, language, drug implications, riding, mommy kink, praise, tad bit of oral. minors dni!
a/n: this is my first story guys 🫣 please be nice about it
word count: 1,508
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“oh shit” was my only thought when i realized that chris wasn’t by my side anymore. there is a faded chris right now, roaming around this house party.
i was supposed to be keeping an eye on him as a courtesy to nick but i literally lost him. i won’t lie, i am also a little faded right now but not enough to lose chris.
its 1 am and it seems like the party is starting to die down. i search around the house trying to find chris but i can’t seem to find him anywhere.
i check every room, with no luck, but notice that the master room has a balcony. i take my chances and go look there, to no surprise i find chris lurking over the balcony at a pretty view of the city.
“chris?” i call to him
he turns around and breaks out into a smile when he notices it’s me. “hey princess, you found me” he says.
“yeah thank god. why are you hiding from me? do you want nick to kill me?” i ask.
“i would never hide from you beautiful, i just wanted some fresh air.” he tells me
“next time just bring me along thanks.” i respond
“do you see this view?” he changes the topic quickly.
“yes chris. it’s very pretty” i reply sarcastically.
“reminds me of you.” he says back.
“is this high you talking or did you drink a little as well?” i ask laughing.
“i drank a little too.. but i’m serious! i don’t need to be intoxicated to know that you’re absolutely gorgeous.” he replies with a bit of serious tone
i kinda get a bit flustered here because i’ve never even heard chris call me pretty before.
“thank you chris” i say with a smile trying not to look at him as i heat up inside.
i can’t deny that chris is soo hot, i just never think too much about those thoughts because he’s my best friend. but having him in my face calling me beautiful while i’m high asf just really set it in for me.
“don’t look away from me princess” he says as he notices that i’m trying to avert my eye contact
i look back up at him.
“there you go.” he says softly while holding up my chin for me to keep looking at him, “show me those pretty eyes”
i physically feel my heart flutter inside my chest, he’s so seductive and it’s really turning me on. all i can think about is what i would do to this man at this moment. and because of this i start feeling bold.
“i can show you a lot more than my eyes, chris” i state.
“mhm. like what?” he says with his eyes red and half lidded from how high he is
“i can show you how i smell.. how i feel.. how i taste.. would you like that, mister?”
i don’t know where this side of me came from but i can see it on his face that he’s going crazy inside, which is only driving me crazier.
“i would love that actually” he says with a smirk
i start to notice the bulge fully built in his pants. i take him back inside the house to the bedroom that had previously led to the balcony. not caring about who had to sleep there that night, all i knew is that i had a mission.
i pushed chris onto the bed, then quickly covered the balcony windows with the blinds and i locked the bedroom door.
going back to chris i decided to give him a strip tease show. i pulled off my shirt, then turned around as i bent over to take off my pants. he took a heavy breath at the sight of my ass and vagina through the laced thong i was wearing.
i climbed on top of him and passionately kiss his ear down to his neck as i took off his shirt. then, i proceeded to kiss down his chest all the way to his happy trail while i wiggled him out of the sweat pants that he had been wearing.
i straddled back on top of chris and starting kissing him. wet, sloppy, passionate kisses of lust of sensation as i grinded my wet panties on his bulge. we both couldn’t help but moan through the kisses
“you feel so fucking good y/n” he said in a whine as he broke the kiss
“awe say that again for mommy, you’re such a good boy.” i replied in an almost degrading yet praising tone
“fuck. you can’t say that to me” he panted back to me in a whimper
“why? do you not want to be a good boy for mommy?” i reply in that same tone
“of- of course i do mom-nugh- mommy. i want nothing more than to be your- fuck your good boy.” he says in the most submissive tone ever
i could tell the grinding was too much for him. he was about to cum. i had to cut it there
“nooo mommy pleaseee. why’d you stop? i was so close” he responds to my abrupt stop
“that’s not how i wanted you to finish baby” i say as i hop off of him and slide down his boxers to which his hard on springs up.
“fuck” i say at the sight of his dick. i knew it had to be big but i had never imagined how the 9 inch circumcised pink tip dick would actually look like when it was in my face. just drooling with precum, i didnt know if i wanted to suck it or ride it first
“please- please please please touch me mommy. i can’t take it anymore i need to cum” chris spoke while looking up at me staring as his dick
i lick all the precum off first in case i wouldn’t get to taste his cum for the rest of the night. then i hop back on top of the whiny boy and guide him inside of my wet hole.
i sit down slowly on his cock trying so hard to adjust to the size of his member.
“yo- your s- s- so so so fucking tight mommy oh my god this is unreal” chris said as he fell bad onto the bed trying to prove a point that it was too much.
as my hole adjusts to his size, i get comfortable enough to start moving. with each bounce i hear chris let out a fought back breathy moan straight from his chest. it was like he was trying to hold it back and be quiet but he couldn’t
“you don’t have to hold back for me baby, i wanna hear you be loud. i don’t care who can hear” i reassure him
i proceeded to go faster, & bounce harder to make sure that it wasn’t even possible for him to be quiet.
“nugh- fuck fuck fuck m- mommy” he says in a whimpered moan that could be heard through the whole room
“i- i can’t take it anymore. you feel to fucking good. i’m gonna cum. i need to cum mommy please let me cum” he whines again
i ignore at first to see how long he can hold off without my permission
“mommy please mommy, i can’t cum until you say too. please say i can cum” he continues to beg while only whimpering louder.
i’m pretty sure whoever’s still at this party can hear him at this point. but it’s not about them, it’s about how good christopher looks writhing underneath me, begging to cum with no shame about who can hear him or what even even looks like as this whimpering puppy mess.
“yes baby, you can cum. cum in mommy, my love” i permit
he chases his high whole thrusting up into me at the most animalistic pace i have ever seen. the noises coming from him were sounds i haven’t even known the human voice could make, he was so pent up. it’s like he hasn’t came in weeks.
“fuck y/n.. that was so fucking good.” he says
“so you said” i laugh while getting off of him, letting the cum drip out onto his dick.
“that’s so hot.” he calls out as he watches his cum drip from my pussy
“you’re so hot” i reply
he chuckles. “here, lay down real quick while i go get a towel to clean you up with” he insists.
a few moments later he returns with a small wet cloth that he found in one of the bathrooms. he cleans both of us up and helps me put my clothes back on.
“i’m not even the submissive type.” he says like he’s trying to clear the air
“i don’t know, you seem pretty submissive.” i shrug
“i guess i’ll just have to show you what i mean next time ..” he replies trying to sneakily introduce a next time
“next time” i smile
i had to scrap my original story cause it was taking to long to get to the point 😭 i hope you guys like this tho!! took me an hour
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metyouinthehallway · 6 days
Going Under - C. Sturniolo
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Pt. 2
WC: 5085
A/N: actually not confident in this part at all LMAO i didnt know where to end it either so mb if its such a sudden ending. not proof read :)
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Friday night we're all gathered around a bonfire on the back patio, Ally is pestering Chris with questions about Matt since she's a proclaimed ‘Matt girl’. 
“Is Matt more funny in real life? Does he really hate ketchup that much? Is he a good driver?” She rambles, Anyone who knows Ally knows she's been a fan of the triplets since they first started on Youtube and she's definitely losing her mind over talking to the Chris Sturniolo right now.
“Eh, he's pretty funny. I’d say he's a decent driver too, hasn't gotten into a crash yet!” He laughs, genuinely interested in the bland conversation. 
“Masie, c’mere.” My mom whispers, pulling me into the kitchen with my aunt.
“Are you and Chris fighting or is he just really distant?” My mom asks, anyone who wasn't stupid could tell that Chris and I aren't showing as much affection as a normal couple does.
“Oh, he’s not too big on PDA, it’s not a big deal. Promise were still goin’ strong guys!” I exclaim, trying to make it sound believable.
“If he's not treating you right, let me know and I’ll put ‘em in his place.” Aunt Sarah jokingly threatens, throwing a fist in the air.
“No, no, no need for that! We're totally fine guys.” I fake a laugh, grabbing a soda out of the fridge for Chris. He’s still being entertained by Abby when I walk back outside. Taking a seat next to him, I hand him the soda. “Hey Ally, you wanna go play with your cousins?” I ask, taking the hint she walks off, joining James and Sophie in a game of cornhole.
“So… just had a fun conversation with my Mom and Aunt Sarah.” I state with a sigh. Chris looks at me cluelessly. “They said we aren't as affectionate as a normal couple.” I let out a dry laugh, He pulls out his phone to text me instead.
If you think im gonna kiss you n shit, your wrong
                                                                                *you're :) 
Stfu. not gonna kiss you, not gonna hold
your hand, not doin any of ts
                                                                                u suck
He sighs in defeat, putting an arm around me and pulling me close to him. Is it weird that I kind of liked it? Is it weird that he smelt good? I swear this altitude is fucking with my head.
“Better?” He whispers in my ear,  I try to hide the embarrassingly stupid grin on my face but fail. This almost felt… right?
“Yep.” I mumble under my breath, staring into the fire in front of us.
“Look how cute you guys are!” Mark coos, snapping a photo of us before we could process it.
I hope he sends that to me later.
“Thank you brother in law. Very appreciated.” I grin at him, my dry humor somehow entertaining him.
“Very welcome, sister in law.” Mark, along with most other adults are tipsy from all the drinks they’ve had tonight. With tomorrow being the wedding, you’d think they wanted to save all that shit for then but apparently not.
“Maise, tell us how you guys met.” My dad chimes in, at this point he’s had a few beers and that ‘big ol’ softie” in him really comes out after at least two beers.
“We met at a party! It was real sweet actually, this cutie wouldn't stop staring at me so I finally went up to him and asked for his number.” I gush about our fake encounter, hugging his waist.
“What can I say? I see a beautiful lady n’ I can't help but stare.” a hint of sarcasm in his voice but no one catches onto it.
“You’re a good man, Chris.” My dad preaches, taking another sip of his beer.
After another hour or so of conversation, I decide it's time for Chris and I to head to bed. Especially since we're gonna have to discuss the sleeping arrangement. We say our goodnights to everyone and head up to our room. 
“So…” I start, unsure of how to go about this.
“Just share the bed with me, Masie. It's not that difficult.” He sneers, reaching for his pajamas in the dresser and heading to the bathroom. Leaving me with the most confused look on my face.
 I decide that I should change too, while I have the chance. Very quickly, I throw on an old t-shirt and shorts, as if on cue, Chris walks out of the bathroom crawling into bed.
“You aren't gonna brush your teeth? Nasty ass.” I tease, heading to the bathroom to do just that. Chris groans, getting up again to join me in the bathroom.
I never really noticed our height difference until I was staring at us in the mirror. He’s a good six inches taller than me. Cute.
“Stop staring and brush your teeth.” He rolls his eyes at me, I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, embarrassed that he caught me eyeing him.
Heading to bed, I keep a safe distance from Chris at first, until a good twenty minutes later when I’m tossing and turning unable to fall asleep.
“Stop moving so much, holy shit.” he complains per usual. 
“Can’t sleep.” I fluff my pillow and tangle myself in the duvet in an attempt to find a comfortable position.
“We can talk, usually helps me fall asleep.” He suggests, turning his body to face me. “What’s keeping you up?” Chris mutters, fighting off his own tiredness
“Oh I don’t know. Maybe the fact that I have to share a bed… with you.” I state coldly. Shifting my body a little bit closer to his.
“If you’re gonna be a bitch, I'm not gonna do this.” Although I can't see it, I can hear the eyeroll in his voice. We stay silent for a few moments before he speaks again. “Sorry. This is weird. You know I actually can't sleep without someone else being in the bed?” His poor attempt at sparking conversation actually works on me.
“Oh, that’s kinda cute actually.” I’m glad its dark in the room otherwise Chris would definitely be making fun of the pink tint that paints itself across my cheeks. “How do you like it so far? The trip, I know I kinda begged you to come but you seem to be having at least a little bit of fun.” I ramble. I wonder if he knows that he makes me a little nervous.
“It’s actually not as bad as I thought it’d be. Lowkey, excited to see what you're gonna wear to the wedding tomorrow.” He replies, I hadn't thought about that, but the idea of seeing Chris in a suit was almost impossible.
“Nothin’ special. I’m glad though. I get to meet Charity tomorrow, super stoked for that.” I smile at the thought of my baby cousin. With most of my family being in Colorado, it's heartbreaking that I don't get to see them as much as I’d like to but California is more convenient for my career path.
“Oh, yeah! A baby, huh? Not a big fan of those.” He laughs at his own stupid joke, propping his head on his hand. The moonlight peaking through the curtains making his features more prominent in the dark room. 
“Okay, weirdo.” I giggle, lifting my hand up to play with his hair. “Sorry, don’t know what made me want to do that.” my eyes widen once I realize what i'm doing, snatching my hand back down to my chest. 
Chris lets out a sigh in response. “Just couldn’t resist, hm?” He hums, turning to lay on his back. Guess we’re both having issues getting comfortable. We lay in silence for a little while longer, still keeping a dangerously safe distance from each other.
That's the last thing I remember before passing out. When I wake up, It’s daylight outside and I'm wrapped in a pair of arms.
“Chris,” I groan trying to escape his grip. He doesn't budge, How deep of a sleeper is this motherfucker? I decided to do the only logical thing I could think of and kick his shins.
“Ow! Asshole, I'm up!” He yelps, I assume he realizes that he's cuddling me because he almost instantly pulls away and I nearly shudder from the loss of his body heat.
“It’s wedding day!” I jump out of the bed, a huge grin plastered on my face as I walk toward the balcony of our room. The morning fog over the lake tells me it's still the early hours of the morning.
I sit for a little while, leaned up against the railing listening to the birds chirp, so serene. I’ll never be able to get used to the mornings I spend on the lake, no matter how many I have.
“It's like, six in the morning, I wanna go back to sleep.” Chris goans, ruins my peaceful moment with myself by walking his happy ass to the balcony to join me. 
“Then go back to sleep, I’m going to spend time with Amber on her wedding day.” I grunt, walking back into our room. I reach for an outfit from the dresser as Chris crawls back into the bed. More sleep does sound incredibly tempting but I really should go downstairs and spend time with my sister before she becomes a married woman.
“Come back to bed.” He whines, holding his arms out like a child.
“You're disgusting, I don’t wanna cuddle your ass.”  I retort, heading for the bathroom.
I change into a pair of jeans and a sweater, quickly brushing through my hair and walking back out to find Chris doomscrolling for what felt like the eight millionth time since we’ve been here.
“Get up and come socialize with my family. I’ll be downstairs.” I state before walking down to the kitchen to find my Mom and Amber already having their morning cup of coffee.
“Good Morning! It’s Your big day, How exciting!” I smile at my older sister, pouring myself a cup of coffee.
“I’m so nervous, what if I puke at the altar?” Amber stirs her spoon around in her mug, looking at me with weary eyes.
“Oh Amber, don’t say that!” My Mom Laughs, waiting for her toast to pop out of the toaster. Amber had shared her wedding plans with me and from the shared Pinterest board we have, I can tell it's gonna be beautiful. She's aiming for more of a rustic woodland theme since its gonna be right on the lake. I always knew she had taste.
“You’re gonna be fine! Plus I have an amazing Sister-Of-The-Bride speech.” I coo, I’ve been working on this speech since she told me she was engaged and I just know it's gonna make her cry.
“Good morning, ladies! Happy wedding day, Amber.” Chris shouts, Descending from the stairs. He’s still in his PJ’s. 
“Mornin’ Chris, come sit with us. There's still some coffee in the pot.” My Mom invites him to the kitchen island. Chris accepts, sitting next to me.
We sit and talk about the plans for the day for a bit,eventually James and Sophie come peering around the corner like it's christmas morning.
“Aunt Laurie, can you make us cereal?” James asks my Mom, getting up, she starts to make them breakfast and I decide that me and Chris should go for a walk around the property.
“C’mon, I wanna go for a walk.” I say to Chris, grabbing his hand. With my coffee mug still in hand, we start towards the woods.
“You excited?” He asks me, walking besides me, he’s careful to make sure there's no tripping hazards on the path.
“Yeah, I’m giving a speech tonight. Most excited for the food though.” I peer up at him, flashing a smile.
“A speech? Didn’t take you as much of a public speaker.” Chris jokes, intertwining my fingers with his. As taken by surprise as I am, I don’t react to the gesture.
“Me either, We’ll see how it goes.” I shrug. Chris was really starting to get on my good side and it's only Saturday. We still have two more days in Colorado and I truly can't wait to see how it all plays out. I was beginning to see the true Chris and he’s not the avoidant asshole I originally thought he was.
“Weddings are so weird to me. Love in general is weird to me.” He’s quick to change the subject, now swinging out arms back and forth as we continue to walk, he gives my hand a light squeeze.
“How so?” I furrow my brows, I get where he's coming from but I wanna see if I can break him out of his shell a bit more.
“I dunno,” He starts, his voice flat. “I mean, It’s so scary, the idea of being tied down to one person for the rest of your life. Like, I hate the idea of that.” He admits, the shell is cracking!
“So you’re scared of commitment?” I chime in, I’ll be the first to admit, I too, am terrified of commitment but I guess when the right person comes along, you just know.
“Yeah. Guess so.” Chris looks down at the dry ground beneath our feet, unsure of where else to look right now. I think about any past relationships he may have had and none come to mind. Has this kid ever even dated a girl? I know he’s had girls over. I’ve seen them and even spoken to a few of them when I stayed the night at the triplets house. But why was committing such a bizarre concept to him?
“Right, well, I’m right there with ya, I've only had one boyfriend, and I never even thought about wanting to marry him.” I blurt out, why am I opening up to Chris? I’m not sure but if I'm trying to get him to break out of his comfort zone with me, I should probably overshare with him too.
“Why’d you guys break up? You were pretty upset about it, you didn’t come over for almost a month after it happened.” Chris was finally actually making an effort to get to know me better. I like this, I like this side of him.
“He cheated on me three times and I only found out the last time.” I state, thinking back to that relationship. I really loved him but I guess he had commitment issues of his own.
“I’m sorry, Mase.” He calls me by my nickname for the first time ever. It sounds almost melodic coming from his lips. Mase, Mase, Mase. I keep replaying it in my head.
After Chris and I’s little heart to heart, we head back to the house to get ready. After stealing all the hot water in the shower, I sit on the counter of the bathroom, beginning to do my makeup.
Amber didn’t hire a makeup artist for the wedding and I honestly preferred it that way. I sat in silence except for the muffled sound of Chris’ music playing from the bedroom, I’m left with my thoughts. All I can think about is him. Chris playing nice with my cousins. Chris being a gentleman to me. Chris staying up to talk to me last night. 
I had to be going insane or something, I don’t like him. I can’t like him, It’s Chris. There’s simply no way.
Once I finish my makeup, I slip on the dress Amber had picked out for me, a pink silk mermaid halter dress. A beautiful one at that.
“Wow. You look beautiful, Masie.” Chris has a hard time keeping his jaw attached to his face when I finally walk out of the bathroom. His sincere compliment threw me for a bit of a loop.
“Thank you, You look pretty handsome too.” Chris in a suit. Something I never thought I’d live to see. He looked so proper it was actually pretty impressive how nice he cleaned up. “Here, lemme help.” I smirk, helping him adjust his tie. Straightening his tie out a little bit, I can feel him staring down at me as I fiddle with the fabric.
“What?” I question, A cheeky smile plastered on my face as I fold his collar down.
“Nothin’.” He’s so obviously lying, there's definitely something. We walked downstairs, met with everyone else staying in the house except Amber and Mark. I assume they're doing the first look deal right now.
“Ready?” My Dad asks, leading everyone to the driveway. Luckily it’s not very far from the house at all, about a twenty minute drive. Chris and I ride with my parents, Dad pestering Chris with more questions. I felt bad for him at this point.
“I wanna know what it’s like being famous, is it really all fun and games? Masie won't tell us a thing!” He exclaims, Famous was a stretch. I’d consider us public figures at best.
“We aren't really famous, It’s fun though, my brothers and I have a pretty solid fanbase. Masie has a cult though, I swear I see her fans post about her all the time.” Chris laughs, I notice him fiddling with his suit jacket, must be an anxious habit. I take his hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze. Chris gives me a half assed smile and goes back to conversing with my dad.
The rest of the car ride, Chris continues talking to my parents while I’m zoning out, staring at the trees we drive past. Autumn in the mountain sides definitely trumps autumn on the west coast. 
Once we arrive at the venue, the rest of the family is there. Including my baby cousin Charity who I was most looking forward to seeing. I waste no time going to greet my uncle Theo but more importantly, Charity. 
“Uncle Theo, this is my boyfriend, Chris. Chris, this is uncle Theo.” I introduce the two men to each other. Chris holds out his hand for a handshake.
Chris and my uncle do their little introduction while I’m distracted by baby Charity.
“Hi sweet girl, I’m your favorite cousin, but don't tell the others.” I coo, watching as she wraps her little fingers around my big pointer. “You are just adorable aren't you?” I smile at her, noticing the miniature dress she's in. How cute is that?
“Can I hold her?” I ask, once he gives me the nod of approval, I pick her up from the stroller, holding the delicate baby in my arms. While I'm distracted by Charity, Theo goes to socialize with our family.
“She’s so tiny,” Chris comes up from behind me, Placing his hand on my hip while I coddle the baby. I look up at him for a moment, Feeling awkward, the two of us, like this, with a baby in my arms. Too intimate.
“Hi, I’m Chris.” He smiles at her, making Charity giggle at him
“I think she likes you.” I whisper, rocking her back and forth. “Theo, take her away, I’m getting major baby fever.” I panic, turning around to find my uncle, handing Charity back to him.
“Baby fever? You're only twenty!” He laughs, placing her back in the stroller.
“Yeah, that's why it's scary.” I purse my lips, turning back to Chris who has a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Thought you didn't like babies.” I confront him, playing with my bracelet.
“I liked seeing you with her, It was cute.” Chris coos, what the fuck has gotten into him? Everyone enters the cathedral after socializing for a bit. Chris and I took a seat next to my Mom up front, Music begins to play over a speaker, a Lana Del Ray instrumental. Never doubted for a second that my sister had taste. We all watch in awe as Sophie throws rose petals down the aisle, She makes the most adorable flower girl ever.
Everyone turns their heads to look at Amber as the door at the end of the aisle opens, She looked as if she were glowing. Her dress was almost identical to the one she would describe to me when we were growing up.
My Dad is very clearly trying not to cry as he walks her down the aisle. This whole moment felt so surreal for me I could only imagine how Amber was feeling right now.
Once she makes her way to the altar, my Dad takes a seat next to my Mom, I watch silently as she consoles him, Knowing that watching his daughter truly grow up was such a proud Dad moment for him.
Chris takes my hand in his again, this time, raising it up to place a kiss on the back of my hand. I look at him with the most confusing look ever. Why the hell did he do that?
“The fuck?” I mumble under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear but he ignores my comment, all of his attention on the couple at the altar.
They begin to exchange vows, Mark is trying his hardest to control his tears as he speaks. I can feel Chris’ eyes practically burning a hole into my side profile as he stares at me while my brother in law vows to always love my sister. Looking at Chris, I can tell that this isn't just a normal look. I’m not sure how he's looking at me or what emotions he's hiding behind those eyes, I can’t tell if I like it or not.
It's now Ambers turn to read her vows. She’s talking about how she'll always root for the Avalanches during every game and how she could never imagine herself with someone other than Mark. The vows to each other are short and sweet, once the officiant announces that he can now kiss the bride, I can't help but look away. I’ve managed seven years without seeing them kiss and I'm not letting today be the first time I see it.
After the ceremony, we’re all instructed to meet at a small winery for the reception. I still haven't spoken to my sister since this morning and that's all I was dying to do. Especially after the looks Chris was giving me.
“Hey,” Chris starts as everyone begins to stand up. “I wanna talk to you later if that's okay, like after the reception ‘n everything.” He looks at me with that stupid look in his eyes again and all I manage to do is smile and nod.
Once at the reception, we’re all served our food and I get to tell my speech. “Hello everyone, So, I’m Masie, the bride's sister. When we were younger, Amber would tell me non stop about her dream wedding. If you ask me, I’d say this is exactly what she described.” I speak into the microphone, looking at Amber. “Amber is my best friend and I love her to no end but, Mark, I’d have to say over the years, you have become my best friend too-” I feel myself start to choke up as the audience coos at my introduction
The love that my sister and Mark have for each other is the same love I’ve always wished to receive and being able to see my sister be treated the way she deserves to be treated is very bittersweet. “I know for a fact that Mark is her soulmate because no one else I know is willing to sit through a six hour car ride with her, listening to The Vamps on repeat.” The audience giggles at this and Amber is practically doubled over in laughter knowing that her obsession with Brad Simpson when we were younger carried on into adulthood too.
“You did so good.” Chris praises me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder when I sit back down. I watch as he brings the pad of his thumb up to my face, patting at the last of my happy tears that have fallen.
Once everyone gives their little speeches and we’re all full from the food, we all head to the dance floor, dancing to Amber and Mark's amazing playlist they’d made.
“Um, can I dance with your boyfriend?” Sophie tugs on my dress, I look at my ‘boyfriend’ for confirmation and he nods. Chris dances with Sophie to Hey Ya! By Outkast. He’s crouched down, holding her hands and spinning her around, It’s quite cute actually. The way he’s only known my family for two days and is already so comfortable with them.
I head to the table Amber and Mark are sitting at, talking to Mark’s parents. I need to talk to Amber or I might lose my mind.
“Congratulations! You're a wife now!” I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her.
“Thank you, your speech was so good it nearly made me cry, I love you so much.” Amber smiles at me, I feel like everytime Ive tried to talk to her this weekend, she's been too wrapped up in the stress of her wedding to stay focused on our conversation but now that we're here, her full attention is on me.
“I love you too, Look at Soph. She tell you about her little crush on Chris?” I giggle, pointing at them on the dance floor.
“Oh my god, that's so cute. She's a lil’ boyfriend stealer. You better go get your mans.” She jokes, I’m almost positive that Chris doesn't mind it at all though. “We’re gonna cut the cake soon, I’ll save you a big piece!” Amber nudges me, motioning for me to head back to the dance floor.
Eventually, Sophie gets distracted by some kids on Mark’s side of the family and wanders off with them. Chris and I are finally alone again and of course a slow song comes on.
Forever By The Beach Boys. Curse my sister and her good music taste.
“Wanna dance?” Chris asks, holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine, and he places the other one on the small of my back. “So, I wanted to talk to you after the fact but I think now is a good time too.” He begins, swaying us back and forth.
“Good talk or bad talk?” I let my other hand find its way to the back of his neck, waiting for him to respond.
“Not sure. Look, Masie, I’ve always been avoidant of you for a reason. I think you know why too.” He sighs. Oh my god is he gonna say what I think he's gonna say? “I guess I like you? I dunno, I’ve been texting Matt this whole trip tryna figure out how to tell you and I guess being straight up about it is the only way.” Chris rambles, surprisingly not stuttering once.
I stare at him in silence, truly at a loss for words because I’ve developed a crush on him too. It's only been two days but within those two days I’ve seen the side of him he often tries to hide from me and I really like it. I really like him.
“Oh.” Is all I manage to get out and he looks at me dumbfounded. “Sorry, I have to use the restroom.” I excuse myself, dramatically rushing off the dance floor and into the bathroom, immediately calling Nick.
“Nick, thank god. Listen, we’re at the reception right now and we're dancing, right? Chris just expressed his feelings for me and- Jesus I’m so…I’m gobsmacked!” I exclaim into my phone, barley letting Nick process the words that leave my lips.
“Okay, first of all, Gobsmacked? Are you ninety? Second of all, do you feel the same way?” He asks me, his voice sincere on the other end of the line. I rack my brain of the thought of liking Chris. I know there's a little bit of admiration there, I mean, he makes me nervous. He’s been really opening up to me today, He’s got the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen-
Oh my god. I do like him. 
“Yeah…” I reply, sighing in defeat waiting for Nick’s reaction.
“Okay, so why don't you tell him that? Like he obviously isn’t gonna be disgusted.” He suggests, Nick was right but I couldn't come to terms with my own feelings. Liking Chris felt so foreign to me and considering our commitment issues, it just didn't seem logical.
“I can’t tell him that. It’d be so weird for the rest of the trip.” If I reciprocate my feelings for him, the tension would be looming over us like some dark cloud right before a storm, a bad one at that.  On the other hand, If I didn’t tell him the truth, it’d be ten times worse. 
“Masie, Literally just tell him how you feel. It could lead to something great.” Nick urges, growing impatient with my indecision. I ultimately end the call with the oldest triplet, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. My makeup has slowly melted away from the sweat and tears I've endured throughout the day and my skin felt cold to the touch. I take one last deep breath, wetting a paper towel and blotting it on my neck before walking back out to the dance floor.
I find Chris sitting at our table, patiently waiting for my return. He looked anxious, like he didn't want to be here any longer.
“Hey.” I squint, my eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of the room. I take a seat next to Chris, waiting for the next words to leave his mouth.
“Sorry- ‘bout what I said.” He admits, playing with his fingers in his lap. I think for a moment, taking his hands in mine.
“No, don't apologize. It’s okay. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night, yeah?” I purse my lips. My heart is practically beating out of my chest as I speak to him. Thank god for timing because Amber and Mark are about to cut their cake.
Everyone takes their seats, watching the newly weds cut into the three tiered cake together. Wedding cake is served to the guests and while everyone is happily enjoying their dessert, the two of us are awkwardly picking at our food. Both of us too nervous to say a word.
After nearly another hour of partying, we eventually call it a night, ubering back to the lake house, still barely a squeak from either of us. I’m almost dreading sleeping in the same room as him tonight.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 8 months
A new start
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PAIRING ⇒ Husband!Ari Levinson x Wife!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY ⇒ You've always dreamt of turning your career around, starting in a new field. When you mention this idea to your husband, Ari, he is very supportive in the best way he knows how to be.
RATING ⇒ General (G)
WARNINGS/TAGS ⇒ Age gap (5-10 years), use of nickname (Beautiful)
REQUEST ⇒ @cevansbaby-dove Something for me being that i am nursing school can u write something (pick anyone chris has played or himself) in a fic of reader is having a stressful day about school and he helps her study for an exam she is nervous about (tons of cute things and smut if you want)
A/N ⇒ Thank you so much for this request, and I deeply apologize for taking this long to get around to it! I still hope you will love it, and thank you for your patience! @ccbsrmsf1 thank you so much for proofreading this one! 💜
EVENTS Masterlist ⇒ @fluffbruary ⇒ Caress Masterlist ⇒ @flufftober Flufftober '23 ⇒ Encouraging s.o. to reach a goal Masterlist ⇒ @ultimatechrisbingo ⇒ ''I like to be the exception''
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Banners: Yours truly ⇒ Divider: @firefly-graphics ⇒ GIF: Source
Main Masterlist ⇒ Ari Levinson Masterlist
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For the last six months, you haven’t been able to get the idea out of your head to switch fields. It’s not that you don’t enjoy being a teacher by any means, but something about being a nurse has intrigued you ever since your stay at the hospital almost a year ago.
You’ve been searching the internet for courses catching your eye and finally found one. You can do it in the evenings, so you can still work while following it. Now, all you can do is tell your husband about your plans.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours, Beautiful?” He asks as you sit at the dinner table, shoveling the food from one side to the next without actually taking a bite. You squeeze your eyes and find the courage to tell him what’s been circling through your head.
“I-it’s nothing, Ari,” you say with a smile, though it’s not very convincing. He can see something occupying your mind and won’t stop until he knows exactly what’s happening.
“Doesn’t look like nothin’ to me; you haven’t touched your food at all,” he answers with a raised brow, and that’s when you know you can’t keep it inside any longer. He reaches over the table to grab your hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly over your knuckles.
“I want to switch fields and become a nurse. I’ve been looking at fitting courses for the last six months, and I found one last week,” you tell him in a rushed breath, and the heat spreads over your cheeks, a mix of shyness and embarrassment taking over.
“Really? That’s amazing, Beautiful! If I’d known sooner, I would have helped you find a fitting course,” he says enthusiastically, and every single doubt you had melted away as you finally dare to look at your husband. He’s always been nothing short of supportive of you, and it makes your heart flutter every single time.
“So… You’re not mad at me for doing this? I know we have plans for our future, and this might get in the way of those,” you say softly, but Ari is sure to wipe every last doubt away.
“God, I would never be able to get mad at you for following your dreams, Beautiful! Just as long as you promise to put on a sexy nurse outfit for me now and again, I’ll be more than supportive of you,” he says with a wink, and a broad smile spreads over your face at his words.
“Deal!” And with that, you finally dive into your food, and Ari is glad you’re feeling better. During the rest of dinner, you tell him everything, and that night, he even helps you out as you’re signing up for the course, followed by a night of passion as he constantly tells you how proud he is of you.
The following day, you wake up in your husband’s arms, snuggled right into his chest, the hair tickling your cheek as his chest keeps rising and falling. His hand is caressing your back gently, pressing soft kisses on the crown of your head.
“Mornin’, Beautiful,” Ari says as he feels you stirring awake, and you lift your head to press a kiss to his soft, plump lips.
“Good morning,” you say before snuggling even closer to him, your naked bodies intertwined under the covers. You don’t want to get out of bed yet, and Ari seems to have the same plan as he pulls you closer, his beard tickling against your face as it makes you giggle. You will never get enough of moments like these.
“So, how does it feel to be starting nursing school soon?” Ari asks in his rough, deep morning voice, sending the butterflies in your stomach off.
“Good, been wanting this for so long that I’m thrilled I found the courage to tell you and sign up,” you tell him. You can’t wait to see what becoming a nurse will be like, and you’re excited to follow this path with your husband by your side.
The first few months of nursing school were going well, but now you have a critical exam coming up that has you stressed out beyond belief. You have studied the material inside and out for the last few weeks, but there are still some things that you can’t seem to remember.
You’re pacing through the living room with your notes in your hand, repeating everything out loud until they lose all their meaning altogether. When you’re about to give up, Ari walks in after working in his office all day, and he can see the nerves radiating off you from a mile away.
“I think it’s time for a break, Beautiful,” he says, walking over to you and wrapping his long arms around you, pulling you into his chest and calming you down.
“But I have to study, Ari! I can’t take a break,” you say, and he can see your bottom lip wobble slightly, tears threatening to spill over as the nerves begin to win the battle.
“Of course, you can, and I’ll take one with you, okay? Maybe we can watch an episode of your favorite series as I massage your feet and you drink some tea,” he offers, and you give in, not being able to say no to something so enticing.
“You know, whenever I talk to other people in my class, I sometimes get the feeling their partners aren’t even half as supportive as you are,” you tell him, and you groan as he massages your feet, and you melt into his touch.
“I like to be the exception, Beautiful,” he says, and with those words, you enjoy the rest of your massage before he helps you study, and with his help, the last information is quickly saved into your brain, too.
When you get your exam results a week later, you can’t wait to tell him.
“Ari, Ari! Guess what?! I passed my exam because of you!” You say as you jump into his arms, and he hugs you close, pressing kisses on your neck as he tells you how proud he is. Not long after, he’s making you fall apart the best way he knows how.
“I’m proud of you, Beautiful, and I can’t wait to have my sexy nurse take care of me soon,” he whispers in your ear before going for round two.
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pepsiluvr0209 · 8 months
Tattoo Girl (Ivy)
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Summary: Just a very cute and nervous Matt
Matt Sturniolo x Tattoo Artist! Reader
♫ I had no chance to prepare, I couldn't see you coming ♫
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧.˚ₓ
Matts POV
“Hey, I uh- have an appointment for 1?”
“Yep, just sit right there.” The receptionist points to a waiting area and I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans and awkwardly sit down. 
I’m never this nervous for a tattoo, but goddamn today is stressful because I had booked with my artist being y/n y/l/n. She kinda blew up for tattooing big stars and getting her name around social media. And my god is she gorgeous. 
I saw her in person once, at some event me and my brothers had to go to. I barely saw her in my peripheral vision but I could tell it was her. She brings some sort of energy around, an addictive aura. Or it could just be the smell of her sweet perfume. She walked past us, laughing at something someone said and I kept my eyes trained on her tight dress like some creep. Chris noticed and punched me in the arm, shaking his head at me in amusement. 
The amount of effort it took to actually book with her. Thank god my friend Mezafram is in contact with her, and we found an opening.
“Matt Sturniolo?” The receptionist called. 
“Yep.” I sharply inhaled and stood up. 
“Just continue going forward and there’ll be a maroon curtain. Y/n will be waiting for you.” She smiles from her computer monitor.
Even her name can make my heartbeat quicker and my breath unstable. I trudge towards the curtain and timidly open it. 
“Hi I’m Y/n, I’ll be doing your appointment today.”
She looks like a goddess. She’s wearing a black tank that accuents her tits, tattoos littered around her arms, complemented with silver rings, bracelets and a necklace. She ties up her gorgeous hair. “So I looked at the designs the receptionist showed me, do you know where you want it?”
I can’t even focus.
“Matt?” Holy shit. I wished I recorded that shit, so I could hear my name fall from her lips over and over again. 
“Um- I… My arm?” 
“Okay.” She smiles. “Do you know which one?”
“T-This one.” And I hold up the one I want. 
“Okay take a seat.” And she gestures towards the black chair. I sit down and avoid looking at her. I can’t even breathe right now, let alone think straight.
“Where do you want it? Just here?” She whispers. Oh, if only she knew the things she’s doing to me. 
“Um- yep.” My eyes focused dead on the wall in front of me. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna sanitise the area.” And the beautiful woman spins in her chair to get her equipment. 
I mean it's not even sexual attractiveness. She’s so pretty, and nice. 
“Here.” Her voice barely above a whisper as she wipes on my clean skin. 
I think I physically gulped. “It's a really cool tattoo.” Y/n reassures, creating conversation. 
“Yeah.” I breathe. 
“Okay, I’m gonna start. Just relax.” 
“Mhm.” How?
I feel the needle press onto my skin. “Are you okay?” I nod. “Tell me if it’s too much okay?” 
Oh. My. God.
She continues her work, sometimes humming along to a random tune. “So how’s youtube?” She breaks the silence, gently wiping on the inked skin. 
“O-Oh, it’s going good.” I say quietly. SHE KNOWS WHO I AM. 
“I watch you and your brothers sometimes. You’re really funny.”
I want to cry, and throw up and laugh and kiss her all over her perfect face. 
“Thank you for watching us.” I stutter. What the fuck did I say?
Y/n just laughs. “No problem.”
“I’m a fan of your work.” I can barely get out. 
“Thank you.” She smiles. “Okay I’m practically done with this, just let me wrap it.” And she stands up, and bends over. 
I think I’m drooling. 
“Here.” She comes back up and wraps my fresh tattoo. She pulls out her phone and takes a photo. “How do you like it?” 
“It’s perfect.” I whisper. And it truly is. The owl detailed to perfection. 
I get out of the chair. “Great.” The artist removes her gloves and stands up across from my awkward figure. “Pleasure working with you Matt Sturniolo.”
I stare at her in awe. “Y-You too.” 
“Hey, can you do me a favour?” She tilts her head and I nod. “Can I have your number? Just in case your tattoo gets infected… And then you can call me.”
“Yeah.” OH MY GOD. It’s confirmed. My heart has stopped working. Y/n passes me her phone. I shakily type in my number. 
“Cool, I’ll see you around.” She smiles. And I give her my biggest smile back, cheeks red and neck flushed. 
“Hey y/n?... You’re really pretty.” Horrified at what I just blurted out, I gave her one last awkward smile before turning on my heel and racing out of the shop. 
Running out I feel like I’m in a fever dream. I met her, she knows who I am, we were literally centimetres apart. 
I look up at the sky, mentally thanking whatever God planned this shit out because I owe them everything.
Suddenly my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. 
Unknown Number
Hey, completely unrelated but I’m on my break and I kinda want a burger.
You down? :)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧.˚ₓ
♫ The start of nothing ♫
Aww, sorry ab it being short
If your rlly rocking w a part 2 lemme know, otherwise I'll leave this here for ya'll matt girls to eat up <3
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kiminachi · 2 years
Can you do a christian pulisic one where he won the concacaf nations league with team USA and after he celebrates with the boys he’s a drunk mess and the reader has to take care of him? <3
Christian Pulisic x Reader
One Tipsy Celebration
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! This is your Christmas gift ;) I hope it was up to your expectations!
Includes: a flirty drunk guy
The entire team was celebrating the win, and final game of the CONCACAF. It was a nerve-wrecking game with Mexico scoring in the first minute. Then later on the score was 2-2, but then Christian scored the winning goal from a penalty kick to make it 3-2! You were really proud of him.
And whilst the celebration was in the locker room and technically you were not allowed to be in there, being the girlfriend of the one and only Christian Pulisic has its advantages. Well.. sometimes.
“(Y/NNNN)!” Christian clumsily walked over to you. You could just smell the bittersweet alcohol that left his figure. He then slung his arm around you, “whatssup babes?” He slurred.
Oh goodness gracious.
Your boyfriend was being a drunk, flirtatious mess. You knew you had to help him out before things start to get inappropriate. Not only that, but for his well-being in the morning. “Christian!” You turned to face him, “how much did you drink?” You prayed it wasn’t a lot to the point of blackout puking.
“Hmm I don’t know, like 5 shots? Why does it matter anyways? Let loose (Y/N)!” He urged.
“Not today Chris, I know it’s a celebration but there has to be a responsible one” You said, replying to him.
You already took a shot or 2 a while ago, but not to the point of drunkness; You could still function, being more calm even. You could hear Christian mutter “no fun” with his arms crossed.
“Hey the shuttle is here!” You heard someone point out. Thank goodness. All you wanted was to get Christian to your guys’ hotel room. Everyone grabbed their belongings and walked out of the messy locker room, and into the shuttle. Sorry janitors. You sat in the back as Christian followed you over there.
“Hey beautiful ladyyy, mind if I sit here?” He may have flattered you, but you tried your best not to give in.
“Of course Chris” you patted down the seat next to you. He slouched down onto the chair, “Oh yeahhh, I needed this for my ass” He exhaled in relief. “Hey love, did you see me take off my shirt after I scored?” He placed his head on your shoulder. “Cause that was all for youuu.” You could feel how warm and flushed he was.
“Christian, you’re even shirtless as of this moment, but yes, yes I did.” Replying to his sloppy demeanor. “Hey Weston? (McKennie) could you grab me a water bottle please?” You asked him. He heard you and complied, grabbing a water bottle and bringing it over to you. You and West became good friends, sharing interests with each other. He hands you the water bottle, “thanks West, Chris is a hot mess right now” you pat Christian’s head as he groaned in drowsiness.
“I think I can tell, I’ll de-drunkify him for you” West pretends to use a spell on him with his imaginary wand, “NODRUNKIFORUS!” He shouts. You laughed at his corny antics, but you loved his childish imagination.
“Hey, what’s so funny?” moaned Christian,
“Are you flirting with my girl, West?” Uh oh, a jealous Christian is not good right now.
“No man, we’re just joking around!”
“Well you can go joke around somewhere else.”
You had to stop him, “Calm down Chris! Come on, drink this water.” You opened the water bottle with a small crack being heard, and handed it to Christian.
“Fine, whatever you say my love..” he still had a death glare at the poor Harry Potter fan as he drank out the bottle. However he was hit with tiredness again.
“Sorry West..” you apologized,
“It’s alright, he’s just in the deep right now.”
You felt the shuttle come to a stop. You looked out the window to see the hotel, and you were very relieved. You asked Weston to help you bring your non-functioning man to your room, and he agreed. You and Weston were on both sides of Christian, maneuvering him into the hotel, and into the elevator. After some time, the elevator dinged and the three of you reached your room. Weston held Christian as you searched for the keycard,
“God he reeks of alcohol!” West was not fond of the smell, and playfully made a gag noise out of his mouth.
You smiled, “Haha, oh yeah, I’ll have to drag him into the shower tomorrow morning. It’s too late for one right now”. You then found the keycard and hovered it against the lock for it to *click* and unlock. You then opened the door for West to carry him to the bed.
“Thanks so much West, I would have broke my bones trying to carry him myself.”
“It’s no problem (Y/N).” He insisted. You two then said your goodbyes and closed the door. You walked back over to Christian. You took off his shoes, shorts, and socks leaving him in his boxers, then grabbing a black t-shirt from the dresser, putting it on him.
He mindlessly climbed into the sheets with a groan. You smiled at his cuteness, then tucking him in, you pecked his forehead with a kiss.
Next you went ahead and changed into your own pajamas, shut off the lights, and sunk into the sheets yourself.
“(Y/N)..” he turned around to face you, “are you proud of my goal?” You softened at this,
“Of course I am, you were wonderful”
“Mmm, I love you (Y/N)” He latched his arms around you as if you were his teddy bear.
“I love you too Christian, sweet dreams my love.”
A/N: I think I fell in love with him after I wrote this ngl
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Oh oh! What about Chris Evans finds out that he is going to be a dad for the first time!!!!!
A/N: Dad Chris kills me. Enjoy 💕☘️
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You hand fell to your mouth in a gasp as you eyed the little blue line on the stick in front of you. Tears well in your eyes. You were pregnant. 
Chris and you had been trying for months, it was a lot of good sex but also a lot of “maybe next month.” In anticipation of the red line. You and Chris were looking into IVF and were going to enquire about it next month. No matter what it took, you both were going to make sure you had the first of many babies. 
It couldn’t have come at a better time, with Chris due to arrive home from filming tomorrow night and you knew the perfect way to tell him.
“Honey I’m home.” He sung out as you heard the sound of a roller bag and jangling keys. 
You jumped from your seat in the living, Dodger, on your lap, tail wagging with excitement. 
Dodger hadn’t left your side since Chris left, 2 weeks ago. Sure, he was always cuddly and cute, but he wouldn’t stop following you around and would whine whenever you’d leave the house or go to the bathroom. Something told you; he knew even before you did. 
You pulled out the plastic wrapped test from behind you. 
“Hold, good boy.” The pup delicately grabbed the stick in his mouth. 
“Dodger stays, ok honey?” You whispered to the pup. Making your way out to the entryway to meet Chris. 
“There’s my girl.” Chris pulled you into a dramatic kiss, your back arching to give him more access to your mouth.
“How you feeling?”
“Pretty good, you?”
“Happy to be home so I can snuggle my favourite girl and-.”
His head shot up in curiosity, he pinged the lack of puppy excitement, no dog nails clacking on the floorboards. 
“Dodger… where are you buddy?”
With the sound of his dad’s voice booming through the house, Dodger came bulldozing into the foyer.
“Hey buddy, hey hey! I’m home.” Chris let you go, crouching down to meet his furry friend.
“Hey what you got there? That a new toy?” Chris grabbed the plastic from the dog’s mouth, unwrapping its tight seal to figure out what the hell was underneath.
“What the hell is this, Y/N, did you-“  
You could see the gears in his head turning as he registered the stick in front of him, blue cap and white long body, he had seen one of these before, plenty of times in the last month but one thing made this particular test different. Two sharp red lines. 
“No way.” He whispered.
“No fucking way.” You stood off to the side, hands nervously fidgeting as Dodger, unaware of what was going on, thrashed his head between the two of you wondering if he had done a good job.
Chris finally looked up to face you, eyes already becoming red and watery at the news.
“You’re pregnant.”
“Well, yes, but I haven’t gone to the doctors yet but I did it yesterday and I didn’t want- OMG.” Not letting you finish, Chris pulled you into him, lifting you off the ground.
“We are gonna be parents! We are gonna be parents! We are gonna be parents!” He jumped around with you in his arms ecstatic at the news. 
Promptly falling out of his haze of excitement into dad mode;
“Oh my god! Wait you’re pregnant sorry… sorry… sorry little bean, you, ok? That was, ok? Do you need to sit down? Was I too rough?” His arms falling softly to your waist, inching towards your soft stomach, eyes filled with concern.
“I’m ok haha I’m only a couple of weeks according to the test.”
Pulling you into his arms, his hand falling to stroke your hair. 
“Jesus, I knew you looked more beautiful than when I last saw you but wow you’ve just made me the happiest guy in the world Y/N, I’m going to be a dad… finally.” 
He choked up at the final statement, all he had ever wanted was right in his arms at this very moment and he didn’t know whether to cry from joy or continue jumping from excitement. 
You cranked your head up to look at him, smiling with glee at his reaction. “I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone but you.” You said, earnestly. 
“You. Are going to be an amazing mom.” He beamed at you, seriousness laced in his voice, believing every word he spoke. 
“Thanks baby… Doctor’s appointment is Friday, it’s not an ultrasound just a test to confirm.”
“I still want to go. Every appointment, baby shop, birthing class, private doula… whatever you need from this moment on I will be there.” 
“I don’t think I could do it without you there, I’m beside myself with nerves.”
“You’ll be a natural… have you told ya ma?”
“No, you’re the first person to know… besides Dodger, little bubbas hasn’t stop following me around.”
“Good boy, keeping bubba safe.” Dodger beamed at the praise he so desperately needed from his master.
“Do you want to tell people yet or wait? Up to you honey.” Chris stroked your arm, lovingly. 
You couldn’t help but appreciate how selfless he was about it all. You know the next 9 months that if you said jump, he’d say how high.
“I kinda want to just stay in this little bubble for a bit… all 4 of us you know? To be sure.”
“Sounds perfect my dear.” He planted a kiss on your lips, then crouched down.
“I love you already.” He whispered on your clothed belly, placing a delicate kiss as you ran your hands through his hair. 
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starythewriter · 3 months
Chris evans sigining for my queen
This won’t be a smut scene however it will get very fluffy and be very romantic.
I arrived to Chris’s office, seeing him signing a document, I decided to show him a stack of papers, “hey Y/N… it’s been a long time… by the way, give these back and tell them I won’t sign the remodeling off the building until they pay more”
“Sure sir.”
“Please call me Chris. Do not be alarmed. Now go.”
He said staring at you, maintain eye contact. He enjoyed having such immense power over me.
“I am very honored to announce that you will be moving over to the organizational department specifically in financial bookkeeping for the company.” Said Chris smiling, while keeping his eyes set on me. I admired how attractive he looked in his white shirt.
I decided to keep my gaze calm. As a million thoughts ran through my mind. “I… cannot wait! Thank you Chris” I said with a fake smile and placing my hands on the table. He smirked, “I know it’s not so ideal as you’ll be further away and that also unfortunately means I won’t be your direct boss but we can still meet to plan reunions for the taxing and paperwork department”
He said smiling giving me a nod. But I knew what this meant. I wouldn’t be around him as much. I didn’t want to be apart from Chris not like this. But I decided to stay quiet.
“I also have some… more exciting news…. You’ll have your own office here let me walk you to it”
Said Chris opening the door, I followed him as he walked proudly to my new office, I was surprised as his office was on the side with all the windows mine was on another side with much more shading.
I saw my room seeing a monitor which was an amazing white color, everything was so beautiful. I held onto my purse he opened the door saying “what do you think?l he asked excited. Looking at you and scanning your body. “It is so beautiful thank you so much Chris”
I said with a smile sitting down and logging on. “Hey… I’ll be around holler if you need me. Also, here’s some paperwork and stuff you’ll need to do to finalize everything” said Chris smiling as he headed out and walked toward his office.
God… I loved his bulge and those arms u slowly reviewed some of the paperwork and began to fill things out then I logged in quickly reviewing some financial stuff for the company.
As Chris owned majority of the electronic and technology portion of the company therefore I need to see how much each project would cost, or how much a batch of products would cost.
I quickly put together some reports and sent them over. I saw Chris walking up again. He seem a little… flirty he was blushing more so nervous.
“Hey I wanted to bring you some coffee” he said with a warm smile, I took the coffee smiling slowly twirling my fingers, I relaxed feeling sexual tension.
He broke away saying “sorry… umm I have to go”
“Wait Chris…” I said grabbing onto his thick bulging arm. We made hard eye contact. “I… think we should talk” he said sternly sitting down. “I know you may not like your placement but you’re moving up the ranks and getting better. That’s what matters” he said smiling “I know… but I kinda miss those fun times we had in your office” I said smiling while whispering in his ear.
He slowly got hard, staring into my soul as I stared back. We slowly kissing as I lifted his shirt slowly. “Bend over your desk and prove it” we continued to move out as I slowly grinned myself against his clothes member I’d love to except were… in the middle of the open sir” I smirked he slowly set me on my desk, we decided to call it at that as we didn’t need a sx scandal and instead just kissed some more.
The end
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sturn1olo-ffics · 11 months
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- HIDDEN (a series) -
pt. 1 | pt. 2
- Matt Sturniolo x Fem Reader (she/her pronouns used)
- Warnings: angst, Matt and reader high key hate each other, making out, use of y/n, profanity, alcohol use, I think that’s it??; NOT PROOFREAD
- About: Y/n and Matt aren’t very fond of each other on the outside, but on the inside, what really are they?
- Note: orange text=Chris, purple text=Nick, blue text=Matt, pink text=you
(Y/N’s POV):
I look down at my phone to a text from Chris.
“Hey did you happen to see Matt earlier?”
“Yeah, he stopped by to get something. Why what’s up?”
“Oh don’t worry about it, I was just wondering fr.”
Chris had always been suspicious about Matt and I. He had always been confused why we hated each other so much even though it seems like we’d get along so well.
I ignored Chris’ text and continued on talking to my friends at the party.
I soon grew tired but I couldn’t drive home because I had a few drinks, so I called Larray to Uber over because I trusted him to drive my car home for me.
Upon arriving to my house, I thanked Larray and walked in.
Then, I started to feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
It was Nick calling me.
“Hey girl I was just on the phone with Larray when you called and wanted to make sure you got home alright.”
“Yeah! I did. Thank you for checking on me. How was filming the car video? Any fights between you and Chris this time?”
“What? Oh no we didn’t have a video planned to film tonight, we did it last night. But I can’t spoil it, you’ll have to wait to watch.”
“Oh- well Imma go. I need sleep really bad.”
“Alright, good night y/n”
Why would Matt lie and tell me they were filming a video? I mean it’s not like it was even that big of a deal, he could have just said he didn’t want to go with me.
I turned my playlist on and hopped in the shower, still intoxicated. I managed to take a quick shower, take off my makeup, and brush my teeth before clocking out in my bed for the night.
Four knocks on my window.
I knew it was Matt. Only Matt knocked 4 times in that pattern.
I opened my curtain to reveal his tired expression and signaled for him to come in.
If I were sober and in my right mind right then, I would not have let him in, but I wasn’t.
“Hi” he said, opening the window.
Almost immediately I pressed my lips to his, forming an unspoken language between us.
His hands roamed my body as he kicked his shoes off, allowing them to fall on the floor.
The cool, fall breeze filled the air as the window was left at a crack, leaving chill bumps across my skin.
Not a word was said between us, but the deepened kiss was all that was needed.
“Matt-” I mustered out.
“Shh baby.” He whispered, closing the gap between our lips once more.
His cologne filled my nose as he placed soft and rough kisses to my neck.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said between kisses.
A soft smile spread across my lips before meeting his again.
I must have blacked out or fallen asleep because next thing I know, I was woken up next to Matt in his bed at their house.
“Matt” I said, lightly tapping his shoulder.
“Hm?” He questioned softly.
“What happened?” I sat up, feeling sick.
“When I went down stairs to get you some medicine, you blacked out from the amount of alcohol you drank, so I brought you here to take care of you.” He turned his body toward me.
“Take care of me?” I looked down and giggled.
“I know, I know.” He giggled back.
“You could have done that at my house though-” I continued laughing.
“Shhh I wasn’t thinking.” He whispered with a smile.
“I should actually really get home before Nick and Chris realize I’m here.” I stood up, immediately falling back down onto the bed.
“No no baby, they won’t even know, I’ll get you home without them seeing. Just lay back down.” He whined and pulled me into him.
I fell back asleep to Matt rubbing my back with one hand and brushing my hair with the other.
I could stay like that forever. That is, until Chris unexpectedly walked in the room at 7:00 in the morning.
A/N: I kinda hate this part but whatever, it’s really just filler. Love you guys 😭
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sunrisemill · 7 months
✮From the start✮ pt.2
Chris and y/n have always been inseparable, they’ve always relied on each other but what happens when one of them falls? Pt.1 Pt.3 Pt.4 Finale
(a/n: the pink text is what she’s saying in her head. I hope it’ll help and it won’t be too confusing 🙏)
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I shiver at the memory. That moment was just the start of a disaster that was caused by me. I tear my eyes away from the two birds and continue walking up his street. Nothing but bad memories and negative thoughts fill my head “what if he’s forgotten about me?” “what’s gonna happen when he sees my face again?” “What if he hates me now”
I need to put this to an end. So I will.
I stare at his front door, the faded white door that haunts my dreams. Everything emotion, every break down that’s happened over the last couple of months has lead up to this.
(3 months ago)
“Do you think we’ll always be friends?” I turn over to look at Chris, he looks so peaceful, I just want to reach over and trace every detail on his face, every blemish and every scar that makes him special.
He groans and opens his eyes.
“Seriously y/n? It’s 4 am. Go to sleep”
I grin as I sit up, reaching over to poke his cheek
“Come onnnn Chris, I’m bored and I miss talking to you”
“We’ve spent the whole day together. I can’t think of an hour where I didn’t talk to you.”
“Just answer the question”
He sighs In defeat, giving me a playful glare as he slowly sits up. He lets out a grunt as he does
“Alright grandpa. Do you need help with that?”
He shoots me a look that causes me to burst out laughing
“Y/n do not test me right now cause I will NOT hesitate to sucker punch you through that wall”
“Okay! okay! Take your time”
I bite back a smirk but he just shakes his head and chuckles
“To answer your question. Yes I do think we’ll always be friends. I don’t know why you keep doubting that”
I nod my head. But that doesn’t calm my nerves, I don’t know why but that just made them worse
“You’re right, sorry for asking such a stupid question”
He smiles at me and moves to lay back down “now go to sleep. Unlike you, I need my beauty sleep”
He huffs and closes his eyes. I lay down as well but I can’t help thinking “did he just call me pretty?” “No he didn’t, I’m just overthinking it”
“Nope he definitely did”
That goes on for several minutes before my eyes fall heavy…
I can’t do this. This is so so incredibly stupid. I raise my shaky hand, bringing it to his door. I squeeze my eyes shut as I give it one gentle knock.
Yeah that’s not gonna work. I try it again. This time I knock properly, shaking my head at my failure “why is this so difficult?” I feel all the colour drain from my face as the door opens and I’m met with Chris. Seeing his face is so surreal, this is the moment I’ve been waiting for but I get interrupted by Chris, his harsh tone catches me off guard “what do you want?” I swallow, all my previous confidence is gone, even though it was very little to begin with. I look like a deer in headlights as I stare up at him, he looks down at me with a look in his eyes that i never thought id see, a look that confirms all of my fears…pure hatred towards me.
“I’m sorry Chris…”
I sigh as I look down at my shoes.
“You’re sorry?! Y/n”
He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, frustration caused by me.
“Sorry won’t cut it out. I called you. I texted you, Hell I even went to your house and you still ignored me! I tried my fucking best to check up on you, to make sure you were okay and do you know what you gave me?! Pure silence, you didn’t even have the decency to tell me if you were okay. I can’t believe I even wasted my time on you.”
My breath catches in my throat as he says the last sentence. I feel tears brimming my eyes as I cling onto even a shred of confidence
“Please Chris. Please just hear me out”
My tone is thick with desperation. He sighs and looks behind him before nodding
Tags: @guccifrog
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iluvmatt · 2 years
new plans, m.s
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chapter four, home sweet home synopsis: coming home for the holidays has its perks; you get to see your childhood best friends again, you get to spend the holidays with the people you’ve always loved, and the list goes on. of course, it also had its cons— you have to face your best friend, matt, the one that you’re madly in love with and have been in love with since you were merely thirteen. little do you know, though, that he’s dealing with the same mixed emotions of you and the holidays; biting his nails as he waits for you to knock on his front door.
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matt was panicking; his heart was pounding within his throat and his knuckles were a soft white color as he gripped the steering wheel, waiting for chris to get in the car, as he was still in the house looking for his phone.  he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about seeing you for the first time in months. he couldn’t stop thinking about what he was going to say, what he was going to do when you were in front of him once more.
although it’s only been months since the last time you saw one another, he felt anxious to see you; as if you’ve been away for years. that wasn’t it, though. he was anxious to lock eyes with you, to see you in front of him, beautiful and ever-changing as you got older throughout the years. he was always at a loss for words when it came to you, but now he sat gripping the steering wheel and wondering what he was going to do when he saw you again. 
was he to act normal, as if your very voice didn’t send chills down his spine and flutters within his heart? was he to tell you how he felt and ultimately run the chance of you never looking at him the same ever again? his heart and his mind didn’t know what to do— all he knew was that he wanted to see you, even if he was awkward; even if his mouth couldn’t produce the right words. 
 “chris is going to be all night,” began nick, who was gripping onto the headrest of the backseat. “we might as well just leave without him.”
matt sighed, turning to look behind him at nick, who was starting to act more and more impatient as time ticked away; “we can’t just leave him, nick.” said matt softly, rolling his eyes. “you know this, he’s just as excited to see y/n as we are.”
not long after matt finished his sentence, a happy chris walked up to the door, opening it fast to sit and look across at his brother who was blankly staring back at him. matt was confused at the expression on chris’ face; chris had something he wanted to say, but was acting as if he was holding back, which irritated matt in a way that he couldn’t express. they all collectively told each other everything— entirely everything.
“what’s up, chris?” matt asked, tilting his head to the side and giving chris a small smile, which he knew always cheered him up when he was feeling down. 
“i just—,” chris sighed, looking down at his phone, only to see your contact displayed across his screen. you were simply telling him how excited you were to be at home, how you were almost landing, and just how scared you were to lock eyes with the boy who you have loved for so long. chris could feel your anxiety through the screen, but only unlocked it to type out that he loved you— that you needed to breathe, that everything was going to be fine.
“i just wish you would address your feelings for y/n, matt.” chris finished, only to hear a gasp in the backseat from nick, who was completely quiet at the conversation. matt looked away from his brother, his eyes filled with a mixture of shock and uncertainty as he put the car in reverse and headed out of the driveway— to get you. his mind was stuck on chris’ words; how could he know the feelings that he had never expressed to anyone?
“how did you know?” was all that matt could ask as he drove down the street, hands tight around the wheel, as if he was merely holding on for his life. 
chris smiled, his hair scattered across his forehead and a pink tint across his cheeks due to being outside minutes earlier as he began, “nick and i know you better than anyone in the world, you know.” 
nick chuckled at chris as he continued, “and we know when you’re feeling something different than what you’re used to, how you shut down and hide away. we also noticed how y/n was a sensitive topic to you and how you would always look over at us when they came up in conversation— how you would always smile when they would text you.”
matt rolled his eyes at the cheesiness of the words coming from chris, but nonetheless realized it was true. you made him act different; you and the adoration that he held so deeply within his heart for you. he was falling in love with you miles upon miles away, without knowing it himself.
“i don’t know what happened or why it happened,” matt stated, staring out onto the road in front of him, “one minute i only saw them as a friend, and then the next, i couldn’t handle being so far away from them. y/n in college where we’d have to hop on a plane to get to them, and me here, where we have been since we were kids. but that was the catch, it was just you guys and i left, and my heart couldn’t take it.”
“and i would see them on calls from a distance when you or nick would facetime them, i would see their texts, and i would hear their voice in voice recordings and i don’t know— i felt something indescribable. something that was close to love, almost love, but quite not love.” he finished, eyes glistening under the street lamps that reflected through the mirrors as he turned onto the entrance to the interstate. 
“not quite love?” chris questioned, taking a sip of the leftover pepsi from their trip to the store that morning. it was almost flat but chris didn’t care, he cared about matt and how matt felt, and every word that matt wanted to say. 
“it wasn’t quite love then,” said matt, “i thought it was more like a boyish crush, like the ones we had in high school. but one day they called me and wanted to talk to me about a video they saw that reminded them of me specifically— not you, nick, not you, chris. i realized then that this was new, that this was quite literally love.”
“matt is in his character development arc and we are absolutely here for it!” nick exclaimed, clapping his hands together with a wide smile plastered across his visage. “so the question is, are you going to tell them how you feel?”
“honestly, no, i’m not going to.” matt said softly, “i don’t think they feel the same way about me, and i wouldn’t want to make anything awkward between us if i were to confess.”
chris giggled, thinking about his previous conversations with you and how you would be on the floor in tears if you heard any of the words that escaped matt’s lips. chris knew your secret, as did nick, yet poor matt was clueless to the butterflies in your stomach when you thought of him and the beating of your heart whenever you saw him.
“well, you never know if you don’t try,” chris said, “sometimes you have to do things outside of your comfort zone in order to get what you want in life.” 
matt rolled his eyes at chris, although he knew that he was true. matt knew that the only way to see how you felt about him was to ask you and that scared the life out of him. he wanted to know how you felt, but he didn’t want to be rejected; he didn’t want you to look at him differently once you found out about how he felt toward you.
a few seconds passed before matt turned into the parking lot of the airport; he swore up and down that chris and nick could hear the thump, thump, thumping of his heart against his ribs. 
the three, once parked, exited from the car and headed toward the doors. nick began rubbing his hands against his arms as his teeth began chattering, only to get a side-glance from chris who was trying to speed walk to see his best friend again.
“nobody told me it was going to be this cold outside today!” nick expressed, sighing heavily as he tried to warm himself up with his own hands.
as they approached the door, chris whispered loud enough for everyone to hear him, “well, weather apps do exist for a reason, nicolas. use one.”
once inside, they walked over to your terminal and looked around for you, they were all excited to see you and they couldn’t contain it. especially matt; his hands were tapping against his sides, his eyes were narrowed as he looked around for you, and the ache of anxiety within his chest eased up as he looked around the terminal for you. 
after a few short— but excruciatingly long in matt’s eyes— minutes later, a “my boys!” rang through each of their ears as they turned around and saw you; standing there with your bags in hand and a bright smile on your face.
matt felt his heart begin racing as he looked at you; at just how much more beautiful you’ve gotten over the past months that you’ve been away at college, even though he thought you were already the most beautiful you could ever be. you proved him wrong— oh, so wrong.
“y/n!” nick yelled, running over to you as you dropped your bags and opened your arms wide, receiving a hug from one of the very people whom you’ve needed a hug from the most throughout the tiring months of being so far away from family and hometown friends. 
you wrapped your arms tightly around nick, giggling at the random little words that the two of you were throwing back and forth at your reunion. you softly looked up as you hugged him to see matt with a sweet smile on his face, causing your stomach to erupt in butterflies. god, he was so beautiful, you wanted to scream it from the rooftop so the entire world knew it. 
chris walked up behind nick, tapping his shoulder and smiling widely, “i think it’s my time to hug my best friend too,” which only received a deep sigh from nick as he parted from you, forming a frown on his face in a jokingly manner against chris; it was his secret protest. 
chris wrapped his arms around you and leaned close to your ear, whispering ‘tell him how you feel’ before covering it up by loudly expressing just how much he missed you. you replied to his whisper, a soft ‘eventually’ leaving your lips.
“i missed you even more, chrissy, you have no idea.” you spoke, tightening your grip on him as you gave him one last squeeze before parting from him, as you were ready to hug matt. you were sure that you had never been more ready for anything in your life, and your heart beating so rapidly within your chest proved it. 
you walked up to matt and smiled widely, holding your arms open as he moved closer to embrace you. you believed you could feel that rapidity of his heart against his chest coincide with the rapidity of your own heart, but you knew that he could never feel anything for you except the love that both nick and chris had for you. the respect and love of a best friend and nothing more; or so, you thought.
“i missed you, y/n,” matt whispered to you, “it was getting lonely, you know, not seeing you.” his words caused your heart to beat even faster, to the point that you could hear your own heart within your eardrums. oh, you were so in awe of this boy.
you felt his arms tighten around you as you rested your head on his shoulder, tears beginning to unknowingly form within your eyes as a crimson blush crept upon your cheeks, “i missed you too, matty.” 
the holidays were going to be much harder than you both initially thought; for the sole reason that the two of you both knew now that your feelings for one another were so much deeper than what you both had originally thought before seeing one another for the first time in months, and the other didn’t even know it. 
on the other hand, the fun part of the holidays was for nick and chris, though. they were going to get one of you to confess first or even both at the same time; all they needed was to figure out how. once they figured out how to get you two to confess, everything else would fall into place, they believed.
as they glanced at you and matt’s sweet embrace full of unspoken feelings and a sense of longing that is slowly being healed with each slight touch, they turned to one another with grins before they said in synchronicity to one another:
“let the matchmaking begin!”
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taglist: @taking-a-footnote-in-your-life​, @lostwonderwall​, @lomlolivia​, @maddymaddie​, @kylespencersvocalcords, reach out to be added :-)
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previous ♡ next | m.list  © iluvmatt, 2022.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Don’t Wanna Scare You Away- Chris Evans xreader fan fic
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Summary: Chris & reader are best friends who live together and they both secretly love each other and are afraid to scare the other off but the fear is taken away after Chris admits his feelings to them
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of overthinking and soft Chris, comfort fluff, let me know if I miss anything
(Y/N’s POV)
I love living with Chris it has been great, we talk about everything and hangout together on our days off and sometimes we even double date with our partners occasionally which is fun but I decided to break up with my recent boyfriend which was hard.
I got up to go talk to Chris about relationship stuff and I found Chris sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone while watching tv and I said “hey Chris could we talk?” Chris looked up at me with a smile and said “hey Y/N! Of course we can here come sit with me.” I walked over to where he was sitting and I sat by him but at a respectful distance and Chris saw I was distracted and said “hey what’s on your mind bub? Talk to me.” I loved how concerned and soft he always was with me and he’s always very protective of me which I didn’t mind.
I sighed and said “ok well.. do I always go after the wrong people? I don’t know what’s wrong with me sometimes.. I do want a boyfriend and I loved my last boyfriend but it just wasn’t working out I don’t get it.” Chris gave me a sympathetic sad smile with a nod and said “first hey, nothing is wrong with you ok? You are beautiful, amazing, a sweetheart, a great person overall and you deserve to be happy ok? You’ll find the right guy who treat you the way you deserve and someone who will love everything about you.” I smiled at Chris and said “thank you Chris that means a lot to me and I feel really bad about venting to you about this I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have.” I got up to walk away but Chris got up and stopped me and said “hey Y/N no it’s ok really I want you to be happy regardless of what that looks like ok? I don’t mind you coming to me I care about you.”
(Chris’s POV)
Gosh giving Y/N relationship advice and having her vent to me was hard, I fell in love with my best friend a few weeks ago and was too nervous to tell her that I broke up with my other girlfriend because I wasn’t in love with them anymore. I do want Y/N to be happy and I don’t wanna scare her away but I think I should probably tell her the truth it’s worth it.
———-time skip——
A few hours later I got home from an interview and saw Y/N curled up on the couch watching tv and I walk over and say “hey you, what are you watching??” Y/N looked up at me and said “hey Chris, I’m watching Friends wanna watch with me??” I smiled at her feeling so happy to see her and I said “yea I’d like that.” I went to go sit down by her and she handed me some popcorn and I nodded and said “thanks .”
We were watching Friends and as we’re watching Y/N seemed more quiet than normal and I rubbed her arm and said “hey Y/N you ok? You’re quiet tonight.” She looked at me and said “it’s nothing really just a lot on my mind.” I paused friends and thankfully we have it on dvd, I turned to face Y/N and said “hey bubba what’s up? You can talk to me I hope you know that?”
Y/N seemed nervous and said “ok so remember how I came to you earlier about relationship stuff? Well.. I just didn’t wanna scare you away but I’m in love with you Chris and partly why I broke up with my recent boyfriend was because every time I cuddled with him I thought of you.” I was taken by surprise only because I felt the exact same way and I sighed with relief and Y/N said “what? What is it Chris???” I smiled at her feeling nervous and shy and said “I’m glad you said something because I’m in love with you too sweetheart I just.. I didn’t wanna scare you away either or make things weird.”
Y/N scooted closer to me and said “really? You love me?” I nodded and took her hands in mine and said “yes my dear I love you, I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago because I realized I loved you all along and I wanted you to be happy no matter what but I wanted to tell you the truth.” She smiled and thought for a second and then leaned in to kiss me. I put my arms around her and brought her closer to kiss her back and Y/N said “I love you Chris I promise it’s always been you.” I smiled and kissed her forehead and said “and I promise you as baby you could never scare me away I love you so much.”
I thought the idea for this one would be really cute 😊♥️ enjoy xx
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trippybeetle · 2 years
SKZ reaction to your lesbian/gay parents
Warnings: None!
♡ Bangchan ♡
He had a smile on his face the entire time you guys drove over there.
As soon as you step foot on your parents doorstep, the door swung open. Revealing both of your moms.
“Welcome home guys!” Your biological mom hugged both of you.
“You must be Bangchan!” Your other mother says, bringing out a hand to shake his.
“Yeah! You can call me Chris. I’m so happy that I got to finally see you guys!” Bangchan smiled like a little boy in a candy shop.
Your biological mom was bi-sexual at first, but after your dad left you and your mom because she was bi-sexual, she met a co-worker.
You didn’t have a father growing up. But you were grateful having a father figure in your life which was your other mom.
♡ Minho ♡
You guys were out shopping until you bumped into your dads.
“Our little Y/N/N! (Your NickName). Your other dad brings you in for a tight bear hug.
“Oh yeah! This is my boyfriend, Minho.” You introduced your dads to him.
“So this must be the famous Lee Know! Boy, he’s very handsome!” Your biological dad compliments.
Your mom and your dad split up when you were 14.
Every since you found out about your biological dad having another lover as the same gender, you supported him and was happy for your dad.
♡ Changbin ♡
Both of your moms were moving into a new house.
Of course they didn’t have much hands to help, they asked for yours and Changbin’s help.
“Thank you for helping us! Y/N, you picked a good guy!” Your other mom snorts.
“What do you mean?” You chuckled.
“Well, I’m sure you can’t pick up heavy things! Changbin got muscles!” Your mom joked, causing all of you to laugh.
Your biological mom got a a donor to conceive you with your other mom.
You didn’t even ask questions about it!
♡ Hyunjin ♡
The boy was a bit shocked that you had two dads.
You didn’t really mention them before in front of him.
You all were at a restaurant, talking about random things.
Hyunjin felt comfortable around your dads.
Your dad just met your other dad a few years ago. While you were out and about with Hyunjin.
♡ Han ♡
What a cutie!
Han has spoke with your moms over the phone a couple of times but never actually got to meet them.
You guys planned a way to hang out and stuff.
Your biological dad passed away when you were just a baby because he had a tumor.
But your biological mom was happy again after she found your other mom.
“I heard you’re a prankster!” Your other mom says.
“Ahh, yeah. Did Y/N tell you?” Han laughed.
“We used to do pranks on each other all the time! I got good ones if you ever want to try them out!” Your biological mom gives him advice.
♡ Felix ♡
It was Sunday and your dads invited you guys out to cook out.
Let’s just say that Felix got along very well with both of your dads.
“I heard you guys used to be in a underground dance battle.” Felix spoke.
“That was a long time ago! I can’t dance like you guys now, I’ll break my back!” Your biological dad joked.
Your biological dad had a rough marriage with your mom, basically a failed marriage.
You don’t even talk to your mom because she did you and your bio dad lives a living hell.
But Felix knew that, he never brings it up!
♡ Seungmin ♡
It was during tour.
You and your moms were brought behind the stage after their concert.
“Your guys’ performance was beautiful!” Your other mom praised.
“Thank you! You must be Y/M/N and Y/O/M/N (Your Moms Name and Your Other Moms Name).
“Yes! And you’re that savage boyfriend that our daughter has! Did you know she was savage too?” Your bio mom winked. Causing your face to turn red from embarrassment.
Your bio mom just got married to your other mom.
So you brought them to one of your boyfriends concert for their honeymoon.
♡ Jeongin ♡
It was Christmas!
Your dads came over to give you and your boyfriend presents for the special holiday.
“Merry Christmas, to our future son-in-law?” Jeongin reads the card before opening the present.
“What? Don’t look at us!” Your dad laughs.
“No! It’s okay! I’ll be happy to be your son-in-law!” Jeongin gleamed.
You all spent your day spending time with each other.
Your bio dad cheated on your mom with his now-husband when you were a child.
You were kind of upset but not at the same time. But you knew your mom and dad used to fight every single second. It bothered you until not anymore.
I kind of suck at these! But I do my best!
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
so you’re the infamous ‘ms. y/n’ that jungkook’s friends have been hearing about. they’ll admit, you’re a very gorgeous woman with a confident aura around you but most of all, you make their best friend very, very happy.
“you must be y/n? hi, my name is jihyo. i’m mingyu’s wife”
“i’m lisa, yugyeom’s wife”
“name’s zoey. i’m chris’s girlfriend”
you shake each of the ladies hands and pull alina into a big hug when you see her. she’s dressed in a beautiful green dress since her baby shower is safari themed. after giving alina her gifts for the baby, you head back to converse with the gossiping women but you’re a little shy to start a conversation.
the women talk about everything: shopping, celebrities, their careers, even the childhood they shared while you don’t say anything. you just smile and nod your head pretending that you’re listening but alina notices.
“so y/n” says alina. “how’s your relationship with jungkook going? it’s been over a month now”
“o-oh. uh…he’s sweet. i enjoy every second with him and he makes me really happy”
“i’ve always wondered what he was like as a partner. he strikes as the kind of guy that likes to be babied” ponders jihyo.
“not really. he does most of the babying. he babies and pampers me a lot. he cooks, cleans—,”
“is the sex good?” interrupts lisa, wiggling her eyebrows showing her curiosity and that she’s all ears to the tea about mystery-boy jeon jungkook.
“the sex is great. he’s amazing in bed”
“did he make you cum the first time?”
“jihyo! that’s too much” scolds alina.
“what?! it’s just a question. mingyu didn’t make me cum the first time we had sex but he definitely does now”
“ew. tmi, girl” says alina who rolls her eyes are her friends pushy topic.
“soooo did he make you cum for the first?”
“yeah, he did. it was really nice. he’s the best i’ve ever had but don’t tell him that”
“is he well-endowed?”
“OKAY!! y/n why don’t you come help me in the kitchen really quick?” and with that, alina takes you inside her home to escape the bombarding questions.
“i’m sorry about that. they’re very…intruding. they were like that when eunwoo and i first started dating. it was sooo uncomfortable”
“yeah they’re very nosy but i wasn’t going to reveal too much”
“yeah PLEASE don’t. he’s my friend and it would be weird to know his…package size”
“hahahahaha, i swear i wasn’t going to answer that. between me and you, i’m so in love with him”
alina gasps. “love?! its only been a month!”
“i know! but he’s so sweet and caring and hot and sexy and lovely and aah! i just love everything about him. that’s my baby~ he just makes me so happy”
“awwww!! i can’t wait for you and him to have your first child together”
“me too but i want us to get married first”
well…someone should know.
“alina? can you keep a secret?”
“of course. what’s wrong? are you pregnant?!”
“wha—no! no no no…i…i got offered a job”
“really? that’s good. what’s it for?”
“it’s a personal assistant job at the jang’s company. i know the jang’s are bad but the pay is so good and i need a job”
“does jungkook know about this?”
“no. i didn’t want to tell him until i accepted the job. i mean…should i?”
What are you thinking, Alina shakes her head, but before she says anything, she approaches her fridge and takes out a cold drink to give it to you.
And then she takes the support of the kitchen counter, and inhales a deep breath. It’s about time she lets you know some things.
“Yn I know that you love him and it’s so clear how much he loves you… you’re my best friend and I love you.. sometimes the decisions you can make…. They can be Problematic.”
Her wording is a little harsh or maybe blunt, but she has known you for years she knows your boyfriend really well- especially his horrific relationship with Nara.
Nara Jang.
“ do you know who they are right? They almost became his in-laws. You know Nara well… I know her how she was to him during the relationship.” She inhales another breath.
“tell me something yn? Have you ever gotten into a fight with jungkook? Like have you seen him angry?”
“You’ve obviously seen him naked, eunwoo has told me about the scars he has on his body, thanks to her. You saw how she behaved the day you went into the company. She fired us all on the spot… yet he happily left his job for you. He loves you so much. I don’t think you realize just how much he does.” Alina takes your hands into hers.
“Eunwoo tells me that you’re all jk talks about. Just how happy you make him and how cooperative you are.”
“Are you seriously considering working for the Jangs? Of course they offered you a job on purpose.” She rolls her eyes, but she knows how naïve you can be.
Of course they’re gonna have you work for them and Nara will take jungkook away from you and it will ruin him and both you.
“Don’t. You don’t know how angry he will get if you tell him that you are considering working for them and that you got a job offer from them in the first place and you didn’t let him know.” She whispers.
“His anger is definitely concerning yn.” Everyone has a few flaws and she knows despite your abusive relationship with your ex, you’re strong and you always have been.
But jungkook is not strong. He’s destructive.
“Talk to him about it. But seriously, don’t consider the job at all. You don’t know how crazy that bitch is-actually you do so it’s time for you to make the decision for yourself.”
As you both are talking, she definitely notices some thing changing and you’re concerned, you both are talking so much that you don’t realize that jungkook has entered the kitchen.
“BABY!!!!! Come on!!!!! These ladies are teasing me!” Jungkook hugs you from behind, taking you both by surprise.
“Oh alina-I’m here to take my girlfriend away.” He smiles, alina shuts her mouth immediately. “I just hope you both don’t end up fucking in my kitchen.” She winks before taking her leave.
“Baby what were you talking about?”
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A Snowy Trip
Eddie and Chris have lived in LA for several years. In this time, they've explored much of what California has to offer. They've gone to Disneyland, the beaches, San Francisco, and more. Yet in all these years they've never gone to the mountains. This was never a big deal. At least, until Buck found out. He was absolutely flabbergasted.
"You guys have never been to the mountains? You're telling me that in all these years, you've never been to Lake Tahoe?"
"I don't know. We've just never thought about it."
"Have you ever seen snow?"
"I lived in Texas, Buck. Not the Sahara desert."
"I have to take you guys to Tahoe. We'll make a vacation of it!"
Eddie wants to say no. But Chris has always wanted to go to the mountains, and he could really use a good vacation...
"I have a couple of days of vacation saved up."
"Perfect! I'll start planning!"
And plan Buck did. He read all sorts of articles, combed through countless reviews, researched the best places to go. While he did that, Eddie invested in the proper snow gear. He may have overdone it a bit, but he doesn't want him or his kid to have frostbite. They both settled on a date, and prepped everything else. When they told Chris, he was ecstatic. He was bouncing with excitement for days.
The drive was long. Eddie and Buck took turns driving. Buck drove the most, since he actually enjoys it. Plus Eddie always gets sleepy in cars. Something about the rocking lulls him to sleep. They passed the time by playing games, listening to music, and talking. Buck put on some Disney songs. They all sang along, much to the chagrin of cars around them. They were very loud and very off key.
They stopped for In-N-Out on the way. Chris got a strawberry milkshake like usual. They munched away as they discussed who the strongest Marvel hero is.
"It has to be Captain Marvel. I mean, she's basically a human nova," Buck argues.
"I'm partial towards Captain America. He's human, but that serum made him pretty much invincible. Plus he's got more determination than any of the others."
"His shield is the size of a dinner plate, Eddie."
"Actually," Chris pipes in, "The most powerful superhero is Squirrel Girl. She's defeated pretty much every major villain. She's stronger than Thanos. She also speaks to squirrels, which is pretty cool."
"There's a squirrel girl? And I've never heard of her? I love squirrels!" Buck mutters. It's true, Buck is a big fan of squirrels. Whenever he sees a squirrel, he excitedly announces it to everyone around him. The enthusiasm over seeing a fairly common animal never wavers. Eddie thinks it's adorable, but he'll never admit that.
When they finally reached the mountains, Chris was practically exploding with excitement. He was staring at all the snow in wonder. It occured to Eddie that Chris probably doesn't remember snow so well, since they left Texas when he was young. Chris starts listing off things they have to do. Sledding, snow ball fights, building a snowman, and more. Buck vows that they'll do every single one.
They pull into a small driveway in front of a cabin. It's rustic, like something out of a book. Eddie gingerly steps out of the car. He expects there to be ice, but the driveway is salted.
"I made sure they salted it before we came. I didn't want to risk Chris slipping," Buck supplies.
It's a small gesture, yet it means so much. Buck always looks out for Chris. Eddie wants to kiss him silly, but he restrains himself. He won't risk potentially ruining the vacation before it's even started. He won't risk losing Buck. He pushes all that away to focus on unloading the truck.
The inside of the cabin is beautiful. There's a small kitchen off to the side. There's a large wooden bookshelf up against the far wall, filled with books and games. A soft couch sits in front of a stone fireplace. There's framed paintings and photos hung on the walls. It has a family feel to it. It's perfect.
"Buck, this is amazing."
"Only the best for the Diazes," He chuckles.
Chris has his own little room. There's a twin bed covered in piles of blankets. Chris immediately starts unpacking his stuff so that he can go play in the snow. Buck and Eddie head to their room. Buck stops in the doorway. Eddie peeks over his shoulder. There's only one bed.
"I'm so sorry, the website said there were two beds in here. I can take the couch," Buck rambles.
"It's fine. We can share. Nothing we haven't done before."
It's true. During COVID they shared Buck's bed in his loft. And the nights where the nightmares get to bad, they end up in the same bed. Or when one is injured and the other needs to keep an eye on them. It's a comfort for both of them.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"It's okay. Really. C'mon, let's unpack. Chris is dying to go outside."
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eadanga · 2 years
Addicted to You Part 7
Summary: Esang is the maid of honor in her best friend’s wedding what happens when she meets the sexy best man?
A/N: This story is for @choicesgodfanatic​​​ one of my 500 follower giveaway winners hope you love it
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Esang sat at the café waiting for MC to show up a text message from Shakarree showed up and she grins as she reads it
Hi beautiful how are you
Good waiting for MC we’re supposed to go wedding shopping
So am I going to get my tux for the wedding and Chris is here getting his tux
You guys will look so handsome I can’t wait to see the dresses
Me too I bet you’ll look amazing
Thanks hehe
Esang looks up and sees MC running towards her. She stops to take a couple of breaths
“You ok?”
“Yeah I’m good sorry I’m late” MC huffs “I need some coffee” She walks over to the counter as Esang watches as she orders a coffee and huffs back over to the table
“Are you ok?”
“Becca showed up yesterday”
“Showed up for what?”
MC huffs “She interrupted movie night just to see Chris or whatever treated me like the fucking maid God I wanted to knock her ass out”
“MC I think she still wants Chris”
MC looks up her “No way they broke up years ago and Chris is already engaged to me not to mention she’s married”
Esang sighs “I don’t think she’s married”
“What do you mean?”
“When we went out to dinner I didn’t see any ring on her finger also she’s was only talking about herself”
MC eyes go wide “You think she’s faking it just to get Chris?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her sounds like the kind of thing she would do”
MC slams her fist “Ugh that bitch she’s trying to ruin the wedding well not on my watch I’m gonna tell Chris and make sure she’s banned from everything”
“Good now forget her let’s go wedding shopping”
MC smiles “Yeah we need to get the flowers and I want you to see the venue”
“What about the dresses?”
MC smiles “Well I sent everyone’s dresses so they can order them and look what I did with your dress”
MC holds up the her phone and shows her the maid of honor dress now a red shimmering dress Esang grins “This is beautiful you sure you want me to be shimmering I mean you’re the bride”
“The maid of honor has to stand out too and no I don’t mind and it’ll amazing on you”
Esang grins “Ok I can’t wait to see it”
“Great now let’s go shopping”
“Can’t believe that brat showed up at our place” Chris fiddles with his tie in the mirror “I swear if she’s stalking me I’m getting a restraining order”
Shakarree sighs “I know what that’s like”
Chris turns to him “Least yours backed off I wish I never got involved with that crazy girl anyway what do you think?”
“It’s great man you’re gonna make that girl drool”
Chris chuckles “I think it’s the other way around”
Shakarree laughs “Right your eyes will pop out of your head when you see her in her wedding dress”
“She doing the old tradition where you can’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding”
“People still believe that? It’s not real but I think it’s great for you to be surprised”
Chris smiles “Yeah I can’t wait to see her mostly can’t wait for her to be my wife”
After shopping Esang met up with Shakarree at the pizzeria he smiles when he sees her “Hey gorgeous”
Esang blushes “Hi how are you how was getting your tuxes”
Shakarree shrugs “Not really a shopping guy unless it’s for snacks” He grins “I especially love brownies and peach clobber”
Esang laughs “That’s cute I’ll be sure to make you lots of brownies then”
“You’re very cute” He reaches out and touches her hand “I love seeing you smile I never want to see you frown”
Esang blushes “Thanks”
Shakarree smiles “Listen you think that um” He stops for a second then smirks “Nope I’m gonna ask you at the wedding”
“Don’t you dare you say it not”
Shakarree chuckles “Ok you want to be my girlfriend?”
Esang grins “Yes I do”
Shakarree grins wider then stands he grabs her hand to get her standing then kisses her deeply he pulls away smiling “I’m glad you said yes”
Esang smiles “Me too”
“Now I can take you on our first official date as a couple how’s a movie sound”
“I would love that”
MC returns back to the apartment and finds Chris in the kitchen cutting vegetables he smiles when he sees her “Hi sexy”
MC walks up to him “Chris we need to talk about something”
Chris stops what he’s doing when he sees her serious face he washes his hands and they sit on the couch “What’s wrong sweetie?”
“Well it’s about Becca Esang thinks she faked her marriage when we went to dinner”
“She faked it?”
MC nods “Yeah I looked up that guy she was with he’s an actor and there’s no sign that he and Becca are married”
Chris rolls his eyes “She’s made that all up just to show off how pathetic”
“I know but Chris I don’t like how she came here the other night we should be careful”
Chris takes her hand in his “We will babe I’ve blocked her number have you blocked it?”
“Yes but” Chris’s phone buzzes in his pocket “Hello?”
“Hi Mr Powell this is Caleb calling from the Meadow Gardens venue”
“Oh hi how are you”
“Good sorry to say we’re gonna have to cancel the reservation you have with us”
“What? But we have invitations made!”
“Sorry Mr Powell but we didn’t get your full deposit”
“My fiancé was there today to give it to you” Chris turns to MC “You gave them the check right?”
“Yeah I went there with Esang and handed over the check”
“So what are you guys talking about?!”
“Sorry Mr Powell it’s not in my system that you did we can’t hold a party if we don’t get paid in full sorry it didn’t work out have a nice day”
“Wait!” The line goes dead and Chris clenches his fist “We just lost the venue”
“What?! They took our money and not letting us use the venue”
Chris crosses his arms “Something’s not right about this”
Caleb walks up to a table where Becca sits sipping wine she doesn’t look up “Did you do it?”
“It’s all done Ms Davenport what am I doing with their money”
“Keep it hon Chris will still have a wedding here” She smirks “But it won’t be with her”
Tags: @indiacater​ @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite​  @choicesgodfanatic​​​ @jared2612​​
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