#Christmas Starker
thestarkerisobvious · 6 months
Christmas Stockings
a Christmas Day Gift for @cutepandaprincess
Happy Christmas, angel!
“Merry Christmas, Daddy!”  Peter had waited patiently for as long as he could.  But it was almost 11:00 am.  He had never slept so late on Christmas morning in his life!  He was sure Tony wouldn’t mind.  Especially if he kissed his lover awake.
“Wake up!  It’s time for presents!!”
Tony blinked bleary eyes.  He wasn’t terribly hung over - they had spent more time making love last night than drinking - but he still felt muddy and murky.  Christmas?  Presents??  
“Baby, Christmas was last night.”
“No, silly, Christmas is today.  It’s time for presents!”  
For a moment, just a moment, Tony felt a stab of panic.  How had he gone wrong?  It was their first Christmas together, but Tony had done everything right.  Thrown a lavish party, serving everything his angel wanted.  A huge crowd to show off the lavish gifts he had gotten for his sugarbaby.  It was epic.  But cleverly done in time that he still had the energy to take care of his baby that night.  He had done everything right.  What else could Peter want?
“Last night was Christmas Eve,” Peter was explaining.  Patiently.  “That was for the little gifts.  Although your gifts… weren’t exactly little…” Peter blushed and looked down.  The watch, the ring.  They were little.  But ohmygosh expensive…
“But your BIG present is TODAY.  The one from SANTA.  Come on!”
And thus Tony was pulled from his pillows and dragged, discombobulated, into the room with the huge Christmas Tree, purchased specifically to Peter’s specifications and decorated, ornament by ornament, as a replica based on a faded polaroid of a family tree from Peter’s past.  But passed that - to the fireplace.  Where a stocking hung.  A stocking Tony had never seen before. Adorned with a sleeping baby surrounded by white angles. The picture of innocence. With his name, mysteriously, written boldly at the top.
“It’s okay that you didn’t get me a stocking,” Peter was saying gently now.  “I know this is a me-thing.  Stuff in the stocking and the “big” present for Christmas Day.  But this is what I got you for Christmas.  I planned it forever.  It was something you… something you didn’t have - something that was within my price range…”
“Baby, you KNOW I told you that credit card didn’t have a limit…”
“I can’t buy you a Christmas present with your money silly…”
For a moment Peter’s eyes fell, flustered.  Tony immediately noticed that Peter was getting nervous - he reached out to pull his young lover close to reassure him.  But Peter had already recovered.  He draped one arm around Tony’s neck and held up the large Christmas stocking with his other hand.
“Open your present, Daddy.”
Still baffled, Tony reached into the stocking.  Then reached deeper.  He had to keep reaching until he got to the bottom, and pulled out what he found there.
It was very light weight.  Easy to miss through the threads of the embroidery of the child in the manger surrounded by angels.  It was an article of clothing, he could tell.  Finally he pulled it free.
It was jet black and lacey.  He couldn’t tell exactly what it was, even as Peter was taking it from his hand.
“Keep looking.”
He put his hand down in the stocking again.  What he pulled out he recognized immediately.  The only surprise was that it was pink.
He had never pictured Peter in pink.  It made him grin wickedly.
“Do you like them, Daddy?”
Peter’s voice had fallen to a whisper.  No longer bold, he was blushing furiously.  As if he was second-guessing his Big Present. Questioning the whole thing. Tony knew that about his lover, Peter was prone to over thinking, to doubting himself.  
Tony looked Peter directly in the eye when he said it.  “I love it,  baby.
“I  love it when you are good for Daddy.”
With one hand he shook out the delicate pink garters and garter belt.  With  the  other hand he took the black stockings  from Peter and shook them out as well.  They were sheer, with lace only at the top.  They were black and lovely and long - not just thigh-high but longer… perfect to compliment Peter’s beautiful form.  And of course…  
“Stockings.   In the stocking.   Oh, I get it…”
“Yes!”  Peter hopped a little, grinning.  “I thought… I thought it was fun…”
“Ermmmmm,” Tony moaned  appreciatively.    “It’s perfect.  Clever baby…”  He wrapped one strong arm, stocking still in hand, around Peter’s waist and drew him close.  
He knew how much Peter… enjoyed his approval.  He made sure to express it now.
“Clever baby, and very sweet.  Now…”  He let Peter go and handed the underthings back to him.  
“Let Daddy see them on.”
“Yes of… oh not now…” Peter said, blushing.  Stammering.  Looking around the penthouse, flooded with sunlight.  “Tonight, of course.”
“I don’t get to see them now?”
“Tony, stockings are for nighttime.  It’s daylight.”
“But… what if Daddy wants to see them now?”
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Merry Christmas Starker Fans!!
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mysspaid1126 · 6 months
MerryChristmas 토니피터
🕷메리 크리스마스에요!!스타크씨!!
😎 메리크리스마스 루돌프. 주인공은 늦게 등장한다더니, 그런거야?
🕷 헤헤.
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starker-sorbet · 6 months
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Christmas-y starker
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babybatscreationsv2 · 5 months
Marvel | Starker
It's Christmas and Tony still likes his games. But things are different now. The two are closer. And just maybe Peter is getting a little more in the spirit of things.
Rating: Explicit
Third in the Holiday Horrors series
Forever for and inspired by my muse, H <3
Warnings and tags below
Warnings/tags: con-noncon, scary mask, primal play, fear kink, crying, begging, violent/gory thoughts, knotting, monster fucking, painful sex, spanking/caning, victim blaming
The cold air bit his cheeks. Peter huffed out a breath and watched the cloud drift away. He glanced at May waiting in the driveway and gave her a reassuring smile. Tony never made him wait like this. In fact, where was Jarvis? He wiggled his toes in his boots and wished for the millionth time that he had something warmer for his feet. Then the door opened.
"Finally," Peter huffed. "Where were you?"
Tony leaned out the door and gave May a wave. "I was just making sure everything was ready. I didn't realize how cold it was."
Peter came inside and kicked off his snow damp boots. Tony took his coat from his shoulders as he unzipped.
"You didn't have to get me anything," he said alluding to the little wrapped gift Peter set on the shoe bench.
"Of course I didn't have to." Peter rolled his eyes. He picked the box back up while Tony hung his coat on the hook. He melted when Tony turned and looked at him, eyes dark and hungry.
"You could just let me unwrap you." He moved in, hands going around Peter's waist.
"Let you?" Peter teased. Tony grinned as he leaned in for a kiss. It was surprisingly quick for Tony who usually indulged until Peter's brain melted into submissive sludge and ended up on his knees. Instead, Tony took him by the hand and pulled him into the living room.
They sat on the couch under the twinkling lights of the Stark's oversized Christmas tree. Tony had laid out the table with drinks and snacks. A single present sat under the tree. Tony leaned back against the couch with an arm draped lazily along the back.
"Aren't you gonna open up your present?" he asked.
Excitement rang in his chest and he couldn't help but smile. Peter set Tony's gift down and went to collect his own from the tree. It was surprisingly big. He'd half expected something horny like a pair of handcuffs. Or, he shivered, another creepy mask.
He brought the box back to the couch and set it on his lap. Tony picked up his present. Then they both tore into the paper together. Peter only grew more excited as he realized what he was holding.
"Tony! This is way too much," Peter gasped. He pushed away the rest of the paper to look at the Lego set in his hands. The AT-AT figure was almost seven thousand pieces and he knew it cost a small fortune. He'd never even considered asking May for it.
Tony was quiet. Peter looked away from the box. He blushed as he saw him holding the little ring box Peter had given him. The ring inside was a simple silver band with their names engraved on the inside.
"It's not much, but what do you get the guy who has everything?" Peter laughed.
Tony looked at him. His eyes were soft. "It's beautiful. Thank you."
"I thought it was subtle enough that your friends wouldn't see if you didn't want them too."
"Why wouldn't I want them to see?"
Peter swallowed. It wasn't like Tony was never nice to him, but he was almost uncomfortably sincere.
"Did you like your present?" Tony asked him.
"I did. Thank you!"
"Yeah, I'm pretty great at buying gifts." He smirked.
Peter rolled his eyes. He set the box aside and turned toward his boyfriend. "Maybe I should show you my gratitude." He gave him a sultry look, eyes running down to his lap.
Tony's hand caressed his face. His fingers tugged gently on his hair. "Actually, I thought we could play a game."
"A game?" Peter shivered. That only meant one thing to Tony.
"Yeah," he smirked. He leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. "Close your eyes and wait right here."
"Okay..." Anxiety boiled in his belly, but he closed his eyes. Peter sat back against the couch as he felt Tony leave. He tried to follow his footsteps with his ears, but he quickly went silent. As if he was stalking him. As if he were stalking prey. Peter shivered. Then he gasped, jolting forward in his seat, as the power went out.
He heard the electric whir of power draining from the room around him. The lights on the Christmas tree were the only thing still running. They must have had some sort of battery backup.
"Tony?" Peter stood up from the couch and looked around. It was so dark. Everything around him was cast in shadow. The light coming from the windows was a soft, wintery blue. Evening had set in while they opened their gifts. Tony always had perfect timing. He wouldn't doubt he made him wait out in the cold on purpose just to make sure it was dark.
At least, he was pretty sure the breaker box was in the garage. That meant if he ran now, he could find somewhere to hide before Tony came back in. If he hadn't snuck in while Peter was processing that is.
So he ran.
He stuck to the carpet as much as he could to muffle his footsteps, then he took the stairs two at a time. At least he was more athletic than he looked. Tony made sure he got a lot of exercise. Peter wasn't sure he knew how to have sex without having a wrestling match first.
He didn't know the upstairs that well, but he was pretty sure Tony's bedroom was not the place to go. So he went the opposite way. He ducked in the second door off the hall and found a guest bedroom. He opened up the closet door, but it was too empty. Instead he tucked himself under the bed.
His heart was loud in his ears. His neck was throbbing as his pulse raged. A guilty twinge bothered his stomach as he realized the throbbing wasn't just in his neck.
It was silent for a long time. Then he heard soft footsteps in the hall and a sound like something being dragged. A door opened, then it was quiet. A few minutes later, the door opened to the room he was hiding in.
"Peter," Tony purred. He shivered as he realized his voice was muffled. Was he wearing the mask? His shadow moved from the doorway to the closet first. Peter couldn't tell what he was dragging, but it was definitely something.
"You've been awfully naughty this year," Tony teased. "Getting off on being scared. Letting boys chase you through the woods and fuck you in public." He came to a stop at the end of the bed. Peter stared at his feet, praying for him not to look down.
"I think you're due for a punishment like all naughty little boys."
He walked away from the bed. Peter almost let out a breath. Then Tony leaned down and looked under the bed.
Peter screamed.
The mask on his face was hairy like an animal. The eyes were blood red. The teeth were big and sharp. On either side of his head were horns like a goat. Peter scrambled out from under the bed, hitting his head in the process. He looked around, but the only place to go was into the en suite.
Tony was right behind him. He was grabbed before he could get his barring. Tony grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed him forward forcing him down against the counter top. Peter reached for anything he could grab, but there was nothing but the sink.
Tony grabbed his jeans and yanked them down along with his underwear. He kicked at him and Tony grabbed his balls, not painfully but enough that he froze. Once he was still, Tony started to message them between his fingers. Peter moaned, legs spreading apart.
"Don't get too excited," Tony chuckled. "Being a whore is what got you into this mess."
"Let me go," Peter tried. He pushed against the counter.
Tony grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face up to look in the mirror. He shivered at the creepy mask. "You have to be punished first, Petey. Where's your Christmas spirit?"
Tony lifted his arm. Peter barely had time to see the thin stick in his hand before he swung it down. He gasped, pain barely registering before he struck him again. On the second hit he screamed.
"Don't be a baby," Tony mocked. "It could be so much worse."
Despite his teasing, tears formed in his eyes as Tony spanked him. He whimpered with each strike. Peter kicked his feet as it became too much. Tony forced him down with all his weight and kept going until his ass felt raw and he was gasping for breath. Then he let him go.
He realized when his pants caught on his ankles and he fell face first onto the floor. Still he kept moving, crawling away from the creature and his horrible red eyes.
"Where ya going, Pete?" Tony's voice was mocking as he followed him. They both knew he wasn't going to get far. He let him crawl all the way to the bedroom door before he pounced on him. Then Tony flipped him over and showed him what he had in his hand.
The thing he'd been dragging around was a big sack, like one Santa Claus would carry. He forced it over his head and stuffed him inside. That awful sharp toothed grin was the last thing he saw. Peter struggled, but Tony pulled the sack down to his waist and pulled the cord tight until it dug into his skin. He tied it there, trapping him. All he could do was shove uselessly against the fabric. The cord dug into his skin, not painful but tight enough to feel claustrophobic. It didn't loosen as he pushed and pulled. The best he could do was slide it down his waist and crawl further into the sack.
"You'd better calm down, sweetheart. You only have so much air in there and I still haven't finished your punishment."
Peter whimpered. "Please! Let me out!"
Tony finished stripped his lower half bare. Now that he was trapped, he took his time with him. He slapped his already raw ass, making him sob. Then he forced his legs apart. Peter gasped as he touched his cock.
"You might want me to let you out, but this little thing doesn't," Tony teased. Peter moaned as he stroked him slowly. "I think you like being kidnapped and raped by monsters."
"No please," Peter sobbed. He struggled some more and he didn't stop until something pushed against his hole.
Tony chuckled. "Such a fucking slut. Is that all it takes? I'm not even inside you yet."
Peter tried to fight again out of sheer pride, but Tony's cock pushed inside and the pleasure that coursed through him had him paralyzed. He moaned as he filled him up. He laid his head down, drooling into the fabric as Tony slowly, deliciously, pushed all the way in then all the way bad out. Then something touched his ass in a way that startled him.
"Shh, just take it," he coaxed. Something much wider than Tony's cock was forcing its way inside, but that didn't make any sense because Tony was still inside him.
"Wh- what is- that," Peter choked on his own words as Tony pushed against his hole, stretching him open.
"It's a knot," Tony said. He sounded amused by his cries. "Crazy what you can find on the internet. Wanted to make sure you got the full monster fucking experience."
Finally the widest part was in and the rest followed. Peter moaned, brain completely shut down by sensation. Tony's cock was too deep, the knot was too wide, his tender ass was pressed against the floor, and a firm hand was pinning him down. He hadn't even realized he'd been struggling.
Tony moved his hips and the knot seemed stuck fast as if he might never get it back out. Tony chuckled. "Since you're trapped on my dick, might as well see that pretty face of yours." The cord loosened. Peter lifted himself up so Tony could pull the sack off.
"There are those pretty tears." Peter shivered as Tony stared down at him through the mask. He grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them over his head, leaning forward until their faces were inches apart.
The knot pushed at his hole. Peter whined, more tears coming to eyes. "Please," he sobbed.
Tony moaned, pushing the knot back in. "You're always such a perfect victim."
"It's too big," Peter gasped. Tony moved his hips and the knot pushed against his hole again. It felt way too big to come out. He wasn't sure how he'd gotten the damn thing inside him.
"Poor Petey," Tony teased. "It's not cumming out until you cum on it."
"I can't," he whined. "That mask..."
"You want me to take it off?"
"Please, Tony."
"Give it a kiss."
"What? No!" Peter gasped. Just looking at those bloody teeth made his stomach hurt.
"Kiss it," Tony said more firmly.
"Go on. Give Krampus a kiss and I'll let you go."
Peter whined, but he lifted his head up. His whole body shuddered. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his lips against the rubber mouth. Tony laughed.
"That's my boy." He pulled the mask off his head and fixed his flatted hair. Tony's eyes were glittering. His smile was fiendish. "Now, where were we?"
Tony rolled his hips, fucking him deep, knot pushing at his entrance while the tip of his cock pushed into his guts. Peter moaned, eyes rolling in his head. He was lost in sensation, mouth hanging open, drool on his face, Tony cruel grin staring down at him.
"I'm gonna cum," Peter whined.
"You're such a slut," Tony chuckled. "You love being scared don't you?"
"If you don't like it then why are you about to cum on my knot, Pete? You know Krampus eats little liars like you. Maybe I should take a bite."
Peter gasped. He could just imagine the gore of Tony tearing into him with those awful teeth. He shivered down to his toes. Then he came, straining against Tony's grip, hips bucking but the pain of Tony's knot was gone for the moment.
Tony kissed his sweaty forehead. "That's my good little victim," he purred.
Peter almost screamed as Tony forced the knot from his ass. Tears ran down his cheeks. Tony swiped his tongue over his face, licking them away. His eyes were so wild, so excited. It made his skin burn with terror because he knew Tony and he knew that look meant he wasn't getting out of this easily.
He sobbed, whimpering as Tony pushed it back in. He shivered at the sound of Tony's moan. There was one way out of the pain and overstimulation.
"Please, Tony," he begged, eyes wide and wet. "Please, it hurts..." Tony groaned and Peter bit back a smile. "Please stop, please! It's too much. You're hurting me!"
"Fuck," Tony groaned in answer. Peter only cried more as he fucked him faster. When he squeezed around him it made the pain worse but it was worth it as he watched Tony lose control, spurred on by his whimpering, by the way he struggled beneath him as if he might try to crawl away. Then he slammed his hips against him, cumming hard, leaning down to kiss Peter's lips, his jaw, his neck, frantic with pleasure.
He let go of Peter's wrists and Peter wrapped his arms around him. "I liked that game." He kissed Tony's cheek as his weight settled against him. Peter laughed. "I think you did, too."
After a moment of rest, Tony lifted his head and grinned at him. "Maybe we should go another round then."
"No, I'm so sore," Peter pouted.
"Are you trying to tempt me?" Tony nipped the side of his neck.
"No, I'm serious. You really hurt me." He stuck his lip out further to really emphasize his pout.
Tony kissed him. "You really are a perfect little fear slut." Then he laughed. "The knot still has to come out, you know."
Peter whimpered. "You're gonna be the one to call May and tell her I can't make it home tonight. Because I'm not gonna be able to walk tomorrow."
Tony was all smiles. "I fail to see the problem there, sweetheart.”
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pastself · 6 months
Even through his fog of worry, Peter felt something warm build in his chest. Because he had known that Tony liked him, really liked him, but this — this was something else.
Want for Nothing (on ao3): Chapter 2
Peter Parker/Tony Stark | Chapter count 6k+ (Total 10k+)
Chapter summary: It's Christmas in New York City and some of Tony Stark's gifts require negotiation.
Tags for this chapter: Major Sugar Daddy vibes, Meet the Family (and Karl the doorman), Ned and MJ are the best bros, author did not go to medical school
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lean0v0 · 1 year
Wish you a merry christmas.
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and I miss you mr. Stark
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starkerhowlter · 1 year
Christmas Starker
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Tony and Peter celebrating their first Christmas together ft. Tony absolutely spoiling his baby with presents of the traditional and kinky variety
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sherlock2302 · 6 months
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Christmas starker
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infinity-sansa · 6 months
Whoops! I realized I hated the second chapter of A new love for Christmas so I rewrote it all. 5k+ words. In one day. I still need to finish the last part and to correct my spelling mistakes, fix the plot holes and tie the time-line together, but I think I should post it sometime tomorrow. After all, I must sleep at some point.
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sthefystarker · 1 year
#navidadstarker2022 #Moodboard 🎄
🍒 Day 2: Christmas Party
Peter and Tony being the host of a little Christmas meeting with Steve and his boyfriend🥰
They are all together for chatting and support each other as a team, support each other and fulfill their hope to embrace a brand new day.
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choilaura · 1 year
Daddy - Oneshot - Christmas2022
Hey lovely lot - i am officially back on Tumblr, so have this! MERRY CHRISTMAS! (We're almost at Christmas lol) I was inspired by the song 'daddy' by Psy. Enjoy <3
Peter could hardly hear himself through the loud bass of the music in this club in downtown New york. It was called 'Fever' and the place was glittering with christmas decorations. Christmas tree lights glimmered against the mirrored glass walls, giving a trippy effect, as though the mirrored rooms went on forever like those in the palace of Versailles in Paris. The lights sparkled like expensive jewellery just waiting for purchase, and Peter swore this was the last time he was going to one of these swanky 'Avengers' parties. It was christmas, though, so turning the invite down would of been hard to do, especially when it was hosted by Nick Fury, aka, 'the guy with one eye' as Peter recalled.
Drinks and typical 'cheesy nibbles' were handed out as well as usual canapes, though Peter stayed away from any form of cocktail, shot, or mixers. He politely ordered himself a diet cola, and sat at the bar alone, watching as Steve and Bucky bickered over who had the best novelty christmas hat, and Peter rolled his eyes, his gaze faltering suddenly though, when he saw Mr Stark turn up.
Jesus, the man looked too good. It seemed with every party he went to, Tony only dressed better and better each time, and Peter's mouth went dry, almost about to drop his glass, his spidey reflex's caught it straight away. Peter was thankful the sound of the bass has quietened down some, giving him actual time to think straight, and he hopped off his bar stool to trot over to Mr Stark's side, when the bass of the DJ's music started up again with the thump, thump of some korean pop music.
Tony noticed Peter coming over to him just in time, but not before ordering his own drink at the bar across the ways there. It was a rather large whisky on the rocks, and Tony downed it in one.
Dear god, the man was handsome, wearing an armani suit with red velvet inlays, as well as a red quilted waistcoat, and suit jacket which he let hang open too casually. Fury had mentioned the dress code to be relaxed, not formal, but Tony just HAD to dress up. It was christmas, after all. Tony's brow wriggled in acknowledgement when he saw Peter, giving him a smile. Clearly, Tony was sort of already drunk, Peter could smell booze on him, and not just from the drink he'd just had.
"Hey, ki- I mean, uhm, Mr Parker, yes...Merry Christmas..hic.." Tony greeted, almost tipsy.
"Mr Stark, you're so drunk, did you drink before you got here?!" Peter exclaimed, stated the obvious, to which Tony chided him and gave him a finger wiggle.
"Uh, uh uh, sweetheart, I am co host of this party, therefore, I can do what i like, when i like, and show up when i like..oh!" He realised this song that was playing was a new favourite of his, and he looked at Peter, setting his glass of soft drink down.
"Why don't you come dance with daddy stark, hm?" Tony invited, to which Peter's face went as red as a tomato.
'Daddy Stark?!' Oh lord, was his (one of many) christmas presents about to come true?! He better not be dreaming right now.
"Mr Stark, I really don't think i..." Peter retaliated, but too late, Tony already pulled him in by the wrist into his arms, and Peter's spidey senses were shot when he understood some of the english in the song. Hey, where'd you get that body from? I got it from ma daddy!
The bass kicked in just then, and Tony suddenly had Peter against the wall just out of sight behind a stone pillar, immediately kissing him with that alcohol fueled willingness, and Tony ground his hips into the younger.
I'm on fire, take you higher..
Holy shit, the bass of this song was too much, and Tony was timing the grind of his hips into Peter's with utmost accuracy to the beat of the song.
How you like me now? How you like me now.. the song blared and overloaded Peter's senses as well as the kiss, to which Tony was busy deepening, a hand of his moved up to gently hold Peter's cheek, pulling away, his brown eyes smouldering at the young Parker, reflecting the twinkle of christmas lights in the dark orbs. I got it from my da-da-da-daddy.. Peter could only look at Tony, absolutely gobsmacked that Tony had did that. It was the best present ever, and Peter looked like he wanted to talk, but no words came out, just a defenseless sigh.. "D-daddy....." Peter meeped out, only able to do one thing, which was to return the kiss, and he was relieved when Tony returned such a kiss. "Merry Christmas Mr Parker..." Tony said, his voice as smooth as the velvet in his suit. It dawned on Tony that this was the very first kiss he'd shared with Mr Parker, and his felt his tanned skin blushing smugly, even if he was a bit tipsy. "Merry Christmas, Daddy.."
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spiderlinging · 1 year
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A merry Starker secret Santa
Technically paired with fic Much Ado About Tropes, but really I just wanted to post some festive Starker
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theginkosakata · 1 year
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starker-sorbet · 6 months
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Peter and Tony hosting the annual Avengers Christmas party
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay but I want Peter singing this song.
I'm a sucker for sad Christmas songs.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
heyo!! been loving the super specific rec lists youve been making lately :)
do you have favorite fics that include riding! as in. riding cock. bonus points if there’s good dirty talk about it. don’t care who’s on who as long as it is HOT! but obv i love drarry most. hope this is fun!
An ask after my own heart 🥹 thank you for the delicious request anon, here are some fics with memorable riding scenes imho. This reminded me of my fave Starker PWP but that’s neither here nor there so I’ll keep this short & Drarry. I hope you enjoy! 🔥
Move by @shealwaysreads (829 words)
“Come on, fuck yourself on it. I won’t make it move until you do.”
You Either Fuck or You Get Fucked by @fw00shy (2k)
"That's not how fucking works. Fucking's…" Draco waved a hand in the air. "You either fuck or you get fucked." "Sure," Harry said. He took out a Sickle. "Toss for it?"
in charge by @bonesliketambourines (2.4k)
Draco's bossy. Turns out that extends to the bedroom, too. Harry likes it—a lot.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed. “Draco Malfoy, how do you plead?” I’m super fucking guilty.
Like Gold by @the-sinking-ship (4k)
Draco runs away from home on the back of his boyfriend’s motorbike.
Catch the Snitch (No, Catch My Heart) by prolix (4.5k)
Draco secretly loved when Harry lost a match.
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 (7k)
Harry's willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing... whatever it is they're doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex.
The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored (E, 8.5k)
In a gossip-hungry post-war Wizarding World, Rita Skeeter has a wildly successful column in the Daily Prophet known as Page Eleven. Naturally, her favourite targets are the poster boys of the two sides of the war: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. Bored and annoyed, the two take up tabloid baiting for sport and pleasure.
It's the Love of the Chase (That Created the Ride) by @lqtraintracks (14k)
Draco and Harry are new Auror partners. It's a bit dull. Until they finally see some spell action and things get a lot more interesting (in Draco's pants).
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
Buy A Heart by xErised (E, 17k)
Draco's cock hardens as he looks at the invitation to the charity auction; his golden ticket to one wild night of desperate sex with Potter to get rid of this inexplicable obsession. His heart whispers that one night will never be enough, but Draco is beyond caring. All he knows is that he will pay any price to have Potter over and over again.
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (20k)
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (22k)
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July / Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why / There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more / Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore / Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss / And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
In Your Arms, Rests My World by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (24k)
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it. “You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
Embers by @shiftylinguini (41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice.
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