#Chunni Black
little-lanterns · 1 year
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forever obsessed with chunni yjh
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coldgoldlazarus · 4 months
I feel like there is a fine line between Edginess (Affectionate) and Edginess (Derogatory) and that distinction is best exemplified in the differences between Black Rock Shooter (OVA & 2012) and Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall
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concussed-to-pieces · 6 months
Wolves At The Door; Epilogue
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: It was a little comforting to have a nightly ritual once more, however. Before it had been you and Karl discussing anything that struck him after dinner, and the silence continued to yawn around you at mealtimes. 
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our final installment! I'd like to thank you all for reading, and for having faith in me to see this through safe and sound. Never fear, you will always have your happy ending 💚 Enjoy!
Tag List:  @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @stargazerofgoldenwords @imthegreenfairy86 @karlskitten @nitrogennightmare @chunnies @thirstworldproblemss @highly-unknown @tartimaar-bloggeth @thesmartbiscuit @spoopyredacted @crowtrobotx @kotall-ohh @doggydale @jackie-loves-yalls-writing @simplysolo @teeheemax
x. Prelude
1. Indebted
2. Blood On Your Hands
3. Brush With Death
4. Come To Bed
5. Smells Like Snow
6. Hot Iron
7. Turnover
8. Backslide
9. Tender Gray Light
10. Hubris’ Weight
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, graphic depictions of mental and physical duress and sexual acts between two consenting adults. Stay safe!]
You hadn't been counting, but if you had, it would have been sixty-seven days. Sixty-seven days since Karl had vanished, sixty-seven days since you had heard another human's voice or even seen another person. 
Sixty-seven days. You weren't counting. 
Spring was fully upon the forest, buds erupting on the trees and the river swollen with runoff from the melting snow. It was one of your busiest times of the year between scavenging fallen trees, resetting the snares and sorting through your seeds to plant. You were extremely busy and you didn't think about it at all.
Not even when the Duke made his first appearance of the season.
“It brings me joy to see you once more, my dear! This winter was long and harsh.” The large man exclaimed, mopping his sweaty face with a handkerchief. “I'm wondering if you might assist me with a small problem. It seems someone may have suffered a bit of an incident, a turn of bad luck.” 
Despite this being the thing he always said when he had found an animal for you to nurse, your heart still gave a traitorous little jump in your chest. That is, of course, until a small doe limped around the rear of the cart. 
“What's wrong, my dear?” The Duke queried, and when you glanced at him his expression was strangely stoic. “Were you expecting someone else?”
“No, I…” You hesitated. “I guess not. What's happened to this little girl?”
“She claims that she got her fore left leg caught in the fork of a tree. The woods have been so peaceful as of late though that, aside from the pain, she wasn't scared,” the Duke mused thoughtfully, a swollen hand resting gently on the animal's head. “Apparently her leg would have been broken had she panicked. She had to remain still for several hours to get free.”
You were always entertained by the way the merchant acted like he could understand the woodland creatures he brought to you, but if nothing else he clearly had a way with them. The black horse that drew his cart, for instance, had never balked or shied away in all the times that the Duke had rattled his wares around behind the creature's head. 
You squinted upwards at the Duke. “So I'm salving and wrapping her leg?”
“Indeed, a simple fix.” He bent down, giving you a look so intent it made you a little uncomfortable. “And I'll give something to you as a token of my appreciation.”
He simply winked, then gestured at the doe. 
You were burning with curiosity. What could he be granting you? And for free, no less! Ablaze with possibilities you didn't dare hope for, you nonetheless dutifully tended to the small scrape on the deer's thin leg.
“A familiar task for you, I'd wager.” The Duke finally spoke again, cigar smoke wafting around his head like a cloud. You gave him a confused look, quirking your brow, yet his face remained amicably bland. 
You eventually settled back onto your haunches, wiping a few beads of sweat from your brow. While the weather had yet to truly warm up, the sunlight was beaming through the still-leafless trees. 
The doe staggered to her feet, bleating at you loud enough to make you jump. The Duke laughed as if in reply, that large hand landing on the animal's head once more. “Off you get now, little hind. You know the way home.” He murmured, giving her another pat before she departed. “She said thank you, by the by.” The large man informed you almost absently, already searching through his pockets for another cigar.
“Oh of course,” was your dry response, making him chuckle. “What's with all this cryptic stuff, though?”
“Ah, to business.” The Duke rubbed his hands together, his rings jangling discordantly as he did. “A favorite subject. Regrettably my gift is nothing really physical, it is instead a message.” His keen eyes felt suddenly sharp, as though he was seeing through your soul itself. “That iron horse does not forget its master so easily, especially one so gracious as you, my dear.”
You stared up at him blankly. Horse? What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
The Duke seemed entertained by your bewilderment, the man grinning and leaning back on the bench of his cart. “Perhaps it would be more apt to dub him the feral mutt you've brought to heel. After all, kindness and a warm meal are lures potent enough to drag in even the most stoic of men.”
“That's not funny.” You said in a curt tone, hating that you could feel your lower lip quivering slightly. “I…that's not funny, Mr. Duke.”
He was abruptly serious. “I don't jest lightly, my dear.”
“Then why would you say that?!” You snapped, getting to your feet and dusting off the knees of your pants. “I didn't help out just so you could sit up there and make fun of me-”
“My dear I assure you, I'm as sincere as the day is long.” The Duke insisted, knocking some ash from the end of his cigar. “Call it a…perhaps a merchant's intuition. After all, it's important to have a certain level of foresight, to be able to read the ebbs and flows of the market and adjust to demand ahead of schedule. How else would I keep my clientele?” 
“You're not making any sense.” You growled, now frustrated with your corpulent visitor.
He tipped his head back, expelling another waft of smoke upwards. “Have a little faith, will you? Creature of habit that you are, have faith in the unseen, the unknown.” The Duke jabbed his cigar at you. “Or continue to wallow in your discontent, counting the days that you claim mean nothing.”
You recoiled physically as if he had struck you, taking in a deep breath to deny his words. But instead all that came out was a soft, pitiful, “I miss him.”
The Duke nodded, oddly sympathetic all of a sudden. “Have faith, my dear.” He clasped your hand between his own enormous paws, eyes sincere. “The spring is upon us, and new life grows eternal in these woods. Keep your lanterns lit.”
Damn, it's quiet. 
It echoed in his ears, a looping nothingness like static. Abruptly his heartbeat interrupted it, thudding deafeningly in his skull. What the hell had the good-for-nothing organ been doing before that?!
The beat was slow, much slower than it ought to be. His thoughts were barely there, sluggish and disjointed. 
Rain hammering what was once his face, the boom of thunder and the grinding shriek of metal–
No, no, he had dealt with that already. Where was he? It was so frustrating not being able to think, to string along a process to its conclusion. 
He flexed his right hand, confused by how numb it was. Pins and needles lurched down the limb in a wave, making him shudder and grunt. That shudder dislodged…something, a huge, sharp something that, from what he could struggle to put together, was what had pinned him to the wall he was currently pressed against. 
It didn't seem to matter if he opened his eyes or kept them closed, either way he was effectively sightless and plagued with vertigo. Had he gone blind?
A groan rattled dryly out of his throat. The skin on his lips cracked with the exhale, and he felt liquid begin to dampen them. His tongue flicked out on reflex, the man tasting rust and dirt. Unbidden came a warm flash as if from a dream, cinnamon and brown sugar, plum spice cake.
Standing was a challenge. More of a slow, creaking shift into what could be vaguely considered an upright position. Fingers scratching at the mud around him, the man levered himself off the ground with the help of what was left of his enormous hammer. The handle of it felt more brittle than he had expected, the scent of rust filling the air when his fingers gripped down. 
How long has it been? 
And then, a new thought occurred, one that seemed to fully shock him to life. Have I just been dreaming this entire time?
Had you just been some vivid hallucination? Had the Duke even scraped him off the ground and brought him to safety, or had he just crawled back into his burrow to die once the saga of he and Winters’ fracas had played out? 
Was any of it real?
The ground squelched wetly beneath whatever was left of his boots as he staggered forward, but it also crunched in a grim manner. He didn't want to think too hard on that, instead focusing on sending out pulses of his power. He couldn't truly see, but at least he knew where metallic objects were in proximity to him and he could use that knowledge to keep from toppling over. 
He wasn't certain how long he meandered through the sunless wreckage. Was it hours, or weeks? Slowly, painfully, one shuffling foot in front of the other, he continued on aimlessly. He wondered to himself if this was how earthworms felt, wriggling through the cold earth in search of sustenance and never deigning to see the sunlight.
He barely even noticed when it started to become brighter around him, reasoning that he must simply be imagining it when faintly from far, far above came a distant dawn chorus of birdsong. The man paused, straining his eyes to see in the dim light, and he could only just make out a faint glow in the distance. His legs, all but atrophied from disuse, protested mightily when he tried to up his pace, so he was forced to maintain the speed of a snail moving through cold molasses.
It was a long, hard trek. The rubble-laden floor angled slightly upwards to the…hole? cave in?, leaving the man to simply flounder and scrape his shins on the detritus he was too weary to lift his legs over. 
As the light strengthened, he came to the sudden realization that he was all but naked. What was left of his clothing was in ribbons, caked with ichor, old blood and mold. His boots seemed to be coming apart at the seams, blooming white patches of mold eating into the remnants of the leather. He then shivered as the first bracing breeze of the outside world graced his lungs, and the coughing spasm it startled out of him seemed to dislodge more than it should have. 
When he finally was able to straighten back up, his spine settled into place, releasing an earsplitting pop! as it did. Relief flooded his body, the pain dulling to a manageable throb. He took a few more tentative breaths, noting as he did how much brighter his surroundings had become. Had he been walking through the night, and just reached the entrance at dawn?
It doesn't really matter, he decided, squaring his shoulders. The only thing that matters is…
“I have to go back.” He grimaced at the rasp of his own voice, swallowing and trying again. “I have to…make sure it wasn't all in my head.”
I have to see them. And when I do, I…
His heart lurched painfully in his chest. What if it had all just been a dream? Some wild wish-fulfillment of a gentler, kinder existence while his body slowly repaired itself after his glorious defeat at the hands of Ethan Winters? 
His empty stomach felt like it was caving in, fear and resignation warring in his gut, but after a moment of hesitation he shook the hair out of his eyes and stepped out into the cool yellow light of a spring morning.
The first thing he noticed was no humanoid footprints, to his absolute delight. No wolf prints, no footprints, nothing. At least he hadn't failed in that regard. Unless he had imagined it and those fucks who put up the fence had also been the ones to eradicate the lycans and their pets. 
Gods, his head hurt. The sun, just barely over the horizon now, seemed like it was burning his retinas clean out of his skull. He shaded his eyes with his palm, grimacing in pain. He would go check the bulkhead he had entered through, he decided. Check the bulkhead, see if it even existed, then check for fresh tracks there. And then…and then…
He slumped against the rubble of the caved-in factory wall, running a hand over his face. His facial hair was extremely unruly and matted with grime, and he doubted the rest of him looked any better. Once he departed the village, put some distance between himself and this…malodorous valley, he would have to clean himself up. If you were real, if he hadn't imagined you in a fit of self-indulgent madness, he doubted you would be overly impressed with him showing up half-dead, reeking of stale sweat, mold and wet dog.
To say nothing of the fact that his clothing was in tatters.
It was a slow, zig-zagging walk back to where he had descended into the factory previously.  At least he knew for certain that the bulkhead existed, the man reasoned with himself while he scrutinized the ground around the bulkhead that hadn't caved in. Again, nothing. No fresh marks, no scrapes, no scuffs. Not so much as a sparrow's tiny claw marks graced the ground. Seemingly the local wildlife gave the valley a wide berth, which made sense. Between Miranda's crow forms and the various nightmarish denizens of this place, it was only logical for normal creatures to avoid it.
He straightened up, squinting against the sunlight once more. He could only just make out that ridiculous fence way off by the outskirts of the valley, and if he remembered the fence…
The man gripped the remains of the haft of his hammer and began walking. It had only taken him a few hours of running to get here before, but after his…rest, it would seem that running wasn't in the cards for today. Or ever again, if the screaming in his calves was anything to go by. So walking it was, doing his best to ignore the tremor in his legs as he went. 
He mainly left his attention on the ground, familiar enough with the valley that he could afford to do so. Back around the swamp he went, nearly losing the sole of one of his boots to the sucking mud that surrounded the area.
He had to get to you. He had to know whether you were real. The fear and hope cycled in his head, back and forth, round and round, and he wondered hazily if he had snapped (or snapped more). 
Climbing the rise felt like an impossible task and yet eventually he stood at the top, sweating and panting but there. 
Without an ounce of finesse, Karl Heisenberg gracelessly tore open a section of the fence and made his escape out into the forest, never once looking back at the village that had been his home for so many years. No, all that his thoughts could stay latched onto was the memory of plum spice cake and the way you had looked at him that night.
He had to get to you. He had to make sure that you were real. And…
He had to apologize.
He had to make this right.
If you hated him, that was fine! It was your right. He would hate him. What he had done was stupid. You made him feel something that he didn't understand, and for someone as self-assured as Karl, that was terrifying. 
Cut them off at the source. More like run from a problem he didn't think he could handle, like some cowardly bitch. The man snarled at himself in discontent, his pace picking up to some sort of lumbering jog. Deer fled before him, nimble bodies flitting through the undergrowth as he did his best to retrace his steps. At least he had the river to follow, if nothing else.
Speaking of which.
Karl knelt beside the rushing water, grateful that he couldn't see his reflection. He had a decent imagination, he didn't need to confirm it. 
It was cold as ice, the chill of it taking his breath away. Karl took another breath and shoved his head underwater, closing his eyes to keep…whatever was in his hair out of them. The man then flipped the soggy hair back over his head, finger-combing it away from his face.
Karl proceeded to drink greedily from the river, the frigid water a shock and blessing all in one. He hadn't realized just how thirsty he was, the man finally sloppily wiping his mouth and beard and then getting to his feet once more. The handle of his hammer remained on the ground beside the river, forgotten, as Heisenberg continued onward along the bank.
He felt like he was actually awake now, like he'd emerged from some kind of dream (or nightmare) into these woods. His footing grew more sure, atrophy fading as his muscles warmed up both from use and from the strengthening sunlight streaming through the trees.
He wanted to laugh, he wanted to cry. The day was so young, the sky overhead a vibrant blue and the moss beneath his boots a lush, fluffy green. It was honestly beautiful and Karl had no idea how he had never seen it before. Had he been wandering through life with his eyes shut until now?
No, he thought firmly, he had only begun to open them when he met you. You had done that. You had been worth it, had been worth him taking actual notice of the world around him. 
You had to be real. You must be. None of the other phantoms he had encountered in his life had any substance to them, but you…
Heisenberg clenched his fists, urging his body to move faster.
Keep your lanterns lit.
And so you did. The Duke had left you with a physical gift despite his claims to the contrary; a sturdy metal lantern with a large cutout shaped like a horse. Every night as the sun was setting, you went out to where it hung on your front gate and lit the candle inside it, which, curiously, never seemed to get any shorter. You, admittedly, didn't have much faith, you just assumed the Duke had been trying to comfort you with some platitude. 
It was a little comforting to have a nightly ritual once more, however. Before it had been you and Karl discussing anything that struck him after dinner, and the silence continued to yawn around you at mealtimes. You would take what you could get. You often lingered out by the fence for a while, telling yourself you weren't really listening as you strained your ears to hear anything, anything at all. You knew it was futile and you weren't actually expecting anything to come of it, yet still you persisted in wasting time by the front gate.
With the lengthening days you were occasionally out past dusk, cutting wood or finishing house repairs. On one such day, a floorboard on the porch that had begun creaking in the winter finally annoyed you enough that you decided to attempt to fix it. 
You spent most of the day carefully foraging drips of pine pitch from nearby trees, intending to make a batch of pine tar in the evening. Board couldn't creak if it couldn't move, right? 
You set up your highly-technical ‘refining station’, which definitely wasn't just an old beans can nestled down into the dirt beneath your fire pit, a slightly-larger tomato can with holes poked into the bottom of it resting on top. Then, after dropping all your resin in the upper can, you carefully built the fire up, placing a rock over the top of the can to act as a lid. The melting process could take a few hours, depending on the fire, so it was after sundown when you began to cautiously sift through the charcoal. You would need a few good, clean pieces to mix in with the now-filtered resin, in order to ensure some pliability remained.
You had interrupted the task at sunset, moving in an automatic way from the firepit to the fence to light the lantern. You could see the glow of it now out of the corner of your eye, even while you pored over the char. 
Maybe it does nothing but make me feel a little less alone. 
You stared down at your gloved hands full of blackened wood, blinking furiously when tears began to blur your vision. You continued, albeit a bit more clumsily, to separate out the cleanest chunks of charcoal, doing your best to make a neat little pile. 
A boot abruptly landed squarely in the middle of the pile and you couldn't help the terrified noise that left your mouth, scrambling to try and get to your feet. Before you could, though, the person dropped to their knees and wrapped their arms around you, trapping you in place. Wiry unkempt facial hair scuffed your cheek while you just sat there, frozen stiff with fear.
Your breath caught in your throat. You felt his entire body shudder. “I couldn't remember if you were real.” His voice cracked. “I followed the light, but I couldn't–I'm…I'm so sorry, sugar. I'm so, so sorry, I don't know if I can ever make it up to you, I-I just-”
You silently returned his hug, sure that you were leaving charcoal stains on his clothes but not able to find it in you to care all that much. Karl stopped trying to speak after a few moments, the man sagging against you with his forehead resting on your shoulder. “Tell me in the morning, okay?” You whispered, relieved when he nodded. “Let's just get you inside.”
It wasn't much of a struggle to get him indoors, and he bedded down on his old cot without so much as a peep of complaint. He was filthy, but now wasn't the time for your hygiene regiment. He was clearly stripped for energy and worn out. Better to let this particular sleeping dog lie, at least for now.
Karl woke suddenly, whatever dream he had been having rapidly fading from his mind. He stared up at the ceiling, momentarily perplexed. Pine truss beams running lengthwise, the pattern of knots and wood grain achingly familiar. 
He shoved himself into a sitting position, body still heavy from sleep, and saw you. 
You weren't really doing anything all that impressive. The stove door was ajar and you were busily tending the fire. But at that moment, Karl was certain he had never seen a more beautiful sight. “Sugar,” he rasped, voice gruff and drowsy. 
You turned to look at him, your eyes softening upon meeting his own. “Hey, Karl.”
Oh, he could fucking cry. Heisenberg huffed out a breath, feeling his heart twist in his chest. You lugged over the basin of water that had been sitting next to the stove (maybe to keep it warm?), toting a washcloth and the bar of soap as well. “Talk with me once you've sponged off.” You said, not unkindly. “You kinda’ smell like BO and dead animal.”
“I doubt it's a kind of level of smell.” Karl admitted wryly, making you snicker and nod. “Sorry about all this. You tend to smell like death if you're dead for a little while, after all.”
“I don't know if I would call two months and some change a ‘little while’. Also, dead?” You raised an eyebrow. 
Karl stared at you. Two months. Over two months. Gods almighty. 
You, seeming to register that the news was a shock to him, patted his knee. “Y'know what, worry about it later. Focus on the first thing and we can go from there. I'll make us some lunch.”
You nodded, turning your wrist so he could see your watch. It was indeed a little after one in the afternoon. “Get washed up,” you reiterated softly. 
So Karl attempted to do so, flushing a little once he'd stripped and realized just how dirty he actually was. “Sugar?” He called, using the remains of his clothes to cover his groin just in case you turned around. Sure, sure you had seen him entirely naked before, but…
From the kitchen you replied, “yeah?” He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed that you didn't look at him.
“I'm just going to throw myself in the river. I don't think this glorified bucket is going to cut it.” He reasoned. 
“Okay, you know where the towels are. Just make sure you go downstream a ways.”
The freezing water in the river was a far cry from the lukewarm comfort that the basin had held, but Karl was a little more certain in his cleanliness once he emerged, teeth chattering and body pink from scrubbing, from the pool that swirled and eddied alongside your far fenceline. Spreading out the worn towel once he had mostly dried himself off, Heisenberg took a moment to lay back on the riverbank and examine the new scars.
The cadou had healed him, of course, but now he was riddled with scars. He'd prided himself previously on his ability to guard quickly, to be able to adjust during a fight and use his powers to shield himself. But that many lycans, vârcolaci, in essentially total darkness…
He knew he was lucky to be alive at all, and that he shouldn't be so unsettled by a few new marks. He still couldn't help the sinking feeling in his stomach. He had never worried about his looks, it had never crossed his mind. His confidence in his abilities was so all-encompassing he hadn't considered the possibility, but what if you had only been attracted to his looks? You had vocalized interest in his appearance, after all.
Karl frowned, rubbing a hand over his face and noting even more unfamiliar raised areas. Maybe he would feel better once he got his facial hair under control. Once he looked like himself again, or some sort of approximation of it. First things first though, he would need to beg some clothes off of you.
You tore into a thick slice of bread, slathered with a little of the precious squirrel fat you had left and a healthy sprinkle of salt. Karl had vanished into your bedroom with the haircare kit, stating that he “felt more human, but could use a shape-up”.
He looked much too good for someone you had convinced yourself to be mad at. Truthfully your confusion and anger at being…well, abandoned, in your own terms, had ebbed substantially upon his arrival. He had seemed–breakable wasn't quite the right word. Maybe fragile? He had clearly been through hell, if nothing else. At that moment, you had decided to be merciful. You would hear him out. If you didn't like his answer, you could always show him the door.
Another bite was crammed into your mouth, and you focused on chewing furiously before your thoughts could wander any further. Cool it, hotshot, you scolded yourself mentally. Try to be normal about this.
Once Karl emerged from your room he gingerly settled into the seat across from you at the table. Wearing some borrowed, slightly ill-fitting clothes and sporting some uneven edges to his facial hair, the man didn't exactly cut an imposing figure. 
God, you had missed him so much.
To your surprise he entirely ignored the food in front of him, instead reaching across the table and clasping your free hand between his own. The look he leveled at you made you want to break eye contact, but stubbornly, you refused. He owed you this much, you reminded yourself with more than a touch of irritation.
“I'm sorry.” His voice was still raspy, but it seemed to be from disuse. “I…sugar I fucked up. I own that. I was scared.”
You gaped at him, thrown entirely off balance. The man who had faced down a horde of lycans, the man who could control metal with a look, a gesture–
He wasn't done clearly, his grip on your hand tensing as he leaned in with an earnest expression. “You deserved better than what I did. You were–gods, you were so kind to me. Opened your home to me when I didn't know who I was. Opened yourself to me.” 
Were you blushing?! Dammit! 
“I know we didn't mean fuckall to one another, I get that it was…I guess a convenience, using each other for mutual benefit. But I-” Heisenberg paused, leaving you reeling. It was true though, wasn't it? Convenience. No emotions involved in it. “-I don't know what the hell happened.” He finally admitted, his voice soft. “I don't know when it changed for me. Whether it even changed at all, or if it was always like that and I was just ignoring it. I'm, uh, not exactly experienced here, and I guess I can blame it on that.”
“‘Experienced’ how?” You managed to ask, a hysterical giggle escaping you when he stuttered and fell silent. “Seriously?”
“This isn't how I-look, sugar, I figured me dying, me wiping out all those lycan freaks and probably dying in the process–I mean it wasn't great, but I thought I could at least be useful. I'm not…good.” His voice faded to an awkward mumble. “Good, like how you are.”
One thing at a time. You could process that later. “All the lycans?” The woods had been peaceful the last few months. You hadn't really thought…damn. 
Karl nodded, his jaw set in a grim line.
“You…You really thought you were gonna’ die?” You felt a little nauseous when he nodded again. “How? You're so tough!”
“I'd never fought the horde on their turf. They holed up in my factory after-” he gestured at himself. “-everything.” The man sighed heavily, rotating his shoulder. “Brought the house down on top of them and me. Not sure how long I fought them before then.”
“You've got to be shitting me.” You planted your palms on the table, shoving your chair out behind you from the force as you stood. “You went back there and nearly got yourself killed-”
“Yes.” Heisenberg cut you off. “I did, sugar, and I'd do it again.”
“Why though?” You exclaimed, incredulous.
“You really don't know?” He asked, sounding just as incredulous. “You try coming to a realization like I did when you're fucking–balls deep in someone!” His eyes widened, the man dropping his head to thud against the table after a moment of stunned silence. “Dammit,” he snarled, his voice muffled.
“W-what realization?” You knew you should probably leave it alone. It was an invasive question and, despite the intimacy the two of you had shared, an apology was already on your lips when it was cut off by a loud groan from Karl.
“That I–that you–” the man floundered, then suddenly jerked his head up to fix you with an appropriately-intense look. “I think I love you.”
Your shoulders dropped, hands slack on the tabletop. You stared at Karl, but all he did was stare back at you, his gaze one of weary resignation.
I think I love you. 
“S-So–” Gods, when had your mouth become so dry?! “So you don't know?” You half-squeaked, half-choked on the words.
“I've never felt this way before,” was his blunt reply. “I can only infer from the evidence.” He didn't seem thrilled about the circumstances, but maybe that could also be chalked up to his lack of experience.
“Is it…are you okay with it?”
Karl's brow furrowed, and then he offered you a slow, firm nod. “...yeah. Had a lot of time to think during my walk back. Even if you…I mean, if you think I'm gross-looking now, that's okay. I'd understand.”
You blinked, entirely baffled. Gross? Sure, he had a few new scars on his face. They only stood out to you because the tissue was still pink, unlike the silvery lines that had littered his visage before. But that wasn't gross, not to you anyway. 
Karl was still talking however, and it seemed that he was picking up speed. “Sugar, I showed up, an unknown, a starving wolf at your door and yet you showed me kindness, even if it was just a favor for that fat bastard at first. You fed me from your own damn plate, let me take comfort in you.” His words hitched momentarily when he continued, “I was just so–so twisted and broken, I didn't understand that you could offer with open hands. I didn't understand what you had given me and then I realized as I was throwing myself at the lycan hive that…I was an idiot. It wasn't that I wanted to die, I wanted to live! I'd never wanted to live so much in my damn life, so I could get back to you, so I could apologize, so I could–” Heisenberg's fists clenched, the man soldiering on doggedly, “so I could tell you how I…felt. How I think I feel.”
“So you could tell me that you love me.” You were reeling. 
“Yes.” His broad shoulders caved a little, the man shrinking into himself. “And now you know. Now I know. But I don't know what to do. I've never…this hasn't happened before.”
You picked up your glass of water and drained it in one long gulp, attempting to buy time while your brain ran through a million possibilities at once. Your main takeaway, however, was simple. He loves me. A warm sensation flooded your body, tingling down to your fingertips. He loves me. “Want me to offer some input?” You asked, your steps light as you rounded the table. 
Heisenberg nodded dully, his eyes fixed on the bowl of stew in front of him. You gently brought your hands up to cup his chin, tilting his face so you could meet his gaze. You found no regret in that stare, only apprehension, which was immensely heartening.
“Next time you have a realization like that, talk to me.” You said in a sweet tone, the ‘loving’ pat you gave him on the cheek not quite a smack. “Don't pull something like that again…and I'll let you stay with me.”
“You…what, seriously?” Karl demanded, his eyes widening. “You'll let me stay here? Even after-”
“Don't push your luck,” you warned, blowing a raspberry at him when he began to laugh incredulously. “This isn't a vacation, after all! You'll need to fix holes in the roof, help me with the supplies every year, check the traps-”
Karl swept you up in a hungry kiss, effectively cutting off your eternal to-do list. “That all sounds wonderful, sugar.” He murmured against your lips. “Let me finish lunch and I'll get right on it.”
Thoroughly flustered, you stammered out in protest, “i-i-it's not going to be easy, Karl! Don't agree to this unless you understand the burden of responsibility you're taking on.”
“I do.” He insisted around his first mouthful of bread. “I pr’mise.”
He wasn't certain where your underwear had gone, but he was immensely grateful for its absence. You leaned forward, taking his dick out of your mouth for a second to catch your breath and Karl forced your knees to slide out on either side of him with his forearms so he could draw his tongue along your cunt. His thumbs spread you open, the man rumbling when he felt your breath hitch. Then, Karl delved his tongue into you, making you moan and whimper around his dick while he slowly, slowly ate you out.
Karl could feel his heartbeat in his neck when your thighs suddenly snapped shut around his head, hips rocking back and forth as you ground yourself against his mouth. Finally, someone who could be as greedy as he was.
His own hips bucked upwards, driving his cock into your throat mercilessly while you continued to attempt to crush his skull. Your thighs were trembling, body undulating helplessly. All Karl could do was urge you onward and that's exactly what he did, his voice a low burr against your cunt as he demanded that you come for him. It didn't matter that you'd already come before, it didn't matter that you were still sloppy and fucked-out from his previous, extremely enthusiastic efforts. Karl wanted more and he knew you did too.
Your pelvis lurched abruptly, breath coming in sharp little gasps as you began to climax. The former Lord growled in satisfaction, clasping his hands up over your thighs to pin you where you were as you rode out your orgasm. 
“Mmm, told you that you had one more in you,” he hummed, grinning when you whined your annoyance at him. “Shh, no complaining sugar, or I'll wring another one out of you for fun.” As if to prove his point Karl slid a finger into you, using it to massage your still-trembling walls. You whimpered but made no attempt to wriggle away from him, so Heisenberg simply carried on gently stroking his finger in and out of your entrance. “One more, sugar, c'mon, match me.” The man teased, his eyes half-lidding when you took his dick in hand once more.
“You're ridiculous-” You panted. He could hear the laughter in your words despite your evident breathlessness. “I love you.”
“Love you too, sugar.” Karl patted your leg, guiding you to turn around and slide back down to straddle his thighs. He then sat up slightly, meeting you halfway in a hungry kiss. “I love you,” he sighed, finding his eyes still searching your own for reassurance. 
But then you smiled at him, knocking your forehead gently against his own. “And I love you, Karl.”
I love you. 
“‘Course you do,” Karl breathed, half to himself. You rolled your eyes at him and your wry chuckle was music to his ears, as was your singsong reply.
“Of course I do.”
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yuri-is-online · 4 days
do u think any of the yutu’s had a chuunibyo phase like the iconic jet black wings… RANDOM BUT I THOUGHT OF IT OUT OF NOWHERE …its just kinda funny in my head for yutu to be like im actually secretly a dark demon lord mom and their poor single parent with amnesia is just like thats great honey ♡
Oh god it would be so funny if Yutu had a chunni phase 💀 Especially if he was dead serious about it and stupid detailed with his lore. "I'm a secret demon lord and my parent is an alien from outer space, which is why they have amnesia. Their pod space crash landed and it destroyed their memories. If I don't focus all of my space demon energy at all times the universe will explode, that's why I wear this eye patch and these finger less gloves I begged my parent for."
and then it's Ace! Yutu
The nice thing about this is that no one in Twisted Wonderland has to know that ever happened. It's just between him and god, but it's really not helping with his embarrassment when he learns how magic actually works.
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dazai-on-my-mind · 2 months
It's so hard for me to take Dazai's time in the mafia seriously. "Oh my blood is Mafia black." Then we get a flash back of him with his eye bandaged to keep the evil inside him at bay.
Bro is not beating the chunni allegations. You are embarrassing Chuuya.
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Jamil, Idia: Desires so Deep
Ignore me getting a late start on this new birthday series 💀 (Got busy with irl stuff!!)
Oddly enough, the vignettes don’t mention Jamil’s birthday at all; they’re at the National Art Museum in the Land of Dawning to celebrate its 100th anniversary. It seems this new series (Platinum Jacket) will have vignettes with more focus on how the boys relate to and what they think about important historical figures in Twisted Wonderland!
… Also, the fact that the book 7 part 5 update came out a few days before Jamil’s birthday… and then his vignettes go and show a Maleficent painting in them… Yeah 😭 but what’s even funnier to me is that Idia calls Jamil a chuunibyou WHich iS SO ACCURATE, THANK YoU fOR CALLinG HIS ASS OuT, KING 🙏 What is Jamil doing in that sussy Groovy if not being a chunni…
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Contained within a shining platinum frame was an illustration of a starry scene. A man in a fine white turban crowned by a single violet plume. A woman, perched on a balcony, in a refreshing blue-green, a jasmine flower set into her long, dark braid.
They stared longingly into each other’s eyes, conveying an emotion not spoken aloud. No words were needed for what they had: a love so tender it made the night weep. The stars into glittering tears sliding down the face of darkness.
Standing before the painting of the happy couple, Jamil folded his arms and frowned.
… Can feelings truly defy social status?
"A street rat marrying a princess… Hah."
His fingers curled to fists, digging into the pristine white fabric of his suit. Jamil's expression remained neutral, no hint of the bitterness brewing within. He was a master of leashing it.
What nonsense. I doubt their happiness lasted long. The difference in their standing is far too vast to be bridged.
Jamil lowered his gaze and looked away.
Adjacent to the loving pair was a spindly man with a curled goatee. His crimson and black headdress resembled the flared hood of a desert viper—a look iconic to the Sorcerer of the Sands. He gleefully clasped a golden oil lamp in his long, bony fingers. A remarkable achievement, an item he had been searching his entire life for.
Now, here was a great man. Someone who had slaved away and earned his reputation, climbed in social ranks on merit alone. The Sorcerer of the Sands would die a highly accomplished man, advisor to a sultan, renown scholar mage, and seeker of truth.
The very symbol of Scarabia’s spirit of deliberation.
The voice was soft and nervous, like that of a specter not yet parted from this world. A faint blue glow fell upon the Sorcerer of the Sands.
Jamil turned, releasing a sigh when he realized who had appeared beside him. "... Oh. It's you, Idia-senpai."
"Eeep!" His upperclassman jumped at the mention of his name. He clung to the doorway, and anxiety evident on his pale face.
"Well? Don't let my presence deter you from appreciating the artwork."
"N-No, that's okay!! It was getting to be too crowded in the main hall, so I wanted to dip and take a breather somewhere quiet to let my stamina recharge... b-but that's completely pointless if other people are still around!"
"You won't even notice me. I not a snake—I don't bite," Jamil insisted flatly. Not unless I want to. "You look suspicious lurking in the doorframe. You may as well come in."
Left with no other choice, Idia awkwardly shuffled into the exhibit.
He positioned himself a good distance away from Jamil, not saying so much as a word as he stared at an ornate figure of a broad-bodied ape. Its lips were twisted into a grotesquely wide smile.
Nestled in the monkey’s palms was a massive red jewel, glistening even in the scarce light. Idia's own terrified reflection bounced back at him in the gem’s many facets.
"Can't believe I got dragged out for this," the third year grumbled under his breath. "I-I wanted to go to that pop-up Sled Over Heels collab cafe with the walk-in museum... Instead I have to be here and gawk at the same pictures I've seen over and over again in magic history textbooks... Aaah, it totally doesn't compare at all to cute anime girls pouring all their passion into the artful sport of sledding!"
Some small, fragmented part of Jamil grimaced at the disrespect, try as he might to close off his ears, to not engage. No good ever comes of provoking a stubborn mule, he chided himself.
But the devil on his left shoulder pounced.
"Idia-senpai," Jamil spoke carefully, a slight edge to his voice. It made the hairs on the back of Idia's neck stand at attention. "Are you not a fan of this style of artwork? Or is it the subject matter you find distasteful?"
His upperclassmen startled. Horrified as the realization that Jamil had heard his every complaint, the tips of his flaming hair colored pink.
"W-Well... I'm not exactly a buff for this kind of thing," Idia stuttered. "It's ancient history. Been there, don’t that. Th-There's really no point in being on that grind cycle if it all just amounts to the same ending anyway. That's basically all history is, anyway."
Jamil bristled—though he took care to not let it show. "I beg to differ. The story of the Sorcerer of the Sands defies such paltry notions. He struggled much in his life, even served under a carefree, incompetent sultan that barely listened to a work he said.”
I know what that’s like.
A smile he thoroughly detested flashed in his mind. So big and pearly and irritating as he offered him his hand.
“Let’s start over. We can be rivals… but we can be friends too.”
But that boy was a fool.
Feelings can’t trump social status. Not then, not now. Not ever.
“And yet it was thanks to his contributions that he is remembered today as one of the greatest men to have ever lived. The Sorcerer of the Sands was able to break free and live as he desired. He acquired the Genie of the Lamp and phenomenal cosmic power. He decided his own destiny.”
"Uweh, sounds like he's your kami-oshi, Jamil-shi... I guess it makes sense though, since you and the Sorcerer of the Sands are the same character archetype and everything. Chunnibyous gotta stick together and all…”
"… What is that supposed to mean?" Jamil planted his hands on his hips. He didn’t understand all of Idia’s slang, but he also wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
Idia's eyes—wide and anxious—cut away from him. “I-It’s nothing important…”
“Then why are you hiding it?”
“B-Because you’re definitely the type who would hold a grudge if anyone pisses you off!!”
“How rude. I’m offended that you think so lowly of me.” Jamil allowed himself a little smirk. “I’ll have you know that I won’t stop there. In fact, I’ll enact a vengeance plot so excruciatingly humiliating that you won’t ever be able to face the light of day comfortably again.”
“S-See?! That’s what I meant!! Y-You’re a certified chuunibyou!!”
“Whatever that means, I assure you that I’m not. Is it so wrong to look back on history and to appreciate how far we’ve come since?”
Jamil found himself returning to the painting of the Sorcerer with the lamp. He was almost drawn to it, lulled into a hypnotic trance. An item that could make all of his hopes come true…
“Let me ask you this: if you could have any wish granted, what would that wish be?”
“E-Eh?! Any wish…” Idia fiddled with the glittering buttons on his suit. He nibbled on his lower lip, a darkness having swept up what little color there was left to him. “I-I can’t say it, but… more than anything, there’s someone I want to say goodbye to.”
“I see. A fond farewell.”
Letting go.
Jamil’s chest tightened.
In a distant memory, flowers of fire lit up the night. He had been dancing then, hair and fabric flying as he spun and spun and spun. When had he last felt so free? His wings unbound, the sky as his limits.
“As for myself, what I wish for most of all is…”
He glanced back at the painting of the two lovers. Star-crossed, against a star-streaked sky. Adventure calling, liberation beckoning.
A look most malicious graced his careful controlled features. Lips in a lopsided smirk, eyes like daggers, glinting sinisterly in the dark. Concealed weapons rising to the surface.
“… to be well-connected with people who may prove useful in attaining my dreams. Yes, that’s it. Useful.”
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four-of-them-showdown · 5 months
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Propaganda under the cut!!
Uriel, Sun Wukong, ABFD, Secretive Plotter:
"Okay so like imagine that you're bored as hell looking through livestreams until you come across this fucking insane man with no face. You then preceed to essentially cyberbully/stan him for all eternity. And this happens to three other people who also wont shut the fuck up about this man, so you more or less become a fanclub for this cringefail maniac. Also, yes, that's Uriel from the Bible except she's wlw and keeps shipping the insane faceless guy with his super hot extremely murderous companion. ABFD is a 14 year old chunni, Sun Wukong is THAT Sun Wukong and ends up adopting the crazy guy as his brother. And then Secret Plotter [■ ■ ■] [■ ■ ■] [■ ■ ■] and ends up becoming the adoptive father of [■ ■ ■] and raises [■ ■ ■] with his companions from [■ ■ ■]. They don't rly have a group name (although three of them DO form an idol group) from what I remember so you can just call them the Kim Dokja fanclub."
Crow, Aion, Yaiba, Rom:
"They’re all so stupid (affectionate)"
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aiura-stan · 27 days
it’s 1-3! really!
The thing in his arm is called “black pete?” I seem to remember it being “black beat…”
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Ok update: just checked the original, and the katakana does in fact read “black beat” (buraaku bi-to.) So it must have been a error by the translators.
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ブラック・ビート= black beat.
Also, for fanfiction reference, here’s Kaidou’s chunnibyou narrative/backstory: “Black Beat” is the godlike (or demon like) force in Kaidou’s right arm. Dark Reunion, an organization dedicated to weeding out ‘unnecessary’ elements from mankind, wants to steal (and presumably extract) that power from his arm and use it to create a new world order. Kaidou will prevent that from happening, since he is the Jet Black Wing.
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Shun’s hobby is people watching?
Also, I like how Shun gradually grows out of his chunni behaviors over the course of the series. Or at least, he lets himself show others his real personality a bit more. Pretty sure he wears the arm bandages up to the very last chapter, lol.
We never do learn how a snake appears in the sleeve of that student’s shirt, do we? Saiki implies it wasn’t him. There’s no logical explanation for a snake appearing in someone’s sleeve, so it must have been another psi user, presumably one that can use a power like saiki’s teleport/apport ability.
I like that Saiki is still interested in what happens, even though he already left the classroom… I’m sure part of it was protectiveness (it is a poisonous snake after all) and the other part was curiosity. What I want to know is why Saiki was entirely uncurious as to how the snake got there in the first place. It’s not like snakes appearing in students’ sleeves is an every day occurrence… did the student put it there himself? Why? Asou must have known this gag would leave the audience with questions, but he never answers any of them.
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Snakes don’t attack unprovoked…
least realistic part of Saiki k thus far. that there might be espers in the world? entirely possible. that a weak and badly injured snake would attack a person out of nowhere? you’re thinking of the wrong animal; serpents don’t do that.
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A hopeless case indeed. Though that’s definitely Saiki’s fault.
This is the end of 1-3!💫
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rlaehrwk-37 · 1 year
They really asked the question i asked the kdj bot 💀
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translation — @lee-hakhyun^^
Chunni dragon lies again. It’s not as if he was the one to point out KDJ’s black flame dragon huh
Also “I realized what the characters of this world are dealing with.” WHDHWJJDJW LHH you just figured it out huh 😭😭 don’t tell me none of these guys went for a shit in the apocalypse until now.
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vexx-ation · 13 days
365 Albums in 365 Days: 140/365
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Date: Friday May 20th Album: (LITTLE DID HE KNOW, IT WAS SHORTS WEATHER) Artist: TY_MAKES_MUSIC Released: 2024 Genre: Indie Review: I am a big fan of digging out niche albums, so seeing something on youtube with 30 views and the color palette of a 2008 emo furry OC immediately piqued my interest. For those curious, the band’s website has the same neon red and black color palette, which somehow is even more eye-searing than the album cover. I was greeted with a chill, head-nodding kind of album, something that takes a lot of inspiration from barber beats and similar lounge albums with more typical indie pop vocals on top. The lyrics are a little stilted, but around the midpoint of the album, things take a turn for the bizarre, the regular indie pop beats fading into a serial killer audio drama with some genuinely atrocious voice acting. This is immediately followed up by the album’s closing number, which is an acoustic cover of a SZA song. I knew we were copying the color palette of the early 00s emo scene but the chunni vibes really caught me off guard. Good lord. Favorite Track: heart
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crystalcatgamer · 11 months
silly seasons
Okay MORE stuff from my Constellation Gang doc <- all this is canon to the college!CG AU (Part one and two)
A stylish, warm, and dressed-up Constellation Gang in the winter!
Pls observe ABFD in his chunni glory and his tired archangel noona 
"When the cold settles in, spirits are lured out by the chill in the air to steal humanity's warmth... Being able to arm myself more securely is vital, and so I wear these boots, carved from the darkest night."
ABFD: Gets cold, minds it -> wears bomber jackets and parkas (fingerless gloves)
Uriel: Doesn't get cold, doesn't mind it -> wears whatever looks cute; fur-lined crop jackets, makes people feels cold just looking at her (Cute gloves!)
SWK: Gets cold, doesn't mind -> Wears really big floofy jackets, not the long kind, just fluffy as hell. Turtlenecks are irritating (no gloves)
SP: Doesn't get cold, doesn't mind -> Wears long coats and the like (more form fitting); if it has fur, it's itchy, so no floofy outerwear (Usual black gloves)
Onto them in the summer, ft a pool party
uriel relaxing on her huge angel wing pool float, with a glass of lemonade. She wears black swimsuits with lots of ruffles!
SWK splashes everyone and makes ABFD wear floaties (he refuses to take off the bandages). They shove a donut ring on ABFD because he’s shit at swimming 
SP plucking ABFD out of the pool: if you drown one more time you're going to sit with me at the chairs
grumpy wet manchild sulking on the chair while cool lifeguard SP sips his drink and passes ABFD a glass of juice. SP got sunglasses (SWK) and a whistle (Uriel) and grills food for them all. He still has the fucking veil.
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 months
Wolves At The Door; Part Six
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: The man tongued at the inside of his cheek nervously, the faint taste of hot chocolate abruptly cutting through the phantom smell of iron.
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our sixth installment! Enjoy!
Tag List: @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @stargazerofgoldenwords @imthegreenfairy86 @karlskitten @nitrogennightmare @chunnies @thirstworldproblemss @highly-unknown @tartimaar-bloggeth @thesmartbiscuit @spoopyredacted @crowtrobotx @kotall-ohh
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, graphic depictions of mental duress and unprotected sexual acts between two consenting adults. Stay safe!]
Despite his unfamiliarity with the terrain, Karl would say the two of you were making good time. Even with your heavy pack on you were always ahead of him, gliding effortlessly through the snow. It made carrying on a conversation difficult, of course, but he didn't mind the quiet all that much. If anything it seemed to suit the hushed aura of the forest, all noise dampened by the towering forms of snow-covered spruce trees. Intermittent birdsong did break the stillness, as well as the occasional squirrel scolding them from their impenetrable fortresses of boughs. Those interruptions were invaluable to Karl, because it meant that the wildlife was behaving normally.
He had offered to come along because privately, secretly, he was immensely concerned about lycans coming across you while you were out in the woods unattended. It wasn't even a concern at this point, he would grudgingly label it a legitimate fear. So if hauling a sledge loaded with gear and crates of jars was what he needed to do to stay near you, then Heisenberg was going to be as docile as a fucking lamb about it. 
It would be pretty poor form if he let you get eaten by those freaks, especially since you had been so hospitable.
The sun was just barely peeking through the clouds overhead when you called for a halt, settling yourself carefully down on a boulder alongside the vague outline of the road. Karl was grateful for the pause, if only because he wanted to take the moment to get his bearings. Being forbidden to leave Miranda's clutches hadn't done his sense of direction any favors! Oh certainly, he could always feel where north was, but that didn't do much for him if he didn't know where he was.
"If we keep up this pace, we should have no trouble reaching the lean-to before dark." You patted the rocky surface next to your thigh. "Take a breather. The sled's not giving you trouble, right?"
Karl shook his head, dropping onto the rock and taking a sip from the old water bottle you had loaned him. "Light as a feather, sugar." Without his input, his eyes strayed to your lips while you had a drink as well. 
He hadn't minded kissing you at all that fateful evening. If he was being honest, it had been on his mind in a fairly insufferable way. He chalked it up to maybe just some weird development with the cadou; the Black God must have gone up in flames with the rest of the madhouse so it made sense that there would be variances in his cadou's behavior.
He realized he was staring after a moment and averted his gaze, busying himself with dusting some of the snow off the toe of his boot. "What's on the list for supplies, anyhow?"
You squinted upwards at the white sky as if you were thinking hard. "Staples, of course. Sugar, flour, oatmeal, peanut butter, lard... Is there anything specific you want me to add? No promises, but if there's extra credit left over we can prioritize it."
Karl bit his lip contemplatively. Most of the things that immediately came to mind would pose a spoilage problem. "Nah," he said instead. "I'm content."
"We'll impulse buy, then!"
The two of you arrived at the halfway point by a little after three o'clock, if your watch was anything to go by. You immediately got to work, unstrapping your boots from your skis and then using your gloved hands to sweep the gathered debris out of the corners of the lean-to. Seeing the usual dry leaves and piles of acorn shells left by the local wildlife gave you a warm feeling of familiarity; though the past year had been so, so odd, some things had stayed consistent. 
"Want me to clear a space for the fire? We could use those leaves for tinder." Karl suggested and you agreed, pointing him in the direction of the folding shovel you had strapped to the sled. The rusty metal barrel base that you had always built the fire in previously was in useable shape, so the man began to excavate the snow from its interior. 
It looked like the lean-to roof had survived unscathed, though a few large limbs rested on top of it precariously. More detritus from that last wild storm that had ripped through the area, no doubt. The small woodpile that you had carefully stacked and covered with a canvas cloth last winter had been toppled as well, but it hadn't done the wood much harm. You were just glad the canvas had gotten caught by the fork of a nearby tree instead of entirely blowing away to parts unknown.
With the base cleared out, Heisenberg began the careful process of coaxing a small fire to life. Luckily whoever had left the barrel had cut the sides high enough to block most of the wind, though Karl did end up reshaping them into more of a curve for added protection.
For your part, you untied the thick wool blanket you had lashed to the bottom of your pack and rolled it out on the concrete floor of the lean-to, then placed both bedrolls down as well. After that, you rummaged around in your backpack for the mess kit and the carefully-packed remains of cured boar meat, getting started on melting some snow for safe drinking water.
Karl sidled up, pilfering a fatty piece of cold gristle and chewing it meditatively. "Where's that road go?" He asked, gesturing at a well-worn track that branched off from the one you followed into town.
You shrugged. "Dunno'. Never checked." Now that he mentioned it, though, the other road did seem a bit more traveled than the last time you had seen it. Maybe you were imagining things; it had been at least a year since your last visit. The trees also appeared to grow thicker together further down that road. Despite their leafless forms, their branches met overhead in an ashen arch that for some reason reminded you of gnarled, bony fingers.
You shook your head at yourself, annoyed with how unnerved you were by trees. Granted it wasn't as if the pines were much better; what little you could see of the greenery on them under the snow read as nearly black against the white foreground. They stood as stoic sentries for their brittle brethren, filling in what gaps remained on the forest floor with their multitudinous, quick-spreading seedlings.
It's just because it's darker over there, you told yourself in an effort to rationalize how weirdly uneasy the road made you feel. It's been a strange year. Vowing to put it out of your mind, you began heaping more snow into the small pot over the fire and then dug back into your backpack. "I brought cocoa," you sang at Karl, flapping the two packets in the air. 
The man practically lunged at you to snatch a packet, his expression one of unbridled delight. You made a mental note to get chocolate chips if you could swing it. Judging from his reaction, his sweet tooth had been neglected a little too long! You didn't anticipate the kiss on the forehead he gifted you in thanks, your face immediately flushing with heat.
Night fell as the two of you settled into an early dinner, and even while you tried to ignore it, you couldn't shake the creeping sensation you felt anytime your eyes strayed to that other road. Karl seemed to be in good spirits though, the man savoring his cup of prefab hot cocoa with the air of a seasoned connoisseur enjoying a decadent treat. 
"We should do this more often." He mused, his words giving you an odd little thrill, only for him to dash the feeling when he continued, "I can't even remember the last time I had hot chocolate." Heisenberg paused, as if attempting to recall. His voice bore an uncharacteristic softness when next he spoke. "Always with a little caramel drizzled on the spoon, so it would melt when you stirred it."
You added caramel to your mental list, taking another sip of your cocoa. "I usually don't bother with premade stuff. The packets get damp sometimes and then it's just wasted product, y'know?" 
He nodded, shifting in place alongside you in the lean-to until his thigh pressed to your own, the man somehow putting off heat that threatened to put the fire to shame. It was a companionable silence that the two of you shared for a while after that, interspersed only with the crackling of the small fire. 
"What time do you usually get to the town?" Heisenberg queried quietly.
"Depends on a few things. I've gotten there as early as one in the afternoon and as late as six at night."
Karl's brow furrowed, the man seeming confused. "What, and you made it back here that same night?"
You realized the source of his confusion and hurried to elaborate, "no no, there's a campground on the outskirts of the town. It's kind of a tourist spot, or at least it was once. The terrain around here attracts a lot of people." You then gestured at the sled full of crates. "Backpackers and those 'finding-myself' types love nothing more than purchasing local goods at inflated prices. That's the only way I managed to strike a deal with Emil."
"He's the man who runs the supply store in town. He used to buy all the pelts off my family when they would swing back into town after an extended stay at the hunting cabin, but obviously I'm not much one for big game," you sighed. "I'm not sure if he'll even be interested in the rabbit skins this year, truth be told, but no harm in trying. They aren't exactly heavy."
You kept melting snow after the two of you had eaten, making sure it was boiled sufficiently before starting to refill your water bottle. His was next, and you sternly told him to finish at least half of the bottle before he went to bed. 
Karl gamely did so, not overly worried himself with dehydration but touched by your concern all the same. "What time are we up?" He asked while you carefully poured the last of the water into an old hot water bottle.
You fastened the plug on the bottle, shaking it a bit to make sure it didn't leak before stuffing the bottle all the way down into the base of your sleeping bag. With that done, you brushed off your hands and offered him your most eloquent shrug. "Probably a little before sunrise? It gets too bright to sleep late out here, even when it's cloudy." Heisenberg nodded, his eyes drawn once more to your mouth when you absently licked your lips and muttered something about needing chapstick.
Stop it, stop it. Frustrated with himself, he once more directed his attention elsewhere. Specifically, towards the darker area down that other road. It wasn't even so much the actual darkness, but the feeling of it. Knowing that it was there whether he looked or not, but also grappling with the sensation that if he looked away, it would somehow change, get larger, swallow the area-
Karl didn't need a map to know that the road led to Miranda's village. It was insidious, an echo of a trace of scent in the air; dull ochre of rust and gray of decay filling his mind with thoughts of his time before you. Deep down he knew he was just imagining it, he had to be. Either that or the bitch was tormenting him from beyond the grave, more mind games just when he had finally started to think he could live peacefully.
The man tongued at the inside of his cheek nervously, the faint taste of hot chocolate abruptly cutting through the phantom smell of iron. Plum spice cake. He found himself willing the pleasant memory to the forefront of his mind: your smile of relief, the way your eyes had looked, cinnamon and sugar and the bright, rosy stains from the plums on his fingertips…
He knew he was being stupid, seeing things that weren't there, but it almost seemed like the waning fire burned a little brighter. You leaned into his side companionably, banishing the rest of his past specters with the simple comfort of your presence.
"Thanks for coming with me." You murmured. "It can be a little spooky out here all alone."
Karl draped his arm around your shoulders. "Don't worry," he assured you with a confidence that he didn't feel, "I'm the scariest shit in these woods."
"Oh of course. Absolutely." You were humoring him, your tone suspiciously dry, but the man ignored the jibe in favor of unzipping his sleeping bag and casually wrapping it around himself. You followed suit, squirming down into your bedroll and then issuing a long sigh of contentment. "I know I'll regret not owning a sleeping pad or something to put my bag on aside from the blanket, but it just feels nice to lay down at this point."
"You can curl up closer to me." Karl offered rapidly before he could think better, grimacing and then amending his words, "I mean, uh, if you get cold."
"Thanks, I'll definitely leech a little heat from you." You laughed, wriggling your sleeping bag over until the two of you were side by side once more. "The hot water bottle can only do so much for me and you don't seem to be suffering from these balmy temperatures."
Karl shrugged, "I don't think my temp can drop below a certain level." The cadou wouldn't allow it, he privately believed. It had nearly killed him with fever responses in the past.
"Keeping yourself warm with static electricity, huh?" 
"What? No, that doesn't even–why do you say things, damn." Karl huffed in bewilderment, narrowing his eyes as you began to snicker. "Fuck you're odd."
"And yet here you are with me. What does that say about you, weirdo?" You mused playfully, coaxing a grudging chuckle out of the older man. "In all seriousness, I tease to let you know I'm okay with…how you are. I may not totally understand how your everything works, but I don't want you feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around you."
Heisenberg opened his mouth, thought better of it and just spread his sleeping bag out over the two of you, burying his face in the nylon so that you couldn't see how red he was positive he had gotten. "Go to sleep." He muttered gruffly, rolling over so that his back was to you. That way, he could keep an eye on the road. It had nothing to do with not letting you gloat over his…embarrassing expression.
You woke to darkness and Karl's rumbling snore overhead, so you guessed it must still be in the middle of the night. Your watch let you know it was a few minutes before two a.m., and you shifted your weight as your back began to protest your current position. 
The rustling fabric of the sleeping bag must have woken your companion, because you felt him start. His hand gripped your leg when you tried to move it, so you whispered, "just me."
You didn't get a response, which was a bit unnerving. Karl's hand groped upwards, ending up on your shoulder where he paused, seeming confused. After a second or two of silent fumbling, the man's fingers caught the hood of your jacket and tugged it off. He then rested his hand on the back of your neck, heaving a sigh before using his other arm to pull you bodily against his chest. His mouth pressed a prickly kiss to the area just above your left eyebrow, the facial hair brushing your skin in a way that left you tingling. 
Gods, he was so warm. Despite him keeping his sleeping bag unzipped, he was still radiating heat. You curled up in his arms, accepting a few more haphazard, lazy kisses before the man apparently fell back to sleep. His hold on you tightened momentarily, and then went slack.
You, for your part, simply buried your face in his chest and pressed even closer to him, hooking a leg over his hip to steady yourself. Heisenberg groaned at your movement and you realized suddenly that he was hard. Not only that, but that you had slotted your body against his in such a way that you couldn't really avoid rubbing against him. You, certain that your face was about to burst into flames from embarrassment, attempted to ease yourself back, but a soft, shuddering exhale stopped you in your tracks.
"You keep wriggling on my dick like that, sugar," Karl murmured, now very obviously conscious, "I'm goin' to pin you down."
"Sorry," you squeaked out, "was cold and trying to get comfortable. Didn't mean to wake you." 
Heisenberg rocked his hips into your own, startling a little noise out of you when his rigid cock ground against you. "Well I'm awake now."
"I can tell."
"How about I fuck the two of us to sleep, hmm?" Karl breathed, the filth of his words only amplified by another insistent shift of his pelvis. "Warm you up a little, you poor thing." You stammered momentarily, incredibly flustered, and Heisenberg seized the opportunity to mouth around the shell of your ear. "Trust me sugar, I'll be as gentle as a lamb." He promised in a searing whisper, and you could feel the curve of a wolfish smirk against your skin. 
"Oh." Oh. "B-But we don't…I mean, you want to?" You had to make sure, certain you must have misinterpreted. Somehow. 
"Do you want to?" He asked, the heat still in his words. For a moment you believed you could see the reflection from his eyes in the darkness, as if he was no longer a man but some kind of animal. Hungry, wild and sharp and yet…patiently waiting for your answer.
"I…I do, yes." You admitted softly. 
Karl no longer cared about the damn darkness that had encroached upon his already-uneasy dreams. He no longer cared about anything really, aside from getting your pants off without tearing them. He got the feeling you'd be a little pissed off with him if he ruined the integrity of your gear. 
Yes. Was it being greedy if you wanted it too?
Gods, he couldn't think straight. How could anyone think straight when they were confronted with something like this? Confronted with the reality that even without intimidating, conniving, taking, he could just…have something. He could have this, without scraping, without scheming. 
You wanted him. It was…beautiful in its baseness. 
Karl had no idea whether this was affection. He would certainly be the last damn person to know if it was, but whatever it was gentled his touch, held his greed at bay for the moment in favor of savoring the sensation. 
Unbidden, however, a memory surfaced. Well, it was more like a piecemeal of dozens of similar interactions. "You're so strong, Heisenberg." Miranda had often sighed, gazing upon the carnage he had wrought in his latest fit of temper. "My special, powerful child."
Strong, that was what he was. He needed to be just to survive the implantation process, and everything after that had served as lesson after lesson beat into his stubborn skull. Karl had grown from a child desperately seeking love into a jaded, spite-filled man driven by the need to both fawn and lash out, alternating between the two methods with a sinking, baleful sense of inevitability to get what he required to succeed. 
I must kill her.
The last thought before his mind had snapped, the last, hateful oath of the man he had been. Maybe it was a little too ambitious to say he had been that man, as if he wasn't still that man. All the progress in the world wouldn't fix the damage that had been done to him, the damage he had done to himself.
"Poor Heisenberg, so strong you ruin everything you touch," Miranda cooed from his memories.
Karl's brow furrowed, fingers flared across your collarbone while he felt your chest heave. "I'm gonna' be real careful with you," he murmured, half to you and half to the echo of the false mother from his past. He offered you a faint smile he was sure you couldn't even see in the darkness, continuing, "bear with me, alright?"
You nodded, your hand grazing his shoulder before coming to rest on his cheek. Heisenberg, without meaning to, leaned into the touch. Something in his chest ached with a foreign need, an unknowable desire he couldn't put words to, and Karl made a soft noise in his throat before he could stop himself.
"Guess the Duke was right," he muttered reluctantly, "seems like you may have tamed me." Your thighs framed his hips and you raised your pelvis to meet his own, making Heisenberg rumble out a curse and seize your pants at the waist, the man yanking them down to your ankles so you could kick them off. "One or two to start?" Karl asked, his mouth pressed to your ear while he tapped two fingers on your stomach. 
"One, please." You requested softly. Karl knew you couldn't see him because you kept focusing your eyes somewhere past his left shoulder, but that was alright. Normal human night vision wasn't exactly something to write home about. He would just be careful.
Please. You had said please. 
Karl bit his lip, walking his fingers lower until he could slide his hand into your underwear. Your body moved without his urging, propping yourself up a little, and you struggled out of your underwear. Then, you were fully exposed to him. 
Heisenberg wasn't proud to say he froze. Despite his bravado, he wasn't exactly knowledgeable when it came to this specific act. He took in the sight of your body for a moment, commiting the visual to memory, and then slid his finger into your waiting entrance. The heel of his palm ended up pressed to your pubic mound and you were hot, so wet, Gods, his mouth was suddenly dry. 
You whimpered something, fingers plucking at his clothes in the dark and Karl settled into a slow, plunging rhythm with his hand. Back and forth, curling his index and gently rocking the heel of his palm over your clit, the man eased himself against you, into you. For what he would argue was the first time in his life, Heisenberg let himself be led. Your reactions were his heading; soft sighs or nails digging into his arm or sweet, needy kisses that left him struggling for breath…it all urged him onward and Karl almost mourned the debaucherous moment. Somewhere deep in his soul he knew that this was important, gravely important, there would only be one time to do this right.
Should he lose himself and hurt you, even accidentally…that would be it. He would never trust himself near you again, would never take another risk like he was taking right now. And so, the man did his best to be tender. Clumsily, motions unsure and hands trembling a little despite his attempts to steady them, but his best all the same. Making certain you were ready before he inserted the second and third fingers, letting you beg and plead with him before he finally allowed you to unzip his pants, cautious. Everything moved at a maddeningly slow pace, yet you didn't push him at all. Your requests were gentle, honeyed with want and braced by the steely heat that he loved…that he enjoyed so much about you.
If he didn't know any better, Karl would have thought that you could hear what was going on in his head.
Even after you helped him shove his pants down, Karl continued to work his fingers inside you. "Let me know when you want me." He muttered, and you felt his free hand clench into a nervous fist beside your hip.
"You're b-being awfully considerate," you pointed out, more than a little breathless as his thumb rubbed circles around your clit.
"Bare minimum. I'm not small and I don't want to hurt you," was the curt reply. 
"Can I…?" You trailed off, your face hot even while your hands rested on the outside of his thighs. 
"'Can you…?'" Karl taunted, making you puff out an annoyed sigh and slide your hand over the divot of his right hip. Christ, if you weren't already used to how warm he was, you might have been concerned. 
"Yeah, can I?" You mocked him right back, your palm pressed to a promising thatch of curls. 
Karl hitched in a breath through clenched teeth and his fingers stilled inside you. "Y…Yeah. Please." His voice was so soft you nearly missed him saying it, practically a whisper. 
A little stunned by the sudden change, you just nodded, assuming he could see you in the dark better than you could see him (which was not at all, by the way). "Spit or dry?" You asked, unprepared for the groan he let out at your simple query. 
"Fuck, sugar, spit please, m'sorry." He mumbled, burying his face in your shoulder and plunging his fingers inside you with renewed vigor. 
"Shh, I asked because I know it matters to some people," you tried to soothe him, confused at his apology but more than willing to acquiesce. Plus, if he kept moving his fingers like that-! Well, it was only fair that you oblige him in what he liked, he had been so considerate and thorough. 
You licked your palm, pausing and letting a little extra saliva pool in the creases. Then, you reached out, seeking blindly with your other hand until you located his groin. 
He certainly hadn't been selling himself short. You swallowed hard and Heisenberg choked out a laugh against your neck, obviously guessing what you were reacting to. "Sorry, sugar. Tried to warn you." He breathed. "Should we scrap the whole idea?"
"No." Your voice was louder than you intended it to be and Karl laughed for real this time, a little hysterically but you couldn't really blame him. Unable to articulate something to get your sincerity across, you chose to simply close your slick fingers around his cock. It throbbed in your grip and Karl's laughter turned into a moan, the large man panting into your neck while you stroked him. His hips kept pumping forwards into your palm and he slurred out a swear when you swept your thumb over the head of his dick, his free hand fumbling to shove up your shirt so he could toy with your breasts.
"I want–to fuck you." It sounded like he was having difficulty speaking, but maybe you were just having difficulty comprehending. This was more stimulation than you'd had in years and you were finding it nearly impossible to focus on one sensation, your mind adrift in a haze of different pleasures. The rub of his fingers, the rough skin of his palm grazing one of your nipples, his voice grating out the request he had issued…it was almost too much to handle. "Sugar. Please–want to fuck you."
Please. That word, spoken the way that it was, made your pussy clench down on his fingers. You exhaled raggedly, caught off guard by your own reaction. "Okay." You breathed into his ear, "okay."
"Tell me you want me." He ordered, and you were sure you saw that faint eyeshine once more. "Please, sugar, lemme' know you want this. I just…I need to know."
"I want you." You assured him, whining unintentionally when he withdrew his fingers. Karl ducked his head, swiping his tongue over one of your nipples while you tried your hardest to get your hand to cooperate and line him up. Teeth teased at your nipple, making you sob out an embarrassingly loud, "fuck, please!", and Karl snarled in reply to your desperate noise. Finally you felt him nudge your entrance, but you were so wet his cock slid upwards to bump your clit instead, the hot pressure making your whole body quiver. 
Heisenberg took himself in hand then, gently tapping your clit with the head of his cock and chuckling at the way you writhed pitifully underneath him. "Exhale for me now, sugar. Nice and slow," he coached, his voice almost maddeningly soft. Obediently you complied, and you felt the tip of his cock breach you. Overhead, Karl swore again, his body surging forward momentarily before quickly halting. "Fuck, sorry, sorry." He apologized breathlessly, then, "you're so wet sugar, fuck's sake."
"Good thing, too," you managed to respond, your ankles hooking into the back of his thighs so you could urge him deeper. Karl nearly toppled over, just managing to catch himself with his hands, and you tipped your head back in ecstasy as his hips met your pelvis. A low, wordless cry made its way from your mouth, the noise exclusively born of wanton need, and your nails dug into the back of Karl's shirt. "Yes," was all you could think to gasp against his cheek and Karl growled, snapping his hips forward.
The pace he set would have been absolutely punishing if it was anyone else doing it. You were still pretty sure you'd have bruises in the morning, but you couldn't bring yourself to worry about them. As Heisenberg panted and rutted himself against you, your mind was, for one blessed moment, utterly devoid of thought. You surrendered wholly to being cherished in the most feral way, and you let Karl work you through to your climax while chanting his name in his ear like a prayer. The man reached down abruptly, his thumb rubbing your clit, and you had to bite down on his shoulder to keep yourself from screaming as you came apart at his touch. 
Karl shuddered violently at the bite, quickly withdrew himself from your body and began to stroke his cock. "Where?" He rasped, his voice wrecked. 
You pressed your breasts together, hearing him groan seemingly in response. Then, the tip of his cock was bumping into the base of your breasts, his knuckles grazing your abdomen as he rapidly moved his hand back and forth. "Come for me, Karl?" You begged softly, listening to his breathing stutter. Karl started muttering curses one after another with no real rhyme or reason, his motions getting more and more frantic. Something began pooling beneath your breasts, the hot fluid making you shiver. 
Heisenberg snapped to a halt and you felt his cock twitch as he came. "Oh, oh fuck." He panted, thrusting his dick absently up into the valley of your breasts. "Fuckin' hell, sugar." His come smeared with his movement, some of it dribbling down your side and making you yelp due to it tickling. Karl flinched at your sound, clapping a hand to your ribs and then issuing his own noise of dismay. "Shit, sorry, sorry sorry, I'll–here, my sleeve, I can just-" he fumbled to wipe at the drips and you couldn't help your laughter, batting his hand away.
"I've got it, I've got it." You continued giggling, muscle memory guiding you through the dark to the front section of your backpack where you kept some spare cloths for washing up. "Always prepared for any occasion. Including getting railed in the woods in the dead of night."
"Aren't I lucky." Karl remarked dryly. You found your mouth captured by another kiss, the man whispering, "get some rest, sugar. I'm not gonna' go so easy on you next time." 
"Next time?" You asked curiously after he pulled away, the man settling in alongside you while you were doing your best to mop up the mess that was migrating towards your stomach. 
"Yeah. Next time." You felt Karl's shoulder shift against your own in what was clearly a shrug. "If you want, of course." 
You retorted, "I'll let you know if I can walk in the morning," making him snort. "Let's hope for the best, okay?"
"Mmhm." Heisenberg's arms wrapped around you, the man pulling you into his chest once more. 
Without really thinking about it, you reached upwards and started stroking the back of his head. Your fingers gently untangled some of the knots in his hair, smoothing the messy, wavy strands back into some semblance of manageability. Karl went still against you for what seemed like an overly long time, and then suddenly a trembling sigh issued from him, his breath gusting out over your head. "This okay?" You whispered, somewhat concerned. "Not pulling or yanking on your hair, right?"
"I…" Karl hesitated, as if he was struggling with something. "Never had anyone touch me like that, that's all. Caught me off-guard."
Your chest ached at his admission, and you caught yourself biting your lip to stave off the tears. "Well," you finally said, proud that your voice didn't waver, "I'll do it whenever you'd like."
"Yes, really." 
"I'd…I'd like that, yeah. I-If you want to. If it's not a nuisance." He was speaking painfully slow. "Sorry, I'm uh…I'm not used to this. You can forget about it, if you want."
"You're fine." You murmured. You ended up finger-combing his hair until the two of you fell asleep, your face buried in his chest and Karl's arms still holding you tightly.
Part Seven
61 notes · View notes
dhoklaaminoacid · 11 months
proper patola nakhra ae swag suit patiala shahi chunni teri black oh Munde haunke bharde tainu takk takk te turrey jado hath tu lakk utte rakh ke
4 notes · View notes
onlinesikhstore · 4 months
Tumblr media
Punjabi Cotton Hajooria Sikh Kaur Dupatta Chunni Singh Parna Khalsa Siropa F4
Punjabi Cotton material Hajooria Embroidery Sikh Kaur Dupatta Chunni Singh Parna Khalsa Siropa
Colour: Cream, White, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Orange
Material - Punjabi Cotton
Malpuri Design embroidery - design may slightly vary - subject to availability
Punjabi Desi Trendy Traditional Parna/Hajooria 
Standard Hajooria size approx. 2.25m x 0.85m 
Worn mostly with Kurta Pajama and can be we worn with Sherwani 
It can be tied as Parna - good to wear on Punjabi Festivals, Mela, Nagar Kirtan and Gurudwara Sahib 
Can we worn in parties with Sherwani and Kurta Pajama 
Can also be used as Shawl around your shoulders over kurta pajama or both together. 
Goes with any traditional Punjabi Cultural outfit 
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 
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indiesole · 1 year
Indies (Lifetime) Playlist Tributes to Music Legends ! -PART 16
SUDHA MALHOTRA’S TOP 225 SONGS (@INDIES) ! (Contd from 176) -
Yt Link:
Saiyaa chhodo bhi – Bhala Aadmi
Sach sach bolo – Sim Sim Marjina
Lad gayi bichhu – Oot Pataang
Kathti nahi raat – Andher nagri chaupat raja
Meri payal me – Night Bird
Natkhat natkhat – Amar Shaheed
Aata hai karar – Shikar
Barse room barse jhoom – Suhaag
Ye pyar tha ya kuch aur tha – Prem Rog
Salame hasrat kabl kar lo- Babar
Jeevan ka tu ujiyara hai – Patit paavan
Sach bataa kya hua – Do Dost
Saiyaa tere paiyaa padu - Gauhar
Jo beet gayi - Naag Padmini
Vande Matram – Andolan
Zara humse nazar milana – Diamond King
Duniya ke bazaar me – Makkhee Choos
Khub ulfat me – Zindagi ya Toofan
Deep gagan ke – Zameen Ke Tare
Duniya banana wale – Anarbala
Sakhi aaj magan man mera – Ayodhyapati
Aao hamare hital me – Kundan
Saiyyan tore - Gauhar
Puran desh ki -
Idhar mat dekh sanware – Poonam Ka Chand
Na to inkar kiya – Sunehre Kadam
Jane kaisa jadu kiya – Parvarish
Maa re maa - Harishchandra
Is duniya ko chhod ke hum toh – Great Show Of India
Lal nili pili – Black Shadow
Jaadugar balma ne mera – Toofani Tirandaz
Jinko jiya tarse – Arzoo
Kehna nahin mane – Do Dost
Man me tere kya hai – Bus Conductor
Jaadu bhari ye nazar – Rifle Girl
Puran dishi ki – Chandi Pooja
Jab usko dekha – Zalim Tera Jawab Nahin
Yu na dekho mujhe – Badshah Salaamat
Jaise chaman me – Sitamgar
Seema aa gayi sochne ki – Jo huwa so bhool
Ruturaja ne teer chalaya – Ram Bhakt Vibhishan
Jab se dekha tujhe – Tere dwar khade bhagwan
Duniyawale sach kehte hain – Jahazi Lutera
Jaao jhanjhar – Shesh Naag
Chori chori aana – Hathkadi (1958)
Ja re balma – Mohabbat ki jeet
Jo teer sahe – Naag Padmini
Kaise zulmi se – Poonam ka chand
Teri zulf me jab - Aadmi
Sunoji mohe da lage – Zalim tera jawab nahi.
Yt link:
Party Non-Stop
Folk medley
Illegal Weapon 2.0
Royi na
Sip Sip 2.0
Sip Sip
Bamb Jatt
Thug Life
MIthi Mithi
Baddal-Explicit version
Sone Di Chidiya
Raat Jashan Di
Guglu Muglu
Patt Lai Geya
Kashni (Ed Sheeran remix)
Mang Ke
Mang Ke(remix)
Jee Jeha Karda
Gaana Challe Ya Na
Mood Sarkar da
36 Mera Vargiya
End Karade
Punjab de Javak
Jehri Ve
Bhaven tu
Adhi Rati
Pyari Mushkil
Sara college
Jee Jeha Karda (slowed reverb)
Uth na Khade
Salaam-e-Ishq meri jaan
Kehri Gali
Punjabi Mutiyaran
Punjabi Mutiyaran (remix)
Kehnda Hi Nahi
Ik Main Kudi Punjabi
Chunni Black
Dil Tutteya
So High
Punjabi Club Mix
Tere Vangu
Aaja Dance Floor Pe
Veera (remix by DJ Rink)
Veera (remix)
Veera (loud version)
Sawan mein
Whiskey Di Botal
Cali Di Babe
Pyar Sajna
Hava Vich
Monologue (Gulabi)
Lv di Jean
Lv di Jean (remix)
The Joke
Mithi Mithi
Buhe Bariyan
Devil-Yaar Naa Miley .
Yt Link:
1.Saat samundar paar
2.Pardesi panchhi bankar (saat samundar sad version)
3.Tujhe na dekhoon toh
4.Dil cheer ke dekh
5.Teri ummeed tera intezaar
6.” (short version)
7.Tujhse mujhe pyar tha pyaar hai
8.Aisi deewangi dekhi nahi kahin
9.Payaliyan oh ho ho
10.Dil ka kya kasoor (female)
11.Aankhon mein hai kya
12.Mohabbat ki kitabon mein
13.Milne ki tum koshish karna
14.Dil aashna hai
15.” (sad)
16.Tu pagal premi aawara
17.Aap jo mere meet na hote
18.Teri isi ada pe sanam
19.Khata to jab ho ke
20.Tere mere pyar mein
22.Bin tere kuchh bhi nahi
23.Jane de jane de mujhe jane de
24.Jo dil se nikle woh
25.Dil na kisi ka jaaye
26.O priya hua kya
27.Umar hai solah banke shola
28.Tere sur mein main gaoon
29.Sarpe gam gam
30.Dil hi toh hai aagaya
31.Dil le gayi teri bindiya
32.” (2nd version)
33.Aaya toofan
34.Rangeen haseen raat ho
35.Tale lagale pehre bithale
36.Sahiba o sahiba
37.Hum tum picture dekh rahe
38.Tumhein dekhen meri aankhen
39.Ek ladka tha ek ladki thi
40.Main khichi chali ayee
41.Chhat ke upar do kabootar
42.Chanchal chandni mehki raat hai
43.Ek dil ek jaan ek hai hamara
45.Maine na jana
46.Coming coming coming
47.Assa dil tere kadman wich
48.Mausam pyara bheega heega
49.Parody song - Shatranj
50.Dil ye pukaare aaja
51.Jalta hai badan yeh mera
52.Kya hua yeh kya hua
53.Aye sanam itna bata
54.Kaisi yeh khumari
55.Kya cheez hai mohabbat yeh
56.Mastiyon mein
57.Aankhon mein basa le
58.Meri jaan meri ishq mein
59.Dhin tak dhin tak – Balwaan
60. Manasukku vayasenna – Nila Pennae
61.Ayyo ayyo – Bobbili raja
63.Odante vinade –Bobbili raja
64.Mengai polave
65.Otha kuyilu
66.Vaanil orunilavu
67.Raatiree vellai -
68.Korameenu komalam
69.Enn kadal
70.Mem premikulam
71.Kanyakumari - Valiban (Tamil)
72.Taddinaka tappadika
73.Pekalla jokerla – Assembly rowdy
74.Love me my hero – Rowdy alludu
75.Epa sindha - Valiban
76.Pappampatti - Valiban
77.Nilla Penne – Rathiri mella
78.Mudduto srungaara – Dharma kshetram
79.Illam nenjevaa – Ini vellvathu
80.Chinuku raalithe – Chittemma mogudu
81.Tolimuddu tolimuddu - Tolimuddu
82.Kichan kicha ka
83.Pelliki mundu – Dharma kshetram
84.Raathiri mella -
85.Rosa –Nilla Penne
86.Pudhu uravu
87.Boddulo rupayi
88.Sa ga ma da
89.Balapam patti
90.Namala swamiki – Chittemma mogudu
91.Kori kori – Rowdy Alludu
92.Naa ille naa swargam
93.Tholi muddhu tholi muddhu
94.Chemma chekka
95.Kanyakumari – Valiban (Telugu)
96.Raatiree vellai (version 1)
97.Muddutho srungara beetu
98.Maane vaa
99.Naa ille naa swargam
100.Tanala gadilona
101.Turpu kondallalo – Assembly Rowdy
102.Panthulu panthulu – Assembly Rowdy
103.Andamaina Vennelalona – “
104.Cheli nadume andam – Dharma kshetram
105.Ennand vasantamiye
106.Chittemma pottemma
107.Arre inka janka jinka – Dharma kshetram
108.Raava priyathama - Tollimudhu
109.Chittigumma padave - Tollimudhu
110.Enno ratrulu – Dharma kshetram
111.Prema geema pakkana -
112.Ilam nenjae vaa – Oru mutham
One of the near-extinct breed of spiritually lilting modern millennial Indian singers around.
God-gifted depth, splendid sauce, all wrapped atop in magnetic huskiness, this new gen playback diva is all set to rock both traditional old-school (that she's commendably kept alive on her Sm) with new age sparkle! .. And that audacious, awe-inspiring simplicity!
Yt Link:
Full playlist:
1.Chashni - Bharat (cover) 2.Tere jeha hor disda (c) 3.Tera mera aasmaan 4.Khoobi 5.Thehra 6.Dhadak meets Sairat (c) 7.Ishq hua - Aaja Nachale (c) 8.Jo tere na hue - Kalank (c) 9.Suhe we chire waaleya (c) 10.Akh lad jaave (c) 11.Nai lagda - Notebook (c) 12.Tu na mera (c) 13.Aadha ishq - Band Baaja Baaraat (c) 14.Mere naam tu - Zero (c) 15.Tumhi ho bandhu. Girls like you. (c) 16.Pareshaniyan 17.Aye khuda x bakhuda (c) 18.Meri ulfat mein - Tera Nasha (c) 19.Jo tu na mila - Asim Azhar (c) 20.Kabhii tumhee - Shershaah (c) 21.Aaoge tum kabhi (c) 22.Pachtaoge 23.Raataan lambiyaan - Shershaah (c) 24.Besharam rang - Pathaan (c) 25.Beete lamhe 26.Love mashup (c) 27.Mere Bina - Crook (c) 28.Aaj jaane ki zid & Piya tose (c) 29.Kyun rabba - Badla (c) 30.Kangna - Dr. Zeus(c) 31.Udd gaye - Ritviz (c) 32.Mausam ki - Black (c) 33.Biba - Marshmello x Pritam (c) 34.Pasbaan 35.Bas ek baar x Gud khaake (c) 36.Shaayad - Love Aaj Kal 37.Jiya le gayo ji mora sanwariya (c) 38.Maye ni meriye (c) 39.Apsara aali (c) 40.Pal - Jalebi (c) 41.Kaise hua - Kabir Singh (c) 42.Ve maahi - Kesari (c) 43.Ye baarish ka pani -Half Girlfriend(c) 44.Hamri atariya pe (c) 45.Chhoo lo - The Local Train (c) 46.Bella ciao x ladki bheegi bhaagi si (c) 47.Adhi adhi raat (c) 48.Humraah (c) 49.Haathon ki lakeeron mein (c) 50.Laija re (c) 51.Buhe bariyan (c) 52.30th February (c) 53.Ghar tum hi ho (c) 54.Khatah (c) 55.Gulaabi (c) 56.Ghani baawari (c) 57.Crazy kiya re (c) 58.Dobaara (c) 59.Tarasti nigaahen (c) 60.Naina thag lenge (c) ……………………………………………………………………….
Yt Link:
Jyoti kalash chhalke – Bhabhi ki chudiyan
Dekh chand ki aur – Aag
Kehna hi kya – Bombay
O sajna barkha bahar – Parakh
Ganga ki lahren – Ganga ki lahren
Dil lootne wale jadoogar
Kahin deep jale kahin dil – Bees saal baad
Satyam Shivam Sundaram – Satyam Shivam Sundaram
O o o Mujhe kisi se pyar – Barsaat
Khoya khoya chand – Kala Bazaar
Sagar kinare dil ye pukare – Saagar
Yaad aa rahi hai (I) – Love Story
Chupke chupke raat din – Nikaah
Yad aa rahi hai (II) – Love Story
Chaudhvin ka chand – Chaudhvin ka chand
Abhi na jao chhod kar – Hum dono
Bol re kathputli – Kathputli
Jiya ho jiya kuch bol do
Hum intezar karenge – Bahu Begum
Mere sapnon ki rani – Aradhana
Dekho maine dekha hai – Love Story
Kora kagaz tha – Aradhana
Govinda ala re – Bluffmaster
Babul ki duwayein leti ja – Neelkamal
Geet gaya pattharon ne - Geet gaya pattharon ne
More balpan ke – Tansen
Shaam e gham ki qasam
Thandi hawayein lehra ke gayen – Naujawan
Jiya beqaraar hai – Barsaat
Aye mere humsafar – Qayamat se qayamat tak
Kabhi main kahoon – Lamhe
Ganga maiya mein jab tak – Suhag raat
Yaad kiya dil ne kahan ho tum – Patita
Aaj kal mein dhal gaya – Beti Bete
Aaaja re ab mera dil pukara – Aah
Zindagi ka safar hai ye kaisa safar – Safar
Kabhi khud pe kabhi halat pe
Aa laut ke aaja mere meet – Rani Roopmati
Sapt suran tin gram – tansen
Mera saaya saath hoga – Mera saaya
Chingari jo bhadke – Amar Prem
Chalte chalte yuhi koi mil gaya tha – Pakeezah
Aaja re pardesi – Madhumati
Ek pardesi mera dil le gaya – Phagun
Sohni Chenab de kinare – Sohni Mahiwal
Mere mehboob tujhe meri mohabbat ki kasam – Mere mehboob
Hey neele gagan ke tale – Humraaz
Humne jo dekhe sapne – Parivaar
Bol do meethe bol sohniye – Sohni Mahiwal
Akhiyan milake jiya bharmake – Rattan
Jana Gana Mana – Humrahi (1945)
Gham diye mustaquil – Shahjehan
Oh re taal mile – Anokhi Raat
Sab kuch seekha humne – Anari
Hoton pe sachai rehti hai – Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai
Hum bane tum bane – Ek Duje Ke Liye
Main kya janun kya jadu hai
Yeh kya hua – Amar Prem
Mere sapnon ki rani – Shahjehan
Yeh shaam mastani – Kati Patang
Diya jalao jagmag – Tansen
Aayega aane wala – Mahal
Zinda hoon main is tarah – Aag
Babul mora naiyar chhooto jaye – Street Singer
Mohabbat mein kabhi aisi bhi – Parwana
Bhool gaya sab kuch – Julie
Chand si mehbooba – Himalay ki god mein
Ek bangle bane nyara – President
Man dole mera tan dole – Nagin
Yeh rat bheegi bheegi – Chori chori
Tere husn ki kya tareef karoon – Leader
Hum dono do premi – Ajnabee
Dil mein aag lagaye - Alag Alag
Kaho na aas niras bhayi – Dushmun (1939) (Saigal)
So ja rajkumari – President (1937) (Saigal)
Sajan re jhoot mat bolo – Teesri Kasam
Chal dariya Mein Doob jayen – Prem Kahani
Nadiya se dariya – Namak Haraam
Gapoochi gapoochi gam gam – Trishul
Zindagi pyar ka geet hai – Souten
Kabhi Bekasi ne maara – Alag Alag
Chal ud ja re panchhi – Bhabhi
Aate jaate khoobsurat awara – Anurodh
Main tere pyar mein pagal – Prem Bandhan
Na jaane kya hua – Dard
Zindagi kaisi hai paheli – Anand
Chhod babul ka ghar – Babul
Rumjhum rumjhum chal tihari – Tansen
Prem kahani mein ek ladka hota hai – Prem Kahani
Nainon mein nindiya hai – Joroo Ka Ghulam
Parbat ke peechhe chambela gaon - Mehbooba
Yaar dildaar tujhje – Ajnabee
Main Toh Aarti Utaron re – Jai Santoshi Maa
Jeevna ke safar mein raahi – Munimji
Baghon mein bahar hai – Aradhana
Yeh dil aur unki nigahon ke saaye – Prem Parbat
Shyam teri Bansi Pukare – Geet Gaata Chal
Main pal do pal ka shair hoon – Kabhi Kabhi
Baag laga doon sajani – Tansen
Sawan ke nazare hain – Khazanchi (1941)
Rahe na rahe hum – Mamta
Ajeeb dastan hai yeh – Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai
Chhup gaye saare nazare – Do raaste
Tune o rangeele – Kudrat
Chal ri sajni ab kya soche – Bambai Ka babu
Bikhra ke zulfen chaman mein na jana – Nazrana
Gazab Ka hai Din – Qayamat se Qayamat Tak
Tere mere beech mein – Ek Duuje Ke Liye
Baharon mera Jeevan bhi sanwaro – Aakhri Khat
Jeevan ke safar mein rahi – Munimji
Kabhi na kabhi kahin na kahin – Sharaabi (1964)
Diya Jalakar aap buhjhaya – Badi Didi- (Noorjehan)
Wahan kaun hai tera musafir - Guide
Bulbulo mat ro yahan – Zeenat
Yeh safar – 1942 A Love Story
Jaago mohan pyare – Jaagte raho
Hazaar raahen mud ke dekhi – Thodisii Bewafai
Pardesi baalma badal aya - Rattan
Akele hain chale aao – Raaz
Mehbooba mehbooba – Sholay
Ab chahe maa roothe ya baba – Daag
Aake teri bahon mein -Vansh
Shokhiyon mein ghola jaye – Prem Pujari
Aaj Mere Jeene Ki Tamanna hai – Guide
O basanti pawan pagal – Jis desh mein ganga behti hai
Mere naina sawan bhadon – Mehbooba
So gaya yeh jahan – Tezaab
Dekh hamen awaaz na dena – Amer Deep
“ (2nd version)
Mohabbat Khuda hai – Love And God
Kuchh Na Kaho – 1942 A Love Story
Parde mein rehne do – Shikari
Inhi logon ne – Pakeezah
Jab kiya toh darna kya – Mughal e azam
Gaata rahe mera dil – Guide
Maine tere liye hi saat rang ke sapne chune – Anand
Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko – Yaadon ki baarat
Tum bin jaoon kahan – (Shashi Kapoor / Mohd Rafi)
Chandan sa badan (male voice) – Saraswatichandra
“ (female voice) – Saraswatichandra
Barsaat mein – Barsaat
Zindagi pyar ka geet hai (female version) – Souten
Jai jai Shiv Shankar –Aap Ki Kasam
Dheere dheere machal – Anupama
Jaadugar sainya – Nagin
Chupke se dil de de nahin te – Maryada
Resham ki dori kahan jaiyo nindiya churake – Sajan
Paaon chhhoo lene do phoolon ko – Taj Mahal
Aankhon hi ankhon mein - CID
Tere ghar ke saamne – Tere ghar ke saamne
Hum bekhudi mein – Kala Pani
Ek ladki ko dekha – 1942 A Love Story
Duniya mein logon ko – Apna Desh
Rim jhim rim jhim – 1942 A Love Story
Geet gaata hoon main – Lal Patthar
Aap ke anurodh pe – Anurodh
Tera mera pyar amar – Asli Naqli
Aaja piya tohe pyar doon – Baharon Ke Sapne
Mora gora rang lai le – Bandini
O mere dil ke chain – Mere Jeevan Saathi
Dil todne wale tujhe dil dhoond raha hai – Son of India
Jab dil hi toot gaya – Shahjehan (1946)
O door ke musafir – Uran Khatola
Mera dil ye pukare aaja – Nagin
Aaj Himalaya ki choti se – Kismet
Yeh lal rang – Prem Nagar
Jab andhera hota hai – Raja Rani
Ruk jaa raat thehr ja re Chanda – Dil ek Mandir
Pyaar hua chuke se – 1942 A Love Story
Mere dil mein aaj kya hai – Daag
Chori chori koi aaye – Noorie
Do lafzon ki hai – The Great Gambler
Tum mile dil khile – Criminal
Tumhi mere mandir – Khandaan
Chanchal sheetal nirmal komal – Satyam Shivam Sundaram
Maine dekha hi ki phoolon se ladi - Waqt
Aaj mausam bada beimaan hai – Loafer
Bagad bam bam bam bam baje damru – Kathputli
Mohe panghat pe – Mughal e azam
Dhoondo dhoondo re sajna – Ganga Jumna (Contd)
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ulamafashionblog · 1 year
Brother’s Wedding Dresses Ideas to Rock the Wedding in 2022
We can all agree that "a brother is a natural friend." When we hear the word "Brother," the first thing that comes to mind is the most annoying Human, but we know they will always have our back. Everyone talks about the bride, groom, and bridesmaid dresses, but no one talks about the bride's brother's wedding gown.
When it's your siblings' wedding, it's natural to be excited about what to wear. You recall every detail of your memories. All of the good times you had together as a kid. You had only joked about their wedding when you were younger, but now the big day has arrived.
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We can find so many websites discussing sisters' wedding dresses and so few websites discussing brothers' wedding dresses, right? You need not be concerned; we are always available to assist you. Allow us to do what we do best: make you look fabulous and slay at your brother's or sister's wedding.
To make your job easier, we've divided the outfits into wedding functions. We will be there for you from beginning to end. Let us now proceed to the article, which we assure you will be worth reading.
Brother’s Wedding Dresses for Haldi Function
Haldi function, where yellow is the most dominant and widely worn colour. If you want to stick to the norm, Semi-Formal is the best way to show off your style. This classy and decent look will have you feeling Haldi and ready for the occasion.
Haldi is a ceremony that includes a petal shower in addition to colours. Wearing something floral will also enhance the ceremony. You can wear your Kurta over premium vests with a floral print Nehru jacket. It's airy, sophisticated, and evergreen. You can wear this outfit in any colour contrast between dark and light. Roll your sleeves up or leave them straight.
A floral closed straight neck kurta is also an excellent choice for the ceremony. This outfit will make you appear a little heavy, but it's your sibling's wedding. If you want to be trendy, go for it. You can accessorise it with stylish sunglasses and Mojdi footwear.
Brother’s Wedding Dresses for Sangeet Ceremony
These achkan Indo western gowns with symmetrical hems are ideal for your brother's wedding gown. This will give you a royal appearance. Accessorize with a brooch and a pair of formal shoes or Mojdi. You can wear this dress again to a friend's wedding because it will not go out of style anytime soon.
When it comes to formal attire, a printed or English colour blazer is an excellent choice. This outfit is decent, timeless, and adds to your overall look. Wear this ensemble with a watch and a tie or bow. This looks great with a watch and a classic belt.
Asymmetrical kurtas paired with dhotis are popular. On a starry night of sangeet ceremony, choose something bright that will make you look glamorous. We recommend styling this outfit with minimal accessories because it already gives you a heavy look.
Brother’s Wedding dresses for the Main Event Baarat
As Baarat is the most important function, now is the time to impress people with your appearance. Choose a heavy Chikinkari or self embroidery sherwani that is coordinated with a pant. As an accessory, wear a stylish pocket handkerchief. Choose beige colours for morning ceremonies and dark colours for evening ceremonies.
As we all know, everything looks better in black, and we feel more at ease wearing it, right? A Bandhgala Suit collection is the best option for your brother's and sister's wedding. It is both modern and traditional, and it is extremely simple to pull off. Whether the Baarat is in the morning or at night, you can wear any royal colour.
The kurta with chunni is a little more traditional, but it still gives the ceremony vibe. If the ceremony is intimate and simple, or if the theme calls for it, the Kurta pyjama with chunni will come in handy. Make a statement with your chunni and kurta pyjama or south Indian white lungi. Wear this look with a good watch and sunglasses. We think this outfit is best for a morning spring wedding.
Brother’s Wedding Dresses for Reception
There are very few options that can compete with Formal suits in terms of class, elegance, and royalty. Wear soothing tones to a daytime reception, and dark textured dresses to a nighttime reception. Accessorize with a tie and a pocket handkerchief or flowers. You will undoubtedly slay the wedding.
Want to look simple but smoking hot? Then a three-piece suit with a monotone shirt will give you a striking appearance. Colors such as onion, ice blue, rose pink, and olive are trendy and easy to wear. Accessorize your look with a tie, a chain brooch, and a classic watch.
Tired of traditional reception attire? Then we have a one-of-a-kind collection of turtleneck suits for you. Despite its light wear, it gives you a heavy appearance. Because this is a completely western look, keep your accessories to a minimum. And completes the look with a casual polished slip-on loafer.
There are numerous suit designs available. Visit below to learn more about outfits for the best men and brothers and find the best outfit to achieve the fabulous look.
Being a Groom's or Bride's brother is the epicentre of all excitement and fun. Show off your style with any of these designs to make a statement. We did our best to assist you in selecting the best outfits.
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