#Cishet aa
hikasetas · 2 months
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[image description: an uncolored drawing of nagito komaeda and sans undertale. the image is a redraw of the “hey best friend lets see those molars” image, showing komaeda grabbing sans’ face seductively with a thumb between his teeth. end i.d.]
i’m not tagging this shit. this drawing was for a friend’s birthday everybody say thank you margot
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mechacringekitty · 10 months
shoutout to people who didn't always know actually. shoutout to those that didn't have dysphoria since childhood or know something was different about them or act different or be noticeably queer. i can't be the only one and i love you
i love you <3
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dumbofass-homo · 1 month
Will prolly get some backlash for this buuut I had A Thought and now all of you need to hear it.
If Astarion was ugly, he would have very few fans, if any at all. Yes, reread that.
If he looked gnarly, had some odd looking scars (and not the aesthetically pleasing ones on his back), if his face was disfigured or god forbid, if he was older and had wrinkles and not a young little twink - almost none of you Astarion stans would be having him, let alone the Ascended Astarion. You wouldn't tolerate his behavior, wouldn't pursue his side quest, wouldn't think he's half as charming as you currently do.
From the fanfics, fanart and many posts I've seen - people tend to fetishize him. A lot. Also make excuses for his shitty/snarky/not redeemable traits, and I'll bet my coin purse it's because he fits the sexy vampire trope.
None of his ascended behavior would fly with you if he wasn't attractive. I imagine the people saying he "tickled the right kink" would go awfully quiet. There would be mods to make him hot. There wouldn't be half as much fanart of him. People would shit on him and his personality and probably not many would want to put up with his insecurities and grey morals.
And it makes me sad that he reiterates this point during the game. That his body is the only likeable trait he has and that's why people stick around.
I think it's time we embrace the fact that he is, in fact, a little morally grey gremlin who likes to do things that benefit him. He isn't selfless, kind for no reason or overtly affectionate. Canonically, he used to be a politician.
I do want to make it clear that this is still fiction, and by all means have your fill of the Sexy Vampire Man, but I would invite everyone who does to think a little about why they like him. For myself, I know that in reality and not in fiction, I would probably hit him in the balls over some of the things he does and approves of. His dramatics would go on my nerves and I wouldn't want him around me.
In fiction though? I love his attitude and it goes well with most of my (coincidentally also morally grey) Tavs. I love being his 'dagger-happy friend'. I love it when he hates being anyone's hero and would rather drink shitty wine and pretend he's busy than talk to anyone. I love it when you tell him you wanna be friends and he's over the moon to just have someone there. I love it when he admits him and durge would have been friends in another life.
That was a huge tangent but alas what I was trying to say is - he is an interesting character and there is so, so much more to him than his looks, which is what he was trying to say through all three acts. But somehow, that message got lost along the way to the real world.
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rosecorcoranwrites · 1 month
Just saw someone posting a pic from Shadow House were Patrick gives Emilico a bouquet of roses and tagged it "lesbian Patrick". This is the same comic where Ricky is embarrassed about his crush on on a girl (living dolls aren't supposed to have any feelings), and a fan took this as evidence of him being a trans girl. The same comic where multiple people head canon Patrick--who is the first character to internally admit his love for a girl, and then gets embroiled with another girl (it's complicated ;-;), and whose soot power literally manifests as hearts shooting out of him --and multiple people headcanon this guy as aromantic.
You know, maybe we DO need a straight awareness day?
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monadolaguz · 8 months
solidarity between butches who are mistaken for men, and trans men who are mistaken for bufches
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soencersocks · 1 year
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I’ve thought about this for 2 weeks and only made it this morning.
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
i'm feeling a bit mean rn so i'm gonna say something that will make (some) people have a small fit:
i hate the "mvk is homo/transphobic and mistreated miles/franziska for that reason" headcanon. it's stupid, imo. (more under the cut)
bro is like the poster child for old queer bitch! that old bastard is so! incredibly! queer!
if part of miles's queer-coding comes from his appearance/clothing, why can't the same thing apply to manfred? especially considering he is (sort of) the one who influenced that style in the first place? be fr.
and he + gant definitely explored each other’s bodies back on the 70s, so... 🤔 (/hj)
plus, idk. obviously he mistreated them, but why must it be attached to bigotry, rather than because he's just a terrible person? he can be "flat" and/or "unrealistic" in that way, y'all. it's okay. he's still shitty and awful; no one's denying that. i get that he's an old man who's backwards and evil and shit but can he be those things without automatically being a fucking bigot? damn.
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chaos-coming · 1 year
I hate austria so much holy fucking fuck. Im not even back yet just on the damn plane and im already so done (grossed out). The people are so disgusting actually and its like theyre personally offended by basic public hygeine and normal behavior around others. The guy next to me is being so gross about his... mucus... that im literally wearing an ffp2 mask rn. Thank fuck i had one handy.
AND hes fucking manspreading im pusbing his elbow out of my seat space i hate thes epeople so so so so so much im screaming internally!!!!!
Im so grossed out sitting next to him his hands are constanty in his mouth except when hes coughing uncovered directly onto me this is gonna be an extremely long 2 hour flight. Cassic suit wearing austrian boomer (probabky also a nazi sympathizer fiven the profile) he even has a wedding band but im just incredulous anyone would marry this disgustinf man.
And they really think theyre clean but like everything else these peoole have its completely unjustified empty arrogance. Their streets are filthy, their air is gross and polluted with fumes and cigarette smoke and poor ventilation, they dont believe in food safety, or taking off their shoes indoors, and NOBODY covers their mouth when they cough or sneeze, theyre so ableist its outright eugenicism, and theyre just gross as fuck.
Holy crap i hate this country so much its unreal im moving in 2 weeks and never looking back. Scandinavia is everything this backwater shithole thinks it is but doesnt actually have.
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queermania · 11 months
Youve said in the past you don't think Dean would do well with AA. Could you expand on what you mean by that?
well. the first problem with AA is that it has an all or nothing approach. either you're fully sober or you've gone off the deep end. and that's not realistic or helpful for everybody. i don't think dean needs full sobriety to be okay. what he needs is to not fall back on alcohol as a coping mechanism when he's deep in the pits of despair. the AA program doesn't allow for that kind of nuance.
equally important is the fact that AA is geared towards a very specific type of person: a cishet, white, man who isn't living in the world of a fantasy genre show. have you ever looked at the twelve steps? i'm assuming the average person hasn't, or if they have, their eyes just sort of glaze over when reading them because they're vague and repetitive and sound like nonsense. but what they essentially boil down to is this:
accepting a higher power (aka god) and handing over control to them
admitting every awful thing you believe about yourself and accepting that those things are the truth
admitting that you are the architect of all of your problems
admitting that you are the one who has done harm to the world and those around you (and no harm done to you is an excuse for anything ever)
making yourself as vulnerable as possible
this sounds like a cheat sheet for exacerbating every problem dean winchester has. this is a person who has been fighting for control his entire life, who already hates himself and thinks he's to blame for things that he couldn't possibly be responsible for, etc.
these steps make my skin crawl and i've never been singled out by god or his army. there's just no way dean winchester sits through a single meeting and comes out better for it.
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slasheru · 6 months
Slasher U 1-Year State of the Union / Unholy Census!
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Holy fucking shit we're coming along towards the 1-year anniversary of the release of the Slasher U Act 1 alpha!! We've come SO FUCKING FAR. Sawyer wasn't even a romanceable option back in the day! As of April 27th, it'll be Slasher U's first ever anniversary!
Mostly, I am SO FUCKING GRATEFUL that you all came along on the adventure to make my weird horny dating RPG a smash fucking hit!! Taking narrative seriously in dating/adult games was kind of my entire M.O (is?? mods??) and I am SO GRATEFUL Y'ALL UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO HERE lmao
As of 11:21 AM EST on 3/23/24, Slasher U: Act 1 has sold 6,100 copies across Steam & itch.io (Not including the copies sold as part of Games for Gaza that weren't redeemed/downloaded, so this only counts people who actually downloaded or bought the game!). This is obviously BEYOND MY WILDEST FUCKING DREAMS AND I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH HOLY SHIT. I didn't even realize it until I added it all together. (On top of this, we sold several fucking tens of thousands of games for Games for Gaza!! Hell yeah!)
For my fellow solo devs out there, this comes to Slasher U making a total of about $6,000 + $2,000 net USD through sales (the former) and crowdfunding (the latter, for Slasher U: Act 2) over the last 11ish months!! The game started off being free for the first 6ish months, then went to $6.69 for the Beta (with dong! whoa!!), and now at its full size, stands at a good ol' $14.99 for 15 hours of primo datin' sim!
This is objectively the most money I've ever made off of anything I've developed in my entire life, and paid my whole ass rent for the entire year, so THANK YOU HOLY SHIT. According to Steam, most indie games barely break $1k in total, so I am AGOG. FUCKING AGOG. THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY GAME AND LETTING ME MAKE MORE VIA NOT DYING FROM CAPITALISM
The average review score, across 89 reviews on itch.io, remains 4.9 out of 5 stars, and we're rocking a 93% Positive on Steam!!
The best part of Slasher U is, as I always say, THE STUDENT DISEMBODY!! Slasher U will always be a place where everything is gay and trans as fuck (although I'm also proud of writing my cishet storylines too :V /lh)! I knew y'all were gay (hello fellow gays) but I did not realize the QUEER FUCKING FORCE THE STUDENT DISEMBODY IS
Here's the demographics of Slasher U players as taken from Tumblr polls (that's a skewed sample size of about 280, so grain of salt here for the homo website for queers):
92.6% of you ID as queer (see below for the breakdown!) | 7.4% of you ID as straight
This fictional horror movie campus is: 48.5% bi/pan, 16.2% gay/mlm, 10.3% lesbian/wlw, 10.3% ace (oo tie!), 7.4% queer but not defined as above, and 7.4% straight!
61.9% of you ID as trans/not cis | 23.8% of you ID as cis | 14.3% of you ID as neither trans nor cis
46.8% of you are between 22-26 | 32.3% of you are between 18-21 | 16.1% of you are between 27-32 | 4.8% of you are between 32-45 | 0% of you are older than 45 (sample size I am guessing lol)
For 14.6% of you, Slasher U was the very first dating sim you've ever played (!). For 3.8% of you, Slasher U was the first indie game you've ever played (holy fucking shit!!! this is an actual absolute honor)
76.7% of you instinctively Road Runner away from Melyssa at the fountain in Act 1 | 23.3% let the Melyssa tsunami arrive at you
You should totally do it.
No, okay, but for real, I started working in games professionally in 2009 (yeah yeah i'm old. i am 32 and i am dying and they're coming for me in the corpse wagon etc) and I burned out in 2016 and came back two years ago with THIS THING and I can tell you RIGHT FUCKIN' NOW that, if you have ever wanted to make a game and the big guys aren't gonna do it, grab yourself and/or some friends and fuckin' make a video game. I have worked for a bunch of AA and mobile companies and I can tell you right the fuck now that this is the most fulfilling experience I have ever had writing a video game. I taught myself programming logic to make this thing! And sound design! I fucking learned to animate sprite sheets!! YOU CAN ALSO DO IT given the time and energy (pace yourself don't die)! And there won't be any execs around to tell you your weird niche game won't sell!! BECAUSE IT FUCKING WILL
Anyway, my entire career as a game designer, nobody let me write shit for them. You don't need permission to make stuff or write stuff. If you write it, they will fuckin' come, Field of Dreams style (also don't forget to tell everyone you made stuff and share it around. super key here. lmao). Turns out writing is all about sharing yourself with people, and who knows, you might just find that a fuckton of people ACTUALLY relate to you. (And that you're a pretty good writer. Which you knew. Yes, you. I am mixing metaphors and pointing to myself AND you now.)
Professor Plutonium
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merriclo · 2 months
i should tell you about the cishet aa server NDJSNSKS. the cishet aa server is a server run by this 1 mutual circle or whatever (i used to be mutuals with them but um. not anymore) and iirc the premise was that they had this joke au where everyone in ace attorney was cishet and they decided to run a server around it. i wasn't in there for long but Wow it was a uh. place. /neg. owner of the server was 18 and most of the other mods were 17 or 18 and they had a whole channel dedicated to mocking this 15 year old fanartist???? who they made the most ableist jokes about??? their anatomy (spinal specifically) tended to be odd so they'd constantly make scoliosis jokes????? there was a huge falling out and controversy in the friendgroup after the 18 year old blog runner harassed a 15 year old which turned into 2 members of the server who lived in the same country mutually cyberstalking one another and finding info like home and school addresses etc.
this wasn't the only unsavory behavior directed towards minors in the server i personally got some Weird behavior as well but WOW it was. Weird! really Weird!
∑(;°Д°) HELP AHAKSKLSLW WHAT THE FUCK where. do i even begin to react
leave the kid alone holy shit (T⌓T) that’s actually so weird to be kinda grown and still bully the hell out of a 15 year old. i know the age gap isn’t that big but the maturity difference is so insane.. like guys grow up and leave them alone??????? they’re a young artist????????? also mona lore i have scoliosis and hate most of those scoliosis jokes because it’s so hard to make people take it seriously bc it sounds so unserious. like how do i say “guys :( my bad posture.. it’s serious stop being silly” without sounding like a whiney little bitch. stop it guysss my back hurts :(((
ALSO THE MUTUAL CYBERSTALKING is that a common thing because i’ve seen that happen too in several servers. some people just get weird i swear
anyways. discord is a hellhole and cishet ace attorney au will haunt me in my nightmares
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folkdances · 6 months
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The amount of puritanical narratives coming out of discourse is really frightening from a "what will fandoms look like in the future" sort of way. Since when is fandom about gatekeeping, bullying, and not leaving a space that involves a conversation you don't agree with? Where are we headed if people can't enjoy certain content without others making them feel guilty for it?
It worries me that people spend so much time hating what others enjoy and psychoanalysing situations/others for a *video game*. I've been around fandom for decades and never seen it so bad.. there is so much queerphobic, cishet, patriarchal nonsense coming out of this too, I really don't understand?
Fandom has always had its separate corners where people go to discuss rarepairs / unpopular opinions to find others who cared similarly, but I can't read anything around most BG3 tags without people shitting on each other or because their opinions don't perfectly align with their own. It gets depressing af being on popular fan artists pages seeing it too, when did this get normalised?
There is so much being misinterpreted about the game in general too.. a game that is literally about the narrative you've personally curated and what you've created to the story you wanted.. which means it will never match what someone else has taken from it.. 'are we playing the same game' arguments baffle me because no matter what, we all have our own narratives, and things might be canon and some things are hc, but let people enjoy what they want and what they've taken from a situation/story?
Also.. of the people who sit and say AA behaviours are abusive (which again, is narrative based - even endgame reunion content is literally what you choose about the conversation) - if it is consensual to the situation, if the player has decided it's done the route of it being like a d&d vampire bride (canon or not, open to interpretation), if the Tav/Durge agrees to the situation and that's how the player has decided it - leave them alone? It's none of your business? I feel like every conversation is one foot away from being kink-shaming and I'm seriously confused. I would've never sit shitting on a character I didn't like for months on end, and I don't enjoy AA to begin with - but I wouldn't be out trying to piss on AA stans either.
Are we headed towards a culture of content and media that's strictly about morally good decisions and expecting content to only have morally positive circumstances and tell us that life is meant to reflect that to a T? I'd be bored af with games / movies / etc if that's where we're headed cause jfc, what's the point? For me it's about escapism and seeing how even morally grey situations/decisions have merit and sometimes that means siding with some dark shit because it's just interesting to see the dynamic, not because I'm going to walk outside and do the same shit - if I have to sit and play games that are only about puritanical narratives I'm going to throw up.
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musashi · 1 month
are cishets allowed to join the aa discord
yeah man! you can be our token haha
everyone's welcome as long as you're cool!
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tenmyoujump · 2 months
cishet aa was an experience i think could only have happened to rabid teenagers who all fed into each other’s energy to create an abomination of a server
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byooregard · 5 months
would love to hear your thoughts on these characters:
hobie brown
miles (both aa and spiderverse i adore them both)
also do you have a list of the fandoms you're into? would love to send more for others we have in common
cracks my knuckles ok let's go.
tbh I don't have big thoughts on AA characters because they're too removed from the real world for me to impose real world context on them like I couldn't tell you if homophobia exists in japanifornia. some sort of Schrodinger's societal expectations exist there. you can be discriminated against for being a lawyer
anyways miles Edgeworth is gay it's the least interesting thing about him. you'd think he'd have a lot of issues about it but I think he's chill and normal. he's got a little pride flag in a cup on his desk
miles morales is like... as bi as any guy living in the world is? like he's got the potential but he's also not there yet. if he spends enough time in the spider verse with hobie and friends he'll definetly figure it out but atm he's like well all guys have seen a guy and thought they were hot right
hobie brown is too cool to have labels but he's got the gender the sexuality the whole acronym
uhh phoenix was told he was gay long before he figured it out because he's an art kid who cries a lot
I have no thoughts on Maya. she's not cishet
Apollo is gay and trans and very comfortable in it he does to gay bars he's very well adjusted
klavier... I don't have thoughts about klavier. he's a rock star
oh also fandoms. off the top of my head I'm into x men right now then there's doctor who the grishaverse all aa games cept investigations and soj persona five persona 2 innocent sin bat family uhhh there's surely other things that are on here if you look thru my most tagged I can't think
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