#Clara is sitting in bed (in a NIGHTGOWN so he is thinking of going back into the lake and just asking the merpeople to drown him)
warty-hog-legacy · 1 year
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of Clara’s clothing. Will do school uniforms eventually
headcanon under the cut
Also, after the whole fighting-Ranrok thing (gotta happen in March, right? still snowy out), Clara is wounded via knife slash to her ankle, also twisted same ankle, got walloped by a troll, scratched up her legs something awful sliding on rocks, and then watched her favorite professor die. She’s in hysterics when Sharp and Prof. Onai are trying to corral her up to the hospital wing. She keeps trying to escape and go find the entrance to the mined tunnel.
Pls keep in mind, she’s 15, been awake for like 36 hours straight, and just lost someone important to her (again, so like, old memories of her sister dying are resurfacing). Obviously, she is a pillar of calm and collected sanity.
Additional Information: When the tremors with the Ancient Magic started, the Profs who did not go to help fight were herding students into the Great Hall, like when Sirius scratched up the Pink Lady’s portrait. So a not insignificant number the student body heard Clara’s screeches, snuck to the door and saw the floating cot with a body under a sheet, the haunted looks on the professors as they return.
Rumors circulate. As they do.
So two mornings later, when Sebastian has worked up the nerve to actually talk to Clara (he heard her parents were summoned in the middle of the night, also heard she lost her mind, that a dragon lived under the castle, castle was almost blown up, etc... who knows what’s true). So. He’s going to talk to her. Which he’s talked to loads of girls, and talked to Clara loads of times. Except that she’s refused to talk to him since the Uncle Solomon incident, and that’s why he’s nervous and trying to talk himself into seeing her.
Instead he Lurks (defintely lurking) outside the hospital wing, unsure if he wants to talk to her or not. He sticks his head into the door, half hoping she’s still sleeping and half-hoping she’ll see him and all that awkward guilt will vanish.
Sebastian is treated to a view of privacy curtains halfway down the wing. And through a little gap, he gets a glimpse of her lacing up her corset. Just for like, 1 total second.
5 minutes later, a bunch of second-years watch him sprint out of the castle and dive headfirst into the lake.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#clara white#sebastian sallow#he does end up going back up to the hospital wing before dinner#Clara is sitting in bed (in a NIGHTGOWN so he is thinking of going back into the lake and just asking the merpeople to drown him)#She is absolutely devouring a new book (sherlock holmes)#She's also all bruised up and her hair is in a braid instead of its usual twisty thing#Anyway so he loses any ounce of planning what he was going to say and simply goes 'Hello'#His brain = not working too many emotions that he doesnt want to think about like guilt and anxiety and#and something thats making his hands feel sweaty#Finally he sits in the chair next to her bed and asks if she's alright#corrects himself and says of course not shes in the hospital wing#says he wasnt sure if she'd want to see him#oh and he heard about Fig and is sorry about that#Sebastian realizes he's doing all the talking and shuts up#Clara is holding onto her book (her beloved whatever book she is currently reading is her beloved)#like her book is going to steady her#her voice is rough from screaming and whatnot but she thanks him for visiting#And then her parents enter the room and Sebastian wishes the chair would morph into a coffin so he could die then and there#But Clara finds her parents doting on him to be amusing enough to smile through her grief so he tolerates Lady White fussing over his robes#This time when he leaves the hospital wing he goes straight to the baths and puts it on ice cold#b/c he cant get Clara and her messy braided hair and the corset glimpse ouf of his mind but she's a FRIEND
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spencesglasses · 3 years
sweet creature (spencer reid x f! reader) pt 5
a/n: to anyone still reading after 2 months of silence... here’s a new chapter. as always, ignore any errors and feedback is always appreciated. enjoy <3
part one | part four
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The sun brought its wrath on Y/N’s skin as she lies on the red and white quilt blanket beneath her. She extends her hand to the edge, twisting the grass in between her fingers. Letting her hand linger to the patch of Zinnia flowers. She sits up on her forearms and crosses a leg over the other. Reds, pinks, and yellows bloom in the field, and Y/N stared in awe. A noise from her right causes her to jolt up from her spot, clenching her fists tightly. The wind coos in her ear, leaving the hair at the nape of her neck stand. She slowly brought her legs to her chest, resting her chin on her knee, and tries to calm her breath. It’s fine, she’ll be here any minute now, Y/N thought. She released her hold on her legs and let out an exasperated sigh, shifting to the lonely picnic basket that sat at the base of the blanket. She flipped the basket open and let her hand search until she felt the smooth cover of a book. Y/N smiled to herself, bringing it into her lap. She opens the book to find a stray note taped to the back of the cover. Meet me in a field of wildflowers where the sun falls in love with the earth and the moon falls in love with the stars, it read. Her fingers gently trace over the letters as she admired the note, trailing down to the signed “E”.
Y/N closed the book, tossing it to her side, and she felt the corners of her mouth rise when she saw the familiar strands of raven hair. “Hey, you.” Y/N said, holding out her hand for the girl to hold. “You finally made it.”
“Hey,” a voice takes her away from the memory. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looked up from the book that was splayed across her lap to meet the owner of the voice and locked eyes with Spencer from across the round table. She nodded softly, the tip of her finger ghosts over the letters of the cover. What was so special about this book? She turned over the cover just as she did years ago, to find the same mysterious note. Her eyes linger on the inscribed “E”, and she huffs in frustration. “Why can’t I remember you?” she mumbled.
“What was that?” JJ asked from beside her.
Y/N closed the book, setting it next to the case file in front of her. She moved her attention to JJ and shook her head. “Nothing.”
JJ and Spencer met eyes, then both looked at the book quizzically. JJ shrugged her shoulders when Spencer tilted his head in wonder. He glanced at Y/N, who was attentively listening to Garcia as she promptly showcased yet another case to solve.
“Last night, this girl, Gina Bryant, flagged down a police car in St. Louis,” Garcia said. “She was wearing nothing but a dirty nightgown, and she was barefoot. And she told them she was kidnapped when she was 8.”
“That girl’s gotta be 19 or 20 years old.” Morgan said.
“18,” Garcia corrected. “And they confirmed her identity. She was a foster kid who disappeared 10 years ago.”
Y/N shuffled through the photos the file contained. “She’s been in captivity this whole time?” she asked, looking up to Garcia, who was nodding her head.
“Long-term hostage. That’s rare. We got another Ariel Castro here?” said Rossi.
“Funny you say that. Not funny ha ha. Funny weird. She told the police that she was held captive with this girl,” she explained. “Sheila Woods, 15 years old, who disappeared from Nashville 7 years ago. Also, she said there was another girl, too, but all she knows about her is that her name is Violet and she was older.”
Y/N brought her eyes to the board of the missing girls from Garcia and bit the inside of her cheek. “You’ve checked the missing children’s database, correct?”
“Affirmative. There’s no Violet anywhere.”
“Did Gina say anything about her captor?” Spencer questioned.
“Just that his name was Tom, and he was an older white dude.”
JJ spoke up. “And where were they being held?”
“This house,” Garcia brought up a photo of the home to the screen. “Gina took the cops there. They brought Sheila to the hospital, very ill with something yet to be determined. Violet nowhere to be found.”
“It’s probably safe to assume that she’s with the unsub.” Hotch said.
Y/N nodded in agreement. “Who owns the house?”
“Oh! That’s where it gets even weirder. This woman, Clara Riggins,” she displayed a photo of the woman. “She’s MIA, but her checking account is active. She pays her bills on time, and if my math is correct, she’s 108 years old.”
“I might be going out on a limb here, but I’m gonna bet she had nothing to do with the kidnapping.”
“The real question is, where’s the unsub and this other girl Violet?” Morgan says.
“That’s what we’re going to find out. Lewis is on a research assignment. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch finalized . He gathered his file and promptly made his way out of the room, leaving the team to follow his lead.
Y/N stood from her seat, gathering her own file and the book that sat by its side. Her feet swiftly brought her to her desk in the bullpen and she opened one of the many draws in search of her go bag. Double checking if she had everything prepared for the trip, she carefully tucked her book between a few belongings, but noticed something peculiar peeking out of it. Y/N furrowed her brows. Never did she notice this. She had found the book a few days ago while searching through her closet for an extra jacket for Garcia. Instead, she found a box labeled with an unfamiliar date. In it, she found the book. It seemed familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. Y/N didn’t think much about it until she’s noticed the the note. The signed note. Why couldn’t she remember anything? And why can’t she remember who “E” is?
She groaned, slipping the item that was nestled between the pages into her fingers. And to her surprise, it was a photo. A photo of her and… the photo was torn in half. Someone else was in the photo, but who? Perhaps it was this “E” person. Though her memory was hazy, she could recall very little of the note and the book itself. She remembered this girl. That must be E, she thought. But who exactly is she, and why can’t I remember her face?
Y/N’s thoughts were cut short when she felt a hand grasp at her waist. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly spins on her heel to face the person behind her.
“Woah, there!” JJ exclaimed, placing her other hand to Y/N’s waist to steady her. “You alright?”
Y/N visibly relaxed, letting out an exhale. “All good,” She placed her hand atop JJ’s and offered her a small smile. “Just surprised me, that's all.”
JJ quirked up a brow, and her eyes trailed over Y/N’s features. “I’ve been calling out to you… you didn’t hear me?”
Y/N inwardly frowned. “Guess not,”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” JJ brought her hand up to Y/N’s face, cupping her jaw.
Y/N covered JJ’s hand with hers once again. This is what made her feel more at home when joining the team. Before she had joined, she had known about the team. Spencer would mention them every now and then when he would stop by to visit her at the shop. He would tell her various stories about the cases they’ve solved, about the people they’ve, along with stories about each member of the team. And she admired them. They were like a little family and at first, Y/N was scared to intrude. She pat JJ’s hand, giving her a tight-lipped smile. “I’m fine, Jayge,” she took JJ’s hands in her own. “Now, we have people to save, don’t we?”
Y/N released her hold on her hand, grabbing hold of her bag. She looked over the bullpen and noticed Spencer awkwardly standing over his desk with his go bag halfway off his shoulder, and a smile formed. She took a step forward, turning to JJ, and offered her arm for her to take. “Join me.” Y/N said.
JJ linked her arm with hers, letting Y/N lead the way to Spencer’s desk, and his head perked up when he saw her. “Y/N…”
“Hey, you,” she held out her arm just as she did to JJ. “You ready to go?”
To Y/N’s surprise, Spencer grasped her hand in his instead. She glanced over to JJ, and she looked as shocked as she was as her eyes went back and forth between the pair and their locked hands. Y/N’s heart sped up a bit when she felt Spencer squeeze at her hand. She had grown used to the feeling of his hand in hers. Every once in a while, they would grab hold of each other's hands if something in a case hit too close to home. It was a comfort for them, though it was something that went unspoken. But each time, she would feel her heart speed up ever so slightly. She shook her head and gave Spencer’s hand a light squeeze back.
Morgan, Rossi, and Y/N walked in silence as they surveyed the basement of the home. Y/N’s eyes wander over the room, noticing various arts and crafts that littered the murky walls and blankets and stuffed animals that sat on the abandoned mattresses. She took a step closer to one mattresses when she saw a deep red peeking out from underneath a blanket. Nudging Rossi with her shoulder, she gestured down to the atrocity. He lifted the blanket with his gloved hand, uncovering a large patch of dried blood. The two glanced up at each other and shook their heads, continuing on after Morgan.
They parted ways to investigate different areas of the house, and Y/N found herself in a bedroom. It was tidy, the bed perfectly made, and not a speck of dust in sight. She opened the draws of the dresser, noting the clothes that were neatly folded. Y/N heard footsteps enter the room, and she looked over her shoulder to see Morgan opening the doors of the closet. Just as she had expected. The closet was just as neat and orderly as the rest of the room.
“Look what I found in the kitchen,” Rossi’s voice broke the silence as stepped into the room. He sat the box he held on the bed and Morgan stood beside him.
“Bondage and torture porn.” he reported.
“Also found another tool box in there, that makes three.”
“Well, you saw that guy's woodwork. He’s obviously good with his hands.”
“He must be a carpenter. Maybe a handyman of some sort, but,” Y/N said, keeping her eyes fixed on the closet. “Look at this.”
She beckoned the two to peer inside the closet. “He must have OCD. The closet, the clothes, even the bed… perfectly organized.”
“He wants total control over every aspect of his life.” Rossi stated.
“Makes sense for a sadist.”
“He’s not gonna like it on the run,” Morgan said. “He’s gonna feel powerless.’
Rossi spoke. “And that’s why he took Violet with him. Sheila Woods was probably too sick to travel.”
“You know, Violet was the oldest and helped with the abductions. She was probably his first victim.”
“Perhaps. Or maybe his daughter?”
“Well, either way, she was important to him.”
“You know. I also wonder, what happened to Clara Riggins?” Rossi asked, rounding the bed.
Morgan answered. “The bedroom down the hall is untouched. Looks like it’s been that way for a while.”
Y/N walked around the bed, to the door frame, and peeked her head to briefly view the rest of the house. “He looked after the house. It’s well cared for. Maybe that’s how he found this place,” she turned on her heel to face the two men. “Elderly woman, no family. She must’ve hired someone to fix things now and then. She thought he was a nice guy, does good work, and they build a relationship,”
“You think he took advantage of Clara Riggins?”
“That’s what it seems like. Though he doesn’t profile as a killer, I think he made a spot in her life and waited until she died.”
“And he made sure that she came to depend on him for survival. Just like his victims.”
The three of them hurried to the location the unsub’s vehicle was spotted. Y/N sat in the back seat of the van, fastening the FBI vest over her torso. Morgan and Rossi occupied the driver’s and the passenger’s seat. Police cars trailed behind them as they came to a stop and they hurriedly made their way out of the car. Y/N pulled her gun from her holster that sat at her hip and stealthy surveyed the blue van as Morgan ventured to the driver’s side. “Michael Clark Thompson, FBI!” Morgan’s voice booms when he approaches the man. “Show me your hands! Show me your hands! Now very slowly use your right hand to open the driver’s side door. Slowly.”
Y/N and Rossi stayed outside the back of the van with their guns pointed forward. A small voice of a woman was heard, and Y/N gestured for the surrounding officers to be prepared to open the car doors. “Get out the van nice and slow. Keep your hands where I can see them.” Morgan ordered.
She heard Morgan groan in frustration, along with a figure whizzing past him. “Ah, you gotta be kidding me. This guy!” he quickly took off after him and with that, Y/N signaled the police officers to open the back of the van.
She stepped quickly, looking over the inside of the van, and locked eyes with a girl. With her knees to her chest, she scurried backward in fright, heaving with each breath. Y/N returned her gun to her holster and extended her arm towards her. “It’s okay, It’s alright,” she cooed. “We got you.”
“Nothing to hide, my ass. He’s full of it.” Rossi scoffed as Hotch informed the team about Thompson’s defence claims. The team occupied the sitting space of the hospital the girls were admitted to, along with Thompson, who was kept contained in a spare room. According to Hotch, Thompson “saved” the girls from their parents and claimed that he had nothing to hide when it came to Clara Higgins. The entire ordeal made Y/N’s blood boil. The man was a pig, and he deserved to rot for his crimes.
“The preliminary M.E. report does suggest that Clara Riggins died of natural causes.” Spencer said.
“I think he’s telling the truth about that. He didn’t kill her.”
Y/N moved from her spot next to JJ and settled on the empty seat next to Spencer. She snuck a glance his way, noticing the wrinkle in between his brows from them being furrowed. She thought it was cute, not that she would ever tell him that, of course. Y/N scrunched her nose and nudged him, signaling for him to pass her to M.E. reports.
“I’m sorry, guys. I can’t stop thinking about Violet,” says JJ. “She could not wait to get out of here. Like, it was urgent. It’s all she could talk about.”
“Well, she’d been held captive most of her life. All this has to be a tremendous shock.” Rossi said.
“No question about that, but that wasn’t it. It’s like she had somewhere specific in mind and she needed Thompson to go with her.”
“Well, he’s conditioned her to depend on him for everything.” Hotch said curtly.
“Exactly. You condition someone by doing something over and over again. Now, we know he repeatedly abused them. I don’t think she was itching to get out of here to go do that.”
Y/N flipped over the documents absentmindedly and tossed her leg over the other. “Perhaps he did something to reward her somehow,” she starts. “What if she has a child? Where else would she want to go so badly…”
JJ gave her a nod of agreement. “Sheila Woods did have a miscarriage. Maybe Violet brought one to term.”
“We did profile that he might be trying to fill some kind of void since he didn’t have a family.” said Spencer.
“Yeah, but Gina Bryant never mentioned any baby.” Rossi pointed out.”
“Violet could have had the baby before Gina was abducted. Gina wouldn’t even know about it.”
“Well, if we’re right about any of this, that means there’s another kid somewhere out there.”
Y/N walked behind Rossi and Hotch as they led Thompson to the room Violet occupied. Passing through the halls of the building, seeing the parents of these girls, made her heart break for them. For Violet’s parents, most of all. They’ve spent so many years mourning the loss, just for this sick man to step in and claim their girl as his own. Y/N clenched her jaw tightly, picking up her steps to meet their destination.
“Daddy,” Violet says with a smile.
“Hi, Vi.” Thompson replied.
The interaction made Y/N’s stomach churn, and she let out a deep exhale. “Have a seat,” she spat.
“No, I want to be close to her.”
“Not part of the deal,”
The man turned to her with a deep frown on his face. “Then give us some privacy.”
“No,” she deadpanned. “Sit.”
Hotch pulled out a chair behind Thompson and he reluctantly claimed his spot. Violet’s eyes darted between the agents and the man, gasping when she noticed his arm sling. “You’re hurt…”
“Don’t worry about that. It’s nothing.”
Violet fiddled with her fingers, trying to settle her breaths. “I’m really sorry?”
“About what?” he asked.
“My sisters,” she answered, afraid to meet his eyes. “I had to tell them. Please don’t be mad. I had to…”
“Now, listen, it’s alright, Vi. Okay? It really is okay.” he said sincerely.
“Did you get the groceries yet?” she asked him.
The question made the agent’s ears perk up.
“No, honey,” Thompson says. “I’ve been here the whole time just like you.”
“But can we go now?” she urged.
“I have some bad news,” he lamented. “We- We can’t go there ever again.”
“What? We have to go today! It’s by the disappearing place, we can be fast.”
“You’re right, Violet, but I can’t. These police,” he said, nodding towards the agents. “They don’t think we should be together. They’re going to break apart our family, just like I told you they would. I just wanted to come and say goodbye before they took me away.”
“No! Wait. When will you be back?!”
“Not for a very long time. I would give you a hug goodbye, but they won’t let me.”
“No! I- Please…” she pleaded, inching closer to the edge of the bed. “Please, can I just hug him?”
Y/N shared a look with Hotch, and he gave her a curt nod. She arched a brow at him, brining her attention back to the pair. “Okay.” she said.
She grimaced and looked away as the two embraced. Y/N felt bad for this girl. All the awful things she had to endure… at the hands of someone who claimed to care for her? This poor girl was so stuck in their ways.
“Oh, Violet, I’m gonna miss you,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m gonna miss you.”
He placed a kiss to her cheek as he pulled away, his hand cupping her face in affection. “My beautiful Violet.”
Y/N’s attention shifted back to them when she heard Violet’s footsteps. She was backing away from him… she must have remembered something. Rossi gestured for JJ to bring in the girl’s parents from outside of the room.
“What is- What is this? Who are these people?!” Thompson demanded when he saw the couple.
“These are her parents,” Y/N said sternly.
“And that gentleman right there is her real daddy.” Rossi continued.
“Huh? She knows who her real daddy is. Daddy is the only one who loves you. Isn’t that right, Violet?”
The girl sat there in a silent war with herself. Her eyes flicker between the couple and Thompson for a moment, her face scrunching up in displeasure. “No… my name… is... Amelia.”
“Amelia…” she repeated. “Amelia. Amelia!” The man’s face paled, and he stiffened in posture before she charged at him. Her fists hit his chest in a fit of rage, and the man was trapped between Amelia and the wall. The agents made haste. Hotch and Rossi were on either side of Thompson, and JJ and Y/N wrapped their arms around Amelia’s waist in efforts to pull her back.
“Get off of me!” he shouted.
But regardless of the agent's restraints, Amelia was feverish in her movements. Y/N couldn’t blame her. He was going to get exactly what he deserved. “My name is Amelia!”
Her and JJ were able to pry her off of him and Hotch and Rossi escorted him out of the room. “There is no deal! You hear me?! There’s no deal!”
Y/N wrapped her arm around Amelia’s shoulders and rubbed languid circles as she tried to steady her breath. “You’re okay… you’re okay,” she soothed.
The case came to a close, and the four girls were saved. All was well, with the exception of the situation with Thompson. He was brought to his demise when the mother of Sheila Woods shot him. Y/N thought he deserved it. If she were to be honest, she probably would have done the same if she were in her shoes.
Now, Y/n found herself snuggled on the couch of the jet with the same book from earlier that day in her lap. Though the case took her mind off the note, the lack of familiarity was making her frustrated. Not to mention the memory… her mind was hazy, but she couldn’t let it go. Why was this so important to her?
A new weight at the end of the couch made the cushions dip, and Y/N caught Spencer lazily fumbling with a small blanket. The dark circles under his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by her. She watched as he hopelessly tried to make himself comfortable in the small proximity.
“Spencer…” she finally called out to him.
He turns his gaze to her and hums in response. Y/N turned her body to dangle her legs over the couch, placing the pillow on top of her thighs. She tapped the pillow on her lap as an invitation. “Sleep, Spence,”
Spencer hesitated, his eyes flickering between the pillow and her eyes. “It’s fine,” she says. “Consider it as an apology for making you sleep on the floor.”
Spencer smiles and shuffles to his side, resting his head on the soft pillow. “Of course,”
Y/N mirrored his smile, holding in a snicker. The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment, and Spencer’s eyes fluttered shut. “You still owe me another movie night,” he whispered, not bothering to open his eyes. “You know… as an apology.”
She looked down to her lap and saw the corners of his lips curl upwards. “Why, of course,” Y/N poked his cheek. “But now, you need to rest.”
He nodded, nuzzling further into the pillow. The sound of Spencer’s soft snores reached her ears, and Y/N closed her own eyes. She draped her arm over his form and let her head lull back, allowing herself to be engulfed by sleep.
a/n: honestly i never intended to ship y/n and jj, but look at me. shipping y/n and jj.
taglist: @measure-in-pain @ceeellewrites @eevee0722
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Chapter IV: New limits
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The moodboard-goddess @flowers-in-your-hayr​ is such a talent. Thank you soo much!
a/n: To those who like BDSM, this is your chapter! The same as always, english is not my first language, so sorry for mistakes.
Pairing: ALEX x Reader x MARCO
Words: 2336
Spotify: Kiana Ledé & Jacquees - Only Fan
Warning: +18, NSFW, smut, soft BDSM, threesome
Summary: You plunge into a new life. This courage makes you do far more than you thought.
Chapter I          Chapter II          Chapter III
Almost five months passed, and you haven't seen Alex yet. At first it was planned that he would come to visit you, but he had a few shoots and no time to make a stopover at your place. Ana has broken off contact with Marco and got back together with her ex-boyfriend. The distance has burdened her.
You got a unplanned spring break and decided to fly to Denmark and surprise Alex. You knew he would be home either the same day or the next day. In the worst case scenario, you would just sit in front of the front door and wait for him or Marco to come home.
You packed your things and took the train to the airport. Your flight was delayed, and you got to their home at almost 10pm. You stood in front of the door and didn't dare to ring the bell; your legs were shaking so badly that you could not stand up straight.
Alex opened the door and you hand him the food."Did someone order sushi?" 
,,What?!!’’ Alex was stunned, his chin dropped. 
,, Is this real? No way elskede, this can't be true!!''. You jumped at him and he almost fell over. He was overjoyed and couldn't stop kissing you.
"Maarco! Come here, see who's here!” Yelled Alex. Marco came out of the bathroom and only had his shorts on.
,, Heeej, what are you doing here?! You are crazy, girl. So good to see you'' He grinned and shook his head. You were surprised because he had no intention of hugging you. You saw someone get up from the sofa. A beautiful blonde looked at you with a smiling face.
,, Hi, I'm Clara''. Her short pants and crop top showed more of her body than you would have liked. You looked at Marco and he immediately felt uncomfortable.
“This is a good friend of Marco. And she's my girlfriend Y / N'' Alex pointed to you. You nodded to her and said ,,Hi’’ without any emotions. You wanted her to know that you would never become friends.
Alex helped you put your things in his closet and brought the food into the kitchen. You knew that sushi was his favorite food. He asked you to sit down and served you a glass of wine. 
"Thank you so much for the sushi, I love it! So tell me, how long are you going to stay?" Marco heard the question and looked directly in your direction.
,,Ehm…I have to tell you something. I was actually thinking of moving here. I have already enrolled in a Danish course. And I will start working here in the hospital in two months’’. You told him that you quit your apartment and registered yourself in Copenhagen.
"So even if you don't want me here, I'll stay in Copenhagen" did you comment at the end. Alex was impressed by your initiative. 
,,You didn't have to fly back the last time and you know that’’
"But don't worry, I'll find my own apartment as soon as possible and then move out."
"I don't think so, but we'll talk about that later" insisted Alex.
It was late and you were tired, you put the empty glass of wine in the kitchen and took a shower. The shower was at the end of the long corridor, so you had to walk past the guest room and Marco's room. You forgot your bathrobe in the room, so you wrapped the bath towel around you and ran back. The towel was too small so you hoped that nobody would notice. Alex was already waiting for you.
Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. 
"Wait!" Marco pushed your hair aside with his nose and kissed the back of your neck. 
"I missed you baby". You turned around but he was holding your hand so tight that you couldn't run away.
"NO" you said quietly in a rough tone. Marco put his hand under your bathrobe and pulled you closer to him. 
"You are so hot baby", you rejected his kiss.
"Let go of my arm Marco!" He noticed you said it seriously and he let you go.
,,You don't know how I missed you, that was an agony. I couldn't even talk to you that much on the phone properly because of all your shifts.’’ Alex complained. 
You actually wanted to ask him if he's kidding you like Marco. Marco promised to wait for you and in the end he didn't do it, but you couldn't because Alex didn't know anything about your sex, so you quickly forgot about it.
You were so horny, such a long time without a man in your bed. You were already tired of satisfying yourself. You couldn't wait any longer and dropped your bath towel. You sat on him and put his hands on your ass. You could feel that his cock was already hard. You rubbed it with your pussy and pushed his underpants down so that his cock jumped out. You took it in your hand and slowly shoved it into your pussy. You had to ride him slowly at the beginning because it hurt you a little. Alex looked up at you and closed his eyes. You could see he was enjoying that.
"Moan my name" he followed your command. 
,,Louder!’’. you wanted Marco to hear it. You felt a heat inside you, that made you cum. You breathed into his mouth and felt this magnetism between you. Seeing your pleasured face made him even more horny. He climaxed and bit your chin. 
Alex had to go to set early the next day, so you fell asleep quickly afterwards.
In the morning you didn't even notice that he had already left. The apartment was very quiet, and you didn't see anyone. You were glad you didn't have to see this chick. You took your coffee and enjoyed the morning sunshine on the balcony. The sun's rays covered the cold, so you could keep your lace-trimmed nightgown on. 
,,You don't know how happy I am to see you again baby I missed the smell of your skin so much.’’ Marco had his face right next to your neck and smelled your hair. You pushed him away. 
“What do you mean, you missed me. You found a barbie who takes care of you.You couldn't miss me. You are such a liar. Don't you dare touch me again.’’You yelled at him and turned away from him. He held you back on your forearm so you couldn't go away. 
"Hey, listen, I went crazy, I thought you'd never come back. You always spoke to Alex on the phone and never asked for me. What should I have done? I've already broken up with her. She won't come back.’’ 
You were so close to his lips, you knew it wouldn't stop at a kiss, so you didn't dare. You were hoping he would make this decision for you. Marco grabbed your ass, lifted you up carried you into the apartment. You couldn't resist him. He was very dominant with you in contrast to Alex. He put your panties aside and stroked your clit, you were already wet. Your legs were around his waist, until his cock found his way in your pussy.
,,Baby harder’’ You wanted him to be rougher. It made the whole thing more intense. Beeing discovered by alex was like a thrill for you. His hips smacked against your thights. Marco knew exactly when to act harsh to let you cum.
The mood after sex was intimate, as if you had known each other for years, it gave you a feeling of security. 
When you went home in the afternoon after the Danish course, both were sitting at home and playing video games. You sat between them, but they paid no attention to you. So, you got up again and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
"I'll help you," said Alex to you and took the knife away from you. You took the chance and took a shower.
"Ouch, I cut myself. Where's my nurse?! '' Alex wanted you to look at the wound. You had to grin because the cut was barely visible. 
"You have to kiss it for it to heal." and held out his finger to you. You looked him in the eyes and your tongue ran all over his finger. You felt how it made him horny. You sucked his finger and then let his hand slip under your bra, so he could feel your hard nipples. Marco was still sitting on the couch, but could exactly hear what was going on.
,, I have a surprise for you’’.  Alex blindfolded you and took you into a room. You took small steps because you were afraid of falling or running into a wall. 
,,Come on elskede, trust me.” He put his hands on your shoulders and pushed you down. You lay on the bed with your legs bent. Shortly afterwards you heard a "click" on your wrists. 
He slowly marked a trail of kisses, while you were tied to bed, just before your pussy he stopped.
"Do you like it?" it was Marco's voice and you were briefly confused. After he kissed you, you knew perfectly well that it was him. Your tongues pressed together in a hot openmouthed kiss. He pulled off your blindfold and you saw both lying next to you. Alex had already taken off his clothes and only had his pants on.
“I told him about us. I told him what we did in the disco and about sex in the morning.” You were shocked and scared of Alex's reaction. You knew it had to be said, but you weren't prepared at all.
,,We don't want to intimidate you, but we could both make you happy.'' said Marco. You looked shyly at Alex, but couldn't see any emotions on his face.
,, I knew you guys like each other, Marco eyefucks you all the time. I knew you had sex, because you rejected me even though I had fingered you in the disco shortly before.” added Alex.
,,You can think about it and then let us know. We won't force you.’’
Alex wanted to free you from the handcuffs, as you yelled.
,,No, don't!”, you searched for eye contact.
,, Come closer...’’ you whispered. ,,You are too nice to me guys. I know exactly how much you like having rough sex. So, let's stop pretending to like it gently.” 
Marco sat at the foot of the bed, you knew he liked doggy style, so you turned around and pressed your ass towards him. He squeezed your ass cheeks and could see your pussy while doing it. He caressed your already wet pussy and shoved his cock in. It made you moan loudly. You liked that feeling of being dominated and they liked it even more. Marco put his hand around your neck and pulled your head towards his chest. You could hear his fast breathing. 
"I've wanted to do this for a long time, why did you keep me waiting so long for this…Look at Alex and tell him how much you like to be fucked hard, you nasty girl.” 
Alex sat in the corner of the room on an armchair. He was hearing your clapping cheeks and rubbed his cock.
“Please fuck me harder Marco“, you’ve never seen Alex so horny. 
He got up and approached you. His big hand touched your soft neck and choked you. He did it very gently so that you could breathe easily, he was rather shy. His tongue slided soft over your upper lip. You wanted to kiss him but he refused.
,,You won’t decide what we'll do” and wagged his finger. 
,,Let's turn her over!’’ he said. They talked about you like you weren't there. 
Alex released the handcuffs from the bed but left them on your wrists. Marco put your legs on his shoulders so that he could penetrate you deeper. Alex knelt down to you and stroked your mouth with his cock. He had your arms trapped between his thighs. They grinned at each other and focused on you again. You were like on fire. Your pussy pulsed and your climax came closer and closer. You looked at Alex who was close to your face.
,,Can I cum? " Your hands sank into the sheets and you couldn't wait any longer.
,,Let it happen elskede” He gave you a gentle kiss and bit your lower lip. He saw you cumming and jerked off on your breasts, your spread it over your nipple and licked your finger clean. Marco moaned loud in your ear, you felt how the sperm ran out of your pussy. 
"Tak baby”, muttered Marco while smooched your neck.
 They both got off you and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay?" and released your handcuffs.
“I feel better than ever. Don't worry guys, you didn't hurt me and you never will.
" You stood up und walked into the bathroom.
,,Do you sleep in my bed tonight? I would be happy about that” Marco called after you.
,,I think I will settle in the guest room if you both agree. I can start work earlier than planned and it would be easier for me if I have my own room”
,,That’s not a problem for me, but i will sneak into your room if i want a kiss” said Alex with a wink.
,,All right, no problem, good night and wake me up tomorrow” said Marco a little disappointed.
,,Good night guys and thank you for letting me live here” and closed the door behind you.
 Chapter V: Inopportune moment!
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inkjam-moon · 5 years
Colors  Chapter One - Red
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Summary: You’ve jumped through time all your life, but this jump seems to have put you in an entirely different reality as a nurse in the midst of World War II.
Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 13.2k
TW: Talk of war and violence associated with such and event, talk of racism, fist fight, medical/hospital talk, blood mentions, wound mentions, virgin sex
A/N: Click here to see what I based the dancing scene off of.
You always thought it was a glitch, a dream; anything that wasn’t reality. But then it happened again, and it kept happening, more and more, for longer periods of time, only changing for the drastic. You can’t control it. You don’t even really know what ‘it’ is. All you know is that when the haze arrives, there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
The first time it happened you were seven years old. You were in the car with your mom, driving to the mall. When the light at the intersection turns green, your mom pulls out, and is t-boned by an oncoming truck. As soon as the truck hits your car, suddenly, you’re surrounded by some sort of fog, and then, as if by magic, you’re sitting at the red light again; same cars around you, same song on the radio, everything is exactly the same. Did you imagine the crash? You look up to see the light turn green, but as your mom lifts her foot off the break you scream.
Your mom slams her foot back down on the break just as the truck runs the red light and plows through the intersection in front of you, mere inches from the front of your car.
You mom looks at you in amazement. “H-how did you know the truck was coming?” She asks as she pulls forward and crosses the intersection, pulling into the lot in front of the mall and parking.
“I saw it.” You state. “I think it was a dream.”
Your mom simply shakes her head at you as you both get out of the car.
You never really understood what’s wrong with you; why you spastically jump through time, but you do, and you have absolutely no control over it. You manage to maintain your memories through every jump, and nothing you do seems to have any impact on the future.
But this time is different. You’re twenty two now, and your latest jump has put you so far out of your comfort zone, you swear it’s a dream.
The first thing you hear is soft swing music playing on the radio. That’s odd. You didn’t think you turned the radio on before you went to bed, although your radio is pretty old and sometimes comes on by itself, but swing music?
You open your eyes and the first thing you see is red; the paint on the walls that surround you. This isn’t your room? You sit up and look around, realizing that you have no idea where you are. Your bed is the only one in the room, so it must be yours, right? You stand, letting the silken floor length nightgown that adorns you fall around your legs. You look around for a purse, a bag, anything that might help you place where you are, but you can’t find anything.
You grab the robe that hangs on the back of one of the doors in the room and slip it on before opening the door. Nope. Bathroom. You try the other door and it leads you out into a long hallway with three other doors and a staircase. Staircase seems like a good place to start.
You tiptoe down the stairs as quietly as you can and sneak across the hallway at the bottom into the kitchen. The radio is on down there too and a few girls sit around a table sipping coffee and eating breakfast as they chat and listen.
“Today President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with joint congress and officially declared war on the country of Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in the state of Hawaii yesterday. Today the true extent of the carnage is still unknown to officials who say it could take some time until they discover exactly how much damage was done.”
Pearl Harbor was yesterday? What the fuck. Does that mean it’s… it’s 1941?? What the-
“Is Y/N still asleep? It’s not like her to sleep in this late.” One of the girls, a blonde with perfectly pincurled hair and bright blue eyes mumbles.
“I don’t blame ‘er.” Another girl, the redhead with a thick country accent says. “She was up all night tendin’ to those poor soldiers.”
“I’m glad she did. Better her than me. I don’t want to heal those assholes.”
“They’re still people.” A third girl chimes in. She has straight, stark black hair, almond eyes and tan skin.
“Yeah, people that bombed us.” The first girl states before turning to see you’ve arrived in the kitchen. “Y/N! Finally. We’ve been waiting for you.”
“G-good morning.”
“Are you alright honey?” The second girl asks.
“You don’t look the best.” The first girl adds.
“Clara!” The third girl scolds.
“Well, it’s true!” Clara, the blonde, defends.
“I’m not really feeling like myself this morning.” You explain.
“Don’t listen to her Y/N.” The third girl rolls her eyes. “She’s still shaken up from yesterday.”
“Aren’t you the one that just got her hometown blown up Kono?” The second girl asks.
“Shut up Bits.” The black haired girl, Kono snaps. “Anyway, Y/N, you should go get dressed, we have to leave soon.”
“For work?” Bits, the redhead reminds you, as if you should know what they’re talking about, but technically, maybe you should.
“Your uniforms out on the line.” Kono says sweetly. “I’ll get your coffee.”
“Right. Okay.” You nod before heading out the door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard where Kono pointed.
You look at the clothes line to see a nurses uniform is the only garment left hanging. Shit. You’re a nurse? God, you hope you know what you’re doing. You grab your uniform off the line and head back inside. Just as you leave the kitchen you hear Bits whisper to the others.
“What’s her problem?”
“You have to remember, Y/N’s parents are from Korea.” Kono responds. “And Japan basically took over the country. It’s probably scaring her that they’re seen as enemies; she might be-”
You head up the stairs, not wanting to listen to the rest of that conversation. You go back to your room and get dressed, looking yourself over in the mirror as you pin your cap into place. You don’t really look like yourself, while there was make up in the bathroom, it’s all old fashioned and you have no idea how to use it. You’ll just have to go barefaced until you get the hang of things. Maybe you can ask Kono? She seems nice. When you deem yourself presentable, you head back down the stairs and start your day in this new life.
You all take a cab to the hospital, although, you’re not sure you can really call it a hospital, it’s more of a tent really. When you arrive, you follow Kono into the tent and are immediately overwhelmed by the view you’re greeted with. Men, dressed in military uniforms, are laying in cots. They all have various stages of injuries, some missing limbs, some wrapped head to toe in bandages, some even look as though they’re barely clinging to their lives.
Everyone around you is rushing to get their work done, tending to each and every soldier, although, you notice the soldiers in tan uniforms aren’t getting as much care as the ones in green.
“Y/N,” Kono turns to you. “Can you get some of the Japanese soldiers they just brought in over there?” She points to the far back of the tent. “You’re the only one that doesn’t seem to mind helping them.”
“O-of course!” You grab the stethoscope she hands you and head over to where the majority of men are wearing tan uniforms, the ones the other nurses seem to be avoiding.
You walk up to the first one you see. He looks panicked, but otherwise, relatively okay, no obvious wounds except for a small laceration on his temple. Using the bit of Japanese you know, you try to calm him down; he’s obviously terrified of being treated by the enemy, but you explain that you’re just trying to help him. Once he calms down a bit, you take his vitals, they seem normal, though you have no idea how you know that.
You write them down on his chart and then move onto the next man who seems to be in a lot of pain. You check him over to see he has a large wound on his abdomen. You clean it and then pack it tightly with gauze before calling over a doctor who takes the man away into a seperate tent for what you assume is going to be surgery. The next few men all seem relatively okay, and you explain to them the best you can that they’re alright, take their vitals to make sure, and then move on.
The day moves quickly; you work right through lunch and before you know it, it’s time for dinner. Clara is the one who comes over and pulls you away from your patient, leading you out of the tent and into another one across the way where the food is served. You grab some soup and bread before going over to sit with Clara and Bits. The three of you chat while you eat, you find out ‘Bits’ is short for Bitsy; and honestly you’ve never met someone who fits their name more. You’re just about to ask where Kono is when she comes bursting into the tent, looking around frantically until she spots you.
“Y/N!” She exclaims. “Come quickly, I need your help!” She tugs you up out of your  chair. You drop your spoon and follow behind her as she tugs you back into the hospital tent.
“What’s going on?”
“A soldier just came in from the harbor, he’s been trapped under rubble this whole time and he’s in shock. He’s got a bad laceration on his left leg. I’m pretty sure he’s Korean, I need your help translating.”
She leads you through the back of the tent and into where the doctor took your patient earlier. Your ears are immediately assaulted by the screams of a man as Kono hands you a gown, mask, and gloves which you put on before walking through a doorway and into a makeshift operating room. The sight before you is heart wrenching; there’s a man on the operating table, screaming in pain. The nurse is trying her best to hold him down while she screams at him in english to stay still.
You can hear him swearing and sure enough, it’s a language familiar to your ears. You rush to his side, pushing the other nurse out of the way before grabbing his flailing hands.
“Sir, sir I need you to calm down please.” You coo in your sweetest voice. He stills when he realizes he understands the words coming out of your mouth.
“Y-you speak Korean?” He stutters.
You smile at him. “I was born in Gongju.”
“Busan.” You watch relief spread across his face before pain overtakes it again. You move to soothe him and then try to distract him.
“What’s your name?”
“J-Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongg- Ah!” He cringes as the doctor prods at his leg, his eyes closed in agony.
“Okay, My name is Y/N, I’m going to be your nurse. Mr. Jeon, Do you have any allergies?”
“N-no.” He grits.
“How old are you?”
“Twenty o-one, and please, c-call me Jeongguk.”
God he’s so young. Only a year younger than you. “Alright, I’m going to figure out what’s going on and then I’ll let you know, okay?” He nods and you turn to the doctor. “What’s going on Dr. Evans?”
“He’s got a twelve centimeter gash on his calf. It’s pretty deep.”
“What did you find out?” Kono asks you.
“His name is Jeongguk, he’s twenty one years old, he doesn’t have any allergies. What’s the plan?”
“It’s pretty bad.” Dr. Evans states. “We might have to amputate.”
“Amputate?” You gasp. “Really?”
“I don’t see any other options. We’re going to sedate him now. Can you tell him?”
“S-sure…” You turn back to Jeongguk who thankfully is too focused on the pain to notice the worry on your face. “Jeongguk, listen to me. We might have to amputate your leg-”
“What?” He sits up straight. “No! No, I need my legs! I can’t-” he grimaces in pain before continuing. “No! You can’t take my leg, don’t let them take my leg Y/N, please! I need it for work, to support my parents!”
“I-I’m going to sedate you now, okay?” You grab the syringe of phenobarbital and prep it, making sure there’s no air in it before pressing it into his arm, injecting his vein with the drug. It’ll only be a few seconds before he falls asleep.
“Y/N don’t let them… My leg… Please…” Those are the last words he says before he drifts off into induced sleep.
You feel terrible. Absolutely awful. You can’t let them take his leg. You can’t. You have to do something. “Dr. Evans. Do we have to amputate? This man needs his leg.”
“There isn’t enough tissue left here to close the wound. Without the tissue, it won’t heal properly.”
“Can’t we take the tissue from somewhere else?”
“Somewhere… else?” He looks at you confused.
“Yeah, can’t we get the extra tissue from his arm or his other leg? Or even his… his behind?” You think you saw that on Grey’s Anatomy once.
“Oh my god.” Dr. Evans looks at you, stunned. “That… That might actually work. Alright, Kono, Emily, you both stay to assist, everyone else, you’re free to leave.” He shoos everyone else out and Kono thanks you as you walk out back into the main part of the hospital. You discard your gown, mask, and gloves before heading to the bathroom outside.
As soon as you close the door behind you, you rush to the sink and splash water on your face, before heading into one of the stalls and locking the door. You sit on the toilet, trying to calm yourself down the best you can. That poor soldier, if you weren’t here, he would’ve lost his leg for sure. You can’t even imagine… You just hope Dr. Evans can save it.
It’s about an hour later before someone else comes to use the bathroom When you hear the door open, you try to make yourself presentable again before opening the stall door to see to see Bitsy standing there, touching up her makeup in the mirror.
“Y/N! Where have you been? We been lookin’ everywhere for you!”
“Oh, I-I’ve been… In here.” You confess.
“Aw honey, have you been cryin’?” She drawls, taking in the sight of your puffy red eyes.
“W-what? No, of course not, I-”
“Oh darlin’, what’s got you in such a fuss?”
You sniffle as you wash your hands. “It’s nothing Bits, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”
Bitsy eyes you curiously, her lips pursed. “Are you ready to go home then?”
“It’s quittin’ time.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m- one of my patients is in surgery.” You explain, gripping the sides of the sink.
She laughs at this. “So what? The next shift will take over for ya.”
“He’s Korean. They’ll need me to translate when he wakes up.”
“Oh, Is it that poor boy Kono’s workin’ on?” She asks. You nod. “Oh bless your heart sweetie, he won’t be out for another few hours at least. Dr. Evans is frankensteining him up.” Bitsy pauses to think for a minute. “Alright, if you won’t come home, how ‘bout I take you to the oncall room they set up? That way you can at least get some rest. Sound good?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Okay, let’s go girly.” Bitsy leads you out of the bathroom, past the cafeteria to a small building that looks like one of the portable classrooms your high school had. She leads you into the brick building and you’re surprised to find it’s empty except for the cots that line the walls. She takes you to the one in the far back corner. “This one is the least noisy.” She states, gesturing for you to sit.
You take a seat on the cot and she looks at you for a minute before nodding. “I’ll make sure someone comes to getcha when he’s outta surgery, alright?”
“Yeah, thanks Bits.”
“Of course darlin’, now get some rest.” She turns on her heels and heads back out of the building, giving you one last sympathetic smile before shutting the door behind her.
You sit on the bed for a moment, wondering why this boy is affecting you so much. You sigh as you make yourself comfortable on the bed, pulling the sheet up over you as you try your best to relax. Thankfully, it doesn’t take you long to fall asleep, you didn’t realize how tired you were.
It’s dark out when you feel someone shaking you awake. “Y/N, Y/N wake up.” It’s Kono.
“Kono? What’s going on?”
“It’s John-kook.”
You snort, your tiredness making her mispronunciation funnier than it should be. “His name is Jeongguk.”
“Sorry. He’s out of surgery.”
“Really?” You sit up at this, grabbing your cap off the floor and pinning it back to your hair. “Is he okay?”
“He’s great. Everything went really well.” She explains as you stand up and follow her out of the building. “We managed to keep his leg using some skin from his other thigh, but he’s going to be sore when he wakes up. We need you to explain what we did and how he should take care of it.”
“Of course.” You nod and she explains exactly what he should do as she leads you into the second post surgery room. Jeongguk is the only one in there right now, tucked in a cot in the far back corner as he sleeps. She leads you over to him and then pulls up a chair for you.
“He should wake up soon.” Kono states. “Take his vitals every hour and record them on his chart. If he’s in pain, you can give him some morphine, but only one at a time, okay?”
“Got it.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” Kono nods before heading back out into the main triage room, leaving you alone with Jeongguk.
He looks so peaceful right now, so much more comfortable than he was when you first saw him. You grab your stethoscope from around your neck and check his pulse before taking his blood pressure. Everything seems good. As you place your scope back around your neck, Jeongguk begins to stir, his face grimacing in pain as his nerves wake up.
“Jeongguk?” You whisper as he comes too. He grunts. “Jeongguk are you in pain?” He nods, so you grab some morphine and inject him with it, watching his face relax almost instantly. “Is that better?”
He nods again as his eyes finally open and he looks around until his eyes land on you. “Noona?” He mumbles. You giggle at the term, letting it slide because he’s still drowsy, until you see his eyes go wide in panic and he tries to sit up.
“Woah, hey, what’s wrong?” You ask.
“My leg! Is it gone? I can’t feel it!”
“Jeongguk, calm down, it’s alright.” You try to soothe him. “You still have both legs.”
“Really?” He sits up on his elbows and looks down. You lift the sheet to show him that both of his legs are indeed there.
“See? Now, I just have to check your nerves, if that’s okay?” He nods, so you walk down to the end of the bed, take the pen from his chart and run it up the bottom of both of his feet. As they should, both feet twitch from the ticklish sensation. “Okay great. Can you wiggle your toes for me?” Jeongguk’s brow furrows in concentration, but it only take a few seconds before all of his toes start moving. “Perfect, that’s good Jeongguk, really good.”
Jeongguk falls back against the bed in relief and you realize that his face is filthy. You go over to the wash station and grab a bowl, filling it with warm soapy water and taking a washcloth back over to Jeongguk. “Do you mind if I wash your face?”
“No, please, go ahead.” He states. “I hate having all this stuff on my face.” You dip the cloth in the water as he continues. “So, what… what did they do?”
You begin dabbing at his dirty face, trying your best to clean him as you explain. “They took some skin from the back of your right thigh and used it to close the wound on your left leg. Everything went very smoothly and your wounds will heal nicely, we just have to make sure they’re cleaned and bandaged correctly, and I’ll explain how to do that when I have to change your dressing.”
“How long will I be here?”
“A week or so, maybe two, depending on how fast you heal.”
“And are you… will you be my nurse the whole time?” He asks hopefully.
You giggle lightly. “I can be, if you want me to.”
“Good.” He huffs. “That other nurse was mean. All she did was yell, as if that would help me understand english.’
“She was just trying to do her job.”
“Yeah I guess so.”
Jeongguk goes quiet while you continue cleaning him. As you scrub the mud and dirt and war paint off his face, revealing his tanned skin underneath, you realize for the first time how pretty he is. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown, wide and doe-eyed with curiosity; his nose is a little big, but it fits the proportions of his face; his bottom lip is fuller than the top, but they both look plush; as he breathes out, you can see his two front teeth, making him seem almost rabbit-like; and his jawline is chiseled, perfectly sculpted as you run the cloth down his neck. He’s truly beautiful, and you wonder how this poor boy from Busan got mixed up in the war and ended up fighting for the Japanese.
When you’ve scrubbed his face clean, you walk back over to the wash station, dump out the water, rinse the bowl, and ring out the towel before tossing it in the trash. When you’re finished, you dry your hands and then take one last look at him before starting to walk back towards main triage, but you don’t get very far before he stops you.
“W-wait, where are you going?”
“I should go see if they need me for anything else.”
“Can’t you-” Jeongguk bites his lip as you watch him struggle for the right words. “C-can’t you stay with me? What if someone else comes and tries to ask me questions? What if I start to hurt again? What if-”
“Okay, okay.” You laugh lightly as you walk back over to him. “I can stay for a bit longer I suppose.” You take a seat back in your chair and this seems good enough for Jeongguk as he relaxes back against the pillows. It’s silent for a few minutes before Jeongguk gets the courage to ask you a question.
“So… Gongju, huh? How’d you end up here?”
“Me?” Honestly you don’t remember. You must have immigrated at some point, but god only knows when. You settle for a vague excuse. “It’s… It’s kind of a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” He smiles at you, and you can’t deny that his smile makes the butterflies in your stomach do backflips, but how can you explain your situation to him? Jeongguk seems to sense your perplexed state and speaks. “You don’t have to tell me, it’s okay.”
“I immigrated with my parents when I was little.” You state. That seems like it could be true. “They wanted to raise me where the ‘American Dream’ was possible.”
“That doesn’t seem very long.” He smirks.
“I left out the details for another time.” You inform him. “For now, you should try and get some rest.” You order, standing up and pulling out your stethoscope to take his vitals again. He sits still as you listen to his breathing and take his blood pressure and you can feel him watching you as you scribble the information down on his chart. “How’s your pain right now?”
“Um… Maybe a five?”
“Okay, that’s about right.” You nod, marking one last note before putting his chart down and walking up to his side. “Now get some rest. I don’t want to come back and find that you’ve been causing trouble.”
“Me?” He feigns a gasp. “Never.” He gives you one last smile before settling back against the cot and closing his eyes.
You spend the next several days tending to Jeongguk, and for lack of an excuse to leave, you ignore your other duties. You stay by his side, keeping him company. You really only leave to go home and shower, you even bring your meals to his bedside, enjoying the rather bland food with him, and sneaking him something sweet whenever you can.
His progress steadily gets better; it’s only a few days before the pain in his right thigh is gone completely. It’s on day four that he decides he wants to try walking again and as you wrap your arm around his waist to support him, your heart rate picks up at the close proximity, it’s the first time he’s actually touched you, aside from the fleeting brushes of his fingers against your hand as you pass him things or check his vitals.
He’s determined to say the least; you actually have to stop him from pushing himself too far the first time when his knees nearly give out under him and you catch him around his waist, supporting his weight until he finds his footing again.
When you bring him back to his bed, he nearly collapses against the cot, his chest heaving with the effort of walking after being bedridden for three days. The pain he must be feeling, you can’t even imagine, but he puts on a brave face and swings his legs back up onto the bed, relaxing against the stack of pillows you’ve piled up for him.
It’s a week later, when the two of you are eating the dinners Kono brought you, that your curiosity gets the best of you and you finally ask him about himself.
“So, you’re from Busan, right?” You ask when you hear a hint of Satoori slip through his words.
He nods. “Yep, born and raised.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to the beaches there. I heard they’re beautiful.”
“They are. You should go sometime. You’d love it.” He says in between mouthfuls of soup.
“Ha, I don’t think I can swing that right now with everything that’s going on.”
Jeongguk looks a bit confused before realization dawns on his face. “There’s a war. Right.”
“Speaking of, I was wondering… How did you get mixed up in all of this?”
He sighs deeply before sitting his bowl of soup in his lap. “The same way everyone else from Korea did. We were drafted, every man over the age of sixteen. We were ripped away from our lives and forced to fight with threats of them killing our families and burning down our hometowns if we didn’t. I got drafted with my brother, but we were separated when missions were assigned. I got sent here and he’s fighting in Germany I think, if he’s still even alive… I’m fighting for a side I don’t believe in because I have to.”
The room becomes silent as your heart breaks for Jeongguk. This poor boy was wrenched from his family and forced to fight for the wrong side.
“Jeongguk, I’m so sorry…” You whisper.
“At least one good thing came out of it.” He mumbles.
“And what’s that?”
“I got to meet you.” He states, his cheeks flushing pink as he meets your gaze.
“O-oh…” Your face flushes the same shade as his as you fumble for words. “I-I, wow I… Um… That’s- You’re too sweet.” You finally mutter, averting your gaze, but he leans over and cups your cheek with his hand, turning you back to face him. He runs his thumb across your cheek lightly, barely ghosting across your skin.
“Y/N, I hope it’s okay for me to say this, and it isn’t too forward, but I think- I think I like you. And after I get better, I was wondering if I could maybe take you out?”
“R-really?” He smiles at your stuttered reply before nodding. “I… Yes.” You whisper in return. As if to solidify your answer, Jeongguk swings his legs over the side of the bed and leans down before pressing his lips to yours in a sweet, but short kiss. When his lips leave, you can’t help but chase after them for more, making Jeongguk giggle when you open your eyes to find he’s sitting upright again.
“I have to say, I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, but there’s something about you noona, from the first moment I saw you.” He offers you a beautiful smile that makes his eyes scrunch up, embarrassed at his own words and you can’t help but smile back.
It’s a week later when Jeongguk’s dressings are officially removed and he’s discharged from the hospital, but having nowhere to go, you offer to let him stay with you until he can make his way back home, with the permission of the girls of course. The two of you have been inseparable since your first kiss, and there have been many more sweet exchanges since then, you even taught him a little bit of english. Jeongguk even went so far as to call you his girlfriend during his lesson yesterday, and the word sent sparks up your nerve endings.
When the taxi pulls up to the home you share with the other girls, it’s pretty early in the morning, they should just be waking up for work. You help Jeongguk out of the car, handing him his cane as he grabs his bag that includes his dirtied and nearly shredded uniform. He’s currently wearing some scrubs you found at the hospital, they’re a bit snug, but they’ll work until you can find him some decent clothes to wear.
Jeongguk follows you up the front walk and you open the door before leading him in. You walk down the hallway, trying your best to be quiet, only to hear the word ‘surprise!’ being shouted at you as you enter the kitchen. You stumble back against Jeongguk in shock before a warm smile spreads across your face. Kono, Clara, and Bitsy stand in the kitchen, holding a cake with Jeongguk’s name written on it in Hangul.
“What’s all this?” You ask.
“We knew Jeongguk was finally coming home with you today, so we made him a cake!” Clara explains.
“We wanted to surprise you both!” Bitsy exclaims, bouncing up and down as she claps her hands together.
You turn to Jeongguk and explain the situation and a beautifully wide bunny smile spreads across his face as he drops his bag and grabs his chest where his heart lies. “Thank you.” He states in perfect english.
“Oh, you’re welcome honey.” Bitsy states.
“Now, we’ve got to head off to work, but we’ll see you whenever we get back.” Kono reminds you.
“Don’t worry,” You giggle. “I won’t wait up.”
“Oh, one more thing.” Kono turns back to you as the others head out the door. “I had my brother bring by some of his old clothes for Jeongguk since he doesn’t have any. I put them in your room.”
“Oh god, thanks Kono.”
“Of course.” She looks up at Jeongguk and then back at you before tossing you a wink. “Have fun kids.”
You roll your eyes as she saunters out the front door before turning to Jeongguk who’s already exploring the kitchen, you can tell by the icing on his finger that he’s about to pop into his mouth.
“Um, excuse me?” You laugh, halting him in his tracks. He stares at you with his innocent doe eyes as you walk over.
“I was fixing it.” He states, pointing down to where his name is spelled out in icing. You realize quickly that it’s spelled incorrectly; it says ‘jeongnun’.
“They tried their best.”
“I know, but eating it will make it better.”
You stare up at him incredulously. “Cake for breakfast?”
He simply shrugs. “Why not?”
Well, you can’t argue with that. You grab two plates and two forks and a knife, cutting you both a piece of cake before heading over to sit at the kitchen table to eat. Jeongguk joins you, but instead of sitting on a chair like a normal person, he sits directly on your available lap.
“Jeongguk!” You squeal with laughter, beating on his back to get him to stand up.
“What?” He feigns innocence as he looks down at you over his shoulder.
“Get off, your giant butt is crushing me!” You tease.
He giggles as he gets off, a forkful of cake already in his mouth as he takes a seat in the chair next to you instead. “So what did Kono tell you? I heard her say my name.”
“Oh, she had her older brother bring by some clothes for you.”
“Really?” His eyes light up when you nod. “Thank god, these doctor pajamas aren’t as comfortable as they look.”
You snort at the phrase ‘doctor pajamas’ before going back to your cake. Jeongguk finishes first, and with how fast he does, you would think the hospital starved him. “Did you even chew? Or did you just inhale?” You chide.
“What? It was good.” He states, smacking his lips for effect before giving you a goofy smile. “So, what do you want to do today?” He asks as he sits up, basically bouncing in his seat from excitement.
“Well, I figured you might want to take a shower first?”
“Are you saying I stink?” He pouts playfully.
“Sponge baths aren’t exactly the most refreshing.” You point out.
He wiggles his eyebrows mischievously. “Are you going to shower with me?”
“Jeongguk!” You squeal, flicking some icing off your fork and onto his face, making him flinch back in surprise. “What kind of girl do you take me for?” You tease, clutching your imaginary pearls.
“A beautiful and smart one.” He whispers, putting his elbow on the table and resting his head in his hand as he gazes at you.
You scoff. “Cheeseball.”
He giggles at this before continuing. “Okay so what do you want to do when I smell like a normal human again?”
“I figured we could just relax? Maybe watch- er, listen to the radio.” You keep forgetting that you don’t have a tv and they won’t really even be popular until 1946.
“But I want to do something.” Jeongguk whines.
“Jeonggukie, you need to rest. Doctors orders.”
“I’m tired of resting.” He pouts, crossing his arms.
“Jeongguk…” You sigh as you grab his plate and yours before standing and walking over to rinse them in the sink. He follows behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. “Do you want your leg to get better?”
“It is better.” He protests.
“Really?” You ask sarcastically. “Can you put all of your weight on it?”
“Yes.” He states.
“Okay.” You nod as you dry your hands. You swipe his cane out of his grip and then walk across the kitchen to the stairs. “Walk to me.”
“Is this necessary?” He whines.
“Walk. To. Me.” You repeat more sternly. “If you can put weight on your foot without any pain, we can go out tonight.”
Ever the stubborn one, Jeongguk takes a deep breath before stepping forward with his injured foot. A grimace immediately appears on his face, but he muscles through it, putting all his weight on his bad leg as he takes his next step. He continues in this fashion the whole way across the kitchen until he reaches you and nearly collapses against you, whimpering in pain.
“There. Can we go out?”
“Absolutely not.” You scold, exasperated. “Goddamnit, did you really have to do that? You could’ve just injured yourself further for all I know.”
“Can I have my cane back now?” He mumbles, defeated. You hand him the metal stick and wrap an arm around his waist to help hold him up.
“Come on, we just need to get you upstairs and then you can rest.”
He nods, bracing himself as he straightens up before heading up the stairs with you, taking it slow, one at a time to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself again. When you get to the top, you lead him across the hall to your room, opening the door to lead him in. You see a bag of clothing on your bed and lead Jeongguk over to it so he can dig through its contents.
“Pick something to wear while I get the shower started for you.”
WIth his affirmation, you head off to your bathroom and start the shower. “What temperature do you like?” You call to him.
“Hot.” He calls back. This boy’s going to use up all your hot water, you just know it. You turn the temperature up until steam starts billowing out the top and then you head back out to your room to see Jeongguk seems to have made a selection; a pair of pressed khaki slacks and a soft blue sweater.
“Find something?” He nods, holding the items up to you. “Looks good.” You smile before waving him over, watching him limp towards you and follow you into the bathroom. When he enters he looks around in astonishment.
“You have your own bathroom?”
“Well, not anymore.” You tease, raising an eyebrow at him. “Come here.” You grab the front of his scrubs and pull him closer to you before lifting the shirt off over his head. You toss the shirt to the floor and without even paying attention, you start undoing the drawstring that’s holding his pants up until he grabs your wrists.
“Woah, woah, Y/N. What’re you doing?”
“Helping you get undressed?” You look up at him, confused by his question.
“I can d-do that myself.” He stutters, swallowing hard.
It’s then that you realize your mistake. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry.” You start to giggle as you cover your mouth with your hand. “I went right into nurse mode.” You confess.
“It’s okay.” He smiles, placing his change of clothes on the counter.
As he leans over, you get the chance to admire his shirtlessness for the first time, and you can’t help yourself as you reach out to touch his abdomen, fascinated by how well-toned and muscular he is. You move closer as your hands glide over his chest, taking in every inch with awe.
“Enjoying the view?” He chuckles, snapping you out of your trance.
“S-sorry.” You mumble. “You’re just… you’re really pretty.” You admit, blush filling your cheeks.
“Ah, thanks.” He smiles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Can I shower now?”
“Right! Go ahead!” You scramble to exit the bathroom. “You remember how to wash your leg?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Okay, I’ll be right out here so yell if you need anything.” And with that you shut the door.
You busy yourself sorting through the clothes Kono left, folding them and putting them in a drawer you emptied yesterday so Jeongguk could use it. When you hear the shower turn off, you’re laying on your bed, reading a book you found lying around the house. It takes a few more minutes, but soon enough, the bathroom door opens and Jeongguk limps out, slacks hung low around his waist, sweater in his hand as he ruffles his hair with a towel.
The droplets of water you see dripping down Jeongguk’s torso make you drool inwardly, licking your lips at just how delicious he looks. He tosses the towel back into the bathroom before he makes his way over to your bed. He lays his cane against your nightstand before taking a seat on the mattress next to you, slipping on the cerulean sweater and then laying himself back against the pillows that sit at the headboard.
“I like your room.” He states, holding his arm out for you to snuggle up to him. You accept his request, reaching over him first to turn on the radio before sitting back and curling up at his side, your arm draped over his waist.
“Thank you.” In the time you’ve been here, you’ve grown accustomed to the dark red walls, not that you’ve seen them much over the last week, having spent the nights after your first kiss asleep in a chair next to Jeongguk’s hospital bed.
The two of you lay in content silence for a bit until a familiar song comes on the radio, one that even Jeongguk recognizes.
“He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way…”
“I know this song.” He whispers.
“You do?” You tilt your head to look at him.
He nods. “Sometimes at base our radio signals would interfere with American radio stations and it was almost always this song that came on. It was always a nice break. The tuners wouldn’t change the channel until the song ended because it always put us in a good mood.” A wide smile stretches across his face. “I would always get up and dance, and some of the other guys would even get up and join me.”
“I didn’t know you liked to dance.”
“I’ve always loved to dance. It just makes me so happy.” He explains. “My mom and I used to dance around the kitchen when I was little and after that, I just kind of never stopped I guess.”
“Are you any good?”
“I won a swing dancing competition at a club near my house once a few years back.”
“Well, color me impressed.” You state, rolling onto your stomach and laying your arms on his chest, resting your head on your hands as you gaze up at him.
“That’s why I didn’t want to lose my leg. It brought in a lot of money for my parents, so I figured I could win some real competitions here in America and bring the money back home, but then…” He trails off, the smile fading from his face.
“But then you were drafted.” You finish for him.
“I mean, once your leg heals, you could still compete.”
“Yeah, but…” He hesitates, running his fingers through your hair. “Then I’d have to leave you.”
“Jeongguk,” You sit up to scold him. “Don’t let me stand in the way of your dream. You never know when you’ll lose the opportunity.” You look down at your lap, remembering all the opportunities you’ve lost because of your ‘problem’. You would hate to get in his way when you don’t even know how long you’ll be here. Your eyes start to grow misty at the thought of ever having to leave him; your first real boyfriend, maybe even your first love.
Suddenly Jeongguk cups your cheek as he sits up, forcing you to look up at him. “You are my dream.”
You break into a smile, your bottom lip trembling as you try to hold back the sad and happy tears at the same time. Before you can say anything, Jeongguk leans forward and presses his lips to yours ever so sweetly. You’re not sure what to do in this era, if it’s normal for you to want to move forward and sleep with Jeongguk so soon, or if you should wait, but then Jeongguk tilts his head to the side and parts his lips, deepening the kiss, and you find yourself unable to resist.
The radio plays in the background as you attempt to pull Jeongguk closer, letting him flick his tongue against your lips ever so lightly before you break the kiss and sit up, climbing on Jeongguk’s lap and straddling his muscular thighs, surprising him a bit before you pull his lips back to yours. Not knowing where to put his hands, Jeongguk lets them lay at his side, but you can feel him fidgeting, so you grab his wrists and guide his hands to your hips. He pulls back to make sure it’s okay and you nod, scooting closer so that your chest is pressed to his, gripping his shirt and pulling him back to you.
The two of you make out lazily for a while, enjoying each other, until you start to feel a heat building in your stomach and you accidentally grind down on Jeongguk’s lap and he gasps, breaking the kiss.
“Y-Y/N I-”
“I’m sorry.” You interrupt. “I-I don’t know what came over me.”
“No, I mean… This is great, like… really great, but… wouldn’t you rather wait? Until marriage?” He asks.
You have to physically restrain yourself from bursting out laughing. “O-of course!” You roll your eyes. “That’s what we’re supposed to do, right? Wait until we’re married.”
“U-until we’re m-married?” Jeongguk stutters.
“I just meant ‘we’ in general as people, not ‘we’ us.”
“Right.” Jeongguk nods, though seeming a bit disappointed.
“Is it hot in here? Do you want some air?” You ask, trying to change the subject as you climb off of Jeongguk’s lap and walk over to your balcony, opening the door.
“Air sounds great.” Jeongguk agrees, grabbing his cane and standing up to join you.
You usher him outside and then excuse yourself to the bathroom, shutting the door and then flopping yourself down onto your bed. What the hell was that conversation? Does Jeongguk want to marry you? You know that was the thing to do back then, or… back now, but getting married so young, with someone you hardly know… That can’t be right, can it?
A week later, you have to return to work. You took a week off to help Jeongguk adjust to how things worked around your house, and thankfully, he only accidentally walked in on someone once; even more thankfully, it was Kono and she just laughed it off. The week was quiet, with the other girls at work most of the time, you and Jeongguk just spent the time getting to know each other; playing games, reading books, and listening to the radio, teaching him english, which he picks up surprisingly quickly; but you found the most fun was cooking with each other.
Jeongguk was surprisingly good at cooking, and after eating military and hospital food for so long, he was thrilled to be able to have a home cooked meal. The two of you made food from your childhoods, recreating what you could with american staples you would pick up from the local market, happy to be out in the warm spring weather with each other.
Jeongguk was using his cane less and less, in fact, when he was in the kitchen, he put it to the side and didn’t use it at all, choosing to use you for support instead; his arms frequently found resting on your shoulders, or wrapped around your waist. He’s a goofball, and you have to admit, you think you’re falling in love with him.
“Okay, you remember where everything is?” You ask as you grab your purse off the table.
“Yes.” He rolls his eyes, tired of you asking.
“And you’ll be okay going to the market by yourself?”
“And you promise to rest? You won’t overwork your leg? I don’t want you to-”
“Noona.” He interrupts. “I’ll be fine I promise.”
“I’ll be okay. Go to work.” He says in english, emphasizing his point.
You bite your lip with nervousness, not wanting to leave him on his own, you know how people in this area get with unfamiliar faces. “Okay.” You finally nod, opening the front door. “I’ll see you when I get back.”
“I’ll be waiting.” Jeongguk smiles before sweeping you into a sweet kiss, leaving you dazed for a moment before you walk out to the cab you called and climb in.
“Honolulu Military hospital please.” You tell the driver before looking back, watching Jeongguk wave goodbye as you drive away.
Work is awful. The amount of injured soldiers has slowed significantly since the attack, so you don’t have much left to do expect check the vitals of the few patients you do have; those that had more serious injuries and require a longer recovery time. You suppose it’s a good thing, you can hardly focus as it is, worried about Jeongguk being left at home by himself. What if something happens to him? You spend the better part of your lunch hour thinking of ways Jeongguk could get hurt, and it isn’t until Kono taps you on the shoulder that you even realize she sat next to you.
“Uh, Y/N?”
“Hm? Sorry.” You turn to her.
“I asked if you knew what Jeongguk was going to do when you went back home?”
“Back home?” You repeat, confused.
“You didn’t hear? They’re sending everyone back to the mainland since things have slowed so much here. Almost everyone that was called over gets to go home, except for a few who are choosing to stay.”
“I was telling Bits earlier that I don’t know what I’ll do, the house will be so empty. So is he going with you? Or is he going back home too?”
“I… I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.”
“You should think about staying.” Kono urges. “You’re doing really well here.” You nod as the lunch bell dings, signaling that your lunch is over.
The rest of the day goes by surprisingly quickly as you try to figure out what you want to do. You don’t remember much about living back in the continental states, you lived in California somewhere, but that’s as good as you’ve got really. You like Hawaii, you really do, plus Jeongguk is here, and as long as you’re here, he can stay with you.
As the cab pulls into your driveway, you still aren’t sure what to do, or what to tell Jeongguk as you and Kono get out of the car and walk up to the house. As you step over the threshold into the house, a delightful smell tickles your nose; someone’s been cooking. You and Kono both follow your noses into the kitchen to see Jeongguk sitting at the dinner table with Bitsy and Clara.
“You’re home!” Clara says, more out of surprise than happiness. “John-kook made dinner!”
“Really?” You ask, but when Jeongguk doesn’t immediately turn to greet you with that goofy smile, you know something’s wrong. “Kook?” You walk over and put your hand on his shoulder, but he still doesn’t look at you. Clara and Bitsy both have nervous looks on their faces.
“Kook…” You pull the chair out next to him and sit down before tilting his chin so that he looks at you. You gasp, dropping your purse in shock when you see the dark black bruise surrounding his eye. “Oh my god! Jeongguk what happened to you?” You ask, cupping his face and pulling it closer so you can inspect his eye, but he remains tight lipped so you turn to the two girls sitting at the table.
“We didn’t see the whole thing.” Clara states.
“We just caught the end of it.” Bitsy agrees. “Ya see, we were down at the market an’ we ‘eard this commotion.”
“It sounded like a fight and there was a big group of people standing in a circle, so we went to see what was happening and…” Clara continues.
“It was Paul. Him an’ his group a rougheins.” Bitsy growls. “Once we realized it was Kook, Clara ran into the middle of it to stop them.”
“It wasn’t fair, it was five against one!” Clara pounds her fist on the table. “Those racist bastards.”
“She got Paul to back off, but not before they gave ‘em a nice shiner.” Bitsy finishes with a sigh. “We helped him home though and made him rest before dinner.”
“The butcher felt bad and gave Kook a nice steak to put on his eye for the swelling.” Clara adds. “And then he made dinner with it.”
The girls keep talking, but they fade out as your focus is drawn to Jeongguk in front of you. He won’t meet your gaze, seemingly ashamed, that is until he picks up his fork and stabs a bit of meat before holding it up to you.
“I made your favorite.” He whispers. “Please don’t be mad.”
“Mad…?” You ask. “I’m furious, but not at you baby.” You lean forward and wrap your arms tightly around Jeongguk, knocking the fork out of his hands. “I’m just glad you’re safe.” You can feel Jeongguk smile as he returns your hug. You pull back and place a kiss on his forehead before sitting back in your chair. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”
Jeongguk made bibimbap, your favorite, with perfectly seasoned meat, and you happily eat. After dinner, Bitsy and Clara leave for the night shift, and Kono disappears into her room, leaving you and Jeongguk alone to talk about what happened as you finish cleaning up the kitchen.
“I was just walking down the street at the market when these guys came up and started asking me a bunch of questions I couldn’t understand. When they heard my accent as I tried to explain that I didn’t speak english well, they started pushing me around while they yelled at me.”
“Did they say anything you recognized?”
“Jap.” Jeongguk mumbles as he puts the last bowl on the drying rack. “That’s all I knew. And then the big one punched me so hard I fell over, that’s when your friends found me.”
“Jeongguk,” You cry as you wrap him in your arms again. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault jagiya.” He sighs. “Although, I did lose what I went to town for; they stole it, said I didn’t deserve it.”
“We can go back tomorrow and get another one? What was it?”
“A ring…” Jeongguk whispers, looking up at you, his cheeks a bit flushed.
“A… A what?” You mumble, not sure you heard him right.
“It was a ring, for you.”
“For me?”
Jeongguk chuckles. “I feel a bit stupid telling you this without it, but I was going to propose to you noona. Tonight.”
“Kono told me yesterday that you might be moving back home, and I want you to know that wherever you go, I’ll go with you, because I’ve fallen in love with you. I know it’s crazy and we’ve only known each other for a month, but I’ve never felt this way before, about anyone.”
“Noona, will you marry me? I’d get down on my knee, but I don’t know if I’d get back up.”
You’re speechless, you’re definitely rushing into things here, right? But maybe that’s how it should be… You don’t know how long you’ll be here, or maybe, is this where you’re meant to be? “Y-yes.”
“Yes, I will.” You nod as Jeongguk sweeps you up off your feet and spins you around the best he can.
“I love you Y/N.” He states as he puts you back down, pulling you close.
“I love you too Jeongguk.” You smile brightly as he pulls you in for a kiss.
The girls of course are thrilled when you tell them, each of them squealing happily. Bitsy being the sneaky minx that she is, actually manages to get herself invited to Paul’s house two days later and steals the ring back for you. When she returns it to Jeongguk, he happily opens it and slides the ring on your finger; it’s a simple, but beautiful ruby and the weight of it on your finger makes you feel warm inside.
You and Jeongguk decide a few days later to stay in Hawaii, at least for the time being. Jeongguk writes his parents letters daily and has since he arrived at the hospital, about a week after Jeongguk proposes, you receive a letter back from them. They’re thrilled about your engagement, and after weeks of Jeongguk asking, they’ve finally gotten enough money together to move to Hawaii, and should be on a ship within the week and should arrive in another week or two. You and Jeongguk quickly find them a nice house by the bay and eagerly await their arrival from across the pacific.
A few days after his parents letter arrives, you and Jeongguk are relaxing at home, both of you on the couch while the other girls are out, your legs across his lap as you listen to the radio and read to Jeongguk.
“Isn’t this Doris Day?” Jeongguk suddenly asks, turning the radio up.
“Hm?” You listen for a moment. “Yeah, I think so. The song is called ‘Again’ I think, I’m surprised you know that.” Suddenly Jeongguk pushes your legs off his lap and stands up before grabbing your arm and tugging you to your feet with him. “Kook,” You giggle as he pulls you flush against him. “What are you doing?”
“Dancing.” He states, grabbing your waist and beginning to sway you both back and forth.
“So I finally get to see the magical feet of Jeon Jeongguk?” You tease.
“Shhh, just dance with me noona.”
“Again, this couldn't happen again
This is that once in a lifetime
This is the thrill divine…”
It’s nice, a peaceful and sweet moment, with you pressed so close to him as he rests his head on yours while you sway, hand clasped in his, content in just being with him. It makes you sad to think that one day, at some point, life may choose to take him away from you, or more likely, to take you away from him.
“Mine to hold as I'm holding you now and yet never so near
Mine to have when the now and the here disappear…”
“Jeongguk…” You whisper, thinking maybe you should tell him, but you don’t know what happens to the people you leave behind; is some part of you still here, or do you and all traces of you vanish completely, even the parts of you in his memory?
“We'll have this moment forever
But never, never, again…”
“Mm?” You don’t hear him as much as you feel the rumble in his chest.
“I love you…” You say as the song plays its last chord and your dance comes to a stop.
“I love you too.” Jeongguk smiles and leans down, capturing your lips in the sweetest of kisses, making your knees weak. You grip his button up shirt tightly as you pull back, breathing a bit heavier, and you wonder what it’ll be like to have him. All of him. Before you can overthink it, you push Jeongguk backwards so that he falls back down onto the couch.
“Woah,” He exclaims as he hits the cushions. “What’s this about?”
“Jeongguk,” You whisper as you climb into his lap. “Let me show you how much I love you.”
“Are you sure?” He visibly gulps.
“I’m sure.”
Jeongguk hesitates for a second before nodding, his bottom lip caught between his teeth; a sight you can’t resist. You lean forward and press your lips to his, letting his hands fall to your hips as he pulls you closer, his tongue slipping between your lips, and this time when you grind down against him, he doesn’t pull away, instead he groans, deep in his chest, a rumbling that sets your body on fire, but then he pulls away again.
“Um, wouldn’t you rather do this in a bed maybe?” He suggests shyly, cupping your cheek.
“You won’t change your mind?” You ask, suddenly nervous that he’s rejecting you again.
He stares deep into your eyes, smiling a heart wrenchingly beautiful smile. “Never.”
Your chest and stomach flutter at the same time as Jeongguk helps you off his lap and leads you upstairs to your room where he shuts the door before spinning you to face away from him. He grabs the zipper on the back of your shorts and yanks it down, dragging them down your legs before pushing you down on the bed and crawling on top of you; gone is the innocent boy you love so much, in his place is a strong man with a fire building in his sweet brown eyes.
Jeongguk reconnects his lips to yours as he starts working at the buttons on the front of your shirt, carefully undoing them until he gets to the last one and sits back to look. He stares down at your half naked body; your bra and underwear all that’s left covering you.
“You’re so beautiful noona.” He whispers.
He skips unbuttoning his own shirt, choosing to just slip it off over his head and toss it to the floor, leaving him in just his white undershirt and khaki slacks. You pull his undershirt off and reach up, running your fingers over his chest and watching his muscles flex beneath your touch, but not for long. Jeongguk slips your shirt the rest of the way off and leans down to pepper your neck with kisses while he fumbles with your bra. It takes him a few moments, but eventually he gets the hooks undone and manages to slip the fabric off your shoulders, taking his time to caress and marvel at your breasts.
“T-they’re so soft.” He observes, leaning down and burying his face between them as he massages them gently, feeling your smooth skin against his face.
“K-kook…” You gasp when he brushes against a nipple. His head shoots up to look at you, ready to apologize for doing something wrong until he sees the look on your face and the blush adorning your cheeks. He leans up and kisses you sweetly once more before grabbing the waistband of your underwear. He looks at you for approval, which you give, before slowly pulling the fabric down your legs and tossing it to the floor. He sits on his knees, a now obvious tenting in his pants as his hands caress your thighs, seemingly mesmerized by your naked figure, before spreading your legs with a small groan of want.
Jeongguk quickly moves to unbuckle his belt, but once he gets it open, he falters and begins to ramble. “Oh god Y/N I-I’ve never… I never done this before and I don’t know if I’ll be any good. What if I do something wrong? O-or if I hurt you? What if-”
“Jeongguk,” You coo softly. “There’s nothing you can do that will make me love you any less.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You whisper, sitting up to pull him into a kiss before you pull back and help him undo his pants the rest of the way, your hands brushing the scars on his thighs after he deposits his khakis on the floor.
“Noona,” Jeongguk calls your attention back up to his face as he pushes you back down against the mattress. “A-are you ready?” You realize he’s now leaning over you, one hand on the waistband of his underwear.
“Yes…” You mumble, suddenly realizing that in all the lives you’ve had, you’ve never had sex before either. “I’m just nervous I guess. I haven’t um… I haven’t done this either.”
“I’ll go slow, I promise.” He assures you, leaning down to give you a kiss before pulling the covers over you both. He shifts on top of you as he removes his underwear and then his knees are nudging at your thighs to open wider for him, and then you feel it. Something warm and hard is pressing against your most intimate of parts, trying to find its way inside your own warmth.
“A little l-lower I think…” You state, trying your best to guide Jeongguk to his destination. He follows your direction, pushing with intent until he finally slips the tip of his cock into you, a little faster than intended, catching you both by surprise as you let out a small cry.
“Are you okay?” He asks, panicking as he stills himself.
You nod, biting back the stinging feeling between your legs. “It just h-hurts a little bit. Y-you’re bigger than I e-expected.”
Jeongguk’s face flushes bright red as he looks down at you, obviously flustered by your comments on his size. “I’m s-sorry. Do… Do you want to stop?”
“No!” You whine, a little too loudly, making Jeongguk smirk just a bit. “J-just… Just go slow.” You mutter.
Jeongguk nods, leaning down to press his lips to yours as he starts moving again. He goes slow, swallowing each little gasp that leaves your mouth until he’s fully seated inside you and a moan escapes both of your lips as Jeongguk’s head falls on your shoulder.
“It’s s-so tight…” He whimpers. “Is it supposed to feel this good?”
“Jeongguk please move.” You plead, needing some sort of friction before you feel like you might burst.
Jeongguk simply groans against your neck as he complies, pulling his hips back before sliding into you again and again, making you feel dizzy and hot and oh so full. He feels so good inside you, brushing against your walls in all the right ways; you’ve never felt this kind of pleasure in your life.
You wrap your arms tightly around his neck and spread your legs wider, allowing him to go deeper as you both moan. The longer you go, the rougher Jeongguk’s thrusts become until you feel like you’re bouncing across the bed with every push of his hips. All of your thoughts are gone, the only thing you can focus on is the blissful feeling of Jeongguk, pleasuring you from the inside out. Suddenly a swirling heat starts building in the pit of your stomach, your senses heightened as you feel like your whole body is tightening.
You need to tell him something’s happening, but you don’t know how. “J-Jeongguk, I-”
“God it feels so good. I feel- hah~ I’m so- Oh god, w-what is- Oh~ Oh~!” Jeongguk thrusts into you one last time with all his might, spiraling you into the most amazing feeling you’ve ever felt in your life, crying out his name as bliss floods your brain and something warm and wet floods your core.
You’re both still as you ride out the feeling and then Jeongguk collapses on top of you, his body spent. He peppers your face with kiss after kiss, mumbling how much he loves before finally sitting up and carefully pulling out of you, both of you wincing. You feel a rush of fluids spilling out of you and you sit up to look, thinking you must be bleeding or something, but instead of red, you see Jeongguk’s white sticky release coating your folds.
“S-sorry.” Jeongguk mutters as he stands up. “Don’t move, let me get you something.” He limps his way to the bathroom and you hear the sink running before he comes back, one hand covering himself, a washcloth in the other. He sits back on the bed and gently swipes up your folds, collecting the mixture of your releases and then tossing the washcloth in your hamper, cheering when he sees it went in before grabbing his underwear and sliding them back on and handing you yours.  As you pull your underwear up your legs, Jeongguk climbs over you and lays on his side of the bed, grabbing your waist and pulling you flush against him, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you both sit in silence, suddenly tired. You start to drift off, and just as you’re about to fall asleep, Jeongguk whispers in your ear.
“I can’t wait to marry you noona. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Jeongguk.”
It’s a few days later, and few more sexual encounters later; you’re both sitting at home when Bitsy and Clara come home from work and Bitsy declares she wants to go out and have a good time before her and Clara head back to the states next week.
Clara rolls her eyes. “Bits, when don’t you want to go out?”
“Just because you’re a big ‘ol buzzkill.” Bitsy retorts, sticking her tongue out. “Y/N will come with me, wontcha Y/N?”
“Me?” You ask, surprised, usually she drags Kono out with her.
“Yeah, you haven’t been out in ages, don’t ya wanna have fun?” She taunts, shaking your arm. “Kook can come too! It’ll be great.”
You look up at Jeongguk as he comes back into the room with some water. He must have heard the conversation because he’s looking at you like a puppy you promised to take for a walk. “Where would we go?”
“Anywhere ya want! Kook, where do you wanna go?” She turns to him.
“Can we go dancing?” He asks hopefully.
“Of course! I’mma get changed, let’s leave in ten minutes, okay?” She squeals excitedly before flouncing up the stairs.
“I guess I should get changed too.” You state, putting your book down and standing up. “Kono, are you coming with us?”
“Yeah, why not.” Kono shrugs. “I think we all deserve a night out.”
“Fine!” Clara bursts. “Let’s go.”
They both stand up and you all head upstairs to get ready. You pick out your favorite red and white swing dress with a white petticoat and some red shoes, finishing your look with a red lip before heading out of the bathroom to see Jeongguk in a pair of khaki swing trousers, a red polo with suspenders, his favorite black and white oxfords and a black fedora.
He smiles when he sees you. “Noona, you look so pretty.”
“So do you.” You giggle, walking over to him. “But I think we can leave this at home.” You reach up and take off his hat, leaving it on the bed.
“Too much?”
“Just a bit.”
You reach up and cup his cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay to go out?”
“Noona I’m fine.” He rolls his eyes. “You promised when I got better we could go out.”
“I know, but-“
Just then you hear Bitsy calling your names from downstairs, telling you to hurry up in a less than polite way, so you grab Jeongguk’s hand and tug him out of your room and down the stairs to where the others are waiting.
“Let’s go!” Bitsy cheers when you’re all gathered. She grabs her car keys and you all follow her out the door and pile into her car; Clara in the front, and you in the back squished between Kono and Jeongguk.
It takes about ten minutes to get to Bitsy’s favorite place in the world; a bar called the Suds, and when you pull up, you can already hear the loud music and laughter coming from inside. Bitsy parks and you all get out, Jeongguk helps you out of the car and then grips your hand tightly as you walk up to the entrance, seemingly nervous. You squeeze his hand in return to let him know it’ll be okay and he seems to relax as you walk inside.
Bitsy vanishes as soon as you get inside, making a beeline for the dance floor, Clara and Kono find an empty table and take a seat while you and Jeongguk go to the bar and get everyone a drink, heading to the table when you’re done. You take a seat and take a sip of your beer, scanning the room. Jeongguk seems unable to sit still next to you, bouncing with excitement as he watches the dancers.
“Jeongguk, go.” You whisper, nodding at the dance floor.
He immediately stands but then turns back to you and holds out his hand. “Dance with  me?” He asks in a perfect english accent.
You accept his outstretched hand with a smile. “Of course.”
Jeongguk immediately tugs you out onto the dancefloor, making Bitsy cheer when she sees the two of you. “It’s about time!” She yells before the man she’s dancing with spins her around. “Show me what you can do Kook!”
Jeongguk doesn’t hesitate at all, grabbing your hand and your waist and pulling you close. The two of you rock step as Jeongguk intermittently swings you out, moving your feet to the beat of the quickstep song the band plays. He spins you around, leading you all over the dancefloor, impressing you with just how good he is, moving you to the rhythm. It isn’t until most people have moved out of the way that he moves onto the big stuff.
When he decides he has enough room, Jeongguk swings you down, lifting his leg up over you and the pulling you up from between his legs before spinning you so your back is against his and then flipping you up onto his back and over, making the crowd around you cheer. He slows down and lets you catch your breath before you jump up on his hip and then he pushes you off, sending you flying in a spin until he catches your hand and stops you, pulling you back to him.
You go back to a rock step until Jeongguk puts his arm around your waist and lifts you, sending you into a jump over and around his back before picking you up and flipping you over his arm where you thankfully land back on your feet.  He spins you once more before grabbing you under your arms and spinning you around, your feet flying out as he steps over them until you land again and fly back into Bitsy who catches you and sends you back into Jeongguk. You jump into his arms, your legs spread and he rocks you back up into the air, you feel like your feet touch the ceiling before you come back down. You come to one side of his waist and Jeongguk quickly swings you to the other, grabbing your legs tight before flinging the top half of you around him, catching you and spinning you before he lets your feet find the floor again. He grabs your arm and spins you one last time before the song ends and he stills you; everyone cheering and clapping as you come to a halt.
Bitsy runs up you, bouncing as she claps. “That was amazing! Y/N, I didn’t know you could dance like that!”
“I didn’t do anything, it was all him.” You state as the three of you walk back over to the table.
“I’m glad we saved your leg, Kook.” Kono smiles as you take a seat next to her and take a swig of your beer. “That was incredible.”
“Thank you.” Jeongguk mumbles, his face flushing from the praise. “I like dancing.”
“He’s won competitions back home.” You brag for him.
“That doesn’t surprise me.” Kono nods. “You could win some serious money doing that.”
“They have competitions here every friday.” Bitsy states. “You should enter one.”
Jeongguk looks at you confused and you translate for him, watching as he breaks into a wide smile and nods. “I’d like to.” He agrees.
“Then you should start practicin’!” Bitsy cheers, pulling Jeongguk to his feet. Jeongguk nods happily before turning back to you and grabbing your hand, tugging you back out onto the dancefloor.
The two of you dance to several more songs, having a great time with each other, but after the next slow song, you have to sit down and you allow Bitsy to take your place. You make your way back to your table and have a seat, watching Jeongguk twirl Bitsy around the floor to the music, until you notice Jeongguk start to limp again. The next time you catch Bitsy’s eye, you point at Jeongguk and then at your leg, and she quickly gets the message, dragging Jeongguk over to the table for you before grabbing Kono and Clara and hauling them onto the dancefloor with her.
“How’s your leg?” You ask Jeongguk as he sits down.
“Honestly I didn’t even feel it until you said something, but it is starting to hurt a bit.”
“Maybe you’ve had enough practice for tonight?”
“Yeah, I have.” He agrees, offering you a smile.
“So, you never told me you could dance like that.” You tease.
He shrugs. “Did you have fun?”
“Fun? You flipped me around so much I didn’t know which way was up! It was great!”
“I can teach you some steps if you want.” Jeongguk offers, his smile growing wider.
“That would be-”
“Well!” You’re interrupted by a loud male voice. “What do we have here? The local Jap couple.” You look up to see Paul, the asshole who beat up Jeongguk the other day.
“What do you want Paul.” You hiss.
“Well I heard you two were getting hitched. Is that true?”
“What’s it to you?” Jeongguk suddenly asks, standing up in front of you protectively.
“Woah there tough guy.” Paul throws up his hands defensively. “I see someone finally learned to speak english.”
“What do you want?” Jeongguk spits.
“I just want to make sure you didn’t put a baby in this here girl of yours,” Paul points to you and suddenly two men lift you to your feet and hold your arms behind your back. You struggle in their grasp, but their grip it too tight. “Cause if you did, I’mma have to knock it back out.�� He rolls up his sleeves. “Can’t have you two breedin any babies to fight for the wrong side.”
“Don’t touch her.” Jeongguk growls, grabbing Paul’s arm and pulling it away from you.
“I can do whatever I want.” Paul states, grabbing the front of Jeongguk’s shirt. “I ain’t gotta listen to you, Jap.” And then Paul pulls his fist back, but Jeongguk’s quicker this time, punching Paul right in the side of his jaw, making the man stumble back a few steps from the unexpected hit. “You son of a bitch!” Paul yells, causing the music to stop as he lunges at Jeongguk.
“Jeongguk!” You cry, only able to watch as the man you love is knocked to the floor. Paul kneels down and continues hitting Jeongguk, punch after punch. Tears stream down your cheeks as you watch Jeongguk’s blood drip from his face. It’s then that you feel it; the haze. It surrounds you. No, you can’t leave now, Jeongguk needs you. “Jeongguk! Jeongguk, I’m sorry!” You whimper, slipping from the men’s grasps as you slowly disappear. You see the girls appear a the front of the circle of people surrounding the fight and suddenly see Clara and Bitsy jump into the fray, trying to pull Paul off Jeongguk. The last thing you see is Jeongguk reaching for you, blood dripping down onto his red shirt.
“Jeongguk!” You cry, bolting upright, gripping the blanket in your lap tightly. You begin sobbing uncontrollably as you realize; it doesn’t matter anymore, wherever you are now, whenever you are, Jeongguk is not here with you.
Copyright © Inkjam-Moon 2019
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Not So Silent Night
Desire and Decorum/ MC x Ernest Sinclaire
Summary: Clara and Ernest finally get some alone time this Christmas.
Author’s Note: steamy ahead, NSFW content has been warned. For the 41 Days of Cheer, day 27 – Silent Night. See this website for the history of the song Silent Night: https://www.german-way.com/history-and-culture/holidays-and-celebrations/christmas/stille-nacht-silent-night/
Have fun reading 😉 and let me know what you think!
There were three children present the Christmas of 1819. Theresa and Harry had their daughter Jane. Briar and Edmund with their daughter Katharine. Finally, Ernest and Clara had their son Vincent. It would be all their children’s first Christmas. Some of their other friends had their families as well but none would be at Edgewater tonight.
“That was excellent wassail,” said Theresa looking at her cup as Clara filled it back up for her.
“It’s the Sinclaire family recipe,” said Ernest happily as Clara had passed Vincent to him. His son giggling happily as he bounced him on his knee. “One day I will teach you.” He pressed his finger to Vincent’s nose who just reached to play with his jacket.
“Perhaps we should make a tradition like that Theresa,” said Harry to his wife.
“I know which tradition I’ll start,” said Briar from the pianoforte as her song finished. “I’ll make Katharine a new dress every year, I’m starting to design a new one as soon as yesterday! Then for each daughter born.”
“What about a son?” asked Edmund interested. She looked up and down at him trying to piece together an idea.
“Possibly a hanky but we’ll see.”
Edmund had moved from his spot next to the fire to sit next to Briar on the piano bench. She had turned out to be rather good as Annabelle showed her how to play. Edmund putting Katharine on her lap to be with her mother.
Clara had squeezed Ernest’s hand as she knew what they were starting. “We’re going to have a special boxing day ball for the staff and their families. I’ve been making them a special ornament to put on the tree.”
She was particularly proud of this tradition that she was starting.
“Oh, that sounds lovely!” said Theresa as she tried to think before something popped to her mind. “I know and we can do it right now. I think we should take a minute after the feast or before we go to sleep and just be quiet. We have a silent minute just to think of what we wish or the new year.”
Harry had taken her hand and kissed her cheek softly.
“It reminds me of that song I had heard in Austria when we were touring,” said Ernest. “Stille Nacht or Silent Night in English. Where everything is calm and peaceful. That’s a rather exquisite idea Mrs. Foredale.”
She just looked proud of herself to think of such an idea.  
“Perhaps we should do it now,” said Clara. “It is just about time to sleep.”
“Oh, please let’s just drink one more mug of wassail,” said Harry, “and let Briar finish her song.”
Clara looked down at Vincent who was already starting to get drowsy. She just laughed some and took him from Ernest rocking him slightly as she nodded. They had been up and busy all morning with visits from their friends as well. She supposed just one more song would do it as Briar turned to Ernest.
“I don’t know the music, but would you sing this Silent Night song Mr. Sinclaire?”
She had brushed up against Ernest encouraging him to do it. Perhaps it would rock the children to sleep. He had sighed and instructed her to move over. Perhaps he could remember the tune if he looked at the keys.  
Clearing his throat Ernest thought of the words before forming a melody to what he had heard. Then started to sing. “Silent night, holy night everyone sleeps; alone watches only the beloved, holy couple. Blessed boy in curly hair, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.”
With that everyone else in the room started to sing along as they had repeated it once more. Edmund and Theresa rocking their children to sleep in the same manner that she had. The fire was dying slightly keeping the room rather warm and the family feeling closer then ever.
“That’s simple yet elegant,” said Clara kissing him. “Perhaps let’s take a silent minute together before we head to bed?”
Everyone had nodded as Clara closed her eyes to think of her one Christmas wish. She knew exactly what it was as she pressed Vincent to her chest. I wish for another child, she thought, and smiled as the minute had finally passed.
With that each person started to head to their rooms. Clara put Vincent to sleep and so forth with the rest of the family. Finally reaching her room she had started to disrobe ready to join Ernest in bed. He had set his book aside before turning to her.
“Clara,” he said seeing her green gown set aside to be cleaned or put away.
“Ernest,” she said sliding underneath the warm covers next to him.
She thought of her wish and decided to be a little proactive. By now they could very well have a chance as she was sure her monthly visitor wouldn’t be coming until later in the month. A bit eagerly she had kissed him long and deep before adjusting to be on top of him. Her dark hair made a curtain around his face as she let it fall. Ernest took in her deep scent of flowers and chocolate from dessert. Flushed with desire and hunger did he flip he right back over for her to be underneath.
“Ernest,” she squealed happily along as his kisses went from her lips down to collarbone and then to her breast. She didn’t say anything yet as he teasingly pulled her nightgown up slowly but surely.
“Ohh Ernest,” she moaned pulling his body clos to hers.
“Ah ah,” he said losing her corset before discarding it to the side. The only thing between the two of them was her thin and sheer chemise as Ernest gently nibbled at the fabric before slowly undressing her more and more. A shiver ran down her spine as he took pride in that.
“I want you to make me beg…”
Listening her to her Ernest had taking his discarded cravat and tied it around her twists slightly above her head. She looked at bit surprised but could only encourage him as his lips went around to belly button and the had gently prodded at her.
“Clara,” he said His father like kisses reaching down to her abdomen. The very same one that was round with child only months prior. Her hips buckled against his lips as he tutted at her softly.
“Patience,” he said, “I want to hear you beg…”
“Ohhh Ernest please,” she whispered feeling that rising heat and tension between them. He knew it wouldn’t take long to rile her up. He had poked on finger against her slit pleased to see her wet already. Then a second and finally….
“Ahhh Ernest please please,” she said giving in easily.
“You’re so tight,” he muttered as his cock broke her barriers and dug into her. Her hips matching his thrusts oh oh as she felt a wave of pleasure course through her. Ernest looked very satisfied with himself when he released into her body limp in his arms. “ERN…”
His hand had covered her mouth urging her to keep at least a little silent. Her hands arching to be out of its confinement to wrap around her husband. With one tug he released her as her arms went around his neck kissing his lips softly. Their bodies creating its own rhythm unable to stop as more waves of pleasure rolled through her.
Finally, content with their love making did they lay next to each other. Her eyes closed but her hand lazily tracing around his torso. Her head using his chest as a pillow. Ernest pulled her closing gently playing with her hair a lazily smile of his own on his face.
“I love laying with you Clara, I love feeling your body pressed up against my own. You’re voice when you say my name. its out own private dance that we can only have together. Oh Clara my Clara, you’re perfect with your flaws and all.”
“Flatterer,” she teased before moving up and pressing her kiss to his cheek. “But you’re my own Adonis that I want to be with every night of my life.”
He brushed hair away from her face pressing his lips to hers.
“Th only person that I’d ever want to share you with for affection is our own children,” he said thinking of Vincent in the next room. “Every time we lay together, I pray for more, you’re a great mother Clara and…” She had kissed him harder back as she led his hand to her stomach.
“I hope sooner rather then later. Let us sleep and hope for our next bundle of joy.”
With that they had drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.  
Tag list: @hellooliviaolivia @noeschoices @flyawayboo @am-i-invisible777 @adrianadmirer  @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @paisleylovergirl @elainew13 @itsbrindleybinch @brightpinkpeppercorn  @darley1101 @mfackenthal @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @wildsayeed @princess-geek @perriewinklenerdie  @lilyofchoices @radlovedreamer @symonde @indescribablechoices 
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bicon-korra · 6 years
happy allurance valentine’s!!!!!
[Valentine’s Day ficlet for our favorite cotton candy couple.]
“Psst. Are the kids asleep yet?” Lance asks, closing the bedroom door behind him with a quiet click.
Allura’s sitting in bed and scrolling through her data pad, trying to find ideas for their oldest kid’s science fair project. Altean technologies are still banned from entry since the paladins made their descent on Earth, which Allura finds pretty offensive.
"Mmhmm," she responds, half-listening. She scrolls to a video of a baking soda volcano and clicks her tongue in disapproval. How rudimentary…she thinks.
Lance slinks over to give her a quick kiss, and she places the data pad on her nightstand, opening the covers for him to nestle beside her.
“Thanks for dinner tonight,” he says, leaning his head against her arm.
“Of course. Thanks for helping. The kids liked it. Junie even ate a shrimp.”
“Just like her papa,” he says proudly.
Allura ruffles his hair, and he nips at her shoulder. “What were you working on just now?” he asks curiously.
Allura sighs and tilts her head back. “Trying to find a simple experiment design for Clara’s science project.”
Lance raises his eyebrows in fake shock. “What, the Balmeran biome project didn’t go over well?” he jokes.
“Unfortunately too progressive for your education system, at the moment.”
“Hm, that is unfortunate,” he frowns, then pauses for a second. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to do something, just the two of us.”
Allura turns to look at him. “No, why be sorry? We did do something. We cooked, and our children actually ate what we put on their plates. That’s enough for me.”
“I know, babe, but it’s Valentine’s Day. Like, half of our clothes should be off already by now.”
“Only half? I’m faster than that, Lance. But I’m glad you brought it up because I wasn’t planning on staring at dioramas and paper mache volcanoes all night.”
Lance’s core twinges with desire, and he’s so glad that she’s feeling it too. “You know, this popped into my head randomly today, but it’s already been nine years of peace on this planet. And all those years I’ve gotten to spend with you. I’m so grateful, Allura, I truly am.”
She brushes his hair back again, her eyes falling on the crescent markings lining his cheeks that have faded substantially since she placed them. Nine years of peace. Before that, an eternity of loneliness the moment she walked away from Lance and into that void.
Once the all the convergent universes reached a semblance of balance, she returned to Earth in Blue, collapsing into Lance’s arms and refusing to let go.
She couldn’t even express how grateful she felt. Still, she tried every day. As a friend, a lover, and a mother. Maybe that’s why Valentine’s almost slipped her mind. Since fading into and reemerging from the light, she tried to celebrate love any moment she could.
Lance crawls over to his side of the bed and grabs something from his nightstand drawer. It’s a blush pink gift box with a light blue ribbon. He loves their paladin uniform colors and how well they complement each other.
“What’s this?” Allura asks in mock surprise. Again, Lance loves Valentine’s, and he takes it very seriously.
“Ábrelo,” he nudges, trying to contain his excitement.
Inside is a small perfume bottle shaped like a Balmeran crystal. Allura is taken with its beauty and sprays the mist once on her wrist, recognizing the fragrance instantly. “Lance, it’s juniberries! How did you—”
“Science!” Lance exclaims, waving his hands with pizzazz. “It’s eu de toilette,” he says in a terrible French accent, which makes Allura cringe her nose in disgust.
“Nope, you’re right,” he says, “that sounded weird. I hear it now.”
Allura reaches over to kiss him. “I love it. Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything.”
“That’s okay,” Lance says, shrugging lightly.
Allura thinks for a second and settles on something they’d both like. “Can I get you out of these clothes?” she asks shyly, tugging at Lance’s sleeve. The feeling makes Lance shiver, and he reaches over to turn off his lamp as Allura slips off her nightgown. She really is fast, he thinks.
She sprays the perfume on her neck, shaking her silver hair loose from its ponytail. “Let’s recreate Valentine’s number three, shall we?”
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blueinkblot · 6 years
@write-it-motherfuckers Okay! This is the draft I turned in for my writing class, and while I think it could be a lot better I didn’t want to keep you waiting too much longer.
I should have known things would go badly when my childhood “coven” reconvened over winter break.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” I said, pulling at Eliot’s hand. “Ceels even said she found a real grimoire by a real witch.”
“With the way things were,” Eliot said, digging her heels into the decaying rug in the O’Connor’s back room, “who even knows if she’s a real witch?”
“You could say the same about us,” Celia said, walking into the room with a decaying book in one hand that was at least eight inches thick. She carried a silver platter of lemon cookies in the other. “Just three twenty-something hipsters playing around with things they don’t understand.”
Really, we weren’t a coven. There were three of us: myself, with a main skill set involving little magicks like lighting lights or clearing dust; my friend Celia, whose magick focused on intuition and the mind; and our mutual friend Eliot, whose magick was physical (healing, speed, and reflexes). The three of us had parted ways after graduating high school and gone off to college.
“Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m getting stronger,” Eliot said, flexing her left arm. “The guys in the shop are starting to actually seem impressed with how much I can lift by myself.”
“Yeah, well, don’t show off or anything,” Celia pouted. “Sit down and let’s get started.”
She let the grimoire fall onto the steamer trunk that sat in the middle of the small room, and a cloud of dust shot out from between the pages.
“Smells old,” Eliot said through a cough, flapping a hand in front of her face to clear the air.
“Clara,” I murmured, pointing a finger at the dust. As quickly as I could have snapped my fingers the dust was gone.
“Oooh, look at you, Rhi,” Celia said. “Is that new?”
“Improved,” I said, pointing a finger at her. “I can now clean my room… slightly faster than I used to be able to.”
Silence fell over the room, and Celia took a cookie off of the plate she was holding. I reached for the book, only for her to put the plate down onto the steamer trunk so that her arm was blocking me from touching the book.
“Rhiannon Grace Adler, have a cookie or two before we get into the occult,” she said in a faux-Southern drawl as she often did.
“Yes, mom,” I said, taking two and getting powdered sugar all over my black pants.
“Okay, now that we’ve all had a little sustenance we can get into the fun stuff,” Celia said, dusting her hands off and flinging crumbs to the floor before sitting down in the wicker chair behind her. She undid the two brass latches on the grimoire with careful fingers and opened to the first page.
“This being the collection of magyck  - magick spelled M-A-G-Y-C-K, guys - gathered by one Prudence Goode in the year 1721.”
Eliot and I ooohed at this.
“Okay, find something good for us to try,” I said, watching Celia scrutinize the first page. She skimmed through a dozen pages and then paused, tapping her finger against the page.
“Here’s a good one, Teleportation of the Body and Mind.”
“Do me! Do me! Do me!” I said, bouncing in my seat.
Celia gave me a withering look. “No thanks, you’re my friend. And I have a boyfriend.”
I snorted at her and Eliot nearly fell off of the settee she was sitting on in laughter.
“Shut up, you know what I meant,” I pouted.
“Yes, I did,” she said with a warm smile. “Mistress Eliot, are you ready?”
“Yes.” Eliot wiggled on her seat and sat up straight.
“Mistress Rhiannon, are you ready?”
“If you insist,” I said, faux-annoyed.
“And I’m ready. Rhi, you wanna be the guinea pig?”
“Yup!” I jumped up from my seat and stood next to the trunk. “Shoot me off to Canada!”
“Canada’s too far,” Celia whined. “I’ll send you, like, next door. Freak the Neils out.”
She and Eliot joined hands, and they peered at the book on the side table.
“Guess it’s time to remember my Latin,” Eliot said. “On three?”
She counted herself and Celia off, and they read through the chant three times as the instructions, well, instructed.
“Feel anything?” Celia asked, opening one of her eyes and looking up at me.
“…I feel kind of tingly.”
“Keep going,” Eliot said, nodding towards the book.
They resumed the chant, and they were halfway through the second repetition before I was tossed in the air.
I was about ten feet in the air when I reappeared and had only a moment to panic before gravity decided that it was once again interested in me. I landed on my front, my breath knocked out of me, and groaned as I tried to take stock of myself. Fortunately, it seemed I had my arms and legs. Unfortunately, it seemed I didn’t know where I was.
The floor beneath my hands was cold and hard, and though I couldn’t see it I would have bet money that I had fallen onto a stone floor.
So the spell worked, I thought, but where am I?
“Who’s there?” A male voice called, and I felt a cool shiver run down my spine. The sound of footsteps drew nearer, and finally I saw the light of a lamp bobbing towards me. As the figures got closer, I could see a woman a few inches shorter than me holding the lantern and, beside her, a tall man draped in a long, dark cloak. His face looked pale in the yellow lamplight, but I was sure it was just my eyes playing tricks on me.
“It would seem we have a guest,” he said, heels clicking against the floor as they moved towards me. I scrambled to my feet before they reached me.
“I’m sorry for trespassing,” I said, holding up my hands. “I didn't mean to disturb you, I’ll just leave - ”
I reached for the door and pulled it open, only for a flash of lightning and peal of thunder to make me jump back in surprise.
“This is not suitable weather for traveling,” the man said. “Please, stay.”
“I couldn’t impose.”
“I insist,” the man said, inclining his head.
I finally nodded and shut the solid wooden door.
“How did you get here?” The man asked, looking down towards me.
“Magic,” I confessed. “Bad, accidental magic out of an old grimoire my friend found.”
“Magic?” His brow furrowed. “I haven’t seen magic in a long time.”
“How long?”
“It must have been… oh, 270 years?”
I felt the warmth drain from my face. “What?!”
He caught my expression and laughed. “I forgot to introduce myself. I am Count Dracula, and I welcome you to my home.”
I leapt away from him. “Dracula.” My chest felt tight and my mind was racing. “You’re a vampire.”
“Indeed.” He looked over, his expression cool but surprised. “How did you know that?”
For a moment I struggled to come up with an answer. “Where I come from, there are a lot of stories about you.”
He turned to me, holding out a hand. “Madame - ”
“Don’t get any closer.” The middle finger of the hand I was holding up between me and him lit on fire.
He sighed impatiently. “Mâdâlena, please show our guest to the lavender room near my chambers.”
The woman who’d been carrying the torch before returned and gestured for me to follow her. She had greying dark brown hair that was wound into a bun that was slowly falling apart, and she wiped her hands off on an apron.
“This way miss,” she said in a soft, even voice.
The room was quiet - tapestries hung from the walls that deadened the sound and there were heavy draperies that hung around the tall, four-postered bed.
“I’ll find a nightgown for you to wear, and when I return I’ll light a fire.”
“Thank you,” I called as she turned and left the room.
I sat down on the bed, surprised when it didn’t give like a mattress might but instead crackled as though I were sitting on Rice Krispies.
When Mâdâlena returned, she had not only what she’d promised but a strange, wooden device in the shape of a ’t’. As I watched, she beckoned for me to stand up, then used the device to pull at strings strung through the side of the bed. She moved to the fireplace and soon a fire was warming the room.
“I found this,” she said. “It may be a bit long, but hopefully it will fit you.”
I took the gown and marveled at the detailing around the neck. “Thank you, again,” I said, hating the way my voice shook.
She nodded once then pulled a brass pan from the end of the bed. “I will fill the bed warmer and then I will go,” she said. “Do not hesitate to call if you need anything more.”
I watched her scoop some of the glowing embers into the pan, then slide the pan under the sheets. “Simply remove it when the sheets become warm.”
The way she was instructing me about these unfamiliar tools and the formal tone of her voice caused tears to spring to my eyes.
“Thank you.”
She nodded one more time, then turned and left, this time for good.
“God I’m such an idiot,” I said, feeling my throat tie into a knot as I scrubbed at my eyes with the heel of my hand. “I’m never going to get home.”
Then it was just like the dam burst. The guilt over how Celia and Eliot must be feeling plus the hopelessness of being stuck in Transylvania in the year who-knows-when plus the gut-wrenching fear of being holed up in the domicile of the most famous vampire on the planet - vampires, whom I never would have guessed were real just this morning - who could suck me dry at any moment. Especially now that it was nighttime and I was starting to feel sleepy. Tears ran down my cheeks and I tried to keep the sobbing to the minimum - who knows what the master of the house could hear - but I could only do so much.
I changed into the nightgown and immediately felt myself break out in goosebumps. Despite the fire, there was still a draft coming from somewhere in the room. Eventually, as Mâdâlena suggested, I pulled the bed warmer out of the sheets and placed it near the fire. Then I pulled back the sheets, slid in, and tried to convince myself to fall asleep.
Apparently I did fall asleep, because at some point in the darkest point of the night I was startled out of a dream by the prickly feeling of my magic. I sat up, gasping and clutching the sheets like a lifeline.
There, outlined by the soft torchlight of the hall, was Dracula. I could see two faint red pinpricks in the dark that moved just slightly before he turned and left the room, the door shutting behind him.
In the morning I redressed in my modern clothes and found a note on my dresser asking me to return to the hall in which I’d landed. As often happened in unfamiliar places, I didn’t sleep well that night. My back ached, and I was still slightly grumpy from not having slept well.
In the hall there now was a long, glossy wooden table laid out with shining silver plates of food. I stopped in the entryway to the hall, and the count looked my way before standing.
“I apologize for spooking you last night,” the count said, not even blinking. “It’s… been so long since I last had guests.”
“This is so much food,” I murmured. “I can’t possibly even eat a fraction of it.”
I took spoonfuls of the plates of food that I recognized - potatoes, greens, and a dark meat I didn’t recognize - before pouring a gravy over the whole plate. My throat grew tight as I pulled the chair out and sat down.
He’s going to wait until you’re full and sleepy, and then he’s going to jump you.
I felt my stomach twist in anxiety.
I looked up from the food and felt myself begin to shake as I noticed the count’s eyes on my. I raised another bite to my mouth, and then I felt something inside me snap.
The fork clattered back to the plate and I felt my chest constrict as I let out a sob.
I buried my head in my hands as I felt warm tears streak down my cheeks. A hand touched my shoulder and I gasped, flinching away from the touch.
“Please,” I sobbed, “Please, I don’t want to die!”
It felt like the room was crumpling around me, and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.
I heard a soft “oh,” no more that an exhalation of breath, and then the sound of the count’s shoes against the floor.
Just breathe, I thought to myself. Five things I can see…
I peeked through my fingers as I tried to regain control of my breathing and noticed that the count stood ramrod-straight a few paces away.
Finally I could sit up and just try to breathe. I wiped the tears away and took a few more gulping breaths of air.
“I, um, apologize for panicking,” I said, unable to meet the count’s eyes. “I shouldn’t have assumed you were going to bite me.”
“It is a natural conclusion,” he answered, expression solemn. “Though I must admit, I was worried you would curse me if I tried anything.”
I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face. “That’s kind of funny, but I don’t know that much magic. All I can do right now is - ”
I lifted a hand. Dust flew into the air as I vanished it, and the lights grew a little brighter.
“Little things.”
“If you wish to learn more,” the count said, “I believe I know a sorcerer who used to come by every so often.”
“What happened to him?”
“The townspeople. I’m afraid I am the only supernatural creature left here - the rest were driven out.”
“Where does your friend live?” I asked.
“Siberia, I believe.”
“And quite isolated, too.”
“Oh, that makes sense.” I bit my lip. “If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to learn from him. Maybe he can help me get home.” The count looks crestfallen for just a moment, but then straightened up once more. “I will send him a letter this evening.”
“How’s it going to get to him in Siberia?”
He said nothing, only raising his arm. Down from the high, shadowed ceilings of the castle swooped a bird, and when it landed a glossy black raven stood on his arm.
“Meet Noapte.”
“Hey,” I breathed, reaching a hand out. Noapte cawed but didn’t snap at me as I petted his head. I met the count’s gaze. “You’re going to send a note by raven?”
“And how long should it take for your friend to arrive?”
“I suppose…. About a month?”
I nearly choked. “A month?”
“He’ll have to travel in secret.” The count’s tone revealed that he was surprised that I was surprised.
“My goodness.”
“Come, I’ll show you the study.”
As in the hall the ceiling was higher than expected, but instead of the lingering chill the room seemed to be radiating warmth. Bookcases stretched towards the ceiling like trees, and titles embossed on some of the spines glittered in the low light like sunlight off of water.
The count moved further into the room, and I forgot my nerves in a moment of breathless awe. While he moved over towards the large desk sitting towards the back of the room, I hurried over to the shelves.
The first book I pulled out was in a beautiful, clean hand, and it took a moment of staring before I realized it was in Latin.
“The Scientia Rerum,” he said. “You know Latin?”
“It’s been a while,” I said, smiling down at the pages. “But I can pick things out here and there.”
As badly as I wanted to run my fingers over the illuminated letters and the brilliant illustrations, I knew I’d be crushed if I did anything to ruin the books.
“Concerning the - adjunctum? Oh, that’s properties - properties of all things relating to the Earth.” I looked up from the pages. “This is alchemy, then?”
“It certainly sounds like it,” the count said, head bowed in focus as he wrote with precise, deft strokes.
“Have you ever tried anything from any of your books?”
“Once or twice.” He finished a phrase with an exact tap on the page.
“It would be fascinating to try and see if any of the combinations the alchemists detail could actually work,” I said, running my fingers against the ragged edge of the page.
“And how would you do that?”
“Set up some equipment, run the reaction, and note the result.” I met his gaze and shrugged. “It’s not too different from what I’ve done in the laboratory.”
“You study?”
“Biochemistry.” I shrugged again. Did I usually shrug this much? “I, uh… it has to do with the human body. Figuring out its deepest secrets.”
“Try the red book on the fifth shelf there,” the count advised, pointing with the end of his quill.
I put the book back in its place and reached for the book he’d noted. Opening it - it too was in Latin - but there was a drawing of the full body with notes around it.
I flicked through some of the pages and then closed the book. “This is… amazing. Thank you.”
He’s pouring something from a small spoon onto the now rolled-up note. The count removed a ring and pressed it into the - oh, that was wax - before meeting my gaze.
“Is that a seal?”
“It is my family’s crest.”
I walked over to the desk and watched as he wiggled the ring out of the wax. There, in the red wax, was the image of a dragon curled around a sword.
I walked over to a chair in the room and sat down to read the book, tucking my legs underneath me. After a few pages of semi-understood Latin, the count stood up and called Noapte. He held out the note to the bird, who took it, then left the room.
When he returns he pauses just inside the doorway. “I never asked your name, and for that I apologize.”
I try to hold back an impending smile. “I’m Rhiannon - uhm, Adler,” I said, “but my friends call me Rhi.”
He inclined his head. “Adler… that is German, yes?”
“Yes. But I’m not from Germany, I’m from… elsewhere.”
The count gave me a curious look but didn’t press.
“In Romanian, that would be vulturul.”
“Really?” I watch him for a second. “Would you teach me some Romanian? I feel uneasy not knowing any on my own.”
He considered me for a second, then nodded.
A couple of weeks later I was headed out to the market with Mâdâlena to fetch a few things. While I wasn’t by any means proficient at Romanian, I could pick a few words out here and there.
“Try this.” Mâdâlena swung a heavy cloak around my shoulders, and then fastened the clasp at my throat.
I hummed as I felt myself grow warm. “Oh, that’s much better. Thank you.” I looked down at the clasp. “Dragons?”
“The master’s sigil.” She picked up the basket she had set down to help me. “Now come, we should get things done.”
I could hear the sounds of the marketplace not long after we left the castle. Mâdâlena carried on as was her routine, but I paused at the edge of the bridge over the chasm that divided the castle from the rest of the town and looked back at the castle. The count was looking out from one of the upper windows, and I just looked for a moment before turning and following Mâdâlena.
The first few stalls entailed me following Mâdâlena as she scrutinized the produce the townspeople were offering, speaking in fluid Romanian as she bartered and purchased. Then, finally, we came to a stall selling fabric.
I sort of spaced out when Mâdâlena started talking to the vendor, and wandered to the edge of the stall.
As she wrapped things up, I noticed a group of men looking my way and pointing at the clasp on the cloak.
“Mâdâlena,” I murmured, “what are those men saying?”
She didn’t look over at them but instead began to listen. “They’re talking about how you’re wearing the master’s sigil. And…” She listened for a moment longer. “We should head back to the castle. I do not like how they are speaking about you.”
She collected the fabric and handed it to me. We turned on our heels and walked back the way we came.
Once we reached the entry hall of the castle Mâdâlena put her hands on my shoulders. “They said something about ‘I thought we drove the last of the monsters from the village’ and then another man said something about raiding the castle.”
I covered my mouth with a hand. “Mâdâlena - ”
“It’s not something you should worry about. I will tell the master.”
“That’s not going to make me worry about it any less,” I muttered as she walked away.
Three days later Peytr, the count’s sorcerer acquaintance, arrived at the castle.
“I hear you’ve had some magic trouble,” he said.
“My friends teleported me a long way from home thanks to a mishap,” I answered.
“Now, I don’t know how much Vlad has told you - ”
“The count.”
“I don’t know how much he’s told you, but I can’t help by reversing the spell, only by helping you trace out the remainders of the spell and try to reverse it. I can help you improve your magic in a similar way.”
“Please,” I said. “I haven’t been taught very much - apparently there were rumors that an ancestor of mine had magic, but it hasn’t manifested in a few generations. My mother wasn’t surprised that I had magic, though.”
Peytr inclined his head. “Good. Now, if you wouldn’t mind…?”
He held out both of his hands and I placed mine in them. He cocked his head to one side as though he was listening to a faint sound, and then he straightened up after a long moment.
“A simple transportation spell,” he pronounced, “though how you were sent this far from home, I’m not sure…”
“Can it be reversed?”
“Oh, most certainly. I say “simple”, but your friends’ magic is strong enough that returning home should be like following a well-worn path. We may, however, have to bolster your magic ability.”
That was the start of the growth of my magic skills. Peytr was of the opinion that, not only should I strengthen what magic I intrinsically had, but I should also develop my defensive and offensive magic.
And so we did. Somewhat like fencing, he started with exercises and drills, and then worked until we could wordlessly spar.
“Vlad,” Peytr said one day, “how would you feel about fighting Rhiannon?”
If a vampire could pale, he did just then. “Absolutely not,” he said. “I fear I would hurt her."
Peytr and I shared a look.
I flicked a finger towards the count. He jerked, frowning down at his left side as though someone had poked him. I did it again, and finally he looked up to see my poorly-hidden grin.
“Miss Adler,” he protested, but I sent a breeze his way.
“Have it your way,” he murmured, and sped towards me.
I raised my hands in front of me, willing the air to harden around me as a defense. I felt the shock against my magic as the count ran into it. He gave me a curious glance before trying something else. I pressed my hand out and blocked him once more before I felt Peytr’s magic sneaking towards me. I blocked it, and that was when Vlad knocked me over.
“What happened?”
“Peytr distracted me,” I said, sending a half-assed glare his way. He simply smirked back.
“I apologize for knocking you over,” he said, extending a hand. I took it and got back to my feet.
“Overall, I still think that was quite successful, Rhiannon, don’t you?”
“Oh, of course,” I said, pulling my gaze away from Vlad. “But I still feel like I can do more.”
And so that was how my days went. Magic training, a midday meal, and then more language lessons with the count.
One day, as I was making notes on the alchemy text Vlad had given me to read, he entered the room and began work of his own at the other end of the desk.
“Meu vulturul, would you pass me the folio next to you?”
Without thinking about it, I picked up the folio he was referring to and then processed what he’d said. “Sorry, what?”
“What did you say?”
“Oh.” He averted his gaze. “I called you ‘my eagle.’”
“Like my last name, I remember now.” I extend the folio towards him.
“You don’t mind?”
“It’s kind of cute.” I looked up at him. “No, I don’t mind.”
After a moment he smiled and returned to his work.
A few weeks later, after a routine hunting trip, Vlad found me in the study.
The expression on his face was almost dour. “I have something I must tell you.”
I was startled into silence with his tone. “Is everything alright?” I asked, moving over to him and taking his hands.
He chuckled and broke into a grin. “Yes, vulturul meu.” He placed his hands on either side of my face and I marveled, as I always did, at how cold his hands were. “I love you.”
I froze stock-still, eyes shooting open.
Vlad watched with narrowed eyebrows, then dropped his gaze and his hands. He went to turn away and I realized what had happened.
“Wait,” I said before he could move away too quickly. He stopped halfway down the hall and turned back, his eyes hopeful.
“I love you too, I just… I never thought you’d say it.”
He returned to me in the blink of an eye, and I flinched back at the rush of air that followed. “I keep forgetting you can do that.”
Taking my face in his hands again, he pressed a soft kiss to my hairline. “Would you come help me get my armor on?”
“I’m surprised a vampire needs armor,” I said, grinning mischievously. “Lead the way.”
When Vlad opened the door to the armory room, I was surprised for only a moment that there were a collection of swords and various weapons hanging on the stone walls.
“Oh, look at your collection,” I said, turning slowly to look at everything.
“I think I’m going to take this one,” he said, pulling down a large, medieval-looking sword. Holding the sheath in one hand, he pulled the sword out by about six inches to reveal a sharp, shiny blade.
“Hold this.” He held it out and I braced myself as I held it by the belt, only to find that it was slightly lighter than I expected.
He slipped into the legs of the armor and then what would have been the top of a pair of pants.
“Now the part for which I requested your help,” he said, giving me a grin over his shoulder.
He held up the torso of the armor, and I held up a finger. I quickly strapped the sword around my own hips - for no other reason than I would probably never get to hold a sword like this ever again - and then took the armor piece from him. Once he’d slid into the top, he looked down and considered the sword.
“Sorry, I put it there so I could use both of my hands,” I explained, hands going to undo the buckle. Vlad took both of my hands and kissed my knuckles.
“It suits you,” he said. “I’ll teach you when I return.”
He strapped the sword on, then slid his hands into the gauntlets. I attached them to the rest of the armor, then picked up his helmet.
I followed him down to the main hall, and outside in the rain one of the stablehands held his mount’s reins in the air.
“A kiss for luck?” He asked, tucking the helmet under an arm.
“I’ll oblige,” I said, placing my hands on either side of his face and pulling him down so I could kiss him.
He gave me a starry-eyed look before sliding the helmet on and heading outside.
I watched until he was no more than a speck in the distance, then turned to head into the main hall for an evening meal.
Since Vlad’s departure an uneasy feeling had settled into my gut and refused to leave. I tried to carry on with normal procedure - working on developing my magic with Petyr and translating the alchemy books - but my attention was divided the whole time.
The unsettled feeling didn’t go away once I settled in to bed at the end of a week of Vlad being away and tried to focus on the latest book I was reading. I knew something was wrong - the feeling was tinged with the tingly sensation I got from my magic - but I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was wrong.
My suspicions were confirmed when the door to my chambers was kicked open. The door slammed into the wall nearest the doorway, and several men entered my chambers. One started speaking in Romanian, and thanks to Peytr’s instruction I cast a spell that allowed me to understand them, and them me.
“ - you will tell us where the devil is.”
“I’m sorry?”
The man who’d been speaking narrowed his eyes at me. “The count, woman! Where is he?”
“I don’t know,” I said, sliding from the bed and folding my arms around myself. “In fact, I’d wager he had set out to find you.”
The man grit his teeth. Behind him the other men adjusted their grip on their weapons, and I felt a chill creep up my spine.
The man shook his head. “It doesn’t matter - we can’t harm him anyways. But you… you we can hurt.”
My hand was up between him and me before I knew what was happening, and his sword stroke bounced off of the defensive spell I’d cast. He fell away, and I continued to block other strikes as the other men rushed forward.
My arms were beginning to shake as I was pushed towards the center of the room, and a flash of movement near the doorway caught my eye. My defenses lapsed for only a second as I glimpsed Vlad in the doorway, and hope bloomed in the pit of my stomach.
And then I went cold. I looked up to see the triumphant face of one of the attackers, and looked down to see the blade of his sword sticking through my gut. There was a sucking noise as he pulled it free, and I heard a shout before I was falling once again.
I awoke with a start to the sound of steady beeping. I reached over to turn off what I thought was my alarm clock, only for somebody to chuckle at my weak gestures. “I’m afraid you can’t turn the ECG machine off, dear.”
“Oh.” That explained why everything was so blindingly white - I was in the hospital.
“But, since you’re awake, you’ve got a couple of visitors.”
She opened the door and Celia and Eliot dashed to my bedside.
“I’ll give you all a moment,” the nurse said, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.
“Where did you go?” Eliot asked.
“Transylvania,” I told them, taking one of each of their hands. “And not just that, but you sent me back to the 1500s.”
“What?!” Celia asked.
“It wasn’t all bad. I got to meet Dracula.”
Both of their jaws dropped.
“And then I was stabbed in the stomach just before I got back here.”
“That’s what the nurse said,” Celia said. “They said you’re lucky that they were able to stitch up the wounds you got.”
“And my parents?”
Celia shook her head. “All of us were worried - you just vanished. And now you’re back -  hell, I think your mom’s kicking herself that she can’t do magic.”
“I get it, I get the same way when I feel like I don’t have a handle on a situation,” I said. “But really, I’m okay.”
“Says the woman with a gaping stab wound in the middle of her gut,” Eliot snarked.
I shook my head. “I can’t just leave things like this.”
“You’re not seriously thinking of traveling after a major injury. Besides the fact that the place you want to go is halfway around the world.”
“You don’t get it,” I said. “I have to go back.”
“Maybe we don’t,” Eliot said, “but we can’t just stand by if you might hurt yourself.”
“I was the one who was sent back, and in case you’ve forgotten he’s a vampire.” I shifted in the bed, feeling extremely exposed in the hospital gown. “I should go - alone.”
“Rhi, you have no idea how bad we feel for doing that to you,” Celia said, her voice pleading. “You’re right - we risked losing you once, and now that you’re back we don’t want to risk that again.”
“I just don’t want to burden you with going to Romania with me - ”
“Burden? Our fuckup made you disappear for four months, then when you did return you were in a coma for another month or so,” Eliot said. “Please. Just for our satisfaction.”
“I was in a coma?” I felt a chill roll down my spine.
“You were unconscious when you came back,” Celia said, covering my hand with hers. “We got you to the hospital as fast as we could.”
“Okay, fine,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “I see why you were so concerned.”
Celia and Eliot relayed the plan back to our parents, and somehow got them to agree to the harebrained scheme. I suspect it was because we were using completely mundane methods of getting there, instead of trying to blast ourselves to the middle of Europe.
I started the journey purely anxious, but as we got closer and closer I only got more excited. Then, when we were making our way into Transylvania, I felt my heart leap at the sight of more of the countryside.
The feeling of the cobbles under my feet as we crossed the bridge was comforting.
“Uh, Rhi?” Celia asked, peering over the edge of the bridge, “was this chasm this big when you were last here?”
I nodded. “C’mon, I can’t wait any longer,” I said, hurrying to the door. When Eliot and Celia reached me, the three of us heard a scream from inside the castle.
“Are we sure we want to be going in here?” Eliot asked, looking at me.
“I’ll go in,” I said. “You guys stay here, and I’ll come get you if it’s worth going in.”
The whimpers and screams lead me down an unlit hallway, and I finally heard the man cry out once more before there was a thumping noise.
“If you are here to kill me, you have only moments before I destroy you where you stand.”
As Vlad stood and turned around, the lights brightened and I stood stock-still.
In the blink of an eye he was in front of me, holding me close.
“Hello,” I murmured into his chest.
“Meu vulturul, you survived.”
“Apparently, I did.”
He held me at arms’ length, his hands on my shoulders. “How?”
“I was sent back to modern day when I got stabbed, then I woke up in the hospital with the stab wound closed up.”
“And you returned.”
“I felt terrible about leaving you like that. I had to end the story.”
He chuckled, leaning his forehead against mine.
“Oh! And I brought friends.”
“Are these the friends who found the grimoire?”
“The very same.”
We walked to the front door together, ((arms linked around one another)). Eliot was shifting from foot to foot and Celia was pacing back and forth.
“Rhi! Thank goodness, we almost thought you were - ” Her gaze travelled upward as she looked up at Vlad, jaw agape. “Hello." “Vlad, this is Eliot and Celia. Ceels, Eliot - Vlad.”
Neither one of my friends spoke for a moment, then Celia extended her hand. “Nice to meet you finally,” she said, firmly shaking his hand.
“Celia’s the one who found the grimoire,” I said, meeting Vlad’s gaze and raising my eyebrows. "So all of this trouble is her fault.”
“Well - I, uh - ”
Vlad took her hand gently. “Thank you. Without that blunder I might not have met Rhiannon.”
Celia flushed.
“And then this is Eliot,” I said, gesturing to her with my free hand, “the one who got me to see past my bullshit and allow them to come with me.”
Vlad fixed me with a look. “You were going to try to make the journey by yourself?”
I rolled my eyes and huffed. “I wanted to.”
He turned his gaze to Eliot. “Then I thank you for curbing her stupidity.”
“Shall I show you around?”
So he did, and when we left the castle I found myself thankful that this was how it all ended - my adventure completed, and the people I cared about most chattering away happily.
“Rhi,” Celia said, beckoning. “C’mon, we’re going for a walk.”
And so the four of us set off on a new adventure.
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littlej097 · 6 years
The Heart of Christmas - Day 8 - House/Gift
Summary: Kurt is a single father just trying to make it through the Christmas season. However, when he meets, celebrity, Blaine Anderson, his world is turned upside down. If one thing is for sure, this Christmas season will change both of their lives forever.
Notes: Catching up slowly but surely! 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
The drive back to Blaine’s house was silent. Kurt sat silently staring out the window with tears clouding his vision. He couldn’t believe that this was happening...that this was real. Clara didn’t really seem to understand what was going on.
“Can’t the firemen put our house out and then we can go back?” She asked.
“It doesn’t work exactly like that honey.” Blaine told her when he saw that Kurt couldn’t even speak.
“Where are we going now?”
“We’re going to go to my house for now, okay?” Clara nodded in the backseat. She clutched the tiny baby doll that she had brought with them. Blaine realized that it very well may be her only toy left. When they got to Blaine’s apartment the three of them went inside and were greeted by Maggie.
“Go lay down.” Blaine told them dog strictly. The lab whimpered and did what she was told. “Hey Clara, how about we find something for you to wear as pajamas.”
“Okay,” the five year old replied with a yawn. Blaine took her hand, while Kurt simply took a seat onto Blaine’s couch. It was clear Kurt was in a little bit of shock. Blaine led Clara into his bedroom and pulled out a large black t-shirt.
“How about this? It can be a nightgown.” Clara nodded, her eyes getting sleepier and eyelids drooping. Blaine helped the little girl get ready and it was clear that she was so exhausted. “Are you ready for bed?” he asked. Clara nodded and lifted her arms up to Blaine. Figuring that meant she wanted to be picked up, Blaine did just that. He brought the little girl to his guest room and tucked her under the sheets. “Where’s my daddy?”
“He’ll be in soon okay. Just close your eyes. Everything is going to be okay.” he told her, even though that was a complete lie. Things were going to change for Kurt and Clara and not for the better. Clara shut her eyes and hugged her doll and began to go to sleep. Blaine tiptoed out of the room and went back into the living room to comfort Kurt. When he got there, Kurt was sitting straight up on the couch just staring at his living room wall.
“Kurt…” Blaine said tentatively. “Do-do you wanna talk?” Kurt didn’t reply. Blaine walked closer and took a seat next to him on the couch. He placed a hand onto Kurt’s back and almost instantly, Kurt fell to pieces. The tears that had been on the verge of overflowing cascaded down his cheeks and his breathing started to get quicker. Blaine took Kurt into his arms and held him tightly. “It’s going to be okay.” he whispered. “Shh Shh, it’s going to be alright.” Kurt cried like that for a long time and Blaine just continued to hold him. Then, eventually, Kurt stopped crying and was silent, but he hadn’t moved from Blaine’s grasp.
“It’s not going to be okay.” Kurt whispered. “Everything -everything is going to be gone.”
“You don’t know that.” Blaine replied. “Some things could have survived. You have to try to have hope.”
“How can I have hope, Blaine? My daughter and I are homeless.” Kurt said.
“You can stay here as long as you like. You and Clara will never be on the streets. I will make sure of it.” Blaine told him. “We’ll figure something out. They’re just things. Let’s just be thankful that you and Clara weren’t in the building when the fire started.”
“I-I just can’t believe this is happening…”
“I know. Tomorrow, we’ll go over to the building and see if we’re allowed inside.” Blaine told him. “Tonight, there’s nothing more we can do other than go to sleep and prepare for tomorrow.”
“Clara?” Kurt said suddenly. It was like he had finally woken up from his daze and just realized that he once again had a child.
“She’s sleeping.” Blaine replied. “She’s okay. I promise. You can sleep with her if you want.”
“No. Don’t leave me.  Never leave me.” Kurt replied. Blaine enveloped Kurt into another hug and kissed him on the forehead.
“Never.” he told him. Blaine stood up and led Kurt into his bedroom instead. After giving him a pair of pajamas, they crawled into bed together. Kurt placed his head onto Blaine’s stomach and Blaine wrapped his arms tightly around him. To took a while , but eventually both men fell asleep.
The next morning, things were strange. Kurt decided that Clara should go to school. Keeping her routine the same as much as they could was important. She didn’t have any other clothing so Kurt was forced to put Clara back in her outfit from yesterday.  “Why can’t I go with you and Blaine?” Clara asked.
“The building is going to be dangerous honey.” Kurt told her. “Plus, you’ll have a better time at school. Aren’t you going to the Christmas play today?” he asked. Clara nodded. “See, you’ll have so much fun. And I’ll pick you up after school okay?” Once again she just nodded. “I love you.” Kurt told her before sending her in the front door of the school. Taking a deep breath, Kurt turned around and joined Blaine back on the sidewalk.
“Are you ready for this?” Blaine asked.
“No. But I don’t really have a choice.” Kurt said. They walked the short distance from Clara’s school to the apartment building.  The area still reeked of smoke and there was caution tape. They saw a police officer and walked over to him. “Excuse me, I-I live - well I used to live in this building. Is anyone allowed in? I just want to check and see if any of our things made it.” The officer seemed hesitant but he eventually agreed.
“Did they determine what caused the fire?” Blaine asked.
“They think it was some faulty wiring.” The officer told him. “The building’s frame is still okay for now, but it won’t be livable anytime soon.”
“This is my apartment.” Kurt told the man. “We’ll let you know when we’re done.” The officer nodded and went back to his post. Kurt pushed the door open and gasped at what he saw. Much of the apartment was coated in ash. The kitchen was very damaged and didn’t look like much of anything was left. The living room looked the same. Everything smelled like smoke. They moved down the hallway towards Kurt and Clara’s rooms. Clara’s room was also badly damaged. Her bed was covered in ash. Blaine walked over to her closet and slowly opened the doors.
“Some of her clothes look okay. But they smell like smoke.” Blaine said. “We can try washing them, so she’ll have some things to wear.” Kurt nodded. He walked over to Clara’s metal toy chest and opened it. Some of the things inside were actually okay. There were a few barbies, some baby dolls and there at the bottom of the chest was a multicolored knit blanket.
“I-I can’t believe it survived.” Kurt said. He picked the blanket up and held it to his chest.
“What is it?” Blaine asked.
“Clara’s baby blanket. It was mine though when I was little. My mom made it for me...before she died.” Kurt told him. “She- um - had cancer. She passed when I was 8.”
“Kurt, I’m so sorry.”
“She’s the reason for Clara’s name.” Kurt said, still staring at the blanket.
“Her name was Clara?”
“No. Not exactly.” Kurt replied. “My mother’s name was Elizabeth, which is Clara’s middle name. But Clara comes from the Nutcracker. Christmas was my Mom’s absolute favorite season. She loved everything about it. The lights and the music and just being with family. Her favorite ballet was the Nutcracker and we’d go every Christmas season to see it. I always loved the show too and I thought Clara was the prettiest name.”
“It is a beautiful name.” Blaine replied. “I’ll start boxing up some of the usable things if you want to go and see your room.” Kurt nodded and handed the blanket over to Blaine. He then walked next door to his room. It looked a lot like Clara’s, but Kurt also had some clothing left. He walked to the back of his own closet and found a little box. It was somehow untouched. Kurt smiled for the first time since he found out about the fire. He opened it and inside were tons of pictures He took a seat on the floor and began looking through them. Blaine joined soon after and took a seat.
“She was pretty cute.” Blaine said, looking at a baby picture of Clara.
“Yeah, she was...well still is.” Kurt said with laugh. He continued to thumb through the pictures. He came to one of him and another man and stopped.
“Who is that?” Blaine asked.
“That-that’s Luca.” Kurt replied. “I was with him for four years. We decided to have Clara together and then at the last minute, he said that he just couldn’t. He wasn’t made to be a dad. He left when Rachel was nine months pregnant. Clara was born three weeks later. That was one of the hardest times in my life. I was so depressed but as soon as Clara was born, it was like I could breathe again. That little girl is everything to me...and that’s why I’m so careful with her. I haven’t wanted to bring anyone into her life because I never wanted her to feel that pain that I did when Luca left. So, I haven’t been with anyone...until you.”
“Kurt, I just want you to know that I-” Blaine paused. This was a little soon for this but he couldn’t help how he felt. “Kurt, I love you. And, I love Clara. She is such a special little girl. And I will never leave you like he did. I may have not been a part of the decision for Clara to come into the world, but in the short time that I’ve known her, she has wrapped me around her little finger and I want to give her and you the world.” Kurt smiled and dove into Blaine’s arms for a hug. He wasn’t ready to say “I love you” back, but he knew with time that he could get there.
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simsislife93 · 6 years
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Aaron Legacy
Generation 1: Chapter 14- The Talk
Joy walked out of the bathroom and sat down at her dining room table. Bjorn was already sitting down waiting for her. She didn't know if she should speak first, but luckily Bjorn started.
“Joy I want to tell you everything, from the beginning. Is that alright with you?”
Joy just looked at him and shook her head yes. She didn't have the energy to fight anymore and she still didn't know what to say, still a bit shocked from Bjorn's blow up.
“Okay. The night we met I was drowning my sorrows at Rattlesnakes. I know I told you I went there a lot but actually that was only the second time I'd been there. You see I live a few towns over, but my work isn't far from here. A co-worker of mine took me there once and told me it was a good place to get lost for a little while, and after the day I had had I definitely needed that.”
Joy started remembering back to their first night together. She had just finished unpacking, and she wanted to get out and meet some new people. She found Rattlesnakes on Yelp.
“Earlier that day I was working from home because Elsa my youngest who you saw today, had the flu. Clara is an up and coming Caterer and she had a party that day she couldn't miss. So I stayed home with Elsa and my oldest daughter Sofia was at school. I was in my study doing my work, when I hear a loud scream. It was Elsa, she had just thrown up all over her night gown and bed. She was crying hysterically, so I tried my best to calm her down and make a plan for what we were going to do. Look I'm a really good father but every time my girl's have been sick, Clara takes care of them, she knows exactly what to do. I however am still learning, so I gather up the soiled sheets blankets and nightgown and drop them out in the hall. I run Elsa a hot bath and let her clean herself up. I google what's best for when you've thrown up so I grab her some Gatorade and look  for some Chicken Soup. As I'm getting all this together I realize she needs clean sheets and to air out her room, so I go back to the bathroom tell her when shes done to put on fresh jammies and climb into our bed while I get her something to drink and change her sheets. I grab the dirty sheets and take them to the laundry room. I know how to do laundry mind you but Clara has a whole system for how she does things and I don't want to mess it up so I avoid going in there at all costs. That being said these sheets were ripe and I had to wash them now. As I'm rummaging in the cabinets and drawers for soap and all that, I come across a folded up note shoved into the back of a drawer. It was addressed to Clara but didn't say who it was from. There was something about the writing and the way it was shoved in a drawer that made me think there was something weird about it. I was going to read it but I heard Elsa yelling for me so I put it in my pocket and went to help Elsa.
Joy was interested in the story and she was surprised at how nice it was hearing Bjorn care for his sick daughter. She knew on the surface she was furious with him, but on the inside her heart started to thaw a bit. She didn't want Bjorn to stop talking but she was starving, she was turning to get up when he asked her if she was leaving. She told him no she was just hungry and he offered to make her something to eat while he told her his story. At first she said no, but once she stood up her head started spinning and she sat back down. He was in the kitchen before she could protest. He grabbed a packet of Ramen and started boiling the water.
“Carbs are good when your drunk.” He said as he started the Ramen. “Anyway back to what I was saying. So I got Elsa tucked into our bed with a Disney movie and I went back to make her soup. I walked past the laundry room and realized I had forgotten to put the sheets in when I found the note. I finally found some soap and threw them in. As I was making Elsa's soup it felt like the note was burning a hole in my pocket. I wanted nothing more than to settle Elsa down and read the note. I made her soup got her her Gatorade and grabbed some new sheets for her bed. I made her bed in record time, not the neatest job but it was clean and puke free. I re-settled her back into her bed and helped her fall asleep. All this took about an hour and Sofia would be home from school soon and I wanted to read the note with no distractions. I walked back to my study and pulled out the note. I gave it another good look and slowly started to unfold it. I was just about to read it when my cell rang. It was work so I had to pick it up and talk to my co-worker. Their completely lost when I'm not there, so I had to walk them through things step by step it took so long that Sofia was home by the time I got off the phone. Clara was usually home by the time the girl's got home from school but when she had a party all bets were off. Another thing Clara is good at is always having a healthy snack ready for when the girl's get home.  I had not prepared a snack for Sofia and even though she's 14 she can't make a simple snack for herself. I knew it would be easier to make the damn snack for her than it would be to tell her to do it herself. Don't get me wrong Sofia's a smart sweet girl, she's just been taken care of her whole life and it's spoiled her in certain ways.”
Joy was internally freaking out. So the second child was a teenager at the most terrible age. She remembered being 14 it was the absolute worst. Bjorn kept talking as he put her Ramen in a bowl. They walked back to the table and Joy ate her noodles listening to Bjorn.
“I cut up some fruit and veg for her and told her I had work to do and to get started on her homework.  I figured that would keep her out of my hair long enough for me to read this fucking note. As I sat down to read the note, I started to realize I should have left this note exactly where I had found it.
Clara my beautiful Clara. At night I dream of your face, your eyes, your breasts, your thighs. I yearn to touch you and feel your soft skin, I want you like it's the first time again. Please come to me at our secret place. Until were together again, all my love.
“I didn't know what I was expecting to read when I opened the note but it definitely wasn't this. I read and re-read it over and over again, at first thinking this was some kind of joke. My wife is a lot of things but adulteress never seemed like one of them. She was very devoted to me and our family. We had an active sex life and I thought we were happy, but apparently we weren't. I never had the intention of cheating on my wife. If you think I set out to one up her on the affair, that was never the case. I didn't know what to do so I just put the note back and tried to pretend I hadn't seen it, but it was all I could think about. I knew Clara was going to be home soon, the party was over so she and her crew were just cleaning up and that could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending. I tried to get some work done but I couldn't focus. I had no idea what I would say to Clara, if I should confront her or let it go. Maybe it was some freak who was obsessed with her, my wife takes good care of herself and still looks very young it's not out of the realm of possibility. We don't keep a lot of booze in the house, Clara says the calories aren't worth it but when they are it's Proseco or Light Beer. I needed something that would help me forget what I'd seen until I could figure out what I was going to do. We live in a pretty nice area and the bars around town are very upscale and everyone knows each other. I didn't feel like explaining why I was getting piss drunk at 4:30 in the afternoon so I remembered this place my co-worker Slade took me to once. When I got to Rattlesnakes it was happy hour so I ordered a beer and then I ordered a few more. Then I decided what the hell I'm not driving anytime soon, let's do shots so by the time you walked in I was on my way to being very drunk.”
Joy had no idea Bjorn had been so intoxicated, he had seemed so sure of himself when he came up to her.
“Listen if I hadn't taken those shots I would have never had the balls to walk up to you, but when I saw you walk into that bar I knew I had to at least find out your name. I was surprised by how confident I sounded talking to you, because on the inside I was a mess. I ordered another beer just to have a reason to sit with you. You seemed like you weren't exactly sober yourself so I thought we could hang out and chit chat. I wasn't sure if you were from Oasis Springs or one of the surrounding towns and I didn't know if you potentially knew my wife or not, she knows a lot of people I can never keep track. So I asked if you came to Rattles a lot and when you told me you were new here I thought perfect she has no idea who I am or better yet who Clara is. When we got our own table I just felt this electricity between us that I knew wasn't just the alcohol. You told me about your parents and I tried really hard to keep my shit together since you had been through so much already I didn't want to dump my problems on you too. Then you ordered the fireball shots and that about put me over the edge but I didn't want to stop talking to you. I had to get to know you more. I was being totally honest when I said you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and it's true I've seen a lot but as far as dating I had one girlfriend before Clara. I was elated when you asked me to come back to your place, and even though that's a pretty obvious invitation I still didn't plan on cheating on Clara. I knew I couldn't drive so I was glad you grabbed a taxi. When we got back to your place I was amazed at how much work you had done in such a short time and intrigued by your stories about your past and what brought you here. I knew I liked you a lot and part of me wanted you so badly but the other part the married part was screaming Don't Do It. But then you kissed me on the cheek.
Joy was amazed by Bjorn's version of their first night. She had her own point of view of course, but hearing everything from his point of view was crazy. She would have never known he had spent the hours while she was moving and unpacking taking care of a sick child, or that he had been at the bar hours before she turned up drinking his problems away. At the time she had thought he came on quite strong but were compliments an invitation for sex?
“At this point I was very drunk and I was just speaking my mind and heart. I really had never met a woman like you. Clara waited until after we got married and had two kids before even thinking about what she wanted to do with her life. We had Sofia young and she fell into the mother role really easily, but she didn't have much ambition besides being a great homemaker, until a friend of ours told her she had a superb knack for cooking and throwing dinner parties. So when Elsa was around 4 she started cooking for parties and it's grown into a full blown business. I'm happy that she's found her passion, but things have been so different since she has and I wonder if her decision to start working is what caused these affairs to happen. Anyway I think we both know what happened after that and while I don't regret anything that happened that night, I never set out to sleep with you when I met you. I thought some shameless flirting with a beautiful woman would be enough to make me feel better, but after being with you I didn't even care about Clara anymore. I wanted to stay with you so badly, but I knew if I didn't go home I'd be in a whole mess of shit the next day and I couldn't deal with that on top of everything else so I told you I had to work, which was also true but I was working from home. I took a taxi home and arranged to have one pick me up early in the morning so I could go pick up my car from the bar. I snuck in the house, everyone was asleep so I tried my best not to wake them. I had told Sofia I was going to the office and to hold down the fort until her mom got home and made dinner. I found a plate for me in the fridge devouring it while sobering up in the process. I didn't want Clara to hear me so I used the girls shower and went to sleep in the guest room. On nights I worked late I usually slept in there as not to wake Clara. I went to bed dreaming about the night we spent together.”
Joy was baffled by this confession. She couldn't believe this was Bjorn's version of their first night. Sleep with her then back home to his wife and kids. She was finally about to speak when he started talking again. She felt like he needed to get everything out first and then she'd have her chance to say her peace, so she let him continue.
“When I woke up the next morning or should I say afternoon, Sofia had gone to school and Elsa was asleep. Clara was off to Pilates and would be back later. I had a screaming hangover, probably one of the worst ever, I made myself some coffee and went about trying to remember all the details of last night I forgot-not your body  or the sex, one could never forget that, but the tiny details, like me promising to take you out tonight. I couldn't believe my drunk ass had made dinner plans with you, but there was no way I was going to cancel them because I desperately wanted to see you again. All day was spent sobering up and getting ready for out date. Elsa and Clara thought I caught the flu from her so I just let them think I was getting sick. I still didn't know if I was going to confront Clara but at the time I didn't care she could have O I was going out with you. I texted you and told you the time I'd be there I told the family I was going to get some work done at the office, since I'd spent all day in bed. We went to an Italian Restaurant that I told you was my favorite but it was in fact my first time there. The food was great so I'd say it was a good choice, and believe me I didn't want to lie to you but I needed to create this other single persona, and I thought single me would dine her often on my many dates I feel you assumed I had. We talked about all kinds of things that night and the more we had in common the more I was falling for you. It shocked me how fast I could go from 14 years of marriage to falling for someone I'd just met. I knew there was a chance this could become something so on a whim I asked if you liked children and if you wanted to get married, I just wanted to know if we wanted the same things and if you would potentially be open to being a step mom. You asked if I had a dead wife, and I said no feeling like it wasn't a total lie but I know it was. I just wanted more time to get to know you, it was always in the back of my mind to tell you about Clara and the girls but it just never seemed like the right time.”
That's where Joy had to stop him. She knew of a right time, she remembered it clear as day.
“No that's a lie you could have told me the night I made you dinner. We were talking about cheating it was the perfect opportunity.”
“I know I wanted to tell you so badly. But when you told me there was never a reason to cheat and that people should have enough respect for their partner that I decided I wasn't going to tell you until after I had called it off with Clara. From that day forward I started getting my affairs in order so to speak. I was researching divorce lawyers and custody arrangements, because no matter what happened I could never leave behind my girls. I know I started becoming a little distant and I could tell you felt it, but I knew I had to take care of these things now so we could be together in the long run. Those days I would leave out of nowhere killed me because I wanted to tell you I had to pick up Sofia from her friends house or Clara needed me to run an errand for her but I thought I would explain all this when I told you about them. We were having so much fun getting to know each other and when we made our relationship official I knew I had to break things off with Clara right away, I wanted to be with you marry you if you'd have me and I needed this chapter with Clara to be closed. At this point she was a little suspicious of my behavior but I was still treating her the same so she had no reason to suspect cheating. I hadn't let it slip I knew about her affair but I was taking notes and keeping tabs on her and I kind of got an idea of when she saw this mysterious O. Part of me wanted to find out who he was but then I realized I really didn't care but I thought maybe I could use her affair to gain more custody so I started spending more and more time with my girls so they would want to stay with me over their mom. So that's what I was doing all last month when I wasn't with you, pretty much and then this month I finally found a lawyer I trusted and we were going thru with me serving her divorce papers on the count of infidelity. I knew it was going to be a busy few days and I wouldn't be able to get over here or talk to you as much so I told you I was going away on business. I hate lying to you but I knew it was for the greater good. That brings us to yesterday. Sofia was at a sleepover with her friends so I thought I'd give Elsa one last good day with her parents by herself before I turned her world upside down. Believe me Joy if I had even the slightest inkling that you would have been at that donut shop I would have taken them anywhere else. This was never how I wanted you to see my children or find out about Clara or have Clara find out about you. When you walked up and kissed me my brain shut off and I forgot where I was and who I was with so of course I kissed you back and well you know what happened. Clara and I were in a heated argument the whole ride home while Elsa cried in the back seat, it was awful. I came clean to Clara about our relationship and how I was going to be serving her with divorce papers. Of course around that time Sofia came home and we had to talk to both girls and that was not fun. I wanted to call you multiple times but someone was always crying and I was trying to clear things up and comfort them where I could.”
Joy's head was swimming with all this new knowledge she didn't know how to process it all with this much wine in her blood stream so she asked him why he came by instead of calling.
“I came by because Clara kicked me out. I could have and probably should have gotten a hotel room but I knew there was no way I could go to sleep tonight without talking to you first so I drove straight here. Clara still has no idea I know about her affair, my lawyer told me it was best not to tell her since I have proof of her affair we can blind side her in court. I know you hate me but I'm hoping now that you know the whole story you can forgive me and maybe we can work this out. I really don't want to loose you but I would understand if you want to end things right here and now.”
Joy didn't know if she wanted to end things. She needed to sleep on it and think about it more tomorrow.
“I'm not sure what I want to do, but what I am sure of is I need to go to sleep. My head is reeling with all this news, I feel like the person I've spent a month falling in love with is a complete stranger and that scares me, but I also know in my heart I still love you. You can stay here tonight but I'd prefer you to sleep on the couch. We can talk more in the morning.”
“Yes I completely understand I'm exhausted as well, and of course, I'd sleep outside if you asked me too. I'll just change and go to bed. I'll see you In the morning, I hope you sleep well.” Bjorn went outside to grab his pajamas and toothbrush while Joy went to her room and got ready for bed. She couldn't think anymore about what happened tonight so she crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.
Bjorn didn't hear anything in Joy's room so he figured she was already asleep. He forgot to ask her for a spare blanket and couldn't see where she would have stored one out here so he curled up on the couch into a ball to keep warm. Luckily it was summer and not snowing, he would survive one night on the couch with no blanket. He knew he should feel like a weight was lifted off of him, but something told him his problems were just now beginning.
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Day Six: The Nutcracker
“I go on date with you, daddy?” Grace asks as she helps him set the table for dinner.
“Yes, bug. After we have dinner.”
“Jus’ you n’ me?  No mum?”
“No. Just you and me. Gonna have a special night together.”
“Where we goin’?” She asks with wonder in her eyes.
“The Nutcracker Ballet.” He says, watching her eyes sparkle with happiness.
“Ballet like me! I a ballerina too!” Grace squeals.
“Yes you are. The most beautiful ballerina I have even seen.” He kisses the top of her head.
After dinner you help Grace put on her new champagne dress you bought for this special occasion. The top has a lace overlay, the satin skirt slightly fans out, and a sparkly belt wraps around her middle. Her shoes: a sparkly champagne color with big bows by her toes. You place  a necklace with a small heart around Grace’s neck: the necklace Harry gave you for your first anniversary. Tonight is a very special night, and you want Grace to feel it’s importance.
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“You look beautiful Grace!” You fix a curl that is going astray. “I think daddy is ready to go. Should we go find him?”
“Wait! My purse!” Grace runs over to your bed, picking up her purse. You raise your eyebrows with curiosity as you see her gracefully run into the bathroom. After a brief second she comes out of the bathroom. “I ready now.”
You follow your daughter out of your bedroom where she pauses at the top of the stairs. Harry is waiting in the foyer, his back turned, but you can see him holding a small bouquet of flowers for his date.
“I all ready daddy!” She says loud enough for Harry to hear. Harry turns around to face the stairs. He lets out a small gasp sincerely.
“Grace, you look gorgeous.” Harry walks towards the stairs as his daughter begins to take elegant steps one foot at a time.
“You too.” She replies. You know Grace really doesn’t know what she is saying, but Grace isn’t wrong. Harry looks breathtaking in his navy blue trousers fit just right against his legs,  and his double breasted suit jacket sits over the top of a champagne button up shirt that matches Grace’s dress. His hair is tousled just right, the ends slightly curling. You never understand how your husband can look so flawless when it is so effortless for him.
Harry holds out his hand to help Grace down from the last step.
“These are for you!” Harry hands Grace the bouquet of flowers. She takes the flowers from her father. Bringing them up to her nose, she takes a deep breath in, smelling the colorful arrangement of pink roses.
“Smell so good!” She says with a sigh.
“How about I put these in water for you Bug. Then we can enjoy them for a while.” You say. Grace hands you the flowers. “Have fun with Daddy tonight! I love you!” You lean down and give her a kiss.
“Let’s go! I got lipstick!” Grace says holding up her purse to show she had placed her sparkly pink lip gloss in her purse.
“Always need to be prepared.” Harry chuckled at his daughter. “I love you babe; don’t have too much fun without us.” He kisses your lips, then walks to the coat rack, helping Grace put on her winter coat.
“Have fun.” You open up the front door for Harry and his very cute date. You wave them off as they walk to the driver waiting in the driveway.
The drive to their destination is filled with Grace telling Harry all about her day. Harry enjoys listening to his daughter talk about the tea parties she has with Bob and friends, or about the story she reads, and the picture she painted that is now on the fridge.
The car comes to a stop in front of the Royal Opera House. The door opens and Harry exits the car, helping Grace out of her car seat and down from the SUV. Grace reaches up and grabs Harry’s hand tightly, causing Harry to smile. Standing in front of the Opera House, Grace looks up at the building.
“I so excited!!” Grace’s body wiggles with excitement.
“Me too Bug! Let’s go in and find our seats.” Harry walks forward, taking Grace into the theater.
Harry takes Grace to the lift, going up 2 floors. The lift door opens with a soft ping. Harry and Grace exit through the doors as an usher greets them. Harry hands the tickets to the gentleman who leads them to their private box. Harry wanted this night to be just about him and Grace. He didn’t want people bugging them, so he felt a box was a necessity.
“Wow!’ Grace says as she walks into the box. Harry asked the usher to bring a booster seat for Grace so she could see the stage clearly. The usher brings in the booster and sets it on her seat. Harry helps Grace  up into her booster. “Look daddy! Snowflakes!’ She points towards the curtain in front of the stage that has snowflakes dancing across the fabric.
“So pretty!” Harry comments, sitting down next to Grace, handing her a program. Harry is excited to watch the Royal Ballet perform the Christmas classic, but he is more excited to watch his daughter experience it for the first time.
The Orchestra begins to warm up their instruments, causing Grace to look over the railing to see where the noise is coming from. Soon the lights dim and the snowflakes begin to slow their dance.
The beautiful overture begins to play. Grace sits back her seat, her fingers tap her thighs with anxiousness as she waits for the music to end and the curtain to rise.  She claps her hands along with the crowd as the show opens with a man and his son dancing on stage with a lantern.
The smile on Grace’s face is so bright the ballerinas on stage can probably see it. Harry reaches over and holds her hand. He feels her body wiggle a little, and looking down at her feet, he watches as they dance along to the music.
“That the nutcracker daddy?” She looks over at Harry, her eyes wide as Drosselmeyer gracefully hands the soldier to Clara. Harry nods the universal sign for yes, Grace’s head whips back to the stage, her eyes glued.
She covers her eyes when the Mouse King arrives with his army, fearing for the Nutcracker’s life. She giggles as Mother Ginger and her Bon Bons come out on stage to cause troubles She sways as the snowflakes dance together, loving every second of the show.
The snow King and Queen take the stage. Grace’s eyes are wide, gasping as the King lifts his Queen above his head. Grace keeps her eyes glued to the stage, tapping her father lightly on the knee. Harry leans in close to Grace.
“Daddy, I do that, I grow up!” She whispers,
“You can be whatever you want to be Bug!” Harry says with full support of her wishes and dreams.
The show comes to an end, both Harry and Grace clap until their hands hurt. Harry guides Grace out of the box, down the lift, out of the Opera House, and into the driver car. He buckles his daughter into her car seat.r Reaching over to get his seat belt, he hears Grace yawn.
“I like dates!” She says as she finishes her yawn.
“I like dates with you Gracie Bug!” Harry looks up from clicking his seat belt into the buckle, Grace has her eyes closed, exhausted from her night out. Her eyelashes rest long and beautifully against her cheeks, her pink sparkly lips part a tiny bit as a small wheeze escapes just like her mum when she is asleep. Harry smiles, imprinting the image of his beautiful ballerina in his mind.
The drive isn’t too long, Harry watches out the window at the beautiful city of London, all dressed up for Christmas. The driver pulls up to the gate, he punches in the code and pulls into the driveway, stopping in front of the door.
Harry thanks the driver, and he gets out of the car, walking over to the other side. He opens the car door, unbuckling Grace from her car seat. Pulling Grace into his arms, he listens as she begins to make small noises and wiggles as she slightly wakes.
“Close your eyes Gracie. Dream of being the Snow Queen.” He says, bringing one of his hands up to touch her head. Grace relaxes, falling asleep in his arms. He takes her into the house, laying her on her bed, attempting to get her dressed as her limp body refuses to work with him. Finally he gets her dressed in her nightgown, and tucks her into bed. Laying Bob next to her pillow, he leans down giving Grace a kiss.
“You can accomplish anything you want. Dream big, love! I will always love you!” Kissing her one last time, he lets his little ballerina dream of becoming something great someday.
A/N: A huge thank you to @whoopsharrystyles. She is truly such an amazing beta/first reader and muse. I hope everyone has a chance to have someone like Dawn in their life. I know I am extremely lucky to have her. Check out The Adventures of Harry and Grace masterlist and my Wattpad page! Thank you for reading, liking, reblogging and recommending. The asks you send make me smile so big! Thank you for all the love. Happy Holidays!!
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canitakeyourpain · 6 years
Chapter 03 – She Might She Might
Clara opens her eyes, she has turned in the night, and sees that Daniel is still sleeping, “Is he really gay?  He was aroused when I came in.  Maybe he was reading a gay romance.”  She looks up, the reading lamp is still on, and the sun is peering through the window above the bed.  She sees the book lying on the shelf above them, and carefully reaches up.  She first flips the switch to turn off the reading lamp, watching him to see if he wakes.  She takes the book and looks at the cover, Journey Westward.  She looks inside the book, “It definitely isn’t a romance.  It is about a group of settlers trekking to get away from the Civil War.”  She places the book back, slowly slides out of the bed, and picks up her nightgown, looking back at him as she returns to the other room.
 Clara starts the shower, “Maybe I should just skip this and leave.”  She enters the warm shower and relaxes.  The hot water cascading down her skin, at first bringing goosebumps, but the soothing flow brings her into thought, “Should I wake him?  Am I ashamed of what we did?  I didn’t have any bad dreams, what a relief.”  As she washes her hair, she talks out loud to herself, “I’ll get dressed and leave him a note.  You need to stop talking to yourself.  You might start answering and chuckles.  She dresses, packs her suitcase, enters the hallway, and sees the door to the other room is still closed.  As she starts down the stairs, hears someone quietly moving around in the kitchen.
 Daniel slowly opens his eyes, can feel the sun shining through the windows.  He feels like he has experienced something as never before.  He looks over, finds the other side of the bed empty, sits up slowly, and the pain has returned.  It is at a level he can tolerate, and moves his legs over the edge of the bed.  The door is closed, so he relaxes himself, gathering his energy, and slowly rises to his feet.  He feels a little uncoordinated but he’s able to stay on his feet, takes his robe from the hook on the bathroom door, and puts it on.  Going past the guestroom, the door is closed, hears the shower running inside.  He smiles thinking “At least she didn’t run away.”  He goes back to his room, pulls out a pair of fresh jeans and shirt from the closet.  It is a little difficult to pull the jeans up his legs, but he manages to dress himself. He carefully goes into the hallway and walks down the stairs holding tightly to the railing.  He makes his way into the kitchen, starts making some coffee, and also puts a pot of water on for tea. 
 A few minutes later, Daniel hears Clara’s footsteps coming down the staircase.  She is fully dressed and looks like she is ready to leave.  She comes in the kitchen and sets her suitcase by the door.  He asks, “How are you feeling this morning?  Would you like some breakfast?”  She responds, “I am feeling good.  I have no pain, but I should be going.”  He frowns and looks her in the eyes, “I see some fear and relief in your eyes.”  She sees his sadness and pain, “Okay, I will stay for a couple of minutes.”  He responds, “I’d like to talk.  I don’t get many visitors.  I think we need to discuss last night.  Would you like coffee or tea?”  She responds, “Some coffee, please,” as she sits in the chair closest to the door.  He pours a cup of coffee and sets it in front of her, “Sugar or milk?”  She shakes her head, “Black is fine.”  He inquires, “I could make you something to eat.  I am pretty much a vegetarian though.”  She responds, “That’s okay, what did you want to talk about?”  He asks, “I would like to know a little bit about you.  You said you used to be a nurse.  What do you do now?”  She takes a breath and then takes a drink from her coffee and starts. 
 Clara starts, “After my accident, it took me three years to walk well enough again.  I finished High School and I wanted to help others, so I went to a nursing school for three years.  After that I got a job in a hospital, but after two years or so, the pain was too much for me.  A Pharmaceutical representative for the hospital heard that I was looking to do something else, and so was he.  He said his company was always looking for new people and he could put in a good word for me.  I told him thank you, but no thank you.  I found that my driving to work always relieved some of the pain.  The rhythm of the driving helped, so I contacted the company directly, and was hired.  I was here in town working yesterday.  What do you do?”
 Daniel smiles, “From what happened last night, you could call me a Physical Therapist.  Other than that, I am semi-retired.”  Clara asks, “At your age?”  He answers, “I have also had some medical training for my line of work.  So sometimes I do contract work.”
 Clara is silent for a moment sipping her coffee.  She continues, “Last night you said I am the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met.  Most men call me a freak or a mountain they would like to climb.”  Daniel responds, “First thing, I would never want to lie to you.  Second, I would never say something like that to you.  Anyone that would, isn’t worthy of even knowing you.  Wait a moment while I get something,” as he gets up, leaves the kitchen, and returns with a book.  He opens the book, sets it in front of, and sits back down across from her. 
 Clara looks at the open page and shakes her head, “What am I supposed to see?”  Daniel responds, “What I saw when I first saw you yesterday, when I saw the complete you.  If you lived two thousand years ago, these statues would have been of you.  I see you in them.  Beauty has changed with time; the form of the body has been redefined with the passing of time.  But people still see beauty in these statues, and you have that quality.”  She blushes and looks down at the table.  Thinking a minute, Daniel asks, “Aren’t you interested in what happened last night?”  She responds, “Yes, but I am a little scared.”  He calmly responds, “Then let’s start slow. Do you have any questions for me?”  She asks, “You said you are a Healer, what exactly is that? And what is a Safe Room?”
 Daniel starts, “There have been at least two movies based on my…condition.  One was based on a book.”  Clara responds, “I haven’t seen them, but have heard of the book.”  He starts again, “Well, one of the characters could heal injuries or illness by touching someone.”  She asks, “How?”  He responds, “Nobody really knows but it is true.”  She asks, “Are there more of you.”  He answers, “Yes, as I said last night the chances are one in a billion, and there are only seven or so in the world at any given time.  We have to rid ourselves of those injuries or illnesses as well.  It takes time, but our healing can be accelerated by using what we call a Safe Room.  If you were to get to know me, I would show it to you.  But you haven’t too much time; I see and feel that you need to leave.”  She sips her coffee and her brows arch. 
 Clara looks at Daniel quizzically, “What else happened?”  He responds, “Well, when it happens, it doesn’t choose what to heal.  Your back was not the only problem that needed to be healed.  The accident also left you barren.  That, I think, is why you were so aroused.  You have high-blood pressure and you had a small fracture in your right hand.”  She flexes her hand and remembers, “There is no pain.  I remember hitting that jerk who touched me.”  She looks at him again, as he continues, “When you get home you should check with your doctor and have him test your blood pressure, if you take any pills for it, they wouldn’t be necessary anymore.  Your back, if you go to a Chiropractor, tell him you fell and it doesn’t hurt anymore.”
 Clara asks, “Do you do this healing often?”  Daniel looks embarrassed, “Never like last night, and I only do it here for people in town.  Normally I go out of town to do it for other people.  I also don’t go to bed with the people I help.”  She asks, “You don’t have sex with them?”  He responds, “The last time I have been intimate is when I was around thirteen.”  She asks, “How old are you now?”  He replies, “I am twenty-eight.”  He looks a little sad, “To me I have a distinction.  I believe in two types of intimacy, one is sex and the other is making love.  I didn’t have sex last night.  I made a promise to myself that if I were to be intimate with someone again, it would be someone who I would make love to.” 
 She questions, “What is the difference?”  He responds, “To me, sex is more an act and a person satisfying their own lust.  Mainly one or the other thinks about their own satisfaction.  Making love, to me, isn’t being intimate for the sake of satisfying one’s lust.  If a person is pleasing the other so much that you yourself feel it in your partner. That you both hopefully feel as one.  I don’t know how you felt, but to me, just being with you, I felt your soul, and it felt free and satisfied.  It can also happen for just one of the two I guess.”
 Clara looks at Daniel a second, and smiles.  Her look goes over his shoulder and she asks, “Your niece, Katie, she is nice.”  He answers, “She’s not really my niece.  Susan, her mother and I grew up together.  She’s my best friend, and since both of us were the only children, we became like brother and sister.  We were born only a week apart.  Some of the kids in school called us the Twins.  I have known Katie since she was two. I have helped raise her and changed her diapers.  I occasionally tutor her with her studies.  Susan’s husband Richard is in the Army and has to deploy every so often.  I watch over them, they are family, but let’s get back to us.  I would like to know you better.  Can I ask you about your parents?”  Her face turns sad, looking down at the table top again, frowns, and she turns silent.  She looks away, and he sees more sadness in her eyes as she turned, “Please forgive me, I see that it is painful for you.  I am sorry.  I won’t bring it up again.”
 Daniel looks at Clara, “I have only known you since yesterday.  I can see that you are a caring person, and you would be a good nurse.  No, you are a good nurse.  Many would have probably run away last night.  You stayed and wanted to help me.  To be a nurse is something that gives back and makes you happy.  Now I hope that you go back helping others.”
 Clara finishes her coffee and sets the cup down.  Daniel reaches out to touch her hand, she pulls it to her lap, “I want to thank you, but I need to go.”  He responds, “I never ask for any thanks for what I do.  I just like to know the people I help do something good with their second chance, and hope that they are happy.  I will walk you to the door, but before you go, I have to ask you to keep my secret.”  She asks, “Why?  You could help so many people?”  He responds, “Yes I could, and I do as much as I can.  If people knew, there would be thousands of people in front of the house, begging to be healed.  It does take a toll on me and I would have to leave my home.  There are people in town I help, they keep my secret, and keep me safe.” 
 Daniel and Clara stand up at the same time looking at each other’s posture.  She takes the handle of her suitcase and turns it to go down the hallway. They walk down the hallway to the front door; he opens the unlocked door, and steps out onto the porch.  She follows him and he turns around.  He asks, “Can I ask a favor?”  She has a slight smile, “Yes, if I am able.” 
 Katie is on her lawn watching Clara and Daniel.  They don’t see her there, staring at them.  Katie is smiling, her eyes bright with questioning looks.  He continues, “Can I have a kiss?”  She moves up to him, their eyes lock.  They both see the sadness in each other’s eyes, and he is feeling a little dejected.  She moves closer, and he kisses her on the cheek.  As he starts to pull away, she gently brings up her hands, caresses his face, looks deeper into his eyes, slowly brings her face forward, and kisses him.  It seems to last forever and his knees shake, as she pulls back, and smiles.  She turns and walks back down the steps.  He calls out, “I would love to see you again.”
 Clara makes no motion to turn and look back at Daniel.  Moving toward the car, Katie comes up and holds her free hand.  They walk down the sidewalk together.  Katie asks, “Did he help you?”  She responds, “I am Clara, and yes.”  Katie beams, “I saw you kiss Uncle Daniel.  I think he’s in love.”  She asks, “Why do you think that?”  Katie answers, “He’s never kissed someone he’s helped before.”  She inquires, “Never?”  Katie answers, “Nope, and he doesn’t get many visitors anymore.” 
 Getting to the car, Clara opens the trunk of the car, lifts the suitcase, feeling no pain for the first time in ten years, puts the suitcase in, and closes the trunk.  She moves to the front of the car, sees that Daniel is still standing on the porch, and he is a little unsteady on his feet.  He has a slight smile on his face, but he looks sad.  Katie sees this, turns to her, “Are you going to come back?”  She starts to gingerly get in the car as she normally would, but feeling no pain, she gets in, and then closes the door.  She rolls the window down to say goodbye.  Katie puts her arms on the door frame, leans in, “I know you are coming back,” as she leans in further and kisses her on the cheek.  She is astonished by the affection.  Katie giggles as the kiss tingles, and hands her a slip of paper, “This is my number; he doesn’t like to answer his phone.  You can talk to me; I am going to write a book about him.”  She smiles and Katie continues, “He loves you and so do I,” as she steps back from the car.  Clara looks at Katie and then starts the engine, puts it in gear, and slowly starts to drive away.  Looking back she sees Katie waving, and then looks over at the porch, but he is no longer there.  She is heading back to Spokane, and it is going to be a long trip home.  She cannot stop thinking about last night, and Daniel.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Crack A Smile - I
Lauren sighed as she stared at her reflection in the full length mirror. Her long, raven hair cascading down her shoulders, her body lean yet toned, her face slightly flawed but sufficient enough to be called beautiful by her people, and her eyes. Her once vibrant green eyes, that held so much passion and emotion in them, now dull and lifeless. She yearned to remember what they had once looked like, for the portraits done of her family had over exaggerated her eye color tremendously, but so long as she remained unhappy she would never see them again. Sighing once more, she called for her personal maid and best friend.
“Yes, m'lady?” Normani asked as she entered the princess’s room.
“Normani, you know you can call me Lauren,” the princess spoke.
“Yeah well I have to keep up appearances outside these four walls,” Normani jested with a smile. She had been Lauren’s personal maid for a few years now and the girls were thick as thieves. Normani was one of the few who didn’t actively try to make Lauren laugh because she knew of Lauren’s past, but she was one of the lucky ones who got to see her smile.
“I have to actually look decent today to deal with these ghastly suitors,” Lauren said with a roll of her eyes, and Normani tutted at her.
“You know, you could meet your prince charming, maybe even princess charming,” she sang as she waggled her eyebrows at the girl sitting in front of her. Normani also knew of Lauren’s (not so secret) secret, that she admired the female body just as much as the male body. One night, early in their friendship, Lauren had suggested that Normani stay the night with her, and with a bottle of wine they got into more than a few shenanigans with each other. The morning after wasn’t uncomfortable at all, and they remained best friends since.
“Oh hush,” Lauren waved her hand, but the corner of her lip was turned up ever so slightly that Normani felt accomplished.
After a small period of time, Normani had made Lauren look like the princess she was born to be. Draped in a red dress that flowed to the ground, her hair brushed and tamed in long waves, and her makeup done to make her eyes seem a litte more vibrant, Lauren looked absolutely stunning.
“My my, princess, you look amazing if I do say so myself,” Normani spoke as she patted herself on the back.
“Ever the humble one, Mani,” Lauren joked, causing Normani to roll her eyes.
“Hey I did a damn good job!”
“I know, thank you,” Lauren spoke sincerely with the smallest of smiles gracing her lips.
“Now go out there and woo the crowd!” Normani yelled enthusiastically.
Lauren shook her head at her best friend’s antics. “Tell Dinah I said hello please.” Dinah was the best blacksmith in the kingdom, and also Normani’s partner.
“Of course, your highness,” Normani smirked.
Lauren exited her room, descending the stairs to the hallway where her parents stood waiting for her, dressed in elegant purple garb.
“Lauren you look marvelous,” Michael spoke as she reached them, pulling her in for a tight hug which she gladly reciprocated. She may not be the happiest girl in the kingdom, but her heart will always go out to her family, especially those she’s lost.
“I know you’re probably dreading this,” Clara began and Lauren gave her a look as to say ‘you’re telling me’, “but we’re doing this because we love you. We want you to be with someone who can make you happy. We don’t care who it is as long as you’re happy.”
“I know, and as much as I hate sitting and being coaxed to laugh like a child, I know you do it out of love,” Lauren said understandingly. Her father smiled proudly at her before guiding her towards the doors to the ballroom.
Upon opening the doors, the palace guards who stood beside the doorway raised their horns and sounded them off; a signal that the royal family had entered. All eyes turned towards the Jauregui’s, but more specifically, Lauren. She would feel the slightest bit self conscious if she actually cared about the opinions of anyone in this room. The king, queen, and princess made their way to their thrones at the front of the room, and as they sat down the royal guard began to speak.
“Here Ye! Here Ye! By decree of King and Queen Jauregui, the hand of the beautiful Princess Lauren will be given to the one who can make her laugh. Suitors may try but once per day. Any violence or arrogance will result in your immediate removal from the kingdom as well as the list of suitors who may try for Princess Lauren’s hand,” royal guard Troye Sivan spoke as he rolled the scroll within his hands, taking his place beside the royal family.
The first suitor to try for her hand was Sir Luis, a good looking but dull fellow. His words were bland and his jokes subpar, and Troye could tell immediately, ushering him away for the next suitor to come up.
“Thank you, Troye. I thought I was going to have to pretend to stay awake,” Lauren whispered in his ear making him chuckle.
“No one can make you laugh yet you make everyone else laugh,” he mumbled, earning a small upturn of the corner of Lauren’s mouth. Troye was also a dear friend to Lauren. He and Normani kept her sane within these castle walls. Smiling gently at the princess, he took his place beside Lauren.
“Good day, your highness. I am Prince Bradley from the Simpson Kingdom,” the small brunette boy spoke as he bowed his head to the princess. Lauren would say he had a smug smile about him, if he had any evidence of lips that is. He spoke a short but lovely poem to Lauren, calling her 'as beautiful as the sunrise’ and other metaphors, but nothing made her smile. She had been called beautiful so many times in her life that she had no reason to actually believe it. After he was finished, Lauren thanked him and Troye moved to release him.
“No! I will have your hand, princess! I am the most fit for the crown out of any of these imbeciles!” Bradley yelled as Troye approached. “You’ll be sorry you ever deni-”
Bradley’s body hit the floor with a thud as Troye’s fist struck his face, and he laid there caressing his cheek as his eyes flickered between Troye and Lauren.
“Get this arrogant bastard out of here,” Troye spoke to the guards behind him, and they carried him out of the doors hurriedly.
“Now, where were we?” Troye addressed Lauren with a smile, who thanked him for getting that bafoon out of her presence.
“Duchess Lucia of the Vives kingdom, your majesty,” the woman greeted Lauren with a bow.
“Lucy we are very close friends, you don’t need to be formal with me,” Lauren jested.
“I like to play the part sometimes,” Lucy flashed her perfect teeth as she smiled brightly at Lauren.
As close as Lucy and Lauren were, Lucy still couldn’t make the princess laugh.
“You tried your best, sweetheart,” Troye smirked at her. Lucy just laughed at his sarcastic comment, “There’s always tomorrow.”
“Lovely to see you again, Luce,” Lauren hugged her as she bid her farewell.
“The court will now adjourn. Please come again tomorrow to try for Princess Lauren’s hand,” Troye announced loudly. Lauren sighed in relief, slouching ever so slightly in her chair as all of the eligible suitors left the castle. She had never been so happy to be unladylike in all of her years.
“Mother, father, can we do these suiting things every other day? I can only pretend so much,” Lauren asked hopefully.
“Of course, sweetheart. We understand that that many people can be draining. We will go at your pace” Michael smiled as he gripped her shoulder gently. With gratitude, Lauren retreated to her room to spend her evening alone.
Closing her doors, she sighed heavily as she began undressing herself, quickly slipping on her nightgown before stepping out onto her balcony. The balcony of her room looked out over the royal gardens, a request she had made personally a few years ago after the incident. Lauren looked out at the setting sun sadly, a tear slowly making its way down her cheek as she let herself feel once more. She couldn’t let herself cry in front of her people, let alone the nobles, but in the confines of her room she let her tears flow freely.
A rustle beneath her caught her attention. Quickly wiping her tears, she looked out into the garden to see a commoner walking among the flowers. While they were allowed within the garden walls, it was a rarity to see one here so late in the day walking them, let alone by themselves. Lauren watched as the commoner looked around quickly before plucking a single rose and stuffing it into her knapsack. Now Lauren was intrigued. Commoners definitely weren’t supposed to pluck the flowers.
“Might I ask what it is you think you’re doing?” Lauren called out to the flower thief in a calm tone. Lauren couldn’t care less if her people plucked the flowers, they were a beauty that should be shared with everyone, but she was curious why anyone would when no one had ever tried before.
Until today that is.
The thief looked up to see the Princess Lauren looking at her with an eyebrow raised. Her eyes immediately widened.
“Oh fuck!”
With that, she ran towards the exit, praying that the princess would take pity on her.
Lauren watched the whole debacle, amused at the thief’s word choice. She observed that for a commoner, she sure was beautiful.
Shaking the thoughts from her head, Lauren retreated to her room and laid onto her bed, hoping the nightmares would grant her leniency.
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lilyharvord · 8 years
Song of Fire Part 4
And here is the last part. (: Enjoy children. 
The snow that settles on the ground is kept at bay from the garden by a young New Blood with what appears to be a greenie ability. I watch from the porch as Farley tries desperately to get Clara to stop rolling to move and actually crawl. The little thing simply prefers to roll herself around though. I have to give it to her, she’s a determined little brat too. She refused to give into my mother’s coaxing and mostly just turns her body and then rolls around to get where she wants to go. This leads to grass getting stuck in her clothes and dirt getting all over her hands and nose. She likes the dirt though, the mud and the grass. When I take her out here, I normally just leave her in the little patch of dirt near the bushes and keep a close eye on her while she squirms in the dirt and lets out happy shrieks. Farley of course does not appreciate when I return her daughter to her covered in dirt, and she always threatens to put my child in the dirt after it’s born so I can see what it’s like to clean up a baby after all that.
           I watch them now with a whimsical smile, before slowly pulling myself to my feet. Farley glances over at me, her eyes narrowed as she looks me over. I was overdue, very overdue, and I should have been laying down like Sara had ordered me too, but I couldn’t bring myself to stay cooped up in my bed for the rest of my pregnancy. If Farley could run around managing a war, up until the day she gave birth, so could I.
           She scoops Clara off the ground and follows me inside. My steps are slow and measured, careful. I don’t exactly want to shift anything too quickly and disrupt the obviously perfect balance my body was in at the moment.
           “Mare, slow down.” Farley demands as she catches up to me. I glare at her as I grab my jacket and scarf off the hooks inside the door. “I’m fine, I feel great actually, better than I have in weeks.” I reply over my shoulder while I wrap myself in my warm clothing for the drive back to my family’s house. My mother was going to kill me when she saw that I had been up and about again, but what was she going to do about it?
           Farley hummed in irritation and then handing Clara to me, she ordered, “Stay here while I grab the truck.”
           I roll my eyes and then give Clara one of my fingers to play with. The little girl giggles and then wraps it in her first. I give her my own smile, and Farley cracks one as well before hurrying off to get the truck. I watch her form recede through the small building the garden was connected to, and then turning my gaze back to Clara, I whisper, “You’re not going to be the only little thing around here soon.”
           She clings to my finger tighter in response and then sticks it in her mouth. She gnaws on my fingertip with her gums and I laugh softly while I let her. After a few minutes, Farley returns, her cheeks bright red from the cold. She gathers Clara from me, wiping the trickle of droll off of her daughter’s cheek before glancing at me and saying, “You need to stop letting her do that. She’s going to think it’s okay to bite people’s fingers.”
           I laugh softly, since the simple action of inhaling makes my chest ache. The baby was completely stretched out in my stomach to make as much room as possible. It had dropped against my pelvis a week ago, but my body had yet to go into labor. I wished there was something we could do, something to just get it over with. I was tired of walking around with twenty extra pounds.
           Farley offered me her hand, and I took it gratefully, letting her lead me out to the truck. I shiver as we approach the doors and leave the warmth behind. “It’s freezing,” I grumble as we continue forward and Farley smirks as she replies, “Of course it is, all your blood is in your stomach.”
           I snicker at that, and then flinch as she opens the door to the cold, bathing us in the frigid temperatures. The truck waits outside, the engine running to heat up the inside. Farley pauses on my side, watching me carefully try to pull myself up into the cabin. I struggle for a second, trying to find the right way to get myself in without hitting some part of myself on something. I drop down to the snow again for a moment, and then snarling in annoyance, I grab the seat arm and the door handle and then step up into the cabin. It’s a tiny shift on the baby’s part, but it’s a shift nonetheless, and I register the feeling before the fluid even has a chance to freeze.
           “Oh no.”
           “Oh no what Barrow?” Farley cries as she leaps forward. I’m stuck with my foot up in the cabin of the truck, and my other foot in the snow, possibly one of the most embarrassing positions to be in at the moment. The lunge position was the perfect one to give the baby just enough space to drop lower though.
           “I… I need to go home now.” I say softly as I try to climb up again. Farley grabs the back of my shirt and practically helps lift me up into the cabin before growling, “I knew it, I knew you should have stayed in bed today!”
           She hands Clara off to me again before slamming the door closed. I shiver, even though I’m enveloped in the heat of the truck, and then whisper, “This is bad, this is very, very bad.”
           She climbs up into the driver’s side and yanking the gear lever back, she puts the truck in drive and starts the crawling race through the icy snow toward my house. I can’t feel anything yet though, it still feels the same, so maybe nothing is wrong, maybe I imagined my water breaking? The minute I think about it though, I’m proven wrong. My insides clench in one agonizing bundle, and I gasp as I set my hand on my stomach and try not so squeeze Clara too tightly with the other. Farley throws a look my way, and then speeding up a little bit, she spits, “I can’t believe you got up today.”
           “I felt fine,” I argue back, “everything felt normal!”
           She rolls her eyes and then speeds up, the wheels spitting snow up behind us, as I lean my head back and start counting. The next contraction doesn’t hit until we get back to the house. I let out a squeak of pain at the ferocity of it, and Farley turns the engine off before slide out of the truck and sliding around the front of the truck to my side. She opens my door, and I can see my brothers coming out of the house, their eyes curious. My mother hurries after them, and I hand Clara down to Farley. Bree let’s me drop into his arms, and I clench my jaw at the falling sensation before his arms catch me. He begins to hurry me inside, and I squeeze my arms which are wrapped around his neck and order, “Tell the colonel to send a message to the Premier. Tell them to get him down here.”
           Bree snorts when I let out a gasp of pain, and then carries me up the stairs into the warmth of the house. My mom is there first, urging Bree to take my upstairs into the room she shares with my dad. He climbs up the stairs with me, and I look down at Gisa over my brother’s shoulder, practically ordering her as well when I say, “Get a message to the Rift, get a message, please!”
           Bree carries me down the hallway and then says, “Someone will Mare, relax.”
           I shift in his arms as he opens the door, and grumble, “I can walk still.”
           “I’m sure you can, but just go with it.” He teases as he carries me across the room. Mom is right behind him, ripping the heavy blankets back so that he can lay me down on the sheets. She pulls the blankets up around me and then whispers softly, “Just take it easy, you’ll need your strength.”
           I narrow my eyes and then gasp as the next contraction rolls through. My mom glances back at Tramy and Gisa in the doorway and then shoos them away saying, “Go get the healer! Go!”
           They hurry away at her urging, and then she turns back to me, and Bree. Her next order is for a bucket with a wash cloth. I narrow my eyes up at the ceiling and then say, “I’ve got a ways to go mom, I don’t need-“
           “I gave birth to all of you within three hours of going into labor. I’m not taking an chances.” She says as she helps me sit up and shrug my coat and scarf off. I glance at her and then reply sternly, “I’m not pushing until he’s here.”
           She nods in understanding, and then helps me lay back among the pillows. Her hand runs up my forehead slowly until her fingers separate my hair, and she replies softly, “I’m sure you won’t, but when the time does come, you won’t be able to hold it back.”
           Four hours is a long time to be in agony like this. I grab the blankets in my fist again and let out a sobbing cry as another contraction pushes through my body and threatens to split me open. The baby kicks out and stirs more and more, apparently just as unhappy with the whole thing as I am. I had been stripped out of my clothes and put in one of my mother’s nightgowns to make the whole thing as comfortable as possible, but the back of it was soaked with sweat and sticking to my back. I cry out in agony again and my mom runs the cold cloth across my forehead again, whispering that I was doing wonderfully. Sara continues to keep a close eye on me, while throwing glances over her shoulder at Julian who keeps shaking his head to say that he’s not here yet. Our communication had gone through, and there had been no response, but Farley said that the snow storm that had kicked up was probably to blame for that.
I throw my head back to the ceiling, crying softly as I pray to whatever gods there are out there for this to end soon. How Farley had been so calm and centered during her labor I have no idea. This feels like something is trying to rip itself out of me, and tear me apart in the process. The ceiling swims with my tears and my mother continues to urge me on, wiping my neck and forehead with the cloth again. I want to scream at them to leave me alone, to just let me do this on my own. I can feel my body already doing most of the work, I don’t need them around crowding me while I do something that my body was obviously built for.
           “It’s almost time to start pushing.” Sara announces, her eyes meeting mine warily. I’d told her the same thing I’d told my mom. I was not pushing until Cal was here. I shake my head and then gnaw at my lower lip until I taste blood.
           “Mare darling, it’s dangerous to hold off,” my mother murmurs as she pushes my hair back and continues, “Not just for you, but the baby as well. You need to push when Sara says it’s time.”
           I shake my head furiously, making the room tilt and spin as the lightheaded feeling returns. I inhale sharply and then exhale slowly as another contraction tears my insides apart. I sob, and let out an agonized cry, not just at the pain, but at everything else. I thought that I had faced the worse pain imaginable in the Burner Court under Samson, this was something else entirely though.
           “I wont push until I know he’s here.” I ground out as I try to sit up. My mother helps me but shares a worried glance with Sara who then looks to Julian with pleading eyes. He sets his jaw tightly and then hurries down stairs, probably for an update. He returns a few minutes later with a worried glance that Sara notices first.
           “What?” I spit when he doesn’t speak automatically.
           “A transmission was sent hours ago and just came through. He left as soon as ours went through, Anabel is coming with him.”
           “No,” I gasp as the next contraction comes. No, Anabel can’t come. Damn that woman. She’d pull this baby out of its cradle, and nurse it herself if it meant that there was an heir to her grandson’s kingdom. That or she’d have me brought to the Rift to stay and nurse the baby until I was no use to her or her plans. Then I would be separated from both of them and sent back here. She wouldn’t touch this child though; she’d have to kill me to so much as set her fingertip on it.
           “But he’s almost here?” My mom asks as she runs her hand between my shoulders. Julian nods and then bows his head to calculate the numbers. “With the storm they would have had a delay. Anabel would not have let him fly down here if it were possible that he would die on the way here, she would have made sure it was safe before she let him leave. She just got a Calore heir to the throne, she won’t lose him now.”
           I shake my head tightly and my mom reaches up instead to massage my neck, her eyes hard as she says, “And we can’t contact them in the air?”
           “No,” The signal’s weak even going into the Rift because of the storm. We won’t know he’s here until he touches down on the base.”
           I grip the blankets tightly and then glancing at Sara I choke, “You can make the pain go away, you can take it away until he’s here.”
           She narrows her eyes and then replies stiffly, “I will not. The pain is necessary. If I take away the pain of the contractions, I will not be able to calculate the proper time to start pushing.”
           I want to scream, and I almost do when another contraction rolls through. They were almost back to back now, it was getting close. Cal, I want scream, where are you? I glance out at the blinding white out just outside of the window. He should have landed already, he should have been here hours ago, he should have been here from the beginning.
           “Is someone waiting for him at the airfield?” Sara asks as she touches her hand to my forehead and does another bodily scan to check on the baby’s progress.
           Julian nods and then glances over his shoulder when his name is called form below. “Bree went an hour ago, there will be someone there to take him here.”
           He slips away and my mother takes my hand in hers and then presses a kiss to the top of it. “Hold on my darling, you’re doing fantastic.”
           She looks at Sara for conformation, but the healer has a her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. She opens her eyes as if sensing our matching eyes and then whispers hesitantly, “Yes, you’re doing fine.”
           “What Sara, what’s wrong?” I demand, it’s too late to try and stop this whole thing, too late to try and prevent the inevitable or even something terrible from happening. She glances between us and then whispers, “When it comes time, you will not be able to hesitate,” she glances away and then glances back and whispers, “Your placenta is tearing away too quickly. Each contraction tears it away a little more, cutting off the maximum amount of oxygen to the baby.”
           My hand falls to my stomach, and I feel fresh tears slide down as I whisper, “My baby’s dying.”
           “No, not yet.” Sara states stiffly, before rising from her chair next to my bed. She walks to the pitcher off to the side and pours a glass of water before returning and handing it to me. I drink with shaking hands, spilling half of the glass on myself. She sinks into her chair again and syas, “It will just be difficult when we start pushing. I don’t have the materials to perform any form of procedure instead, and it’s much too risky to move you to the hospital at this point.”
           I nod tightly and then turn my eyes back to the ceiling. To come this far and then lose my baby was unacceptable, I’d already picked names, I’d already prepared everything. Gisa has spent months working on sewing a beautiful blanket that was neatly folded and waiting on the nightstand next to the bucket of cold water. I wasn’t losing it now. I glare at Sara and then whisper coolly, “My baby lives, even if I don’t.”
           Sara’s eyes widen and my mother grabs my shoulder so tightly I think she might shatter it. “Don’t you dare say that,” she chokes, “you and the baby are going to be fine.”
           Julian returns in the doorway at that moment, his eyes bright as he announces, “He’s here. He apparently left the plane before they even really stopped moving.”
           I can’t help but laugh. I can imagine it too, Anabel screaming at him as he takes off across the tarmac, his eyes set only on the airfield base where my brother is waiting. I can see his grandmother sprinting after him, screaming at him to stop. I can see it all, and I can see him appearing in the doorway too, rushing to me, his hands enclosing mine as he takes my mother’s place at my side.
           I try to sit higher to look out the window and glimpse the truck as it arrives in front of the house. My mother sighs at that then urging me back into the pillows she says, “Now, relax, he gets here when he gets here.”
           It takes another hour, but the minute I hear the door close downstairs, I sit bolt upright, my body screaming out to his, the light in the lamp flickers and then lights up so bright that it borders on blinding. Sara scrambles to turn it off before I short circuit it and it explodes. My mother rushes up and then downstairs, trying to get to Cal and get him upstairs. Before she can even reach the end of the hall though, I hear his boots coming up the stairs, it even sounds like he’s taking them two or three at a time. I try to sit up again and Sara sighs in exasperation before pushing me back down, urging me to relax. The contractions are pushing through me so fast now that they have no end and no beginning, but all of that pain goes out the window when he arrives in the doorway.
           I reach out my hand to him, whispering his name. He crosses the room in three steps and then drops onto the bed, clinging to my hand. I choke out a soft laugh that breaks off in a pained gasp. Sara pushes the blankets back and then starts ordering Cal to push me up so that I’m sitting more than lying down. He does as she orders, helping me up, and eventually slides his body behind mine so that I’m leaning against him. I bury my nose in his neck, inhaling his scent as I whisper, “Everything’s ready. I made sure.”
           He nods and then presses his lips to temple. Sara lifts my nightgown and then guides my body into a proper postion as she says, “It’s time, we need to push, we need to push now.”
           I grind my jaw against the scream that wants to escape and end up gasping as I push with everything in my body. Sara urges me on, keeping an eye on both the baby and me as she gets me through this. My mother is there too, keeping an eerie eye on Cal who simply lets me almost break his hand with each push. He offers words of encouragement each time I let out a soft sob, and presses his lips to my temple at the same time.
           I had only seen Anabel once, right after her grandson had come upstairs. She had taken one look at me, and had then narrowed her eyes. To my surprise, it had been Gisa who had stepped in the doorway, and spread her arms wide to deter her from entering.  Now she was downstairs being watched by Farley and my brothers. She would not be allowed upstairs, per Cal’s and my demands.
           I scrunch up my forehead at the pain that comes with another contraction as I push. I groan in pain and Sara leaps forward, her hand going to cup something as she smiles and says, “One more, Mare darling, one more push.”
           My head falls back and I choke on the emotion in my throat as I push. She accepts the bloody mess into a towel and then sets her hand on its chest, using her abilty to settle it. Without warning, a piercing cry fills the air, and she smiles up at us before wiping at some of the blood on the baby’s forehead. She comes around to the side, and I reach up for my child desperately, my arms already prepared to bear the weight of it. She slides the bundle of towel and child into my arms and then whispers, “Congratulations, she’s a healthy baby girl.”
           I gather her up in my arms, gazing adoringly down at her she whimpers and gurgles to herself. I take the edge of the towel and wipe the rest of my blood away from her mouth, running my thumb softly along the plump skin of her lips. She definitely did not get those from me. As I wipe more of the blood away, her bright ruddy skin comes out from underneath, and her cheeks are red as my own. I choke on that fact, a Red baby, a Red child from a Silver and a Red. She cries softly, the sound almost imperceptible, had my ears not already been attuned to every sound she made. Her eyes flutter open, and Cal’s intake of breath is audiable as two set of identical irises meet. Apparently the Calore eyes would carry on.
           I glance at him with a blinding smile, as I take the rest of her in. Ten fingers, ten toes, I count them twice too. One nose, two eyes, and a mop of brown hair already on her head. She’s bigger than I thought she would be, and thank whatever gods there are for that. She’ll be taller than me, strong and powerful too.
           Sara bows out of the room quietly, resigned to let us have this short moment. She’d already taken care of everything else. I could get probably get up from the bed right now if I wanted too, but I couldn’t bear to stand up and leave Cal’s embrace just yet. His hand hesitates to reach out, but in the end, he cups the back of her head softly and then whispers, “She’s beautiful.”
           I smile proudly again and then bring her up as I press a light kiss on her cheek. Her tiny hand reaches up and rests on my cheek, and she nuzzles into my touch, gurgling softly. The tears leak out before I can stop them. Cal presses his forehead to my temple, and with that action, closes the loop between us. The three of us are a small oasis of peace in the middle of a fire storm. In the middle of a war we are a temple of solitude, standing alone, but standing strong none the less. A song of fire burning through the ice around us.
           “My darling,” I whisper to her, the words odd and heavy on my tongue, awkward, and not comfortable just yet. But they will be, someday. I press another kiss to her cheek, whispering her name to her, “Kira, Kira my darling.”
           She coos at the name, and then reaches beyond me for Cal, as if she already knows who he is and what he should mean to her. He smiles, his eyes misting over as he offers her his finger in greeting. She takes it in a firm grip and then meets his eyes. He smiles adorningly at her and then whispers, “Hello little one.”
           My heart threatens to burst, threatens to explode with light and fire and song and joy. Here is the epitome of goodness and innocence born to two people who had done horrible things to survive. Maybe though, she won’t have to do those things. If our plan goes well, and we succeed, maybe she will never have to see horrors like this war.  I turn my face into Cal’s neck and he wraps us both in his arms, enveloping us in warmth and safety. I trust him too keep that wall up too, to keep the two of us safe until the end of this. I trust him to do this, and to be standing with me when this whole thing ends. I trust him with my life, and I know I don’t even have to think about trusting him with our daughter’s. He loves her more than anything in this world already, that much I can see. And I don’t need a Prophet to tell me that, or a Healer, or a King, or Premier, I don’t need anyone to tell me anymore, he already has.
Lol the end, hope ya’ll enjoyed. (((: Anywho, have fun looking up the meaning of Kira. ((:
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What if That’s the Future
Desire and Decorum/MC x Ernest Sinclaire 
Summary: Ernest has been shot and as he slept waiting for Clara he has a dream. A dream that shows him more then he ever wanted. Just before she comes to him at Ledford in the chapter. 
Authors Note: so today’s chapter has me majorily po’ed and so I wrote this. My last TE story from that poll and then starting my desire and decorum ones will come next. See if you can spot a character from Red Carpet Diaries and High School Story. 
Tag list: @flyawayboo @queen-among-writers   @cosigottahavefaith  @am-i-invisible777 @countrymusicandncis-blog @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde @paisleylovergirl
The shot didn’t go off as Ernest found himself dreaming. He was sure that Luke and the others would bring him back to Ledford Park. Doctor Kerrigan was there, and Clara was nowhere to be seen. Of course, the duke….
That didn’t seem to matter as Ernest saw her. Clara was right next to him in a gorgeous satin green gown that reminded him of flowers. A wide smile on her face and her hair loose as it pooled around her shoulders. This was dreaming, this was lucid dreaming, he thought as he could hear his friends telling him not to sleep.
“Mr. Sinclaire you cannot die, please think of Clara,” said the demanding voice of Miss Parsons.
“He can rest,” said Doctor Kerrigan.
Sleep didn’t come easy as Ernest tried to relax. He had to think of Clara her smiling face and standing beside him. Finally, his mind rested on a dream that he wanted to be reality. Clara was in his bed as he saw love marks on her chest, her nightgown thrown on the floor as the sun filtered into their bedroom. Ernest stepped into the room already fully dressed as she rose from the mattress.
“Don’t have too much fun at work,” she said arching her feet to kiss him softly on the lips. He relished in her kiss and touch.
That illusion was shattered as he heard something from down the steps, however. His Clara seemed to have disappeared as quickly as she rose. Ernest took in a deep breath as he turned and started toward the noise. He straightened his cravat he headed toward the steps when the noise turned out to be voices.
“James,” he called wondering if his butler had let someone in.
No answer as Ernest headed down the steps as music eventually filled the air. Someone was playing his pianoforte. He was dreaming still right? He could bring Clara back as the flash of her green skirt disappeared down the steps. She was still with him but leading him somewhere.
Her giggle seemed to beg him to follow as he did what she wanted. He was curious to know himself. Gradually he made his way into the hall to see people. He peered around into the room where she disappeared as he could see that it was a packed. People milled around in strange clothes that he couldn’t begin to place. Next to him two girls were speaking animatedly to each other as Ernest couldn’t even catch up. Clara had to be around her somewhere as he heard their conversation.
“So, what was it like working with Chris Winters? Addison you have the most amazing job,” gushed a girl with auburn hair to the blond. “The Last Duchess has to be my favorite movie so far this year.”
“Chris is awesome, I don’t think you could work with someone nicer. Working on The Last Duchess was so much fun. The historical clothes were a blast to make and the cast is just all-around fun,” said the blond, presumably Addison. “What is it that you do Paige?”
“I’m an OBGYN and a certified midwife, it’s not nearly as glamorous,” said the redhead, Paige.
Ernest shook his head as he leaned forward and cleared his throat hopefully to get some answers. Who were these people and how were they in his home? Forgetting about Clara now he tried to piece together what was happening.
Neither girl looked up before a third joined them. The newcomer, a girl with ink black hair and a purple shirt that the girls called Kara, just seemed to walk right through him. Ernest put his hands on his body as he seemed to be invisible and ghost like. This was his death, he was sure of it as he glanced around the room.
This couldn’t have been death though. Where was his mother, father, stillborn siblings?  Trembling Ernest straightened himself up and confidently walked toward the middle of the room. Someone around here had to be talking about why they were all gathered. He wasn’t presuming that this was some kind of heaven or limbo. Why was Clara here? Could she have killed herself thinking he was dead too?
Around him children ran with devices in their hands he didn’t know. Ernest took another breath. If there was one place, he could find answers there was the library. His sanctuary. He turned on his heel and walked off his heavy footsteps not making a sound underneath him.
Upon reaching the library he heard more voices. How dare these people for inviting themselves into rooms not designated for guests! Ernest felt shudder run through his body as another person seemed to walk right through him. He took a hesitant step toward the group that was gathered in the middle at a table.
On said table was a paper with lines and neat printed handwriting. Getting even closer upon closer inspection Ernest could see his name on that paper. Remembering that people couldn’t see him or anything he forced himself until he was sitting on the table. Although it was un-gentlemen like he needed a look at this.
At the very top of the paper Ernest read the first line unable to believe it. Sinclaire Family Tree.
His eyes settled on his ancestor Walter Fitzwilliam Sinclaire situated on the few middle lines. Then his eyes followed the lines to his own name. Swallowing Ernest trembled staring a bit aghast at section where his name was as if he could burn a hole right through the paper.
Ernest Sinclaire (20 Jul 1788 - 30 April 1867)
He couldn’t tear away, that was his birthday and that was his death date. He was eight and seventy upon his death. It appears that he was at the Sinclaire family reunion. Judging from the clothing of those around him he could be decades or even centuries ahead of his own time. He put a hand to his head as if to clear it. Blue eyes glanced over at the name on the left. Roselyn d’Ouler with the death dead marked when she gave birth to the Dukes child. Then his eyes slide over to the name on the right of his name.
He caught his breath and heart quickened as a smile of delight crossed his face. The name adjacent to his: Clara Mills (2 Nov 1795 – 24 Jun 1875). The date of their union to sometime in mid June of 1816. Ernest couldn’t help but glance at the next line.
Nine, there were nine marks for nine children. Six sons and three daughters were a blessing as he could see their names of their family. A family that he would make with Clara. His eyes saddened upon seeing the last name on the list, as his heart twisted to know that she only spent mere hours on earth. Underneath the names the lines got more and more complicated as they weaved together. Several last names of people he knew like Marlcaster and Chambers.
Sometime at the turn of the century a few family members dropped the ‘e’ from the last name he noticed. Several had moved from England and to far off places like America and New Zealand.
Everyone around him was his family, people that were related to Ernest Sinclaire, in some way shape or form. Ernest watched as a young woman brought her children to the front of the group. An elderly man smiled as he picked the girl up and put her on his lap.
“Now can you tell me your name young lady?”
“Melissa Grace Sinclaire,” she said proudly with a smile on her face. “My mummy told me to tell you to put my name on your paper.”
“Did she now?” said the man grinning as he mused her blond hair teasingly. “Well, I need to know who your mummy and daddy are. Your birthday and if you have any siblings and their birthdays.”
“My daddy is Luke Sinclaire and mummy’s name is Emma. My birthday is 10 August 2014. My brother’s name is Matthew Ernest Sinclaire and his birthday is 23 January 2017.”  
The man put her name near the bottom of the tree as he watched. Ernest gapped upon hearing this as this far beyond what he thought it was. Everything he was witnessing. This was two hundred years from now. He was in the twenty first century as everything played around him like a moving picture. The only thing that made Ledford the same was the layout of his home.
A dream, this is what this was a dream, but this was a dream that he could make happen. Ernest could make that family with his beloved Clara and their family could prosper. Unable to help himself Ernest reached out and touched her name next to his as it lingered there.
His finger traced down the marks for each child as he wondered what they were like. Perhaps they were quick to smile like Clara. Did they have his sword skills (even the girls!)? Which one inherited the blond hair that he remembered from his mother?  Ernest’s smile grew as his finger traced over the name Vincent Sinclaire. He knew where that name came from as his breath caught short as he looked at the dates under his name. 9 Feb 1817 – 30 of Mar 1895. No. That couldn’t be possible as he thought back to the night before the duel.
He got Clara pregnant, unless she went into labor a month early, she was already pregnant with their son.
Ernest had to wake up, he had to go to her and keep the Duke from ever touching her or their baby. He felt fingers brush upon his own as Clara was next to him. She grinned widely as she was examining the tree as well. Her free hand tracing over their marriage date as everyone else around them seemed to gradually fade.
“Can you believe it?  We did this,” she said as tears pooled in her eyes. “This is our family that we made together.”
He glanced around as he saw the kids running, gossip from the older people, and someone playing a beautiful song on the pianoforte.  
Ernest reached over and brushed her hair away from her face. “I know that this is a dream, but I want to make this happen. Both of us happy and married with a family of our own. There’s no Duke and I could keep you safe and loved.”  
This Clara nodded as he kissed away the tears that had spilled over her cheeks. “Ernest wake up, I’ll be there, I promise.”
He adjusted and blinked himself awake over and over. Everything from the morning came back to him with the fight. That didn’t seem to matter anymore as he had a good idea of what would follow when they were finally together. Waking up he saw that Luke was still in the room.
“Where’s Clara?” he demanded.
“She’s coming,” said Luke.
“I need to see her.”
“She’ll be here.”
He was afraid that she would never show up until a half hour later. She was there in Ledford as he sighed. Clara was unharmed as his eyes and smile lite up. She looked beautiful as his eyes flitted briefly down to her stomach. Could they really have?  
“Clara, how I’ve longed to see your face,” he said. If he could stand one more day, he could fight. Above all he was going to be with her until the end of his days.
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All I Need Is You
Desire and Decorum/Ernest Sinclaire x MC 
Summary: The wedding night of one Clara Mills and Ernest Sinclaire has come. Dominique has advice and Clara is ready for a family. 
Authors Note: Rated M/R for NSFW content.
Tag list: @flyawayboo @queen-among-writers   @cosigottahavefaith  @am-i-invisible777 @countrymusicandncis-blog @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde
She had worn a dress made of duchess satin, silk and lace made of very pale blue where it looked white. Embroidered with flowers and her hair done up pretty. How she dressed at her wedding day to Ernest did not seem to matter. Clara took a deep breath as Briar helped her undress out of her beautiful gown. The next part of her day was the wedding night.
“Oh Briar I can’t wait for this next part,” said Clara as she turned to her friend breathless. “I know Ernest and I will create a baby tonight. I really want to have a family with him and…”
The door burst open as Dominique walked into the room eyes on her. Briar nodded at her before exiting to the next room. Her grandmother’s eyes on her as she sighed. Then proceeded to sit next down next to her.
“Lady grandmother,” said Clara a bit surprised. “What do I owe the pleasure?”
“Clara,” she said rubbing her temples. “Before you go to bed tonight with your husband, I must warn you about the wedding night.” Clara gasped a little as her green eyes widened.
“Lady grandmother it’s not necess…”
“Nonsense, what will come next will lead to the future heir of Edgewater and Ledford. You need to remember that your sole duty now is to please your husband and create a baby together. You must let him do whatever her likes, without question, not matter how strange or indecent. I trust Ernest not to hurt you but if it does make the best of it. Just lay back and think of pie perhaps. Do you understand?”
Clara bit her bottom lip wondering if she should tell her that she already knew what was going to happen. Or that they had already done it once back before the duel once upon a time. Instead she flushed and thanked her grandmother before quietly exiting the room.
She had purposely left her nightgown in her old room knowing that Ernest was going to keep their bed warm for the night.
The smile on her face wide as she opened the door to the room they now shared together. She looked around to see that Ernest wasn’t in the room already as the fire cracked behind her. The door to an adjoining room opened as her eyes grew bright as she saw Ernest already dressed down and ready for bed.
A shiver ran down her spine as she eagerly skipped over to the bed as she went to pull the covers back. His eyes on her watching as if on bated breath.
“Mrs. Sinclaire,” he said breathless as he joined her on the other side of the bed stripping himself of his shirt.
“Just kiss me,” she said. There was no need to talk about what was going to come next, they were going to do what came naturally. Almost like a second nature.
His lips met hers as his hands went to helping her strip off her nightgown. Ernest’s fingers gliding down her neck and over the curve of her bare breast. His confident touch already working on her as she felt the need to touch him as her hands ran down his arms.
Then she felt her hands go downward across the warm flesh of his back until she stopped just underneath his bum gripping the tops of his thighs. Ernest kissing sensually down from her jawline to her neck and down to her breast. Their clothes in a forgotten pile next to the bed.
He sunk down on top of her as she felt the pressure enjoying every moment with him. Ernest’s skilled fingers ran over her breast as he kissed them before burying his face into them, to listen to hear her heart beat. Her toes curled as that familiar tingle across her body. She gripped him closer as he licked at her nipple leaving a small mark on her soft skin.
“You’re perfect,” he whispered, “intoxicating even my darling.”
Ernest took her hands as he gently held them firmly. She relished in the feeling of being under him her body responding to his touch as the warmth between her legs pooled. Clara desperate to feel his bare skin for herself once more.  
“Ernest,” she whimpered as her eyes glanced down at his hardness between his legs as his growing erection.
“No touching,” he said as his eyes flickered to meet hers. “Not yet.”
OH gosh that felt amazing, she thought, as a shiver ran down her spine. Excited she parted her legs for him as he flushed. Then grinned as it was almost hungry in nature as his tongue swirled around her belly button as she gasped.
Before she could moan his name again he kissed her. She groaned as she shuddered against his kiss as he adjusted it so her leg rested on his shoulder. His lips delicately found her entrance as Clara drew in a sharp intake of breath. What was he doing to her as her body convulsing with pleasure.
“Cl…Clara,” he groaned as his tongue met her outer lips of her sex as she gripped his shoulders as best as she could. Pressure and pleasure built up in her as he stopped. Her green eyes met his blue as his length buried into her cavern his lips on her collar bone as that wave that built inside of her kept building.
“My Ernest,” she said as his breathing became hard and uneven.
His primal instinct took over his body and let himself go. He had never taken her this fast before as Clara smiled at the pleasure rolling over her body in waves. He rocked his lips into a steady increasing rhythm as she matched this new pace. She closed her eyes rejoicing in his body on top of her.
Lips meet hers once more just as fervent then before. That pressure built up where their bodies met as she wrapped herself closer to him as if it was possible.
“Yes,” he groaned taking her hands and pinned it over her head as Clara looked delighted. He was taking so many liberties with her tonight as she felt the flames inside her build just wanting to let them out. His lips caressing hers again and again as waves of warm pleasure coursed through her as though she could see stars.
Her hips rolled against his as his seed spilled inside of her as Ernest hoped that he had gotten her pregnant. Concentrating he was firmly easing out of her as their pants grew heavy and ragged as they lay besides each other. Gently he gathered her in his arms kissing her face everywhere he could.
She was beautiful, thought, Ernest as he saw her eyes light up and her hair messy and wild. Her lips swollen, and his eyes settled on the marks he had made. He loved it and he wanted to continue being with her until the end of his days.
Clara basked in the glow of the after math of their love making. It was warm and it was real as they were silent catching their breaths. She threaded her fingers through his as they lay next to each other content as their chests rose and fell.
“Ernest,” said Clara after a minute. “That was amazing.”
“My heart is yours,” he said as she felt his heartbeat against his chest. She grinned into his chest as her eyes closed basking in his scent and her breathing slightly heavy. It was perfect as she started to fall asleep as she felt Ernest reach to lift her up.
“I love you,” he said as she rested her head against his chest. “Forever and more for all I need is you.”
“I love you too,” she said as his free hand gently circled her breast as a smile graced his face. Clara snuggled up against him as she closed her eyes listening to his heart beat. It was warm and wonderful as she had begun dreaming of children and their future together.
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