#he does end up going back up to the hospital wing before dinner
warty-hog-legacy · 1 year
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of Clara’s clothing. Will do school uniforms eventually
headcanon under the cut
Also, after the whole fighting-Ranrok thing (gotta happen in March, right? still snowy out), Clara is wounded via knife slash to her ankle, also twisted same ankle, got walloped by a troll, scratched up her legs something awful sliding on rocks, and then watched her favorite professor die. She’s in hysterics when Sharp and Prof. Onai are trying to corral her up to the hospital wing. She keeps trying to escape and go find the entrance to the mined tunnel.
Pls keep in mind, she’s 15, been awake for like 36 hours straight, and just lost someone important to her (again, so like, old memories of her sister dying are resurfacing). Obviously, she is a pillar of calm and collected sanity.
Additional Information: When the tremors with the Ancient Magic started, the Profs who did not go to help fight were herding students into the Great Hall, like when Sirius scratched up the Pink Lady’s portrait. So a not insignificant number the student body heard Clara’s screeches, snuck to the door and saw the floating cot with a body under a sheet, the haunted looks on the professors as they return.
Rumors circulate. As they do.
So two mornings later, when Sebastian has worked up the nerve to actually talk to Clara (he heard her parents were summoned in the middle of the night, also heard she lost her mind, that a dragon lived under the castle, castle was almost blown up, etc... who knows what’s true). So. He’s going to talk to her. Which he’s talked to loads of girls, and talked to Clara loads of times. Except that she’s refused to talk to him since the Uncle Solomon incident, and that’s why he’s nervous and trying to talk himself into seeing her.
Instead he Lurks (defintely lurking) outside the hospital wing, unsure if he wants to talk to her or not. He sticks his head into the door, half hoping she’s still sleeping and half-hoping she’ll see him and all that awkward guilt will vanish.
Sebastian is treated to a view of privacy curtains halfway down the wing. And through a little gap, he gets a glimpse of her lacing up her corset. Just for like, 1 total second.
5 minutes later, a bunch of second-years watch him sprint out of the castle and dive headfirst into the lake.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#clara white#sebastian sallow#he does end up going back up to the hospital wing before dinner#Clara is sitting in bed (in a NIGHTGOWN so he is thinking of going back into the lake and just asking the merpeople to drown him)#She is absolutely devouring a new book (sherlock holmes)#She's also all bruised up and her hair is in a braid instead of its usual twisty thing#Anyway so he loses any ounce of planning what he was going to say and simply goes 'Hello'#His brain = not working too many emotions that he doesnt want to think about like guilt and anxiety and#and something thats making his hands feel sweaty#Finally he sits in the chair next to her bed and asks if she's alright#corrects himself and says of course not shes in the hospital wing#says he wasnt sure if she'd want to see him#oh and he heard about Fig and is sorry about that#Sebastian realizes he's doing all the talking and shuts up#Clara is holding onto her book (her beloved whatever book she is currently reading is her beloved)#like her book is going to steady her#her voice is rough from screaming and whatnot but she thanks him for visiting#And then her parents enter the room and Sebastian wishes the chair would morph into a coffin so he could die then and there#But Clara finds her parents doting on him to be amusing enough to smile through her grief so he tolerates Lady White fussing over his robes#This time when he leaves the hospital wing he goes straight to the baths and puts it on ice cold#b/c he cant get Clara and her messy braided hair and the corset glimpse ouf of his mind but she's a FRIEND
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
OH can you please do "What do you need?" "A hug." for jily <333
from this prompt list
She’s been going for 20 minutes.
“It’s fucking ridiculous!”
James nods dutifully from his place on the couch. “Absolutely.”
“And it’s not as if Slughorn has the bollocks to actually say anything. Not beyond his usual rubbish anyway which is the whole reason Mulciber has the audacity to spout his blood supremacy nonsense at the bloody dinner table.” 
“I hate that guy.”
Lily wheels around from where she’s been pacing by the fireplace. “Right? And I swear, James, he was pissed when he got to the dinner and Sluggy’s mead just made it worse. I was just sitting there, having to listen to him, as he…as he stares at me, over pudding. Because he doesn’t care that everyone knows exactly who he’s talking about. He makes my skin crawl, James.”
James takes a steadying breath and forces himself to continue to track Lily as she paces about the room, his face neutral and attentive. She’s made it clear enough times before that she won’t allow herself to go on these rants around him if she has to worry that he’ll just take them as permission to go hex the Slytherins. It’s a test of his self-control every time.
“I just wish that someone else would say something. For once! That it wouldn’t be me against the entire—”
James scoffs, his practised patience wearing thin. “I’ve told you—”
“You hate the Slug Club, James,” she interrupts with a sigh. “Don’t you remember the last time?”
Does he ever. Things had spiralled out of control at dinner, and the tension had spilled over into the corridors right after the party. Fortunately, Lily had the presence of mind to fetch Slughorn before anyone ended up needing a trip to the hospital wing. The Potions professor had quickly sent James and the Slytherins to their respective dorms, deducting only a few points from each house.
Of course, James and his friends had settled the score later that week, far from Slughorn’s watchful eye—but Lily didn’t need to know everything.
“And besides,” she continues, “I already know how you feel and it…it means everything to me, to have you on my side. But Jesus, James, you’d think at least one of the posh twats Sluggy invites week after week could at least have some sympathy.”
“Speaking on behalf of the posh twats of the world,” James begins, clearing his throat.
Lily cracks a smile, the first real win of the evening for James. “Oh, stop that,” she says, shaking her head. “We’re far too good of friends for you to fool me with that anymore.”
Friends. Good friends. Great friends!
James gives her a practised smile as she settles beside him on the couch, turning sideways to face him, knees drawn up to her chin.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I really did mean for us to study. I—”
He shakes his head. “I’m happy to be a listening ear, Evans.”
She smiles softly, resting her chin on her knees as she watches him. The firelight dances across her face and hair, casting a warm glow that makes her look radiant. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Rot of boredom, probably,” he quips.
“You just…” She purses her lips. “You always know exactly what to do. What to say. It’s like…it’s like you’ve read the Lily Evans Manual.”
James forces himself not to drop his gaze, not to give up and openly confess how he’s studied her so closely for the past six and a half years that he could write a Lily Evans Manual.
“You make me sound way cooler than I am,” he says, leaning on one crooked arm against the back of the couch. “Do go on.”
She laughs, the sound muffled as she buries her face behind her knees, eyes squeezed shut.  James's gaze lingers on her, absorbing every detail, as he commits the sight and sound of her to memory.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with them,” he says quietly, resisting the urge to reach across and lift her chin to meet his eyes. “It’s not fair.”
“No,” she sighs, “it’s not.”
“What do you need?” he asks. “I know hexing Mulciber is regrettably off the table for me,” (she laughs again) “but we could go get some ice cream from the kitchens or if you’d rather go ahead and start studying—”
“A hug,” she interrupts him.
His eyes widen. “From…me?”
“I mean,” she hesitates, her voice softening with uncertainty, “not if…not if it’s an inconvenience. I don’t—”
Before she can finish—before she can change her mind—he swiftly crosses the space between them on the couch and wraps his arms around her. Her knees collapse at once, falling off the couch between them, so she can press herself more fully against the solidness of his chest, her arms threading tight around his shoulders.
And they’re just friends. Good friends. Great friends! But he wouldn’t trade it for the world—not really.
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stop-ugly · 1 year
Harry loves his adoptive fathers very much, but he also knows everything about his real parents. There are pictures of Lily and James in every room.
Harry spent his childhood with rock music.
As soon as the next new model of a children's broom appears in stores, Sirius tries to buy it for Harry right away. Remus does not approve of such actions and believes that Sirius spoils his godson.
Quite early, Harry begins to show the character inherited from...... Lily. Sirius pretends to groan that there are two bores in this house now.
Sirius still spends every full moon with Remus, and Harry stays with his aunt Andromeda.
At first, Remus continued to look for work, but he was refused everywhere because of lycanthropy. In the end, Sirius got tired of it, and he forced his husband to stay at home, because, thanks to the inheritance of the Potters and Blacks, they do not need money.
Every Halloween, Remus, Sirius and Harry go to the Potter's grave.
Once wolfstar tried to come to Dursleys. They wanted Harry to meet his cousin. Petunia and Vernon turned out to be homophobic as well as wizard-hating. And Dudley was a spoiled bully. Harry didn't want to go back to that house.
In this universe, Harry does not try to hide his scar, because Sirius diligently teaches his husband and son that you should never be ashamed of yourself.
One day, Harry tells Remus and Sirius that he would like to have a brother or sister. And before Remus can start a Conversation™, Sirius interrupts him: "Harry, you may not have noticed, but we're gay."
Harry is a Gryffindor.
Remus had instilled in Harry a love of reading.
Harry feels comfortable in both the magical and muggle worlds.
In fact, Harry's character remains the same, but, thanks to supportive parents, he does not have that low self-esteem, hero syndrome and a huge sense of duty to the magical world. And he is no longer so easy to manipulate.
He also wants to become an animagus, but Remus insists that Sirius can only begin training Harry when he is at least 14 years old.
Harry is still great at Quidditch, but now he doesn't end up in the hospital wing after every match.
Harry has detentions much more often than in the canon, thanks to the love of pranks and adventures inherited from Sirius.
And yeah, in this universe, he's much more in touch with the Weasley twins. Although his best friends are still Hermione and Ron.
Harry is VERY cheeky.
Severus hates Harry even more than in the canon because of the character traits of Remus and Sirius. It's mutual.
Do you know what Hogwarts lacks? THE PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES.
I can see Severus scolding Harry in front of all the other parents, and Sirius is instantly furious and expresses doubt about the potion master, who can't make himself a shampoo.
Sirius thinks there's no point in coming up with new jokes when the old is still gold. AND HE'S SERIOUS.
One day after a parent-teacher conference Lucius is very rude about Sirius and Remus ' relationship. Narcissa leads her husband away, giving Wolfstar an apologetic look. Sirius is not offended, but he comes to the next conference in a rainbow-colored robe.
Remus was wearing a bisexual badge.
Dumbledore liked it.
Lucius sat red-faced throughout the conference, and as soon as it was over, he apparated away. Narcissa just laughed and suggested that her brother should have dinner together sometime.
When Hermione's passion for protecting the rights of magical creatures wakes up, Harry suddenly becomes interested too and inundates her with questions about possible solutions to the problems of werewolves.
Hermione puts two and two together, and the next time she sees Remus, she notifies him of her guess, and also expresses her full support. Remus was embarrassed but pleased.
When Harry came out to his adoptive parents as a bisexual, Sirius exclaimed happily, raising his hands in the air: "WE'RE GOING TO THE PRIDE!!"
Sirius presents himself as Casanova and the king of flirting, but when Harry needs love advice, he ALWAYS goes to Remus.
When Harry has a crush on Draco, Sirius wonders who exactly he inherited his love for the nasty Slytherins: Lily or James?
There's no way Harry's been cleaning up school shit all these years on his own. No, Harry has fathers, and they won't leave him. Never ever.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
Loves a Game, Wanna Play?
After I came out of hospital — everyone ignored me, shut me out — other than, that is, the boy who had everything — who came across the Gryffindor common room and challenged me to a game of Exploding Snap. People think they know all there is to know about you, but the best bits of you are — have always been — heroic in really quiet ways.
Harry and Ginny have played many games of Exploding Snap throughout the years as their relationship developed.
Read on AO3
Isolated. Alone. Pathetic.
Three words to sum up how Ginny felt right now. Madam Pomfrey discharged her from the hospital wing yesterday, and ever since then she felt more alone than ever. 
Eyes followed her and whispers from her classmates echoed in her ears wherever she went, but no one actually talked to her. She tried sitting next to her dormmates at dinner, but they all pretended she was not there. 
Oh Merlin, this is how Moaning Myrtle feels, Ginny thought. 
Earlier this year, when she felt lonely she wrote to Tom. Now it was Tom who put her in this mess. It was his voice echoing the words, Isolated. Alone. Pathetic, over and over again in her head. 
She sat alone in a chair hidden in the back corner of the Gryffindor Common Room. The term would end in a few days, then she could go home and hopefully by the time she came back for her second year everyone would forget about the stupid Chamber and she could make real friends.
Two girls from her dorm walked through the portal, arms linked, giggling to themselves. Lifting her hand, Ginny gave a short wave. Ginny knew they saw her, but they pretended to not as they sat at a table in the opposite corner of the common room. 
Unlikely, Ginny sighed, something drastic would have to happen. 
Ginny tried to not stare over at her dormmates giggling and gossiping. She should be over there with them. She should have friends. Instead she has no one. Not even her brothers want to be around her. 
Turning back to her book carefully balanced on the plush armchair, she tried to ignore the tears that were forming in her eyes. Pathetic. 
“Hi, Ginny,” a small voice said above her.
Whipping her head up, she met the bright, green eyes of Harry Potter. 
Ginny felt her cheeks pink up, remembering the last time he stood above her. Calm down. Please Calm down, her inner monologue chanted.
“Hi, Harry,” she just barely managed to squeak out. 
He shuffled back and forth, a little awkwardly. Oh no, Ginny thought, he is going to say something about the Chamber. Does he think it was all my fault? I almost killed him and so many other students. He probably hates me. Ginny’s thoughts continued to spiral.
“Do you want to play Exploding Snap with me?” Harry asked.
In Harry’s hand was a worn out deck of Exploding Snap cards, probably Ron’s deck if she had to guess. Harry ran his hands through his messy black hair. “I was wanting to play a game with someone, and you looked like you were free!” Harry said, overenthusiastically, “So I thought, maybe you wanted to play?”
Ginny was positive this was a dream. Harry Potter seeking her out to invite her to play a game with him. If this happened any time before a week ago, she would have been elated. Now, things are different. 
“I don’t need your pity, Harry.”
Harry’s green eyes widened, “Oh, I’m not!” He sat down in the spot across from her, scooting his chair closer, “Really, Ginny.”
Ginny held Harry’s stare before it came too much. She collected herself, willing her cheeks to not turn any redder than they already were. “Okay, one game.”
Harry grinned at her. 
“But you better not be a sore loser when I kick your ass,” Ginny giggled, stealing the cards from Harry’s hands, beginning to shuffle the deck.
His eyes sparkled with competitiveness, “You’re on.”
Exchanging turns, Harry and Ginny layed cards down in a pile, pointing their wands at matching pairs. The game was close. Ginny would win a few rounds before Harry would quickly make a comeback. Back and forth they went, pointing their wands at the deck and matching pairs up until…
The cards in Harry’s hands exploded.
Ginny giggled, “I told you I would win.”
Harry stared flabbergasted at the ash in front of him. “I want a rematch!”
“Nope!” Ginny said, standing up, “I said one game and you could not be a sore loser.”
“But-” Harry objected.
“Maybe next time!” Ginny said over her shoulder, running off before she said anything embarrassing in front of him. 
Her dormmates on the couch all staring at her. Ginny gave them a quick, smug smile before making her way up to her dorm. 
The Great Hall was packed with confused teenagers, trying to find a comfortable place to spend the night. The four large tables were pushed off to the side and sleeping bags were strung about haphazardly on the floor. The entirety of Hogwarts was wide awake and abuzz with the gossip that Sirius Black broke into Hogwarts.
Ginny pushed her sleeping bag near Fred and George who were in the front corner with Lee Jordan. The idea that a mass murderer Azkaban escapee could be within the walls of Hogwarts scared her a little bit, and being by her favorite brothers would provide some minor comfort. 
“Hey there, Firecracker,” Fred welcomed with the nickname he created for her, “Need a spot to sleep?”
“That would be nice,” Ginny replied.
“Budge over, Lee,” Fred said, making room for Ginny in the spot between George and him. 
“We were about to play a round of Exploding Snap, want to join?” George asked her.
Ginny sat down on the floor next to Fred, tucking her feet under herself. She grabbed the blanket on top of her sleep bag wrapping it tighter around her shoulders. She picked up the pile of cards George dealt in front of her, organizing them by type of card. She eyed Fred, whose face was always a little too obvious about how good the hand he was dealt, and saw the corners of his mouth twitch up. Damn, he has a good hand.
Ginny lost the first game rather quickly, but stayed pretty far in the second. The pile of cards exploded in Lee’s face on the third game making her the winner.
Ginny stuck her tongue out at him, gloating about her win. 
“Hey, I kicked your ass in the first game, littlest Weasley,” Lee retorted.
“Hmmm, all I remember is winning the last game,” Ginny teased back. 
Lee threw his cards in her face. One of the cards exploded in her face when it hit her. Scandalized, Ginny threw her cards back in his face. “I don’t like a sore loser, Lee!”
She could tell her brothers’ best friend was going to retort something when Ron came up and interrupted them. “Can we sleep by you lot? We keep getting weird looks from other people.” Harry and Hermione were standing behind her lanky, tall brother, holding their sleeping bags.
“You can sleep by us, but we still are going to give you weird looks,” Fred responded. 
They all rearranged themselves to make room for the trio. 
“We were just playing Exploding Snap, if you want to join us,” George offered the group as they got settled.
Lee shoved forward, “But don’t play with Ginny, she is a sore winner.”
A blush crept up on her cheeks, knowing that Harry was there now. “I am not! You are just a sore loser!” 
“Alright, alright! Break it up!” George cut in, “Lee, she will kick your ass if you keep making stupid comments.” When George turned his back to Ginny to deal everyone a new set of cards, she stuck her tongue out at Lee.
The round became hectic right away. Hermione’s reflexes were not quick enough and the cards exploded in her face almost immediately. Ron laughed at the soot on Hermione’s nose, so he missed his turn causing the cards to blow up in his face. Serves you right, Ginny thought. A few more turns went on until George laid down a gnome instead of a dwarf causing his deck of cards to blow up in his face. Lee was out a few turns later, leaving only Fred, Ginny, and Harry left in the game. 
Ginny spared a look at Fred who was frowning down at his cards. Ginny smirked, knowing he was going to be out soon. Harry laid down a pair and Ginny matched. Fred looked panicked at the cards, trying to come up with a move quickly, but the cards exploded in his face.
All she had to do was beat Harry and then she wins the game.
Unlike Fred, Harry did not have any tells about the state of his cards. Ginny played a risky move, laying down a set of three matching cards instead of the pair of fairies in her hand. Harry gave her a quizzical look at her odd choice before he laid down a set of four matching cards.
Ginny pointed her wand at the deck, hoping for a fairy. Slowly, the card flipped over revealing itself as a Troll. Ginny did not have a moment to think before her cards exploded in her own hand.
“Damnit,” Ginny muttered.
Fred, George, and Lee cheered for Harry’s win. Harry, on the other hand, looked bashful.
“It was a really close game, Ginny. You did good,” Harry said, extending his hand.
Begrudgingly, Ginny shook it, “Good game, Harry.”
“If I remember correctly,” Harry continued, giving Ginny a tentative smile, “That means we are all tied up.”
Shocked that Harry remembered the game of Exploding Snap they played together last year, Ginny nodded. “We will have to rematch.”
“We will.”
Unfortunately before Ginny could gather all of the cards, the pompous voice of her older brother carried throughout the Great Hall. “Lights out! Everyone needs to go to bed!” Percy’s voice shouted.
“Next time?” Harry asked.
Ginny nodded at him and then watched Harry go off to Ron and Hermione’s spots on the other side of Lee. Ginny snuggled down in her own sleeping bag, dreaming of moves to win the next game of Exploding Snap.
Ginny walked into the Gryffindor Common Room after dinner, letting her dormmates’ gossip fill her senses, providing a clever quip of her own every now and then. 
“Look at Potter all alone in the corner. Ginny, did he and your brother have a lover’s quarrel?” 
Ginny looked over to where Sophie pointed. Harry was sitting alone with his signature moping face. Hermione whispered to her in the library all about the drama between Ron and Harry. Ginny provided all the sympathy she could as Hermione complained about being an owl between the pair, delivering messages and splitting what little free time she had between the two. 
“If he didn’t want people gossiping about him, he shouldn’t have put his name in the Goblet of Fire,” her dormmate, Jessica, muttered. 
“He said he didn’t do it,” Ginny snapped.
Jessica rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and I said Cormac Mclaggen is not hot.” Flipping her long curly blonde hair over her shoulder, she continued, “We both lied.”
Ginny sighed and stormed away up the stairs to her room. Her and Jessica did not have the best track record, and she was not in the mood to get in it with her. She threw her school bag onto her bed, she will do her schoolwork later. She had something more important to do right now.
Ginny pulled out an old deck of cards she found in the bottom of her bedside table.
Quickly, Ginny ran back down the stairs, proud of her level of maturity when she did not knock shoulders with Jessica when they passed each other on the stairwell.
A shout from the common room drew her attention. 
“Honestly, Ronald!” Hermione’s exasperated shout echoed. Ginny turned in time to see Ron storm up the stairs to the boys dormitory with Hermione closely on his heels. Ginny glanced over to her original target to see a sour look cross his features. 
Straightening her shoulders, Ginny marched over to the mopey boy in the corner.
“Ron’s a prat.”
Harry’s head whipped up.
“Exploding Snap?” Ginny asked.
Harry sank back into the chair, “I don’t need your pity, Ginny.”
Ginny plopped down on the floor across from him, dealing him in despite his protests. “Well good thing for you, I don’t have any pity to give,” Ginny retorted. 
Harry sighed, but reached forward grabbing his stack of cards from Ginny’s hands. 
Quietly they played their game. Ginny was not quite sure what to say to make him feel better, but figured saying nothing was better than saying something stupid. Like in previous games, it was close. Harry aggressively slapped his cards down and pointed his wand at a set of Goblin cards, collecting the pair and taking the lead. 
Ginny focused on the shuffling cards, determined to not have a losing record. Faster and faster the cards self-shuffled in front of them, two quick wand movements and a pair of goblins edged Ginny in the lead. 
Harry nudged his glasses up on his face, realizing he no longer had the upper hand. A risky, quick wand flourish to steal some last minute points caused the cards to blow up in Harry’s face.  
Ginny grinned at her victory, “See if I was pitying you, I would have let you win.”
Rubbing the soot off his face, “Rude.” However his comment, a shadow of a grin etched across his features. “Maybe I should have asked for your pity.”
Ginny collected the cards scattered on the table and organized them in a neat pile. “Nah, you would rather lose fairly than win because someone let you.” 
Absent-mindedly, Harry’s fingers ran through his black mop of hair. “I guess that’s true.” Reaching his hand out for a handshake, Harry continued, “Good game, Ginny. You won fair and square.”
Ginny beamed as she shook Harry’s hand, “And don’t you forget it. I believe the record has me up two games to one.”
“We will have to have a rematch next year,” Harry teased.
“Bet,” Ginny challenged. A beat passed between them before Ginny reluctantly let go of Harry’s hand. “Ron will come around,” Ginny pushed.
Harry shook his head and then looked up at the stairs to the boys’ dormitory where Ron and Hermione had left not that long ago. “Are you sure?” 
“He is a prat, a clueless, jealous prat,” Ginny sighed before continuing, “But a loyal one. Just give him some time, okay?”
Harry gave her a short smile, “Okay.”  
Ginny awkwardly stood, brushing imaginary dirt off her tights. “Good luck with the tournament, Harry.”
“Thanks, Gin.”
Ginny couldn’t sleep. 
Madam Pomfrey discharged her from the hospital wing while her brother and Hermione still stayed. When she made it back to her dorm room, her friends bombarded her with questions of what happened? Ginny could not and did not want to answer them so she crawled into bed and pulled the curtains closed. 
Now she stared up at the ceiling, unable to doze off because every time she did she just pictured the Department of Mysteries. Images of Ron being strangled by brain tentacles, the pain of her ankle shattering, the sound of the veil that called to her, the same veil the claimed Sirius. 
I cannot take it anymore. Ginny flung the sheets off of herself and crawled out of bed. The quiet sounds of her dormmates sleeping filled the air. Careful to not disturb them, Ginny slid on her slippers and went down to the common room.
If she was expecting an empty common room, Ginny was very disappointed. In the corner of the room, backlit by the dying fire, Harry Potter sat alone. He was moving his hands in an odd pattern, eyes staring off into the embers. Ginny wondered if he was reminiscing about the conversations he held with Sirius through that very same fire. Her heart clenched at the thought.
Ginny walked over to him with heavy footsteps, trying to not startle him out of his reverie. Harry’s head snapped up when she got closer. Looking down at his hands, Ginny realized Harry was shuffling Exploding Snap cards. Her heart jumped up to her throat at the sight.
“Were you expecting me?” Ginny teased.
A ghost of a smile etched on Harry’s lips, “I think I was hoping for you.”
Ginny’s throat clogged up, blinking back tears and collecting her voice she replied, “A little masochistic of you, don’t you think? Hoping to get your arse kicked by me.”
A small chuckle escaped Harry as he began to deal cards.
Ginny sat on the floor across from Harry. She tucked one leg under herself and the other bent in front of her. Leaning forward, she rested her chin on the top of her knee and grabbed the deck of cards Harry dealt her.
“Dealer starts,” Ginny said, a small reassuring smile on her face.
Harry grabbed a card from the pile to start the game. Back and forth they played, the only sound in the common room was the crackle of the fire. Ginny was distracted with her playing, an internal debate going on in her brain if she should talk to distract Harry, and if she did what would be the right thing to say.
Eventually, her talkative side won.
“I have a confession to make,” Ginny said as nonchalantly as possible.
Harry raised an eyebrow, “Do tell.”
“I cheated and played Exploding Snap with someone else this year.”
“How dare you,” Harry fake gasped. “With who?”
Ginny toyed with the cards in her hands, trying to phrase the next thing she was going to say very carefully. “With Sirius.” She carefully watched Harry, gauging his reaction. His face immediately shut down, the spark that was barely in his eyes completely dissipated. 
Quickly, she added, “He invited me to play with him one night at Grimmauld this summer before you got there. I was mad that no one was telling me anything, he was mad that he was stuck in the house when he wanted to go get you from the Dursleys, so we bonded over exploding cards.”
Harry focused in on his cards, but Ginny could tell he was still listening, so she continued. “He talked a lot about you Harry. He really cared for you.”
Rubbing his eyes and clearing his throat, Harry said, “I know.”
Ginny reached across the table and gave Harry’s ankle a gentle reassuring squeeze. Harry gave her a small smile back before laying down 2 pairs of cards.
Eyes widening down at her hands, Ginny realized she had completely lost track of the game. She stared down at her cards realizing that she did not have a countermove. She had a brief moment to prepare herself for what was going to happen next, and then BANG! 
Ash from her exploded cards covered her entire face. Wide eyed she stared up at Harry who was trying to hold in a laugh. “You look ridiculous.”
Taking the hem of her shirt, Ginny cleaned off the soot on her face. “I let you win,” Ginny mumbled under her breath.
“No you didn’t,” Harry countered.
Ginny looked up at him, drinking Harry in. While there was still a sadness about him, she found some lightness in him as well. She admired his resilience, his ability to find goodness even in the worst of times. A warmth filled her chest looking up at him. “You’re right. I didn’t.”
Ginny moved from her spot on the floor to the open spot next to Harry on the couch, ensuring that there was enough space between the two to not make him too uncomfortable with her presence. 
“Thanks for not taking pity on me,” Harry murmured, just above a whisper.
Ginny hesitated a moment before leaning her head over to rest on his shoulder, something she has done with Hermione during stressful study sessions or Luna after class. A comforting gesture. She tried to ignore the feeling of Harry stiffening beside her, but it was only a moment before she felt his body relax and the weight of his head rested on top of hers.
“You know I would never pity you, Harry,” Ginny whispered back. 
Harry’s body vibrated with a short hum, but he did not say anything more. Together they sat in silence, comforting one another with their presence.
The Burrow finally quieted down after a hectic Christmas morning. The parsnips that missed Percy’s glasses were cleaned up off the floor, the gnome on the top of the tree mysteriously disappeared, and the wireless was finally playing some other music besides Celestina Warbeck. 
Ginny sipped on her hot chocolate that may or may not be spiked with firewhiskey, staring out the window, watching snow flurries lightly float down in the darkness. The Burrow’s warmth contrasted with the gloom of the outside world, not just the cold weather, but also the looming threat of danger in the Wizarding World. The Minister's visit today reminded her of that.
A light thud roused her from her melancholia. “Hi, Gin,” Harry said, setting his own cup of hot chocolate on the kitchen table next to hers. 
“Harry! Hi!”
Harry beamed at her, cheeks filled with warmth from the hot chocolate. “I meant to give you your Christmas present earlier, but - er - we got a little busy.”
Ginny waved her hand, “No big deal, I will take your present now to make up for it.”
Rolling his eyes, Harry brandished a small, poorly wrapped, brown box and handed it over to her. Her gift for Harry was hidden from view in her own lap.
Ginny tore open the brown paper package. A grin split across her face once she realized what the gift was. “No fucking way!” She practically shouted, shoving her gift to Harry in his hands, she chanted, “Open yours! Open yours!”
Harry grabbed the package in her hands, fingers brushing the inside of her wrist. Ginny ignored the butterflies that erupted in her stomach. Her package for Harry was more carefully wrapped with ribbons and a bow, and Harry was taking his time to not ruin her artistry. 
Peeling the last layer off of his gift, a giant grin broke across Harry’s face. “You got me Exploding Snap cards too?”
Ginny held on to her new set of cards that Harry gifted her, “You have excellent taste, Potter.”
“As do you, Weasley,” Harry grinned down at her, eyes sparkling. “What do you say, we combine the decks and play one massive game of Exploding Snap. Winner takes all.”
“Our standings are even, I’ve won two and you’ve won two,” Ginny said, “And if history is anything to go by, that means this year I will kick your arse.” Ginny flung her long hair over her shoulder. 
Harry scoffed at her. “You are on, Weasley.”
Ginny got up to clear their mugs while Harry shuffled and dealt the cards. Sitting back in her chair, Ginny tried to give Harry a threatening look to intimidate him, but he stuck out his tongue in defiance. 
“I think you cheated and looked at my cards when I was in the kitchen,” Ginny said.
“Did you get a bad hand?” Harry teased.
“Maybe,” Ginny leaned forward, a mischievous smirk etched on her face, “Or I am playing mind games to make you think I got a bad hand.”
Harry leaned forward, “Your mind games don’t work on me. I am immune to your tricks.”
“We will have to see,” Ginny winked at him.
Harry’s cheeks flushed, this time certainly not from the hot chocolate, and played his first card. 
Ginny cocked an eyebrow at his first move, a very safe play, and drew a card. 
“You should have played your troll cards,” Harry commented.
Ginny smacked her hand on the table, “I knew you cheated!”
“I didn’t,” Harry smirked, “But now I know you have a troll card.” He laid down a pair of fairies and tapped his wand to shuffle the deck. 
Gobsmacked, Ginny placed down her pair of trolls before drawing another card from the pile. Harry winked at her, and she felt her cheeks flush. 
“You are so predictable,” Harry teased.
Ginny huffed, “I am not,” tapping the shuffling deck once again. “Besides, you too are also very predictable.”
Harry leaned forward, holding the cards carelessly on his lap, all Ginny had to do was lean forward and then she could see what cards he held in his hand. “Oh yeah?”
Ginny leaned forward so that they were almost nose to nose. “Yeah.” She held his gaze, her brown eyes staring into his bright green. Her eyes flitted down to his lips and back up. They were so close, she could lean forward and close the distance. She looked down again, instead this time her eyes traveled down to the cards laying in his lap. 
Unfortunately, Harry caught her. 
“And you accuse me of cheating!” Harry shouted, pulling his cards to his chest.
“I did not cheat!” Ginny lied.
“Well I don’t believe you.”
Ginny gasped, and then threw her cards in Harry’s face. One of them hit his glasses just right causing it to explode in his face. 
Harry stared, mouth wide open at her, “You should not have done that, Ginevra.”
Ginny repressed a giggle, “And why not, Harold?”
Suddenly, Harry’s arms were wrapped around her waist, tackling her down to the ground. His fingers found her sides, tickling her to oblivion. “My name is not Harold,” he said, emphasizing each word with a poke to her side. “And admit you cheated.”
Ginny laughed uncontrollably underneath Harry’s body weight, “Never!”
“You asked for it then,” Harry replied, continuing to tickle her.
A sudden thud of the door made them both freeze and look up. 
Ron pushed through the door, stopping when he saw Harry holding Ginny down on the floor. He looked back and forth at the pair before turning around. Ginny swore she heard him mutter under his breath, “Clueless, fucking idiots.”
Harry slowly moved off of Ginny, offering her a hand up. Ginny eagerly took it.
“I lied by the way,” Harry said.
“Oh really?” Ginny asked.
“Yeah,” Harry said, a smile tugging at his lips. “I totally looked at your cards when I dealt them.”
Final Score (2-2)
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pollyna · 2 years
Winged!Ice cancer arc? Winged!Ice cancer arc. (@marvel-is-a-bitch)
- He knows something is wrong the day he wakes up and his wings are a little darker and less alive, he moves around the house and he can feel them but he can't really and he can feel the panic building in the centre of his chest and he would like to scream buy his throat hurts too much and he's coughing blood and Mav isn't around and-;
- He wakes up in a hospital bed, his wings spread but they still aren't there. The first faces he sees are Ron's and the second Bradley's and he wants to ask why I can't feel my wings- but the oxygen mask doesn't leave him much space or motion and Ice is asleep before he can think;
- He comes back and, this time, Mav's there sleeping cuddling on his chest and the doctors are looking at them both from the end of the bad. The man says it's cancer and in your throat but it's early on its early stage, we're positive you're going to be okay. Ice smiles, but his wing doesn't twitch. Hours later, after all the exams are said and done Mav's fingers are running through his hair and his wings. Sleep comes in the form of sweets words and utterly scary silence from his side;
- Chemo doesn't take his hair away but his feathers are the first victim and the second is his back because suddenly he can't walk straight for how much they weigh. Slider comes up with a solution that's really something Wolf and Sunny are working on for a parachute and Mav thought it could be done so I did the math? It helps, it really does. But it doesn't make Ice feel better;
- The first time he tries to fly again it feels like beginning ten again, his mom just out of the door and him not know what to do. He tries to fly, but his feet are staccato from the ground no more than three feet when he falls. He never touches the ground because Bradley is there to save him, Jesus dad are you trying to hurt yourself?!, and Maverick is kissing him softly for hours after that. He doesn't try to fly again, he is kinda basking in the doting. He promises Baby Goose he's going to take him up once he's okay again and his boy, a man these days, hugs him strongly enough to let him melt;
- The operation comes and goes, Mav is yet again out for deployment and his voice is almost gone. The doctor says the keyword is almost. Seven weeks after Ice is talking with Mav over a video chat and Badley is making dinner when his left wing twices a little. Mav realizes before Ice and the man almost don't get why his husband is crying. It's the first step and it gives them a little more hope to hold to;
- The left wing doesn't move for almost a year after that. The right doesn't either. Healing is bone exhausting and Ice feels like curling under the sun and not moving anymore, just to feel relief from everything for a little while;
- It takes two years of slow, sometimes painful and sometimes not, and steady learning how to live again not in the prospect of having died on his back and then-then his wings start to move again. They aren't strong as they were before cancer but their weight is everyday lighter on his back and when people, Mav or Slider or Baby Goose, touch them he can finally feel it. In some ways, Ice feels like this is the moment he's reborn, more than when the doctor said he was in remission. It starts with a slight flicker of his wings and, not even a moment after, he's three feet from the ground and not falling;
- What follows is one of the funniest weeks of his life because now he can go around his house and the base without walking and creeping behind people before asking random questions and enjoying people's reactions. Mav starts leaving chairs around the house because they can both have fun and he loves kissing his husband being just a little taller, enough to make Ice want to fly swing just a little higher.
113 notes · View notes
mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Eleven
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It was the first day of classes.
I was at Breakfast examining my Timetable, Transfiguration with Ravenclaw was my first class of the day. Adrian wanted me to sit with him so thats where I was, Sat next to Adrian as he introduced me to his mates and they delved into conversation.
But all I could think about was whatever nonsense my friends were going on about, They didn't look too pleased when Adrian led me away from them.
"Hey guys" I said to them as I walked up to the desks, minutes away from being late
"Are you sure your boyfriend wants you sat with us, he might want you to sneak into his class" Draco said
"What? your being ridiculous, we were just sat spending time together, you know, something you do when your in a relationship" I rolled my eyes, taking a seat next to Blaise
"Does that mean your not going to hang with us anymore? too busy with him" Theo narrowed his eyebrows
"If you keep acting like this, I wont. Just drop it" I told them, then sat straight to listen to Professor McGonagall teach.
"They do care about you, you know that right?" Blaise asked me quietly, so only I could hear
"Well they dont need to, I'm fine" I huffed.
Transfiguration came and went, It was now time for Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindor.
The four of us made our way down without a word.
Hagrid was talking to the Gryffindors about the things in the cages. Blast-Ended skrewts.
"On'y jus' hatched" I could hear Hagrid say "so yeh'll be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it!"
"And why would we want to raise them?" Draco voiced my thoughts, grabbing everyone's attention
I waved to Ron, Harry and Hermione when they looked in our direction.
"I mean, what do they do? what is the point of them?" Draco asked
"Tha's next lesson, Malfoy. Yer jus' feedin' 'em today. Now, yeh'll wan' ter try 'em on a few diff'rent things- I've never had them before-"
"What?! is this safe?" I gasped making Hagrid pause, normally I loved and adored every animal, but Blast-ended Skrets was something I definitely do not want to mess around with.
"jus' be careful?" He told me, now I felt reassured "not sure what they'll go fer -I got ant eggs an' frog livers an' a bit o' grass-snake- just try 'em out with a bit of each."
"I don't think I can do - I'm going to throw up" I told the three, covering my mouth
"I thought you liked creatures and pets" Theo said
"Yeah, but I dont like touching slimy things, or dangerous things"
"Then how come you're dating Pucey?" Draco asked
"Shut up, Malfoy" I rolled my eyes.
"Ouch!" Yelled Dean Thomas "It got me!"
Hagrid sped over, going pale and looking nervous
"Its end exploded!" Dean seethed, lifting his hand that was burned.
I took a huge step back from our cage.
"Ah, yeah, that can happen when they blast off" Said Hagrid causally
"And he thought to only mention that now, nice to know" Theo said
"Eurgh" Lavender Brown from Gryffindor said "Eurgh, Hagrid, whats that pointy thing on it?"
"Ah, some of 'em have got stings, I reckon they're the males ... the females've got sorta sucker things on their bellies ... I think they might be ter suck blood"
"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive" Draco said in his usual sarcastic tone "Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting and bite all at once?"
"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful" Hermione snapped at him "Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet, would you?"
"I would, that seems pretty cool" I said quietly
It was now time for Dinner.
I was with Adrian, we were stood in the courtyard alone whilst everyone was most likely in the Great Hall.
"How were your classes?" Adrian asked me, his arms around my waist
"They were good, although, Care of Magical Creatures were terrifying, I was scared we would all end up in the Hospital wing,  How were yours?"
"They were alright, the Professors are already going on about O.W.Ls" He rolled his eyes "Got a bunch of Homework, so we probably can't see each other much outside of meals and in the common room."
"Well I can always help or do anything to make it easier for you" I told him, hoping I didn't sound too desperate
"Really? thanks" He grinned before stepping back to reach into his bag and dumped his charms book and some parchment into my hands "I need to read Pages 158-182 and take notes, make it neat though, thanks babe, your the best" He kissed me quickly before jogging off for dinner.
I stood there, what was I expecting, I'm the one who offered.
"Keira?" Theo and Blaise were walking up to me "What are you doing just standing there" Theo asked
"Wha- I- uh" I stuttered
"What are you doing with Grade five charms?" Blaise asked, plucking the book out of my hands
"Oh- well- Adrian has a bunch of work, so I'm just helping him out" I shrugged, snatching the book back.
"Are you serious? Keira, dont let him use you like that" Theo told me
"He's not using me, I offered" I snapped at him "Lets just go to dinner, I'm starving" I marched towards the Hall.
There was a crowd around the Entrance hall when we got there.
I spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione.
I made a beeline towards them, Theo and Blaise right behind me.
Everyone was stood around Moody and A pure White Ferret, the same colour as Draco's hair.
"Whats going on?" I asked the trio "Why's there a ferret, I didn't even know we were allowed them as pets"
"We're not, Its Malfoy" Ron told me
"Mal- Thats Draco?!" I pointed at it
"sure is" Ron grinned "Moody did it"
"Never- do- that- again -" Moody growled, bouncing the ferret on the floor with every word, with his wand.
"Professor Moody!" Professor McGonagall gasped, coming down the stairs with her arm full of books
"Hello, Professor McGonagall" Moody greeted her, still bouncing the ferret.
"What - what are you doing?" She said, following the movements of the Ferret
"Teach- Moody, is that a student?" She shrieked, dropping all her books.
"Yep" Moody said
"No!" McGonagall cried, with a wave of her wand Draco had appeared, lying in a heap. His hair a mess and wincing. The three of us ran towards him
"You alright mate?" Theo asked him
"What the bloody hell did you do?!" I asked him
"What makes you think I did something?" He gaped at me
"Because I know you" I said
"Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?" McGonagall asked him
"He might've mentioned it, yeah" Moody said, scratching his chin. "but I thought a good sharp shock-"
"We give detentions, Moody! Or speak to the offender's Head of House!"
"I'll do that, then" Moody said, staring straight at Draco with disgust.
I looked at Draco whos eyes were still watery
"my fathe-" He began to murmur
"Draco, No, look where that got you last time" I hissed at him him
"Oh yeah?" Moody limped towards us, clearly hearing what Draco was about to say "Well I know your Father of old, boy ... you tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his son ... you tell him that from me... Now, your head of house'll be Snape, will it?"
"Yes" Draco bit out.
"Another old friend" Moody growled "I've been looking forward to a chat with old Snape ...come on, you..." He gripped Draco's arm and yanked him up away from us and to the dungeons.
"Lets go to dinner" I told the other two, standing up quickly.
"Do you think he'll be alright?" Blaise asked us as we sat down at the Slytherin table.
"I have no idea, He was almost in tears, I've never seen him like that before" I said
"I wonder what Snape's gonna do, wonder if he gets detention after all that" Theo thought out loud
"Hey! What did Malfoy do for Moody to snap at him like that?" I asked another Slytherin close by.
"Oh, Your Fathers in the paper, Malfoy read it aloud to everyone, then said somethings about your Mother, When Potter said something about his then tried to walk away, Malfoy went to hex him" They told me.
"That bloody idiot, can I still be mad at him after all that?" I looked at my friends
"Just dont hit him" Blaise shrugged
"What do you think is in the paper about your Dad?" Theo asked me
"I dont even want to know, probably some rubbish again, you know how they hate Dad" I rolled my eyes.
I followed Blaise and Theo to the boys dormitory where we found Draco sulking on his bed.
"You are a Bloody Idiot Draco "whats-your-middle-name Malfoy" I slapped his arm before pulling him in to a hug "Are you alright though?"
"I'm fine" He said, pushing me off him so I was sat on his bed
"What did Snape do?" Blaise asked, Him and Theo sitting on their own beds.
"There wasn't much he could do, Its not like he could of given me a detention after all that, he was really tense as well, most likely because of Moody"
"So, whats it like being a Ferret?" Theo asked Draco, who just grabbed his pillow and threw it at Him who was laughing.
"I best get going, to my own room, got work to do" I said, standing up
"What? but we didn't get any homework today" Draco said
Before I could Answer, Theo did
"Her "boyfriend"'s got her doing his charms work for him"
"Shut up, Nott" I glared at him
"What, Keira, you can't do that, he's using you"
"No! He's not, I'm a big girl and I can deal with things myself, I offered to Help, so I will, stay out of it, all three of you, It doesn't concern any you!" I huffed before marching out of the room and into my own to start reading.
It was Thursday, The day of our first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, with Moody, everyone was buzzing excitedly, apart From Draco, who looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but here.
"What do you think we'll learn today?" I asked through a yawn
"Did you even sleep last night?" Theo asked me
"Fred & George said he's a brilliant teacher, and he really is a pro at dealing with it out there" I said, ignoring him
"He's not that great" Draco rolled his eyes. I was sat with Draco at a desk, Theo next to me then Blaise next to him.
"Keira!" Hermione called me from her desk at the front of the classroom
"I wanna talk to you about something after dinner, about that thing we said in the summer"
"Oh right, sure, I'll see you after" I smiled at her.
"How do you even tolerate that mud-"
"Dont even say it, Malfoy" I glared up at him
Moody walked into the classroom, as he moved to the front. We could all see his clawed wooden foot from his robes.
"You can put those away" He growled, sitting down in his chair. "those books, you wont need them."
I copied the rest of the class, putting my book into my bag.
Moody then took out a register and started calling names. As his normal eye looked at the list of names, his magical eye was looking at us.
"Right then, I've had a letter from professor Lupin about this class. Seems you've had a pretty thorough grounding in tackling Dark creatures- you've covered Boggarts, Red Caps, Hinkypunks, Grindylows, Kappas and Werewolves, is that right?"
"Yes, we have a lot of knowledge about Werewolves, some more than others" I muttered
"But you're behind - very behind - on dealing with curses, So I'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other. I've got one year to teach you how to deal with the Dark-"
"What, aren't you staying" Ron cut him off.
Moody's magical eye transfixed on my brother, before flicking to look at me, switching his gaze between the both of us. Then he smiled
"Your Arthur Weasleys Kids, eh? Seems I got both of the twins" Moody said "Your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ...yeah, I'm staying just the one year. Special favour to Dumbledore ... one year, and then back to my quiet retirement."
He laughed before clapping his scarred hands.
"So - straight into it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you counter-curses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it 'till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better. How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to pull an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking."
Lavender Brown jumped out of her skin, blushing madly.
I leaned over the table to see what she was doing, It seemed she was showing Parvati Patil something under the table.
"So... do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?"
I as well as Ron, Hermione and other students raised our hands in the air.
Moody pointed at Ron
"Er, my dad told me about one ... is it called the Imperious Curse, or something?"
"Damn, I was going to say that" I whispered, lowering my hand.
"Ah, yes" Moody said thoughtfully "Your father would know that one. Gave the Ministry a lot of trouble at one time, the Imperious Curse."
Moody then got to his feet, opened his desk and pulled out a glass jar, containing three large black spiders.
I Instantly looked at Ron. Thanks to Fred for his fear of spiders, I felt partly to blame as I was the one who had told him to play with Fred's toy broom, resulting in us arguing and it breaking. But I had blamed it on Ron causing Fred to only get mad at him, Is that why I'm in Slytherin? to this day I still dont think Fred knows I had a hand in it.
Moody reached into the jar, plucking out a spider and laying it in his palm so that we could all get a good look at it.
I bet Ron is regretting sitting at the front now.
He then pointed his wand at the Spider before muttering one of the illegal curses "Imperio!"
The spider jumped out of his hand, swinging back and forwards. It then did a back-flip before doing cartwheels in a circle. Moody waved his wand once again before the Spider broke into a tap dance.
Everyone burst out laughing. Except Moody and I. There was no humour in being forced into doing something you don't want to do.
"Think it's funny, do you?" Moody growled at the class. "You'd like it, would you, if i did it to you?"
The laughter stopped instantly.
"Total control" He said, quietly as the spider rolled up in a ball "I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself down one of your throats ..."
I shuddered, getting hit with flashbacks of the incident that had happened nearly two years ago.
"Years back, there were a lot of witches and wizards being controlled by the Imperious Curse" Moody said "Some job for the Ministry, trying to sort out who was being forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will."
I felt both Draco and Theo tense when Moody said this, It was common Knowledge where their parents had stood during the Wizarding war, In Voldemort's reign.
"The Imperious Curse can be fought, and I'll be teaching you how, but it takes real strength of character, and not everyone's got it. Better avoid being hit with it if you can. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody barked, I jumped, almost falling off my chair.
Moody flicked his wand, the spider returning back to its jar.
"Anyone else know one? Another Illegal curse?" he asked
Of course Hermione's hand shot up, but so did Neville's
"Yes?" Moody said, his magical eye rolling to look at Neville.
"There's one - the Cruciatus Curse" Neville said in a small voice.
Moody just stared at him for a moment before asking him "Your name's Longbottom?" Neville nodding in response.
Moody reached into the jar again, pulling out a second spider, He couldn't...
"The Cruciatus Curse" Moody started "Needs to be a bit bigger for you to get the idea" He pointed his wand at the spider he layed on his desk "Engorgio!"
The spider swelled, It had definitely grew bigger, resulting in Ron pushing his chair back as far away from Moody's desk as he could.
Moody raised his wand again to point at the spider "Crucio!"
I couldn't bare to look at the torture the poor spider's body was going through, on instinct Both my hands Gripped Draco and Theo's , and they let me. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes at the grotesque sight.
"Stop it!" Hermione shrieked, she wasn't looking at the spider, she was looking at Neville, who seemed to be in matching pain, clutching his fists, they were a ghostly white.
I had to close my eyes, I wasn't even experiencing it and yet I couldn't stand it.
"Reducio" Moody Muttered.
The spider stilled as it shrunk back to its regular size, Moody placed it back in the jar. I instantly let go of their hands, curling them up into fists and hiding them under the table.
"Pain" Moody's tone had dropped dramatically to a soft voice. "You don't need thumbscrews or knives to torture someone if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse... that one was popular once, too."
The rest of the lesson went with him using the last Curse, The killing curse on the third spider, and then us taking notes until the bell dismissed us.
I couldn't get out of the class any faster, My friends hot on my tail.
As soon as I walked through the door it was like I could breath again, like The Dark Magic had finally stopped suffocating me.
We walked to the Great Hall. Sitting down at the Slytherin Table, Harry Ron and Hermione had walked in, when they passed us, Hermione had awkwardly tossed a piece of parchment in front of me, scrawled in her neat Handwriting it had said:
Keira, Hurry with Dinner, then lets go to the Library to discuss that "Thing"
"What's it say?" Theo asked me
"Never you mind" I said shrugging my shoulders.
I looked over to Hermione and nodded at her, in agreement to what she said.
When the food had appeared on the plates I was quick to inhale my portion, the three making comments about slowing down, table manners and breathing.
At last, Hermione had stood up, nodding at the door
"Alright, I'll see you guys later" I said before standing up and stepping out from the bench. I walked past Adrian to tell him I would see him in the common room later before kissing his cheek and meeting Hermione.
"So, what did you want to talk about, was it about the House-elf thing?" I asked her as we reached a table in the Library
"Yes, I've been working on it for a while, and I have a name "Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare." She told me proudly.
"Wow, thats quiet a mouthful, what about S.P.E.W for short?"
"Brilliant, so, how would you feel about being the first to join me?" She asked, I could see a glint of hope in her eyes
"Of course, 'Mione, obviously I want to help"
"You can be co-head, maybe I can get Ron and Harry to join, we will need a treasurer and secretary."
"What if we make badges to give out?"
"Yes! and we can put S.P.E.W on them for members"
"Do we have a heading for a manifesto?" I asked her
"Yes, actually, It was going to be the name, but its too long so ..."Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Champion for a Change in Their Legal Status" thoughts?"
"And I thought the name was long, It certainly gets to the point"
"Do you think there's a chance that Ma- your friends- will join?"
"You think the Slytherin rich kids will join a "club" about stopping the enslavement of house-elves?"
"yes, that was silly of me" she nodded.
We spent the rest of the time making Badges with S.P.E.W on them, She had asked me about my relationship and I opened up about the workload Adrian was Supplying me, she wasn't too happy about that.
"Keira, you can't, thats cheating" She told me.
"Hermione, It's fine, im just helping, You sound like the guys" I rolled my eyes
"Well maybe for the first and last time ever, I agree with them"
"Honestly, I don't mind, I offered so Its my problem, which isn't a problem."
"Well then, Its late, so I best go and inform Ron and Harry about S.P.E.W, Goodnight Keira" She hugged me before picking up the box of Badges and hurrying out of the library.
The Slytherin common room was empty apart from the guys and Adrian, who sat on opposite sides of the room, both were clearly waiting for me
"Hey, babe" Adrian Greeted me, wrapping his arms around my waist, I could see Theo pretending to gag over his shoulder
"Hi, I was just doing something with a friend" I smiled at him
"Thats cool, have you got my work?"
"Oh, right, um- yeah- its just in my bag- here you go" I brought the pile out to pass it to him
"You’re the best, here, I need this done by next week" He told me, dropping another pile that had doubled in size
"W-what, but, its Thursday night" I spluttered
"Good thing you're so amazing, night Katie" He winked
"My name's Keira" I blinked
"Sure" He grinned before kissing me and walking off, I just stood, staring at his back as he walked to his dorms.
I heard the three walk towards me.
"What the hel-" Theo started
"Don't! Just leave it alone" I said before heading in the direction of the desks to start some of the work "Go to bed. All of you"
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ofdecode · 2 years
send me a 💏 for my muse’s reaction to seeing your muse kiss somebody else. || autumn & gabriel. @gavethestars​
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it’d been days since she’d spoken to gabriel, luna or anyone for that matter...other than neville of course because he was probably the only person in the world who she could look in the eye right now. it’s not that gabriel or luna had done anything wrong, they didn’t and to a point she knew it was unfair to give them the could shoulder,she just couldn’t stand the idea of having to talk to them after the night she saw them share a kiss in the ravenclaw common room late one night, she still remembers how close they were, looking as though they’d been holding each other until she’d gone and been clumsy knocking over a fucking lamp before running out of the common room before anyone could see her and that...had been the last time she’d spoken to either of them despite their best efforts. she should just be happy for them, they’d all been friends since their first year and really they had things in common too, their love for creatures and being outcasts in their own right. out of everyone in their little group of friends it made sense that those two would end up together. so why did it make her want to throw up? it wasn’t like she’d been in love with gabriel since they were thirteen years old or anything, it wasn’t like the idea of him and another girl didn't make her heart feel like it was stabbing against her chest with pins and needles and even if she was in love with him it didn’t matter anyway because he was in love with someone else. she’d get over it eventually right? or at least pretend to so things could go back to normal and she wouldn’t find herself making up stomach aches to hide out in the hospital wing so she didn’t have to sleep in her dorm the last three days (even though she’s sure pomfrey knows) or sitting with cho and her friends during dinner to avoid having to sit with her own, going above and beyond to not have to face the truth. but that had come to an end tonight, her fault for deciding to hide out in the library again, letting her guard down for a moment as her face stay hidden in some novel about muggles when a familiar voice had pulled at her attention. looking up to see gabriel standing there and this time it was kind of impossible to avoid him. he looked sad, maybe a little stressed and she does feel guilty for ignoring her friends but she feels worse having to look at him knowing what she knows now. “hey...” she mutters, softer tone than she’s ever been used to in her life. “look, can we just not? you can scold me for avoiding you but i had my reasons and i’m happy for you, i am but...i just i can’t right now okay?” might as well get some of it out in the open without actually saying it outloud...maybe one day it can all be a funny story she tells at their wedding. “i’ll make up for it one day i promise.”
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
ooo you said you want a request for oliver wood? feel free to ignore this but could you write something about the reader taking care of oliver when he’s sick/injured?
(i don’t know if that’s specific enough so i’m sorry if it’s not)
Hii Jess!! Thank you so much for requesting lovely <333 I'm literally turning into an Oliver girl the more I write for him so thank you for indulging me!!
Paring: Oliver Wood x fem!reader
Word count: 1370 words
Warning: none that I can think of- it's just a little short because I'm still getting the hang of his character.
Summary: Oliver gets hurt during quidditch practice and you go to the hospital wing to take care of him.
“He asked me to make you promise that you wouldn’t be angry,” Harry explained, and you raised a brow at the boy, pulling your books against your chest as he led you towards the hospital wing.
“If he didn’t want me to be angry, he should’ve listened to me when I told him not to go to practice,” Your comment earned a slightly uncomfortable smile from Harry’s lips as he looks at his feet while walking, not sure how to react. “Sorry,” You sighed, moving your books into your bookbag as you neared the door. “Oliver tends to be stubborn when it comes to quidditch, which tends to end with me being worried, and that usually tends to end with me visiting said stubborn boy in the hospital wing with the injury of the week,” Harry nodded at the explanation, stilling next to you at the door of the hospital wing.
“Madam Pomfrey said that even though he hit his head when he fell, he doesn’t seem to have a concussion- she’s not concerned as least, said he just needs someone to stay with him for a while as she monitors him,” He smiled as you nodded. “I think he’ll be alright,” He offered optimistically.
“Thank you for coming to find me, Harry,” You returned the boy’s smile, squeezing his shoulder lightly before he leaves. You walked through the door carefully, waving at Madam Pomfrey when she spotted you walking in.
“Hello, dear,” She noted, looking up from the research book in her hand and pointing towards the sickbay, Oliver being the only person in the entirety of it and you shook your head lightly as you saw him. “He’s been asking for you,” she told you with a knowing smile, allowing you to go in to see him without any objection, smiling still as she refocused her attention on the book in her hands.
Oliver noticed your presence instantly, turning his head to see you, a tired grin lacing onto his lips as you quickly made your way to his bed, stilling at his side with furrowed brows.
“My love,” He noted softly, reaching a hand out towards you and smiling even more when your fingers entwine with his, your free hand lifting to his head where you gently moved your fingers through the short tendrils of brown.
“How’s my injured boy feeling?” You asked with a soft smile, annoyance from earlier having slipped away as soon as you saw him. “Do you have any pain?”
“I’m alright,” He began, and you allowed your eyes to travel over his body, not noticing any bandages or noticeable discomfort. “My head hurts a little, but Poppy said I could leave in time for dinner, she just wants to keep an eye on me for a few hours,” He offered meekly, fiddling with the hem of the blanket draped over him. “I’m sorry for not listening to you,” He explained, stopping his fingers as he looked at you. “You said the weather was too bad to practice and you were right, like you always are,” You smiled at the statement, lightly scratching at his sculp.
“Don’t think about that,” you said as you removed your hand from his hair long enough to place your bag on the floor, smiling when his other hand reached for your shirt to keep you close. “I’m just happy that you’re not hurt too badly,” The boy offered you a warm smile as his hand tugged at your shirt to pull you closer towards him. “What can I do for my sweet boy?” You asked him, a smile of your own as you watched his eyes jumping over your features, he shook his head. “How about some water?” You suggested to which he nodded as if coming to the sudden realization that he was in fact thirsty.
You lifted the glass of water from the bedside table, holding it for him as he took a few slips, eyes locked on you as his fingers surrounded yours around the glass, hand falling to the bed when you moved to put the glass back.
“Thank you,” He mumbled as you did so, hands somehow finding yours again as he gently scooted over on the bed, silently asking you to join him.
“You want me to hold you?” You mused; his behavior not strange at all as the boy always seemed to get a little more needy after he got himself injured. You nodded as he offered but a mere tug at your fingers as a reply. “Alright my love, I’ll hold you in second, just need to check with Madam Pomfrey if it's okay for you to sleep yet.”
Oliver wasn’t happy with the comment at all, watching with a clear frown as you walked over towards the woman, talking softly among yourselves as she assured you that Oliver was just fine, though you were going to make the boy stay awake for just a little while more, just in case.
“Can you come here now?” He asked, tone laced with impatience as he even lifted his blanket for you. You smiled over at him, carefully kicking off your shoes and moving them under the bed before taking hold of his outstretched hand and sitting down beside him, pausing before laying down.
“Does anything else hurt, Oliver?” You question softly, wanting to be sure before just clinging onto him. He shook his head, grabbing your waist to guide you into his side, a small laugh escaping your mouth as he gently forced your head down onto his chest. He released a satisfied little sigh when your hands found his shirt, smoothing the surface slightly out of habit.
“Thank you for coming,” He mumbled after a second and you twisted in his hold to look up at him, not missing the clear signs of sleep tugging at his features. “I know you had a whole lot to get done today.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here,” You note simply, lifting a hand to his chin to steal his attention from the ceiling, his eyes closing for a second as the sudden comfort you provided clouded his already tired mind. “You’ve got to stay awake for a little while more, darling,” You reminded him sweetly, his eyes finding yours in an instant, a sloppy smile on his lips as he stared at you.
“Hmm,” He hummed in acknowledgement, hearing what you’re saying yet not registering the words as he delicately pulled you closer. “I like it when you call me that.”
“Darling?” You mocked lightly, watching a slight blush creep onto the boy’s features, his sleepy state along with the adrenaline wearing off, leaving him an all but swooning mess as he holds onto the person he loves so dearly.
“I love you,” He stated in the same flustered tone, and you rested your chin on his chest to look at him. “If this is how you treat me after getting hurt, I just might just get hurt more often.”
“You couldn’t possibly get hurt more often than you already do,” You mused and traced small shapes over his shirt, mindlessly, as the sensation simply aided in lulling him into his slumber. “And you shouldn’t dare attempt it either, you’d drive me mad with worry, Oliver Wood,” The words emitted a groan from his lips, and you raised a brow.
“You worry about me?”
“Only constantly,” You confessed, his eyes opening quickly. “Your self-preservation instinct is severely lacking, darling,” You informed him, and he gave you a guilty smile, your hand leaving his chest as you moved to tuck the blanket back in around his side where it had escaped its place.
“I’ll be more careful then,” He declared. “I enjoy you taking care of me, but I don’t want you to worry,” He lifts a hand to your face, nimbly tracing a finger over your lips.
“That’s all I ask,” You replied, kissing the pad of his thumb when it stilled on your bottom lip. “Though in the meantime, I don’t mind taking care of my sweet and injured darling,” He laughed softly, shaking his head as he pulled you back to his chest, arms wrapping around you even tighter than before and you melted into the feeling completely.
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Artemis Hexley and the Circle of Khanna
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Chapter 7: The Lady by the Lake
A/N: Artemis’ first attempt at investigating the final Cursed Vault does not go to plan, thanks to an incident involving a certain gatecrasher. Warnings: violence, mild injury, mild horror.
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The teachers may have wanted to keep their conversation in the Hospital Wing a secret, but by Monday evening, the entire school was buzzing with the news about the student who had been turned into a statue.
“I’ve got some bad news,” Penny told the other Hufflepuff girls, having returned to the Common Room pink-cheeked and wide-eyed. “The boy who’s been cursed… Well, it’s Corey Hayden.”
Artemis turned to look at Rowan, who was frowning deeply. Artemis reached across to squeeze her hand. Though she did not know Corey at all well personally, she knew that Rowan was fond of him, the two of them being occasional study partners. They had even spent Valentine’s Day together in their fifth year, and attended the Celestial Ball together in their fourth.
Rowan squeezed Artemis’ hand back before she spoke. “Does anyone know how it happened?”
“No one knows. He went to revise in the library on Saturday morning, and never arrived for dinner in the evening. Everyone was out watching the Quidditch, so nobody saw a thing. They’ve closed the library, just in case.”
“The teachers seemed to think it might be the next Cursed Vault,” whispered Artemis, choosing to ignore the fact that Rowan looked even more horrified at the news of the library being closed than her former date being turned into stone. 
“So, does that mean that more people might become statues?” 
“Does that mean that the library will be closed until the curse is broken?”
“Does it mean you’re going to start poking your nose around in the Cursed Vaults again?” Tonks asked. 
“I dunno. Dumbledore said at the end of last year that Jacob would be doing it.”
“But no one knows where he is at the moment, except for the Weasley twins thinking that they saw him in the forest,” Rowan pointed out.
Artemis nodded. She still hadn’t her friends about the letter Jacob had left for her, and now that a couple of weeks had passed since then, it seemed pointless to tell them now.
“I guess it couldn’t do any harm to try and find out some information,” she said, and her friends all exchanged glances. “Well, it couldn’t! Not if it helps Jacob find the Vault sooner.”
“But how are you going to find out information?” asked Rowan. “The library’s closed!”
“Well, Flitwick said that they found a load of Rakepick’s research in her office. All about mermaids and grindylows. And Hagrid told Charlie that the grindylows in the Black Lake have been acting strangely since we got back from the holidays.”
“So, you think the lake might have something to do with the Vault?”
“It might do. That would make sense, wouldn’t it?” Artemis nodded. “Right. I’ll go down there later, have a look to see if I can find any clues.”
“Is that a good idea?” Behind her glasses, Rowan’s brown eyes were filled with concern. “Dumbledore said that he doesn’t need your help, and with Rakepick still on the loose…”
“We should at least all go together,” Tonks suggested. “It’ll be safer, if we are all there.”
It wasn’t so much the idea of dragging her friends back into the dangerous riddles of the Cursed Vaults as it was the mention of Rakepick’s name that made Artemis shake her head.
“No,” she said, definitely. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not.”
“Because of… Because if all four of us go down there, someone’s bound to notice. At least if it’s just me, it’ll be less obvious. It will, Rowan!”
“I didn’t say it wouldn’t,” Rowan muttered, but she kept her lips pursed. “At least tell me you’ll be doing this in the daylight.”
“Well, actually…” 
“Why am I not even surprised anymore?”
The other girls had tried to dissuade Artemis from her nighttime trip to the lake, but their attempts had not succeeded. Artemis’ mind was made up, and her plan was - in her eyes, at least - flawless. Even Rowan had agreed that it was probably the most sensible way to investigate the lake with no one noticing. 
“I just wish you’d wait until the morning to go down there. It would be safer, what with Rakepick still-”
“Rakepick doesn’t know that I’m an Animagus, Rowan,” Artemis reassured her. “Loads of cats go out around the grounds to hunt at night, Fergus does it all the time. And it’ll be harder for people to see me in the dark, but just as easy for me to see them. Look, do you want to be able to study in the library with Corey again, or what?”
Rowan raised her eyebrows and sighed heavily, but got into her bed without complaint and started to read. Judging by the stubborn look on her face, she would not be going to sleep until Artemis was back in the dormitory.
When the corridor outside was completely silent, Artemis crept out through the common room into the dark dungeon corridors, using her wand to illuminate the magical map of the school she had borrowed from Fred and George Weasley earlier in the evening. 
From the looks of things, Dumbledore was pacing in his office, Madam Pomfrey was pottering around the Hospital Wing, and Filch was all the way up on the seventh floor, presumably trying to clear up after the mess that some students or Peeves the poltergeist had made during the day. The other teachers were all in their offices. Artemis’ path to the lake was clear. 
“Mischief managed,” she whispered, and shoved the now-bare parchment into the pocket of her jacket, keeping her wand lit as she made her way up the staircase that led from the dungeons up to the entrance hall. As she reached the main door of the castle, she lowered her wand and prepared to transform into her cat-Animagus form.
“Are you going to the lake now?” came a small voice from behind her. 
Artemis turned around to see Beatrice Haywood walking across the entrance hall towards her, wearing a thick winter coat over the top of her pyjamas. 
“Bea! What are you doing here?”
“Following you. I heard that you wanted to sneak out to look for clues, so I decided to follow you,” said Beatrice. “I want to help you.”
“You can’t,” Artemis told her. “Go back to bed, Bea.”
“No. You can’t make me.”
“Beatrice, please. You shouldn’t be sneaking out at night.”
“Neither should you.”
“Yeah, well,” Artemis shrugged. “That’s different.”
“It just is, that’s all.”
“You’re as bad as Penny,” Bea’s eyes narrowed and her chin jutted forward. “You say everything is too dangerous for me and that I can’t do anything.”
“Well, it is too dangerous. And you can do some things, Bea, but not-”
“If you don’t let me come with you, I will scream, and then everyone will wake up and see that you’re trying to sneak out.”
“Don’t do that,” Artemis said. Beatrice opened her mouth to take a deep breath, and Artemis quickly backtracked. “No, Bea! Please.”
“So, I can come with you?”
Artemis really didn’t want Beatrice to come with her. She sighed deeply, and shook her head.
“I’ll only sneak out by myself another time if I don’t go with you now,” Beatrice said, completely changing tack. “It’ll be much less dangerous for me if I’m with you.”
Realising that there was no way she was going to win this argument, Artemis relented.
“Fine,” she hissed. “But you have to do exactly I say, yeah? If I tell you to run back to the castle, you do it. Straight away, and without arguing. Got it?”
“I’m not stupid, Artemis.”
Artemis said nothing, and walked out into the courtyard with Beatrice trailing behind her. This was not not going as she had planned. 
“Why do you want to come with me so badly anyway, Bea?”
“I just want to go on adventures, like you,” Beatrice replied, and Artemis looked at her sceptically. 
“And?” she asked, sensing that there was another reason. Bea sighed, and looked up at Artemis with a pleading look in her big blue eyes.
“Promise you won’t tell Penny?”
“Sure,” Artemis agreed.
“I keep having nightmares,” Beatrice told her. “Ever since… Well, I don’t know if it started when I was inside the portrait or after I came out. Sometimes I think I dream about the lake, you see.”
“The lake?”
“Yeah, that’s why I wanted to come with you. I overheard what you said about the lake being the next curse, and I wanted to help you find out about it. And I wanted to see it for myself, to see that it’s not so scary. I don’t know if that makes sense.”
“It makes perfect sense,” Artemis nodded. “Bea, if you don’t mind me asking, what happens in these dreams?”
“Well, it always starts with me thinking that I’m in the portrait again,” Beatrice’s white front teeth gnawed at her lower lip. “It’s hard to explain it, but it’s like everything is there, but it seems really far away, and not quite real. I guess that’s normal for dreams, but that’s how it felt inside the portrait, too. 
“Anyway, the dream starts like that, and then I’m in this room, and the room keeps changing. At first, it’s all cold, like really icy cold. And then all these shadows come and I feel so scared, more scared than I’ve ever felt before in real life. Then after that, the walls turn all dirty and I can hear howling and all these other horrible animal noises, but when I try and see the animals, all the walls disappear, and suddenly it’s like each of them turns into another room, and they go on and on forever.”
Artemis frowned. “Beatrice, does this room have seven walls and a glowing column in the middle of it, by any chance?”
“Yes! How did you-”
“Those aren’t rooms, Bea. They’re the Cursed Vaults,” Artemis told her, and Beatrice’s eyes and mouth turned into perfect circles. “There should be one more after the one that goes on forever. What does that one look like?”
“I don’t know,” said Beatrice, a quiet tremble in her voice. “But that one is the worst one of all.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just black, completely black. You can’t see anything, but… but it feels horrible. Like you’ll never be happy again. I try to scream, but there’s water everywhere, and I can see the shadow of Hogwarts over the water - like you can from the lake - but every time I try to swim towards it, it’s like I’m being pulled back under the water into the darkness. And then I wake up.”
“That sounds horrible, Bea,” Artemis whispered, reaching out and taking Beatrice’s tiny hand in her own. “Really, really frightening.”
“That’s why I wanted to come with you. Because I want to help break the curses so no one else has to get hurt,” Beatrice held on tightly to Artemis’ hand so that she couldn’t let go of it. “And because I want to go and see the lake. I’ve been too scared to, but… but if I’m with you, then I know it will be okay, because you won’t be scared.”
“I think even I would be scared of those dreams, Bea. Have you told Penny about them?”
“No. She would just be even more fussy over me.”
“She’s just worried because she loves you so much.”
“Sometimes I wish she didn’t love me so much. Then I could just do what I want all the time.”
“You don’t want that,” Artemis said, quietly. “Trust me, you don’t.”
By now, they were at the bottom of the cliff, where the narrow winding steps opened out to the shore of the Black Lake. In the summer months, the lakeshore was usually packed with students revising, relaxing with their friends, or jumping off the wooden jetty to swim in the water. It was normally one of Artemis’ favourite places in the whole of the school grounds. 
Tonight, though, it looked different. Perhaps it was the cold November night air, or the reflection of the crescent moon on the surface of the inky water, or Beatrice’s words echoing in Artemis’ ears, but right now, there was an eeriness to the lake. Though the water was completely still, there was the distinct sense of something stirring in their murky depths.
“Let’s look around quickly,” Artemis told Beatrice. “I want to get back to the Common Room as soon as possible.”
She made to walk forward, but Beatrice - her hand still tightly gripping Artemis’ own - didn’t move. She was staring, stock still and horrified, at the lake’s edge.
“Come on, Bea. It’s just…” Artemis’ voice tailed off as she followed Beatrice’s gaze with her own eyes and saw exactly what - or rather, who - Beatrice was looking at. 
Standing ankle-deep in the water, bent over as if she were extracting something from the shallows, was a woman. Though the light was dim, and the woman’s face was half-obscured by her red hair, Artemis recognised her immediately. 
It was Rakepick.
Her heart beating wildly in her chest, Artemis ripped her left hand free from Beatrice’s, and raised her wand with her right. She bent down slightly, and lowered her voice to a whisper. 
“Bea, remember what I said about doing as I told you? I’m telling you now to run, okay? Go back to the castle as fast as you can, and don’t stop or even look back until you’re inside. Bea? Beatrice, go. Now.”
But Beatrice didn’t move. Artemis’ throat turned dry. She wanted to get Bea as far away from both Rakepick and herself as possible, but she couldn’t shout, not without drawing Rakepick’s attention. She shook Beatrice gently, hoping that it would bring her back to her senses, but it didn’t work.
As Rakepick stood up straight, Artemis’s blood ran cold. Instinctively, she took a step in front of Beatrice, attempting to shield her from view, and Rakepick turned agonisingly slowly to face the shore.
“Well, well,” said Rakepick, her eyes brightening as she caught sight of Artemis. Her mouth twisted into a sinister smile. “Fancy seeing you here, Miss Hexley.”
Rakepick’s hand went to her hip, and Artemis shuffled her feet into a duelling position. Every fibre of her body was telling her to run, but with Beatrice still frozen to the spot behind her, she couldn’t. She was going to have to fight.
A voice echoed across the lakeshore, and although the voice was familiar to Artemis, both she and Rakepick looked to see who had shouted. Appearing from behind the boathouse and running along the shore was Jacob.
“Two Hexleys,” Rakepick said, stepping out of the water and edging closer towards Artemis, who readied her wand. “I am spoiled for choice.”
“Don’t hurt her,” Jacob panted, his arms raised as he intercepted Rakepick’s path towards his sister. “Please, I beg of you. There’s another way - a better way - I promise.”
Rakepick folded her arms across her chest and raised her eyebrows at Jacob, who took a step towards her. 
“Go back to the castle, Artemis,” he called over his shoulder. 
“What? No!” Artemis shook her head. “I’m not leaving you with-”
“She won’t hurt me. Go.”
Jacob didn’t turn back to look at Artemis, instead kept his eyes fixed on Rakepick. Rakepick, however, turned her gaze towards Artemis and raised her wand.
“No!” Quick as a flash, Jacob had his own wand in hand, and had deflected the jet of light that Rakepick aimed at Artemis. “Artemis, run!”
This time, Artemis did as she was told. Not because of Jacob shouting, or because of Rakepick raising her wand again, but because of the small hand that suddenly reached out to take hold of her own. Beatrice. Artemis grabbed hold of Beatrice’s hand once more, and cast a shield charm over her shoulder as the pair of them ran back up the path towards the castle, leaving Jacob duelling Rakepick on the lakeshore behind them.
Artemis was a much faster runner that Beatrice, and found herself half-dragging the girl back to the castle, only stopping once they were back, not just inside the castle walls, but in the Common Room itself.
“Are you okay?” Artemis asked her, noticing that the little girl was limping slightly. “Maybe we should get Madam Pomfrey to check you over.”
“No!” Bea shook her head, her eyes wide. “No, we’ll get into trouble.”
“But you’re limping. You’re hurt.”
“I’ll be okay.”
Beatrice looked up at Artemis with a forced smile, the pain visible in her eyes. Artemis sighed, and put her arm under Beatrice’s to support her weight.
“Fine, but someone needs to check you over. Come on, I know who will be able to help.”
Artemis took Beatrice down the the tunnel-like corridor of the girls’ dormitories, walking past her own to a door at the very end of the corridor and knocking on it gently. Behind the door there was a shuffling noise, then the door opened slightly to reveal the pale hair and features of Chiara Lobosca.
“What’s wrong, Artemis?” she asked, before looking down at Beatrice. There was a flicker of realisation in her eyes. “You’re in pain.”
Chiara opened the door wider, and gestured for Artemis and Beatrice to come inside. Chiara’s room was similar to Artemis’ own, only far smaller and much barer, with just one bed - one without four posts and curtains - and one set of furniture. The walls were decorated with star charts, and the bookshelf contained multiple pots of herbs and potion vials.
Beatrice sat on the end of Chiara’s bed, and Chiara quietly and gently pushed up the leg of her pyjamas to reveal her puffy-looking ankle. After feeling and moving the joint for a few minutes, Chiara smiled.
“It’s not broken, just badly twisted,” she told Beatrice, standing up to fetch a potion bottle from the bookshelf. “Have a sip of this now and again in the morning, it will take the pain away. Just be sure to rest it for the next few days, or you’ll make it worse.”
Beatrice sipped the liquid Chiara gave her, and immediately the colour returned to her face.
“Thanks, Chiara,” said Artemis, more relieved than she cared to admit. “Sorry for waking you up. I’d have taken her to Madam Pomfrey, but-”
“But you didn’t want to get into trouble for being outside at night?”
“I was going to say that you were closer, actually.”
“Yes, but that’s not true, is it?” Chiara asked, in her softly lilting voice. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
“What happened?”
“We went down to the lake,” Beatrice said, before Artemis had the chance to tell Chiara anything. “Professor Rakepick was there, and this man came and they were duelling, and then we ran back. That’s how I twisted my ankle.”
Chiara’s pale eyebrows furrowed, and she was silent for a few moments.
“You know, Artemis,” she said, thoughtfully. “I understand that you don’t want to get into trouble for breaking school rules, but if Rakepick’s been seen on at the school - actually on the grounds - Professor Dumbledore ought to know about it. It’s not my place to tell him, but you really should. She might be dangerous, after all.”
“You’re right,” Artemis nodded. “I’ll go to his office first thing.”
“Me too.”
“Bea, you really don’t have to. I don’t mind getting into-”
“I don’t mind getting into trouble, either,” said Bea, shaking her head. “I wanted to come with you, I made you take me with you, it’s not fair if I don’t get into trouble, too. And I can tell him about my dreams. It might help him break the curses.”
Artemis considered it for a moment before nodding her head. Beatrice had a point there. And perhaps a detention session would make her less likely to break the rules in future, though she doubted it.
“Fine. We can go before breakfast. Thanks again, Chiara.”
“Thank you,” Beatrice smiled at Chiara before frowning and asking, “You won’t tell Penny I got hurt, will you? I don’t want her to worry.”
“Of course not. Patient confidentiality,” Chiara said, with a wry smile. “Besides, I’m good at keeping secrets.”
The following morning, Artemis and Beatrice went to Professor Dumbledore’s office before breakfast and told him of the previous night’s events. He listened intently, his twinkling eyes giving away no clues to what his thoughts might be, before holding up one hand to silence the two girls.
“So,” he said calmly, “it is my understanding from what you have told me that you both broke school rules in order to investigate the Black Lake, suspecting that it might be the location of the final Cursed Vault because of the unusual activity of the Grindylows in the previous few months.”
“And because of Beatrice’s dreams,” Artemis said, choosing not to tell Professor Dumbledore about the conversation she had overheard in the Hospital Wing. 
Dumbledore bowed his head. “Whilst at the lake, you happened to see Professor - or, I should say, Madam - Rakepick, also investigating the lake-”
“Yeah, she was in the water, looking at something. We couldn’t see what.”
“Very well. Rakepick moved towards you, but she was stopped by your brother, and that is when you returned. Is that correct?”
“Yes,” Artemis nodded. “I didn’t want Bea getting hurt, and Jacob said Rakepick wouldn’t hurt him. I would’ve stayed with him otherwise.”
“I am certain that you would have,” Professor Dumbledore stood up and walked around his desk, closer to Artemis and Beatrice. “In this case, however, I am glad that you chose to escort young Miss Haywood to safety rather than placing yourself in further danger by remaining with your brother and Madam Rakepick. I am also pleased that both of you chose to risk getting into trouble by telling me the truth unprompted, when this matter affects the safety of the school.”
“Does that mean we can get out of detention?” Beatrice asked, hopefully, and Dumbledore shook his head.
“I am afraid not,” he said, his voice and face turning stern. “As honourable as your honesty is, both of you broke school rules and placed yourself in immense danger by venturing to the lake at night. You will both serve an evening in detention.
“As for your dreams, Miss Haywood, I will be writing to Madam Pomfrey later today. I think that she will be able to brew you a potion that will help to relieve you of your nightmares.”
“Thank you, Professor Dumbledore.”
“You are most welcome. Now, I’d appreciate it if you would return to the Great Hall for breakfast. I have matters that I wish to discuss with Miss Hexley alone.”
Beatrice looked hesitant, but she left the headmaster’s office without complaint. Once Bea had left, Professor Dumbledore turned to Artemis.
“Did Madam Rakepick make another attempt to harm you, Artemis?”
“Sort of,” Artemis frowned. “Jacob got in the way. He said that she wouldn’t hurt him, and then he told her not to hurt me. When he told me to run and I said no, she cast a spell and he deflected it.”
“I see,” Professor Dumbledore stood up and walked across to the cabinet in which he stored his Pensieve. He opened the door, and the blueish-white glow of his Pensieve shone across the floor of his office. “So, your brother asked Madam Rakepick not to harm you, and she hesitated before making her attack?”
“Yes, Professor. He said that there was another way, and she stopped to listen to him. For a few seconds, at least.”
Dumbledore inclined his head, and put his wand to his temple, and a stream of silvery white light followed his wand as he pointed it from his head to the Pensieve.
“What are you thinking, Sir? What does this mean?”
“It means that both the Cursed Vaults and Patricia Rakepick still pose a great threat to our school, and to you in particular,” Dumbledore told her. “It means that I will need to inform the Aurors of the situation, and that there are likely to be new measures put in force to try and keep everyone inside this school safe.” He gave Artemis a hard and meaningful stare before adding, “It means that you of all people should be adhering to these measures, Miss Hexley.”
“I understand, Professor.”
“For all of our sakes, I hope that you do.”
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
1.2k words of the purest fluffy comfort! 
The only signs that exam season is taking its toll on him are the black-blue ink stains on his fingertips and the slight hollowness under his eyes. Annoyingly enough, these slight imperfections only add to his already good looks. He looks like one of those French philosophers or a Romantic poet.
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Summer should, by all accounts, be your favourite season. As a child you used to love the feeling of the sun on your bare skin, the excitement of cold juice and ice cream in the park, the feeling of complete and utter freedom that came with the promise of summer holidays. You still do love all these things, childish though they may be. 
The problem is simple. You do not love exams. You do not love spending long hours toiling away at your revision notes until arithmancy equations and transfiguration incantations blur on the page in front of you. You especially do not love hearing the younger years screaming with laughter and having fun outside in the warm summer evening because they’re twelve and their exams don’t matter. You never thought you’d be jealous of second years, but here you are, glaring at the window next to you with unbridled hatred and wishing you could hex everyone under the age of fifteen for having the gall to not have to worry about their future just yet.
You glare over your pile of messily stacked notes at a sixth year Ravenclaw who approaches. He catches one look at you and immediately pivots on the spot and retreats from whence he came. Good. For about twenty minutes, you’re left in blessed silence to stew in your anger over the injustice of having NEWTs in the summertime. You manage to review your first set of notes for transfiguration before your vision starts swimming again and you start sorely regretting your decision to skip lunch and dinner in favour of holing up in the library. 
A shadow passes over the desk and you turn to tell this person to leave too when you meet Tom’s vaguely amused gaze. He leans against a nearby bookcase, looking far too put together for your liking. The only signs that exam season is taking its toll on him are the black-blue ink stains on his fingertips and the slight hollowness under his eyes. Annoyingly enough, these slight imperfections only add to his already good looks. He looks like one of those French philosophers or a Romantic poet. 
In comparison, you feel like you wouldn’t look out of place with the hags in Nocturn. “You weren’t at dinner,” Tom says, eyeing the spread of quills and parchment laid out before you with a raised eyebrow. “Or at lunch for that matter.”
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Oh, I can see that. You look… a little out of sorts.” Coming from Tom, who rarely turns his sharp tongue on you, this is code for ‘you look like an acromantula chewed you up and spat you out’. If you weren’t so tired and hungry and stressed, you’d be insulted. He slides into the chair opposite you and begins to pack your things away. 
Immediately you’re leaning over the table, practically scrambling in your attempt to get him to stop. “They’re in an order, Tom!” You hiss and ignore the several shushing sounds from surrounding tables. “Stop packing my stuff away, I need to revise!” Your pleas fall on death ears and Tom easily bats your hands away as he continues his awful mission to destroy any chance you have of passing your Transfiguration NEWT. “You’re going to make me fail.”
He levels you with an unimpressed glare. “You’re going to make yourself fail.” All traces of amusement have left his expression and you suddenly feel very small under the weight of his reproach. “If you keep missing meals and spending every waking second in this place, you’ll end up in the hospital wing before you’ve even sat your first exam.” He sounds so reasonable. You hate it when he’s reasonable. It makes it very difficult to argue with him. You scowl at him and he rolls his eyes back, but you can’t deny the flash of genuine concern that you see flit across his expression. It’s enough to make you fall back in your chair and watch as he tucks the last set of revision notes into your bag.
He walks around the table and hold his hand out for you to take, which you do and promptly have to sit back down again when the world spins violently and spots appear in front of your vision. Straight away, he is crouching down beside you, his hands on either side of your face as he tilts your head so he can more clearly see whether or not you’re about to faint. “I’m fine,” You mumble, “It’s just head rush.” He makes a sound in the back of his throat that tells you he does not believe you in the slightest and when you finally meet his gaze, all you can see is poorly hidden worry and exasperation playing in his dark eyes.
“We’re going to leave now.” He says decisively, and, with more care than he would probably like to admit, helps you up again and gently leads you out of the library, one hand pressed firmly against the small of your back, the other carrying your bag.
Once you’re in the dungeons, you expect to take the familiar route back to the comfort of the common room, instead, Tom leads you down a series of passages that you rarely had the need to travel down until you come to a stop outside a painting of a bowl of fruit. He leaves your side for just a moment and you watch curiously as he runs his fingers over the painting. The painting swings open and you stare, slack-jawed as the kitchens come into view.
“I… How did you even know…?” It says something about the state you’re in that you’re unable to string a simple sentence together and for the first time since you’ve left the library, Tom’s expression breaks into that amused little smile of his. He leads you through the portrait hole and sets you down on one of the benches that line the cavernous room. The house-elves don’t seem all that surprised to see him and you watch as he talks with one of them. You can’t hear what he says, but the set line of his spine gives you the impression that he’s being very serious. 
Sitting in the warmth of the kitchens, you begin to feel the true strength of your tiredness. Exam season has never been a good time for you; in fifth year you’d run yourself ragged trying to prepare and though you’d promised Tom you’d learnt your lesson, it seems like old habits die hard. Without you noticing it happen, your eyes slip shut and your head falls against the wall behind you as sleep takes hold of you. 
You’re woken by a hand gently stroking your hair and Tom swims into sight. He’s holding a large mug of something hot and a plate of your favourite snacks is sat on the bench beside you. Fondness overwhelms you as you take in his expression which is at once dryly amused and concerned. “I need you to take better care of yourself,” He murmurs, pressing the mug into your hands. “It’s not so easy to protect you when the enemy is your own stubbornness.”
You smile softly and nod your head, “You still manage though.”
He hums in agreement and presses a soft kiss against your forehead, “I said it was harder, not impossible.”
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ktheist · 4 years
(why) we got married | m
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synopsis. they say the 7th year of your marriage is always an uphill battle - but with the existence of your prenup coming to light thanks to taehyung’s lawyer slash family friend’s slip of tongue - first it reached your and his families, and then your family’s close friends and then your family’s close friends’ friends until - almost everyone is speculating on the grounds of you and taehyung’s marriage being anything but love.
you’re not sure if you’re even going to make past the second year mark in your marriage. but is the reason you got married really as important as why you choose to stay or leave?
muses. chairman!taehyung x stewardess!reader
alternative title. as you are.
inspired by. the 1 by taylor swift
genre. arranged marriage au with a pinch of drama and angst
words. 12.5k
warnings. explicit content
verse. knj. ksj. myg. kth. pjm. jjk. jhs. story time.
in your defense, neither you nor taehyung made an elaborated plan to deceive both his family and yours with the marriage which yes, had been founded upon a contract. but that’s not the point - the point is, your father and brother never sat down with taehyung and had a man-to-man talk. and his mother never sniffed out your reason for marrying her son being his abundance of wealth. but when all comes to light, thanks to taehyung’s lawyer slash family friend who made a slip of tongue - your parents and his were the ones most vindictive about who’s digging whose gold.
and to be completely frank, you were one article away from calling up your mother and telling her that you seduced taehyung into marrying you - just so she’d stop baring her fangs at mrs. kim. these days the headlines keep blowing up your mother and mrs. kim’s completely-by-chance meeting at a five star restaurant that erupted into manic yelling and pointing fingers.
“what did you say, you-” the audio bleeps for a split second before your mother in law’s voice comes back on, “-it was your daughter that seduced my son!”
“you crazy-” the audio bleeps again, “-you better watch your mouth or i’ll-”
the remaining seconds of the video are filled with bleeps that make it hard to even understand what either woman was saying. a wave of regret floods your chest as you scroll down the words strewn out into a juicy, tea-spilling commentary on your and taehyung’s past - the writer seems to pick up the minor little details that, in hindsight, leaves a big fat question mark out in the open.
when exactly did ___ ___ and kim taehyung start dating?
the answer was never.
the two times you and taehyung were photographed together was at a cafe near your office and the other, near his penthouse wherein you were discussing the terms of the contracts by yourselves. the one near taehyung’s penthouse being the final stage where you both signed it on your ipads. to the naked eye, you probably looked like you were on a date and being young professionals, it was only a given that both of you had some sort of electronic on you at all times - even during dates.
everyone just assumed you were together and with the assumption of being together, comes the conclusion that you were deeply, madly in love. was it the way the picture caught you two looking at each other with smiles on your faces? was it it’s sister picture that stilled you in a frame where you’re looking at your ipad and taehyung looking at you with the same - possibly remaining - smile from the moment the first picture was taken? that, you will never know.
but so it goes, you started going to socials together because taehyung needed some cleansing from his... charm-filled past. he used to go to those with different partners each week, and the previous woman that went with him always ended up refusing to talk about it or boasting about her ‘relationship’ with him. that was of course, after yoo now-kim jeongyeon got married three years ago. he used to attend those socials with her for the most part.
but someway, somehow, his public record was clean of any drama.
you would know, you’ve seen the man in action with your very eyes. on your 7th social event together, son chaeyoung had marched up to you and him like a ticking time bomb, red-faced and flaring nostrils and all. you were about ready to stand your ground when taehyung softly touched your hand that was around his arm and asked if you minded if he left for some fresh air.
of course you didn’t - respectfully, you couldn’t care less what taehyung does as long as it didn’t bring a negative light to you and him and the dynasties you both carried over your shoulders. everyone had their eyes wide open and ears perked for what was to come when taehyung walked chaeyoung out to the hallway. but nothing happened, and you were left to mingle on your own until he returned, looking devilishly handsome as always and strutted up to you with an air of refined sureness.
chaeyoung didn’t come back with him but everything remained quiet - not even a dramatic “stay away from my man!” at any point of your contract. you never asked how he did it - you thought it involved money, but over time, you realized it was just kim taehyung and all the things that made those women attracted to him. and just like a flame, he’d burned the moths’ wings until they couldn’t flutter over to him anymore after your wedding.
“uh, miss, we’re here,” the driver calls, meeting your eyes through the rear-view mirror.
it takes you a few moments to close the cover of your ipad and shove it into your handbag before pulling out bills that’s worth more than your car ride, “thanks, keep the change.”
and with that, you hop out of the cab, ready to put on a facade of grace and confidence. the staff who knows you greets you with a range of emotions, some with unhinged admiration from day one, others with curiosity on what’s truly hidden beneath those darken ray bans - without a doubt, aware of the drama going on between their boss’ mother and their boss’ wife’s mother.
either way, you make sure to return each smile and greeting like you always do. red lips sewn across your face like an ever smiling doll.
it’s only once you’ve entered the elevator and luckily left to your own devices, do you let your shoulder sag, the smile downturned into a frown all the way until a ding echoes into the small compartment and a red ‘8′ flashes on top of the doors.
you don’t fail to fix the secretaries a smile, relief flooding over you at how their warm - or was it profession-required - greeting hasn’t changed even after the rumors spreading about your inevitable divorce - of course, purported by you and taehyung’s mothers.
“son, if you don’t divorce that woman right away, i-i,” and here you see for yourself, the woman who called you ‘my daughter’ with the most loving voice, stuttering into a fit of rage, “i don’t think i can face my friends anymore - that bitch jihye has been slandering our family saying you used her daughter to get hold of the company!”
mina is about to knock on the door and announce your arrival when you hold a hand up before placing an index finger to your lips. she doesn’t need to be told twice when she nods once and steps back to leave you eavesdropping on your mother in law and husband.
“that’s fair,” there isn’t even a stuttered beat in his response.
“that’s part of the reason we got married,” he goes on, “and ___ needs some help setting up her brother with some connection so it works out - and mom, please refer to ___ and mrs. jeon by their names, ___ is still my wife and mrs. jeon is the woman who raised her.”
“y-you-” mrs. kim stutters out in disbelief just when you decide to make your presence known, hand on the door, “you ungrateful child, oh my- oh my-!” you walk into the sight of the woman falling backwards with mr. ji the kims’ lawyer stretching his arms out to catch her, shouting “madam!” while taehyung launching himself across the room, “mom!”
mrs. kim ends up hospitalized.
“it was a case of stress and overworking that should go away with a good few days’ break,” chairman kim who also opts to assume his seat as part of the hospital’s doctor and a family friend of taehyung’s, fixes you with a reassuring smile.
the stethoscope and white robe gives off a more professional vibe than the sophisticated air you see him wear at family dinners.
“that’s a relief - it’s nothing life-threatening,” the smile you return doesn’t seem to sit right with him as his eyebrows knit together and a cloud seem to loom over his face.
“it’s really not in my place but,” he pauses, probably weighing out the pros and cons of offending you with what he’s about to say - but he doesn’t need to worry too much because after today, you probably won’t be seeing each other at dinners any time soon, “me and jeongyeon,” he means his wife and taehyung’s childhood friend, “are here for you if you need to talk - i know mrs. kim can be a little unreasonable at times, but give her some time. don’t give up on her.”
you nod once, murmuring a hollow ‘thanks for that, seokjin’ before watching the man strut down the hallway, the sound of his footsteps accompanying his leave. only when you’re left with the sound of your breathing, do you finally allow chairman kim’s words to sink into the deepest depth of your heart.
it’s not an easy task to keep your heart still and unbothered by your own mother in law’s words. even now, you can still hear her embellishing her headache, back ache, joint pains and every sort of non-fatal pains she has enough to get taehyung to stay by her bedside - so he doesn’t go home. doesn’t go back to the place where you two have built for yourselves.
and yet you can’t help but agree that - “if you’d divorced her just like i told you, i wouldn’t have fallen so ill!” she sighs, just as you’re about to slide the door open.
all of a sudden, the image of the delicate woman swaying and tumbling towards the ground flashes at the back of your head and you instantly recoil, as if the door was made from fire.
the fear of worsening mrs. kim’s health at the sight of you has you backing away, choosing to wait at the seat in the hallway instead. seconds stretch into minutes and minutes into hours until you feel your body being shaken.
your eyes which you never noticed fluttered close - snap open only to gaze at the face of an angel - a concerned one at that judging from the way his eyebrows knit together. and then you’re hearing the smooth baritone of his voice. you almost pulled out your phone from your purse to ask if you could have it recorded so you could listen to it as a lullaby.
that is, until you realize the angel’s disheveled wavy hair and eyes that look like they’re well on their way to falling asleep standing.
“taehyung,” the name slips out of your mouth with a surprised gasp as you note the pristine pastel background of the vip section, body jolting to sit up from your previously slumping position.
“have you been waiting all this time?” he takes a seat next to you - and only then do you notice the unkempt mess that he is.
the first few buttons of his shirt is undone whilst it hangs over his shoulders, untucked, tie hanging loose over his chest as he drapes his blazer over his arm. the sight is almost alien, especially coming from someone who can’t even stand a crease in his shirt.
“what time is it?” you wonder, reaching for your phone while he checks the rolex on his wrist - which proves to be faster than rummaging through your bag.
“seven-thirty - you’ve been waiting here for more than five hours,” and just your luck, right as the words hit the air, your stomach decides to remind you of the meal you’re about to miss if you stay here any longer.
the heat rushing to your cheeks a second later is immeasurably hot, “o-oh, okay.”
clearing your throat, you ask, “so how was mother? seokjin already told me but i wanted to hear it from you that she’s okay.”
“you know how mom is - keeps saying her head hurts from the fall even though mr. ji managed to catch her halfway,” in any other circumstances, you and him would have found humor in how your mother in law’s overembellished diagnosis to gain attention from you and taehyung - but this time, it’s only one of you she wants that from.
it doesn’t stop you from chuckling though, “it sounds just like her - maybe i should make some ginseng chicken soup to help her get better... or beef seaweed, you know, her...”
swallowing the lump in your throat is a feat - and unfortunately, you’ve failed terribly as taehyung gather you his arms.
only then, do you realize you’re sobbing like a child, emotions running wild as everything comes crashing in like a storm - his mother, your family, the whole fucking tabloids that’s being written and ready to be posted in the next few hours and the fact that the marriage may have been a fraud, but the bonds you made along the way had been more than just business. mrs. kim was a mother to you as much as yours is to taehyung. there may have not been any love between you two but you cherish his family like he cherishes yours.
“i’m sorry - for causing a- a scene - for causing mother to f-faint-” you weep and weep.
in your crying fit, you barely notice the way his arms tighten just the tiniest bit as he sways you left to right gently, one hand on the back of your head caressing your hair as he whispers something along the lines of “it’s not your fault” and “we’ll figure it out together.”
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and so for the nth time in your one year of marriage, you’re banding together to capture mrs. kim’s heart again. the first time you visited her with taehyung, she narrowed her eyes at you and demanded taehyung explain as to why he didn’t come alone through the very same eyes next second.
when the man pretended not to notice and even placed a hand on your lower back just as your steps faltered in a ‘i’m with you’ kind of way, she opted to stare out the window while you unpack the broth you made onto the table. the portion you poured into the bowl you brought was getting colder by the minute as you spoke to her, “mother, i made beef seaweed soup, it’s your favorite, isn’t it?”
the only indication that she was listening was the way her eyes scanned the bowl of broth in front of her and proceeded to keep them on the window until you had to leave.
and so goes your second and third visits being received with shoulders made of ice a kind of silence that never fails to make your stomach churn with a sort of nervousness you should have felt when you meet your future husband’s parents for the first time. but the first time you met mrs. kim, your chest was filled with nothing short confidence and woo her you did along with taehyung’s relatives and closed friends. at the time, you didn’t think what you were doing - fooling everyone into believing that you’re marrying each other for love - would come biting you in the ass.
if karma existed then this probably you getting what you deserved.
on your fouth visit, you’d come alone because taehyung had an urgent meeting to attend. mrs. kim spared you a once over just like a rabbit who voluntarily and follishly hopped into the lion’s den.
“mother,” you offer her a smile, “how are you feeling?”
when silence is the only response you get, you quickly rummage through the paper bag you’d brought with you, “have you eaten? i made chicken soup-”
“don’t bother,” her voice cuts through the air like a blade. eyes as piercing as spears, “sit down, i know taehyung has an urgent meeting - it’s the only way to get him off my back.”
you’re not quite sure what she means but you have an inkling that the reason her hostility has yet to reach its pique is because taehyung has been giving her subtle looks to ‘mom, be nice to my wife’.
with a nod and a smile that seems to be glued to your face, you ask, “how was the bibimbap yesterday?”
though she didn’t cut you off, her response doesn’t exactly shed hope to your efforts being paid off when she dismissively says, “i gave it to mr. ji.”
the immediate ‘oh’ that tumbles out of your mouth is purely reflexive even though you know she’s never touched the meals you packed for her. but having her admit it is a different kind of heartbreak.
“i see,” is all you can say as you feel tears prick your waterline, a lump in your throat.
“this,” she places a folder of documents she seems to have ready by her bedside into your hands and without any explanation, sends you off with, “if you have any conscience at all, you’d sign these papers and stay out of our lives.  even though i never read the contract but i’m sure a smart woman such as yourself would’ve thought to include the alimony as well - you understand what i’m saying right?”
you tried to say something - anything but at that point, the look in her eye already paints a picture of you clinging onto taehyung’s wealth. and yet you still tried, “m-mother, i-...”
but no words come out and as though her point had been proven, she’d huffed out a sigh and tuned you out like she always did on your previous visits.
so you walked down the hallway with shades covering your tear stained eyes and a skip to your step that oh-so-badly wishes to break into an unceremonious run to a place where nobody knows you. where nobody looks at you with rounded eyes for the briefest moment that easily translates to mrs. kim ___, wife of kadore’s chairman who married her husband for money.
but all you can afford to do is keep your head up until you reached the bathroom door, check each stall one by one to make sure no one’s inside before you finally set down the document and your handbag on the sink. the first sob hits the air as soon as you see the woman in the reflection’s reddening eyes and smudged makeup.
it takes you several breath-holding, eyes-shutting and a couple more sobs breaking through the cracks of your walls before you can finally pat some powder onto the patch of skin under your eyes and on your cheeks where most of the damage was done. by the time you’re back in the hallway with shades darker than the night sky, you find your feet melting and becoming one with the floor at the sight of a man with jet black hair standing at the reception.
and almost as though sensing the heat of your gaze through your ray bans, the man turns around to reveal a pair of doe brown eyes and the smile you’re so used to seeing now missing in action and replaced with a straight line.
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“how’d you know i’d be here?” you start once you’ve both placed an order for your drinks at the counter.
“how long are you going to keep doing this?” instead of answering your question with a real answer, jungkook heaves out a sigh, eyebrows knitting together in vexation as he fixes you with one of those ‘i’m not telling mom and dad but this is our problem now’ kind of look.
“how ever long it takes,” is all you say, reverting your gaze to the smooth surface of the table.
“are those the divorce papers?” you refuse to look at him but you know he’s burning holes inside the beige colored folder sitting underneath your handbag on the seat between you and him.
“i don’t know,” you shrug, shoulders squared as you meet his eyes through your shades, “i haven’t opened it yet.”
but jungkook being jungkook, he takes that as a bare affirmation, choosing to interrogate you on a different topic, “have you seen what people have been saying about you?"
“i don’t really care about what people say,” is all you have to offer.
“you haven’t,” he nods in conclusion, “they’re saying you can’t have enough of your husband’s money... they’re saying you’re coming here everyday to grovel over his mother’s feet to let you stay married - that’s how i know you’d be here. and judging from the looks of it, they’re not too far off.”
it takes you a good solid minute to stomach the new found information. you haven’t been checking social media because of those same exact malicious comments but that was just the beginning of a downward spiral of your reputation - you never thought your efforts and hard work of burning your fingers on hot stoves and redoing dishes to get a perfect one would be met with an assumption of groveling over mrs. kim’s feet all for your husband’s money.
“god, i need a smoke,” jungkook huffs, receiving a look from the waiter that’s setting your drinks down. only after she’s gone does he present you with another set of questions. “was he the one that paid off dad’s debts? all of them? even the loan sharks?”
“that...” you nod once, failing to keep your head high as you twirl the straw of your frappe around but don’t even take a sip, “and the money i said i had saved up and lent you to start your company,” you quickly add,“- but taehyung doesn’t care about that - he wouldn’t accept it even if you wanted to pay him back twice the amount.”
“then why are you...” it’s the way his voice breaks at the end that makes you look up only to see a man whose eyes are a little sunken and cheeks a little hollow - almost as if he hasn’t been sleeping nor eating well because of his foolish sister, “why are you letting that woman trample all over you like this? wouldn’t it be easier to just get a divorce-”
“that woman is my mother in law, jungkook. at least, practice the same level of respect you’ve been preaching about,” you speak over him - it’s funny how taehyung once stood up against the same woman you’re standing up for, for you.
when all that follows is silence, you go on. this time, in a much demurred tone, “and it’s not about letting myself get trampled over... if mom found out you lied about something and she’s acting like mother does because she’s hurt, would you just go on with your life like nothing happened?”
it takes a moment for him to register what you said before taking on a much less hostile tone though still just as firm, “___, this is your life... i don’t know what kind of ‘happy family’ delusion you’ve been living in but i’m willing to bet all my money that it’s not taehyung that gave you those papers to sign and made you cry in the bathroom stall for thirty minutes-” he throws you look, “yeah, i saw you go into the washroom after coming out of her room. i was gonna call you but you looked like you had to take a huge dump so i waited but we know that’s not the case now.”
silence lapses between you for the umpteenth time before you stubbornly announce, “i could’ve been taking a dump - you don’t know.”
the sight of jungkook’s jaw dropping and hitting the ground is laughable, if not for the fact that he’s shaking his head five seconds later. vexed. irritated, “this is getting ridiculous - we’re going home. now.”
and he doesn’t mean the penthouse that you and taehyung shares.
shooting up, his hand grasps your wrist and he would have dragged you all the way to the car if you hadn’t protested.
“jungkook, no - i’m not going anywhere,” pulling your hand back, you stand a good one head shorter in front of your brother which doesn’t do much for your cause.
“___, if not for you then do it for mom and dad - they’re getting too old to be worrying about their one and only daughter’s marriage prospect,” he tries to coax, knowing full well your heart would wither like a flower at the mention of your parents worrisome nature - especially when your business is out in the open no matter how hard you try to hide it, “and you haven’t been answering their calls either.”
“i know, i just-” before you can even finish your sentence, a flash of garnet and bridal pink catches your eyes.
“____... jungkook, i didn’t think you’d be in korea. how are you?” taehyung’s warm baritone is laced with confusion as he stares at your brother and then at you for a sort of explanation but before you can even open your mouth, jungkook’s already has his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, “yeah, well someone’s gotta clean up the mess you started. ___’s coming back home with me - back to her real home.”
“i’m not - stop saying that and let me go,” you tug on your wrist only to wince at the pressure of his grasp, “jungkook, you’re hurting me!”
“hey, let my wife go,” taehyung takes a peaceful step forward, “we can talk ab-”
“oh no,” the laugh tumbling out of jungkook’s mouth drips with malice, “no, see, you lost your knight in shining armor privilege after you quite literally lied to our faces about how you’ll take care of my sister until ‘death do you apart’ when all it took was mommy dearest pretending to get sick while everyone labels my sister a gold-digging wh-”
you taking a step forward with a balled fist, is completely instinctive and you would say taehyung prancing towards the dark haired man with a fist that actually hits the mark, was also instinct-driven. except that he probably has better aim and his punches hurt more than yours ever would.
the first one, you admit was satisfying but when your brother ends up on the ground with your husband throwing blow after blow, you have no choice but to intervene.
“taehyung, stop!” the shriek that echoes against the walls almost burst your eardrums. you would have believed it to be mrs. kim if not for the fact that she’s nowhere in sight and you’re the one with your hands grasping onto your husband’s arms, trying to hold him back from sending blow after blow onto your brother’s half-conscious face.
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“taehyung, don’t stop,” you frown, taking a seat next to him while swiping the ice bag off his lap before gently pressing it to his darkened jawline, “seokjin said to keep the ice on the bruise for at least an hour.”
“ahhh - ow - ow-!” the man whines, eyes screwed shut as his grits his teeth together but doesn’t recoil from your touch.
“maybe you should’ve thought twice about throwing a punch at a trained boxer,” you shake your head, lips curling into an inevitable smile.
after taehyung’s had a round of punches in, jungkook managed to flip them over so that he’s the one pinning the elder man down. the events that unfolded after that were the least bit pretty. the nurses and doctors attending nearby patients rushed to the two struggling men and then there’s you, shifting the shouting to your brother to “god damn it, jungkook! stop being a dick!”
it took five men - doctors and just-arrived guards alike - to pry your brother off your husband who still tried to get a punch in and was held back by seokjin who finally arrived at the scenes with half a mind to knock the both of them out as he calmly orders for jungkook to be dragged into one of those empty rooms akin to the one mrs. kim is staying at.
because taehyung was the one who started the fight, seokjin decided that an ice pack would do for the taller man whilst he treats jungkook and orders the other doctors to go back to their post.
picking up the mixture of garnet and bridal pink roses, he stares at their wilted petals for the longest moment, face painted with dejection. they must have been specifically ordered for mrs. kim-
“these are for you,” your train of thoughts halts in its track at taehyung’s words. his hand levitating midair as though unsure of whether to hand the bouquet to you or toss them away, “or were,” then he captures your gaze and you don’t think you can ever find your way out of the maze he’s able to hold you captive in with just his eyes, “you deserve fresh flowers specifically plucked from its stalk - you deserve a whole garden, actually-”
“taehyung,” your free hand covers his as if to say, “they’re lovely, thank you.” placing the ice pack down, you cup both hands around the flowers, bringing them to your nose, “and they smell wonderful - i love pink roses.”
“i know,” the tiniest smile peeks from his lips, “you told me that.”
“i did?” you blink, surprised.
“at our wedding reception, you got a little tipsy and started sobbing because the roses were blush pink and not bridal pink,” the sound of his chuckles drums in your ears like hymns just like it did a year ago.
back when you were decked in an elegant off shoulder white gown after changing out of your wedding dress. you’d stood in the sidelines while your families and friends danced to their hearts’ content to the sound of the music. white champagne in your hand, the background beginning to turn fuzzy and your thoughts began to get louder.
it didn’t help that the object of your frustrations was smack dab covering every inch of the vicinity from the gargantuan rose covered backdrop, to the tiny vases in every single table.
the sob hits the air like the first raindrop. you had to clasp your hand to your mouth as if you were about to cough to hide your mouth stretching into your crying mouth - you don’t know how to explain it but your lips tend to morph into an unshapely sight whenever you cry and covering it when you feel the waterworks coming has always been second nature. as for the tears - they were concealable because the lights were dim enough.
but then there was someone next to you - he just popped up out of nowhere really and because you were standing in the darkest corner, you couldn’t pick out any defining features besides his height but you didn’t have much time to ponder on that as his question fills your eardrums, “so, how does saying goodbye to the bachelorette life feels like?”
“it’s terrible,” you’d wept some more and he shifted on his feet slightly, as though noticing the tear in your voice but luckily for him, he didn’t even have to ask because you were spilling your innermost thoughts out loud, “they- they gave me blush pink and garnet roses- i want bridal pink and garnet roses.”
“oh,” distinctively rang in your ears among the sound of instruments and joyful laughter.
then comes another input, “i didn’t know they messed up your request,” and you didn’t know why he’d sounded like he was about to murder someone.
“yeah and,” you sniffle, “- and i didn’t wanna say anything because- because i don’t wanna be that bratty bride who picks on every little detail.”
that morning, you woke up to a box full of roses and they were the lightest shade of pink. taehyung was already awake and offered to ring up breakfast for the both of you after he’d bid you a good morning and a “something came in for you.”
the gifts were prearranged to be sent to the penthouse instead of your suite but then again, there were chocolates and champagne bottles that made past the hotel doors because of its edible nature - the roses too... their fleeting livelihood seemed like you’d enjoy them better in your hotel room than a week later after you’d come back from your honeymoon.
the card didn’t even leave initials but had ‘roses for a rose’ playfully written in cursive black ink. your heart blooms a garden but your head is what makes you search for your newly wed husband, only to see him looking at you with a tender smile - one that you thought manifested because of your own involuntary smile when you’d read the note.
“i don’t think these are for us,” you could feel the frown setting into your features, causing taehyung’s own brows to furrow.
“i think these are for... me,” and so you told a tale of a woman with ambitions rather than stars in her eyes, who felt a compulsion to at least tell the truth to her husband and the stranger whom she met at her wedding. of course, omitting the teary eyed part and the blush and bridal pink roses part.
taehyung had easily chuckled while the staff set down plates of delicacies on the round meant-for-two-people-on-a-honeymoon table, saying, “he has fine taste - they’re from halls & tara,” after the staff left.
it didn’t occur to you that the h&t initials on the top right corner of the card stood for the most well known florist in seoul until he’d pointed it out, which could only mean he’d been suspicious enough to take longer than a glance at the flowers.
“do you mind if i keep them? at least, until they’re not as fresh anymore.” you quickly added the last part.
“you can keep them in a vase and have them live longer... why? are they not the shade of pink you wanted?” he blinked once, hand halting midair as he was about to take a mouthful of pancakes.
“well- no, they’re perfect actually - i love them,” you almost stutter in your haste to explain while trying to be casual about how devastated you would be if- “it’s just that... i really didn’t know him or who he was- but he obviously knew me because it’s hard not to know the lady of the day- i’m not breaching any terms-”
it’s the way the trickles of laughter filling the otherwise silent room that got you to clamp your mouth shut. the way kim taehyung looked so ethereal and majestic in the pristine black and white setting of the room.
“i don’t mind,” he’d clarified a moment later, eyes twinkling with the remnants of laughter, “i understand why he’d want to desperately send you these if only to see you smile softly like you did - you look beautiful when you smile, by the way.”
the compliment had caught you off guard and your heart might or might not have somersaulted but if there’s anything seven years of becoming a stewardess has taught you, it was to always prepare an adequate response to every situation - and at that time, kim taehyung was infamous for his quick wits and reputation with the ladies. of course, words sweet as honey would come easy for him.
“thank you,” and so were the words of gratitude on your part as you schooled a smile and dug into the pancakes your husband made.
but sitting on the black leather couch, holding onto a similar colored bouquet, you can’t help but blurt out, “that was you? i was bawling my eyes out because of some mismanagement to my husband who didn’t even recognize?” something between a disbelieving scoff and an irony-induced laugh escapes your mouth, “why didn’t you tell me?”
taehyung’s shoulder line shakes as he shrugs, hand going up to scratch the back of his head as he drops his gaze, as if searching for the answer only to look back up into your eyes with a, “i didn’t think you’d be as happy if you knew it was me,” his gaze falters, like a bud of fear blooming behind his irises,
“why wouldn’t i be?” you blink once, not quite understanding where he’s coming from.
that is, until a small smile slips onto his lips and it’s heartbreaking to witness and even more devastating to know you’re in no place to let your arms gather him into a hug like you wish. to kiss his forehead until his worries disappear.
he twines his fingers with yours, thumbing the diamond on your fourth finger, “i’m sorry that i took away your choice to marry for love - that’s a bit corny isn’t it?” he scrunches his nose and you can’t help but giggle, “it’s not just some short term contract since we both agreed divorce is never in the equation,” neither of you believe in tainting the sanctity of marriage - no matter what cause it was founded upon - with separation, “but god, the things you’re going through right now - i promise i’ll make things right.”
taehyung’s eyes tend to appear in different shades along with his emotions - though you know it’s most probably the lighting. dark brown is for when he’s scrutinizing the hollow smiles and empty compliments he gets at functions. but sometimes you find yourself catching hazel.
like right now, as they capture yours and look at you as if you’re the only one he sees.
“taehyung...” you thought you knew what you wanted to say when you said his name but as you get lost in the midnight dessert of his eyes, you’re not sure if you can even muster so much as a squeak without falling apart.
and that’s when a knock reverberates into the air like thunder, forcing you to jolt away from the man until no part of you is touching any part of him.
“hey,” a somber voice greets as jungkook leans against the doorframe, “so they fixed me up and the chairman wants me gone in,” he looks down at his wrist, “two minutes and fifty-three seconds.”
blinking away the remnants of the emotions away, you stand up, giving the man a once over. his button up is marred with a trickle of deep red a few inches over his chest, hair matted and face sporting different stages of bruising. the bleeding’s stopped for the most part.
“you’ve definitely seen better days,” you announce, walking around the couch to get to where the man is rolling his eyes at.
“sorry for calling you the w-word,” that’s definitely wasn’t what you were expecting which prompts the belated, almost suspicion induced,“...okay.”
“i did that because i needed to confirm something,” he goes on, eyes flitting over your shoulder where you know your husband is staring right back, burning holes inside your brother’s head before he looks back at you, taking a full 180 in attiude, “and don’t worry about mom and dad - i’ll take care of them.”
it takes you a moment to digest his proclamation, all the whilst hyperly aware of the hand that makes its way on your lower back as a familiar dior scent fills your senses, “so you’re not gonna drag me home?” as though disbelieving the words that came out of your mouth, you add, “that’s all it takes? a few punches to the face?”
the twitch of his eyebrow doesn’t go unnoticed by you. nor does the deep breath he forces himself to take at the blatant insult and insinuation of your future boxing lessons to which he warns, “don’t get any crazy ideas,” then he turns to the man next to you, “i let you hit me - let’s get that out of the way first.”
and before either you or taehyung manage to get a word in, jungkook hand comes flying to your forehead, a loud sound of skin smacking against skin echoing throughout the room as you tumble backwards with an audible “ow- hey!”, barely noticing the much larger hand that’s covering yours. inspecting the patch of skin where jungkook just flicked.
without even an apology for the uncalled for assault, he nods at something over your head, probably taehyung, “you take care of my sister, you hear me? cause there won’t be a second time.”
and then he’s gone like the wind - you would have tracked down that wind and give him a taste of his own medicine like you did when you were children. you’d jump on his back and attempt to bite a chunk of his head if your nannies didn’t pull you apart  - but right now, you couldn’t escape taehyung’s hand on your waist even if you wanted to.
“let me see,” he instructs, gently coaxing your hand to unclasp the patch of skin on your forehead so he could softly blow on it.
you stay like that, standing at the doorway with your bodies too close and taehyung refusing to unhand you until your cheeks are replaced with a different kind of heat than the anger you felt for your god forsaken brother.
“god he’s an ass - you should’ve messed up his face more,” you huff, and you don’t know why - maybe it’s the way you stomp your foot, maybe it’s the way your cheeks tend to puff when you’re feeling vindictive or maybe it’s a mystery locked in taehyung’s head that you’ll never know but his chuckles sound like hymns in your ears.
and you thought that was the end of the electrified sensation on your skin where his touch lingers until you feel a pair of the softest lips on your forehead, right where the flick was supposed to throb. a grinning taehyung looking back at you as if asking, “my nanny used to do this to me when i bump my knee against a furniture...” a flash of worry blooms in his eyes for the briefest moment before he voices his concerns, “hope the magic still works.
the sight is heartwarming. endearing even. and you can’t help smile, cheeks hot, “it does - it doesn’t hurt anymore.”
and just as you thought he’s about to release you from the torment of having your heart skip multiple beats at a time and step back, he presses another peck on your forehead. a smile gracing his features, “another one for good measure.”
it’s a surprise your legs are still holding you up with how jelly-like they’ve become.
“th-thank you.”
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mrs. kim discharged herself a week after the fight but not without standing in front of the hospital with her frilly fur coat and gucci handbag while she looks at the camera and consequently straight into the screen, “i have yet received a publicly apology for what jeon jungkook did to mine by the jeons. my taehyung couldn’t even kill a fly, let alone start a fist fight-” she shivers uncontrollably as though overcome with chills, “such a barbaric, uncivilized act can only come from-”
“you’re watching that?” a smooth baritone fills the room as a figure struts in beige slacks and oversized creme sweater, “again?”
he sits on the edge the backrest of the couch, looking down at you with an expression that makes your stomach churn. with butterflies or guilt for breaking your promise to stop checking out these articles, you don’t know.
“sorry,” you mumble, placing the ipad down a few inches from your feet as you bring your legs up against your chest, arms wrapped tightly around them, “worrying about how the press twists mother’s words comes from the plentiful of time i have on my hands after being sacked, i guess.”
it’s been a week since you’ve received your new schedule. to which you received a call right after to head to the headquarters in the heart of seoul only to be told that-
“___, you gotta understand, this whole fiasco going on with your family... it’s giving the airline a bad rep,” mr. bang leaned back against his recliner, his eyes hiding behind the beam of his glasses, “people are leaving bad reviews on the website that has absolutely nothing to do with our services but has everything to do with you and your husband.”
he meant the growing dissatisfaction upon the revelation of the artificiality of you and taehyung’s marriage.
nobody’s caught jungkook and taehyung in a video but there’d been witnesses and ‘sources’ affirming the two getting into a fistfight at the hospital. and so another record has been made in your long list of family drama.
“sir, please,” you could feel your eyebrows joining together from the sheer frustration and reality anchoring into the pit of your stomach, “i’ve been working for korean air -for seven years now- check my reconds,” hope blooms in your chest as you suggest the idea to your superior, “i’ve never been late, never had a customer complain about me, never made any mistakes prior to this-”
“it doesn’t matter what you did before this, ___,” he cut you off, voice heavy with emphasis.
but you weren’t backing out that easy, “please, it’s not fair to lay me off for something i have zero control in.”
at your wording, the man physically flinched, almost as though struck by a spear before he shook his head, denying your claims.
“you’re not fired,” he corrected, “you’re on paid leave... until everything calms down.”
it took everything in you not to let the frown slip onto your face. first it’s paid leave and then it a one month notice before they officially sack you - you’ve seen how this played out one too many times.
so you smiled, “with all due respect, mr. bang, how long is ‘until everything calms down’?”
the man’s shoulder line jolted as he shrugged, lower lip jutted out in a nonchalant nature, “that depends on how you choose to solve it, ___... i assume you are working on a solution, yes?”
it was a trick question. if you answered the affirmative, it’d be admitting what mrs. kim and almost everyone have been demanding - a divorce. if you answered no, then you’re as good as jobless.
“my husband and i are working on it,”  was all you say.
when taehyung found out later that night - he was livid. he was a phone call away from calling up mr. ji to sue the airline for discrimination. it took you stealing his phone away and running around the penthouse until you made him promise that he’d listen to you first.
he did, and you’d wanted to wait it out and see because, “there isn’t any damage to build our ground on anyway because i’m not fired yet.”
“well, dinner’s ready ” taehyung’s soft as silk voice tears you apart from your memroies, hand levitating midair until you take it, hoisting yourself up.
taehyung pushes himself off the couch, walking on the other side with your hand in his. it’s comical but endearing all at once and you giggle at how neither of you are willing to let the other go even though you’ll have to once you reach the four-people dining table.
“thank you,” you say as you lower yourself on the seat while he pushes the chair in for you.
home cooked meals have become a norm for the both of you ever since that day taehyung punched jungkook in the face. at first, you insisted that you should be the one cooking since he was injured but he stayed with you in the kitchen and you talked about your day and reminisced about your childhood and how you similarly had nannies that forbade you from coming into the kitchen.
then there was the peck on the top of your forehead he started doing a few days ago after you were sat and before he went around the table to get to his seat that’s across from you.
“did you go shopping today?” he asks in between cutting up the steak which he stole a whole plate from you into mini slices.
“yeah, with hwasa,” you nod - the woman had been all too delighted to see you after mismatched schedules and ghostly texts because of life and work getting in the way.
“the friend from high school?” taehyung surprises you yet again as he places your plate back in front of you, this time with the pieces all cut into edible bites. you’ve never mentioned hwasa to him - but it’s not a lie that she’s your closest friend from high school who got accepted into the same training programme as you at the beginning of your career.
“thank you-” you shoot him a smile before picking up the fork and knife, “and yeah, that’s her. we haven’t seen each other for months so we kind of went a little crazy with the dresses.”
he doesn’t look up when he speaks his next words which is why you have a trouble digesting them as you involuntarily blurt out a, “sorry- what?”
“the dresses you bought,” he reiterates, an amused smile on his lips - possibly because of your almost-choked state, “- can i see them?”
“oh,” clear your throat once, sipping down the red wine before chuckling nervously, “hwasa bought dresses - didn’t.”
taehyung hums, head tilting to the side as though trying to capture your avoidant gaze, “then put on whatever you bought that i saw lying on your bed - the door was open when i passed your room.”
at that moment, to say your heart quite literally crash against the floor, would be an understatement. it takes you a minute to gather yourself, another to force out a laugh as you attempt to brush the thought of taehyung seeing the black and red laces from savage x fenty hwasa adamantly insited you get after a story time on why you decided to get married to how something has definitely shifted between you and taehyung.
but no amount of gushing and squealing about made up scenarios brewing from hwasa’s little head could prepare you for what’s happening right at this moment.
“oh those?” a chuckle, “those are aren’t even worth showing.”
and just as you thought he’ll let the matter go like he would when you dismissively mention something that he inquired about, taehyung takes a full 180, eyes clouded with a sort of emotion you don’t dare delve into, “that’s for me to decide,” he takes a sip of the wine, pushing his chair back as he stands up, “i’m done,” with that, he places his plate down where geom, your mixed breen papillion and silky terrier shouts out an appreciative woof at the pleasant surprise.
patting the canine briefly, he turns to you, those clouded eyes seeping into your soul, “put them on - i’ll be waiting in my room.”
his footsteps echo against the walls as he ascends the stairs and disappears into the hallway where his room lies across from yours. it is a whole solid minute later, once you hear the door of his room click shut, that you make a beeline for the couch where your phone lies lonely.
dialing up the only person you know you can hold accountable for, you quite literally scream at the ‘hell-’ with a “hwasa, he wants me to put the lingerie on and show him!”
while your voice drips with dread, the other woman, choosing to be willfully oblivious, screams into your ears, “oh my god - oh my god. then what are you doing calling me?! go put them on!”
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and that’s how you end up holding in a breath while deliberately repeating hwasa’s not so helpful pep talk of ‘you’re the hottest’ and ‘kim taehyung will be wrapped around your fingers by the end of the night!’
“but it’s been over a year - i’m not sure if i even know how to moan!” you’d protested while pull the strap of the garter around your thigh.
that was half an hour ago.
now, you’re debating on whether to knock like you would have before you started cuddling into the other while watching tv. but before that, you’d never did anything together unless it was family dinners and gatherings.
so you opt for pushing down the handle. the sharp ‘click’ being the only announcement of your entrance. taehyung’s walls are a deep shade of maroon almost black with the lights on its lowest setting. the sound of music playing in the background barely registers in your mind as you focus your attention to the figure that’s pushing himself up from his laying down position.
you resist the temptation to run and hide under the comfort your covers - an opposed response compared to your confident stride, placing one foot after the other until you stand a good two feet away from the bed and taehyung.
“what do you think?” the smile brandished over your face is nothing like your racing heart whlist you do a little twirl- but then again, you’ve always been such an actress.
“if the world were made of diamonds, i’d choose the rose before me... because you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid eyes on,” you wonder how he doesn’t even blink as those words pour out of his mouth, hand finding its way in the dip of your waist. staring. admiring.
“always the charmer,” you want to curse yourself for the unoriginal come back yet taehyung doesn’t seem to notice as he lets you push him to the bed whilst his eyes undress what little piece of clothing you have on as you crawl on top of him.
your toes curl at the sound of taehyung’s excruciatingly slow exhalation - almost as though he intends for it to caress your ears and seep into your pores before settling into the pit of your core.
the sharp charm of dior fills your senses as you place kisses on his neck, tucking his flesh between your teeth ever so gently, not expecting the delectable surprise that slips out of his mouth.
who would have thought kim taehyung was a moaner?
the giggle that trickles out of your mouth is blamelessly involuntary but catches his attention nonetheless, “what?”
“oh, nothing,” you nibble on his earlobe before whispering into his ears, “just thinking of how cute you’ll look moaning for me.”
and you’ve easily add to the long list of things you won’t forgive yourself in the morning. yet you still caress his growing size through his pants, giggling when the delicious sound hits the air for the second time.
“take it out,” he whimpers after one too many teases, “please.”
“only because you said please,” the way his chin tilts to follow your lips after you pecked them doesn’t go unnoticed by you but you clasp your hand against his chest, pinning him down with a shake of your head “uh-uh, you get up when i tell you to.”
the excruciating ‘fuck’ that leaves his lips is what truly lights up the flame in the pit of your stomach. you watch as his hand goes up to run through his hair in a sexually frustrated nature but doesn’t attempt to push himself up after that.
it only takes a few pumps for the clear fluid of precum to trickle over your hand, letting you smear all over his hardened dick and causing it to glisten underneath the luminescence of the room.
sparks shoot through your core and strike your heart into an erratic rhythm when you lower yourself over him, holding the slit of the black lace undergarment apart until he’s hitting every delicious inch inside of you.
you’ve barely even started to move when you break out into a cry, falling into his arms like a puppet whose strings got cut off. the arms around you are gentle as they hold you against him until you’ve come down from your high.
by the time you push yourself up, your knees are still trembling yet you nod when he cups your cheeks and forces you to look into those concern filled eyes, “are you good?”
“i’m fine,” the sniffle is probably the last thing you need to convince him, “i lost myself for a moment.”
this time, it’s his turn to chuckle, lips curling into a smirk, “it’s completely understandable to admit that you couldn’t hold out for more than a minute because i stretched you out so good.”
you want to protest - want to gain back the control you lost when he hit that sweet spot not even, yes, as he says, a minute into taking him in. but one single thrust right against that same exact spot and you’re whimpering in utter submission and devotion.
“that’s what i thought,” that damned smirk is the last thing you see before you succumb to his every wishes and command until you find yourself with a strong arm banded over your stomach, another arm reaching for a pillow and puffing it up before you feel yourself being gently lowered face flushed into it - the smallest gesture of tenderness that you didn’t expect to witness when you decided to tease him in the beginning.
the yelp when taehyung’s hands slip under the strap of the garter, doesn’t even manage to form fully when a moan replaces it as he yanks the garter and consequently, your ass against him, forcing you to swallow his entire length in one stroke.
“god, you’re so big,” if you were a little sober and a whole lot more conscious, you would have added that into the list of things you said that you would cringe at in the morning.
but you’re already one orgasm down in the foreseeable long list of orgasms that kim taehyung promises you as he sinks into you, moaning out your name like a holy mantra.
“i know you love it,” he agrees oh so innocently for someone who’s about to thrust into you like a godless being.
five strokes in and you’re cursing and screaming out in pleasure, hands gripping onto the duvet for dear life as you feel you convulse into a state of toe-curling euphoria. the way taehyung stops moving and trails down butterfly kisses down your back until the tensed muscles in your lower abdomen simmers down into pleasured twitches, doesn’t go by you.
“you can move now,” another sniffle, but this one has completely and irrevocably succumbed to your rawest desires.
it’s the soft chuckle and the one last peck on your left shoulder blade that has your heart stuttering. ungodly opposite to the way he moves his hips as he thrusts into you without so much as a warning - your last two orgasms were just preambles. ones out of the many that night that has you writhing and moaning in pleasure. some of which were incited by sides of you, you didn’t know existed.
the last thing you recall is taehyung gathering you in his arms like he couldn’t bear to be apart from you even in his sleep now that he’s had a taste. it’s endearing and daunting all at once. because for the first time since your marriage, you’re afraid of losing him.
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a few days after that, you’re tying away on your macbook when taehyung comes home looking less like the man you knew. his hair, disheveled from having run his hand through them more than his hair gel allows. his eyes, carrying a sort of weight that latches onto him like parasites - or maybe that’s just the papparazzo that you noticed have been following you around. their numbers have decreased considerably after the rumor of taehyung hiring a team of lawyers which was no rumor at all.
it was the morning after you woke up with tingly legs barely able to function like it should and muscles sore but a sort of fullness in your chest when you noticed the man whose arms are wraped around you like a protective cocoon as he faintly snored away.
then came the muted sound of your phone from the other side of the hallway where your room door beckons you into its domain. it wasn’t as obnoxiously loud since it was at least twenty feet away and you would have ignored it and gone back to bed if not for the short interval signaling the person calling had finally reached the mailbox or hung up on their own. that was, before they hit call for the second time.
slipping out of taehyung’s arms, you trudged to your room with half a mind to give whoever this caller is a piece of your mind - god’s sake, the flashy red digits on your alarm clock stares at you at 5:23 in the morning.
“this better be good, hwasa or i swear-” before you can even finish the woman is already screaming into your ear like she’s being chased by an axe murderer.
“oh my god, oh my god - have you seen the news?!” except no woman chased by a murderer would sound this exhilarated, she went on before you could even get a “no one in their right mind would be checking the news at ass crack-” out.
“oh shoot, it’s still 5 something in korea, isn’t it?” she gasped - if you weren’t on paid leave, you’d be in hong kong, probably sharing rooms and getting tipsy in some club there, “but anyway, kadore’s chairman is suing insight, pullbbang and other websites for slander!” she shrieked.
"what?” you could feel the muscles on your face pulling into a contorted confusion but
after hanging up and telling hwasa you were going to look into the matter some more, you’d come up with multiple articles stating a similar fact as your overly enthusiastic best friend did. still in denial, you’d confronted your husband about it- he was still sleeping soundly when you strutted in and shook him up to which he confessed, eyes droopy and face puffy. the sight was so foreign to you because you were used to seeing him fresh and suited up but you’d found yourself making a little space in your heart for barely-just-woken-up-taehyung to reside in.
first came anger - you didn’t ask for him to do this, “what would everyone think if i went to you crying about a little bit of criticism for something i did do?” then came confusion because what exactly did you do that was so horrendously heineous to warrant these websites to write such malicious statements about you?
taehyung had seen every flash of emotions that pooled in your eyes and tugged on your fingers - you weren’t sure if he’d meant it but it successfully pulled you from drowning in your own thoughts, “i told you i’d make things right - these people won’t be able to say another word about you unless it’s the truth- that you’re a hardworking, amazing woman who deserves everything she has and yes,” he fixed you the most tender, sleepy smile “that includes the money i make - what’s the point of working if i can’t even provide my wife with the best?”
taehyung tosses the beige tuxedo onto the handrest of the couch adjacent to where you’re sitting with one leg up in nothing but a loose fitted sweater that hangs off your left shoulder. the half empty wine glass lies untouched on the coffee table since you’d put it down.
with a thump, he sinks himself into the leather material of the couch, hands cupping his face, as though if he rubs it hard enough, the deadset frown would go away.
before you know it, you’re padding over to the couch he’s on, hands finding their ways onto his shoulders, massaging the noticeable tension in his muscles until a grateful sigh slips out of his mouth, hand guiding your own to his lips where he presses a kiss on your knuckles.
only when you go around to take the spot next to him, hand smoothing out his hair, do you finally say, “is it the board again?”
mina has been keeping you updated on the turbulence that was caused by your fraudulent marriage being exposed. the chairman seat became taehyung by default when he got married as per his father’s will. but the board members have been vocal about abrogating his rights to succeeding kadore.
“there’s talk about votes demoting me to director,” he’s never sound so fragile - in taehyung’s long list of fluctuating interest from women and men to art and sculptures and to yatches and sports cars, kadore is probably the only thing he’s ever taken seriously.
you would know - seeing him decked in armani with soft wavy hair contrasting his strong features, weren’t your only reason for accepting his proposal of marriage. it had more to do with the way he spoke about the company. in a dimly lit room just like now, with a wine glass in his hand and the cityscape underneath that gave an illusion of stilled fireflies scattered all across the city, taehyung had spoken of his unforgivable regrets. the deals he’d let pass by. the merges he’d settled with instead of aiming higher. the brands he didn’t reach out to.
those regrets birthed fears and those fears were what made him even entertain the notion of a beneficial marriage.
or as the board likes to call it, an atrociously wickedly schemed marriage.
“they won’t have a ground to depose you to a director’s position if they can’t provide a solid reason,” you say and he blinks, clueless, hopeless.
it’s almost as if you’re facing a whole different man.
“what do you mean?”
“i’m talking about us doing what we do best,” you fix him a smile - one that probably needs a little convincing and grounding but a smile nonetheless, “we show them that the kims aren’t to be messed with,” you pause, letting the silence settle into brimming suspense before finally saying, “it’s been awhile since we’ve made a public appearance together, hasn’t it? how does lunch sound like?”
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and so goes your multiple appearances in the most top notch restaurant together. the lack of chauffeur wasn’t intentional but helpful nonetheless to prove that the chairman was hopeless and irrevocably mad for his wife that he’d drive all the way to wherever she was to pick her up and then drive them to the designated restaurant instead of the convenience of meeting at said restaurant from wherever you both were prior to that.
then there was the hand holding, hip grabbing and not going a minute without smiling and giggling about what the other said. to outsiders, it would have looked as if things hadn’t been all that different - except you’d finally came out of your 1 billion doller cave after the whole ‘fiasco’ with your families. but it was the little hand kisses and forehead pecks in between taehyung making mini runs to get to your side to open your car door.
and the ‘how was your day’s and which are followed by a ‘you’re still deadset on working, huh?’s each time you told him about your in-the-work resume since you’re ‘at the risk of getting a notice of resignation any time soon’.
“what if you started your own business? i could buy a whole building in nonhyeon-dong that you could make as your headquarters?” he offers in between twirling the pasta around his fork after you insisted that- “my job is the only thing that i’ve got going on for me to prove that i’m not a gold-digger that everyone thinks i am.”
“i was thinking more like travelling from place to place like...” you shoot him a ‘you know’ smile before adding, “a cabin crew.”
“one of korean air’s biggest shareholders are letting go of her stock because her color pencil business isn’t doing so well these days,” he nods, deeply contemplative, “they’re gonna be sacking a few employees if they don’t get buyers by the next two months,” he surmises with a concluding nod to which you end up laughing and almost choking on your food.
picking up the water on your right, you quickly gulp it down before clarifying as to why you found his statement so funny that you’d risk your esophagus in the process, “no, tae,” that nickname is also one of the little things that just happens - you don’t miss the tuck in the corners of his lips when it slips off your tongue, “it’s sweet of you to want to buy me a share of the airline i’m working for but that’s the thing, it’s your money,” you reach out for his hand, smiling when he meets yours halfway.
a warm pressure engulfs your hand as he squeezes briefly, “and i told you, what’s mine is yours.”
“likewise,” you fix him a grateful smile, “but i like flying. i like being a cabin crew - on top of holding onto my job to prove people wrong, of course.”
the longest pause hovers over you like a grey clouds with taehyung’s beautiful but contemplating eyes holding you captive. as though trying to take you out part by part, trying to figure you out.
“then, what would you like me to do?” the question catches you off guard, like being hit by a wild baseball even though you’re walking right next to a baseball field, “you’ve always been so good at taking care of yourself - when you broke down in front of me... at the hospital... i didn’t know what to do-” his lips quiver just the slightest bit, almost as though holding back invisible tears, “tell me what to do. because it feels like everything i do isn’t the slightest bit helpful. ”
all of a sudden, the sands of time seem to have stopped, levitating midair within the dip of the hourglass. it’s daunting but heartbreaking at the same time - the sight of raw fear and uncertainty that’s pooling within taehyung’d eyes like unmoving river - you never knew your attempts to hold up your values reflects as a declaration of nonessential to taehyung’s own attempts to reach out to you.
“i don’t need you - to fight my battles, to solve my problems for me - though i’m immensely grateful that you did,” you say after what feels like an eternity, “but i want you so... stay as you are, supporting me like you’re doing now.”
“i don’t know if that counts as support - i’m not doing anything,” he counters, eyes downcasted until you reach out your other hand to cover his that’s already holding your left hand.
“you are - you never invalidated my feelings of wanting to work, you encouraged me to do bigger things and that means you believe in me - maybe i will take up that offer in the future but right now, i want to keep doing what i always have been,” you fix him a smile, “and i want to do it with you by my side.”
the tiniest of smile that slips onto his face tells you that his heart is still in a state of unrest. unconvinced. but he’s trying as he nods, “if that’s what you want,” and you thought that’s the end of it. until the foreshadowing “but,” that comes a second later, “i’m not gonna stop worrying and trying to fix things - we’re married, your problems are my problems too.”
the chuckle escapes your mouth signifies the good natured jest of your next words as you summon your hands back, already missing the warmth of his much larger ones around you, “well we weren’t exactly on that term until just recently.”
a shadow casts itself over taehyung’s handsome face as he picks up his fork, “that’s something i’ll regret for the rest of my life - not getting to know you beyond the contract sooner.”
“everyone makes mistakes,” you shrug before taking a peek at his expression as you mention a certain free spirited woman, “besides, you were too caught up with jeongyeon on our first year of marriage.”
she had been one of the few people who’d managed to bring out a side of taehyung you never knew existed.
boyish. bratty. someone who actually bicker and whines about the littlest things and everything that was on the opposite spectrum the crisp, suit-wearing, slicked back hair, charming man you married. sometimes, when you go out to dinners or the little moments when you find yourselves alone while attending functions, you see glimpses of that playful, boyish side of him. the human side of him.
over time, you realize that that’s also part of what makes taehyung... well, taehyung. it’s just only recently that you start seeing more than glimpses of these sides behind closed doors.
the way his eyes widen is enough for you to know that you’ve hit the nail right on its head. if the incomprehensible stuttering isn’t, “that... i was... we didn’t-”
“i know,” you fix him a jesting smile, “you may be a certified charmer for the most part but you’re not a homewrecker, tae.”
lunch goes on with you talking about how your father and brother are thrilled to have you and taehyung over for your monthly dinner. to which the man was partly confused and partly shivered in his seat at the thought of sitting down at a table with two of your favorite men in the world no doubt shooting him daggers while you’re not watching - or pretend that you don’t notice.
“i can’t avoid father forever,” he laments, finally giving into his fate as you walk out the restaurant, “and i have a lot of owning up to do to your family.”
“as do i,” you hum in agreement once before murmuring a ‘thank you’ as he holds the car door open after tipping the valet.
it’s only five minutes into the ride, once the car rolls to a stop at a red light does he turn to you, “you know, you don’t have to... with mom, reconciliation is a two way thing and she...” you notice the way his grip tightens around the wheel, eyes darkening as he breathes in, grounding himself “- she even made you file for divorce.”
the papers she’d given you that day still lied in your drawer, hidden away from taehyung’s pyromaniac hands. you’d caught him almost setting them on fire when you he found it lying on the counter after he’d returned home. all because spent a good chunk of the afternoon staring at it before leaving it to take a hot bath, not realizing taehyung would be home any time soon. ever since then, he hadn’t been on speaking terms with mrs. kim. turned down offers for dinners and luncheons, as he had directly told her in front of you through a phone call, “...not until you apologize to ___ first.”
“tae, mother was hurt by our lies and i understand why, i can’t promise i’ll be as accepting if i found out the daughter-in-law i cherished so much didn’t marry my son for love like i thought they did,” you lightly pat his hand that’s on the gear but instead he captures your fingers between his and guide them to his lips as he traps you within those beautiful eyes.
“you’re too kind for your own good, you know that?” there they are again, hazel underneath the light. but clouded with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
but before you can even muster a word, his eyes are already focused on the road as the car propels itself forward. but he doesn’t let go of your hand. he keeps it twined with his between yours and the gear. almost as if he didn’t want to be apart from you if he could help it. and neither could did you as you rub tiny motions into the back of his hand.
in your defense, you’ve stolen a precious gem from her that no money or gold could ever replace. and no matter how much you cherish the bond that formed after hours spent on shopping, tea times and mother-daughter (in-law) vacations, you’re not kind enough to unwrap him from your little fingers.
a smile curls on your lips as you guide taehyung’s hand to yours, placing a kiss on his knuckles and watching as his own lips tuck at the corners.
you’ll just have to make it up to mother some other way.
note. if you enjoy this then please leave a comment either below or in my inbox! and check out the other members’ installments to the series filed under ‘verse’ on top!
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namjoon-koya · 4 years
Since we got a Todoroki having a little sister what about Dabi ?
I’m going to make this as fluff as I can because reading chapter 300 broke my hEart
Warnings: some spoilers? Angstish also the reader is young so you don’t know what happened in the Todoroki household.
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Him being the older sibling he’s the first one to hold you at the hospital. Tells himself that he’s going to be the best big brother to you and will protect you with any means necessary. Whenever he isn’t with Fuyumi and Natsuo he’s with you, usually you’ll be sleeping though since you’re still a baby.
You tend to make his days better he has a lot of emotions he’s holding back, but one giggle from you and he suddenly forgets what he feels (for a while at least) he gets upset that Enji doesn’t show you any affection at all (he’s not surprised, but he hates it) he tries giving you the attention you deserve since Enji doesn’t.
When you start learning how to walk he’ll take you to the park (with Fuyumi and Natsuo tagging along) you have your cute lil squeaky shoes with a fluffy sweater (when you pull the hood up little bear ears show from the top) if you want to go down the slides you’ll have to sit on their laps (because I’ve seen videos on what happens when kids go down the slide ALONE💀) because they KNOW if you get hurt or even a little scratched their mom is going to give them an earful on having to be careful.
Whenever it’s your bedtime he’ll read stories to you (which makes you fall asleep fast) it becomes a routine he does. Usually he’ll pick a story or you’ll pick which one you want him to read, once he knows your fully asleep he’ll leave the room.
It broke him to leave you alone when he faked his own death, he was hesitant to do it, but he couldn’t back down he had a plan and he intended to complete it in the near future. After that he didn’t come to check up on you he could only hope that Fuyumi or Natsuo filled in his role.
Since you were still a kid and didn’t understand much about death yet you’d always ask Fuyumi or Natsuo where Touya was, but they always gave you a sad pitiful look before trying to distract you with something else. Natsuo was always busy with college so Fuyumi mostly had to take care of you after Rei got hospitalized.
Todoroki spent somewhat time with you, but he ended up training most the time and at this point you were 7 years old already. You finally understood what death meant and what happened to Touya whenever you got home from school you’d grab a book from your shelf and read outside near Touya’s shrine. You always believed that Touya’s spirit was with you even if he was gone.
(Endeavor’s arc I guess)
Todoroki was surprised that Enji was starting to spend more time with you (he was sorta.. nervous with him around you so he made sure to keep an eye out) he tried being more at home and eating dinner together. Fuyumi would always pick you up after school, but not anymore it was endeavor who was picking you up now. (Everyone was intimidated seeing Endeavor hold your small hand in his as you both walked to the car)
Shoto finally brought you to see Rei you haven’t seen her since she got hospitalized. So when he opened the door and Rei saw you she smiled and tried not to cry you grew up so much “mom!” You shouted running into her arms she kissed the top of your head while holding you in her arms. (Shoto takes a picture and sends it to Fuyumi and Natsuo and yes Fuyumi started crying her eyes out)
One time you got sick and went to Endeavor’s hero agency (since Fuyumi couldn’t take a day off from teaching) and lord behold you met Hawks. You were kind of intimidated by him his wings made him seem more bigger. He was going to say hi to you, but you quickly hid behind Enji (which Enji laughed while Hawks pouted about it) since Hawks spent so much time around Enji though you started to trust him.
NOW let’s talk about when Midoriya and Bakugo came over Todoroki’s house to have dinner. They didn’t even know Todoroki had a younger sibling so when you opened the door to them they both stood there SHOCKED. “Nii-San!” You said happily to Shoto “I’m home Y/N is Fuyumi making dinner?” You nodded before going back inside. “Todoroki you didn’t tell us you had a younger sibling.” Midoriya said as he started taking off his shoes. “Sorry, nobody ever mentioned anything so I didn’t. That’s Y/N though she’s only 7 so Bakugo don’t say any cuss words.”
You didn’t really understand why dinner was so awkward Natsuo was upset at Enji, but half of the things he was saying you didn’t completely understand (since no one mentioned what happened in the household) you saw Natsuo get up angrily and leaves. You didn’t leave the table until dinner was over Enji took the Shoto, Bakugo and Midoriya back to school and you decided to go find Natsuo.
He looked upset not that he was crying, but you could tell he was angry. “Nii-San are you mad at dad?” Natsuo quickly snapped his direction up at you his eyes softening he took off his sweater and wrapped it around you “it’s cold Y/N you shouldn’t be out here.” “You’re alone out here, but are you mad at dad?” Natsuo didn’t know what to say. The three of them made a promise to never tell you what happened the last thing they wanted to do was hurt you with the past “we just.. had a little disagreement Y/N it’s okay.”
You gently wrap your arms around Natsuo “if you need to cry you can nii-san whenever I would miss Touya I would do the same.” Sigh.. Natsuo really appreciated that even if you didn’t understand the full context of the argument. “Let’s go inside Y/N it’s cold and you’ll end up getting a fever again-“ suddenly he heard something he quickly pushed you behind him protectively. It was too dark outside he couldn’t see where the noise was coming from! “Y/N!” that’s when he finally saw what was coming he shoved you aside making the Nomu grab him “Natsuo!” You shouted as you fell backwards onto your butt the thing took off flying with him.
Fuyumi quickly rushed outside when she heard you scream “Y/N!” “Natsuo! That thing took Natsuo!” You cried into her shoulder. When Natsuo was recused the first thing you did was jump into his arms while crying “Y/N I’m fine see? Dad.. saved me on time it’s okay.”
You get to met Eri at first you both are shy she hides behind Mirio and you hide behind Shoto. Slowly you both start getting used to each other to the point where you two were running around the school festival excitedly.
So when does Dabi finally see you again? You went to the park alone. At first Enji and Fuyumi were kind of iffy about you being alone, but you kept repeating how you were old enough to go alone (hAhA of course Enji is going to check up on you a couple of times though) the park isn’t completely vacant, but your a bit more alone since some of the kids were playing on the playground while you were on the swinging.
As you were swinging back and fourth you started to remember when Touya would bring you to the park and play with you until sundown. He’d carry you on his back and asked what was your favorite part of the playground. The swings were you favorite Touya would push you (of course though not too high) you stopped swinging as you continued to remember the things you’d do with Touya at the park. Even Fuyumi and Natsuo would join in playing together so much time has passed and now usually everyone was busy.
Natsuo was still busy with school, Fuyumi was a teacher and didn’t have time to play all the time, Shoto was staying at U.A, and Enji was often at the hero’s agency.. you couldn’t remember the last time someone read you a story. You sniffle lightly as you rubbed your eyes “what are you so upset about?” You heard a voice next to you say you quickly looked up and saw a young man with raven black hair and a piercings on his face “I’m not upset.” The man chuckled before sitting down next to the swing beside you “then why did I hear you sniffle?”
You sighed “I miss my older brother his name was Touya.” Dabi’s hand clenched a bit “I love my other siblings! They try to make time for me, but Touya was always there he always brought me to the park or just read me stories at times! He passed away, but I always tell myself maybe that’s he’s still here with us as a spirit.” Dabi wanted to comfort you, but there’s a reason why he had to completely cut off connections with his family he couldn’t ruin his plan. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, but better times are coming soon.” He said getting up you looked at him questionably “how do you know?” “I know Y/N.”
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Figuring it Out Together - Fred Weasley
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Title: Figuring it Out Together Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Warning: NSFW!! Male receiving oral, female receiving oral, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, some dom/sub elements but nothing too intense, begging, semi-public sex Summary: landing in detention with the person she hates most is the last thing Y/N ever wants to do. But of course, with Fred Weasley around nothing ever seems to work out the way Y/N thinks it will. A/N: this is for the anon who wanted an enemies to lovers smut with Fred! The summary is shit but what else is new lol. Thank you so much to @fandomscombine​ and the two anons who helped me develop this idea!! Requests are open and feedback is always appreciated! I’ve started a tag list, so send me a message or ask if you’d like to be added! Tags: @pandaxnienke​
“Oi, Weasley! Get your ass back here!” Y/N shouts, chasing behind Fred as he heads towards the Gryffindor locker room with his brother. Fred and George stop in the tracks and turn around at the same time, the exact same cheeky smile on their mouths.
“Y/N!” George greets as she approaches.
“To what do we owe this pleasure?” Fred asks.
“You!” Y/N growls, pointing at Fred.
As Y/N comes to stand in front of them they both can’t help but notice how angry she is. Her face is flushed red and her eyes are dark and narrowed. Thankful that her anger seems to be directed at Fred, George gives his brother a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before turning around and following the rest of the team into the locker room.
“Me?” Fred teases, pointing to himself. “I’ve done something to rile up Miss prim and proper Y/N? Give me a moment, I need to bask in the glory.” Fred closes his eyes, tilts his head back and opens his arms as if the heavens have opened up and sunlight is gleaming down on him.
All this does is infuriate Y/N further, and when she finally gets close enough she shoves Fred as hard as she can. He doesn’t really move much, but it shocks him, and that’s enough for her. “What’s your problem you fucking prick? Why did you do that?”
“You’re going to have to elaborate, darling,” Fred responds casually, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s a lot of things I’ve done in my life to classify me as a prick, so I’m going to need more details.”
“You broke his arm,” Y/N clarifies, gesturing towards the Quidditch pitch.
Fred rolls his eyes. “Your brother has suffered far worse injuries during a game, Y/N. Madam Pomfrey will have him fixed up in no time. No need for all the dramatics.”
Fred’s casual attitude does nothing but make Y/N angrier, and she shoves him again. “Most of them due to you no doubt! You knew how important this game was and yet you still had to go out of your way to be a complete asshat!”
Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have just finished a grueling match, and Fred spent most of it hitting bludgers at Y/N’s older brother Matthew like they were the only two people on the pitch. While Y/N normally would be loving the opportunity to rub in her house’s win, Y/N had been praying for Ravenclaw to win this particular match. It’s been Matthew’s dream to be a professional Quidditch player since he was a little kid, and this match was his opportunity to make that a reality. Scouts from a few different professional teams were in attendance, and the Ravenclaw team has spent weeks fitting in extra practices to give them the upper advantage on Gryffindor.
Even Y/N was positive that they would take the win, until Fred made it his personal agenda to ensure Matthew never scored a goal. Y/N’s brother had spent most of the game whizzing around the field avoiding Fred, and he failed to score a single goal. And the icing on the cake was that 20 minutes before Harry caught the snitch Fred hit a bludger so hard that Matthew couldn’t avoid it, and it came into direct contact with his arm – shattering quite a few of the bones in it.
Fred huffs. “What did you want me to do? Throw the game so your stupid brother could show off to all of those recruiters? Me hitting bludgers at him so he doesn’t score is kinda the whole point of the game, Y/N.”
“Don’t try and act like I’m the one in the wrong here, Fred!” Y/N shouts, gathering the attention of some of the students heading back towards the castle. “You were focusing a bit too hard on Matthew and you know it! There was six other Ravenclaw players on the pitch, did you think about trying to hit some bludgers towards them?”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N,” Fred spits, returning her anger. “It’s a fucking game, get over it. Why do you always have to be such a bitch? You suck the fun out of everything.”
Y/N is seething with anger, and just as she starts to pull her hand back to slap Fred across the face, Professor McGonagall is stepping in between them.
“What on God’s green earth do you two think you’re doing?” McGonagall asks, looking between the two of them. “Mr. Weasley, Ms. Y/L/N. Detention, all next week and I’ll have 50 points from each of you. Now I suggest you two go find something else to do before I make it a month.”
Y/N flips Fred off as McGonagall walks away before she’s turning on her heel and stomping back up to the castle.
“Will you sit down, your pacing is making me dizzy,” Matthew groans, putting his head in his hand.
“Sorry,” Y/N apologizes, giving her brother a sheepish smile. She takes a seat on the edge of his bed, trying not to jostle Matthew too much. Madam Pomfrey had been able to heal his arm quickly, but some of the potions she’d given him left him quite dizzy, so he’s still resting in the Hospital Wing.
“Fred is a prick, Y/N. You didn’t have to confront him,” Matthew says, looking up at Y/N. “Although I really wish you would have slapped him.”
“If McGonagall had only showed up a few seconds later,” Y/N laughs. “I’ve never had the urge to hit someone before but there’s just something about his stupid face that makes me so mad. You’ve been working so hard for this match and then he called me a bitch,” Y/N sighs and runs a hand through her hair. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t feel bad, and besides, this is a moment we should be celebrating.” When Y/N gives Matthew a confused look he laughs. “Your first detention! I’m so proud of you,” he says wistfully, pretending to wipe away a tear.
“Oh shove it,” Y/N says with a giggle. “I’m going to be stuck in a room every night for the next week with Fred doing whatever McGonagall wants, sounds lovely,” she adds sarcastically with an eyeroll.
“To be fair most girls would kill to be in your position,” Matthew points out with a laugh. “Locked in a room for hours on end with Fred Weasley. That’s like a girl’s wet dream come to life.” When Y/N grimaces at the thought Matthew gives her a look. “Every girl except for you apparently. Why do you even hate Fred so much?”
Y/N gives Matthew a look of surprise. “You can’t be serious?” When Matthew continues to look at her dumbfounded she scoffs. “You were at this school for two years before I was and all I heard when you were home on break was how much of an annoying prat Fred is. I mean I tried not to hate Fred just because you did when I got sorted into Gryffindor and he was pretty okay at first. But one day he just started being a dick to me and I realized you were right.”
“Probably because you’re my sister. I’m always on his case about pulling pranks or messing around in class, he probably figured you’d be the same way,” Matthew reasons.
Y/N shrugs. “Well he’s a bag of dicks anyway, so I’m not too bothered by it.”
Monday evening comes far too quickly for Y/N’s liking, and after dinner she trots off to the trophy room, Fred begrudgingly following behind. McGonagall is already waiting for them, and she directs them to sit on the couch in front of her. Y/N takes a seat and practically hugs the arm rest so she’s sitting as far away from Fred as possible.
“The behavior you two exhibited on Saturday was unacceptable and downright barbaric,” McGonagall scolds, her tone sharp. “You’ll be spending the week making sure every one of the trophies in this room shines like it’s brand new.” Y/N looks around at the vast amount of trophies in the room as McGonagall hands them each a rag. “This should give you plenty of time to not only think about your actions, but to resolve whatever animosity exists between the two of you.” She gives them each a stern look before heading towards the door. “I’ll be back to check on you both.”
Y/N groans as McGonagall shuts the door behind her and she hoists herself off of the couch towards the mantle, needing to put some space between her and Fred. McGonagall may want them to sort out their issues, but Y/N wants nothing to do with Fred, and she still has some lingering anger from their fight on Saturday so she’s sure all it would do is end in another detention. Y/N grabs a random trophy and starts scrubbing at it, keeping her back towards Fred.
“This is such bullshit,” Fred mutters to himself after a few minutes of working in silence. Y/N can feel his glare and her shoulders tense up, but she doesn’t say anything or turn around. “This is all your fault you know,” Fred continues a few moments later when Y/N continues to ignore him.
Y/N places the trophy she’d been working on back and picks up another one, determined not to give Fred a reaction. Clearly he’s trying to instigate her into getting into more trouble and while Fred may be used to serving detention Y/N plans on making this week her one and only stint. Y/N finally relaxes after a few minutes of silence, when Fred starts to hum some random song rather loudly and out of tune.
“Un-fucking-believable,” Y/N mutters to herself as she starts to work on another trophy. “Shut up!” Y/N demands, slamming the trophy she’d been working on down. As much as she wants to just ignore Fred, she also wants to keep her sanity.
“No,” Fred responds dully before he continues humming.
Y/N turns around to glare at Fred, and the sweet smile on his face only annoys her further. “Can you not be an asshole? For like, once in your life. Let’s just get through this week and then we can continue to hate each other from afar.”
Fred places the plaque he’d been working on down and leans back on the sofa, crossing his arms. “Why should I make this easy on you? You’re the one that got me into this mess.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right. You totally didn’t shout back at me or call me any names. You just stood there and let me yell at you,” Y/N responds with an eyeroll.
Fred narrows his eyes. “You started it,” he fires back. “I was on my way back to the locker room when you ran up to me and started shouting. And don’t forget you shoved me a few times. I only shouted back because I was tired of listening to your stupid voice.”
“Oh please, you barely moved when I shoved you. You’re acting like I broke your arm or something. Oh wait, that was you,” Y/N reminds him harshly. “You broke my brother’s arm during the most important Quidditch game of his life!”
Fred stands up and takes a step towards Y/N, his fists clenched. “You’re still on that? It’s a game Y/N! I wasn’t trying to break his arm, it just happened! You’re being such a fucking cry baby over nothing!”
“I’m not being a cry baby!” Y/N insist, taking a step towards Fred.
“Oh you’re right my mistake,” Fred spits. “You’re being a fucking bitch!”
Y/N brings her hand out to slap Fred, but his hand wraps around her wrist tightly. Before she has a chance to try and struggle against his grip Fred is pulling Y/N into his chest and kissing her hard. Y/N kisses him back with enthusiasm and moans into Fred’s mouth as his hands land on her bum and give it a tight squeeze.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad,” Fred growls as he starts to bite and suck at Y/N’s neck. “You’re annoying as hell too,” he reminds as his hands shove up her shirt. “But so fucking hot.”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” Y/N demands, bringing their lips together again. Fred may be an annoying git, but even Y/N has to admit that he’s attractive and being with Fred will definitely make detention more interesting. “You have too many clothes on,” Y/N pants as they break apart, her hands starting to loosen Fred’s tie.
“I could say the same to you, princess,” Fred says, smirking when a shiver runs down Y/N’s spine. Normally the nickname would make her blood boil, but in this context it makes her pussy throb.
Y/N tosses Fred’s tie away as his fingers start to make quick work of her button down. “Why are these uniforms so fucking hard to take off,” Y/N groans as she starts to work at Fred’s shirt as well.
“That desperate for me already, Y/N?” Fred teases as he pushes her shirt off of her shoulders. He leans down to suck a mark onto the top of her breast as his hands move around her back to unhook her bra.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Weasley,” Y/N chides as she takes Fred’s shirt off. Her bra finally hits the ground, and Y/N lets out a whine as Fred’s mouth starts licking and sucking at her nipples. “You kissed me first, remember.”
“Only because I wanted you to shut the fuck up.” Fred steps back and sits on the couch, pulling Y/N down onto his lap. She straddles his waist and they both moan as she grinds down against him. Fred’s hands start to massage Y/N’s breasts and his thumbs start to roughly rub her nipples, causing her to let out a breathy moan. “That’s right, princess. Keep making those noises for me.”
Y/N bites her lip and rocks down against Fred again, determined to keep every noise that bubbles up her throat down. This seems to only spur Fred on, and his head dips down to take one of her nipples in his mouth, his tongue flicking the sensitive bud as his other hand continues rubbing the other. “Fuck, Fred,” Y/N moans, unable to keep it in any longer.
“Love the way you moan my name,” Fred praises, rocking his hips up into Y/N. He’s painfully hard in his trousers and he’s desperate for some friction. “Although I think there’s something even better for your mouth to do, princess.”
Y/N is dripping wet in her panties, and she hates to admit that the thought of sucking Fred’s cock sends a tingle right through her core. “Gonna have to ask me for it, Fred,” she teases, sinking to her knees in front of him.
Fred kicks his shoes off as Y/N undoes his belt and starts to work at the button of his trousers. “Look at you, you’re practically drooling,” Fred taunts playfully. “Give it another few seconds and you’ll be begging me to put my cock in your mouth.”
“You sure about that?” Y/N asks, looking up at Fred. She pulls his trousers and boxers down to his thighs in one go, and Y/N has to bite her tongue to keep from moaning as his cock springs out and slaps against his stomach. Fred exudes big dick energy, and Y/N’s pussy throbs as her hand wraps around him, pleasantly surprised that his size matches his personality.
Fred throws his head back and groans as Y/N starts to slowly stroke him. “Just fucking suck it already,” Fred demands. “You know you want it, slut.”  
“Thought I was your princess?” Y/N teases  as she leans forward, her tongue coming out to kitten lick at his sensitive head.
“Only good girls get to be called princess,” Fred moans, his hand fisting in her hair. “Bad girls who don’t do what I tell them get called slut.” Fred tugs on Y/N’s hair, and he smirks at the moan she lets out. “So you better get sucking if you wanna be my princess.”
Y/N presses her thighs together to try and get some relief on her clit as she decides what to do next. She desperately wants to suck Fred off, but a part of her wants to hold off for a bit and push him to beg her instead. But as Y/N strokes Fred, a bead of precum bubbles up on the tip of his cock, and it makes her mouth water.
“That’s it, princess,” Fred moans as Y/N finally takes him into her mouth and swallows him down. He watches as his length disappears into Y/N’s mouth, his hips twitching as he hits the back of her throat. “Fuck your mouth feels amazing. Gonna have to shove my cock into it every time you get mouthy with me.”
Y/N hums around Fred, her hand starting to work at the part of his cock she can’t fit in her mouth. She pulls her head back so her tongue can twist around the tip, Fred’s moans and pants only encouraging her further. Y/N bobs her head down, gagging as Fred hits the back of her throat. She starts to pull back, but Fred’s hips surge forward, fucking his cock back into her throat and making her gag again.
“Did I say you could fuck my throat?” Y/N scolds as she pulls off. Fred’s hips lift up again to chase her mouth, and she wraps her hand around his cock.
“Sorry princess,” Fred apologizes smugly. “You sound so good gagging around my cock I couldn’t help it.” Fred uses the grip he has on Y/N’s hair to bring her mouth back towards his crotch. “Just keep sucking, I won’t do it again.”
“I don’t really want to anymore,” Y/N teases. Her thumb swipes over the tip of Fred’s cock with every upstroke, causing his hips to jerk. “Gonna have to beg me for it, Fred.”
Fred groans. “Such a fucking tease, Y/N. Fine don’t suck my cock,” Fred says flatly, trying to bait her into taking him back down her throat. “Your hand feels just as good,” he groans.
Y/N narrows her eyes at Fred and pulls her hand away. “You wanna come from a hand? Then you can get yourself off.” She stands up then and kicks off her shoes before slowly shimmying out of her school skirt and panties. Y/N then lays back on the floor with her feet flat, knees bent and open so Fred can see her dripping core. She props herself up on one elbow and looks Fred dead in the eyes as her other hand starts to wander down to her pussy. “You can use your hand, and I’ll use mine.”
Fred watches in rapt awe as Y/N starts to slowly rub her clit, small moans falling from her lips. His cock twitches and he resists the urge to wrap his hand around himself. “Look how fucking wet you are, princess. All of that, just for me?” Fred bites his lip as Y/N starts to tease her entrance with her finger. “How about you come on my cock instead?”
Y/N whines as she sinks a finger into her heat, her attention completely focused on Fred. She watches as he stands up and gets rid of the rest of his clothes, her pussy throbbing at how wet his cock is still from her saliva. When Fred settles on his knees between her legs, Y/N reluctantly stops her movements on her core and places one hand on Fred’s chest while the other wraps around his cock.
“You wanna fuck me, Fred?” When Fred nods and goes to move forward, Y/N shoves him back. “Gonna have to beg me for it.”
“Stop fucking around, Y/N,” Fred complains. “You’re desperate for my cock and you know it.”
Y/N’s walls clench around nothing and her hips buck as if they’re searching for something to fill her. “Beg me for my pussy, Fred,” Y/N demands. “Beg me, and I’ll let you fuck me.”
“Let me fuck you, princess, please,” he begs. “Wanna ruin you with my cock, stretch that pretty little pussy out.”
Y/N is desperate for release at this point, and Fred begging for her only makes it worse. She immediately lets go of him and grabs his face, pulling him down for a messy kiss. As soon as he’s free to move Fred inches forward and slams into Y/N, both of them moaning as he buries himself in her completely.
“Fucking hell, Fred,” Y/N moans. Fred starts to fuck into her quickly, hitching one of her legs over his shoulder so he can move deeper inside of her. “Oh my fucking god right there,” Y/N pants as his cock starts to drag against her g-spot on each thrust. “You fill me up so good, Fred, fuck. Such a big cock, fucking me so well.” Fred starts to rub her clit, and her walls clench around him.
“You’re so fucking tight, Y/N,” Fred compliments. “Can feel your walls stretching for me, like they were made to take my cock.” Fred lands a particularly hard thrust and he’s rewarded with the hottest moan he’s ever heard. “Bet I’m the biggest you’ve ever taken. Aren’t I, princess?”
“Oh fuck, Fred,” Y/N gasps, her orgasm suddenly hitting her. She can feel her walls tightening and spasming around Fred, and her legs start to shake as pleasure washes over her. “Come inside me Fred please,” Y/N begs as she pulls their mouths together.
Fred’s hips still as he releases inside Y/N, his hips just slowly rolling to help him through his orgasm. He kisses Y/N slow as they both come down and once his cock stops twitching Fred slowly pulls out of Y/N and sits back on his shins. They both just sit their basking in the pleasure that’s still coursing through their veins, when footsteps start to approach the door.
“Shit, shit, fucking shit, that must be McGonagall,” Y/N panics, scrambling to find her clothes.
Fred grabs his wand and casts a spell at the door to keep it from opening. “Quick, get dressed. That’ll only stop her for a few minutes.”
They both get dressed hurriedly, and Y/N has just barely grabbed her rag and started to scrub at a random trophy when the door bursts open.
“Bloody old doors,” McGonagall mutters as she steps inside. She eyes both Fred and Y/N quizzically and Y/N holds her breath, waiting to be told off. “And how are things?” she asks.
Y/N breathes a sigh of relief. “Going well, professor.”
Fred nods in agreement. “We’ve been hard at work. Merlin’s honor,” Fred adds.
“Very well then. I shall see you both tomorrow after dinner.” McGonagall steps out of the way, and both Y/N and Fred practically throw down the things in their hands as they rush to leave the room.
They walk back to the common room side by side, neither of them really sure what to say. Fred says the password as they reach the Fat Lady, and he lets Y/N go in first. Before Y/N has a chance to say anything to Fred he’s heading to join George on one of the couches, and Hermione is calling Y/N over.
“How was detention?” Hermione asks as Y/N reaches the table she’s sat at.
Y/N shrugs, trying to keep from blushing. “It was fine. Pretty boring actually.”
“Only four more days,” Hermione says with a laugh. “I’m working on that Charms essay if you wanna join me.”
“Yeah, totally. I’m just gonna go upstairs and grab a quick shower first and then grab my stuff.” Y/N can feel Fred’s release dripping out of her and into her panties, and she’ll never be able to focus on her homework if she doesn’t get cleaned up first.
“See you in a bit then.”
Y/N gives Hermione a smile before she turns on her heel and starts to head towards the staircase. Her legs are still a little shaky, and as she takes the first few steps up she stumbles a bit. Y/N looks back to see if anyone noticed, only to be met with Fred’s eyes. He gives her a sly wink, and she flips him off before disappearing up the stairs.
“So detention with Weasley was okay?” Matthew asks Y/N the next morning at breakfast.
They’re sitting together at the Ravenclaw table as always, and Y/N is thankful for the space it gives her from Fred. Last night was the best sex Y/N has ever had, and the fact that it was with someone she has hated for years has done nothing but confuse her further. She still hates Fred without a shadow of a doubt, but Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t want it to happen again.
“Yeah, it was pretty chill. McGonagall had us scrubbing trophies and stuff in the trophy room for hours which was mind numbing but, other than that it was uneventful,” Y/N lies. Telling her brother about her sex life is low on the list of things Y/N wants to do under normal circumstances, and it’s even lower when her partner is someone her brother considers an enemy.
“A bit of hard labor never hurt,” Matthew jokes, causing Y/N to choke on her orange juice.
“Yeah right. Hard labor,” Y/N tries to joke back once her coughs have died down. If only he knew the kind of hard labor we got up to Y/N thinks to herself as her eyes wander over towards the Gryffindor table. Her eyes meet Fred’s and she has to look away to avoid blushing.
“Hello, earth to Fred,” George calls, waving his hand in front of Fred’s face.
Fred drags his gaze away from Y/N so he can look at his brother. “Sorry, what did you say?”
George chuckles and looks over his shoulder to see what had Fred so occupied. “Ah, Y/N,” he drawls, looking back at Fred. “You were pretty quiet after you got back from detention. Did something happen?”
“No, not at all,” Fred lies, hoping his cheeks don’t start to heat up. Much like Y/N, Fred is completely confused about their encounter. He’s loathed both Y/N and her brother for as long as he can remember, but less than 12 hours ago they were having some of the best sex Fred has ever had and he’s already thinking about what they might get up to when they’re alone tonight.
“I was kinda surprised you came back in one piece,” Ron adds with a laugh. Fred throws his spoon at Ron, and the younger boy dodges it. “No need to be so rude. You two have hated each other for years and she looked ready to beat your ass on Saturday. I figured she’d take the opportunity to do it when you were alone.”
“Why do you two hate each other so much?” Hermione asks from Ron’s side. “It seems like you’ve been at each other’s throats since our first year.”
“I hate her because Y/N is an uppity asshole like her brother. Matthew is always getting me and George in trouble and Y/N does the same,” Fred explains. “Your first year, George was serving a detention with Snape and I set up what was going to be our best revenge prank yet. I went all out, it took weeks of planning.  Except it never went off. Someone ratted on me and McGonagall intervened. I got in probably the worst trouble I’ve ever been in, Mum sent Howlers for days afterwards. I was in detention for months.”
“I remember that! Mum was still pissed at Christmas,” Ron says.
Hermione knits her eyebrows together. “I remember that too. But what does that have to do with Y/N?”
Fred sighs. “When I was leaving the prank to wait for George so we could set it off, Y/N passed me in the hallway. It had to be her who ratted me out just like her brown-nosing brother.”
“But it couldn’t have been Y/N. I spent most of the afternoon with her in the library working on a Herbology assignment. Ron and Harry were there too,” Hermione explains, and both Ron and Harry nod in agreement. “She must have passed you on the way into the library. By the time we left the library you were already in trouble, there’s no way she could have gone to see McGonagall between the time she passed you and when she got to the library.”
“Bet you it was Malfoy,” Harry adds. “He was leaving the library as Y/N entered, remember? He shoved her into the door jamb as they passed by each other.”
“Hold on, hold on, hold on,” Fred interrupts, his tone dripping with confusion. “You mean to tell me that I’ve spent the past 5 years hating Y/N for something she didn’t even do?”
Hermione nods. “Seems that way.”
Fred groans and stands up. “I’ll see you guys later.”
Fred heads out of the Great Hall and towards class, feeling even more confused than he had before.
“You plan on ignoring me all night, princess?” Fred says quietly, coming up behind Y/N. McGonagall has just barely shut the door behind her to leave them be and Fred doesn’t want to waste any time. He’s decided in the time it’s been since breakfast that he really isn’t sure how he truly feels about Y/N and having sex with her seems to be the best way for him to figure it out. He’d been trying to catch her attention all day, but Y/N barely even glanced at him.
“How the hell do you move so quietly?” Y/N asks, toying with the rag in her hands. Truthfully Y/N had planned on ignoring Fred. She spent most of the day trying to decide what to do about this murky new relationship they’ve gotten themselves in, and finally settled on letting Fred take the next step. Y/N is prideful above anything else, and she’d rather streak through the hallways naked than come on to Fred when he only saw their sex as a one-time thing.
Fred presses a kiss to the side of Y/N’s neck, smiling into the skin when she shivers. “You didn’t answer my question, princess.”
“You that desperate for me already, Fred?” Y/N teases, turning around to look at him.
“No,” Fred responds slowly, his gaze flicking to Y/N’s lips for a moment. “But I know you enjoyed last night, as did I. So I don’t see why we can’t do it again.”
“Maybe because we’re supposed to be shining these stupid trophies, not having sex. We barely did any work last night and I have a feeling McGonagall will notice when everything looks the same again,” Y/N responds in lieu of actually responding to Fred’s preposition.
“I can take care of that,” Fred insists. He takes his wand out of his back pocket and casts a spell which makes several of the trophies around them shine like diamonds. “There. Now McGonagall will have no idea what we were really getting up to in here.”
Y/N drops her rag and turns around, her arms winding around Fred’s neck as his wrap around her waist. She bites her lip, unable to stop her eyes from traveling down to Fred’s mouth. “This doesn’t change anything between us,” Y/N says softly, looking into Fred’s eyes. “Outside of this room I still hate you and you still hate me. Got it?”
“Of course, princess,” Fred confirms. Once Y/N relaxes in his embrace Fred wastes no time and presses their lips together, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth.
Y/N moans into the kiss, one of her hands trailing down Fred’s torso to his hardening erection. She palms him lightly, smirking when his knees quiver. “So hard for me already, Freddie? You miss being buried in my pussy that much?”
Fred starts to trail kisses down Y/N’s neck, one of his hands inching up her skirt. He pushes the fabric aside as he sucks a mark into her skin, and let’s two of his fingers rub through her wet folds. “You’re one to talk,” Fred teases as Y/N gasps. “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re dripping wet. Been thinking about my cock, princess?”
“Fred,” Y/N whines as he sinks a finger into her heat. She clenches around him, her hand starting to palm him harder.
Fred pulls his hand out of her panties and kisses away Y/N’s pout. “Your mouth felt so good on me yesterday, princess,” Fred starts, leading them over to the couch. “And tonight, I’m gonna use my mouth on you to say thank you.”
Y/N shivers as Fred pushes her back onto the couch, her arousal growing even more. His voice is deep and slow, the complete opposite to how it was last night. Yesterday they had both teased each other, but it’s clear by Fred’s actions so far that he’s in no mood to play the same games again.
“How generous,” Y/N teases, watching as Fred starts to unbutton his shirt.
“If you want me to tease I can tease,” Fred muses, dropping his shirt on the ground next to his tie. “Or you can get naked and I’ll eat that pretty pussy of yours until you’re begging me to let you cum.”
Y/N immediately kicks off her shoes and wiggles out of her skirt and panties, letting them drop to the floor. “Please eat me out, Fred,” she pleads as her hands start to work at the buttons of her shirt.
Fred kicks Y/N’s discarded clothes out of the way and drops to his knees, grabbing a thigh in each hand. He pulls her legs apart and settles in between them before pressing kisses up her thigh and towards her heat. “How can I say no when you ask so nicely, princess?” Fred stops to suck a mark on the inside of her thigh, only an inch or two away from where Y/N needs him most. “Bet you taste so good, princess.”
“Put your mouth on me and you’ll find out,” Y/N pants, fisting a hand in Fred’s hair.
Fred looks up at Y/N, his mouth running dry and how beautiful she looks. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and her school shirt lays open, the tops of her breasts spilling out over the cups of her bra. Fred can still make out some of the marks he left on them yesterday as her chest heaves with deep breaths. Y/N’s stomach is quivering and Fred dips down and licks a long strip from the bottom of her pussy to the top to keep himself from blurting out just how beautiful he finds her.
Y/N moans as Fred’s tongue starts to flick at her clit, tugging his hair slightly. Fred’s fingers are digging into her thighs and it only turns her on more. “More, Fred, please.”
Fred’s tongue travels down from Y/N’s clit to her dripping entrance, slowly sliding into her as he collects her juices. He moans at her taste, letting his tongue fuck in and out of Y/N’s pussy. “Knew you’d taste good,” Fred praises. He sucks Y/N’s clit into his mouth and takes one of his hands off her thigh so he can sink his index finger into her.
“Freddie,” Y/N whines, bearing her hips down onto his finger. He curls it inside of her, and Y/N clenches around it. “Wanna come, please,” Y/N begs.
Fred nibbles lightly on her clit, teasing a second finger around her entrance. “Gonna have to come from just one finger, princess. Want my cock to stretch you out.” Y/N lets out a loud moan at that, and Fred smiles as he presses a wet kiss to her clit. “You like that idea, princess? My cock splitting you open?”
“Fuck me now, Fred,” Y/N demands, tugging on his hair again. “Wanna come around your cock.”
Fred licks up Y/N’s core one last time before he pulls away and starts to work on taking the rest of his clothes off. “Fuck, Y/N. You can’t say shit like that to me and not expect me to bury my cock in you every chance I get.” Fred stands up to get rid of his bottoms, watching as Y/N tosses her shirt aside and takes off her bra. “Don’t think I told you how incredible your tits are yesterday, Y/N. They’re so soft and round and perfect,” he groans.
Y/N flushes under Fred’s praise and climbs onto his lap when he sits down next to her. She presses their lips together and kisses him messily, one of her hands gripping his shoulder while the other reaches around to grip the base of his cock. “Gonna make me do all the work, Weasley? Typical man,” she teases, letting the tip of his cock tease her entrance.
Fred’s hands land on Y/N’s hips and he smirks as their lips connect once again. When Y/N teases her entrance again, Fred jerks his hips up and slams her down at the same time, shoving his cock all the way into Y/N. “What was that, princess? About me doing all the work?”
Y/N gasps as Fred enters her, her walls twitching around him. “So fucking big, Fred, holy hell. Feels like it’s splitting me in two. Feels so good.”
Fred hums and kisses Y/N again as she starts to bounce on him, his hips meeting her thrusts. “Riding me so good, princess,” he groans. “You feel amazing around me. Always so tight for me.” One of Fred’s hands travels to Y/N’s core and starts to lightly rub her clit while the other starts to pinch and toy with her nipple. He leans forward and presses his lips to her neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin.
“Not where people can see,” Y/N warns, tipping her head back to give Fred more room to kiss. She leans back to brace a hand on Fred’s thigh, whining at the new angle. The tip of Fred’s cock rubs her g-spot with each movement, and Y/N can feel her orgasm building.
“But that’s half the fun,” Fred pouts, examining the few bruises he’s left on her neck. “Want everyone to know who this pussy belongs too.”
Y/N moans as Fred’s head dips down and takes one of her nipples into his mouth. “So this pussy belongs to you?” Y/N stutters, her eyes fluttering closed as Fred nibbles on her nipple and starts to rub her clit faster.
“Does it not?” Fred asks, fucking his hips up into Y/N harder. “Or is there someone else that makes you feel this good?”
“Fred,” Y/N moans as he pinches her clit and nipple at the same time, her orgasm taking over her suddenly.
“Fucking hell,” Fred moans as Y/N tightens around him and collapses into his chest. He grips her hips and moves her on his cock as he chases his own release. “How the fuck are you even tighter?” He groans as Y/N clenches around him again, and he brings her down on him one last time before his cock starts to twitch and he releases inside of her.
Fred starts to rub Y/N’s back as they both come down, whining as she shifts on his softening cock. “So good for me, princess,” he praises, pressing a few kisses to the side of Y/N’s face.
Y/N pulls away from Fred slightly so she can kiss him. Their lips move together softly and Y/N whines into it when Fred lifts her off of his cock. “Feel so empty without you,” she admits sheepishly, her cheeks heating up.
Fred chuckles and starts to trace shapes into her sweaty skin. “Trust me, love. If McGonagall wasn’t due to barge through that door any minute now we’d be getting ready for round 2.”
By the time Friday rolls around Y/N is more confused than ever. Every time her and Fred go their separate ways after detention leaves her with an empty feeling in her chest and she’s not quite sure what to make of it. It doesn’t help that Fred has started being nice to her outside of their detentions too.
Instead of his usual hard glares she finds him looking at her softly during meals and he greets her every time their paths cross instead of ignoring her as per usual. Their housemates are starting to notice Fred’s change in behavior as well. One morning he lets her have the last piece of bacon on the platter, and Hermione gives her a questioning look. When she’s doing homework in the common room with Harry and her ink runs out, Fred pulls a new bottle out of his bag and immediately hands it over to her, causing Harry’s jaw to practically drop. It’s almost as if they’re friends now, and it only complicates things in Y/N’s head further.
Y/N has found herself actually enjoying Fred’s tenderness, and she doesn’t quite know what that means. Tonight is the last night they’ll have to spend together, and Y/N is both scared and curious about what that means for their relationship. She spares a glance at Fred from down the table as Hermione chatters on about something, and she looks away quickly when his eyes meet hers.
“Last detention, what are you gonna do once you’re a free man?” George asks, pulling Fred’s attention back to him. When all his brother does is shrug, George frowns. “What the hell has gotten into you? You’ve been acting weird all week and now you almost seem, sad that your detention is over with.”
Fred bites his lip, pushing his food around on his plate with his fork. “Just been thinking about stuff.” Fred has gotten himself in a major problem, and he’s been trying to figure out how to get himself out of it all week. After his second time with Y/N things became clearer to Fred, he certainly doesn’t hate Y/N anymore, and he’s found himself developing feelings for her. He wouldn’t say he’s in love, but he’d be lying if he said he can’t see himself falling in love with Y/N.
He’s been paying more attention to her since his revelation that his deep-rooted hate was based in a misunderstanding, and he’s noticed so many things about her that he finds so endearing. It certainly doesn’t help that he’s had her moaning and writhing underneath him every day this week and every time she moans his name his heart swells.
“This about Y/N?” George asks carefully, not wanting to push Fred too much. Being a twin has its advantages, and while he can’t say he knows what’s going on in Fred’s head he can tell something is off with him and it’s not too hard to guess why.
“I don’t hate her anymore,” Fred admits quietly. “And it’s not like I’m in love with her or anything, but I think I could be. Someday. If she would let me.” Fred sighs and looks at George. “But I’m pretty sure she still hates my guts, I mean how could she not? I’ve been a dick to her for years and it’s stupid of me to think that a few nights of sex can change that.”
George chokes on his pumpkin juice. “You two have been screwing?”
“Shh, shh,” Fred says quickly, looking around to make sure no one overheard. “Keep your voice down, I don’t need the whole school knowing. Especially Y/N’s brother.”
“I thought you two were just making out or something,” George continues quietly. “Now I know why you’re so happy when you get back from detention every night.” George wiggles his eyebrows at Fred, and Fred rolls his eyes in response.
“We agreed that we wouldn’t continue hooking up after our detention was up and things are going to go right back to how they were before it started,” Fred pauses to swallow the lump in his throat. “But I don’t feel the same way about her as I did before and I don’t know if I can start pretending to hate her.”
George gives Fred a sad smile and ruffles his hair. “I wish I could help you, Freddie.”
“Yeah. Me too.” Fred watches as Y/N stands up to head to detention, and he slowly follows her lead trying not to pay too much attention to how her hips sway.
“I guess this is it,” Y/N says quietly, trying to not let the sadness she feels creep into her chest. Fred has just finished fucking her into the carpet and she’s cuddled into his side as they catch their breath. In a few minutes McGonagall will be back, and whatever this is between her and Fred will be over.
“Guess so,” Fred responds, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. His chest is already aching, and they haven’t even parted ways yet.
Y/N tilts her head up and catches Fred’s mouth in one final kiss. “It was nice, to not be your enemy for a bit.”
“Let’s not go back to being enemies then,” Fred says carefully. When Y/N looks up at him worriedly Fred musters up what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “Friends?”
Y/N nods, trying to figure out why Fred’s offer of friendship simultaneously makes her happy and sad. “Sure, friends.”
They part and get dresses quietly, barely even able to look at each other. When McGonagall finally pushes through the door their standing at opposite ends of the room, and the awkwardness in the air is evident.
“I hope you two learned your lesson,” McGonagall says quietly before watching the two of them scurry away, their heads hanging low.
Despite the fact that she and Fred had agreed to be friends, Y/N can’t help but notice that he’s ignoring her. It’s been a little over a week since their last detention, and Fred hasn’t even said two words to Y/N. He’s barely even looked at her. His sudden disappearance from her life has left her both sad and angry, and she’s started to realize that maybe it’s because she really wanted to be more than friends with Fred. She thought maybe he had wanted that too, but with his sudden cool attitude, Y/N isn’t going to be the one searching him out to get to the bottom of it.
“Okay, you’re like, the best sister ever,” Matthew greets as she comes to sit next to him at the Ravenclaw table. It’s fairly early on a Saturday morning, so the Great Hall is still pretty empty.
“I mean I know that,” Y/N says with a laugh as she sits down next to him. “But do you wanna explain why you’re suddenly realizing it too?”
Matthew rolls his eyes and waves around the letter in his hand. “I got this in the mail today, no need to be so coy.”
“What is it?” Y/N grabs the letter from him and scans over it briefly. “One of the teams is going to send another scout to your next game. That’s amazing!”
Matthew frowns at her. “You mean you didn’t write to them?” When Y/N shakes her head, his frown turns into a look of confusion. “The letter says someone at school wrote to them and asked them to reconsider drafting me and that I’m a better player than I demonstrated.”
“Must have been someone on the team,” Y/N muses, taking a sip of orange juice.
“That’s what I thought, but look at the team they sent the letter to,” Matthew insists, tossing the envelope to Y/N.
She looks at it closely, noticing the team emblem embossed into the parchment. “That’s your favorite team,” Y/N points out.
“That’s why I figured it was you. You’re the only one that knows they’re my favorite, and it’s kinda weird that out of the six or seven teams that sent scouts this person would send a letter to the one team I’ve always wanted to play for.”
Y/N’s jaw drop as a conversation she’d had with Fred one night as they laid next to each other to recover. She offhandedly mentioned how sad Matthew had been after receiving a rejection letter from his favorite team. She thought nothing of it at the time when Fred asked her which team it was, but it all makes sense now.
“I think I know who sent that letter. I’ll be back.”
Y/N heads out of the Great Hall and back towards the Gryffindor Common Room, all kinds of emotions flowing through her body.
“Fred!” Y/N shouts as she throws the door to his dorm open. All three of the boys in there jump, frightened by her sudden appearance. She starts to storm towards Fred, and George and Lee take the opportunity to sneak out of the room, shutting the door behind them.
“Do you mind?” Fred says dully. His back is to Y/N and he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”
As Y/N comes to stand behind Fred she can’t help but notice that he’s standing next to his bed in nothing but his boxers. His hair is messy, and she figures he’s only been awake a few minutes. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” Y/N reminds him. “I need to talk to you.”
Fred sighs and turns around to look at her, sitting on his bed. “What?” His voice shakes, and he prays Y/N doesn’t notice.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N asks, trying not to lose her nerve. Fred looks beautiful sitting there, and it’s taking everything in her not to crawl into his lap and kiss him.
Fred rolls his eyes. “Lots of things are wrong with me, Y/N. You’re going to have to elaborate.”
“Why did you send that letter? To the quidditch team?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
Fred smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his head. “They weren’t supposed to say you sent the letter,” he mumbles.
“They didn’t. But the only person who knows about Matthew’s dream to play for that team besides he and I is you. And since he didn’t send the letter and neither did I it had to have been you,” Y/N pauses, looking at Fred. “Why did you do it?” she asks again, softer.
“I dunno,” Fred responds with a shrug. “I could tell you were upset about the whole thing, so I figured I’d reach out. The worst they could do is send a letter back to me saying no. And then you’d never have to know about it. And if they said yes Matthew would never know it was me who sent the original letter in.” Fred bites his lips. “I just wanted to do something to make you feel better.”
Y/N’s heart melts. “You did it for me?”
“Why are you surprised? I figured it was obvious there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you. Or have you forgotten about the seven orgasms I gave you last Thursday?” Fred teases.
Y/N can feel her cheeks flush and a shiver runs down her spine at the memory. “Why go through all that and not even take the credit for it?”
“Because of what you said, the second night of our detention,” Fred starts. “You made me promise that us hooking up wouldn’t change our relationship outside of detention and I very clearly broke that promise.”
“But I thought we agreed to be friends?” Y/N admits softly. When Fred nods she sighs in frustration. “Then how come you’ve been ignoring me? I’ve seen you less in the past week than I did when we hated each other.”
“Because I don’t want to be just your friend,” Fred admits. “I want to hold your hand and take you on dates and kiss you and fuck you in my bed. Or your bed. Any bed really I still have fucking carpet burn on my knees,” he jokes, trying to diffuse the air in the room. “I’m starting to feel things for you, Y/N. And I thought just being your friend would be enough but it’s not.”
“Freddie,” Y/N whispers, taking his hand in hers. “Why not just say all that then?”
Fred rolls his eyes. “Maybe because you’ve spent the past five years hating my guts? And you were pretty adamant that you wanted to continue hating me no matter how much sex we had.”
“You seemed to hate me pretty strongly too,” Y/N points out with a quiet laugh. “I wanted to hate you still, I really did. No offense,” she apologizes, squeezing Fred’s hand. “But as we spent more and more time together inside and outside the trophy room I couldn’t even remember why I started hating you in the first place. Your issues with Matthew are your issues with Matthew, and I shouldn’t have made them my issues with you too.”
“That’s why you hated me? Because of Matthew?” Fred asks, pulling Y/N onto his lap.
“It sounds stupid now. But it made sense at the time,” Y/N says quietly.
Fred grips Y/N’s face carefully and brings their lips together in a slow kiss. Their mouths move together softly, and Fred can’t help but notice how perfectly they fit together. Fred nibbles on Y/N’s lips to ask permission to enter her mouth, but Y/N keeps her lips shut tight. Sensing her sudden hesitation, Fred pulls away. “What’s wrong? I thought all that meant we were going to move towards something more. Did I read it all wrong? Oh god I did. I’m sorry I’m such an idiot.”
Y/N presses a reassuring kiss to Fred’s mouth. “It did mean we’re moving towards something more. I want to be something more with you,” Y/N admits. “I just. I don’t know how to be something more with you, Freddie. I don’t know how to be your girlfriend.”
Fred chuckles. “Well I don’t exactly know how to be your boyfriend either.” Fred kisses Y/N again sweetly. “But that’s the fun part of a new relationship, isn’t it? Figuring it out together.”
“At least we’ve already got the sex part figured out.” Y/N laughs as Fred stands up and throws her down on the bed.
Fred crawls up the bed and drapes himself over Y/N. “Doesn’t hurt to work on it, though,” Fred teases, kissing her hard.
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marauders-venting · 3 years
Worth The Wait
pairing: wolfstar (remus x sirius)
genre: fluff & angst
warnings: mentions of being sick and throwing up
words: 2502
a/n: this is a request I got from someone on Instagram and I absolutely love it!
“Evans, are you sure you’re okay?” Sirius asked, glancing over at her. Lily was sitting in the corner of the common room, bent over the table, her head resting on her arm. She had been looking peaky all day, which Sirius might not have noticed if James hadn’t pointed it out to him. 32 times to be exact.
“Do you think she’s sick, Pads? Should I ask her? Nah, she’ll get mad at me. But if she really is sick she should be in the hospital wing. But what if I ask her and she’s actually fine and she thinks I’m insulting her or something?” James had finally asked her if she was alright at dinner when she hadn’t eaten anything.
“I’m fine,” she had said. Except she hadn’t snapped at him. In fact, she smiled a little. James had practically glowed. “Just a little nauseous.” But it was an hour later and Lily still looked ill.
“I’m fine,” she repeated, this time to Sirius. “I’ll be fine.” She lifted her head, looking back at her half-finished essay.
“Lils, you’re pale as fuck,” Marlene said. “You’re sick.”
“I told you, I’ll be fine,” she said. Less than ten minutes later, Lily had rushed to the bathroom and thrown up.
“Okay,” she said when she came up. “Maybe not so fine. I think I have a stomach bug or something, I’ve been nauseous all day.”
“Come on, I’m taking you to the hospital wing,” Mary said.
“Wait,” she said. “Remus and I have prefect rounds.”
“Don’t be stupid, I’ll cover for you,” Remus said. “You do it for me all the time.”
“Thanks, Rem.”
“Of course. Feel better, Lils.” She and Mary headed for the portrait hole. Sirius glanced at James, who was biting his nail and not paying any attention to the textbook lying open in front of him. Sirius knew he wanted to go with Lily — he was worried about her — but he didn’t want to annoy her. Not when they’d been on such good terms for the past few months.
Barely five minutes had passed before Marlene said, “Well, there’s no point working on this shit without Lily.” She gestured to the essay.
“I could help you if you want,” Alice offered.
“Don’t worry yourself, Alice, she knows,” Dorcas replied before Marlene could say anything. “She could do it herself if she wanted to. She just doesn’t want to do it and that’s her excuse.”
“Shhh stop exposing me,” Marlene said, flopping dramatically onto Dorcas’ lap. “I’m too tired to write essays now.”
“Well, are you gonna go to sleep any time soon?” Dorcas asked, raking their fingers gently through Marlene’s hair. Marlene took Dorcas’ other hand and kissed it.
“Only if you can’t think of anything better for us to do,” she said.
“Oh baby, I can think of several things we can do,” Dorcas said, smirking.
“Oh?” Marlene said, sitting up. “Such as?”
“Well, I’ll give you a hint,” Dorcas said. “They all involve a bed, but not sleep.” Marlene grabbed Dorcas by the hand and pulled her towards the staircase leading to their dorm.
“I’d steer clear of your dorm if I were you, Alice,” Peter said, looking up from the textbook in his hand.
“Yeah,” Alice laughed, “I think I’ll go see Lily in the hospital wing. If Madam Pomfrey will let me in.” So she got up and walked out the portrait hole too.
Half an hour later, only Sirius, Remus, Peter and James, who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time, remained in the common room.
Sirius was sitting on a couch, his feet up on the table in front of him; he had given up on the essay long ago. He knew he would still get a decent grade though, even if he had barely put any effort into it.
Remus was sitting on the floor beside him, his essay spread across the table. Remus quickly scribbled the end of a sentence and flopped his head back onto the couch, groaning.
“It’s going to be so boring, walking around the castle alone,” he complained. “I mean, I guess I shouldn’t complain since Lily does it for me every month, at least once but still.”
“You don’t have to do it,” Sirius said. Remus slapped his leg, the one that was near his head.
“You know I do,” he replied.
“Fine then, I’ll come with you,” Sirius said.
“You can’t do that,” Remus said.
“Says who?” Sirius shrugged.
“Well, are you a prefect?”
“Do I look like I care?”
“Fair point,” Remus said. He looked like he was contemplating it. 
“So d’you want me to come with you or not?” Sirius asked. His heart was beating faster than it should be. So he’d be walking around the castle with Remus. So what? It certainly didn’t mean anything. Remus hesitated a second before replying.
“If we get caught, can I pin it all on you?” he asked, grinning at Sirius.
“Sure,” Sirius shrugged. “It’s not like they can give me more detentions without cutting into lesson time, can they?” Sirius stood up, cracking his knuckles nervously. He wanted to be alone with Remus but if James and Peter wanted to come… Well, he couldn’t tell them not to without it being weird. But Remus didn’t suggest it and neither one of them seemed eager to join.
“We won’t wait up,” James said, smirking at Sirius. James saw right through him. Sirius didn’t care, as long as he didn’t make it obvious to Remus. Like he was doing right now. Sirius pointed the finger at him from behind Remus’ back.
“Hold on, I need to put this essay upstairs,” Remus said. He ran up the stairs to the dormitory.
“I officially give up on this essay,” Peter said, slamming the textbook shut. “I don’t care, I’ll do it tomorrow. My brain isn’t functioning now. I need a shower and sleep.” He got up and started up the staircase after Remus. “‘Night,” he called.
“G’night, Pete,” James called back.
“‘Night, Wormy.” Once Peter was out of sight, Sirius rounded on James.
“James, I swear to god, if you keep making jokes, I will personally murder you,” Sirius said.
“Oh relax, would you? Nobody takes my jokes seriously except you. Although I guess that makes sense.” James laughed at his own pun.
“That was pathetic,” Sirius said, shaking his head. “Only I can pull those jokes off. It’s my name.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” James said. He hesitated for a moment before asking, “Do you think I should have gone with her?”
“Relax, Prongs, she’ll be fine,” Sirius said. “Mary and Alice are with her. Besides, I doubt Madam Pomfrey will let you in.”
“Yeah, I guess,” James said. “Do you think she’d be annoyed if I went to visit her in the morning?”
“I don’t know, James. She might not even stay overnight. Not for a stomach bug.”
“Yeah, probably not. I can’t do what you do and sit by my crush’s sickbed, staring wistfully at their beautiful face and wait for them to wake up so I can spend all day caring for them,” James said.
“What? I don’t do that,” Sirius said, going red.
“Of course, you do,” James said matter-of-factly. “Every month. It’s very sweet, by the way. Disgustingly sweet.” Sirius elbowed him in the ribs. “But really, are you just never going to tell him?” James added. But Sirius didn’t get a chance to reply because Remus came back downstairs and headed straight for the portrait hole.
“See you guys later,” he called.
“Moony, wait for me,” Sirius pouted, hurrying after him and trying not to think about what James had said.
“Don’t be so slow then,” Remus said as Sirius caught up to him at the end of the corridor.
“Slow? I’m the one who waited for you to put your essay in the dorm!” Sirius exclaimed.
“Shh, you can’t yell,” Remus said. “Especially since you’re technically not supposed to be here.”
“Fine, I won’t yell,” Sirius said. “So what are we supposed to do?”
“Literally nothing,” Remus said. “We walk around the school until we’ve covered enough ground that I can report back to McGonagall and say that there are no students out of bed and then we go back to the common room. It’s boring as fuck.”
“Well, I’m here to keep you entertained, Moony, so prepare for the best prefect rounds of your life,” Sirius said.
“Why does that concern me more than it comforts me?” Remus replied.
“Because you’re cynical and mean,” Sirius said.
“I can’t believe you do this like four times a week,” Sirius said, as they headed to McGonagall’s office. “How haven’t you died of boredom yet?”
“You didn’t have to come, y’know,” Remus said. “Your complaining doesn’t make this any more enjoyable.”
“I’m not complaining, I’m making a point about how unfair this is for you,” Sirius said, as they reached the end of the corridor.
“Trust me, I know,” Remus said. “Now wait here while I tell McGonagall that I’m done. Don’t be loud.” It only took Remus about three minutes to get back but Sirius had already made himself comfortable on the floor. He hopped up when he saw Remus come back.
“Let’s sneak out,” he said immediately.
“Let’s go out to the grounds, by the lake.”
“Sirius, we’ll get caught.”
“No, we won’t.”
“Yes, we will. We don’t have the Cloak.”
“So? We can be stealthy. And, worst case, we get caught. So what?”
“First of all, you suck at being stealthy, Sirius, and second of all, I’m a prefect. I’m supposed to be setting a good example. And it’s not really setting a good example if I get caught breaking the rules, is it?”
“Don’t be such a buzzkill, Moony. Pleeeeease. I promise we won’t get caught. There’s nobody awake to catch us, everyone will have gone to bed by now. And we can look at the stars. Come on, Moony, you love astronomy. Plus you won’t have an annoying professor asking dumb questions that nobody cares about. Pleeeeease?” Sirius pouted.
“Fine,” Remus said, grudgingly. “If we get caught, I’ll kill you.” But Sirius was right. Everybody must have been asleep because there wasn’t a single person in the corridors.
Remus and Sirius crossed the grounds and went over to the lake and sat down side by side. Remus lay down on the grass and stretched his arms above his head. Sirius flopped down beside him.
“Do you recognise any of these?” Remus asked.
“Some,” Sirius said. He pointed at the sky. “See that star right there? That’s the dog star, Sirius.”
“And this is the thousandth time you’ve told me,” Remus said, rolling his eyes.
“Well if there was a star named after you then you wouldn’t shut up about it either,” Sirius said. Remus rolls his eyes again. “And if you don’t stop rolling your eyes, they’ll get stuck.”
“Stop giving me reasons to roll my eyes then,” Remus says. Then after a moment, he adds, “is there a wolf star?”
“Uh-huh,” Sirius nodded.
“Right here,” Sirius said, poking Remus with his elbow.
“Shut up.” Remus rolled his eyes again.
“I’m complimenting you, Moony.” Remus didn’t reply. He sat up and stared at the lake. Sirius sat up as well. He thought of what James said earlier. He could technically never tell Remus about this. He could keep it a secret. He could grit his teeth and try to get over it. But the way Remus looked at him now as they lay under the stars… their eyes met and Sirius couldn’t explain it but something gave him a feeling that maybe he wasn’t the only one thinking about it. He could see a faint blush on Remus’ cheeks from when he’d called him a star. And he’s so close.
Sirius wasn’t quite sure what possessed him at that moment but he slowly inched closer to Remus. He leaned in and brushed his lips against Remus’ but Remus turned his head away from him, ending the kiss before it even started. Sirius moved back quickly. He didn’t want to invade Remus’ space, he didn't want to force himself on Remus.
“I’m sorry,” he said, so quietly he wasn’t sure Remus had heard him.
“Don’t be,” said Remus. He was looking at the floor. “I just…” He just what? Sirius waited. He wanted to help Remus along like he always did but didn’t know how. He was usually so good at understanding how to help Remus explain himself when words would fail him, how to prompt him without pushing him, but now… Sirius wished a hole in the ground would swallow him. He’d fucked up bad. Sirius didn’t want to pressure Remus so he stayed silent. But the silence was awkward and filled with tension.
“Maybe… maybe we should just…” started Remus, struggling to get out words, “maybe we should just stay… friends.” Sirius felt like someone had kicked him in the gut and knocked all the wind out of him. He bit his lip and it was all he could do to stop the tears rushing to his eyes, begging to spill onto his cheeks. He should have seen this coming. Why should Remus ever want to be with him? Just because he’s had feelings for Remus for the past few months, didn’t mean Remus returned those feelings. What was he thinking, trying to kiss Remus? He wished he hadn’t done it.
Sirius must have been delusional to believe that Remus might want him. Delusional or in love. Same difference, really, he thought. He couldn’t digest this. He felt sick. He turned away, afraid that he would vomit on Remus.
“If that’s what you want,” he said. His voice was feeble. It sounded empty and dead. He hoped Remus couldn’t hear how hurt Sirius felt. He didn’t want Remus to feel guilty. It wasn’t Remus’ fault that Sirius fucked everything up. It wasn’t Remus’ fault that Sirius had fallen in love. (Well, actually, one could argue that it’s entirely his fault, Sirius thought, I mean look at him! How am I supposed to not fall in love with him?) Sirius couldn’t look at Remus.
“Sirius, I—” Remus started. Sirius waited but Remus didn’t continue.
“I think I’ll go now,” Sirius said. He wasn’t whispering but his voice was very quiet. “I don’t want to get you in trouble.” He was, after all, breaking a school rule. And Remus was a prefect. He stood up without another word and Remus remained silent as Sirius started walking away. Sirius didn’t look back. He didn’t want to see Remus (his amber eyes that could go from tired to fiery in seconds; his soft, brown curls that he brushed away from his face with his hands; his small, sweet, addictive smile that came with a crinkle next to his eyes; his hands covered in scars; in other words, too fucking perfect for words), it would be too painful.
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nextdoor-neighbors · 4 years
It’s Always Been You
Request: @divergirl99
Hey could I get a Fred x reader where maybe the reader is ginny or Rons best friend since they were young and the weasleys are all protective of here especially the twins and maybe they find her upset cause he boyfriend cheated and Fred gets angry and ends up getting in a fight with the ex and then confesses?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, violence (punching), blood
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You walk down the corridors of school, on the search for your boyfriend, Adrian Pucey. You have a free period - your last period of the day before dinner - and you know he does, too, which usually you spend together, but today, you can’t find him.
“Ron,” you call when you see your best friend, who’s walking with Harry. He looks up at the sound of your voice and smiles, turning to say something to Harry before making his way over to you.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s going on?”
“Have you seen Adrian? I can’t find him anywhere.”
Ron frowns. He’s never been a fan of Adrian, with him being a Slytherin and all, but considering Adrian has always treated you well, Ron has kept his mouth shut over the last few months that you’ve been in your relationship.
“No, I haven’t,” Ron says, “but I’ll let him know you’re looking for him if I do.”
You smile and thank him before continuing your search. You turn down a hall of empty classrooms, not sure why he would be down here, but you decide to look anyway. You peer into the classrooms, stopping abruptly when you stop two figures in one of them, locked in what appears to be a passionate snog session. You blush at catching them, averting your eyes, but quickly do a double-take when you think that you recognize one of the figures.
You know that messy black hair and Quidditch jumper all too well.
You shove open the door to the classroom, and the two jump apart in shock at the noise. You make eye contact with Adrian, your heart dropping to your stomach, and immediately turn to leave, tears already burning at the backs of your eyes.
“No, no, Y/N, I promise, it wasn’t what it looked like, I-” he calls after you, but you keep walking away, past the few other students in the halls with your head down and tears blurring your vision. You don’t know how to feel; you’re devastated, because you didn’t think he would ever do something like this to you, but you’re also shaking from your rage, and as much as you want to scream at him, you don’t think you can do so without sobbing. So, you opt for the silent treatment.
Eventually Adrian gives up calling after you, so, you hide out in the prefects’ bathroom for the rest of the period. You don’t want to show your face at dinner, in case he tries to talk to you, but the grumble of your stomach in the silent bathroom says otherwise.
You push yourself up off the cold tile floor, wiping your tears away as you gaze at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes are red and your skin blotchy from crying your eyes out for the entire period, so you splash some water on your face until you think it’s slightly less noticeable. At least, you hope it is.
You venture out into the halls, already dreading whatever you’re about to face. Your heart aches. You really thought he was a good guy, but of course, you were wrong. Per usual. You always had dated the wrong guys, who all ended up breaking your heart in one way or another. You thought Adrian would be different, and you’re beyond mad at yourself for ever thinking he would be. 
You don’t think you’ll ever find a good guy. I mean, there is someone you’ve always wanted, someone who you think would treat you well, but he’d never want you. Why would he?
You avoid eye contact with anyone as you make your way into the Great Hall, finding your normal spot between Ron and Ginny. You had hoped they wouldn’t ask questions, or that you could play off your heartbreak well enough that they wouldn’t notice, but then again, you’ve been friends with the Weasley family since forever. They’re all very protective of you, especially the twins, who are two years older than you. Of course someone is bound to notice.
Sure enough, before you even fully sit down, George - who’s sitting across from you - says, “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You look up at him, forcing a very weak smile and shaking your head.
“Nothing,” you say quietly.
“That’s bullshit,” Fred adds, his eyebrows furrowing in his concern, “You can tell us.”
You look at Fred, and just as you’re about to admit what happened, Adrian comes up behind him. You look up at him, and Fred must notice the change in your expression as your stomach twists, because he spins around in his seat.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Adrian asks. You fight the urge to start crying again as you make eye contact with him, instead, mustering up all of your courage.
“No,” you say, “Adrian, we’re done.”
You don’t even have to look at Ron, Ginny, the twins, or any of the other people listening to know how shocked they probably appear. You watch as Adrian’s face drops, but he doesn’t budge.
“Please, Y/N,” he practically begs.
“Do you not understand what no means, Pucey?” Fred replies before you can, getting up out of his seat and standing up, towering over Adrian.
Adrian’s face immediately twists into a scowl as he looks up at Fred. You can’t find the words to tell Adrian to go away or Fred that it’s okay, you can handle it, as you watch the boys with wide eyes, fearing what’s about to happen next.
“Stay out of it, Weasley,” Adrian snaps, before turning back to you, pleading again, “Y/N, you don’t understand. It was a mistake, and if you’d just let me explain-”
Fred keeps his eyes trained on Adrian, as if daring him to speak to you one more time. You find your words, as the entirety of the Great Hall is listening in on your conversation:
“I think I understand perfectly, Adrian, because there’s not much to explain about why I found you kissing another girl.”
“You did what?” Fred shouts, and you watch as he pushes Adrian with his hands flat on his chest. Adrian falls back, his face contorting in rage. At this point, the other house tables have erupted into noise, students standing up and trying to get a good look at the fight.
Adrian pushes himself up, rushing towards Fred, as Fred yells something about how he just lost the greatest thing that ever happened to him and how he’s going to pay for hurting you.
Adrian’s fist connects with Fred’s jaw, knocking Fred’s head back, but Fred reacts instantly, socking Adrian straight in the nose. The blood starts flowing from Adrian’s nose immediately, and you yell at them to stop, but neither boy listens to you as more punches are thrown.
Thankfully, a few teachers have made their way over, and with a swish of her wand, McGonagall separates the two boys. You stand there, your heart pounding like crazy in your chest, looking between Fred and Adrian, who stand a few feet apart, giving each other the death glare. Adrian wipes his sleeve across his nose, smearing his blood all over the fabric. You’re sure that he’s going to have a black eye tomorrow, as well. Fred, on the other hand, looks better off, with seemingly only a puffy, split lip.
You’re at a loss for words as you watch Fred and Adrian be escorted out of the Great Hall by Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore. Fred looks over as he walks away, and you make eye contact with him for a split second. In that second, he looks you up and down before turning away. Your stomach flips at that, but in a good way.
You don’t know what to say to him later. Do you thank him? You know that Adrian will never bother you again, thanks to this, but you also know that the whole school is going to be talking about this: about Adrian cheating on you, and about Fred’s reaction.
Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed inside your chest as you think about that. Why did Fred react like that? I mean, you know he’s protective of you, but so are George, Ginny, and Ron, and they didn’t jump Adrian like that...
No, you shouldn’t get your hopes up. After all, you need time to recover from today, so you shouldn’t be trying to jump into anything else quite yet, either. But then again, it’s Fred. Your longtime crush, but also your best friend’s older brother. The one guy that you’ve wanted that you always thought was unattainable. He couldn’t possibly see you as anything more, could he?
You excuse yourself from dinner quietly, whispering to Ron that you’ll talk to him later. You’re hoping to find Fred whenever he’s done getting in trouble, but also, hoping to avoid Adrian. He’s the last person you want to see right now.
You hover around the area of Dumbledore’s office, and after several minutes, you hear footsteps. You peer around the corner to see Adrian, walking away from you, thankfully, towards the hospital wing, and Fred, headed towards you.
“Hey,” he says, quietly, offering you a small smile as well as he can, considering his lip is still busted.
“Hi,” you reply, still not sure what to say. You’re really not sure how to process anything that just happened, but you’re going to at least hopefully get Fred’s thoughts on everything.
“Hopefully that asshole learned his lesson,” Fred says bitterly as the two of you walk side by side down the empty corridor, “If he ever bothers you again, you let me know, okay? I’ll take care of him for you.”
“But why?” you ask, stopping in your tracks. Fred stops too, just looking at you, as if nonverbally asking you to elaborate. “Why do you care so much?”
Fred’s eyebrows furrow slightly, but he hesitates before speaking.
“You’re Ron’s best friend. Obviously I’d stand up for you, especially against a prick like Pucey. But...” he trails off, looking over you again. You stay silent, waiting for him to continue.
He looks up to meet your eyes, and this time, angry Fred is gone, and in his place is hesitant, vulnerable Fred. Something that you don’t see often.
“I like you, Y/N. A lot,” he says, and your heart somersaults.
“I know this probably isn’t the best time to tell you,” he continues, “considering everything that just happened, but, I just... it’s always been you, and it pisses me off to see you fall for these guys who treat you like shit instead of like a princess, which is what you deserve.”
For definitely not the first time today, you can’t find the words to reply, but this time, it’s for a good reason. For a moment, you forget about Adrian, about your heartbreak and about the fight, and you cross the small gap between you and Fred, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss him.
He tastes like the blood from his lip, but when you pull away, you smile, and he smiles back, almost in relief.
“Let’s get that lip of yours fixed up,” you say, “and we can talk more.”
“Absolutely,” Fred replies, reaching for your hand as the two of you start down the hall again. “I’m never going to let any guy hurt you again, Y/N. And I definitely won’t ever hurt you. You can trust me on that.”
And you truly believe him.
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anaiswriterr · 4 years
 For the sake of our relationship
Pairing: Fem!ProHeroReader x Hawks
Rating: M
Authors Note: This story contains subjects that may not be suitable for a younger audience, warning: Blood, fighting, swearing, the word rape is used and sexual content. This is an angst story. Inspired from the story, “I’m your Salvation.” Also the readers quirk is: Electricity, you can control electricity. Hero name: Elytra. Also this story is extremely long!
Synopsis: When Y/N loses her quirk and possibly her career all in one day, she’s faced with hard decisions, and grief. Keigo just wants to help but what if you just don’t want his help? Will the relationship crumble?
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 He didn’t know if it were the cuts, scrapes, burns, gashes and the deep dark bruises that covered your body, that shook him to the core. Or if it were the ventilator that was placed in your throat that made him boil and shake in his seat in anger.
   His lips pressed into a thin line, rubbing the tears that spilled over his cheeks away every few minutes. His uncontrollable sobs that shook his body, and the constant whispers of encouragement he’d give to you through his choked sobs.
   “Come on kid, just fight it.”
   He held onto your hand, rubbing over the bruise on your wrist lightly, waiting for you to wake up. His teary eyes wondered all over your beaten body and landed on your neck. A large imprint of a hand was bruised, painting the area in black and blue, the cuts all over your face only made him want to go out and find whoever did this to you.
   You had been gone on a mission for only a couple of weeks, saying, “Stop worrying, I’ll come back home like normal and you’re gonna see how silly you were.” You’d teased, sticking out your tongue at him and kissing him goodbye. He knew the work you two did was dangerous, sometimes one of you would come in the early hours of the morning with bruises and cuts that weren’t there the other night. And sometimes it’d be burn marks and for him shorter wings. But he never knew it’d be like this, to the point you were in a hospital room fighting for your life after a mission that went horribly wrong. Nobody had word of the incident, and the Hero Commission would make sure of that till you were fully healed.
   It only made Keigo angrier. The fact that they only thought of your return, and jumping right back into hero work.. Not giving a damn if you were just holding on by just a thread. Life was different now. It had been now, two weeks since you were admitted into the hospital. Keigo would only leave your side to shower and come back, dismissing all his hero work and leaving it to his sidekicks; instructing them to only call him if it’s absolutely necessary.
   He’d only hope that he wouldn’t have to leave. Your state had only seemed to worsen, it was later when a doctor had come in to discuss an important and life changing conversation with Keigo.
   There was one word that rung continuously in his brain, one word that made him sit down.
   You wished you were dead.
   You wished your body would’ve given out and that you would’ve died. Not wake up in a lifeless hospital, with guilt rushing over your body. Staring lifelessly at the blank ceiling, you woke up after another week of being admitted into the hospital. You didn’t cry, you didn’t mutter not even a single word.
   Your voice wouldn’t let you.
   It was hoarse and raw, your body ached and throbbed and yet you still didn’t cry. You couldn’t, they’d dwell but wouldn’t fall 
   You didn’t even acknowledge your longtime boyfriend Keigo; sitting there.
   ‘What kinda hero am I if I couldn’t even save those people?’
   The screaming and yelling, the sound of innocent children being slaughtered. It was your fault, you couldn’t save them.
   And now it appears you can’t ever save people.
   When the doctor informed you about no longer having your quirks you remained lifeless, laying your body right back down and turning to face the wall.
   “Leave.” You mumbled.
   “Babe, you need to listen he’s-“
   You gripped at your pillow even tighter, “Tell him to get the fuck out! Or I’ll tell you too next!” You shouted into the pillow, not looking at his hurt expression. He looked towards the Doctor, with an apologetic look. And returned back to sitting next to you, watching you. It was the first time you expressed something, it was cruel.
   Innocent people died and now you’re quirkless? You don’t even know how, it was all so fast. So was it a sick game, to be forever punished. But you guess you deserved it, karma after all.
   You haven’t spoken a single word to Keigo, not wanting to face him as the ‘Pro hero who couldn’t do her job.’ It was shameful. Embarrassing to even be linked with him. He was perfect, like an angel. And you were just like the rest of the hero’s who burnt up too fast.
   You were discharged a week after, with an assortment of prescriptions and medications. Even creams for the deep scars on your body.
   Keigo insisted the first thing you should do was take a bath when you got home, he was helpful. Making sure you were all set to go and even brought you clothes for when you were finally discharged, your attitude towards him remained the same:
   Cold and quiet.
   It was like radio silence between you two, with slight static from his end as he’d try to reach with with kind eyes and soft kisses. But like a painting, you remain the same.
   When you two got home he quickly helped you inside by grabbing your bicep. And closing the door behind you with a small kick, “Let’s get you out of these clothes.” He says softly, but you wave him off.
   “I can do it myself, I’ll take a shower tomorrow.” You argued back, but his grip only got stronger. He arches a brow, you instantly decided to let him help you this once. You nod, and make your way to the bedroom. He grabs you a pair of panties, and a nightgown.
   Seeing at it was a more comfortable option, and would make it helpful to change your bandages without having to strip you.
   He later sat you on the toilet and ran the hot water of the bath, making sure to add your favorite scented bubble bath soap. You smiled weakly, for the first time at him.
   He kneels down in front of you, and pulls your shirt off and pants, his glorious wings touch the tile floor beneath him. He strips the rest of your clothing off and helps you in the bath, washing your body off with its hot water.
   He leans down to kiss your forehead, “You okay?” He asks, pouring water over your hair and scrubbing it gently with his fingertips unto your scalp with the shampoo. You don’t answer, but instead grab a handful of bubbles in your hands. Blowing them away, he pours more water over your head; and scrubs your back.
   The cuts and gashes burned in the water, but the sensation gave a small calming effect, it was something you could finally feel.
   Keigo is mindful of the wounds and only goes over them gently, cleaning off the area like instructed; earning a small hiss from you as you lean forwards in pain.
   “I know it hurts kid, but you're gonna have to endure for just a little while longer.”
   He continued to clean you off, and suddenly you felt a wave of emotions.
   Here it is, the after shock had finally dissipated and here it was, your emotions. “Keigo..” you finally say his name after so long, he stops, “Yes Angel?”
   “A-Are they really gone?”
   He didn’t know if you were asking about the people or your quirks, but one thing is certain, it was still the same answer. He nodded.
   “Yes.” He simply says.
   A tear escapes your eye, and then another, till eventually you’re full out bawling in the bathroom tub.
   Keigo is smart enough to know that anything he says, or does can not bring you back what was lost. And it killed him, so all he did was simply hold you, your wet hand gripping onto his forearm and sobbed. He knew nothing he could say would help you, so he did the next best thing: 
   He sat down, and took it. He remained quiet, and did not bring up the situation any longer: even going as far as to shield you away from hero related stuff, and would only take missions at night. Even making sure the TV was never on the news channel.
   He’d help you out of the bath and would help put back your clothes on, you cleared your throat when you noticed his eyes wandering on the wound near your gut for too long. You hated how he looked at you like some sort of sick child, you hated the way he’d constantly treat you like a porcelain teacup. He aided with your bandages and helped you towards the bed; still not uttering a single word to each other. 
   He just wrapped you in the warm sheets and left you with a blanket that smelled like him, remembering the silly arguments you’d two would get in when he cleaned the old thing. 
   Arguing, “Now you have to sleep with it cause it doesn’t smell like you anymore.” But of course he’d smile back at you and oblige to the order. 
   Now it has just provided you the small comfort of better times, he tucked you in and handed you the remote. He leans down, wiping the last of your tears with his calloused thumbs and glancing at you with a sad smile. 
   “I’ll be in the kitchen making dinner, I’ll be up in a few.” He said weakly, before standing up and heading towards the door. But you reached out for his hand, catching it at the last second. The movement made you wince, but you needed to say it. 
   “I love you, Keigo.” 
   He deserved to hear it, he needed to hear it after weeks of radio silence. 
   “I love you too, songbird.” 
   The relationship wasn’t always the healthiest, before losing your quirks the two of you would never raise your voices at one another, and swore to never lay a hand on one another. You two swore at the beginning of the relationship, that if you guys had a problem or if something was bothersome then you’d speak out about it. 
   But of course, even after being together for three years and seeing each other rise to be the hero’s you were today; the two of you found different sides of one another; sides neither of you knew existed. You never realized how scary and intimidating Hawks could be; you never realized how his eyes could darken and narrow as if a real Hawk would watch its prey. A warning sign as he glared at you from across the room.
   And he never realized how cruel you could be, just how your words could cut so deep. People say behind angry voices, lies a little bit of truth behind it. Even when you said you didn’t mean it; he also never realized how quick you were to anger. 
   Not even a week after you left the hospital, the relationship felt like the two of you were walking on eggshells. Yelling at one another, as you poured the pills down the sink. He grabbed your bruised hand roughly, and turned off the faucet. 
   It was early in the morning, too early for him to even fight, he thought. 
   “What the fuck are you doing?” He looks at you sternly, and then at the empty pill bottles you had successfully drained. 
   You remained quiet, too weak and tired. Lately all you felt was anger, you barely left the bedroom the both of you shared and you’d push away Keigo when he attempted to feed you. Turning your body around to not face him, “I’m not hungry.” You mumbled. 
   You return back to reality, his sigh of disappointment bringing you back. 
   “You can’t keep doing this! This I won’t allow, just talk to me? What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours. You won’t talk to me, unless we’re arguing, you won’t eat, you won’t let me touch you. You have to talk to me, I can’t keep playing this game where you ignore your feelings and emotions and just push me to the side. I’m trying to help you-” 
   You interrupt him with a laugh, his soft eyes turn dark, he hated when you mocked him. 
   “That’s the problem Keigo. You’re helping is just a reminder of how fucking useless I am. You treat me like I’m glass, I know you do your hero work at night. You don’t have to hide it away from me. We get it, poor little Y/N, right? I never asked for your help.” 
   His grip on your wrist tightens; he looks down before glancing back up at you. 
   His gaze on your E/C eyes hardens, “Fine.” 
   He left you for the rest of the day, cooling off from the argument and leaving you too cool off as well. It was the first time he has left in the daylight since you were discharged. You only sat in the living room, wrapped in your blanket watching TV. Segments of heroes speeches came on, and all you could do was stare aimlessly at the silver screen. 
   The announcement was made public that you won’t be able to come back to the hero scene, explaining all the details of the incident.
   The Commission already had you booked with interviews with the press. But how could talk to them when all they’ll do is remind you of your failures as a hero.
   Like they didn’t care that you were grieving, that you weren’t the same anymore and here you are being forced to fake a smile and laugh it off as if this job meant nothing to you. Years of training to be perfect, the people you’ve saved, the people you had to kill, the families you reunited; it suddenly meant nothing. 
‘I have no reason to be here anymore.’
   What was the point of living if you weren’t the same anymore, you have nothing to lose. 
   Keigo came back in the dead of night, his lips pressed into a fine line as he wiped the look of tiredness off his face, he noticed your body laying out on the couch, your hair draped over the pillows; he crouches down in front of you. Noticing an even darker bruise on your wrist, he cringed at the memory of his tight grasp. 
   He never meant to hurt you.
   He came back with the pills you threw away, he realized without your painkillers and antibiotics that your healing process would be even more grueling. And he refused to watch. No matter how much you spit, hit, and cry; you have to take it.
   He had finally had enough. 
   Another two weeks passed and here you guys were, again, fighting in the kitchen. His voice rising even louder than yours, and his eyes narrow in warning. Your eyes water, and your voice trembles. 
   “Just talk to me! Please!” He begs, he pleads. 
   You stare at him blankly, and try to feel something. But there’s nothing, there’s no feeling anywhere in your body. You pull at the sleeve of your sweatshirt. 
   “I-I can’t.” 
   He tilts his head in confusion, “I don’t know how..” 
   “After running multiple tests and asking Y/N Y/L/N an assortment of questions, it appears that you,” The doctor in the room turns to look at your blank face, she looks at you apologetically, “Are showing signs of depression. Now there are treatments, and I’ll prescribe you some medication to help aid her during the healing process. But I do suggest therapy, and just talking more. Surround yourself with positivity.” 
   Keigo nods and thanks the doctor before she leaves the two of you alone to discuss the options. 
   He stares at the variety of pamphlets stacked in his hand, sorting through them. “We’re gonna fix this, bird. You just gotta help me help you.” He glances at you hoping for a reaction, but you shrug. “A new pill to add to the loads that I already take.” You say sarcastically, shrugging your shoulders, “Yay me.”  
   The relationship had its ups and down, there were times when you’d let Keigo help you, you’d also apologize for treating him poorly, But he’d just brush you off with a kiss and a simple sentence, “I’m here till the end, angel.” 
   The little blue pill had seemed to help. 
   For the first month, that is. 
   But slowly, oh so painfully slowly, you went back to your old post-accident bitchy no emotion self. Keigo would drop you off at therapy and pick you up to drop you off back home. 
   But like all good things come to an end, the somewhat normal life you were finally starting to settle into shattered, you were made to go to interviews and you’d come home crying. You were completely gone and empty. You and Kiego stopped having sex (though the last time was the night before you left for your mission), that bothered him the most. Not you not wanting him, it was your urge to be as far away from him as possible, not letting him even touch you. 
   It hurt the Pro Hero.
   Seeing as you no longer wished to even look at him; the love he had held onto slowly dissipated as time went on; like two ghosts living in an apartment full of memories. 
   You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, noticing all the deep cuts that once scattered your skin were finally all healing, turning into light scars and the bruises were finally gone. It was as if it never happened, you sigh and turn on the shower. Setting it to the hottest setting.
   Keigo was out at work again, and you still haven’t talked to him. It ate away inside of you, it felt like you no longer had control of your body and it’s emotions.
   ‘Was it the pills?’ You thought, the doctor informed you of the possible side effects and this was definitely one of them. But you couldn’t just stop taking them, the last time you tried to throw them away it ended bad.
   You entered the shower and allowed the hot water to fall off your shoulders.
   There was something you were depriving him of.
   And you knew what it was.
   You haven’t touched him. You haven’t talked to him.
   The words I love you, haven’t left your mouth in such a long time it felt like you were forcing yourself to feel something that you couldn’t feel.
He stopped trying after a while longer, and would leave before you could wake up and came home when you were asleep. It was now a routine that he had grown accustomed to.
You wash your body with the raging thought that rushed to your brain, ‘maybe if I try.. tonight. I can’t get some sort of feeling.’ You forced.
   You rinse off the soap and dry yourself with your towel. Changing into a nightgown and making your way to your bedroom.
   You waited for Keigo to come back home.
   You could hear the shower head turn on and the door close shut behind him. Only briefly seeing his winged silhouette in the dark, you turned to face the door that connected your room to the bathroom. You say up and wait for him to come out, Keigo never took long showers, unless the two of you were showering together.
   Which hasn’t happened in awhile.
   He came out after a ten minute shower, in loose sweat pants and white tank. His wings falling behind him, dragging against the tile.
   He stood at the doorway when he noticed your eyes on him. He cleared his throat and refused to share eye contact with you. He couldn’t look at the shell of the woman he had so desperately fallen in love for, he could feel his heartbeat rattle against his chest.
   “Why are you up kid. It’s late.” He finally said, glancing up towards you.
   Your body is numbed by his glance, but you ignore it. It was worth a try, you had to see if what you had was still there or if it was long gone by now.
   He cocks his head to the right and relaxes his gaze, “What's wrong?”
   You remain quiet and only look at him. You point a finger at him, and curl it towards your direction.
   “C-Can you come here, please.” You whisper, he nods and slowly walks towards you, his strides are smaller than usual. His look is cautious, when he gets to the edge of the bed you get on your knees and scoot towards him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, and gazing into his eyes. You feel his hands slowly make their way to your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze.
   He looks down at the sheets, and then back at you.
“What do you need?” He asks. Eyes almost asking permission to touch you, you push aside the feeling of disgust with yourself. 
   Your leg hooked onto his waist loosely as he pumped in and out of you, what you feared was real. It wasn’t the same anymore, it felt like nothing.
   The love behind it didn’t even feel like it existed. It just felt like you were having sex to get it over with it.
   He groans into your shoulder. Shuddering on top of you, his forearms barricade your sides. Your arm hooks over his back, with each stroke you scrunch your nose staring blanking at the ceiling over you.
   “Ouch.” You say quietly.
   It hurt more than usual.
   You yanked hard on his feathers, causing him to duck his head into your shoulder, “Don’t do that.” He warned.
   His pace increased and all you let out were small groans, still yanking at his feathers, your head up in the cloud, ignoring the annoying thoughts that floated in your head.
   His thrusts abruptly stop, “What the fuck are you doing?” He asks.
   You ignore his question, and let out another groan. Pulling again at his wings, “Okay! Stop, what the fuck are you exactly doing? You don’t wanna have sex?”
   You stare blankly at him, and pull him closer with your legs. “S-Stop! No I’m not gonna do this! I’m not gonna do this when you clearly don’t want too.”
   Again, you ignore him and try again, this couldn’t be happening. Did you really stop loving Keigo to the point your body was physically rejecting him, refusing to be aroused at the mere simplistic action that had before had you screaming out his name so loud the neighbors could it.
   You raise your hips before being met with a stern gaze and hands now pinning you to the bed.
   “Y/N stop!” He yelled, “What do you want me to do? Rape you? I’m not doing this. No, I wanna make love to you, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
    Your body finally allows you to look at his dark golden eyes, he was angry. And rightfully so, your body just finished telling him you didn’t love him anymore. And here you were trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal when it was.
   You hit him first, your hands slam against his bare chest. “Fuck you.” You spat.
   “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Why can’t you ever just do something without having to ask so many damn questions huh! I don’t know what’s wrong with me! I was trying to see if I still loved you!” You yelled, he slams your body into the mattress, “So you decided the best idea was to see if I could still fuck you right? Huh? You wanted me to use you even though you’re clearly in pain! Is that how you like it? When I hurt you!” He yelled, his grip on your wrist loosening and letting you go. His feathers bring you back your underwear and nightgown from the floor as his other feather brings back his clothing.
   After he quickly puts back his clothes on he turns to face you, “Honestly Y/N, the last thing I’d ever wanna do to you is hurt you. In any way shape or form, I understand you are still grieving but now you’re just being cruel. You want me to be the bad guy so bad don’t you? Fine, your wish is my command.” He glares, picking up the rest of his stuff and leaving for the night.
   You stopped referring Keigo to his name and started referring to him as Hawks.
   Just like he stopped acknowledging your existence at all, you followed in suit. He decided that the two of you should have space; for the sake of your relationship you agreed. Though, it would’ve been easier just to break up.
   But you knew it had to be done, your body physically was rejecting Hawks. Your mind was now thinking for its own and you had no control, all the memories somehow mysterious meant nothing to you.
   Now all the times the two of you would share a rare shower, have living room dance parties, eat dinner together on the balcony. The talks of the two of you possibly even starting a family before seemingly slipped your mind and the ring he fingered in his pocket still sat in a velvet box hidden from view.
   It was all crashing down. It’s been barely four months and now you lost your quirk, your relationship was in shambles, the pills you took seemingly increased the more you talked to your therapist, and now you sat in the living room looking for apartments across the city and far away from him.
   Eventually you found a match, it was the perfect size so you decided to place a down payment on it and move as soon as possible. He came back to the apartment before you moved out, he avoided you, but sometimes you’d catch the sense of his eyes wandering over you.
   You packed your bags, folded your clothes, and took everything that was yours.
   “Look, I just think, if we weren’t in the same place and took time for ourselves we could.. be better.” You said, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly as he eyed you down as if you were prey from the end of the hall. He crosses his arms over his chest, “Do you still love me?” He asked curtly. It was a simple yes or no question, he needed to know, the timer was running out.
   You wanted to simply say no, not anymore. Because then that would be the truth, but your body wouldn’t let you say it. You look at the coffee table, and see a picture frame of the two of you, “I-I don’t know Hawks.” Your grip tightens on your suitcases handle.
   “Do you still love me?” You ask. Gripping your suitcase even tighter.   “I don’t know, either.” He sighs, a sad smile paints his face. His eyes water as he looks down to the tile floor, his hands deep into the pockets of his sweatpants. It was an intimate moment for the two of you, filled with raw emotion. You were given the privilege to see Hawks in such vulnerable moments for the past three years despite his training, when it was about you, he'd drop all the walls he built just for you.
   You couldn’t help but wipe a tear yourself, it was a confusing time for you.   He glances up at you, glossy eyes sparkling in the light. “I don’t really want to do this.”
   You nod, and hold in a choke sob, “This is just as hard for me as it is for you, but we need time apart. We need to be separate for a while and see new people. I-I hate the idea-“  
   “So why are we doing this!”
    You sigh, “Because, we can't even look at each other without raising our voices. I wanted to be able to love you the way you need to be loved, and for three years I did.”
   You look down towards your feet, chewing your bottom lip.
   “I loved you more than anything, Hawks. But right now. We shouldn’t be together.”
   Keigo doesn’t face you, he crosses his arms over his chest. “So that’s it? We’re breaking up?We’re separating.”
   He shrugs as his hand goes to cover his mouth, his lips pressing into a line, he sends feathers to open the front door and help you with your bags. They follow you to the front door and out, Hawks gives you one last look from the doorway, and waves you goodbye.
   It had been three months since your move to the new apartment, and you saw improvements in your life. You attended therapy and soon dropped all your pills, noticing you didn’t need them anymore since you were physically healed.
   After much pleading and much needed talking, you finally were able to slowly get off the antidepressants. Your therapist had made a discovery as to why you may have been having erratic mood changes, the hero commission had still paid your therapy and bills and eventually you were given a job to teach at UA High as a science teacher (due to your incredible skills and hands on learning from your quirk, and besides it came naturally to you), you were also teaching kids how to master their quirks, joining the group of teachers that would teach the next generation of heroes.
   Life was starting to get back on track, you even bought a dog. It was out of the spur of the moment, you decided to adopt a little dog and named it Birby after walking by the nearby shelter and seeing him wag his tail in joy, attempting to grab your attention.
   Hawks would occasionally pay a visit to you, and catch up. The two of you decided that during the separation it would be best to at least make time to see each other one day out of the week.
   He’d stop by every Thursday during your lunch break, he helped you grade papers and even met your dog when he came over to your apartment. Which ended with him playing on the floor with the pup the entire evening.
   It was a healthy separation.
   “I’m glad you’re doing much better, you’re smiling like you used to.” He said, in between laughs as he cooed at the dog. You stick your tongue out at him and continue to grade papers.
   “Oo a smiley face, let me guess the kid got an A?” Hawks guessed, suddenly appearing by your side. You nod and hand him a stack with an answer key and blue and red colored markers.
    “Correct you are Hawks, my class rarely fails which means I’m a good teacher.” You applauded yourself, he lets out a laugh.
   “Ha! I bet the only reason those kids pay attention is because they got a hot teacher. Hell I’d stay after school if it meant more time.” He joked, adding check marks to the correct answers and grading the papers accordingly, he’d even put a smile on the page like you.
   You stay silent, it was like it all hit you at once that you and Hawks were separated. The thought had slipped your mind, it wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate it coming from him, but it was the fact that you guys haven’t spoken about each other like that. He senses the tension and cocks an eyebrow at you, “You're doing it again.”
   You scoff, “What do you mean I’m doing it again? What am I doing?”
   He points and waves the marker near your face, “The face you make when you're thinking about something really deep.” He says, before going back to grading. You place the pile of graded papers on your coffee table and turn towards him. He catches your gaze before placing his pile beside yours.
   “Why are you looking at me like that?”
   You wave your hands in front of your face defensively as he inches closer to you, “N-No it’s nothing! It’s just-“
   He scoffs, “Are you seriously mind fucked because I said you’re hot? Damn, I know we’re in separation and stuff but if I wanna call you hot I’m gonna call you hot.”
   You wave your hands even more and slap them on your cheeks, “Hawks!-“
   “That’s not my name.”
   You roll your eyes, “I don’t say your name anymore because of how personal it is too you-“
   “And what? It makes you sound like all the rest, I allowed you to know my name for a reason. I don’t just hand it out to whoever. Again, just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean you can’t call me by my name.” He says, leaning back into your couch. You sigh in defeat, he was right.
   “Soooo, Y/N, it’s been awhile since you’ve really talked to me. You haven’t told me much, so how’s the dating life?” He asks.
   A frown appears on his face and you mentally facepalm yourself. ‘Way to get to the damn point.’   Keigo would only ever visit on Thursdays, which was part of the reason why he looked forward to Thursday’s. But even after you moved out, you guys remained close seeing as it would be impossible to forget one another and just called the split a separation though it was truly a break up. You never really opened up to him when he came over, during your lunch breaks he’d just help around and listen to your complaints about “How will this even prepare them in life? I don’t even fucking use this!” As you looked over your lesson plans.   He’d admire you from afar, and watch you. He cringed each time you called him Hawks, but still carried on with life. You just never really told him about what was going on like you used to.
  “Keigo,” you say, earning a smile from the winged hero, “There’s nobody, I don’t really wanna get into another relationship.” You mumble, he shrugs.
   “How about you? How’s the dating game?” You ask, crossing your legs.   He arches a brow at you and almost laughs, “I don’t got time for another chick, not in my interest surprisingly.” You nod, and squint at him.
   “I’m sure you are busy, bird boy.”
   A silence falls in between the two of you, creating an almost awkward tension in the air. You clear your throat, hoping he’d say something. But he doesn’t, he just grabs the pile of papers off the coffee table and continues to grade.
   “What have you been up to, since you’ve moved here.” He asks, finally looking up to meet your eyes.
   “I-I well, I go to therapy twice a week, I finally dropped all my pills, I got a job, I got my dog, that’s really it Keigo.” You said, shrugging your shoulders and giving a content sigh, you looked around your place and crossed your arms.
   He nodded and smiled, “You stopped your pills?” He asks excitedly, it was a huge milestone and a big deal to him, and you understood why; the pills drained you and drain who you were as a person. It was just time to finally let them go. 
   A grin plastered his face. He looked like he was proud, “I’m so happy for you, Y/N.” You thank him, and glance at his eyes. It’s been awhile since you looked at his eyes, which only reminded you of something you’ve been meaning to speak to him about.
   “Keigo,” you grab his attention as he arches a brow, “I was wondering, I know this is sudden but I want you to know that at the time I couldn’t be with you because I was scared I didn’t love you anymore, I know we’re still in a tough spot but.. I want to at least try again.”
   A silence falls between you two, he smirks after a couple seconds.   “You wanna give this relationship thing another try?” He asks, widening his grin. You smile back, “Yes. But I think the only way we’re gonna survive this is with counseling. We can’t just jump back in like when we first started dating.” You say, it was a good option.
   There were still things left unsaid, sometimes old rotten memories would come up, it wasn’t going to be easy, and you finally came to terms that if it wasn’t him. Then it wasn’t anybody else.
   The best idea was to have a mediator.   He agrees with you and you notice his wings twitch slightly, he was happy. And so were you.
   “Now, before we start our first session I wanna make sure what my chart says is indeed true,” The counselor states, she crosses her legs and pulls at her glasses; adjusting them.
   Keigo sits on one side of the couch meanwhile you sit on the other end, your palms are sweating in nervousness.
   “Is it true that the two of you are in a state of separation currently? Meaning that you two no longer live together or see one another on a daily basis?”
   You both answer, “Yes ma’am.”
   “Alright, is it true that the both of you have been in a relationship for three years?”
   Again, the both of you nod and answer, “Yes, ma’am”   The middle aged woman claps her hands, flipping through her chart. “Alrighty you two, I usually start my counseling with a series of questions of basic getting to know you two, before we can truly get to the root of the problem.” You both nod in understanding, your hands clammy as they rub together.
   “Now, Hawks, may you please retell the story of how you two met in the first place.” She smiles pointing at him with a pen. “It usually helps remind the clients why they fell in love in the first place.”
    He clears his throat, “Well, I met Y/N when I was twenty years old, she worked for another agency at the time and I first heard of her when I realized she was climbing the hero charts pretty fast. We met at a Heroes Convention and she was wearing a red dress. The whole night I kept looking at her and eventually I introduced myself, a week later we found ourselves on the scene in a villain attack together, and I just asked her on a date. She said no,”
   You laugh at the memory, he looked so rejected but instead of taking the no and dropping it, he’d asked every time you met till you finally said yes.
   “She said yes after asking her twenty times.”
   The counselor nods, opening her mouth to ask another question, “Who said I love you first?” She asks.
   You answer this time, “Hawks, we had been dating for a month and he blurted it out when I was in the shower.”
   Ah yes, he was ranting about something while you showered when he said, “I hope you know I love you, because if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be sane.” You had peeked your head out slowly pulling back the curtains and stared him down. Stumbling on your words as a warm blush creeped onto your neck.
   “Say that again?” You asked him, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
   “I love you?”
   “Yeah, say it again,” you smiled at him. Nodding for him to continue; “I love you.” He said it more confidently, you gave him a peck on the cheek and retreated you head back into the shower; “I love you too, birdbrain.”
   It was a beautiful memory that you had forgotten, and now, it came back in a lightning strike. As if talking about it opened a whole cabinet of memories in your mind with him.
   You had blamed him and treated him like nothing during that cold turmoil time in the relationship. Who knew the two of you would end up in an office trying to revive it.
   Doctor Marie (the counselor) nodded, and proceeded to ask questions of the relationship.
   “When did you two notice the relationship was coming to an end, in other words when and why did you guys decide to separate?”
   That was a very loaded question.
   It struck a nerve in you as you clutch onto the hem of your skirt. The two of you didn't respond nor answers.
   Keigo simply said, “After her accident she started to take a boatload of pills but we didn’t know of the side effects. Not to mention she lost her quirk and Y/N really did cherish her quirk, that with also losing lives,” he mutter yet continued when you nodded for him to keep going. “It was a boat load of things, but I genuinely think for me we separated because we couldn’t handle it anymore. Every time I’d try to help her, or talk to her it just ended up in a screaming match. I loved her so much, but it’s hard to love somebody and be happy when the person doesn’t want anything to do with you.”
   He turns to face you, nodding that it was your turn.
   You sigh, “Well for me.. I was jealous of Hawks.” You say, it was true it was a feeling you hated. You felt like a stupid schoolgirl when that feeling over powered you, it was the first time you admitted it. “I was jealous because he still had his quirk, he still had everything. And every time he helped me it felt like he was treating me like a fragile porcelain doll he found from a vintage store. He’d look at me like a wandering puppy, and then on top of that it was like my head was just clouded with nothing. I started taking so many pills for pain, depression, sleep, you name it. Pretty irresponsible on my part, but I let it take over me to the point my body was just physically rejecting him. All I wanted to do was just leave and not have to face him anymore. And it hurt. Hawks was my first everything, we always talked. But now, or may I say then, it felt like he wouldn’t understand.” You confess.
   Doctor Marie nods and takes notes on her small pad, “Interesting, when you say your body felt like it was physically rejecting Hawks what do you mean by that?” She asks.
   You shrug sinking deeper into the couch, “I didn’t wanna see him, feel him, smell him.. touch him.” Your voice trailed off, it made your stomach churn.
   “How’s that make you feel Hawks?”
   Again, very loaded question.
   Keigo shook his head, racking up his thoughts before he spoke, “I-I felt shitty, like I was doing something wrong. I use to go to work and think I was missing a step, it wasn’t the fact that she didn’t wanna touch me that bothered me, I understand at that time sex can’t fix everything. But when the person who shared everything with you just doesn’t even want your presents around them anymore - it hurts. It made me feel like she didn’t love me anymore. There was a time I didn’t even love her, I couldn’t look at Y/N in the same light.”
   Your heart broke as you stared at the mahogany desk in front of you.   The whole session was filled with more questions, some going ever deeper till eventually it was over.The sessions were two times a week, and it got easier for the two. Slowly their relationship fell back in place, but the house they shared once felt different.
   The first time you stepped back into Keigo’s apartment you had to stop yourself. Looking back at the kitchen sink where most of your fights occurred, you dropped your bag off at the door.The place was filled with good and bad memories. But it was the bad memories that infested the place, eating away at the beautiful ones. And reminding the two of you why you hated each other.The both of you agreed on moving after couples therapy ended.
   You hug your old hero costume tightly to your chest, the fabric nuzzled up into your neck as your racked sobs fill the nearly empty bedroom of your apartment. Birby nuzzled at your feet whining.
    “Songbird are you - babe are you okay?” Keigo rushed to your side, and held you close. Noticing your costume in your quivering arms, as you started to slowly calm down he reaches for the costume with a concerning look, quietly asking for you to hand it over to him. You push the fabric lightly into his hands and wipe away your tears. “If it makes you feel better we can put it in a nice box full of other things, you can always look back at it. Or if it’s too much we can-“ you interrupt him and give him a reassuring smile. Your hand clutching onto his, rubbing small circles around his knuckles. “Throw it away. I had to come to terms that it’s over, I’m not crying because of my hero days being over. I’m just mourning the people I couldn’t save. That’s all babe.” You give him a peck on the cheek  and a gentle squeeze on his hand.
   A box full of those memories would simply just be a painful reminder, besides, being a hero was in the past for you. Now, you were entrusted with teaching the new generation of heroes.
    You feel his strong arms tighten around you.
   Time passed and the two of you eventually moved in all of your belongings and furniture from the old apartment.
    Now laying breathlessly beside one another underneath the cool bed sheets covered with sweat, slick and cum. This was the first time in a longtime, the two of you made love to one another. Breaking in the headboard against the wall, you wince at his touch.
    “Our neighbors are gonna hate us in the morning.” He chuckles, a small smile grazing your lips. You allow his finger to trace circles over your shoulder blades, allowing them to wander over the small bruises that littered the base of your neck. “They probably already know your real name..” You giggle, pecking his lips. “That's bad.. because then I’d have to kill them.” He reminds you of the strict rules he must follow, but he was mainly joking. He made sure to find a place with soundproof walls.
    “Well, I’m sure you're right..” You feel his fingers run down to the curve of your thighs, stopping in between your legs. “Fuck..” You moan into his shoulder, “Fuck, songbird. I wanna hear you sing that song even louder. So wet for me, still so tight.” He growls into your ear.
    It had been so long since the two had any sort of intimacy, you apologized deeply to him.
    “I’m never gonna leave you again, Kid. It’s always going to be you.”
   Months passed and your relationship was now at its best, you smiled as he eagerly kissed your cheek.
    “Whoa birdbrain! What’s the hype.” You giggled as he lips peppered down our face, he only smiled and showed off his back. Pointing his thumbs at the now small wings, you gasped. “Kei! What the fuck happened!?” You exclaimed, he brushes you off and picks you by the thighs. “No time, don’t worry about it. No wings means shower sex!” He cheers, rushing towards the nearest bathroom. You sigh, throwing your arms around his shoulders.
    “Why can’t we just have a peaceful shower instead.”
    He stops and gently places you down on the bathroom counter, stepping back from between your legs and reaching down to the hem of his shirt, pulling the black and yellow fabric off. He looks like he is thinking when he smiles and kisses your forehead, “Tomorrow?”
    Holding out a pinky for shower sex, you smile back at him, wrapping your pinky around his. “I promise tomorrow.” You begin to strip off your clothes for the day, watching as he turns on the shower head, tapping at the modes and setting the temperature to hot.
   Later on as you feel his hands run through the roots of your hair you feel the sense of calmness, smiling and humming at his actions. You start to feel a tickle in your nose, “Babe. I’m gonna sneeze..” You warn, who knew a sneeze would be so... deadly that day.
    In a matter of seconds the electricity in the apartment complex went out, and the water short circuited. Keigo stood behind you, dazed at the sudden shock.
    “Babe! I’m so sorry!” You apologized, tugging at his puffed hair. He laughed in shock, before stuttering out the words, “Y-your q-q-quirk.. paid a-a v-visit.” You gave a weak laugh, wrapping a towel around him and you as well.
    “Guess it did.”
   You made a doctor's appointment for the next day and was told indeed your quirk came back, that the possible medication had something to do with it’s delay. But you were also given extra news; you were expecting.
    You smiled down at your tummy awaiting for Keigo to come back from his agency, though he was out of commission still didn’t mean he didn’t have work. He came back through the door with a smile, “So songbird, what’d they say.”
    He pecks your cheek pulling off his jacket and gloves, “Well they said that the lab results do say that it’s positive that my quirk came back, it also says that it decided to probably show up now because I off all those medications and don’t have much stress anymore from after the accident. They themselves don;t know exactly how, initially the reports stated  that there were no signs of my quirk. So I must be lucky!”
    “Well that’s great! That means you can come back and kick some ass again!” He cheers walking towards the kitchen, though he still wasn’t keen on the idea of just throwing you out to the public again. Because you worked at his agency before he’d probably have you doing small work. He couldn’t lose his songbird again.
    You shook your head though, “Actually, I think I might just fully retire from all hero work. And stick to teaching, besides the doctor says it wouldn’t be good for the baby.” You grin, hoping he’d catch your drift.
    He stopped dead in his tracks, processing your words. And slowly turning back to face you, a huge grin plastered on his face.
    “It wouldn’t be good for the baby. You’re pregnant?”
    You nod, “Three weeks along. Besides, I love my job teaching, I just love my kids.”
    He runs out to you and engulfs you in a large hug, you feel tears start to stain your shirt. Your hand caressing his soft hair, running your fingers through his locks to calm him, “I thought I lost you.” His words tremble, you smile softly. “Never.” 
Five years later…
    “Alright kids! Have a good weekend, I’ll see you all tomorrow!” Y/N exclaimed, waving goodbye to her students for the weekend. She pulls out her chair from behind her desk, finishing up her work, when she hears the click of her door opening. The person behind it seemed to be having trouble opening the door, cocking a brow and tilting her head to the right, she smiles.
   “You need help?” 
   She grins when small feathers appear, and a small five year old boy waddles in. A bouquet of flowers covering his face, as he makes his way towards his mom.
    “No mommy, I got it! We got you flowers!”
    You gasp, “Oh baby! Thank you, what are you doing here? I thought you were still at school?” She gathers the flowers out of his small hands and admires the boy, he was a blessing. With his father's quirk, and hair, even his eyes. He was a carbon copy of your husband (That’s right the two got married after the birth of their son) and oh how much you loved the two of them.
    “Daddy picked me up early because I had a tummy ache, and then he gave me medicine when we got home and now I feel better! So we decided to get you flowers and visit you!” He grins, sipping from his red sippy cup in his hand. Drinking away at the juice his father poured for him, Y/N grins, “Well where’s daddy now?”
   At that exact moment, in appeared her husband. Opening the door to her classroom once more and placing a small kiss to her forehead. “Hey bird.” He grins picking up his kid and balancing him on his hip, “We missed mommy so we came to see you.” He pouts, earning a giggle from the boy.
    “I missed my boys too.”
    “Mommy! Daddy even taught me how to fly, he dropped me off the balcony and at first I was falling-” 
   Keigo’s eyes bugged nearly out of his head, placing his gloved hand over his son's mouth. Muffling his words, “Well! Would you look at that! It’s time for us to leave, sorry we gotta cut this short-”
     “He was fine!” 
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