#Cloth Guider
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biaswreckme · 4 months
he a pro rider | namkook
He's a pro rider, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, rider Must bе an A1 guider or Jungkook asks Namjoon to help him be a pro rider.
Pairing: Namjoon/Jungkook
Member: Namjoon, Jungkook
Length: 1245 words
Genre: Smut
Rating: Explicit/18+
Triggers/Warnings/Tags: getting together, namjoon has a big dick, fingering, anal sex, bottom jungkook, top namjoon,
You can read it on: AO3
Hot breaths mingling and a desperate kiss with clashing tongues after an unexpected message asking Namjoon to teach him how to be just like the guy he talked about in his new song. Namjoon was confused for a moment, unclear as to what Jungkook meant, especially with texting, which song he was referring to. But when he asked for clarification, he could not help but be shocked at first, not expecting this. In reality, it had been a long time coming; Namjoon suspected of Jungkook’s feelings for a while, and he had his own to sort through, but the message was enough confirmation for him. Because the message that Namjoon received was “I want you, hyung. I have wanted, for a long time.” And so did he.
When they finally managed to schedule a break that was during the same weekend and visit home, they wasted no time. Clothes were haphazardly thrown over Namjoon’s pristine apartment, almost knocking down a couple of priceless - actually, extremely expensive - artwork around the living room on the way to the bedroom. The bag with lube and condoms that Namjoon had gotten on the way home was still on the bed and they almost sat on it, crushing everything. They laughed and paused, looking at each other properly for the first time since they rushed into deep kisses and undressing.
There was a certain sense of urgency in their actions, for they only had the weekend to enjoy each other’s bodies and were unsure when they would be able to meet next with this much privacy. But for now, for this exact minute in time, they could stop to gaze into each other’s eyes, words not enough to convey what they were feeling, and at Jungkook’s nod, Namjoon’s lips met his again, hands caressing the younger’s body. Namjoon turned him over on the bed, pressing open mouthed kisses along Jungkook’s back, going lower and lower with each passing second, while the younger’s hands grabbed the pillows, arching into Namjoon’s touch. 
“Fuck,” Namjoon said softly when he spread Jungkook’s cheeks, realizing the younger was already opening up for him so easily.
“I prepped already, hyung,” he explained, a beautiful flush coloring his cheeks and chest.
Silently, Namjoon grabbed the lube and coated his fingers generously, slowly pressing two of them inside Jungkook, his digits finding no resistance. But they were still not enough, and when he inserted a third finger slowly, it was a tight fit. “Jungkook-ah, I’m going to have to open you up more. At least one more finger, ok?”
“Fuck, yes, I knew you were big from all the times we had to change in front of each other and everything, but I didn’t know you would be this fucking huge when hard.”
Carefully and oh so very slowly so as not to hurt him, Namjoon gently started fingering him, teasingly pressing into that spot that made Jungkook see stars to distract him from the fourth finger prying him even more open. It was an almost obscene sight whenever Namjoon pulled his fingers back, seeing Jungkook’s hole stretched open and pulsing for him.
“I'm ready, hyung, just let me ride you, please,” Jungkook begged, trying to turn on the bed to change positions.
And so they did, Namjoon’s back to the headboard, sitting up, needing to have Jungkook’s torso close to him. Later they could do it again more slowly, they would use their mouths to bring each other to the brink of pleasure and back, but now there was almost a necessity to unite their bodies. While Jungkook got on his knees, getting into position, Namjoon ripped open the condom and rolled it down his erection, coating it liberally with lube. He usually did not like it messy, but he didn’t even think about it; quick and messy and intense fit the mood then. When Jungkook got closer, Namjoon put his hands on his hips, helping guide him down, down, down, inch by inch, the younger’s eyes closed and open mouth letting small whimpers of pleasure escape. 
But Jungkook didn’t move immediately and Namjoon had to take deep breaths alongside him, their rhythms matching, one adjusting to being spread open like that for the first time, and the other for feeling something clenching so tight around himself. And then Jungkook started moving slowly, at first, just small movements to get him used to the size, moving his hips in small circular motions, feeling every single inch of Namjoon inside him, his dancer body - now a fighter body, tighter, bigger muscles, just like his own - finding a good flow and cadence. Their lips met in a kiss, deep and languid just like their bodies moving, the passing of time outside freezing just for this moment.
Pleasure started building, and so did Jungkook started chasing it, pressing his knees firmly on the mattress and using it to help him move up and down, circling his hips when their hips met, Namjoon’s hands caressing his back, his arms, his thighs, aiding him in the chase. 
“Let me… here,” Namjoon helped him adjust his position, making it easier on the younger’s knees and making a slight change in the angle of his hips, “want to feel me even deeper?” Jungkook just nodded his head, eyes wide open at the possibility. “Get on your feet instead of on your knees, yeah, like that,” he said, helping in the balance, “now lower your body and I’ll help you move up and down. You’ll feel me in your throat this way.”
If Jungkook already wasn’t really verbal before, now his words were stuck at his throat, staccato loud moans uncontrollably leaving his mouth as he did indeed feel like Namjoon’s cock was so deep he could feel it there, the older’s strong hands holding him by his asscheeks, spreading him even more and impaling him down on his erection. With the way Namjoon was pulling and pushing Jungkook’s body on top, his erection managed to graze the younger’s g-spot every time he pulled him down to clash their pelves.
“Are you going to come untouched for me, Jungkook-ah? Feels so good riding you don’t need anything else?” Namjoon asked, teasing him gently, seeing the other so lost in pleasure his eyes seemed to be almost glazed over, his only focus riding Namjoon’s cock hard and fast now, barely listening to what he said.
And then Namjoon could feel it, Jungkook getting impossibly tighter and tighter, clenching hard on him until he shouted, pleasure overtaking his body, the older’s hands helping him move as the only thing keeping nim from collapsing from the intensity of his untouched orgasm, never having felt a sensation so intense before, clouding all his senses. With the way his hips were kept moving just as hard as before only served to prolong and heighten his pleasure, barely even noticing Namjoon chasing and achieving his own high. He didn’t even notice Namjoon gently helping him straighten his legs on the bed and off his lap, getting comfortable and cleaning him up, waiting for him to come back to himself after what felt like an almost out of the body experience. 
“Am I close to being a pro rider yet, hyung?” Jungkook asked softly, finally catching his breath.
Namjoon chuckled, still dazed and amazed by the whole situation. “Yes, you are. Although we might need to do it again just to be sure and to train you even more to complete perfection.”
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black-suns-rim · 1 month
The Child
This is part two of the Ethereal Star AU story. You can find part one here
Word count: about 10,100
The soft chirping of birds echoed off the walls of the temple. A cool breeze blew through the stone pillars and the long cloth banners that hung from the wall gently swung back and forth. As the sun slowly rose over the mountain of clouds that overcast the village below, slowly, the villagers woke.
Daleth rolled to his side, being woken up by a ray of light shining on his face. Stiffly, he sat up while sighing. He reached his hand out to his night stand, feeling around for his mask but he couldn’t find it. He stood up and walked to the curtains that were holding back the sun’s warm rays and opened up a flood of light that illuminated his whole room. He went back to his night stand but didn’t find his mask. He realized his staff was missing too.
“Alef!” Daleth shouted as he left his room. He went to the remaining windows, opening the curtains of the small hut. “Alef!” he shouted again. He almost tripped over when the small child ran past his legs, “I am the light protector!” Alef giggled as he swung around Daleth’s oversized staff, trying to keep the large mask from falling off of his face. Daleth smiled, “Light protector, may I have my staff and mask back?”
“The light protector needs the staff and mask to fight the evil light snatchers!” Alef swung the staff around more before losing his balance and falling on his butt.
“Well, light protector, the light guider needs the staff and mask for his daily duties.” Daleth spoke softly as he squatted down and held out his hand. “Fine..” Alef handed the mask and staff to Daleth.
“Wash up Little Ember, a full day is ahead of you.”
“Aw, but I thought today I wasn't going to do anything.” Alef pouted.
“Tomorrow is your day of rest.” He sat down on a nearby chair, of which had his shoes under it, “I need you to do your daily chores. Once you are done with those, come to me and I'll give you something else to do if you complete them before it's time for your lessons at the prairie temple.” He places his shoes on.
Alef sighed, “fine..” He washed his face and prepared for the day. As usual, he had breakfast with Daleth at the village's small café. Once he was done, he went off on his own to do his chores in the village.
Help the merchants open their stands, clean out the manta stables and many other smaller tasks around the village that the residents needed help with. Once he was all done, it was about mid morning. He sat at a bench, eating a snack he got from one of the vendors he helped.
“Alef!” Kizuna ran over to him, “Good morning!” She gave him a hug and sat right next to him on the bench, “where'd you get that?” She gestured to his snack.
“I got it from one of the vendors. I helped him and he gave me this.” He handed her a piece and she took it.
“I got all my chores done, how about you?” She swung her legs back and forth as she ate the snack.
“Yeah, all of mine are done. I'm just taking a break. Daleth said I need to go to him after I'm done though.”
“Me and Veluboga are gonna sneak into the caves when she's done with her chores. You wanna come with us?”
“What? But we aren't supposed to go in them.” alef looked at her. She had a big smile on her face.
“But do you ever wonder what they look like inside? My big brother said there's murals all over the walls in the deepest parts of the cave where they rest before going into the trials.”
“I mean yeah, I do wonder, but we will see how they look eventually.” He finished eating his snack.
“C'mon, you're not a coward, are you? It will be fun!” She hopped off the bench and pulled on his arm, “c'mon, c'mon! I wanna see if Veluboga is done yet!” Alef hopped off the bench so he wouldn't fall from Kizuna tugging on him. They ran to Veluboga's place and knocked on the door. A chubby and tired looking father opened the door.
“Is Veluboga done with her chores?” Kizuna asked.
“Yeah,” He yawned, “she's just helping me feed her brother right now.” He stepped out of the way of the door to let Alef and Kizuna in. The two of them entered the home as the father closed the door behind them. They walked over to Veluboga who was giggling at how her baby brother was eating his porridge. It covered his face and was dripping down his chin. The father walked over, grabbing a cloth and wiped it all off, “your friends are here.”
Veluboga looked over to where her dad gestured. She ran over to Kizuna and Alef, giving them both hugs, “Hi guys!”
“Are you ready for an adventure today?” Kizuna couldn't keep still.
“Yeah!” Veluboga grabbed a small brown bag. It held various items in it. Kizuna grabbed her hand and started to head out.
“Don't get too far from the village. Be safe and be back by sundown.” Her dad said as he was feeding the baby.
“Ok, love you daddy!”
“Love you too, my little flower petal.”
They left the home and began their little journey to the camp outside of the trial caves. It was about a mile from the village, but still in sight of the residents. They stopped at a large boulder to take a break from walking. Veluboga was out of breath. She was a bit on the chunky side, but she had been losing weight ever since Alef arrived to the village.
“Did you bring water? I'm thirsty.” She asked both Alef and Kizuna.
“no…” Kizuna looked at her bag, “what did you bring with you?”
“uh, some sweet buns and toys.” She pulled out a bun from her bag. It wasn't wrapped or anything, “You guys want one?”
Alef made a slightly disgusted expression under his mask as Kizuna took it, “You didn't wrap them up? They're gonna get stale and covered in hair.”
Veluboga shrugged and Kizuna ate the bread, “Do you have water Alef?” Veluboga asked.
“No, I'm not even carrying anything on me.”
“oh…” She looked through her bag, “Bun?” She pulled one out.
“I'm good.” Alef turned his gaze to the camp outside of the cave and got an idea, “You know, they might have water.” He pointed at the camp.
“But what if there are people there?” Kizuna was worried about being caught.
“They are usually up and training in the caves by now. Daleth has taken me to the camp before, but he's never taken me inside of the caves.” Kizuna trusted Alef's words, “Alright.”
The three of them headed towards the camp, and like Alef had said, no one was there. The morning camp fire that was used for cooking breakfast was still trailing out smoke had just recently been put out. Alef snuck around the tents, looking for where some water might be stashed. His two friends trailed close behind him. He snuck into one of the large tents while Kizuna and Veluboga stayed outside of it, not daring to go in.
Alef came out with a large stone carved bottle and handed it to Veluboga, “Here's your water.” She took it and began to chug the water down. Once she was done, Alef placed the stone bottle back where he found it.
“Alright, back to our main mission: the caves!” Kizuna grabbed both Alef's and Veluboga's hands, almost dragging them. Once they got to the large entrance of the cave, they stood in front of it for a while.
“Well… are we gonna go in?” Alef stared into the dark cave.
“Yeah… but… I don't like how I can't see in it.” Kizuna was still holding their hands. Her's was getting sweaty which made Alef cringe.
“I don't like the dark Kizuna…” Veluboga wanted to stay back from the creeping darkness.
Alef sighed, “We came all this way out here. I'm not gonna just stand here and look at the cave entrance.” He let go of Kizuna's hand and went into the pitch dark of the cave. Kizuna and Veluboga watched as the dark swallowed him. Suddenly, the cave entrance lit up. The two girls gasp, “Whoa!”
Alef was in awe, “Cool.” He looked back at Kizuna and Veluboga, “Well, aren't you two coming?” He said with a little sass. They both ran to catch up with him. The cave got colder the further in they ventured and it felt uncomfortably moist, as if there was a constant mist. Alef stopped When they got to a stone bridge that was surrounded by clouds on either side.
“I can't see the end of that bridge… and it's not lit up.” He was skeptical of it.
“It's probably fine to walk across it.” Veluboga took a couple of steps towards it before Alef stopped her.
“No, I have a feeling. Hold on…” He grabbed a large rock and threw it at the bridge but it phased right through the bridge as if the bridge didn't exist.
“Uh…” Kizuna was confused, “What-?”
“The bridge must be an illusion.” Alef sat on the floor.
“Wait, how? Why? Why would there be a fake bridge?” Kizuna sat with him and Veluboga did the same.
“I don't know.”
“There has to be another way to get to the other side… if there is one. I can't see anything with those clouds.”
Alef thought for a while, “illusion magic is one of the most simple magics out of the others. I remember a lesson from my teacher, saying how to create an illusion and to break one. I failed at creating one during the lesson, but maybe I can break this one.” He stood up.
“I keep forgetting you have lessons. You're so lucky.” Kizuna and Veluboga kept seated on the floor.
Alef was sloppy with his stance, but he was doing his best from memory. He concentrated on the bridge illusion as he moved his hands from side to side. Kizuna and Veluboga started to chuckle which broke Alef's concentration.
“What's so funny?” He looked back at them.
“You. You look like you have a wedgie.” Kizuna laughed.
“I'm trying my best here!” Alef was a little embarrassed. He sighed and tried again but Veluboga and Kizuna busted out laughing.
“Can you just look away from me while I try to do this!?” He was getting a little frustrated.
“Alright, alright.” Kizuna and Veluboga were still chuckling as they turned their backs to Alef. Once more he tried. He took a deep breath in and then out. He moved his hands from side to side with his feet following the movement of his hands, trying to build up energy - a trick for students who are new to magic use.
Slowly, his hands began to glow yellow. It was very dim but still noticeable. He held his hands out in front of himself and then put them together. He pulled them in towards his chest and then quickly put them out. The dim yellow light that was coming from his hands brightened rapidly as it was forced away from his body and towards the illusion. The illusion broke along with the clouds that were surrounding the bridge, revealing they too were fake. It was like watching golden sparkles fall from the sky.
“Whoa! I actually did it!” Alef smiled under his mask. Veluboga and Kizuna turned around, “Whoa!”
All three of them stared at what was revealed. The bridge illusion led to a deep pit filled with clouds. Alef's heart sank at the sight, his mind raced thinking of what could've happened to Veluboga if she had tried to walk on the bridge. Or any of them. But he also saw a small path that followed the cave's wall.
“Look, a path there!” Alef pointed out, “and it leads further Into the cave.”
The three of them took the path. When they reached the end of it, lights in the cave had already been lit and they could hear faint voices.
“We must be getting close!” Kizuna was excited.
“Shh! They might hear us now.” Alef hushed and she quickly quieted down.
The walls of the cave grew more narrow as they headed towards the voices. They stopped when they saw light murals appear on the walls.
“Whoa!” They all said in unison. Smiles grew on their faces but only Veluboga's was visible since she hasn't been given her mask yet, being the youngest of the three. They pointed, stared and giggled as they ran down the narrow cave hallway, triggering the light murals as they passed. They stopped when they came across a large stone door that was open. They could hear the voices more clearly now, so they became quiet. What they didn't realize was how loud their giggling had been while they were walking down the narrow hallway.
They slowly went towards the open doorway, looking down a ledge that led to a huge open cavern below. The cavern walls were covered in light murals from top to bottom. And on the ground, there were 4 different groups of young adults. They were all being trained by the different elemental prophets. They watched the groups being trained, giggling and whispering in the process. Some of the young adults had noticed the three little kids at the top of the entrance to the cavern but didn't mention anything to the prophets since they didn't want to interrupt their teaching.
They watched for about 15 minutes before mimicking what the students were doing. They played for a while, not noticing how the giant stone door closed, “What are young embers like you doing here?”
The kids immediately stopped their playing and looked to where the voice came from. They saw a very tall, slender and intimidating figure. They fell silent and held still, slightly frightened.
“I'm surprised you got past my illusion.” He began to walk towards the kids before realizing they were scared of him. He stopped and then squatted down to try to seem less intimidating.
“You know you little embers shouldn't be in my trials just yet, right?” Anubis tried to sound more light hearted and gave a faint smile which was barely visible.
“It was my idea! I just wanted to see the murals I heard about.” Alef spoke up to take the blame for Kizuna since it was her idea originally.
“You, you broke my illusion?” Anubis already knew the answer to the question, but he wanted to hear it from Alef.
“y-yeah…” He sheeply answered, “Am I in trouble?...”
“No, not at all.” The elder prophet stood up, “I'm just surprised someone as young as you was able to break that large of an illusion. I'm more so impressed. You must take lessons, yes?”
Alef nodded.
“How about this, I give all three of you a lesson and you head back to the village afterwards? And you young embers don't come back here until it is your time, yeah?”
All three of them nodded. They just didn't want to get in trouble. They were still intimidated by him.
“Good. Come along, the cave hall isn't wide enough for what I have in mind.” He held his hands behind his back as he walked past the three. They looked at each other and then followed the tall and slender prophet. He was leading them to the outside of the cave.
“Um, I have a question…” Alef spoke up.
“Yes?” Anubis answered, not turning his head.
“Why did you make a fake bridge over a cliff?”
“So it would keep curious embers, like you, out. At the bottom, under the clouds, there's a waypoint I created that will send you back to the outside of the cave, unharmed.”
“A waypoint?” Alef wanted to know more.
“Yes.. it's advanced magic. A waypoint can be used for many things. I use it as a safety net. Some use it as a way to keep others out of places.”
“Whoa.. cool.” Alef thought for a little bit before speaking up again, “Are you a teacher or a prophet?”
“I'm both. Though, I do more teaching.”
“How long have you been teaching?”
“Centuries. Before the realms were formed.”
“You must be really old!” Veluboga blurted out. Alef elbowed her, “ow!”
Anubis chuckled, “Yes, I am really old.”
“You don't look old though.” Veluboga was rubbing her arm and glaring at Alef.
“My prophets and I don't age like most people do.”
“Why?” The three kids asked.
“Well, I'm not all too sure actually. But I assume it's because we have a higher purpose given to us by the star mother. She decides our path, but it's our will to fulfill it.”
The kids were starting to become less afraid of him and began to ask more questions. He didn't mind answering what he could. Once they were outside of the cave, he led the kids to the camp.
“Have you three eaten anything recently?” Anubis entered one of the tents and the kids followed.
“We've only had breakfast.” Kizuna stared at all the masks that were hanging from the tent's support beams.
“Then you must be hungry by now. It's almost noon.” He levitated some baskets around to get to a large crate. He levitated a couple of fruits from the crate and then placed the baskets back where they previously were. He handed them the fruit.
They thanked him and ate. When they were done, they followed him out of the tent. He had pulled out a couple of mats and placed them on the ground.
“So, what are you going to teach us?” Kizuna asked as she looked up at Anubis.
“Physical balance.” He sat on one of the mats, “But first, we stretch. Mirror what I do.”
The kids sat in front of him on the mats. He directed them on what stretches to do while showing them. He also explained how to properly stretch. After they were warmed up, he began his little lesson on balance. Kizuna had incredible balance while Alef and Veluboga were wobbly. They fell over a few times while trying to copy Anubis.
By the time he was done teaching them, the sun was high in the sky and it was beginning to get hot. He handed the kids some water as they rested in the cool tents.
“You young embers did good.” Anubis placed the mats back where he pulled them from.
“We kept falling down.” Alef sighed.
“Yes, but you got back up and tried again, didn't you? A good student isn't one who succeeds all the time. A good student is one who keeps trying even after they fail. It's what helps you grow. If you aren't failing, you aren't being challenged. And if you're not challenged, you won't be able to grow.”
Alef thought about that for a bit, “yeah.. I guess that makes sense. Wait, what time is it?” Alef almost forgot about his lessons he needed to go to.
“Noon. So, about 12pm.” Anubis drank some water.
“Oh no! I have to go! I'll see you guys later.” He quickly hugged his friends and ran to the village as fast as he could. Anubis chuckled as he watched Alef run off.
Once he reached the village, Alef looked for Daleth. He saw him at the boat docs and ran over to him. He was out of breath as he reached Daleth.
“Alef! Where have you been? You are late!” Daleth scolded.
“I'm sorry…” He looked down at his feet. Daleth sighed, “Get on the boat.” He gestured to a small stone boat. Alef got on. Daleth handed him a bag that held his school items in it, “Behave yourself. I'll see you later tonight.”
“Wait, will I be in trouble?..”
“No. You just need to be more aware of your time next time Alef.”
Daleth set the boat to its course - the prairie light temple. Alef sat alone on the small boat. He took off his mask and wiped away the sweat from his face. His once happy mood turned to sadness. Not because of Daleth's scolding. He sat on the boat's floor, pulling his knees to his chest and hugged his legs. He rested his face on his knees.
“I miss you momma…” He whispered to himself.
The sun was beginning to set on Prairie. The air was rapidly growing colder and the animals retreated to their homes. Alef held a small lantern in his hands that kept him warm as he tried not to fall asleep. His lessons from today were more active compared to the others he’s had in the past and with what he did this morning, he was so ready to go to bed. He didn’t want to pass out on the boat while on his way back home to the village since he knew Daleth wouldn’t be able to carry him back to the small hut they shared.
His eyelids were heavy and slowly they were weighing down. Alef shook his head and smacked his face to try and get rid of the sleepiness. He looked at the hills of prairie as his boat passed by them. The setting sun was creeping behind the horizon which made the outline of the hills glow a bright yellow. The last bit of mantas were flying towards their nests high up in the cliffs and floating islands. He watched as the sun vanished from sight, leaving its warm remnants on the clouds.
Alef’s mind began to drift to memories of his mother and all the stories she would tell…
“Can you tell me about the story of the manta and butterfly again?”
“Again? Don’t you have this story memorized by now, my little star?” she picked up the small child and tickled his side. He giggled and squealed.
“I wanna hear it again!”
“Alright.” She sat down and grabbed out a small stone carved manta and butterfly from a bag after placing the child down.
“There once was a manta who would soar up high in the clouds. She would race with her friends and play all day where the stars met the clouds.” she handed the child the carved manta, “One day, she found a butterfly high up in the clouds. ‘What are you doing here little butterfly?’ the manta asked, and the butterfly replied, ‘I wanted to explore! But I don't know where to go.’ “
“And the manta said, ‘follow me! I can show you many cool places!’ “ the child held up the manta in the air. The mother chuckled.
“And so, the manta led the butterfly through all the realms, showing them all the cool places where her friends often visited.” the mother held up the butterfly and waved it in the air, “As the sun began to set, the manta and the butterfly rested on the floating islands of the green prairie. ‘Thank you manta for showing me all these places.’ the butterfly said to their new friend.”
“ ‘you’re welcome little butterfly!’ “ the child giggled. He held out his hand for the carved butterfly and his mother gave it to him, “And now I eat you! Raaah!” He hit the two carved toys together.
“That’s not how the story ends.” She chuckled.
“Yes it is! That's how it ends tonight!” he laughed. She shook her head, “you’re so silly.” she began coughing hard and held her side.
“Momma!” He dropped his toys and immediately grabbed her bag. He pulled out a small jar and handed it to her. She took off her mask and grabbed the jar, opening it while she coughed. She scooped out a small portion of thick paste and put it in her mouth. Her coughing became less and less until she had completely stopped.
“Thank you my little Alef.” she put her mask back on. Alef hugged his mother and she hugged him back, “Everything is going to be okay.” she tried to reassure him.
“Is everything good back there?” A deep voice asked. Alef’s mother stood up, moving the cloth curtains out of her way as Alef clung to her side.
“Yes, everything’s fine.” She looked at the birostrian and then at the dark night sky.
“We are almost to our next stop. We have maybe two more hours of travel to go. You and your little ember should get some rest while you can.”
Alef looked at the sandy dunes. He noticed some small glowing embers off in the distance. He then looked at the lanterns that were hung from the decorated caravan. The same embers that flew around freely in the sandy dunes were the same embers that were trapped within those lanterns that lit up their dark path. He then looked up to his mother, “I'm not tired yet.” He quietly said.
“I am. We can stay up a little longer, but we need to sleep soon Alef…
Alef woke up and rubbed his eyes. Daleth had his hand on his shoulder, “Tiring day?” he chuckled.
“I fell asleep?” Alef put his mask on and groggily grabbed his bag.
“Yep. And you were out cold. I would’ve carried you if I were able to.” He helped Alef out of the boat. It was completely dark in the village except for some lanterns lighting in the pathways. Clouds were starting to roll in, “It’s gonna rain tonight.” Daleth held Alef’s hand as he walked him to their hut, “Are you hungry at all?”
“No. I ate before I left the temple.” he yawned.
“Okay, good. You should bathe before you sleep tonight. You seem like you have sweated a lot.”
As they entered the hut, Alef could smell what Daleth had cooked earlier. It smelled like the spicy stew he would always prepare the night before Alef had a day of rest. Daleth helped the tired kid prepare a warm bath. He left the bathing room once the bath was ready. Alef took off all of his clothes and stepped into the warm bath tub. He sat down and splashed the water on his face, making sure to remove all of the dried sweat and dirt from himself.
He washed his short hair and scrubbed his whole body. Once he was done cleaning himself, he laid back in the water. Alef sighed. He noticed some embers fluttering around in the bathroom. He reached out his hand towards them and they fluttered near him. He watched as they danced in the air. A smile creeped onto his face as he moved his hand around - the embers followed. They fluttered away after a while.
Alef got out of the bathtub once his hands began to prune up. He dried himself off with the towel Daleth left for him and he changed into his night clothes. He picked up all his dirty clothes and carried them out of the bathroom. He went to his small room and placed the dirty clothes in the corner of his room. Walking out of his room, he peeked into Daleth’s room to see if he was in there. Daleth had fallen asleep while Alef was taking his bath.
The child walked outside of the small hut and sat on the porch. He wished he was still tired but now he was wide awake. He looked up at the sky that was now covered in clouds. He shivered as the wind blew. He went back inside to grab his cloak and went outside again. He pulled his hood over his head as the wind blew gently. He pulled his legs up to his chest, hugging his legs. As he was thinking about the day, it began to rain.
Alef held his hand out, letting the rain droplets touch his skin. He didn’t want to stay at the hut, but he also knew he shouldn’t roam the village at night by himself. He couldn’t wake Daleth up, he knew he would get mad that he wasn’t in bed. Alef’s eyes began to water up, he tried holding back the tears but once they started to fall down his cheeks, he couldn’t stop them. Sniffling, he wiped away the tears from his face as he tried not to cry too loudly.
“I want you mommy…” He whimpered quietly to himself. Soon, his sleeves became covered in snot from him wiping his nose and tears, “I want you back… I miss you so much.” He stood up. He couldn’t stand to be at the hut right now. Alef ran out of the village as the rain poured heavily. He ran and ran, having no destination in mind but his legs led him to the prophecy cave where he and his friend had been earlier in the day.
He didn't go too far into the cave before his legs gave out and he collapsed onto the floor, crying and out of breath. He sat with his back towards the wall, his face was buried in his knees while he hugged his legs tightly. He sobbed loudly as he hyperventilated. He didn't realize how loud he was since he thought he was alone. A cloaked and slender being slowly approached the crying child and kneeled down in front of him.
“Little ember?” the voice spoke softly but with concern. Alef looked up with blurry vision but he recognized the voice. It was the teacher of the trials. Alef leapt forward and clung to the slender prophet. Anubis didn’t know what to do besides hug the child. He slightly cringed, feeling the snot and tears seep through his clothes. Once alef calmed down, he let go of the prophet.
“What has you so troubled little ember?”
Alef sniffled, “I- I miss my m-mommy… I w-want her back…” he wiped his face.
“I see…”
“I don't want to be here. I want to go home to my old village with my old friends. But I'm stuck here…” his cheeks were sore from the salty tears running down his face. He hugged Anubis again without saying anything. The prophet patted his back as Alef continued to sniffle. When Alef completely stopped, Anubis noticed his hug weakened.
“Little ember?” Anubis nudged. Then he realized the child had cried so much that it had tired him out to the point he passed out.
“Oh boy…” He didn't know who was in charge of this child, but he knew he shouldn’t leave him all by himself in the cave. He picked up the child and kept him safe from the rain under his cloak as he walked out of the cave. Anubis headed to the camp, walking into the tent he shared with the other four prophets.
“So, who was crying?” the prophet of water looked up from a card game she was playing with the prophet of fire.
“This little guy.” Anubis took off his cloak, revealing the small child who was sleeping in his arm.
“Oh sweet star mother, a kid?” she got up, “Hand that poor thing to me.” Anubis handed Alef to her.
“I believe his mother was the traveler that had passed away in the village nearby just a couple weeks ago. He told me he missed her, and I don’t blame him.” Anubis sat down.
“Aw, poor little ember.” The fire prophet assumed the water prophet was done playing cards since she was occupied with holding Alef.
“He must be having a hard time adjusting if he came all the way out here in the rain, crying. Oh you poor baby.” The water prophet sat down gently, making sure she wouldn’t wake up Alef.
“Wow, I haven't seen you this motherly in a long time.” the fire prophet chuckled as he put the cards away.
“Hush you.” she playfully smacked him.
“So, what are we gonna do with the kid? I mean, we can’t just wake up that entire village.” The fire prophet stretched his arms and back.
“We wait until the morning. Either he wakes up and leaves on his own or we will hear a panicked guardian looking for him.” Anubis took off his mask and placed it right by his sleeping mat.
“Yeah, that sounds reasonable.” the fire prophet laid on his sleeping mat, “well, I’m gonna sleep now. Night guys.”
“Good night.” Anubis and water prophet said.
“We might as well sleep too.” Anubis laid back on his mat.
“Yeah…” the water prophet gently placed Alef on her sleeping mat and pulled a blanket over him.
“You wouldn't mind if I laid right next to you, Anubis?” The water prophet took off her mask and dimmed the light in the tent.
“No. You know we’ve been friends for long enough that you don’t have to ask, right?” he chuckled.
“I know, but I still like to make sure.” she placed her mask right next to his and laid right next to him, “I hope this kid can find peace. It always makes my heart ache to see a little ember hurt from loss.”
“I hope he can find peace too… Goodnight.”
As the rain pelted the tent’s roof, all the prophets fell asleep to its soothing sound.
Before the sun rose, Alef woke up to the sweet smell of burning incense. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, a little confused on where he was. He glanced around, realizing he was in a tent. It was oddly warm in the tent...
“Sleep well, young ember?” A familiar voice asked. Alef quickly turned his head to where the voice came from. The slender Prophet was tending to a small fire that had a pot hanging over it. Alef got up to sit right next to Anubis. They sat in silence for a while before Alef spoke up.
“I don't want to go back…”
Anubis looked down at the kid, “You can't stay here forever. You'll worry your guardian.”
Alef sighed. He looked up at Anubis who didn't have his mask on. His face had a large scar across it that went from the left side of his forehead down to the right side of his cheek. His eyes looked tired but relaxed. Alef looked around the tent, seeing all the other Prophets were still asleep.
“If it is your wish to stay here a little longer, you may. But when the people of that little village come looking for you, you must return to them. I will not hide you here.”
“okay.” Alef spoke quietly. He watched the flames of the fire dance around, swaying and flickering.
“Will I ever stop missing my momma?..”
Anubis frowned, “No. A part of you will always miss her. But that doesn't mean you'll always feel like how you do now. Over time, the pain will fade, but it will never leave.” He patted Alef's head to try and comfort him.
“That doesn't mean you won't find someone else to look up to like you did for her. No one can replace her, but someone can fill her parental role.”
Alef scooted right next to Anubis and leaned against him. He just wanted to be held… he wanted someone to hold him. And badly. Anubis put an arm around him. He could tell Alef was hurting.
They sat in silence while Anubis waited for the breakfast to cook. Once it was ready, the other prophets were already awake. Anubis gave Alef a bowl of the hot grainy paste that had been cooking. It didn't look too appetizing, but it smelt really good. He tried it and was surprised by how sweet it was. As the prophets ate, they chatted while Alef kept quiet.
“A new day, a new headache.” The fire prophet said as he opened up the tent door to the rising sun.
“Oh come on, the students aren't that bad.” The air prophet was finishing up their breakfast.
“Try having my group. They are so immature.”
“Aren't all young adults immature?” Anubis chuckled.
“I swear they are worse than the last batch you assigned to me.” The fire prophet took the flames from the firepit in their tent and used his magic to light the other fire pits around the camp without having to move too far from their tent.
“Well today is the last day of their training before they start the sacred trials tomorrow. You won't have to deal with them much longer.” The water prophet said as she was cleaning out the pot the breakfast was cooked in.
“And thank the great star mother for that. You'll have to deal with them.” He chuckled.
She sighed, “Don't remind me.”
The other prophets laughed. Alef's gaze went from one prophet to the next as they spoke to each other. He finished up his bowl and handed it to the water prophet. Without saying anything, Alef walked up to Anubis and hugged his leg. He looked down and placed a hand on Alef's head. The other prophets glanced over at them.
Alef let go and walked out of the tent. He was ready to head back to the village, and so, he left.
“That little guy really likes you.” The water prophet observed.
“I noticed… Usually, young embers are afraid of me. Most likely because of the mask, right?”
“Yeah, the mask will do it.” The earth prophet walked past him, “I know mine's pretty terrifying to young embers.”
The prophets and the overseer began to start their day in the camp. The last bit of lessons they were about to provide their students was the key in helping them to succeed in the ritualistic trials.
When Alef got back to the village, the village residents were just starting to wake up. He entered the small hut quietly, hoping Daleth was still asleep. He was relieved when he heard the old man snoring in his room. Alef changed out from his night clothes into his day clothes. He sat on his bed and pulled out the stone carved manta and butterfly his mother had made for him from the bag she used to carry around with her. He held the stone toys in his hands and sighed.
Alef heard Daleth opening the curtains in the hut. He put his two toys away and walked out of his small room.
“Oh, you're already up.” Daleth sounded a little surprised.
“I've been up for a while..”
“Aw, I thought you would've slept well after that bath last night.” Daleth walked to the little kitchen and pulled out a loaf of bread.
“Are you still having nightmares?”
Daleth cut the bread and handed him a slice but Alef shook his head, “I'm not hungry.”
Daleth frowned. He ate the slice of bread and put the loaf away.
“Can I go play with my friends?”
“Yes. Be back before sundown.”
Alef nodded and left the hut. Daleth placed a hand on the back of his neck and huffed. He got ready for the day.
Alef kept himself busy with his friends all day, and by nightfall, he was able to sleep.
“Last night, before I went to bed, I saw a small group set up their tents right by the trial cave’s camp.” Kizuna was eating a rather large fruit.
“Ok, and? Travelers are common.” Alef yawned as he followed her. They were on their way to get Veluboga.
“They were different! I saw these really huge guys! Bigger than the cave teacher!”
“Do you mean the teacher with the jackal mask?”
“Yeah. From what I could tell, those guys were probably three times the size of him!” Kizuna handed Alef the fruit she had been eating, now full from it. He didn’t really want it, but kept it in his hands.
Knocking on Vel’s door, Kizuna rocked back and forth from her heels to her toes. Vel opened the door, greeted them and said goodbye to her dad as she left with her friends. Alef handed Vel the fruit Kizuna handed to him.
“So what are we doing today?” Veluboga began to eat the fruit.
“I want to see who camped far out over there.” Kiz gestured and the two looked where she was pointing.
“I don’t think we should bother travelers… we might get in trouble.” Alef sighed. He felt like he was always the voice of reason with her.
“We won’t get in trouble if we’re just looking. Now let's go!” She grabbed both Alef’s and Vel’s arm.
The three of them crept closer to the strange traveler's camp and hid behind a rock that was nearby. They saw a huge figure laying right next to a fire pit with charcoaled logs.
“See, I told you. Bigger than the cave teacher.” Kizuna whispered.
“Whoa… they are a giant.” Veluboga stared.
“Huh… they are huge.” Alef has never seen anyone quite that large before, even when he had traveled from his original village to here.
“I wonder where they are from?...” Kiz noticed how the large guy was dressed, “They look so different. Their tents look very fancy too. Way too fancy to be normal travelers.” She observed.
“What if they are rich travelers?” Vel asked.
“Why would anyone rich wanna come here? No offense, but this place isn't exactly screaming ‘rich people come here.’ ” Alef remarked in a sassy tone.
“Are you saying our village isn't interesting enough for rich people?” Kizuna got a little offended.
“Basically, yeah. I haven't seen anyone rich come here in the 4 weeks I've been here.” Alef kept his sassy tone.
Kizuna was about to argue with Alef until Veluboga pushed Kizuna forward, “You go touch them.” Vel gestured to the large traveler sleeping by the dead campfire as she giggled. Her tone was daring.
“No! I'm not gonna! What if they get angry?” Kizuna was distracted from Alef's snarky comments.
“You go and touch them. You suggested it!” Kiz shoved Veluboga, “What? No!”
Alef watched them bicker back and forth for a bit, sighing, “Out of my way, cowards.” He said as he pushed them off to the side. He would rather be the one to get in trouble than them.
He slowly crept up towards the massive, sleeping traveler as Kizuna and Veluboga hid behind the large rock. Alef noticed how they only had a cloak over themselves instead of a blanket. He froze in place when they rolled over to their side. Alef looked towards where his friends were hiding. Veluboga and Kizuna peaked out from behind the rock, frantically gesturing for him to come back. He shook his head, doubling down on the harmless dare Veluboga made.
He looked at the giant traveler once more, creeping closer and closer until he was standing over them. He didn't realize he was holding his breath as he realized just how massive they were… Kizuna was right, they were so much bigger than the jackal masked teacher of the caves. He looked back at his friends again before quickly poking the sleeping traveler on the face. He ran and hid behind one of the nearest tents, not daring to look back just in case they woke up.
After a few seconds of nothing happening, he peaked out from behind the tent and saw that the large traveler didn’t wake up. He looked over to vel and kiz again. They motioned for him to come back again, but he ignored them, feeling a little more confident now. He picked up a small stone and crept back over to them.
“Is he insane?!” Kizuna whispered loudly to Vel. Veluboga was just intensely watching Alef.
Alef placed the small stone on the large traveler's face and snickered. He turned his back to the traveler to look at his friends once more with a smug grin under his mask. Veluboga and Kizuna stared in horror as the large traveler sat up behind Alef. They ran away from behind the large rock when the large traveler stood up. Alef was confused why they suddenly ran.
He turned around just to see the massive traveler standing over him. Alef gasped and then bolted as fast as he could to catch up with Kizuna and Veluboga. It felt like his soul had left his body with the way the traveler had looked at him. When the three of them got back to the village, they were all out of breath.
“THEY ALMOST GOT YOU! DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Veluboga said as she was trying to catch her breath.
“THEY WERE ABOUT TO GRAB YOU!” Kizuna exaggerated.
Alef sat on the ground, panting. Alef took off his mask and wiped the sweat off from his face. He began to laugh, “You should've seen the look on your face Vel! It looked like you were about to crap yourself!” Alef put his mask back on, still chuckling.
“You're crazy!” Veluboga was embarrassed.
“You're the one who wanted someone to touch them. You got your wish.” Alef remarked in a snarky tone.
“You didn't have to go back a second time!” Kizuna still couldn't believe he did that.
“You two are just cowards.” He teased as he got up from the ground, not panting as hard now.
“You're just insane.” Kizuna shook her head. Veluboga patted Alef on the arm and pointed. He looked over to where she was pointing.
“Where did you run off too, young ember? I was looking for you.” Daleth said as he approached the three.
Veluboga was about to speak but Alef cut her off, “We were just playing tag on the outskirts of the village.”
“Ah, I see.” Daleth knew something was up, but he didnt feel like confronting them about it right now, “Come with me Alef, I need your help with a few things. Then you can return to playing with your friends afterwards.”
Alef sighed, “Alright…” He waved goodbye to Kiz and Vel as he followed Daleth.
“What do you need my help with?” He walked right besides Daleth.
“Just some small tasks.”
They went to the boat docks and Daleth had Alef paint over some of the old fading paint on the doc. It didn't take him too long since the doc was small. He also had Alef help him pick out a new cloth for the light temple's decoration. After that, Daleth wanted to head to the village's café to socialize for a bit.
“Why do I have to come along for this?” Alef complained.
“Because, it's good for you to socialize with new people. Plus, you can learn many things from the travelers.” Daleth entered the Café while Alef trailed behind him, slightly pouting.
“Good morning!” Daleth greeted the staff of the café with a cheerful tone. They greeted him back while politely bowing.
“The café smells wonderful as usual.” The old man walked up to the counter.
“We just got done baking this morning's pastries. And they're your favorites.” The café owner matched Daleth's upbeat attitude. She handed Daleth a small plate with 2 large pastries on them, still warm.
“Oh my sweet dear, thank you.” He reached for his pouch to pay her, but she refused.
“Take them.” She insisted.
“You know I feel guilty if I don't, I have to pay you for your hard work.” He placed the currency on the counter.
“Oh would you look at that!” She quickly distracted Daleth and gestured for Alef to put the currency back in his pouch, which he did.
“What is it?”
“The birds. Aren't they just gorgeous?” She pointed to the small birds that were perched outside. She looked down to Alef and winked at him. Alef giggled.
“Oh, they are. Very gorgeous indeed.” Daleth was unaware of what Alef did while he admired the birds. He turned his attention back to the café owner and chatted with her for a while after handing Alef one of the pastries.
Alef ate the warm pastry while Daleth talked. He went around the café, talking to the other people inside. Locals and travelers. He then walked over to a very large stranger in a cloak who was sitting at one of the tables, “Greetings. You seem like you're far from home.” He observed with an upbeat tone. Alef recognized the large stranger from the one he had pranked earlier. He shyly hid behind Daleth.
“I am.” The traveler replied. His voice was incredibly deep which threw Alef off and slightly intimidated him.
“Where are you from?” Daleth was curious.
“Golden city, in the golden dunes.”
“Oh, the golden dunes. I've heard many things about it, but I've never been. I must know, is It true that enforcement there is brutal? I've heard about how harsh they can be.”
The stranger shifted in his seat, almost seeming as if the question bothered them, “Yeah… the enforcers can be brutal at times, but that's only with the newer recruits. More seasoned enforcers are often relaxed after being in the position for so long.”
“I see. Must be all the energy they have. Oh! I almost forgot, how rude of me. I'm Daleth, and you are?” He reached out his hand.
“Tsadi.” He shook Daleth's hand.
“And this here is Alef.” He gestured to the child who was hiding behind him.
Tsadi chuckled, “Your kid is a prankster. He woke me this morning at my camp.”
Alef's face grew red under his mask and he could feel his body heating up from embarrassment.
“Oh! I'm so sorry-” Daleth bowed apologetically.
“It's fine.” One of the waiters brought Tsadi's food to the table and he thanked them. Daleth knew this was his cue to leave.
“It was nice to meet you. Again, I'm so sorry.” Daleth apologized again.
“It's alright.” He said genuinely as he took off his mask to eat.
Daleth headed out of the Café but held Alef by the arm, “Why were you messing with this traveler? Is that why I couldn't find you earlier?” He scolded. Alef looked away from Daleth in shame.
“And you lied to me where you were! Some travelers aren't as forgiving as they were, Alef.” He sounded upset. Alef said nothing. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. Daleth kept a grip on his arm.
“I'm sorry…” He said very quietly. He still couldn't look Daleth in the face. He was too embarrassed and shameful.
“You should be apologizing to that traveler.” His tone was a little more soft now, “Some of these people come a long way, and being rudely woken up like that, it's not fair to them.”Alef looked at his feet while they walked. The silence felt intense.
“I need you to do one more thing for me… then I'll let you go back with your friends.” Daleth stopped, let go of Alef's arm and slowly bent down with the aid of his staff to be at eye level with the child.
“Promise me, you'll behave yourself better?”
Alef bowed his head, “I promise.” He still felt shameful, but tried to speak louder than he did before. Daleth put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at him.
“Your friends may want to get into trouble, but you can always be the responsible one and back away after warning them if they do not listen to you.” Daleth slowly stood back up.
“Now go, play.”
Alef bowed quickly and ran off to find his friends. He found them in the center of the village, playing with the other village kids. He joined them in the game they were playing - sky ball. The oldest kid that was playing with them was about 13. They were showing off their tricks to the younger kids and trying to teach some of their tricks as well. The youngest kid in the group was probably 5. For a few hours, they played with the ball, trying their best to not make it touch the ground while using only their feet and hips to move the ball. The kid who owned the ball eventually had to leave the group, which left them with nothing much to do afterwards.
Alef, Kizuna and Veluboga sat down, slightly tired after playing. After they got their second wind, Kizuna tapped Alef's shoulder, “Look.” She gestured to someone who was sitting on a bench nearby and eating.
“They look really pretty. They also look rich.” She admired the stranger.
Alef stared at the stranger, “They look like a vault worker, but fancier.” He observed.
“How do you know what a vault worker looks like?... and what's a vault worker?” Kizuna asked.
“My mom told me stories about them and she painted small pictures of them. She said they are the keepers of all knowledge and they work in a giant vault that stores it. But they all are dressed the same.” Alef tried to explain.
“Then why did you call that one fancy if they all dress the same?” Vel asked.
“Because they are dressed fancier than what a vault worker looks like, duh.” Alef rolled his eyes.
“If they all dress the same, then a fancy vault worker shouldn't exist.” Kiz copied Alef's attitude.
Alef growled, “Then what would make them?” He gestured to the stranger.
“Rich.” Kizuna sassed.
Alef sighed, “You know what, I'm gonna ask them and prove you wrong.”
Kizuna mocked him as he left. He looked up at the stranger as he approached them, “are you some kind of fancy vault worker?” He asked sheepishly. The stranger gave a soft smile, “Something like that, yeah.” They spoke in a gentle tone that reminded him of his mother. He looked down at his feet and then back up at them, “My friends said there's no such thing as a fancy vault worker because they all dress the same.”
“Well, my job is different from the other vault workers. That's why I'm dressed differently.” They ate the last bit of their food and placed their mask back onto their face.
“What's your job?” He was feeling a bit less shy.
“I'm a soothsayer.”
“What's that?”
“Someone who can foresee the future.”
“Whoa… so you can see the future?” He wanted to make sure he understood them correctly.
“So can you tell that I'm gonna do this?” Alef kicked his feet in the air, pretending to hit something. The stranger chuckled.
“My ability doesn't work like that. I have to meditate and focus on what is calling to me.” They explained.
“Oh.” Alef suddenly noticed a large stranger standing nearby the bench the other stranger was sitting at. They looked just like the traveler he pranked this morning. He assumed they knew each other.
“Who's that?” He pointed at the large stranger.
They looked at who he was pointing to, “That's my bodyguard.”
“Why do you have a bodyguard?”
“Because my job is so important that I don't often travel. And when I do, I tend to attract attention. So they keep me safe.”
“Oh.” Alef looked back to his friends. They were getting tired of him taking so long, so they walked over to join him.
“They are a fancy vault worker, I was right.” Alef said snarkily to Kizuna. She mocked him again.
“Are you rich?” Kizuna wanted to know.
“Considering my job title… I guess I am.” They had to think about the answer to that question for a bit.
The three of them asked the stranger a few more questions before they had none left to ask. Then Alef remembered he never introduced himself to the stranger.
“I'm Alef, that's Veluboga and this is Kizuna.” He pointed to his friends.
“It's nice to meet all of you. I'm Lamed and this is Anumoh.” She gestured to the guard.
“They're big!” Kizuna stared at the guard, “Why are you so big?”
“I ate my vegetables.” Anumoh said with a straight face. Lamed chuckled at their response.
The three kids chatted with the travelers a little longer before they decided to go do something else. They said goodbye to Lamed and Anumoh before running off.
“See, I told you they were a fancy vault worker.”
“But they also said they were rich.”
“Both of you were right. So stop fighting.” Veluboga spoke up.
The three of them went to the boat docs to bother Daleth and tell him about the “fancy” vault worker that was in the village.
Throughout the week, Alef and his friends saw the fancy vault worker and three other vault workers in the village and around in the markets. They also saw those large body guards with them.
At the end of the week, Daleth had Alef help him in the light temple. A wave of new travelers had been coming in for the ceremonial trials and Daleth wanted to greet as many of them as he could. Alef was placing new white candles up at alters when he noticed a small group approaching Daleth. He recognized them - the group he's been seeing all week.
He continued to place the white candles down, but he also watched. He couldn't tell what they were saying, but he noticed how Daleth bowed. A long and deep bow, which he's never seen Daleth do. He quickly finished placing the white candles down, wanting to know what they were talking about. He walked up to Daleth and looked up at Lamed and her group. One of them had handed Daleth a stone tablet, of which was engraved with light.
“Keep this in your temple and let the travelers who pass by see it.” Lamed said.
Daleth nodded, “I will.”
Alef tugged on Daleth's robe, trying to get his attention, “What's that?” He gestured to the stone tablet. Daleth waved his hand at Alef, signaling for him to wait as he talked to Lamed.
“With this new knowledge, my village… we will have many travelers coming to it for the trials, yes?”
“Your village will most definitely have a large increase of travelers. Prepare what you can, for your village is the first to receive my word. You may see an increase as soon as this week.”
“I will keep this in mind. Thank you.” Daleth bowed and they left.
Alef tugged on Daleth's robe again, “What were you talking about and why were you bowing at them like that?”
“That was the oracle. She came here to bring us a prophecy.” Daleth walked over to one of the altars in the temple and placed the stone tablet at the center of it.
“The oracle?..” Alef followed him.
“Yes… she's highly respected across the realms, young ember. She has prophesied many things in the past and they came true. Though, no one ever sees her outside of the vault's doors. Her coming here- it's a very big deal, child.” Daleth seemed like he was excited. Alef’s never seen him this excited.
“Is she like… a realm leader?” He was trying to understand her importance.
“She is more than a realm leader.” Daleth pointed to the stone tablet, “This. She has foretold of a child completing all four trials and becoming our king, making a kingdom out of the scattered realms and unifying us all.”
Alef looked at the stone tablet. He felt unsure about the prophecy, “But, aren't kids not allowed in the trials?...”
“They aren't… but if she says a child will rise up from all four trials, then that's what's going to happen.” Daleth tried to explain.
“I don't wanna go to the trials…” Alef looked up at Daleth.
“Well, you don't have to until you feel you are ready. You are still very young.” He gestured for Alef to follow, “We must let the village know of this. We must arrange for a gathering tonight and plan for what's to come.”
Alef nodded as Daleth led him out of the light temple.
For the following weeks after the prophecy spread throughout all the realms, the village of Isle became over overwhelmed with travelers from all corners of each realm. The village grew in population over the span of 3 years. Of the 3 years, Alef wanted to learn as much as he could about the trials with his friends on top of his studies in the realm of prairie. He didn't want to go to the trials, but his friends convinced him that they would go together.
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diaday333 · 6 months
Hymns/prayers for the Dead
I’ve never really considered reading/ writing hymns for the dead because I guess I never “needed” them, but with the tragic events going on the world right now, multiple gen-c-des and atrocities, I’ve felt moved to write these. Like I said in my last prayer post, keep speaking up, b0yc0tting, and keep praying! You can technically apply these prayers with any dead, but I had the m@rtyrs of Su-dan, Con- go, Ethiopia, and Pale - stine (breaking them up on purpose) in mind, as well as anyone else who have lost their lives due to the terrible events going on in this world and from their oppression. Also, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.
We call to Hermes Kαταιβάτης (he who leads souls down to the underworld), guider of souls. Immortal guide, lover of humankind, you take special care of us when we leave this earth, and your involvement shows the Gods’ love of humankind, as there is a God with us every step of the way, even after our deaths. Gracious God, during these times we ask for your grace, and for you to take extra care of the souls that find their way past the river Styx. Everyday now, thousands of people die from acts of cruelty from oppressors emboldened by hubris. We ask you to treat these souls with added care, especially those of children, taken from life too early, while you escort them to the dread queen's home or wherever their final resting place may lie. Charm them with your wand and bless their heavy eyelids, bringing them a peaceful end for their final rest. Oh Lord, guider of mortals, grant a sacred end to those who lived the best they could.
(Greek pronunciation: Kah-teh-vah-tiis(ees))
To the Savior of the dead and the noble queen herself, we call to you! Dread Persephone and shadowy Hades, though you may not take every soul into your wide walls, you watch over the dead nonetheless, those who wander your fields of flowers. We thank you for your mercy towards our souls, notably of the most restless ones. We ask that they can find joy in the afterlife, especially those who were robbed of it. Not only do you take in these souls, Lovely Persephone, you exact justice on their behalf, with your kindly attendants, or daughters in some ways, the Erinyes, especially during these harrowing times. All we ask is for justice and a peaceful afterlife for the many martyred people of all the atrocities going on. We thank you, Hades and fair-tressed Persephone!
“Fear the prayers of the oppressed.” I heard that today and I thought it fit. The Gods are with us and the oppressed during these times 🤲 They hear every prayer and they are outraged as we are. Keep up every action and don’t forget about our fellow humans suffering and don’t stop fighting!! No act of oppression goes past them and they hear everything. It’s been almost a year for Su-Dan, almost 6 months, 160+ days for Pale - stine, and years for Con-go. The Gods count each day and count each person who say and do nothing. I just want add some of my favorite excerpts that get me through these hard times and reminds me that the Gods care (which we already knew, but yknow).
“The gods are not blind to men with blood upon their hands. In the end the black (kelainai) Erinyes bring to obscurity that one who has prospered in unrighteousness and wear down his fortunes by reverse.” - Aeschylus, “Agamemnon”
“Hear, Tisiphone, Allekte, noble Megaira, revered goddesses whose Bacchic cries resound. Nocturnal and clandestine, you live deep down in the dank cave by the sacred water of the Styx. Men's unholy designs do incur your anger; rabid and arrogant, you howl over Necessity's dictates, clothed in animal skins, you cause the deep pains of retribution.” - (First part of) Orphic hymn 69
“Hear me and be gracious, 0 renowned Eumenides, O pure daughters of the great Chthonic Zeus and of lovely Persephone, fair-tressed maiden. Over the lives of impious mortals you keep a careful eye, in charge of Necessity, you punish the unjust.”
(First part of) Orphic hymn 70
“For whoever knows the right and is ready to speak it, far-seeing Zeus gives him prosperity…” - Hesiod “Work and days”
“You princes, mark well this punishment you also; for the deathless gods are near among men and mark all those who oppress their fellows with crooked judgements, and reck not the anger of the gods. For upon the bounteous earth Zeus has thrice ten thousand spirits, watchers of mortal men, and these keep watch on judgements and deeds of wrong as they roam, clothed in mist, all over the earth. And there is virgin Justice, the daughter of Zeus, who is honoured and reverenced among the gods who dwell on Olympus, and whenever anyone hurts her with lying slander, she sits beside her father, Zeus the son of Cronos, and tells him of men's wicked heart, until the people pay for the mad folly of their princes who, evilly minded, pervert judgement and give sentence crookedly.” - Hesiod “Works and Days”
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givreencres · 2 months
Snow falling on the ground
En (Kind of neutral feminine version)
Snow falling on the ground Umbra in the middle of the city Gaze lost in the distance Knees on the ground She waits, alone Facing her... her thoughts Facing her... her memories Facing her... a choice Snow falling on the ground Her clothes are covered in white She doesn't feel the cold tonight Only her breathing animates her body Her eyes... Her eyes... Oh, my God, her eyes... A whirlwind animated by flames dances in them What does she see? Snow falling on the ground Still motionless Her eyes flutter with despair, anger and hope Her battle is played out at this moment Jolts in her breath jolts in his shoulders Her body bends Her outstretched arms hold her Screaming (inaudible) Screaming (arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Howling (fuck) Snow falling on the ground Sobs? Tears? Shivers? Convulsions? No snow to cover her inexpressive face And her eyes... Her eyes... The despair is gone Anger and hope remain The face tenses Howling (inaudible) Screaming (arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Howling (fuck) Snow falling on the ground She rises, dashes forward And disappears Guided by her new determination
Fr (neutral version)
Snow falling on the ground
Ombre au milieu de la ville
Regard perdu dans le lointain
Genoux au sol
Elle attend, seule
Face à elle... ses pensées
Face à elle... ses souvenirs
Face à elle... un choix
Snow falling on the ground
Ses vêtements se recouvrent de blanc
Elle ne ressent pas le froid ce soir
Seule sa respiration anime son corps
Ses yeux…
Ses yeux…
Oh mon dieu ses yeux…
Un tourbillon animé par les flammes y danse
Que voit-elle ?
Snow falling on the ground
Toujours immobile
Ses yeux s'agitent habités par le désespoir, la colère et l'espoir
Sa bataille se joue à cet instant
Des secousses dans sa respiration
Des soubresauts dans ses épaules
Son corps qui se plie
Ses bras tendus la retiennent
Hurlement (inaudible)
Hurlement (arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Hurlement (fuck)
Snow falling on the ground
Des sanglots ?
Des larmes ?
Des frissons ?
Des convulsions ?
Aucune neige pour couvrir son visage inexpressif
Et ses yeux…
Ses yeux…
Le désespoir a disparu
Y reste colère et espoir
Le visage se tend
Hurlement (inaudible)
Hurlement (arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Hurlement (fuck)
Snow falling on the ground
Elle se relève
Et disparaît
Guider par sa nouvelle détermination
© Givre Encres
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sholangagaga · 1 year
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Malhare/MXES from my AU
⤟━❅[Behind the Design]❅━⤠
To me, Malhare plays a lot to the Synthwave, Retrowave, and Vaporwave genres. So I tried to incorporate all of that into his design in my AU.
To start, his hair is long, wild and lose, following the nature of the genres being of freedom and expressionism. His hair and body gradient takes cues from Bonnie with purple undertones. His body is made from congealed data that is both reforming and ripping itself apart, showing off his "flesh" and "muscles" in the form of ropes of hardware.
To counter the freedom of the genre he hails from, Malhare wears a mask that is stitched to his face, since he cannot speak and therefore cannot warn Cassie of her actions. His mask is twisted into a permanent toothy grin, and his eyes are huge and glowing with ever shifting pupil sizes, implying mania.
His arms are basically giant glowsticks, always giving away his position in addition to the white coding glyphs along his entire body. He wears a translucent jumpsuit in the vein of super-thin holographic fabric, which shows his body while also giving him a wavey and clothed form. Across his chest is a massive DOS error crescendo, advising the user "DO NOT RESET" in vibrant red letters. In his hand is a neon pink guider glowstick, which alludes to his canon ability of luring animatronics to his location
all in all, I'm proud of how he came out! And I hope I never have to draw him again!
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sea-owl · 1 year
Spring’s Rebirth Chapter 9
Ao3: Link
Penelope was laughing.
Colin snapped his full attention to the sound of her laugh.
It was a full body type of laughter, pure joy in the sound, and one Colin has not heard from Penelope since she was brought to the Underworld. It was nothing like those light and hollowed giggles she would let herself use. Colin found himself trying to look through the crowd near the door to see what made his wife laugh like that.
Aunt Georgie, who had also heard the laughter, glanced back at her nephew. “Perhaps we should take a break?” She suggested.
Colin nodded, already rising from his throne. The crowd split before him as he made his way closer towards the throne room’s entrance. Souls and immortals alike bowed as he passed by. The only two that ignored his presscnenace was his laughing wife and the guider of souls who swung her around in his arms. Both of them held onto each other tightly, their hands gripping the others clothing hard enough to leave wrinkles. They acted almost as if they were afraid to let go of one another.
“Pip!” Penelope laughed.
“Penny!” Phillip cried, his own laughter joined her’s. He had sat Penelope down on her feet but they both still refused to let go of one another. “Thank Chaos I found you!”
Colin had to fight the urge to pull Penelope towards his side. With his shadows or his hands he wasn’t sure, but both would be ideal.
Penelope squeezed Phillip’s hands that she was still holding. Her shoulders starting to hunch. “I am sorry if I worried you. I understand if you or Mama are mad-”
Phillip hastily cut her off. “No, no, no. I promise no one blames you.”
It was obvious Phillip blamed someone. The throne room was not the place to have that conversation though. Colin could already hear his more gossipy court members starting to whisper.
Colin smiled his court smile as Francesca has dubbed it. “Phillip, it has been a while since we saw you last.” You're late
Phillip finally turned towards the King of the Underworld. He bowed his head. “Forgive me my lord, but things have been hectic on Earth." You're the reason why
Both gods narrowed their eyes, the souls around them began to shift uncomfortably. Phillip may be the guider of souls, and one of the stronger members in Colin’s court but there was no way in hell he was going to allow him to-
“Perhaps,” Penelope said taking one of Colin’s hands in her own, while her other still held Phillip’s. “We should move this conversation to a more private setting.” There was an edge in her voice that told Colin his wife would not take no for an answer. Before either god could respond Penelope began to walk out of the throne room. Colin and Phillip followed obediently behind her, their hands still in her’s.
“What a wonderful idea!” Aunt Georgie said as she and Francesca also followed along.
Penelope led their small group to the dinning room where the royal family would usually take their meals. There she dropped both gods hands and sat in her usual chair. Her fingers rubbing her temples. Colin and Francesca also took their usual seats, while Phillip sat on Penelope’s other side, and Aunt Georgie took a seat next to Francesca.
“Pip,” Penelope broke the silence. “You said things were hectic up above, what is happening up there?”
Phillip sighed, a weariness took over his form. “Your mother, Lady Portia, has started a famine and it’s killing mortals fast. I haven’t had to guide this many souls at once since the last war among the mortals.”
Colin leaned forward. This wasn’t good. There was a balance among the circulation of life and death, between mortals and immortals. If Lady Portia is somehow creating a famine that is pulling in the same numbers as a war . . . Colin shuddered to think what’s in store for not only his kingdom but also his brothers’.
“How is she doing this? And what is her goal in creating so much death?” Francesca questioned.
Phillip looked only at Penelope, who was staring at him straight on. “Lady Portia has vowed to not do her duties as the Goddess of Agriculture, to not let one thing grow until her daughter has been returned to her from the Underworld.”
Colin’s fist clenched under the table. No, absolutely not. His wife was not leaving him. Not after they finally started getting closer after all these years-
A squeeze of his hand brought Colin out of his thoughts. He glanced down to see Penelope’s small fingers had laced together with his larger ones. She herself though was still talking with Phillip.
"What of my sisters? Felicity?" Penelope eyes went wide when she said her younger sister's name. Guilt began to creep into her brown eyes. Colin found himself squeezing her hand this time.
"They join your mother in her vow. None of them have used any of their nature magic."
Aunt Georgie looked puzzled. "Why create the famine though? The marriage was legal yes?"
Colin and Penelope looked at one another.
"My mother and I were not informed of my upcoming marriage," Penelope finally answered.
Aunt Georgie snapped her head towards her nephew. "Colin Bridgerton!"
Colin felt himself leaning back. "I had followed the marriage laws and gotten permission from her father-"
Phillip scoffed, "The one who was never there?"
Colin would have glared at his guider of souls but the hiss Phillip let out followed by, "Penny!" was so much more satisfying.
"-and yes I had asked Anthony to not let the news spread until I had gotten things settled down here for Penelope's arrival. I didn't expect Lord Featherington not to inform Lady Portia nor Penelope."
Phillip glared at Colin in disbelief. "We were searching for Penelope for months! No one would tells us where she was! The only reason we found out was because your younger brother grew a conscious."
The table fell silent. Aunt Georgie looked puzzled, meanwhile Francesca turned towards Colin.
Colin heard a knock in his head. The code he and his siblings came up with when they wanted to mentally converse with one another.
Colin nodded, a moment later he could hear his sister's voice in his head.
Why were the others lying about where Penelope was? The marriage was legal, and it's not like either of you was mortal, or anything scandalous like that.
I'm not sure, but I do intend to find out.
Both siblings paused when Penelope let out a sigh. "The Bridgertons making decisions for the rest of us and leave us guessing what those decisions are or the thoughts behind them? What else is new?"
What did his wife mean by that?
Phillip thought for a moment but then nodded in agreement. "When you put it that way Penny it is the same old thing."
Not long after Aunt Georgie had suggested that Colin and Phillip were to go up above. Phillip had more souls to guide while Colin was to go confront his eldest brother.
"Penelope can hold down the castle while you two are gone."
A slight look of panic had appeared in Penelope's eyes. "Um-"
Francesca thankfully came to her rescue. "I will help you."
The two men gathered their things and prepared to leave. Colin had to fight the urge to yank Phillip away when he hugged his wife. Colin may or may not have tried to make a point a slow and long kiss before holding out his two closed hands to her.
"Pick a hand," Colin said to her.
Penelope playfully rolled her eyes and tapped the left one. Colin flipped open his hand.
"Nothing again?" Penelope said.
"Still the same item you have yet to guess," Colin said. "Let's see if you get this time."
A stony silence fell among the two gods as they began to make their way back up following the Trail of Poppies.
"You know it would have been easier to let her leave."
Colin glared at Phillip. "She is my legal wife Phillip and the Queen of the Underworld. Letting her leave is not simple."
"No, it was more simple to kidnap her," Phillip muttered and shook his head. "Just as it's more simple to let the world starve then let Penelope go home."
Colin bit back a groan. It truly wasn't that simple when a god and their domain took on a spouse. Barley any god or immortal gets married so it's almost impossible to explain. Even Colin's father struggled explaining it to his children. Hell Colin was still confused until he got married himself.
The Bridgertons making decisions for the rest of us and leave us guessing what those decisions are or the thoughts behind them? What else is new?
Perhaps Colin should try to explain though? Something about his wife's words bugged him.
"Phillip," Colin started. "I know the forests weren't orginally your's. Not until George decided to give up his immortality."
Phillip's shoulders tensed, Colin had to be careful with his next words.
"But you remember how they changed when they were transferred to you?" Colin waited until Phillip gave him a slow nod. "If gods marry then their domain will change again. The Underworld has already connected itself to Penelope, I mean look around us."
Colin gestured around. The two gods had made back to the opening of the Underworld. The red light of the poppies. shining brightly even during the day.
Phillip stared down at the poppies, lost in thought.
Before Phillip could give a response Colin found himself flung backwards with pain bursting into his shoulders.
A flash of red. Then Felicity appeared at the edge of the opening, her belly bow reloaded, and aimed at Colin.
Colin groaned. “I see you’ve become quite the archer Felicity.” He grabbed the arrow in his shoulder, willing his power to decay the wood until it broke and fell out. The shadows raced to his wound to heal and cover it.
"Where is my sister?" Felicity growled.
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◈ Social Hierarchy ◈
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⟡ ───────── ⟡
"Despicable isn't it? The leftover of the real world corrupted this world's purity. With it, the one high in the sky shone and clouded those who's below. Those serene rain are the tears of the voiceless. Drowned in the light by those who were chosen."
⟡ ───────── ⟡
For almost 2.000 years, both hoper and dreamer lived together but the question of violence and harmony came to the table. For a system needs to be called for maintaining order, keeping the flow of life turned around. Each era, each wheel, has its own unique design, complementing the needs of society. But is such a wheel is needed to make the world function or is it simply to make the light not reach the depth? The voiceless one amongst the cacophony light.
Throughout the history of the Crystal World, hierarchy is a part of the world's fundamental decided by the Crystar, Dragnar. Though it may not be perfect, the Crystar believed that every life has a role and that role must be fulfilled for the world to function.
For many eras, the system of the inhabitants changed as the great conflict amongst them forces the sudden change for their betterment of them.
⬥ 𝕺𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖎𝖓
Origin era is where the first life of society was born. When the line between deity and mortal still runs through the inhabitants. In the origin era, the inhabitants were divided based on their divinity or the moment they were created and also colours.
In this era, both hopers and dreamers use titles to differentiate themselves from others. If someone uses their titles, it means that they requested the holder to act as their titles would be. It's also used when referring the title holder in a serious or respected matter.
⬦ ℭ𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔰
Celestials are the guardian and God of the Crystal World. They're above the arches who maintain order in this world. The only known celestials inside the Crystal World is Dragnar, the Crystar and MoiRai, the Seraphim.
⬦ 𝔄𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰
Arches are the first eight hopers and dreamers created by Dragnar. They're the angel and the guardian of their respective soul traits and species. Each of them has their followers that follow their teaching in the early stage of the world. As time passes on, these followers passed down their knowledge onto their children and the arches' job shifted to being a watcher and guider.
Each species has its own arches that will be explained detailed in the 【 Arches of Dragnar 】 and 【 Arches Partners 】 chapter in the Pandora Book.
⬦ 𝔉𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰
Followers are divided into their respective traits and species and they follow their arches. Their roles are mainly to fill this world and served the celestials and arches. Usually, celestials and arches wear white and soft colours clothes to present themselves better.
For followers, the more you wear white, the higher you are than the ones that wear dark coloured clothes as it's deemed unattractive and not clean. It's more evident when the first 【 Monstre Lucifent 】 appeared. Each follower has their arches symbols and colours and is complemented by neutral colours and metals.
⬥ 𝕸𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖑
With the First Great War ended, sealing the fate of the inhabitants to a new society. Though it's for the good of the world, many suffered and wants nothing to do with war. Ah, but the lords are the leader and their guide to the righteous path, no? With the new world, rejecting their God for abandoning them, they took their own step to make the world they desire.
⬦ 𝔒𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰
The overlords are the leaders and guardians of their own region. With each region allied with another to preserve their existence and beliefs. Overlords are the previous arches ruling over their region or followers. Unfortunately, not all arches survived and usually, their children would succeed.
Overlords are the general terms of these leaders. They could have a title anything they want and usually, they would have a second in command if they were busy or absent. A second in command could be their heir.
Each region has their set of rules related to how they dress. It would be explained in the 【 Medieval 】 chapter.
── ◇ ──
⤠ Example of Overlords titles:
⬦ Duke and Lord ⬦ High Priest and Priest ⬦ King and Prince
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⬦ 𝔅𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔰
The barons are the nobles under the direct rule of the overlords. They help the overlords rule their respective regions. They usually wear their respective region colour. Their style of clothing also depends on their region and their overlord's liking.
⬦ 𝔊𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔰
Guardians are the protectors of the region. They serve under the overlords and barons and are considered almost the same as a baron. Guardians in each region are different and are an umbrella term for knights, mages, seers, etc.
They're usually sworn in and put a seal to prevent any betrayal of their oath so they would remain loyal to the overlords. Although, not all regions implement this method as they see it as a tyrant way.
⬦ ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔰
Commoners could be divided into the middle class and the lower class. The middle class are the working people under the baron. They're usually get paid little or sometimes never. Some regions put a believe that what they did is a righteous act when they cannot serve as a guardian.
The lower class are often slaves to the middle class and the class above them. They're never paid and their family is bound to serve their master's family. It's very rare for someone to elevate them by "freeing" them.
The inhabitants would use titles as a means to address themselves as their job is or to differentiate from others.
── ◇ ──
⤠ Example usage of titles:
⬦ Harcourt The Dealer ⬦ Eve The Fortune Teller ⬦ Alder the Soulsmither
── ◇ ──
⬦ 𝔒𝔲𝔱𝔠𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔰
Outcasts are the forbidden class. They're the lowest of the lowest in the class system. Often, they're even excluded from the class system. They're considered one of the darkest pasts in medieval times as crimes, non-boundaries, and disease ravaged through. Many unknown souls have been called the victim of the cruel class system. They're often neglected by the upper class and was left to defend themselves. Some are even left nameless and rot to death as they lack basic needs.
⬥ 𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑
The classical era takes place after the Second Great War. The segregation between humans and monsters is most prominent as tension rises and breaks apart the alliances. As both humans and monsters revolutionise, the use of titles is not prominent anymore except for formal usage. The class system is similar in Modern Era but with variations.
⬥ 𝕸𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓
As they approach the end of the 19th century, both humans and monsters start to modernize technology and are open to new ideas. However, the looming class system is still present to pertain order in this World of Crystal.
⬦ ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩𝔰
Royals are the leader of each nation, although each nation has its own term for it. Because of the previous war, the leader does not have to be a descendant of the arches. However, those descendants are statistically more powerful than regular inhabitants so it would be rare for one to not be a descendant from the arches.
⬦ 𝔑𝔬𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔰
Nobles are the one who helps the royals control their territory. Its job is very similar to a baron serving the overlords. They hold some authority depending on the peerage. However, the highest command in action would be the royals.
⬦ ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔰
Commoners are divided into middle and low classes. Similar to how the Medieval Era classified these people. Although the condition of the commoners are better than the medieval times as they could open their own business and make an influence through the nations, rather than just between region alliances.
⬦ 𝔒𝔲𝔱𝔠𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔰
Outcasts are the same as the Medieval Era one. Even though this class should be "abolished", the inhabitants still refer to them as the forbidden class and not low class. Outcasts usually are not mentioned in any textbooks but rather a socially accepted class.
◈ Animus Book
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Red vs Blue - Blog 1
Research and References
Today in class, we were given a brief on our assignment, red vs blue. This is our first assignment and in this, we need to create a game art that has the color red and blue in it. According to Neil, we need to use the importance of colors to identify the art.
Red color is used to show emotion of aggression or anger. Sometimes "impact" is also depicted as red in color. Below are some photos I took for inspiration.
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In the above pictures, I took inspirations from comic fighting scene icons to display the color red as the "impact" or "hit". The character from inside out to show how red can associate with anger and we can see in the other fighting scenes from Project L and JoJo’s bizarre adventures that red is used for hitting in games and anime.
Blue color is usually used to show calmness, sadness or wisdom in shows and video games. It is also often used to show mystical aspect of the show.
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In the above collage of pictures, I used Sailor Mercury, from Sailor Moon series, to display how blue color is used to represent character’s special water powers. The color blue also represents wisdom which is why we see Sailor Mercury as one of the smartest characters in the show. Apart from that, I also used Kena as an example for wisdom represented in blue, from “Kena: The Bridge of Spirits”, as she is the spirit guider. She guides spirits to the afterlife. Blue color on her staff and necklace also represents her mystical powers, just like how we can see in the image of Rin (the school boy clothes), from Blue Exorcist anime. He is the son of Satan and has demonic powers which is shown in blue because his mixed blood created a new type of mystic powers.
In short, red is use to emphasize fiery emotion, intensity or passion. Whereas, Blue is used to emphasize sadness, mystic and a state of calmness.
With these points I will start my assignment 1, Red vs Blue. Let’s see where it takes.
Hirohiko Araki (1987).  JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. [Anime] Shueisha and Viz Media.
Kazue Kato (2009). Blue Exorcist. [Anime]. Shueisha and Viz Media.
Naoko Takeuchi (1991). Sailor Moon [Anime]. Kodansha
Ember Lab (2021). Kena: Bridge of spirits. [Video Game] Ember Lab
Elemental. (2023). [Animated Film]. Directed by Peter Sohn. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Riot Games (2023). Project L [Video game]. Riot Games.
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abuganaf8 · 1 year
Oh Allah, make It easy for him to accept all that You have decreed for him, and please make It easy for him to turn to You during trials and difficulties. Let these difficult moments of his life make him a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You. O Allah, make him of Your sincere, humble, and grateful servants , incite him to remember Thee in times of heedlessness, employ him In Thy obedience in days of disregard, open a smooth road for him to Thy love, and complete for him thereby the good of this world and the next.. take to thyself from his soul what will purify it and leave for his soul that of his soul that will set it right, for his soul will perish unless Thou preservest It. adorn him with the adornment of the righteous, and clothe him in the ornaments of the godfearing, through spreading justice, restraining rage, quenching the flame of hate, bringing together the people of separation, correcting discord, spreading about good behaviour, covering faults, mildness of temper, lowering the wing, beauty of conduct, gravity of bearing, agreeableness in comportment, precedence in reaching excellence, preferring bounteousness, refraining from condemnation, bestowing bounty on the undeserving, speaking the truth, though it be painful, making much of the good In his words and deeds, though it be much, and making little of the evil in his words and deeds, though it be little.. O Allah, make him Perfect this for him through lasting obedience.. O Allah, spare he the cutting edge of time s turning changes, the evil of Satan s snares, and the bitterness of the sovereign s aggression.. O Allah, transfer he from misfortune to prosperity, from Hell to Paradise, from humiliation to honor, from poverty to wealth, from vice to virtue, and put the soundness of his heart into the remembrance of Thy mightiness, the Idleness of his bodie Into giving thanks for Thy favour, and the flow of his tongue into the description of Thy kindness.. and make he one of Thy summoners who summon to Thee, Thy guiders who direct to Thee, and Thy special friends whom Thou hast singled out,
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alzaeemadel · 1 year
O Allah give me faith and certainty after which there is no disbelief and mercy by which I may attain the high level of Your generosity in the world and the Hereafter O Allah I ask You for success in that which You grant and relief in the Judgment and the positions of the martyrs and the provision of the successful and aid against the enemies O Allah I leave to You my need and my actions are weak I am in need of Your mercy so I ask You O Decider of the affairs and O Healer of the chests as You separate me from the punishment of the blazing flame and from seeking destruction and from the trial of the graves O Allah whatever my opinion has fallen short of and my intention has not reached it and my request has not encompassed it of good that You have promised to anyone from Your creation or any good You are going to give to any of Your slaves then indeed I seek it from You and I ask You for it by Your mercy O Lord of the Worlds O Allah Possessor of the strong rope and the guided affair I ask You for security of the Day of the Threat and Paradise on the Day of Immortality along with the witnesses broughtclose who bow and prostrate who fulfill the covenants You are Merciful Loving and indeed You do what You wish O Allah make us guided guiders and not misguided misguiders an ally to Your friends an enemy to Your enemies We love due to Your love those who love You and hate due to Your enmity those who oppose You O Allah this is the supplication that we are capable of and it is upon You to respond and this is the effort that we are capable of and upon You
O Allah, the happiest of my brother to meet you in the hereafter. O Allah, grant my brother Paradise, grant him the highest paradise, and grant him safety, O Lord, on the day of the greatest terror. O Allah, enter my brother into Paradise, feed him with the fruits of Paradise, and clothe him with the silks of Paradise.
O Allah, water my brother from the eyes of Paradise and from the rivers of Paradise, and make him taste the honey and milk of Paradise, that you are the Most Merciful, the Forgiving.
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stenterpin1 · 4 years
Textile Machinery Spare Parts Manufacturer India, Rubber Roller, Rubber Fillet, Stenter Machine, Jigger Machine, Cloth Guider, Rotary Printing Machine Part. chain-link-bottom-parts, Jigger Machine, Cloth Guider, Folding Machine, Rotary Printing Machine Parts, Bowl Mangle & Drying Range, Gear Set, Spinning & Weaving Machine, Rubber Rolls, and Rubber Fillet from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Continuous interaction with our customers & personal good relations with them is our work policy. All type of Bow Roll Manufacturer for Textile Processing Machinery. Textile Machinery Spare Parts, Textile Machinery Parts, Textile Machinery Part, Textile Machinery Spares, Textile Machinery.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Spring's Rebirth Chapter 8
AO3: Link
Francesca was not expecting to be greeted at breakfast that morning by walking in on her brother holding her sister in-law in his lap and attached at the lips.
"Really, in front of my eggs?" Francesca teased.
"Francesca!" Penelope exclaimed as she tumbled off Colin's lap, or almost tumbled off. Colin reclaimed his hold on Penelope before she could hit the floor.
Francesca wasn't sure what Colin and Penelope discussed that day they went around the kingdom together. Whatever was said though had certainly improved Penelope's relationship with not just Colin but the Court of the Underworld as whole as well.
Before Penelope would hide in the library or her room, never looking court members in the eye, and always made sure to use proper titles. Now Penelope has taken to exploring on her own around the castle and the castle grounds. Francesca has seen her trace things, and stare like she's trying to solve a puzzle.
Penelope still does not eat anything though, only drinks the healing potion when she needs it. Hopefully Phillip will be here soon and they can fix that. Now that Francesca thought about it the Guider of Souls is never this late. . .
Francesca was brought out of her thoughts to see a blushing Penelope back in her seat on Colin's left side. Her eyes looking everywhere but at Francesca.
"How has exploring been?" Francesca asked.
"Interesting," Penelope said slowly, like she was still choosing her words. "It really does feel like a ghost palace sometimes. Especially when it wants to show you what it used to look like."
What it used to look like? Francesca shot her brother a look.
"Actually, I was hoping to join you two in the throne room today."
Francesca and Colin blinked. Penelope hasn't been in the throne room since that first day.
She's really made progress, Francesca thought. She remembers when she had to practically drag Penelope into the throne room that first day.
"I can help you find a dress for court," Francesca offered.
Penelope smiled. "Thank you."
Francesca finished her breakfast and the two made their way back to Penelope's room.
"Blue is the family color," Francesca said as she began digging through the clothes. "Each court just tends to take a different shade of blue."
Francesca herself was wearing a royal blue dress for court today. Her long chestnut hair tied in a loose braid with a headband.
Penelope shrunk in on herself. "How about a different color than blue."
Francesca nodded. "Perhaps it's too early." She dug through the dresses again until coming across a deep purple dress and a gold belt. "This one will be perfect." With the dress on Penelope began applying the dark eyeliner while Francesca worked on her hair.
While it would have been better to have Penelope wearing her actual crown, Francesca thought to herself, a braided one would do just fine.
A braided crown around her head, and the rest in a bun at the nape of her neck Francesca secured it with the ruby poppy hair pin.
"You're ready," Francesca said.
Penelope smiled up at the younger goddess. "Thank you. Now let us go."
Francesca cocked her head. "We have some time before the meeting starts."
Penelope stood and began walking towards the door. "I wish to see it before others arrive. Best to know what the palace will show me without Colin's whole court watching."
Francesca furrowed her brows, quickly following her sister. "What do you mean by what the palace shows you?"
The two goddesses walked down the hall, Penelope tracing her hand on different surfaces.
"I see things sometimes," Penelope said. "Of what the Underworld once was I believe. Like the Fields of Punishment, wheat should be growing there, correct? Instead of it being barren."
Francesca found herself nodding. Penelope wasn't wrong, that it what the Fields of Punishment used to look like before.
They entered the throne room. It was an open circular design. Pillars surround the edges of the throne room with three levels going up. There was no celling in the throne room. One nice thing about living in the Underworld is they didn't have to worry about the weather when Anthony or Benedict got into a mood. At the back of the ground floor was thrones of the Underworld on a raised dais. Below sat the judges' bench where three judges of the Underworld would be placed.
Penelope walked around, her hands tracing things that weren't there or maybe used to be there.
Penelope looked up. "The ceiling, it wasn't always open like this. The room itself used to be a lot more closed off. There was only one level with high walls. More private."
Penelope walked up the dais, her hands tracing the black marble throne. "The throne now is more relaxed, rounded like the room." Her hands tracing down the carved-out cornucopia around the base of the throne, jewels used to symbolize the food it holds. She giggled. "These definingly weren't here before. The throne used to be more . . . traditional, straight backed, like Anthony's. There certainly wasn't two either." Penelope looked over to the other throne. It matched Colin's in the more relaxed rounded style but does not have any of the decorations as his does.
Francesca stared in awe at her sister. "Penelope are you sure you haven't been to the Underworld before?"
Penelope shook her head. "Mama is a fertility goddess. She creates life in her plants, never would she come down here."
Francesca walked up the dais. "The throne room you are describing belonged to my father. He was much more private about the sins of the dead, never even let our mother come down here. Colin does not hold that same sentiment."
Penelope looked around the room again. "I can tell."
A door opened and Colin entered with three others, two men and a woman.
Francesca led Penelope off the dais and to the side. "The judges," she whispered. "The common man, Judge Will Monndrich, The king, Judge Friedrich, and the immortal, Judge Georgiana Rokesby, goddess of Truth."
Penelope recognized the name. "Your aunt?"
Francesca shrugged. "Aunt Georgie has been a judge since Father's time. She was essential when Colin first started ruling."
Penelope watched the judges discuss with Colin. "Wouldn't Colin count for two of them as the immortal and the king?"
"Colin is the High Judge in a sense," Francesca said. "He is usually the judge for the immortals' crimes. A soul's sins would have to be great and many to warrant his attention."
Aunt Georgie looked up just then. A smile broke out on her face as she took in Penelope. "Another red head for the family!" Aunt Georgie cheered. "Colin, I knew there was a reason you were my favorite nibbling."
The three men looked over as well, Colin gave a quick soft smile, while Judge Will and Judge Friedrich gave a bow.
"Let's get a look at you," Aunt Georgie said as she held Penelope's face, turning her this way and that. "Aren't you just adorable! I was wondering if I was ever going to see you. That little devil has been hiding you all to himself, hasn't he?"
"Lady Georgiana-" Penelope started but Aunt Georgie shook her head.
"No, no," Aunt Georgie said. "Aunt Georgie. You are officially family now. Oh, you must come to dinner with me and my husband soon."
Colin came up behind Penelope and wrapped an arm around her. "Of course, we will Aunt Georgie."
"Awww," Aunt Georgie sighed. "You two remind me of me and my Nicholas. A good old friends to lovers, except without the kidnapping."
Penelope chocked on a laugh; Colin squeezed her side.
The door opened again, and more member of the court began to file in.
"Well time to get to work," Aunt Georgie said. "Will! Friedrich! In your places!"
Penelope fell into a fit of giggles. "So kidnapping is a thing in your family?"
"A story for another time," Colin said, bringing the back of Penelope's hand up to kiss. "Is it too soon to ask you to sit beside me?"
Like an automatic response Penelope said, "I did not agree to be queen Colin."
Colin kissed Penelope's other hand. "Another day then."
King Colin sat on his throne, while Penelope and Lady Francesca made themselves comfortable in a corner.
One by one souls came in to be judged. The soul will plead their case while the three judges looked over their file. Judge Will and Judge Friedrich would debate between one another about where to send the soul and what punishment if any would be appropriate. If needed Aunt Georgie would hand the final vote. Colin watched from his throne, silently aiding in the support to his judges.
It was all standard procedure to Francesca, but it was interesting to watch Penelope absorb it all.
The latest soul was a man who had claimed he had killed his daughter in honor of the gods despite the fact that he loved her more than anything.
He was lying through his teeth. Francesca twirled the glowing gold truth potion on her belt, waiting to see if Aunt Georgie will need it.
"He's lying," Penelope said.
"Oh?" Francesca asked. "How are you sure?"
"He's talking too much," Penelope said. "His story was smoother until he said that one of the gods told him to do it. That's when Colin leaned closer because if a god did order that then he has to get involved. Now he's saying too much but the name of the supposed god who ordered him to do it." Penelope glanced down at Francesca's potions. "Plus you've been fiddling that truth potion for five minutes now."
"Observant as always," Francesca said.
Penelope turned those observant eyes fully at the magic goddess. "I have a question for you."
"Whenever King Benedict or King Anthony hold court Lady Eloise and Lady Daphne are at their sides. Yet despite being Colin's right hand no one seems surprised that you are here next to me instead of by the king."
Francesca began to twirl the potion bottle. "A lot of my work is better done from the shadows. While taking Daphne for example is more of an advice giver to Anthony my work for Colin has to do with finding what souls try to hide."
"It sounds lonely," Penelope said. She thought for a moment before a giggle escaped her. "I should properly introduce you to Michael."
Francesca raised an eyebrow. "The wine god?"
Penelope giggled again. "If anyone can get a confession with just drink and a pretty smile it would be him. I think time together between you two would be good for both of you."
Before Francesca could ask what Penelope meant by that Aunt Georgie signaled Francesca to bring over the truth potion.
"You insist that a god ordered you to kill your daughter, but refuse to tell us which one," Aunt Georgie said to the soul. "We shall soon see how true your words are."
Francesca grabbed the soul's face and poured the drink down his throat. She held him for a moment longer until his eyes fully clouded over. The potion was in affect.
"He's ready for questioning," Francesca announced.
"Did a god order you to kill your daughter?" Aunt Georgie asked.
"No," the soul said. "She dared to question me, her father and king. Then ran off to marry that traitor's son. I told her if she did I would kill her, and I did."
Judge Will and Judge Friedrich both nodded to one another. "The Fields of Punishment."
Two guards came to drag the soul away. Francesca walked back to where she left Penelope.
The corner they were standing in was empty.
Left, right, up? Where cold have Penelope wandered off to? Did she see something again and decided to follow it?
Francesca was reaching near the entrance when she heard what sounded like relieved laughter.
"Pip!" Penelope laughed as she held tight to the guider of souls.
"Penny!" Phillip said, holding on just as tight to the queen of the Underworld.
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textilesmachine · 5 years
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Cloth Guider Manufacturer India, Pneumatic Cloth Guider and Mechanical Cloth Guider, Electromagnetic Cloth Guider for textile industries, also, we make Jigger Machine Spare Parts. High-quality Cloth Guider with heavy duty process. Designed for accurate performance to use in dry as well as wet fabrics with the high-quality process. Also, we are manufacturing Rubber Fillet, Rubber Covering Roller for the textile industries. Mechanical Cloth Guider designed and highly suitable for only dry areas. Steam, moisture, slovens, gas, water may cause accident in this guiders.
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stenterclip · 5 years
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We have been successfully manufacturing, exporting & supplying all types of above Textile Machinery Spare Parts, Stenter Machine, Jigger Machine, Cloth Guider, Folding Machine Spares, Rubber Rollers and Rubber Fillet, Textile machinery spare parts, Textile Machinery Spares, Bowl Mangle & Drying Range Spares, Rotary Printing Machine Spares and many more. We always have Spares of Textile Processing Machinery readily available from Stock. Spares Textile Processing Machinery.
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stenterpinbarthings · 6 years
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