acore-ballt · 1 year
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thecloudstan · 6 months
With Rebirth fresh in your brain and doing a second playthrough of the game, is there anything in particular you're looking forward to or want to see in the next game? Personally, all I want is to the devs to give us more Rufus and Turks scenes. I understand that Reno had a reduced role because his Japanese voice actor passed away and the devs didn't want to recast him out respect, so I'm hoping that we can see more Rufus's bond with the Turks in Part 3.
First let me just say, I did not know that about Reno's JP VA, and that's very sad news...I play FF7 in English since it's how I experienced it for many years before there were any voices recorded, so I probably have paid a little less attention than I did with, say, FFXV (preferred the JP voices for that game).
However, Reno really is mostly absent for that chunk of the original, I'm assuming because they wanted to introduce Elena as a character. Where Rebirth ends is really only about the half way point of the original story, and Reno features a lot more. So, I wouldn't be too worried about him not showing up much in the third installment. At least, it sounds like that's what the development team indicated based on a cursory search of the story.
I'm always down for more Shinra Co. inclusion. They've gotten a lot more spotlight on them than the original, and just based on what they've queued up, I have no doubts there will be a LOT more. I mean...just knowing what is yet to come in the original canon has my mind kinda blown. They're going to feature a LOT more. And a lot more directly with the main cast, too.
I'm really looking forward to what goes down in Mideel after the events in the Northern Crater. I'm just so Cloudsexual and it is extremely painful to hobble through the thrall bits of the game before his ultimate truth is revealed.
Thank you for all this information and this ask, anon.
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boywithbear · 2 years
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Already back with another coining since I need a neurosexuality to best describe myself and I'm coining it's romantic counterpart with it; cloudsexual and cloudromantic, based on cloudgender.
Cloudsexual is an acespec identity where you don't know if you truly experience sexual attraction or not due to depersonalization/derealization.
Cloudromantic is an arospec identity where you don't know if you truly experience romantic attraction or not due to depersonalization/derealization.
Cloudsexual flag is based on asexual color (purple) and color I've seen associated with sexual attraction (red), since you don't know where you stand between the two.
Cloudromantic is the same concept but with aromantic color (green) and the color I've seen associated with romantic attraction (pink).
With cloudsexual having purple on bottom like the asexual flag, and cloudromantic with green on top like the aromantic flag.
These are not meant to be used as a label to stop people from working through recovery, but rather to help describe a current experience when no other words/terms really fit.
[Flag Descriptions: Flag on the left is the cloudsexual flag, it has 5 horizontal stripes with the top two being shades of red, a darker red then a lighter red, and the bottom two being shades of purple, a darker purple at the bottom and a lighter purple above it. The color in between is a lighter color that is a blend between red and purple. There is a lavender purple fluffy cloud in the center of the flag with a purple outline around it.
The flag on the right is the cloudromantic flag. It also has 5 horizontal stripes, the top two shades are green, the top being a darker green and then a lighter green, and the bottom two being shades of blush pink, darker at the bottom then lighter above it. The middle stripe is lighter than the rest and a blend between pink and green, leaning more towards pale green. There is a light green fluffy cloud in the center of the flag with a grass green outline around it.
End of flag descriptions.]
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skadren · 4 years
Story questions
Sorry if it seems like I just bombard you with AITR questions but would it be correct to assume that Sephiroth is entirely Cloudsexual? As in he literally has no desire or interest in any other living thing but Cloud? Because the way you write him really gives off that vibe and it’s fascinating because it’s like Cloud is literally the only person in existence Sephiroth has been or ever will be attracted to and the implications of that are pretty powerful. And pardon me for assuming here but I get the feeling someone or something is going to make the hideous mistake of having a go at Cloud *cough*Hojo*cough* and Sephiroth’s just going to look at the rest of Shinra and be like. “Welp. All this shit’s gots ta go now~“
oh yeah sephiroth is demisexual at most and gives very cloud-sexual vibes even in canon imo, although post-og specifically. like, he needs to feel a connection to feel attraction (or even interest at all) and there’s never been anyone he’s connected to more than cloud, in so many ways. aitr sephiroth just had his cloud obsession jumpstarted extra early because of his childhood lol
cloud, meanwhile, is a disaster bisexual who is functionally gay but also definitely not thinking about romance at the moment in the slightest. rip sephiroth your efforts were... actually no your efforts were fairly in vain
and i won’t spoil things, but no worries, you’re definitely not the only person to assume that seph is gonna fuck things up in the name of protecting cloud soon :3c
as for the questions noooo i love questions please feel free to ask any and all questions it gives me an excuse to yell abt ffvii
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aonemanarmy · 4 years
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real name: Project S13106, Sephiroth
single or taken: Single/Taken verse dependent
abilities or powers: Super-human strength, speed, endurance, and agility; master materia and magic usage; brilliant tactician and ability to regenerate massive amounts of damage.
eye colour: Green
hair colour: Silver
family members: N/A
pets: Cloud
hobbies/activities:  Training, reading, watching the sky.
animal that represents them: Leopard, snake.
worst habits: Overthinking, pacing.
role models: No one.
sexual orientation: Asexual for the most part. AU: Cloudsexual
thoughts on marriage/kids: It has never been a possibility for him and as such he has never thought about it.
style preferences: Military attire, leather.
approach to friendships: He has no friends and does not seek them out as he is socially and emotionally stunted.
thoughts on pie: He has never tasted one.
favourite drink: Water.
favourite place to spend time at: Outside.
swim in the lake or in the ocean: Either, although he doesn’t really swim even if he knows how to do so.
their type: Someone he can consider his equal or as close to it as possible. Ideally they would be strong and resilient as he does not easily accept any sign of weakness. Patience and the ability to handle his violent tendencies is also something that anyone would have to have if they wish to be by his side, especially after the loss of his sanity. In terms of appearance prefers someone in peak physical condition with a pretty face and eyes.
camping or indoors: Camping. Having spent nearly his entire life indoors he would rather be outside.
TAGGED BY: Stole it.
TAGGING: @kyouminaine, @nyxflare, and anyone else that wants to steal it.
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Is there an orientation for only feeling sexually satisfied when you see a cloud? I'm attracted to all genders, but sex is only pleasing if I can look outside and see a cloud in the sky. I don't know what to call it. Cloudpansexual? Cloudpan?
I don’t think there are yet, but that could work as a newly coined term.
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wavestep-ddream · 6 years
im just gonna say it: the lgbt community is always gonna be vague. if you identify with it, rad, and if youre straight its fine to identify with it. its not fair to make fun of straight people when there are straight trans peeps in the community especially. nothing changes with more people hangin out with us, unless its some spacegender cloudsexual whatever mogai bs. however, for your personal mental health, be aware of:
gender non conformity. if you dont have dysphoria, you may just not totally conform to your assigned gender. its ok to wear your hair different than normal or not like skirts or whatever. youre hella cool no matter what.
doctors may be worried about why youre not feeling sexual attraction as it could literally be something wrong. thats the best they can do to make sure you dont have some weird liver cancer or something.
just because ive changed my opinion on some of this stuff doesnt mean my previous opinions were invalid. listen to other points of view 👍
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bottom-lexa · 6 years
Gotta complain a little about the lgbt community here on tumblr. And well the mainstream lgbt community I guess. Coz it seems like bi people in m/f relationships have no where to go to. Suddenly you’re straight.
Like yeah sure. Let’s make room for cishet people with make believe labels and “”identities”” and in the process let’s make actual lgbt people (bi and trans) feel like they’re the outsiders here coz there’s nothing *~~special~~* about their identities.
Cis peeps claiming to be cloudsexual hetero romantic space gender are welcomed into the community and bi peeps in m/f relationships are just like “hmmm you’re too straight for us”
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People say that Sephiroth is gay and I say “nah, Sephiroth is just Cloudsexual.”
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squidpunkz · 10 years
If you're a mutual we're practically friends so please do not be afraid to talk to me, if you need someone to talk to.
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